generalization of the Sledgehammer minimizer, to make it possible to handle SMT solvers as well
Fri, 22 Oct 2010 09:50:18 +0200
changeset 40061 71cc5aac8b76
parent 40060 5ef6747aa619
child 40062 cfaebaa8588f
generalization of the Sledgehammer minimizer, to make it possible to handle SMT solvers as well
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Thu Oct 21 16:25:40 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Fri Oct 22 09:50:18 2010 +0200
@@ -357,19 +357,18 @@
           relevance_override chained_ths hyp_ts concl_t
     val problem =
       {state = st', goal = goal, subgoal = i,
-       axioms = map (Sledgehammer_Translate.prepare_axiom ctxt) axioms,
-       only = true}
+       axioms = axioms |> map Sledgehammer.Unprepared, only = true}
     val time_limit =
       (case hard_timeout of
         NONE => I
       | SOME secs => TimeLimit.timeLimit (Time.fromSeconds secs))
-    val ({outcome, message, used_thm_names,
-          atp_run_time_in_msecs = time_atp, ...} : Sledgehammer.atp_result,
+    val ({outcome, message, used_axioms, run_time_in_msecs = time_atp, ...}
+         : Sledgehammer.prover_result,
         time_isa) = time_limit (Mirabelle.cpu_time
                       (prover params (K ""))) problem
     case outcome of
-      NONE => (message, SH_OK (time_isa, time_atp, used_thm_names))
+      NONE => (message, SH_OK (time_isa, time_atp, used_axioms))
     | SOME _ => (message, SH_FAIL (time_isa, time_atp))
   handle ERROR msg => ("error: " ^ msg, SH_ERROR)
@@ -445,7 +444,7 @@
     val params = Sledgehammer_Isar.default_params thy
       [("provers", prover_name), ("timeout", Int.toString timeout ^ " s")]
     val minimize =
-      Sledgehammer_Minimize.minimize_theorems params 1 (subgoal_count st)
+      Sledgehammer_Minimize.minimize_facts params 1 (subgoal_count st)
     val _ = log separator
     case minimize st (these (!named_thms)) of
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer.ML	Thu Oct 21 16:25:40 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer.ML	Fri Oct 22 09:50:18 2010 +0200
@@ -29,25 +29,24 @@
      timeout: Time.time,
      expect: string}
-  type atp_problem =
+  datatype axiom =
+    Unprepared of (string * locality) * thm |
+    Prepared of term * ((string * locality) * fol_formula) option
+  type prover_problem =
     {state: Proof.state,
      goal: thm,
      subgoal: int,
-     axioms: (term * ((string * locality) * fol_formula) option) list,
+     axioms: axiom list,
      only: bool}
-  type atp_result =
+  type prover_result =
     {outcome: failure option,
      message: string,
-     pool: string Symtab.table,
-     used_thm_names: (string * locality) list,
-     atp_run_time_in_msecs: int,
-     output: string,
-     tstplike_proof: string,
-     axiom_names: (string * locality) list vector,
-     conjecture_shape: int list list}
+     used_axioms: (string * locality) list,
+     run_time_in_msecs: int}
-  type atp = params -> minimize_command -> atp_problem -> atp_result
+  type prover = params -> minimize_command -> prover_problem -> prover_result
   val smtN : string
   val dest_dir : string Config.T
@@ -57,10 +56,11 @@
   val kill_provers : unit -> unit
   val running_provers : unit -> unit
   val messages : int option -> unit
-  val run_atp : theory -> string -> atp
+  val run_atp : theory -> string -> prover
