Fri, 07 Jan 2011 23:46:06 +0100
changeset 41466 73981e95b30b
parent 41465 79ec1ddf49df (current diff)
parent 41457 3bb2f035203f (diff)
child 41467 8fc17c5e11c0
--- a/Admin/CHECKLIST	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/Admin/CHECKLIST	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 - test polyml-5.4.0, polyml-5.3.0, polyml-5.2.1, smlnj;
-- test Proof General, 4.0;
+- test Proof General xor 4.1;
 - test Scala wrapper;
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
+- check Admin/contributed_components;
 - diff NEWS wrt. last official release, which is read-only;
 - update;
--- a/Admin/contributed_components	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/Admin/contributed_components	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 #contributed components
--- a/COPYRIGHT	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/COPYRIGHT	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-Copyright (c) 2010,
-  University of Cambridge and
-  Technische Universitaet Muenchen.
+Copyright (c) 2011,
+  University of Cambridge,
+  Technische Universitaet Muenchen,
+  and contributors.
   All rights reserved.
--- a/lib/scripts/unsymbolize	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/lib/scripts/unsymbolize	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@
     my $result = $_;
     if ($text ne $result) {
-	print STDERR "fixing $file\n";
+        print STDERR "fixing $file\n";
         if (! -f "$file~~") {
-	    rename $file, "$file~~" || die $!;
+            rename $file, "$file~~" || die $!;
-	open (FILE, "> $file") || die $!;
-	print FILE $result;
-	close FILE || die $!;
+        open (FILE, "> $file") || die $!;
+        print FILE $result;
+        close FILE || die $!;
--- a/src/HOL/Hoare/hoare_tac.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Hoare/hoare_tac.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 Derivation of the proof rules and, most importantly, the VCG tactic.
+(* FIXME structure Hoare: HOARE *)
 (*** The tactics ***)
@@ -13,7 +15,7 @@
 (** working on at the moment of the call                                    **)
-local open HOLogic in
 (** maps (%x1 ... xn. t) to [x1,...,xn] **)
 fun abs2list (Const (@{const_name prod_case}, _) $ Abs (x, T, t)) = Free (x, T) :: abs2list t
@@ -26,14 +28,17 @@
 (** abstraction of body over a tuple formed from a list of free variables.
 Types are also built **)
-fun mk_abstupleC []     body = absfree ("x", unitT, body)
+fun mk_abstupleC []     body = absfree ("x", HOLogic.unitT, body)
   | mk_abstupleC (v::w) body = let val (n,T) = dest_Free v
                                in if w=[] then absfree (n, T, body)
         else let val z  = mk_abstupleC w body;
                  val T2 = case z of Abs(_,T,_) => T
                         | Const (_, Type (_,[_, Type (_,[T,_])])) $ _ => T;
-       in Const (@{const_name prod_case}, (T --> T2 --> boolT) --> mk_prodT (T,T2) --> boolT)
-          $ absfree (n, T, z) end end;
+       in
+        Const (@{const_name prod_case},
+          (T --> T2 --> HOLogic.boolT) --> HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,T2) --> HOLogic.boolT)
+            $ absfree (n, T, z)
+       end end;
 (** maps [x1,...,xn] to (x1,...,xn) and types**)
 fun mk_bodyC []      = HOLogic.unit
@@ -43,22 +48,23 @@
                         val T2 = case z of Free(_, T) => T
                                          | Const (@{const_name Pair}, Type ("fun", [_, Type
                                             ("fun", [_, T])])) $ _ $ _ => T;
-                 in Const (@{const_name Pair}, [T, T2] ---> mk_prodT (T, T2)) $ x $ z end;
+                 in Const (@{const_name Pair}, [T, T2] ---> HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, T2)) $ x $ z end;
 (** maps a subgoal of the form:
         VARS x1 ... xn {._.} _ {._.} or to [x1,...,xn]**)
 fun get_vars c =
     val d = Logic.strip_assums_concl c;
-    val Const _ $ pre $ _ $ _ = dest_Trueprop d;
+    val Const _ $ pre $ _ $ _ = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop d;
   in mk_vars pre end;
 fun mk_CollectC trm =
   let val T as Type ("fun",[t,_]) = fastype_of trm
-  in Collect_const t $ trm end;
+  in HOLogic.Collect_const t $ trm end;
-fun inclt ty = Const (@{const_name Orderings.less_eq}, [ty,ty] ---> boolT);
+fun inclt ty = Const (@{const_name Orderings.less_eq}, [ty,ty] ---> HOLogic.boolT);
 fun Mset ctxt prop =
@@ -66,11 +72,11 @@
     val vars = get_vars prop;
     val varsT = fastype_of (mk_bodyC vars);
-    val big_Collect = mk_CollectC (mk_abstupleC vars (Free (P, varsT --> boolT) $ mk_bodyC vars));
-    val small_Collect = mk_CollectC (Abs ("x", varsT, Free (P, varsT --> boolT) $ Bound 0));
+    val big_Collect = mk_CollectC (mk_abstupleC vars (Free (P, varsT --> HOLogic.boolT) $ mk_bodyC vars));
+    val small_Collect = mk_CollectC (Abs ("x", varsT, Free (P, varsT --> HOLogic.boolT) $ Bound 0));
     val MsetT = fastype_of big_Collect;
-    fun Mset_incl t = mk_Trueprop (inclt MsetT $ Free (Mset, MsetT) $ t);
+    fun Mset_incl t = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (inclt MsetT $ Free (Mset, MsetT) $ t);
     val impl = Logic.mk_implies (Mset_incl big_Collect, Mset_incl small_Collect);
     val th = Goal.prove ctxt [Mset, P] [] impl (fn _ => blast_tac (claset_of ctxt) 1);
  in (vars, th) end;
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer_filter.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer_filter.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
                relevance_fudge relevance_override facts hyp_ts concl_t
            |> map (fst o fst)
          val (found_facts, lost_facts) =
-           List.concat proofs |> sort_distinct string_ord
+           flat proofs |> sort_distinct string_ord
            |> map (fn fact => (find_index (curry (op =) fact) facts, fact))
            |> List.partition (curry (op <=) 0 o fst)
            |>> sort (prod_ord int_ord string_ord) ||> map snd
--- a/src/HOL/Predicate_Compile_Examples/Code_Prolog_Examples.thy	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Predicate_Compile_Examples/Code_Prolog_Examples.thy	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 text {*
 qdelete(A, [A|L], L).
 qdelete(X, [A|Z], [A|R]) :-
-	qdelete(X, Z, R).
+  qdelete(X, Z, R).
 inductive qdelete :: "int => int list => int list => bool"
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
 text {*
 qperm([], []).
 qperm([X|Y], K) :-
-	qdelete(U, [X|Y], Z),
-	K = [U|V],
-	qperm(Z, V).
+  qdelete(U, [X|Y], Z),
+  K = [U|V],
+  qperm(Z, V).
 inductive qperm :: "int list => int list => bool"
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
 text {*
 safe([N|L]) :-
-	nodiag(N, 1, L),
-	safe(L).
+  nodiag(N, 1, L),
+  safe(L).
 inductive safe :: "int list => bool"
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@
 text {*
 queen(Data, Out) :-
-	qperm(Data, Out),
-	safe(Out)
+  qperm(Data, Out),
+  safe(Out)
 inductive queen :: "int list => int list => bool"
@@ -113,36 +113,36 @@
 text {*
 d(U + V, X, DU + DV) :-
-	cut,
-	d(U, X, DU),
-	d(V, X, DV).
+  cut,
+  d(U, X, DU),
+  d(V, X, DV).
 d(U - V, X, DU - DV) :-
-	cut,
-	d(U, X, DU),
-	d(V, X, DV).
+  cut,
+  d(U, X, DU),
+  d(V, X, DV).
 d(U * V, X, DU * V + U * DV) :-
-	cut,
-	d(U, X, DU),
-	d(V, X, DV).
+  cut,
+  d(U, X, DU),
+  d(V, X, DV).
 d(U / V, X, (DU * V - U * DV) / ^(V, 2)) :-
-	cut,
-	d(U, X, DU),
-	d(V, X, DV).
+  cut,
+  d(U, X, DU),
+  d(V, X, DV).
 d(^(U, N), X, DU * num(N) * ^(U, N1)) :-
-	cut,
-	N1 is N - 1,
-	d(U, X, DU).
+  cut,
+  N1 is N - 1,
+  d(U, X, DU).
 d(-U, X, -DU) :-
-	cut,
-	d(U, X, DU).
+  cut,
+  d(U, X, DU).
 d(exp(U), X, exp(U) * DU) :-
-	cut,
-	d(U, X, DU).
+  cut,
+  d(U, X, DU).
 d(log(U), X, DU / U) :-
-	cut,
-	d(U, X, DU).
+  cut,
+  d(U, X, DU).
 d(x, X, num(1)) :-
-	cut.
+  cut.
 d(num(_), _, num(0)).
@@ -162,16 +162,16 @@
 text {*
 ops8(E) :-
-	d((x + num(1)) * ((^(x, 2) + num(2)) * (^(x, 3) + num(3))), x, E).
+  d((x + num(1)) * ((^(x, 2) + num(2)) * (^(x, 3) + num(3))), x, E).
 divide10(E) :-
-	d(((((((((x / x) / x) / x) / x) / x) / x) / x) / x) / x, x, E).
+  d(((((((((x / x) / x) / x) / x) / x) / x) / x) / x) / x, x, E).
 log10(E) :-
-	d(log(log(log(log(log(log(log(log(log(log(x)))))))))), x, E).
+  d(log(log(log(log(log(log(log(log(log(log(x)))))))))), x, E).
 times10(E) :-
-	d(((((((((x * x) * x) * x) * x) * x) * x) * x) * x) * x, x, E)
+  d(((((((((x * x) * x) * x) * x) * x) * x) * x) * x) * x, x, E)
 inductive ops8 :: "expr => bool"
--- a/src/HOL/Quotient.thy	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Quotient.thy	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -667,6 +667,7 @@
 text {* Auxiliary data for the quotient package *}
 use "Tools/Quotient/quotient_info.ML"
+setup Quotient_Info.setup
 declare [[map "fun" = (map_fun, fun_rel)]]
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/scripts/spass	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/scripts/spass	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
-$SPASS_HOME/tptp2dfg $name $name.fof.dfg
-$SPASS_HOME/SPASS -Flotter $name.fof.dfg \
+"$SPASS_HOME/tptp2dfg" $name $name.fof.dfg
+"$SPASS_HOME/SPASS" -Flotter $name.fof.dfg \
     | sed 's/description({$/description({*/' \
     > $name.cnf.dfg
 rm -f $name.fof.dfg
 cat $name.cnf.dfg
-$SPASS_HOME/SPASS $options $name.cnf.dfg \
+"$SPASS_HOME/SPASS" $options $name.cnf.dfg \
     | sed 's/\(Formulae used in the proof :\).*/\1 N\/A/'
 rm -f $name.cnf.dfg
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Qelim/qelim.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Qelim/qelim.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -6,30 +6,28 @@
 signature QELIM =
- val gen_qelim_conv: conv -> conv -> conv -> (cterm -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a 
-                     -> ('a -> conv) -> ('a -> conv) -> ('a -> conv) -> conv
- val standard_qelim_conv: (cterm list -> conv) -> (cterm list -> conv) 
-                          -> (cterm list -> conv) -> conv
+ val gen_qelim_conv: conv -> conv -> conv -> (cterm -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a ->
+  ('a -> conv) -> ('a -> conv) -> ('a -> conv) -> conv
+ val standard_qelim_conv: (cterm list -> conv) -> (cterm list -> conv) ->
+  (cterm list -> conv) -> conv
 structure Qelim: QELIM =
-open Conv;
 val all_not_ex = mk_meta_eq @{thm "all_not_ex"};
 fun gen_qelim_conv precv postcv simpex_conv ins env atcv ncv qcv =
   fun conv env p =
    case (term_of p) of
-    Const(s,T)$_$_ => 
+    Const(s,T)$_$_ =>
        if domain_type T = HOLogic.boolT
           andalso member (op =) [@{const_name HOL.conj}, @{const_name HOL.disj},
             @{const_name HOL.implies}, @{const_name HOL.eq}] s
-       then binop_conv (conv env) p 
+       then Conv.binop_conv (conv env) p
        else atcv env p
-  | Const(@{const_name Not},_)$_ => arg_conv (conv env) p
+  | Const(@{const_name Not},_)$_ => Conv.arg_conv (conv env) p
   | Const(@{const_name Ex},_)$Abs(s,_,_) =>
      val (e,p0) = Thm.dest_comb p
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Quotient/quotient_def.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Quotient/quotient_def.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -19,9 +19,6 @@
 structure Quotient_Def: QUOTIENT_DEF =
-open Quotient_Info;
-open Quotient_Term;
 (** Interface and Syntax Setup **)
 (* The ML-interface for a quotient definition takes
@@ -34,75 +31,76 @@
    It stores the qconst_info in the qconsts data slot.
-   Restriction: At the moment the left- and right-hand 
-   side of the definition must be a constant. 
+   Restriction: At the moment the left- and right-hand
+   side of the definition must be a constant.
-fun error_msg bind str = 
-  val name = Binding.name_of bind
-  val pos = Position.str_of (Binding.pos_of bind)
-  error ("Head of quotient_definition " ^ 
-    quote str ^ " differs from declaration " ^ name ^ pos)
+fun error_msg bind str =
+  let
+    val name = Binding.name_of bind
+    val pos = Position.str_of (Binding.pos_of bind)
+  in
+    error ("Head of quotient_definition " ^
+      quote str ^ " differs from declaration " ^ name ^ pos)
+  end
 fun quotient_def ((optbind, mx), (attr, (lhs, rhs))) lthy =
-  val (lhs_str, lhs_ty) = dest_Free lhs handle TERM _ => error "Constant already defined."
-  val _ = if null (strip_abs_vars rhs) then () else error "The definiens cannot be an abstraction"
-  val _ = if is_Const rhs then () else warning "The definiens is not a constant"
-  fun sanity_test NONE _ = true
-    | sanity_test (SOME bind) str =
-        if Name.of_binding bind = str then true
-        else error_msg bind str
+  let
+    val (lhs_str, lhs_ty) = dest_Free lhs handle TERM _ => error "Constant already defined."
+    val _ = if null (strip_abs_vars rhs) then () else error "The definiens cannot be an abstraction"
+    val _ = if is_Const rhs then () else warning "The definiens is not a constant"
-  val _ = sanity_test optbind lhs_str
+    fun sanity_test NONE _ = true
+      | sanity_test (SOME bind) str =
+          if Name.of_binding bind = str then true
+          else error_msg bind str
+    val _ = sanity_test optbind lhs_str
-  val qconst_bname = lhs_str
-  val absrep_trm = absrep_fun AbsF lthy (fastype_of rhs, lhs_ty) $ rhs
-  val prop = Logic.mk_equals (lhs, Syntax.check_term lthy absrep_trm)
-  val (_, prop') = Local_Defs.cert_def lthy prop
-  val (_, newrhs) = Local_Defs.abs_def prop'
+    val qconst_bname = lhs_str
+    val absrep_trm = Quotient_Term.absrep_fun Quotient_Term.AbsF lthy (fastype_of rhs, lhs_ty) $ rhs
+    val prop = Logic.mk_equals (lhs, Syntax.check_term lthy absrep_trm)
+    val (_, prop') = Local_Defs.cert_def lthy prop
+    val (_, newrhs) = Local_Defs.abs_def prop'
-  val ((trm, (_ , thm)), lthy') = Local_Theory.define ((qconst_bname, mx), (attr, newrhs)) lthy
+    val ((trm, (_ , thm)), lthy') = Local_Theory.define ((qconst_bname, mx), (attr, newrhs)) lthy
-  (* data storage *)
-  val qconst_data = {qconst = trm, rconst = rhs, def = thm}
+    (* data storage *)
+    val qconst_data = {qconst = trm, rconst = rhs, def = thm}
-  fun qcinfo phi = transform_qconsts phi qconst_data
-  fun trans_name phi = (fst o dest_Const o #qconst) (qcinfo phi)
-  val lthy'' = Local_Theory.declaration true
-                 (fn phi => qconsts_update_gen (trans_name phi) (qcinfo phi)) lthy'
-  (qconst_data, lthy'')
+    fun qcinfo phi = Quotient_Info.transform_qconsts phi qconst_data
+    fun trans_name phi = (fst o dest_Const o #qconst) (qcinfo phi)
+    val lthy'' =
+      Local_Theory.declaration true
+        (fn phi => Quotient_Info.qconsts_update_gen (trans_name phi) (qcinfo phi)) lthy'
+  in
+    (qconst_data, lthy'')
+  end
 fun quotdef_cmd (decl, (attr, (lhs_str, rhs_str))) lthy =
-  val lhs = Syntax.read_term lthy lhs_str
-  val rhs = Syntax.read_term lthy rhs_str
-  val lthy' = Variable.declare_term lhs lthy
-  val lthy'' = Variable.declare_term rhs lthy'
-  quotient_def (decl, (attr, (lhs, rhs))) lthy''
+  let
+    val lhs = Syntax.read_term lthy lhs_str
+    val rhs = Syntax.read_term lthy rhs_str
+    val lthy' = Variable.declare_term lhs lthy
+    val lthy'' = Variable.declare_term rhs lthy'
+  in
+    quotient_def (decl, (attr, (lhs, rhs))) lthy''
+  end
 (* a wrapper for automatically lifting a raw constant *)
 fun lift_raw_const qtys (qconst_name, rconst, mx) ctxt =
-  val rty = fastype_of rconst
-  val qty = derive_qtyp ctxt qtys rty
-  val lhs = Free (qconst_name, qty)
-  quotient_def ((NONE, mx), (Attrib.empty_binding, (lhs, rconst))) ctxt
+  let
+    val rty = fastype_of rconst
+    val qty = Quotient_Term.derive_qtyp ctxt qtys rty
+    val lhs = Free (qconst_name, qty)
+  in
+    quotient_def ((NONE, mx), (Attrib.empty_binding, (lhs, rconst))) ctxt
+  end
 (* parser and command *)
 val quotdef_decl = (Parse.binding >> SOME) -- Parse.opt_mixfix' --| Parse.$$$ "where"
 val quotdef_parser =
-  Scan.optional quotdef_decl (NONE, NoSyn) -- 
+  Scan.optional quotdef_decl (NONE, NoSyn) --
     Parse.!!! (Parse_Spec.opt_thm_name ":" -- (Parse.term --| Parse.$$$ "is" -- Parse.term))
 val _ =
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Quotient/quotient_info.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Quotient/quotient_info.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -4,13 +4,15 @@
 Data slots for the quotient package.
+(* FIXME odd names/signatures of data access operations *)
 signature QUOTIENT_INFO =
   exception NotFound  (* FIXME complicates signatures unnecessarily *)
   type maps_info = {mapfun: string, relmap: string}
   val maps_defined: theory -> string -> bool
-  (* FIXME functions called "lookup" must return option, not raise exception *)
+  (* FIXME functions called "lookup" must return option, not raise exception! *)
   val maps_lookup: theory -> string -> maps_info     (* raises NotFound *)
   val maps_update_thy: string -> maps_info -> theory -> theory
   val maps_update: string -> maps_info -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
@@ -42,13 +44,13 @@
   val id_simps_get: Proof.context -> thm list
   val quotient_rules_get: Proof.context -> thm list
   val quotient_rules_add: attribute
+  val setup: theory -> theory
 structure Quotient_Info: QUOTIENT_INFO =
-exception NotFound
+exception NotFound  (* FIXME odd OCaml-ism!? *)
 (** data containers **)
@@ -68,9 +70,9 @@
   Symtab.defined (MapsData.get thy) s
 fun maps_lookup thy s =
-  case (Symtab.lookup (MapsData.get thy) s) of
+  (case Symtab.lookup (MapsData.get thy) s of
     SOME map_fun => map_fun
-  | NONE => raise NotFound
+  | NONE => raise NotFound)
 fun maps_update_thy k minfo = (Symtab.update (k, minfo))
 fun maps_update k minfo = ProofContext.background_theory (maps_update_thy k minfo)  (* FIXME *)
@@ -80,17 +82,17 @@
 (* attribute to be used in declare statements *)
 fun maps_attribute (ctxt, (tystr, (mapstr, relstr))) =
-  val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-  val tyname = Sign.intern_type thy tystr
-  val mapname = Sign.intern_const thy mapstr
-  val relname = Sign.intern_const thy relstr
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val tyname = Sign.intern_type thy tystr
+    val mapname = Sign.intern_const thy mapstr
+    val relname = Sign.intern_const thy relstr
-  fun sanity_check s = (Const (s, dummyT) |> Syntax.check_term ctxt; ())
-  val _ = sanity_check [mapname, relname]
-  maps_attribute_aux tyname {mapfun = mapname, relmap = relname}
+    fun sanity_check s = (Const (s, dummyT) |> Syntax.check_term ctxt; ())
+    val _ = sanity_check [mapname, relname]
+  in
+    maps_attribute_aux tyname {mapfun = mapname, relmap = relname}
+  end
 val maps_attr_parser =
   Args.context -- Scan.lift
@@ -98,25 +100,21 @@
       (Parse.$$$ "(" |-- --| Parse.$$$ "," -- --| Parse.$$$ ")"))
-val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory
-  (Attrib.setup @{binding "map"} (maps_attr_parser >> maps_attribute)
-    "declaration of map information"))
 fun print_mapsinfo ctxt =
-  fun prt_map (ty_name, {mapfun, relmap}) =
-    Pretty.block (Library.separate (Pretty.brk 2)
-      (map Pretty.str
-        ["type:", ty_name,
-        "map:", mapfun,
-        "relation map:", relmap]))
-  MapsData.get (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)
-  |> Symtab.dest
-  |> map (prt_map)
-  |> Pretty.big_list "maps for type constructors:"
-  |> Pretty.writeln
+  let
+    fun prt_map (ty_name, {mapfun, relmap}) =
+      Pretty.block (separate (Pretty.brk 2)
+        (map Pretty.str
+         ["type:", ty_name,
+          "map:", mapfun,
+          "relation map:", relmap]))
+  in
+    MapsData.get (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)
+    |> Symtab.dest
+    |> map (prt_map)
+    |> Pretty.big_list "maps for type constructors:"
+    |> Pretty.writeln
+  end
 (* info about quotient types *)
@@ -150,24 +148,24 @@
   map snd (Symtab.dest (QuotData.get (ProofContext.theory_of lthy)))
 fun print_quotinfo ctxt =
-  fun prt_quot {qtyp, rtyp, equiv_rel, equiv_thm} =
-    Pretty.block (Library.separate (Pretty.brk 2)
-     [Pretty.str "quotient type:",
-      Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt qtyp,
-      Pretty.str "raw type:",
-      Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt rtyp,
-      Pretty.str "relation:",
-      Syntax.pretty_term ctxt equiv_rel,
-      Pretty.str "equiv. thm:",
-      Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (prop_of equiv_thm)])
-  QuotData.get (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)
-  |> Symtab.dest
-  |> map (prt_quot o snd)
-  |> Pretty.big_list "quotients:"
-  |> Pretty.writeln
+  let
+    fun prt_quot {qtyp, rtyp, equiv_rel, equiv_thm} =
+      Pretty.block (separate (Pretty.brk 2)
+       [Pretty.str "quotient type:",
+        Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt qtyp,
+        Pretty.str "raw type:",
+        Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt rtyp,
+        Pretty.str "relation:",
+        Syntax.pretty_term ctxt equiv_rel,
+        Pretty.str "equiv. thm:",
+        Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (prop_of equiv_thm)])
+  in
+    QuotData.get (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)
+    |> Symtab.dest
+    |> map (prt_quot o snd)
+    |> Pretty.big_list "quotients:"
+    |> Pretty.writeln
+  end
 (* info about quotient constants *)
@@ -207,32 +205,32 @@
         name = name' andalso Sign.typ_instance thy (qty, qty')
-    case Symtab.lookup (QConstsData.get thy) name of
+    (case Symtab.lookup (QConstsData.get thy) name of
       NONE => raise NotFound
     | SOME l =>
-      (case (find_first matches l) of
-        SOME x => x
-      | NONE => raise NotFound)
+        (case find_first matches l of
+          SOME x => x
+        | NONE => raise NotFound))
 fun print_qconstinfo ctxt =
-  fun prt_qconst {qconst, rconst, def} =
-    Pretty.block (separate (Pretty.brk 1)
-     [Syntax.pretty_term ctxt qconst,
-      Pretty.str ":=",
-      Syntax.pretty_term ctxt rconst,
-      Pretty.str "as",
-      Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (prop_of def)])
-  QConstsData.get (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)
-  |> Symtab.dest
-  |> map snd
-  |> flat
-  |> map prt_qconst
-  |> Pretty.big_list "quotient constants:"
-  |> Pretty.writeln
+  let
+    fun prt_qconst {qconst, rconst, def} =
+      Pretty.block (separate (Pretty.brk 1)
+       [Syntax.pretty_term ctxt qconst,
+        Pretty.str ":=",
+        Syntax.pretty_term ctxt rconst,
+        Pretty.str "as",
+        Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (prop_of def)])
+  in
+    QConstsData.get (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)
+    |> Symtab.dest
+    |> map snd
+    |> flat
+    |> map prt_qconst
+    |> Pretty.big_list "quotient constants:"
+    |> Pretty.writeln
+  end
 (* equivalence relation theorems *)
 structure EquivRules = Named_Thms
@@ -283,25 +281,32 @@
 val quotient_rules_get = QuotientRules.get
 val quotient_rules_add = QuotientRules.add
-(* setup of the theorem lists *)
+(* theory setup *)
-val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory
-  (EquivRules.setup #>
-   RspRules.setup #>
-   PrsRules.setup #>
-   IdSimps.setup #>
-   QuotientRules.setup))
+val setup =
+  Attrib.setup @{binding "map"} (maps_attr_parser >> maps_attribute)
+    "declaration of map information" #>
+  EquivRules.setup #>
+  RspRules.setup #>
+  PrsRules.setup #>
+  IdSimps.setup #>
+  QuotientRules.setup
-(* setup of the printing commands *)
+(* outer syntax commands *)
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.improper_command "print_quotmaps" "print quotient map functions" Keyword.diag
+    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.keep (print_mapsinfo o Toplevel.context_of)))
-fun improper_command (pp_fn, cmd_name, descr_str) =
-  Outer_Syntax.improper_command cmd_name descr_str
-    Keyword.diag (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.keep (pp_fn o Toplevel.context_of)))
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.improper_command "print_quotients" "print quotients" Keyword.diag
+    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.keep (print_quotinfo o Toplevel.context_of)))
-val _ = map improper_command
-  [(print_mapsinfo, "print_quotmaps", "print out all map functions"),
-   (print_quotinfo, "print_quotients", "print out all quotients"),
-   (print_qconstinfo, "print_quotconsts", "print out all quotient constants")]
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.improper_command "print_quotconsts" "print quotient constants" Keyword.diag
+    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.keep (print_qconstinfo o Toplevel.context_of)))
 end; (* structure *)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Quotient/quotient_tacs.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Quotient/quotient_tacs.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
   val injection_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
   val all_injection_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
   val clean_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
   val descend_procedure_tac: Proof.context -> thm list -> int -> tactic
   val descend_tac: Proof.context -> thm list -> int -> tactic
   val lift_procedure_tac: Proof.context -> thm list -> thm -> int -> tactic
   val lift_tac: Proof.context -> thm list -> thm list -> int -> tactic
@@ -25,10 +25,6 @@
 structure Quotient_Tacs: QUOTIENT_TACS =
-open Quotient_Info;
-open Quotient_Term;
 (** various helper fuctions **)
 (* Since HOL_basic_ss is too "big" for us, we *)
@@ -42,12 +38,12 @@
 fun OF1 thm1 thm2 = thm2 RS thm1
 fun atomize_thm thm =
-  val thm' = Thm.legacy_freezeT (forall_intr_vars thm) (* FIXME/TODO: is this proper Isar-technology? *)
-  val thm'' = Object_Logic.atomize (cprop_of thm')
-  @{thm equal_elim_rule1} OF [thm'', thm']
+  let
+    val thm' = Thm.legacy_freezeT (forall_intr_vars thm) (* FIXME/TODO: is this proper Isar-technology? no! *)
+    val thm'' = Object_Logic.atomize (cprop_of thm')
+  in
+    @{thm equal_elim_rule1} OF [thm'', thm']
+  end
@@ -56,7 +52,7 @@
 (** solvers for equivp and quotient assumptions **)
 fun equiv_tac ctxt =
-  REPEAT_ALL_NEW (resolve_tac (equiv_rules_get ctxt))
+  REPEAT_ALL_NEW (resolve_tac (Quotient_Info.equiv_rules_get ctxt))
 fun equiv_solver_tac ss = equiv_tac (Simplifier.the_context ss)
 val equiv_solver = Simplifier.mk_solver' "Equivalence goal solver" equiv_solver_tac
@@ -64,7 +60,7 @@
 fun quotient_tac ctxt =
     [rtac @{thm identity_quotient},
-     resolve_tac (quotient_rules_get ctxt)]))
+     resolve_tac (Quotient_Info.quotient_rules_get ctxt)]))
 fun quotient_solver_tac ss = quotient_tac (Simplifier.the_context ss)
 val quotient_solver =
@@ -83,14 +79,14 @@
   (ctyp_of thy (TVar (x, S)), ctyp_of thy ty)
 fun get_match_inst thy pat trm =
-  val univ = Unify.matchers thy [(pat, trm)]
-  val SOME (env, _) = Seq.pull univ           (* raises Bind, if no unifier *)  (* FIXME fragile *)
-  val tenv = Vartab.dest (Envir.term_env env)
-  val tyenv = Vartab.dest (Envir.type_env env)
-  (map (prep_ty thy) tyenv, map (prep_trm thy) tenv)
+  let
+    val univ = Unify.matchers thy [(pat, trm)]
+    val SOME (env, _) = Seq.pull univ           (* raises Bind, if no unifier *) (* FIXME fragile *)
+    val tenv = Vartab.dest (Envir.term_env env)
+    val tyenv = Vartab.dest (Envir.type_env env)
+  in
+    (map (prep_ty thy) tyenv, map (prep_trm thy) tenv)
+  end
 (* Calculates the instantiations for the lemmas:
@@ -101,35 +97,35 @@
    theorem applies and return NONE if it doesn't.
 fun calculate_inst ctxt ball_bex_thm redex R1 R2 =
-  val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-  fun get_lhs thm = fst (Logic.dest_equals (Thm.concl_of thm))
-  val ty_inst = map (SOME o ctyp_of thy) [domain_type (fastype_of R2)]
-  val trm_inst = map (SOME o cterm_of thy) [R2, R1]
-  case try (Drule.instantiate' ty_inst trm_inst) ball_bex_thm of
-    NONE => NONE
-  | SOME thm' =>
-      (case try (get_match_inst thy (get_lhs thm')) redex of
-        NONE => NONE
-      | SOME inst2 => try (Drule.instantiate inst2) thm')
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    fun get_lhs thm = fst (Logic.dest_equals (Thm.concl_of thm))
+    val ty_inst = map (SOME o ctyp_of thy) [domain_type (fastype_of R2)]
+    val trm_inst = map (SOME o cterm_of thy) [R2, R1]
+  in
+    (case try (Drule.instantiate' ty_inst trm_inst) ball_bex_thm of
+      NONE => NONE
+    | SOME thm' =>
+        (case try (get_match_inst thy (get_lhs thm')) redex of
+          NONE => NONE
+        | SOME inst2 => try (Drule.instantiate inst2) thm'))
+  end
 fun ball_bex_range_simproc ss redex =
-  val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context ss
-  case redex of
-    (Const (@{const_name "Ball"}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name "Respects"}, _) $
-      (Const (@{const_name "fun_rel"}, _) $ R1 $ R2)) $ _) =>
-        calculate_inst ctxt @{thm ball_reg_eqv_range[THEN eq_reflection]} redex R1 R2
+  let
+    val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context ss
+  in
+    case redex of
+      (Const (@{const_name "Ball"}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name "Respects"}, _) $
+        (Const (@{const_name "fun_rel"}, _) $ R1 $ R2)) $ _) =>
+          calculate_inst ctxt @{thm ball_reg_eqv_range[THEN eq_reflection]} redex R1 R2
-  | (Const (@{const_name "Bex"}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name "Respects"}, _) $
-      (Const (@{const_name "fun_rel"}, _) $ R1 $ R2)) $ _) =>
-        calculate_inst ctxt @{thm bex_reg_eqv_range[THEN eq_reflection]} redex R1 R2
+    | (Const (@{const_name "Bex"}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name "Respects"}, _) $
+        (Const (@{const_name "fun_rel"}, _) $ R1 $ R2)) $ _) =>
+          calculate_inst ctxt @{thm bex_reg_eqv_range[THEN eq_reflection]} redex R1 R2
-  | _ => NONE
+    | _ => NONE
+  end
 (* Regularize works as follows:
@@ -152,32 +148,34 @@
 fun reflp_get ctxt =
   map_filter (fn th => if prems_of th = [] then SOME (OF1 @{thm equivp_reflp} th) else NONE
-    handle THM _ => NONE) (equiv_rules_get ctxt)
+    handle THM _ => NONE) (Quotient_Info.equiv_rules_get ctxt)
 val eq_imp_rel = @{lemma "equivp R ==> a = b --> R a b" by (simp add: equivp_reflp)}
-fun eq_imp_rel_get ctxt = map (OF1 eq_imp_rel) (equiv_rules_get ctxt)
+fun eq_imp_rel_get ctxt = map (OF1 eq_imp_rel) (Quotient_Info.equiv_rules_get ctxt)
 fun regularize_tac ctxt =
-  val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-  val ball_pat = @{term "Ball (Respects (R1 ===> R2)) P"}
-  val bex_pat  = @{term "Bex (Respects (R1 ===> R2)) P"}
-  val simproc = Simplifier.simproc_global_i thy "" [ball_pat, bex_pat] (K (ball_bex_range_simproc))
-  val simpset = (mk_minimal_ss ctxt)
-                       addsimps @{thms ball_reg_eqv bex_reg_eqv babs_reg_eqv babs_simp}
-                       addsimprocs [simproc]
-                       addSolver equiv_solver addSolver quotient_solver
-  val eq_eqvs = eq_imp_rel_get ctxt
-  simp_tac simpset THEN'
-    [resolve_tac @{thms ball_reg_right bex_reg_left bex1_bexeq_reg},
-     resolve_tac (Inductive.get_monos ctxt),
-     resolve_tac @{thms ball_all_comm bex_ex_comm},
-     resolve_tac eq_eqvs,
-     simp_tac simpset])
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val ball_pat = @{term "Ball (Respects (R1 ===> R2)) P"}
+    val bex_pat = @{term "Bex (Respects (R1 ===> R2)) P"}
+    val simproc =
+      Simplifier.simproc_global_i thy "" [ball_pat, bex_pat] (K (ball_bex_range_simproc))
+    val simpset =
+      mk_minimal_ss ctxt
+      addsimps @{thms ball_reg_eqv bex_reg_eqv babs_reg_eqv babs_simp}
+      addsimprocs [simproc]
+      addSolver equiv_solver addSolver quotient_solver
+    val eq_eqvs = eq_imp_rel_get ctxt
+  in
+    simp_tac simpset THEN'
+      [resolve_tac @{thms ball_reg_right bex_reg_left bex1_bexeq_reg},
+       resolve_tac (Inductive.get_monos ctxt),
+       resolve_tac @{thms ball_all_comm bex_ex_comm},
+       resolve_tac eq_eqvs,
+       simp_tac simpset])
+  end
@@ -187,52 +185,52 @@
    is an application, it returns the function and the argument.
