Revamped Proof General interface.
Mon, 04 Dec 2006 20:40:11 +0100
changeset 21637 a7b156c404e2
parent 21636 88b815dca68d
child 21638 49591cc0f1e7
Revamped Proof General interface.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/README	Mon Dec 04 20:40:11 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Proof General interface for Isabelle.
+This includes a prover-side PGIP abstraction layer for passing
+interface configuration, control commands and display messages to
+Proof General.
+  pgip_types.ML    -- the datatypes in PGIP and their manipulation
+  pgip_input.ML	   -- commands sent to the prover
+  pgip_output.ML   -- commands the prover sends out
+  pgip_markup.ML   -- markup for proof script documents
+  pgip.ML	   -- union of the above
+  pgip_tests.ML    -- some basic testing of the API
+The code constructs some marshalling datatypes for reading and writing
+XML which conforms to the PGIP schema, interfacing with SML types and
+some basic types from the Isabelle platform (i.e. URLs, XML).  This
+part of the code is intended to be useful for reuse or porting
+elsewhere, so it should have minimal dependency on Isabelle and be
+written readably.  Some languages have tools for making type-safe
+XML<->native datatype translations from a schema (e.g. HaXML for
+Haskell) which would be useful here.
+The Isabelle specific configuration is in these files:
+  pgip_isabelle.ML	  - configure part of PGIP supported by Isabelle
+  parsing.ML		  - parsing routines to add PGIP markup to scripts
+  preferences.ML	  - user preferences
+  proof_general_pgip.ML   - the main connection point with Isabelle, including
+			    the PGIP processing loop.
+For the full PGIP schema and an explanation of it, see:
+David Aspinall, Dec. 2006.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/ROOT.ML	Mon Dec 04 20:40:11 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+use "pgip_types.ML";
+use "pgip_markup.ML";
+use "pgip_input.ML";
+use "pgip_output.ML";
+use "pgip.ML";
+use "pgip_tests.ML";
+use "pgip_isabelle.ML";
+use "preferences.ML";
+use "parsing.ML";
+(use |> setmp proofs 1 |> setmp quick_and_dirty true) "proof_general_pgip.ML";
+(* OLD interaction mode, not yet complete
+  (use |> setmp proofs 1 |> setmp quick_and_dirty true) "proof_general_emacs.ML";
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/parsing.ML	Mon Dec 04 20:40:11 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/parsing.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     David Aspinall
+Parsing theory files to add PGIP markup.
+signature PGIP_PARSER =
+    val xmls_of_str: string -> XML.tree list
+structure PgipParser : PGIP_PARSER =
+(** Parsing proof scripts without execution **)
+structure P = OuterParse;
+(* Notes.
+   This is quite tricky, because 1) we need to put back whitespace which
+   was removed during parsing so we can provide markup around commands;
+   2) parsing is intertwined with execution in Isar so we have to repeat
+   the parsing to extract interesting parts of commands.  The trace of
+   tokens parsed which is now recorded in each transition (added by
+   Markus June '04) helps do this, but the mechanism is still a bad mess.
+   If we had proper parse trees it would be easy, although having a
+   fixed type of trees might be tricky with Isar's extensible parser.
+   Probably the best solution is to produce the meta-information at
+   the same time as the parse, for each command, e.g. by recording a
+   list of (name,objtype) pairs which record the bindings created by
+   a command.  This would require changing the interfaces in
+   outer_syntax.ML (or providing new ones),
+    datatype metainfo = Binding of string * string  (* name, objtype *)
+    val command_withmetainfo: string -> string -> string ->
+      (token list ->
+       ((Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) * metainfo list) *
+       token list) -> parser
+   We'd also like to render terms as they appear in output, but this
+   will be difficult because inner syntax is extensible and we don't
+   have the correct syntax to hand when just doing outer parsing
+   without execution.  A reasonable approximation could
+   perhaps be obtained by using the syntax of the current context.
+   However, this would mean more mess trying to pick out terms,
+   so at this stage a more serious change to the Isar functions
+   seems necessary.
+    fun markup_text str elt = [XML.Elem(elt, [], [XML.Text str])]
+    fun markup_text_attrs str elt attrs = [XML.Elem(elt, attrs, [XML.Text str])]
+    fun empty elt = [XML.Elem(elt, [], [])]
+    fun whitespace str = XML.Elem("whitespace", [], [XML.Text str])
+    (* an extra token is needed to terminate the command *)
+    val sync = OuterSyntax.scan "\\<^sync>";
+    fun named_item_elt_with nameattr toks str elt nameP objtyp =
+        let
+            val name = (fst (nameP (toks@sync)))
+                        handle _ => (error ("Error occurred in name parser for " ^ elt ^
+                                            "(objtype: " ^ objtyp ^ ")");
+                                     "")
+        in
+            [XML.Elem(elt,
+                     ((if name="" then [] else [(nameattr, name)])@
+                      (if objtyp="" then [] else [("objtype", objtyp)])),
+                     [XML.Text str])]
+        end
+    val named_item_elt = named_item_elt_with "name"
+    val thmnamed_item_elt = named_item_elt_with "thmname"
+    fun parse_warning msg = warning ("script->PGIP markup parser: " ^ msg)
+    (* FIXME: allow dynamic extensions to language here: we need a hook in
+       outer_syntax.ML to reset this table. *)
+    val keywords_classification_table = ref (NONE: string Symtab.table option)
+    fun get_keywords_classification_table () =
+        case (!keywords_classification_table) of
+          SOME t => t
+        | NONE => (let
+                     val tab = fold (fn (c, _, k, _) => Symtab.update (c, k))
+                                    (OuterSyntax.dest_parsers ()) Symtab.empty;
+                   in (keywords_classification_table := SOME tab; tab) end)
+    fun xmls_of_thy_begin (name,toks,str) = (* see isar_syn.ML/theoryP *)
+        let
+            val ((thyname,imports,files),_) = ThyHeader.args (toks@sync)
+        in
+            markup_text_attrs str "opentheory"
+                              ([("thyname",thyname)] @
+                               (if imports=[] then [] else
+                                [("parentnames", (space_implode ";" imports) ^ ";")]))
+        end
+    fun xmls_of_thy_decl (name,toks,str) = (* see isar_syn.ML/thy_decl cases  *)
+        let
+            (* NB: PGIP only deals with single name bindings at the moment;
+               potentially we could markup grouped definitions several times but
+               that might suggest the wrong structure to the editor?
+               Better alternative would be to put naming closer around text,
+               but to do that we'd be much better off modifying the real parser
+               instead of reconstructing it here. *)
+            val plain_items = (* no names, unimportant names, or too difficult *)
+                ["defaultsort","arities","judgement","finalconsts",
+                 "syntax", "nonterminals", "translations",
+                 "global", "local", "hide",
+                 "ML_setup", "setup", "method_setup",
+                 "parse_ast_translation", "parse_translation", "print_translation",
+                 "typed_print_translation", "print_ast_translation", "token_translation",
+                 "oracle",
+                 "declare"]
+            val plain_item   = markup_text str "theoryitem"
+            val comment_item = markup_text str "doccomment"
+            val named_item   = named_item_elt toks str "theoryitem"
+            val opt_overloaded = P.opt_keyword "overloaded";
+            val thmnameP = (* see isar_syn.ML/theoremsP *)
+                let
+                    val name_facts = P.and_list1 ((P.opt_thm_name "=" --| P.xthms1) >> #1)
+                    val theoremsP = P.opt_locale_target |-- name_facts >> (fn [] => "" | x::_ => x)
+                in
+                    theoremsP
+                end
+        in
+            (* TODO: ideally we would like to render terms properly, just as they are
+               in output. This implies using PGML for symbols and variables/atoms.