+  val is_smt_solver_installed : unit -> bool
   val run_smt_solver :
-    Proof.context -> bool -> Time.time -> ('a * thm) list -> string * 'a list
-  val is_smt_solver_installed : unit -> bool
+    bool -> params -> minimize_command -> prover_problem
+    -> string * (string * locality) list
   val run_sledgehammer :
     params -> bool -> int -> relevance_override -> (string -> minimize_command)
     -> Proof.state -> bool * Proof.state
@@ -120,25 +120,24 @@
    timeout: Time.time,
    expect: string}
-type atp_problem =
+datatype axiom =
+  Unprepared of (string * locality) * thm |
+  Prepared of term * ((string * locality) * fol_formula) option
+type prover_problem =
   {state: Proof.state,
    goal: thm,
    subgoal: int,
-   axioms: (term * ((string * locality) * fol_formula) option) list,
+   axioms: axiom list,
    only: bool}
-type atp_result =
+type prover_result =
   {outcome: failure option,
    message: string,
-   pool: string Symtab.table,
-   used_thm_names: (string * locality) list,
-   atp_run_time_in_msecs: int,
-   output: string,
-   tstplike_proof: string,
-   axiom_names: (string * locality) list vector,
-   conjecture_shape: int list list}
+   used_axioms: (string * locality) list,
+   run_time_in_msecs: int}
-type atp = params -> minimize_command -> atp_problem -> atp_result
+type prover = params -> minimize_command -> prover_problem -> prover_result
 (* configuration attributes *)
@@ -176,6 +175,11 @@
 (* generic TPTP-based ATPs *)
+fun dest_Unprepared (Unprepared p) = p
+  | dest_Unprepared (Prepared _) = raise Fail "dest_Unprepared"
+fun prepared_axiom ctxt (Unprepared p) = prepare_axiom ctxt p
+  | prepared_axiom _ (Prepared p) = p
 (* Important messages are important but not so important that users want to see
    them each time. *)
 val important_message_keep_factor = 0.1
@@ -186,24 +190,26 @@
         ({debug, verbose, overlord, full_types, explicit_apply,
           max_relevant, isar_proof, isar_shrink_factor, timeout, ...} : params)
-        minimize_command ({state, goal, subgoal, axioms, only} : atp_problem) =
+        minimize_command
+        ({state, goal, subgoal, axioms, only} : prover_problem) =
     val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
     val (_, hyp_ts, concl_t) = strip_subgoal goal subgoal
-    val axioms = axioms |> not only
-                          ? take (the_default default_max_relevant max_relevant)
+    val axioms =
+      axioms |> not only ? take (the_default default_max_relevant max_relevant)
+             |> map (prepared_axiom ctxt)
     val dest_dir = if overlord then getenv "ISABELLE_HOME_USER"
                    else Config.get ctxt dest_dir
     val problem_prefix = Config.get ctxt problem_prefix
-    val atp_problem_file_name =
+    val problem_file_name =
       Path.basic ((if overlord then "prob_" ^ atp_name
                    else problem_prefix ^ serial_string ())
                   ^ "_" ^ string_of_int subgoal)
-    val atp_problem_path_name =
+    val problem_path_name =
       if dest_dir = "" then
-        File.tmp_path atp_problem_file_name
+        File.tmp_path problem_file_name
       else if File.exists (Path.explode dest_dir) then
-        Path.append (Path.explode dest_dir) atp_problem_file_name
+        Path.append (Path.explode dest_dir) problem_file_name
         error ("No such directory: " ^ quote dest_dir ^ ".")
