Re-organization of Constructible theories
Wed, 09 Oct 2002 11:07:13 +0200
changeset 13634 99a593b49b04
parent 13633 b03a36b8d528
child 13635 c41e88151b54
Re-organization of Constructible theories
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/AC_in_L.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/AC_in_L.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/AC_in_L.thy
     ID: $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   2002  University of Cambridge
 header {* The Axiom of Choice Holds in L! *}
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/DPow_absolute.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/DPow_absolute.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/DPow_absolute.thy
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   2002  University of Cambridge
 header {*Absoluteness for the Definable Powerset Function*}
@@ -522,14 +521,14 @@
    ==> is_Lset(M,i,z) <-> z = Lset(i)"
 apply (simp add: is_Lset_def Lset_eq_transrec_DPow') 
 apply (rule transrec_abs)  
-apply (simp_all add: transrec_rep' relativize2_def RepFun_DPow_apply_closed)
+apply (simp_all add: transrec_rep' relation2_def RepFun_DPow_apply_closed)
 lemma (in M_Lset) Lset_closed:
   "[|Ord(i);  M(i)|] ==> M(Lset(i))"
 apply (simp add: Lset_eq_transrec_DPow') 
 apply (rule transrec_closed [OF transrec_rep']) 
-apply (simp_all add: relativize2_def RepFun_DPow_apply_closed)
+apply (simp_all add: relation2_def RepFun_DPow_apply_closed)
@@ -629,7 +628,6 @@
     "constructible(M,x) ==
        \<exists>i[M]. \<exists>Li[M]. ordinal(M,i) & is_Lset(M,i,Li) & x \<in> Li"
 theorem V_equals_L_in_L:
   "L(x) ==> constructible(L,x)"
 apply (simp add: constructible_def Lset_abs Lset_closed) 
@@ -637,5 +635,4 @@
 apply (blast intro: Ord_in_L) 
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/Datatype_absolute.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/Datatype_absolute.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/Datatype_absolute.thy
     ID: $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   2002  University of Cambridge
 header {*Absoluteness Properties for Recursive Datatypes*}
@@ -127,38 +126,38 @@
          wfrec_replacement(M, iterates_MH(M,isF,v), Memrel(succ(n)))"
 lemma (in M_basic) iterates_MH_abs:
-  "[| relativize1(M,isF,F); M(n); M(g); M(z) |] 
+  "[| relation1(M,isF,F); M(n); M(g); M(z) |] 
    ==> iterates_MH(M,isF,v,n,g,z) <-> z = nat_case(v, \<lambda>m. F(g`m), n)"
 by (simp add: nat_case_abs [of _ "\<lambda>m. F(g ` m)"]
-              relativize1_def iterates_MH_def)  
+              relation1_def iterates_MH_def)  
 lemma (in M_basic) iterates_imp_wfrec_replacement:
-  "[|relativize1(M,isF,F); n \<in> nat; iterates_replacement(M,isF,v)|] 
+  "[|relation1(M,isF,F); n \<in> nat; iterates_replacement(M,isF,v)|] 
    ==> wfrec_replacement(M, \<lambda>n f z. z = nat_case(v, \<lambda>m. F(f`m), n), 
 by (simp add: iterates_replacement_def iterates_MH_abs)
 theorem (in M_trancl) iterates_abs:
-  "[| iterates_replacement(M,isF,v); relativize1(M,isF,F);
+  "[| iterates_replacement(M,isF,v); relation1(M,isF,F);
       n \<in> nat; M(v); M(z); \<forall>x[M]. M(F(x)) |] 
    ==> is_wfrec(M, iterates_MH(M,isF,v), Memrel(succ(n)), n, z) <->
        z = iterates(F,n,v)" 
 apply (frule iterates_imp_wfrec_replacement, assumption+)
 apply (simp add: wf_Memrel trans_Memrel relation_Memrel nat_into_M
-                 relativize2_def iterates_MH_abs 
+                 relation2_def iterates_MH_abs 
                  iterates_nat_def recursor_def transrec_def 
                  eclose_sing_Ord_eq nat_into_M
          trans_wfrec_abs [of _ _ _ _ "\<lambda>n g. nat_case(v, \<lambda>m. F(g`m), n)"])
-lemma (in M_wfrank) iterates_closed [intro,simp]:
-  "[| iterates_replacement(M,isF,v); relativize1(M,isF,F);
+lemma (in M_trancl) iterates_closed [intro,simp]:
+  "[| iterates_replacement(M,isF,v); relation1(M,isF,F);
       n \<in> nat; M(v); \<forall>x[M]. M(F(x)) |] 
    ==> M(iterates(F,n,v))"
 apply (frule iterates_imp_wfrec_replacement, assumption+)
 apply (simp add: wf_Memrel trans_Memrel relation_Memrel nat_into_M
-                 relativize2_def iterates_MH_abs 
+                 relation2_def iterates_MH_abs 
                  iterates_nat_def recursor_def transrec_def 
                  eclose_sing_Ord_eq nat_into_M
          trans_wfrec_closed [of _ _ _ "\<lambda>n g. nat_case(v, \<lambda>m. F(g`m), n)"])
@@ -459,7 +458,7 @@
   is_formula :: "[i=>o,i] => o"
     "is_formula(M,Z) == \<forall>p[M]. p \<in> Z <-> mem_formula(M,p)"
-locale M_datatypes = M_wfrank +
+locale M_datatypes = M_trancl +
  assumes list_replacement1: 
    "M(A) ==> iterates_replacement(M, is_list_functor(M,A), 0)"
   and list_replacement2: 
@@ -487,14 +486,14 @@
 apply (insert list_replacement2 [of A]) 
 apply (rule strong_replacement_cong [THEN iffD1])  
 apply (rule conj_cong [OF iff_refl iterates_abs [of "is_list_functor(M,A)"]]) 
-apply (simp_all add: list_replacement1 relativize1_def) 
+apply (simp_all add: list_replacement1 relation1_def) 
 lemma (in M_datatypes) list_closed [intro,simp]:
      "M(A) ==> M(list(A))"
 apply (insert list_replacement1)
 by  (simp add: RepFun_closed2 list_eq_Union 
-               list_replacement2' relativize1_def
+               list_replacement2' relation1_def
                iterates_closed [of "is_list_functor(M,A)"])
 text{*WARNING: use only with @{text "dest:"} or with variables fixed!*}
@@ -504,21 +503,21 @@
      "[|M(A); n\<in>nat; M(Z)|] 
       ==> is_list_N(M,A,n,Z) <-> Z = list_N(A,n)"
 apply (insert list_replacement1)
-apply (simp add: is_list_N_def list_N_def relativize1_def nat_into_M
+apply (simp add: is_list_N_def list_N_def relation1_def nat_into_M
                  iterates_abs [of "is_list_functor(M,A)" _ "\<lambda>X. {0} + A*X"])
 lemma (in M_datatypes) list_N_closed [intro,simp]:
      "[|M(A); n\<in>nat|] ==> M(list_N(A,n))"
 apply (insert list_replacement1)
-apply (simp add: is_list_N_def list_N_def relativize1_def nat_into_M
+apply (simp add: is_list_N_def list_N_def relation1_def nat_into_M
                  iterates_closed [of "is_list_functor(M,A)"])
 lemma (in M_datatypes) mem_list_abs [simp]:
      "M(A) ==> mem_list(M,A,l) <-> l \<in> list(A)"
 apply (insert list_replacement1)
-apply (simp add: mem_list_def list_N_def relativize1_def list_eq_Union
+apply (simp add: mem_list_def list_N_def relation1_def list_eq_Union
                  iterates_closed [of "is_list_functor(M,A)"]) 
@@ -535,14 +534,14 @@
 apply (insert formula_replacement2) 
 apply (rule strong_replacement_cong [THEN iffD1])  
 apply (rule conj_cong [OF iff_refl iterates_abs [of "is_formula_functor(M)"]]) 
-apply (simp_all add: formula_replacement1 relativize1_def) 
+apply (simp_all add: formula_replacement1 relation1_def) 
 lemma (in M_datatypes) formula_closed [intro,simp]:
 apply (insert formula_replacement1)
 apply  (simp add: RepFun_closed2 formula_eq_Union 
-                  formula_replacement2' relativize1_def
+                  formula_replacement2' relation1_def
                   iterates_closed [of "is_formula_functor(M)"])
@@ -552,7 +551,7 @@
      "[|n\<in>nat; M(Z)|] 
       ==> is_formula_N(M,n,Z) <-> Z = formula_N(n)"
 apply (insert formula_replacement1)
-apply (simp add: is_formula_N_def formula_N_def relativize1_def nat_into_M
+apply (simp add: is_formula_N_def formula_N_def relation1_def nat_into_M
                  iterates_abs [of "is_formula_functor(M)" _ 
                                   "\<lambda>X. ((nat*nat) + (nat*nat)) + (X*X + X)"])
@@ -560,14 +559,14 @@
 lemma (in M_datatypes) formula_N_closed [intro,simp]:
      "n\<in>nat ==> M(formula_N(n))"
 apply (insert formula_replacement1)
-apply (simp add: is_formula_N_def formula_N_def relativize1_def nat_into_M
+apply (simp add: is_formula_N_def formula_N_def relation1_def nat_into_M
                  iterates_closed [of "is_formula_functor(M)"])
 lemma (in M_datatypes) mem_formula_abs [simp]:
      "mem_formula(M,l) <-> l \<in> formula"
 apply (insert formula_replacement1)
-apply (simp add: mem_formula_def relativize1_def formula_eq_Union formula_N_def
+apply (simp add: mem_formula_def relation1_def formula_eq_Union formula_N_def
                  iterates_closed [of "is_formula_functor(M)"]) 
@@ -624,27 +623,27 @@
 apply (insert eclose_replacement2 [of A]) 
 apply (rule strong_replacement_cong [THEN iffD1])  
 apply (rule conj_cong [OF iff_refl iterates_abs [of "big_union(M)"]]) 
-apply (simp_all add: eclose_replacement1 relativize1_def) 
+apply (simp_all add: eclose_replacement1 relation1_def) 
 lemma (in M_eclose) eclose_closed [intro,simp]:
      "M(A) ==> M(eclose(A))"
 apply (insert eclose_replacement1)
 by  (simp add: RepFun_closed2 eclose_eq_Union 
-               eclose_replacement2' relativize1_def
+               eclose_replacement2' relation1_def
                iterates_closed [of "big_union(M)"])
 lemma (in M_eclose) is_eclose_n_abs [simp]:
      "[|M(A); n\<in>nat; M(Z)|] ==> is_eclose_n(M,A,n,Z) <-> Z = Union^n (A)"
 apply (insert eclose_replacement1)
-apply (simp add: is_eclose_n_def relativize1_def nat_into_M
+apply (simp add: is_eclose_n_def relation1_def nat_into_M
                  iterates_abs [of "big_union(M)" _ "Union"])
 lemma (in M_eclose) mem_eclose_abs [simp]:
      "M(A) ==> mem_eclose(M,A,l) <-> l \<in> eclose(A)"
 apply (insert eclose_replacement1)
-apply (simp add: mem_eclose_def relativize1_def eclose_eq_Union
+apply (simp add: mem_eclose_def relation1_def eclose_eq_Union
                  iterates_closed [of "big_union(M)"]) 
@@ -679,7 +678,7 @@
   @{text "trans_wfrec_abs"} rather than @{text "trans_wfrec_abs"},
   which I haven't even proved yet. *}
 theorem (in M_eclose) transrec_abs:
-  "[|transrec_replacement(M,MH,i);  relativize2(M,MH,H);
+  "[|transrec_replacement(M,MH,i);  relation2(M,MH,H);
      Ord(i);  M(i);  M(z);
      \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) --> M(H(x,g))|] 
    ==> is_transrec(M,MH,i,z) <-> z = transrec(i,H)" 
@@ -688,7 +687,7 @@
 theorem (in M_eclose) transrec_closed:
-     "[|transrec_replacement(M,MH,i);  relativize2(M,MH,H);
+     "[|transrec_replacement(M,MH,i);  relation2(M,MH,H);
 	Ord(i);  M(i);  
 	\<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) --> M(H(x,g))|] 
       ==> M(transrec(i,H))"
@@ -770,7 +769,7 @@
  prefer 2 apply (blast intro: transM)
 apply (simp add: is_nth_def nth_eq_hd_iterates_tl nat_into_M
                  tl'_closed iterates_tl'_closed 
-                 iterates_abs [OF _ relativize1_tl] nth_replacement)
+                 iterates_abs [OF _ relation1_tl] nth_replacement)
@@ -848,14 +847,14 @@
       (\<forall>x[M]. mem_formula(M,x) --> is_Forall(M,x,p) --> is_d(x,z))"
 lemma (in M_datatypes) formula_case_abs [simp]: 
-     "[| Relativize2(M,nat,nat,is_a,a); Relativize2(M,nat,nat,is_b,b); 
-         Relativize2(M,formula,formula,is_c,c); Relativize1(M,formula,is_d,d); 
+     "[| Relation2(M,nat,nat,is_a,a); Relation2(M,nat,nat,is_b,b); 
+         Relation2(M,formula,formula,is_c,c); Relation1(M,formula,is_d,d); 
          p \<in> formula; M(z) |] 
       ==> is_formula_case(M,is_a,is_b,is_c,is_d,p,z) <-> 
           z = formula_case(a,b,c,d,p)"
 apply (simp add: formula_into_M is_formula_case_def)
 apply (erule formula.cases) 
-   apply (simp_all add: Relativize1_def Relativize2_def) 
+   apply (simp_all add: Relation1_def Relation2_def) 
 lemma (in M_datatypes) formula_case_closed [intro,simp]:
@@ -935,18 +934,18 @@
 text{*Sufficient conditions to relative the instance of @{term formula_case}
       in @{term formula_rec}*}
-lemma (in M_datatypes) Relativize1_formula_rec_case:
-     "[|Relativize2(M, nat, nat, is_a, a);
-        Relativize2(M, nat, nat, is_b, b);
-        Relativize2 (M, formula, formula, 
+lemma (in M_datatypes) Relation1_formula_rec_case:
+     "[|Relation2(M, nat, nat, is_a, a);
+        Relation2(M, nat, nat, is_b, b);
+        Relation2 (M, formula, formula, 
            is_c, \<lambda>u v. c(u, v, h`succ(depth(u))`u, h`succ(depth(v))`v));
-        Relativize1(M, formula, 
+        Relation1(M, formula, 
            is_d, \<lambda>u. d(u, h ` succ(depth(u)) ` u));
  	M(h) |] 
-      ==> Relativize1(M, formula,
+      ==> Relation1(M, formula,
                          is_formula_case (M, is_a, is_b, is_c, is_d),
                          formula_rec_case(a, b, c, d, h))"
-apply (simp (no_asm) add: formula_rec_case_def Relativize1_def) 
+apply (simp (no_asm) add: formula_rec_case_def Relation1_def) 
 apply (simp add: formula_case_abs) 
@@ -963,19 +962,19 @@
 	 (M, fml, is_formula_case (M, is_a, is_b, is_c(f), is_d(f)), z)"
   assumes a_closed: "[|x\<in>nat; y\<in>nat|] ==> M(a(x,y))"
-      and a_rel:    "Relativize2(M, nat, nat, is_a, a)"
+      and a_rel:    "Relation2(M, nat, nat, is_a, a)"
       and b_closed: "[|x\<in>nat; y\<in>nat|] ==> M(b(x,y))"
-      and b_rel:    "Relativize2(M, nat, nat, is_b, b)"
+      and b_rel:    "Relation2(M, nat, nat, is_b, b)"
       and c_closed: "[|x \<in> formula; y \<in> formula; M(gx); M(gy)|]
                      ==> M(c(x, y, gx, gy))"
       and c_rel:
          "M(f) ==> 
-          Relativize2 (M, formula, formula, is_c(f),
+          Relation2 (M, formula, formula, is_c(f),
              \<lambda>u v. c(u, v, f ` succ(depth(u)) ` u, f ` succ(depth(v)) ` v))"
       and d_closed: "[|x \<in> formula; M(gx)|] ==> M(d(x, gx))"
       and d_rel:
          "M(f) ==> 
-          Relativize1(M, formula, is_d(f), \<lambda>u. d(u, f ` succ(depth(u)) ` u))"
+          Relation1(M, formula, is_d(f), \<lambda>u. d(u, f ` succ(depth(u)) ` u))"
       and fr_replace: "n \<in> nat ==> transrec_replacement(M,MH,n)"
       and fr_lam_replace:
            "M(g) ==>
@@ -992,12 +991,12 @@
 by (simp add: lam_closed2 fr_lam_replace formula_rec_case_closed)
 lemma (in Formula_Rec) MH_rel2:
-     "relativize2 (M, MH,
+     "relation2 (M, MH,
              \<lambda>x h. Lambda (formula, formula_rec_case(a,b,c,d,h)))"
-apply (simp add: relativize2_def MH_def, clarify) 
+apply (simp add: relation2_def MH_def, clarify) 
 apply (rule lambda_abs2) 
 apply (rule fr_lam_replace, assumption)
-apply (rule Relativize1_formula_rec_case)  
+apply (rule Relation1_formula_rec_case)  
 apply (simp_all add: a_rel b_rel c_rel d_rel formula_rec_case_closed) 
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/Formula.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/Formula.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/Formula.thy
     ID: $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   2002  University of Cambridge
 header {* First-Order Formulas and the Definition of the Class L *}
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/Internalize.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/Internalize.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/Internalize.thy
     ID: $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   2002  University of Cambridge
 theory Internalize = L_axioms + Datatype_absolute:
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/L_axioms.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/L_axioms.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/L_axioms.thy
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   2002  University of Cambridge
 header {* The ZF Axioms (Except Separation) in L *}
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/MetaExists.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/MetaExists.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/MetaExists.thy
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   2002  University of Cambridge
 header{*The meta-existential quantifier*}
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/Normal.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/Normal.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/Normal.thy
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   2002  University of Cambridge
 header {*Closed Unbounded Classes and Normal Functions*}
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/ROOT.ML	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/ROOT.ML	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@
 use_thy "DPow_absolute";
 use_thy "AC_in_L";
+use_thy "Rank_Separation";
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/Rank.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
+(*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/Rank.thy
+    ID:   $Id$
+    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+header {*Absoluteness for Order Types, Rank Functions and Well-Founded 
+         Relations*}
+theory Rank = WF_absolute:
+subsection {*Order Types: A Direct Construction by Replacement*}
+locale M_ordertype = M_basic +
+assumes well_ord_iso_separation:
+     "[| M(A); M(f); M(r) |]
+      ==> separation (M, \<lambda>x. x\<in>A --> (\<exists>y[M]. (\<exists>p[M].
+		     fun_apply(M,f,x,y) & pair(M,y,x,p) & p \<in> r)))"
+  and obase_separation:
+     --{*part of the order type formalization*}
+     "[| M(A); M(r) |]
+      ==> separation(M, \<lambda>a. \<exists>x[M]. \<exists>g[M]. \<exists>mx[M]. \<exists>par[M].
+	     ordinal(M,x) & membership(M,x,mx) & pred_set(M,A,a,r,par) &
+	     order_isomorphism(M,par,r,x,mx,g))"
+  and obase_equals_separation:
+     "[| M(A); M(r) |]
+      ==> separation (M, \<lambda>x. x\<in>A --> ~(\<exists>y[M]. \<exists>g[M].
+			      ordinal(M,y) & (\<exists>my[M]. \<exists>pxr[M].
+			      membership(M,y,my) & pred_set(M,A,x,r,pxr) &
+			      order_isomorphism(M,pxr,r,y,my,g))))"
+  and omap_replacement:
+     "[| M(A); M(r) |]
+      ==> strong_replacement(M,
+             \<lambda>a z. \<exists>x[M]. \<exists>g[M]. \<exists>mx[M]. \<exists>par[M].
+	     ordinal(M,x) & pair(M,a,x,z) & membership(M,x,mx) &
+	     pred_set(M,A,a,r,par) & order_isomorphism(M,par,r,x,mx,g))"
+text{*Inductive argument for Kunen's Lemma I 6.1, etc.