+               BUT it's rather tricky without having the correct concrete syntax to hand,
+               and even if we did, we'd have to mess around here a whole lot more first
+               to pick out the terms from the syntax. *)
+            if member (op =) plain_items name then plain_item
+            else case name of
+                     "text"      => comment_item
+                   | "text_raw"  => comment_item
+                   | "typedecl"  => named_item (P.type_args |-- "type"
+                   | "types"     => named_item (P.type_args |-- "type"
+                   | "classes"   => named_item "class"
+                   | "classrel"  => named_item "class"
+                   | "consts"    => named_item (P.const >> #1) "term"
+                   | "axioms"    => named_item (P.spec_name >> (#1 o #1)) "theorem"
+                   | "defs"      => named_item (opt_overloaded |-- P.spec_name >> (#1 o #1)) "theorem"
+                   | "constdefs" => named_item (* FIXME: heavily simplified/wrong *) "term"
+                   | "theorems"  => named_item thmnameP "thmset"
+                   | "lemmas"    => named_item thmnameP "thmset"
+                   | "oracle"    => named_item "oracle"
+                   | "locale"    => named_item ((P.opt_keyword "open" >> not) |-- "locale"
+                   | _ => (parse_warning ("Unrecognized thy-decl command: " ^ name); plain_item)
+        end
+    fun xmls_of_thy_goal (name,toks,str) =
+        let
+            (* see isar_syn.ML/gen_theorem *)
+         val statement = P.and_list1 (P.opt_thm_name ":" -- Scan.repeat1 P.propp);
+         val general_statement =
+            statement >> pair [] || Scan.repeat P.locale_element -- (P.$$$ "shows" |-- statement);
+            val gen_theoremP =
+                P.opt_locale_target -- Scan.optional (P.opt_thm_name ":" --|
+                 Scan.ahead (P.locale_keyword || P.$$$ "shows")) ("", []) --
+                                 general_statement >> (fn ((locale, a), (elems, concl)) =>
+                                                         fst a) (* a : (bstring * Args.src list) *)
+            val nameP = P.opt_locale_target |-- (Scan.optional ((P.opt_thm_name ":") >> #1) "")
+            (* TODO: add preference values for attributes
+               val prefval = XML.element "prefval" [("name","thm-kind"),("value",name)]
+            *)
+        in
+            (thmnamed_item_elt toks str "opengoal" nameP "") @
+            (empty "openblock")
+        end
+    fun xmls_of_qed (name,markup) =
+        let val qedmarkup  =
+                (case name of
+                     "sorry" => markup "postponegoal"
+                   | "oops"  => markup "giveupgoal"
+                   | "done"  => markup "closegoal"
+                   | "by"    => markup "closegoal"  (* nested or toplevel *)
+                   | "qed"   => markup "closegoal"  (* nested or toplevel *)
+                   | "."     => markup "closegoal"  (* nested or toplevel *)
+                   | ".."    => markup "closegoal"  (* nested or toplevel *)
+                   | other => (* default to closegoal: may be wrong for extns *)
+                                  (parse_warning
+                                       ("Unrecognized qed command: " ^ quote other);
+                                       markup "closegoal"))
+        in qedmarkup @ (empty "closeblock") end
+    fun xmls_of_kind kind (name,toks,str) =
+    let val markup = markup_text str in
+    case kind of
+      "control"        => markup "badcmd"
+    | "diag"           => markup "spuriouscmd"
+    (* theory/files *)
+    | "theory-begin"   => xmls_of_thy_begin (name,toks,str)
+    | "theory-decl"    => xmls_of_thy_decl (name,toks,str)
+    | "theory-heading" => markup "doccomment"
+    | "theory-script"  => markup "theorystep"
+    | "theory-end"     => markup "closetheory"
+    (* proof control *)
+    | "theory-goal"    => xmls_of_thy_goal (name,toks,str)
+    | "proof-heading"  => markup "doccomment"
+    | "proof-goal"     => (markup "opengoal") @ (empty "openblock")  (* nested proof: have, show, ... *)
+    | "proof-block"    => markup "proofstep" (* context-shift: proof, next; really "newgoal" *)
+    | "proof-open"     => (empty "openblock") @ (markup "proofstep")
+    | "proof-close"    => (markup "proofstep") @ (empty "closeblock")
+    | "proof-script"   => markup "proofstep"
+    | "proof-chain"    => markup "proofstep"
+    | "proof-decl"     => markup "proofstep"
+    | "proof-asm"      => markup "proofstep"
+    | "proof-asm-goal" => (markup "opengoal") @ (empty "openblock")  (* nested proof: obtain *)
+    | "qed"            => xmls_of_qed (name,markup)
+    | "qed-block"      => xmls_of_qed (name,markup)
+    | "qed-global"     => xmls_of_qed (name,markup)
+    | other => (* default for anything else is "spuriouscmd", ignored for undo. *)
+      (parse_warning ("Internal inconsistency, unrecognized keyword kind: " ^ quote other);
+       markup "spuriouscmd")
+    end
+fun xmls_of_transition (name,str,toks) =
+   let
+     val classification = Symtab.lookup (get_keywords_classification_table ()) name
+   in case classification of
+          SOME k => (xmls_of_kind k (name,toks,str))
+        | NONE => (* an uncategorized keyword ignored for undo (maybe wrong) *)
+          (parse_warning ("Uncategorized command found: " ^ name ^ " -- using spuriouscmd");
+           markup_text str "spuriouscmd")
+   end
+fun markup_toks [] _ = []
+  | markup_toks toks x = markup_text (implode (map OuterLex.unparse toks)) x
+fun markup_comment_whs [] = []
+  | markup_comment_whs (toks as t::ts) = (* this would be a lot neater if we could match on toks! *)
+    let
+        val (prewhs,rest) = take_prefix (OuterLex.is_kind OuterLex.Space) toks
+    in
+        if (prewhs <> []) then
+            whitespace (implode (map OuterLex.unparse prewhs))
+            :: (markup_comment_whs rest)
+        else
+            (markup_text (OuterLex.unparse t) "comment") @
+            (markup_comment_whs ts)
+    end
+fun xmls_pre_cmd [] = ([],[])
+  | xmls_pre_cmd toks =
+    let
+        (* an extra token is needed to terminate the command *)
+        val sync = OuterSyntax.scan "\\<^sync>";
+        val spaceP = Scan.bulk ( (fn t =>not (OuterLex.is_proper t)) >> OuterLex.val_of) >> implode
+        val text_with_whs =
+            ((spaceP || Scan.succeed "") --
+             (P.short_ident || P.long_ident || P.sym_ident || P.string || P.number || P.verbatim) >> op^)
+             -- (spaceP || Scan.succeed "") >> op^
+        val (prewhs,rest1) = take_prefix (not o OuterLex.is_proper) (toks@sync)
+        (* NB: this collapses  litcomment,(litcomment|whitespace)* to a single litcomment *)
+        val (_,rest2) = (Scan.bulk (P.$$$ "--" |-- text_with_whs) >> implode || Scan.succeed "") rest1
+        val (postwhs,rest3) = take_prefix (not o OuterLex.is_proper) rest2
+    in
+        ((markup_comment_whs prewhs) @
+         (if (length rest2 = length rest1)  then []
+          else markup_text (implode
+                                (map OuterLex.unparse (Library.take (length rest1 - length rest2, rest1))))
+               "doccomment") @
+         (markup_comment_whs postwhs),
+         Library.take (length rest3 - 1,rest3))
+    end
+fun xmls_of_impropers toks =
+    let
+        val (xmls,rest) = xmls_pre_cmd toks
+    in
+        xmls @ (markup_toks rest "unparseable")
+    end
+fun markup_unparseable str = markup_text str "unparseable"
+    (* we have to weave together the whitespace/comments with proper tokens
+       to reconstruct the input. *)
+    (* TODO: see if duplicating isar_output/parse_thy can help here *)
+    fun match_tokens ([],us,vs) = (rev vs,us)  (* used, unused *)
+      | match_tokens (t::ts,w::ws,vs) =
+        if (t = w) then match_tokens (ts,ws,w::vs)
+        else match_tokens (t::ts,ws,w::vs)
+      | match_tokens _ = error ("match_tokens: mismatched input parse")
+    fun xmls_of_str str =
+    let
+       (* parsing:   See outer_syntax.ML/toplevel_source *)
+       fun parse_loop ([],[],xmls) = xmls
+         | parse_loop ([],itoks,xmls) = xmls @ (xmls_of_impropers itoks)
+         | parse_loop ((nm,toks,_)::trs,itoks,xmls) =
+           let
+               (* first proper token after whitespace/litcomment/whitespace is command *)
+               val (xmls_pre_cmd,cmditoks') = xmls_pre_cmd itoks
+               val (cmdtok,itoks') = case cmditoks' of x::xs => (x,xs)
+                                                     | _ => error("proof_general/parse_loop impossible")
+               val (utoks,itoks'') = match_tokens (toks,itoks',[])
+               (* FIXME: should take trailing [w/s+] semicolon too in utoks *)
+               val str = implode (map OuterLex.unparse (cmdtok::utoks))
+               val xmls_tr  = xmls_of_transition (nm,str,toks)
+           in
+               parse_loop(trs,itoks'',xmls @ xmls_pre_cmd @ xmls_tr)
+           end
+    in
+        (let val toks = OuterSyntax.scan str
+         in
+             parse_loop ( toks, toks, [])
+         end)
+           handle _ => markup_unparseable str
+    end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip.ML	Mon Dec 04 20:40:11 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     David Aspinall
+Prover-side PGIP abstraction.  
+Not too closely tied to Isabelle, to help with reuse/porting.
