Mon, 27 Sep 2010 14:54:10 +0200
changeset 39729 6a64f04cb648
parent 39728 832c42be723e (current diff)
parent 39709 1fa4c5c7d534 (diff)
child 39730 e4e1e3b69cba
child 39747 b4e131840b2a
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:13:22 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:54:10 2010 +0200
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@
     val edits: List[Node_Text_Edit],
     val result: Future[(List[Edit[Command]], Version)])
-    val current: Future[Version] =
-    def is_finished: Boolean = previous.is_finished && current.is_finished
+    val version: Future[Version] =
+    def is_finished: Boolean = previous.is_finished && version.is_finished
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
     def snapshot(name: String, pending_edits: List[Text.Edit]): Snapshot =
       val found_stable = history.undo_list.find(change =>
-        change.is_finished && is_assigned(change.current.get_finished))
+        change.is_finished && is_assigned(change.version.get_finished))
       val stable = found_stable.get
       val latest = history.undo_list.head
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
       new Snapshot
-        val version = stable.current.get_finished
+        val version = stable.version.get_finished
         val node = version.nodes(name)
         val is_outdated = !(pending_edits.isEmpty && latest == stable)
--- a/src/Pure/System/cygwin.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:13:22 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/System/cygwin.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:54:10 2010 +0200
@@ -111,7 +111,9 @@
     val setup_exe = new File(root, "setup.exe")
-    try { Download.file(parent, new URL(""), setup_exe) }
+    try {
+      Download.file(parent, "Downloading", new URL(""), setup_exe)
+    }
     catch { case _: RuntimeException => error("Failed to download Cygwin setup program") }
     val (_, rc) = Standard_System.raw_exec(root, null, true,
--- a/src/Pure/System/download.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:13:22 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/System/download.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:54:10 2010 +0200
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
 object Download
-  def stream(parent: Component, url: URL): (URLConnection, BufferedInputStream) =
+  def stream(parent: Component, title: String, url: URL): (URLConnection, BufferedInputStream) =
     val connection = url.openConnection
-    val stream = new ProgressMonitorInputStream(null, "Downloading", connection.getInputStream)
+    val stream = new ProgressMonitorInputStream(parent, title, connection.getInputStream)
     val monitor = stream.getProgressMonitor
@@ -30,14 +30,14 @@
     (connection, new BufferedInputStream(stream))
-  def file(parent: Component, url: URL, file: File)
+  def file(parent: Component, title: String, url: URL, file: File)
-    val (connection, instream) = stream(parent, url)
+    val (connection, instream) = stream(parent, title, url)
     val mod_time = connection.getLastModified
     def read() =
       try { }
-      catch { case _ : InterruptedIOException => error("Download canceled!") }
+      catch { case _ : InterruptedIOException => error("Canceled by user") }
     try {
       val outstream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file))
       try {
--- a/src/Pure/System/isabelle_system.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:13:22 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/System/isabelle_system.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:54:10 2010 +0200
@@ -315,10 +315,10 @@
     val i = next_fifo()
     val script =
       "FIFO=\"/tmp/isabelle-fifo-${PPID}-$$-" + i + "\"\n" +
-      "mkfifo -m 600 \"$FIFO\" || { echo \"Failed to create fifo: $FIFO\" >&2; exit 2; }\n" +
-      "echo -n \"$FIFO\"\n"
+      "echo -n \"$FIFO\"\n" +
+      "mkfifo -m 600 \"$FIFO\"\n"
     val (out, err, rc) = bash(script)
-    if (rc == 0) out else error(err)
+    if (rc == 0) out else error(err.trim)
   def rm_fifo(fifo: String): Boolean =
--- a/src/Pure/System/session.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:13:22 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/System/session.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:54:10 2010 +0200
@@ -24,9 +24,10 @@
   sealed abstract class Phase
   case object Inactive extends Phase
-  case object Exit extends Phase
+  case object Startup extends Phase  // transient
+  case object Failed extends Phase
   case object Ready extends Phase
-  case object Shutdown extends Phase
+  case object Shutdown extends Phase  // transient
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@
   /* pervasive event buses */
-  val phase_changed = new Event_Bus[(Session.Phase, Session.Phase)]
+  val phase_changed = new Event_Bus[Session.Phase]
   val global_settings = new Event_Bus[Session.Global_Settings.type]
   val raw_messages = new Event_Bus[Isabelle_Process.Result]
   val commands_changed = new Event_Bus[Session.Commands_Changed]
@@ -126,9 +127,8 @@
   def phase = _phase
   private def phase_=(new_phase: Session.Phase)