+      Simple proof from Halmos, page 72*}
+lemma  (in M_ordertype) wellordered_iso_subset_lemma: 
+     "[| wellordered(M,A,r);  f \<in> ord_iso(A,r, A',r);  A'<= A;  y \<in> A;  
+       M(A);  M(f);  M(r) |] ==> ~ <f`y, y> \<in> r"
+apply (unfold wellordered_def ord_iso_def)
+apply (elim conjE CollectE) 
+apply (erule wellfounded_on_induct, assumption+)
+ apply (insert well_ord_iso_separation [of A f r])
+ apply (simp, clarify) 
+apply (drule_tac a = x in bij_is_fun [THEN apply_type], assumption, blast)
+text{*Kunen's Lemma I 6.1, page 14: 
+      there's no order-isomorphism to an initial segment of a well-ordering*}
+lemma (in M_ordertype) wellordered_iso_predD:
+     "[| wellordered(M,A,r);  f \<in> ord_iso(A, r, Order.pred(A,x,r), r);  
+       M(A);  M(f);  M(r) |] ==> x \<notin> A"
+apply (rule notI) 
+apply (frule wellordered_iso_subset_lemma, assumption)
+apply (auto elim: predE)  
+(*Now we know  ~ (f`x < x) *)
+apply (drule ord_iso_is_bij [THEN bij_is_fun, THEN apply_type], assumption)
+(*Now we also know f`x  \<in> pred(A,x,r);  contradiction! *)
+apply (simp add: Order.pred_def)
+lemma (in M_ordertype) wellordered_iso_pred_eq_lemma:
+     "[| f \<in> \<langle>Order.pred(A,y,r), r\<rangle> \<cong> \<langle>Order.pred(A,x,r), r\<rangle>;
+       wellordered(M,A,r); x\<in>A; y\<in>A; M(A); M(f); M(r) |] ==> <x,y> \<notin> r"
+apply (frule wellordered_is_trans_on, assumption)
+apply (rule notI) 
+apply (drule_tac x2=y and x=x and r2=r in 
+         wellordered_subset [OF _ pred_subset, THEN wellordered_iso_predD]) 
+apply (simp add: trans_pred_pred_eq) 
+apply (blast intro: predI dest: transM)+
+text{*Simple consequence of Lemma 6.1*}
+lemma (in M_ordertype) wellordered_iso_pred_eq:
+     "[| wellordered(M,A,r);
+       f \<in> ord_iso(Order.pred(A,a,r), r, Order.pred(A,c,r), r);   
+       M(A);  M(f);  M(r);  a\<in>A;  c\<in>A |] ==> a=c"
+apply (frule wellordered_is_trans_on, assumption)
+apply (frule wellordered_is_linear, assumption)
+apply (erule_tac x=a and y=c in linearE, auto) 
+apply (drule ord_iso_sym)
+(*two symmetric cases*)
+apply (blast dest: wellordered_iso_pred_eq_lemma)+ 
+text{*Following Kunen's Theorem I 7.6, page 17.  Note that this material is
+not required elsewhere.*}
+text{*Can't use @{text well_ord_iso_preserving} because it needs the
+strong premise @{term "well_ord(A,r)"}*}
+lemma (in M_ordertype) ord_iso_pred_imp_lt:
+     "[| f \<in> ord_iso(Order.pred(A,x,r), r, i, Memrel(i));
+         g \<in> ord_iso(Order.pred(A,y,r), r, j, Memrel(j));
+         wellordered(M,A,r);  x \<in> A;  y \<in> A; M(A); M(r); M(f); M(g); M(j);
+         Ord(i); Ord(j); \<langle>x,y\<rangle> \<in> r |]
+      ==> i < j"
+apply (frule wellordered_is_trans_on, assumption)
+apply (frule_tac y=y in transM, assumption) 
+apply (rule_tac i=i and j=j in Ord_linear_lt, auto)  
+txt{*case @{term "i=j"} yields a contradiction*}
+ apply (rule_tac x1=x and A1="Order.pred(A,y,r)" in 
+          wellordered_iso_predD [THEN notE]) 
+   apply (blast intro: wellordered_subset [OF _ pred_subset]) 
+  apply (simp add: trans_pred_pred_eq)
+  apply (blast intro: Ord_iso_implies_eq ord_iso_sym ord_iso_trans) 
+ apply (simp_all add: pred_iff pred_closed converse_closed comp_closed)
+txt{*case @{term "j<i"} also yields a contradiction*}
+apply (frule restrict_ord_iso2, assumption+) 
+apply (frule ord_iso_sym [THEN ord_iso_is_bij, THEN bij_is_fun]) 
+apply (frule apply_type, blast intro: ltD) 
+  --{*thus @{term "converse(f)`j \<in> Order.pred(A,x,r)"}*}
+apply (simp add: pred_iff) 
+apply (subgoal_tac
+       "\<exists>h[M]. h \<in> ord_iso(Order.pred(A,y,r), r, 
+                               Order.pred(A, converse(f)`j, r), r)")
+ apply (clarify, frule wellordered_iso_pred_eq, assumption+)
+ apply (blast dest: wellordered_asym)  
+apply (intro rexI)
+ apply (blast intro: Ord_iso_implies_eq ord_iso_sym ord_iso_trans)+
+lemma ord_iso_converse1:
+     "[| f: ord_iso(A,r,B,s);  <b, f`a>: s;  a:A;  b:B |] 
+      ==> <converse(f) ` b, a> : r"
+apply (frule ord_iso_converse, assumption+) 
+apply (blast intro: ord_iso_is_bij [THEN bij_is_fun, THEN apply_funtype]) 
+apply (simp add: left_inverse_bij [OF ord_iso_is_bij])
+  obase :: "[i=>o,i,i] => i"
+       --{*the domain of @{text om}, eventually shown to equal @{text A}*}
+   "obase(M,A,r) == {a\<in>A. \<exists>x[M]. \<exists>g[M]. Ord(x) & 
+                          g \<in> ord_iso(Order.pred(A,a,r),r,x,Memrel(x))}"
+  omap :: "[i=>o,i,i,i] => o"  
+    --{*the function that maps wosets to order types*}
+   "omap(M,A,r,f) == 
+	\<forall>z[M].
+         z \<in> f <-> (\<exists>a\<in>A. \<exists>x[M]. \<exists>g[M]. z = <a,x> & Ord(x) & 
+                        g \<in> ord_iso(Order.pred(A,a,r),r,x,Memrel(x)))"
+  otype :: "[i=>o,i,i,i] => o"  --{*the order types themselves*}
+   "otype(M,A,r,i) == \<exists>f[M]. omap(M,A,r,f) & is_range(M,f,i)"
+text{*Can also be proved with the premise @{term "M(z)"} instead of
+      @{term "M(f)"}, but that version is less useful.  This lemma
+      is also more useful than the definition, @{text omap_def}.*}
+lemma (in M_ordertype) omap_iff:
+     "[| omap(M,A,r,f); M(A); M(f) |] 
+      ==> z \<in> f <->
+          (\<exists>a\<in>A. \<exists>x[M]. \<exists>g[M]. z = <a,x> & Ord(x) & 
+                                g \<in> ord_iso(Order.pred(A,a,r),r,x,Memrel(x)))"
+apply (simp add: omap_def Memrel_closed pred_closed) 
+apply (rule iffI)
+ apply (drule_tac [2] x=z in rspec)
+ apply (drule_tac x=z in rspec)
+ apply (blast dest: transM)+
+lemma (in M_ordertype) omap_unique:
+     "[| omap(M,A,r,f); omap(M,A,r,f'); M(A); M(r); M(f); M(f') |] ==> f' = f" 
+apply (rule equality_iffI) 
+apply (simp add: omap_iff) 
+lemma (in M_ordertype) omap_yields_Ord:
+     "[| omap(M,A,r,f); \<langle>a,x\<rangle> \<in> f; M(a); M(x) |]  ==> Ord(x)"
+  by (simp add: omap_def)
+lemma (in M_ordertype) otype_iff:
+     "[| otype(M,A,r,i); M(A); M(r); M(i) |] 
+      ==> x \<in> i <-> 
+          (M(x) & Ord(x) & 
+           (\<exists>a\<in>A. \<exists>g[M]. g \<in> ord_iso(Order.pred(A,a,r),r,x,Memrel(x))))"
+apply (auto simp add: omap_iff otype_def)
+ apply (blast intro: transM) 
+apply (rule rangeI) 
+apply (frule transM, assumption)
+apply (simp add: omap_iff, blast)
+lemma (in M_ordertype) otype_eq_range:
+     "[| omap(M,A,r,f); otype(M,A,r,i); M(A); M(r); M(f); M(i) |] 
+      ==> i = range(f)"
+apply (auto simp add: otype_def omap_iff)
+apply (blast dest: omap_unique) 
+lemma (in M_ordertype) Ord_otype:
+     "[| otype(M,A,r,i); trans[A](r); M(A); M(r); M(i) |] ==> Ord(i)"
+apply (rule OrdI) 
+prefer 2 
+    apply (simp add: Ord_def otype_def omap_def) 
+    apply clarify 
+    apply (frule pair_components_in_M, assumption) 
+    apply blast 
+apply (auto simp add: Transset_def otype_iff) 
+  apply (blast intro: transM)
+ apply (blast intro: Ord_in_Ord) 
+apply (rename_tac y a g)
+apply (frule ord_iso_sym [THEN ord_iso_is_bij, THEN bij_is_fun, 
+			  THEN apply_funtype],  assumption)  
+apply (rule_tac x="converse(g)`y" in bexI)
+ apply (frule_tac a="converse(g) ` y" in ord_iso_restrict_pred, assumption) 
+apply (safe elim!: predE) 
+apply (blast intro: restrict_ord_iso ord_iso_sym ltI dest: transM)
+lemma (in M_ordertype) domain_omap:
+     "[| omap(M,A,r,f);  M(A); M(r); M(B); M(f) |] 
+      ==> domain(f) = obase(M,A,r)"
+apply (simp add: domain_closed obase_def) 
+apply (rule equality_iffI) 
+apply (simp add: domain_iff omap_iff, blast) 
+lemma (in M_ordertype) omap_subset: 
+     "[| omap(M,A,r,f); otype(M,A,r,i); 
+       M(A); M(r); M(f); M(B); M(i) |] ==> f \<subseteq> obase(M,A,r) * i"
+apply clarify 
+apply (simp add: omap_iff obase_def) 
+apply (force simp add: otype_iff) 
+lemma (in M_ordertype) omap_funtype: 
+     "[| omap(M,A,r,f); otype(M,A,r,i); 
+         M(A); M(r); M(f); M(i) |] ==> f \<in> obase(M,A,r) -> i"
+apply (simp add: domain_omap omap_subset Pi_iff function_def omap_iff) 
+apply (blast intro: Ord_iso_implies_eq ord_iso_sym ord_iso_trans) 
+lemma (in M_ordertype) wellordered_omap_bij:
+     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); omap(M,A,r,f); otype(M,A,r,i); 
+       M(A); M(r); M(f); M(i) |] ==> f \<in> bij(obase(M,A,r),i)"
+apply (insert omap_funtype [of A r f i]) 
+apply (auto simp add: bij_def inj_def) 
+prefer 2  apply (blast intro: fun_is_surj dest: otype_eq_range) 
+apply (frule_tac a=w in apply_Pair, assumption) 
+apply (frule_tac a=x in apply_Pair, assumption) 
+apply (simp add: omap_iff) 
+apply (blast intro: wellordered_iso_pred_eq ord_iso_sym ord_iso_trans) 
+text{*This is not the final result: we must show @{term "oB(A,r) = A"}*}
+lemma (in M_ordertype) omap_ord_iso:
+     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); omap(M,A,r,f); otype(M,A,r,i); 
+       M(A); M(r); M(f); M(i) |] ==> f \<in> ord_iso(obase(M,A,r),r,i,Memrel(i))"
+apply (rule ord_isoI)
+ apply (erule wellordered_omap_bij, assumption+) 
+apply (insert omap_funtype [of A r f i], simp) 
+apply (frule_tac a=x in apply_Pair, assumption) 
+apply (frule_tac a=y in apply_Pair, assumption) 
+apply (auto simp add: omap_iff)
+ txt{*direction 1: assuming @{term "\<langle>x,y\<rangle> \<in> r"}*}
+ apply (blast intro: ltD ord_iso_pred_imp_lt)
+ txt{*direction 2: proving @{term "\<langle>x,y\<rangle> \<in> r"} using linearity of @{term r}*}
+apply (rename_tac x y g ga) 
+apply (frule wellordered_is_linear, assumption, 
+       erule_tac x=x and y=y in linearE, assumption+) 
+txt{*the case @{term "x=y"} leads to immediate contradiction*} 
+apply (blast elim: mem_irrefl) 
+txt{*the case @{term "\<langle>y,x\<rangle> \<in> r"}: handle like the opposite direction*}
+apply (blast dest: ord_iso_pred_imp_lt ltD elim: mem_asym) 
+lemma (in M_ordertype) Ord_omap_image_pred:
+     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); omap(M,A,r,f); otype(M,A,r,i); 
+       M(A); M(r); M(f); M(i); b \<in> A |] ==> Ord(f `` Order.pred(A,b,r))"
+apply (frule wellordered_is_trans_on, assumption)
+apply (rule OrdI) 
+	prefer 2 apply (simp add: image_iff omap_iff Ord_def, blast) 
+txt{*Hard part is to show that the image is a transitive set.*}
+apply (simp add: Transset_def, clarify) 
+apply (simp add: image_iff pred_iff apply_iff [OF omap_funtype [of A r f i]])
+apply (rename_tac c j, clarify)
+apply (frule omap_funtype [of A r f, THEN apply_funtype], assumption+)
+apply (subgoal_tac "j : i") 
+	prefer 2 apply (blast intro: Ord_trans Ord_otype)
+apply (subgoal_tac "converse(f) ` j : obase(M,A,r)") 
+	prefer 2 
+	apply (blast dest: wellordered_omap_bij [THEN bij_converse_bij, 
+                                      THEN bij_is_fun, THEN apply_funtype])
+apply (rule_tac x="converse(f) ` j" in bexI) 
+ apply (simp add: right_inverse_bij [OF wellordered_omap_bij]) 
+apply (intro predI conjI)
+ apply (erule_tac b=c in trans_onD) 
+ apply (rule ord_iso_converse1 [OF omap_ord_iso [of A r f i]])
+apply (auto simp add: obase_def)
+lemma (in M_ordertype) restrict_omap_ord_iso:
+     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); omap(M,A,r,f); otype(M,A,r,i); 
+       D \<subseteq> obase(M,A,r); M(A); M(r); M(f); M(i) |] 
+      ==> restrict(f,D) \<in> (\<langle>D,r\<rangle> \<cong> \<langle>f``D, Memrel(f``D)\<rangle>)"
+apply (frule ord_iso_restrict_image [OF omap_ord_iso [of A r f i]], 
+       assumption+)
+apply (drule ord_iso_sym [THEN subset_ord_iso_Memrel]) 
+apply (blast dest: subsetD [OF omap_subset]) 
+apply (drule ord_iso_sym, simp) 
+lemma (in M_ordertype) obase_equals: 
+     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); omap(M,A,r,f); otype(M,A,r,i);
+       M(A); M(r); M(f); M(i) |] ==> obase(M,A,r) = A"
+apply (rule equalityI, force simp add: obase_def, clarify) 
+apply (unfold obase_def, simp) 
+apply (frule wellordered_is_wellfounded_on, assumption)
+apply (erule wellfounded_on_induct, assumption+)
+ apply (frule obase_equals_separation [of A r], assumption) 
+ apply (simp, clarify) 
+apply (rename_tac b) 
+apply (subgoal_tac "Order.pred(A,b,r) <= obase(M,A,r)") 
+ apply (blast intro!: restrict_omap_ord_iso Ord_omap_image_pred)
+apply (force simp add: pred_iff obase_def)  
+text{*Main result: @{term om} gives the order-isomorphism 
+      @{term "\<langle>A,r\<rangle> \<cong> \<langle>i, Memrel(i)\<rangle>"} *}
+theorem (in M_ordertype) omap_ord_iso_otype:
+     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); omap(M,A,r,f); otype(M,A,r,i);
+       M(A); M(r); M(f); M(i) |] ==> f \<in> ord_iso(A, r, i, Memrel(i))"
+apply (frule omap_ord_iso, assumption+)
+apply (simp add: obase_equals)  
+lemma (in M_ordertype) obase_exists:
+     "[| M(A); M(r) |] ==> M(obase(M,A,r))"
+apply (simp add: obase_def) 
+apply (insert obase_separation [of A r])
+apply (simp add: separation_def)  
+lemma (in M_ordertype) omap_exists:
+     "[| M(A); M(r) |] ==> \<exists>z[M]. omap(M,A,r,z)"
+apply (simp add: omap_def) 
+apply (insert omap_replacement [of A r])
+apply (simp add: strong_replacement_def) 
+apply (drule_tac x="obase(M,A,r)" in rspec) 
+ apply (simp add: obase_exists) 
+apply (simp add: Memrel_closed pred_closed obase_def)
+apply (erule impE) 
+ apply (clarsimp simp add: univalent_def)
+ apply (blast intro: Ord_iso_implies_eq ord_iso_sym ord_iso_trans, clarify)  
+apply (rule_tac x=Y in rexI) 
+apply (simp add: Memrel_closed pred_closed obase_def, blast, assumption)
+declare rall_simps [simp] rex_simps [simp]
+lemma (in M_ordertype) otype_exists:
+     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); M(A); M(r) |] ==> \<exists>i[M]. otype(M,A,r,i)"
+apply (insert omap_exists [of A r])  
+apply (simp add: otype_def, safe)
+apply (rule_tac x="range(x)" in rexI) 
+apply blast+
+lemma (in M_ordertype) ordertype_exists:
+     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); M(A); M(r) |]
+      ==> \<exists>f[M]. (\<exists>i[M]. Ord(i) & f \<in> ord_iso(A, r, i, Memrel(i)))"
+apply (insert obase_exists [of A r] omap_exists [of A r] otype_exists [of A r], simp, clarify)
+apply (rename_tac i) 
+apply (subgoal_tac "Ord(i)", blast intro: omap_ord_iso_otype)
+apply (rule Ord_otype) 
+    apply (force simp add: otype_def range_closed) 
+   apply (simp_all add: wellordered_is_trans_on) 
+lemma (in M_ordertype) relativized_imp_well_ord: 
+     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); M(A); M(r) |] ==> well_ord(A,r)" 
+apply (insert ordertype_exists [of A r], simp)
+apply (blast intro: well_ord_ord_iso well_ord_Memrel)  
+subsection {*Kunen's theorem 5.4, page 127*}
+text{*(a) The notion of Wellordering is absolute*}
+theorem (in M_ordertype) well_ord_abs [simp]: 
+     "[| M(A); M(r) |] ==> wellordered(M,A,r) <-> well_ord(A,r)" 
+by (blast intro: well_ord_imp_relativized relativized_imp_well_ord)  
+text{*(b) Order types are absolute*}
+theorem (in M_ordertype) 
+     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); f \<in> ord_iso(A, r, i, Memrel(i));
+       M(A); M(r); M(f); M(i); Ord(i) |] ==> i = ordertype(A,r)"
+by (blast intro: Ord_ordertype relativized_imp_well_ord ordertype_ord_iso
+                 Ord_iso_implies_eq ord_iso_sym ord_iso_trans)
+subsection{*Ordinal Arithmetic: Two Examples of Recursion*}
+text{*Note: the remainder of this theory is not needed elsewhere.*}
+subsubsection{*Ordinal Addition*}
+(*FIXME: update to use new techniques!!*)
+ (*This expresses ordinal addition in the language of ZF.  It also 
+   provides an abbreviation that can be used in the instance of strong
+   replacement below.  Here j is used to define the relation, namely
+   Memrel(succ(j)), while x determines the domain of f.*)
+ is_oadd_fun :: "[i=>o,i,i,i,i] => o"
+    "is_oadd_fun(M,i,j,x,f) == 
+       (\<forall>sj msj. M(sj) --> M(msj) --> 
+                 successor(M,j,sj) --> membership(M,sj,msj) --> 
+	         M_is_recfun(M, 
+		     %x g y. \<exists>gx[M]. image(M,g,x,gx) & union(M,i,gx,y),
+		     msj, x, f))"
+ is_oadd :: "[i=>o,i,i,i] => o"
+    "is_oadd(M,i,j,k) == 
+        (~ ordinal(M,i) & ~ ordinal(M,j) & k=0) |
+        (~ ordinal(M,i) & ordinal(M,j) & k=j) |
+        (ordinal(M,i) & ~ ordinal(M,j) & k=i) |
+        (ordinal(M,i) & ordinal(M,j) & 
+	 (\<exists>f fj sj. M(f) & M(fj) & M(sj) & 
+		    successor(M,j,sj) & is_oadd_fun(M,i,sj,sj,f) & 
+		    fun_apply(M,f,j,fj) & fj = k))"
+ omult_eqns :: "[i,i,i,i] => o"
+    "omult_eqns(i,x,g,z) ==
+            Ord(x) & 
+	    (x=0 --> z=0) &
+            (\<forall>j. x = succ(j) --> z = g`j ++ i) &
+            (Limit(x) --> z = \<Union>(g``x))"
+ is_omult_fun :: "[i=>o,i,i,i] => o"
+    "is_omult_fun(M,i,j,f) == 
+	    (\<exists>df. M(df) & is_function(M,f) & 
+                  is_domain(M,f,df) & subset(M, j, df)) & 
+            (\<forall>x\<in>j. omult_eqns(i,x,f,f`x))"
+ is_omult :: "[i=>o,i,i,i] => o"
+    "is_omult(M,i,j,k) == 
+	\<exists>f fj sj. M(f) & M(fj) & M(sj) & 
+                  successor(M,j,sj) & is_omult_fun(M,i,sj,f) & 
+                  fun_apply(M,f,j,fj) & fj = k"
+locale M_ord_arith = M_ordertype +
+  assumes oadd_strong_replacement:
+   "[| M(i); M(j) |] ==>
+    strong_replacement(M, 
+         \<lambda>x z. \<exists>y[M]. pair(M,x,y,z) & 
+                  (\<exists>f[M]. \<exists>fx[M]. is_oadd_fun(M,i,j,x,f) & 
+		           image(M,f,x,fx) & y = i Un fx))"
+ and omult_strong_replacement':
+   "[| M(i); M(j) |] ==>
+    strong_replacement(M, 
+         \<lambda>x z. \<exists>y[M]. z = <x,y> &
+	     (\<exists>g[M]. is_recfun(Memrel(succ(j)),x,%x g. THE z. omult_eqns(i,x,g,z),g) & 
+	     y = (THE z. omult_eqns(i, x, g, z))))" 
+text{*@{text is_oadd_fun}: Relating the pure "language of set theory" to Isabelle/ZF*}
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) is_oadd_fun_iff:
+   "[| a\<le>j; M(i); M(j); M(a); M(f) |] 
+    ==> is_oadd_fun(M,i,j,a,f) <->
+	f \<in> a \<rightarrow> range(f) & (\<forall>x. M(x) --> x < a --> f`x = i Un f``x)"
+apply (frule lt_Ord) 
+apply (simp add: is_oadd_fun_def Memrel_closed Un_closed 
+             relation2_def is_recfun_abs [of "%x g. i Un g``x"]
+             image_closed is_recfun_iff_equation  
+             Ball_def lt_trans [OF ltI, of _ a] lt_Memrel)
+apply (simp add: lt_def) 
+apply (blast dest: transM) 
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) oadd_strong_replacement':