+signature PGIP =
+    include PGIPTYPES
+    include PGIPINPUT
+    include PGIPOUTPUT			    
+structure Pgip : PGIP = 
+   open PgipTypes
+   open PgipInput
+   open PgipOutput
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_input.ML	Mon Dec 04 20:40:11 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_input.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     David Aspinall
+PGIP abstraction: input commands
+signature PGIPINPUT =
+    (* These are the PGIP commands to which we respond. *) 
+    datatype pgipinput = 
+       (* protocol/prover config *)
+	 Askpgip 	of { }
+       | Askpgml 	of { } 
+       | Askconfig	of { }
+       | Askprefs	of { }
+       | Setpref 	of { name:string, prefcategory:string option, value:string }
+       | Getpref 	of { name:string, prefcategory:string option }
+       (* prover control *)
+       | Proverinit 	of { }
+       | Proverexit 	of { }
+       | Startquiet 	of { }
+       | Stopquiet	of { } 
+       | Pgmlsymbolson  of { } 
+       | Pgmlsymbolsoff of { }
+       (* improper proof commands: control proof state *)
+       | Dostep		of { text: string }
+       | Undostep	of { times: int }
+       | Redostep	of { }
+       | Abortgoal	of { }
+       | Forget		of { thyname: string option, name: string option, 
+			     objtype: string option }
+       | Restoregoal    of { thmname : string }
+       (* context inspection commands *)
+       | Askids		of { thyname:string option, objtype:string option }
+       | Showid		of { thyname:string option, objtype:string, name:string }
+       | Askguise	of { }
+       | Parsescript	of { text: string, location: PgipTypes.location,
+			     systemdata: string option } 
+       | Showproofstate of { }
+       | Showctxt	of { }
+       | Searchtheorems of { arg: string }
+       | Setlinewidth   of { width: int }
+       | Viewdoc	of { arg: string }
+       (* improper theory-level commands *)
+       | Doitem		of { text: string }
+       | Undoitem	of { }
+       | Redoitem	of { }
+       | Aborttheory	of { }
+       | Retracttheory  of { thyname: string }
+       | Loadfile 	of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl }
+       | Openfile 	of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl }
+       | Closefile	of { }
+       | Abortfile	of { }
+       | Retractfile    of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl }
+       | Changecwd 	of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl }
+       | Systemcmd 	of { arg: string }
+       (* unofficial escape command for debugging *)
+       | Quitpgip	of { }
+    val input           : XML.element -> pgipinput option        (* raises PGIP *)
+structure PgipInput : PGIPINPUT = 
+open PgipTypes
+(*** PGIP input ***)
+datatype pgipinput = 
+	 (* protocol/prover config *)
+	 Askpgip 	of { }
+       | Askpgml 	of { } 
+       | Askconfig	of { }
+       | Askprefs	of { }
+       | Setpref 	of { name:string, prefcategory:string option, value:string }
+       | Getpref 	of { name:string, prefcategory:string option }
+       (* prover control *)
+       | Proverinit 	of { }
+       | Proverexit 	of { }
+       | Startquiet 	of { }
+       | Stopquiet	of { } 
+       | Pgmlsymbolson  of { } 
+       | Pgmlsymbolsoff of { }
+       (* improper proof commands: control proof state *)
+       | Dostep		of { text: string }
+       | Undostep	of { times: int }
+       | Redostep	of { }
+       | Abortgoal	of { }
+       | Forget		of { thyname: string option, name: string option, 
+			     objtype: string option }
+       | Restoregoal    of { thmname : string }
+       (* context inspection commands *)
+       | Askids		of { thyname:string option, objtype:string option }
+       | Showid		of { thyname:string option, objtype:string, name:string }
+       | Askguise	of { }
+       | Parsescript	of { text: string, location: location,
+			     systemdata: string option } 
+       | Showproofstate of { }
+       | Showctxt	of { }
+       | Searchtheorems of { arg: string }
+       | Setlinewidth   of { width: int }
+       | Viewdoc	of { arg: string }
+       (* improper theory-level commands *)
+       | Doitem		of { text: string }
+       | Undoitem	of { }
+       | Redoitem	of { }
+       | Aborttheory	of { }
+       | Retracttheory  of { thyname: string }
+       | Loadfile 	of { url: pgipurl }
+       | Openfile 	of { url: pgipurl }
+       | Closefile	of { }
+       | Abortfile	of { }
+       | Retractfile    of { url: pgipurl }
+       | Changecwd 	of { url: pgipurl }
+       | Systemcmd 	of { arg: string }
+       (* unofficial escape command for debugging *)
+       | Quitpgip	of { }
+(* Extracting content from input XML elements to make a PGIPinput *)
+    val thyname_attro = get_attr_opt "thyname"
+    val thyname_attr = get_attr "thyname"
+    val objtype_attro = get_attr_opt "objtype"
+    val objtype_attr = get_attr "objtype"
+    val name_attr = get_attr "name"
+    val name_attro = get_attr_opt "name"
+    val thmname_attr = get_attr "thmname"
+    val times_attr = read_pgipnat o (get_attr_dflt "times" "1")
+    val prefcat_attr = get_attr_opt "prefcategory"
+    fun xmltext ((XML.Text text)::ts) = text ^ (xmltext ts)
+      | xmltext [] = ""
+      | xmltext _ = raise PGIP "Expected text (PCDATA/CDATA)"
+    exception Unknown
+    exception NoAction
+(* Return a valid PGIP input command.
+   Raise PGIP exception for invalid data.
+   Return NONE for unknown/unhandled commands. 
+fun input (elem, attrs, data) =
+ (case elem of 
+     "askpgip"        => Askpgip { }
+   | "askpgml"        => Askpgml { }
+   | "askconfig"      => Askconfig { }
+   (* proverconfig *)
+   | "askprefs"       => Askprefs { }
+   | "getpref"        => Getpref { name = name_attr attrs, 
+				   prefcategory = prefcat_attr attrs }
+   | "setpref"        => Setpref { name = name_attr attrs, 
+				   prefcategory = prefcat_attr attrs,
+				   value = xmltext data }
+   (* provercontrol *)
+   | "proverinit"     => Proverinit { }
+   | "proverexit"     => Proverexit { }
+   | "startquiet"     => Startquiet { }
+   | "stopquiet"      => Stopquiet { }
+   | "pgmlsymbolson"  => Pgmlsymbolson { }
+   (* improperproofcmd: improper commands not in script *)
+   | "dostep"         => Dostep    { text = xmltext data }
+   | "undostep"       => Undostep  { times = times_attr attrs }
+   | "redostep"       => Redostep  { } 
+   | "abortgoal"      => Abortgoal { }
+   | "forget"         => Forget { thyname = thyname_attro attrs, 
+				  name = name_attro attrs,
+				  objtype = objtype_attro attrs }
+   | "restoregoal"    => Restoregoal { thmname = thmname_attr attrs}
+   (* proofctxt: improper commands *)
+   | "askids"         => Askids { thyname = thyname_attro attrs, 
+				  objtype = objtype_attro attrs }
+   | "showid"         => Showid { thyname = thyname_attro attrs,
+				  objtype = objtype_attr attrs,
+				  name = name_attr attrs }
+   | "askguise"       => Askguise { }
+   | "parsescript"    => Parsescript { text = (xmltext data),
+				       systemdata = get_attr_opt "systemdata" attrs,
+				       location = location_of_attrs attrs }
+   | "showproofstate" => Showproofstate { }
+   | "showctxt"       => Showctxt { }
+   | "searchtheorems" => Searchtheorems { arg = xmltext data }
+   | "setlinewidth"   => Setlinewidth   { width = read_pgipnat (xmltext data) }
+   | "viewdoc"        => Viewdoc { arg = xmltext data }
+   (* improperfilecmd: theory-level commands not in script *)
+   | "doitem"         => Doitem  { text = xmltext data }
+   | "undoitem"       => Undoitem { }
+   | "redoitem"       => Redoitem { }
+   | "aborttheory"    => Aborttheory { }
+   | "retracttheory"  => Retracttheory { thyname = thyname_attr attrs }
+   | "loadfile"       => Loadfile { url = pgipurl_of_attrs attrs }
+   | "openfile"       => Openfile { url = pgipurl_of_attrs attrs }
+   | "closefile"      => Closefile { }
+   | "abortfile"      => Abortfile { }
+   | "retractfile"    => Retractfile { url = pgipurl_of_attrs attrs }
+   | "changecwd"      => Changecwd { url = pgipurl_of_attrs attrs }
+   | "systemcmd"      => Systemcmd { arg = xmltext data }
+   (* unofficial command for debugging *)
+   | "quitpgip"	=> Quitpgip { }
+   (* We allow sending proper document markup too; we map it back to dostep   *)
+   (* and strip out metainfo elements. Markup correctness isn't checked: this *)
+   (* is a compatibility measure to make it easy for interfaces.              *)
+   | "metainfo"	      => raise NoAction
+   | x => if (x mem PgipMarkup.markup_elements)
+	     then Dostep { text = xmltext data } (* could use Doitem too *)
+	  else raise Unknown) 
+    handle Unknown => NONE | NoAction => NONE
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_isabelle.ML	Mon Dec 04 20:40:11 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_isabelle.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     David Aspinall
+Prover-side PGIP abstraction: Isabelle configuration
+signature PGIP_ISABELLE =
+    val isabelle_pgml_version_supported : string
+    val isabelle_pgip_version_supported : string
+    val accepted_inputs : (string * bool * (string list)) list 
+structure PgipIsabelle : PGIP_ISABELLE =
+val isabelle_pgml_version_supported = "1.0";
+val isabelle_pgip_version_supported = "2.0"
+(** Accepted commands **)
+    (* These element names are a subset of those in pgip_input.ML.
