added support for yet another prolog system (yap); generate has only one option ensure_groundness; added one example of yap invocation in example theory
Fri, 27 Aug 2010 09:34:06 +0200
changeset 38792 970508a5119f
parent 38791 4a4be1be0fae
child 38793 eba0175d4cd1
added support for yet another prolog system (yap); generate has only one option ensure_groundness; added one example of yap invocation in example theory
--- a/src/HOL/Predicate_Compile_Examples/Code_Prolog_Examples.thy	Thu Aug 26 14:48:48 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Predicate_Compile_Examples/Code_Prolog_Examples.thy	Fri Aug 27 09:34:06 2010 +0200
@@ -4,13 +4,24 @@
 section {* Example append *}
 inductive append
   "append [] ys ys"
 | "append xs ys zs ==> append (x # xs) ys (x # zs)"
+ML {* Code_Prolog.options := { ensure_groundness = false, limited_types = [], prolog_system = Code_Prolog.SWI_PROLOG} *}
+values "{(x, y, z). append x y z}"
 values 3 "{(x, y, z). append x y z}"
+ML {* Code_Prolog.options := { ensure_groundness = false, limited_types = [], prolog_system = Code_Prolog.YAP} *}
+values "{(x, y, z). append x y z}"
+ML {* Code_Prolog.options := { ensure_groundness = false, limited_types = [], prolog_system = Code_Prolog.SWI_PROLOG} *}
 section {* Example queens *}
@@ -172,7 +183,7 @@
   "y \<noteq> B \<Longrightarrow> notB y"
-ML {* Code_Prolog.options := {ensure_groundness = true, limited_types = []} *}
+ML {* Code_Prolog.options := {ensure_groundness = true, limited_types = [], prolog_system = Code_Prolog.SWI_PROLOG} *}
 values 2 "{y. notB y}"
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/code_prolog.ML	Thu Aug 26 14:48:48 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/code_prolog.ML	Fri Aug 27 09:34:06 2010 +0200
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
 signature CODE_PROLOG =
-  type code_options = {ensure_groundness : bool, limited_types : (typ * int) list}
+  datatype prolog_system = SWI_PROLOG | YAP
+  type code_options =
+    {ensure_groundness : bool, limited_types : (typ * int) list, prolog_system : prolog_system}
   val options : code_options ref
   datatype arith_op = Plus | Minus
@@ -21,10 +23,10 @@
   type clause = ((string * prol_term list) * prem);
   type logic_program = clause list;
   type constant_table = (string * string) list
-  val generate : code_options -> Proof.context -> string -> (logic_program * constant_table)
+  val generate : bool -> Proof.context -> string -> (logic_program * constant_table)
   val write_program : logic_program -> string
-  val run : logic_program -> string -> string list -> int option -> prol_term list list
+  val run : prolog_system -> logic_program -> string -> string list -> int option -> prol_term list list
   val quickcheck : Proof.context -> bool -> term -> int -> term list option * (bool list * bool)
@@ -42,9 +44,13 @@
 (* code generation options *)
-type code_options = {ensure_groundness : bool, limited_types : (typ * int) list}
+datatype prolog_system = SWI_PROLOG | YAP
-val options = Unsynchronized.ref {ensure_groundness = false, limited_types = []};
+type code_options =
+  {ensure_groundness : bool, limited_types : (typ * int) list, prolog_system : prolog_system}
+val options = Unsynchronized.ref {ensure_groundness = false, limited_types = [],
+  prolog_system = SWI_PROLOG};
 (* general string functions *)
@@ -190,10 +196,10 @@
 fun mk_groundness_prems t = map Ground (Term.add_frees t [])
-fun translate_prem options ctxt constant_table t =  
+fun translate_prem ensure_groundness ctxt constant_table t =  
     case try HOLogic.dest_not t of
       SOME t =>
-        if #ensure_groundness options then
+        if ensure_groundness then
           Conj (mk_groundness_prems t @ [NegRel_of (translate_literal ctxt constant_table t)])
           NegRel_of (translate_literal ctxt constant_table t)
@@ -215,7 +221,7 @@
       (Trueprop_conv (Conv.try_conv (Conv.rewr_conv @{thm Predicate.eq_is_eq}))))
     (Thm.transfer thy rule)
-fun translate_intros options ctxt gr const constant_table =
+fun translate_intros ensure_groundness ctxt gr const constant_table =
     val intros = map (preprocess_intro (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) (Graph.get_node gr const)
     val (intros', ctxt') = Variable.import_terms true (map prop_of intros) ctxt
@@ -225,7 +231,7 @@
         val head = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Logic.strip_imp_concl intro)
         val prems = map HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Logic.strip_imp_prems intro)
-        val prems' = Conj (map (translate_prem options ctxt' constant_table') prems)
+        val prems' = Conj (map (translate_prem ensure_groundness ctxt' constant_table') prems)
         val clause = (dest_Rel (translate_literal ctxt' constant_table' head), prems')
       in clause end
   in (map translate_intro intros', constant_table') end
@@ -250,7 +256,7 @@
     fst (extend' key (G, []))
-fun generate options ctxt const =
+fun generate ensure_groundness ctxt const =
     fun strong_conn_of gr keys =
       Graph.strong_conn (Graph.subgraph (member (op =) (Graph.all_succs gr keys)) gr)
@@ -259,7 +265,7 @@
     val scc = strong_conn_of gr' [const]
