--- a/src/Pure/sign.ML Fri Oct 24 17:15:59 1997 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/sign.ML Fri Oct 24 17:17:10 1997 +0200
@@ -109,17 +109,15 @@
val add_path: string -> sg -> sg
val add_space: string * string list -> sg -> sg
val add_name: string -> sg -> sg
- val init_data: string * exn * (exn -> exn) * (exn * exn -> exn) *
- (string -> exn -> unit) -> sg -> sg
+ val init_data: string * (exn * (exn -> exn) * (exn * exn -> exn) * (exn -> unit))
+ -> sg -> sg
val get_data: sg -> string -> exn
val put_data: string * exn -> sg -> sg
val print_data: sg -> string -> unit
val merge_refs: sg_ref * sg_ref -> sg_ref
val prep_ext: sg -> sg
val merge: sg * sg -> sg
- val proto_pure: sg
- val pure: sg
- val cpure: sg
+ val pre_pure: sg
val const_of_class: class -> string
val class_of_const: string -> class
@@ -160,9 +158,7 @@
val str_of_sg = Pretty.str_of o pretty_sg;
val pprint_sg = Pretty.pprint o pretty_sg;
val tsig_of = #tsig o rep_sg;
-val self_ref = #self o rep_sg;
val get_data = Data.get o #data o rep_sg;
val print_data = Data.print o #data o rep_sg;
@@ -174,10 +170,7 @@
val nonempty_sort = Type.nonempty_sort o tsig_of;
-(* signature id *)
-fun deref (SgRef (Some (ref sg))) = sg
- | deref (SgRef None) = sys_error "Sign.deref";
+(* id and self *)
fun check_stale (sg as Sg ({id, ...},
{self = SgRef (Some (ref (Sg ({id = id', ...}, _)))), ...})) =
@@ -185,6 +178,11 @@
else raise TERM ("Stale signature: " ^ str_of_sg sg, [])
| check_stale _ = sys_error "Sign.check_stale";
+fun self_ref (sg as Sg (_, {self, ...})) = (check_stale sg; self);
+fun deref (SgRef (Some (ref sg))) = sg
+ | deref (SgRef None) = sys_error "Sign.deref";
fun name_of (sg as Sg ({id = ref name, ...}, _)) =
if name = "" orelse name = "#" then
raise TERM ("Nameless signature " ^ str_of_sg sg, [])
@@ -285,8 +283,8 @@
if_none (assoc (spaces, kind)) NameSpace.empty;
(*input and output of qualified names*)
-fun intrn spaces kind = NameSpace.lookup (space_of spaces kind);
-fun extrn spaces kind = NameSpace.prune (space_of spaces kind);
+fun intrn spaces kind = NameSpace.intern (space_of spaces kind);
+fun extrn spaces kind = NameSpace.extern (space_of spaces kind);
(*add names*)
fun add_names spaces kind names =
@@ -831,7 +829,7 @@
(* signature data *)
-fun ext_init_data (syn, tsig, ctab, names, data) (kind, e, ext, mrg, prt) =
+fun ext_init_data (syn, tsig, ctab, names, data) (kind, (e, ext, mrg, prt)) =
(syn, tsig, ctab, names, Data.init data kind e ext mrg prt);
fun ext_put_data (syn, tsig, ctab, names, data) (kind, e) =
@@ -938,46 +936,14 @@
-(** the Pure signature **)
+(** partial Pure signature **)
val dummy_sg = make_sign (ref "", SgRef None, Type.tsig0,
Symtab.null, Syntax.pure_syn, [], [], Data.empty, []);
-val proto_pure =
+val pre_pure =
create_sign (SgRef (Some (ref dummy_sg))) [] "#"
- (Syntax.pure_syn, Type.tsig0, Symtab.null, ([], []), Data.empty)
- |> add_types
- (("fun", 2, NoSyn) ::
- ("prop", 0, NoSyn) ::
- ("itself", 1, NoSyn) ::
- Syntax.pure_types)
- |> add_classes_i [(logicC, [])]
- |> add_defsort_i logicS
- |> add_arities_i
- [("fun", [logicS, logicS], logicS),
- ("prop", [], logicS),
- ("itself", [logicS], logicS)]
- |> add_syntax Syntax.pure_syntax
- |> add_modesyntax (("symbols", true), Syntax.pure_sym_syntax)
- |> add_trfuns Syntax.pure_trfuns
- |> add_trfunsT Syntax.pure_trfunsT
- |> add_syntax
- [("==>", "[prop, prop] => prop", Delimfix "op ==>")]
- |> add_consts
- [("==", "['a::{}, 'a] => prop", InfixrName ("==", 2)),
- ("=?=", "['a::{}, 'a] => prop", InfixrName ("=?=", 2)),
- ("==>", "[prop, prop] => prop", Mixfix ("(_/ ==> _)", [2, 1], 1)),
- ("all", "('a => prop) => prop", Binder ("!!", 0, 0)),
- ("TYPE", "'a itself", NoSyn)]
- |> add_name "ProtoPure";
-val pure = proto_pure
- |> add_syntax Syntax.pure_appl_syntax
- |> add_name "Pure";
-val cpure = proto_pure
- |> add_syntax Syntax.pure_applC_syntax
- |> add_name "CPure";
+ (Syntax.pure_syn, Type.tsig0, Symtab.null, ([], []), Data.empty);