--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_hol_clause.ML Sat Aug 18 13:32:23 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_hol_clause.ML Sat Aug 18 13:32:25 2007 +0200
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
datatype type_level = T_FULL | T_PARTIAL | T_CONST
val typ_level: type_level ref
val minimize_applies: bool ref
- val init: theory -> unit
type axiom_name = string
type polarity = bool
type clause_id = int
@@ -29,11 +28,11 @@
| CombApp of combterm * combterm
datatype literal = Literal of polarity * combterm
val strip_comb: combterm -> combterm * combterm list
- val literals_of_term: term -> literal list * (ResClause.typ_var * sort) list
- val tptp_write_file: bool -> thm list -> string ->
+ val literals_of_term: theory -> term -> literal list * (ResClause.typ_var * sort) list
+ val tptp_write_file: theory -> bool -> thm list -> string ->
(thm * (axiom_name * clause_id)) list * ResClause.classrelClause list *
ResClause.arityClause list -> string list -> axiom_name list
- val dfg_write_file: bool -> thm list -> string ->
+ val dfg_write_file: theory -> bool -> thm list -> string ->
(thm * (axiom_name * clause_id)) list * ResClause.classrelClause list *
ResClause.arityClause list -> string list -> axiom_name list
@@ -71,8 +70,6 @@
constant-typed translation, though it could be tried for the partially-typed one.*)
val minimize_applies = ref true;
-val const_typargs = ref (Library.K [] : (string*typ -> typ list));
val const_min_arity = ref (Symtab.empty : int Symtab.table);
val const_needs_hBOOL = ref (Symtab.empty : bool Symtab.table);
@@ -84,7 +81,6 @@
fun needs_hBOOL c = not (!minimize_applies) orelse !typ_level=T_PARTIAL orelse
getOpt (Symtab.lookup(!const_needs_hBOOL) c, false);
-fun init thy = (const_typargs := Sign.const_typargs thy);
(* convert a Term.term with lambdas into a Term.term with combinators *)
@@ -212,46 +208,46 @@
| simp_type_of (TVar (v,s)) = RC.AtomV(RC.make_schematic_type_var v);
-fun const_type_of (c,t) =
+fun const_type_of thy (c,t) =
let val (tp,ts) = type_of t
- in (tp, ts, map simp_type_of (!const_typargs(c,t))) end;
+ in (tp, ts, map simp_type_of (Sign.const_typargs thy (c,t))) end;
(* convert a Term.term (with combinators) into a combterm, also accummulate sort info *)
-fun combterm_of (Const(c,t)) =
- let val (tp,ts,tvar_list) = const_type_of (c,t)
+fun combterm_of thy (Const(c,t)) =
+ let val (tp,ts,tvar_list) = const_type_of thy (c,t)
val c' = CombConst(RC.make_fixed_const c, tp, tvar_list)
in (c',ts) end
- | combterm_of (Free(v,t)) =
+ | combterm_of thy (Free(v,t)) =
let val (tp,ts) = type_of t
val v' = if RC.isMeta v then CombVar(RC.make_schematic_var(v,0),tp)
else CombConst(RC.make_fixed_var v, tp, [])
in (v',ts) end
- | combterm_of (Var(v,t)) =
+ | combterm_of thy (Var(v,t)) =
let val (tp,ts) = type_of t
val v' = CombVar(RC.make_schematic_var v,tp)
in (v',ts) end
- | combterm_of (t as (P $ Q)) =
- let val (P',tsP) = combterm_of P
- val (Q',tsQ) = combterm_of Q
+ | combterm_of thy (t as (P $ Q)) =
+ let val (P',tsP) = combterm_of thy P
+ val (Q',tsQ) = combterm_of thy Q
in (CombApp(P',Q'), tsP union tsQ) end;
-fun predicate_of ((Const("Not",_) $ P), polarity) = predicate_of (P, not polarity)
- | predicate_of (t,polarity) = (combterm_of t, polarity);
+fun predicate_of thy ((Const("Not",_) $ P), polarity) = predicate_of thy (P, not polarity)
+ | predicate_of thy (t,polarity) = (combterm_of thy t, polarity);
-fun literals_of_term1 args (Const("Trueprop",_) $ P) = literals_of_term1 args P
- | literals_of_term1 args (Const("op |",_) $ P $ Q) =
- literals_of_term1 (literals_of_term1 args P) Q
- | literals_of_term1 (lits,ts) P =
- let val ((pred,ts'),pol) = predicate_of (P,true)
+fun literals_of_term1 thy args (Const("Trueprop",_) $ P) = literals_of_term1 thy args P
+ | literals_of_term1 thy args (Const("op |",_) $ P $ Q) =
+ literals_of_term1 thy (literals_of_term1 thy args P) Q
+ | literals_of_term1 thy (lits,ts) P =
+ let val ((pred,ts'),pol) = predicate_of thy (P,true)
(Literal(pol,pred)::lits, ts union ts')
-fun literals_of_term P = literals_of_term1 ([],[]) P;
+fun literals_of_term thy P = literals_of_term1 thy ([],[]) P;