 fun find_qt_asm asms =
-  fun find_fun trm =
-    case trm of
-      (Const(@{const_name Trueprop}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name Quot_True}, _) $ _)) => true
-    | _ => false
- case find_first find_fun asms of
-   SOME (_ $ (_ $ (f $ a))) => SOME (f, a)
- | _ => NONE
+  let
+    fun find_fun trm =
+      (case trm of
+        (Const (@{const_name Trueprop}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name Quot_True}, _) $ _)) => true
+      | _ => false)
+  in
+     (case find_first find_fun asms of
+       SOME (_ $ (_ $ (f $ a))) => SOME (f, a)
+     | _ => NONE)
+  end
 fun quot_true_simple_conv ctxt fnctn ctrm =
-  case (term_of ctrm) of
+  case term_of ctrm of
     (Const (@{const_name Quot_True}, _) $ x) =>
-    let
-      val fx = fnctn x;
-      val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-      val cx = cterm_of thy x;
-      val cfx = cterm_of thy fx;
-      val cxt = ctyp_of thy (fastype_of x);
-      val cfxt = ctyp_of thy (fastype_of fx);
-      val thm = Drule.instantiate' [SOME cxt, SOME cfxt] [SOME cx, SOME cfx] @{thm QT_imp}
-    in
-      Conv.rewr_conv thm ctrm
-    end
+      let
+        val fx = fnctn x;
+        val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
+        val cx = cterm_of thy x;
+        val cfx = cterm_of thy fx;
+        val cxt = ctyp_of thy (fastype_of x);
+        val cfxt = ctyp_of thy (fastype_of fx);
+        val thm = Drule.instantiate' [SOME cxt, SOME cfxt] [SOME cx, SOME cfx] @{thm QT_imp}
+      in
+        Conv.rewr_conv thm ctrm
+      end
 fun quot_true_conv ctxt fnctn ctrm =
-  case (term_of ctrm) of
+  (case term_of ctrm of
     (Const (@{const_name Quot_True}, _) $ _) =>
       quot_true_simple_conv ctxt fnctn ctrm
   | _ $ _ => Conv.comb_conv (quot_true_conv ctxt fnctn) ctrm
   | Abs _ => Conv.abs_conv (fn (_, ctxt) => quot_true_conv ctxt fnctn) ctxt ctrm
-  | _ => Conv.all_conv ctrm
+  | _ => Conv.all_conv ctrm)
 fun quot_true_tac ctxt fnctn =
     ((Conv.params_conv ~1 (fn ctxt =>
-       (Conv.prems_conv ~1 (quot_true_conv ctxt fnctn)))) ctxt)
+        (Conv.prems_conv ~1 (quot_true_conv ctxt fnctn)))) ctxt)
 fun dest_comb (f $ a) = (f, a)
 fun dest_bcomb ((_ $ l) $ r) = (l, r)
 fun unlam t =
-  case t of
-    (Abs a) => snd (Term.dest_abs a)
-  | _ => unlam (Abs("", domain_type (fastype_of t), (incr_boundvars 1 t) $ (Bound 0)))
+  (case t of
+    Abs a => snd (Term.dest_abs a)
+  | _ => unlam (Abs("", domain_type (fastype_of t), (incr_boundvars 1 t) $ (Bound 0))))
 val bare_concl = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Logic.strip_assums_concl
@@ -242,53 +240,53 @@
 val apply_rsp_tac =
   Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {concl, asms, context,...} =>
-  let
-    val bare_concl = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (term_of concl)
-    val qt_asm = find_qt_asm (map term_of asms)
-  in
-    case (bare_concl, qt_asm) of
-      (R2 $ (f $ x) $ (g $ y), SOME (qt_fun, qt_arg)) =>
-         if fastype_of qt_fun = fastype_of f
-         then no_tac
-         else
-           let
-             val ty_x = fastype_of x
-             val ty_b = fastype_of qt_arg
-             val ty_f = range_type (fastype_of f)
-             val thy = ProofContext.theory_of context
-             val ty_inst = map (SOME o (ctyp_of thy)) [ty_x, ty_b, ty_f]
-             val t_inst = map (SOME o (cterm_of thy)) [R2, f, g, x, y];
-             val inst_thm = Drule.instantiate' ty_inst
-               ([NONE, NONE, NONE] @ t_inst) @{thm apply_rsp}
-           in
-             (rtac inst_thm THEN' SOLVED' (quotient_tac context)) 1
-           end
-    | _ => no_tac
-  end)
+    let
+      val bare_concl = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (term_of concl)
+      val qt_asm = find_qt_asm (map term_of asms)
+    in
+      case (bare_concl, qt_asm) of
+        (R2 $ (f $ x) $ (g $ y), SOME (qt_fun, qt_arg)) =>
+          if fastype_of qt_fun = fastype_of f
+          then no_tac
+          else
+            let
+              val ty_x = fastype_of x
+              val ty_b = fastype_of qt_arg
+              val ty_f = range_type (fastype_of f)
+              val thy = ProofContext.theory_of context
+              val ty_inst = map (SOME o (ctyp_of thy)) [ty_x, ty_b, ty_f]
+              val t_inst = map (SOME o (cterm_of thy)) [R2, f, g, x, y];
+              val inst_thm = Drule.instantiate' ty_inst
+                ([NONE, NONE, NONE] @ t_inst) @{thm apply_rsp}
+            in
+              (rtac inst_thm THEN' SOLVED' (quotient_tac context)) 1
+            end
+      | _ => no_tac
+    end)
 (* Instantiates and applies 'equals_rsp'. Since the theorem is
    complex we rely on instantiation to tell us if it applies
 fun equals_rsp_tac R ctxt =
-  val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-  case try (cterm_of thy) R of (* There can be loose bounds in R *)
-    SOME ctm =>
-      let
-        val ty = domain_type (fastype_of R)
-      in
-        case try (Drule.instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of thy ty)]
-          [SOME (cterm_of thy R)]) @{thm equals_rsp} of
-          SOME thm => rtac thm THEN' quotient_tac ctxt
-        | NONE => K no_tac
-      end
-  | _ => K no_tac
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+  in
+    case try (cterm_of thy) R of (* There can be loose bounds in R *)
+      SOME ctm =>
+        let
+          val ty = domain_type (fastype_of R)
+        in
+          case try (Drule.instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of thy ty)]
+              [SOME (cterm_of thy R)]) @{thm equals_rsp} of
+            SOME thm => rtac thm THEN' quotient_tac ctxt
+          | NONE => K no_tac
+        end
+    | _ => K no_tac
+  end
 fun rep_abs_rsp_tac ctxt =
   SUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) =>
-    case (try bare_concl goal) of
+    (case try bare_concl goal of
       SOME (rel $ _ $ (rep $ (Bound _ $ _))) => no_tac
     | SOME (rel $ _ $ (rep $ (abs $ _))) =>
@@ -303,7 +301,7 @@
               | NONE => no_tac)
           | NONE => no_tac
-    | _ => no_tac)
+    | _ => no_tac))
@@ -329,67 +327,66 @@
     - reflexivity of the relation
 fun injection_match_tac ctxt = SUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) =>
-(case (bare_concl goal) of
-    (* (R1 ===> R2) (%x...) (%x...) ----> [|R1 x y|] ==> R2 (...x) (...y) *)
-  (Const (@{const_name fun_rel}, _) $ _ $ _) $ (Abs _) $ (Abs _)
-      => rtac @{thm fun_relI} THEN' quot_true_tac ctxt unlam
+  (case bare_concl goal of
+      (* (R1 ===> R2) (%x...) (%x...) ----> [|R1 x y|] ==> R2 (...x) (...y) *)
+    (Const (@{const_name fun_rel}, _) $ _ $ _) $ (Abs _) $ (Abs _)
+        => rtac @{thm fun_relI} THEN' quot_true_tac ctxt unlam
-    (* (op =) (Ball...) (Ball...) ----> (op =) (...) (...) *)
-| (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq},_) $
-    (Const(@{const_name Ball},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _) $
-    (Const(@{const_name Ball},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _))
-      => rtac @{thm ball_rsp} THEN' dtac @{thm QT_all}
+      (* (op =) (Ball...) (Ball...) ----> (op =) (...) (...) *)
+  | (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq},_) $
+      (Const(@{const_name Ball},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _) $
+      (Const(@{const_name Ball},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _))
+        => rtac @{thm ball_rsp} THEN' dtac @{thm QT_all}
-    (* (R1 ===> op =) (Ball...) (Ball...) ----> [|R1 x y|] ==> (Ball...x) = (Ball...y) *)
-| (Const (@{const_name fun_rel}, _) $ _ $ _) $
-    (Const(@{const_name Ball},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _) $
-    (Const(@{const_name Ball},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _)
-      => rtac @{thm fun_relI} THEN' quot_true_tac ctxt unlam
+      (* (R1 ===> op =) (Ball...) (Ball...) ----> [|R1 x y|] ==> (Ball...x) = (Ball...y) *)
+  | (Const (@{const_name fun_rel}, _) $ _ $ _) $
+      (Const(@{const_name Ball},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _) $
+      (Const(@{const_name Ball},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _)
+        => rtac @{thm fun_relI} THEN' quot_true_tac ctxt unlam
-    (* (op =) (Bex...) (Bex...) ----> (op =) (...) (...) *)
-| Const (@{const_name HOL.eq},_) $
-    (Const(@{const_name Bex},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _) $
-    (Const(@{const_name Bex},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _)
-      => rtac @{thm bex_rsp} THEN' dtac @{thm QT_ex}
+      (* (op =) (Bex...) (Bex...) ----> (op =) (...) (...) *)
+  | Const (@{const_name HOL.eq},_) $
+      (Const(@{const_name Bex},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _) $
+      (Const(@{const_name Bex},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _)
+        => rtac @{thm bex_rsp} THEN' dtac @{thm QT_ex}
-    (* (R1 ===> op =) (Bex...) (Bex...) ----> [|R1 x y|] ==> (Bex...x) = (Bex...y) *)
-| (Const (@{const_name fun_rel}, _) $ _ $ _) $
-    (Const(@{const_name Bex},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _) $
-    (Const(@{const_name Bex},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _)
-      => rtac @{thm fun_relI} THEN' quot_true_tac ctxt unlam
+      (* (R1 ===> op =) (Bex...) (Bex...) ----> [|R1 x y|] ==> (Bex...x) = (Bex...y) *)
+  | (Const (@{const_name fun_rel}, _) $ _ $ _) $
+      (Const(@{const_name Bex},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _) $
+      (Const(@{const_name Bex},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _)
+        => rtac @{thm fun_relI} THEN' quot_true_tac ctxt unlam
-| (Const (@{const_name fun_rel}, _) $ _ $ _) $
-    (Const(@{const_name Bex1_rel},_) $ _) $ (Const(@{const_name Bex1_rel},_) $ _)
-      => rtac @{thm bex1_rel_rsp} THEN' quotient_tac ctxt
+  | (Const (@{const_name fun_rel}, _) $ _ $ _) $
+      (Const(@{const_name Bex1_rel},_) $ _) $ (Const(@{const_name Bex1_rel},_) $ _)
+        => rtac @{thm bex1_rel_rsp} THEN' quotient_tac ctxt
-| (_ $
-    (Const(@{const_name Babs},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _) $
-    (Const(@{const_name Babs},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _))
-      => rtac @{thm babs_rsp} THEN' RANGE [quotient_tac ctxt]
+  | (_ $
+      (Const(@{const_name Babs},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _) $
+      (Const(@{const_name Babs},_) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ _) $ _))
+        => rtac @{thm babs_rsp} THEN' RANGE [quotient_tac ctxt]
-| Const (@{const_name HOL.eq},_) $ (R $ _ $ _) $ (_ $ _ $ _) =>
-   (rtac @{thm refl} ORELSE'
-    (equals_rsp_tac R ctxt THEN' RANGE [
-       quot_true_tac ctxt (fst o dest_bcomb), quot_true_tac ctxt (snd o dest_bcomb)]))
+  | Const (@{const_name HOL.eq},_) $ (R $ _ $ _) $ (_ $ _ $ _) =>
+     (rtac @{thm refl} ORELSE'
+      (equals_rsp_tac R ctxt THEN' RANGE [
+         quot_true_tac ctxt (fst o dest_bcomb), quot_true_tac ctxt (snd o dest_bcomb)]))
-    (* reflexivity of operators arising from Cong_tac *)
-| Const (@{const_name HOL.eq},_) $ _ $ _ => rtac @{thm refl}
+      (* reflexivity of operators arising from Cong_tac *)
+  | Const (@{const_name HOL.eq},_) $ _ $ _ => rtac @{thm refl}
-   (* respectfulness of constants; in particular of a simple relation *)
-| _ $ (Const _) $ (Const _)  (* fun_rel, list_rel, etc but not equality *)
-    => resolve_tac (rsp_rules_get ctxt) THEN_ALL_NEW quotient_tac ctxt
+     (* respectfulness of constants; in particular of a simple relation *)
+  | _ $ (Const _) $ (Const _)  (* fun_rel, list_rel, etc but not equality *)
+      => resolve_tac (Quotient_Info.rsp_rules_get ctxt) THEN_ALL_NEW quotient_tac ctxt
-    (* R (...) (Rep (Abs ...)) ----> R (...) (...) *)
-    (* observe map_fun *)
-| _ $ _ $ _
-    => (rtac @{thm quot_rel_rsp} THEN_ALL_NEW quotient_tac ctxt)
-       ORELSE' rep_abs_rsp_tac ctxt
+      (* R (...) (Rep (Abs ...)) ----> R (...) (...) *)
+      (* observe map_fun *)
+  | _ $ _ $ _
+      => (rtac @{thm quot_rel_rsp} THEN_ALL_NEW quotient_tac ctxt)
+         ORELSE' rep_abs_rsp_tac ctxt
-| _ => K no_tac
-) i)
+  | _ => K no_tac) i)
 fun injection_step_tac ctxt rel_refl =
- FIRST' [
+  FIRST' [
     injection_match_tac ctxt,
     (* R (t $ ...) (t' $ ...) ----> apply_rsp   provided type of t needs lifting *)
@@ -412,11 +409,11 @@
     resolve_tac rel_refl]
 fun injection_tac ctxt =
-  val rel_refl = reflp_get ctxt
-  injection_step_tac ctxt rel_refl
+  let
+    val rel_refl = reflp_get ctxt
+  in
+    injection_step_tac ctxt rel_refl
+  end
 fun all_injection_tac ctxt =
   REPEAT_ALL_NEW (injection_tac ctxt)
@@ -427,46 +424,48 @@
 (* expands all map_funs, except in front of the (bound) variables listed in xs *)
 fun map_fun_simple_conv xs ctrm =
-  case (term_of ctrm) of
+  (case term_of ctrm of
     ((Const (@{const_name "map_fun"}, _) $ _ $ _) $ h $ _) =>
         if member (op=) xs h
         then Conv.all_conv ctrm
         else Conv.rewr_conv @{thm map_fun_apply [THEN eq_reflection]} ctrm
-  | _ => Conv.all_conv ctrm
+  | _ => Conv.all_conv ctrm)
 fun map_fun_conv xs ctxt ctrm =
-  case (term_of ctrm) of
-      _ $ _ => (Conv.comb_conv (map_fun_conv xs ctxt) then_conv
-                map_fun_simple_conv xs) ctrm
-    | Abs _ => Conv.abs_conv (fn (x, ctxt) => map_fun_conv ((term_of x)::xs) ctxt) ctxt ctrm
-    | _ => Conv.all_conv ctrm
+  (case term_of ctrm of
+    _ $ _ =>
+      (Conv.comb_conv (map_fun_conv xs ctxt) then_conv
+        map_fun_simple_conv xs) ctrm
+  | Abs _ => Conv.abs_conv (fn (x, ctxt) => map_fun_conv ((term_of x)::xs) ctxt) ctxt ctrm
+  | _ => Conv.all_conv ctrm)
 fun map_fun_tac ctxt = CONVERSION (map_fun_conv [] ctxt)
 (* custom matching functions *)
 fun mk_abs u i t =
-  if incr_boundvars i u aconv t then Bound i else
-  case t of
-    t1 $ t2 => mk_abs u i t1 $ mk_abs u i t2
-  | Abs (s, T, t') => Abs (s, T, mk_abs u (i + 1) t')
-  | Bound j => if i = j then error "make_inst" else t
-  | _ => t
+  if incr_boundvars i u aconv t then Bound i
+  else
+    case t of
+      t1 $ t2 => mk_abs u i t1 $ mk_abs u i t2
+    | Abs (s, T, t') => Abs (s, T, mk_abs u (i + 1) t')
+    | Bound j => if i = j then error "make_inst" else t
+    | _ => t
 fun make_inst lhs t =
-  val _ $ (Abs (_, _, (_ $ ((f as Var (_, Type ("fun", [T, _]))) $ u)))) = lhs;
-  val _ $ (Abs (_, _, (_ $ g))) = t;
-  (f, Abs ("x", T, mk_abs u 0 g))
+  let
+    val _ $ (Abs (_, _, (_ $ ((f as Var (_, Type ("fun", [T, _]))) $ u)))) = lhs;
+    val _ $ (Abs (_, _, (_ $ g))) = t;
+  in
+    (f, Abs ("x", T, mk_abs u 0 g))
+  end
 fun make_inst_id lhs t =
-  val _ $ (Abs (_, _, (f as Var (_, Type ("fun", [T, _]))) $ u)) = lhs;
-  val _ $ (Abs (_, _, g)) = t;
-  (f, Abs ("x", T, mk_abs u 0 g))
+  let
+    val _ $ (Abs (_, _, (f as Var (_, Type ("fun", [T, _]))) $ u)) = lhs;
+    val _ $ (Abs (_, _, g)) = t;
+  in
+    (f, Abs ("x", T, mk_abs u 0 g))
+  end
 (* Simplifies a redex using the 'lambda_prs' theorem.
    First instantiates the types and known subterms.
@@ -476,7 +475,7 @@
    make_inst_id is used
 fun lambda_prs_simple_conv ctxt ctrm =
-  case (term_of ctrm) of
+  (case term_of ctrm of
     (Const (@{const_name map_fun}, _) $ r1 $ a2) $ (Abs _) =>
         val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
@@ -495,7 +494,7 @@
         Conv.rewr_conv thm4 ctrm
-  | _ => Conv.all_conv ctrm
+  | _ => Conv.all_conv ctrm)
 fun lambda_prs_conv ctxt = Conv.top_conv lambda_prs_simple_conv ctxt
 fun lambda_prs_tac ctxt = CONVERSION (lambda_prs_conv ctxt)
@@ -523,25 +522,27 @@
   4. test for refl
 fun clean_tac lthy =
-  val defs = map (Thm.symmetric o #def) (qconsts_dest lthy)
-  val prs = prs_rules_get lthy
-  val ids = id_simps_get lthy
-  val thms = @{thms Quotient_abs_rep Quotient_rel_rep babs_prs all_prs ex_prs ex1_prs} @ ids @ prs @ defs
+  let
+    val defs = map (Thm.symmetric o #def) (Quotient_Info.qconsts_dest lthy)
+    val prs = Quotient_Info.prs_rules_get lthy
+    val ids = Quotient_Info.id_simps_get lthy
+    val thms =
+      @{thms Quotient_abs_rep Quotient_rel_rep babs_prs all_prs ex_prs ex1_prs} @ ids @ prs @ defs
-  val ss = (mk_minimal_ss lthy) addsimps thms addSolver quotient_solver
-  EVERY' [map_fun_tac lthy,
-          lambda_prs_tac lthy,
-          simp_tac ss,
-          TRY o rtac refl]
+    val ss = (mk_minimal_ss lthy) addsimps thms addSolver quotient_solver
+  in
+    EVERY' [
+      map_fun_tac lthy,
+      lambda_prs_tac lthy,
+      simp_tac ss,
+      TRY o rtac refl]
+  end
 (* Tactic for Generalising Free Variables in a Goal *)
 fun inst_spec ctrm =
-   Drule.instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of_term ctrm)] [NONE, SOME ctrm] @{thm spec}
+  Drule.instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of_term ctrm)] [NONE, SOME ctrm] @{thm spec}
 fun inst_spec_tac ctrms =
   EVERY' (map (dtac o inst_spec) ctrms)
@@ -588,31 +589,31 @@
       by (simp add: Quot_True_def)}
 fun lift_match_error ctxt msg rtrm qtrm =
-  val rtrm_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt rtrm
-  val qtrm_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt qtrm
-  val msg = cat_lines [enclose "[" "]" msg, "The quotient theorem", qtrm_str,
-    "", "does not match with original theorem", rtrm_str]
-  error msg
+  let
+    val rtrm_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt rtrm
+    val qtrm_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt qtrm
+    val msg = cat_lines [enclose "[" "]" msg, "The quotient theorem", qtrm_str,
+      "", "does not match with original theorem", rtrm_str]
+  in
+    error msg
+  end
 fun procedure_inst ctxt rtrm qtrm =
-  val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-  val rtrm' = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop rtrm
-  val qtrm' = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop qtrm
-  val reg_goal = regularize_trm_chk ctxt (rtrm', qtrm')
-    handle LIFT_MATCH msg => lift_match_error ctxt msg rtrm qtrm
-  val inj_goal = inj_repabs_trm_chk ctxt (reg_goal, qtrm')
-    handle LIFT_MATCH msg => lift_match_error ctxt msg rtrm qtrm
-  Drule.instantiate' []
-    [SOME (cterm_of thy rtrm'),
-     SOME (cterm_of thy reg_goal),
-     NONE,
-     SOME (cterm_of thy inj_goal)] lifting_procedure_thm
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val rtrm' = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop rtrm
+    val qtrm' = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop qtrm
+    val reg_goal = Quotient_Term.regularize_trm_chk ctxt (rtrm', qtrm')
+      handle Quotient_Term.LIFT_MATCH msg => lift_match_error ctxt msg rtrm qtrm
+    val inj_goal = Quotient_Term.inj_repabs_trm_chk ctxt (reg_goal, qtrm')
+      handle Quotient_Term.LIFT_MATCH msg => lift_match_error ctxt msg rtrm qtrm
+  in
+    Drule.instantiate' []
+      [SOME (cterm_of thy rtrm'),
+       SOME (cterm_of thy reg_goal),
+       NONE,
+       SOME (cterm_of thy inj_goal)] lifting_procedure_thm
+  end
 (* Since we use Ball and Bex during the lifting and descending,
@@ -625,34 +626,34 @@
 (** descending as tactic **)
 fun descend_procedure_tac ctxt simps =
-  val ss = (mk_minimal_ss ctxt) addsimps (simps @ default_unfolds)
-  full_simp_tac ss
-  THEN' Object_Logic.full_atomize_tac
-  THEN' gen_frees_tac ctxt
-  THEN' SUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) =>
-        let
-          val qtys = map #qtyp (Quotient_Info.quotdata_dest ctxt)
-          val rtrm = derive_rtrm ctxt qtys goal
-          val rule = procedure_inst ctxt rtrm  goal
-        in
-          rtac rule i
-        end)
+  let
+    val ss = (mk_minimal_ss ctxt) addsimps (simps @ default_unfolds)
+  in
+    full_simp_tac ss
+    THEN' Object_Logic.full_atomize_tac
+    THEN' gen_frees_tac ctxt
+    THEN' SUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) =>
+      let
+        val qtys = map #qtyp (Quotient_Info.quotdata_dest ctxt)
+        val rtrm = Quotient_Term.derive_rtrm ctxt qtys goal
+        val rule = procedure_inst ctxt rtrm  goal
+      in
+        rtac rule i
+      end)
+  end
 fun descend_tac ctxt simps =
-  val mk_tac_raw =
-    descend_procedure_tac ctxt simps
-      [Object_Logic.rulify_tac THEN' (K all_tac),
-       regularize_tac ctxt,
-       all_injection_tac ctxt,
-       clean_tac ctxt]
-  Goal.conjunction_tac THEN_ALL_NEW mk_tac_raw
+  let
+    val mk_tac_raw =
+      descend_procedure_tac ctxt simps
+      THEN' RANGE
+        [Object_Logic.rulify_tac THEN' (K all_tac),
+         regularize_tac ctxt,
+         all_injection_tac ctxt,
+         clean_tac ctxt]
+  in
+    Goal.conjunction_tac THEN_ALL_NEW mk_tac_raw
+  end
 (** lifting as a tactic **)
@@ -660,29 +661,29 @@
 (* the tactic leaves three subgoals to be proved *)
 fun lift_procedure_tac ctxt simps rthm =
-  val ss = (mk_minimal_ss ctxt) addsimps (simps @ default_unfolds)
-  full_simp_tac ss
-  THEN' Object_Logic.full_atomize_tac
-  THEN' gen_frees_tac ctxt
-  THEN' SUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) =>
-    let
-      (* full_atomize_tac contracts eta redexes,
-         so we do it also in the original theorem *)
-      val rthm' = 
-        rthm |> full_simplify ss
-             |> Drule.eta_contraction_rule 
-             |> Thm.forall_intr_frees
-             |> atomize_thm 
+  let
+    val ss = (mk_minimal_ss ctxt) addsimps (simps @ default_unfolds)
+  in
+    full_simp_tac ss
+    THEN' Object_Logic.full_atomize_tac
+    THEN' gen_frees_tac ctxt
+    THEN' SUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) =>
+      let
+        (* full_atomize_tac contracts eta redexes,
+           so we do it also in the original theorem *)
+        val rthm' =
+          rthm |> full_simplify ss
+               |> Drule.eta_contraction_rule
+               |> Thm.forall_intr_frees
+               |> atomize_thm
-      val rule = procedure_inst ctxt (prop_of rthm') goal
-    in
-      (rtac rule THEN' rtac rthm') i
-    end)
+        val rule = procedure_inst ctxt (prop_of rthm') goal
+      in
+        (rtac rule THEN' rtac rthm') i
+      end)
+  end
-fun lift_single_tac ctxt simps rthm = 
+fun lift_single_tac ctxt simps rthm =
   lift_procedure_tac ctxt simps rthm
     [ regularize_tac ctxt,
@@ -690,26 +691,26 @@
       clean_tac ctxt ]
 fun lift_tac ctxt simps rthms =
-  Goal.conjunction_tac 
+  Goal.conjunction_tac
   THEN' RANGE (map (lift_single_tac ctxt simps) rthms)
 (* automated lifting with pre-simplification of the theorems;
    for internal usage *)
 fun lifted ctxt qtys simps rthm =
-  val ((_, [rthm']), ctxt') = Variable.import true [rthm] ctxt
-  val goal = derive_qtrm ctxt' qtys (prop_of rthm')
-  Goal.prove ctxt' [] [] goal 
-    (K (HEADGOAL (lift_single_tac ctxt' simps rthm')))
-  |> singleton (ProofContext.export ctxt' ctxt)
+  let
+    val ((_, [rthm']), ctxt') = Variable.import true [rthm] ctxt
+    val goal = Quotient_Term.derive_qtrm ctxt' qtys (prop_of rthm')
+  in
+    Goal.prove ctxt' [] [] goal
+      (K (HEADGOAL (lift_single_tac ctxt' simps rthm')))
+    |> singleton (ProofContext.export ctxt' ctxt)
+  end
 (* lifting as an attribute *)
-val lifted_attrib = Thm.rule_attribute (fn context => 
+val lifted_attrib = Thm.rule_attribute (fn context =>
     val ctxt = Context.proof_of context
     val qtys = map #qtyp (Quotient_Info.quotdata_dest ctxt)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Quotient/quotient_term.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Quotient/quotient_term.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
 structure Quotient_Term: QUOTIENT_TERM =
-open Quotient_Info;
 exception LIFT_MATCH of string
@@ -65,13 +63,13 @@
   | RepF => Const (@{const_name comp}, dummyT) $ trm2 $ trm1
 fun get_mapfun ctxt s =
-  val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-  val mapfun = #mapfun (maps_lookup thy s) handle Quotient_Info.NotFound =>
-    raise LIFT_MATCH ("No map function for type " ^ quote s ^ " found.")
-  Const (mapfun, dummyT)
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val mapfun = #mapfun (Quotient_Info.maps_lookup thy s) handle Quotient_Info.NotFound =>
+      raise LIFT_MATCH ("No map function for type " ^ quote s ^ " found.")
+  in
+    Const (mapfun, dummyT)
+  end
 (* makes a Free out of a TVar *)
 fun mk_Free (TVar ((x, i), _)) = Free (unprefix "'" x ^ string_of_int i, dummyT)
@@ -85,74 +83,74 @@
    it produces:     %a b. prod_map (map a) b
 fun mk_mapfun ctxt vs rty =
-  val vs' = map mk_Free vs
+  let
+    val vs' = map mk_Free vs
-  fun mk_mapfun_aux rty =
-    case rty of
-      TVar _ => mk_Free rty
-    | Type (_, []) => mk_identity rty
-    | Type (s, tys) => list_comb (get_mapfun ctxt s, map mk_mapfun_aux tys)
-    | _ => raise LIFT_MATCH "mk_mapfun (default)"
-  fold_rev Term.lambda vs' (mk_mapfun_aux rty)
+    fun mk_mapfun_aux rty =
+      case rty of
+        TVar _ => mk_Free rty
+      | Type (_, []) => mk_identity rty
+      | Type (s, tys) => list_comb (get_mapfun ctxt s, map mk_mapfun_aux tys)
+      | _ => raise LIFT_MATCH "mk_mapfun (default)"
+  in
+    fold_rev Term.lambda vs' (mk_mapfun_aux rty)
+  end
 (* looks up the (varified) rty and qty for
    a quotient definition
 fun get_rty_qty ctxt s =
-  val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-  val qdata = quotdata_lookup thy s handle Quotient_Info.NotFound =>
-    raise LIFT_MATCH ("No quotient type " ^ quote s ^ " found.")
-  (#rtyp qdata, #qtyp qdata)
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val qdata = Quotient_Info.quotdata_lookup thy s handle Quotient_Info.NotFound =>
+      raise LIFT_MATCH ("No quotient type " ^ quote s ^ " found.")
+  in
+    (#rtyp qdata, #qtyp qdata)
+  end
 (* takes two type-environments and looks
    up in both of them the variable v, which
    must be listed in the environment
 fun double_lookup rtyenv qtyenv v =
-  val v' = fst (dest_TVar v)
-  (snd (the (Vartab.lookup rtyenv v')), snd (the (Vartab.lookup qtyenv v')))
+  let
+    val v' = fst (dest_TVar v)
+  in
+    (snd (the (Vartab.lookup rtyenv v')), snd (the (Vartab.lookup qtyenv v')))
+  end
 (* matches a type pattern with a type *)
 fun match ctxt err ty_pat ty =
-  val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-  Sign.typ_match thy (ty_pat, ty) Vartab.empty
-  handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => err ctxt ty_pat ty
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+  in
+    Sign.typ_match thy (ty_pat, ty) Vartab.empty
+      handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => err ctxt ty_pat ty
+  end
 (* produces the rep or abs constant for a qty *)
 fun absrep_const flag ctxt qty_str =
-  val qty_name = Long_Name.base_name qty_str
-  val qualifier = Long_Name.qualifier qty_str
-  case flag of
-    AbsF => Const (Long_Name.qualify qualifier ("abs_" ^ qty_name), dummyT)
-  | RepF => Const (Long_Name.qualify qualifier ("rep_" ^ qty_name), dummyT)
+  let
+    val qty_name = Long_Name.base_name qty_str
+    val qualifier = Long_Name.qualifier qty_str
+  in
+    case flag of
+      AbsF => Const (Long_Name.qualify qualifier ("abs_" ^ qty_name), dummyT)
+    | RepF => Const (Long_Name.qualify qualifier ("rep_" ^ qty_name), dummyT)
+  end
 (* Lets Nitpick represent elements of quotient types as elements of the raw type *)
 fun absrep_const_chk flag ctxt qty_str =
   Syntax.check_term ctxt (absrep_const flag ctxt qty_str)
 fun absrep_match_err ctxt ty_pat ty =
-  val ty_pat_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty_pat
-  val ty_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty
-  raise LIFT_MATCH (space_implode " "
-    ["absrep_fun (Types ", quote ty_pat_str, "and", quote ty_str, " do not match.)"])
+  let
+    val ty_pat_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty_pat
+    val ty_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty
+  in
+    raise LIFT_MATCH (space_implode " "
+      ["absrep_fun (Types ", quote ty_pat_str, "and", quote ty_str, " do not match.)"])