     val measure_run_time = verbose orelse Config.get ctxt measure_run_time
@@ -288,7 +294,7 @@
         File.write (Path.explode (Path.implode probfile ^ "_proof")) output
     val ((pool, conjecture_shape, axiom_names),
          (output, msecs, tstplike_proof, outcome)) =
-      with_path cleanup export run_on atp_problem_path_name
+      with_path cleanup export run_on problem_path_name
     val (conjecture_shape, axiom_names) =
       repair_conjecture_shape_and_axiom_names output conjecture_shape
@@ -297,7 +303,7 @@
         extract_important_message output
-    val (message, used_thm_names) =
+    val (message, used_axioms) =
       case outcome of
         NONE =>
         proof_text isar_proof
@@ -317,10 +323,8 @@
       | SOME failure => (string_for_failure failure, [])
-    {outcome = outcome, message = message, pool = pool,
-     used_thm_names = used_thm_names, atp_run_time_in_msecs = msecs,
-     output = output, tstplike_proof = tstplike_proof,
-     axiom_names = axiom_names, conjecture_shape = conjecture_shape}
+    {outcome = outcome, message = message, used_axioms = used_axioms,
+     run_time_in_msecs = msecs}
 fun run_atp thy name = atp_fun false name (get_atp thy name)
@@ -328,8 +332,8 @@
 fun run_atp_somehow (params as {blocking, debug, max_relevant, timeout,
                                 expect, ...})
                     auto i n minimize_command
-                    (atp_problem as {state, goal, axioms, ...})
-                    (atp as {default_max_relevant, ...}, atp_name) =
+                    (prover_problem as {state, goal, axioms, ...})
+                    (prover as {default_max_relevant, ...}, atp_name) =
     val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
     val birth_time = ()
@@ -340,8 +344,8 @@
     fun go () =
         fun really_go () =
-          atp_fun auto atp_name atp params (minimize_command atp_name)
-                  atp_problem
+          atp_fun auto atp_name prover params (minimize_command atp_name)
+                  prover_problem
           |> (fn {outcome, message, ...} =>
                  (if is_some outcome then "none" else "some", message))
         val (outcome_code, message) =
@@ -379,25 +383,31 @@
 (* FIXME: dummy *)
-fun run_smt_solver ctxt remote timeout axioms =
-  ("", axioms |> take 5 |> map fst)
-(* FIXME: dummy *)
 fun is_smt_solver_installed () = true
-fun run_smt_solver_somehow ctxt (params as {timeout, ...}) i n goal axioms
+(* FIXME: dummy *)
+fun raw_run_smt_solver remote timeout state axioms i =
+  ("", axioms |> take 5 |> map fst)
+fun run_smt_solver remote ({timeout, ...} : params) minimize_command
+                   ({state, subgoal, axioms, ...} : prover_problem) =
+  raw_run_smt_solver remote timeout state
+                     (map_filter (try dest_Unprepared) axioms) subgoal
+fun run_smt_solver_somehow state (params as {timeout, ...}) i n goal axioms
                            (remote, name) =
-    val desc =
-      prover_description ctxt params name (length axioms) i n goal
-    val (failure, used_thm_names) = run_smt_solver ctxt remote timeout axioms
+    val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
+    val desc = prover_description ctxt params name (length axioms) i n goal
+    val (failure, used_axioms) =
+      raw_run_smt_solver remote timeout state axioms i
     val success = (failure = "")
     val message =
       das_Tool ^ ": " ^ desc ^ "\n" ^
       (if success then
          sendback_line (proof_banner false)
                        (apply_on_subgoal i n ^
-                        command_call "smt" (map fst used_thm_names))
+                        command_call "smt" (map fst used_axioms))
          "Error: " ^ failure)
   in priority message; success end
@@ -441,15 +451,16 @@
               relevant_facts ctxt full_types relevance_thresholds
                              max_max_relevant relevance_override chained_ths
                              hyp_ts concl_t
-            val atp_problem =
+            val prover_problem =
               {state = state, goal = goal, subgoal = i,
-               axioms = map (prepare_axiom ctxt) axioms, only = only}
+               axioms = axioms |> map (Prepared o prepare_axiom ctxt),
+               only = only}
             val run_atp_somehow =
-              run_atp_somehow params auto i n minimize_command atp_problem
+              run_atp_somehow params auto i n minimize_command prover_problem
             if auto then
-              fold (fn atp => fn (true, state) => (true, state)
-                               | (false, _) => run_atp_somehow atp)
+              fold (fn prover => fn (true, state) => (true, state)
+                                  | (false, _) => run_atp_somehow prover)
                    atps (false, state)
               atps |> (if blocking then else map) run_atp_somehow
@@ -467,7 +478,7 @@
                              max_relevant relevance_override chained_ths
                              hyp_ts concl_t
-            smts |> map (run_smt_solver_somehow ctxt params i n goal axioms)
+            smts |> map (run_smt_solver_somehow state params i n goal axioms)
                  |> exists I |> rpair state
       fun run_atps_and_smt_solvers () =
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_minimize.ML	Thu Oct 21 16:25:40 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_minimize.ML	Fri Oct 22 09:50:18 2010 +0200
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
     Author:     Philipp Meyer, TU Muenchen
     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
-Minimization of theorem list for Metis using automatic theorem provers.
