--- a/src/HOL/Tools/SMT/verit_proof.ML Tue Oct 27 16:59:44 2020 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/SMT/verit_proof.ML Wed Oct 28 08:41:07 2020 +0100
@@ -46,9 +46,15 @@
val veriT_def : string
val subproof_rule : string
val local_input_rule : string
+ val not_not_rule : string
+ val contract_rule : string
+ val ite_intro_rule : string
+ val eq_congruent_rule : string
+ val eq_congruent_pred_rule : string
+ val skolemization_steps : string list
- val is_skolemisation: string -> bool
- val is_skolemisation_step: veriT_replay_node -> bool
+ val is_skolemization: string -> bool
+ val is_skolemization_step: veriT_replay_node -> bool
val number_of_steps: veriT_replay_node list -> int
@@ -187,12 +193,10 @@
rule: string,
prems: string list,
proof_ctxt: term list,
- concl: term,
- bounds: string list}
+ concl: term}
-fun mk_node id rule prems proof_ctxt concl bounds =
- VeriT_Node {id = id, rule = rule, prems = prems, proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt, concl = concl,
- bounds = bounds}
+fun mk_node id rule prems proof_ctxt concl =
+ VeriT_Node {id = id, rule = rule, prems = prems, proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt, concl = concl}
datatype veriT_replay_node = VeriT_Replay_Node of {
id: string,
@@ -226,18 +230,26 @@
val step_prefix = ".c"
val input_rule = "input"
val la_generic_rule = "la_generic"
-val normalized_input_rule = "__normalized_input" (* arbitrary *)
-val rewrite_rule = "__rewrite" (* arbitrary *)
+val normalized_input_rule = "__normalized_input" (*arbitrary*)
+val rewrite_rule = "__rewrite" (*arbitrary*)
val subproof_rule = "subproof"
-val local_input_rule = "__local_input" (* arbitrary *)
+val local_input_rule = "__local_input" (*arbitrary*)
val simp_arith_rule = "simp_arith"
val veriT_def = "__skolem_definition" (*arbitrary*)
+val not_not_rule = "not_not"
+val contract_rule = "contraction"
+val eq_congruent_pred_rule = "eq_congruent_pred"
+val eq_congruent_rule = "eq_congruent"
+val ite_intro_rule = "ite_intro"
+val default_skolem_rule = "sko_forall" (*arbitrary, but must be one of the skolems*)
-val is_skolemisation = member (op =) ["sko_forall", "sko_ex"]
-val keep_app_symbols = member (op =) ["eq_congruent_pred", "eq_congruent", "ite_intro"]
-val keep_raw_lifting = member (op =) ["eq_congruent_pred", "eq_congruent", "ite_intro"]
+val skolemization_steps = ["sko_forall", "sko_ex"]
+val is_skolemization = member (op =) skolemization_steps
+val keep_app_symbols = member (op =) [eq_congruent_pred_rule, eq_congruent_rule, ite_intro_rule]
+val keep_raw_lifting = member (op =) [eq_congruent_pred_rule, eq_congruent_rule, ite_intro_rule]
+val is_SH_trivial = member (op =) [not_not_rule, contract_rule]
-fun is_skolemisation_step (VeriT_Replay_Node {id, ...}) = is_skolemisation id
+fun is_skolemization_step (VeriT_Replay_Node {id, ...}) = is_skolemization id
(* Even the veriT developers do not know if the following rule can still appear in proofs: *)
val veriT_deep_skolemize_rule = "deep_skolemize"
@@ -534,7 +546,7 @@
(if f a then apfst (curry op :: a) else apsnd (curry op :: a)) (filter_split f xs)
fun collect_skolem_defs (Raw_VeriT_Node {rule, subproof = subproof, args, ...}) =
- (if is_skolemisation rule then map (fn id => id ^ veriT_def) (skolems_introduced_by_rule args) else []) @
+ (if is_skolemization rule then map (fn id => id ^ veriT_def) (skolems_introduced_by_rule args) else []) @
flat (map collect_skolem_defs subproof)
(*The postprocessing does:
@@ -606,7 +618,7 @@
val alpha_conversion = rule = "bind" andalso is_alpha_renaming concl
val can_remove_subproof =
- compress andalso (is_skolemisation rule orelse alpha_conversion)
+ compress andalso (is_skolemization rule orelse alpha_conversion)
val (fixed_subproof : veriT_replay_node list, _) =
fold_map postprocess (if can_remove_subproof then [] else subproof)
(subproof_cx, subproof_rew)
@@ -646,9 +658,9 @@
