Fri, 21 Sep 2012 17:41:29 +0200
changeset 49513 796b3139f5a8
parent 49512 82d99fe04018 (current diff)
parent 49494 cbcccf2a0f6f (diff)
child 49514 45e3e564e306
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/command.scala	Fri Sep 21 17:02:23 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/command.scala	Fri Sep 21 17:41:29 2012 +0200
@@ -60,16 +60,15 @@
         case XML.Elem(Markup(name, atts), body) =>
           atts match {
             case Isabelle_Markup.Serial(i) =>
-              val props = Position.purge(atts)
-              val result = XML.Elem(Markup(name, props), body)
-              val result_message = XML.Elem(Markup(Isabelle_Markup.message(name), props), body)
+              val message1 = XML.Elem(Markup(Isabelle_Markup.message(name), atts), body)
+              val message2 = XML.Elem(Markup(name, Position.purge(atts)), body)
-              val st0 = copy(results = results + (i -> result_message))
+              val st0 = copy(results = results + (i -> message1))
               val st1 =
-                if (Protocol.is_tracing(result)) st0
+                if (Protocol.is_tracing(message)) st0
                   (st0 /: Protocol.message_positions(command, message))(
-                    (st, range) => st.add_markup(Text.Info(range, result)))
+                    (st, range) => st.add_markup(Text.Info(range, message2)))
             case _ => System.err.println("Ignored message without serial number: " + message); this
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/etc/options	Fri Sep 21 17:02:23 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/etc/options	Fri Sep 21 17:41:29 2012 +0200
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
 option quoted_color : string = "8B8B8B19"
 option highlight_color : string = "50505032"
 option hyperlink_color : string = "000000FF"
+option sendback_color : string = "DCDCDCFF"
+option sendback_active_color : string = "9DC75DFF"
 option keyword1_color : string = "006699FF"
 option keyword2_color : string = "009966FF"
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/lib/Tools/jedit	Fri Sep 21 17:02:23 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/lib/Tools/jedit	Fri Sep 21 17:41:29 2012 +0200
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
-  "src/output2_dockable.scala"
+  "src/output1_dockable.scala"
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+  "src/sendback.scala"
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/Isabelle.props	Fri Sep 21 17:02:23 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/Isabelle.props	Fri Sep 21 17:41:29 2012 +0200
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
 #menu actions isabelle.output-panel isabelle.output2-panel isabelle.raw-output-panel isabelle.protocol-panel isabelle.readme-panel isabelle.syslog-panel isabelle.output-panel isabelle.output1-panel isabelle.raw-output-panel isabelle.protocol-panel isabelle.readme-panel isabelle.syslog-panel
 isabelle.session-panel.label=Prover Session panel
 isabelle.output-panel.label=Output panel
-isabelle.output2-panel.label=Output2 panel
+isabelle.output1-panel.label=Output1 panel
 isabelle.raw-output-panel.label=Raw Output panel
 isabelle.protocol-panel.label=Protocol panel
 isabelle.readme-panel.label=README panel
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 isabelle-session.title=Prover Session
 isabelle-raw-output.title=Raw Output
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/actions.xml	Fri Sep 21 17:02:23 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/actions.xml	Fri Sep 21 17:41:29 2012 +0200
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
-	<ACTION NAME="isabelle.output2-panel">
+	<ACTION NAME="isabelle.output1-panel">
-			wm.addDockableWindow("isabelle-output2");
+			wm.addDockableWindow("isabelle-output1");
 	<ACTION NAME="isabelle.raw-output-panel">
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/dockables.xml	Fri Sep 21 17:02:23 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/dockables.xml	Fri Sep 21 17:41:29 2012 +0200
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 	<DOCKABLE NAME="isabelle-output" MOVABLE="TRUE">
 		new isabelle.jedit.Output_Dockable(view, position);
-	<DOCKABLE NAME="isabelle-output2" MOVABLE="TRUE">
-		new isabelle.jedit.Output2_Dockable(view, position);
+	<DOCKABLE NAME="isabelle-output1" MOVABLE="TRUE">
+		new isabelle.jedit.Output1_Dockable(view, position);
 	<DOCKABLE NAME="isabelle-raw-output" MOVABLE="TRUE">
 		new isabelle.jedit.Raw_Output_Dockable(view, position);
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_view.scala	Fri Sep 21 17:02:23 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_view.scala	Fri Sep 21 17:41:29 2012 +0200
