prove_conv: Variable.import_terms instead of Term.addhoc_freeze_vars;
Wed, 12 Jul 2006 21:19:17 +0200
changeset 20114 a1bb4bc68ff3
parent 20113 90a8d14f3610
child 20115 6c2ca3749a80
prove_conv: Variable.import_terms instead of Term.addhoc_freeze_vars; tuned;
--- a/src/Provers/Arith/cancel_numeral_factor.ML	Wed Jul 12 21:19:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Provers/Arith/cancel_numeral_factor.ML	Wed Jul 12 21:19:17 2006 +0200
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@
   val neg_exchanges: bool  (*true if a negative coeff swaps the two operands,
                              as with < and <= but not = and div*)
   (*proof tools*)
-  val prove_conv: tactic list -> Proof.context -> 
-                  thm list -> string list -> term * term -> thm option
+  val prove_conv: tactic list -> Proof.context -> thm list -> term * term -> thm option
   val trans_tac: simpset -> thm option -> tactic (*applies the initial lemma*)
   val norm_tac: simpset -> tactic                (*proves the initial lemma*)
   val numeral_simp_tac: simpset -> tactic        (*proves the final theorem*)
@@ -41,43 +40,45 @@
 functor CancelNumeralFactorFun(Data: CANCEL_NUMERAL_FACTOR_DATA):
   val proc: simpset -> term -> thm option
-  end 
+  end
 (*the simplification procedure*)
 fun proc ss t =
-      val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context ss;
-      val hyps = prems_of_ss ss;
-      (*first freeze any Vars in the term to prevent flex-flex problems*)
-      val (t', xs) = Term.adhoc_freeze_vars t;
-      val (t1,t2) = Data.dest_bal t' 
-      val (m1, t1') = Data.dest_coeff t1
-      and (m2, t2') = Data.dest_coeff t2
-      val d = (*if both are negative, also divide through by ~1*)
-          if (m1<0 andalso m2<=0) orelse
-             (m1<=0 andalso m2<0) then ~ (abs(gcd(m1,m2))) else abs (gcd(m1,m2))
-      val _ = if d=1 then   (*trivial, so do nothing*)
-		      raise TERM("cancel_numeral_factor", []) 
-              else ()
-      fun newshape (i,t) = Data.mk_coeff(d, Data.mk_coeff(i,t))
-      val n1 = m1 div d and n2 = m2 div d
-      val rhs = if d<0 andalso Data.neg_exchanges
-                then Data.mk_bal (Data.mk_coeff(n2,t2'), Data.mk_coeff(n1,t1'))
-                else Data.mk_bal (Data.mk_coeff(n1,t1'), Data.mk_coeff(n2,t2'))
-      val reshape =  (*Move d to the front and put the rest into standard form
-		       i * #m * j == #d * (#n * (j * k)) *)
-	    Data.prove_conv [Data.norm_tac ss] ctxt hyps xs
-	      (t',   Data.mk_bal (newshape(n1,t1'), newshape(n2,t2')))
+    val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context ss;
+    val prems = prems_of_ss ss;
+    val ([t'], ctxt') = Variable.import_terms true [t] ctxt
+    val export = singleton (Variable.export ctxt' ctxt)
+    val (t1,t2) = Data.dest_bal t'
+    val (m1, t1') = Data.dest_coeff t1
+    and (m2, t2') = Data.dest_coeff t2
+    val d = (*if both are negative, also divide through by ~1*)
+      if (m1<0 andalso m2<=0) orelse
+         (m1<=0 andalso m2<0) then ~ (abs(gcd(m1,m2))) else abs (gcd(m1,m2))
+    val _ = if d=1 then   (*trivial, so do nothing*)
+              raise TERM("cancel_numeral_factor", [])
+            else ()
+    fun newshape (i,t) = Data.mk_coeff(d, Data.mk_coeff(i,t))
+    val n1 = m1 div d and n2 = m2 div d
+    val rhs = if d<0 andalso Data.neg_exchanges
+              then Data.mk_bal (Data.mk_coeff(n2,t2'), Data.mk_coeff(n1,t1'))
+              else Data.mk_bal (Data.mk_coeff(n1,t1'), Data.mk_coeff(n2,t2'))
+    val reshape =  (*Move d to the front and put the rest into standard form
+                       i * #m * j == #d * (#n * (j * k)) *)
+      Data.prove_conv [Data.norm_tac ss] ctxt prems
+        (t', Data.mk_bal (newshape(n1,t1'), newshape(n2,t2')))
- (Data.simplify_meta_eq ss)
-       (Data.prove_conv 
-	       [Data.trans_tac ss reshape, rtac Data.cancel 1,
-		Data.numeral_simp_tac ss] ctxt hyps xs (t', rhs))
+ (export o Data.simplify_meta_eq ss)
+      (Data.prove_conv
+         [Data.trans_tac ss reshape, rtac Data.cancel 1,
+          Data.numeral_simp_tac ss] ctxt prems (t', rhs))
