Tue, 17 Aug 2010 17:01:31 +0200 (2010-08-17)
changeset 38492 8a7ff1c25773
parent 38465 1f51486da674 (current diff)
parent 38491 f7e51d981a9f (diff)
child 38494 3b898102963f
child 38495 bb30e2f6fb0e
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem.ML	Tue Aug 17 16:47:19 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem.ML	Tue Aug 17 17:01:31 2010 +0200
@@ -63,12 +63,12 @@
   | string_for_connective AIff = "<=>"
   | string_for_connective ANotIff = "<~>"
 fun string_for_formula (AQuant (q, xs, phi)) =
-    string_for_quantifier q ^ "[" ^ commas xs ^ "] : " ^
-    string_for_formula phi
+    "(" ^ string_for_quantifier q ^ "[" ^ commas xs ^ "] : " ^
+    string_for_formula phi ^ ")"
   | string_for_formula (AConn (ANot, [AAtom (ATerm ("equal", ts))])) =
     space_implode " != " (map string_for_term ts)
   | string_for_formula (AConn (c, [phi])) =
-    string_for_connective c ^ " " ^ string_for_formula phi
+    "(" ^ string_for_connective c ^ " " ^ string_for_formula phi ^ ")"
   | string_for_formula (AConn (c, phis)) =
     "(" ^ space_implode (" " ^ string_for_connective c ^ " ")
                         (map string_for_formula phis) ^ ")"
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML	Tue Aug 17 16:47:19 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML	Tue Aug 17 17:01:31 2010 +0200
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
    required_execs = [],
    arguments = fn _ => fn timeout =>
      "--mode casc -t " ^ string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout) ^
-     " --input_file ",
+     " --input_file",
    proof_delims =
      [("=========== Refutation ==========",
        "======= End of refutation ======="),
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
       (TimedOut, "SZS status Timeout"),
       (Unprovable, "Satisfiability detected"),
       (OutOfResources, "Refutation not found"),
-      (OldVampire, "input_file")],
+      (OldVampire, "not a valid option")],
    max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter = 50 (* FIXME *),
    prefers_theory_relevant = false,
    explicit_forall = false}
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_minimize.ML	Tue Aug 17 16:47:19 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_minimize.ML	Tue Aug 17 17:01:31 2010 +0200
@@ -85,8 +85,7 @@
 fun sublinear_minimize _ [] p = p
   | sublinear_minimize test (x :: xs) (seen, result) =
     case test (xs @ seen) of
-      result as {outcome = NONE, proof, used_thm_names, ...}
-      : prover_result =>
+      result as {outcome = NONE, proof, used_thm_names, ...} : prover_result =>
       sublinear_minimize test (filter_used_facts used_thm_names xs)
                          (filter_used_facts used_thm_names seen, result)
     | _ => sublinear_minimize test xs (x :: seen, result)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML	Tue Aug 17 16:47:19 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML	Tue Aug 17 17:01:31 2010 +0200
@@ -279,10 +279,10 @@
   | add_type_constraint (false, cl, TVar (ix, _)) = add_var (ix, cl)
   | add_type_constraint _ = I
-fun fix_atp_variable_name s =
+fun repair_atp_variable_name f s =
     fun subscript_name s n = s ^ nat_subscript n
-    val s = Char.toLower s
+    val s = f s
     case space_explode "_" s of
       [_] => (case take_suffix Char.isDigit (String.explode s) of
@@ -349,9 +349,10 @@
                   SOME b => Var ((b, 0), T)
                 | NONE =>
                   if is_tptp_variable a then
-                    Var ((fix_atp_variable_name a, 0), T)
+                    Var ((repair_atp_variable_name Char.toLower a, 0), T)
-                    raise Fail ("Unexpected constant: " ^ quote a)
+                    (* Skolem constants? *)
+                    Var ((repair_atp_variable_name Char.toUpper a, 0), T)
           in list_comb (t, ts) end
   in aux (SOME HOLogic.boolT) [] end
@@ -410,7 +411,8 @@
         do_formula pos (AQuant (q, xs, phi'))
         #>> quantify_over_free (case q of
                                   AForall => @{const_name All}
-                                | AExists => @{const_name Ex}) x
+                                | AExists => @{const_name Ex})
