--- a/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_names.ML Fri Mar 09 08:45:58 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_names.ML Fri Mar 09 08:45:59 2007 +0100
@@ -53,15 +53,16 @@
| purify_op "1" = "one"
| purify_op s =
- fun rep_op "+" = SOME "sum"
- | rep_op "-" = SOME "diff"
- | rep_op "*" = SOME "prod"
- | rep_op "/" = SOME "quotient"
- | rep_op "&" = SOME "conj"
- | rep_op "|" = SOME "disj"
+ fun rep_op "+" = SOME "plus"
+ | rep_op "-" = SOME "minus"
+ | rep_op "*" = SOME "times"
+ | rep_op "/" = SOME "divide"
+ | rep_op "&" = SOME "and"
+ | rep_op "|" = SOME "or"
| rep_op "=" = SOME "eq"
| rep_op "~" = SOME "inv"
| rep_op "@" = SOME "append"
+ | rep_op "{" = SOME "empty"
| rep_op s = NONE;
val scan_valids = Symbol.scanner "Malformed input"
(Scan.repeat (Scan.some rep_op || Scan.one Symbol.not_eof));
@@ -110,7 +111,10 @@
| NONE => error ("Invalid name in context: " ^ quote name);
-(** identifier categories **)
+(** global names (identifiers) **)
+(* identifier categories *)
val idf_class = "class";
val idf_classrel = "clsrel"
@@ -146,118 +150,6 @@
-(** global names (identifiers) **)
-(* theory data *)
-type tyco = string;
-type const = string;
-val string_pair_ord = prod_ord fast_string_ord fast_string_ord;
-val eq_string_pair = is_equal o string_pair_ord;
-structure Consttab = CodegenConsts.Consttab;
-structure StringPairTab =
- TableFun(
- type key = string * string;
- val ord = string_pair_ord;
- );
-datatype names = Names of {
- class: class Symtab.table * class Symtab.table,
- classrel: string StringPairTab.table * (class * class) Symtab.table,
- tyco: tyco Symtab.table * tyco Symtab.table,
- instance: string StringPairTab.table * (class * tyco) Symtab.table,
- const: const Consttab.table * (string * typ list) Symtab.table
-val empty_names = Names {
- class = (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty),
- classrel = (StringPairTab.empty, Symtab.empty),
- tyco = (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty),
- instance = (StringPairTab.empty, Symtab.empty),
- const = (Consttab.empty, Symtab.empty)
- fun mk_names (class, classrel, tyco, instance, const) =
- Names { class = class, classrel = classrel, tyco = tyco, instance = instance, const = const};
- fun map_names f (Names { class, classrel, tyco, instance, const }) =
- mk_names (f (class, classrel, tyco, instance, const));
- val eq_string = op = : string * string -> bool;
- fun merge_names (Names { class = (class1, classrev1),
- classrel = (classrel1, classrelrev1), tyco = (tyco1, tycorev1),
- instance = (instance1, instancerev1), const = (const1, constrev1) },
- Names { class = (class2, classrev2),
- classrel = (classrel2, classrelrev2), tyco = (tyco2, tycorev2),
- instance = (instance2, instancerev2), const = (const2, constrev2) }) =
- mk_names ((Symtab.merge eq_string (class1, class2), Symtab.merge eq_string (classrev1, classrev2)),
- (StringPairTab.merge eq_string (classrel1, classrel2), Symtab.merge eq_string_pair (classrelrev1, classrelrev2)),
- (Symtab.merge eq_string (tyco1, tyco2), Symtab.merge eq_string (tycorev1, tycorev2)),
- (StringPairTab.merge eq_string (instance1, instance2), Symtab.merge eq_string_pair (instancerev1, instancerev2)),
- (Consttab.merge eq_string (const1, const2), Symtab.merge CodegenConsts.eq_const (constrev1, constrev2)));
- fun map_class f = map_names
- (fn (class, classrel, tyco, inst, const) => (f class, classrel, tyco, inst, const));
- fun map_classrel f = map_names
- (fn (class, classrel, tyco, inst, const) => (class, f classrel, tyco, inst, const));
- fun map_tyco f = map_names