+    "[| M(i); M(j) |] ==>
+     strong_replacement(M, 
+            \<lambda>x z. \<exists>y[M]. z = <x,y> &
+		  (\<exists>g[M]. is_recfun(Memrel(succ(j)),x,%x g. i Un g``x,g) & 
+		  y = i Un g``x))" 
+apply (insert oadd_strong_replacement [of i j]) 
+apply (simp add: is_oadd_fun_def relation2_def
+                 is_recfun_abs [of "%x g. i Un g``x"])  
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) exists_oadd:
+    "[| Ord(j);  M(i);  M(j) |]
+     ==> \<exists>f[M]. is_recfun(Memrel(succ(j)), j, %x g. i Un g``x, f)"
+apply (rule wf_exists_is_recfun [OF wf_Memrel trans_Memrel])
+    apply (simp_all add: Memrel_type oadd_strong_replacement') 
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) exists_oadd_fun:
+    "[| Ord(j);  M(i);  M(j) |] ==> \<exists>f[M]. is_oadd_fun(M,i,succ(j),succ(j),f)"
+apply (rule exists_oadd [THEN rexE])
+apply (erule Ord_succ, assumption, simp) 
+apply (rename_tac f) 
+apply (frule is_recfun_type)
+apply (rule_tac x=f in rexI) 
+ apply (simp add: fun_is_function domain_of_fun lt_Memrel apply_recfun lt_def
+                  is_oadd_fun_iff Ord_trans [OF _ succI1], assumption)
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) is_oadd_fun_apply:
+    "[| x < j; M(i); M(j); M(f); is_oadd_fun(M,i,j,j,f) |] 
+     ==> f`x = i Un (\<Union>k\<in>x. {f ` k})"
+apply (simp add: is_oadd_fun_iff lt_Ord2, clarify) 
+apply (frule lt_closed, simp)
+apply (frule leI [THEN le_imp_subset])  
+apply (simp add: image_fun, blast) 
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) is_oadd_fun_iff_oadd [rule_format]:
+    "[| is_oadd_fun(M,i,J,J,f); M(i); M(J); M(f); Ord(i); Ord(j) |] 
+     ==> j<J --> f`j = i++j"
+apply (erule_tac i=j in trans_induct, clarify) 
+apply (subgoal_tac "\<forall>k\<in>x. k<J")
+ apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: is_oadd_def oadd_unfold is_oadd_fun_apply)
+apply (blast intro: lt_trans ltI lt_Ord) 
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) Ord_oadd_abs:
+    "[| M(i); M(j); M(k); Ord(i); Ord(j) |] ==> is_oadd(M,i,j,k) <-> k = i++j"
+apply (simp add: is_oadd_def is_oadd_fun_iff_oadd)
+apply (frule exists_oadd_fun [of j i], blast+)
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) oadd_abs:
+    "[| M(i); M(j); M(k) |] ==> is_oadd(M,i,j,k) <-> k = i++j"
+apply (case_tac "Ord(i) & Ord(j)")
+ apply (simp add: Ord_oadd_abs)
+apply (auto simp add: is_oadd_def oadd_eq_if_raw_oadd)
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) oadd_closed [intro,simp]:
+    "[| M(i); M(j) |] ==> M(i++j)"
+apply (simp add: oadd_eq_if_raw_oadd, clarify) 
+apply (simp add: raw_oadd_eq_oadd) 
+apply (frule exists_oadd_fun [of j i], auto)
+apply (simp add: apply_closed is_oadd_fun_iff_oadd [symmetric]) 
+subsubsection{*Ordinal Multiplication*}
+lemma omult_eqns_unique:
+     "[| omult_eqns(i,x,g,z); omult_eqns(i,x,g,z') |] ==> z=z'";
+apply (simp add: omult_eqns_def, clarify) 
+apply (erule Ord_cases, simp_all) 
+lemma omult_eqns_0: "omult_eqns(i,0,g,z) <-> z=0"
+by (simp add: omult_eqns_def)
+lemma the_omult_eqns_0: "(THE z. omult_eqns(i,0,g,z)) = 0"
+by (simp add: omult_eqns_0)
+lemma omult_eqns_succ: "omult_eqns(i,succ(j),g,z) <-> Ord(j) & z = g`j ++ i"
+by (simp add: omult_eqns_def)
+lemma the_omult_eqns_succ:
+     "Ord(j) ==> (THE z. omult_eqns(i,succ(j),g,z)) = g`j ++ i"
+by (simp add: omult_eqns_succ) 
+lemma omult_eqns_Limit:
+     "Limit(x) ==> omult_eqns(i,x,g,z) <-> z = \<Union>(g``x)"
+apply (simp add: omult_eqns_def) 
+apply (blast intro: Limit_is_Ord) 
+lemma the_omult_eqns_Limit:
+     "Limit(x) ==> (THE z. omult_eqns(i,x,g,z)) = \<Union>(g``x)"
+by (simp add: omult_eqns_Limit)
+lemma omult_eqns_Not: "~ Ord(x) ==> ~ omult_eqns(i,x,g,z)"
+by (simp add: omult_eqns_def)
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) the_omult_eqns_closed:
+    "[| M(i); M(x); M(g); function(g) |] 
+     ==> M(THE z. omult_eqns(i, x, g, z))"
+apply (case_tac "Ord(x)")
+ prefer 2 apply (simp add: omult_eqns_Not) --{*trivial, non-Ord case*}
+apply (erule Ord_cases) 
+  apply (simp add: omult_eqns_0)
+ apply (simp add: omult_eqns_succ apply_closed oadd_closed) 
+apply (simp add: omult_eqns_Limit) 
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) exists_omult:
+    "[| Ord(j);  M(i);  M(j) |]
+     ==> \<exists>f[M]. is_recfun(Memrel(succ(j)), j, %x g. THE z. omult_eqns(i,x,g,z), f)"
+apply (rule wf_exists_is_recfun [OF wf_Memrel trans_Memrel])
+    apply (simp_all add: Memrel_type omult_strong_replacement') 
+apply (blast intro: the_omult_eqns_closed) 
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) exists_omult_fun:
+    "[| Ord(j);  M(i);  M(j) |] ==> \<exists>f[M]. is_omult_fun(M,i,succ(j),f)"
+apply (rule exists_omult [THEN rexE])
+apply (erule Ord_succ, assumption, simp) 
+apply (rename_tac f) 
+apply (frule is_recfun_type)
+apply (rule_tac x=f in rexI) 
+apply (simp add: fun_is_function domain_of_fun lt_Memrel apply_recfun lt_def
+                 is_omult_fun_def Ord_trans [OF _ succI1])
+ apply (force dest: Ord_in_Ord' 
+              simp add: omult_eqns_def the_omult_eqns_0 the_omult_eqns_succ
+                        the_omult_eqns_Limit, assumption)
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) is_omult_fun_apply_0:
+    "[| 0 < j; is_omult_fun(M,i,j,f) |] ==> f`0 = 0"
+by (simp add: is_omult_fun_def omult_eqns_def lt_def ball_conj_distrib)
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) is_omult_fun_apply_succ:
+    "[| succ(x) < j; is_omult_fun(M,i,j,f) |] ==> f`succ(x) = f`x ++ i"
+by (simp add: is_omult_fun_def omult_eqns_def lt_def, blast) 
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) is_omult_fun_apply_Limit:
+    "[| x < j; Limit(x); M(j); M(f); is_omult_fun(M,i,j,f) |] 
+     ==> f ` x = (\<Union>y\<in>x. f`y)"
+apply (simp add: is_omult_fun_def omult_eqns_def domain_closed lt_def, clarify)
+apply (drule subset_trans [OF OrdmemD], assumption+)  
+apply (simp add: ball_conj_distrib omult_Limit image_function)
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) is_omult_fun_eq_omult:
+    "[| is_omult_fun(M,i,J,f); M(J); M(f); Ord(i); Ord(j) |] 
+     ==> j<J --> f`j = i**j"
+apply (erule_tac i=j in trans_induct3)
+apply (safe del: impCE)
+  apply (simp add: is_omult_fun_apply_0) 
+ apply (subgoal_tac "x<J") 
+  apply (simp add: is_omult_fun_apply_succ omult_succ)  
+ apply (blast intro: lt_trans) 
+apply (subgoal_tac "\<forall>k\<in>x. k<J")
+ apply (simp add: is_omult_fun_apply_Limit omult_Limit) 
+apply (blast intro: lt_trans ltI lt_Ord) 
+lemma (in M_ord_arith) omult_abs:
+    "[| M(i); M(j); M(k); Ord(i); Ord(j) |] ==> is_omult(M,i,j,k) <-> k = i**j"
+apply (simp add: is_omult_def is_omult_fun_eq_omult)
+apply (frule exists_omult_fun [of j i], blast+)
+locale M_wfrank = M_trancl +
+  assumes wfrank_separation:
+     "M(r) ==>
+      separation (M, \<lambda>x. 
+         \<forall>rplus[M]. tran_closure(M,r,rplus) -->
+         ~ (\<exists>f[M]. M_is_recfun(M, %x f y. is_range(M,f,y), rplus, x, f)))"
+ and wfrank_strong_replacement:
+     "M(r) ==>
+      strong_replacement(M, \<lambda>x z. 
+         \<forall>rplus[M]. tran_closure(M,r,rplus) -->
+         (\<exists>y[M]. \<exists>f[M]. pair(M,x,y,z)  & 
+                        M_is_recfun(M, %x f y. is_range(M,f,y), rplus, x, f) &
+                        is_range(M,f,y)))"
+ and Ord_wfrank_separation:
+     "M(r) ==>
+      separation (M, \<lambda>x.
+         \<forall>rplus[M]. tran_closure(M,r,rplus) --> 
+          ~ (\<forall>f[M]. \<forall>rangef[M]. 
+             is_range(M,f,rangef) -->
+             M_is_recfun(M, \<lambda>x f y. is_range(M,f,y), rplus, x, f) -->
+             ordinal(M,rangef)))" 
+text{*Proving that the relativized instances of Separation or Replacement
+agree with the "real" ones.*}
+lemma (in M_wfrank) wfrank_separation':
+     "M(r) ==>
+      separation
+	   (M, \<lambda>x. ~ (\<exists>f[M]. is_recfun(r^+, x, %x f. range(f), f)))"
+apply (insert wfrank_separation [of r])
+apply (simp add: relation2_def is_recfun_abs [of "%x. range"])
+lemma (in M_wfrank) wfrank_strong_replacement':
+     "M(r) ==>
+      strong_replacement(M, \<lambda>x z. \<exists>y[M]. \<exists>f[M]. 
+		  pair(M,x,y,z) & is_recfun(r^+, x, %x f. range(f), f) &
+		  y = range(f))"
+apply (insert wfrank_strong_replacement [of r])
+apply (simp add: relation2_def is_recfun_abs [of "%x. range"])
+lemma (in M_wfrank) Ord_wfrank_separation':
+     "M(r) ==>
+      separation (M, \<lambda>x. 
+         ~ (\<forall>f[M]. is_recfun(r^+, x, \<lambda>x. range, f) --> Ord(range(f))))" 
+apply (insert Ord_wfrank_separation [of r])
+apply (simp add: relation2_def is_recfun_abs [of "%x. range"])
+text{*This function, defined using replacement, is a rank function for
+well-founded relations within the class M.*}
+ wellfoundedrank :: "[i=>o,i,i] => i"
+    "wellfoundedrank(M,r,A) ==
+        {p. x\<in>A, \<exists>y[M]. \<exists>f[M]. 
+                       p = <x,y> & is_recfun(r^+, x, %x f. range(f), f) &
+                       y = range(f)}"
+lemma (in M_wfrank) exists_wfrank:
+    "[| wellfounded(M,r); M(a); M(r) |]
+     ==> \<exists>f[M]. is_recfun(r^+, a, %x f. range(f), f)"
+apply (rule wellfounded_exists_is_recfun)
+      apply (blast intro: wellfounded_trancl)
+     apply (rule trans_trancl)
+    apply (erule wfrank_separation')
+   apply (erule wfrank_strong_replacement')
+apply (simp_all add: trancl_subset_times)
+lemma (in M_wfrank) M_wellfoundedrank:
+    "[| wellfounded(M,r); M(r); M(A) |] ==> M(wellfoundedrank(M,r,A))"
+apply (insert wfrank_strong_replacement' [of r])
+apply (simp add: wellfoundedrank_def)
+apply (rule strong_replacement_closed)
+   apply assumption+
+ apply (rule univalent_is_recfun)
+   apply (blast intro: wellfounded_trancl)
+  apply (rule trans_trancl)
+ apply (simp add: trancl_subset_times) 
+apply (blast dest: transM) 
+lemma (in M_wfrank) Ord_wfrank_range [rule_format]:
+    "[| wellfounded(M,r); a\<in>A; M(r); M(A) |]
+     ==> \<forall>f[M]. is_recfun(r^+, a, %x f. range(f), f) --> Ord(range(f))"
+apply (drule wellfounded_trancl, assumption)
+apply (rule wellfounded_induct, assumption, erule (1) transM)
+  apply simp
+ apply (blast intro: Ord_wfrank_separation', clarify)
+txt{*The reasoning in both cases is that we get @{term y} such that
+   @{term "\<langle>y, x\<rangle> \<in> r^+"}.  We find that
+   @{term "f`y = restrict(f, r^+ -`` {y})"}. *}
+apply (rule OrdI [OF _ Ord_is_Transset])
+ txt{*An ordinal is a transitive set...*}
+ apply (simp add: Transset_def)
+ apply clarify
+ apply (frule apply_recfun2, assumption)
+ apply (force simp add: restrict_iff)
+txt{*...of ordinals.  This second case requires the induction hyp.*}
+apply clarify
+apply (rename_tac i y)
+apply (frule apply_recfun2, assumption)
+apply (frule is_recfun_imp_in_r, assumption)
+apply (frule is_recfun_restrict)
+    (*simp_all won't work*)
+    apply (simp add: trans_trancl trancl_subset_times)+
+apply (drule spec [THEN mp], assumption)
+apply (subgoal_tac "M(restrict(f, r^+ -`` {y}))")
+ apply (drule_tac x="restrict(f, r^+ -`` {y})" in rspec)
+apply assumption
+ apply (simp add: function_apply_equality [OF _ is_recfun_imp_function])
+apply (blast dest: pair_components_in_M)
+lemma (in M_wfrank) Ord_range_wellfoundedrank:
+    "[| wellfounded(M,r); r \<subseteq> A*A;  M(r); M(A) |]
+     ==> Ord (range(wellfoundedrank(M,r,A)))"
+apply (frule wellfounded_trancl, assumption)
+apply (frule trancl_subset_times)
+apply (simp add: wellfoundedrank_def)
+apply (rule OrdI [OF _ Ord_is_Transset])
+ prefer 2
+ txt{*by our previous result the range consists of ordinals.*}
+ apply (blast intro: Ord_wfrank_range)
+txt{*We still must show that the range is a transitive set.*}
+apply (simp add: Transset_def, clarify, simp)
+apply (rename_tac x i f u)
+apply (frule is_recfun_imp_in_r, assumption)
+apply (subgoal_tac "M(u) & M(i) & M(x)")
+ prefer 2 apply (blast dest: transM, clarify)
+apply (rule_tac a=u in rangeI)
+apply (rule_tac x=u in ReplaceI)
+  apply simp 
+  apply (rule_tac x="restrict(f, r^+ -`` {u})" in rexI)
+   apply (blast intro: is_recfun_restrict trans_trancl dest: apply_recfun2)
+  apply simp 
+apply blast 
+txt{*Unicity requirement of Replacement*}
+apply clarify
+apply (frule apply_recfun2, assumption)
+apply (simp add: trans_trancl is_recfun_cut)
+lemma (in M_wfrank) function_wellfoundedrank:
+    "[| wellfounded(M,r); M(r); M(A)|]
+     ==> function(wellfoundedrank(M,r,A))"
+apply (simp add: wellfoundedrank_def function_def, clarify)
+txt{*Uniqueness: repeated below!*}
+apply (drule is_recfun_functional, assumption)
+     apply (blast intro: wellfounded_trancl)
+    apply (simp_all add: trancl_subset_times trans_trancl)
+lemma (in M_wfrank) domain_wellfoundedrank:
+    "[| wellfounded(M,r); M(r); M(A)|]
+     ==> domain(wellfoundedrank(M,r,A)) = A"
+apply (simp add: wellfoundedrank_def function_def)
+apply (rule equalityI, auto)
+apply (frule transM, assumption)
+apply (frule_tac a=x in exists_wfrank, assumption+, clarify)
+apply (rule_tac b="range(f)" in domainI)
+apply (rule_tac x=x in ReplaceI)
+  apply simp 
+  apply (rule_tac x=f in rexI, blast, simp_all)
+txt{*Uniqueness (for Replacement): repeated above!*}
+apply clarify
+apply (drule is_recfun_functional, assumption)
+    apply (blast intro: wellfounded_trancl)
+    apply (simp_all add: trancl_subset_times trans_trancl)
+lemma (in M_wfrank) wellfoundedrank_type:
+    "[| wellfounded(M,r);  M(r); M(A)|]
+     ==> wellfoundedrank(M,r,A) \<in> A -> range(wellfoundedrank(M,r,A))"
+apply (frule function_wellfoundedrank [of r A], assumption+)
+apply (frule function_imp_Pi)
+ apply (simp add: wellfoundedrank_def relation_def)
+ apply blast
+apply (simp add: domain_wellfoundedrank)
+lemma (in M_wfrank) Ord_wellfoundedrank:
+    "[| wellfounded(M,r); a \<in> A; r \<subseteq> A*A;  M(r); M(A) |]
+     ==> Ord(wellfoundedrank(M,r,A) ` a)"
+by (blast intro: apply_funtype [OF wellfoundedrank_type]
+                 Ord_in_Ord [OF Ord_range_wellfoundedrank])
+lemma (in M_wfrank) wellfoundedrank_eq:
+     "[| is_recfun(r^+, a, %x. range, f);
+         wellfounded(M,r);  a \<in> A; M(f); M(r); M(A)|]
+      ==> wellfoundedrank(M,r,A) ` a = range(f)"
+apply (rule apply_equality)
+ prefer 2 apply (blast intro: wellfoundedrank_type)
+apply (simp add: wellfoundedrank_def)
+apply (rule ReplaceI)
+  apply (rule_tac x="range(f)" in rexI) 
+  apply blast
+ apply simp_all
+txt{*Unicity requirement of Replacement*}
+apply clarify
+apply (drule is_recfun_functional, assumption)
+    apply (blast intro: wellfounded_trancl)
+    apply (simp_all add: trancl_subset_times trans_trancl)
+lemma (in M_wfrank) wellfoundedrank_lt:
+     "[| <a,b> \<in> r;
+         wellfounded(M,r); r \<subseteq> A*A;  M(r); M(A)|]
+      ==> wellfoundedrank(M,r,A) ` a < wellfoundedrank(M,r,A) ` b"
+apply (frule wellfounded_trancl, assumption)
+apply (subgoal_tac "a\<in>A & b\<in>A")
+ prefer 2 apply blast
+apply (simp add: lt_def Ord_wellfoundedrank, clarify)
+apply (frule exists_wfrank [of concl: _ b], erule (1) transM, assumption)
+apply clarify
+apply (rename_tac fb)
+apply (frule is_recfun_restrict [of concl: "r^+" a])
+    apply (rule trans_trancl, assumption)
+   apply (simp_all add: r_into_trancl trancl_subset_times)
+txt{*Still the same goal, but with new @{text is_recfun} assumptions.*}
+apply (simp add: wellfoundedrank_eq)
+apply (frule_tac a=a in wellfoundedrank_eq, assumption+)
+   apply (simp_all add: transM [of a])
+txt{*We have used equations for wellfoundedrank and now must use some
+    for  @{text is_recfun}. *}
+apply (rule_tac a=a in rangeI)
+apply (simp add: is_recfun_type [THEN apply_iff] vimage_singleton_iff
+                 r_into_trancl apply_recfun r_into_trancl)
+lemma (in M_wfrank) wellfounded_imp_subset_rvimage:
+     "[|wellfounded(M,r); r \<subseteq> A*A; M(r); M(A)|]
+      ==> \<exists>i f. Ord(i) & r <= rvimage(A, f, Memrel(i))"
+apply (rule_tac x="range(wellfoundedrank(M,r,A))" in exI)
+apply (rule_tac x="wellfoundedrank(M,r,A)" in exI)
+apply (simp add: Ord_range_wellfoundedrank, clarify)
+apply (frule subsetD, assumption, clarify)
+apply (simp add: rvimage_iff wellfoundedrank_lt [THEN ltD])
+apply (blast intro: apply_rangeI wellfoundedrank_type)
+lemma (in M_wfrank) wellfounded_imp_wf:
+     "[|wellfounded(M,r); relation(r); M(r)|] ==> wf(r)"
+by (blast dest!: relation_field_times_field wellfounded_imp_subset_rvimage
+          intro: wf_rvimage_Ord [THEN wf_subset])
+lemma (in M_wfrank) wellfounded_on_imp_wf_on:
+     "[|wellfounded_on(M,A,r); relation(r); M(r); M(A)|] ==> wf[A](r)"
+apply (simp add: wellfounded_on_iff_wellfounded wf_on_def)
+apply (rule wellfounded_imp_wf)
+apply (simp_all add: relation_def)
+theorem (in M_wfrank) wf_abs:
+     "[|relation(r); M(r)|] ==> wellfounded(M,r) <-> wf(r)"
+by (blast intro: wellfounded_imp_wf wf_imp_relativized)
+theorem (in M_wfrank) wf_on_abs:
+     "[|relation(r); M(r); M(A)|] ==> wellfounded_on(M,A,r) <-> wf[A](r)"
+by (blast intro: wellfounded_on_imp_wf_on wf_on_imp_relativized)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/Rank_Separation.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+(*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/Rank_Separation.thy
+    ID:   $Id$
+    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+header {*Separation for Facts About Order Types, Rank Functions and 
+      Well-Founded Relations*}
+theory Rank_Separation = Rank + Rec_Separation:
+text{*This theory proves all instances needed for locales
+       @{text "M_ordertype"} and  @{text "M_wfrank"}*}
+subsection{*The Locale @{text "M_ordertype"}*}
+subsubsection{*Separation for Order-Isomorphisms*}
+lemma well_ord_iso_Reflects:
+  "REFLECTS[\<lambda>x. x\<in>A -->
+                (\<exists>y[L]. \<exists>p[L]. fun_apply(L,f,x,y) & pair(L,y,x,p) & p \<in> r),
+        \<lambda>i x. x\<in>A --> (\<exists>y \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>p \<in> Lset(i).
+                fun_apply(**Lset(i),f,x,y) & pair(**Lset(i),y,x,p) & p \<in> r)]"
+by (intro FOL_reflections function_reflections)
+lemma well_ord_iso_separation:
+     "[| L(A); L(f); L(r) |]
+      ==> separation (L, \<lambda>x. x\<in>A --> (\<exists>y[L]. (\<exists>p[L].
