further tidying; killing of old Watcher loops
Tue, 20 Sep 2005 13:17:55 +0200
changeset 17502 8836793df947
parent 17501 acbebb72e85a
child 17503 b053d5a89b6f
further tidying; killing of old Watcher loops
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/watcher.ML	Tue Sep 20 13:17:55 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/watcher.ML	Tue Sep 20 13:17:55 2005 +0200
@@ -115,8 +115,6 @@
 	    TextIO.StreamIO.mkInstream (
 	      fdReader (name, fd), ""));
-fun killChild child_handle = Unix.reap child_handle 
 fun childInfo (PROC{pid,instr,outstr }) = (pid,(instr,outstr));
 fun cmdstreamsOf (CMDPROC{instr,outstr,...}) = (instr, outstr);
@@ -272,6 +270,8 @@
 fun prems_string_of th =
   Meson.concat_with_and (map (Sign.string_of_term (sign_of_thm th)) (prems_of th))
+fun killChildren procs = List.app (ignore o Unix.reap) procs;
 fun setupWatcher (thm,clause_arr) = 
     (** pipes for communication between parent and watcher **)
@@ -300,9 +300,6 @@
 	   val fromParentStr = openInFD ("_exec_in_parent", fromParent)
 	   val toParentStr = openOutFD ("_exec_out_parent", toParent)
 	   val _ = debug ("subgoals forked to startWatcher: "^ prems_string_of thm);
-	   fun killChildren [] = ()
-	|      killChildren  (child_handle::children) =
-	         (killChild child_handle; killChildren children)
 	 (* take an instream and poll its underlying reader for input *)
@@ -485,15 +482,13 @@
 	   let fun loop procList =  
 		let val _ = Posix.Process.sleep (Time.fromMilliseconds 200)
 		    val cmdsFromIsa = pollParentInput ()
-		    fun killchildHandler ()  = 
-			  (TextIO.output(toParentStr, "Timeout: Killing proof processes!\n");
-			   TextIO.flushOut toParentStr;
-			   killChildren (map cmdchildHandle procList);
-			   ())
-		   (*Signal.signal (Posix.Signal.usr2, Signal.SIG_HANDLE killchildHandler);*)
 		   iterations_left := !iterations_left - 1;
-		   if !iterations_left = 0 then killchildHandler ()
+		   if !iterations_left = 0 
+		   then (*Sadly, this code fails to terminate the watcher!*)
+		    (TextIO.output(toParentStr, "Timeout: Killing proof processes!\n");
+		     TextIO.flushOut toParentStr;
+		     killChildren (map cmdchildHandle procList))
 		   else if isSome cmdsFromIsa
 		   then (*  deal with input from Isabelle *)
 		     if getProofCmd(hd(valOf cmdsFromIsa)) = "Kill children" 
@@ -501,7 +496,6 @@
 		       let val child_handles = map cmdchildHandle procList 
 			  killChildren child_handles;
-			  (*Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC (Posix.ProcEnv.getppid()), Posix.Signal.usr2);*)    
 			  loop []
@@ -614,7 +608,7 @@
 fun createWatcher (thm, clause_arr) =
  let val (childpid,(childin,childout)) = childInfo (setupWatcher(thm,clause_arr))
      fun decr_watched() =
-	  (goals_being_watched := (!goals_being_watched) - 1;
+	  (goals_being_watched := !goals_being_watched - 1;
 	   if !goals_being_watched = 0
 	     (File.append (File.tmp_path (Path.basic "reap_found"))
@@ -629,13 +623,12 @@
 	   val _ = debug ("In signal handler. outcome = \"" ^ outcome ^ 
 		        "\"\ngoalstring = " ^ goalstring ^
 		        "\ngoals_being_watched: "^ string_of_int (!goals_being_watched))
-       in (* if a proof has been found and sent back as a reconstruction proof *)
-	 if String.isPrefix "[" outcome
+       in 
+	 if String.isPrefix "[" outcome (*indicates a proof reconstruction*)
 	 then (Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str ( (concat[(oct_char "360"), (oct_char "377")])));
 	       Recon_Transfer.apply_res_thm outcome goalstring;
 	       Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str  (oct_char "361"));
-	 (* if there's no proof, but a message from the signalling process*)
 	 else if String.isPrefix "Invalid" outcome
 	 then (Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str ( (concat[(oct_char "360"), (oct_char "377")])));
 	       Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str ((Recon_Transfer.restore_linebreaks goalstring) 
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Tue Sep 20 13:17:55 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Tue Sep 20 13:17:55 2005 +0200
@@ -60,11 +60,7 @@
 fun repeat_someI_ex thm = repeat_RS thm someI_ex;
-(* write out a subgoal as tptp clauses to the file "probN"           *)
-(* where N is the number of this subgoal                             *)
+(* write out a subgoal as tptp clauses to the file "xxxx_N"*)
 fun tptp_inputs_tfrees thms n axclauses =
