--- a/src/Pure/hugsclass.ML Tue Aug 09 08:54:41 2005 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: Pure/hugsclass.ML
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
-Haskell98-like type classes, logically simulated by locales ("hugsclass")
-(*!!! for now, only experimental scratch code !!!*)
-signature HUGSCLASS =
- val add_hugsclass: bstring -> xstring list -> Locale.element list -> theory -> theory
-(* val add_hugsclass_i: bstring -> string list -> Locale.element list -> theory -> theory *)
- val get_locale_for_hugsclass: theory -> string -> string
- val get_axclass_for_hugsclass: theory -> string -> class
- val add_members_x: xstring * xstring list -> theory -> theory
- val add_members: string * string list -> theory -> theory
- val add_tycons_x: xstring * xstring list -> theory -> theory
- val add_tycons: string * string list -> theory -> theory
- val the_members: theory -> class -> string list
- val the_tycons: theory -> class -> string list
- val is_hugsclass: theory -> class -> bool
- val get_arities: theory -> sort -> string -> sort list
- val get_superclasses: theory -> class -> class list
-structure Hugsclass : HUGSCLASS =
-(** data kind 'Pure/classes' **)
-type hugsclass_info = {
- locale_name: string,
- axclass_name: string,
- members: string list,
- tycons: string list
-structure HugsclassesData = TheoryDataFun (
- struct
- val name = "Pure/hugsclasses";
- type T = hugsclass_info Symtab.table;
- val empty = Symtab.empty;
- val copy = I;
- val extend = I;
- fun merge _ = Symtab.merge (K true);
- fun print _ tab = (Pretty.writeln o Pretty.chunks) (map Pretty.str (Symtab.keys tab));
- end
-val _ = Context.add_setup [HugsclassesData.init];
-val print_hugsclasses = HugsclassesData.print;
-fun lookup_hugsclass_info thy class = Symtab.lookup (HugsclassesData.get thy, class);
-fun get_hugsclass_info thy class =
- case lookup_hugsclass_info thy class
- of NONE => error ("undeclared hugs class " ^ quote class)
- | SOME info => info;
-fun put_hugsclass_info class info thy =
- thy
- |> HugsclassesData.put (Symtab.update ((class, info), HugsclassesData.get thy));
-(* name mangling *)
-fun get_locale_for_hugsclass thy class =
- #locale_name (get_hugsclass_info thy class)
-fun get_axclass_for_hugsclass thy class =
- #axclass_name (get_hugsclass_info thy class)
-(* assign members to type classes *)
-fun gen_add_members prep_class prep_member (raw_class, raw_members_new) thy =
- let
- val class = prep_class thy raw_class
- val members_new = map (prep_member thy) raw_members_new
- val {locale_name, axclass_name, members, tycons} =
- get_hugsclass_info thy class
- in
- thy
- |> put_hugsclass_info class {
- locale_name = locale_name,
- axclass_name = axclass_name,
- members = members @ members_new,
- tycons = tycons
- }
- end
-val add_members_x = gen_add_members Sign.intern_class Sign.intern_const
-val add_members = gen_add_members (K I) (K I)
-(* assign type constructors to type classes *)
-fun gen_add_tycons prep_class prep_type (raw_class, raw_tycons_new) thy =
- let
- val class = prep_class thy raw_class
- val tycons_new = map (prep_type thy) raw_tycons_new
- val {locale_name, axclass_name, members, tycons} =
- get_hugsclass_info thy class
- in
- thy
- |> put_hugsclass_info class {