+                     fun_apply(L,f,x,y) & pair(L,y,x,p) & p \<in> r)))"
+apply (rule gen_separation [OF well_ord_iso_Reflects, of "{A,f,r}"], simp)
+apply (drule mem_Lset_imp_subset_Lset, clarsimp)
+apply (rule DPow_LsetI)
+apply (rule imp_iff_sats)
+apply (rule_tac env = "[x,A,f,r]" in mem_iff_sats)
+apply (rule sep_rules | simp)+
+subsubsection{*Separation for @{term "obase"}*}
+lemma obase_reflects:
+  "REFLECTS[\<lambda>a. \<exists>x[L]. \<exists>g[L]. \<exists>mx[L]. \<exists>par[L].
+             ordinal(L,x) & membership(L,x,mx) & pred_set(L,A,a,r,par) &
+             order_isomorphism(L,par,r,x,mx,g),
+        \<lambda>i a. \<exists>x \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>g \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>mx \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>par \<in> Lset(i).
+             ordinal(**Lset(i),x) & membership(**Lset(i),x,mx) & pred_set(**Lset(i),A,a,r,par) &
+             order_isomorphism(**Lset(i),par,r,x,mx,g)]"
+by (intro FOL_reflections function_reflections fun_plus_reflections)
+lemma obase_separation:
+     --{*part of the order type formalization*}
+     "[| L(A); L(r) |]
+      ==> separation(L, \<lambda>a. \<exists>x[L]. \<exists>g[L]. \<exists>mx[L]. \<exists>par[L].
+             ordinal(L,x) & membership(L,x,mx) & pred_set(L,A,a,r,par) &
+             order_isomorphism(L,par,r,x,mx,g))"
+apply (rule gen_separation [OF obase_reflects, of "{A,r}"], simp)
+apply (drule mem_Lset_imp_subset_Lset, clarsimp)
+apply (rule DPow_LsetI)
+apply (rule bex_iff_sats conj_iff_sats)+
+apply (rule_tac env = "[x,a,A,r]" in ordinal_iff_sats)
+apply (rule sep_rules | simp)+
+subsubsection{*Separation for a Theorem about @{term "obase"}*}
+lemma obase_equals_reflects:
+  "REFLECTS[\<lambda>x. x\<in>A --> ~(\<exists>y[L]. \<exists>g[L].
+                ordinal(L,y) & (\<exists>my[L]. \<exists>pxr[L].
+                membership(L,y,my) & pred_set(L,A,x,r,pxr) &
+                order_isomorphism(L,pxr,r,y,my,g))),
+        \<lambda>i x. x\<in>A --> ~(\<exists>y \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>g \<in> Lset(i).
+                ordinal(**Lset(i),y) & (\<exists>my \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>pxr \<in> Lset(i).
+                membership(**Lset(i),y,my) & pred_set(**Lset(i),A,x,r,pxr) &
+                order_isomorphism(**Lset(i),pxr,r,y,my,g)))]"
+by (intro FOL_reflections function_reflections fun_plus_reflections)
+lemma obase_equals_separation:
+     "[| L(A); L(r) |]
+      ==> separation (L, \<lambda>x. x\<in>A --> ~(\<exists>y[L]. \<exists>g[L].
+                              ordinal(L,y) & (\<exists>my[L]. \<exists>pxr[L].
+                              membership(L,y,my) & pred_set(L,A,x,r,pxr) &
+                              order_isomorphism(L,pxr,r,y,my,g))))"
+apply (rule gen_separation [OF obase_equals_reflects, of "{A,r}"], simp)
+apply (drule mem_Lset_imp_subset_Lset, clarsimp)
+apply (rule DPow_LsetI)
+apply (rule imp_iff_sats ball_iff_sats disj_iff_sats not_iff_sats)+
+apply (rule_tac env = "[x,A,r]" in mem_iff_sats)
+apply (rule sep_rules | simp)+
+subsubsection{*Replacement for @{term "omap"}*}
+lemma omap_reflects:
+ "REFLECTS[\<lambda>z. \<exists>a[L]. a\<in>B & (\<exists>x[L]. \<exists>g[L]. \<exists>mx[L]. \<exists>par[L].
+     ordinal(L,x) & pair(L,a,x,z) & membership(L,x,mx) &
+     pred_set(L,A,a,r,par) & order_isomorphism(L,par,r,x,mx,g)),
+ \<lambda>i z. \<exists>a \<in> Lset(i). a\<in>B & (\<exists>x \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>g \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>mx \<in> Lset(i).
+        \<exists>par \<in> Lset(i).
+         ordinal(**Lset(i),x) & pair(**Lset(i),a,x,z) &
+         membership(**Lset(i),x,mx) & pred_set(**Lset(i),A,a,r,par) &
+         order_isomorphism(**Lset(i),par,r,x,mx,g))]"
+by (intro FOL_reflections function_reflections fun_plus_reflections)
+lemma omap_replacement:
+     "[| L(A); L(r) |]
+      ==> strong_replacement(L,
+             \<lambda>a z. \<exists>x[L]. \<exists>g[L]. \<exists>mx[L]. \<exists>par[L].
+             ordinal(L,x) & pair(L,a,x,z) & membership(L,x,mx) &
+             pred_set(L,A,a,r,par) & order_isomorphism(L,par,r,x,mx,g))"
+apply (rule strong_replacementI)
+apply (rename_tac B)
+apply (rule_tac u="{A,r,B}" in gen_separation [OF omap_reflects], simp)
+apply (drule mem_Lset_imp_subset_Lset, clarsimp)
+apply (rule DPow_LsetI)
+apply (rule bex_iff_sats conj_iff_sats)+
+apply (rule_tac env = "[a,z,A,B,r]" in mem_iff_sats)
+apply (rule sep_rules | simp)+
+subsection{*Instantiating the locale @{text M_ordertype}*}
+text{*Separation (and Strong Replacement) for basic set-theoretic constructions
+such as intersection, Cartesian Product and image.*}
+lemma M_ordertype_axioms_L: "M_ordertype_axioms(L)"
+  apply (rule M_ordertype_axioms.intro)
+       apply (assumption | rule well_ord_iso_separation
+	 obase_separation obase_equals_separation
+	 omap_replacement)+
+  done
+theorem M_ordertype_L: "PROP M_ordertype(L)"
+apply (rule M_ordertype.intro)
+     apply (rule M_basic.axioms [OF M_basic_L])+
+apply (rule M_ordertype_axioms_L) 
+subsection{*The Locale @{text "M_wfrank"}*}
+subsubsection{*Separation for @{term "wfrank"}*}
+lemma wfrank_Reflects:
+ "REFLECTS[\<lambda>x. \<forall>rplus[L]. tran_closure(L,r,rplus) -->
+              ~ (\<exists>f[L]. M_is_recfun(L, %x f y. is_range(L,f,y), rplus, x, f)),
+      \<lambda>i x. \<forall>rplus \<in> Lset(i). tran_closure(**Lset(i),r,rplus) -->
+         ~ (\<exists>f \<in> Lset(i).
+            M_is_recfun(**Lset(i), %x f y. is_range(**Lset(i),f,y),
+                        rplus, x, f))]"
+by (intro FOL_reflections function_reflections is_recfun_reflection tran_closure_reflection)
+lemma wfrank_separation:
+     "L(r) ==>
+      separation (L, \<lambda>x. \<forall>rplus[L]. tran_closure(L,r,rplus) -->
+         ~ (\<exists>f[L]. M_is_recfun(L, %x f y. is_range(L,f,y), rplus, x, f)))"
+apply (rule gen_separation [OF wfrank_Reflects], simp)
+apply (rule DPow_LsetI)
+apply (rule ball_iff_sats imp_iff_sats)+
+apply (rule_tac env="[rplus,x,r]" in tran_closure_iff_sats)
+apply (rule sep_rules is_recfun_iff_sats | simp)+
+subsubsection{*Replacement for @{term "wfrank"}*}
+lemma wfrank_replacement_Reflects:
+ "REFLECTS[\<lambda>z. \<exists>x[L]. x \<in> A &
+        (\<forall>rplus[L]. tran_closure(L,r,rplus) -->
+         (\<exists>y[L]. \<exists>f[L]. pair(L,x,y,z)  &
+                        M_is_recfun(L, %x f y. is_range(L,f,y), rplus, x, f) &
+                        is_range(L,f,y))),
+ \<lambda>i z. \<exists>x \<in> Lset(i). x \<in> A &
+      (\<forall>rplus \<in> Lset(i). tran_closure(**Lset(i),r,rplus) -->
+       (\<exists>y \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>f \<in> Lset(i). pair(**Lset(i),x,y,z)  &
+         M_is_recfun(**Lset(i), %x f y. is_range(**Lset(i),f,y), rplus, x, f) &
+         is_range(**Lset(i),f,y)))]"
+by (intro FOL_reflections function_reflections fun_plus_reflections
+             is_recfun_reflection tran_closure_reflection)
+lemma wfrank_strong_replacement:
+     "L(r) ==>
+      strong_replacement(L, \<lambda>x z.
+         \<forall>rplus[L]. tran_closure(L,r,rplus) -->
+         (\<exists>y[L]. \<exists>f[L]. pair(L,x,y,z)  &
+                        M_is_recfun(L, %x f y. is_range(L,f,y), rplus, x, f) &
+                        is_range(L,f,y)))"
+apply (rule strong_replacementI)
+apply (rule_tac u="{r,A}" in gen_separation [OF wfrank_replacement_Reflects], 
+       simp)
+apply (drule mem_Lset_imp_subset_Lset, clarsimp)
+apply (rule DPow_LsetI)
+apply (rule bex_iff_sats ball_iff_sats conj_iff_sats)+
+apply (rule_tac env = "[x,z,A,r]" in mem_iff_sats)
+apply (rule sep_rules list.intros app_type tran_closure_iff_sats 
+            is_recfun_iff_sats | simp)+
+subsubsection{*Separation for Proving @{text Ord_wfrank_range}*}
+lemma Ord_wfrank_Reflects:
+ "REFLECTS[\<lambda>x. \<forall>rplus[L]. tran_closure(L,r,rplus) -->
+          ~ (\<forall>f[L]. \<forall>rangef[L].
+             is_range(L,f,rangef) -->
+             M_is_recfun(L, \<lambda>x f y. is_range(L,f,y), rplus, x, f) -->
+             ordinal(L,rangef)),
+      \<lambda>i x. \<forall>rplus \<in> Lset(i). tran_closure(**Lset(i),r,rplus) -->
+          ~ (\<forall>f \<in> Lset(i). \<forall>rangef \<in> Lset(i).
+             is_range(**Lset(i),f,rangef) -->
+             M_is_recfun(**Lset(i), \<lambda>x f y. is_range(**Lset(i),f,y),
+                         rplus, x, f) -->
+             ordinal(**Lset(i),rangef))]"
+by (intro FOL_reflections function_reflections is_recfun_reflection
+          tran_closure_reflection ordinal_reflection)
+lemma  Ord_wfrank_separation:
+     "L(r) ==>
+      separation (L, \<lambda>x.
+         \<forall>rplus[L]. tran_closure(L,r,rplus) -->
+          ~ (\<forall>f[L]. \<forall>rangef[L].
+             is_range(L,f,rangef) -->
+             M_is_recfun(L, \<lambda>x f y. is_range(L,f,y), rplus, x, f) -->
+             ordinal(L,rangef)))"
+apply (rule gen_separation [OF Ord_wfrank_Reflects], simp)
+apply (rule DPow_LsetI)
+apply (rule ball_iff_sats imp_iff_sats)+
+apply (rule_tac env="[rplus,x,r]" in tran_closure_iff_sats)
+apply (rule sep_rules is_recfun_iff_sats | simp)+
+subsubsection{*Instantiating the locale @{text M_wfrank}*}
+lemma M_wfrank_axioms_L: "M_wfrank_axioms(L)"
+  apply (rule M_wfrank_axioms.intro)
+   apply (assumption | rule
+     wfrank_separation wfrank_strong_replacement Ord_wfrank_separation)+
+  done
+theorem M_wfrank_L: "PROP M_wfrank(L)"
+  apply (rule M_wfrank.intro)
+     apply (rule M_trancl.axioms [OF M_trancl_L])+
+  apply (rule M_wfrank_axioms_L) 
+  done
+lemmas exists_wfrank = M_wfrank.exists_wfrank [OF M_wfrank_L]
+  and M_wellfoundedrank = M_wfrank.M_wellfoundedrank [OF M_wfrank_L]
+  and Ord_wfrank_range = M_wfrank.Ord_wfrank_range [OF M_wfrank_L]
+  and Ord_range_wellfoundedrank = M_wfrank.Ord_range_wellfoundedrank [OF M_wfrank_L]
+  and function_wellfoundedrank = M_wfrank.function_wellfoundedrank [OF M_wfrank_L]
+  and domain_wellfoundedrank = M_wfrank.domain_wellfoundedrank [OF M_wfrank_L]
+  and wellfoundedrank_type = M_wfrank.wellfoundedrank_type [OF M_wfrank_L]
+  and Ord_wellfoundedrank = M_wfrank.Ord_wellfoundedrank [OF M_wfrank_L]
+  and wellfoundedrank_eq = M_wfrank.wellfoundedrank_eq [OF M_wfrank_L]
+  and wellfoundedrank_lt = M_wfrank.wellfoundedrank_lt [OF M_wfrank_L]
+  and wellfounded_imp_subset_rvimage = M_wfrank.wellfounded_imp_subset_rvimage [OF M_wfrank_L]
+  and wellfounded_imp_wf = M_wfrank.wellfounded_imp_wf [OF M_wfrank_L]
+  and wellfounded_on_imp_wf_on = M_wfrank.wellfounded_on_imp_wf_on [OF M_wfrank_L]
+  and wf_abs = M_wfrank.wf_abs [OF M_wfrank_L]
+  and wf_on_abs = M_wfrank.wf_on_abs [OF M_wfrank_L]
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/Rec_Separation.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/Rec_Separation.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/Rec_Separation.thy
-    ID:         $Id$
+    ID:   $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   2002  University of Cambridge
 header {*Separation for Facts About Recursion*}
@@ -9,7 +8,7 @@
 theory Rec_Separation = Separation + Internalize:
 text{*This theory proves all instances needed for locales @{text
-"M_trancl"}, @{text "M_wfrank"} and @{text "M_datatypes"}*}
+"M_trancl"} and @{text "M_datatypes"}*}
 lemma eq_succ_imp_lt: "[|i = succ(j); Ord(i)|] ==> j<i"
 by simp
@@ -223,139 +222,6 @@
 declare trancl_abs [simp]
-subsection{*The Locale @{text "M_wfrank"}*}
-subsubsection{*Separation for @{term "wfrank"}*}
-lemma wfrank_Reflects:
- "REFLECTS[\<lambda>x. \<forall>rplus[L]. tran_closure(L,r,rplus) -->
-              ~ (\<exists>f[L]. M_is_recfun(L, %x f y. is_range(L,f,y), rplus, x, f)),
-      \<lambda>i x. \<forall>rplus \<in> Lset(i). tran_closure(**Lset(i),r,rplus) -->
-         ~ (\<exists>f \<in> Lset(i).
-            M_is_recfun(**Lset(i), %x f y. is_range(**Lset(i),f,y),
-                        rplus, x, f))]"
-by (intro FOL_reflections function_reflections is_recfun_reflection tran_closure_reflection)
-lemma wfrank_separation:
-     "L(r) ==>
-      separation (L, \<lambda>x. \<forall>rplus[L]. tran_closure(L,r,rplus) -->
-         ~ (\<exists>f[L]. M_is_recfun(L, %x f y. is_range(L,f,y), rplus, x, f)))"
-apply (rule gen_separation [OF wfrank_Reflects], simp)
-apply (rule DPow_LsetI)
-apply (rule ball_iff_sats imp_iff_sats)+
-apply (rule_tac env="[rplus,x,r]" in tran_closure_iff_sats)
-apply (rule sep_rules is_recfun_iff_sats | simp)+
-subsubsection{*Replacement for @{term "wfrank"}*}
-lemma wfrank_replacement_Reflects:
- "REFLECTS[\<lambda>z. \<exists>x[L]. x \<in> A &
-        (\<forall>rplus[L]. tran_closure(L,r,rplus) -->
-         (\<exists>y[L]. \<exists>f[L]. pair(L,x,y,z)  &
-                        M_is_recfun(L, %x f y. is_range(L,f,y), rplus, x, f) &
-                        is_range(L,f,y))),
- \<lambda>i z. \<exists>x \<in> Lset(i). x \<in> A &
-      (\<forall>rplus \<in> Lset(i). tran_closure(**Lset(i),r,rplus) -->
-       (\<exists>y \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>f \<in> Lset(i). pair(**Lset(i),x,y,z)  &
-         M_is_recfun(**Lset(i), %x f y. is_range(**Lset(i),f,y), rplus, x, f) &
-         is_range(**Lset(i),f,y)))]"
-by (intro FOL_reflections function_reflections fun_plus_reflections
-             is_recfun_reflection tran_closure_reflection)
-lemma wfrank_strong_replacement:
-     "L(r) ==>
-      strong_replacement(L, \<lambda>x z.
-         \<forall>rplus[L]. tran_closure(L,r,rplus) -->
-         (\<exists>y[L]. \<exists>f[L]. pair(L,x,y,z)  &
-                        M_is_recfun(L, %x f y. is_range(L,f,y), rplus, x, f) &
-                        is_range(L,f,y)))"
-apply (rule strong_replacementI)
-apply (rule_tac u="{r,A}" in gen_separation [OF wfrank_replacement_Reflects], 
-       simp)
-apply (drule mem_Lset_imp_subset_Lset, clarsimp)
-apply (rule DPow_LsetI)
-apply (rule bex_iff_sats ball_iff_sats conj_iff_sats)+
-apply (rule_tac env = "[x,z,A,r]" in mem_iff_sats)
-apply (rule sep_rules list.intros app_type tran_closure_iff_sats 
-            is_recfun_iff_sats | simp)+
-subsubsection{*Separation for Proving @{text Ord_wfrank_range}*}
-lemma Ord_wfrank_Reflects:
- "REFLECTS[\<lambda>x. \<forall>rplus[L]. tran_closure(L,r,rplus) -->
-          ~ (\<forall>f[L]. \<forall>rangef[L].
-             is_range(L,f,rangef) -->
-             M_is_recfun(L, \<lambda>x f y. is_range(L,f,y), rplus, x, f) -->
-             ordinal(L,rangef)),
-      \<lambda>i x. \<forall>rplus \<in> Lset(i). tran_closure(**Lset(i),r,rplus) -->
-          ~ (\<forall>f \<in> Lset(i). \<forall>rangef \<in> Lset(i).
-             is_range(**Lset(i),f,rangef) -->
-             M_is_recfun(**Lset(i), \<lambda>x f y. is_range(**Lset(i),f,y),
-                         rplus, x, f) -->
-             ordinal(**Lset(i),rangef))]"
-by (intro FOL_reflections function_reflections is_recfun_reflection
-          tran_closure_reflection ordinal_reflection)
-lemma  Ord_wfrank_separation:
-     "L(r) ==>
-      separation (L, \<lambda>x.
-         \<forall>rplus[L]. tran_closure(L,r,rplus) -->
-          ~ (\<forall>f[L]. \<forall>rangef[L].
