--- a/src/Pure/General/toml.scala Thu Jul 13 09:51:10 2023 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/toml.scala Thu Jul 13 10:36:27 2023 +0200
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@
case Some(value) => value
case None =>
error("Expected" + classTag[A].runtimeClass.getName +
- ", got " + v.getClass.getSimpleName + " for key " + quote(k))
+ ", got " + v.getClass.getSimpleName + " for key " + Format.key(k))
- case None => error("Key " + quote(k) + " does not exist")
+ case None => error("Key " + Format.key(k) + " does not exist")
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
(v0, v) match {
case (t0: Table, t: Table) => t0 ++ t
case (a0: Array, a: Array) => a0 ++ a
- case _ => error("Key already present: " + quote(k))
+ case _ => error("Key already present: " + Format.key(k))
new Table(rep + (k -> v1))
@@ -391,21 +391,24 @@
val (rest0, rest1) = rest.splitAt(split)
val implicitly_seen = prefixes(rest1.dropRight(1)).map(rest0 ::: _)
- if (seen.inlines.exists(rest.startsWith(_))) error("Attempting to update an inline value")
+ seen.inlines.find(rest.startsWith(_)).foreach(ks =>
+ error("Attempting to update an inline value at " + Format.keys(ks)))
val (inlines, tables) =
elem match {
case _: Parsers.Primitive =>
(seen.inlines, seen.tables ++ implicitly_seen)
case _: Parsers.Array =>
- if (seen_tables.contains(ks)) error("Attempting to append with an inline array")
+ if (seen_tables.contains(ks))
+ error("Attempting to append with an inline array at " + Format.keys(ks))
(seen.inlines + rest, seen.tables ++ implicitly_seen)
case _: Parsers.Inline_Table =>
- if (seen.tables.exists(_.startsWith(rest)))
- error("Attempting to add with an inline table")
+ seen.tables.find(_.startsWith(rest)).foreach(ks =>
+ error("Attempting to add with an inline table at " + Format.keys(ks)))
(seen.inlines + rest, seen.tables ++ implicitly_seen)
case _: Parsers.Table =>
- if (seen.tables.contains(rest)) error("Attempting to define a table twice")
+ if (seen.tables.contains(rest))
+ error("Attempting to define a table twice at" + Format.keys(ks))
(seen.inlines, seen.tables + rest)
case _: Parsers.Array_Of_Tables => (Set.empty, Set.empty)
@@ -433,8 +436,9 @@
case Parsers.Primitive(t) => (t, Set.empty)
case Parsers.Array(rep) => (Array(rep.map(to_toml(_)._1)), Set.empty)
case Parsers.Inline_Table(elems) =>
- elems.foreach(e => if (elems.count(_._1 == e._1) > 1)
- error("Duplicate key in inline table"))
+ elems.find(e => elems.count(_._1 == e._1) > 1).foreach((ks, _) =>
+ error("Duplicate key " + Format.keys(ks) + " in inline table at " +
+ Format.keys(ks0 ::: ks1)))
val (tables, pfxs, key_spaces) =
elems.map { (ks, v) =>
@@ -443,7 +447,7 @@
pfxs.foreach(pfx => if (key_spaces.count(pfx.intersect(_).nonEmpty) > 1)
- error("Inline table not self-contained"))
+ error("Inline table not self-contained at " + Format.keys(ks0 ::: ks1)))
(tables.foldLeft(Table())(_ ++ _), pfxs.toSet.flatten ++ key_spaces.toSet.flatten)
@@ -451,36 +455,42 @@
- def update(map: Table, ks: Keys, value: T): Table = {
- val updated =
- if (ks.length == 1) {
- map.any.get(ks.head) match {
- case Some(a: Array) =>
- value match {
- case a2: Array => a ++ a2
- case _ => error("Table conflicts with previous array of tables")
+ def update(map: Table, ks0: Keys, value: T): Table = {
+ def update_rec(hd: Keys, map: Table, ks: Keys): Table = {
+ val updated =
+ if (ks.length == 1) {
+ map.any.get(ks.head) match {
+ case Some(a: Array) =>
+ value match {
+ case a2: Array => a ++ a2
+ case _ =>
+ error("Table conflicts with previous array of tables at " + Format.keys(ks0))
+ }
+ case Some(t: Table) => value match {
+ case t2: Table =>
+ if (t.domain.intersect(t2.domain).nonEmpty)
+ error("Attempting to redefine existing value in super-table at " +
+ Format.keys(ks0))
+ else t ++ t2
+ case _ => error("Attempting to redefine a table at " + Format.keys(ks0))
- case Some(t: Table) => value match {
- case t2: Table =>
- if (t.domain.intersect(t2.domain).nonEmpty)
- error("Attempting to redefine existing value in super-table")
- else t ++ t2
- case _ => error("Attempting to redefine a table")
+ case Some(_) => error("Attempting to redefine a value at " + Format.keys(ks0))
+ case None => value
- case Some(_) => error("Attempting to redefine a value")
- case None => value
- }
- else {
- map.any.get(ks.head) match {
- case Some(t: Table) => update(t, ks.tail, value)
- case Some(a: Array) =>
- Array(a.table.values.dropRight(1) :+ update(a.table.values.last, ks.tail, value))
- case Some(_) => error("Attempting to redefine a value")
- case None => update(Table(), ks.tail, value)
+ else {
+ val hd1 = hd :+ ks.head
+ map.any.get(ks.head) match {
+ case Some(t: Table) => update_rec(hd1, t, ks.tail)
+ case Some(a: Array) =>
+ Array(a.table.values.dropRight(1) :+ update_rec(hd1, a.table.values.last, ks.tail))
+ case Some(_) => error("Attempting to redefine a value at " + Format.keys(hd1))
+ case None => update_rec(hd1, Table(), ks.tail)
+ }
- }
- (map - ks.head) + (ks.head -> updated)
+ (map - ks.head) + (ks.head -> updated)
+ }
+ update_rec(Nil, map, ks0)
def fold(elems: List[(Keys, T)]): Table =