--- a/src/Pure/Isar/keyword.ML Thu Oct 21 18:20:08 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/keyword.ML Sun Oct 24 16:38:13 2021 +0200
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
val merge_keywords: keywords * keywords -> keywords
val add_keywords: ((string * Position.T) * spec) list -> keywords -> keywords
val add_minor_keywords: string list -> keywords -> keywords
+ val add_major_keywords: string list -> keywords -> keywords
val is_keyword: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_command: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_literal: keywords -> string -> bool
@@ -203,6 +204,9 @@
val add_minor_keywords =
add_keywords o map (fn name => ((name, Position.none), no_spec));
+val add_major_keywords =
+ add_keywords o map (fn name => ((name, Position.none), (diag, [])));
(* keyword status *)
--- a/src/Pure/ML/ml_antiquotations.ML Thu Oct 21 18:20:08 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ML/ml_antiquotations.ML Sun Oct 24 16:38:13 2021 +0200
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
val make_judgment: Proof.context -> term -> term
val dest_judgment: Proof.context -> term -> term
+ type insts = ((indexname * sort) * typ) list * ((indexname * typ) * term) list
+ type cinsts = ((indexname * sort) * ctyp) list * ((indexname * typ) * cterm) list
+ val instantiate_typ: insts -> typ -> typ
+ val instantiate_ctyp: cinsts -> ctyp -> ctyp
+ val instantiate_term: insts -> term -> term
+ val instantiate_cterm: cinsts -> cterm -> cterm
structure ML_Antiquotations: ML_ANTIQUOTATIONS =
@@ -219,7 +225,142 @@
(Scan.succeed "ML_Antiquotations.dest_judgment ML_context"));
-(* type/term constructors *)
+(* type/term instantiations and constructors *)
+type insts = ((indexname * sort) * typ) list * ((indexname * typ) * term) list
+type cinsts = ((indexname * sort) * ctyp) list * ((indexname * typ) * cterm) list
+fun instantiate_typ (insts: insts) = Term_Subst.instantiateT (TVars.make (#1 insts));
+fun instantiate_ctyp (cinsts: cinsts) = Thm.instantiate_ctyp (TVars.make (#1 cinsts));
+fun instantiate_term (insts: insts) =
+ let
+ val instT = TVars.make (#1 insts);
+ val instantiateT = Term_Subst.instantiateT instT;
+ val inst = Vars.make ((map o apfst o apsnd) instantiateT (#2 insts));
+ in Term_Subst.instantiate (instT, inst) end;
+fun instantiate_cterm (cinsts: cinsts) =
+ let
+ val cinstT = TVars.make (#1 cinsts);
+ val instantiateT = Term_Subst.instantiateT (TVars.map (K Thm.typ_of) cinstT);
+ val cinst = Vars.make ((map o apfst o apsnd) instantiateT (#2 cinsts));
+ in Thm.instantiate_cterm (cinstT, cinst) end;
+fun make_keywords ctxt =
+ Thy_Header.get_keywords' ctxt
+ |> Keyword.no_command_keywords
+ |> Keyword.add_major_keywords ["typ", "term", "prop", "ctyp", "cterm", "cprop"];
+val parse_inst =
+ Parse.position (Parse.type_ident >> pair true || Parse.name >> pair false) --
+ (Parse.$$$ "=" |-- Parse.!!! Parse.embedded_ml) >> (fn (((b, a), pos), ml) => (b, ((a, pos), ml)));
+val parse_insts =
+ Parse.and_list1 parse_inst >> (List.partition #1 #> apply2 (map #2));
+val ml = ML_Lex.tokenize_no_range;
+val ml_range = ML_Lex.tokenize_range;
+fun ml_parens x = ml "(" @ x @ ml ")";
+fun ml_bracks x = ml "[" @ x @ ml "]";
+fun ml_commas xs = flat (separate (ml ", ") xs);
+val ml_list = ml_bracks o ml_commas;
+fun ml_pair (x, y) = ml_parens (ml_commas [x, y]);
+val ml_list_pair = ml_list o ListPair.map ml_pair;
+fun get_tfree envT (a, pos) =
+ (case AList.lookup (op =) envT a of
+ SOME S => (a, S)
+ | NONE => error ("Unused type variable " ^ quote a ^ Position.here pos));
+fun get_free env (x, pos) =
+ (case AList.lookup (op =) env x of
+ SOME T => (x, T)
+ | NONE => error ("Unused variable " ^ quote x ^ Position.here pos));
+fun make_instT (a, pos) T =
+ (case try (Term.dest_TVar o Logic.dest_type) T of
+ NONE => error ("Not a free type variable " ^ quote a ^ Position.here pos)
+ | SOME v => ml (ML_Syntax.print_pair ML_Syntax.print_indexname ML_Syntax.print_sort v));