- locale_name = locale_name,
- axclass_name = axclass_name,
- members = members,
- tycons = tycons @ tycons_new
- }
- end;
-val add_tycons_x = gen_add_tycons Sign.intern_class Sign.intern_type
-val add_tycons = gen_add_tycons (K I) (K I)
-(* retrieve members *)
-val the_members = (#members oo get_hugsclass_info)
-(* retrieve type constructor associations *)
-val the_tycons = (#tycons oo get_hugsclass_info)
-(** class declaration **)
-fun gen_add_hugsclass prep_class bname raw_superclss raw_locelems thy =
- let
- val name_class = Sign.full_name thy bname
- val name_loc = Sign.full_name thy bname
- val superclss = map (prep_class thy) raw_superclss
- val _ = map (get_hugsclass_info thy) superclss
- val defaultS = Sign.defaultS thy
- val axsuperclss = case superclss of [] => defaultS
- | _ => superclss
- val locexpr =
- superclss
- |> map (get_locale_for_hugsclass thy)
- |> map (Locale.Locale)
- |> Locale.Merge
- (* fun inferT_axm pre_tm =
- let
- val pp = Sign.pp thy;
- val (t, _) = Sign.infer_types pp thy (K NONE) (K NONE) [] true ([pre_tm], TFree ("a", []));
- in t end
- fun axiom_for members = (bname, inferT_axm
- (ObjectLogic.assert_propT thy (list_comb (Const (name, dummyT), map (fn (mname, mtyp, _) => Const (mname, mtyp)) members)))) *)
- fun constify thy (mname, mtyp, _) = Const (Sign.intern_const thy mname, mtyp)
- fun axiom_for loc members thy = case Sign.const_type thy loc
- of SOME pred_type => [((bname,
- (ObjectLogic.assert_propT thy
- (list_comb (Const (loc, Type.unvarifyT pred_type), map (constify thy) members)))), [])
- ]
- | NONE => (writeln "--- no const_type"; [])
- fun get_members locname thy =
- let
- val ctxt = ProofContext.init thy
- |> Locale.read_context_statement (SOME locname) [] []
- |> #4
- |> `(fn ctxt => ((writeln o commas o ProofContext.fixed_names_of) ctxt; ctxt)) |> snd
- val ctx' = ProofContext.init thy
- |> Locale.read_context_statement (SOME locname) [] []
- |> #3
- |> `(fn ctxt => ((writeln o commas o ProofContext.fixed_names_of) ctxt; ctxt)) |> snd
- val fixed = ProofContext.fixed_names_of ctxt
- fun mk_member fixed = (fixed, (the o ProofContext.default_type ctxt) fixed, NoSyn)
- in map mk_member fixed end;
- fun add_constraint class (mname, mtyp, _) thy =
- let
- val classes = snd (#classes (Type.rep_tsig (#tsig (Sign.rep_sg thy))))
- val tfree = case (typ_tfrees o Type.unvarifyT) mtyp
- of [(tfree, sort)] => if Sorts.sort_eq classes (sort, defaultS)
- then tfree
- else error ("sort constraint not permitted in member " ^ quote mname)
- | _ => error ("no or more than one type variable in declaration for member " ^ quote mname)
- fun constrain_tfree (tfree, _) = TFree (tfree, [class])
- in Sign.add_const_constraint_i
- (Sign.intern_const thy mname, map_type_tfree constrain_tfree mtyp) thy
- end;
- in
- thy
- |> Locale.add_locale true bname locexpr raw_locelems
- |> `(fn _ => writeln "(1) added locale") |> snd
- |> `(get_members name_loc)
- |-> (fn members =>
- Sign.add_consts_i members
- #> `(fn _ => writeln "(2) added members") #> snd
- #> `(axiom_for name_loc members)
- #-> (fn axiom =>
- AxClass.add_axclass_i (bname, axsuperclss) axiom #> fst
- #> `(fn _ => writeln "(3) added axclass") #> snd
- #> fold (add_constraint name_class) members
- #> `(fn _ => writeln "(4) constrained members") #> snd