-    val old_phase = _phase
     _phase = new_phase
-    phase_changed.event(old_phase, new_phase)
+    phase_changed.event(new_phase)
   private val global_state = new Volatile(Document.State.init)
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
       val previous = change.previous.get_finished
-      val (node_edits, current) = change.result.get_finished
+      val (node_edits, version) = change.result.get_finished
       var former_assignment = global_state.peek().the_assignment(previous).get_finished
       for {
@@ -180,8 +180,8 @@
             (name -> Some(ids))
-      global_state.change(_.define_version(current, former_assignment))
-      prover.edit_version(,, id_edits)
+      global_state.change(_.define_version(version, former_assignment))
+      prover.edit_version(,, id_edits)
@@ -209,10 +209,8 @@
           if (result.is_syslog) {
             reverse_syslog ::= result.message
             if (result.is_ready) phase = Session.Ready
-            else if (result.is_exit) {
-              phase = Session.Exit
-              phase = Session.Inactive
-            }
+            else if (result.is_exit && phase == Session.Startup) phase = Session.Failed
+            else if (result.is_exit) phase = Session.Inactive
           else if (result.is_stdout) { }
           else if (result.is_status) {
@@ -244,12 +242,12 @@
           if (prover != null) prover.interrupt
         case Edit_Version(edits) if prover != null =>
-          val previous = global_state.peek().history.tip.current
+          val previous = global_state.peek().history.tip.version
           val result = Future.fork { Thy_Syntax.text_edits(Session.this, previous.join, edits) }
           val change = global_state.change_yield(_.extend_history(previous, edits, result))
           val this_actor = self
- => {
+ => {
             assignments.await { global_state.peek().is_assigned(previous.get_finished) }
             this_actor ! change })
@@ -260,13 +258,18 @@
         case result: Isabelle_Process.Result => handle_result(result)
         case Start(timeout, args) if prover == null =>
-          prover = new Isabelle_Process(system, timeout, self, args:_*) with Isar_Document
+          if (phase == Session.Inactive || phase == Session.Failed) {
+            phase = Session.Startup
+            prover = new Isabelle_Process(system, timeout, self, args:_*) with Isar_Document
+          }
-        case Stop if phase == Session.Ready =>
-          global_state.change(_ => Document.State.init)  // FIXME event bus!?
-          phase = Session.Shutdown
-          prover.terminate
-          phase = Session.Inactive
+        case Stop =>
+          if (phase == Session.Ready) {
+            global_state.change(_ => Document.State.init)  // FIXME event bus!?
+            phase = Session.Shutdown
+            prover.terminate
+            phase = Session.Inactive
+          }
           finished = true
--- a/src/Pure/System/standard_system.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:13:22 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/System/standard_system.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:54:10 2010 +0200
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
 import java.util.regex.Pattern
 import java.util.Locale
-import{BufferedWriter, OutputStreamWriter, FileOutputStream,
+import{BufferedWriter, OutputStreamWriter, FileOutputStream, BufferedOutputStream,
   BufferedInputStream, InputStream, FileInputStream, BufferedReader, InputStreamReader,
   File, FileFilter, IOException}
@@ -154,6 +155,65 @@
   def raw_exec(cwd: File, env: Map[String, String], redirect: Boolean, args: String*)
     : (String, Int) = process_output(raw_execute(cwd, env, redirect, args: _*))
+  /* unpack tar archive */
+  def posix_untar(url: URL, root: File, gunzip: Boolean = false,
+    tar: String = "tar", gzip: String = "", progress: Int => Unit = _ => ()): String =
+  {
+    if (!root.isDirectory && !root.mkdirs)
+      error("Failed to create root directory: " + root)
+    val connection = url.openConnection
+    val length = connection.getContentLength.toLong
+    require(length >= 0L)
+    val stream = new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream)
+    val progress_stream = new InputStream {
+      private val total = length max 1L
+      private var index = 0L
+      private var percentage = 0L
+      override def read(): Int =
+      {
+        val c =
+        if (c != -1) {
+          index += 100
+          val p = index / total
+          if (percentage != p) { percentage = p; progress(percentage.toInt) }
+        }
+        c
+      }
+      override def available(): Int = stream.available
+      override def close() { stream.close }
+    }
+    val cmdline =
+      List(tar, "-o", "-x", "-f-") :::
+        (if (!gunzip) Nil else if (gzip == "") List("-z") else List("-I", gzip))
+    val proc = raw_execute(root, null, false, cmdline:_*)
+    val stdout = Simple_Thread.future("tar_stdout") { slurp(proc.getInputStream) }
+    val stderr = Simple_Thread.future("tar_stderr") { slurp(proc.getErrorStream) }
+    val stdin = new BufferedOutputStream(proc.getOutputStream)
+    try {