-             is_range(L,f,rangef) -->
-             M_is_recfun(L, \<lambda>x f y. is_range(L,f,y), rplus, x, f) -->
-             ordinal(L,rangef)))"
-apply (rule gen_separation [OF Ord_wfrank_Reflects], simp)
-apply (rule DPow_LsetI)
-apply (rule ball_iff_sats imp_iff_sats)+
-apply (rule_tac env="[rplus,x,r]" in tran_closure_iff_sats)
-apply (rule sep_rules is_recfun_iff_sats | simp)+
-subsubsection{*Instantiating the locale @{text M_wfrank}*}
-lemma M_wfrank_axioms_L: "M_wfrank_axioms(L)"
-  apply (rule M_wfrank_axioms.intro)
-   apply (assumption | rule
-     wfrank_separation wfrank_strong_replacement Ord_wfrank_separation)+
-  done
-theorem M_wfrank_L: "PROP M_wfrank(L)"
-  apply (rule M_wfrank.intro)
-     apply (rule M_trancl.axioms [OF M_trancl_L])+
-  apply (rule M_wfrank_axioms_L) 
-  done
-lemmas iterates_closed = M_wfrank.iterates_closed [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and exists_wfrank = M_wfrank.exists_wfrank [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and M_wellfoundedrank = M_wfrank.M_wellfoundedrank [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and Ord_wfrank_range = M_wfrank.Ord_wfrank_range [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and Ord_range_wellfoundedrank = M_wfrank.Ord_range_wellfoundedrank [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and function_wellfoundedrank = M_wfrank.function_wellfoundedrank [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and domain_wellfoundedrank = M_wfrank.domain_wellfoundedrank [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and wellfoundedrank_type = M_wfrank.wellfoundedrank_type [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and Ord_wellfoundedrank = M_wfrank.Ord_wellfoundedrank [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and wellfoundedrank_eq = M_wfrank.wellfoundedrank_eq [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and wellfoundedrank_lt = M_wfrank.wellfoundedrank_lt [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and wellfounded_imp_subset_rvimage = M_wfrank.wellfounded_imp_subset_rvimage [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and wellfounded_imp_wf = M_wfrank.wellfounded_imp_wf [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and wellfounded_on_imp_wf_on = M_wfrank.wellfounded_on_imp_wf_on [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and wf_abs = M_wfrank.wf_abs [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and wf_on_abs = M_wfrank.wf_on_abs [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and wfrec_replacement_iff = M_wfrank.wfrec_replacement_iff [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and trans_wfrec_closed = M_wfrank.trans_wfrec_closed [OF M_wfrank_L]
-  and wfrec_closed = M_wfrank.wfrec_closed [OF M_wfrank_L]
-declare iterates_closed [intro,simp]
-declare Ord_wfrank_range [rule_format]
-declare wf_abs [simp]
-declare wf_on_abs [simp]
 subsection{*@{term L} is Closed Under the Operator @{term list}*}
 subsubsection{*Instances of Replacement for Lists*}
@@ -578,7 +444,7 @@
 theorem M_datatypes_L: "PROP M_datatypes(L)"
   apply (rule M_datatypes.intro)
-      apply (rule M_wfrank.axioms [OF M_wfrank_L])+
+      apply (rule M_trancl.axioms [OF M_trancl_L])+
  apply (rule M_datatypes_axioms_L) 
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/Reflection.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/Reflection.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/Reflection.thy
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   2002  University of Cambridge
 header {* The Reflection Theorem*}
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/Relative.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/Relative.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/Relative.thy
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   2002  University of Cambridge
 header {*Relativization and Absoluteness*}
@@ -197,43 +196,43 @@
        (\<forall>m[M]. successor(M,m,k) --> is_b(m,z)) &
        (is_quasinat(M,k) | empty(M,z))"
-  relativize1 :: "[i=>o, [i,i]=>o, i=>i] => o"
-    "relativize1(M,is_f,f) == \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>y[M]. is_f(x,y) <-> y = f(x)"
+  relation1 :: "[i=>o, [i,i]=>o, i=>i] => o"
+    "relation1(M,is_f,f) == \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>y[M]. is_f(x,y) <-> y = f(x)"
-  Relativize1 :: "[i=>o, i, [i,i]=>o, i=>i] => o"
+  Relation1 :: "[i=>o, i, [i,i]=>o, i=>i] => o"
     --{*as above, but typed*}
-    "Relativize1(M,A,is_f,f) ==
+    "Relation1(M,A,is_f,f) ==
         \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>y[M]. x\<in>A --> is_f(x,y) <-> y = f(x)"
-  relativize2 :: "[i=>o, [i,i,i]=>o, [i,i]=>i] => o"
-    "relativize2(M,is_f,f) == \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>y[M]. \<forall>z[M]. is_f(x,y,z) <-> z = f(x,y)"
+  relation2 :: "[i=>o, [i,i,i]=>o, [i,i]=>i] => o"
+    "relation2(M,is_f,f) == \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>y[M]. \<forall>z[M]. is_f(x,y,z) <-> z = f(x,y)"
-  Relativize2 :: "[i=>o, i, i, [i,i,i]=>o, [i,i]=>i] => o"
-    "Relativize2(M,A,B,is_f,f) ==
+  Relation2 :: "[i=>o, i, i, [i,i,i]=>o, [i,i]=>i] => o"
+    "Relation2(M,A,B,is_f,f) ==
         \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>y[M]. \<forall>z[M]. x\<in>A --> y\<in>B --> is_f(x,y,z) <-> z = f(x,y)"
-  relativize3 :: "[i=>o, [i,i,i,i]=>o, [i,i,i]=>i] => o"
-    "relativize3(M,is_f,f) ==
+  relation3 :: "[i=>o, [i,i,i,i]=>o, [i,i,i]=>i] => o"
+    "relation3(M,is_f,f) ==
        \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>y[M]. \<forall>z[M]. \<forall>u[M]. is_f(x,y,z,u) <-> u = f(x,y,z)"
-  Relativize3 :: "[i=>o, i, i, i, [i,i,i,i]=>o, [i,i,i]=>i] => o"
-    "Relativize3(M,A,B,C,is_f,f) ==
+  Relation3 :: "[i=>o, i, i, i, [i,i,i,i]=>o, [i,i,i]=>i] => o"
+    "Relation3(M,A,B,C,is_f,f) ==
        \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>y[M]. \<forall>z[M]. \<forall>u[M].
          x\<in>A --> y\<in>B --> z\<in>C --> is_f(x,y,z,u) <-> u = f(x,y,z)"
-  relativize4 :: "[i=>o, [i,i,i,i,i]=>o, [i,i,i,i]=>i] => o"
-    "relativize4(M,is_f,f) ==
+  relation4 :: "[i=>o, [i,i,i,i,i]=>o, [i,i,i,i]=>i] => o"
+    "relation4(M,is_f,f) ==
        \<forall>u[M]. \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>y[M]. \<forall>z[M]. \<forall>a[M]. is_f(u,x,y,z,a) <-> a = f(u,x,y,z)"
 text{*Useful when absoluteness reasoning has replaced the predicates by terms*}
-lemma triv_Relativize1:
-     "Relativize1(M, A, \<lambda>x y. y = f(x), f)"
-by (simp add: Relativize1_def)
+lemma triv_Relation1:
+     "Relation1(M, A, \<lambda>x y. y = f(x), f)"
+by (simp add: Relation1_def)
-lemma triv_Relativize2:
-     "Relativize2(M, A, B, \<lambda>x y a. a = f(x,y), f)"
-by (simp add: Relativize2_def)
+lemma triv_Relation2:
+     "Relation2(M, A, B, \<lambda>x y a. a = f(x,y), f)"
+by (simp add: Relation2_def)
 subsection {*The relativized ZF axioms*}
@@ -730,9 +729,9 @@
 lemma (in M_trivial) lambda_abs2 [simp]:
      "[| strong_replacement(M, \<lambda>x y. x\<in>A & y = \<langle>x, b(x)\<rangle>);
-         Relativize1(M,A,is_b,b); M(A); \<forall>m[M]. m\<in>A --> M(b(m)); M(z) |]
+         Relation1(M,A,is_b,b); M(A); \<forall>m[M]. m\<in>A --> M(b(m)); M(z) |]
       ==> is_lambda(M,A,is_b,z) <-> z = Lambda(A,b)"
-apply (simp add: Relativize1_def is_lambda_def)
+apply (simp add: Relation1_def is_lambda_def)
 apply (rule iffI)
  prefer 2 apply (simp add: lam_def)
 apply (rule M_equalityI)
@@ -787,7 +786,7 @@
 by (auto simp add: is_quasinat_def quasinat_def)
 lemma (in M_trivial) nat_case_abs [simp]:
-     "[| relativize1(M,is_b,b); M(k); M(z) |]
+     "[| relation1(M,is_b,b); M(k); M(z) |]
       ==> is_nat_case(M,a,is_b,k,z) <-> z = nat_case(a,b,k)"
 apply (case_tac "quasinat(k)")
  prefer 2
@@ -795,7 +794,7 @@
  apply (force simp add: quasinat_def)
 apply (simp add: quasinat_def is_nat_case_def)
 apply (elim disjE exE)
- apply (simp_all add: relativize1_def)
+ apply (simp_all add: relation1_def)
 (*NOT for the simplifier.  The assumption M(z') is apparently necessary, but
@@ -929,30 +928,8 @@
       strong_replacement(M, \<lambda>p z. \<exists>f[M]. \<exists>b[M]. \<exists>nb[M]. \<exists>cnbf[M].
                 pair(M,f,b,p) & pair(M,n,b,nb) & is_cons(M,nb,f,cnbf) &
-  and well_ord_iso_separation:
-     "[| M(A); M(f); M(r) |]
-      ==> separation (M, \<lambda>x. x\<in>A --> (\<exists>y[M]. (\<exists>p[M].
-		     fun_apply(M,f,x,y) & pair(M,y,x,p) & p \<in> r)))"
-  and obase_separation:
-     --{*part of the order type formalization*}
-     "[| M(A); M(r) |]
-      ==> separation(M, \<lambda>a. \<exists>x[M]. \<exists>g[M]. \<exists>mx[M]. \<exists>par[M].
-	     ordinal(M,x) & membership(M,x,mx) & pred_set(M,A,a,r,par) &
-	     order_isomorphism(M,par,r,x,mx,g))"
-  and obase_equals_separation:
-     "[| M(A); M(r) |]
-      ==> separation (M, \<lambda>x. x\<in>A --> ~(\<exists>y[M]. \<exists>g[M].
-			      ordinal(M,y) & (\<exists>my[M]. \<exists>pxr[M].
-			      membership(M,y,my) & pred_set(M,A,x,r,pxr) &
-			      order_isomorphism(M,pxr,r,y,my,g))))"
-  and omap_replacement:
-     "[| M(A); M(r) |]
-      ==> strong_replacement(M,
-             \<lambda>a z. \<exists>x[M]. \<exists>g[M]. \<exists>mx[M]. \<exists>par[M].
-	     ordinal(M,x) & pair(M,a,x,z) & membership(M,x,mx) &
-	     pred_set(M,A,a,r,par) & order_isomorphism(M,par,r,x,mx,g))"
   and is_recfun_separation:
-     --{*for well-founded recursion*}
+     --{*for well-founded recursion: used to prove @{text is_recfun_equal}*}
      "[| M(r); M(f); M(g); M(a); M(b) |]
      ==> separation(M,
             \<lambda>x. \<exists>xa[M]. \<exists>xb[M].
@@ -1490,7 +1467,7 @@
 by (auto simp add: is_quasilist_def quasilist_def)
 lemma (in M_trivial) list_case_abs [simp]:
-     "[| relativize2(M,is_b,b); M(k); M(z) |]
+     "[| relation2(M,is_b,b); M(k); M(z) |]
       ==> is_list_case(M,a,is_b,k,z) <-> z = list_case'(a,b,k)"
 apply (case_tac "quasilist(k)")
  prefer 2
@@ -1498,7 +1475,7 @@
  apply (force simp add: quasilist_def)
 apply (simp add: quasilist_def is_list_case_def)
 apply (elim disjE exE)
- apply (simp_all add: relativize2_def)
+ apply (simp_all add: relation2_def)
@@ -1536,8 +1513,8 @@
 apply (elim disjE exE, auto)
-lemma (in M_trivial) relativize1_tl: "relativize1(M, is_tl(M), tl')"
-by (simp add: relativize1_def)
+lemma (in M_trivial) relation1_tl: "relation1(M, is_tl(M), tl')"
+by (simp add: relation1_def)
 lemma hd'_Nil: "hd'([]) = 0"
 by (simp add: hd'_def)
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/Satisfies_absolute.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/Satisfies_absolute.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/Satisfies_absolute.thy
-    ID:         $Id$
+    ID:  $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   2002  University of Cambridge
 header {*Absoluteness for the Satisfies Relation on Formulas*}
@@ -367,9 +366,9 @@
 lemma (in M_satisfies) a_rel:
-     "M(A) ==> Relativize2(M, nat, nat, satisfies_is_a(M,A), satisfies_a(A))"
-apply (simp add: Relativize2_def satisfies_is_a_def satisfies_a_def)
-apply (simp add: lambda_abs2 [OF Member_replacement'] Relativize1_def)
+     "M(A) ==> Relation2(M, nat, nat, satisfies_is_a(M,A), satisfies_a(A))"
+apply (simp add: Relation2_def satisfies_is_a_def satisfies_a_def)
+apply (simp add: lambda_abs2 [OF Member_replacement'] Relation1_def)
 lemma (in M_satisfies) b_closed:
@@ -379,9 +378,9 @@
 lemma (in M_satisfies) b_rel:
-     "M(A) ==> Relativize2(M, nat, nat, satisfies_is_b(M,A), satisfies_b(A))"
-apply (simp add: Relativize2_def satisfies_is_b_def satisfies_b_def)
-apply (simp add: lambda_abs2 [OF Equal_replacement'] Relativize1_def)
+     "M(A) ==> Relation2(M, nat, nat, satisfies_is_b(M,A), satisfies_b(A))"
+apply (simp add: Relation2_def satisfies_is_b_def satisfies_b_def)
+apply (simp add: lambda_abs2 [OF Equal_replacement'] Relation1_def)
 lemma (in M_satisfies) c_closed:
@@ -395,12 +394,12 @@
 lemma (in M_satisfies) c_rel:
  "[|M(A); M(f)|] ==> 
-  Relativize2 (M, formula, formula, 
+  Relation2 (M, formula, formula, 
 	       \<lambda>u v. satisfies_c(A, u, v, f ` succ(depth(u)) ` u, 
 					  f ` succ(depth(v)) ` v))"
-apply (simp add: Relativize2_def satisfies_is_c_def satisfies_c_def)
-apply (simp add: lambda_abs2 [OF Nand_replacement' triv_Relativize1] 
+apply (simp add: Relation2_def satisfies_is_c_def satisfies_c_def)
+apply (simp add: lambda_abs2 [OF Nand_replacement' triv_Relation1] 
@@ -414,11 +413,11 @@
 lemma (in M_satisfies) d_rel:
  "[|M(A); M(f)|] ==> 
-  Relativize1(M, formula, satisfies_is_d(M,A,f), 
+  Relation1(M, formula, satisfies_is_d(M,A,f), 
      \<lambda>u. satisfies_d(A, u, f ` succ(depth(u)) ` u))"
 apply (simp del: rall_abs 
-            add: Relativize1_def satisfies_is_d_def satisfies_d_def)
-apply (simp add: lambda_abs2 [OF Forall_replacement' triv_Relativize1] 
+            add: Relation1_def satisfies_is_d_def satisfies_d_def)
+apply (simp add: lambda_abs2 [OF Forall_replacement' triv_Relation1] 
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/Separation.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/Separation.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/Separation.thy
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   2002  University of Cambridge
 header{*Early Instances of Separation and Strong Replacement*}
@@ -270,113 +269,7 @@
-subsection{*Separation for Order-Isomorphisms*}
-lemma well_ord_iso_Reflects:
-  "REFLECTS[\<lambda>x. x\<in>A -->
-                (\<exists>y[L]. \<exists>p[L]. fun_apply(L,f,x,y) & pair(L,y,x,p) & p \<in> r),
-        \<lambda>i x. x\<in>A --> (\<exists>y \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>p \<in> Lset(i).
-                fun_apply(**Lset(i),f,x,y) & pair(**Lset(i),y,x,p) & p \<in> r)]"
-by (intro FOL_reflections function_reflections)
-lemma well_ord_iso_separation:
-     "[| L(A); L(f); L(r) |]
-      ==> separation (L, \<lambda>x. x\<in>A --> (\<exists>y[L]. (\<exists>p[L].
-                     fun_apply(L,f,x,y) & pair(L,y,x,p) & p \<in> r)))"
-apply (rule gen_separation [OF well_ord_iso_Reflects, of "{A,f,r}"], simp)
-apply (drule mem_Lset_imp_subset_Lset, clarsimp)
-apply (rule DPow_LsetI)
-apply (rule imp_iff_sats)
-apply (rule_tac env = "[x,A,f,r]" in mem_iff_sats)
-apply (rule sep_rules | simp)+
-subsection{*Separation for @{term "obase"}*}
-lemma obase_reflects:
-  "REFLECTS[\<lambda>a. \<exists>x[L]. \<exists>g[L]. \<exists>mx[L]. \<exists>par[L].
-             ordinal(L,x) & membership(L,x,mx) & pred_set(L,A,a,r,par) &
-             order_isomorphism(L,par,r,x,mx,g),
-        \<lambda>i a. \<exists>x \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>g \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>mx \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>par \<in> Lset(i).
-             ordinal(**Lset(i),x) & membership(**Lset(i),x,mx) & pred_set(**Lset(i),A,a,r,par) &
-             order_isomorphism(**Lset(i),par,r,x,mx,g)]"
-by (intro FOL_reflections function_reflections fun_plus_reflections)
-lemma obase_separation:
-     --{*part of the order type formalization*}
-     "[| L(A); L(r) |]
-      ==> separation(L, \<lambda>a. \<exists>x[L]. \<exists>g[L]. \<exists>mx[L]. \<exists>par[L].
-             ordinal(L,x) & membership(L,x,mx) & pred_set(L,A,a,r,par) &
-             order_isomorphism(L,par,r,x,mx,g))"
-apply (rule gen_separation [OF obase_reflects, of "{A,r}"], simp)
-apply (drule mem_Lset_imp_subset_Lset, clarsimp)
-apply (rule DPow_LsetI)
-apply (rule bex_iff_sats conj_iff_sats)+
-apply (rule_tac env = "[x,a,A,r]" in ordinal_iff_sats)
-apply (rule sep_rules | simp)+
-subsection{*Separation for a Theorem about @{term "obase"}*}
-lemma obase_equals_reflects:
-  "REFLECTS[\<lambda>x. x\<in>A --> ~(\<exists>y[L]. \<exists>g[L].
-                ordinal(L,y) & (\<exists>my[L]. \<exists>pxr[L].
-                membership(L,y,my) & pred_set(L,A,x,r,pxr) &
-                order_isomorphism(L,pxr,r,y,my,g))),
-        \<lambda>i x. x\<in>A --> ~(\<exists>y \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>g \<in> Lset(i).
-                ordinal(**Lset(i),y) & (\<exists>my \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>pxr \<in> Lset(i).
-                membership(**Lset(i),y,my) & pred_set(**Lset(i),A,x,r,pxr) &
-                order_isomorphism(**Lset(i),pxr,r,y,my,g)))]"
-by (intro FOL_reflections function_reflections fun_plus_reflections)
-lemma obase_equals_separation:
-     "[| L(A); L(r) |]
-      ==> separation (L, \<lambda>x. x\<in>A --> ~(\<exists>y[L]. \<exists>g[L].
-                              ordinal(L,y) & (\<exists>my[L]. \<exists>pxr[L].
-                              membership(L,y,my) & pred_set(L,A,x,r,pxr) &
-                              order_isomorphism(L,pxr,r,y,my,g))))"
-apply (rule gen_separation [OF obase_equals_reflects, of "{A,r}"], simp)
-apply (drule mem_Lset_imp_subset_Lset, clarsimp)
-apply (rule DPow_LsetI)
-apply (rule imp_iff_sats ball_iff_sats disj_iff_sats not_iff_sats)+
-apply (rule_tac env = "[x,A,r]" in mem_iff_sats)
-apply (rule sep_rules | simp)+
-subsection{*Replacement for @{term "omap"}*}
-lemma omap_reflects:
- "REFLECTS[\<lambda>z. \<exists>a[L]. a\<in>B & (\<exists>x[L]. \<exists>g[L]. \<exists>mx[L]. \<exists>par[L].
-     ordinal(L,x) & pair(L,a,x,z) & membership(L,x,mx) &
-     pred_set(L,A,a,r,par) & order_isomorphism(L,par,r,x,mx,g)),
- \<lambda>i z. \<exists>a \<in> Lset(i). a\<in>B & (\<exists>x \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>g \<in> Lset(i). \<exists>mx \<in> Lset(i).
-        \<exists>par \<in> Lset(i).
-         ordinal(**Lset(i),x) & pair(**Lset(i),a,x,z) &
-         membership(**Lset(i),x,mx) & pred_set(**Lset(i),A,a,r,par) &
-         order_isomorphism(**Lset(i),par,r,x,mx,g))]"
-by (intro FOL_reflections function_reflections fun_plus_reflections)
-lemma omap_replacement:
-     "[| L(A); L(r) |]
-      ==> strong_replacement(L,
-             \<lambda>a z. \<exists>x[L]. \<exists>g[L]. \<exists>mx[L]. \<exists>par[L].
-             ordinal(L,x) & pair(L,a,x,z) & membership(L,x,mx) &
-             pred_set(L,A,a,r,par) & order_isomorphism(L,par,r,x,mx,g))"
-apply (rule strong_replacementI)
-apply (rename_tac B)
-apply (rule_tac u="{A,r,B}" in gen_separation [OF omap_reflects], simp)
-apply (drule mem_Lset_imp_subset_Lset, clarsimp)
-apply (rule DPow_LsetI)
-apply (rule bex_iff_sats conj_iff_sats)+
-apply (rule_tac env = "[a,z,A,B,r]" in mem_iff_sats)
-apply (rule sep_rules | simp)+
-subsection{*Separation for a Theorem about @{term "obase"}*}
+subsection{*Separation for a Theorem about @{term "is_recfun"}*}
 lemma is_recfun_reflects:
   "REFLECTS[\<lambda>x. \<exists>xa[L]. \<exists>xb[L].