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
   def get_rendering(): Isabelle_Rendering =
     Isabelle_Rendering(model.snapshot(), Isabelle.options.value)
-  val rich_text_area = new Rich_Text_Area(text_area.getView, text_area, get_rendering _)
+  val rich_text_area = new Rich_Text_Area(text_area.getView, text_area, get_rendering _, false)
   /* perspective */
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/isabelle_rendering.scala	Fri Sep 21 17:02:23 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/isabelle_rendering.scala	Fri Sep 21 17:41:29 2012 +0200
@@ -125,6 +125,8 @@
   val quoted_color = color_value("quoted_color")
   val highlight_color = color_value("highlight_color")
   val hyperlink_color = color_value("hyperlink_color")
+  val sendback_color = color_value("sendback_color")
+  val sendback_active_color = color_value("sendback_active_color")
   val keyword1_color = color_value("keyword1_color")
   val keyword2_color = color_value("keyword2_color")
@@ -237,6 +239,26 @@
+  def sendback(range: Text.Range): Option[Text.Info[Document.Exec_ID]] =
+  {
+    val results =
+      snapshot.cumulate_markup[(Option[Document.Exec_ID], Option[Text.Range])](range,
+        (None, None), Some(messages_include + Isabelle_Markup.SENDBACK),
+          {
+            case ((_, info), Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(name, Position.Id(id)), _)))
+            if messages_include(name) => (Some(id), info)
+            case ((id, _), Text.Info(info_range, XML.Elem(Markup(Isabelle_Markup.SENDBACK, _), _))) =>
+              (id, Some(snapshot.convert(info_range)))
+          })
+    (for (Text.Info(_, (Some(id), Some(r))) <- results) yield Text.Info(r, id)) match {
+      case res #:: _ => Some(res)
+      case _ => None
+    }
+  }
   private def tooltip_text(msg: XML.Tree): String =
     Pretty.string_of(List(msg), margin ="jedit_tooltip_margin"))
@@ -357,6 +379,10 @@
+  private val messages_include =
+    Set(Isabelle_Markup.WRITELN_MESSAGE, Isabelle_Markup.TRACING_MESSAGE,
+      Isabelle_Markup.WARNING_MESSAGE, Isabelle_Markup.ERROR_MESSAGE)
   private val message_colors = Map(
     Isabelle_Rendering.writeln_pri -> writeln_message_color,
     Isabelle_Rendering.tracing_pri -> tracing_message_color,
@@ -365,11 +391,8 @@
   def line_background(range: Text.Range): Option[(Color, Boolean)] =
-    val messages =
-      Set(Isabelle_Markup.WRITELN_MESSAGE, Isabelle_Markup.TRACING_MESSAGE,
-        Isabelle_Markup.WARNING_MESSAGE, Isabelle_Markup.ERROR_MESSAGE)
     val results =
-      snapshot.cumulate_markup[Int](range, 0, Some(messages),
+      snapshot.cumulate_markup[Int](range, 0, Some(messages_include),
           case (pri, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(name, _), _)))
           if name == Isabelle_Markup.WRITELN_MESSAGE ||
@@ -388,6 +411,13 @@
     message_colors.get(pri).map((_, is_separator))
+  private val background1_include =
+    Protocol.command_status_markup + Isabelle_Markup.WRITELN_MESSAGE +
+      Isabelle_Markup.TRACING_MESSAGE + Isabelle_Markup.WARNING_MESSAGE +
+      Isabelle_Markup.ERROR_MESSAGE + Isabelle_Markup.BAD + Isabelle_Markup.INTENSIFY +
+      Isabelle_Markup.SENDBACK
   def background1(range: Text.Range): Stream[Text.Info[Color]] =
     if (snapshot.is_outdated) Stream(Text.Info(range, outdated_color))
@@ -395,10 +425,7 @@
       for {
         Text.Info(r, result) <-
           snapshot.cumulate_markup[(Option[Protocol.Status], Option[Color])](
-            range, (Some(Protocol.Status.init), None),
-            Some(Protocol.command_status_markup + Isabelle_Markup.WRITELN_MESSAGE +
-              Isabelle_Markup.TRACING_MESSAGE + Isabelle_Markup.WARNING_MESSAGE +
-              Isabelle_Markup.ERROR_MESSAGE + Isabelle_Markup.BAD + Isabelle_Markup.INTENSIFY),
+            range, (Some(Protocol.Status.init), None), Some(background1_include),
               case (((Some(status), color), Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(markup, _))))
               if (Protocol.command_status_markup( =>
@@ -407,6 +434,8 @@
                 (None, Some(bad_color))
               case (_, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(Isabelle_Markup.INTENSIFY, _), _))) =>
                 (None, Some(intensify_color))
+              case (_, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(Isabelle_Markup.SENDBACK, _), _))) =>
+                (None, Some(sendback_color))
         color <-
           (result match {
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/output1_dockable.scala	Fri Sep 21 17:41:29 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+/*  Title:      Tools/jEdit/src/output1_dockable.scala
+    Author:     Makarius
+Dockable window with result message output.