+  end
 (** generation of an aggregate absrep function **)
@@ -213,29 +211,29 @@
     | (Type (s, tys), Type (s', tys')) =>
         if s = s'
-           let
-             val args = map (absrep_fun flag ctxt) (tys ~~ tys')
-           in
-             list_comb (get_mapfun ctxt s, args)
-           end
+          let
+            val args = map (absrep_fun flag ctxt) (tys ~~ tys')
+          in
+            list_comb (get_mapfun ctxt s, args)
+          end
-           let
-             val (rty_pat, qty_pat as Type (_, vs)) = get_rty_qty ctxt s'
-             val rtyenv = match ctxt absrep_match_err rty_pat rty
-             val qtyenv = match ctxt absrep_match_err qty_pat qty
-             val args_aux = map (double_lookup rtyenv qtyenv) vs
-             val args = map (absrep_fun flag ctxt) args_aux
-           in
-             if forall is_identity args
-             then absrep_const flag ctxt s'
-             else 
-               let
-                 val map_fun = mk_mapfun ctxt vs rty_pat
-                 val result = list_comb (map_fun, args)
-               in
-                 mk_fun_compose flag (absrep_const flag ctxt s', result)
-               end
-           end
+          let
+            val (rty_pat, qty_pat as Type (_, vs)) = get_rty_qty ctxt s'
+            val rtyenv = match ctxt absrep_match_err rty_pat rty
+            val qtyenv = match ctxt absrep_match_err qty_pat qty
+            val args_aux = map (double_lookup rtyenv qtyenv) vs
+            val args = map (absrep_fun flag ctxt) args_aux
+          in
+            if forall is_identity args
+            then absrep_const flag ctxt s'
+            else
+              let
+                val map_fun = mk_mapfun ctxt vs rty_pat
+                val result = list_comb (map_fun, args)
+              in
+                mk_fun_compose flag (absrep_const flag ctxt s', result)
+              end
+          end
     | (TFree x, TFree x') =>
         if x = x'
         then mk_identity rty
@@ -259,13 +257,13 @@
 (* instantiates TVars so that the term is of type ty *)
 fun force_typ ctxt trm ty =
-  val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-  val trm_ty = fastype_of trm
-  val ty_inst = Sign.typ_match thy (trm_ty, ty) Vartab.empty
-  map_types (Envir.subst_type ty_inst) trm
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val trm_ty = fastype_of trm
+    val ty_inst = Sign.typ_match thy (trm_ty, ty) Vartab.empty
+  in
+    map_types (Envir.subst_type ty_inst) trm
+  end
 fun is_eq (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, _)) = true
   | is_eq _ = false
@@ -274,44 +272,44 @@
   Const (@{const_abbrev "rel_conj"}, dummyT) $ trm1 $ trm2
 fun get_relmap ctxt s =
-  val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-  val relmap = #relmap (maps_lookup thy s) handle Quotient_Info.NotFound =>
-    raise LIFT_MATCH ("get_relmap (no relation map function found for type " ^ s ^ ")")
-  Const (relmap, dummyT)
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val relmap = #relmap (Quotient_Info.maps_lookup thy s) handle Quotient_Info.NotFound =>
+      raise LIFT_MATCH ("get_relmap (no relation map function found for type " ^ s ^ ")")
+  in
+    Const (relmap, dummyT)
+  end
 fun mk_relmap ctxt vs rty =
-  val vs' = map (mk_Free) vs
+  let
+    val vs' = map (mk_Free) vs
-  fun mk_relmap_aux rty =
-    case rty of
-      TVar _ => mk_Free rty
-    | Type (_, []) => HOLogic.eq_const rty
-    | Type (s, tys) => list_comb (get_relmap ctxt s, map mk_relmap_aux tys)
-    | _ => raise LIFT_MATCH ("mk_relmap (default)")
-  fold_rev Term.lambda vs' (mk_relmap_aux rty)
+    fun mk_relmap_aux rty =
+      case rty of
+        TVar _ => mk_Free rty
+      | Type (_, []) => HOLogic.eq_const rty
+      | Type (s, tys) => list_comb (get_relmap ctxt s, map mk_relmap_aux tys)
+      | _ => raise LIFT_MATCH ("mk_relmap (default)")
+  in
+    fold_rev Term.lambda vs' (mk_relmap_aux rty)
+  end
 fun get_equiv_rel ctxt s =
-  val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-  #equiv_rel (quotdata_lookup thy s) handle Quotient_Info.NotFound =>
-    raise LIFT_MATCH ("get_quotdata (no quotient found for type " ^ s ^ ")")
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+  in
+    #equiv_rel (Quotient_Info.quotdata_lookup thy s) handle Quotient_Info.NotFound =>
+      raise LIFT_MATCH ("get_quotdata (no quotient found for type " ^ s ^ ")")
+  end
 fun equiv_match_err ctxt ty_pat ty =
-  val ty_pat_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty_pat
-  val ty_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty
-  raise LIFT_MATCH (space_implode " "
-    ["equiv_relation (Types ", quote ty_pat_str, "and", quote ty_str, " do not match.)"])
+  let
+    val ty_pat_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty_pat
+    val ty_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty
+  in
+    raise LIFT_MATCH (space_implode " "
+      ["equiv_relation (Types ", quote ty_pat_str, "and", quote ty_str, " do not match.)"])
+  end
 (* builds the aggregate equivalence relation
    that will be the argument of Respects
@@ -322,34 +320,34 @@
     case (rty, qty) of
       (Type (s, tys), Type (s', tys')) =>
-       if s = s'
-       then
-         let
-           val args = map (equiv_relation ctxt) (tys ~~ tys')
-         in
-           list_comb (get_relmap ctxt s, args)
-         end
-       else
-         let
-           val (rty_pat, qty_pat as Type (_, vs)) = get_rty_qty ctxt s'
-           val rtyenv = match ctxt equiv_match_err rty_pat rty
-           val qtyenv = match ctxt equiv_match_err qty_pat qty
-           val args_aux = map (double_lookup rtyenv qtyenv) vs
-           val args = map (equiv_relation ctxt) args_aux
-           val eqv_rel = get_equiv_rel ctxt s'
-           val eqv_rel' = force_typ ctxt eqv_rel ([rty, rty] ---> @{typ bool})
-         in
-           if forall is_eq args
-           then eqv_rel'
-           else 
-             let 
-               val rel_map = mk_relmap ctxt vs rty_pat
-               val result = list_comb (rel_map, args)
-             in
-               mk_rel_compose (result, eqv_rel')
-             end
-         end
-      | _ => HOLogic.eq_const rty
+        if s = s'
+        then
+          let
+            val args = map (equiv_relation ctxt) (tys ~~ tys')
+          in
+            list_comb (get_relmap ctxt s, args)
+          end
+        else
+          let
+            val (rty_pat, qty_pat as Type (_, vs)) = get_rty_qty ctxt s'
+            val rtyenv = match ctxt equiv_match_err rty_pat rty
+            val qtyenv = match ctxt equiv_match_err qty_pat qty
+            val args_aux = map (double_lookup rtyenv qtyenv) vs
+            val args = map (equiv_relation ctxt) args_aux
+            val eqv_rel = get_equiv_rel ctxt s'
+            val eqv_rel' = force_typ ctxt eqv_rel ([rty, rty] ---> @{typ bool})
+          in
+            if forall is_eq args
+            then eqv_rel'
+            else
+              let
+                val rel_map = mk_relmap ctxt vs rty_pat
+                val result = list_comb (rel_map, args)
+              in
+                mk_rel_compose (result, eqv_rel')
+              end
+          end
+    | _ => HOLogic.eq_const rty
 fun equiv_relation_chk ctxt (rty, qty) =
   equiv_relation ctxt (rty, qty)
@@ -414,14 +412,14 @@
   | _ => f (trm1, trm2)
 fun term_mismatch str ctxt t1 t2 =
-  val t1_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t1
-  val t2_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t2
-  val t1_ty_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (fastype_of t1)
-  val t2_ty_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (fastype_of t2)
-  raise LIFT_MATCH (cat_lines [str, t1_str ^ "::" ^ t1_ty_str, t2_str ^ "::" ^ t2_ty_str])
+  let
+    val t1_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t1
+    val t2_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t2
+    val t1_ty_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (fastype_of t1)
+    val t2_ty_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (fastype_of t2)
+  in
+    raise LIFT_MATCH (cat_lines [str, t1_str ^ "::" ^ t1_ty_str, t2_str ^ "::" ^ t2_ty_str])
+  end
 (* the major type of All and Ex quantifiers *)
 fun qnt_typ ty = domain_type (domain_type ty)
@@ -429,17 +427,18 @@
 (* Checks that two types match, for example:
      rty -> rty   matches   qty -> qty *)
 fun matches_typ thy rT qT =
-  if rT = qT then true else
-  case (rT, qT) of
-    (Type (rs, rtys), Type (qs, qtys)) =>
-      if rs = qs then
-        if length rtys <> length qtys then false else
-        forall (fn x => x = true) (map2 (matches_typ thy) rtys qtys)
-      else
-        (case quotdata_lookup_raw thy qs of
-          SOME quotinfo => Sign.typ_instance thy (rT, #rtyp quotinfo)
-        | NONE => false)
-  | _ => false
+  if rT = qT then true
+  else
+    (case (rT, qT) of
+      (Type (rs, rtys), Type (qs, qtys)) =>
+        if rs = qs then
+          if length rtys <> length qtys then false
+          else forall (fn x => x = true) (map2 (matches_typ thy) rtys qtys)
+        else
+          (case Quotient_Info.quotdata_lookup_raw thy qs of
+            SOME quotinfo => Sign.typ_instance thy (rT, #rtyp quotinfo)
+          | NONE => false)
+    | _ => false)
 (* produces a regularized version of rtrm
@@ -452,124 +451,124 @@
 fun regularize_trm ctxt (rtrm, qtrm) =
   case (rtrm, qtrm) of
     (Abs (x, ty, t), Abs (_, ty', t')) =>
-       let
-         val subtrm = Abs(x, ty, regularize_trm ctxt (t, t'))
-       in
-         if ty = ty' then subtrm
-         else mk_babs $ (mk_resp $ equiv_relation ctxt (ty, ty')) $ subtrm
-       end
+      let
+        val subtrm = Abs(x, ty, regularize_trm ctxt (t, t'))
+      in
+        if ty = ty' then subtrm
+        else mk_babs $ (mk_resp $ equiv_relation ctxt (ty, ty')) $ subtrm
+      end
   | (Const (@{const_name Babs}, T) $ resrel $ (t as (Abs (_, ty, _))), t' as (Abs (_, ty', _))) =>
-       let
-         val subtrm = regularize_trm ctxt (t, t')
-         val needres = mk_resp $ equiv_relation_chk ctxt (ty, ty')
-       in
-         if resrel <> needres
-         then term_mismatch "regularize (Babs)" ctxt resrel needres
-         else mk_babs $ resrel $ subtrm
-       end
+      let
+        val subtrm = regularize_trm ctxt (t, t')
+        val needres = mk_resp $ equiv_relation_chk ctxt (ty, ty')
+      in
+        if resrel <> needres
+        then term_mismatch "regularize (Babs)" ctxt resrel needres
+        else mk_babs $ resrel $ subtrm
+      end
   | (Const (@{const_name All}, ty) $ t, Const (@{const_name All}, ty') $ t') =>
-       let
-         val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
-       in
-         if ty = ty' then Const (@{const_name All}, ty) $ subtrm
-         else mk_ball $ (mk_resp $ equiv_relation ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')) $ subtrm
-       end
+      let
+        val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
+      in
+        if ty = ty' then Const (@{const_name All}, ty) $ subtrm
+        else mk_ball $ (mk_resp $ equiv_relation ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')) $ subtrm
+      end
   | (Const (@{const_name Ex}, ty) $ t, Const (@{const_name Ex}, ty') $ t') =>
-       let
-         val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
-       in
-         if ty = ty' then Const (@{const_name Ex}, ty) $ subtrm
-         else mk_bex $ (mk_resp $ equiv_relation ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')) $ subtrm
-       end
+      let
+        val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
+      in
+        if ty = ty' then Const (@{const_name Ex}, ty) $ subtrm
+        else mk_bex $ (mk_resp $ equiv_relation ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')) $ subtrm
+      end
   | (Const (@{const_name Ex1}, ty) $ (Abs (_, _,
       (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name Set.member}, _) $ _ $
         (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ resrel)) $ (t $ _)))),
      Const (@{const_name Ex1}, ty') $ t') =>
-       let
-         val t_ = incr_boundvars (~1) t
-         val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t_, t')
-         val needrel = equiv_relation_chk ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')
-       in
-         if resrel <> needrel
-         then term_mismatch "regularize (Bex1)" ctxt resrel needrel
-         else mk_bex1_rel $ resrel $ subtrm
-       end
+      let
+        val t_ = incr_boundvars (~1) t
+        val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t_, t')
+        val needrel = equiv_relation_chk ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')
+      in
+        if resrel <> needrel
+        then term_mismatch "regularize (Bex1)" ctxt resrel needrel
+        else mk_bex1_rel $ resrel $ subtrm
+      end
   | (Const (@{const_name Ex1}, ty) $ t, Const (@{const_name Ex1}, ty') $ t') =>
-       let
-         val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
-       in
-         if ty = ty' then Const (@{const_name Ex1}, ty) $ subtrm
-         else mk_bex1_rel $ (equiv_relation ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')) $ subtrm
-       end
+      let
+        val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
+      in
+        if ty = ty' then Const (@{const_name Ex1}, ty) $ subtrm
+        else mk_bex1_rel $ (equiv_relation ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')) $ subtrm
+      end
   | (Const (@{const_name Ball}, ty) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ resrel) $ t,
      Const (@{const_name All}, ty') $ t') =>
-       let
-         val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
-         val needrel = equiv_relation_chk ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')
-       in
-         if resrel <> needrel
-         then term_mismatch "regularize (Ball)" ctxt resrel needrel
-         else mk_ball $ (mk_resp $ resrel) $ subtrm
-       end
+      let
+        val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
+        val needrel = equiv_relation_chk ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')
+      in
+        if resrel <> needrel
+        then term_mismatch "regularize (Ball)" ctxt resrel needrel
+        else mk_ball $ (mk_resp $ resrel) $ subtrm
+      end
   | (Const (@{const_name Bex}, ty) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ resrel) $ t,
      Const (@{const_name Ex}, ty') $ t') =>
-       let
-         val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
-         val needrel = equiv_relation_chk ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')
-       in
-         if resrel <> needrel
-         then term_mismatch "regularize (Bex)" ctxt resrel needrel
-         else mk_bex $ (mk_resp $ resrel) $ subtrm
-       end
+      let
+        val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
+        val needrel = equiv_relation_chk ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')
+      in
+        if resrel <> needrel
+        then term_mismatch "regularize (Bex)" ctxt resrel needrel
+        else mk_bex $ (mk_resp $ resrel) $ subtrm
+      end
   | (Const (@{const_name Bex1_rel}, ty) $ resrel $ t, Const (@{const_name Ex1}, ty') $ t') =>
-       let
-         val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
-         val needrel = equiv_relation_chk ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')
-       in
-         if resrel <> needrel
-         then term_mismatch "regularize (Bex1_res)" ctxt resrel needrel
-         else mk_bex1_rel $ resrel $ subtrm
-       end
+      let
+        val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
+        val needrel = equiv_relation_chk ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')
+      in
+        if resrel <> needrel
+        then term_mismatch "regularize (Bex1_res)" ctxt resrel needrel
+        else mk_bex1_rel $ resrel $ subtrm
+      end
   | (* equalities need to be replaced by appropriate equivalence relations *)
     (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, ty), Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, ty')) =>
-         if ty = ty' then rtrm
-         else equiv_relation ctxt (domain_type ty, domain_type ty')
+        if ty = ty' then rtrm
+        else equiv_relation ctxt (domain_type ty, domain_type ty')
   | (* in this case we just check whether the given equivalence relation is correct *)
     (rel, Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, ty')) =>
-       let
-         val rel_ty = fastype_of rel
-         val rel' = equiv_relation_chk ctxt (domain_type rel_ty, domain_type ty')
-       in
-         if rel' aconv rel then rtrm
-         else term_mismatch "regularize (relation mismatch)" ctxt rel rel'
-       end
+      let
+        val rel_ty = fastype_of rel
+        val rel' = equiv_relation_chk ctxt (domain_type rel_ty, domain_type ty')
+      in
+        if rel' aconv rel then rtrm
+        else term_mismatch "regularize (relation mismatch)" ctxt rel rel'
+      end
   | (_, Const _) =>
-       let
-         val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-         fun same_const (Const (s, T)) (Const (s', T')) = (s = s') andalso matches_typ thy T T'
-           | same_const _ _ = false
-       in
-         if same_const rtrm qtrm then rtrm
-         else
-           let
-             val rtrm' = #rconst (qconsts_lookup thy qtrm)
-               handle Quotient_Info.NotFound =>
+      let
+        val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+        fun same_const (Const (s, T)) (Const (s', T')) = (s = s') andalso matches_typ thy T T'
+          | same_const _ _ = false
+      in
+        if same_const rtrm qtrm then rtrm
+        else
+          let
+            val rtrm' = #rconst (Quotient_Info.qconsts_lookup thy qtrm)
+              handle Quotient_Info.NotFound =>
                 term_mismatch "regularize (constant not found)" ctxt rtrm qtrm
-           in
-             if Pattern.matches thy (rtrm', rtrm)
-             then rtrm else term_mismatch "regularize (constant mismatch)" ctxt rtrm qtrm
-           end
-       end
+          in
+            if Pattern.matches thy (rtrm', rtrm)
+            then rtrm else term_mismatch "regularize (constant mismatch)" ctxt rtrm qtrm
+          end
+      end
   | (((t1 as Const (@{const_name prod_case}, _)) $ Abs (v1, ty, Abs(v1', ty', s1))),
      ((t2 as Const (@{const_name prod_case}, _)) $ Abs (v2, _ , Abs(v2', _  , s2)))) =>
@@ -583,16 +582,16 @@
        regularize_trm ctxt (t1, t1') $ regularize_trm ctxt (t2, t2')
   | (Bound i, Bound i') =>
-       if i = i' then rtrm
-       else raise (LIFT_MATCH "regularize (bounds mismatch)")
+      if i = i' then rtrm
+      else raise (LIFT_MATCH "regularize (bounds mismatch)")
   | _ =>
-       let
-         val rtrm_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt rtrm
-         val qtrm_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt qtrm
-       in
-         raise (LIFT_MATCH ("regularize failed (default: " ^ rtrm_str ^ "," ^ qtrm_str ^ ")"))
-       end
+      let
+        val rtrm_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt rtrm
+        val qtrm_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt qtrm
+      in
+        raise (LIFT_MATCH ("regularize failed (default: " ^ rtrm_str ^ "," ^ qtrm_str ^ ")"))
+      end
 fun regularize_trm_chk ctxt (rtrm, qtrm) =
   regularize_trm ctxt (rtrm, qtrm)
@@ -635,12 +634,12 @@
   absrep_fun RepF ctxt (T, T') $ (absrep_fun AbsF ctxt (T, T') $ trm)
 fun inj_repabs_err ctxt msg rtrm qtrm =
-  val rtrm_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt rtrm
-  val qtrm_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt qtrm
-  raise LIFT_MATCH (space_implode " " [msg, quote rtrm_str, "and", quote qtrm_str])
+  let
+    val rtrm_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt rtrm
+    val qtrm_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt qtrm
+  in
+    raise LIFT_MATCH (space_implode " " [msg, quote rtrm_str, "and", quote qtrm_str])
+  end
 (* bound variables need to be treated properly,
@@ -717,8 +716,8 @@
                 NONE => matches tail
               | SOME inst => Envir.subst_type inst qty
-        matches ty_subst 
-      end 
+        matches ty_subst
+      end
   | _ => rty
 fun subst_trm ctxt ty_subst trm_subst rtrm =
@@ -728,7 +727,7 @@
   | Free(n, ty) => Free(n, subst_typ ctxt ty_subst ty)
   | Var(n, ty) => Var(n, subst_typ ctxt ty_subst ty)
   | Bound i => Bound i
-  | Const (a, ty) => 
+  | Const (a, ty) =>
         val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
@@ -742,43 +741,43 @@
 (* generate type and term substitutions out of the
-   qtypes involved in a quotient; the direction flag 
-   indicates in which direction the substitutions work: 
+   qtypes involved in a quotient; the direction flag
+   indicates in which direction the substitutions work:
      true:  quotient -> raw
      false: raw -> quotient
 fun mk_ty_subst qtys direction ctxt =
-  val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt  
-  quotdata_dest ctxt
-   |> map (fn x => (#rtyp x, #qtyp x))
-   |> filter (fn (_, qty) => member (Sign.typ_instance thy o swap) qtys qty)
-   |> map (if direction then swap else I)
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+  in
+    Quotient_Info.quotdata_dest ctxt
+    |> map (fn x => (#rtyp x, #qtyp x))
+    |> filter (fn (_, qty) => member (Sign.typ_instance thy o swap) qtys qty)
+    |> map (if direction then swap else I)
+  end
 fun mk_trm_subst qtys direction ctxt =
-  val subst_typ' = subst_typ ctxt (mk_ty_subst qtys direction ctxt)
-  fun proper (t1, t2) = subst_typ' (fastype_of t1) = fastype_of t2
+  let
+    val subst_typ' = subst_typ ctxt (mk_ty_subst qtys direction ctxt)
+    fun proper (t1, t2) = subst_typ' (fastype_of t1) = fastype_of t2
-  val const_substs = 
-    qconsts_dest ctxt
-     |> map (fn x => (#rconst x, #qconst x))
-     |> map (if direction then swap else I)
+    val const_substs =
+      Quotient_Info.qconsts_dest ctxt
+      |> map (fn x => (#rconst x, #qconst x))
+      |> map (if direction then swap else I)
-  val rel_substs =
-    quotdata_dest ctxt
-     |> map (fn x => (#equiv_rel x, HOLogic.eq_const (#qtyp x)))
-     |> map (if direction then swap else I)
-  filter proper (const_substs @ rel_substs)
+    val rel_substs =
+      Quotient_Info.quotdata_dest ctxt
+      |> map (fn x => (#equiv_rel x, HOLogic.eq_const (#qtyp x)))
+      |> map (if direction then swap else I)
+  in
+    filter proper (const_substs @ rel_substs)
+  end
 (* derives a qtyp and qtrm out of a rtyp and rtrm,
-   respectively 
+   respectively
 fun derive_qtyp ctxt qtys rty =
   subst_typ ctxt (mk_ty_subst qtys false ctxt) rty
@@ -787,7 +786,7 @@
   subst_trm ctxt (mk_ty_subst qtys false ctxt) (mk_trm_subst qtys false ctxt) rtrm
 (* derives a rtyp and rtrm out of a qtyp and qtrm,
-   respectively 
+   respectively
 fun derive_rtyp ctxt qtys qty =
   subst_typ ctxt (mk_ty_subst qtys true ctxt) qty
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Quotient/quotient_typ.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Quotient/quotient_typ.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -20,16 +20,15 @@
 structure Quotient_Type: QUOTIENT_TYPE =
-open Quotient_Info;
+(* wrappers for define, note, Attrib.internal and theorem_i *)  (* FIXME !? *)
-(* wrappers for define, note, Attrib.internal and theorem_i *)
 fun define (name, mx, rhs) lthy =
-  val ((rhs, (_ , thm)), lthy') =
-     Local_Theory.define ((name, mx), (Attrib.empty_binding, rhs)) lthy
-  ((rhs, thm), lthy')
+  let
+    val ((rhs, (_ , thm)), lthy') =
+      Local_Theory.define ((name, mx), (Attrib.empty_binding, rhs)) lthy
+  in
+    ((rhs, thm), lthy')
+  end
 fun note (name, thm, attrs) lthy =
   Local_Theory.note ((name, attrs), [thm]) lthy |> snd
@@ -38,12 +37,12 @@
 fun intern_attr at = Attrib.internal (K at)
 fun theorem after_qed goals ctxt =
-  val goals' = map (rpair []) goals
-  fun after_qed' thms = after_qed (the_single thms)
-  Proof.theorem NONE after_qed' [goals'] ctxt
+  let
+    val goals' = map (rpair []) goals
+    fun after_qed' thms = after_qed (the_single thms)
+  in
+    Proof.theorem NONE after_qed' [goals'] ctxt
+  end
@@ -54,178 +53,182 @@
 (* constructs the term lambda (c::rty => bool). EX (x::rty). c = rel x *)
 fun typedef_term rel rty lthy =
-  val [x, c] =
-    [("x", rty), ("c", HOLogic.mk_setT rty)]
-    |> Variable.variant_frees lthy [rel]
-    |> map Free
-  lambda c (HOLogic.exists_const rty $
-     lambda x (HOLogic.mk_conj (rel $ x $ x, HOLogic.mk_eq (c, rel $ x))))
+  let
+    val [x, c] =
+      [("x", rty), ("c", HOLogic.mk_setT rty)]
+      |> Variable.variant_frees lthy [rel]
+      |> map Free
+  in
+    lambda c (HOLogic.exists_const rty $
+        lambda x (HOLogic.mk_conj (rel $ x $ x, HOLogic.mk_eq (c, rel $ x))))
+  end
 (* makes the new type definitions and proves non-emptyness *)
 fun typedef_make (vs, qty_name, mx, rel, rty) equiv_thm lthy =
-  val typedef_tac =
-    EVERY1 (map rtac [@{thm part_equivp_typedef}, equiv_thm])
-(* FIXME: purely local typedef causes at the moment 
-   problems with type variables
-  Typedef.add_typedef false NONE (qty_name, vs, mx) 
-    (typedef_term rel rty lthy) NONE typedef_tac lthy
-(* FIXME should really use local typedef here *)
-   Local_Theory.background_theory_result
+  let
+    val typedef_tac =
+      EVERY1 (map rtac [@{thm part_equivp_typedef}, equiv_thm])
+  in
+  (* FIXME: purely local typedef causes at the moment
+     problems with type variables
+    Typedef.add_typedef false NONE (qty_name, vs, mx)
+      (typedef_term rel rty lthy) NONE typedef_tac lthy
+  *)
+  (* FIXME should really use local typedef here *)
+    Local_Theory.background_theory_result
      (Typedef.add_typedef_global false NONE
        (qty_name, map (rpair dummyS) vs, mx)
          (typedef_term rel rty lthy)
            NONE typedef_tac) lthy
+  end
 (* tactic to prove the quot_type theorem for the new type *)
 fun typedef_quot_type_tac equiv_thm ((_, typedef_info): =
-  val rep_thm = #Rep typedef_info RS mem_def1
-  val rep_inv = #Rep_inverse typedef_info
-  val abs_inv = #Abs_inverse typedef_info
-  val rep_inj = #Rep_inject typedef_info
-  (rtac @{thm quot_type.intro} THEN' RANGE [
-    rtac equiv_thm,
-    rtac rep_thm,
-    rtac rep_inv,
-    rtac abs_inv THEN' rtac mem_def2 THEN' atac,
-    rtac rep_inj]) 1
+  let
+    val rep_thm = #Rep typedef_info RS mem_def1
+    val rep_inv = #Rep_inverse typedef_info
+    val abs_inv = #Abs_inverse typedef_info
+    val rep_inj = #Rep_inject typedef_info
+  in
+    (rtac @{thm quot_type.intro} THEN' RANGE [
+      rtac equiv_thm,
+      rtac rep_thm,
+      rtac rep_inv,
+      rtac abs_inv THEN' rtac mem_def2 THEN' atac,
+      rtac rep_inj]) 1
+  end
 (* proves the quot_type theorem for the new type *)
 fun typedef_quot_type_thm (rel, abs, rep, equiv_thm, typedef_info) lthy =
-  val quot_type_const = Const (@{const_name "quot_type"}, dummyT)
-  val goal =
-    HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (quot_type_const $ rel $ abs $ rep)
-    |> Syntax.check_term lthy
-  Goal.prove lthy [] [] goal
-    (K (typedef_quot_type_tac equiv_thm typedef_info))
+  let
+    val quot_type_const = Const (@{const_name "quot_type"}, dummyT)
+    val goal =
+      HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (quot_type_const $ rel $ abs $ rep)
+      |> Syntax.check_term lthy
+  in
+    Goal.prove lthy [] [] goal
+      (K (typedef_quot_type_tac equiv_thm typedef_info))
+  end
 (* main function for constructing a quotient type *)
 fun add_quotient_type (((vs, qty_name, mx), (rty, rel, partial)), equiv_thm) lthy =
-  val part_equiv = 
-    if partial 
-    then equiv_thm 
-    else equiv_thm RS @{thm equivp_implies_part_equivp}
+  let
+    val part_equiv =
+      if partial
+      then equiv_thm
+      else equiv_thm RS @{thm equivp_implies_part_equivp}
-  (* generates the typedef *)
-  val ((qty_full_name, typedef_info), lthy1) = typedef_make (vs, qty_name, mx, rel, rty) part_equiv lthy
+    (* generates the typedef *)
+    val ((qty_full_name, typedef_info), lthy1) =
+      typedef_make (vs, qty_name, mx, rel, rty) part_equiv lthy
-  (* abs and rep functions from the typedef *)
-  val Abs_ty = #abs_type (#1 typedef_info)
-  val Rep_ty = #rep_type (#1 typedef_info)
-  val Abs_name = #Abs_name (#1 typedef_info)
-  val Rep_name = #Rep_name (#1 typedef_info)
-  val Abs_const = Const (Abs_name, Rep_ty --> Abs_ty)
-  val Rep_const = Const (Rep_name, Abs_ty --> Rep_ty)
+    (* abs and rep functions from the typedef *)
+    val Abs_ty = #abs_type (#1 typedef_info)
+    val Rep_ty = #rep_type (#1 typedef_info)
+    val Abs_name = #Abs_name (#1 typedef_info)
+    val Rep_name = #Rep_name (#1 typedef_info)
+    val Abs_const = Const (Abs_name, Rep_ty --> Abs_ty)
+    val Rep_const = Const (Rep_name, Abs_ty --> Rep_ty)
-  (* more useful abs and rep definitions *)
-  val abs_const = Const (@{const_name "quot_type.abs"}, dummyT )
-  val rep_const = Const (@{const_name "quot_type.rep"}, dummyT )
-  val abs_trm = Syntax.check_term lthy1 (abs_const $ rel $ Abs_const)
-  val rep_trm = Syntax.check_term lthy1 (rep_const $ Rep_const)
-  val abs_name = Binding.prefix_name "abs_" qty_name
-  val rep_name = Binding.prefix_name "rep_" qty_name
+    (* more useful abs and rep definitions *)
+    val abs_const = Const (@{const_name "quot_type.abs"}, dummyT )
+    val rep_const = Const (@{const_name "quot_type.rep"}, dummyT )
+    val abs_trm = Syntax.check_term lthy1 (abs_const $ rel $ Abs_const)
+    val rep_trm = Syntax.check_term lthy1 (rep_const $ Rep_const)
+    val abs_name = Binding.prefix_name "abs_" qty_name
+    val rep_name = Binding.prefix_name "rep_" qty_name
-  val ((_, abs_def), lthy2) = define (abs_name, NoSyn, abs_trm) lthy1
-  val ((_, rep_def), lthy3) = define (rep_name, NoSyn, rep_trm) lthy2
+    val ((_, abs_def), lthy2) = define (abs_name, NoSyn, abs_trm) lthy1
+    val ((_, rep_def), lthy3) = define (rep_name, NoSyn, rep_trm) lthy2
-  (* quot_type theorem *)
-  val quot_thm = typedef_quot_type_thm (rel, Abs_const, Rep_const, part_equiv, typedef_info) lthy3
+    (* quot_type theorem *)
+    val quot_thm = typedef_quot_type_thm (rel, Abs_const, Rep_const, part_equiv, typedef_info) lthy3
-  (* quotient theorem *)
-  val quotient_thm_name = Binding.prefix_name "Quotient_" qty_name
-  val quotient_thm = 
-    (quot_thm RS @{thm quot_type.Quotient})
-    |> fold_rule [abs_def, rep_def]
+    (* quotient theorem *)
+    val quotient_thm_name = Binding.prefix_name "Quotient_" qty_name
+    val quotient_thm =
+      (quot_thm RS @{thm quot_type.Quotient})
+      |> fold_rule [abs_def, rep_def]
+    (* name equivalence theorem *)
+    val equiv_thm_name = Binding.suffix_name "_equivp" qty_name
-  (* name equivalence theorem *)
-  val equiv_thm_name = Binding.suffix_name "_equivp" qty_name
+    (* storing the quotdata *)
+    val quotdata = {qtyp = Abs_ty, rtyp = rty, equiv_rel = rel, equiv_thm = equiv_thm}
-  (* storing the quotdata *)
-  val quotdata = {qtyp = Abs_ty, rtyp = rty, equiv_rel = rel, equiv_thm = equiv_thm}
-  fun qinfo phi = transform_quotdata phi quotdata
+    fun qinfo phi = Quotient_Info.transform_quotdata phi quotdata
-  val lthy4 = lthy3
-     |> Local_Theory.declaration true (fn phi => quotdata_update_gen qty_full_name (qinfo phi))
-     |> note (equiv_thm_name, equiv_thm, if partial then [] else [intern_attr equiv_rules_add])
-     |> note (quotient_thm_name, quotient_thm, [intern_attr quotient_rules_add])
-  (quotdata, lthy4)
+    val lthy4 = lthy3
+      |> Local_Theory.declaration true
+        (fn phi => Quotient_Info.quotdata_update_gen qty_full_name (qinfo phi))
+      |> note
+        (equiv_thm_name, equiv_thm,
+          if partial then [] else [intern_attr Quotient_Info.equiv_rules_add])
+      |> note (quotient_thm_name, quotient_thm, [intern_attr Quotient_Info.quotient_rules_add])
+  in
+    (quotdata, lthy4)
+  end
 (* sanity checks for the quotient type specifications *)
 fun sanity_check ((vs, qty_name, _), (rty, rel, _)) =
-  val rty_tfreesT = map fst (Term.add_tfreesT rty [])
-  val rel_tfrees = map fst (Term.add_tfrees rel [])
-  val rel_frees = map fst (Term.add_frees rel [])
-  val rel_vars = Term.add_vars rel []
-  val rel_tvars = Term.add_tvars rel []
-  val qty_str = Binding.str_of qty_name ^ ": "
+  let
+    val rty_tfreesT = map fst (Term.add_tfreesT rty [])
+    val rel_tfrees = map fst (Term.add_tfrees rel [])
+    val rel_frees = map fst (Term.add_frees rel [])
+    val rel_vars = Term.add_vars rel []
+    val rel_tvars = Term.add_tvars rel []
+    val qty_str = Binding.str_of qty_name ^ ": "
-  val illegal_rel_vars =
-    if null rel_vars andalso null rel_tvars then []
-    else [qty_str ^ "illegal schematic variable(s) in the relation."]
+    val illegal_rel_vars =
+      if null rel_vars andalso null rel_tvars then []
+      else [qty_str ^ "illegal schematic variable(s) in the relation."]
-  val dup_vs =
-    (case duplicates (op =) vs of
-       [] => []
-     | dups => [qty_str ^ "duplicate type variable(s) on the lhs: " ^ commas_quote dups])
+    val dup_vs =
+      (case duplicates (op =) vs of
+        [] => []
+      | dups => [qty_str ^ "duplicate type variable(s) on the lhs: " ^ commas_quote dups])
-  val extra_rty_tfrees =
-    (case subtract (op =) vs rty_tfreesT of
-       [] => []
-     | extras => [qty_str ^ "extra type variable(s) on the lhs: " ^ commas_quote extras])
+    val extra_rty_tfrees =
+      (case subtract (op =) vs rty_tfreesT of
+        [] => []
+      | extras => [qty_str ^ "extra type variable(s) on the lhs: " ^ commas_quote extras])
-  val extra_rel_tfrees =
-    (case subtract (op =) vs rel_tfrees of
-       [] => []
-     | extras => [qty_str ^ "extra type variable(s) in the relation: " ^ commas_quote extras])
+    val extra_rel_tfrees =
+      (case subtract (op =) vs rel_tfrees of
+        [] => []
+      | extras => [qty_str ^ "extra type variable(s) in the relation: " ^ commas_quote extras])
-  val illegal_rel_frees =
-    (case rel_frees of
-      [] => []
-    | xs => [qty_str ^ "illegal variable(s) in the relation: " ^ commas_quote xs])
+    val illegal_rel_frees =
+      (case rel_frees of
+        [] => []
+      | xs => [qty_str ^ "illegal variable(s) in the relation: " ^ commas_quote xs])
-  val errs = illegal_rel_vars @ dup_vs @ extra_rty_tfrees @ extra_rel_tfrees @ illegal_rel_frees
-  if null errs then () else error (cat_lines errs)
+    val errs = illegal_rel_vars @ dup_vs @ extra_rty_tfrees @ extra_rel_tfrees @ illegal_rel_frees
+  in
+    if null errs then () else error (cat_lines errs)
+  end
 (* check for existence of map functions *)
 fun map_check ctxt (_, (rty, _, _)) =
-  val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-  fun map_check_aux rty warns =
-    case rty of
-      Type (_, []) => warns
-    | Type (s, _) => if maps_defined thy s then warns else s::warns
-    | _ => warns
+    fun map_check_aux rty warns =
+      case rty of
+        Type (_, []) => warns
+      | Type (s, _) => if Quotient_Info.maps_defined thy s then warns else s::warns
+      | _ => warns
-  val warns = map_check_aux rty []
-  if null warns then ()
-  else warning ("No map function defined for " ^ commas warns ^
-    ". This will cause problems later on.")