+  (* FIXME avoid handling of generic exceptions *)
   handle TERM _ => NONE
        | TYPE _ => NONE;   (*Typically (if thy doesn't include Numeral)
-			     Undeclared type constructor "Numeral.bin"*)
+                             Undeclared type constructor "Numeral.bin"*)
--- a/src/Provers/Arith/cancel_numerals.ML	Wed Jul 12 21:19:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Provers/Arith/cancel_numerals.ML	Wed Jul 12 21:19:17 2006 +0200
@@ -36,8 +36,7 @@
   val bal_add1: thm
   val bal_add2: thm
   (*proof tools*)
-  val prove_conv: tactic list -> Proof.context ->
-                  thm list -> string list -> term * term -> thm option
+  val prove_conv: tactic list -> Proof.context -> thm list -> term * term -> thm option
   val trans_tac: simpset -> thm option -> tactic (*applies the initial lemma*)
   val norm_tac: simpset -> tactic                (*proves the initial lemma*)
   val numeral_simp_tac: simpset -> tactic        (*proves the final theorem*)
@@ -69,41 +68,41 @@
 (*the simplification procedure*)
 fun proc ss t =
-      val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context ss;
-      val hyps = prems_of_ss ss;
-      (*first freeze any Vars in the term to prevent flex-flex problems*)
-      val (t', xs) = Term.adhoc_freeze_vars t;
-      val (t1,t2) = Data.dest_bal t'
-      val terms1 = Data.dest_sum t1
-      and terms2 = Data.dest_sum t2
-      val u = find_common (terms1,terms2)
-      val (n1, terms1') = Data.find_first_coeff u terms1
-      and (n2, terms2') = Data.find_first_coeff u terms2
-      and T = Term.fastype_of u
-      fun newshape (i,terms) = Data.mk_sum T (Data.mk_coeff(i,u)::terms)
-      val reshape =  (*Move i*u to the front and put j*u into standard form
+    val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context ss
+    val prems = prems_of_ss ss
+    val ([t'], ctxt') = Variable.import_terms true [t] ctxt
+    val export = singleton (Variable.export ctxt' ctxt)
+    val (t1,t2) = Data.dest_bal t'
+    val terms1 = Data.dest_sum t1
+    and terms2 = Data.dest_sum t2
+    val u = find_common (terms1, terms2)
+    val (n1, terms1') = Data.find_first_coeff u terms1
+    and (n2, terms2') = Data.find_first_coeff u terms2
+    and T = Term.fastype_of u
+    fun newshape (i,terms) = Data.mk_sum T (Data.mk_coeff(i,u)::terms)
+    val reshape =  (*Move i*u to the front and put j*u into standard form
                        i + #m + j + k == #m + i + (j + k) *)
-            if n1=0 orelse n2=0 then   (*trivial, so do nothing*)
-                raise TERM("cancel_numerals", [])
-            else Data.prove_conv [Data.norm_tac ss] ctxt hyps xs
-                        (t',
-                         Data.mk_bal (newshape(n1,terms1'),
-                                      newshape(n2,terms2')))
+        if n1=0 orelse n2=0 then   (*trivial, so do nothing*)
+          raise TERM("cancel_numerals", [])
+        else Data.prove_conv [Data.norm_tac ss] ctxt prems
+          (t', Data.mk_bal (newshape(n1,terms1'), newshape(n2,terms2')))
- (Data.simplify_meta_eq ss)
-       (if n2<=n1 then
-            Data.prove_conv
-               [Data.trans_tac ss reshape, rtac Data.bal_add1 1,
-                Data.numeral_simp_tac ss] ctxt hyps xs
-               (t', Data.mk_bal (newshape(n1-n2,terms1'),
-                                 Data.mk_sum T terms2'))
-        else
-            Data.prove_conv
-               [Data.trans_tac ss reshape, rtac Data.bal_add2 1,
-                Data.numeral_simp_tac ss] ctxt hyps xs
-               (t', Data.mk_bal (Data.mk_sum T terms1',
-                                 newshape(n2-n1,terms2'))))
+ (export o Data.simplify_meta_eq ss)
+      (if n2 <= n1 then
+         Data.prove_conv
+           [Data.trans_tac ss reshape, rtac Data.bal_add1 1,
+            Data.numeral_simp_tac ss] ctxt prems
+           (t', Data.mk_bal (newshape(n1-n2,terms1'), Data.mk_sum T terms2'))
+       else
+         Data.prove_conv
+           [Data.trans_tac ss reshape, rtac Data.bal_add2 1,
+            Data.numeral_simp_tac ss] ctxt prems
+           (t', Data.mk_bal (Data.mk_sum T terms1', newshape(n2-n1,terms2'))))