+package isabelle.jedit
+import isabelle._
+import scala.actors.Actor._
+import scala.swing.{FlowPanel, Button, CheckBox}
+import scala.swing.event.ButtonClicked
+import java.lang.System
+import java.awt.BorderLayout
+import java.awt.event.{ComponentEvent, ComponentAdapter}
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
+class Output1_Dockable(view: View, position: String) extends Dockable(view, position)
+  Swing_Thread.require()
+  /* component state -- owned by Swing thread */
+  private var zoom_factor = 100
+  private var show_tracing = false
+  private var do_update = true
+  private var current_state = Command.empty.init_state
+  private var current_body: XML.Body = Nil
+  /* HTML panel */
+  private val html_panel =
+    new HTML_Panel(Isabelle.font_family(), scala.math.round(Isabelle.font_size()))
+  {
+    override val handler: PartialFunction[HTML_Panel.Event, Unit] =
+    {
+      case HTML_Panel.Mouse_Click(elem, event)
+      if Protocol.Sendback.unapply(elem.getUserData( =>
+        val sendback = Protocol.Sendback.unapply(elem.getUserData(
+        Document_View(view.getTextArea) match {
+          case Some(doc_view) =>
+            doc_view.rich_text_area.robust_body() {
+              val cmd = current_state.command
+              val model = doc_view.model
+              val buffer = model.buffer
+              val snapshot = model.snapshot()
+              snapshot.node.command_start(cmd) match {
+                case Some(start) if !snapshot.is_outdated =>
+                  val text = Pretty.string_of(sendback)
+                  try {
+                    buffer.beginCompoundEdit()
+                    buffer.remove(start, cmd.proper_range.length)
+                    buffer.insert(start, text)
+                  }
+                  finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit() }
+                case _ =>
+              }
+            }
+          case None =>
+        }
+    }
+  }
+  set_content(html_panel)
+  private def handle_resize()
+  {
+    Swing_Thread.require()
+    html_panel.resize(Isabelle.font_family(),
+      scala.math.round(Isabelle.font_size() * zoom_factor / 100))
+  }
+  private def handle_update(follow: Boolean, restriction: Option[Set[Command]])
+  {
+    Swing_Thread.require()
+    val new_state =
+      if (follow) {
+        Document_View(view.getTextArea) match {
+          case Some(doc_view) =>
+            val snapshot = doc_view.model.snapshot()
+            snapshot.node.command_at(doc_view.text_area.getCaretPosition).map(_._1) match {
+              case Some(cmd) => snapshot.state.command_state(snapshot.version, cmd)
+              case None => Command.empty.init_state
+            }
+          case None => Command.empty.init_state
+        }
+      }
+      else current_state
+    val new_body =
+      if (!restriction.isDefined || restriction.get.contains(new_state.command))
+          .filter(msg => !Protocol.is_tracing(msg) || show_tracing).toList  // FIXME not scalable
+      else current_body
+    if (new_body != current_body) html_panel.render(new_body)
+    current_state = new_state
+    current_body = new_body
+  }
+  /* main actor */
+  private val main_actor = actor {
+    loop {
+      react {
+        case Session.Global_Settings =>
+          Swing_Thread.later { handle_resize() }
+        case changed: Session.Commands_Changed =>
+          Swing_Thread.later { handle_update(do_update, Some(changed.commands)) }
+        case Session.Caret_Focus =>
+          Swing_Thread.later { handle_update(do_update, None) }
+        case bad => System.err.println("Output_Dockable: ignoring bad message " + bad)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  override def init()
+  {
+    Swing_Thread.require()
+    Isabelle.session.global_settings += main_actor
+    Isabelle.session.commands_changed += main_actor
+    Isabelle.session.caret_focus += main_actor
+    handle_update(true, None)
+  }
+  override def exit()
+  {
+    Swing_Thread.require()
+    Isabelle.session.global_settings -= main_actor
+    Isabelle.session.commands_changed -= main_actor
+    Isabelle.session.caret_focus -= main_actor
+    delay_resize.revoke()