@@ -416,9 +309,7 @@
 	 Inter_separation Diff_separation cartprod_separation image_separation
 	 converse_separation restrict_separation
 	 comp_separation pred_separation Memrel_separation
-	 funspace_succ_replacement well_ord_iso_separation
-	 obase_separation obase_equals_separation
-	 omap_replacement is_recfun_separation)+
+	 funspace_succ_replacement is_recfun_separation)+
 theorem M_basic_L: "PROP M_basic(L)"
@@ -469,7 +360,6 @@
   and is_recfun_relativize = M_basic.is_recfun_relativize [OF M_basic_L]
   and is_recfun_restrict = M_basic.is_recfun_restrict [OF M_basic_L]
   and univalent_is_recfun = M_basic.univalent_is_recfun [OF M_basic_L]
-  and exists_is_recfun_indstep = M_basic.exists_is_recfun_indstep [OF M_basic_L]
   and wellfounded_exists_is_recfun = M_basic.wellfounded_exists_is_recfun [OF M_basic_L]
   and wf_exists_is_recfun = M_basic.wf_exists_is_recfun [OF M_basic_L]
   and is_recfun_abs = M_basic.is_recfun_abs [OF M_basic_L]
@@ -499,34 +389,8 @@
   and membership_abs = M_basic.membership_abs [OF M_basic_L]
   and M_Memrel_iff = M_basic.M_Memrel_iff [OF M_basic_L]
   and Memrel_closed = M_basic.Memrel_closed [OF M_basic_L]
-  and wellordered_iso_predD = M_basic.wellordered_iso_predD [OF M_basic_L]
-  and wellordered_iso_pred_eq = M_basic.wellordered_iso_pred_eq [OF M_basic_L]
   and wellfounded_on_asym = M_basic.wellfounded_on_asym [OF M_basic_L]
   and wellordered_asym = M_basic.wellordered_asym [OF M_basic_L]
-  and ord_iso_pred_imp_lt = M_basic.ord_iso_pred_imp_lt [OF M_basic_L]
-  and obase_iff = M_basic.obase_iff [OF M_basic_L]
-  and omap_iff = M_basic.omap_iff [OF M_basic_L]
-  and omap_unique = M_basic.omap_unique [OF M_basic_L]
-  and omap_yields_Ord = M_basic.omap_yields_Ord [OF M_basic_L]
-  and otype_iff = M_basic.otype_iff [OF M_basic_L]
-  and otype_eq_range = M_basic.otype_eq_range [OF M_basic_L]
-  and Ord_otype = M_basic.Ord_otype [OF M_basic_L]
-  and domain_omap = M_basic.domain_omap [OF M_basic_L]
-  and omap_subset = M_basic.omap_subset [OF M_basic_L]
-  and omap_funtype = M_basic.omap_funtype [OF M_basic_L]
-  and wellordered_omap_bij = M_basic.wellordered_omap_bij [OF M_basic_L]
-  and omap_ord_iso = M_basic.omap_ord_iso [OF M_basic_L]
-  and Ord_omap_image_pred = M_basic.Ord_omap_image_pred [OF M_basic_L]
-  and restrict_omap_ord_iso = M_basic.restrict_omap_ord_iso [OF M_basic_L]
-  and obase_equals = M_basic.obase_equals [OF M_basic_L]
-  and omap_ord_iso_otype = M_basic.omap_ord_iso_otype [OF M_basic_L]
-  and obase_exists = M_basic.obase_exists [OF M_basic_L]
-  and omap_exists = M_basic.omap_exists [OF M_basic_L]
-  and otype_exists = M_basic.otype_exists [OF M_basic_L]
-  and omap_ord_iso_otype' = M_basic.omap_ord_iso_otype' [OF M_basic_L]
-  and ordertype_exists = M_basic.ordertype_exists [OF M_basic_L]
-  and relativized_imp_well_ord = M_basic.relativized_imp_well_ord [OF M_basic_L]
-  and well_ord_abs = M_basic.well_ord_abs [OF M_basic_L]
 declare cartprod_closed [intro, simp]
 declare sum_closed [intro, simp]
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/WF_absolute.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/WF_absolute.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -1,68 +1,12 @@
 (*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/WF_absolute.thy
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   2002  University of Cambridge
 header {*Absoluteness for Well-Founded Relations and Well-Founded Recursion*}
 theory WF_absolute = WFrec:
-subsection{*Every well-founded relation is a subset of some inverse image of
-      an ordinal*}
-lemma wf_rvimage_Ord: "Ord(i) \<Longrightarrow> wf(rvimage(A, f, Memrel(i)))"
-by (blast intro: wf_rvimage wf_Memrel)
-  wfrank :: "[i,i]=>i"
-    "wfrank(r,a) == wfrec(r, a, %x f. \<Union>y \<in> r-``{x}. succ(f`y))"
-  wftype :: "i=>i"
-    "wftype(r) == \<Union>y \<in> range(r). succ(wfrank(r,y))"
-lemma wfrank: "wf(r) ==> wfrank(r,a) = (\<Union>y \<in> r-``{a}. succ(wfrank(r,y)))"
-by (subst wfrank_def [THEN def_wfrec], simp_all)
-lemma Ord_wfrank: "wf(r) ==> Ord(wfrank(r,a))"
-apply (rule_tac a=a in wf_induct, assumption)
-apply (subst wfrank, assumption)
-apply (rule Ord_succ [THEN Ord_UN], blast)
-lemma wfrank_lt: "[|wf(r); <a,b> \<in> r|] ==> wfrank(r,a) < wfrank(r,b)"
-apply (rule_tac a1 = b in wfrank [THEN ssubst], assumption)
-apply (rule UN_I [THEN ltI])
-apply (simp add: Ord_wfrank vimage_iff)+
-lemma Ord_wftype: "wf(r) ==> Ord(wftype(r))"
-by (simp add: wftype_def Ord_wfrank)
-lemma wftypeI: "\<lbrakk>wf(r);  x \<in> field(r)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> wfrank(r,x) \<in> wftype(r)"
-apply (simp add: wftype_def)
-apply (blast intro: wfrank_lt [THEN ltD])
-lemma wf_imp_subset_rvimage:
-     "[|wf(r); r \<subseteq> A*A|] ==> \<exists>i f. Ord(i) & r <= rvimage(A, f, Memrel(i))"
-apply (rule_tac x="wftype(r)" in exI)
-apply (rule_tac x="\<lambda>x\<in>A. wfrank(r,x)" in exI)
-apply (simp add: Ord_wftype, clarify)
-apply (frule subsetD, assumption, clarify)
-apply (simp add: rvimage_iff wfrank_lt [THEN ltD])
-apply (blast intro: wftypeI)
-theorem wf_iff_subset_rvimage:
-  "relation(r) ==> wf(r) <-> (\<exists>i f A. Ord(i) & r <= rvimage(A, f, Memrel(i)))"
-by (blast dest!: relation_field_times_field wf_imp_subset_rvimage
-          intro: wf_rvimage_Ord [THEN wf_subset])
 subsection{*Transitive closure without fixedpoints*}
@@ -236,271 +180,6 @@
 rank function.*}
-locale M_wfrank = M_trancl +
-  assumes wfrank_separation:
-     "M(r) ==>
-      separation (M, \<lambda>x. 
-         \<forall>rplus[M]. tran_closure(M,r,rplus) -->
-         ~ (\<exists>f[M]. M_is_recfun(M, %x f y. is_range(M,f,y), rplus, x, f)))"
- and wfrank_strong_replacement:
-     "M(r) ==>
-      strong_replacement(M, \<lambda>x z. 
-         \<forall>rplus[M]. tran_closure(M,r,rplus) -->
-         (\<exists>y[M]. \<exists>f[M]. pair(M,x,y,z)  & 
-                        M_is_recfun(M, %x f y. is_range(M,f,y), rplus, x, f) &
-                        is_range(M,f,y)))"
- and Ord_wfrank_separation:
-     "M(r) ==>
-      separation (M, \<lambda>x.
-         \<forall>rplus[M]. tran_closure(M,r,rplus) --> 
-          ~ (\<forall>f[M]. \<forall>rangef[M]. 
-             is_range(M,f,rangef) -->
-             M_is_recfun(M, \<lambda>x f y. is_range(M,f,y), rplus, x, f) -->
-             ordinal(M,rangef)))" 
-text{*Proving that the relativized instances of Separation or Replacement
-agree with the "real" ones.*}
-lemma (in M_wfrank) wfrank_separation':
-     "M(r) ==>
-      separation
-	   (M, \<lambda>x. ~ (\<exists>f[M]. is_recfun(r^+, x, %x f. range(f), f)))"
-apply (insert wfrank_separation [of r])
-apply (simp add: relativize2_def is_recfun_abs [of "%x. range"])
-lemma (in M_wfrank) wfrank_strong_replacement':
-     "M(r) ==>
-      strong_replacement(M, \<lambda>x z. \<exists>y[M]. \<exists>f[M]. 
-		  pair(M,x,y,z) & is_recfun(r^+, x, %x f. range(f), f) &
-		  y = range(f))"
-apply (insert wfrank_strong_replacement [of r])
-apply (simp add: relativize2_def is_recfun_abs [of "%x. range"])
-lemma (in M_wfrank) Ord_wfrank_separation':
-     "M(r) ==>
-      separation (M, \<lambda>x. 
-         ~ (\<forall>f[M]. is_recfun(r^+, x, \<lambda>x. range, f) --> Ord(range(f))))" 
-apply (insert Ord_wfrank_separation [of r])
-apply (simp add: relativize2_def is_recfun_abs [of "%x. range"])
-text{*This function, defined using replacement, is a rank function for
-well-founded relations within the class M.*}
- wellfoundedrank :: "[i=>o,i,i] => i"
-    "wellfoundedrank(M,r,A) ==
-        {p. x\<in>A, \<exists>y[M]. \<exists>f[M]. 
-                       p = <x,y> & is_recfun(r^+, x, %x f. range(f), f) &
-                       y = range(f)}"
-lemma (in M_wfrank) exists_wfrank:
-    "[| wellfounded(M,r); M(a); M(r) |]
-     ==> \<exists>f[M]. is_recfun(r^+, a, %x f. range(f), f)"
-apply (rule wellfounded_exists_is_recfun)
-      apply (blast intro: wellfounded_trancl)
-     apply (rule trans_trancl)
-    apply (erule wfrank_separation')
-   apply (erule wfrank_strong_replacement')
-apply (simp_all add: trancl_subset_times)
-lemma (in M_wfrank) M_wellfoundedrank:
-    "[| wellfounded(M,r); M(r); M(A) |] ==> M(wellfoundedrank(M,r,A))"
-apply (insert wfrank_strong_replacement' [of r])
-apply (simp add: wellfoundedrank_def)
-apply (rule strong_replacement_closed)
-   apply assumption+
- apply (rule univalent_is_recfun)
-   apply (blast intro: wellfounded_trancl)
-  apply (rule trans_trancl)
- apply (simp add: trancl_subset_times) 
-apply (blast dest: transM) 
-lemma (in M_wfrank) Ord_wfrank_range [rule_format]:
-    "[| wellfounded(M,r); a\<in>A; M(r); M(A) |]
-     ==> \<forall>f[M]. is_recfun(r^+, a, %x f. range(f), f) --> Ord(range(f))"
-apply (drule wellfounded_trancl, assumption)
-apply (rule wellfounded_induct, assumption, erule (1) transM)
-  apply simp
- apply (blast intro: Ord_wfrank_separation', clarify)
-txt{*The reasoning in both cases is that we get @{term y} such that
-   @{term "\<langle>y, x\<rangle> \<in> r^+"}.  We find that
-   @{term "f`y = restrict(f, r^+ -`` {y})"}. *}
-apply (rule OrdI [OF _ Ord_is_Transset])
- txt{*An ordinal is a transitive set...*}
- apply (simp add: Transset_def)
- apply clarify
- apply (frule apply_recfun2, assumption)
- apply (force simp add: restrict_iff)
-txt{*...of ordinals.  This second case requires the induction hyp.*}
-apply clarify
-apply (rename_tac i y)
-apply (frule apply_recfun2, assumption)
-apply (frule is_recfun_imp_in_r, assumption)
-apply (frule is_recfun_restrict)
-    (*simp_all won't work*)
-    apply (simp add: trans_trancl trancl_subset_times)+
-apply (drule spec [THEN mp], assumption)
-apply (subgoal_tac "M(restrict(f, r^+ -`` {y}))")
- apply (drule_tac x="restrict(f, r^+ -`` {y})" in rspec)
-apply assumption
- apply (simp add: function_apply_equality [OF _ is_recfun_imp_function])
-apply (blast dest: pair_components_in_M)
-lemma (in M_wfrank) Ord_range_wellfoundedrank:
-    "[| wellfounded(M,r); r \<subseteq> A*A;  M(r); M(A) |]
-     ==> Ord (range(wellfoundedrank(M,r,A)))"
-apply (frule wellfounded_trancl, assumption)
-apply (frule trancl_subset_times)
-apply (simp add: wellfoundedrank_def)
-apply (rule OrdI [OF _ Ord_is_Transset])
- prefer 2
- txt{*by our previous result the range consists of ordinals.*}
- apply (blast intro: Ord_wfrank_range)
-txt{*We still must show that the range is a transitive set.*}
-apply (simp add: Transset_def, clarify, simp)
-apply (rename_tac x i f u)
-apply (frule is_recfun_imp_in_r, assumption)
-apply (subgoal_tac "M(u) & M(i) & M(x)")
- prefer 2 apply (blast dest: transM, clarify)
-apply (rule_tac a=u in rangeI)
-apply (rule_tac x=u in ReplaceI)
-  apply simp 
-  apply (rule_tac x="restrict(f, r^+ -`` {u})" in rexI)
-   apply (blast intro: is_recfun_restrict trans_trancl dest: apply_recfun2)
-  apply simp 
-apply blast 
-txt{*Unicity requirement of Replacement*}
-apply clarify
-apply (frule apply_recfun2, assumption)
-apply (simp add: trans_trancl is_recfun_cut)
-lemma (in M_wfrank) function_wellfoundedrank:
-    "[| wellfounded(M,r); M(r); M(A)|]
-     ==> function(wellfoundedrank(M,r,A))"
-apply (simp add: wellfoundedrank_def function_def, clarify)
-txt{*Uniqueness: repeated below!*}
-apply (drule is_recfun_functional, assumption)
-     apply (blast intro: wellfounded_trancl)
-    apply (simp_all add: trancl_subset_times trans_trancl)
-lemma (in M_wfrank) domain_wellfoundedrank:
-    "[| wellfounded(M,r); M(r); M(A)|]
-     ==> domain(wellfoundedrank(M,r,A)) = A"
-apply (simp add: wellfoundedrank_def function_def)
-apply (rule equalityI, auto)
-apply (frule transM, assumption)
-apply (frule_tac a=x in exists_wfrank, assumption+, clarify)
-apply (rule_tac b="range(f)" in domainI)
-apply (rule_tac x=x in ReplaceI)
-  apply simp 
-  apply (rule_tac x=f in rexI, blast, simp_all)
-txt{*Uniqueness (for Replacement): repeated above!*}
-apply clarify
-apply (drule is_recfun_functional, assumption)
-    apply (blast intro: wellfounded_trancl)
-    apply (simp_all add: trancl_subset_times trans_trancl)
-lemma (in M_wfrank) wellfoundedrank_type:
-    "[| wellfounded(M,r);  M(r); M(A)|]
-     ==> wellfoundedrank(M,r,A) \<in> A -> range(wellfoundedrank(M,r,A))"
-apply (frule function_wellfoundedrank [of r A], assumption+)
-apply (frule function_imp_Pi)
- apply (simp add: wellfoundedrank_def relation_def)
- apply blast
-apply (simp add: domain_wellfoundedrank)
-lemma (in M_wfrank) Ord_wellfoundedrank:
-    "[| wellfounded(M,r); a \<in> A; r \<subseteq> A*A;  M(r); M(A) |]
-     ==> Ord(wellfoundedrank(M,r,A) ` a)"
-by (blast intro: apply_funtype [OF wellfoundedrank_type]
-                 Ord_in_Ord [OF Ord_range_wellfoundedrank])
-lemma (in M_wfrank) wellfoundedrank_eq:
-     "[| is_recfun(r^+, a, %x. range, f);
-         wellfounded(M,r);  a \<in> A; M(f); M(r); M(A)|]
-      ==> wellfoundedrank(M,r,A) ` a = range(f)"
-apply (rule apply_equality)
- prefer 2 apply (blast intro: wellfoundedrank_type)
-apply (simp add: wellfoundedrank_def)
-apply (rule ReplaceI)
-  apply (rule_tac x="range(f)" in rexI) 
-  apply blast
- apply simp_all
-txt{*Unicity requirement of Replacement*}
-apply clarify
-apply (drule is_recfun_functional, assumption)
-    apply (blast intro: wellfounded_trancl)
-    apply (simp_all add: trancl_subset_times trans_trancl)
-lemma (in M_wfrank) wellfoundedrank_lt:
-     "[| <a,b> \<in> r;
-         wellfounded(M,r); r \<subseteq> A*A;  M(r); M(A)|]
-      ==> wellfoundedrank(M,r,A) ` a < wellfoundedrank(M,r,A) ` b"
-apply (frule wellfounded_trancl, assumption)
-apply (subgoal_tac "a\<in>A & b\<in>A")
- prefer 2 apply blast
-apply (simp add: lt_def Ord_wellfoundedrank, clarify)
-apply (frule exists_wfrank [of concl: _ b], erule (1) transM, assumption)
-apply clarify
-apply (rename_tac fb)
-apply (frule is_recfun_restrict [of concl: "r^+" a])
-    apply (rule trans_trancl, assumption)
-   apply (simp_all add: r_into_trancl trancl_subset_times)
-txt{*Still the same goal, but with new @{text is_recfun} assumptions.*}
-apply (simp add: wellfoundedrank_eq)
-apply (frule_tac a=a in wellfoundedrank_eq, assumption+)
-   apply (simp_all add: transM [of a])
-txt{*We have used equations for wellfoundedrank and now must use some
-    for  @{text is_recfun}. *}
-apply (rule_tac a=a in rangeI)
-apply (simp add: is_recfun_type [THEN apply_iff] vimage_singleton_iff
-                 r_into_trancl apply_recfun r_into_trancl)
-lemma (in M_wfrank) wellfounded_imp_subset_rvimage:
-     "[|wellfounded(M,r); r \<subseteq> A*A; M(r); M(A)|]
-      ==> \<exists>i f. Ord(i) & r <= rvimage(A, f, Memrel(i))"
-apply (rule_tac x="range(wellfoundedrank(M,r,A))" in exI)
-apply (rule_tac x="wellfoundedrank(M,r,A)" in exI)
-apply (simp add: Ord_range_wellfoundedrank, clarify)
-apply (frule subsetD, assumption, clarify)
-apply (simp add: rvimage_iff wellfoundedrank_lt [THEN ltD])
-apply (blast intro: apply_rangeI wellfoundedrank_type)
-lemma (in M_wfrank) wellfounded_imp_wf:
-     "[|wellfounded(M,r); relation(r); M(r)|] ==> wf(r)"
-by (blast dest!: relation_field_times_field wellfounded_imp_subset_rvimage
-          intro: wf_rvimage_Ord [THEN wf_subset])
-lemma (in M_wfrank) wellfounded_on_imp_wf_on:
-     "[|wellfounded_on(M,A,r); relation(r); M(r); M(A)|] ==> wf[A](r)"
-apply (simp add: wellfounded_on_iff_wellfounded wf_on_def)
-apply (rule wellfounded_imp_wf)
-apply (simp_all add: relation_def)
-theorem (in M_wfrank) wf_abs [simp]:
-     "[|relation(r); M(r)|] ==> wellfounded(M,r) <-> wf(r)"
-by (blast intro: wellfounded_imp_wf wf_imp_relativized)
-theorem (in M_wfrank) wf_on_abs [simp]:
-     "[|relation(r); M(r); M(A)|] ==> wellfounded_on(M,A,r) <-> wf[A](r)"
-by (blast intro: wellfounded_on_imp_wf_on wf_on_imp_relativized)
 text{*absoluteness for wfrec-defined functions.*}
@@ -531,7 +210,7 @@
       before we can replace @{term "r^+"} by @{term r}. *}
 theorem (in M_trancl) trans_wfrec_relativize:
   "[|wf(r);  trans(r);  relation(r);  M(r);  M(a);
-     wfrec_replacement(M,MH,r);  relativize2(M,MH,H);
+     wfrec_replacement(M,MH,r);  relation2(M,MH,H);
      \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) --> M(H(x,g))|] 
    ==> wfrec(r,a,H) = z <-> (\<exists>f[M]. is_recfun(r,a,H,f) & z = H(a,f))" 
 apply (frule wfrec_replacement', assumption+) 
@@ -542,15 +221,15 @@
 theorem (in M_trancl) trans_wfrec_abs:
   "[|wf(r);  trans(r);  relation(r);  M(r);  M(a);  M(z);
-     wfrec_replacement(M,MH,r);  relativize2(M,MH,H);
+     wfrec_replacement(M,MH,r);  relation2(M,MH,H);
      \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) --> M(H(x,g))|] 
    ==> is_wfrec(M,MH,r,a,z) <-> z=wfrec(r,a,H)" 
-apply (simp add: trans_wfrec_relativize [THEN iff_sym] is_wfrec_abs, blast) 
+by (simp add: trans_wfrec_relativize [THEN iff_sym] is_wfrec_abs, blast) 
 lemma (in M_trancl) trans_eq_pair_wfrec_iff:
   "[|wf(r);  trans(r); relation(r); M(r);  M(y); 
-     wfrec_replacement(M,MH,r);  relativize2(M,MH,H);
+     wfrec_replacement(M,MH,r);  relation2(M,MH,H);
      \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) --> M(H(x,g))|] 
    ==> y = <x, wfrec(r, x, H)> <-> 
        (\<exists>f[M]. is_recfun(r,x,H,f) & y = <x, H(x,f)>)"
@@ -565,7 +244,7 @@
 subsection{*M is closed under well-founded recursion*}
 text{*Lemma with the awkward premise mentioning @{text wfrec}.*}
-lemma (in M_wfrank) wfrec_closed_lemma [rule_format]:
+lemma (in M_trancl) wfrec_closed_lemma [rule_format]:
      "[|wf(r); M(r); 
         strong_replacement(M, \<lambda>x y. y = \<langle>x, wfrec(r, x, H)\<rangle>);
         \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) --> M(H(x,g)) |] 
@@ -579,7 +258,7 @@
 text{*Eliminates one instance of replacement.*}
-lemma (in M_wfrank) wfrec_replacement_iff:
+lemma (in M_trancl) wfrec_replacement_iff:
      "strong_replacement(M, \<lambda>x z. 