+Minimization of fact list for Metis using ATPs.
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
   type locality = Sledgehammer_Filter.locality
   type params = Sledgehammer.params
-  val minimize_theorems :
+  val minimize_facts :
     params -> int -> int -> Proof.state -> ((string * locality) * thm list) list
     -> ((string * locality) * thm list) list option * string
   val run_minimize :
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 open Sledgehammer_Util
 open Sledgehammer_Filter
 open Sledgehammer_Translate
-open Sledgehammer_Reconstruct
 open Sledgehammer
 (* wrapper for calling external prover *)
@@ -34,9 +33,9 @@
   | string_for_failure Interrupted = "Interrupted."
   | string_for_failure _ = "Unknown error."
-fun n_theorems names =
+fun n_facts names =
   let val n = length names in
-    string_of_int n ^ " theorem" ^ plural_s n ^
+    string_of_int n ^ " fact" ^ plural_s n ^
     (if n > 0 then
        ": " ^ (names |> map fst
                      |> sort_distinct string_ord |> space_implode " ")
@@ -44,45 +43,45 @@
-fun test_theorems ({debug, verbose, overlord, provers, full_types, isar_proof,
-                    isar_shrink_factor, ...} : params)
-                  (atp : atp) explicit_apply timeout subgoal state axioms =
+fun test_facts ({debug, verbose, overlord, provers, full_types, isar_proof,
+                 isar_shrink_factor, ...} : params) (prover : prover)
+               explicit_apply timeout subgoal state axioms =
     val _ =
-      priority ("Testing " ^ n_theorems (map fst axioms) ^ "...")
+      priority ("Testing " ^ n_facts (map fst axioms) ^ "...")
     val params =
       {blocking = true, debug = debug, verbose = verbose, overlord = overlord,
        provers = provers, full_types = full_types,
        explicit_apply = explicit_apply, relevance_thresholds = (1.01, 1.01),
-       max_relevant = SOME 65536 (* a large number *), isar_proof = isar_proof,
+       max_relevant = NONE, isar_proof = isar_proof,
        isar_shrink_factor = isar_shrink_factor, timeout = timeout, expect = ""}
-    val axioms = maps (fn (n, ths) => map (pair n) ths) axioms
+    val axioms =
+      axioms |> maps (fn (n, ths) => ths |> map (Unprepared o pair n))
     val {context = ctxt, goal, ...} = Proof.goal state
-    val atp_problem =
-      {state = state, goal = goal, subgoal = subgoal,
-       axioms = map (prepare_axiom ctxt) axioms, only = true}
-    val result as {outcome, used_thm_names, ...} = atp params (K "") atp_problem
+    val prover_problem =
+      {state = state, goal = goal, subgoal = subgoal, axioms = axioms,
+       only = true}
+    val result as {outcome, used_axioms, ...} =
+      prover params (K "") prover_problem
     priority (case outcome of
-                NONE =>
-                if length used_thm_names = length axioms then
-                  "Found proof."
-                else
-                  "Found proof with " ^ n_theorems used_thm_names ^ "."
-              | SOME failure => string_for_failure failure);
+                SOME failure => string_for_failure failure
+              | NONE =>
+                if length used_axioms = length axioms then "Found proof."