+  }
+  /* resize */
+  private val delay_resize =
+    Swing_Thread.delay_first(
+      Time.seconds(Isabelle.options.real("editor_update_delay"))) { handle_resize() }
+  addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter {
+    override def componentResized(e: ComponentEvent) { delay_resize.invoke() }
+  })
+  /* controls */
+  private val zoom = new Library.Zoom_Box(factor => { zoom_factor = factor; handle_resize() })
+  zoom.tooltip = "Zoom factor for basic font size"
+  private val tracing = new CheckBox("Tracing") {
+    reactions += {
+      case ButtonClicked(_) => show_tracing = this.selected; handle_update(do_update, None) }
+  }
+  tracing.selected = show_tracing
+  tracing.tooltip = "Indicate output of tracing messages"
+  private val auto_update = new CheckBox("Auto update") {
+    reactions += {
+      case ButtonClicked(_) => do_update = this.selected; handle_update(do_update, None) }
+  }
+  auto_update.selected = do_update
+  auto_update.tooltip = "Indicate automatic update following cursor movement"
+  private val update = new Button("Update") {
+    reactions += { case ButtonClicked(_) => handle_update(true, None) }
+  }
+  update.tooltip = "Update display according to the command at cursor position"
+  private val controls = new FlowPanel(FlowPanel.Alignment.Right)(zoom, tracing, auto_update, update)
+  add(controls.peer, BorderLayout.NORTH)
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/output2_dockable.scala	Fri Sep 21 17:02:23 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-/*  Title:      Tools/jEdit/src/output2_dockable.scala
-    Author:     Makarius
-Dockable window with result message output.
-package isabelle.jedit
-import isabelle._
-import scala.actors.Actor._
-import scala.swing.{FlowPanel, Button, CheckBox}
-import scala.swing.event.ButtonClicked
-import java.lang.System
-import java.awt.BorderLayout
-import java.awt.event.{ComponentEvent, ComponentAdapter}
-import org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
-class Output2_Dockable(view: View, position: String) extends Dockable(view, position)
-  Swing_Thread.require()
-  /* component state -- owned by Swing thread */
-  private var zoom_factor = 100
-  private var show_tracing = false
-  private var do_update = true
-  private var current_snapshot = Document.State.init.snapshot()
-  private var current_state = Command.empty.init_state
-  private var current_output: List[XML.Tree] = Nil
-  /* pretty text panel */
-  private val pretty_text_area = new Pretty_Text_Area(view)
-  set_content(pretty_text_area)
-  private def handle_resize()
-  {
-    Swing_Thread.require()
-    pretty_text_area.resize(Isabelle.font_family(),
-      scala.math.round(Isabelle.font_size() * zoom_factor / 100))
-  }
-  private def handle_update(follow: Boolean, restriction: Option[Set[Command]])
-  {
-    Swing_Thread.require()
-    val (new_snapshot, new_state) =
-      Document_View(view.getTextArea) match {
-        case Some(doc_view) =>
-          val snapshot = doc_view.model.snapshot()
-          if (follow && !snapshot.is_outdated) {
-            snapshot.node.command_at(doc_view.text_area.getCaretPosition).map(_._1) match {
-              case Some(cmd) =>
-                (snapshot, snapshot.state.command_state(snapshot.version, cmd))
-              case None =>
-                (Document.State.init.snapshot(), Command.empty.init_state)
-            }
-          }
-          else (current_snapshot, current_state)
-        case None => (current_snapshot, current_state)
-      }
-    val new_output =
-      if (!restriction.isDefined || restriction.get.contains(new_state.command))
-          .filter(msg => !Protocol.is_tracing(msg) || show_tracing).toList  // FIXME not scalable
-      else current_output
-    if (new_output != current_output)
-      pretty_text_area.update(new_snapshot, Library.separate(Pretty.Separator, new_output))
-    current_snapshot = new_snapshot
-    current_state = new_state
-    current_output = new_output
-  }
-  /* main actor */
-  private val main_actor = actor {
-    loop {
-      react {
-        case Session.Global_Settings =>
-          Swing_Thread.later { handle_resize() }