+    val warns = map_check_aux rty []
+  in
+    if null warns then ()
+    else warning ("No map function defined for " ^ commas warns ^
+      ". This will cause problems later on.")
+  end
@@ -246,48 +249,48 @@
 fun quotient_type quot_list lthy =
-  (* sanity check *)
-  val _ = sanity_check quot_list
-  val _ = (map_check lthy) quot_list
+  let
+    (* sanity check *)
+    val _ = sanity_check quot_list
+    val _ = (map_check lthy) quot_list
-  fun mk_goal (rty, rel, partial) =
-  let
-    val equivp_ty = ([rty, rty] ---> @{typ bool}) --> @{typ bool}
-    val const = 
-      if partial then @{const_name part_equivp} else @{const_name equivp}
+    fun mk_goal (rty, rel, partial) =
+      let
+        val equivp_ty = ([rty, rty] ---> @{typ bool}) --> @{typ bool}
+        val const =
+          if partial then @{const_name part_equivp} else @{const_name equivp}
+      in
+        HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Const (const, equivp_ty) $ rel)
+      end
+    val goals = map (mk_goal o snd) quot_list
+    fun after_qed thms lthy =
+      fold_map add_quotient_type (quot_list ~~ thms) lthy |> snd
-    HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Const (const, equivp_ty) $ rel)
+    theorem after_qed goals lthy
-  val goals = map (mk_goal o snd) quot_list
-  fun after_qed thms lthy =
-    fold_map add_quotient_type (quot_list ~~ thms) lthy |> snd
-  theorem after_qed goals lthy
 fun quotient_type_cmd specs lthy =
-  fun parse_spec ((((vs, qty_name), mx), rty_str), (partial, rel_str)) lthy =
-    val rty = Syntax.read_typ lthy rty_str
-    val lthy1 = Variable.declare_typ rty lthy
-    val rel = 
-      Syntax.parse_term lthy1 rel_str
-      |> Type.constraint (rty --> rty --> @{typ bool}) 
-      |> Syntax.check_term lthy1 
-    val lthy2 = Variable.declare_term rel lthy1 
+    fun parse_spec ((((vs, qty_name), mx), rty_str), (partial, rel_str)) lthy =
+      let
+        val rty = Syntax.read_typ lthy rty_str
+        val lthy1 = Variable.declare_typ rty lthy
+        val rel =
+          Syntax.parse_term lthy1 rel_str
+          |> Type.constraint (rty --> rty --> @{typ bool})
+          |> Syntax.check_term lthy1
+        val lthy2 = Variable.declare_term rel lthy1
+      in
+        (((vs, qty_name, mx), (rty, rel, partial)), lthy2)
+      end
+    val (spec', lthy') = fold_map parse_spec specs lthy
-    (((vs, qty_name, mx), (rty, rel, partial)), lthy2)
+    quotient_type spec' lthy'
-  val (spec', lthy') = fold_map parse_spec specs lthy
-  quotient_type spec' lthy'
 val partial = Scan.optional (Parse.reserved "partial" -- Parse.$$$ ":" >> K true) false
 val quotspec_parser =
@@ -299,8 +302,8 @@
 val _ = Keyword.keyword "/"
 val _ =
-    Outer_Syntax.local_theory_to_proof "quotient_type"
-      "quotient type definitions (require equivalence proofs)"
-         Keyword.thy_goal (quotspec_parser >> quotient_type_cmd)
+  Outer_Syntax.local_theory_to_proof "quotient_type"
+    "quotient type definitions (require equivalence proofs)"
+       Keyword.thy_goal (quotspec_parser >> quotient_type_cmd)
 end; (* structure *)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/cnf_funcs.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/cnf_funcs.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -34,20 +34,20 @@
 signature CNF =
-	val is_atom: term -> bool
-	val is_literal: term -> bool
-	val is_clause: term -> bool
-	val clause_is_trivial: term -> bool
+  val is_atom: term -> bool
+  val is_literal: term -> bool
+  val is_clause: term -> bool
+  val clause_is_trivial: term -> bool
-	val clause2raw_thm: thm -> thm
+  val clause2raw_thm: thm -> thm
-	val weakening_tac: int -> tactic  (* removes the first hypothesis of a subgoal *)
+  val weakening_tac: int -> tactic  (* removes the first hypothesis of a subgoal *)
-	val make_cnf_thm: theory -> term -> thm
-	val make_cnfx_thm: theory -> term -> thm
-	val cnf_rewrite_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic  (* converts all prems of a subgoal to CNF *)
-	val cnfx_rewrite_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
-	  (* converts all prems of a subgoal to (almost) definitional CNF *)
+  val make_cnf_thm: theory -> term -> thm
+  val make_cnfx_thm: theory -> term -> thm
+  val cnf_rewrite_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic  (* converts all prems of a subgoal to CNF *)
+  val cnfx_rewrite_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
+    (* converts all prems of a subgoal to (almost) definitional CNF *)
 structure cnf : CNF =
@@ -93,39 +93,35 @@
 val cnftac_eq_imp        = @{lemma "[| P = Q; P |] ==> Q" by auto};
-fun is_atom (Const (@{const_name False}, _))                                           = false
-  | is_atom (Const (@{const_name True}, _))                                            = false
-  | is_atom (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ _ $ _)                                    = false
-  | is_atom (Const (@{const_name HOL.disj}, _) $ _ $ _)                                    = false
-  | is_atom (Const (@{const_name HOL.implies}, _) $ _ $ _)                                  = false
-  | is_atom (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, Type ("fun", @{typ bool} :: _)) $ _ $ _)       = false
-  | is_atom (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ _)                                         = false
-  | is_atom _                                                              = true;
+fun is_atom (Const (@{const_name False}, _)) = false
+  | is_atom (Const (@{const_name True}, _)) = false
+  | is_atom (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ _ $ _) = false
+  | is_atom (Const (@{const_name HOL.disj}, _) $ _ $ _) = false
+  | is_atom (Const (@{const_name HOL.implies}, _) $ _ $ _) = false
+  | is_atom (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, Type ("fun", @{typ bool} :: _)) $ _ $ _) = false
+  | is_atom (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ _) = false
+  | is_atom _ = true;
 fun is_literal (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ x) = is_atom x
-  | is_literal x                      = is_atom x;
+  | is_literal x = is_atom x;
 fun is_clause (Const (@{const_name HOL.disj}, _) $ x $ y) = is_clause x andalso is_clause y
-  | is_clause x                           = is_literal x;
+  | is_clause x = is_literal x;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* clause_is_trivial: a clause is trivially true if it contains both an atom *)
 (*      and the atom's negation                                              *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Term.term -> bool *)
 fun clause_is_trivial c =
-	let
-		(* Term.term -> Term.term *)
-		fun dual (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ x) = x
-		  | dual x                      = HOLogic.Not $ x
-		(* Term.term list -> bool *)
-		fun has_duals []      = false
-		  | has_duals (x::xs) = member (op =) xs (dual x) orelse has_duals xs
-	in
-		has_duals (HOLogic.disjuncts c)
-	end;
+  let
+    fun dual (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ x) = x
+      | dual x = HOLogic.Not $ x
+    fun has_duals [] = false
+      | has_duals (x::xs) = member (op =) xs (dual x) orelse has_duals xs
+  in
+    has_duals (HOLogic.disjuncts c)
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* clause2raw_thm: translates a clause into a raw clause, i.e.               *)
@@ -135,41 +131,39 @@
 (*      where each xi' is the negation normal form of ~xi                    *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Thm.thm -> Thm.thm *)
 fun clause2raw_thm clause =
-	(* eliminates negated disjunctions from the i-th premise, possibly *)
-	(* adding new premises, then continues with the (i+1)-th premise   *)
-	(* int -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm *)
-	fun not_disj_to_prem i thm =
-		if i > nprems_of thm then
-			thm
-		else
-			not_disj_to_prem (i+1) (Seq.hd (REPEAT_DETERM (rtac clause2raw_not_disj i) thm))
-	(* moves all premises to hyps, i.e. "[...] |- A1 ==> ... ==> An ==> B" *)
-	(* becomes "[..., A1, ..., An] |- B"                                   *)
-	(* Thm.thm -> Thm.thm *)
-	fun prems_to_hyps thm =
-		fold (fn cprem => fn thm' =>
-			Thm.implies_elim thm' (Thm.assume cprem)) (cprems_of thm) thm
-	(* [...] |- ~(x1 | ... | xn) ==> False *)
-	(clause2raw_notE OF [clause])
-	(* [...] |- ~x1 ==> ... ==> ~xn ==> False *)
-	|> not_disj_to_prem 1
-	(* [...] |- x1' ==> ... ==> xn' ==> False *)
-	|> Seq.hd o TRYALL (rtac clause2raw_not_not)
-	(* [..., x1', ..., xn'] |- False *)
-	|> prems_to_hyps
+  let
+    (* eliminates negated disjunctions from the i-th premise, possibly *)
+    (* adding new premises, then continues with the (i+1)-th premise   *)
+    (* int -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm *)
+    fun not_disj_to_prem i thm =
+      if i > nprems_of thm then
+        thm
+      else
+        not_disj_to_prem (i+1) (Seq.hd (REPEAT_DETERM (rtac clause2raw_not_disj i) thm))
+    (* moves all premises to hyps, i.e. "[...] |- A1 ==> ... ==> An ==> B" *)
+    (* becomes "[..., A1, ..., An] |- B"                                   *)
+    (* Thm.thm -> Thm.thm *)
+    fun prems_to_hyps thm =
+      fold (fn cprem => fn thm' =>
+        Thm.implies_elim thm' (Thm.assume cprem)) (cprems_of thm) thm
+  in
+    (* [...] |- ~(x1 | ... | xn) ==> False *)
+    (clause2raw_notE OF [clause])
+    (* [...] |- ~x1 ==> ... ==> ~xn ==> False *)
+    |> not_disj_to_prem 1
+    (* [...] |- x1' ==> ... ==> xn' ==> False *)
+    |> Seq.hd o TRYALL (rtac clause2raw_not_not)
+    (* [..., x1', ..., xn'] |- False *)
+    |> prems_to_hyps
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* inst_thm: instantiates a theorem with a list of terms                     *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 fun inst_thm thy ts thm =
-	instantiate' [] (map (SOME o cterm_of thy) ts) thm;
+  instantiate' [] (map (SOME o cterm_of thy) ts) thm;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (*                         Naive CNF transformation                          *)
@@ -182,80 +176,81 @@
 (*      eliminated (possibly causing an exponential blowup)                  *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Theory.theory -> Term.term -> Thm.thm *)
 fun make_nnf_thm thy (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ x $ y) =
-	let
-		val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy x
-		val thm2 = make_nnf_thm thy y
-	in
-		conj_cong OF [thm1, thm2]
-	end
+      let
+        val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy x
+        val thm2 = make_nnf_thm thy y
+      in
+        conj_cong OF [thm1, thm2]
+      end
   | make_nnf_thm thy (Const (@{const_name HOL.disj}, _) $ x $ y) =
-	let
-		val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy x
-		val thm2 = make_nnf_thm thy y
-	in
-		disj_cong OF [thm1, thm2]
-	end
+      let
+        val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy x
+        val thm2 = make_nnf_thm thy y
+      in
+        disj_cong OF [thm1, thm2]
+      end
   | make_nnf_thm thy (Const (@{const_name HOL.implies}, _) $ x $ y) =
-	let
-		val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ x)
-		val thm2 = make_nnf_thm thy y
-	in
-		make_nnf_imp OF [thm1, thm2]
-	end
+      let
+        val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ x)
+        val thm2 = make_nnf_thm thy y
+      in
+        make_nnf_imp OF [thm1, thm2]
+      end
   | make_nnf_thm thy (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, Type ("fun", @{typ bool} :: _)) $ x $ y) =
-	let
-		val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy x
-		val thm2 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ x)
-		val thm3 = make_nnf_thm thy y
-		val thm4 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ y)
-	in
-		make_nnf_iff OF [thm1, thm2, thm3, thm4]
-	end
+      let
+        val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy x
+        val thm2 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ x)
+        val thm3 = make_nnf_thm thy y
+        val thm4 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ y)
+      in
+        make_nnf_iff OF [thm1, thm2, thm3, thm4]
+      end
   | make_nnf_thm thy (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ Const (@{const_name False}, _)) =
-	make_nnf_not_false
+      make_nnf_not_false
   | make_nnf_thm thy (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ Const (@{const_name True}, _)) =
-	make_nnf_not_true
+      make_nnf_not_true
   | make_nnf_thm thy (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ x $ y)) =
-	let
-		val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ x)
-		val thm2 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ y)
-	in
-		make_nnf_not_conj OF [thm1, thm2]
-	end
+      let
+        val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ x)
+        val thm2 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ y)
+      in
+        make_nnf_not_conj OF [thm1, thm2]
+      end
   | make_nnf_thm thy (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name HOL.disj}, _) $ x $ y)) =
-	let
-		val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ x)
-		val thm2 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ y)
-	in
-		make_nnf_not_disj OF [thm1, thm2]
-	end
-  | make_nnf_thm thy (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name HOL.implies}, _) $ x $ y)) =
-	let
-		val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy x
-		val thm2 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ y)
-	in
-		make_nnf_not_imp OF [thm1, thm2]
-	end
-  | make_nnf_thm thy (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, Type ("fun", @{typ bool} :: _)) $ x $ y)) =
-	let
-		val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy x
-		val thm2 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ x)
-		val thm3 = make_nnf_thm thy y
-		val thm4 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ y)
-	in
-		make_nnf_not_iff OF [thm1, thm2, thm3, thm4]
-	end
+      let
+        val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ x)
+        val thm2 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ y)
+      in
+        make_nnf_not_disj OF [thm1, thm2]
+      end
+  | make_nnf_thm thy
+      (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $
+        (Const (@{const_name HOL.implies}, _) $ x $ y)) =
+      let
+        val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy x
+        val thm2 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ y)
+      in
+        make_nnf_not_imp OF [thm1, thm2]
+      end
+  | make_nnf_thm thy
+      (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $
+        (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, Type ("fun", @{typ bool} :: _)) $ x $ y)) =
+      let
+        val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy x
+        val thm2 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ x)
+        val thm3 = make_nnf_thm thy y
+        val thm4 = make_nnf_thm thy (HOLogic.Not $ y)
+      in
+        make_nnf_not_iff OF [thm1, thm2, thm3, thm4]
+      end
   | make_nnf_thm thy (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ x)) =
-	let
-		val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy x
-	in
-		make_nnf_not_not OF [thm1]
-	end
-  | make_nnf_thm thy t =
-	inst_thm thy [t] iff_refl;
+      let
+        val thm1 = make_nnf_thm thy x
+      in
+        make_nnf_not_not OF [thm1]
+      end
+  | make_nnf_thm thy t = inst_thm thy [t] iff_refl;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* simp_True_False_thm: produces a theorem t = t', where t' is equivalent to *)
@@ -277,51 +272,50 @@
 (* Theory.theory -> Term.term -> Thm.thm *)
 fun simp_True_False_thm thy (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ x $ y) =
-	let
-		val thm1 = simp_True_False_thm thy x
-		val x'   = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) thm1
-	in
-		if x' = HOLogic.false_const then
-			simp_TF_conj_False_l OF [thm1]  (* (x & y) = False *)
-		else
-			let
-				val thm2 = simp_True_False_thm thy y
-				val y'   = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) thm2
-			in
-				if x' = HOLogic.true_const then
-					simp_TF_conj_True_l OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x & y) = y' *)
-				else if y' = HOLogic.false_const then
-					simp_TF_conj_False_r OF [thm2]  (* (x & y) = False *)
-				else if y' = HOLogic.true_const then
-					simp_TF_conj_True_r OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x & y) = x' *)
-				else
-					conj_cong OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x & y) = (x' & y') *)
-			end
-	end
+      let
+        val thm1 = simp_True_False_thm thy x
+        val x'= (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) thm1
+      in
+        if x' = HOLogic.false_const then
+          simp_TF_conj_False_l OF [thm1]  (* (x & y) = False *)
+        else
+          let
+            val thm2 = simp_True_False_thm thy y
+            val y' = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) thm2
+          in
+            if x' = HOLogic.true_const then
+              simp_TF_conj_True_l OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x & y) = y' *)
+            else if y' = HOLogic.false_const then
+              simp_TF_conj_False_r OF [thm2]  (* (x & y) = False *)
+            else if y' = HOLogic.true_const then
+              simp_TF_conj_True_r OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x & y) = x' *)
+            else
+              conj_cong OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x & y) = (x' & y') *)
+          end
+      end
   | simp_True_False_thm thy (Const (@{const_name HOL.disj}, _) $ x $ y) =
-	let
-		val thm1 = simp_True_False_thm thy x
-		val x'   = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) thm1
-	in
-		if x' = HOLogic.true_const then
-			simp_TF_disj_True_l OF [thm1]  (* (x | y) = True *)
-		else
-			let
-				val thm2 = simp_True_False_thm thy y
-				val y'   = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) thm2
-			in
-				if x' = HOLogic.false_const then
-					simp_TF_disj_False_l OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x | y) = y' *)
-				else if y' = HOLogic.true_const then
-					simp_TF_disj_True_r OF [thm2]  (* (x | y) = True *)
-				else if y' = HOLogic.false_const then
-					simp_TF_disj_False_r OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x | y) = x' *)
-				else
-					disj_cong OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x | y) = (x' | y') *)
-			end
-	end
-  | simp_True_False_thm thy t =
-	inst_thm thy [t] iff_refl;  (* t = t *)
+      let
+        val thm1 = simp_True_False_thm thy x
+        val x' = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) thm1
+      in
+        if x' = HOLogic.true_const then
+          simp_TF_disj_True_l OF [thm1]  (* (x | y) = True *)
+        else
+          let
+            val thm2 = simp_True_False_thm thy y
+            val y' = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) thm2
+          in
+            if x' = HOLogic.false_const then
+              simp_TF_disj_False_l OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x | y) = y' *)
+            else if y' = HOLogic.true_const then
+              simp_TF_disj_True_r OF [thm2]  (* (x | y) = True *)
+            else if y' = HOLogic.false_const then
+              simp_TF_disj_False_r OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x | y) = x' *)
+            else
+              disj_cong OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x | y) = (x' | y') *)
+          end
+      end
+  | simp_True_False_thm thy t = inst_thm thy [t] iff_refl;  (* t = t *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* make_cnf_thm: given any HOL term 't', produces a theorem t = t', where t' *)
@@ -329,58 +323,54 @@
 (*      in the length of the term.                                           *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Theory.theory -> Term.term -> Thm.thm *)
 fun make_cnf_thm thy t =
-	(* Term.term -> Thm.thm *)
-	fun make_cnf_thm_from_nnf (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ x $ y) =
-		let
-			val thm1 = make_cnf_thm_from_nnf x
-			val thm2 = make_cnf_thm_from_nnf y
-		in
-			conj_cong OF [thm1, thm2]
-		end
-	  | make_cnf_thm_from_nnf (Const (@{const_name HOL.disj}, _) $ x $ y) =
-		let
-			(* produces a theorem "(x' | y') = t'", where x', y', and t' are in CNF *)
-			fun make_cnf_disj_thm (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ x1 $ x2) y' =
-				let
-					val thm1 = make_cnf_disj_thm x1 y'
-					val thm2 = make_cnf_disj_thm x2 y'
-				in
-					make_cnf_disj_conj_l OF [thm1, thm2]  (* ((x1 & x2) | y') = ((x1 | y')' & (x2 | y')') *)
-				end
-			  | make_cnf_disj_thm x' (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ y1 $ y2) =
-				let
-					val thm1 = make_cnf_disj_thm x' y1
-					val thm2 = make_cnf_disj_thm x' y2
-				in
-					make_cnf_disj_conj_r OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x' | (y1 & y2)) = ((x' | y1)' & (x' | y2)') *)
-				end
-			  | make_cnf_disj_thm x' y' =
-				inst_thm thy [HOLogic.mk_disj (x', y')] iff_refl  (* (x' | y') = (x' | y') *)
-			val thm1     = make_cnf_thm_from_nnf x
-			val thm2     = make_cnf_thm_from_nnf y
-			val x'       = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) thm1
-			val y'       = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) thm2
-			val disj_thm = disj_cong OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x | y) = (x' | y') *)
-		in
-			iff_trans OF [disj_thm, make_cnf_disj_thm x' y']
-		end
-	  | make_cnf_thm_from_nnf t =
-		inst_thm thy [t] iff_refl
-	(* convert 't' to NNF first *)
-	val nnf_thm  = make_nnf_thm thy t
-	val nnf      = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) nnf_thm
-	(* then simplify wrt. True/False (this should preserve NNF) *)
-	val simp_thm = simp_True_False_thm thy nnf
-	val simp     = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) simp_thm
-	(* finally, convert to CNF (this should preserve the simplification) *)
-	val cnf_thm  = make_cnf_thm_from_nnf simp
-	iff_trans OF [iff_trans OF [nnf_thm, simp_thm], cnf_thm]
+  let
+    fun make_cnf_thm_from_nnf (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ x $ y) =
+          let
+            val thm1 = make_cnf_thm_from_nnf x
+            val thm2 = make_cnf_thm_from_nnf y
+          in
+            conj_cong OF [thm1, thm2]
+          end
+      | make_cnf_thm_from_nnf (Const (@{const_name HOL.disj}, _) $ x $ y) =
+          let
+            (* produces a theorem "(x' | y') = t'", where x', y', and t' are in CNF *)
+            fun make_cnf_disj_thm (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ x1 $ x2) y' =
+                  let
+                    val thm1 = make_cnf_disj_thm x1 y'
+                    val thm2 = make_cnf_disj_thm x2 y'
+                  in
+                    make_cnf_disj_conj_l OF [thm1, thm2]  (* ((x1 & x2) | y') = ((x1 | y')' & (x2 | y')') *)
+                  end
+              | make_cnf_disj_thm x' (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ y1 $ y2) =
+                  let
+                    val thm1 = make_cnf_disj_thm x' y1
+                    val thm2 = make_cnf_disj_thm x' y2
+                  in
+                    make_cnf_disj_conj_r OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x' | (y1 & y2)) = ((x' | y1)' & (x' | y2)') *)
+                  end
+              | make_cnf_disj_thm x' y' =
+                  inst_thm thy [HOLogic.mk_disj (x', y')] iff_refl  (* (x' | y') = (x' | y') *)
+            val thm1 = make_cnf_thm_from_nnf x
+            val thm2 = make_cnf_thm_from_nnf y
+            val x' = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) thm1
+            val y' = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) thm2
+            val disj_thm = disj_cong OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x | y) = (x' | y') *)
+          in
+            iff_trans OF [disj_thm, make_cnf_disj_thm x' y']
+          end
+      | make_cnf_thm_from_nnf t = inst_thm thy [t] iff_refl
+    (* convert 't' to NNF first *)
+    val nnf_thm = make_nnf_thm thy t
+    val nnf = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) nnf_thm
+    (* then simplify wrt. True/False (this should preserve NNF) *)
+    val simp_thm = simp_True_False_thm thy nnf
+    val simp = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) simp_thm
+    (* finally, convert to CNF (this should preserve the simplification) *)
+    val cnf_thm = make_cnf_thm_from_nnf simp
+  in
+    iff_trans OF [iff_trans OF [nnf_thm, simp_thm], cnf_thm]
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (*            CNF transformation by introducing new literals                 *)
@@ -396,106 +386,107 @@
 (*      in the case of nested equivalences.                                  *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Theory.theory -> Term.term -> Thm.thm *)
 fun make_cnfx_thm thy t =
-	val var_id = Unsynchronized.ref 0  (* properly initialized below *)
-	fun new_free () =
-		Free ("cnfx_" ^ string_of_int ( var_id), HOLogic.boolT)
-	fun make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ x $ y) : thm =
-		let
-			val thm1 = make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf x
-			val thm2 = make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf y
-		in
-			conj_cong OF [thm1, thm2]
-		end
-	  | make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf (Const (@{const_name HOL.disj}, _) $ x $ y) =
-		if is_clause x andalso is_clause y then
-			inst_thm thy [HOLogic.mk_disj (x, y)] iff_refl
-		else if is_literal y orelse is_literal x then let
-			(* produces a theorem "(x' | y') = t'", where x', y', and t' are *)
-			(* almost in CNF, and x' or y' is a literal                      *)
-			fun make_cnfx_disj_thm (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ x1 $ x2) y' =
-				let
-					val thm1 = make_cnfx_disj_thm x1 y'
-					val thm2 = make_cnfx_disj_thm x2 y'
-				in
-					make_cnf_disj_conj_l OF [thm1, thm2]  (* ((x1 & x2) | y') = ((x1 | y')' & (x2 | y')') *)
-				end
-			  | make_cnfx_disj_thm x' (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ y1 $ y2) =
-				let
-					val thm1 = make_cnfx_disj_thm x' y1
-					val thm2 = make_cnfx_disj_thm x' y2
-				in
-					make_cnf_disj_conj_r OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x' | (y1 & y2)) = ((x' | y1)' & (x' | y2)') *)
-				end
-			  | make_cnfx_disj_thm (@{term "Ex::(bool => bool) => bool"} $ x') y' =
-				let
-					val thm1 = inst_thm thy [x', y'] make_cnfx_disj_ex_l   (* ((Ex x') | y') = (Ex (x' | y')) *)
-					val var  = new_free ()
-					val thm2 = make_cnfx_disj_thm (betapply (x', var)) y'  (* (x' | y') = body' *)
-					val thm3 = Thm.forall_intr (cterm_of thy var) thm2     (* !!v. (x' | y') = body' *)
-					val thm4 = Thm.strip_shyps (thm3 COMP allI)            (* ALL v. (x' | y') = body' *)
-					val thm5 = Thm.strip_shyps (thm4 RS make_cnfx_ex_cong) (* (EX v. (x' | y')) = (EX v. body') *)
-				in
-					iff_trans OF [thm1, thm5]  (* ((Ex x') | y') = (Ex v. body') *)
-				end
-			  | make_cnfx_disj_thm x' (@{term "Ex::(bool => bool) => bool"} $ y') =
-				let
-					val thm1 = inst_thm thy [x', y'] make_cnfx_disj_ex_r   (* (x' | (Ex y')) = (Ex (x' | y')) *)
-					val var  = new_free ()
-					val thm2 = make_cnfx_disj_thm x' (betapply (y', var))  (* (x' | y') = body' *)
-					val thm3 = Thm.forall_intr (cterm_of thy var) thm2     (* !!v. (x' | y') = body' *)
-					val thm4 = Thm.strip_shyps (thm3 COMP allI)            (* ALL v. (x' | y') = body' *)
-					val thm5 = Thm.strip_shyps (thm4 RS make_cnfx_ex_cong) (* (EX v. (x' | y')) = (EX v. body') *)
-				in
-					iff_trans OF [thm1, thm5]  (* (x' | (Ex y')) = (EX v. body') *)
-				end
-			  | make_cnfx_disj_thm x' y' =
-				inst_thm thy [HOLogic.mk_disj (x', y')] iff_refl  (* (x' | y') = (x' | y') *)
-			val thm1     = make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf x
-			val thm2     = make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf y
-			val x'       = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) thm1
-			val y'       = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) thm2
-			val disj_thm = disj_cong OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x | y) = (x' | y') *)
-		in
-			iff_trans OF [disj_thm, make_cnfx_disj_thm x' y']
-		end else let  (* neither 'x' nor 'y' is a literal: introduce a fresh variable *)
-			val thm1 = inst_thm thy [x, y] make_cnfx_newlit     (* (x | y) = EX v. (x | v) & (y | ~v) *)
-			val var  = new_free ()
-			val body = HOLogic.mk_conj (HOLogic.mk_disj (x, var), HOLogic.mk_disj (y, HOLogic.Not $ var))
-			val thm2 = make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf body              (* (x | v) & (y | ~v) = body' *)
-			val thm3 = Thm.forall_intr (cterm_of thy var) thm2  (* !!v. (x | v) & (y | ~v) = body' *)
-			val thm4 = Thm.strip_shyps (thm3 COMP allI)         (* ALL v. (x | v) & (y | ~v) = body' *)
-			val thm5 = Thm.strip_shyps (thm4 RS make_cnfx_ex_cong)  (* (EX v. (x | v) & (y | ~v)) = (EX v. body') *)
-		in
-			iff_trans OF [thm1, thm5]
-		end
-	  | make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf t =
-		inst_thm thy [t] iff_refl
-	(* convert 't' to NNF first *)
-	val nnf_thm  = make_nnf_thm thy t
-	val nnf      = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) nnf_thm
-	(* then simplify wrt. True/False (this should preserve NNF) *)
-	val simp_thm = simp_True_False_thm thy nnf
-	val simp     = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) simp_thm
-	(* initialize var_id, in case the term already contains variables of the form "cnfx_<int>" *)
-	val _        = (var_id := fold (fn free => fn max =>
-		let
-			val (name, _) = dest_Free free
-			val idx       = if String.isPrefix "cnfx_" name then
-					(Int.fromString o String.extract) (name, String.size "cnfx_", NONE)
-				else
-					NONE
-		in
-			Int.max (max, the_default 0 idx)
-		end) (OldTerm.term_frees simp) 0)
-	(* finally, convert to definitional CNF (this should preserve the simplification) *)
-	val cnfx_thm = make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf simp
-	iff_trans OF [iff_trans OF [nnf_thm, simp_thm], cnfx_thm]
+  let
+    val var_id = Unsynchronized.ref 0  (* properly initialized below *)
+    fun new_free () =
+      Free ("cnfx_" ^ string_of_int ( var_id), HOLogic.boolT)
+    fun make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ x $ y) : thm =
+          let
+            val thm1 = make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf x