val bound_t = bounds
|> map (fn s => (s, the (find_type_in_formula concl s)))
- val skolem_defs = (if is_skolemisation rule
+ val skolem_defs = (if is_skolemization rule
then map (fn id => id ^ veriT_def) (skolems_introduced_by_rule args) else [])
- val skolems_of_subproof = (if is_skolemisation rule
+ val skolems_of_subproof = (if is_skolemization rule
then flat (map collect_skolem_defs subproof) else [])
val fixed_prems =
prems @ (if is_assm_repetition id rule then [id] else []) @
@@ -675,33 +687,130 @@
val linearize_proof =
+ fun map_node_concl f (VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, proof_ctxt, concl}) =
+ mk_node id rule prems proof_ctxt (f concl)
fun linearize (VeriT_Replay_Node {id = id, rule = rule, args = _, prems = prems,
proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt, concl = concl, bounds = bounds, insts = _, declarations = _,
- subproof = (_, _, _, subproof)}) =
+ subproof = (bounds', assms, inputs, subproof)}) =
+ val bounds = distinct (op =) bounds
+ val bounds' = distinct (op =) bounds'
fun mk_prop_of_term concl =
concl |> fastype_of concl = \<^typ>\<open>bool\<close> ? curry (op $) \<^term>\<open>Trueprop\<close>
fun remove_assumption_id assumption_id prems =
filter_out (curry (op =) assumption_id) prems
+ fun add_assumption assumption concl =
+ \<^const>\<open>Pure.imp\<close> $ mk_prop_of_term assumption $ mk_prop_of_term concl
fun inline_assumption assumption assumption_id
- (VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, proof_ctxt, concl, bounds}) =
+ (VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, proof_ctxt, concl}) =
mk_node id rule (remove_assumption_id assumption_id prems) proof_ctxt
- (\<^const>\<open>Pure.imp\<close> $ mk_prop_of_term assumption $ mk_prop_of_term concl) bounds
+ (add_assumption assumption concl)
fun find_input_steps_and_inline [] = []
| find_input_steps_and_inline
- (VeriT_Node {id = id', rule, prems, concl, bounds, ...} :: steps) =
+ (VeriT_Node {id = id', rule, prems, concl, ...} :: steps) =
if rule = input_rule then
find_input_steps_and_inline (map (inline_assumption concl id') steps)
- mk_node (id') rule prems [] concl bounds :: find_input_steps_and_inline steps
+ mk_node (id') rule prems [] concl :: find_input_steps_and_inline steps
- val subproof = flat (map linearize subproof)
- val subproof' = find_input_steps_and_inline subproof
+ fun free_bounds bounds (concl) =
+ fold (fn (var, typ) => fn t => Logic.all (Free (var, typ)) t) bounds concl
+ val subproof = subproof
+ |> flat o map linearize
+ |> map (map_node_concl (fold add_assumption (assms @ inputs)))
+ |> map (map_node_concl (free_bounds (bounds @ bounds')))
+ |> find_input_steps_and_inline
+ val concl = free_bounds bounds concl
- subproof' @ [mk_node id rule prems proof_ctxt concl (map fst bounds)]
+ subproof @ [mk_node id rule prems proof_ctxt concl]
in linearize end
+fun rule_of (VeriT_Replay_Node {rule,...}) = rule
+fun subproof_of (VeriT_Replay_Node {subproof = (_, _, _, subproof),...}) = subproof
+(* Massage Skolems for Sledgehammer.
+We have to make sure that there is an "arrow" in the graph for skolemization steps.
+A. The normal easy case
+This function detects the steps of the form
+ P \<longleftrightarrow> Q :skolemization
+ Q :resolution with P
+and replace them by
+ Q :skolemization
+Throwing away the step "P \<longleftrightarrow> Q" completely. This throws away a lot of information, but it does not
+matter too much for Sledgehammer.
+B. Skolems in subproofs
+Supporting this is more or less hopeless as long as the Isar reconstruction of Sledgehammer
+does not support more features like definitions. veriT is able to generate proofs with skolemization
+happening in subproofs inside the formula.
+ (assume "A \<or> P"
+ ...
+ P \<longleftrightarrow> Q :skolemization in the subproof
+ ...)
+ hence A \<or> P \<longrightarrow> A \<or> Q :lemma
+ ...