+  (* FIXME avoid handling of generic exceptions *)
   handle TERM _ => NONE
        | TYPE _ => NONE;   (*Typically (if thy doesn't include Numeral)
                              Undeclared type constructor "Numeral.bin"*)
--- a/src/Provers/Arith/combine_numerals.ML	Wed Jul 12 21:19:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Provers/Arith/combine_numerals.ML	Wed Jul 12 21:19:17 2006 +0200
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
   val left_distrib: thm
   (*proof tools*)
-  val prove_conv: tactic list -> Proof.context -> string list -> term * term -> thm option
+  val prove_conv: tactic list -> Proof.context -> term * term -> thm option
   val trans_tac: simpset -> thm option -> tactic (*applies the initial lemma*)
   val norm_tac: simpset -> tactic                (*proves the initial lemma*)
   val numeral_simp_tac: simpset -> tactic        (*proves the final theorem*)
@@ -38,56 +38,57 @@
 functor CombineNumeralsFun(Data: COMBINE_NUMERALS_DATA):
   val proc: simpset -> term -> thm option
-  end 
+  end
 (*Remove the first occurrence of #m*u from the term list*)
 fun remove (_, _, []) = (*impossible, since #m*u was found by find_repeated*)
-      raise TERM("combine_numerals: remove", [])  
+      raise TERM("combine_numerals: remove", [])
   | remove (m, u, t::terms) =
       case try Data.dest_coeff t of
-	  SOME(n,v) => if m=n andalso u aconv v then terms
-		       else t :: remove (m, u, terms)
-	| NONE      =>  t :: remove (m, u, terms);
+          SOME(n,v) => if m=n andalso u aconv v then terms
+                       else t :: remove (m, u, terms)
+        | NONE      =>  t :: remove (m, u, terms);
 (*a left-to-right scan of terms, seeking another term of the form #n*u, where
   #m*u is already in terms for some m*)
-fun find_repeated (tab, _, []) = raise TERM("find_repeated", []) 
+fun find_repeated (tab, _, []) = raise TERM("find_repeated", [])
   | find_repeated (tab, past, t::terms) =
       case try Data.dest_coeff t of
-	  SOME(n,u) => 
-	      (case Termtab.lookup tab u of
-		  SOME m => (u, m, n, rev (remove (m,u,past)) @ terms)
-		| NONE => find_repeated (Termtab.update (u, n) tab, 
-					 t::past,  terms))
-	| NONE => find_repeated (tab, t::past, terms);
+          SOME(n,u) =>
+              (case Termtab.lookup tab u of
+                  SOME m => (u, m, n, rev (remove (m,u,past)) @ terms)
+                | NONE => find_repeated (Termtab.update (u, n) tab,
+                                         t::past,  terms))
+        | NONE => find_repeated (tab, t::past, terms);
 (*the simplification procedure*)
 fun proc ss t =
-      val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context ss;
-      (*first freeze any Vars in the term to prevent flex-flex problems*)
-      val (t', xs) = Term.adhoc_freeze_vars t
-      val (u,m,n,terms) = find_repeated (Termtab.empty, [], Data.dest_sum t')
-      val T = Term.fastype_of u
-      val reshape =  (*Move i*u to the front and put j*u into standard form
-		       i + #m + j + k == #m + i + (j + k) *)
-	    if m=0 orelse n=0 then   (*trivial, so do nothing*)
-		raise TERM("combine_numerals", []) 
-	    else Data.prove_conv [Data.norm_tac ss] ctxt xs
-			(t', 
-			 Data.mk_sum T ([Data.mk_coeff(m,u),
-				         Data.mk_coeff(n,u)] @ terms))
+    val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context ss;
+    val ([t'], ctxt') = Variable.import_terms true [t] ctxt
+    val export = singleton (Variable.export ctxt' ctxt)
+    val (u,m,n,terms) = find_repeated (Termtab.empty, [], Data.dest_sum t')
+    val T = Term.fastype_of u
+    val reshape =  (*Move i*u to the front and put j*u into standard form
+                       i + #m + j + k == #m + i + (j + k) *)
+      if m=0 orelse n=0 then   (*trivial, so do nothing*)
+        raise TERM("combine_numerals", [])
+      else Data.prove_conv [Data.norm_tac ss] ctxt
+        (t', Data.mk_sum T ([Data.mk_coeff (m, u), Data.mk_coeff (n, u)] @ terms))
- (Data.simplify_meta_eq ss)
-	 (Data.prove_conv 
-	    [Data.trans_tac ss reshape, rtac Data.left_distrib 1,
-	     Data.numeral_simp_tac ss] ctxt xs