+            val thm2 = make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf y
+          in
+            conj_cong OF [thm1, thm2]
+          end
+      | make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf (Const (@{const_name HOL.disj}, _) $ x $ y) =
+          if is_clause x andalso is_clause y then
+            inst_thm thy [HOLogic.mk_disj (x, y)] iff_refl
+          else if is_literal y orelse is_literal x then
+            let
+              (* produces a theorem "(x' | y') = t'", where x', y', and t' are *)
+              (* almost in CNF, and x' or y' is a literal                      *)
+              fun make_cnfx_disj_thm (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ x1 $ x2) y' =
+                    let
+                      val thm1 = make_cnfx_disj_thm x1 y'
+                      val thm2 = make_cnfx_disj_thm x2 y'
+                    in
+                      make_cnf_disj_conj_l OF [thm1, thm2]  (* ((x1 & x2) | y') = ((x1 | y')' & (x2 | y')') *)
+                    end
+                | make_cnfx_disj_thm x' (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ y1 $ y2) =
+                    let
+                      val thm1 = make_cnfx_disj_thm x' y1
+                      val thm2 = make_cnfx_disj_thm x' y2
+                    in
+                      make_cnf_disj_conj_r OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x' | (y1 & y2)) = ((x' | y1)' & (x' | y2)') *)
+                    end
+                | make_cnfx_disj_thm (@{term "Ex::(bool => bool) => bool"} $ x') y' =
+                    let
+                      val thm1 = inst_thm thy [x', y'] make_cnfx_disj_ex_l   (* ((Ex x') | y') = (Ex (x' | y')) *)
+                      val var = new_free ()
+                      val thm2 = make_cnfx_disj_thm (betapply (x', var)) y'  (* (x' | y') = body' *)
+                      val thm3 = Thm.forall_intr (cterm_of thy var) thm2     (* !!v. (x' | y') = body' *)
+                      val thm4 = Thm.strip_shyps (thm3 COMP allI)            (* ALL v. (x' | y') = body' *)
+                      val thm5 = Thm.strip_shyps (thm4 RS make_cnfx_ex_cong) (* (EX v. (x' | y')) = (EX v. body') *)
+                    in
+                      iff_trans OF [thm1, thm5]  (* ((Ex x') | y') = (Ex v. body') *)
+                    end
+                | make_cnfx_disj_thm x' (@{term "Ex::(bool => bool) => bool"} $ y') =
+                    let
+                      val thm1 = inst_thm thy [x', y'] make_cnfx_disj_ex_r   (* (x' | (Ex y')) = (Ex (x' | y')) *)
+                      val var = new_free ()
+                      val thm2 = make_cnfx_disj_thm x' (betapply (y', var))  (* (x' | y') = body' *)
+                      val thm3 = Thm.forall_intr (cterm_of thy var) thm2     (* !!v. (x' | y') = body' *)
+                      val thm4 = Thm.strip_shyps (thm3 COMP allI)            (* ALL v. (x' | y') = body' *)
+                      val thm5 = Thm.strip_shyps (thm4 RS make_cnfx_ex_cong) (* (EX v. (x' | y')) = (EX v. body') *)
+                    in
+                      iff_trans OF [thm1, thm5]  (* (x' | (Ex y')) = (EX v. body') *)
+                    end
+                | make_cnfx_disj_thm x' y' =
+                    inst_thm thy [HOLogic.mk_disj (x', y')] iff_refl  (* (x' | y') = (x' | y') *)
+              val thm1 = make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf x
+              val thm2 = make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf y
+              val x' = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) thm1
+              val y' = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) thm2
+              val disj_thm = disj_cong OF [thm1, thm2]  (* (x | y) = (x' | y') *)
+            in
+              iff_trans OF [disj_thm, make_cnfx_disj_thm x' y']
+            end
+          else
+            let  (* neither 'x' nor 'y' is a literal: introduce a fresh variable *)
+              val thm1 = inst_thm thy [x, y] make_cnfx_newlit     (* (x | y) = EX v. (x | v) & (y | ~v) *)
+              val var = new_free ()
+              val body = HOLogic.mk_conj (HOLogic.mk_disj (x, var), HOLogic.mk_disj (y, HOLogic.Not $ var))
+              val thm2 = make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf body              (* (x | v) & (y | ~v) = body' *)
+              val thm3 = Thm.forall_intr (cterm_of thy var) thm2  (* !!v. (x | v) & (y | ~v) = body' *)
+              val thm4 = Thm.strip_shyps (thm3 COMP allI)         (* ALL v. (x | v) & (y | ~v) = body' *)
+              val thm5 = Thm.strip_shyps (thm4 RS make_cnfx_ex_cong)  (* (EX v. (x | v) & (y | ~v)) = (EX v. body') *)
+            in
+              iff_trans OF [thm1, thm5]
+            end
+      | make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf t = inst_thm thy [t] iff_refl
+    (* convert 't' to NNF first *)
+    val nnf_thm = make_nnf_thm thy t
+    val nnf = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) nnf_thm
+    (* then simplify wrt. True/False (this should preserve NNF) *)
+    val simp_thm = simp_True_False_thm thy nnf
+    val simp = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) simp_thm
+    (* initialize var_id, in case the term already contains variables of the form "cnfx_<int>" *)
+    val _ = (var_id := fold (fn free => fn max =>
+      let
+        val (name, _) = dest_Free free
+        val idx =
+          if String.isPrefix "cnfx_" name then
+            (Int.fromString o String.extract) (name, String.size "cnfx_", NONE)
+          else
+            NONE
+      in
+        Int.max (max, the_default 0 idx)
+      end) (OldTerm.term_frees simp) 0)
+    (* finally, convert to definitional CNF (this should preserve the simplification) *)
+    val cnfx_thm = make_cnfx_thm_from_nnf simp
+  in
+    iff_trans OF [iff_trans OF [nnf_thm, simp_thm], cnfx_thm]
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (*                                  Tactics                                  *)
@@ -506,7 +497,7 @@
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 fun weakening_tac i =
-	dtac weakening_thm i THEN atac (i+1);
+  dtac weakening_thm i THEN atac (i+1);
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* cnf_rewrite_tac: converts all premises of the 'i'-th subgoal to CNF       *)
@@ -515,22 +506,22 @@
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 fun cnf_rewrite_tac ctxt i =
-	(* cut the CNF formulas as new premises *)
-	Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {prems, ...} =>
-		let
-		  val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-			val cnf_thms = map (make_cnf_thm thy o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.prop_of) prems
-			val cut_thms = map (fn (th, pr) => cnftac_eq_imp OF [th, pr]) (cnf_thms ~~ prems)
-		in
-			cut_facts_tac cut_thms 1
-		end) ctxt i
-	(* remove the original premises *)
-	THEN SELECT_GOAL (fn thm =>
-		let
-			val n = Logic.count_prems ((Term.strip_all_body o fst o Logic.dest_implies o prop_of) thm)
-		in
-			PRIMITIVE (funpow (n div 2) (Seq.hd o weakening_tac 1)) thm
-		end) i;
+  (* cut the CNF formulas as new premises *)
+  Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {prems, ...} =>
+    let
+      val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+      val cnf_thms = map (make_cnf_thm thy o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.prop_of) prems
+      val cut_thms = map (fn (th, pr) => cnftac_eq_imp OF [th, pr]) (cnf_thms ~~ prems)
+    in
+      cut_facts_tac cut_thms 1
+    end) ctxt i
+  (* remove the original premises *)
+  THEN SELECT_GOAL (fn thm =>
+    let
+      val n = Logic.count_prems ((Term.strip_all_body o fst o Logic.dest_implies o prop_of) thm)
+    in
+      PRIMITIVE (funpow (n div 2) (Seq.hd o weakening_tac 1)) thm
+    end) i;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* cnfx_rewrite_tac: converts all premises of the 'i'-th subgoal to CNF      *)
@@ -538,21 +529,21 @@
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 fun cnfx_rewrite_tac ctxt i =
-	(* cut the CNF formulas as new premises *)
-	Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {prems, ...} =>
-		let
-		  val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-			val cnfx_thms = map (make_cnfx_thm thy o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) prems
-			val cut_thms  = map (fn (th, pr) => cnftac_eq_imp OF [th, pr]) (cnfx_thms ~~ prems)
-		in
-			cut_facts_tac cut_thms 1
-		end) ctxt i
-	(* remove the original premises *)
-	THEN SELECT_GOAL (fn thm =>
-		let
-			val n = Logic.count_prems ((Term.strip_all_body o fst o Logic.dest_implies o prop_of) thm)
-		in
-			PRIMITIVE (funpow (n div 2) (Seq.hd o weakening_tac 1)) thm
-		end) i;
+  (* cut the CNF formulas as new premises *)
+  Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {prems, ...} =>
+    let
+      val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
+      val cnfx_thms = map (make_cnfx_thm thy o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) prems
+      val cut_thms = map (fn (th, pr) => cnftac_eq_imp OF [th, pr]) (cnfx_thms ~~ prems)
+    in
+      cut_facts_tac cut_thms 1
+    end) ctxt i
+  (* remove the original premises *)
+  THEN SELECT_GOAL (fn thm =>
+    let
+      val n = Logic.count_prems ((Term.strip_all_body o fst o Logic.dest_implies o prop_of) thm)
+    in
+      PRIMITIVE (funpow (n div 2) (Seq.hd o weakening_tac 1)) thm
+    end) i;
-end;  (* of structure *)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/groebner.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/groebner.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
 signature GROEBNER =
-  val ring_and_ideal_conv :
+  val ring_and_ideal_conv:
     {idom: thm list, ring: cterm list * thm list, field: cterm list * thm list,
      vars: cterm list, semiring: cterm list * thm list, ideal : thm list} ->
     (cterm -> Rat.rat) -> (Rat.rat -> cterm) ->
     conv ->  conv ->
-     {ring_conv : conv, 
+     {ring_conv : conv,
      simple_ideal: (cterm list -> cterm -> (cterm * cterm -> order) -> cterm list),
      multi_ideal: cterm list -> cterm list -> cterm list -> (cterm * cterm) list,
      poly_eq_ss: simpset, unwind_conv : conv}
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
 structure Groebner : GROEBNER =
-open Conv Drule Thm;
 fun is_comb ct =
   (case Thm.term_of ct of
     _ $ _ => true
@@ -281,12 +279,12 @@
    [] => basis
  | (l,(p1,p2))::opairs =>
    let val (sph as (sp,hist)) = monic (reduce basis (spoly l p1 p2))
-   in 
+   in
     if null sp orelse criterion2 basis (l,(p1,p2)) opairs
     then grobner_basis basis opairs
     else if constant_poly sp then grobner_basis (sph::basis) []
-    else 
-     let 
+    else
+     let
       val rawcps = map (fn p => (mlcm (hd(fst p)) (hd sp),align(p,sph)))
       val newcps = filter (fn (l,(p,q)) => not(orthogonal l (fst p) (fst q)))
@@ -391,13 +389,14 @@
 fun refute_disj rfn tm =
  case term_of tm of
   Const(@{const_name HOL.disj},_)$l$r =>
-   compose_single(refute_disj rfn (dest_arg tm),2,compose_single(refute_disj rfn (dest_arg1 tm),2,disjE))
+   Drule.compose_single
+    (refute_disj rfn (Thm.dest_arg tm), 2,
+      Drule.compose_single (refute_disj rfn (Thm.dest_arg1 tm), 2, disjE))
   | _ => rfn tm ;
 val notnotD = @{thm notnotD};
-fun mk_binop ct x y = capply (capply ct x) y
+fun mk_binop ct x y = Thm.capply (Thm.capply ct x) y
-val mk_comb = capply;
 fun is_neg t =
     case term_of t of
       (Const(@{const_name Not},_)$p) => true
@@ -424,8 +423,9 @@
 val strip_exists =
  let fun h (acc, t) =
-      case (term_of t) of
-       Const(@{const_name Ex},_)$Abs(x,T,p) => h (dest_abs NONE (dest_arg t) |>> (fn v => v::acc))
+      case term_of t of
+       Const (@{const_name Ex}, _) $ Abs (x, T, p) =>
+        h (Thm.dest_abs NONE (Thm.dest_arg t) |>> (fn v => v::acc))
      | _ => (acc,t)
  in fn t => h ([],t)
@@ -451,12 +451,12 @@
 val cTrp = @{cterm "Trueprop"};
 val cConj = @{cterm HOL.conj};
 val (cNot,false_tm) = (@{cterm "Not"}, @{cterm "False"});
-val assume_Trueprop = mk_comb cTrp #> assume;
+val assume_Trueprop = Thm.capply cTrp #> Thm.assume;
 val list_mk_conj = list_mk_binop cConj;
 val conjs = list_dest_binop cConj;
-val mk_neg = mk_comb cNot;
+val mk_neg = Thm.capply cNot;
-fun striplist dest = 
+fun striplist dest =
   fun h acc x = case try dest x of
     SOME (a,b) => h (h acc b) a
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
 val eq_commute = mk_meta_eq @{thm eq_commute};
-fun sym_conv eq = 
+fun sym_conv eq =
  let val (l,r) = Thm.dest_binop eq
  in instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of_term l)] [SOME l, SOME r] eq_commute
@@ -481,10 +481,10 @@
 val list_conj = fold1 (fn c => fn c' => Thm.capply (Thm.capply @{cterm HOL.conj} c) c') ;
-fun mk_conj_tab th = 
- let fun h acc th = 
+fun mk_conj_tab th =
+ let fun h acc th =
    case prop_of th of
-   @{term "Trueprop"}$(@{term HOL.conj}$p$q) => 
+   @{term "Trueprop"}$(@{term HOL.conj}$p$q) =>
      h (h acc (th RS conjunct2)) (th RS conjunct1)
   | @{term "Trueprop"}$p => (p,th)::acc
 in fold (Termtab.insert Thm.eq_thm) (h [] th) Termtab.empty end;
@@ -492,85 +492,87 @@
 fun is_conj (@{term HOL.conj}$_$_) = true
   | is_conj _ = false;
-fun prove_conj tab cjs = 
- case cjs of 
+fun prove_conj tab cjs =
+ case cjs of
    [c] => if is_conj (term_of c) then prove_conj tab (conjuncts c) else tab c
  | c::cs => conjI OF [prove_conj tab [c], prove_conj tab cs];
-fun conj_ac_rule eq = 
- let 
+fun conj_ac_rule eq =
+ let
   val (l,r) = Thm.dest_equals eq
-  val ctabl = mk_conj_tab (assume (Thm.capply @{cterm Trueprop} l))
-  val ctabr = mk_conj_tab (assume (Thm.capply @{cterm Trueprop} r))
+  val ctabl = mk_conj_tab (Thm.assume (Thm.capply @{cterm Trueprop} l))
+  val ctabr = mk_conj_tab (Thm.assume (Thm.capply @{cterm Trueprop} r))
   fun tabl c = the (Termtab.lookup ctabl (term_of c))
   fun tabr c = the (Termtab.lookup ctabr (term_of c))
   val thl  = prove_conj tabl (conjuncts r) |> implies_intr_hyps
   val thr  = prove_conj tabr (conjuncts l) |> implies_intr_hyps
   val eqI = instantiate' [] [SOME l, SOME r] @{thm iffI}
- in implies_elim (implies_elim eqI thl) thr |> mk_meta_eq end;
+ in Thm.implies_elim (Thm.implies_elim eqI thl) thr |> mk_meta_eq end;
  (* END FIXME.*)
-   (* Conversion for the equivalence of existential statements where 
+   (* Conversion for the equivalence of existential statements where
       EX quantifiers are rearranged differently *)
- fun ext T = cterm_rule (instantiate' [SOME T] []) @{cpat Ex}
+ fun ext T = Drule.cterm_rule (instantiate' [SOME T] []) @{cpat Ex}
  fun mk_ex v t = Thm.capply (ext (ctyp_of_term v)) (Thm.cabs v t)
-fun choose v th th' = case concl_of th of 
-  @{term Trueprop} $ (Const(@{const_name Ex},_)$_) => 
+fun choose v th th' = case concl_of th of
+  @{term Trueprop} $ (Const(@{const_name Ex},_)$_) =>
     val p = (funpow 2 Thm.dest_arg o cprop_of) th
     val T = (hd o Thm.dest_ctyp o ctyp_of_term) p
-    val th0 = fconv_rule (Thm.beta_conversion true)
+    val th0 = Conv.fconv_rule (Thm.beta_conversion true)
         (instantiate' [SOME T] [SOME p, (SOME o Thm.dest_arg o cprop_of) th'] exE)
-    val pv = (Thm.rhs_of o Thm.beta_conversion true) 
+    val pv = (Thm.rhs_of o Thm.beta_conversion true)
           (Thm.capply @{cterm Trueprop} (Thm.capply p v))
-    val th1 = forall_intr v (implies_intr pv th')
-   in implies_elim (implies_elim th0 th) th1  end
-| _ => error ""
+    val th1 = Thm.forall_intr v (Thm.implies_intr pv th')
+   in Thm.implies_elim (Thm.implies_elim th0 th) th1  end
+| _ => error ""  (* FIXME ? *)
-fun simple_choose v th = 
-   choose v (assume ((Thm.capply @{cterm Trueprop} o mk_ex v) ((Thm.dest_arg o hd o #hyps o Thm.crep_thm) th))) th
+fun simple_choose v th =
+   choose v (Thm.assume ((Thm.capply @{cterm Trueprop} o mk_ex v)
+    ((Thm.dest_arg o hd o #hyps o Thm.crep_thm) th))) th
- fun mkexi v th = 
-  let 
+ fun mkexi v th =
+  let
    val p = Thm.cabs v (Thm.dest_arg (Thm.cprop_of th))
-  in implies_elim 
-    (fconv_rule (Thm.beta_conversion true) (instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of_term v)] [SOME p, SOME v] @{thm exI}))
+  in Thm.implies_elim
+    (Conv.fconv_rule (Thm.beta_conversion true)
+      (instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of_term v)] [SOME p, SOME v] @{thm exI}))
- fun ex_eq_conv t = 
-  let 
+ fun ex_eq_conv t =
+  let
   val (p0,q0) = Thm.dest_binop t
-  val (vs',P) = strip_exists p0 
-  val (vs,_) = strip_exists q0 
-   val th = assume (Thm.capply @{cterm Trueprop} P)
-   val th1 =  implies_intr_hyps (fold simple_choose vs' (fold mkexi vs th))
-   val th2 =  implies_intr_hyps (fold simple_choose vs (fold mkexi vs' th))
+  val (vs',P) = strip_exists p0
+  val (vs,_) = strip_exists q0
+   val th = Thm.assume (Thm.capply @{cterm Trueprop} P)
+   val th1 = implies_intr_hyps (fold simple_choose vs' (fold mkexi vs th))
+   val th2 = implies_intr_hyps (fold simple_choose vs (fold mkexi vs' th))
    val p = (Thm.dest_arg o Thm.dest_arg1 o cprop_of) th1
    val q = (Thm.dest_arg o Thm.dest_arg o cprop_of) th1
-  in implies_elim (implies_elim (instantiate' [] [SOME p, SOME q] iffI) th1) th2
+  in Thm.implies_elim (Thm.implies_elim (instantiate' [] [SOME p, SOME q] iffI) th1) th2
      |> mk_meta_eq
- fun getname v = case term_of v of 
+ fun getname v = case term_of v of
   Free(s,_) => s
  | Var ((s,_),_) => s
  | _ => "x"
  fun mk_eq s t = Thm.capply (Thm.capply @{cterm "op == :: bool => _"} s) t
  fun mkeq s t = Thm.capply @{cterm Trueprop} (Thm.capply (Thm.capply @{cterm "op = :: bool => _"} s) t)
- fun mk_exists v th = arg_cong_rule (ext (ctyp_of_term v))
+ fun mk_exists v th = Drule.arg_cong_rule (ext (ctyp_of_term v))
    (Thm.abstract_rule (getname v) v th)
- val simp_ex_conv = 
+ val simp_ex_conv =
      Simplifier.rewrite (HOL_basic_ss addsimps @{thms simp_thms(39)})
 fun frees t = Thm.add_cterm_frees t [];
 fun free_in v t = member op aconvc (frees t) v;
 val vsubst = let
- fun vsubst (t,v) tm =  
+ fun vsubst (t,v) tm =
    (Thm.rhs_of o Thm.beta_conversion false) (Thm.capply (Thm.cabs v tm) t)
 in fold vsubst end;
@@ -578,37 +580,37 @@
 (** main **)
 fun ring_and_ideal_conv
-  {vars, semiring = (sr_ops, sr_rules), ring = (r_ops, r_rules), 
+  {vars, semiring = (sr_ops, sr_rules), ring = (r_ops, r_rules),
    field = (f_ops, f_rules), idom, ideal}
   dest_const mk_const ring_eq_conv ring_normalize_conv =
   val [add_pat, mul_pat, pow_pat, zero_tm, one_tm] = sr_ops;
   val [ring_add_tm, ring_mul_tm, ring_pow_tm] =
-    map dest_fun2 [add_pat, mul_pat, pow_pat];
+    map Thm.dest_fun2 [add_pat, mul_pat, pow_pat];
   val (ring_sub_tm, ring_neg_tm) =
     (case r_ops of
-     [sub_pat, neg_pat] => (dest_fun2 sub_pat, dest_fun neg_pat)
+     [sub_pat, neg_pat] => (Thm.dest_fun2 sub_pat, Thm.dest_fun neg_pat)
     |_  => (@{cterm "True"}, @{cterm "True"}));
   val (field_div_tm, field_inv_tm) =
     (case f_ops of
-       [div_pat, inv_pat] => (dest_fun2 div_pat, dest_fun inv_pat)
+       [div_pat, inv_pat] => (Thm.dest_fun2 div_pat, Thm.dest_fun inv_pat)
      | _ => (@{cterm "True"}, @{cterm "True"}));
   val [idom_thm, neq_thm] = idom;
-  val [idl_sub, idl_add0] = 
+  val [idl_sub, idl_add0] =
      if length ideal = 2 then ideal else [eq_commute, eq_commute]
   fun ring_dest_neg t =
-    let val (l,r) = dest_comb t 
-    in if Term.could_unify(term_of l,term_of ring_neg_tm) then r 
+    let val (l,r) = Thm.dest_comb t
+    in if Term.could_unify(term_of l,term_of ring_neg_tm) then r
        else raise CTERM ("ring_dest_neg", [t])
- val ring_mk_neg = fn tm => mk_comb (ring_neg_tm) (tm);
+ val ring_mk_neg = fn tm => Thm.capply (ring_neg_tm) (tm);
  fun field_dest_inv t =
-    let val (l,r) = dest_comb t in
-        if Term.could_unify(term_of l, term_of field_inv_tm) then r 
+    let val (l,r) = Thm.dest_comb t in
+        if Term.could_unify(term_of l, term_of field_inv_tm) then r
         else raise CTERM ("field_dest_inv", [t])
  val ring_dest_add = dest_binary ring_add_tm;
@@ -623,21 +625,21 @@
  val ring_mk_pow = mk_binop ring_pow_tm ;
  fun grobvars tm acc =
     if can dest_const tm then acc
-    else if can ring_dest_neg tm then grobvars (dest_arg tm) acc
-    else if can ring_dest_pow tm then grobvars (dest_arg1 tm) acc
+    else if can ring_dest_neg tm then grobvars (Thm.dest_arg tm) acc
+    else if can ring_dest_pow tm then grobvars (Thm.dest_arg1 tm) acc
     else if can ring_dest_add tm orelse can ring_dest_sub tm
             orelse can ring_dest_mul tm
-    then grobvars (dest_arg1 tm) (grobvars (dest_arg tm) acc)
+    then grobvars (Thm.dest_arg1 tm) (grobvars (Thm.dest_arg tm) acc)
     else if can field_dest_inv tm
-          let val gvs = grobvars (dest_arg tm) [] 
+          let val gvs = grobvars (Thm.dest_arg tm) []
           in if null gvs then acc else tm::acc
     else if can field_dest_div tm then
-         let val lvs = grobvars (dest_arg1 tm) acc
-             val gvs = grobvars (dest_arg tm) []
+         let val lvs = grobvars (Thm.dest_arg1 tm) acc
+             val gvs = grobvars (Thm.dest_arg tm) []
           in if null gvs then lvs else tm::acc
-          end 
+          end
     else tm::acc ;
 fun grobify_term vars tm =
@@ -652,7 +654,7 @@
   handle CTERM _ =>
    (grob_inv(grobify_term vars (field_dest_inv tm)))
-   handle CTERM _ => 
+   handle CTERM _ =>
     ((let val (l,r) = ring_dest_add tm
     in grob_add (grobify_term vars l) (grobify_term vars r)
@@ -673,7 +675,7 @@
           in grob_pow vars (grobify_term vars l) ((term_of #> HOLogic.dest_number #> snd) r)
            handle CTERM _ => error "grobify_term: unknown or invalid term")))))))));
-val eq_tm = idom_thm |> concl |> dest_arg |> dest_arg |> dest_fun2;
+val eq_tm = idom_thm |> concl |> Thm.dest_arg |> Thm.dest_arg |> Thm.dest_fun2;
 val dest_eq = dest_binary eq_tm;
 fun grobify_equation vars tm =
@@ -684,9 +686,9 @@
 fun grobify_equations tm =
   val cjs = conjs tm
-  val  rawvars = fold_rev (fn eq => fn a =>
-                                       grobvars (dest_arg1 eq) (grobvars (dest_arg eq) a)) cjs []
-  val vars = sort (fn (x, y) => Term_Ord.term_ord(term_of x,term_of y))
+  val  rawvars =
+    fold_rev (fn eq => fn a => grobvars (Thm.dest_arg1 eq) (grobvars (Thm.dest_arg eq) a)) cjs []
+  val vars = sort (fn (x, y) => Term_Ord.term_ord (term_of x, term_of y))
                   (distinct (op aconvc) rawvars)
  in (vars,map (grobify_equation vars) cjs)
@@ -708,26 +710,26 @@
                  (ring_eq_conv(mk_binop eq_tm (mk_const n) (mk_const(rat_0))));
 val neq_01 = prove_nz (rat_1);
 fun neq_rule n th = [prove_nz n, th] MRS neq_thm;
-fun mk_add th1 = combination(arg_cong_rule ring_add_tm th1);
+fun mk_add th1 = Thm.combination (Drule.arg_cong_rule ring_add_tm th1);
 fun refute tm =
  if tm aconvc false_tm then assume_Trueprop tm else
    val (nths0,eths0) = List.partition (is_neg o concl) (HOLogic.conj_elims (assume_Trueprop tm))
-   val  nths = filter (is_eq o dest_arg o concl) nths0
+   val  nths = filter (is_eq o Thm.dest_arg o concl) nths0
    val eths = filter (is_eq o concl) eths0
    if null eths then
       val th1 = end_itlist (fn th1 => fn th2 => idom_rule(HOLogic.conj_intr th1 th2)) nths
-      val th2 = Conv.fconv_rule
-                ((arg_conv #> arg_conv)
-                     (binop_conv ring_normalize_conv)) th1
-      val conc = th2 |> concl |> dest_arg
+      val th2 =
+        Conv.fconv_rule
+          ((Conv.arg_conv #> Conv.arg_conv) (Conv.binop_conv ring_normalize_conv)) th1
+      val conc = th2 |> concl |> Thm.dest_arg
       val (l,r) = conc |> dest_eq
-    in implies_intr (mk_comb cTrp tm)
-                    (equal_elim (arg_cong_rule cTrp (eqF_intr th2))
-                           (reflexive l |> mk_object_eq))
+    in Thm.implies_intr (Thm.capply cTrp tm)
+                    (Thm.equal_elim (Drule.arg_cong_rule cTrp (eqF_intr th2))
+                           (Thm.reflexive l |> mk_object_eq))
@@ -741,9 +743,10 @@
        val nth = end_itlist (fn th1 => fn th2 => idom_rule(HOLogic.conj_intr th1 th2)) nths
        val (vars,pol::pols) =
-          grobify_equations(list_mk_conj(dest_arg(concl nth)::map concl eths))
+          grobify_equations(list_mk_conj(Thm.dest_arg(concl nth)::map concl eths))
        val (deg,l,cert) = grobner_strong vars pols pol
-       val th1 = Conv.fconv_rule((arg_conv o arg_conv)(binop_conv ring_normalize_conv)) nth
+       val th1 =
+        Conv.fconv_rule ((Conv.arg_conv o Conv.arg_conv) (Conv.binop_conv ring_normalize_conv)) nth
        val th2 = funpow deg (idom_rule o HOLogic.conj_intr th1) neq_01
       in (vars,l,cert,th2)
@@ -753,27 +756,30 @@
     val  herts_pos = map (fn (i,p) => (i,holify_polynomial vars p)) cert_pos
     val  herts_neg = map (fn (i,p) => (i,holify_polynomial vars p)) cert_neg
     fun thm_fn pols =
-        if null pols then reflexive(mk_const rat_0) else
+        if null pols then Thm.reflexive(mk_const rat_0) else
         end_itlist mk_add
-            (map (fn (i,p) => arg_cong_rule (mk_comb ring_mul_tm p)
+            (map (fn (i,p) => Drule.arg_cong_rule (Thm.capply ring_mul_tm p)
               (nth eths i |> mk_meta_eq)) pols)
     val th1 = thm_fn herts_pos
     val th2 = thm_fn herts_neg
-    val th3 = HOLogic.conj_intr(mk_add (symmetric th1) th2 |> mk_object_eq) noteqth
-    val th4 = Conv.fconv_rule ((arg_conv o arg_conv o binop_conv) ring_normalize_conv)
-                               (neq_rule l th3)
-    val (l,r) = dest_eq(dest_arg(concl th4))
-   in implies_intr (mk_comb cTrp tm)
-                        (equal_elim (arg_cong_rule cTrp (eqF_intr th4))
-                   (reflexive l |> mk_object_eq))
+    val th3 = HOLogic.conj_intr(mk_add (Thm.symmetric th1) th2 |> mk_object_eq) noteqth
+    val th4 =
+      Conv.fconv_rule ((Conv.arg_conv o Conv.arg_conv o Conv.binop_conv) ring_normalize_conv)
+        (neq_rule l th3)
+    val (l,r) = dest_eq(Thm.dest_arg(concl th4))
+   in Thm.implies_intr (Thm.capply cTrp tm)
+                        (Thm.equal_elim (Drule.arg_cong_rule cTrp (eqF_intr th4))
+                   (Thm.reflexive l |> mk_object_eq))
-  end) handle ERROR _ => raise CTERM ("Gorbner-refute: unable to refute",[tm]))
+  end) handle ERROR _ => raise CTERM ("Groebner-refute: unable to refute",[tm]))
 fun ring tm =
   fun mk_forall x p =
-      mk_comb (cterm_rule (instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of_term x)] []) @{cpat "All:: (?'a => bool) => _"}) (cabs x p)
-  val avs = add_cterm_frees tm []
+    Thm.capply
+      (Drule.cterm_rule (instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of_term x)] [])
+        @{cpat "All:: (?'a => bool) => _"}) (Thm.cabs x p)
+  val avs = Thm.add_cterm_frees tm []
   val P' = fold mk_forall avs tm
   val th1 = initial_conv(mk_neg P')
   val (evs,bod) = strip_exists(concl th1) in
@@ -784,10 +790,10 @@
     val boda = concl th1a
     val th2a = refute_disj refute boda
     val th2b = [mk_object_eq th1a, (th2a COMP notI) COMP PFalse'] MRS trans
-    val th2 = fold (fn v => fn th => (forall_intr v th) COMP allI) evs (th2b RS PFalse)
-    val th3 = equal_elim
-                (Simplifier.rewrite (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [not_ex RS sym])
-                          (th2 |> cprop_of)) th2
+    val th2 = fold (fn v => fn th => (Thm.forall_intr v th) COMP allI) evs (th2b RS PFalse)
+    val th3 =
+      Thm.equal_elim
+        (Simplifier.rewrite (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [not_ex RS sym]) (th2 |> cprop_of)) th2
     in specl avs
              ([[[mk_object_eq th1, th3 RS PFalse'] MRS trans] MRS PFalse] MRS notnotD)
@@ -803,18 +809,18 @@
    (length pols)
-fun poly_eq_conv t = 
+fun poly_eq_conv t =
  let val (a,b) = Thm.dest_binop t
- in fconv_rule (arg_conv (arg1_conv ring_normalize_conv)) 
+ in Conv.fconv_rule (Conv.arg_conv (Conv.arg1_conv ring_normalize_conv))
      (instantiate' [] [SOME a, SOME b] idl_sub)
- val poly_eq_simproc = 
-  let 
-   fun proc phi  ss t = 
+ val poly_eq_simproc =
+  let
+   fun proc phi  ss t =
     let val th = poly_eq_conv t
     in if Thm.is_reflexive th then NONE else SOME th
-   in make_simproc {lhss = [Thm.lhs_of idl_sub], 
+   in make_simproc {lhss = [Thm.lhs_of idl_sub],
                 name = "poly_eq_simproc", proc = proc, identifier = []}
   val poly_eq_ss = HOL_basic_ss addsimps @{thms simp_thms}
@@ -822,79 +828,80 @@
   fun is_defined v t =
-  let 
-   val mons = striplist(dest_binary ring_add_tm) t 
-  in member (op aconvc) mons v andalso 
-    forall (fn m => v aconvc m 
+  let
+   val mons = striplist(dest_binary ring_add_tm) t
+  in member (op aconvc) mons v andalso
+    forall (fn m => v aconvc m
           orelse not(member (op aconvc) (Thm.add_cterm_frees m []) v)) mons
   fun isolate_variable vars tm =
-  let 
+  let
    val th = poly_eq_conv tm
    val th' = (sym_conv then_conv poly_eq_conv) tm
-   val (v,th1) = 
+   val (v,th1) =
    case find_first(fn v=> is_defined v (Thm.dest_arg1 (Thm.rhs_of th))) vars of
     SOME v => (v,th')
-   | NONE => (the (find_first 
+   | NONE => (the (find_first
           (fn v => is_defined v (Thm.dest_arg1 (Thm.rhs_of th'))) vars) ,th)
-   val th2 = transitive th1 
-        (instantiate' []  [(SOME o Thm.dest_arg1 o Thm.rhs_of) th1, SOME v] 
+   val th2 = Thm.transitive th1
+        (instantiate' []  [(SOME o Thm.dest_arg1 o Thm.rhs_of) th1, SOME v]
-   in fconv_rule(funpow 2 arg_conv ring_normalize_conv) th2
+   in Conv.fconv_rule(funpow 2 Conv.arg_conv ring_normalize_conv) th2
  fun unwind_polys_conv tm =
- let 
+ let
   val (vars,bod) = strip_exists tm
   val cjs = striplist (dest_binary @{cterm HOL.conj}) bod
-  val th1 = (the (get_first (try (isolate_variable vars)) cjs) 
+  val th1 = (the (get_first (try (isolate_variable vars)) cjs)
              handle Option => raise CTERM ("unwind_polys_conv",[tm]))
   val eq = Thm.lhs_of th1
   val bod' = list_mk_binop @{cterm HOL.conj} (eq::(remove op aconvc eq cjs))
   val th2 = conj_ac_rule (mk_eq bod bod')
-  val th3 = transitive th2 
-         (Drule.binop_cong_rule @{cterm HOL.conj} th1 
-                (reflexive (Thm.dest_arg (Thm.rhs_of th2))))
+  val th3 =
+    Thm.transitive th2
+      (Drule.binop_cong_rule @{cterm HOL.conj} th1
+        (Thm.reflexive (Thm.dest_arg (Thm.rhs_of th2))))
   val v = Thm.dest_arg1(Thm.dest_arg1(Thm.rhs_of th3))
   val vars' = (remove op aconvc v vars) @ [v]
-  val th4 = fconv_rule (arg_conv simp_ex_conv) (mk_exists v th3)
+  val th4 = Conv.fconv_rule (Conv.arg_conv simp_ex_conv) (mk_exists v th3)
   val th5 = ex_eq_conv (mk_eq tm (fold mk_ex (remove op aconvc v vars) (Thm.lhs_of th4)))