+       They must be handled in proof_general_pgip.ML/process_pgip_element. *)
+    val accepted_names =
+    (* not implemented: "askconfig", "forget", "restoregoal" *)
+    ["askpgip","askpgml","askprefs","getpref","setpref",
+     "proverinit","proverexit","startquiet","stopquiet",
+     "pgmlsymbolson", "pgmlsymbolsoff",
+     "dostep", "undostep", "redostep", "abortgoal", 
+     "askids", "showid", "askguise",
+     "parsescript",
+     "showproofstate", "showctxt", "searchtheorems", "setlinewidth", "viewdoc",
+     "doitem", "undoitem", "redoitem", "abortheory",
+     "retracttheory", "loadfile", "openfile", "closefile",
+     "abortfile", "retractfile", "changecwd", "systemcmd"];
+    fun element_async p = 
+	false (* single threaded only *)
+    fun supported_optional_attrs p = (case p of
+					  "undostep" => ["times"]
+					(* TODO: we could probably extend these too:
+					| "redostep" => ["times"]
+					| "undoitem" => ["times"]
+					| "redoitem" => ["times"] *)
+				        | _ => [])
+val accepted_inputs = 
+    (map (fn p=> (p, element_async p, supported_optional_attrs p))
+         accepted_names);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_markup.ML	Mon Dec 04 20:40:11 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_markup.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     David Aspinall
+PGIP abstraction: document markup for proof scripts (in progress).
+signature PGIPMARKUP =
+  val markup_elements : string list
+structure PgipMarkup : PGIPMARKUP =
+   (* Names of all PGIP document markup elements *)
+   val markup_elements =
+       [
+	"opengoal",
+	"proofstep",
+	"closegoal",
+	"comment",
+	"doccomment",
+	"whitespace",
+	"litcomment",
+	"spuriouscmd",
+	"badcmd",
+	"opentheory",
+	"theoryitem",
+	"closetheory",
+	"metainfo"     (* non-document text *)
+	]
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_output.ML	Mon Dec 04 20:40:11 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_output.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     David Aspinall
+PGIP abstraction: output commands
+signature PGIPOUTPUT =
+    (* These are the PGIP messages which the prover emits. *) 
+    datatype pgipoutput = 
+	     Cleardisplay        of { area: PgipTypes.displayarea }
+	   | Normalresponse      of { area: PgipTypes.displayarea, 
+				      urgent: bool, 
+				      messagecategory: PgipTypes.messagecategory, 
+				      content: XML.tree list }
+	   | Errorresponse       of { fatality: PgipTypes.fatality, 
+				      area: PgipTypes.displayarea option, 
+				      location: PgipTypes.location option, 
+				      content: XML.tree list }
+	   | Informfileloaded    of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl }
+	   | Informfileretracted of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl }
+	   | Proofstate	         of { pgml: XML.tree list }
+	   | Metainforesponse    of { attrs: XML.attributes, 
+				      content: XML.tree list }
+	   | Lexicalstructure    of { content: XML.tree list }
+	   | Proverinfo	         of { name: string, 
+				      version: string, 
+				      instance: string,
+				      descr: string, 
+				      url: Url.T, 
+				      filenameextns: string }
+	   | Idtable	         of { objtype: string, 
+				      context: string option, 
+				      ids: string list }
+           | Setids		 of { idtables: XML.tree list }
+           | Delids		 of { idtables: XML.tree list }
+           | Addids		 of { idtables: XML.tree list }
+	   | Hasprefs	         of { prefcategory: string option, 
+				      prefs: PgipTypes.preference list }
+           | Prefval		 of { name: string, value: string }
+           | Idvalue		 of { name: string, objtype: string, text: XML.tree list }
+	   | Informguise	 of { file : PgipTypes.pgipurl option,  
+				      theory: string option, 
+				      theorem: string option, 
+				      proofpos: int option }
+	   | Parseresult	 of { attrs: XML.attributes, content: XML.tree list }
+           | Usespgip		 of { version: string, 
+				      pgipelems: (string * bool * string list) list }
+           | Usespgml		 of { version: string }
+	   | Pgip		 of { tag: string option, 
+				      class: string, 
+				      seq: int, id: string, 
+				      destid: string option,
+				      refid: string option,
+				      refseq: int option,
+				      content: XML.tree list }
+	   | Ready		 of { }
+    val output : pgipoutput -> XML.tree					 
+structure PgipOutput : PGIPOUTPUT =
+open PgipTypes
+datatype pgipoutput = 
+	 Cleardisplay        of { area: displayarea }
+       | Normalresponse      of { area: displayarea, urgent: bool, 
+				  messagecategory: messagecategory, content: XML.tree list }
+       | Errorresponse       of { area: displayarea option, fatality: fatality, 
+				  location: location option, content: XML.tree list }
+       | Informfileloaded    of { url: Path.T }
+       | Informfileretracted of { url: Path.T }
+       | Proofstate	     of { pgml: XML.tree list }
+       | Metainforesponse    of { attrs: XML.attributes, content: XML.tree list }
+       | Lexicalstructure    of { content: XML.tree list }
+       | Proverinfo	     of { name: string, version: string, instance: string,
+				  descr: string, url: Url.T, filenameextns: string }
+       | Idtable	     of { objtype: string, context: string option, ids: string list }
+       | Setids		     of { idtables: XML.tree list }
+       | Delids		     of { idtables: XML.tree list }
+       | Addids		     of { idtables: XML.tree list }
+       | Hasprefs	     of { prefcategory: string option, prefs: preference list }
+       | Prefval  	     of { name: string, value: string }
+       | Idvalue	     of { name: string, objtype: string, text: XML.tree list }
+       | Informguise	     of { file : pgipurl option,  theory: string option, 
+				  theorem: string option, proofpos: int option }
+       | Parseresult	     of { attrs: XML.attributes, content: XML.tree list }
+       | Usespgip	     of { version: string, 
+				  pgipelems: (string * bool * string list) list }
+       | Usespgml	     of { version: string }
+       | Pgip		     of { tag: string option, 
+				  class: string, 
+				  seq: int, id: string, 
+				  destid: string option,
+				  refid: string option,
+				  refseq: int option,
+				  content: XML.tree list}
+       | Ready		     of { }
+(* util *)
+fun attrsome attr f x = case x of NONE => [] | SOME x => [(attr,f x)]
+(* Construct output XML messages *)
+fun cleardisplay vs = 
+    let
+	val area = #area vs
+    in
+	XML.Elem ("cleardisplay", (attrs_of_displayarea area), [])
+    end
+fun normalresponse vs =
+    let 
+	val area = #area vs
+	val urgent = #urgent vs
+	val messagecategory = #messagecategory vs
+	val content = #content vs
+    in
+	XML.Elem ("normalresponse", 
+		 (attrs_of_displayarea area) @
+		 (if urgent then [("urgent", "true")] else []) @
+		 (attrs_of_messagecategory messagecategory),
+		 content)
+    end
+fun errorresponse vs =
+    let 
+	val area = #area vs
+	val fatality = #fatality vs
+	val location = #location vs
+	val content = #content vs
+    in
+	XML.Elem ("errorresponse",
+		 (the_default [] ( attrs_of_displayarea area)) @
+		 (attrs_of_fatality fatality) @
+		 (the_default [] ( attrs_of_location location)),
+		 content)
+    end
+fun informfile lr vs =
+    let 
+	val url = #url vs
+    in
+	XML.Elem ("informfile" ^ lr, attrs_of_pgipurl url, [])
+    end
+val informfileloaded = informfile "loaded"
+val informfileretracted = informfile "retracted"
+fun proofstate vs =
+    let
+	val pgml = #pgml vs
+    in
+	XML.Elem("proofstate", [], pgml)
+    end
+fun metainforesponse vs =
+    let 
+	val attrs = #attrs vs
+	val content = #content vs
+    in
+	XML.Elem ("metainforesponse", attrs, content)
+    end
+fun lexicalstructure vs =
+    let
+	val content = #content vs
+    in
+	XML.Elem ("lexicalstructure", [], content)
+    end
+fun proverinfo vs =
+    let
+	val name = #name vs
+	val version = #version vs
+	val instance = #instance vs
+	val descr = #descr vs
+	val url = #url vs
+	val filenameextns = #filenameextns vs
+    in 
+	XML.Elem ("proverinfo",
+		 [("name", name),
+		  ("version", version),
+		  ("instance", instance), 
+		  ("descr", descr),
+		  ("url", Url.pack url),
+		  ("filenameextns", filenameextns)],
+		 [])