+                               (repair_atp_variable_name Char.toLower x)
       | AConn (ANot, [phi']) => do_formula (not pos) phi' #>> s_not
       | AConn (c, [phi1, phi2]) =>
         do_formula (pos |> c = AImplies ? not) phi1
@@ -834,6 +836,7 @@
       second_pass [Show] (contra_proof, [], ([], ([], []))) |> fst
   in proof_top @ proof_bottom end
+(* FIXME: Still needed? Probably not. *)
 val kill_duplicate_assumptions_in_proof =
     fun relabel_facts subst =
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_translate.ML	Tue Aug 17 16:47:19 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_translate.ML	Tue Aug 17 17:01:31 2010 +0200
@@ -102,41 +102,41 @@
                     (0 upto length Ts - 1 ~~ Ts))
 fun introduce_combinators_in_term ctxt kind t =
-  let
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-    fun aux Ts t =
-      case t of
-        @{const Not} $ t1 => @{const Not} $ aux Ts t1
-      | (t0 as Const (@{const_name All}, _)) $ Abs (s, T, t') =>
-        t0 $ Abs (s, T, aux (T :: Ts) t')
-      | (t0 as Const (@{const_name Ex}, _)) $ Abs (s, T, t') =>
-        t0 $ Abs (s, T, aux (T :: Ts) t')
-      | (t0 as @{const "op &"}) $ t1 $ t2 => t0 $ aux Ts t1 $ aux Ts t2
-      | (t0 as @{const "op |"}) $ t1 $ t2 => t0 $ aux Ts t1 $ aux Ts t2
-      | (t0 as @{const "op -->"}) $ t1 $ t2 => t0 $ aux Ts t1 $ aux Ts t2
-      | (t0 as Const (@{const_name "op ="}, Type (_, [@{typ bool}, _])))
-          $ t1 $ t2 =>
-        t0 $ aux Ts t1 $ aux Ts t2
-      | _ => if not (exists_subterm (fn Abs _ => true | _ => false) t) then
-               t
-             else
-               let
-                 val t = t |> conceal_bounds Ts
-                           |> Envir.eta_contract
-                 val ([t], ctxt') = Variable.import_terms true [t] ctxt
-               in
-                 t |> cterm_of thy
-                   |> Clausifier.introduce_combinators_in_cterm
-                   |> singleton (Variable.export ctxt' ctxt)
-                   |> prop_of |> Logic.dest_equals |> snd
-                   |> reveal_bounds Ts
-               end
-  in t |> not (Meson.is_fol_term thy t) ? aux [] end
-  handle THM _ =>
-         (* A type variable of sort "{}" will make abstraction fail. *)
-         case kind of
-           Axiom => HOLogic.true_const
-         | Conjecture => HOLogic.false_const
+  let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt in
+    if Meson.is_fol_term thy t then
+      t
+    else
+      let
+        fun aux Ts t =
+          case t of
+            @{const Not} $ t1 => @{const Not} $ aux Ts t1
+          | (t0 as Const (@{const_name All}, _)) $ Abs (s, T, t') =>
+            t0 $ Abs (s, T, aux (T :: Ts) t')
+          | (t0 as Const (@{const_name Ex}, _)) $ Abs (s, T, t') =>
+            t0 $ Abs (s, T, aux (T :: Ts) t')
+          | (t0 as @{const "op &"}) $ t1 $ t2 => t0 $ aux Ts t1 $ aux Ts t2
+          | (t0 as @{const "op |"}) $ t1 $ t2 => t0 $ aux Ts t1 $ aux Ts t2
+          | (t0 as @{const "op -->"}) $ t1 $ t2 => t0 $ aux Ts t1 $ aux Ts t2
+          | (t0 as Const (@{const_name "op ="}, Type (_, [@{typ bool}, _])))
+              $ t1 $ t2 =>
+            t0 $ aux Ts t1 $ aux Ts t2
+          | _ => if not (exists_subterm (fn Abs _ => true | _ => false) t) then
+                   t
+                 else
+                   t |> conceal_bounds Ts
+                     |> Envir.eta_contract
+                     |> cterm_of thy
+                     |> Clausifier.introduce_combinators_in_cterm
+                     |> prop_of |> Logic.dest_equals |> snd
+                     |> reveal_bounds Ts
+        val ([t], ctxt') = Variable.import_terms true [t] ctxt
+      in t |> aux [] |> singleton (Variable.export_terms ctxt' ctxt) end
+      handle THM _ =>
+             (* A type variable of sort "{}" will make abstraction fail. *)
+             case kind of
+               Axiom => HOLogic.true_const
+             | Conjecture => HOLogic.false_const
+  end
 (* Metis's use of "resolve_tac" freezes the schematic variables. We simulate the
    same in Sledgehammer to prevent the discovery of unreplable proofs. *)