+ R :something with some rule
+and replace them by
+ R :skolemization with some rule
+Without any subproof
+fun remove_skolem_definitions_proof steps =
+ let
+ fun replace_equivalent_by_imp (judgement $ ((Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, typ) $ arg1) $ arg2)) =
+ judgement $ ((Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.implies\<close>, typ) $ arg1) $ arg2)
+ | replace_equivalent_by_imp a = a (*This case is probably wrong*)
+ fun remove_skolem_definitions (VeriT_Replay_Node {id = id, rule = rule, args = args,
+ prems = prems,
+ proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt, concl = concl, bounds = bounds, insts = insts,
+ declarations = declarations,
+ subproof = (vars, assms', extra_assms', subproof)}) (prems_to_remove, skolems) =
+ let
+ val prems = prems
+ |> filter_out (member (op =) prems_to_remove)
+ val trivial_step = is_SH_trivial rule
+ fun has_skolem_substep st NONE = if is_skolemization (rule_of st) then SOME (rule_of st)
+ else fold has_skolem_substep (subproof_of st) NONE
+ | has_skolem_substep _ a = a
+ val promote_to_skolem = exists (fn t => member (op =) skolems t) prems
+ val promote_from_assms = fold has_skolem_substep subproof NONE <> NONE
+ val promote_step = promote_to_skolem orelse promote_from_assms
+ val skolem_step_to_skip = is_skolemization rule orelse
+ (promote_from_assms andalso length prems > 1)
+ val is_skolem = is_skolemization rule orelse promote_step
+ val prems = prems
+ |> filter_out (fn t => member (op =) skolems t)
+ |> is_skolem ? filter_out (String.isPrefix id)
+ val rule = (if promote_step then default_skolem_rule else rule)
+ val subproof = subproof
+ |> (is_skolem ? K []) (*subproofs of skolemization steps are useless for SH*)
+ |> map (fst o (fn st => remove_skolem_definitions st (prems_to_remove, skolems)))
+ (*no new definitions in subproofs*)
+ |> flat
+ val concl = concl
+ |> is_skolem ? replace_equivalent_by_imp
+ val step = (if skolem_step_to_skip orelse rule = veriT_def orelse trivial_step then []
+ else mk_replay_node id rule args prems proof_ctxt concl bounds insts declarations
+ (vars, assms', extra_assms', subproof)
+ |> single)
+ val defs = (if rule = veriT_def orelse trivial_step then id :: prems_to_remove
+ else prems_to_remove)
+ val skolems = (if skolem_step_to_skip then id :: skolems else skolems)
+ in
+ (step, (defs, skolems))
+ end
+ in
+ fold_map remove_skolem_definitions steps ([], [])
+ |> fst
+ |> flat
+ end
fun import_proof_and_post_process typs funs lines ctxt =
@@ -719,7 +828,7 @@
let val (step, cx) = postprocess_proof compress ctxt step cx
in (step, (cx, cx')) end
in uncurry (fold_map postprocess) (preprocess compress step (cx, cx')) end
- val step =
+ val step =
(empty_context ctxt typs funs, [])
|> fold_map process raw_steps
|> (fn (steps, (cx, _)) => (flat steps, cx))
@@ -729,9 +838,11 @@
fun parse typs funs lines ctxt =
val (u, env) = import_proof_and_post_process typs funs lines ctxt
- val t = flat (map linearize_proof u)
- fun node_to_step (VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, concl, bounds, ...}) =
- mk_step id rule prems [] concl bounds
+ val t = u
+ |> remove_skolem_definitions_proof
+ |> flat o (map linearize_proof)
+ fun node_to_step (VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, concl, ...}) =
+ mk_step id rule prems [] concl []
(map node_to_step t, ctxt_of env)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/SMT/verit_replay_methods.ML Tue Oct 27 16:59:44 2020 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/SMT/verit_replay_methods.ML Wed Oct 28 08:41:07 2020 +0100
@@ -94,7 +94,6 @@
| verit_rule_of "or" = Or
| verit_rule_of "not_or" = Not_Or
| verit_rule_of "resolution" = Resolution
- | verit_rule_of "eq_congruent" = Eq_Congruent
| verit_rule_of "trans" = Trans
| verit_rule_of "false" = False
| verit_rule_of "ac_simp" = AC_Simp
@@ -120,7 +119,6 @@
| verit_rule_of "ite_pos2" = ITE_Pos2
| verit_rule_of "ite_neg1" = ITE_Neg1