+    end
+fun idtable vs = 
+    let 
+	val objtype = #objtype vs
+	val objtype_attrs = [("objtype", objtype)]
+	val context = #context vs
+	val context_attrs = opt_attr "context" context
+	val ids = #ids vs
+	val ids_content = map (fn x => XML.Elem("identifier",[],[XML.Text x])) ids
+    in 
+	XML.Elem ("idtable",
+		  objtype_attrs @ context_attrs,
+		  ids_content)
+    end
+fun setids vs =
+    let
+	val idtables = #idtables vs
+    in
+	XML.Elem ("setids",[],idtables)
+    end
+fun addids vs =
+    let
+	val idtables = #idtables vs
+    in
+	XML.Elem ("addids",[],idtables)
+    end
+fun delids vs =
+    let
+	val idtables = #idtables vs
+    in
+	XML.Elem ("delids",[],idtables)
+    end
+fun acceptedpgipelems vs = 
+    let
+	val pgipelems = #pgipelems vs
+	fun async_attrs b = if b then [("async","true")] else []
+	fun attrs_attrs attrs = if attrs=[] then [] else [("attributes",space_implode "," attrs)]
+	fun singlepgipelem (e,async,attrs) = 
+	    XML.Elem("pgipelem", ((async_attrs async) @ (attrs_attrs attrs)),[])
+    in
+	XML.Elem ("acceptedpgipelems", [],
+		 map singlepgipelem pgipelems)
+    end
+fun attro x yo = case yo of NONE => [] | SOME y => [(x,y)] : XML.attributes
+fun hasprefs vs =
+  let 
+      val prefcategory = #prefcategory vs
+      val prefs = #prefs vs
+  in 
+      XML.Elem("hasprefs",attro "prefcategory" prefcategory, map haspref prefs)
+  end
+fun prefval vs =
+    let 
+	val name = #name vs
+	val value = #value vs
+    in
+	XML.Elem("prefval", [("name",name)], [XML.Text value])
+    end 
+fun idvalue vs =
+    let 
+	val name = #name vs
+	val objtype = #objtype vs
+	val text = #text vs
+    in
+	XML.Elem("idvalue", [("name",name),("objtype",objtype)], text)
+    end 
+fun informguise vs =
+  let
+      val file = #file vs
+      val theory = #theory vs
+      val theorem = #theorem vs
+      val proofpos = #proofpos vs
+      fun elto nm attrfn xo = case xo of NONE=>[] | SOME x=>[XML.Elem(nm,attrfn x,[])]
+      val guisefile = elto "guisefile" attrs_of_pgipurl file
+      val guisetheory = elto "guisetheory" (single o (pair "thyname")) theory
+      val guiseproof = elto "guiseproof" 
+			    (fn thm=>[("thmname",thm)]@
+				     (attro "proofpos" ( Int.toString proofpos))) theorem
+  in 
+      XML.Elem("informguise", [], guisefile @ guisetheory @ guiseproof)
+  end
+fun parseresult vs =
+    let
+	val attrs = #attrs vs
+	val content = #content vs
+    in 
+	XML.Elem("parseresult", attrs, content)
+    end
+fun usespgip vs =
+    let
+	val version = #version vs
+	val acceptedelems = acceptedpgipelems vs
+    in 
+	XML.Elem("usespgip", [("version", version)], [acceptedelems])
+    end
+fun usespgml vs =
+    let
+	val version = #version vs
+    in 
+	XML.Elem("usespgml", [("version", version)], [])
+    end
+fun pgip vs =
+    let 
+	val tag = #tag vs
+	val class = #class vs
+	val seq = #seq vs
+	val id = #id vs
+	val destid = #destid vs
+	val refid = #refid vs
+	val refseq = #refseq vs
+	val content = #content vs
+    in
+	XML.Elem("pgip",
+		 opt_attr "tag" tag @
+		 [("id", id)] @
+		 opt_attr "destid" destid @
+		 [("class", class)] @
+		 opt_attr "refid" refid @
+		 opt_attr_map string_of_int "refseq" refseq @
+		 [("seq", string_of_int seq)],
+		 content)
+    end
+fun ready vs = 
+    XML.Elem("ready",[],[])
+fun output pgipoutput = case pgipoutput of
+   Cleardisplay vs 	   => cleardisplay vs
+ | Normalresponse vs       => normalresponse vs
+ | Errorresponse vs        => errorresponse vs
+ | Informfileloaded vs	   => informfileloaded vs
+ | Informfileretracted vs  => informfileretracted vs
+ | Proofstate vs	   => proofstate vs
+ | Metainforesponse vs	   => metainforesponse vs
+ | Lexicalstructure vs	   => lexicalstructure vs
+ | Proverinfo vs	   => proverinfo vs
+ | Idtable vs		   => idtable vs
+ | Setids vs		   => setids vs
+ | Addids vs		   => addids vs
+ | Delids vs		   => delids vs
+ | Hasprefs vs		   => hasprefs vs
+ | Prefval vs		   => prefval vs
+ | Idvalue vs		   => idvalue vs
+ | Informguise vs	   => informguise vs
+ | Parseresult vs	   => parseresult vs
+ | Usespgip vs		   => usespgip vs
+ | Usespgml vs		   => usespgml vs
+ | Pgip vs		   => pgip vs
+ | Ready vs		   => ready vs
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_tests.ML	Mon Dec 04 20:40:11 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_tests.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     David Aspinall
+A test suite for the PGIP abstraction code (in progress).
+Run to provide some mild insurance against breakage in Isabelle/here.
+(** pgip_types.ML **)
+fun asseq_p toS a b =
+    if a=b then ()
+    else error("PGIP test: expected these two values to be equal:\n" ^
+	       (toS a) ^"\n and: \n" ^ (toS b))
+val asseqx = asseq_p XML.string_of_tree
+val asseqs = asseq_p I
+val asseqb = asseq_p (fn b=>if b then "true" else "false")
+val p = XML.tree_of_string (* parse *)
+open PgipTypes;
+val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml Pgipnull) (p "<pgipnull/>");
+val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml Pgipbool) (p "<pgipbool/>");
+val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml (Pgipint (NONE,NONE))) (p "<pgipint/>");
+val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml (Pgipint (SOME 5,SOME 7))) (p "<pgipint min='5' max='7'/>");
+val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml (Pgipint (NONE,SOME 7))) (p "<pgipint max='7'/>");
+val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml (Pgipint (SOME ~5,NONE))) (p "<pgipint min='-5'/>");
+val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml Pgipstring) (p "<pgipstring/>");
+val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml (Pgipconst "radio1"))  (p "<pgipconst name='radio1'/>");
+val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml (Pgipchoice [Pgipdtype (SOME "the best choice",Pgipbool)]))
+       (p "<pgipchoice><pgipbool descr='the best choice'/></pgipchoice>");
+val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval Pgipbool "true")) "true";
+val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval Pgipbool "false")) "false";
+val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval (Pgipint(NONE,NONE)) "-37")) "-37";
+val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval Pgipnat "45")) "45";
+val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval Pgipstring "stringvalue")) "stringvalue";
+    val choices = Pgipchoice [Pgipdtype (NONE,Pgipbool), Pgipdtype (NONE,Pgipnat), 
+			      Pgipdtype (NONE,Pgipnull), Pgipdtype (NONE,Pgipconst "foo")]
+val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval choices "45")) "45";
+val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval choices "foo")) "foo";
+val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval choices "true")) "true";
+val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval choices "")) "";
+val _ = (asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval choices "-37")) "-37"; 
+	 error "pgip_tests: should fail") handle PGIP _ => ()
+val _ = asseqx (haspref {name="provewithgusto",descr=SOME "use energetic proofs",
+		 default=SOME "true", pgiptype=Pgipbool})
+       (p "<haspref name='provewithgusto' descr='use energetic proofs' default='true'><pgipbool/></haspref>");
+(** pgip_input.ML **)
+val p = XML.tree_of_string (* parse *)
+fun e str = case p str of 
+		(XML.Elem args) => args
+	      | _ => error("Expected to get an XML Element")
+open PgipInput;
+fun asseqi a b =
+    if (input (e a))=b then ()
+    else error("PGIP test: expected two inputs to be equal, for input:\n" ^ a)
+val _ = asseqi "<askpgip/>" (SOME (Askpgip()));
+val _ = asseqi "<askpgml/>" (SOME (Askpgml()));
+val _ = asseqi "<askconfig/>" (SOME (Askconfig()));
+val _ = asseqi "<otherelt/>" NONE;
+(** pgip_output.ML **)
+open PgipOutput
+val _ = ()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_types.ML	Mon Dec 04 20:40:11 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_types.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     David Aspinall
+PGIP abstraction: types and conversions
+(* TODO: add objtypes and PGML *)
+signature PGIPTYPES =
+    (* Types and values (used for preferences and dialogs) *)
+    datatype pgiptype = Pgipnull | Pgipbool | Pgipint of int option * int option | Pgipnat