-        case changed: Session.Commands_Changed =>
-          Swing_Thread.later { handle_update(do_update, Some(changed.commands)) }
-        case Session.Caret_Focus =>
-          Swing_Thread.later { handle_update(do_update, None) }
-        case bad => System.err.println("Output_Dockable: ignoring bad message " + bad)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  override def init()
-  {
-    Swing_Thread.require()
-    Isabelle.session.global_settings += main_actor
-    Isabelle.session.commands_changed += main_actor
-    Isabelle.session.caret_focus += main_actor
-    handle_update(true, None)
-  }
-  override def exit()
-  {
-    Swing_Thread.require()
-    Isabelle.session.global_settings -= main_actor
-    Isabelle.session.commands_changed -= main_actor
-    Isabelle.session.caret_focus -= main_actor
-    delay_resize.revoke()
-  }
-  /* resize */
-  private val delay_resize =
-    Swing_Thread.delay_first(
-      Time.seconds(Isabelle.options.real("editor_update_delay"))) { handle_resize() }
-  addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter {
-    override def componentResized(e: ComponentEvent) { delay_resize.invoke() }
-  })
-  /* controls */
-  private val zoom = new Library.Zoom_Box(factor => { zoom_factor = factor; handle_resize() })
-  zoom.tooltip = "Zoom factor for basic font size"
-  private val tracing = new CheckBox("Tracing") {
-    reactions += {
-      case ButtonClicked(_) => show_tracing = this.selected; handle_update(do_update, None) }
-  }
-  tracing.selected = show_tracing
-  tracing.tooltip = "Indicate output of tracing messages"
-  private val auto_update = new CheckBox("Auto update") {
-    reactions += {
-      case ButtonClicked(_) => do_update = this.selected; handle_update(do_update, None) }
-  }
-  auto_update.selected = do_update
-  auto_update.tooltip = "Indicate automatic update following cursor movement"
-  private val update = new Button("Update") {
-    reactions += { case ButtonClicked(_) => handle_update(true, None) }
-  }
-  update.tooltip = "Update display according to the command at cursor position"
-  private val controls = new FlowPanel(FlowPanel.Alignment.Right)(zoom, tracing, auto_update, update)
-  add(controls.peer, BorderLayout.NORTH)
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/output_dockable.scala	Fri Sep 21 17:02:23 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/output_dockable.scala	Fri Sep 21 17:41:29 2012 +0200
@@ -31,52 +31,22 @@
   private var zoom_factor = 100
   private var show_tracing = false
   private var do_update = true
+  private var current_snapshot = Document.State.init.snapshot()
   private var current_state = Command.empty.init_state
-  private var current_body: XML.Body = Nil
+  private var current_output: List[XML.Tree] = Nil
-  /* HTML panel */
+  /* pretty text panel */
-  private val html_panel =
-    new HTML_Panel(Isabelle.font_family(), scala.math.round(Isabelle.font_size()))
-  {
-    override val handler: PartialFunction[HTML_Panel.Event, Unit] =
-    {
-      case HTML_Panel.Mouse_Click(elem, event)
-      if Protocol.Sendback.unapply(elem.getUserData( =>
-        val sendback = Protocol.Sendback.unapply(elem.getUserData(
-        Document_View(view.getTextArea) match {
-          case Some(doc_view) =>
-            doc_view.rich_text_area.robust_body() {
-              val cmd = current_state.command
-              val model = doc_view.model
-              val buffer = model.buffer
-              val snapshot = model.snapshot()
-              snapshot.node.command_start(cmd) match {
-                case Some(start) if !snapshot.is_outdated =>
-                  val text = Pretty.string_of(sendback)
-                  try {
-                    buffer.beginCompoundEdit()
-                    buffer.remove(start, cmd.proper_range.length)
-                    buffer.insert(start, text)
-                  }
-                  finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit() }
-                case _ =>
-              }
-            }
-          case None =>
-        }
-    }
-  }
-  set_content(html_panel)
+  private val pretty_text_area = new Pretty_Text_Area(view)