+fun make_inst (a, pos) t =
+ (case try Term.dest_Var t of
+ NONE => error ("Not a free variable " ^ quote a ^ Position.here pos)
+ | SOME v => ml (ML_Syntax.print_pair ML_Syntax.print_indexname ML_Syntax.print_typ v));
+fun prepare_insts ctxt1 ctxt0 (instT, inst) t =
+ let
+ val envT = Term.add_tfrees t [];
+ val env = Term.add_frees t [];
+ val freesT = map (Logic.mk_type o TFree o get_tfree envT) instT;
+ val frees = map (Free o get_free env) inst;
+ val (t' :: varsT, vars) =
+ Variable.export_terms ctxt1 ctxt0 (t :: freesT @ frees)
+ |> chop (1 + length freesT);
+ val ml_insts = (map2 make_instT instT varsT, map2 make_inst inst vars);
+ in (ml_insts, t') end;
+fun prepare_ml range (kind, ml1, ml2) ml_val (ml_instT, ml_inst) ctxt =
+ let
+ val (ml_name, ctxt') = ML_Context.variant kind ctxt;
+ val ml_env = ml ("val " ^ ml_name ^ " = ") @ ml ml1 @ ml_parens (ml ml_val) @ ml ";\n";
+ fun ml_body (ml_argsT, ml_args) =
+ ml_parens (ml ml2 @
+ ml_pair (ml_list_pair (ml_instT, ml_argsT), ml_list_pair (ml_inst, ml_args)) @
+ ml_range range (ML_Context.struct_name ctxt ^ "." ^ ml_name));
+ in ((ml_env, ml_body), ctxt') end;
+fun prepare_type range (arg, s) insts ctxt =
+ let
+ val T = Syntax.read_typ ctxt s;
+ val t = Logic.mk_type T;
+ val ctxt1 = Proof_Context.augment t ctxt;
+ val (ml_insts, T') = prepare_insts ctxt1 ctxt insts t ||> Logic.dest_type;
+ in prepare_ml range arg (ML_Syntax.print_typ T') ml_insts ctxt end;
+fun prepare_term read range (arg, (s, fixes)) insts ctxt =
+ let
+ val ctxt' = #2 (Proof_Context.add_fixes_cmd fixes ctxt);
+ val t = read ctxt' s;
+ val ctxt1 = Proof_Context.augment t ctxt';
+ val (ml_insts, t') = prepare_insts ctxt1 ctxt insts t;
+ in prepare_ml range arg (ML_Syntax.print_term t') ml_insts ctxt end;
+fun typ_ml kind = (kind, "", "ML_Antiquotations.instantiate_typ");
+fun ctyp_ml kind = (kind, "Thm.ctyp_of ML_context", "ML_Antiquotations.instantiate_ctyp");
+fun term_ml kind = (kind, "", "ML_Antiquotations.instantiate_term");
+fun cterm_ml kind = (kind, "Thm.cterm_of ML_context", "ML_Antiquotations.instantiate_cterm");
+fun parse_body range =
+ (Parse.command_name "typ" >> typ_ml || Parse.command_name "ctyp" >> ctyp_ml) --
+ Parse.!!! Parse.typ >> prepare_type range ||
+ (Parse.command_name "term" >> term_ml || Parse.command_name "cterm" >> cterm_ml)
+ -- Parse.!!! (Parse.term -- Parse.for_fixes) >> prepare_term Syntax.read_term range ||
+ (Parse.command_name "prop" >> term_ml || Parse.command_name "cprop" >> cterm_ml)
+ -- Parse.!!! (Parse.term -- Parse.for_fixes) >> prepare_term Syntax.read_prop range;
+val _ = Theory.setup
+ (ML_Context.add_antiquotation \<^binding>\<open>let\<close> true
+ (fn range => fn src => fn ctxt =>
+ let
+ val (insts, prepare_val) = src
+ |> Parse.read_embedded_src ctxt (make_keywords ctxt)
+ ((parse_insts --| Parse.$$$ "in") -- parse_body range);
+ val (((ml_env, ml_body), decls), ctxt1) = ctxt
+ |> prepare_val (apply2 (map #1) insts)
+ ||>> ML_Context.expand_antiquotes_list (op @ (apply2 (map #2) insts));
+ fun decl' ctxt' =
+ let val (ml_args_env, ml_args) = split_list (decls ctxt')
+ in (ml_env @ flat ml_args_env, ml_body (chop (length (#1 insts)) ml_args)) end;
+ in (decl', ctxt1) end));
+in end;
--- a/src/Pure/more_thm.ML Thu Oct 21 18:20:08 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/more_thm.ML Sun Oct 24 16:38:13 2021 +0200
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
val add_vars: thm -> cterm Vars.table -> cterm Vars.table
val dest_funT: ctyp -> ctyp * ctyp
val strip_type: ctyp -> ctyp list * ctyp
+ val instantiate_ctyp: ctyp TVars.table -> ctyp -> ctyp
val all_name: Proof.context -> string * cterm -> cterm -> cterm
val all: Proof.context -> cterm -> cterm -> cterm
val mk_binop: cterm -> cterm -> cterm -> cterm
@@ -156,6 +157,10 @@
in (cT1 :: cTs, cT') end
| _ => ([], cT));
+fun instantiate_ctyp instT cT =
+ Thm.instantiate_cterm (instT, Vars.empty) (Thm.var (("x", 0), cT))
+ |> Thm.ctyp_of_cterm;
(* cterm operations *)