Finer-grained activation so that facts from earlier elements are available.
Tue, 16 Dec 2008 15:08:08 +0100
changeset 29217 a1c992fb3184
parent 29216 528e68bea04d
child 29218 f7ffe90879e2
child 29236 51526dd8da8e
Finer-grained activation so that facts from earlier elements are available.
--- a/src/FOL/ex/NewLocaleTest.thy	Tue Dec 16 14:29:05 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/FOL/ex/NewLocaleTest.thy	Tue Dec 16 15:08:08 2008 +0100
@@ -167,6 +167,13 @@
 lemma (in semi_hom_loc) "h(prod(x, y)) = sum(h(x), h(y))"
   by (rule semi_hom_mult)
+(* Referring to facts from within a context specification *)
+  assumes x: "P <-> P"
+  notes y = x
+  shows True ..
 section {* Theorem statements *}
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/element.ML	Tue Dec 16 14:29:05 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/element.ML	Tue Dec 16 15:08:08 2008 +0100
@@ -78,10 +78,8 @@
   val generalize_facts: Proof.context -> Proof.context ->
     (Attrib.binding * (thm list * Attrib.src list) list) list ->
     (Attrib.binding * (thm list * Attrib.src list) list) list
-  val activate: (typ, term, Facts.ref) ctxt list -> Proof.context ->
-    (context_i list * (Binding.T * Thm.thm list) list) * Proof.context
-  val activate_i: context_i list -> Proof.context ->
-    (context_i list * (Binding.T * Thm.thm list) list) * Proof.context
+  val activate: (typ, term, Facts.ref) ctxt list -> Proof.context -> context_i list * Proof.context
+  val activate_i: context_i list -> Proof.context -> context_i list * Proof.context
 structure Element: ELEMENT =
@@ -544,9 +542,9 @@
 fun activate_elem (Fixes fixes) ctxt =
-      ([], ctxt |> ProofContext.add_fixes_i fixes |> snd)
+      ctxt |> ProofContext.add_fixes_i fixes |> snd
   | activate_elem (Constrains _) ctxt =
-      ([], ctxt)
+      ctxt
   | activate_elem (Assumes asms) ctxt =
         val asms' = Attrib.map_specs (Attrib.attribute_i (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) asms;
@@ -554,7 +552,7 @@
         val (_, ctxt') =
           ctxt |> fold Variable.auto_fixes ts
           |> ProofContext.add_assms_i Assumption.presume_export asms';
-      in ([], ctxt') end
+      in ctxt' end
   | activate_elem (Defines defs) ctxt =
         val defs' = Attrib.map_specs (Attrib.attribute_i (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) defs;
@@ -564,19 +562,20 @@
         val (_, ctxt') =
           ctxt |> fold (Variable.auto_fixes o #1) asms
           |> ProofContext.add_assms_i LocalDefs.def_export (map #2 asms);
-      in ([], ctxt') end
+      in ctxt' end
   | activate_elem (Notes (kind, facts)) ctxt =
         val facts' = Attrib.map_facts (Attrib.attribute_i (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) facts;
         val (res, ctxt') = ctxt |> ProofContext.note_thmss_i kind facts';
-      in ((map (#1 o #1) facts' ~~ map #2 res), ctxt') end;
+      in ctxt' end;
 fun gen_activate prep_facts raw_elems ctxt =
-    val elems = map (map_ctxt_attrib Args.assignable o prep_facts ctxt) raw_elems;
-    val (res, ctxt') = fold_map activate_elem elems (ProofContext.qualified_names ctxt);
-    val elems' = elems |> map (map_ctxt_attrib Args.closure);
-  in ((elems', flat res), ProofContext.restore_naming ctxt ctxt') end;
+    fun activate elem ctxt =
+      let val elem' = (map_ctxt_attrib Args.assignable o prep_facts ctxt) elem
+      in (elem', activate_elem elem' ctxt) end
+    val (elems, ctxt') = fold_map activate raw_elems (ProofContext.qualified_names ctxt);
+  in (elems |> map (map_ctxt_attrib Args.closure), ProofContext.restore_naming ctxt ctxt') end;
 fun check_name name =
   if NameSpace.is_qualified name then error ("Illegal qualified name: " ^ quote name)
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/expression.ML	Tue Dec 16 14:29:05 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/expression.ML	Tue Dec 16 15:08:08 2008 +0100
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@
     val context' = context |>
       ProofContext.add_fixes_i fixed |> snd |>
       fold NewLocale.activate_local_facts deps;
-    val ((elems', _), _) = activate elems (ProofContext.set_stmt true context');
+    val (elems', _) = activate elems (ProofContext.set_stmt true context');
   in ((fixed, deps, elems'), (parms, spec, defs)) end;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/new_locale.ML	Tue Dec 16 14:29:05 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/new_locale.ML	Tue Dec 16 15:08:08 2008 +0100
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
 fun add_thmss loc kind args ctxt =
-    val (([Notes args'], _), ctxt') = Element.activate_i [Notes (kind, args)] ctxt;
+    val ([Notes args'], ctxt') = Element.activate_i [Notes (kind, args)] ctxt;
     val ctxt'' = ctxt' |> ProofContext.theory (
       change_locale loc
         (fn (parameters, spec, decls, notes, dependencies) =>