+  set_content(pretty_text_area)
   private def handle_resize()
-    html_panel.resize(Isabelle.font_family(),
+    pretty_text_area.resize(Isabelle.font_family(),
       scala.math.round(Isabelle.font_size() * zoom_factor / 100))
@@ -84,30 +54,34 @@
-    val new_state =
-      if (follow) {
-        Document_View(view.getTextArea) match {
-          case Some(doc_view) =>
-            val snapshot = doc_view.model.snapshot()
+    val (new_snapshot, new_state) =
+      Document_View(view.getTextArea) match {
+        case Some(doc_view) =>
+          val snapshot = doc_view.model.snapshot()
+          if (follow && !snapshot.is_outdated) {
             snapshot.node.command_at(doc_view.text_area.getCaretPosition).map(_._1) match {
-              case Some(cmd) => snapshot.state.command_state(snapshot.version, cmd)
-              case None => Command.empty.init_state
+              case Some(cmd) =>
+                (snapshot, snapshot.state.command_state(snapshot.version, cmd))
+              case None =>
+                (Document.State.init.snapshot(), Command.empty.init_state)
-          case None => Command.empty.init_state
-        }
+          }
+          else (current_snapshot, current_state)
+        case None => (current_snapshot, current_state)
-      else current_state
-    val new_body =
+    val new_output =
       if (!restriction.isDefined || restriction.get.contains(new_state.command))
           .filter(msg => !Protocol.is_tracing(msg) || show_tracing).toList  // FIXME not scalable
-      else current_body
+      else current_output
-    if (new_body != current_body) html_panel.render(new_body)
+    if (new_output != current_output)
+      pretty_text_area.update(new_snapshot, Library.separate(Pretty.Separator, new_output))
+    current_snapshot = new_snapshot
     current_state = new_state
-    current_body = new_body
+    current_output = new_output
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/pretty_text_area.scala	Fri Sep 21 17:02:23 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/pretty_text_area.scala	Fri Sep 21 17:41:29 2012 +0200
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
     Pretty_Text_Area.text_rendering(current_base_snapshot, Nil)._2
   private var future_rendering: Option[java.util.concurrent.Future[Unit]] = None
-  private val rich_text_area = new Rich_Text_Area(view, text_area, () => current_rendering)
+  private val rich_text_area = new Rich_Text_Area(view, text_area, () => current_rendering, true)
   def refresh()
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/rich_text_area.scala	Fri Sep 21 17:02:23 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/rich_text_area.scala	Fri Sep 21 17:41:29 2012 +0200
@@ -23,7 +23,11 @@
 import org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.{TextAreaExtension, TextAreaPainter, TextArea}
-class Rich_Text_Area(view: View, text_area: TextArea, get_rendering: () => Isabelle_Rendering)
+class Rich_Text_Area(
+  view: View,
+  text_area: TextArea,
+  get_rendering: () => Isabelle_Rendering,
+  hovering: Boolean)
   private val buffer = text_area.getBuffer
@@ -97,17 +101,25 @@
   private class Active_Area[A](
     rendering: Isabelle_Rendering => Text.Range => Option[Text.Info[A]])
-    private var the_info: Option[Text.Info[A]] = None
+    private var the_text_info: Option[(String, Text.Info[A])] = None
-    def info: Option[Text.Info[A]] = the_info
+    def text_info: Option[(String, Text.Info[A])] = the_text_info
+    def info: Option[Text.Info[A]] =
     def update(new_info: Option[Text.Info[A]])
-      val old_info = the_info
-      if (new_info != old_info) {
-        for { opt <- List(old_info, new_info); Text.Info(range, _) <- opt }
-          JEdit_Lib.invalidate_range(text_area, range)
-        the_info = new_info
+      val old_text_info = the_text_info
+      val new_text_info =
+ => (text_area.getText(info.range.start, info.range.length), info))
+      if (new_text_info != old_text_info) {
+        for {
+          r0 <- JEdit_Lib.visible_range(text_area)
+          opt <- List(old_text_info, new_text_info)
+          (_, Text.Info(r1, _)) <- opt
+          r2 <- r1.try_restrict(r0)  // FIXME more precise?!