- in transitive th5 (fold mk_exists (remove op aconvc v vars) th4)
+ in Thm.transitive th5 (fold mk_exists (remove op aconvc v vars) th4)
  fun scrub_var v m =
-  let 
-   val ps = striplist ring_dest_mul m 
+  let
+   val ps = striplist ring_dest_mul m
    val ps' = remove op aconvc v ps
   in if null ps' then one_tm else fold1 ring_mk_mul ps'
  fun find_multipliers v mons =
-  let 
-   val mons1 = filter (fn m => free_in v m) mons 
-   val mons2 = map (scrub_var v) mons1 
+  let
+   val mons1 = filter (fn m => free_in v m) mons
+   val mons2 = map (scrub_var v) mons1
    in  if null mons2 then zero_tm else fold1 ring_mk_add mons2
  fun isolate_monomials vars tm =
- let 
+ let
   val (cmons,vmons) =
     List.partition (fn m => null (inter (op aconvc) vars (frees m)))
                    (striplist ring_dest_add tm)
   val cofactors = map (fn v => find_multipliers v vmons) vars
   val cnc = if null cmons then zero_tm
              else Thm.capply ring_neg_tm
-                    (list_mk_binop ring_add_tm cmons) 
+                    (list_mk_binop ring_add_tm cmons)
   in (cofactors,cnc)
 fun isolate_variables evs ps eq =
- let 
+ let
   val vars = filter (fn v => free_in v eq) evs
   val (qs,p) = isolate_monomials vars eq
-  val rs = ideal (qs @ ps) p 
+  val rs = ideal (qs @ ps) p
               (fn (s,t) => Term_Ord.term_ord (term_of s, term_of t))
  in (eq, take (length qs) rs ~~ vars)
@@ -902,7 +909,7 @@
  fun solve_idealism evs ps eqs =
   if null evs then [] else
-  let 
+  let
    val (eq,cfs) = get_first (try (isolate_variables evs ps)) eqs |> the
    val evs' = subtract op aconvc evs (map snd cfs)
    val eqs' = map (subst_in_poly cfs) (remove op aconvc eq eqs)
@@ -911,7 +918,7 @@
-in {ring_conv = ring, simple_ideal = ideal, multi_ideal = solve_idealism, 
+in {ring_conv = ring, simple_ideal = ideal, multi_ideal = solve_idealism,
     poly_eq_ss = poly_eq_ss, unwind_conv = unwind_polys_conv}
@@ -920,32 +927,32 @@
   (case term_of tm of
     Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, T) $ _ $ _ =>
       if domain_type T = HOLogic.boolT then find_args bounds tm
-      else dest_arg tm
-  | Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ _ => find_term bounds (dest_arg tm)
-  | Const (@{const_name All}, _) $ _ => find_body bounds (dest_arg tm)
-  | Const (@{const_name Ex}, _) $ _ => find_body bounds (dest_arg tm)
+      else Thm.dest_arg tm
+  | Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ _ => find_term bounds (Thm.dest_arg tm)
+  | Const (@{const_name All}, _) $ _ => find_body bounds (Thm.dest_arg tm)
+  | Const (@{const_name Ex}, _) $ _ => find_body bounds (Thm.dest_arg tm)
   | Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ _ $ _ => find_args bounds tm
   | Const (@{const_name HOL.disj}, _) $ _ $ _ => find_args bounds tm
   | Const (@{const_name HOL.implies}, _) $ _ $ _ => find_args bounds tm
   | @{term "op ==>"} $_$_ => find_args bounds tm
   | Const("op ==",_)$_$_ => find_args bounds tm
-  | @{term Trueprop}$_ => find_term bounds (dest_arg tm)
+  | @{term Trueprop}$_ => find_term bounds (Thm.dest_arg tm)
   | _ => raise TERM ("find_term", []))
 and find_args bounds tm =
   let val (t, u) = Thm.dest_binop tm
   in (find_term bounds t handle TERM _ => find_term bounds u) end
 and find_body bounds b =
-  let val (_, b') = dest_abs (SOME (Name.bound bounds)) b
+  let val (_, b') = Thm.dest_abs (SOME (Name.bound bounds)) b
   in find_term (bounds + 1) b' end;
-fun get_ring_ideal_convs ctxt form = 
+fun get_ring_ideal_convs ctxt form =
  case try (find_term 0) form of
 | SOME tm =>
   (case Semiring_Normalizer.match ctxt tm of
     NONE => NONE
-  | SOME (res as (theory, {is_const, dest_const, 
+  | SOME (res as (theory, {is_const, dest_const,
           mk_const, conv = ring_eq_conv})) =>
      SOME (ring_and_ideal_conv theory
           dest_const (mk_const (ctyp_of_term tm)) (ring_eq_conv ctxt)
@@ -953,10 +960,10 @@
 fun ring_solve ctxt form =
   (case try (find_term 0 (* FIXME !? *)) form of
-    NONE => reflexive form
+    NONE => Thm.reflexive form
   | SOME tm =>
       (case Semiring_Normalizer.match ctxt tm of
-        NONE => reflexive form
+        NONE => Thm.reflexive form
       | SOME (res as (theory, {is_const, dest_const, mk_const, conv = ring_eq_conv})) =>
         #ring_conv (ring_and_ideal_conv theory
           dest_const (mk_const (ctyp_of_term tm)) (ring_eq_conv ctxt)
@@ -971,7 +978,7 @@
   THEN' CSUBGOAL (fn (p, i) =>
     rtac (let val form = Object_Logic.dest_judgment p
           in case get_ring_ideal_convs ctxt form of
-           NONE => reflexive form
+           NONE => Thm.reflexive form
           | SOME thy => #ring_conv thy form
           end) i
       handle TERM _ => no_tac
@@ -984,42 +991,42 @@
  | _=> raise CTERM ("ideal_tac - lhs",[t])
  fun exitac NONE = no_tac
    | exitac (SOME y) = rtac (instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of_term y)] [NONE,SOME y] exI) 1
-fun ideal_tac add_ths del_ths ctxt = 
+fun ideal_tac add_ths del_ths ctxt =
   presimplify ctxt add_ths del_ths
  CSUBGOAL (fn (p, i) =>
   case get_ring_ideal_convs ctxt p of
    NONE => no_tac
- | SOME thy => 
+ | SOME thy =>
    fun poly_exists_tac {asms = asms, concl = concl, prems = prems,
-            params = params, context = ctxt, schematics = scs} = 
+            params = params, context = ctxt, schematics = scs} =
      val (evs,bod) = strip_exists (Thm.dest_arg concl)
-     val ps = map_filter (try (lhs o Thm.dest_arg)) asms 
-     val cfs = (map swap o #multi_ideal thy evs ps) 
+     val ps = map_filter (try (lhs o Thm.dest_arg)) asms
+     val cfs = (map swap o #multi_ideal thy evs ps)
                    (map Thm.dest_arg1 (conjuncts bod))
      val ws = map (exitac o AList.lookup op aconvc cfs) evs
-    in EVERY (rev ws) THEN Method.insert_tac prems 1 
+    in EVERY (rev ws) THEN Method.insert_tac prems 1
         THEN ring_tac add_ths del_ths ctxt 1
-  in  
-     clarify_tac @{claset} i 
-     THEN Object_Logic.full_atomize_tac i 
-     THEN asm_full_simp_tac (Simplifier.context ctxt (#poly_eq_ss thy)) i 
-     THEN clarify_tac @{claset} i 
+  in
+     clarify_tac @{claset} i
+     THEN Object_Logic.full_atomize_tac i
+     THEN asm_full_simp_tac (Simplifier.context ctxt (#poly_eq_ss thy)) i
+     THEN clarify_tac @{claset} i
      THEN (REPEAT (CONVERSION (#unwind_conv thy) i))
      THEN SUBPROOF poly_exists_tac ctxt i
  handle TERM _ => no_tac
      | CTERM _ => no_tac
-     | THM _ => no_tac); 
+     | THM _ => no_tac);
-fun algebra_tac add_ths del_ths ctxt i = 
+fun algebra_tac add_ths del_ths ctxt i =
  ring_tac add_ths del_ths ctxt i ORELSE ideal_tac add_ths del_ths ctxt i
 fun keyword k = Scan.lift (Args.$$$ k -- Args.colon) >> K ()
@@ -1030,7 +1037,7 @@
-val algebra_method = ((Scan.optional (keyword addN |-- thms) []) -- 
+val algebra_method = ((Scan.optional (keyword addN |-- thms) []) --
    (Scan.optional (keyword delN |-- thms) [])) >>
   (fn (add_ths, del_ths) => fn ctxt =>
        SIMPLE_METHOD' (algebra_tac add_ths del_ths ctxt))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/inductive_codegen.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/inductive_codegen.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
 structure Inductive_Codegen : INDUCTIVE_CODEGEN =
-open Codegen;
 (**** theory data ****)
 fun merge_rules tabs =
@@ -89,14 +87,14 @@
       | SOME ({names, ...}, {intrs, raw_induct, ...}) =>
           SOME (names, Codegen.thyname_of_const thy s,
             length (Inductive.params_of raw_induct),
-            preprocess thy intrs))
+            Codegen.preprocess thy intrs))
     | SOME _ =>
           val SOME names = find_first
             (fn xs => member (op =) xs s) (Graph.strong_conn graph);
           val intrs as (_, (thyname, nparms)) :: _ =
             maps (the o Symtab.lookup intros) names;
-        in SOME (names, thyname, nparms, preprocess thy (map fst (rev intrs))) end
+        in SOME (names, thyname, nparms, Codegen.preprocess thy (map fst (rev intrs))) end
@@ -127,7 +125,7 @@
     | SOME js => enclose "[" "]" (commas (map string_of_int js)))
        (iss @ [SOME is]));
-fun print_modes modes = message ("Inferred modes:\n" ^
+fun print_modes modes = Codegen.message ("Inferred modes:\n" ^
   cat_lines (map (fn (s, ms) => s ^ ": " ^ commas (map
     (fn (m, rnd) => string_of_mode m ^
        (if rnd then " (random)" else "")) ms)) modes));
@@ -279,7 +277,7 @@
     let val xs = map (check_mode_clause thy arg_vs modes m) rs
     in case find_index is_none xs of
         ~1 => SOME (m', exists (fn SOME b => b) xs)
-      | i => (message ("Clause " ^ string_of_int (i+1) ^ " of " ^
+      | i => (Codegen.message ("Clause " ^ string_of_int (i+1) ^ " of " ^
         p ^ " violates mode " ^ string_of_mode m'); NONE)
     end) ms)
@@ -299,12 +297,12 @@
 fun mk_eq (x::xs) =
   let fun mk_eqs _ [] = []
-        | mk_eqs a (b::cs) = str (a ^ " = " ^ b) :: mk_eqs b cs
+        | mk_eqs a (b::cs) = Codegen.str (a ^ " = " ^ b) :: mk_eqs b cs
   in mk_eqs x xs end;
-fun mk_tuple xs = Pretty.block (str "(" ::
-  flat (separate [str ",", Pretty.brk 1] (map single xs)) @
-  [str ")"]);
+fun mk_tuple xs = Pretty.block (Codegen.str "(" ::
+  flat (separate [Codegen.str ",", Pretty.brk 1] (map single xs)) @
+  [Codegen.str ")"]);
 fun mk_v s (names, vs) =
   (case AList.lookup (op =) vs s of
@@ -329,37 +327,37 @@
   | is_exhaustive _ = false;
 fun compile_match nvs eq_ps out_ps success_p can_fail =
-  let val eqs = flat (separate [str " andalso", Pretty.brk 1]
+  let val eqs = flat (separate [Codegen.str " andalso", Pretty.brk 1]
     (map single (maps (mk_eq o snd) nvs @ eq_ps)));
-     ([str "(fn ", mk_tuple out_ps, str " =>", Pretty.brk 1] @
-      (Pretty.block ((if null eqs then [] else str "if " ::
-         [Pretty.block eqs, Pretty.brk 1, str "then "]) @
+     ([Codegen.str "(fn ", mk_tuple out_ps, Codegen.str " =>", Pretty.brk 1] @
+      (Pretty.block ((if null eqs then [] else Codegen.str "if " ::
+         [Pretty.block eqs, Pretty.brk 1, Codegen.str "then "]) @
          (success_p ::
-          (if null eqs then [] else [Pretty.brk 1, str "else DSeq.empty"]))) ::
+          (if null eqs then [] else [Pretty.brk 1, Codegen.str "else DSeq.empty"]))) ::
        (if can_fail then
-          [Pretty.brk 1, str "| _ => DSeq.empty)"]
-        else [str ")"])))
+          [Pretty.brk 1, Codegen.str "| _ => DSeq.empty)"]
+        else [Codegen.str ")"])))
 fun modename module s (iss, is) gr =
   let val (id, gr') = if s = @{const_name HOL.eq} then (("", "equal"), gr)
-    else mk_const_id module s gr
+    else Codegen.mk_const_id module s gr
   in (space_implode "__"
-    (mk_qual_id module id ::
+    (Codegen.mk_qual_id module id ::
       map (space_implode "_" o map string_of_int) (map_filter I iss @ [is])), gr')
-fun mk_funcomp brack s k p = (if brack then parens else I)
-  (Pretty.block [Pretty.block ((if k = 0 then [] else [str "("]) @
-    separate (Pretty.brk 1) (str s :: replicate k (str "|> ???")) @
-    (if k = 0 then [] else [str ")"])), Pretty.brk 1, p]);
+fun mk_funcomp brack s k p = (if brack then Codegen.parens else I)
+  (Pretty.block [Pretty.block ((if k = 0 then [] else [Codegen.str "("]) @
+    separate (Pretty.brk 1) (Codegen.str s :: replicate k (Codegen.str "|> ???")) @
+    (if k = 0 then [] else [Codegen.str ")"])), Pretty.brk 1, p]);
 fun compile_expr thy defs dep module brack modes (NONE, t) gr =
-      apfst single (invoke_codegen thy defs dep module brack t gr)
+      apfst single (Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dep module brack t gr)
   | compile_expr _ _ _ _ _ _ (SOME _, Var ((name, _), _)) gr =
-      ([str name], gr)
+      ([Codegen.str name], gr)
   | compile_expr thy defs dep module brack modes (SOME (Mode ((mode, _), _, ms)), t) gr =
       (case strip_comb t of
          (Const (name, _), args) =>
@@ -370,18 +368,18 @@
                    (compile_expr thy defs dep module true modes) (ms ~~ args1)
                    ||>> modename module name mode;
                val (ps', gr'') = (case mode of
-                   ([], []) => ([str "()"], gr')
+                   ([], []) => ([Codegen.str "()"], gr')
                  | _ => fold_map
-                     (invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true) args2 gr')
+                     (Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true) args2 gr')
              in ((if brack andalso not (null ps andalso null ps') then
-               single o parens o Pretty.block else I)
+               single o Codegen.parens o Pretty.block else I)
                  (flat (separate [Pretty.brk 1]
-                   ([str mode_id] :: ps @ map single ps'))), gr')
+                   ([Codegen.str mode_id] :: ps @ map single ps'))), gr')
            else apfst (single o mk_funcomp brack "??" (length (binder_types (fastype_of t))))
-             (invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true t gr)
+             (Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true t gr)
        | _ => apfst (single o mk_funcomp brack "??" (length (binder_types (fastype_of t))))
-           (invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true t gr));
+           (Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true t gr));
 fun compile_clause thy defs dep module all_vs arg_vs modes (iss, is) (ts, ps) inp gr =
@@ -396,8 +394,8 @@
         in (Var ((s, 0), fastype_of t), (s::names, (s, t)::eqs)) end;
     fun compile_eq (s, t) gr =
-      apfst (Pretty.block o cons (str (s ^ " = ")) o single)
-        (invoke_codegen thy defs dep module false t gr);
+      apfst (Pretty.block o cons (Codegen.str (s ^ " = ")) o single)
+        (Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dep module false t gr);
     val (in_ts, out_ts) = get_args is 1 ts;
     val (in_ts', (all_vs', eqs)) = fold_map check_constrt in_ts (all_vs, []);
@@ -405,32 +403,33 @@
     fun compile_prems out_ts' vs names [] gr =
             val (out_ps, gr2) =
-              fold_map (invoke_codegen thy defs dep module false) out_ts gr;
+              fold_map (Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dep module false) out_ts gr;
             val (eq_ps, gr3) = fold_map compile_eq eqs gr2;
             val (out_ts'', (names', eqs')) = fold_map check_constrt out_ts' (names, []);
             val (out_ts''', nvs) =
               fold_map distinct_v out_ts'' (names', map (fn x => (x, [x])) vs);
             val (out_ps', gr4) =
-              fold_map (invoke_codegen thy defs dep module false) out_ts''' gr3;
+              fold_map (Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dep module false) out_ts''' gr3;
             val (eq_ps', gr5) = fold_map compile_eq eqs' gr4;
             val vs' = distinct (op =) (flat (vs :: map term_vs out_ts'));
             val missing_vs = missing_vars vs' out_ts;
             val final_p = Pretty.block
-              [str "DSeq.single", Pretty.brk 1, mk_tuple out_ps]
+              [Codegen.str "DSeq.single", Pretty.brk 1, mk_tuple out_ps]
             if null missing_vs then
               (compile_match (snd nvs) (eq_ps @ eq_ps') out_ps'
                  final_p (exists (not o is_exhaustive) out_ts'''), gr5)
-                val (pat_p, gr6) = invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true
+                val (pat_p, gr6) = Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true
                   (HOLogic.mk_tuple (map Var missing_vs)) gr5;
-                val gen_p = mk_gen gr6 module true [] ""
-                  (HOLogic.mk_tupleT (map snd missing_vs))
+                val gen_p =
+                  Codegen.mk_gen gr6 module true [] ""
+                    (HOLogic.mk_tupleT (map snd missing_vs))
                 (compile_match (snd nvs) eq_ps' out_ps'
-                   (Pretty.block [str "DSeq.generator ", gen_p,
-                      str " :->", Pretty.brk 1,
+                   (Pretty.block [Codegen.str "DSeq.generator ", gen_p,
+                      Codegen.str " :->", Pretty.brk 1,
                       compile_match [] eq_ps [pat_p] final_p false])
                    (exists (not o is_exhaustive) out_ts'''),
@@ -441,7 +440,8 @@
             val vs' = distinct (op =) (flat (vs :: map term_vs out_ts));
             val (out_ts', (names', eqs)) = fold_map check_constrt out_ts (names, []);
             val (out_ts'', nvs) = fold_map distinct_v out_ts' (names', map (fn x => (x, [x])) vs);
-            val (out_ps, gr0) = fold_map (invoke_codegen thy defs dep module false) out_ts'' gr;
+            val (out_ps, gr0) =
+              fold_map (Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dep module false) out_ts'' gr;
             val (eq_ps, gr1) = fold_map compile_eq eqs gr0;
             (case hd (select_mode_prem thy modes' vs' ps) of
@@ -449,8 +449,8 @@
                    val ps' = filter_out (equal p) ps;
                    val (in_ts, out_ts''') = get_args js 1 us;
-                   val (in_ps, gr2) = fold_map
-                     (invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true) in_ts gr1;
+                   val (in_ps, gr2) =
+                    fold_map (Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true) in_ts gr1;
                    val (ps, gr3) =
                      if not is_set then
                        apfst (fn ps => ps @
@@ -459,52 +459,54 @@
                          (compile_expr thy defs dep module false modes
                            (SOME mode, t) gr2)
-                       apfst (fn p => Pretty.breaks [str "DSeq.of_list", str "(case", p,
-                         str "of", str "Set", str "xs", str "=>", str "xs)"])
+                       apfst (fn p =>
+                         Pretty.breaks [Codegen.str "DSeq.of_list", Codegen.str "(case", p,
+                         Codegen.str "of", Codegen.str "Set", Codegen.str "xs", Codegen.str "=>",
+                         Codegen.str "xs)"])
                          (*this is a very strong assumption about the generated code!*)
-                           (invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true t gr2);
+                           (Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true t gr2);
                    val (rest, gr4) = compile_prems out_ts''' vs' (fst nvs) ps' gr3;
                    (compile_match (snd nvs) eq_ps out_ps
                       (Pretty.block (ps @
-                         [str " :->", Pretty.brk 1, rest]))
+                         [Codegen.str " :->", Pretty.brk 1, rest]))
                       (exists (not o is_exhaustive) out_ts''), gr4)
              | (p as Sidecond t, [(_, [])]) =>
                    val ps' = filter_out (equal p) ps;
-                   val (side_p, gr2) = invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true t gr1;
+                   val (side_p, gr2) = Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true t gr1;
                    val (rest, gr3) = compile_prems [] vs' (fst nvs) ps' gr2;
                    (compile_match (snd nvs) eq_ps out_ps
-                      (Pretty.block [str "?? ", side_p,
-                        str " :->", Pretty.brk 1, rest])
+                      (Pretty.block [Codegen.str "?? ", side_p,
+                        Codegen.str " :->", Pretty.brk 1, rest])
                       (exists (not o is_exhaustive) out_ts''), gr3)
              | (_, (_, missing_vs) :: _) =>
                    val T = HOLogic.mk_tupleT (map snd missing_vs);
-                   val (_, gr2) = invoke_tycodegen thy defs dep module false T gr1;
-                   val gen_p = mk_gen gr2 module true [] "" T;
+                   val (_, gr2) = Codegen.invoke_tycodegen thy defs dep module false T gr1;
+                   val gen_p = Codegen.mk_gen gr2 module true [] "" T;
                    val (rest, gr3) = compile_prems
                      [HOLogic.mk_tuple (map Var missing_vs)] vs' (fst nvs) ps gr2
                    (compile_match (snd nvs) eq_ps out_ps
-                      (Pretty.block [str "DSeq.generator", Pretty.brk 1,
-                        gen_p, str " :->", Pretty.brk 1, rest])
+                      (Pretty.block [Codegen.str "DSeq.generator", Pretty.brk 1,
+                        gen_p, Codegen.str " :->", Pretty.brk 1, rest])
                       (exists (not o is_exhaustive) out_ts''), gr3)
     val (prem_p, gr') = compile_prems in_ts' arg_vs all_vs' ps gr ;
-    (Pretty.block [str "DSeq.single", Pretty.brk 1, inp,
-       str " :->", Pretty.brk 1, prem_p], gr')
+    (Pretty.block [Codegen.str "DSeq.single", Pretty.brk 1, inp,
+       Codegen.str " :->", Pretty.brk 1, prem_p], gr')
 fun compile_pred thy defs dep module prfx all_vs arg_vs modes s cls mode gr =
-    val xs = map str (Name.variant_list arg_vs
+    val xs = map Codegen.str (Name.variant_list arg_vs
       (map (fn i => "x" ^ string_of_int i) (snd mode)));
     val ((cl_ps, mode_id), gr') = gr |>
       fold_map (fn cl => compile_clause thy defs
@@ -513,12 +515,12 @@
       ([Pretty.block (separate (Pretty.brk 1)
-         (str (prfx ^ mode_id) ::
-           map str arg_vs @
-           (case mode of ([], []) => [str "()"] | _ => xs)) @
-         [str " ="]),
+         (Codegen.str (prfx ^ mode_id) ::
+           map Codegen.str arg_vs @
+           (case mode of ([], []) => [Codegen.str "()"] | _ => xs)) @
+         [Codegen.str " ="]),
         Pretty.brk 1] @
-       flat (separate [str " ++", Pretty.brk 1] (map single cl_ps))), (gr', "and "))
+       flat (separate [Codegen.str " ++", Pretty.brk 1] (map single cl_ps))), (gr', "and "))
 fun compile_preds thy defs dep module all_vs arg_vs modes preds gr =
@@ -527,7 +529,7 @@
       dep module prfx' all_vs arg_vs modes s cls mode gr')
         (((the o AList.lookup (op =) modes) s))) preds (gr, "fun ")
-    (space_implode "\n\n" (map string_of (flat prs)) ^ ";\n\n", gr')
+    (space_implode "\n\n" (map Codegen.string_of (flat prs)) ^ ";\n\n", gr')
 (**** processing of introduction rules ****)
@@ -537,16 +539,17 @@
   (string * (int option list * int)) list;
 fun lookup_modes gr dep = apfst flat (apsnd flat (ListPair.unzip
-  (map ((fn (SOME (Modes x), _, _) => x | _ => ([], [])) o get_node gr)
+  (map ((fn (SOME (Modes x), _, _) => x | _ => ([], [])) o Codegen.get_node gr)
     (Graph.all_preds (fst gr) [dep]))));
-fun print_arities arities = message ("Arities:\n" ^
+fun print_arities arities = Codegen.message ("Arities:\n" ^
   cat_lines (map (fn (s, (ks, k)) => s ^ ": " ^
     space_implode " -> " (map
       (fn NONE => "X" | SOME k' => string_of_int k')
         (ks @ [SOME k]))) arities));
-fun prep_intrs intrs = map (rename_term o #prop o rep_thm o Drule.export_without_context) intrs;
+fun prep_intrs intrs =
+  map (Codegen.rename_term o #prop o rep_thm o Drule.export_without_context) intrs;
 fun constrain cs [] = []
   | constrain cs ((s, xs) :: ys) =
@@ -562,12 +565,12 @@
       (case get_clauses thy name of
         NONE => gr
       | SOME (names, thyname, nparms, intrs) =>
-          mk_ind_def thy defs gr dep names (if_library thyname module)
+          mk_ind_def thy defs gr dep names (Codegen.if_library thyname module)
             [] (prep_intrs intrs) nparms))
     (fold Term.add_const_names ts []) gr
 and mk_ind_def thy defs gr dep names module modecs intrs nparms =
-  add_edge_acyclic (hd names, dep) gr handle
+  Codegen.add_edge_acyclic (hd names, dep) gr handle
     Graph.CYCLES (xs :: _) =>
       error ("Inductive_Codegen: illegal cyclic dependencies:\n" ^ commas xs)
   | Graph.UNDEF _ =>
@@ -611,8 +614,8 @@
       val gr' = mk_extra_defs thy defs
-        (add_edge (hd names, dep)
-          (new_node (hd names, (NONE, "", "")) gr)) (hd names) names module intrs;
+        (Codegen.add_edge (hd names, dep)
+          (Codegen.new_node (hd names, (NONE, "", "")) gr)) (hd names) names module intrs;
       val (extra_modes, extra_arities) = lookup_modes gr' (hd names);
       val (clauses, arities) = fold add_clause intrs ([], []);
       val modes = constrain modecs
@@ -622,13 +625,13 @@
       val (s, gr'') = compile_preds thy defs (hd names) module (terms_vs intrs)
         arg_vs (modes @ extra_modes) clauses gr';
-      (map_node (hd names)
+      (Codegen.map_node (hd names)
         (K (SOME (Modes (modes, arities)), module, s)) gr'')
 fun find_mode gr dep s u modes is = (case find_first (fn Mode (_, js, _) => is=js)
   (modes_of modes u handle Option => []) of
-     NONE => codegen_error gr dep
+     NONE => Codegen.codegen_error gr dep
        ("No such mode for " ^ s ^ ": " ^ string_of_mode ([], is))
    | mode => mode);
@@ -640,7 +643,7 @@
     fun mk_mode (Const (@{const_name dummy_pattern}, _)) ((ts, mode), i) = ((ts, mode), i + 1)
       | mk_mode t ((ts, mode), i) = ((ts @ [t], mode @ [i]), i + 1);
-    val module' = if_library thyname module;
+    val module' = Codegen.if_library thyname module;
     val gr1 = mk_extra_defs thy defs
       (mk_ind_def thy defs gr dep names module'
       [] (prep_intrs intrs) k) dep names module' [u];
@@ -651,7 +654,7 @@
     val mode = find_mode gr1 dep s u modes is;
     val _ = if is_query orelse not (needs_random (the mode)) then ()
       else warning ("Illegal use of random data generators in " ^ s);
-    val (in_ps, gr2) = fold_map (invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true) ts' gr1;
+    val (in_ps, gr2) = fold_map (Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true) ts' gr1;
     val (ps, gr3) = compile_expr thy defs dep module false modes (mode, u) gr2;
     (Pretty.block (ps @ (if null in_ps then [] else [Pretty.brk 1]) @
@@ -664,12 +667,12 @@
     val (Const (s, T), ts) = strip_comb t;
     val (Ts, U) = strip_type T
-    rename_term (Logic.list_implies (prems_of eqn, HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
+    Codegen.rename_term (Logic.list_implies (prems_of eqn, HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
       (list_comb (Const (s ^ "_aux", Ts @ [U] ---> HOLogic.boolT), ts @ [u]))))
 fun mk_fun thy defs name eqns dep module module' gr =
-  case try (get_node gr) name of
+  case try (Codegen.get_node gr) name of
     NONE =>
       val clauses = map clause_of_eqn eqns;
@@ -678,30 +681,30 @@
         (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of (hd eqns)))))));
       val mode = 1 upto arity;
       val ((fun_id, mode_id), gr') = gr |>
-        mk_const_id module' name ||>>
+        Codegen.mk_const_id module' name ||>>
         modename module' pname ([], mode);
-      val vars = map (fn i => str ("x" ^ string_of_int i)) mode;
-      val s = string_of (Pretty.block
-        [mk_app false (str ("fun " ^ snd fun_id)) vars, str " =",
-         Pretty.brk 1, str "DSeq.hd", Pretty.brk 1,
-         parens (Pretty.block (separate (Pretty.brk 1) (str mode_id ::
+      val vars = map (fn i => Codegen.str ("x" ^ string_of_int i)) mode;
+      val s = Codegen.string_of (Pretty.block
+        [Codegen.mk_app false (Codegen.str ("fun " ^ snd fun_id)) vars, Codegen.str " =",
+         Pretty.brk 1, Codegen.str "DSeq.hd", Pretty.brk 1,
+         Codegen.parens (Pretty.block (separate (Pretty.brk 1) (Codegen.str mode_id ::
            vars)))]) ^ ";\n\n";
-      val gr'' = mk_ind_def thy defs (add_edge (name, dep)
-        (new_node (name, (NONE, module', s)) gr')) name [pname] module'
+      val gr'' = mk_ind_def thy defs (Codegen.add_edge (name, dep)
+        (Codegen.new_node (name, (NONE, module', s)) gr')) name [pname] module'
         [(pname, [([], mode)])] clauses 0;
       val (modes, _) = lookup_modes gr'' dep;
       val _ = find_mode gr'' dep pname (head_of (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
         (Logic.strip_imp_concl (hd clauses)))) modes mode
-    in (mk_qual_id module fun_id, gr'') end
+    in (Codegen.mk_qual_id module fun_id, gr'') end
   | SOME _ =>
-      (mk_qual_id module (get_const_id gr name), add_edge (name, dep) gr);
+      (Codegen.mk_qual_id module (Codegen.get_const_id gr name), Codegen.add_edge (name, dep) gr);
 (* convert n-tuple to nested pairs *)
 fun conv_ntuple fs ts p =
     val k = length fs;
-    val xs = map_range (fn i => str ("x" ^ string_of_int i)) (k + 1);
+    val xs = map_range (fn i => Codegen.str ("x" ^ string_of_int i)) (k + 1);
     val xs' = map (fn Bound i => nth xs (k - i)) ts;
     fun conv xs js =
       if member (op =) fs js then
@@ -713,9 +716,9 @@
     if k > 0 then
-        [str " (fn", Pretty.brk 1,
-         mk_tuple xs', str " =>", Pretty.brk 1, fst (conv xs []),
-         str ")", Pretty.brk 1, parens p]
+        [Codegen.str " (fn", Pretty.brk 1,
+         mk_tuple xs', Codegen.str " =>", Pretty.brk 1, fst (conv xs []),
+         Codegen.str ")", Pretty.brk 1, Codegen.parens p]
     else p
@@ -724,7 +727,7 @@
       let val (r, Ts, fs) = HOLogic.strip_psplits u
       in case strip_comb r of
           (Const (s, T), ts) =>
-            (case (get_clauses thy s, get_assoc_code thy (s, T)) of
+            (case (get_clauses thy s, Codegen.get_assoc_code thy (s, T)) of
               (SOME (names, thyname, k, intrs), NONE) =>
                   val (ts1, ts2) = chop k ts;
@@ -738,9 +741,9 @@
                     let val (call_p, gr') = mk_ind_call thy defs dep module true
                       s T (ts1 @ ts2') names thyname k intrs gr 
-                    in SOME ((if brack then parens else I) (Pretty.block
-                      [str "Set", Pretty.brk 1, str "(DSeq.list_of", Pretty.brk 1, str "(",
-                       conv_ntuple fs ots call_p, str "))"]),
+                    in SOME ((if brack then Codegen.parens else I) (Pretty.block
+                      [Codegen.str "Set", Pretty.brk 1, Codegen.str "(DSeq.list_of", Pretty.brk 1,
+                       Codegen.str "(", conv_ntuple fs ots call_p, Codegen.str "))"]),
                        (*this is a very strong assumption about the generated code!*)
@@ -749,30 +752,32 @@
             | _ => NONE)
         | _ => NONE
-  | (Const (s, T), ts) => (case Symtab.lookup (#eqns (CodegenData.get thy)) s of
-      NONE => (case (get_clauses thy s, get_assoc_code thy (s, T)) of
+  | (Const (s, T), ts) =>
+    (case Symtab.lookup (#eqns (CodegenData.get thy)) s of
+      NONE =>
+      (case (get_clauses thy s, Codegen.get_assoc_code thy (s, T)) of
         (SOME (names, thyname, k, intrs), NONE) =>
           if length ts < k then NONE else SOME
             (let val (call_p, gr') = mk_ind_call thy defs dep module false
                s T (map Term.no_dummy_patterns ts) names thyname k intrs gr
              in (mk_funcomp brack "?!"