+      var c = -1
+      val io_err =
+        try { while ({ c =; c != -1 }) stdin.write(c); false }
+        catch { case e: IOException => true }
+      stdin.close
+      val rc = try { proc.waitFor } finally { Thread.interrupted }
+      if (io_err || rc != 0) error(stderr.join.trim) else stdout.join
+    }
+    finally {
+      progress_stream.close
+      stdin.close
+      proc.destroy
+    }
+  }
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/dist-template/etc/settings	Mon Sep 27 14:13:22 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/dist-template/etc/settings	Mon Sep 27 14:54:10 2010 +0200
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 JEDIT_OPTIONS="-reuseview -noserver -nobackground"
 JEDIT_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms128m -Xmx512m -Xss2m -Dactors.corePoolSize=4 -Dactors.enableForkJoin=false"
 #JEDIT_JAVA_OPTIONS="-server -Xms128m -Xmx1024m -Xss4m -Dactors.corePoolSize=8 -Dactors.enableForkJoin=false"
+JEDIT_SYSTEM_OPTIONS=" -Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true"
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/plugin/Isabelle.props	Mon Sep 27 14:13:22 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/plugin/Isabelle.props	Mon Sep 27 14:54:10 2010 +0200
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 options.isabelle.tooltip-dismiss-delay.title=Tooltip Dismiss Delay (global)
 #menu actions
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/document_view.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:13:22 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/document_view.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:54:10 2010 +0200
@@ -208,16 +208,26 @@
               gfx.fillRect(r.x, y + i * line_height, r.length, line_height)
-            // background color: markup
+            // background color (1): markup
             for {
               Text.Info(range, Some(color)) <-
-                snapshot.select_markup(line_range)(Isabelle_Markup.background).iterator
+                snapshot.select_markup(line_range)(Isabelle_Markup.background1).iterator
               r <- Isabelle.gfx_range(text_area, range)
             } {
               gfx.fillRect(r.x, y + i * line_height, r.length, line_height)
+            // background color (2): markup
+            for {
+              Text.Info(range, Some(color)) <-
+                snapshot.select_markup(line_range)(Isabelle_Markup.background2).iterator
+              r <- Isabelle.gfx_range(text_area, range)
+            } {
+              gfx.setColor(color)
+              gfx.fillRect(r.x + 2, y + i * line_height + 2, r.length - 4, line_height - 4)
+            }
             // sub-expression highlighting -- potentially from other snapshot
             highlight_range match {
               case Some((range, color)) if line_range.overlaps(range) =>
@@ -225,21 +235,11 @@
                   case None =>
                   case Some(r) =>
-                    gfx.drawRect(r.x, y + i * line_height, r.length, line_height - 1)
+                    gfx.drawRect(r.x, y + i * line_height, r.length - 1, line_height - 1)
               case _ =>
-            // background boxes
-            for {
-              Text.Info(range, Some(color)) <-
-                snapshot.select_markup(line_range)(
-              r <- Isabelle.gfx_range(text_area, range)
-            } {
-              gfx.setColor(color)
-              gfx.fillRect(r.x + 1, y + i * line_height + 1, r.length - 2, line_height - 2)
-            }
             // squiggly underline
             for {
               Text.Info(range, Some(color)) <-
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/isabelle_markup.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:13:22 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/isabelle_markup.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:54:10 2010 +0200
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
   /* markup selectors */
   private val subexp_include =
-    Set(Markup.SORT, Markup.TYP, Markup.TERM, Markup.PROP, Markup.ML_TYPING)
+    Set(Markup.SORT, Markup.TYP, Markup.TERM, Markup.PROP, Markup.ML_TYPING, Markup.TOKEN_RANGE)
   val subexp: Markup_Tree.Select[(Text.Range, Color)] =
@@ -90,12 +90,12 @@
     case Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.ERROR, _), _)) => error_icon
-  val background: Markup_Tree.Select[Color] =
+  val background1: Markup_Tree.Select[Color] =
     case Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.BAD, _), _)) => bad_color
-  val box: Markup_Tree.Select[Color] =
+  val background2: Markup_Tree.Select[Color] =
     case Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.TOKEN_RANGE, _), _)) => light_color
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@
     case Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.TYP, _), _)) => "type"
     case Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.TERM, _), _)) => "term"
     case Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.PROP, _), _)) => "proposition"
+    case Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.TOKEN_RANGE, _), _)) => "inner syntax token"