           \<exists>y[M]. pair(M,x,y,z) & (\<exists>g[M]. is_recfun(r,x,H,g) & y = H(x,g))) <->
@@ -589,9 +268,9 @@
 text{*Useful version for transitive relations*}
-theorem (in M_wfrank) trans_wfrec_closed:
+theorem (in M_trancl) trans_wfrec_closed:
      "[|wf(r); trans(r); relation(r); M(r); M(a);
-       wfrec_replacement(M,MH,r);  relativize2(M,MH,H);
+       wfrec_replacement(M,MH,r);  relation2(M,MH,H);
         \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) --> M(H(x,g)) |] 
       ==> M(wfrec(r,a,H))"
 apply (frule wfrec_replacement', assumption+) 
@@ -619,10 +298,10 @@
 text{*Full version not assuming transitivity, but maybe not very useful.*}
-theorem (in M_wfrank) wfrec_closed:
+theorem (in M_trancl) wfrec_closed:
      "[|wf(r); M(r); M(a);
-        relativize2(M,MH, \<lambda>x f. H(x, restrict(f, r -`` {x})));
+        relation2(M,MH, \<lambda>x f. H(x, restrict(f, r -`` {x})));
         \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) --> M(H(x,g)) |] 
       ==> M(wfrec(r,a,H))"
 apply (frule wfrec_replacement' 
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/WFrec.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/WFrec.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/WFrec.thy
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   2002  University of Cambridge
 header{*Relativized Well-Founded Recursion*}
@@ -292,9 +291,9 @@
 lemma (in M_basic) is_recfun_abs:
      "[| \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) --> M(H(x,g));  M(r); M(a); M(f); 
-         relativize2(M,MH,H) |] 
+         relation2(M,MH,H) |] 
       ==> M_is_recfun(M,MH,r,a,f) <-> is_recfun(r,a,H,f)"
-apply (simp add: M_is_recfun_def relativize2_def is_recfun_relativize)
+apply (simp add: M_is_recfun_def relation2_def is_recfun_relativize)
 apply (rule rall_cong)
 apply (blast dest: transM)
@@ -307,16 +306,16 @@
 lemma (in M_basic) is_wfrec_abs:
      "[| \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) --> M(H(x,g)); 
-         relativize2(M,MH,H);  M(r); M(a); M(z) |]
+         relation2(M,MH,H);  M(r); M(a); M(z) |]
       ==> is_wfrec(M,MH,r,a,z) <-> 
           (\<exists>g[M]. is_recfun(r,a,H,g) & z = H(a,g))"
-by (simp add: is_wfrec_def relativize2_def is_recfun_abs)
+by (simp add: is_wfrec_def relation2_def is_recfun_abs)
 text{*Relating @{term wfrec_replacement} to native constructs*}
 lemma (in M_basic) wfrec_replacement':
      \<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) --> M(H(x,g)); 
-     relativize2(M,MH,H);  M(r)|] 
+     relation2(M,MH,H);  M(r)|] 
    ==> strong_replacement(M, \<lambda>x z. \<exists>y[M]. 
                 pair(M,x,y,z) & (\<exists>g[M]. is_recfun(r,x,H,g) & y = H(x,g)))"
 by (simp add: wfrec_replacement_def is_wfrec_abs) 
@@ -329,259 +328,5 @@
 by (simp add: is_wfrec_def wfrec_replacement_def) 
-subsection{*Ordinal Arithmetic: Two Examples of Recursion*}
-subsubsection{*Ordinal Addition*}
-(*FIXME: update to use new techniques!!*)
- (*This expresses ordinal addition in the language of ZF.  It also 
-   provides an abbreviation that can be used in the instance of strong
-   replacement below.  Here j is used to define the relation, namely
-   Memrel(succ(j)), while x determines the domain of f.*)
- is_oadd_fun :: "[i=>o,i,i,i,i] => o"
-    "is_oadd_fun(M,i,j,x,f) == 
-       (\<forall>sj msj. M(sj) --> M(msj) --> 
-                 successor(M,j,sj) --> membership(M,sj,msj) --> 
-	         M_is_recfun(M, 
-		     %x g y. \<exists>gx[M]. image(M,g,x,gx) & union(M,i,gx,y),
-		     msj, x, f))"
- is_oadd :: "[i=>o,i,i,i] => o"
-    "is_oadd(M,i,j,k) == 
-        (~ ordinal(M,i) & ~ ordinal(M,j) & k=0) |
-        (~ ordinal(M,i) & ordinal(M,j) & k=j) |
-        (ordinal(M,i) & ~ ordinal(M,j) & k=i) |
-        (ordinal(M,i) & ordinal(M,j) & 
-	 (\<exists>f fj sj. M(f) & M(fj) & M(sj) & 
-		    successor(M,j,sj) & is_oadd_fun(M,i,sj,sj,f) & 
-		    fun_apply(M,f,j,fj) & fj = k))"
- omult_eqns :: "[i,i,i,i] => o"
-    "omult_eqns(i,x,g,z) ==
-            Ord(x) & 
-	    (x=0 --> z=0) &
-            (\<forall>j. x = succ(j) --> z = g`j ++ i) &
-            (Limit(x) --> z = \<Union>(g``x))"
- is_omult_fun :: "[i=>o,i,i,i] => o"
-    "is_omult_fun(M,i,j,f) == 
-	    (\<exists>df. M(df) & is_function(M,f) & 
-                  is_domain(M,f,df) & subset(M, j, df)) & 
-            (\<forall>x\<in>j. omult_eqns(i,x,f,f`x))"
- is_omult :: "[i=>o,i,i,i] => o"
-    "is_omult(M,i,j,k) == 
-	\<exists>f fj sj. M(f) & M(fj) & M(sj) & 
-                  successor(M,j,sj) & is_omult_fun(M,i,sj,f) & 
-                  fun_apply(M,f,j,fj) & fj = k"
-locale M_ord_arith = M_basic +
-  assumes oadd_strong_replacement:
-   "[| M(i); M(j) |] ==>
-    strong_replacement(M, 
-         \<lambda>x z. \<exists>y[M]. pair(M,x,y,z) & 
-                  (\<exists>f[M]. \<exists>fx[M]. is_oadd_fun(M,i,j,x,f) & 
-		           image(M,f,x,fx) & y = i Un fx))"
- and omult_strong_replacement':
-   "[| M(i); M(j) |] ==>
-    strong_replacement(M, 
-         \<lambda>x z. \<exists>y[M]. z = <x,y> &
-	     (\<exists>g[M]. is_recfun(Memrel(succ(j)),x,%x g. THE z. omult_eqns(i,x,g,z),g) & 
-	     y = (THE z. omult_eqns(i, x, g, z))))" 
-text{*@{text is_oadd_fun}: Relating the pure "language of set theory" to Isabelle/ZF*}
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) is_oadd_fun_iff:
-   "[| a\<le>j; M(i); M(j); M(a); M(f) |] 
-    ==> is_oadd_fun(M,i,j,a,f) <->
-	f \<in> a \<rightarrow> range(f) & (\<forall>x. M(x) --> x < a --> f`x = i Un f``x)"
-apply (frule lt_Ord) 
-apply (simp add: is_oadd_fun_def Memrel_closed Un_closed 
-             relativize2_def is_recfun_abs [of "%x g. i Un g``x"]
-             image_closed is_recfun_iff_equation  
-             Ball_def lt_trans [OF ltI, of _ a] lt_Memrel)
-apply (simp add: lt_def) 
-apply (blast dest: transM) 
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) oadd_strong_replacement':
-    "[| M(i); M(j) |] ==>
-     strong_replacement(M, 
-            \<lambda>x z. \<exists>y[M]. z = <x,y> &
-		  (\<exists>g[M]. is_recfun(Memrel(succ(j)),x,%x g. i Un g``x,g) & 
-		  y = i Un g``x))" 
-apply (insert oadd_strong_replacement [of i j]) 
-apply (simp add: is_oadd_fun_def relativize2_def is_recfun_abs [of "%x g. i Un g``x"])  
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) exists_oadd:
-    "[| Ord(j);  M(i);  M(j) |]
-     ==> \<exists>f[M]. is_recfun(Memrel(succ(j)), j, %x g. i Un g``x, f)"
-apply (rule wf_exists_is_recfun [OF wf_Memrel trans_Memrel])
-    apply (simp_all add: Memrel_type oadd_strong_replacement') 
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) exists_oadd_fun:
-    "[| Ord(j);  M(i);  M(j) |] ==> \<exists>f[M]. is_oadd_fun(M,i,succ(j),succ(j),f)"
-apply (rule exists_oadd [THEN rexE])
-apply (erule Ord_succ, assumption, simp) 
-apply (rename_tac f) 
-apply (frule is_recfun_type)
-apply (rule_tac x=f in rexI) 
- apply (simp add: fun_is_function domain_of_fun lt_Memrel apply_recfun lt_def
-                  is_oadd_fun_iff Ord_trans [OF _ succI1], assumption)
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) is_oadd_fun_apply:
-    "[| x < j; M(i); M(j); M(f); is_oadd_fun(M,i,j,j,f) |] 
-     ==> f`x = i Un (\<Union>k\<in>x. {f ` k})"
-apply (simp add: is_oadd_fun_iff lt_Ord2, clarify) 
-apply (frule lt_closed, simp)
-apply (frule leI [THEN le_imp_subset])  
-apply (simp add: image_fun, blast) 
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) is_oadd_fun_iff_oadd [rule_format]:
-    "[| is_oadd_fun(M,i,J,J,f); M(i); M(J); M(f); Ord(i); Ord(j) |] 
-     ==> j<J --> f`j = i++j"
-apply (erule_tac i=j in trans_induct, clarify) 
-apply (subgoal_tac "\<forall>k\<in>x. k<J")
- apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: is_oadd_def oadd_unfold is_oadd_fun_apply)
-apply (blast intro: lt_trans ltI lt_Ord) 
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) Ord_oadd_abs:
-    "[| M(i); M(j); M(k); Ord(i); Ord(j) |] ==> is_oadd(M,i,j,k) <-> k = i++j"
-apply (simp add: is_oadd_def is_oadd_fun_iff_oadd)
-apply (frule exists_oadd_fun [of j i], blast+)
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) oadd_abs:
-    "[| M(i); M(j); M(k) |] ==> is_oadd(M,i,j,k) <-> k = i++j"
-apply (case_tac "Ord(i) & Ord(j)")
- apply (simp add: Ord_oadd_abs)
-apply (auto simp add: is_oadd_def oadd_eq_if_raw_oadd)
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) oadd_closed [intro,simp]:
-    "[| M(i); M(j) |] ==> M(i++j)"
-apply (simp add: oadd_eq_if_raw_oadd, clarify) 
-apply (simp add: raw_oadd_eq_oadd) 
-apply (frule exists_oadd_fun [of j i], auto)
-apply (simp add: apply_closed is_oadd_fun_iff_oadd [symmetric]) 
-subsubsection{*Ordinal Multiplication*}
-lemma omult_eqns_unique:
-     "[| omult_eqns(i,x,g,z); omult_eqns(i,x,g,z') |] ==> z=z'";
-apply (simp add: omult_eqns_def, clarify) 
-apply (erule Ord_cases, simp_all) 
-lemma omult_eqns_0: "omult_eqns(i,0,g,z) <-> z=0"
-by (simp add: omult_eqns_def)
-lemma the_omult_eqns_0: "(THE z. omult_eqns(i,0,g,z)) = 0"
-by (simp add: omult_eqns_0)
-lemma omult_eqns_succ: "omult_eqns(i,succ(j),g,z) <-> Ord(j) & z = g`j ++ i"
-by (simp add: omult_eqns_def)
-lemma the_omult_eqns_succ:
-     "Ord(j) ==> (THE z. omult_eqns(i,succ(j),g,z)) = g`j ++ i"
-by (simp add: omult_eqns_succ) 
-lemma omult_eqns_Limit:
-     "Limit(x) ==> omult_eqns(i,x,g,z) <-> z = \<Union>(g``x)"
-apply (simp add: omult_eqns_def) 
-apply (blast intro: Limit_is_Ord) 
-lemma the_omult_eqns_Limit:
-     "Limit(x) ==> (THE z. omult_eqns(i,x,g,z)) = \<Union>(g``x)"
-by (simp add: omult_eqns_Limit)
-lemma omult_eqns_Not: "~ Ord(x) ==> ~ omult_eqns(i,x,g,z)"
-by (simp add: omult_eqns_def)
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) the_omult_eqns_closed:
-    "[| M(i); M(x); M(g); function(g) |] 
-     ==> M(THE z. omult_eqns(i, x, g, z))"
-apply (case_tac "Ord(x)")
- prefer 2 apply (simp add: omult_eqns_Not) --{*trivial, non-Ord case*}
-apply (erule Ord_cases) 
-  apply (simp add: omult_eqns_0)
- apply (simp add: omult_eqns_succ apply_closed oadd_closed) 
-apply (simp add: omult_eqns_Limit) 
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) exists_omult:
-    "[| Ord(j);  M(i);  M(j) |]
-     ==> \<exists>f[M]. is_recfun(Memrel(succ(j)), j, %x g. THE z. omult_eqns(i,x,g,z), f)"
-apply (rule wf_exists_is_recfun [OF wf_Memrel trans_Memrel])
-    apply (simp_all add: Memrel_type omult_strong_replacement') 
-apply (blast intro: the_omult_eqns_closed) 
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) exists_omult_fun:
-    "[| Ord(j);  M(i);  M(j) |] ==> \<exists>f[M]. is_omult_fun(M,i,succ(j),f)"
-apply (rule exists_omult [THEN rexE])
-apply (erule Ord_succ, assumption, simp) 
-apply (rename_tac f) 
-apply (frule is_recfun_type)
-apply (rule_tac x=f in rexI) 
-apply (simp add: fun_is_function domain_of_fun lt_Memrel apply_recfun lt_def
-                 is_omult_fun_def Ord_trans [OF _ succI1])
- apply (force dest: Ord_in_Ord' 
-              simp add: omult_eqns_def the_omult_eqns_0 the_omult_eqns_succ
-                        the_omult_eqns_Limit, assumption)
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) is_omult_fun_apply_0:
-    "[| 0 < j; is_omult_fun(M,i,j,f) |] ==> f`0 = 0"
-by (simp add: is_omult_fun_def omult_eqns_def lt_def ball_conj_distrib)
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) is_omult_fun_apply_succ:
-    "[| succ(x) < j; is_omult_fun(M,i,j,f) |] ==> f`succ(x) = f`x ++ i"
-by (simp add: is_omult_fun_def omult_eqns_def lt_def, blast) 
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) is_omult_fun_apply_Limit:
-    "[| x < j; Limit(x); M(j); M(f); is_omult_fun(M,i,j,f) |] 
-     ==> f ` x = (\<Union>y\<in>x. f`y)"
-apply (simp add: is_omult_fun_def omult_eqns_def domain_closed lt_def, clarify)
-apply (drule subset_trans [OF OrdmemD], assumption+)  
-apply (simp add: ball_conj_distrib omult_Limit image_function)
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) is_omult_fun_eq_omult:
-    "[| is_omult_fun(M,i,J,f); M(J); M(f); Ord(i); Ord(j) |] 
-     ==> j<J --> f`j = i**j"
-apply (erule_tac i=j in trans_induct3)
-apply (safe del: impCE)
-  apply (simp add: is_omult_fun_apply_0) 
- apply (subgoal_tac "x<J") 
-  apply (simp add: is_omult_fun_apply_succ omult_succ)  
- apply (blast intro: lt_trans) 
-apply (subgoal_tac "\<forall>k\<in>x. k<J")
- apply (simp add: is_omult_fun_apply_Limit omult_Limit) 
-apply (blast intro: lt_trans ltI lt_Ord) 
-lemma (in M_ord_arith) omult_abs:
-    "[| M(i); M(j); M(k); Ord(i); Ord(j) |] ==> is_omult(M,i,j,k) <-> k = i**j"
-apply (simp add: is_omult_def is_omult_fun_eq_omult)
-apply (frule exists_omult_fun [of j i], blast+)
--- a/src/ZF/Constructible/Wellorderings.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Constructible/Wellorderings.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      ZF/Constructible/Wellorderings.thy
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   2002  University of Cambridge
 header {*Relativized Wellorderings*}
@@ -220,60 +219,6 @@
-text{*Inductive argument for Kunen's Lemma 6.1, etc.
-      Simple proof from Halmos, page 72*}
-lemma  (in M_basic) wellordered_iso_subset_lemma: 
-     "[| wellordered(M,A,r);  f \<in> ord_iso(A,r, A',r);  A'<= A;  y \<in> A;  
-       M(A);  M(f);  M(r) |] ==> ~ <f`y, y> \<in> r"
-apply (unfold wellordered_def ord_iso_def)
-apply (elim conjE CollectE) 
-apply (erule wellfounded_on_induct, assumption+)
- apply (insert well_ord_iso_separation [of A f r])
- apply (simp, clarify) 
-apply (drule_tac a = x in bij_is_fun [THEN apply_type], assumption, blast)
-text{*Kunen's Lemma 6.1: there's no order-isomorphism to an initial segment
-      of a well-ordering*}
-lemma (in M_basic) wellordered_iso_predD:
-     "[| wellordered(M,A,r);  f \<in> ord_iso(A, r, Order.pred(A,x,r), r);  
-       M(A);  M(f);  M(r) |] ==> x \<notin> A"
-apply (rule notI) 
-apply (frule wellordered_iso_subset_lemma, assumption)
-apply (auto elim: predE)  
-(*Now we know  ~ (f`x < x) *)
-apply (drule ord_iso_is_bij [THEN bij_is_fun, THEN apply_type], assumption)
-(*Now we also know f`x  \<in> pred(A,x,r);  contradiction! *)
-apply (simp add: Order.pred_def)
-lemma (in M_basic) wellordered_iso_pred_eq_lemma:
-     "[| f \<in> \<langle>Order.pred(A,y,r), r\<rangle> \<cong> \<langle>Order.pred(A,x,r), r\<rangle>;
-       wellordered(M,A,r); x\<in>A; y\<in>A; M(A); M(f); M(r) |] ==> <x,y> \<notin> r"
-apply (frule wellordered_is_trans_on, assumption)
-apply (rule notI) 
-apply (drule_tac x2=y and x=x and r2=r in 
-         wellordered_subset [OF _ pred_subset, THEN wellordered_iso_predD]) 
-apply (simp add: trans_pred_pred_eq) 
-apply (blast intro: predI dest: transM)+
-text{*Simple consequence of Lemma 6.1*}
-lemma (in M_basic) wellordered_iso_pred_eq:
-     "[| wellordered(M,A,r);
-       f \<in> ord_iso(Order.pred(A,a,r), r, Order.pred(A,c,r), r);   
-       M(A);  M(f);  M(r);  a\<in>A;  c\<in>A |] ==> a=c"
-apply (frule wellordered_is_trans_on, assumption)
-apply (frule wellordered_is_linear, assumption)
-apply (erule_tac x=a and y=c in linearE, auto) 
-apply (drule ord_iso_sym)
-(*two symmetric cases*)
-apply (blast dest: wellordered_iso_pred_eq_lemma)+ 
 lemma (in M_basic) wellfounded_on_asym:
      "[| wellfounded_on(M,A,r);  <a,x>\<in>r;  a\<in>A; x\<in>A;  M(A) |] ==> <x,a>\<notin>r"
 apply (simp add: wellfounded_on_def) 
@@ -285,353 +230,4 @@
      "[| wellordered(M,A,r);  <a,x>\<in>r;  a\<in>A; x\<in>A;  M(A) |] ==> <x,a>\<notin>r"
 by (simp add: wellordered_def, blast dest: wellfounded_on_asym)
-text{*Can't use @{text well_ord_iso_preserving} because it needs the
-strong premise @{term "well_ord(A,r)"}*}
-lemma (in M_basic) ord_iso_pred_imp_lt:
-     "[| f \<in> ord_iso(Order.pred(A,x,r), r, i, Memrel(i));
-         g \<in> ord_iso(Order.pred(A,y,r), r, j, Memrel(j));
-         wellordered(M,A,r);  x \<in> A;  y \<in> A; M(A); M(r); M(f); M(g); M(j);
-         Ord(i); Ord(j); \<langle>x,y\<rangle> \<in> r |]
-      ==> i < j"
-apply (frule wellordered_is_trans_on, assumption)
-apply (frule_tac y=y in transM, assumption) 
-apply (rule_tac i=i and j=j in Ord_linear_lt, auto)  
-txt{*case @{term "i=j"} yields a contradiction*}
- apply (rule_tac x1=x and A1="Order.pred(A,y,r)" in 
-          wellordered_iso_predD [THEN notE]) 
-   apply (blast intro: wellordered_subset [OF _ pred_subset]) 
-  apply (simp add: trans_pred_pred_eq)
-  apply (blast intro: Ord_iso_implies_eq ord_iso_sym ord_iso_trans) 
- apply (simp_all add: pred_iff pred_closed converse_closed comp_closed)
-txt{*case @{term "j<i"} also yields a contradiction*}
-apply (frule restrict_ord_iso2, assumption+) 
-apply (frule ord_iso_sym [THEN ord_iso_is_bij, THEN bij_is_fun]) 
-apply (frule apply_type, blast intro: ltD) 
-  --{*thus @{term "converse(f)`j \<in> Order.pred(A,x,r)"}*}
-apply (simp add: pred_iff) 
-apply (subgoal_tac
-       "\<exists>h[M]. h \<in> ord_iso(Order.pred(A,y,r), r, 
-                               Order.pred(A, converse(f)`j, r), r)")
- apply (clarify, frule wellordered_iso_pred_eq, assumption+)
- apply (blast dest: wellordered_asym)  
-apply (intro rexI)
- apply (blast intro: Ord_iso_implies_eq ord_iso_sym ord_iso_trans)+
-lemma ord_iso_converse1:
-     "[| f: ord_iso(A,r,B,s);  <b, f`a>: s;  a:A;  b:B |] 
-      ==> <converse(f) ` b, a> : r"
-apply (frule ord_iso_converse, assumption+) 
-apply (blast intro: ord_iso_is_bij [THEN bij_is_fun, THEN apply_funtype]) 
-apply (simp add: left_inverse_bij [OF ord_iso_is_bij])
-subsection {* Order Types: A Direct Construction by Replacement*}
-text{*This follows Kunen's Theorem I 7.6, page 17.*}
-  obase :: "[i=>o,i,i,i] => o"
-       --{*the domain of @{text om}, eventually shown to equal @{text A}*}
-   "obase(M,A,r,z) == 
-	\<forall>a[M]. 
-         a \<in> z <-> 
-          (a\<in>A & (\<exists>x[M]. \<exists>g[M]. Ord(x) & 
-                   order_isomorphism(M,Order.pred(A,a,r),r,x,Memrel(x),g)))"
-  omap :: "[i=>o,i,i,i] => o"  
-    --{*the function that maps wosets to order types*}
-   "omap(M,A,r,f) == 
-	\<forall>z[M].
-         z \<in> f <-> 
-          (\<exists>a[M]. a\<in>A & 
-           (\<exists>x[M]. \<exists>g[M]. \<exists>mx[M]. \<exists>par[M]. 