- (fn (class, classrel, tyco, inst, const) => (class, classrel, f tyco, inst, const));
- fun map_instance f = map_names
- (fn (class, classrel, tyco, inst, const) => (class, classrel, tyco, f inst, const));
- fun map_const f = map_names
- (fn (class, classrel, tyco, inst, const) => (class, classrel, tyco, inst, f const));
-end; (*local*)
-structure CodeName = TheoryDataFun
- val name = "Pure/codegen_names";
- type T = names ref;
- val empty = ref empty_names;
- fun copy (ref names) = ref names;
- val extend = copy;
- fun merge _ (ref names1, ref names2) = ref (merge_names (names1, names2));
- fun print _ _ = ();
-val _ = Context.add_setup CodeName.init;
-(* forward lookup with cache update *)
-fun get thy get_tabs get upd_names upd policy x =
- let
- val names_ref = CodeName.get thy
- val (Names names) = ! names_ref;
- val tabs = get_tabs names;
- fun declare name =
- let
- val names' = upd_names (K (upd (x, name) (fst tabs),
- Symtab.update_new (name, x) (snd tabs))) (Names names)
- in (names_ref := names'; name) end;
- in case get (fst tabs) x
- of SOME name => name
- | NONE =>
- x
- |> policy thy
- |> Name.variant (Symtab.keys (snd tabs))
- |> declare
- end;
-(* backward lookup *)
-fun rev thy get_tabs name =
- let
- val names_ref = CodeName.get thy
- val (Names names) = ! names_ref;
- val tab = (snd o get_tabs) names;
- in case Symtab.lookup tab name
- of SOME x => x
- | NONE => error ("No such " ^ category_of name ^ ": " ^ quote name)
- end;
(* theory name lookup *)
fun thyname_of thy f errmsg x =
@@ -345,6 +237,154 @@
in NameSpace.implode (prefix @ [space_implode "_" base]) end;
+(* theory and code data *)
+type tyco = string;
+type const = string;
+val string_pair_ord = prod_ord fast_string_ord fast_string_ord;
+val eq_string_pair = is_equal o string_pair_ord;
+structure Consttab = CodegenConsts.Consttab;
+structure StringPairTab =
+ TableFun(
+ type key = string * string;
+ val ord = string_pair_ord;
+ );
+datatype names = Names of {
+ class: class Symtab.table * class Symtab.table,
+ classrel: string StringPairTab.table * (class * class) Symtab.table,
+ tyco: tyco Symtab.table * tyco Symtab.table,
+ instance: string StringPairTab.table * (class * tyco) Symtab.table,
+ const: const Consttab.table * (string * typ list) Symtab.table
+val empty_names = Names {
+ class = (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty),
+ classrel = (StringPairTab.empty, Symtab.empty),
+ tyco = (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty),
+ instance = (StringPairTab.empty, Symtab.empty),
+ const = (Consttab.empty, Symtab.empty)
+val eq_string = op = : string * string -> bool;
+ fun mk_names (class, classrel, tyco, instance, const) =
+ Names { class = class, classrel = classrel, tyco = tyco, instance = instance, const = const};
+ fun map_names f (Names { class, classrel, tyco, instance, const }) =
+ mk_names (f (class, classrel, tyco, instance, const));
+ fun merge_names (Names { class = (class1, classrev1),
+ classrel = (classrel1, classrelrev1), tyco = (tyco1, tycorev1),
+ instance = (instance1, instancerev1), const = (const1, constrev1) },
+ Names { class = (class2, classrev2),
+ classrel = (classrel2, classrelrev2), tyco = (tyco2, tycorev2),
+ instance = (instance2, instancerev2), const = (const2, constrev2) }) =
+ mk_names ((Symtab.merge eq_string (class1, class2), Symtab.merge eq_string (classrev1, classrev2)),
+ (StringPairTab.merge eq_string (classrel1, classrel2), Symtab.merge eq_string_pair (classrelrev1, classrelrev2)),
+ (Symtab.merge eq_string (tyco1, tyco2), Symtab.merge eq_string (tycorev1, tycorev2)),