-               (length (binder_types T) - length ts) (parens call_p), gr')
+               (length (binder_types T) - length ts) (Codegen.parens call_p), gr')
              end handle TERM _ => mk_ind_call thy defs dep module true
                s T ts names thyname k intrs gr )
       | _ => NONE)
     | SOME eqns =>
           val (_, thyname) :: _ = eqns;
-          val (id, gr') = mk_fun thy defs s (preprocess thy (map fst (rev eqns)))
-            dep module (if_library thyname module) gr;
+          val (id, gr') = mk_fun thy defs s (Codegen.preprocess thy (map fst (rev eqns)))
+            dep module (Codegen.if_library thyname module) gr;
           val (ps, gr'') = fold_map
-            (invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true) ts gr';
-        in SOME (mk_app brack (str id) ps, gr'')
+            (Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true) ts gr';
+        in SOME (Codegen.mk_app brack (Codegen.str id) ps, gr'')
   | _ => NONE);
 val setup =
-  add_codegen "inductive" inductive_codegen #>
+  Codegen.add_codegen "inductive" inductive_codegen #>
   Attrib.setup @{binding code_ind}
     (Scan.lift (Scan.option (Args.$$$ "target" |-- Args.colon |-- --
       Scan.option (Args.$$$ "params" |-- Args.colon |-- Parse.nat) >> uncurry add))
@@ -820,21 +825,21 @@
     val pred = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (list_comb
       (Const (Sign.intern_const thy' "quickcheckp", T),
        map Term.dummy_pattern Ts));
-    val (code, gr) = setmp_CRITICAL mode ["term_of", "test", "random_ind"]
-      (generate_code_i thy' [] "Generated") [("testf", pred)];
+    val (code, gr) = setmp_CRITICAL Codegen.mode ["term_of", "test", "random_ind"]
+      (Codegen.generate_code_i thy' [] "Generated") [("testf", pred)];
     val s = "structure TestTerm =\nstruct\n\n" ^
       cat_lines (map snd code) ^
-      "\nopen Generated;\n\n" ^ string_of
-        (Pretty.block [str "val () = Inductive_Codegen.test_fn :=",
-          Pretty.brk 1, str "(fn p =>", Pretty.brk 1,
-          str "case Seq.pull (testf p) of", Pretty.brk 1,
-          str "SOME ", mk_tuple [mk_tuple (map (str o fst) args'), str "_"],
-          str " =>", Pretty.brk 1, str "SOME ",
+      "\nopen Generated;\n\n" ^ Codegen.string_of
+        (Pretty.block [Codegen.str "val () = Inductive_Codegen.test_fn :=",
+          Pretty.brk 1, Codegen.str "(fn p =>", Pretty.brk 1,
+          Codegen.str "case Seq.pull (testf p) of", Pretty.brk 1,
+          Codegen.str "SOME ", mk_tuple [mk_tuple (map (Codegen.str o fst) args'), Codegen.str "_"],
+          Codegen.str " =>", Pretty.brk 1, Codegen.str "SOME ",
           Pretty.enum "," "[" "]"
             (map (fn (s, T) => Pretty.block
-              [mk_term_of gr "Generated" false T, Pretty.brk 1, str s]) args'),
+              [Codegen.mk_term_of gr "Generated" false T, Pretty.brk 1, Codegen.str s]) args'),
           Pretty.brk 1,
-          str "| NONE => NONE);"]) ^
+          Codegen.str "| NONE => NONE);"]) ^
     val _ = ML_Context.eval_text_in (SOME ctxt) false Position.none s;
     val values = Config.get ctxt random_values;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/prop_logic.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/prop_logic.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -7,39 +7,39 @@
 signature PROP_LOGIC =
-	datatype prop_formula =
-		  True
-		| False
-		| BoolVar of int  (* NOTE: only use indices >= 1 *)
-		| Not of prop_formula
-		| Or of prop_formula * prop_formula
-		| And of prop_formula * prop_formula
+  datatype prop_formula =
+      True
+    | False
+    | BoolVar of int  (* NOTE: only use indices >= 1 *)
+    | Not of prop_formula
+    | Or of prop_formula * prop_formula
+    | And of prop_formula * prop_formula
-	val SNot     : prop_formula -> prop_formula
-	val SOr      : prop_formula * prop_formula -> prop_formula
-	val SAnd     : prop_formula * prop_formula -> prop_formula
-	val simplify : prop_formula -> prop_formula  (* eliminates True/False and double-negation *)
+  val SNot: prop_formula -> prop_formula
+  val SOr: prop_formula * prop_formula -> prop_formula
+  val SAnd: prop_formula * prop_formula -> prop_formula
+  val simplify: prop_formula -> prop_formula  (* eliminates True/False and double-negation *)
-	val indices : prop_formula -> int list  (* set of all variable indices *)
-	val maxidx  : prop_formula -> int       (* maximal variable index *)
+  val indices: prop_formula -> int list  (* set of all variable indices *)
+  val maxidx: prop_formula -> int       (* maximal variable index *)
-	val exists      : prop_formula list -> prop_formula  (* finite disjunction *)
-	val all         : prop_formula list -> prop_formula  (* finite conjunction *)
-	val dot_product : prop_formula list * prop_formula list -> prop_formula
+  val exists: prop_formula list -> prop_formula  (* finite disjunction *)
+  val all: prop_formula list -> prop_formula  (* finite conjunction *)
+  val dot_product: prop_formula list * prop_formula list -> prop_formula
-	val is_nnf : prop_formula -> bool  (* returns true iff the formula is in negation normal form *)
-	val is_cnf : prop_formula -> bool  (* returns true iff the formula is in conjunctive normal form *)
+  val is_nnf: prop_formula -> bool  (* returns true iff the formula is in negation normal form *)
+  val is_cnf: prop_formula -> bool  (* returns true iff the formula is in conjunctive normal form *)
-	val nnf    : prop_formula -> prop_formula  (* negation normal form *)
-	val cnf    : prop_formula -> prop_formula  (* conjunctive normal form *)
-	val defcnf : prop_formula -> prop_formula  (* definitional cnf *)
+  val nnf: prop_formula -> prop_formula  (* negation normal form *)
+  val cnf: prop_formula -> prop_formula  (* conjunctive normal form *)
+  val defcnf: prop_formula -> prop_formula  (* definitional cnf *)
-	val eval : (int -> bool) -> prop_formula -> bool  (* semantics *)
+  val eval: (int -> bool) -> prop_formula -> bool  (* semantics *)
-	(* propositional representation of HOL terms *)
-	val prop_formula_of_term : term -> int Termtab.table -> prop_formula * int Termtab.table
-	(* HOL term representation of propositional formulae *)
-	val term_of_prop_formula : prop_formula -> term
+  (* propositional representation of HOL terms *)
+  val prop_formula_of_term: term -> int Termtab.table -> prop_formula * int Termtab.table
+  (* HOL term representation of propositional formulae *)
+  val term_of_prop_formula: prop_formula -> term
 structure PropLogic : PROP_LOGIC =
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@
 (*               not/or/and                                                  *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	datatype prop_formula =
-		  True
-		| False
-		| BoolVar of int  (* NOTE: only use indices >= 1 *)
-		| Not of prop_formula
-		| Or of prop_formula * prop_formula
-		| And of prop_formula * prop_formula;
+datatype prop_formula =
+    True
+  | False
+  | BoolVar of int  (* NOTE: only use indices >= 1 *)
+  | Not of prop_formula
+  | Or of prop_formula * prop_formula
+  | And of prop_formula * prop_formula;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* The following constructor functions make sure that True and False do not  *)
@@ -65,114 +65,93 @@
 (* perform double-negation elimination.                                      *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
-	fun SNot True     = False
-	  | SNot False    = True
-	  | SNot (Not fm) = fm
-	  | SNot fm       = Not fm;
-	(* prop_formula * prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
+fun SNot True = False
+  | SNot False = True
+  | SNot (Not fm) = fm
+  | SNot fm = Not fm;
-	fun SOr (True, _)   = True
-	  | SOr (_, True)   = True
-	  | SOr (False, fm) = fm
-	  | SOr (fm, False) = fm
-	  | SOr (fm1, fm2)  = Or (fm1, fm2);
+fun SOr (True, _) = True
+  | SOr (_, True) = True
+  | SOr (False, fm) = fm
+  | SOr (fm, False) = fm
+  | SOr (fm1, fm2) = Or (fm1, fm2);
-	(* prop_formula * prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
-	fun SAnd (True, fm) = fm
-	  | SAnd (fm, True) = fm
-	  | SAnd (False, _) = False
-	  | SAnd (_, False) = False
-	  | SAnd (fm1, fm2) = And (fm1, fm2);
+fun SAnd (True, fm) = fm
+  | SAnd (fm, True) = fm
+  | SAnd (False, _) = False
+  | SAnd (_, False) = False
+  | SAnd (fm1, fm2) = And (fm1, fm2);
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* simplify: eliminates True/False below other connectives, and double-      *)
 (*      negation                                                             *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
-	fun simplify (Not fm)         = SNot (simplify fm)
-	  | simplify (Or (fm1, fm2))  = SOr (simplify fm1, simplify fm2)
-	  | simplify (And (fm1, fm2)) = SAnd (simplify fm1, simplify fm2)
-	  | simplify fm               = fm;
+fun simplify (Not fm) = SNot (simplify fm)
+  | simplify (Or (fm1, fm2)) = SOr (simplify fm1, simplify fm2)
+  | simplify (And (fm1, fm2)) = SAnd (simplify fm1, simplify fm2)
+  | simplify fm = fm;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* indices: collects all indices of Boolean variables that occur in a        *)
 (*      propositional formula 'fm'; no duplicates                            *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* prop_formula -> int list *)
-	fun indices True             = []
-	  | indices False            = []
-	  | indices (BoolVar i)      = [i]
-	  | indices (Not fm)         = indices fm
-	  | indices (Or (fm1, fm2))  = union (op =) (indices fm1) (indices fm2)
-	  | indices (And (fm1, fm2)) = union (op =) (indices fm1) (indices fm2);
+fun indices True = []
+  | indices False = []
+  | indices (BoolVar i) = [i]
+  | indices (Not fm) = indices fm
+  | indices (Or (fm1, fm2)) = union (op =) (indices fm1) (indices fm2)
+  | indices (And (fm1, fm2)) = union (op =) (indices fm1) (indices fm2);
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* maxidx: computes the maximal variable index occuring in a formula of      *)
 (*      propositional logic 'fm'; 0 if 'fm' contains no variable             *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* prop_formula -> int *)
-	fun maxidx True             = 0
-	  | maxidx False            = 0
-	  | maxidx (BoolVar i)      = i
-	  | maxidx (Not fm)         = maxidx fm
-	  | maxidx (Or (fm1, fm2))  = Int.max (maxidx fm1, maxidx fm2)
-	  | maxidx (And (fm1, fm2)) = Int.max (maxidx fm1, maxidx fm2);
+fun maxidx True = 0
+  | maxidx False = 0
+  | maxidx (BoolVar i) = i
+  | maxidx (Not fm) = maxidx fm
+  | maxidx (Or (fm1, fm2)) = Int.max (maxidx fm1, maxidx fm2)
+  | maxidx (And (fm1, fm2)) = Int.max (maxidx fm1, maxidx fm2);
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* exists: computes the disjunction over a list 'xs' of propositional        *)
 (*      formulas                                                             *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* prop_formula list -> prop_formula *)
-	fun exists xs = Library.foldl SOr (False, xs);
+fun exists xs = Library.foldl SOr (False, xs);
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* all: computes the conjunction over a list 'xs' of propositional formulas  *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* prop_formula list -> prop_formula *)
-	fun all xs = Library.foldl SAnd (True, xs);
+fun all xs = Library.foldl SAnd (True, xs);
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* dot_product: ([x1,...,xn], [y1,...,yn]) -> x1*y1+...+xn*yn                *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* prop_formula list * prop_formula list -> prop_formula *)
-	fun dot_product (xs,ys) = exists (map SAnd (xs~~ys));
+fun dot_product (xs, ys) = exists (map SAnd (xs ~~ ys));
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* is_nnf: returns 'true' iff the formula is in negation normal form (i.e.,  *)
 (*         only variables may be negated, but not subformulas).              *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	local
-		fun is_literal (BoolVar _)       = true
-		  | is_literal (Not (BoolVar _)) = true
-		  | is_literal _                 = false
-		fun is_conj_disj (Or (fm1, fm2))  =
-			is_conj_disj fm1 andalso is_conj_disj fm2
-		  | is_conj_disj (And (fm1, fm2)) =
-			is_conj_disj fm1 andalso is_conj_disj fm2
-		  | is_conj_disj fm               =
-			is_literal fm
-	in
-		fun is_nnf True  = true
-		  | is_nnf False = true
-		  | is_nnf fm    = is_conj_disj fm
-	end;
+  fun is_literal (BoolVar _) = true
+    | is_literal (Not (BoolVar _)) = true
+    | is_literal _ = false
+  fun is_conj_disj (Or (fm1, fm2)) = is_conj_disj fm1 andalso is_conj_disj fm2
+    | is_conj_disj (And (fm1, fm2)) = is_conj_disj fm1 andalso is_conj_disj fm2
+    | is_conj_disj fm = is_literal fm
+  fun is_nnf True = true
+    | is_nnf False = true
+    | is_nnf fm = is_conj_disj fm
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* is_cnf: returns 'true' iff the formula is in conjunctive normal form      *)
@@ -180,19 +159,19 @@
 (*         implies 'is_nnf'.                                                 *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	local
-		fun is_literal (BoolVar _)       = true
-		  | is_literal (Not (BoolVar _)) = true
-		  | is_literal _                 = false
-		fun is_disj (Or (fm1, fm2)) = is_disj fm1 andalso is_disj fm2
-		  | is_disj fm              = is_literal fm
-		fun is_conj (And (fm1, fm2)) = is_conj fm1 andalso is_conj fm2
-		  | is_conj fm               = is_disj fm
-	in
-		fun is_cnf True             = true
-		  | is_cnf False            = true
-		  | is_cnf fm               = is_conj fm
-	end;
+  fun is_literal (BoolVar _) = true
+    | is_literal (Not (BoolVar _)) = true
+    | is_literal _ = false
+  fun is_disj (Or (fm1, fm2)) = is_disj fm1 andalso is_disj fm2
+    | is_disj fm = is_literal fm
+  fun is_conj (And (fm1, fm2)) = is_conj fm1 andalso is_conj fm2
+    | is_conj fm = is_disj fm
+  fun is_cnf True = true
+    | is_cnf False = true
+    | is_cnf fm = is_conj fm
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* nnf: computes the negation normal form of a formula 'fm' of propositional *)
@@ -202,35 +181,31 @@
 (*      'fm' if (and only if) 'is_nnf fm' returns 'true'.                    *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
-	fun nnf fm =
-	let
-		fun
-			(* constants *)
-			    nnf_aux True                   = True
-			  | nnf_aux False                  = False
-			(* variables *)
-			  | nnf_aux (BoolVar i)            = (BoolVar i)
-			(* 'or' and 'and' as outermost connectives are left untouched *)
-			  | nnf_aux (Or  (fm1, fm2))       = SOr  (nnf_aux fm1, nnf_aux fm2)
-			  | nnf_aux (And (fm1, fm2))       = SAnd (nnf_aux fm1, nnf_aux fm2)
-			(* 'not' + constant *)
-			  | nnf_aux (Not True)             = False
-			  | nnf_aux (Not False)            = True
-			(* 'not' + variable *)
-			  | nnf_aux (Not (BoolVar i))      = Not (BoolVar i)
-			(* pushing 'not' inside of 'or'/'and' using de Morgan's laws *)
-			  | nnf_aux (Not (Or  (fm1, fm2))) = SAnd (nnf_aux (SNot fm1), nnf_aux (SNot fm2))
-			  | nnf_aux (Not (And (fm1, fm2))) = SOr  (nnf_aux (SNot fm1), nnf_aux (SNot fm2))
-			(* double-negation elimination *)
-			  | nnf_aux (Not (Not fm))         = nnf_aux fm
-	in
-		if is_nnf fm then
-			fm
-		else
-			nnf_aux fm
-	end;
+fun nnf fm =
+  let
+    fun
+      (* constants *)
+        nnf_aux True = True
+      | nnf_aux False = False
+      (* variables *)
+      | nnf_aux (BoolVar i) = (BoolVar i)
+      (* 'or' and 'and' as outermost connectives are left untouched *)
+      | nnf_aux (Or  (fm1, fm2)) = SOr (nnf_aux fm1, nnf_aux fm2)
+      | nnf_aux (And (fm1, fm2)) = SAnd (nnf_aux fm1, nnf_aux fm2)
+      (* 'not' + constant *)
+      | nnf_aux (Not True) = False
+      | nnf_aux (Not False) = True
+      (* 'not' + variable *)
+      | nnf_aux (Not (BoolVar i)) = Not (BoolVar i)
+      (* pushing 'not' inside of 'or'/'and' using de Morgan's laws *)
+      | nnf_aux (Not (Or  (fm1, fm2))) = SAnd (nnf_aux (SNot fm1), nnf_aux (SNot fm2))
+      | nnf_aux (Not (And (fm1, fm2))) = SOr  (nnf_aux (SNot fm1), nnf_aux (SNot fm2))
+      (* double-negation elimination *)
+      | nnf_aux (Not (Not fm)) = nnf_aux fm
+  in
+    if is_nnf fm then fm
+    else nnf_aux fm
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* cnf: computes the conjunctive normal form (i.e., a conjunction of         *)
@@ -241,35 +216,30 @@
 (*      'fm' if (and only if) 'is_cnf fm' returns 'true'.                    *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
-	fun cnf fm =
-	let
-		(* function to push an 'Or' below 'And's, using distributive laws *)
-		fun cnf_or (And (fm11, fm12), fm2) =
-			And (cnf_or (fm11, fm2), cnf_or (fm12, fm2))
-		  | cnf_or (fm1, And (fm21, fm22)) =
-			And (cnf_or (fm1, fm21), cnf_or (fm1, fm22))
-		(* neither subformula contains 'And' *)
-		  | cnf_or (fm1, fm2) =
-			Or (fm1, fm2)
-		fun cnf_from_nnf True             = True
-		  | cnf_from_nnf False            = False
-		  | cnf_from_nnf (BoolVar i)      = BoolVar i
-		(* 'fm' must be a variable since the formula is in NNF *)
-		  | cnf_from_nnf (Not fm)         = Not fm
-		(* 'Or' may need to be pushed below 'And' *)
-		  | cnf_from_nnf (Or (fm1, fm2))  =
-		    cnf_or (cnf_from_nnf fm1, cnf_from_nnf fm2)
-		(* 'And' as outermost connective is left untouched *)
-		  | cnf_from_nnf (And (fm1, fm2)) =
-		    And (cnf_from_nnf fm1, cnf_from_nnf fm2)
-	in
-		if is_cnf fm then
-			fm
-		else
-			(cnf_from_nnf o nnf) fm
-	end;
+fun cnf fm =
+  let
+    (* function to push an 'Or' below 'And's, using distributive laws *)
+    fun cnf_or (And (fm11, fm12), fm2) =
+          And (cnf_or (fm11, fm2), cnf_or (fm12, fm2))
+      | cnf_or (fm1, And (fm21, fm22)) =
+          And (cnf_or (fm1, fm21), cnf_or (fm1, fm22))
+    (* neither subformula contains 'And' *)
+      | cnf_or (fm1, fm2) = Or (fm1, fm2)
+    fun cnf_from_nnf True = True
+      | cnf_from_nnf False = False
+      | cnf_from_nnf (BoolVar i) = BoolVar i
+    (* 'fm' must be a variable since the formula is in NNF *)
+      | cnf_from_nnf (Not fm) = Not fm
+    (* 'Or' may need to be pushed below 'And' *)
+      | cnf_from_nnf (Or (fm1, fm2)) =
+        cnf_or (cnf_from_nnf fm1, cnf_from_nnf fm2)
+    (* 'And' as outermost connective is left untouched *)
+      | cnf_from_nnf (And (fm1, fm2)) =
+        And (cnf_from_nnf fm1, cnf_from_nnf fm2)
+  in
+    if is_cnf fm then fm
+    else (cnf_from_nnf o nnf) fm
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* defcnf: computes a definitional conjunctive normal form of a formula 'fm' *)
@@ -282,86 +252,80 @@
 (*      'is_cnf fm' returns 'true'.                                          *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
-	fun defcnf fm =
-		if is_cnf fm then
-			fm
-		else
-		let
-			val fm' = nnf fm
-			(* 'new' specifies the next index that is available to introduce an auxiliary variable *)
-			(* int ref *)
-			val new = Unsynchronized.ref (maxidx fm' + 1)
-			(* unit -> int *)
-			fun new_idx () = let val idx = !new in new := idx+1; idx end
-			(* replaces 'And' by an auxiliary variable (and its definition) *)
-			(* prop_formula -> prop_formula * prop_formula list *)
-			fun defcnf_or (And x) =
-				let
-					val i = new_idx ()
-				in
-					(* Note that definitions are in NNF, but not CNF. *)
-					(BoolVar i, [Or (Not (BoolVar i), And x)])
-				end
-			  | defcnf_or (Or (fm1, fm2)) =
-				let
-					val (fm1', defs1) = defcnf_or fm1
-					val (fm2', defs2) = defcnf_or fm2
-				in
-					(Or (fm1', fm2'), defs1 @ defs2)
-				end
-			  | defcnf_or fm =
-				(fm, [])
-			(* prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
-			fun defcnf_from_nnf True             = True
-			  | defcnf_from_nnf False            = False
-			  | defcnf_from_nnf (BoolVar i)      = BoolVar i
-			(* 'fm' must be a variable since the formula is in NNF *)
-			  | defcnf_from_nnf (Not fm)         = Not fm
-			(* 'Or' may need to be pushed below 'And' *)
-			(* 'Or' of literal and 'And': use distributivity *)
-			  | defcnf_from_nnf (Or (BoolVar i, And (fm1, fm2))) =
-				And (defcnf_from_nnf (Or (BoolVar i, fm1)),
-				     defcnf_from_nnf (Or (BoolVar i, fm2)))
-			  | defcnf_from_nnf (Or (Not (BoolVar i), And (fm1, fm2))) =
-				And (defcnf_from_nnf (Or (Not (BoolVar i), fm1)),
-				     defcnf_from_nnf (Or (Not (BoolVar i), fm2)))
-			  | defcnf_from_nnf (Or (And (fm1, fm2), BoolVar i)) =
-				And (defcnf_from_nnf (Or (fm1, BoolVar i)),
-				     defcnf_from_nnf (Or (fm2, BoolVar i)))
-			  | defcnf_from_nnf (Or (And (fm1, fm2), Not (BoolVar i))) =
-				And (defcnf_from_nnf (Or (fm1, Not (BoolVar i))),
-				     defcnf_from_nnf (Or (fm2, Not (BoolVar i))))
-			(* all other cases: turn the formula into a disjunction of literals, *)
-			(*                  adding definitions as necessary                  *)
-			  | defcnf_from_nnf (Or x) =
-				let
-					val (fm, defs) = defcnf_or (Or x)
-					val cnf_defs   = map defcnf_from_nnf defs
-				in
-					all (fm :: cnf_defs)
-				end
-			(* 'And' as outermost connective is left untouched *)
-			  | defcnf_from_nnf (And (fm1, fm2)) =
-				And (defcnf_from_nnf fm1, defcnf_from_nnf fm2)
-		in
-			defcnf_from_nnf fm'
-		end;
+fun defcnf fm =
+  if is_cnf fm then fm
+  else
+    let
+      val fm' = nnf fm
+      (* 'new' specifies the next index that is available to introduce an auxiliary variable *)
+      (* int ref *)
+      val new = Unsynchronized.ref (maxidx fm' + 1)
+      (* unit -> int *)
+      fun new_idx () = let val idx = !new in new := idx+1; idx end
+      (* replaces 'And' by an auxiliary variable (and its definition) *)
+      (* prop_formula -> prop_formula * prop_formula list *)
+      fun defcnf_or (And x) =
+            let
+              val i = new_idx ()
+            in
+              (* Note that definitions are in NNF, but not CNF. *)
+              (BoolVar i, [Or (Not (BoolVar i), And x)])
+            end
+        | defcnf_or (Or (fm1, fm2)) =
+            let
+              val (fm1', defs1) = defcnf_or fm1
+              val (fm2', defs2) = defcnf_or fm2
+            in
+              (Or (fm1', fm2'), defs1 @ defs2)
+            end
+        | defcnf_or fm = (fm, [])
+      (* prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
+      fun defcnf_from_nnf True = True
+        | defcnf_from_nnf False = False
+        | defcnf_from_nnf (BoolVar i) = BoolVar i
+      (* 'fm' must be a variable since the formula is in NNF *)
+        | defcnf_from_nnf (Not fm) = Not fm
+      (* 'Or' may need to be pushed below 'And' *)
+      (* 'Or' of literal and 'And': use distributivity *)
+        | defcnf_from_nnf (Or (BoolVar i, And (fm1, fm2))) =
+            And (defcnf_from_nnf (Or (BoolVar i, fm1)),
+                 defcnf_from_nnf (Or (BoolVar i, fm2)))
+        | defcnf_from_nnf (Or (Not (BoolVar i), And (fm1, fm2))) =
+            And (defcnf_from_nnf (Or (Not (BoolVar i), fm1)),
+                 defcnf_from_nnf (Or (Not (BoolVar i), fm2)))
+        | defcnf_from_nnf (Or (And (fm1, fm2), BoolVar i)) =
+            And (defcnf_from_nnf (Or (fm1, BoolVar i)),
+                 defcnf_from_nnf (Or (fm2, BoolVar i)))
+        | defcnf_from_nnf (Or (And (fm1, fm2), Not (BoolVar i))) =
+            And (defcnf_from_nnf (Or (fm1, Not (BoolVar i))),
+                 defcnf_from_nnf (Or (fm2, Not (BoolVar i))))
+      (* all other cases: turn the formula into a disjunction of literals, *)
+      (*                  adding definitions as necessary                  *)
+        | defcnf_from_nnf (Or x) =
+            let
+              val (fm, defs) = defcnf_or (Or x)
+              val cnf_defs = map defcnf_from_nnf defs
+            in
+              all (fm :: cnf_defs)
+            end
+      (* 'And' as outermost connective is left untouched *)
+        | defcnf_from_nnf (And (fm1, fm2)) =
+            And (defcnf_from_nnf fm1, defcnf_from_nnf fm2)
+    in
+      defcnf_from_nnf fm'
+    end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* eval: given an assignment 'a' of Boolean values to variable indices, the  *)
 (*      truth value of a propositional formula 'fm' is computed              *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* (int -> bool) -> prop_formula -> bool *)
-	fun eval a True            = true
-	  | eval a False           = false
-	  | eval a (BoolVar i)     = (a i)
-	  | eval a (Not fm)        = not (eval a fm)
-	  | eval a (Or (fm1,fm2))  = (eval a fm1) orelse (eval a fm2)
-	  | eval a (And (fm1,fm2)) = (eval a fm1) andalso (eval a fm2);
+fun eval a True = true
+  | eval a False = false
+  | eval a (BoolVar i) = (a i)
+  | eval a (Not fm) = not (eval a fm)
+  | eval a (Or (fm1, fm2)) = (eval a fm1) orelse (eval a fm2)
+  | eval a (And (fm1, fm2)) = (eval a fm1) andalso (eval a fm2);
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* prop_formula_of_term: returns the propositional structure of a HOL term,  *)
@@ -378,52 +342,47 @@
 (*       so that it does not have to be recomputed (by folding over the      *)
 (*       table) for each invocation.                                         *)
-	(* Term.term -> int Termtab.table -> prop_formula * int Termtab.table *)
-	fun prop_formula_of_term t table =
-	let
-		val next_idx_is_valid = Unsynchronized.ref false
-		val next_idx          = Unsynchronized.ref 0
-		fun get_next_idx () =
-			if !next_idx_is_valid then
- next_idx
-			else (
-				next_idx := Termtab.fold (Integer.max o snd) table 0;
-				next_idx_is_valid := true;
- next_idx
-			)
-		fun aux (Const (@{const_name True}, _))         table =
-			(True, table)
-		  | aux (Const (@{const_name False}, _))        table =
-			(False, table)
-		  | aux (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ x)      table =
-			apfst Not (aux x table)
-		  | aux (Const (@{const_name HOL.disj}, _) $ x $ y) table =
-			let
-				val (fm1, table1) = aux x table
-				val (fm2, table2) = aux y table1
-			in
-				(Or (fm1, fm2), table2)
-			end
-		  | aux (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ x $ y) table =
-			let
-				val (fm1, table1) = aux x table
-				val (fm2, table2) = aux y table1
-			in
-				(And (fm1, fm2), table2)
-			end
-		  | aux x                           table =
-			(case Termtab.lookup table x of
-			  SOME i =>
-				(BoolVar i, table)
-			| NONE   =>
-				let
-					val i = get_next_idx ()
-				in
-					(BoolVar i, Termtab.update (x, i) table)
-				end)
-	in
-		aux t table
-	end;
+fun prop_formula_of_term t table =
+  let
+    val next_idx_is_valid = Unsynchronized.ref false
+    val next_idx = Unsynchronized.ref 0
+    fun get_next_idx () =
+      if !next_idx_is_valid then
+ next_idx
+      else (
+        next_idx := Termtab.fold (Integer.max o snd) table 0;
+        next_idx_is_valid := true;
+ next_idx
+      )
+    fun aux (Const (@{const_name True}, _)) table = (True, table)
+      | aux (Const (@{const_name False}, _)) table = (False, table)
+      | aux (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ x) table = apfst Not (aux x table)
+      | aux (Const (@{const_name HOL.disj}, _) $ x $ y) table =
+          let
+            val (fm1, table1) = aux x table
+            val (fm2, table2) = aux y table1
+          in
+            (Or (fm1, fm2), table2)
+          end
+      | aux (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ x $ y) table =
+          let
+            val (fm1, table1) = aux x table
+            val (fm2, table2) = aux y table1
+          in
+            (And (fm1, fm2), table2)
+          end
+      | aux x table =
+          (case Termtab.lookup table x of
+            SOME i => (BoolVar i, table)
+          | NONE =>
+              let
+                val i = get_next_idx ()
+              in
+                (BoolVar i, Termtab.update (x, i) table)
+              end)
+  in
+    aux t table
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* term_of_prop_formula: returns a HOL term that corresponds to a            *)
@@ -435,18 +394,13 @@
 (*       Boolean variables in the formula, similar to 'prop_formula_of_term' *)
 (*       (but the other way round).                                          *)
-	(* prop_formula -> Term.term *)
-	fun term_of_prop_formula True             =
-		HOLogic.true_const
-	  | term_of_prop_formula False            =
-		HOLogic.false_const
-	  | term_of_prop_formula (BoolVar i)      =
-		Free ("v" ^ Int.toString i, HOLogic.boolT)
-	  | term_of_prop_formula (Not fm)         =
-		HOLogic.mk_not (term_of_prop_formula fm)
-	  | term_of_prop_formula (Or (fm1, fm2))  =
-		HOLogic.mk_disj (term_of_prop_formula fm1, term_of_prop_formula fm2)
-	  | term_of_prop_formula (And (fm1, fm2)) =
-		HOLogic.mk_conj (term_of_prop_formula fm1, term_of_prop_formula fm2);
+fun term_of_prop_formula True = HOLogic.true_const
+  | term_of_prop_formula False = HOLogic.false_const
+  | term_of_prop_formula (BoolVar i) = Free ("v" ^ Int.toString i, HOLogic.boolT)
+  | term_of_prop_formula (Not fm) = HOLogic.mk_not (term_of_prop_formula fm)
+  | term_of_prop_formula (Or (fm1, fm2)) =
+      HOLogic.mk_disj (term_of_prop_formula fm1, term_of_prop_formula fm2)
+  | term_of_prop_formula (And (fm1, fm2)) =
+      HOLogic.mk_conj (term_of_prop_formula fm1, term_of_prop_formula fm2);
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/recfun_codegen.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/recfun_codegen.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
 structure RecfunCodegen : RECFUN_CODEGEN =
-open Codegen;
 val const_of = dest_Const o head_of o fst o Logic.dest_equals;
 structure ModuleData = Theory_Data
@@ -47,21 +45,24 @@
     val raw_thms = Code.get_cert thy (Code_Preproc.preprocess_functrans thy) c
       |> Code.bare_thms_of_cert thy
       |> map (AxClass.overload thy)
-      |> filter (is_instance T o snd o const_of o prop_of);
+      |> filter (Codegen.is_instance T o snd o const_of o prop_of);
     val module_name = case Symtab.lookup (ModuleData.get thy) c
      of SOME module_name => module_name
-      | NONE => case get_defn thy defs c T
+      | NONE =>
+        case Codegen.get_defn thy defs c T
          of SOME ((_, (thyname, _)), _) => thyname
           | NONE => Codegen.thyname_of_const thy c;
   in if null raw_thms then ([], "") else
-    |> preprocess thy
+    |> Codegen.preprocess thy
     |> avoid_value thy
     |> rpair module_name
-fun mk_suffix thy defs (s, T) = (case get_defn thy defs s T of
-  SOME (_, SOME i) => " def" ^ string_of_int i | _ => "");
+fun mk_suffix thy defs (s, T) =
+  (case Codegen.get_defn thy defs s T of
+    SOME (_, SOME i) => " def" ^ string_of_int i
+  | _ => "");
 exception EQN of string * typ * string;
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@
 fun add_rec_funs thy defs dep module eqs gr =
     fun dest_eq t = (fst (const_of t) ^ mk_suffix thy defs (const_of t),
-      Logic.dest_equals (rename_term t));
+      Logic.dest_equals (Codegen.rename_term t));
     val eqs' = map dest_eq eqs;
     val (dname, _) :: _ = eqs';
     val (s, T) = const_of (hd eqs);
@@ -80,49 +81,51 @@
     fun mk_fundef module fname first [] gr = ([], gr)
       | mk_fundef module fname first ((fname' : string, (lhs, rhs)) :: xs) gr =
-        val (pl, gr1) = invoke_codegen thy defs dname module false lhs gr;
-        val (pr, gr2) = invoke_codegen thy defs dname module false rhs gr1;
+        val (pl, gr1) = Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dname module false lhs gr;
+        val (pr, gr2) = Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dname module false rhs gr1;
         val (rest, gr3) = mk_fundef module fname' false xs gr2 ;
-        val (ty, gr4) = invoke_tycodegen thy defs dname module false T gr3;
+        val (ty, gr4) = Codegen.invoke_tycodegen thy defs dname module false T gr3;
         val num_args = (length o snd o strip_comb) lhs;
         val prfx = if fname = fname' then "  |"
           else if not first then "and"
           else if num_args = 0 then "val"
           else "fun";
-        val pl' = Pretty.breaks (str prfx
-          :: (if num_args = 0 then [pl, str ":", ty] else [pl]));
+        val pl' = Pretty.breaks (Codegen.str prfx
+          :: (if num_args = 0 then [pl, Codegen.str ":", ty] else [pl]));
         (Pretty.blk (4, pl'
-           @ [str " =", Pretty.brk 1, pr]) :: rest, gr4)
+           @ [Codegen.str " =", Pretty.brk 1, pr]) :: rest, gr4)
-    fun put_code module fundef = map_node dname
-      (K (SOME (EQN ("", dummyT, dname)), module, string_of (Pretty.blk (0,
-      separate Pretty.fbrk fundef @ [str ";"])) ^ "\n\n"));
+    fun put_code module fundef = Codegen.map_node dname
+      (K (SOME (EQN ("", dummyT, dname)), module, Codegen.string_of (Pretty.blk (0,
+      separate Pretty.fbrk fundef @ [Codegen.str ";"])) ^ "\n\n"));
-    (case try (get_node gr) dname of
+    (case try (Codegen.get_node gr) dname of
        NONE =>
-           val gr1 = add_edge (dname, dep)
-             (new_node (dname, (SOME (EQN (s, T, "")), module, "")) gr);
+           val gr1 = Codegen.add_edge (dname, dep)
+             (Codegen.new_node (dname, (SOME (EQN (s, T, "")), module, "")) gr);
            val (fundef, gr2) = mk_fundef module "" true eqs' gr1 ;
            val xs = cycle gr2 dname [];
-           val cs = map (fn x => case get_node gr2 x of
+           val cs = map (fn x =>
+             case Codegen.get_node gr2 x of
                (SOME (EQN (s, T, _)), _, _) => (s, T)
              | _ => error ("RecfunCodegen: illegal cyclic dependencies:\n" ^
                 implode (separate ", " xs))) xs
-         in (case xs of
+         in
+           (case xs of
              [_] => (module, put_code module fundef gr2)
            | _ =>
              if not (member (op =) xs dep) then
                  val thmss as (_, thyname) :: _ = map (get_equations thy defs) cs;
-                 val module' = if_library thyname module;
+                 val module' = Codegen.if_library thyname module;
                  val eqs'' = map (dest_eq o prop_of) (maps fst thmss);
                  val (fundef', gr3) = mk_fundef module' "" true eqs''
-                   (add_edge (dname, dep)
-                     (List.foldr (uncurry new_node) (del_nodes xs gr2)
+                   (Codegen.add_edge (dname, dep)
+                     (List.foldr (uncurry Codegen.new_node) (Codegen.del_nodes xs gr2)
                        (map (fn k =>
                          (k, (SOME (EQN ("", dummyT, dname)), module', ""))) xs)))
                in (module', put_code module' fundef' gr3) end
@@ -130,30 +133,32 @@
      | SOME (SOME (EQN (_, _, s)), module', _) =>
          (module', if s = "" then
-            if dname = dep then gr else add_edge (dname, dep) gr
-          else if s = dep then gr else add_edge (s, dep) gr))
+            if dname = dep then gr else Codegen.add_edge (dname, dep) gr
