--- a/src/Provers/Arith/fast_lin_arith.ML Tue Sep 21 14:14:14 1999 +0200
+++ b/src/Provers/Arith/fast_lin_arith.ML Tue Sep 21 14:16:08 1999 +0200
@@ -54,15 +54,16 @@
(* [| i rel1 j; m rel2 n |] ==> i + m rel3 j + n *)
val lessD: thm list ref (* m < n ==> m+1 <= n *)
val decomp:
- (term -> ((term * int)list * int * string * (term * int)list * int)option)
- ref
+ term ->
+ ((term * int)list * int * string * (term * int)list * int * bool)option
val simp: (thm -> thm) ref
-decomp(`x Rel y') should yield (p,i,Rel,q,j)
+decomp(`x Rel y') should yield (p,i,Rel,q,j,d)
where Rel is one of "<", "~<", "<=", "~<=" and "=" and
p/q is the decomposition of the sum terms x/y into a list
- of summand * multiplicity pairs and a constant summand.
+ of summand * multiplicity pairs and a constant summand and
+ d indicates if the domain is discrete.
simp must reduce contradictory <= to False.
It should also cancel common summands to keep <= reduced;
@@ -94,6 +95,7 @@
| LessD of injust
| NotLessD of injust
| NotLeD of injust
+ | NotLeDD of injust
| Multiplied of int * injust
| Added of injust * injust;
@@ -191,13 +193,13 @@
| extract xs [] = (None,xs)
in extract [] end;
fun print_ineqs ineqs =
writeln(cat_lines(""::map (fn Lineq(c,t,l,_) =>
string_of_int c ^
(case t of Eq => " = " | Lt=> " < " | Le => " <= ") ^
commas(map string_of_int l)) ineqs));
fun elim ineqs =
let (*val dummy = print_ineqs ineqs;*)
@@ -251,9 +253,9 @@
exception FalseE of thm
fun mkthm sg asms just =
- let val atoms = foldl (fn (ats,(lhs,_,_,rhs,_)) =>
+ let val atoms = foldl (fn (ats,(lhs,_,_,rhs,_,_)) =>
map fst lhs union (map fst rhs union ats))
- ([], mapfilter (!LA_Data.decomp o concl_of) asms)
+ ([], mapfilter (LA_Data.decomp o concl_of) asms)
fun addthms thm1 thm2 =
let val conj = thm1 RS (thm2 RS LA_Logic.conjI)
@@ -269,22 +271,23 @@
let val thm' = !LA_Data.simp thm
in if LA_Logic.is_False thm' then raise FalseE thm' else thm' end
- fun mk(Asm i) = nth_elem(i,asms)
- | mk(Nat(i)) = LA_Logic.mk_nat_thm sg (nth_elem(i,atoms))
- | mk(LessD(j)) = hd([mk j] RL !LA_Data.lessD)
- | mk(NotLeD(j)) = hd([mk j RS LA_Logic.not_leD] RL !LA_Data.lessD)
- | mk(NotLessD(j)) = mk j RS LA_Logic.not_lessD
- | mk(Added(j1,j2)) = simp(addthms (mk j1) (mk j2))
- | mk(Multiplied(n,j)) = multn(n,mk j)
+ fun mk(Asm i) = ((*writeln"Asm";prth*)(nth_elem(i,asms)))
+ | mk(Nat(i)) = ((*writeln"N";LA_Logic.mk_nat_thm sg (nth_elem(i,atoms)))
+ | mk(LessD(j)) = ((*writeln"L";prth*)(hd([mk j] RL !LA_Data.lessD)))
+ | mk(NotLeD(j)) = ((*writeln"NLe";prth*)(mk j RS LA_Logic.not_leD))
+ | mk(NotLeDD(j)) = ((*writeln"NLeD";prth*)(hd([mk j RS LA_Logic.not_leD] RL !LA_Data.lessD)))