- #> add_members (name_class, map #1 members)
- #> `(fn _ => writeln "(5) added class members") #> snd
- #> put_hugsclass_info name_class {
- locale_name = name_loc,
- axclass_name = name_class,
- members = [],
- tycons = []
- }
- ))
- end
-val add_hugsclass = gen_add_hugsclass (Sign.intern_class);
-val add_hugsclass_i = gen_add_hugsclass (K I);
-(** technical class relations *)
-fun is_hugsclass thy = can (the_tycons thy)
-fun get_arities thy sort tycons =
- let
- val tsig = Type.rep_tsig (#tsig (Sign.rep_sg thy))
- val clss_arities = (snd (#classes tsig), #arities tsig)
- in
- Sorts.mg_domain clss_arities tycons sort
- |> map (filter (is_hugsclass thy))
- (*!!! assert -> error on fail *)
- end
-fun get_superclasses thy class =
- Sorts.direct_supercls (snd (#classes (Type.rep_tsig (#tsig (Sign.rep_sg thy))))) class
- |> filter (is_hugsclass thy)
-(** outer syntax **)
-structure P = OuterParse
-and K = OuterSyntax.Keyword
-val (classK, extendsK) = ("class", "extends")
-val classP =
- OuterSyntax.command classK "define type class" K.thy_decl (
- P.name
- -- Scan.optional (P.$$$ extendsK |-- P.list1 P.xname) []
- -- Scan.repeat P.locale_element
- >> (fn (((name, superclss), locelems))
- => Toplevel.theory (add_hugsclass name superclss locelems))
- )
-val (instanceK, whereK) = ("inst", "where")
-val instanceP =
- OuterSyntax.command instanceK "prove type arity" K.thy_goal ((
- Scan.optional (P.$$$ "(" |-- P.!!! (P.list1 (P.group "sort" P.xname) --| P.$$$ ")")) []
- -- P.xname --| P.$$$ "::"
- -- P.group "class" P.xname
- -- Scan.optional (P.$$$ whereK |-- Scan.repeat1 P.spec_name) [])
- >> (fn (((arity, ty), class), defs)
- =>
- Toplevel.theory (IsarThy.add_defs (true, defs))
- #> (AxClass.instance_arity_proof (ty, arity, class)
- |> (Toplevel.print oo Toplevel.theory_to_proof))
- )
- )
-val _ = OuterSyntax.add_parsers [classP, instanceP]
-val _ = OuterSyntax.add_keywords [extendsK]
-PureThy.add_thms [Thm.no_attributes (intro_name bclass, intro)]
-get_thm thy PureThy.
-rename intro rule
-check defs -> should contain any member
-wie syntax extrahieren?
-cases für locales
-locale sg = fixes prod assumes assoc: ...
-consts prod :: "'a::type => 'a => 'a"
-axclass sg < type
- sg: "sg prod"
-constraints prod :: "'a::sg => 'a => 'a"
-theory Scratch imports Main begin
-(* class definition *)
-locale sg =
- fixes f :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" (infix "\<degree>" 60)
- assumes assoc: "(x \<degree> y) \<degree> z = x \<degree> (y \<degree> z)"
-classes sg
-consts prod :: "'a::sg \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" (infix "\<degree>\<degree>" 60)
-classrel sg < type
-axioms sg: "sg prod"
-interpretation sg: sg [prod] by (rule sg)
-(* abstract reasoning *)
-lemma (in sg)
- bar: "x \<degree> y = x \<degree> y" ..
-lemma baz:
- fixes x :: "'a::sg"
- shows "x \<degree>\<degree> y = x \<degree>\<degree> y" ..
-(* class instantiation *)
-interpretation sg_list: sg ["op @"]
- by (rule sg.intro) (simp only: append_assoc)
-arities list :: (type) sg
-defs (overloaded) prod_list_def: "prod == op @"
-interpretation sg_prod: sg ["%p q. (fst p \<degree>\<degree> fst q, snd p \<degree>\<degree> snd q)"]
- by (rule sg.intro) (simp add: sg.assoc)
-arities * :: (sg, sg) sg