(* making axiom and conjecture clauses *)
-fun make_clause(clause_id,axiom_name,kind,th) =
- let val (lits,ctypes_sorts) = literals_of_term (to_comb (prop_of th) [])
+fun make_clause thy (clause_id,axiom_name,kind,th) =
+ let val (lits,ctypes_sorts) = literals_of_term thy (to_comb (prop_of th) [])
val (ctvar_lits,ctfree_lits) = RC.add_typs_aux ctypes_sorts
if forall isFalse lits
@@ -264,20 +260,20 @@
-fun add_axiom_clause ((th,(name,id)), pairs) =
- let val cls = make_clause(id, name, RC.Axiom, th)
+fun add_axiom_clause thy ((th,(name,id)), pairs) =
+ let val cls = make_clause thy (id, name, RC.Axiom, th)
if isTaut cls then pairs else (name,cls)::pairs
-val make_axiom_clauses = foldl add_axiom_clause [];
+fun make_axiom_clauses thy = foldl (add_axiom_clause thy) [];
-fun make_conjecture_clauses_aux _ [] = []
- | make_conjecture_clauses_aux n (th::ths) =
- make_clause(n,"conjecture", RC.Conjecture, th) ::
- make_conjecture_clauses_aux (n+1) ths;
+fun make_conjecture_clauses_aux _ _ [] = []
+ | make_conjecture_clauses_aux thy n (th::ths) =
+ make_clause thy (n,"conjecture", RC.Conjecture, th) ::
+ make_conjecture_clauses_aux thy (n+1) ths;
-val make_conjecture_clauses = make_conjecture_clauses_aux 0;
+fun make_conjecture_clauses thy = make_conjecture_clauses_aux thy 0;
@@ -524,7 +520,7 @@
val cnf_helper_thms = ResAxioms.cnf_rules_pairs o (map ResAxioms.pairname)
-fun get_helper_clauses isFO (conjectures, axclauses, user_lemmas) =
+fun get_helper_clauses thy isFO (conjectures, axclauses, user_lemmas) =
if isFO then [] (*first-order*)
let val ct0 = foldl count_clause init_counters conjectures
@@ -547,7 +543,7 @@
else []
val other = cnf_helper_thms [ext,fequal_imp_equal,equal_imp_fequal]
- map #2 (make_axiom_clauses (other @ IK @ BC @ S @ B'C' @ S'))
+ map #2 (make_axiom_clauses thy (other @ IK @ BC @ S @ B'C' @ S'))
(*Find the minimal arity of each function mentioned in the term. Also, note which uses
@@ -590,12 +586,12 @@
(* tptp format *)
(* write TPTP format to a single file *)
-fun tptp_write_file isFO thms filename (ax_tuples,classrel_clauses,arity_clauses) user_lemmas =
+fun tptp_write_file thy isFO thms filename (ax_tuples,classrel_clauses,arity_clauses) user_lemmas =
let val _ = Output.debug (fn () => ("Preparing to write the TPTP file " ^ filename))
val _ = RC.dfg_format := false
- val conjectures = make_conjecture_clauses thms
- val (clnames,axclauses) = ListPair.unzip (make_axiom_clauses ax_tuples)
- val helper_clauses = get_helper_clauses isFO (conjectures, axclauses, user_lemmas)
+ val conjectures = make_conjecture_clauses thy thms
+ val (clnames,axclauses) = ListPair.unzip (make_axiom_clauses thy ax_tuples)
+ val helper_clauses = get_helper_clauses thy isFO (conjectures, axclauses, user_lemmas)
val _ = count_constants (conjectures, axclauses, helper_clauses);
val (tptp_clss,tfree_litss) = ListPair.unzip (map clause2tptp conjectures)
val tfree_clss = map RC.tptp_tfree_clause (foldl (op union_string) [] tfree_litss)
@@ -615,14 +611,14 @@
(* dfg format *)
-fun dfg_write_file isFO thms filename (ax_tuples,classrel_clauses,arity_clauses) user_lemmas =
+fun dfg_write_file thy isFO thms filename (ax_tuples,classrel_clauses,arity_clauses) user_lemmas =
let val _ = Output.debug (fn () => ("Preparing to write the DFG file " ^ filename))
val _ = RC.dfg_format := true
- val conjectures = make_conjecture_clauses thms
- val (clnames,axclauses) = ListPair.unzip (make_axiom_clauses ax_tuples)
- val helper_clauses = get_helper_clauses isFO (conjectures, axclauses, user_lemmas)
+ val conjectures = make_conjecture_clauses thy thms
+ val (clnames,axclauses) = ListPair.unzip (make_axiom_clauses thy ax_tuples)
+ val helper_clauses = get_helper_clauses thy isFO (conjectures, axclauses, user_lemmas)
val _ = count_constants (conjectures, axclauses, helper_clauses);
- val (dfg_clss,tfree_litss) = ListPair.unzip (map clause2dfg conjectures)
+ val (dfg_clss, tfree_litss) = ListPair.unzip (map clause2dfg conjectures)
and probname = Path.implode (Path.base (Path.explode filename))
val axstrs = map (#1 o clause2dfg) axclauses
val tfree_clss = map RC.dfg_tfree_clause (RC.union_all tfree_litss)