+		      | Pgipstring | Pgipconst of string | Pgipchoice of pgipdtype list
+    and pgipdtype = Pgipdtype of string option * pgiptype  (* type with opt. description *)
+    type pgipval   (* typed value *)
+    (* URLs we can cope with *)
+    type pgipurl
+    (* Representation error in reading/writing PGIP *)
+    exception PGIP of string
+    (* Interface areas for message output *)
+    datatype displayarea = Status | Message | Display | Other of string
+    (* Kinds of message output (influence display behaviour) *)
+    datatype messagecategory = Normal | Information | Tracing | Internal 
+    (* Error levels *)
+    datatype fatality = Nonfatal | Fatal | Panic | Log | Debug
+    (* File location *)
+    type location = { descr: string option,
+		      url: pgipurl option,
+		      line: int option,
+		      column: int option,
+		      char: int option }
+    (* Prover preference *)   
+    type preference = { name: string,
+			descr: string option,
+			default: string option,
+			pgiptype: pgiptype }
+signature PGIPTYPES_OPNS = 
+    include PGIPTYPES
+    (* Values as XML strings *)
+    val read_pgipint	   : (int option * int option) -> string -> int (* raises PGIP *)
+    val read_pgipnat	   : string -> int			        (* raises PGIP *)
+    val read_pgipbool	   : string -> bool			        (* raises PGIP *)
+    val read_pgipstring	   : string -> string			        (* raises PGIP *)
+    val int_to_pgstring	   : int -> string
+    val bool_to_pgstring   : bool -> string
+    val string_to_pgstring : string -> string
+    (* PGIP datatypes *)
+    val pgiptype_to_xml   : pgiptype -> XML.tree
+    val read_pgval        : pgiptype -> string -> pgipval	       (* raises PGIP *)
+    val pgval_to_string   : pgipval -> string
+    val attrs_of_displayarea : displayarea -> XML.attributes
+    val attrs_of_messagecategory : messagecategory -> XML.attributes
+    val attrs_of_fatality : fatality -> XML.attributes
+    val attrs_of_location : location -> XML.attributes
+    val location_of_attrs : XML.attributes -> location (* raises PGIP *)
+    val haspref : preference -> XML.tree
+    val pgipurl_of_url : Url.T -> pgipurl	       (* raises PGIP *)
+    val pgipurl_of_string : string -> pgipurl	       (* raises PGIP *)
+    val pgipurl_of_path : Path.T -> pgipurl
+    val attrs_of_pgipurl : pgipurl -> XML.attributes
+    val pgipurl_of_attrs : XML.attributes -> pgipurl   (* raises PGIP *)
+    (* XML utils, only for PGIP code *)
+    val attr	       : string -> string -> XML.attributes
+    val opt_attr       : string -> string option -> XML.attributes
+    val opt_attr_map   : ('a -> string) -> string -> 'a option -> XML.attributes
+    val get_attr       : string -> XML.attributes -> string           (* raises PGIP *)
+    val get_attr_opt   : string -> XML.attributes -> string option
+    val get_attr_dflt  : string -> string -> XML.attributes -> string
+structure PgipTypes : PGIPTYPES_OPNS =
+exception PGIP of string
+(** Utils **)
+fun get_attr_opt attr attrs = AList.lookup (op =) attrs attr
+fun get_attr attr attrs =
+    (case get_attr_opt attr attrs of
+         SOME value => value
+       | NONE => raise PGIP ("Missing attribute: " ^ attr))
+fun get_attr_dflt attr dflt attrs = the_default dflt (get_attr_opt attr attrs)
+fun attr x y = [(x,y)] : XML.attributes
+fun opt_attr_map f attr_name opt_val = 
+    case opt_val of NONE => [] | SOME v => [(attr_name,f v)]
+ (* or, if you've got function-itis: 
+    the_default [] ( (single o (pair attr_name) o f) opt_val)
+  *)
+val opt_attr = opt_attr_map I
+(** Types and values **)
+(* readers and writers for values represented in XML strings *)
+fun read_pgipbool s =
+    (case s of 
+	 "false" => false 
+       | "true" => true 
+       | _ => raise PGIP ("Invalid boolean value: "^s))
+    fun int_in_range (NONE,NONE) _ = true
+      | int_in_range (SOME min,NONE) i = min<= i
+      | int_in_range (NONE,SOME max) i = i<=max
+      | int_in_range (SOME min,SOME max) i = min<= i andalso i<=max
+fun read_pgipint range s =
+    (case Syntax.read_int s of 
+	 SOME i => if int_in_range range i then i
+		   else raise PGIP ("Out of range integer value: "^s)
+       | NONE => raise PGIP ("Invalid integer value: "^s))
+fun read_pgipnat s =
+    (case Syntax.read_nat s of 
+	 SOME i => i
+       | NONE => raise PGIP ("Invalid natural number: "^s))
+(* NB: we can maybe do without xml decode/encode here. *)
+fun read_pgipstring s =  (* non-empty strings, XML escapes decoded *)
+    (case XML.parse_string s of
+	 SOME s => s
+       | NONE => raise PGIP ("Expected a non-empty string: "^s))
+    handle _ => raise PGIP ("Invalid XML string syntax: "^s)
+fun int_to_pgstring i =
+  if i < 0 then "-" ^ string_of_int (~ i) else string_of_int i
+fun string_to_pgstring s = XML.text s
+fun bool_to_pgstring b = if b then "true" else "false"
+(* PGIP datatypes.
+   This is a reflection of the type structure of PGIP configuration,
+   which is meant for setting up user dialogs and preference settings.
+   These are configured declaratively in XML, using a syntax for types
+   and values which is like a (vastly cut down) form of XML Schema
+   Datatypes.
+   The prover needs to interpret the strings representing the typed
+   values, at least for the types it expects from the dialogs it
+   configures.  Here we go further and construct a type-safe
+   encapsulation of these values, which would be useful for more
+   advanced cases (e.g. generating and processing forms).  
+datatype pgiptype = 
+	 Pgipnull			     (* unit type: unique element is empty string *)
+       | Pgipbool			     (* booleans: "true" or "false" *)
+       | Pgipint of int option * int option  (* ranged integers, should be XSD canonical *)
+       | Pgipnat			     (* naturals: non-negative integers (convenience) *)
+       | Pgipstring			     (* non-empty strings *)
+       | Pgipconst of string		     (* singleton type *)
+       | Pgipchoice of pgipdtype list	     (* union type *)
+(* Compared with the PGIP schema, we push descriptions of types inside choices. *)
+and pgipdtype = Pgipdtype of string option * pgiptype
+datatype pgipuval = Pgvalnull | Pgvalbool of bool | Pgvalint of int | Pgvalnat of int 
+		  | Pgvalstring of string | Pgvalconst of string
+type pgipval = pgiptype * pgipuval	(* type-safe values *)
+fun pgipdtype_to_xml (desco,ty) = 
+    let
+	val desc_attr = opt_attr "descr" desco
+	val elt = case ty of
+		      Pgipnull => "pgipnull"
+		    | Pgipbool => "pgipbool"
+		    | Pgipint _ => "pgipint"
+		    | Pgipnat => "pgipint"
+		    | Pgipstring => "pgipstring"
+		    | Pgipconst _ => "pgipconst"
+		    | Pgipchoice _ => "pgipchoice"
+	fun range_attr r v = attr r (int_to_pgstring v)
+	val attrs = case ty of 
+			Pgipint (SOME min,SOME max) => (range_attr "min" min)@(range_attr "max" max)
+		      | Pgipint (SOME min,NONE) => (range_attr "min" min)
+		      | Pgipint (NONE,SOME max) => (range_attr "max" max)
+		      | Pgipnat => (range_attr "min" 0)
+		      | Pgipconst nm => attr "name" nm
+		      | _ => []
+	fun destpgipdtype (Pgipdtype x) = x
+	val typargs = case ty of
+			  Pgipchoice ds => map destpgipdtype ds
+			| _ => []
+    in 
+	XML.Elem (elt, (desc_attr @ attrs), (map pgipdtype_to_xml typargs))
+    end
+val pgiptype_to_xml = pgipdtype_to_xml o (pair NONE)
+fun read_pguval Pgipnull s = 
+    if s="" then Pgvalnull
+    else raise PGIP ("Expecting empty string for null type, not: "^s)
+  | read_pguval Pgipbool s = Pgvalbool (read_pgipbool s)
+  | read_pguval (Pgipint range) s = Pgvalint (read_pgipint range s)
+  | read_pguval Pgipnat s = Pgvalnat (read_pgipnat s)
+  | read_pguval (Pgipconst c) s = 
+    if c=s then Pgvalconst c 
+    else raise PGIP ("Given string: "^s^" doesn't match expected string: "^c)
+  | read_pguval Pgipstring s = 
+    if s<>"" then Pgvalstring s
+    else raise PGIP ("Expecting non-empty string, empty string illegal.")
+  | read_pguval (Pgipchoice tydescs) s = 
+    let 
+	(* Union type: match first in list *)
+	fun getty (Pgipdtype(_,ty)) = ty
+	val uval = get_first 
+		       (fn ty => SOME (read_pguval ty s) handle PGIP _ => NONE)
+		       (map getty tydescs)
+    in
+	case uval of SOME pgv => pgv | NONE => raise PGIP ("Can't match string: "^s^
+							   " against any allowed types.")