+ (StringPairTab.merge eq_string (instance1, instance2), Symtab.merge eq_string_pair (instancerev1, instancerev2)),
+ (Consttab.merge eq_string (const1, const2), Symtab.merge CodegenConsts.eq_const (constrev1, constrev2)));
+ fun map_class f = map_names
+ (fn (class, classrel, tyco, inst, const) => (f class, classrel, tyco, inst, const));
+ fun map_classrel f = map_names
+ (fn (class, classrel, tyco, inst, const) => (class, f classrel, tyco, inst, const));
+ fun map_tyco f = map_names
+ (fn (class, classrel, tyco, inst, const) => (class, classrel, f tyco, inst, const));
+ fun map_instance f = map_names
+ (fn (class, classrel, tyco, inst, const) => (class, classrel, tyco, f inst, const));
+ fun map_const f = map_names
+ (fn (class, classrel, tyco, inst, const) => (class, classrel, tyco, inst, f const));
+end; (*local*)
+structure CodeName = TheoryDataFun
+ val name = "Pure/codegen_names";
+ type T = names ref;
+ val empty = ref empty_names;
+ fun copy (ref names) = ref names;
+ val extend = copy;
+ fun merge _ (ref names1, ref names2) = ref (merge_names (names1, names2));
+ fun print _ _ = ();
+structure ConstName = CodeDataFun
+ val name = "Pure/codegen_names";
+ type T = const Consttab.table * (string * typ list) Symtab.table;
+ val empty = (Consttab.empty, Symtab.empty);
+ fun merge _ ((const1, constrev1), (const2, constrev2)) =
+ (Consttab.merge eq_string (const1, const2),
+ Symtab.merge CodegenConsts.eq_const (constrev1, constrev2));
+ fun purge _ NONE _ = empty
+ | purge _ (SOME cs) (const, constrev) = (fold Consttab.delete_safe cs const,
+ fold Symtab.delete (map_filter (Consttab.lookup const) cs) constrev);
+val _ = Context.add_setup (CodeName.init #> ConstName.init);
+(* forward lookup with cache update *)
+fun get thy get_tabs get upd_names upd policy x =
+ let
+ val names_ref = CodeName.get thy;
+ val (Names names) = ! names_ref;
+ val tabs = get_tabs names;
+ fun declare name =
+ let
+ val names' = upd_names (K (upd (x, name) (fst tabs),
+ Symtab.update_new (name, x) (snd tabs))) (Names names)
+ in (names_ref := names'; name) end;
+ in case get (fst tabs) x
+ of SOME name => name
+ | NONE =>
+ x
+ |> policy thy
+ |> Name.variant (Symtab.keys (snd tabs))
+ |> declare
+ end;
+fun get_const thy const =
+ let
+ val tabs = ConstName.get thy;
+ fun declare name =
+ let
+ val names' = (Consttab.update (const, name) (fst tabs),
+ Symtab.update_new (name, const) (snd tabs))
+ in (ConstName.change thy (K names'); name) end;
+ in case Consttab.lookup (fst tabs) const
+ of SOME name => name
+ | NONE =>
+ const
+ |> const_policy thy
+ |> Name.variant (Symtab.keys (snd tabs))
+ |> declare
+ end;
+(* backward lookup *)
+fun rev thy get_tabs name =
+ let
+ val names_ref = CodeName.get thy
+ val (Names names) = ! names_ref;
+ val tab = (snd o get_tabs) names;
+ in case Symtab.lookup tab name
+ of SOME x => x
+ | NONE => error ("No such " ^ category_of name ^ ": " ^ quote name)
+ end;
+fun rev_const thy name =
+ let
+ val tab = snd (ConstName.get thy);
+ in case Symtab.lookup tab name
+ of SOME const => const
+ | NONE => error ("No such " ^ category_of name ^ ": " ^ quote name)
+ end;
(* external interfaces *)
fun class thy =
@@ -361,7 +401,7 @@
#> add_idf idf_instance;
fun const thy =
CodegenConsts.norm thy
- #> get thy #const Consttab.lookup map_const Consttab.update const_policy
+ #> get_const thy
#> add_idf idf_const;
fun class_rev thy =
@@ -378,7 +418,7 @@
#> Option.map (rev thy #instance);
fun const_rev thy =
dest_idf idf_const
- #> Option.map (rev thy #const);
+ #> Option.map (rev_const thy);