graceful interpretation of -i/-d/-D options;
Sat, 20 Oct 2001 20:23:37 +0200
changeset 11856 a35af478aee4
parent 11855 bdae1f29f35d
child 11857 cc3d971fe66a
graceful interpretation of -i/-d/-D options; verbose: additional messages/warnings; include document graph;
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML	Sat Oct 20 20:22:17 2001 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML	Sat Oct 20 20:23:37 2001 +0200
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   include BASIC_PRESENT
   val write_graph: {name: string, ID: string, dir: string, unfold: bool,
    path: string, parents: string list} list -> Path.T -> unit
-  val init: bool -> string -> string list -> string -> Path.T option
+  val init: bool -> string -> bool -> string list -> string -> Path.T option
     -> Url.T option * bool -> bool -> unit
   val finish: unit -> unit
   val init_theory: string -> unit
@@ -48,10 +48,14 @@
 val tex_path = tex_ext o Path.basic;
 val html_ext = Path.ext "html";
 val html_path = html_ext o Path.basic;
-val graph_path = Path.ext "graph" o Path.basic;
 val index_path = Path.basic "index.html";
+val readme_html_path = Path.basic "README.html";
+val readme_path = Path.basic "README";
 val doc_path = Path.basic "document";
 val doc_indexN = "session";
+val graph_path = Path.basic "session.graph";
+val graph_pdf_path = Path.basic "session_graph.pdf";
+val graph_eps_path = Path.basic "session_graph.eps";
 val session_path = Path.basic ".session";
 val session_entries_path = Path.unpack ".session/entries";
@@ -62,6 +66,8 @@
   | mk_rel_path (ps as x :: xs) (qs as y :: ys) = if x = y then mk_rel_path xs ys else
       Path.appends (replicate (length ps) Path.parent @ [Path.make qs]);
+fun show_path path = Path.pack (Path.append (File.pwd ()) path);
 (** additional theory data **)
@@ -138,20 +144,20 @@
 (* type browser_info *)
-type browser_info = {theories: theory_info Symtab.table, tex_index: Buffer.T,
-  html_index: Buffer.T, graph: graph_node list};
+type browser_info = {theories: theory_info Symtab.table, files: (Path.T * string) list,
+  tex_index: Buffer.T, html_index: Buffer.T, graph: graph_node list};
-fun make_browser_info (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph) =
-  {theories = theories, tex_index = tex_index, html_index = html_index,
+fun make_browser_info (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph) =
+  {theories = theories, files = files, tex_index = tex_index, html_index = html_index,
     graph = graph}: browser_info;
-val empty_browser_info = make_browser_info (Symtab.empty, Buffer.empty, Buffer.empty, []);
+val empty_browser_info = make_browser_info (Symtab.empty, [], Buffer.empty, Buffer.empty, []);
 fun init_browser_info remote_path curr_sess = make_browser_info
-  (Symtab.empty, Buffer.empty, Buffer.empty, init_graph remote_path curr_sess);
+  (Symtab.empty, [], Buffer.empty, Buffer.empty, init_graph remote_path curr_sess);
-fun map_browser_info f {theories, tex_index, html_index, graph} =
-  make_browser_info (f (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph));
+fun map_browser_info f {theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph} =
+  make_browser_info (f (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph));
 (* state *)
@@ -163,28 +169,32 @@
 fun no_document f x = Library.setmp suppress_tex_source true f x;
 fun init_theory_info name info =
-  change_browser_info (fn (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph) =>
-    (Symtab.update ((name, info), theories), tex_index, html_index, graph));
+  change_browser_info (fn (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph) =>
+    (Symtab.update ((name, info), theories), files, tex_index, html_index, graph));
 fun change_theory_info name f =
-  change_browser_info (fn (info as (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph)) =>
+  change_browser_info (fn (info as (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph)) =>
     (case Symtab.lookup (theories, name) of
       None => (warning ("Browser info: cannot access theory document " ^ quote name); info)
-    | Some info => (Symtab.update ((name, map_theory_info f info), theories),
+    | Some info => (Symtab.update ((name, map_theory_info f info), theories), files,