       val _ = debug ("in tptp_inputs_tfrees 0")
@@ -83,22 +79,16 @@
       debug probfile
-(* write out a subgoal as DFG clauses to the file "probN"           *)
-(* where N is the number of this subgoal                             *)
+(* write out a subgoal in DFG format to the file "xxxx_N"*)
 fun dfg_inputs_tfrees thms n axclauses = 
     let val clss = map (ResClause.make_conjecture_clause_thm) thms
         val probfile = prob_pathname() ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int n)
         val _ = debug ("about to write out dfg prob file " ^ probfile)
-        val probN = ResClause.clauses2dfg clss ("prob" ^ (string_of_int n)) 
+        val probN = ResClause.clauses2dfg clss (!problem_name ^ "_" ^ string_of_int n)
                         axclauses [] [] []    
 	val out = TextIO.openOut(probfile)
 	(ResLib.writeln_strs out [probN]; TextIO.closeOut out; debug probfile )
-(* (ResLib.writeln_strs out (tfree_clss @ dfg_clss); *)
@@ -115,7 +105,7 @@
             val _ = debug ("goalstring in make_atp_lists is " ^ goalstring)
             val probfile = prob_pathname() ^ "_" ^ string_of_int n
-            val _ = debug ("prob file in watcher_call_provers is " ^ probfile)
+            val _ = debug ("problem file in watcher_call_provers is " ^ probfile)
             (*Avoid command arguments containing spaces: Poly/ML and SML/NJ
               versions of Unix.execute treat them differently!*)
@@ -175,8 +165,7 @@
              all_tac))]) n thm;
+val last_watcher_pid = ref (NONE : Posix.Process.pid option);
 (* called in Isar automatically                                   *)
@@ -185,16 +174,21 @@
 (*FIX changed to clasimp_file *)
 val isar_atp = setmp print_mode [] 
- (fn (ctxt, thms, thm) =>
+ (fn (ctxt, thm) =>
   if Thm.no_prems thm then ()
       val _= debug ("in isar_atp")
       val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
       val prems = Thm.prems_of thm
-      val thms_string = Meson.concat_with_and (map string_of_thm thms)
       val prems_string = Meson.concat_with_and (map (Sign.string_of_term thy) prems)
+      val _ = (case !last_watcher_pid of NONE => ()
+               | SOME pid => (*FIXME: should kill ATP processes too; at least they time out*)
+                  (debug ("Killing old watcher, pid = " ^ 
+                          Int.toString (ResLib.intOfPid pid));
+                   Watcher.killWatcher pid))
+              handle OS.SysErr _ => debug "Attempt to kill watcher failed";
       (*set up variables for writing out the clasimps to a tptp file*)
       val (clause_arr, axclauses) = ResClasimp.get_clasimp_lemmas ctxt (hd prems) 
               (*FIXME: hack!! need to consider relevance for all prems*)
@@ -202,7 +196,7 @@
                      string_of_int (Array.length clause_arr))
       val (childin, childout, pid) = Watcher.createWatcher (thm, clause_arr)
-      debug ("initial thms: " ^ thms_string);
+      last_watcher_pid := SOME pid;
       debug ("subgoals: " ^ prems_string);
       debug ("pid: " ^ Int.toString (ResLib.intOfPid pid));
       write_problem_files axclauses thm (length prems);
@@ -210,7 +204,7 @@
 val isar_atp_writeonly = setmp print_mode [] 
- (fn (ctxt, thms: thm list, thm) =>
+ (fn (ctxt, thm) =>
   if Thm.no_prems thm then ()
     let val prems = Thm.prems_of thm
@@ -220,23 +214,6 @@
-(* convert locally declared rules to axiom clauses: UNUSED *)
-fun subtract_simpset thy ctxt =
-  let
-    val rules1 = #rules (#1 (rep_ss (simpset_of thy)));
-    val rules2 = #rules (#1 (rep_ss (local_simpset_of ctxt)));
-  in map #thm (Net.subtract MetaSimplifier.eq_rrule rules1 rules2) end;
-fun subtract_claset thy ctxt =
-  let
-    val (netI1, netE1) = #xtra_netpair (rep_cs (claset_of thy));
-    val (netI2, netE2) = #xtra_netpair (rep_cs (local_claset_of ctxt));
-    val subtract = map (#2 o #2) oo Net.subtract Tactic.eq_kbrl;
-  in subtract netI1 netI2 @ subtract netE1 netE2 end;
 (** the Isar toplevel hook **)
 val invoke_atp = Toplevel.unknown_proof o Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
@@ -256,8 +233,8 @@
     hook_count := !hook_count +1;
     debug ("in hook for time: " ^(string_of_int (!hook_count)) );
     ResClause.init thy;
-    if !destdir = "" then isar_atp (ctxt, ProofContext.prems_of ctxt, goal)
-    else isar_atp_writeonly (ctxt, ProofContext.prems_of ctxt, goal)
+    if !destdir = "" then isar_atp (ctxt, goal)
+    else isar_atp_writeonly (ctxt, goal)
 val call_atpP =