+    end
+fun read_pgval ty s = (ty, read_pguval ty s)
+fun pgval_to_string (_, Pgvalnull) = ""
+  | pgval_to_string (_,(Pgvalbool b)) = bool_to_pgstring b
+  | pgval_to_string (_,(Pgvalnat n))  = int_to_pgstring n
+  | pgval_to_string (_,(Pgvalint i))  = int_to_pgstring i
+  | pgval_to_string (_,(Pgvalconst c)) = string_to_pgstring c
+  | pgval_to_string (_,(Pgvalstring s)) = string_to_pgstring s
+(** URLs: only local files **)
+type pgipurl = Path.T
+datatype displayarea = Status | Message | Display | Other of string
+datatype messagecategory = Normal | Information | Tracing | Internal 
+datatype fatality = Nonfatal | Fatal | Panic | Log | Debug
+type location = { descr: string option,
+		  url: pgipurl option,
+		  line: int option,
+		  column: int option,
+		  char: int option }
+(** Url operations **)
+fun pgipurl_of_string url = (* only handle file:/// or file://localhost/ *)
+	case Url.unpack url of
+            (Url.File path) => path
+	  | _ => raise PGIP ("Cannot access non-local URL " ^ url)
+fun pgipurl_of_path p = p
+fun attrs_of_pgipurl purl = 
+    [("url", "file:" ^ (XML.text (File.platform_path (File.full_path purl))))]
+val pgipurl_of_attrs = pgipurl_of_string o (get_attr "url")
+fun pgipurl_of_url (Url.File p) = p
+  | pgipurl_of_url url = raise PGIP ("Cannot access non-local/non-file URL " ^ (Url.pack url))
+(** Messages and errors **)
+  fun string_of_area Status = "status"
+    | string_of_area Message = "message"
+    | string_of_area Display = "display"
+    | string_of_area (Other s) = s
+  fun string_of_msgcat Internal = "internal"
+    | string_of_msgcat Information = "information"
+    | string_of_msgcat Tracing = "tracing"
+    | string_of_msgcat Normal = "normal"   (* omitted in PGIP *)
+  fun string_of_fatality Nonfatal = "nonfatal"
+    | string_of_fatality Fatal = "fatal"
+    | string_of_fatality Panic = "panic"
+    | string_of_fatality Log = "log"
+    | string_of_fatality Debug = "debug"
+  fun attrs_of_displayarea area = [("area", string_of_area area)]
+  fun attrs_of_messagecategory msgcat = 
+      case msgcat of 
+	  Normal => []
+	| _ => [("messagecategory", string_of_msgcat msgcat)]
+  fun attrs_of_fatality fatality = [("fatality", string_of_fatality fatality)]
+  fun attrs_of_location ({ descr, url, line, column, char }:location) =
+      let 
+	  val descr = opt_attr  "descr"descr
+	  val url = the_default [] ( attrs_of_pgipurl url)
+	  val line = opt_attr_map int_to_pgstring "line" line
+	  val column = opt_attr_map int_to_pgstring "column"  column
+	  val char = opt_attr_map int_to_pgstring "char" char
+      in 
+	  descr @ url @ line @ column @ char
+      end
+    fun pgipint_of_string err s = 
+	case Syntax.read_int s of 
+	    SOME i => i
+	  | NONE => raise PGIP ("Type error in " ^ err ^ ": expected integer.")
+  fun location_of_attrs attrs = 
+      let
+	  val descr = get_attr_opt "descr" attrs
+	  val url =  pgipurl_of_string (get_attr_opt "url" attrs)
+	  val line = (pgipint_of_string "location element line attribute")
+				(get_attr_opt "line" attrs)
+	  val column = (pgipint_of_string "location element column attribute")
+				  (get_attr_opt "column" attrs)
+	  val char = (pgipint_of_string "location element char attribute")
+				(get_attr_opt "char" attrs)
+      in 
+	  {descr=descr, url=url, line=line, column=column, char=char}
+      end
+(** Preferences **)
+type preference = { name: string,
+		    descr: string option,
+		    default: string option,
+		    pgiptype: pgiptype }
+fun haspref ({ name, descr, default, pgiptype}:preference) = 
+    XML.Elem ("haspref",
+	      attr "name" name @
+	      opt_attr "descr" descr @
+	      opt_attr "default" default,
+	      [pgiptype_to_xml pgiptype])
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/preferences.ML	Mon Dec 04 20:40:11 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/preferences.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     David Aspinall and Markus Wenzel
+User preferences for Isabelle which are maintained by the interface.
+signature PREFERENCES = 
+  type pgiptype = PgipTypes.pgiptype
+  type isa_preference = { name: string,
+			  descr: string,
+			  default: string,
+			  pgiptype: pgiptype,
+			  get: unit -> string,
+			  set: string -> unit }
+  val preferences : (string * isa_preference list) list
+structure Preferences : PREFERENCES =
+val thm_depsN = "thm_deps";    (* also in proof_general_pgip.ML: move to pgip_isabelle? *)
+type pgiptype = PgipTypes.pgiptype
+type isa_preference = { name: string,
+			descr: string,
+			default: string,
+			pgiptype: pgiptype,
+			get: unit -> string,
+			set: string -> unit }
+fun mkpref get set typ nm descr = 
+    { name=nm, descr=descr, pgiptype=typ, get=get, set=set, default=get() } : isa_preference
+fun mkpref_from_ref read write typ r nm descr =
+    mkpref (fn()=> read (!r)) (fn v=> r:= (write v)) typ nm descr
+val int_pref = 
+    mkpref_from_ref PgipTypes.int_to_pgstring (PgipTypes.read_pgipint (NONE,NONE))
+		    (PgipTypes.Pgipint (NONE, NONE))
+val nat_pref =
+    mkpref_from_ref PgipTypes.int_to_pgstring PgipTypes.read_pgipnat PgipTypes.Pgipnat
+val bool_pref =
+    mkpref_from_ref PgipTypes.bool_to_pgstring PgipTypes.read_pgipbool PgipTypes.Pgipbool
+val proof_pref =
+    let 
+	fun get () = PgipTypes.bool_to_pgstring (! proofs >= 2)
+	fun set s = proofs := (if (PgipTypes.read_pgipbool s) then 1 else 2) 
+    in
+	mkpref get set PgipTypes.Pgipbool "full-proofs" 
+	       "Record full proof objects internally"
+    end
+val thm_deps_pref = 
+    let 
+	fun get () = PgipTypes.bool_to_pgstring (Output.has_mode thm_depsN)
+	fun set s = if (PgipTypes.read_pgipbool s) then 
+			change print_mode (insert (op =) thm_depsN)
+		    else 
+			change print_mode (remove (op =) thm_depsN) 
+    in
+	mkpref get set PgipTypes.Pgipbool "theorem-dependencies" 
+	       "Track theorem dependencies within Proof General"
+    end
+val print_depth_pref =
+    let 
+	val pg_print_depth_val = ref 10
+	fun get () = PgipTypes.int_to_pgstring (! pg_print_depth_val)
+	fun setn n = (print_depth n; pg_print_depth_val := n)
+	val set = setn o PgipTypes.read_pgipnat
+    in
+	mkpref get set PgipTypes.Pgipbool "print-depth" "Setting for the ML print depth"
+    end
+val display_preferences = 
+    [bool_pref show_types
+	       "show-types" 
+	       "Include types in display of Isabelle terms",
+     bool_pref show_sorts
+	       "show-sorts"
+	       "Include sorts in display of Isabelle terms",
+     bool_pref show_consts
+	       "show-consts"
+	       "Show types of consts in Isabelle goal display",
+     bool_pref long_names
+	       "long-names"
+	       "Show fully qualified names in Isabelle terms",
+     bool_pref show_brackets
+	       "show-brackets"
+	       "Show full bracketing in Isabelle terms",
+     bool_pref Proof.show_main_goal
+	       "show-main-goal"
+	       "Show main goal in proof state display",
+     bool_pref Syntax.eta_contract
+	       "eta-contract"
+	       "Print terms eta-contracted"]
+val advanced_display_preferences =
+    [nat_pref goals_limit
+	      "goals-limit"
+	      "Setting for maximum number of goals printed",
+     int_pref ProofContext.prems_limit
+	      "prems-limit"
+	      "Setting for maximum number of premises printed",
+     print_depth_pref,		
+     bool_pref show_question_marks
+	       "show-question-marks"
+	       "Show leading question mark of variable name"]
+val tracing_preferences = 
+    [bool_pref trace_simp
+	       "trace-simplifier"
+	       "Trace simplification rules.",
+     nat_pref trace_simp_depth_limit
+	      "trace-simplifier-depth"
+	      "Trace simplifier depth limit.",
+     bool_pref trace_rules
+	       "trace-rules"
+	       "Trace application of the standard rules",
+     bool_pref Pattern.trace_unify_fail
+	       "trace-unification"
+	       "Output error diagnostics during unification",
+     bool_pref Output.timing
+	       "global-timing"
+	       "Whether to enable timing in Isabelle.",
+     bool_pref Output.show_debug_msgs
+		"debug-messages"
+		"Whether to show debugging messages."]
+val proof_preferences = 
+    [bool_pref quick_and_dirty
+	       "quick-and-dirty"
+	       "Take a few short cuts",
+     bool_pref Toplevel.skip_proofs
+	       "skip-proofs"
+	       "Ignore proof scripts (interactive-only)"]
+val preferences = 
+    [("Display", display_preferences),
+     ("Advanced Display", advanced_display_preferences),
+     ("Tracing", tracing_preferences),
+     ("Proof", proof_preferences)]
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Mon Dec 04 20:40:11 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1002 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     David Aspinall and Markus Wenzel
+Isabelle configuration for Proof General using PGIP protocol.