+ | mk(NotLessD(j)) = ((*writeln"NL";prth*)(mk j RS LA_Logic.not_lessD))
+ | mk(Added(j1,j2)) = ((*writeln"+";prth*)(simp(prth(addthms (mk j1) (mk j2)))))
+ | mk(Multiplied(n,j)) = ((*writeln"*";multn(n,mk j))
- in !LA_Data.simp(mk just) handle FalseE thm => thm end
+ in (*writeln"mkthm";*)!LA_Data.simp(mk just) handle FalseE thm => thm end
fun coeff poly atom = case assoc(poly,atom) of None => 0 | Some i => i;
fun mklineq atoms =
let val n = length atoms in
- fn ((lhs,i,rel,rhs,j),k) =>
+ fn ((lhs,i,rel,rhs,j,discrete),k) =>
let val lhsa = map (coeff lhs) atoms
and rhsa = map (coeff rhs) atoms
val diff = map2 (op -) (rhsa,lhsa)
@@ -292,8 +295,12 @@
val just = Asm k
in case rel of
"<=" => Some(Lineq(c,Le,diff,just))
- | "~<=" => Some(Lineq(1-c,Le,map (op ~) diff,NotLeD(just)))
- | "<" => Some(Lineq(c+1,Le,diff,LessD(just)))
+ | "~<=" => if discrete
+ then Some(Lineq(1-c,Le,map (op ~) diff,NotLeDD(just)))
+ else Some(Lineq(~c,Lt,map (op ~) diff,NotLeD(just)))
+ | "<" => if discrete
+ then Some(Lineq(c+1,Le,diff,LessD(just)))
+ else Some(Lineq(c,Lt,diff,just))
| "~<" => Some(Lineq(~c,Le,map (op~) diff,NotLessD(just)))
| "=" => Some(Lineq(c,Eq,diff,just))
| "~=" => None
@@ -308,7 +315,7 @@
else None
fun abstract pTs items =
- let val atoms = foldl (fn (ats,((lhs,_,_,rhs,_),_)) =>
+ let val atoms = foldl (fn (ats,((lhs,_,_,rhs,_,_),_)) =>
(map fst lhs) union ((map fst rhs) union ats))
val ixs = 0 upto (length(atoms)-1)
@@ -330,11 +337,11 @@
(* Double refutation caused by equality in conclusion *)
-fun refute2(pTs,items, (rhs,i,_,lhs,j), nHs) =
- (case elim (abstract pTs (items@[((rhs,i,"<",lhs,j),nHs)])) of
+fun refute2(pTs,items, (rhs,i,_,lhs,j,d), nHs) =
+ (case elim (abstract pTs (items@[((rhs,i,"<",lhs,j,d),nHs)])) of
None => []
| Some(Lineq(_,_,_,j1)) =>
- (case elim (abstract pTs (items@[((lhs,j,"<",rhs,i),nHs)])) of
+ (case elim (abstract pTs (items@[((lhs,j,"<",rhs,i,d),nHs)])) of
None => []
| Some(Lineq(_,_,_,j2)) => [j1,j2]));
@@ -350,16 +357,16 @@
fun prove(pTs,Hs,concl) =
let val nHs = length Hs
val ixHs = Hs ~~ (0 upto (nHs-1))
- val Hitems = mapfilter (fn (h,i) => case !LA_Data.decomp h of
+ val Hitems = mapfilter (fn (h,i) => case LA_Data.decomp h of
None => None | Some(it) => Some(it,i)) ixHs
-in case !LA_Data.decomp concl of
+in case LA_Data.decomp concl of
None => if null Hitems then [] else refute1(pTs,Hitems)
- | Some(citem as (r,i,rel,l,j)) =>
+ | Some(citem as (r,i,rel,l,j,d)) =>
if rel = "="
then refute2(pTs,Hitems,citem,nHs)
else let val neg::rel0 = explode rel
val nrel = if neg = "~" then implode rel0 else "~"^rel
- in refute1(pTs, Hitems@[((r,i,nrel,l,j),nHs)]) end
+ in refute1(pTs, Hitems@[((r,i,nrel,l,j,d),nHs)]) end