+        } JEdit_Lib.invalidate_range(text_area, r2)
+        the_text_info = new_text_info
@@ -123,8 +135,12 @@
   private val highlight_area = new Active_Area[Color]((r: Isabelle_Rendering) => r.highlight _)
   private val hyperlink_area = new Active_Area[Hyperlink]((r: Isabelle_Rendering) => r.hyperlink _)
-  private val active_areas = List(highlight_area, hyperlink_area)
-  private def active_reset(): Unit = active_areas.foreach(_.reset)
+  private val sendback_area =
+    new Active_Area[Document.Exec_ID]((r: Isabelle_Rendering) => r.sendback _)
+  private val active_areas =
+    List((highlight_area, true), (hyperlink_area, true), (sendback_area, false))
+  private def active_reset(): Unit = active_areas.foreach(_._1.reset)
   private val focus_listener = new FocusAdapter {
     override def focusLost(e: FocusEvent) { robust_body(()) { active_reset() } }
@@ -139,7 +155,11 @@
     override def mouseClicked(e: MouseEvent) {
       robust_body(()) { match {
-          case Some(Text.Info(range, link)) => link.follow(view)
+          case Some(Text.Info(_, link)) => link.follow(view)
+          case None =>
+        }
+        sendback_area.text_info match {
+          case Some((text, Text.Info(_, id))) => Sendback.activate(view, text, id)
           case None =>
@@ -150,12 +170,18 @@
     override def mouseMoved(e: MouseEvent) {
       robust_body(()) {
         control = if (OperatingSystem.isMacOS()) e.isMetaDown else e.isControlDown
-        if (control && !buffer.isLoading) {
+        if ((control || hovering) && !buffer.isLoading) {
           JEdit_Lib.buffer_lock(buffer) {
             val rendering = get_rendering()
             val mouse_offset = text_area.xyToOffset(e.getX(), e.getY())
             val mouse_range = JEdit_Lib.point_range(buffer, mouse_offset)
-            active_areas.foreach(_.update_rendering(rendering, mouse_range))
+            for ((area, require_control) <- active_areas)
+            {
+              if (control == require_control)
+                area.update_rendering(rendering, mouse_range)
+              else area.reset
+            }
         else active_reset()
@@ -215,6 +241,16 @@
               gfx.fillRect(r.x, y + i * line_height, r.length, line_height)
+            // sendback range -- potentially from other snapshot
+            for {
+              info <-
+              Text.Info(range, _) <- info.try_restrict(line_range)
+              r <- JEdit_Lib.gfx_range(text_area, range)
+            } {
+              gfx.setColor(rendering.sendback_active_color)
+              gfx.fillRect(r.x, y + i * line_height, r.length, line_height)
+            }
             // background color (2)
             for {
               Text.Info(range, color) <- rendering.background2(line_range)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/sendback.scala	Fri Sep 21 17:41:29 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/*  Title:      Tools/jEdit/src/sendback.scala
+    Author:     Makarius
+Clickable "sendback" areas within the source text.
+package isabelle.jedit
+import isabelle._
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
+object Sendback
+  def activate(view: View, text: String, exec_id: Document.Exec_ID)
+  {
+    Swing_Thread.require()
+    Document_View(view.getTextArea) match {
+      case Some(doc_view) =>
+        doc_view.rich_text_area.robust_body() {
+          val model = doc_view.model
+          val buffer = model.buffer
+          val snapshot = model.snapshot()
+          snapshot.state.execs.get(exec_id).map(_.command) match {
+            case Some(command) if !snapshot.is_outdated =>
+              snapshot.node.command_start(command) match {
+                case Some(start) =>
+                  try {
+                    buffer.beginCompoundEdit()
+                    buffer.remove(start, command.proper_range.length)
+                    buffer.insert(start, text)
+                  }
+                  finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit() }
+                case None =>
+              }
+            case _ =>
+          }
+        }
+      case None =>
+    }
+  }