-	    (t', Data.mk_sum T (Data.mk_coeff(Data.add(m,n), u) :: terms)))
+ (export o Data.simplify_meta_eq ss)
+      (Data.prove_conv
+         [Data.trans_tac ss reshape, rtac Data.left_distrib 1,
+          Data.numeral_simp_tac ss] ctxt
+         (t', Data.mk_sum T (Data.mk_coeff(Data.add(m,n), u) :: terms)))
+  (* FIXME avoid handling of generic exceptions *)
   handle TERM _ => NONE
        | TYPE _ => NONE;   (*Typically (if thy doesn't include Numeral)
-			     Undeclared type constructor "Numeral.bin"*)
+                             Undeclared type constructor "Numeral.bin"*)
--- a/src/Provers/Arith/extract_common_term.ML	Wed Jul 12 21:19:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Provers/Arith/extract_common_term.ML	Wed Jul 12 21:19:17 2006 +0200
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
      i + u + j ~~ i' + u + j'  ==  u + (i + j) ~~ u + (i' + j')
      i + u     ~~ u            ==  u + i       ~~ u + 0
-where ~~ is an appropriate balancing operation (e.g. =, <=, <, -) and 0 is a 
+where ~~ is an appropriate balancing operation (e.g. =, <=, <, -) and 0 is a
 suitable identity for +.
 This massaged formula is then simplified in a user-specified way.
@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@
   val dest_bal: term -> term * term
   val find_first: term -> term list -> term list
   (*proof tools*)
-  val prove_conv: tactic list -> Proof.context -> 
-                  thm list -> string list -> term * term -> thm option
+  val prove_conv: tactic list -> Proof.context -> thm list -> term * term -> thm option
   val norm_tac: simpset -> tactic                (*proves the result*)
   val simplify_meta_eq: simpset -> thm -> thm    (*simplifies the result*)
@@ -33,43 +32,45 @@
 functor ExtractCommonTermFun(Data: EXTRACT_COMMON_TERM_DATA):
   val proc: simpset -> term -> thm option
-  end 
+  end
 (*a left-to-right scan of terms1, seeking a term u that is also in terms2*)
 fun find_common (terms1,terms2) =
   let val tab2 = fold (Termtab.update o rpair ()) terms2 Termtab.empty
-      fun seek [] = raise TERM("find_common", []) 
-	| seek (u::terms) =
-	      if Termtab.defined tab2 u then u
-	      else seek terms
+      fun seek [] = raise TERM("find_common", [])
+        | seek (u::terms) =
+              if Termtab.defined tab2 u then u
+              else seek terms
   in seek terms1 end;
 (*the simplification procedure*)
 fun proc ss t =
-      val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context ss;
-      val hyps = prems_of_ss ss;
-      (*first freeze any Vars in the term to prevent flex-flex problems*)
-      val (t', xs) = Term.adhoc_freeze_vars t;
-      val (t1,t2) = Data.dest_bal t' 
-      val terms1 = Data.dest_sum t1
-      and terms2 = Data.dest_sum t2
-      val u = find_common (terms1,terms2)
-      val terms1' = Data.find_first u terms1
-      and terms2' = Data.find_first u terms2
-      and T = Term.fastype_of u
-      val reshape = 
-	    Data.prove_conv [Data.norm_tac ss] ctxt hyps xs
-	        (t', 
-		 Data.mk_bal (Data.mk_sum T (u::terms1'), 
-		              Data.mk_sum T (u::terms2')))
+    val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context ss;
+    val prems = prems_of_ss ss;
+    val ([t'], ctxt') = Variable.import_terms true [t] ctxt
+    val export = singleton (Variable.export ctxt' ctxt)
+    val (t1,t2) = Data.dest_bal t'
+    val terms1 = Data.dest_sum t1
+    and terms2 = Data.dest_sum t2
+    val u = find_common (terms1,terms2)
+    val terms1' = Data.find_first u terms1
+    and terms2' = Data.find_first u terms2
+    and T = Term.fastype_of u
+    val reshape =
+      Data.prove_conv [Data.norm_tac ss] ctxt prems
+        (t', Data.mk_bal (Data.mk_sum T (u::terms1'), Data.mk_sum T (u::terms2')))
- (Data.simplify_meta_eq ss) reshape
+ (export o Data.simplify_meta_eq ss) reshape
+  (* FIXME avoid handling of generic exceptions *)
   handle TERM _ => NONE
        | TYPE _ => NONE;   (*Typically (if thy doesn't include Numeral)
-			     Undeclared type constructor "Numeral.bin"*)
+                             Undeclared type constructor "Numeral.bin"*)