         tex_index, html_index, graph)));
+fun add_file file =
+  change_browser_info (fn (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph) =>
+    (theories, file :: files, tex_index, html_index, graph));
 fun add_tex_index txt =
-  change_browser_info (fn (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph) =>
-    (theories, Buffer.add txt tex_index, html_index, graph));
+  change_browser_info (fn (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph) =>
+    (theories, files, Buffer.add txt tex_index, html_index, graph));
 fun add_html_index txt =
-  change_browser_info (fn (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph) =>
-    (theories, tex_index, Buffer.add txt html_index, graph));
+  change_browser_info (fn (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph) =>
+    (theories, files, tex_index, Buffer.add txt html_index, graph));
 fun add_graph_entry e =
-  change_browser_info (fn (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph) =>
-    (theories, tex_index, html_index, ins_graph_entry e graph));
+  change_browser_info (fn (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph) =>
+    (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, ins_graph_entry e graph));
 fun add_tex_source name txt =
   if ! suppress_tex_source then ()
@@ -205,14 +215,16 @@
 type session_info =
   {name: string, parent: string, session: string, path: string list, html_prefix: Path.T,
-    doc_format: string, doc_prefixes: (Path.T * Path.T option) option,
-    remote_path: Url.T option, verbose: bool};
+    info: bool, doc_format: string, doc_graph: bool, doc_prefix1: Path.T option,
+    doc_prefix2: Path.T option, remote_path: Url.T option, verbose: bool, readme: Path.T option};
 fun make_session_info
-    (name, parent, session, path, html_prefix, doc_format, doc_prefixes, remote_path, verbose) =
+  (name, parent, session, path, html_prefix, info, doc_format, doc_graph, doc_prefix1,
+    doc_prefix2, remote_path, verbose, readme) =
   {name = name, parent = parent, session = session, path = path, html_prefix = html_prefix,
-    doc_format = doc_format, doc_prefixes = doc_prefixes, remote_path = remote_path,
-    verbose = verbose}: session_info;
+    info = info, doc_format = doc_format, doc_graph = doc_graph, doc_prefix1 = doc_prefix1,
+    doc_prefix2 = doc_prefix2, remote_path = remote_path, verbose = verbose,
+    readme = readme}: session_info;
 (* state *)
@@ -254,103 +266,132 @@
 fun name_of_session elems = space_implode "/" ("Isabelle" :: elems);
-fun could_copy inpath outpath =
-  if File.exists inpath then (File.copy inpath outpath; true)
-  else false;
 fun copy_files path1 path2 =
   (File.mkdir path2;
    File.system_command  (*FIXME: quote paths!?*)
      ("cp " ^ File.sysify_path path1 ^ " " ^ File.sysify_path path2));
-fun init false _ _ _ _ _ _ = (browser_info := empty_browser_info; session_info := None)
-  | init true doc path name dump_path (remote_path, first_time) verbose =
-      let
-        val parent_name = name_of_session (Library.take (length path - 1, path));
-        val session_name = name_of_session path;
-        val sess_prefix = Path.make path;
-        val out_path = Path.expand output_path;
-        val html_prefix = Path.append out_path sess_prefix;
+fun init info doc doc_graph path name doc_prefix2 (remote_path, first_time) verbose =
+  if not info andalso doc = "" andalso is_none doc_prefix2 then
+    (browser_info := empty_browser_info; session_info := None)
+  else
+    let
+      val parent_name = name_of_session (Library.take (length path - 1, path));
+      val session_name = name_of_session path;
+      val sess_prefix = Path.make path;
+      val html_prefix = Path.append (Path.expand output_path) sess_prefix;
-        val (doc_prefixes, document_path) =
-          if doc = "" then (None, None)
-          else (Some (Path.append html_prefix doc_path, dump_path), Some (Path.ext doc doc_path));
-        val graph_up_lnk = (Url.file index_path, session_name);
-        val _ =
-          (copy_files (Path.unpack "~~/lib/browser/awtUtilities/*.class")
-             (Path.append html_prefix (Path.basic "awtUtilities"));
-           copy_files (Path.unpack "~~/lib/browser/GraphBrowser/*.class")