| verit_rule_of "ite_neg2" = ITE_Neg2
- | verit_rule_of "ite_intro" = ITE_Intro
| verit_rule_of "la_disequality" = LA_Disequality
| verit_rule_of "lia_generic" = LIA_Generic
| verit_rule_of "la_generic" = LA_Generic
@@ -132,7 +130,6 @@
| verit_rule_of "qnt_rm_unused" = Qnt_Rm_Unused
| verit_rule_of "onepoint" = Onepoint
| verit_rule_of "qnt_join" = Qnt_Join
- | verit_rule_of "eq_congruent_pred" = Eq_Congruent_Pred
| verit_rule_of "subproof" = Subproof
| verit_rule_of "bool_simplify" = Bool_Simplify
| verit_rule_of "or_simplify" = Or_Simplify
@@ -148,14 +145,17 @@
| verit_rule_of "prod_simplify" = Prod_Simplify
| verit_rule_of "comp_simplify" = Comp_Simplify
| verit_rule_of "qnt_simplify" = Qnt_Simplify
- | verit_rule_of "not_not" = Not_Not
| verit_rule_of "tautology" = Tautological_Clause
- | verit_rule_of "contraction" = Duplicate_Literals
| verit_rule_of "qnt_cnf" = Qnt_CNF
| verit_rule_of r =
if r = Verit_Proof.normalized_input_rule then Normalized_Input
else if r = Verit_Proof.local_input_rule then Local_Input
else if r = Verit_Proof.veriT_def then Definition
+ else if r = Verit_Proof.not_not_rule then Not_Not
+ else if r = Verit_Proof.contract_rule then Duplicate_Literals
+ else if r = Verit_Proof.ite_intro_rule then ITE_Intro
+ else if r = Verit_Proof.eq_congruent_rule then Eq_Congruent
+ else if r = Verit_Proof.eq_congruent_pred_rule then Eq_Congruent_Pred
else (@{print} ("Unsupport rule", r); Unsupported)
fun string_of_verit_rule Bind = "Bind"
@@ -231,9 +231,9 @@
| string_of_verit_rule Prod_Simplify = "prod_simplify"
| string_of_verit_rule Comp_Simplify = "comp_simplify"
| string_of_verit_rule Qnt_Simplify = "qnt_simplify"
- | string_of_verit_rule Not_Not = "not_not"
+ | string_of_verit_rule Not_Not = Verit_Proof.not_not_rule
| string_of_verit_rule Tautological_Clause = "tautology"
- | string_of_verit_rule Duplicate_Literals = "contraction"
+ | string_of_verit_rule Duplicate_Literals = Verit_Proof.contract_rule
| string_of_verit_rule Qnt_CNF = "qnt_cnf"
| string_of_verit_rule r = "Unknown rule: " ^ \<^make_string> r
@@ -586,9 +586,9 @@
(case (prop_of thm1, prop_of thm2) of
((Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ t1 $ t2),
(Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ t3 $ t4)) =>
- if t2 = t3 then thm1 RSN (1, thm2 RSN (2, @{thm trans}))
- else if t2 = t4 then thm1 RSN ((1, ((thm2 RS sym)) RSN (2, @{thm trans})))
- else if t1 = t4 then thm2 RSN (1, thm1 RSN (2, @{thm trans}))
+ if t2 aconv t3 then thm1 RSN (1, thm2 RSN (2, @{thm trans}))
+ else if t2 aconv t4 then thm1 RSN ((1, ((thm2 RS sym)) RSN (2, @{thm trans})))
+ else if t1 aconv t4 then thm2 RSN (1, thm1 RSN (2, @{thm trans}))
else raise Fail "invalid trans theorem"
| _ => trans_bool_thm OF [thm1, thm2])
| combine_thms (thm1 :: thm2 :: thms) =
@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@
fun or_pos_prove ctxt _ =
K (unfold_tac ctxt @{thms de_Morgan_disj not_not})
THEN' match_tac ctxt @{thms verit_and_pos}
- THEN' K (unfold_tac ctxt @{thms de_Morgan_conj not_not})
+ THEN' K (unfold_tac ctxt @{thms de_Morgan_conj de_Morgan_disj not_not})
THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt)
fun not_or_rule_prove ctxt prems =
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@
THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt)
fun and_neg_rule_prove ctxt _ =
- match_tac ctxt @{thms verit_and_pos}
+ match_tac ctxt @{thms verit_and_neg}
THEN' K (unfold_tac ctxt @{thms de_Morgan_conj not_not})
THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt)
@@ -986,7 +986,8 @@
fun rewrite_or_simplify ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
(chain_rewrite_two_step_with_ac_simps ctxt @{thms verit_or_simplify verit_or_simplify_1}
- @{thms verit_or_simplify}))
+ @{thms verit_or_simplify})
+ THEN' TRY' (REPEAT' (match_tac ctxt @{thms verit_and_pos}) THEN' assume_tac ctxt))
fun rewrite_not_simplify ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>