--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Sequents/simpdata.ML Tue Jul 27 19:02:43 1999 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+(* Title: Sequents/simpdata.ML
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Lawrence C Paulson
+ Copyright 1999 University of Cambridge
+Instantiation of the generic simplifier for LK
+Borrows from the DC simplifier of Soren Heilmann.
+MAJOR LIMITATION: left-side sequent formulae are not added to the simpset.
+ However, congruence rules for --> and & are available.
+ The rule backwards_impR can be used to convert assumptions into right-side
+ implications.
+(*** Rewrite rules ***)
+fun prove_fun s =
+ (writeln s;
+ prove_goal LK.thy s
+ (fn prems => [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
+ (fast_tac LK_pack 1) ]));
+val conj_simps = map prove_fun
+ ["|- P & True <-> P", "|- True & P <-> P",
+ "|- P & False <-> False", "|- False & P <-> False",
+ "|- P & P <-> P", " |- P & P & Q <-> P & Q",
+ "|- P & ~P <-> False", "|- ~P & P <-> False",
+ "|- (P & Q) & R <-> P & (Q & R)"];
+val disj_simps = map prove_fun
+ ["|- P | True <-> True", "|- True | P <-> True",
+ "|- P | False <-> P", "|- False | P <-> P",
+ "|- P | P <-> P", "|- P | P | Q <-> P | Q",
+ "|- (P | Q) | R <-> P | (Q | R)"];
+val not_simps = map prove_fun
+ ["|- ~ False <-> True", "|- ~ True <-> False"];
+val imp_simps = map prove_fun
+ ["|- (P --> False) <-> ~P", "|- (P --> True) <-> True",
+ "|- (False --> P) <-> True", "|- (True --> P) <-> P",
+ "|- (P --> P) <-> True", "|- (P --> ~P) <-> ~P"];
+val iff_simps = map prove_fun
+ ["|- (True <-> P) <-> P", "|- (P <-> True) <-> P",
+ "|- (P <-> P) <-> True",
+ "|- (False <-> P) <-> ~P", "|- (P <-> False) <-> ~P"];
+(*These are NOT supplied by default!*)
+val distrib_simps = map prove_fun
+ ["|- P & (Q | R) <-> P&Q | P&R",
+ "|- (Q | R) & P <-> Q&P | R&P",
+ "|- (P | Q --> R) <-> (P --> R) & (Q --> R)"];
+(** Conversion into rewrite rules **)
+fun gen_all th = forall_elim_vars (#maxidx(rep_thm th)+1) th;
+(*Make atomic rewrite rules*)
+fun atomize r =
+ case concl_of r of
+ Const("Trueprop",_) $ Abs(_,_,a) $ Abs(_,_,c) =>
+ (case (forms_of_seq a, forms_of_seq c) of
+ ([], [p]) =>
+ (case p of
+ Const("op -->",_)$_$_ => atomize(r RS mp_R)
+ | Const("op &",_)$_$_ => atomize(r RS conjunct1) @
+ atomize(r RS conjunct2)
+ | Const("All",_)$_ => atomize(r RS spec)
+ | Const("True",_) => [] (*True is DELETED*)
+ | Const("False",_) => [] (*should False do something?*)
+ | _ => [r])
+ | _ => []) (*ignore theorem unless it has precisely one conclusion*)
+ | _ => [r];
+qed_goal "P_iff_F" LK.thy "|- ~P ==> |- (P <-> False)"
+ (fn prems => [lemma_tac (hd prems) 1, fast_tac LK_pack 1]);
+val iff_reflection_F = P_iff_F RS iff_reflection;
+qed_goal "P_iff_T" LK.thy "|- P ==> |- (P <-> True)"
+ (fn prems => [lemma_tac (hd prems) 1, fast_tac LK_pack 1]);
+val iff_reflection_T = P_iff_T RS iff_reflection;
+(*Make meta-equalities.*)
+fun mk_meta_eq th = case concl_of th of
+ Const("==",_)$_$_ => th
+ | Const("Trueprop",_) $ Abs(_,_,a) $ Abs(_,_,c) =>
+ (case (forms_of_seq a, forms_of_seq c) of
+ ([], [p]) =>
+ (case p of
+ (Const("op =",_)$_$_) => th RS eq_reflection
+ | (Const("op <->",_)$_$_) => th RS iff_reflection
+ | (Const("Not",_)$_) => th RS iff_reflection_F
+ | _ => th RS iff_reflection_T)