-                ordinal(M,x) & pair(M,a,x,z) & membership(M,x,mx) & 
-                pred_set(M,A,a,r,par) & order_isomorphism(M,par,r,x,mx,g)))"
-  otype :: "[i=>o,i,i,i] => o"  --{*the order types themselves*}
-   "otype(M,A,r,i) == \<exists>f[M]. omap(M,A,r,f) & is_range(M,f,i)"
-lemma (in M_basic) obase_iff:
-     "[| M(A); M(r); M(z) |] 
-      ==> obase(M,A,r,z) <-> 
-          z = {a\<in>A. \<exists>x[M]. \<exists>g[M]. Ord(x) & 
-                          g \<in> ord_iso(Order.pred(A,a,r),r,x,Memrel(x))}"
-apply (simp add: obase_def Memrel_closed pred_closed)
-apply (rule iffI) 
- prefer 2 apply blast 
-apply (rule equalityI) 
- apply (clarify, frule transM, assumption, simp) 
-apply (clarify, frule transM, assumption, force)
-text{*Can also be proved with the premise @{term "M(z)"} instead of
-      @{term "M(f)"}, but that version is less useful.*}
-lemma (in M_basic) omap_iff:
-     "[| omap(M,A,r,f); M(A); M(r); M(f) |] 
-      ==> z \<in> f <->
-      (\<exists>a\<in>A. \<exists>x[M]. \<exists>g[M]. z = <a,x> & Ord(x) & 
-                        g \<in> ord_iso(Order.pred(A,a,r),r,x,Memrel(x)))"
-apply (simp add: omap_def Memrel_closed pred_closed) 
-apply (rule iffI)
- apply (drule_tac [2] x=z in rspec)
- apply (drule_tac x=z in rspec)
- apply (blast dest: transM)+
-lemma (in M_basic) omap_unique:
-     "[| omap(M,A,r,f); omap(M,A,r,f'); M(A); M(r); M(f); M(f') |] ==> f' = f" 
-apply (rule equality_iffI) 
-apply (simp add: omap_iff) 
-lemma (in M_basic) omap_yields_Ord:
-     "[| omap(M,A,r,f); \<langle>a,x\<rangle> \<in> f; M(a); M(x) |]  ==> Ord(x)"
-  by (simp add: omap_def)
-lemma (in M_basic) otype_iff:
-     "[| otype(M,A,r,i); M(A); M(r); M(i) |] 
-      ==> x \<in> i <-> 
-          (M(x) & Ord(x) & 
-           (\<exists>a\<in>A. \<exists>g[M]. g \<in> ord_iso(Order.pred(A,a,r),r,x,Memrel(x))))"
-apply (auto simp add: omap_iff otype_def)
- apply (blast intro: transM) 
-apply (rule rangeI) 
-apply (frule transM, assumption)
-apply (simp add: omap_iff, blast)
-lemma (in M_basic) otype_eq_range:
-     "[| omap(M,A,r,f); otype(M,A,r,i); M(A); M(r); M(f); M(i) |] 
-      ==> i = range(f)"
-apply (auto simp add: otype_def omap_iff)
-apply (blast dest: omap_unique) 
-lemma (in M_basic) Ord_otype:
-     "[| otype(M,A,r,i); trans[A](r); M(A); M(r); M(i) |] ==> Ord(i)"
-apply (rule OrdI) 
-prefer 2 
-    apply (simp add: Ord_def otype_def omap_def) 
-    apply clarify 
-    apply (frule pair_components_in_M, assumption) 
-    apply blast 
-apply (auto simp add: Transset_def otype_iff) 
-  apply (blast intro: transM)
- apply (blast intro: Ord_in_Ord) 
-apply (rename_tac y a g)
-apply (frule ord_iso_sym [THEN ord_iso_is_bij, THEN bij_is_fun, 
-			  THEN apply_funtype],  assumption)  
-apply (rule_tac x="converse(g)`y" in bexI)
- apply (frule_tac a="converse(g) ` y" in ord_iso_restrict_pred, assumption) 
-apply (safe elim!: predE) 
-apply (blast intro: restrict_ord_iso ord_iso_sym ltI dest: transM)
-lemma (in M_basic) domain_omap:
-     "[| omap(M,A,r,f);  obase(M,A,r,B); M(A); M(r); M(B); M(f) |] 
-      ==> domain(f) = B"
-apply (simp add: domain_closed obase_iff) 
-apply (rule equality_iffI) 
-apply (simp add: domain_iff omap_iff, blast) 
-lemma (in M_basic) omap_subset: 
-     "[| omap(M,A,r,f); obase(M,A,r,B); otype(M,A,r,i); 
-       M(A); M(r); M(f); M(B); M(i) |] ==> f \<subseteq> B * i"
-apply clarify 
-apply (simp add: omap_iff obase_iff) 
-apply (force simp add: otype_iff) 
-lemma (in M_basic) omap_funtype: 
-     "[| omap(M,A,r,f); obase(M,A,r,B); otype(M,A,r,i); 
-       M(A); M(r); M(f); M(B); M(i) |] ==> f \<in> B -> i"
-apply (simp add: domain_omap omap_subset Pi_iff function_def omap_iff) 
-apply (blast intro: Ord_iso_implies_eq ord_iso_sym ord_iso_trans) 
-lemma (in M_basic) wellordered_omap_bij:
-     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); omap(M,A,r,f); obase(M,A,r,B); otype(M,A,r,i); 
-       M(A); M(r); M(f); M(B); M(i) |] ==> f \<in> bij(B,i)"
-apply (insert omap_funtype [of A r f B i]) 
-apply (auto simp add: bij_def inj_def) 
-prefer 2  apply (blast intro: fun_is_surj dest: otype_eq_range) 
-apply (frule_tac a=w in apply_Pair, assumption) 
-apply (frule_tac a=x in apply_Pair, assumption) 
-apply (simp add: omap_iff) 
-apply (blast intro: wellordered_iso_pred_eq ord_iso_sym ord_iso_trans) 
-text{*This is not the final result: we must show @{term "oB(A,r) = A"}*}
-lemma (in M_basic) omap_ord_iso:
-     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); omap(M,A,r,f); obase(M,A,r,B); otype(M,A,r,i); 
-       M(A); M(r); M(f); M(B); M(i) |] ==> f \<in> ord_iso(B,r,i,Memrel(i))"
-apply (rule ord_isoI)
- apply (erule wellordered_omap_bij, assumption+) 
-apply (insert omap_funtype [of A r f B i], simp) 
-apply (frule_tac a=x in apply_Pair, assumption) 
-apply (frule_tac a=y in apply_Pair, assumption) 
-apply (auto simp add: omap_iff)
- txt{*direction 1: assuming @{term "\<langle>x,y\<rangle> \<in> r"}*}
- apply (blast intro: ltD ord_iso_pred_imp_lt)
- txt{*direction 2: proving @{term "\<langle>x,y\<rangle> \<in> r"} using linearity of @{term r}*}
-apply (rename_tac x y g ga) 
-apply (frule wellordered_is_linear, assumption, 
-       erule_tac x=x and y=y in linearE, assumption+) 
-txt{*the case @{term "x=y"} leads to immediate contradiction*} 
-apply (blast elim: mem_irrefl) 
-txt{*the case @{term "\<langle>y,x\<rangle> \<in> r"}: handle like the opposite direction*}
-apply (blast dest: ord_iso_pred_imp_lt ltD elim: mem_asym) 
-lemma (in M_basic) Ord_omap_image_pred:
-     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); omap(M,A,r,f); obase(M,A,r,B); otype(M,A,r,i); 
-       M(A); M(r); M(f); M(B); M(i); b \<in> A |] ==> Ord(f `` Order.pred(A,b,r))"
-apply (frule wellordered_is_trans_on, assumption)
-apply (rule OrdI) 
-	prefer 2 apply (simp add: image_iff omap_iff Ord_def, blast) 
-txt{*Hard part is to show that the image is a transitive set.*}
-apply (simp add: Transset_def, clarify) 
-apply (simp add: image_iff pred_iff apply_iff [OF omap_funtype [of A r f B i]])
-apply (rename_tac c j, clarify)
-apply (frule omap_funtype [of A r f B, THEN apply_funtype], assumption+)
-apply (subgoal_tac "j : i") 
-	prefer 2 apply (blast intro: Ord_trans Ord_otype)
-apply (subgoal_tac "converse(f) ` j : B") 
-	prefer 2 
-	apply (blast dest: wellordered_omap_bij [THEN bij_converse_bij, 
-                                      THEN bij_is_fun, THEN apply_funtype])
-apply (rule_tac x="converse(f) ` j" in bexI) 
- apply (simp add: right_inverse_bij [OF wellordered_omap_bij]) 
-apply (intro predI conjI)
- apply (erule_tac b=c in trans_onD) 
- apply (rule ord_iso_converse1 [OF omap_ord_iso [of A r f B i]])
-apply (auto simp add: obase_iff)
-lemma (in M_basic) restrict_omap_ord_iso:
-     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); omap(M,A,r,f); obase(M,A,r,B); otype(M,A,r,i); 
-       D \<subseteq> B; M(A); M(r); M(f); M(B); M(i) |] 
-      ==> restrict(f,D) \<in> (\<langle>D,r\<rangle> \<cong> \<langle>f``D, Memrel(f``D)\<rangle>)"
-apply (frule ord_iso_restrict_image [OF omap_ord_iso [of A r f B i]], 
-       assumption+)
-apply (drule ord_iso_sym [THEN subset_ord_iso_Memrel]) 
-apply (blast dest: subsetD [OF omap_subset]) 
-apply (drule ord_iso_sym, simp) 
-lemma (in M_basic) obase_equals: 
-     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); omap(M,A,r,f); obase(M,A,r,B); otype(M,A,r,i);
-       M(A); M(r); M(f); M(B); M(i) |] ==> B = A"
-apply (rule equalityI, force simp add: obase_iff, clarify) 
-apply (subst obase_iff [of A r B, THEN iffD1], assumption+, simp) 
-apply (frule wellordered_is_wellfounded_on, assumption)
-apply (erule wellfounded_on_induct, assumption+)
- apply (frule obase_equals_separation [of A r], assumption) 
- apply (simp, clarify) 
-apply (rename_tac b) 
-apply (subgoal_tac "Order.pred(A,b,r) <= B") 
- apply (blast intro!: restrict_omap_ord_iso Ord_omap_image_pred)
-apply (force simp add: pred_iff obase_iff)  
-text{*Main result: @{term om} gives the order-isomorphism 
-      @{term "\<langle>A,r\<rangle> \<cong> \<langle>i, Memrel(i)\<rangle>"} *}
-theorem (in M_basic) omap_ord_iso_otype:
-     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); omap(M,A,r,f); obase(M,A,r,B); otype(M,A,r,i);
-       M(A); M(r); M(f); M(B); M(i) |] ==> f \<in> ord_iso(A, r, i, Memrel(i))"
-apply (frule omap_ord_iso, assumption+) 
-apply (frule obase_equals, assumption+, blast) 
-lemma (in M_basic) obase_exists:
-     "[| M(A); M(r) |] ==> \<exists>z[M]. obase(M,A,r,z)"
-apply (simp add: obase_def) 
-apply (insert obase_separation [of A r])
-apply (simp add: separation_def)  
-lemma (in M_basic) omap_exists:
-     "[| M(A); M(r) |] ==> \<exists>z[M]. omap(M,A,r,z)"
-apply (insert obase_exists [of A r]) 
-apply (simp add: omap_def) 
-apply (insert omap_replacement [of A r])
-apply (simp add: strong_replacement_def, clarify) 
-apply (drule_tac x=x in rspec, clarify) 
-apply (simp add: Memrel_closed pred_closed obase_iff)
-apply (erule impE) 
- apply (clarsimp simp add: univalent_def)
- apply (blast intro: Ord_iso_implies_eq ord_iso_sym ord_iso_trans, clarify)  
-apply (rule_tac x=Y in rexI) 
-apply (simp add: Memrel_closed pred_closed obase_iff, blast, assumption)
-declare rall_simps [simp] rex_simps [simp]
-lemma (in M_basic) otype_exists:
-     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); M(A); M(r) |] ==> \<exists>i[M]. otype(M,A,r,i)"
-apply (insert omap_exists [of A r])  
-apply (simp add: otype_def, safe)
-apply (rule_tac x="range(x)" in rexI) 
-apply blast+
-theorem (in M_basic) omap_ord_iso_otype':
-     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); M(A); M(r) |]
-      ==> \<exists>f[M]. (\<exists>i[M]. Ord(i) & f \<in> ord_iso(A, r, i, Memrel(i)))"
-apply (insert obase_exists [of A r] omap_exists [of A r] otype_exists [of A r], simp, clarify)
-apply (rename_tac i) 
-apply (subgoal_tac "Ord(i)", blast intro: omap_ord_iso_otype) 
-apply (rule Ord_otype) 
-    apply (force simp add: otype_def range_closed) 
-   apply (simp_all add: wellordered_is_trans_on) 
-lemma (in M_basic) ordertype_exists:
-     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); M(A); M(r) |]
-      ==> \<exists>f[M]. (\<exists>i[M]. Ord(i) & f \<in> ord_iso(A, r, i, Memrel(i)))"
-apply (insert obase_exists [of A r] omap_exists [of A r] otype_exists [of A r], simp, clarify)
-apply (rename_tac i) 
-apply (subgoal_tac "Ord(i)", blast intro: omap_ord_iso_otype')
-apply (rule Ord_otype) 
-    apply (force simp add: otype_def range_closed) 
-   apply (simp_all add: wellordered_is_trans_on) 
-lemma (in M_basic) relativized_imp_well_ord: 
-     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); M(A); M(r) |] ==> well_ord(A,r)" 
-apply (insert ordertype_exists [of A r], simp)
-apply (blast intro: well_ord_ord_iso well_ord_Memrel)  
-subsection {*Kunen's theorem 5.4, poage 127*}
-text{*(a) The notion of Wellordering is absolute*}
-theorem (in M_basic) well_ord_abs [simp]: 
-     "[| M(A); M(r) |] ==> wellordered(M,A,r) <-> well_ord(A,r)" 
-by (blast intro: well_ord_imp_relativized relativized_imp_well_ord)  
-text{*(b) Order types are absolute*}
-lemma (in M_basic) 
-     "[| wellordered(M,A,r); f \<in> ord_iso(A, r, i, Memrel(i));
-       M(A); M(r); M(f); M(i); Ord(i) |] ==> i = ordertype(A,r)"
-by (blast intro: Ord_ordertype relativized_imp_well_ord ordertype_ord_iso
-                 Ord_iso_implies_eq ord_iso_sym ord_iso_trans)
--- a/src/ZF/IsaMakefile	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/IsaMakefile	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
   Constructible/AC_in_L.thy Constructible/Relative.thy \
   Constructible/L_axioms.thy    Constructible/Wellorderings.thy \
   Constructible/MetaExists.thy  Constructible/Normal.thy \
+  Constructible/Rank.thy Constructible/Rank_Separation.thy \
   Constructible/Rec_Separation.thy Constructible/Separation.thy \
   Constructible/Satisfies_absolute.thy Constructible/WF_absolute.thy \
   Constructible/Reflection.thy  Constructible/WFrec.thy \
--- a/src/ZF/OrderArith.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/OrderArith.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -398,6 +398,61 @@
 by (unfold ord_iso_def rvimage_def, blast)
+subsection{*Every well-founded relation is a subset of some inverse image of
+      an ordinal*}
+lemma wf_rvimage_Ord: "Ord(i) \<Longrightarrow> wf(rvimage(A, f, Memrel(i)))"
+by (blast intro: wf_rvimage wf_Memrel)
+  wfrank :: "[i,i]=>i"
+    "wfrank(r,a) == wfrec(r, a, %x f. \<Union>y \<in> r-``{x}. succ(f`y))"
+  wftype :: "i=>i"
+    "wftype(r) == \<Union>y \<in> range(r). succ(wfrank(r,y))"
+lemma wfrank: "wf(r) ==> wfrank(r,a) = (\<Union>y \<in> r-``{a}. succ(wfrank(r,y)))"
+by (subst wfrank_def [THEN def_wfrec], simp_all)
+lemma Ord_wfrank: "wf(r) ==> Ord(wfrank(r,a))"
+apply (rule_tac a=a in wf_induct, assumption)
+apply (subst wfrank, assumption)
+apply (rule Ord_succ [THEN Ord_UN], blast)
+lemma wfrank_lt: "[|wf(r); <a,b> \<in> r|] ==> wfrank(r,a) < wfrank(r,b)"
+apply (rule_tac a1 = b in wfrank [THEN ssubst], assumption)
+apply (rule UN_I [THEN ltI])
+apply (simp add: Ord_wfrank vimage_iff)+
+lemma Ord_wftype: "wf(r) ==> Ord(wftype(r))"
+by (simp add: wftype_def Ord_wfrank)
+lemma wftypeI: "\<lbrakk>wf(r);  x \<in> field(r)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> wfrank(r,x) \<in> wftype(r)"
+apply (simp add: wftype_def)
+apply (blast intro: wfrank_lt [THEN ltD])
+lemma wf_imp_subset_rvimage:
+     "[|wf(r); r \<subseteq> A*A|] ==> \<exists>i f. Ord(i) & r <= rvimage(A, f, Memrel(i))"
+apply (rule_tac x="wftype(r)" in exI)
+apply (rule_tac x="\<lambda>x\<in>A. wfrank(r,x)" in exI)
+apply (simp add: Ord_wftype, clarify)
+apply (frule subsetD, assumption, clarify)
+apply (simp add: rvimage_iff wfrank_lt [THEN ltD])
+apply (blast intro: wftypeI)
+theorem wf_iff_subset_rvimage:
+  "relation(r) ==> wf(r) <-> (\<exists>i f A. Ord(i) & r <= rvimage(A, f, Memrel(i)))"
+by (blast dest!: relation_field_times_field wf_imp_subset_rvimage
+          intro: wf_rvimage_Ord [THEN wf_subset])
 subsection{*Other Results*}
 lemma wf_times: "A Int B = 0 ==> wf(A*B)"
--- a/src/ZF/WF.thy	Tue Oct 08 14:09:18 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/WF.thy	Wed Oct 09 11:07:13 2002 +0200
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 subsection{*Well-Founded Relations*}
-(** Equivalences between wf and wf_on **)
+subsubsection{*Equivalences between @{term wf} and @{term wf_on}*}
 lemma wf_imp_wf_on: "wf(r) ==> wf[A](r)"
 apply (unfold wf_def wf_on_def, clarify) (*needed for blast's efficiency*)
@@ -72,10 +72,11 @@
 lemma wf_subset: "[|wf(s); r<=s|] ==> wf(r)"
 by (simp add: wf_def, fast)
-(** Introduction rules for wf_on **)
+subsubsection{*Introduction Rules for @{term wf_on}*}
+text{*If every non-empty subset of @{term A} has an @{term r}-minimal element
+   then we have @{term "wf[A](r)"}.*}
 lemma wf_onI:
-(*If every non-empty subset of A has an r-minimal element then wf[A](r).*)
  assumes prem: "!!Z u. [| Z<=A;  u:Z;  ALL x:Z. EX y:Z. <y,x>:r |] ==> False"
  shows         "wf[A](r)"
 apply (unfold wf_on_def wf_def)
@@ -83,9 +84,9 @@
 apply (rule_tac Z = "Z" in prem, blast+)
-(*If r allows well-founded induction over A then wf[A](r)
-  Premise is equivalent to
-  !!B. ALL x:A. (ALL y. <y,x>: r --> y:B) --> x:B ==> A<=B  *)
+text{*If @{term r} allows well-founded induction over @{term A}
+   then we have @{term "wf[A](r)"}.   Premise is equivalent to
+  @{term "!!B. ALL x:A. (ALL y. <y,x>: r --> y:B) --> x:B ==> A<=B"} *}
 lemma wf_onI2:
  assumes prem: "!!y B. [| ALL x:A. (ALL y:A. <y,x>:r --> y:B) --> x:B;   y:A |]
                        ==> y:B"
@@ -97,13 +98,14 @@
-(** Well-founded Induction **)
+subsubsection{*Well-founded Induction*}
-(*Consider the least z in domain(r) such that P(z) does not hold...*)
+text{*Consider the least @{term z} in @{term "domain(r)"} such that
+  @{term "P(z)"} does not hold...*}
 lemma wf_induct [induct set: wf]:
     "[| wf(r);
-        !!x.[| ALL y. <y,x>: r --> P(y) |] ==> P(x)
-     |]  ==>  P(a)"
+        !!x.[| ALL y. <y,x>: r --> P(y) |] ==> P(x) |]  
+     ==> P(a)"
 apply (unfold wf_def) 
 apply (erule_tac x = "{z : domain(r). ~ P(z)}" in allE)
 apply blast 
@@ -111,7 +113,7 @@
 lemmas wf_induct_rule = wf_induct [rule_format, induct set: wf]
-(*The form of this rule is designed to match wfI*)
+text{*The form of this rule is designed to match @{text wfI}*}
 lemma wf_induct2:
     "[| wf(r);  a:A;  field(r)<=A;
         !!x.[| x: A;  ALL y. <y,x>: r --> P(y) |] ==> P(x) |]
@@ -136,7 +138,8 @@
   wf_on_induct [rule_format, consumes 2, induct set: wf_on]
-(*If r allows well-founded induction then wf(r)*)
+text{*If @{term r} allows well-founded induction 
+   then we have @{term "wf(r)"}.*}
 lemma wfI:
     "[| field(r)<=A;
         !!y B. [| ALL x:A. (ALL y:A. <y,x>:r --> y:B) --> x:B;  y:A|]
@@ -185,8 +188,8 @@
-(*transitive closure of a WF relation is WF provided A is downwards closed*)
+text{*transitive closure of a WF relation is WF provided 
+  @{term A} is downward closed*}
 lemma wf_on_trancl:
     "[| wf[A](r);  r-``A <= A |] ==> wf[A](r^+)"
 apply (rule wf_onI2)
@@ -204,13 +207,13 @@
-(** r-``{a} is the set of everything under a in r **)
+text{*@{term "r-``{a}"} is the set of everything under @{term a} in @{term r}*}
 lemmas underI = vimage_singleton_iff [THEN iffD2, standard]
 lemmas underD = vimage_singleton_iff [THEN iffD1, standard]
-(** is_recfun **)
+subsection{*The Predicate @{term is_recfun}*}
 lemma is_recfun_type: "is_recfun(r,a,H,f) ==> f: r-``{a} -> range(f)"
 apply (unfold is_recfun_def)
@@ -281,7 +284,7 @@
 apply (rule_tac f = "lam y: r-``{a1}. wftrec (r,y,H)" in is_the_recfun)
   apply typecheck
 apply (unfold is_recfun_def wftrec_def)
-(*Applying the substitution: must keep the quantified assumption!!*)
+  --{*Applying the substitution: must keep the quantified assumption!*}
 apply (rule lam_cong [OF refl]) 
 apply (drule underD) 
 apply (fold is_recfun_def)
@@ -316,7 +319,8 @@
 apply (simp_all add: vimage_singleton_iff [THEN iff_sym] the_recfun_cut)
-(** Removal of the premise trans(r) **)
+subsubsection{*Removal of the Premise @{term "trans(r)"}*}
 (*NOT SUITABLE FOR REWRITING: it is recursive!*)
 lemma wfrec:
@@ -355,11 +359,11 @@
 apply (simp add: vimage_Int_square cons_subset_iff)
-(*Minimal-element characterization of well-foundedness*)
+text{*Minimal-element characterization of well-foundedness*}
 lemma wf_eq_minimal:
      "wf(r) <-> (ALL Q x. x:Q --> (EX z:Q. ALL y. <y,z>:r --> y~:Q))"
-apply (unfold wf_def, blast)
+by (unfold wf_def, blast)