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/plugin.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:13:22 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/plugin.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:54:10 2010 +0200
@@ -201,8 +201,21 @@
       case None =>
       case Some(entry) => component.selection.item = entry
+    component.tooltip = "Isabelle logic image"
+  def start_session()
+  {
+    val timeout = Int_Property("startup-timeout") max 1000
+    val modes = system.getenv("JEDIT_PRINT_MODE").split(",")"-m" + _)
+    val logic = {
+      val logic = Property("logic")
+      if (logic != null && logic != "") logic
+      else Isabelle.default_logic()
+    }
+    session.start(timeout, modes ::: List(logic))
+  }
@@ -210,20 +223,6 @@
   /* session management */
-  private def start_session()
-  {
-    if (Isabelle.session.phase == Session.Inactive) {
-      val timeout = Isabelle.Int_Property("startup-timeout") max 1000
-      val modes = Isabelle.system.getenv("JEDIT_PRINT_MODE").split(",")"-m" + _)
-      val logic = {
-        val logic = Isabelle.Property("logic")
-        if (logic != null && logic != "") logic
-        else Isabelle.default_logic()
-      }
-      Isabelle.session.start(timeout, modes ::: List(logic))
-    }
-  }
   private def init_model(buffer: Buffer): Option[Document_Model] =
     Document_Model(buffer) match {
@@ -262,14 +261,13 @@
   private val session_manager = actor {
     loop {
       react {
-        case (Session.Inactive, Session.Exit) =>
+        case Session.Failed =>
           val text = new scala.swing.TextArea(Isabelle.session.syslog())
           text.editable = false
           Library.error_dialog(jEdit.getActiveView, "Failed to start Isabelle process", text)
-        case (_, Session.Ready) => Isabelle.jedit_buffers.foreach(activate_buffer)
-        case (_, Session.Shutdown) => Isabelle.jedit_buffers.foreach(deactivate_buffer)
+        case Session.Ready => Isabelle.jedit_buffers.foreach(activate_buffer)
+        case Session.Shutdown => Isabelle.jedit_buffers.foreach(deactivate_buffer)
         case _ =>
@@ -281,17 +279,18 @@
   override def handleMessage(message: EBMessage)
     message match {
-      case msg: EditorStarted => start_session()
+      case msg: EditorStarted
+      if Isabelle.Boolean_Property("auto-start") => Isabelle.start_session()
       case msg: BufferUpdate
-      if Isabelle.session.phase == Session.Ready &&
+      if Isabelle.session.phase == Session.Ready &&  // FIXME race!?
         msg.getWhat == BufferUpdate.PROPERTIES_CHANGED =>
         val buffer = msg.getBuffer
         if (buffer != null) activate_buffer(buffer)
       case msg: EditPaneUpdate
-      if Isabelle.session.phase == Session.Ready &&
+      if Isabelle.session.phase == Session.Ready &&  // FIXME race!?
         (msg.getWhat == EditPaneUpdate.BUFFER_CHANGING ||
           msg.getWhat == EditPaneUpdate.BUFFER_CHANGED ||
           msg.getWhat == EditPaneUpdate.CREATED ||
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/session_dockable.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:13:22 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/session_dockable.scala	Mon Sep 27 14:54:10 2010 +0200
@@ -11,10 +11,11 @@
 import scala.actors.Actor._
 import scala.swing.{FlowPanel, Button, TextArea, Label, ScrollPane, TabbedPane,
-  Component, Swing}
+  Component, Swing, CheckBox}
 import scala.swing.event.{ButtonClicked, SelectionChanged}
 import java.awt.BorderLayout
+import javax.swing.border.{BevelBorder, SoftBevelBorder}
 import org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
@@ -51,8 +52,23 @@
   /* controls */
   val session_phase = new Label(Isabelle.session.phase.toString)
-  session_phase.border = Swing.EtchedBorder(Swing.Lowered)
-  session_phase.tooltip = "Prover process status"
+  session_phase.border = new SoftBevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED)
+  session_phase.tooltip = "Prover status"
+  private val auto_start = new CheckBox("Auto start") {
+    selected = Isabelle.Boolean_Property("auto-start")
+    reactions += {
+      case ButtonClicked(_) =>
+        Isabelle.Boolean_Property("auto-start") = selected
+        if (selected) Isabelle.start_session()
+    }
+  }
+  private val logic = Isabelle.logic_selector(Isabelle.Property("logic"))
+  logic.listenTo(logic.selection)
+  logic.reactions += {
+    case SelectionChanged(_) => Isabelle.Property("logic") =
+  }
   private val interrupt = new Button("Interrupt") {
     reactions += { case ButtonClicked(_) => Isabelle.session.interrupt }
@@ -60,7 +76,7 @@
   interrupt.tooltip = "Broadcast interrupt to all prover tasks"
   private val controls =
-    new FlowPanel(FlowPanel.Alignment.Right)(session_phase, interrupt)
+    new FlowPanel(FlowPanel.Alignment.Right)(session_phase, auto_start, logic, interrupt)
   add(controls.peer, BorderLayout.NORTH)
@@ -78,8 +94,8 @@
-        case (_, phase: Session.Phase) =>
- { session_phase.text = phase.toString }
+        case phase: Session.Phase =>
+ { session_phase.text = " " + phase.toString + " " }
         case bad => System.err.println("Session_Dockable: ignoring bad message " + bad)