-             (Path.append html_prefix (Path.basic "GraphBrowser")));
+      val (doc_prefix1, document_path) =
+        if doc = "" then (None, None)
+        else if not (File.exists doc_path) then (conditional verbose (fn () =>
+          std_error "Warning: missing document directory\n"); (None, None))
+        else (Some (Path.append html_prefix doc_path), Some (Path.ext doc doc_path));
-        fun prep_readme readme =
-          let val readme_path = Path.basic readme in
-            if could_copy readme_path (Path.append html_prefix readme_path) then Some readme_path
-            else None
-          end;
-        val opt_readme =
-          (case prep_readme "README.html" of None => prep_readme "README" | some => some);
-        val parent_index_path = Path.append Path.parent index_path;
-        val index_up_lnk = if first_time then
-            Url.append (the remote_path) (Url.file (Path.append sess_prefix parent_index_path))
-          else Url.file parent_index_path;
+      val parent_index_path = Path.append Path.parent index_path;
+      val index_up_lnk = if first_time then
+          Url.append (the remote_path) (Url.file (Path.append sess_prefix parent_index_path))
+        else Url.file parent_index_path;
+      val readme =
+        if File.exists readme_html_path then Some readme_html_path
+        else if File.exists readme_path then Some readme_path
+        else None;
-        val index_text = HTML.begin_index (index_up_lnk, parent_name)
-          (Url.file index_path, session_name) (apsome Url.file opt_readme)
-            (apsome Url.file document_path) (Url.unpack "medium.html");
-      in
-        File.mkdir (Path.append html_prefix session_path);
-        File.write (Path.append html_prefix session_entries_path) "";
-        if is_some doc_prefixes then File.copy_all doc_path html_prefix else ();
-        seq (fn (name, txt) => File.write (Path.append html_prefix (Path.basic name)) txt)
-          (HTML.applet_pages session_name graph_up_lnk);
-        session_info := Some (make_session_info (name, parent_name, session_name, path,
-          html_prefix, doc, doc_prefixes, remote_path, verbose));
-        browser_info := init_browser_info remote_path path;
-        add_html_index index_text
-      end;
+      val index_text = HTML.begin_index (index_up_lnk, parent_name)
+        (Url.file index_path, session_name) (apsome Url.file readme)
+          (apsome Url.file document_path) (Url.unpack "medium.html");
+    in
+      session_info := Some (make_session_info (name, parent_name, session_name, path, html_prefix,
+      info, doc, doc_graph, doc_prefix1, doc_prefix2, remote_path, verbose, readme));
+      browser_info := init_browser_info remote_path path;
+      add_html_index index_text
+    end;
-(* finish session *)
+(* finish session -- output all generated text *)
+fun write_tex src name path = Buffer.write (Path.append path (tex_path name)) src;
-fun isatool_document verbose doc_format doc_prefix =
-  let
-    val cmd = "\"$ISATOOL\" document -c -o '" ^ doc_format ^ "' "
-      ^ (if verbose then "-v " else "") ^ File.quote_sysify_path doc_prefix;
-  in
-    writeln cmd;
-    if system cmd <> 0 orelse not (File.exists (Path.ext doc_format doc_prefix)) then
+fun isatool_document doc_format path =
+  let val s = "\"$ISATOOL\" document -c -o '" ^ doc_format ^ "' " ^ File.quote_sysify_path path in
+    writeln s;
+    if system s <> 0 orelse not (File.exists (Path.ext doc_format path)) then
       error "Failed to build document"
     else ()
-fun write_tex src name path = Buffer.write (Path.append path (tex_path name)) src;
-fun write_texes src name (path, None) = write_tex src name path
-  | write_texes src name (path, Some path') = (write_tex src name path; write_tex src name path');
+fun isatool_browser graph =
+  let
+    val pdfpath = File.tmp_path graph_pdf_path;
+    val epspath = File.tmp_path graph_eps_path;
+    val gpath = File.tmp_path graph_path;
+    val s = "\"$ISATOOL\" browser -o " ^ File.quote_sysify_path pdfpath ^ " " ^
+      File.quote_sysify_path gpath;
+  in
+    write_graph graph gpath;
+    if system s <> 0 orelse not (File.exists epspath) orelse not (File.exists pdfpath) then
+      error "Failed to prepare dependency graph"
+    else