+                else "Found proof with " ^ n_facts used_axioms ^ ".");
 (* minimalization of thms *)
-fun filter_used_facts used = filter (member (op =) used o fst)
+fun filter_used_axioms used = filter (member (op =) used o fst)
 fun sublinear_minimize _ [] p = p
   | sublinear_minimize test (x :: xs) (seen, result) =
     case test (xs @ seen) of
-      result as {outcome = NONE, used_thm_names, ...} : atp_result =>
-      sublinear_minimize test (filter_used_facts used_thm_names xs)
-                         (filter_used_facts used_thm_names seen, result)
+      result as {outcome = NONE, used_axioms, ...} : prover_result =>
+      sublinear_minimize test (filter_used_axioms used_axioms xs)
+                         (filter_used_axioms used_axioms seen, result)
     | _ => sublinear_minimize test xs (x :: seen, result)
 (* Give the ATP some slack. The ATP gets further slack because the Sledgehammer
@@ -90,48 +89,40 @@
    timeout. *)
 val fudge_msecs = 1000
-fun minimize_theorems {provers = [], ...} _ _ _ _ = error "No prover is set."
-  | minimize_theorems (params as {debug, provers = prover :: _, full_types,
-                                  isar_proof, isar_shrink_factor, timeout, ...})
-                      i (_ : int) state axioms =
+fun minimize_facts {provers = [], ...} _ _ _ _ = error "No prover is set."
+  | minimize_facts (params as {provers = prover_name :: _, timeout, ...})
+                   i (_ : int) state axioms =
     val thy = Proof.theory_of state
-    val atp = run_atp thy prover
+    val prover = run_atp thy prover_name
     val msecs = Time.toMilliseconds timeout
-    val _ = priority ("Sledgehammer minimize: prover " ^ quote prover ^ ".")
-    val {context = ctxt, goal, ...} = Proof.goal state
+    val _ = priority ("Sledgehammer minimize: " ^ quote prover_name ^ ".")
+    val {goal, ...} = Proof.goal state
     val (_, hyp_ts, concl_t) = strip_subgoal goal i
     val explicit_apply =
       not (forall (Meson.is_fol_term thy)
                   (concl_t :: hyp_ts @ maps (map prop_of o snd) axioms))
     fun do_test timeout =
-      test_theorems params atp explicit_apply timeout i state
+      test_facts params prover explicit_apply timeout i state
     val timer = Timer.startRealTimer ()
     (case do_test timeout axioms of
-       result as {outcome = NONE, pool, used_thm_names,
-                  conjecture_shape, ...} =>
+       result as {outcome = NONE, used_axioms, ...} =>
          val time = Timer.checkRealTimer timer
          val new_timeout =
            Int.min (msecs, Time.toMilliseconds time + fudge_msecs)
            |> Time.fromMilliseconds
-         val (min_thms, {tstplike_proof, axiom_names, ...}) =
+         val (min_thms, {message, ...}) =
            sublinear_minimize (do_test new_timeout)
-               (filter_used_facts used_thm_names axioms) ([], result)
+               (filter_used_axioms used_axioms axioms) ([], result)
          val n = length min_thms
          val _ = priority (cat_lines
-           ["Minimized: " ^ string_of_int n ^ " theorem" ^ plural_s n] ^
+           ["Minimized: " ^ string_of_int n ^ " fact" ^ plural_s n] ^
             (case length (filter (curry (op =) Chained o snd o fst) min_thms) of
                0 => ""
              | n => " (including " ^ Int.toString n ^ " chained)") ^ ".")
-       in
-         (SOME min_thms,
-          proof_text isar_proof
-              (pool, debug, isar_shrink_factor, ctxt, conjecture_shape)
-              ("Minimized command", full_types, K "", tstplike_proof,
-               axiom_names, goal, i) |> fst)
-       end
+       in (SOME min_thms, message) end
      | {outcome = SOME TimedOut, ...} =>
        (NONE, "Timeout: You can increase the time limit using the \"timeout\" \
               \option (e.g., \"timeout = " ^
@@ -159,7 +150,7 @@
       0 => priority "No subgoal!"
     | n =>
       (kill_provers ();
-       priority (#2 (minimize_theorems params i n state axioms)))
+       priority (#2 (minimize_facts params i n state axioms)))