+ | _ => error ("addsimps: unable to use theorem\n" ^
+ string_of_thm th));
+(*** Named rewrite rules proved for PL ***)
+fun prove nm thm = qed_goal nm LK.thy thm
+ (fn prems => [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
+ (fast_tac LK_pack 1) ]);
+prove "conj_commute" "|- P&Q <-> Q&P";
+prove "conj_left_commute" "|- P&(Q&R) <-> Q&(P&R)";
+val conj_comms = [conj_commute, conj_left_commute];
+prove "disj_commute" "|- P|Q <-> Q|P";
+prove "disj_left_commute" "|- P|(Q|R) <-> Q|(P|R)";
+val disj_comms = [disj_commute, disj_left_commute];
+prove "conj_disj_distribL" "|- P&(Q|R) <-> (P&Q | P&R)";
+prove "conj_disj_distribR" "|- (P|Q)&R <-> (P&R | Q&R)";
+prove "disj_conj_distribL" "|- P|(Q&R) <-> (P|Q) & (P|R)";
+prove "disj_conj_distribR" "|- (P&Q)|R <-> (P|R) & (Q|R)";
+prove "imp_conj_distrib" "|- (P --> (Q&R)) <-> (P-->Q) & (P-->R)";
+prove "imp_conj" "|- ((P&Q)-->R) <-> (P --> (Q --> R))";
+prove "imp_disj" "|- (P|Q --> R) <-> (P-->R) & (Q-->R)";
+prove "imp_disj1" "|- (P-->Q) | R <-> (P-->Q | R)";
+prove "imp_disj2" "|- Q | (P-->R) <-> (P-->Q | R)";
+prove "de_Morgan_disj" "|- (~(P | Q)) <-> (~P & ~Q)";
+prove "de_Morgan_conj" "|- (~(P & Q)) <-> (~P | ~Q)";
+prove "not_iff" "|- ~(P <-> Q) <-> (P <-> ~Q)";
+prove "iff_refl" "|- (P <-> P)";
+val [p1,p2] = Goal
+ "[| |- P <-> P'; |- P' ==> |- Q <-> Q' |] ==> |- (P-->Q) <-> (P'-->Q')";
+by (lemma_tac p1 1);
+by (Safe_tac 1);
+by (REPEAT (rtac cut 1
+ DEPTH_SOLVE_1 (resolve_tac [thinL, thinR, p2 COMP monotonic] 1)
+ Safe_tac 1));
+qed "imp_cong";
+val [p1,p2] = Goal
+ "[| |- P <-> P'; |- P' ==> |- Q <-> Q' |] ==> |- (P&Q) <-> (P'&Q')";
+by (lemma_tac p1 1);
+by (Safe_tac 1);
+by (REPEAT (rtac cut 1
+ DEPTH_SOLVE_1 (resolve_tac [thinL, thinR, p2 COMP monotonic] 1)
+ Safe_tac 1));
+qed "conj_cong";
+open Simplifier;
+(*** Standard simpsets ***)
+(*Add congruence rules for = or <-> (instead of ==) *)
+infix 4 addcongs delcongs;
+fun ss addcongs congs =
+ ss addeqcongs (map standard (congs RL [eq_reflection,iff_reflection]));
+fun ss delcongs congs =
+ ss deleqcongs (map standard (congs RL [eq_reflection,iff_reflection]));
+fun Addcongs congs = (simpset_ref() := simpset() addcongs congs);
+fun Delcongs congs = (simpset_ref() := simpset() delcongs congs);
+val triv_rls = [FalseL, TrueR, basic, refl, iff_refl];
+fun unsafe_solver prems = FIRST'[resolve_tac (triv_rls@prems),
+ assume_tac];
+(*No premature instantiation of variables during simplification*)
+fun safe_solver prems = FIRST'[fn i => DETERM (match_tac (triv_rls@prems) i),
+ eq_assume_tac];
+(*No simprules, but basic infrastructure for simplification*)
+val LK_basic_ss = empty_ss setsubgoaler asm_simp_tac
+ setSSolver safe_solver
+ setSolver unsafe_solver
+ setmksimps (map mk_meta_eq o atomize o gen_all);
+val LK_simps =
+ [refl RS P_iff_T] @ conj_simps @ disj_simps @ not_simps @
+ imp_simps @ iff_simps @
+ [de_Morgan_conj, de_Morgan_disj, imp_disj1, imp_disj2] @
+ map prove_fun
+ ["|- P | ~P", "|- ~P | P",
+ "|- ~ ~ P <-> P", "|- (~P --> P) <-> P",
+ "|- (~P <-> ~Q) <-> (P<->Q)"];
+val LK_ss = LK_basic_ss addsimps LK_simps addcongs [imp_cong];
+simpset_ref() := LK_ss;
+(* Subst rule *)
+qed_goal "subst" LK.thy "|- a=b ==> $H, A(a), $G |- $E, A(b), $F"
+ (fn prems =>
+ [cut_facts_tac prems 1,
+ asm_simp_tac LK_basic_ss 1]);