+          else if s = dep then gr else Codegen.add_edge (s, dep) gr))
-fun recfun_codegen thy defs dep module brack t gr = (case strip_comb t of
-    (Const (p as (s, T)), ts) => (case (get_equations thy defs p, get_assoc_code thy (s, T)) of
+fun recfun_codegen thy defs dep module brack t gr =
+  (case strip_comb t of
+    (Const (p as (s, T)), ts) =>
+     (case (get_equations thy defs p, Codegen.get_assoc_code thy (s, T)) of
        (([], _), _) => NONE
      | (_, SOME _) => NONE
      | ((eqns, thyname), NONE) =>
-          val module' = if_library thyname module;
+          val module' = Codegen.if_library thyname module;
           val (ps, gr') = fold_map
-            (invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true) ts gr;
+            (Codegen.invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true) ts gr;
           val suffix = mk_suffix thy defs p;
           val (module'', gr'') =
             add_rec_funs thy defs dep module' (map prop_of eqns) gr';
-          val (fname, gr''') = mk_const_id module'' (s ^ suffix) gr''
+          val (fname, gr''') = Codegen.mk_const_id module'' (s ^ suffix) gr''
-          SOME (mk_app brack (str (mk_qual_id module fname)) ps, gr''')
+          SOME (Codegen.mk_app brack (Codegen.str (Codegen.mk_qual_id module fname)) ps, gr''')
   | _ => NONE);
 val setup = 
-  add_codegen "recfun" recfun_codegen
+  Codegen.add_codegen "recfun" recfun_codegen
   #> Code.set_code_target_attr add_thm_target;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/sat_funcs.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/sat_funcs.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@
 signature SAT =
-	val trace_sat: bool Unsynchronized.ref    (* input: print trace messages *)
-	val solver: string Unsynchronized.ref  (* input: name of SAT solver to be used *)
-	val counter: int Unsynchronized.ref     (* output: number of resolution steps during last proof replay *)
-	val rawsat_thm: Proof.context -> cterm list -> thm
-	val rawsat_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
-	val sat_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
-	val satx_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
+  val trace_sat: bool Unsynchronized.ref    (* input: print trace messages *)
+  val solver: string Unsynchronized.ref  (* input: name of SAT solver to be used *)
+  val counter: int Unsynchronized.ref     (* output: number of resolution steps during last proof replay *)
+  val rawsat_thm: Proof.context -> cterm list -> thm
+  val rawsat_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
+  val sat_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
+  val satx_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
 functor SATFunc(cnf : CNF) : SAT =
@@ -78,8 +78,7 @@
 (*      or negatively) as equal                                              *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun lit_ord (i, j) =
-	int_ord (abs i, abs j);
+fun lit_ord (i, j) = int_ord (abs i, abs j);
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* CLAUSE: during proof reconstruction, three kinds of clauses are           *)
@@ -91,9 +90,10 @@
 (*         reconstruction                                                    *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-datatype CLAUSE = NO_CLAUSE
-                | ORIG_CLAUSE of thm
-                | RAW_CLAUSE of thm * (int * cterm) list;
+datatype CLAUSE =
+  | ORIG_CLAUSE of thm
+  | RAW_CLAUSE of thm * (int * cterm) list;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* resolve_raw_clauses: given a non-empty list of raw clauses, we fold       *)
@@ -117,88 +117,87 @@
 (*      cterms.                                                              *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* (Thm.thm * (int * Thm.cterm) list) list -> Thm.thm * (int * Thm.cterm) list *)
 fun resolve_raw_clauses [] =
       raise THM ("Proof reconstruction failed (empty list of resolvents)!", 0, [])
   | resolve_raw_clauses (c::cs) =
-	let
-		(* merges two sorted lists wrt. 'lit_ord', suppressing duplicates *)
-		fun merge xs      []      = xs
-		  | merge []      ys      = ys
-		  | merge (x::xs) (y::ys) =
-			(case (lit_ord o pairself fst) (x, y) of
-			  LESS    => x :: merge xs (y::ys)
-			| EQUAL   => x :: merge xs ys
-			| GREATER => y :: merge (x::xs) ys)
+      let
+        (* merges two sorted lists wrt. 'lit_ord', suppressing duplicates *)
+        fun merge xs [] = xs
+          | merge [] ys = ys
+          | merge (x :: xs) (y :: ys) =
+              (case (lit_ord o pairself fst) (x, y) of
+                LESS => x :: merge xs (y :: ys)
+              | EQUAL => x :: merge xs ys
+              | GREATER => y :: merge (x :: xs) ys)
-		(* find out which two hyps are used in the resolution *)
-		(* (int * Thm.cterm) list * (int * Thm.cterm) list -> (int * Thm.cterm) list -> bool * Thm.cterm * Thm.cterm * (int * Thm.cterm) list *)
-		fun find_res_hyps ([], _) _ =
-          raise THM ("Proof reconstruction failed (no literal for resolution)!", 0, [])
-		  | find_res_hyps (_, []) _ =
-          raise THM ("Proof reconstruction failed (no literal for resolution)!", 0, [])
-		  | find_res_hyps (h1 :: hyps1, h2 :: hyps2) acc =
-			(case (lit_ord o pairself fst) (h1, h2) of
-			  LESS  => find_res_hyps (hyps1, h2 :: hyps2) (h1 :: acc)
-			| EQUAL => let
-				val (i1, chyp1) = h1
-				val (i2, chyp2) = h2
-			in
-				if i1 = ~ i2 then
-					(i1 < 0, chyp1, chyp2, rev acc @ merge hyps1 hyps2)
-				else (* i1 = i2 *)
-					find_res_hyps (hyps1, hyps2) (h1 :: acc)
-			end
-			| GREATER => find_res_hyps (h1 :: hyps1, hyps2) (h2 :: acc))
+        (* find out which two hyps are used in the resolution *)
+        fun find_res_hyps ([], _) _ =
+              raise THM ("Proof reconstruction failed (no literal for resolution)!", 0, [])
+          | find_res_hyps (_, []) _ =
+              raise THM ("Proof reconstruction failed (no literal for resolution)!", 0, [])
+          | find_res_hyps (h1 :: hyps1, h2 :: hyps2) acc =
+              (case (lit_ord o pairself fst) (h1, h2) of
+                LESS  => find_res_hyps (hyps1, h2 :: hyps2) (h1 :: acc)
+              | EQUAL =>
+                  let
+                    val (i1, chyp1) = h1
+                    val (i2, chyp2) = h2
+                  in
+                    if i1 = ~ i2 then
+                      (i1 < 0, chyp1, chyp2, rev acc @ merge hyps1 hyps2)
+                    else (* i1 = i2 *)
+                      find_res_hyps (hyps1, hyps2) (h1 :: acc)
+                  end
+          | GREATER => find_res_hyps (h1 :: hyps1, hyps2) (h2 :: acc))
-		(* Thm.thm * (int * Thm.cterm) list -> Thm.thm * (int * Thm.cterm) list -> Thm.thm * (int * Thm.cterm) list *)
-		fun resolution (c1, hyps1) (c2, hyps2) =
-		let
-			val _ =
-			  if ! trace_sat then
-					tracing ("Resolving clause: " ^ Display.string_of_thm_without_context c1 ^
-					  " (hyps: " ^ ML_Syntax.print_list (Syntax.string_of_term_global (theory_of_thm c1)) (#hyps (rep_thm c1))
-						^ ")\nwith clause: " ^ Display.string_of_thm_without_context c2 ^
-						" (hyps: " ^ ML_Syntax.print_list (Syntax.string_of_term_global (theory_of_thm c2)) (#hyps (rep_thm c2)) ^ ")")
-				else ()
+        fun resolution (c1, hyps1) (c2, hyps2) =
+          let
+            val _ =
+              if ! trace_sat then
+                tracing ("Resolving clause: " ^ Display.string_of_thm_without_context c1 ^
+                  " (hyps: " ^ ML_Syntax.print_list (Syntax.string_of_term_global (theory_of_thm c1)) (#hyps (rep_thm c1))
+                  ^ ")\nwith clause: " ^ Display.string_of_thm_without_context c2 ^
+                  " (hyps: " ^ ML_Syntax.print_list (Syntax.string_of_term_global (theory_of_thm c2)) (#hyps (rep_thm c2)) ^ ")")
+              else ()
-			(* the two literals used for resolution *)
-			val (hyp1_is_neg, hyp1, hyp2, new_hyps) = find_res_hyps (hyps1, hyps2) []
+            (* the two literals used for resolution *)
+            val (hyp1_is_neg, hyp1, hyp2, new_hyps) = find_res_hyps (hyps1, hyps2) []
-			val c1' = Thm.implies_intr hyp1 c1  (* Gamma1 |- hyp1 ==> False *)
-			val c2' = Thm.implies_intr hyp2 c2  (* Gamma2 |- hyp2 ==> False *)
+            val c1' = Thm.implies_intr hyp1 c1  (* Gamma1 |- hyp1 ==> False *)
+            val c2' = Thm.implies_intr hyp2 c2  (* Gamma2 |- hyp2 ==> False *)
-			val res_thm =  (* |- (lit ==> False) ==> (~lit ==> False) ==> False *)
-				let
-					val cLit = snd (Thm.dest_comb (if hyp1_is_neg then hyp2 else hyp1))  (* strip Trueprop *)
-				in
-					Thm.instantiate ([], [(cP, cLit)]) resolution_thm
-				end
+            val res_thm =  (* |- (lit ==> False) ==> (~lit ==> False) ==> False *)
+              let
+                val cLit =
+                  snd (Thm.dest_comb (if hyp1_is_neg then hyp2 else hyp1))  (* strip Trueprop *)
+              in
+                Thm.instantiate ([], [(cP, cLit)]) resolution_thm
+              end
-			val _ =
-			  if !trace_sat then
-					tracing ("Resolution theorem: " ^ Display.string_of_thm_without_context res_thm)
-				else ()
+            val _ =
+              if !trace_sat then
+                tracing ("Resolution theorem: " ^ Display.string_of_thm_without_context res_thm)
+              else ()
-			(* Gamma1, Gamma2 |- False *)
-			val c_new = Thm.implies_elim
-				(Thm.implies_elim res_thm (if hyp1_is_neg then c2' else c1'))
-				(if hyp1_is_neg then c1' else c2')
+            (* Gamma1, Gamma2 |- False *)
+            val c_new =
+              Thm.implies_elim
+                (Thm.implies_elim res_thm (if hyp1_is_neg then c2' else c1'))
+                (if hyp1_is_neg then c1' else c2')
-			val _ =
-			  if !trace_sat then
-					tracing ("Resulting clause: " ^ Display.string_of_thm_without_context c_new ^
-					  " (hyps: " ^ ML_Syntax.print_list
-					      (Syntax.string_of_term_global (theory_of_thm c_new)) (#hyps (rep_thm c_new)) ^ ")")
-				else ()
-			val _ = counter
-		in
-			(c_new, new_hyps)
-		end
-	in
-		fold resolution cs c
-	end;
+            val _ =
+              if !trace_sat then
+                tracing ("Resulting clause: " ^ Display.string_of_thm_without_context c_new ^
+                  " (hyps: " ^ ML_Syntax.print_list
+                      (Syntax.string_of_term_global (theory_of_thm c_new)) (#hyps (rep_thm c_new)) ^ ")")
+              else ()
+            val _ = counter
+          in
+            (c_new, new_hyps)
+          end
+        in
+          fold resolution cs c
+        end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* replay_proof: replays the resolution proof returned by the SAT solver;    *)
@@ -210,68 +209,71 @@
 (*      occur (as part of a literal) in 'clauses' to positive integers.      *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* int Termtab.table -> CLAUSE Array.array -> SatSolver.proof -> Thm.thm *)
 fun replay_proof atom_table clauses (clause_table, empty_id) =
-	(* Thm.cterm -> int option *)
-	fun index_of_literal chyp = (
-		case (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.term_of) chyp of
-		  (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ atom) =>
-			SOME (~ (the (Termtab.lookup atom_table atom)))
-		| atom =>
-			SOME (the (Termtab.lookup atom_table atom))
-	) handle TERM _ => NONE;  (* 'chyp' is not a literal *)
+  let
+    fun index_of_literal chyp =
+      (case (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.term_of) chyp of
+        (Const (@{const_name Not}, _) $ atom) =>
+          SOME (~ (the (Termtab.lookup atom_table atom)))
+      | atom => SOME (the (Termtab.lookup atom_table atom)))
+      handle TERM _ => NONE;  (* 'chyp' is not a literal *)
-	(* int -> Thm.thm * (int * Thm.cterm) list *)
-	fun prove_clause id =
-		case Array.sub (clauses, id) of
-		  RAW_CLAUSE clause =>
-			clause
-		| ORIG_CLAUSE thm =>
-			(* convert the original clause *)
-			let
-				val _      = if !trace_sat then tracing ("Using original clause #" ^ string_of_int id) else ()
-				val raw    = cnf.clause2raw_thm thm
-				val hyps   = sort (lit_ord o pairself fst) (map_filter (fn chyp =>
- (rpair chyp) (index_of_literal chyp)) (#hyps (Thm.crep_thm raw)))
-				val clause = (raw, hyps)
-				val _      = Array.update (clauses, id, RAW_CLAUSE clause)
-			in
-				clause
-			end
-		| NO_CLAUSE =>
-			(* prove the clause, using information from 'clause_table' *)
-			let
-				val _      = if !trace_sat then tracing ("Proving clause #" ^ string_of_int id ^ " ...") else ()
-				val ids    = the (Inttab.lookup clause_table id)
-				val clause = resolve_raw_clauses (map prove_clause ids)
-				val _      = Array.update (clauses, id, RAW_CLAUSE clause)
-				val _      = if !trace_sat then tracing ("Replay chain successful; clause stored at #" ^ string_of_int id) else ()
-			in
-				clause
-			end
+    fun prove_clause id =
+      (case Array.sub (clauses, id) of
+        RAW_CLAUSE clause => clause
+      | ORIG_CLAUSE thm =>
+          (* convert the original clause *)
+          let
+            val _ =
+              if !trace_sat then tracing ("Using original clause #" ^ string_of_int id) else ()
+            val raw = cnf.clause2raw_thm thm
+            val hyps = sort (lit_ord o pairself fst) (map_filter (fn chyp =>
+     (rpair chyp) (index_of_literal chyp)) (#hyps (Thm.crep_thm raw)))
+            val clause = (raw, hyps)
+            val _ = Array.update (clauses, id, RAW_CLAUSE clause)
+          in
+            clause
+          end
+      | NO_CLAUSE =>
+          (* prove the clause, using information from 'clause_table' *)
+          let
+            val _ =
+              if !trace_sat then tracing ("Proving clause #" ^ string_of_int id ^ " ...") else ()
+            val ids = the (Inttab.lookup clause_table id)
+            val clause = resolve_raw_clauses (map prove_clause ids)
+            val _ = Array.update (clauses, id, RAW_CLAUSE clause)
+            val _ =
+              if !trace_sat then
+                tracing ("Replay chain successful; clause stored at #" ^ string_of_int id)
+              else ()
+          in
+            clause
+          end)
-	val _            = counter := 0
-	val empty_clause = fst (prove_clause empty_id)
-	val _            = if !trace_sat then tracing ("Proof reconstruction successful; " ^ string_of_int (!counter) ^ " resolution step(s) total.") else ()
-	empty_clause
+    val _ = counter := 0
+    val empty_clause = fst (prove_clause empty_id)
+    val _ =
+      if !trace_sat then
+        tracing ("Proof reconstruction successful; " ^
+          string_of_int (!counter) ^ " resolution step(s) total.")
+      else ()
+  in
+    empty_clause
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* string_of_prop_formula: return a human-readable string representation of  *)
 (*      a 'prop_formula' (just for tracing)                                  *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* PropLogic.prop_formula -> string *)
-fun string_of_prop_formula PropLogic.True             = "True"
-  | string_of_prop_formula PropLogic.False            = "False"
-  | string_of_prop_formula (PropLogic.BoolVar i)      = "x" ^ string_of_int i
-  | string_of_prop_formula (PropLogic.Not fm)         = "~" ^ string_of_prop_formula fm
-  | string_of_prop_formula (PropLogic.Or (fm1, fm2))  = "(" ^ string_of_prop_formula fm1 ^ " v " ^ string_of_prop_formula fm2 ^ ")"
-  | string_of_prop_formula (PropLogic.And (fm1, fm2)) = "(" ^ string_of_prop_formula fm1 ^ " & " ^ string_of_prop_formula fm2 ^ ")";
+fun string_of_prop_formula PropLogic.True = "True"
+  | string_of_prop_formula PropLogic.False = "False"
+  | string_of_prop_formula (PropLogic.BoolVar i) = "x" ^ string_of_int i
+  | string_of_prop_formula (PropLogic.Not fm) = "~" ^ string_of_prop_formula fm
+  | string_of_prop_formula (PropLogic.Or (fm1, fm2)) =
+      "(" ^ string_of_prop_formula fm1 ^ " v " ^ string_of_prop_formula fm2 ^ ")"
+  | string_of_prop_formula (PropLogic.And (fm1, fm2)) =
+      "(" ^ string_of_prop_formula fm1 ^ " & " ^ string_of_prop_formula fm2 ^ ")";
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* rawsat_thm: run external SAT solver with the given clauses.  Reconstructs *)
@@ -281,112 +283,120 @@
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 fun rawsat_thm ctxt clauses =
-	(* remove premises that equal "True" *)
-	val clauses' = filter (fn clause =>
-		(not_equal HOLogic.true_const o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.term_of) clause
-			handle TERM ("dest_Trueprop", _) => true) clauses
-	(* remove non-clausal premises -- of course this shouldn't actually   *)
-	(* remove anything as long as 'rawsat_tac' is only called after the   *)
-	(* premises have been converted to clauses                            *)
-	val clauses'' = filter (fn clause =>
-		((cnf.is_clause o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.term_of) clause
-			handle TERM ("dest_Trueprop", _) => false)
-		orelse (
-			warning ("Ignoring non-clausal premise " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (Thm.term_of clause));
-			false)) clauses'
-	(* remove trivial clauses -- this is necessary because zChaff removes *)
-	(* trivial clauses during preprocessing, and otherwise our clause     *)
-	(* numbering would be off                                             *)
-	val nontrivial_clauses = filter (not o cnf.clause_is_trivial o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.term_of) clauses''
-	(* sort clauses according to the term order -- an optimization,       *)
-	(* useful because forming the union of hypotheses, as done by         *)
-	(* Conjunction.intr_balanced and fold Thm.weaken below, is quadratic for *)
-	(* terms sorted in descending order, while only linear for terms      *)
-	(* sorted in ascending order                                          *)
-	val sorted_clauses = sort (Term_Ord.fast_term_ord o pairself Thm.term_of) nontrivial_clauses
-	val _ = if !trace_sat then
-			tracing ("Sorted non-trivial clauses:\n" ^
-			  cat_lines (map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt o Thm.term_of) sorted_clauses))
-		else ()
-	(* translate clauses from HOL terms to PropLogic.prop_formula *)
-	val (fms, atom_table) = fold_map (PropLogic.prop_formula_of_term o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.term_of) sorted_clauses Termtab.empty
-	val _ = if !trace_sat then
-			tracing ("Invoking SAT solver on clauses:\n" ^ cat_lines (map string_of_prop_formula fms))
-		else ()
-	val fm = PropLogic.all fms
-	(* unit -> Thm.thm *)
-	fun make_quick_and_dirty_thm () =
-	let
-		val _ = if !trace_sat then
-				tracing "'quick_and_dirty' is set: proof reconstruction skipped, using oracle instead."
-			else ()
-		val False_thm = Skip_Proof.make_thm @{theory} (HOLogic.Trueprop $ HOLogic.false_const)
-	in
-		(* 'fold Thm.weaken (rev sorted_clauses)' is linear, while 'fold    *)
-		(* Thm.weaken sorted_clauses' would be quadratic, since we sorted   *)
-		(* clauses in ascending order (which is linear for                  *)
-		(* 'Conjunction.intr_balanced', used below)                         *)
-		fold Thm.weaken (rev sorted_clauses) False_thm
-	end
-	case
-	  let val the_solver = ! solver
-	  in (tracing ("Invoking solver " ^ the_solver); SatSolver.invoke_solver the_solver fm) end
-	of
-	  SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE (SOME (clause_table, empty_id)) => (
-		if !trace_sat then
-			tracing ("Proof trace from SAT solver:\n" ^
-				"clauses: " ^ ML_Syntax.print_list
-				  (ML_Syntax.print_pair Int.toString (ML_Syntax.print_list Int.toString))
-				  (Inttab.dest clause_table) ^ "\n" ^
-				"empty clause: " ^ Int.toString empty_id)
-		else ();
-		if !quick_and_dirty then
-			make_quick_and_dirty_thm ()
-		else
-			let
-				(* optimization: convert the given clauses to "[c_1 && ... && c_n] |- c_i";  *)
-				(*               this avoids accumulation of hypotheses during resolution    *)
-				(* [c_1, ..., c_n] |- c_1 && ... && c_n *)
-				val clauses_thm = Conjunction.intr_balanced (map Thm.assume sorted_clauses)
-				(* [c_1 && ... && c_n] |- c_1 && ... && c_n *)
-				val cnf_cterm = cprop_of clauses_thm
-				val cnf_thm   = Thm.assume cnf_cterm
-				(* [[c_1 && ... && c_n] |- c_1, ..., [c_1 && ... && c_n] |- c_n] *)
-				val cnf_clauses = Conjunction.elim_balanced (length sorted_clauses) cnf_thm
-				(* initialize the clause array with the given clauses *)
-				val max_idx    = the (Inttab.max_key clause_table)
-				val clause_arr = Array.array (max_idx + 1, NO_CLAUSE)
-				val _          = fold (fn thm => fn idx => (Array.update (clause_arr, idx, ORIG_CLAUSE thm); idx+1)) cnf_clauses 0
-				(* replay the proof to derive the empty clause *)
-				(* [c_1 && ... && c_n] |- False *)
-				val raw_thm = replay_proof atom_table clause_arr (clause_table, empty_id)
-			in
-				(* [c_1, ..., c_n] |- False *)
-				Thm.implies_elim (Thm.implies_intr cnf_cterm raw_thm) clauses_thm
-			end)
-		if !quick_and_dirty then (
-			warning "SAT solver claims the formula to be unsatisfiable, but did not provide a proof";
-			make_quick_and_dirty_thm ()
-		) else
-			raise THM ("SAT solver claims the formula to be unsatisfiable, but did not provide a proof", 0, [])
-	| SatSolver.SATISFIABLE assignment =>
-		let
-			val msg = "SAT solver found a countermodel:\n"
-				^ (commas
-					o map (fn (term, idx) =>
-						Syntax.string_of_term_global @{theory} term ^ ": " ^
-						  (case assignment idx of NONE => "arbitrary"
-							| SOME true => "true" | SOME false => "false")))
-					(Termtab.dest atom_table)
-		in
-			raise THM (msg, 0, [])
-		end
-	| SatSolver.UNKNOWN =>
-		raise THM ("SAT solver failed to decide the formula", 0, [])
+  let
+    (* remove premises that equal "True" *)
+    val clauses' = filter (fn clause =>
+      (not_equal HOLogic.true_const o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.term_of) clause
+        handle TERM ("dest_Trueprop", _) => true) clauses
+    (* remove non-clausal premises -- of course this shouldn't actually   *)
+    (* remove anything as long as 'rawsat_tac' is only called after the   *)
+    (* premises have been converted to clauses                            *)
+    val clauses'' = filter (fn clause =>
+      ((cnf.is_clause o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.term_of) clause
+        handle TERM ("dest_Trueprop", _) => false)
+      orelse (
+        warning ("Ignoring non-clausal premise " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (Thm.term_of clause));
+        false)) clauses'
+    (* remove trivial clauses -- this is necessary because zChaff removes *)
+    (* trivial clauses during preprocessing, and otherwise our clause     *)
+    (* numbering would be off                                             *)
+    val nontrivial_clauses =
+      filter (not o cnf.clause_is_trivial o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.term_of) clauses''
+    (* sort clauses according to the term order -- an optimization,       *)
+    (* useful because forming the union of hypotheses, as done by         *)
+    (* Conjunction.intr_balanced and fold Thm.weaken below, is quadratic for *)
+    (* terms sorted in descending order, while only linear for terms      *)
+    (* sorted in ascending order                                          *)
+    val sorted_clauses = sort (Term_Ord.fast_term_ord o pairself Thm.term_of) nontrivial_clauses
+    val _ =
+      if !trace_sat then
+        tracing ("Sorted non-trivial clauses:\n" ^
+          cat_lines (map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt o Thm.term_of) sorted_clauses))
+      else ()
+    (* translate clauses from HOL terms to PropLogic.prop_formula *)
+    val (fms, atom_table) =
+      fold_map (PropLogic.prop_formula_of_term o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.term_of)
+        sorted_clauses Termtab.empty
+    val _ =
+      if !trace_sat then
+        tracing ("Invoking SAT solver on clauses:\n" ^ cat_lines (map string_of_prop_formula fms))
+      else ()
+    val fm = PropLogic.all fms
+    (* unit -> Thm.thm *)
+    fun make_quick_and_dirty_thm () =
+      let
+        val _ =
+          if !trace_sat then
+            tracing "'quick_and_dirty' is set: proof reconstruction skipped, using oracle instead."
+          else ()
+        val False_thm = Skip_Proof.make_thm @{theory} (HOLogic.Trueprop $ HOLogic.false_const)
+      in
+        (* 'fold Thm.weaken (rev sorted_clauses)' is linear, while 'fold    *)
+        (* Thm.weaken sorted_clauses' would be quadratic, since we sorted   *)
+        (* clauses in ascending order (which is linear for                  *)
+        (* 'Conjunction.intr_balanced', used below)                         *)
+        fold Thm.weaken (rev sorted_clauses) False_thm
+      end
+  in
+    case
+      let val the_solver = ! solver
+      in (tracing ("Invoking solver " ^ the_solver); SatSolver.invoke_solver the_solver fm) end
+    of
+      SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE (SOME (clause_table, empty_id)) =>
+       (if !trace_sat then
+          tracing ("Proof trace from SAT solver:\n" ^
+            "clauses: " ^ ML_Syntax.print_list
+              (ML_Syntax.print_pair Int.toString (ML_Syntax.print_list Int.toString))
+              (Inttab.dest clause_table) ^ "\n" ^
+            "empty clause: " ^ Int.toString empty_id)
+        else ();
+        if !quick_and_dirty then
+          make_quick_and_dirty_thm ()
+        else
+          let
+            (* optimization: convert the given clauses to "[c_1 && ... && c_n] |- c_i";  *)
+            (*               this avoids accumulation of hypotheses during resolution    *)
+            (* [c_1, ..., c_n] |- c_1 && ... && c_n *)
+            val clauses_thm = Conjunction.intr_balanced (map Thm.assume sorted_clauses)
+            (* [c_1 && ... && c_n] |- c_1 && ... && c_n *)
+            val cnf_cterm = cprop_of clauses_thm
+            val cnf_thm = Thm.assume cnf_cterm
+            (* [[c_1 && ... && c_n] |- c_1, ..., [c_1 && ... && c_n] |- c_n] *)
+            val cnf_clauses = Conjunction.elim_balanced (length sorted_clauses) cnf_thm
+            (* initialize the clause array with the given clauses *)
+            val max_idx = the (Inttab.max_key clause_table)
+            val clause_arr = Array.array (max_idx + 1, NO_CLAUSE)
+            val _ =
+              fold (fn thm => fn idx => (Array.update (clause_arr, idx, ORIG_CLAUSE thm); idx+1))
+                cnf_clauses 0
+            (* replay the proof to derive the empty clause *)
+            (* [c_1 && ... && c_n] |- False *)
+            val raw_thm = replay_proof atom_table clause_arr (clause_table, empty_id)
+          in
+            (* [c_1, ..., c_n] |- False *)
+            Thm.implies_elim (Thm.implies_intr cnf_cterm raw_thm) clauses_thm
+          end)
+    | SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE NONE =>
+        if !quick_and_dirty then
+         (warning "SAT solver claims the formula to be unsatisfiable, but did not provide a proof";
+          make_quick_and_dirty_thm ())
+        else
+          raise THM ("SAT solver claims the formula to be unsatisfiable, but did not provide a proof", 0, [])
+    | SatSolver.SATISFIABLE assignment =>
+        let
+          val msg =
+            "SAT solver found a countermodel:\n" ^
+            (commas o map (fn (term, idx) =>
+                Syntax.string_of_term_global @{theory} term ^ ": " ^
+                  (case assignment idx of NONE => "arbitrary"
+                  | SOME true => "true" | SOME false => "false")))
+              (Termtab.dest atom_table)
+        in
+          raise THM (msg, 0, [])
+        end
+    | SatSolver.UNKNOWN =>
+        raise THM ("SAT solver failed to decide the formula", 0, [])
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* Tactics                                                                   *)
@@ -417,9 +427,9 @@
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 val pre_cnf_tac =
-        rtac ccontr THEN'
-        Object_Logic.atomize_prems_tac THEN'
-        CONVERSION Drule.beta_eta_conversion;
+  rtac ccontr THEN'
+  Object_Logic.atomize_prems_tac THEN'
+  CONVERSION Drule.beta_eta_conversion;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* cnfsat_tac: checks if the empty clause "False" occurs among the premises; *)
@@ -429,7 +439,7 @@
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 fun cnfsat_tac ctxt i =
-	(etac FalseE i) ORELSE (REPEAT_DETERM (etac conjE i) THEN rawsat_tac ctxt i);
+  (etac FalseE i) ORELSE (REPEAT_DETERM (etac conjE i) THEN rawsat_tac ctxt i);
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* cnfxsat_tac: checks if the empty clause "False" occurs among the          *)
@@ -439,8 +449,8 @@
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 fun cnfxsat_tac ctxt i =
-	(etac FalseE i) ORELSE
-		(REPEAT_DETERM (etac conjE i ORELSE etac exE i) THEN rawsat_tac ctxt i);
+  (etac FalseE i) ORELSE
+    (REPEAT_DETERM (etac conjE i ORELSE etac exE i) THEN rawsat_tac ctxt i);
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* sat_tac: tactic for calling an external SAT solver, taking as input an    *)
@@ -449,7 +459,7 @@
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 fun sat_tac ctxt i =
-	pre_cnf_tac i THEN cnf.cnf_rewrite_tac ctxt i THEN cnfsat_tac ctxt i;
+  pre_cnf_tac i THEN cnf.cnf_rewrite_tac ctxt i THEN cnfsat_tac ctxt i;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* satx_tac: tactic for calling an external SAT solver, taking as input an   *)
@@ -458,6 +468,6 @@
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 fun satx_tac ctxt i =
-	pre_cnf_tac i THEN cnf.cnfx_rewrite_tac ctxt i THEN cnfxsat_tac ctxt i;
+  pre_cnf_tac i THEN cnf.cnfx_rewrite_tac ctxt i THEN cnfxsat_tac ctxt i;
--- a/src/Sequents/modal.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/Sequents/modal.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 Simple modal reasoner.
 signature MODAL_PROVER_RULE =
     val rewrite_rls      : thm list
@@ -25,8 +24,6 @@
 functor Modal_ProverFun (Modal_Rule: MODAL_PROVER_RULE) : MODAL_PROVER = 
-local open Modal_Rule
 (*Returns the list of all formulas in the sequent*)
 fun forms_of_seq (Const(@{const_name SeqO'},_) $ P $ u) = P :: forms_of_seq u
@@ -62,12 +59,12 @@
 (* NB No back tracking possible with aside rules *)
-fun aside_tac n = DETERM(REPEAT (filt_resolve_tac aside_rls 999 n));
+fun aside_tac n = DETERM(REPEAT (filt_resolve_tac Modal_Rule.aside_rls 999 n));
 fun rule_tac rls n = fresolve_tac rls n THEN aside_tac n;
-val fres_safe_tac = fresolve_tac safe_rls;
-val fres_unsafe_tac = fresolve_tac unsafe_rls THEN' aside_tac;
-val fres_bound_tac = fresolve_tac bound_rls;
+val fres_safe_tac = fresolve_tac Modal_Rule.safe_rls;
+val fres_unsafe_tac = fresolve_tac Modal_Rule.unsafe_rls THEN' aside_tac;
+val fres_bound_tac = fresolve_tac Modal_Rule.bound_rls;
 fun UPTOGOAL n tf = let fun tac i = if i<n then all_tac
                                     else tf(i) THEN tac(i-1)
@@ -81,7 +78,7 @@
                  ((fres_unsafe_tac n  THEN UPTOGOAL n (solven_tac d)) APPEND
                    (fres_bound_tac n  THEN UPTOGOAL n (solven_tac (d-1)))));
-fun solve_tac d = rewrite_goals_tac rewrite_rls THEN solven_tac d 1;
+fun solve_tac d = rewrite_goals_tac Modal_Rule.rewrite_rls THEN solven_tac d 1;
 fun step_tac n = 
     COND (has_fewer_prems 1) all_tac 
@@ -89,4 +86,3 @@
           (fres_unsafe_tac n APPEND fres_bound_tac n));
--- a/src/Tools/WWW_Find/xhtml.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/xhtml.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
    (if length inner = 0
     then ["/>"]
-    else List.concat (
+    else flat (
       map show inner
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
 fun to_dtdd (nm, tag) = [Tag ("dt", [], [Text nm]),
                          Tag ("dd", [], [tag])];
 fun dl (common_atts, dtdds) =
-  Tag ("dl", from_common common_atts, (List.concat o map to_dtdd) dtdds);
+  Tag ("dl", from_common common_atts, maps to_dtdd dtdds);
 fun alternate_class { class0, class1 } rows = let
     fun f ((true, xs), x) = (false, add_attributes [("class", class0)] x :: xs)
--- a/src/ZF/Tools/inductive_package.ML	Fri Jan 07 18:10:43 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/ZF/Tools/inductive_package.ML	Fri Jan 07 23:46:06 2011 +0100
@@ -43,8 +43,6 @@
-open Ind_Syntax;
 val co_prefix = if coind then "co" else "";
@@ -84,7 +82,7 @@
     (fn a => "Base name of recursive set not an identifier: " ^ a);
   local (*Checking the introduction rules*)
-    val intr_sets = map (#2 o rule_concl_msg thy) intr_tms;
+    val intr_sets = map (#2 o Ind_Syntax.rule_concl_msg thy) intr_tms;
     fun intr_ok set =
         case head_of set of Const(a,recT) => member (op =) rec_names a | _ => false;
@@ -109,16 +107,16 @@
   (*Makes a disjunct from an introduction rule*)
   fun fp_part intr = (*quantify over rule's free vars except parameters*)
     let val prems = map dest_tprop (Logic.strip_imp_prems intr)
-        val dummy = (fn rec_hd => (chk_prem rec_hd) prems) rec_hds
+        val dummy = (fn rec_hd => (Ind_Syntax.chk_prem rec_hd) prems) rec_hds
         val exfrees = subtract (op =) rec_params (OldTerm.term_frees intr)
-        val zeq = FOLogic.mk_eq (Free(z',iT), #1 (rule_concl intr))
+        val zeq = FOLogic.mk_eq (Free(z', Ind_Syntax.iT), #1 (Ind_Syntax.rule_concl intr))
     in List.foldr FOLogic.mk_exists
              (Balanced_Tree.make FOLogic.mk_conj (zeq::prems)) exfrees
   (*The Part(A,h) terms -- compose injections to make h*)
-  fun mk_Part (Bound 0) = Free(X',iT) (*no mutual rec, no Part needed*)
-    | mk_Part h         = @{const Part} $ Free(X',iT) $ Abs(w',iT,h);
+  fun mk_Part (Bound 0) = Free(X', Ind_Syntax.iT) (*no mutual rec, no Part needed*)
+    | mk_Part h = @{const Part} $ Free(X', Ind_Syntax.iT) $ Abs (w', Ind_Syntax.iT, h);
   (*Access to balanced disjoint sums via injections*)
   val parts = map mk_Part
@@ -128,9 +126,10 @@
   (*replace each set by the corresponding Part(A,h)*)
   val part_intrs = map (subst_free (rec_tms ~~ parts) o fp_part) intr_tms;
-  val fp_abs = absfree(X', iT,
-                   mk_Collect(z', dom_sum,
-                              Balanced_Tree.make FOLogic.mk_disj part_intrs));
+  val fp_abs =
+    absfree (X', Ind_Syntax.iT,
+        Ind_Syntax.mk_Collect (z', dom_sum,
+            Balanced_Tree.make FOLogic.mk_disj part_intrs));
   val fp_rhs = Fp.oper $ dom_sum $ fp_abs
@@ -161,7 +160,7 @@
          (case parts of
              [_] => []                        (*no mutual recursion*)
            | _ => rec_tms ~~          (*define the sets as Parts*)
-                  map (subst_atomic [(Free(X',iT),big_rec_tm)]) parts));
+                  map (subst_atomic [(Free (X', Ind_Syntax.iT), big_rec_tm)]) parts));
   (*tracing: print the fixedpoint definition*)
   val dummy = if !Ind_Syntax.trace then