     val constant_table = mk_constant_table (flat scc)
-    apfst flat (fold_map (translate_intros options ctxt gr) (flat scc) constant_table)
+    apfst flat (fold_map (translate_intros ensure_groundness ctxt gr) (flat scc) constant_table)
 (* implementation for fully enumerating predicates and
@@ -402,12 +408,14 @@
 (* query templates *)
-fun query_first rel vnames =
+(** query and prelude for swi-prolog **)
+fun swi_prolog_query_first rel vnames =
   "eval :- once("  ^ rel ^ "(" ^ space_implode ", " vnames ^ ")),\n" ^
   "writef('" ^ space_implode ";" (map (fn v => v ^ " = %w") vnames) ^
   "\\n', [" ^ space_implode ", " vnames ^ "]).\n"
-fun query_firstn n rel vnames =
+fun swi_prolog_query_firstn n rel vnames =
   "eval :- findnsols(" ^ string_of_int n ^ ", (" ^ space_implode ", " vnames ^ "), " ^
     rel ^ "(" ^ space_implode ", " vnames ^ "), Sols), writelist(Sols).\n" ^
     "writelist([]).\n" ^
@@ -415,7 +423,7 @@
     "writef('" ^ space_implode ";" (map (fn v => v ^ " = %w") vnames) ^
     "\\n', [" ^ space_implode ", " vnames ^ "]), writelist(T).\n"
-val prelude =
+val swi_prolog_prelude =
   "#!/usr/bin/swipl -q -t main -f\n\n" ^
   ":- use_module(library('dialect/ciao/aggregates')).\n" ^
   ":- style_check(-singleton).\n" ^
@@ -424,6 +432,36 @@
   "main :- catch(eval, E, (print_message(error, E), fail)), halt.\n" ^
   "main :- halt(1).\n"
+(** query and prelude for yap **)
+fun yap_query_first rel vnames =
+  "eval :- once(" ^ rel ^ "(" ^ space_implode ", " vnames ^ ")),\n" ^
+  "format('" ^ space_implode ";" (map (fn v => v ^ " = ~w") vnames) ^
+  "\\n', [" ^ space_implode ", " vnames ^ "]).\n"
+val yap_prelude =
+  "#!/usr/bin/yap -L\n\n" ^
+  ":- initialization(eval).\n"
+(* system-dependent query, prelude and invocation *)
+fun query system nsols = 
+  case system of
+    SWI_PROLOG =>
+      (case nsols of NONE => swi_prolog_query_first | SOME n => swi_prolog_query_firstn n)
+  | YAP =>
+      case nsols of NONE => yap_query_first | SOME n =>
+        error "No support for querying multiple solutions in the prolog system yap"
+fun prelude system =
+  case system of SWI_PROLOG => swi_prolog_prelude | YAP => yap_prelude
+fun invoke system file_name =
+  let
+    val cmd =
+      case system of SWI_PROLOG => "/usr/local/bin/swipl -f " | YAP => "/usr/local/bin/yap -L "
+  in bash_output (cmd ^ file_name) end
 (* parsing prolog solution *)
 val scan_number =
@@ -476,19 +514,18 @@
 (* calling external interpreter and getting results *)
-fun run p query_rel vnames nsols =
+fun run system p query_rel vnames nsols =
     val cmd = Path.named_root
-    val query = case nsols of NONE => query_first | SOME n => query_firstn n
     val p' = rename_vars_program p
     val _ = tracing "Renaming variable names..."
     val renaming = fold mk_renaming vnames [] 
     val vnames' = map (fn v => the (AList.lookup (op =) renaming v)) vnames
-    val prog = prelude ^ query query_rel vnames' ^ write_program p'
+    val prog = prelude system ^ query system nsols query_rel vnames' ^ write_program p'
     val _ = tracing ("Generated prolog program:\n" ^ prog)
     val prolog_file = File.tmp_path (Path.basic "prolog_file")
     val _ = File.write prolog_file prog
-    val (solution, _) = bash_output ("/usr/local/bin/swipl -f " ^ File.shell_path prolog_file)
+    val (solution, _) = invoke system (File.shell_path prolog_file)
     val _ = tracing ("Prolog returned solution(s):\n" ^ solution)
     val tss = parse_solutions solution
@@ -563,12 +600,13 @@
     val thy' = Predicate_Compile.preprocess preprocess_options t (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt')
     val ctxt'' = ProofContext.init_global thy'
     val _ = tracing "Generating prolog program..."
-    val (p, constant_table) = generate options ctxt'' name
+    val (p, constant_table) = generate (#ensure_groundness options) ctxt'' name
       |> (if #ensure_groundness options then
           add_ground_predicates ctxt'' (#limited_types options)
         else I)
     val _ = tracing "Running prolog program..."
-    val tss = run p (translate_const constant_table name) (map first_upper vnames) soln
+    val tss = run (#prolog_system options)
+      p (translate_const constant_table name) (map first_upper vnames) soln
     val _ = tracing "Restoring terms..."
     val empty = Const("", fastype_of t_compr)
     fun mk_insert x S =
@@ -657,11 +695,11 @@
     val thy3 = Predicate_Compile.preprocess preprocess_options const thy2
     val ctxt'' = ProofContext.init_global thy3
     val _ = tracing "Generating prolog program..."
-    val (p, constant_table) = generate {ensure_groundness = true, limited_types = []} ctxt'' full_constname
+    val (p, constant_table) = generate true ctxt'' full_constname
       |> add_ground_predicates ctxt'' (#limited_types (!options))
     val _ = tracing "Running prolog program..."
-    val [ts] = run p (translate_const constant_table full_constname) (map fst vs')
-      (SOME 1)
+    val [ts] = run (#prolog_system (!options))
+      p (translate_const constant_table full_constname) (map fst vs') (SOME 1)
     val _ = tracing "Restoring terms..."
     val res = SOME (map (restore_term ctxt'' constant_table) (ts ~~ Ts))
     val empty_report = ([], false)