+      let val pdf = pdfpath and eps = epspath
+      in File.rm pdfpath; File.rm epspath; File.rm gpath; (pdf, eps) end
+  end;
-fun finish () = with_session ()
-    (fn {name, html_prefix, doc_format, doc_prefixes, path, verbose, ...} =>
+fun finish () = with_session () (fn {name, info, html_prefix, doc_format, doc_graph,
+    doc_prefix1, doc_prefix2, path, verbose, readme, ...} =>
-    val {theories, tex_index, html_index, graph} = ! browser_info;
+    val {theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph} = ! browser_info;
+    val thys = Symtab.dest theories;
     val parent_html_prefix = Path.append html_prefix Path.parent;
-    fun finish_node (a, {tex_source, html_source = _, html}) =
-     (doc_prefixes |> apsome (write_texes tex_source a);
-      Buffer.write (Path.append html_prefix (html_path a)) (Buffer.add HTML.end_theory html));
+    fun finish_tex path (a, {tex_source, ...}: theory_info) = write_tex tex_source a path;
+    fun finish_html (a, {html, ...}: theory_info) =
+      Buffer.write (Path.append html_prefix (html_path a)) (Buffer.add HTML.end_theory html);
+    val opt_graphs =
+      if doc_graph andalso (is_some doc_prefix1 orelse is_some doc_prefix2) then
+        Some (isatool_browser graph)
+      else None;
+    fun doc_common path =
+      ((case opt_graphs of None => () | Some (pdf, eps) =>
+        (File.write (Path.append path graph_pdf_path) pdf;
+          File.write (Path.append path graph_eps_path) eps));
+      write_tex (Buffer.add Latex.tex_trailer tex_index) doc_indexN path;
+      seq (finish_tex path) thys);
-    seq finish_node (Symtab.dest theories);
-    Buffer.write (Path.append html_prefix pre_index_path) html_index;
-    doc_prefixes |> apsome (write_texes (Buffer.add Latex.tex_trailer tex_index) doc_indexN);
-    doc_prefixes |> apsome (isatool_document verbose doc_format o #1);
-    write_graph graph (Path.append html_prefix (graph_path "session"));
-    create_index html_prefix;
-    if length path > 1 then update_index parent_html_prefix name else ();
+    conditional info (fn () =>
+     (File.mkdir (Path.append html_prefix session_path);
+      Buffer.write (Path.append html_prefix pre_index_path) html_index;
+      File.write (Path.append html_prefix session_entries_path) "";
+      create_index html_prefix;
+      if length path > 1 then update_index parent_html_prefix name else ();
+      (case readme of None => () | Some path => File.copy path (Path.append html_prefix path));
+      write_graph graph (Path.append html_prefix graph_path);
+      copy_files (Path.unpack "~~/lib/browser/awtUtilities/*.class")
+        (Path.append html_prefix (Path.basic "awtUtilities"));
+      copy_files (Path.unpack "~~/lib/browser/GraphBrowser/*.class")
+        (Path.append html_prefix (Path.basic "GraphBrowser"));
+      seq (fn (a, txt) => File.write (Path.append html_prefix (Path.basic a)) txt)
+        (HTML.applet_pages name (Url.file index_path, name));
+      seq finish_html thys;
+      seq (uncurry File.write) files;
+      conditional verbose (fn () =>
+        std_error ("Browser info at " ^ show_path html_prefix ^ "\n"))));
+    (case doc_prefix1 of None => () | Some path =>
+     (File.mkdir html_prefix;
+      File.copy_all doc_path html_prefix;
+      doc_common path;
+      isatool_document doc_format path;
+      conditional verbose (fn () =>
+        std_error ("Document at " ^ show_path (Path.ext doc_format path) ^ "\n"))));
+    (case doc_prefix2 of None => () | Some path =>
+     (File.mkdir path;
+      copy_files (Path.unpack "~~/lib/texinputs/*.sty") path;
+      doc_common path;
+      conditional verbose (fn () => std_error ("Document sources at " ^ show_path path ^ "\n"))));
     browser_info := empty_browser_info;
     session_info := None
@@ -395,8 +436,8 @@
             val base = Path.base path;
             val base_html = html_ext base;
-            File.write (Path.append html_prefix base_html)
-              (HTML.ml_file (Url.file base) ( path));
+            add_file (Path.append html_prefix base_html,
+              HTML.ml_file (Url.file base) ( path));
             (Some (Url.file base_html), Url.file raw_path, loadit)
       | None => (warning ("Browser info: expected to find ML file" ^ quote (Path.pack raw_path));