+  val init_pgip: bool -> unit
+structure ProofGeneralPgip : PROOF_GENERAL_PGIP  =
+structure P = OuterParse;
+open Pgip;
+(* print modes *)
+val proof_generalN = "ProofGeneral";  (*token markup (colouring vars, etc.)*)
+val xsymbolsN = Symbol.xsymbolsN;     (*X-Symbol symbols*)
+val pgmlN = "PGML";                   (*XML escapes and PGML symbol elements*)
+val pgmlatomsN = "PGMLatoms";         (*variable kind decorations*)
+val thm_depsN = "thm_deps";           (*meta-information about theorem deps*)
+(* text output: print modes for xsymbol and PGML *)
+fun xsym_output "\\" = "\\\\"
+  | xsym_output s = if Symbol.is_raw s then Symbol.decode_raw s else s;
+fun xsymbols_output s =
+  if Output.has_mode xsymbolsN andalso exists_string (equal "\\") s then
+    let val syms = Symbol.explode s
+    in (implode (map xsym_output syms), real (Symbol.length syms)) end
+  else Symbol.default_output s;
+(* XML immediately rendered pretty printer. Take care not to double escape *)
+fun pgml_sym s =
+  (case Symbol.decode s of
+    Symbol.Char s => XML.text s
+  | Symbol.Sym sn => XML.element "sym" [("name", sn)] [XML.text s] 
+  | Symbol.Ctrl sn => XML.element "ctrl" [("name", sn)] [XML.text s] (* FIXME: no such PGML! *)
+  | Symbol.Raw s => s);
+fun pgml_output str =
+  let val syms = Symbol.explode str
+  in (implode (map pgml_sym syms), real (Symbol.length syms)) end;
+fun setup_xsymbols_output () =
+  Output.add_mode xsymbolsN
+    (xsymbols_output, K xsymbols_output, Symbol.default_indent, Symbol.encode_raw);
+fun setup_pgml_output () =
+  Output.add_mode pgmlN
+    (pgml_output, K pgml_output, Symbol.default_indent, Symbol.encode_raw);
+(* token translations *)
+val class_tag = "class"
+val tfree_tag = "tfree"
+val tvar_tag = "tvar"
+val free_tag = "free"
+val bound_tag = "bound"
+val var_tag = "var"
+val skolem_tag = "skolem"
+fun xml_atom kind x = XML.element "atom" [("kind", kind)] [XML.text x];
+fun tagit kind x = 
+ (xml_atom kind x, real (Symbol.length (Symbol.explode x)));
+fun free_or_skolem x =
+  (case try Name.dest_skolem x of
+    NONE => tagit free_tag x
+  | SOME x' => tagit skolem_tag x');
+fun var_or_skolem s =
+  (case Syntax.read_variable s of
+    SOME (x, i) =>
+      (case try Name.dest_skolem x of
+        NONE => tagit var_tag s
+      | SOME x' => tagit skolem_tag
+          (setmp show_question_marks true Syntax.string_of_vname (x', i)))
+  | NONE => tagit var_tag s);
+val proof_general_trans =
+ Syntax.tokentrans_mode proof_generalN
+  [("class", tagit class_tag),
+   ("tfree", tagit tfree_tag),
+   ("tvar", tagit tvar_tag),
+   ("free", free_or_skolem),
+   ("bound", tagit bound_tag),
+   ("var", var_or_skolem)];
+val _ = Context.add_setup (Theory.add_tokentrfuns proof_general_trans);
+(** assembling and issuing PGIP packets **)
+val pgip_refid  = ref NONE: string option ref;
+val pgip_refseq = ref NONE: int option ref;
+  val pgip_class  = "pg"
+  val pgip_tag = "Isabelle/Isar"
+  val pgip_id = ref ""
+  val pgip_seq = ref 0
+  fun pgip_serial () = inc pgip_seq
+  fun assemble_pgips pgips =
+    Pgip { tag = SOME pgip_tag, 
+	   class = pgip_class,
+	   seq = pgip_serial(),
+	   id = !pgip_id,
+	   destid = !pgip_refid,
+	   (* destid=refid since Isabelle only communicates back to sender *)
+	   refid  = !pgip_refid,
+	   refseq = !pgip_refseq,
+	   content = pgips }
+fun init_pgip_session_id () =
+    pgip_id := getenv "HOSTNAME" ^ "/" ^ getenv "USER" ^ "/" ^
+               getenv "ISABELLE_PID" ^ "/" ^ Time.toString ( ())
+fun matching_pgip_id id = (id = !pgip_id)
+val output_xml = writeln_default o XML.string_of_tree;  (* FIXME: use string buffer *)
+fun issue_pgip_rawtext str = 
+    output_xml (PgipOutput.output (assemble_pgips [XML.Text str])) (* FIXME: don't escape!! *)
+fun issue_pgips pgipops =
+    output_xml (PgipOutput.output (assemble_pgips (map PgipOutput.output pgipops)));
+fun issue_pgip pgipop =
+    output_xml (PgipOutput.output (assemble_pgips [PgipOutput.output pgipop]));
+(** messages and notification **)
+    val delay_msgs = ref false   (*true: accumulate messages*)
+    val delayed_msgs = ref []
+    fun queue_or_issue pgip =
+	if (! delay_msgs) then
+	    delayed_msgs := pgip :: ! delayed_msgs
+	else issue_pgip pgip
+    fun normalmsg area cat urgent prfx s = 
+	let 
+	    val content = 
+		(* NB: prefixing is obsolete, but let's keep it for a while for familiarity *)
+		    XML.Elem("pgmltext",[],[XML.Rawtext (prefix_lines prfx s)])
+	    val pgip = Normalresponse {area=area,messagecategory=cat,
+				       urgent=urgent,content=[content] }
+	in
+	    queue_or_issue pgip
+	end
+    fun errormsg fatality prfx s =
+	let
+	    (* FIXME: need a way of passing in locations *)
+              val content =
+		  XML.Elem("pgmltext",[],[XML.Rawtext (prefix_lines prfx s)])
+	      val pgip = Errorresponse {area=NONE,fatality=fatality,
+					content=[content], location=NONE}
+	in 
+	    queue_or_issue pgip
+	end
+    fun start_delay_msgs () = (set delay_msgs; delayed_msgs := [])
+    fun end_delayed_msgs () = (reset delay_msgs; ! delayed_msgs)
+(* NB: all of the standard error/message functions now expect already-escaped text.
+   FIXME: this may cause us problems now we're generating trees; on the other
+   hand the output functions were tuned some time ago, so it ought to be 
+   enough to use Rawtext always above. *)
+fun setup_messages () =
+ (writeln_fn := (fn s => normalmsg Message Normal false "" s);
+  priority_fn := (fn s => normalmsg Message Normal true "" s);
+  tracing_fn := (fn s => normalmsg  Message Tracing false "" s);
+  info_fn := (fn s => normalmsg Message Information false "+++ " s);
+  debug_fn := (fn s => normalmsg Message Internal false "+++ " s);
+  warning_fn := (fn s => errormsg Nonfatal "### " s);
+  error_fn := (fn s => errormsg Fatal "*** " s);
+  panic_fn := (fn s => errormsg Panic "!!! " s))
+(* immediate messages *)
+fun tell_clear_goals ()      = issue_pgip (Cleardisplay {area=Display})
+fun tell_clear_response ()   = issue_pgip (Cleardisplay {area=Message})
+fun tell_file_loaded path    = issue_pgip (Informfileloaded {url=PgipTypes.pgipurl_of_path path})
+fun tell_file_retracted path = issue_pgip (Informfileretracted {url=PgipTypes.pgipurl_of_path path})
+(** theory / proof state output **)
+fun statedisplay prts =
+    let
+	val display = Pretty.output (Pretty.chunks prts)
+	val statedisplay = XML.Elem("statedisplay",[], [XML.Rawtext display])
+    in
+	issue_pgip (Proofstate {pgml=[XML.Elem("pgml",[],[statedisplay])]})
+    end
+fun print_current_goals n m st =
+  statedisplay (Display.pretty_current_goals n m st)
+fun print_state b st =
+  statedisplay (Toplevel.pretty_state b st)
+fun setup_state () =
+  (Display.print_current_goals_fn := print_current_goals;
+   Toplevel.print_state_fn := print_state);
+      (*    Toplevel.prompt_state_fn := (fn s => suffix (special "372")
+					(Toplevel.prompt_state_default s))); *)
+(* theory loader actions *)
+fun trace_action action name =
+  if action = ThyInfo.Update then
+ tell_file_loaded (ThyInfo.loaded_files name)
+  else if action = ThyInfo.Outdate orelse action = ThyInfo.Remove then
+ tell_file_retracted (ThyInfo.loaded_files name)
+  else ();
+  fun setup_thy_loader () = ThyInfo.add_hook trace_action;
+  fun sync_thy_loader () = (trace_action ThyInfo.Update) (ThyInfo.names ());
+(* prepare theory context *)
+val thy_name = Path.pack o #1 o Path.split_ext o Path.base o Path.unpack;
+(* FIXME general treatment of tracing*)
+val update_thy_only = setmp MetaSimplifier.trace_simp false ThyInfo.update_thy_only;
+fun dynamic_context () =
+  (case Context.get_context () of
+    SOME thy => "  Using current (dynamic!) one: " ^ quote (Context.theory_name thy)
+  | NONE => "");
+fun try_update_thy_only file =
+  ThyLoad.cond_add_path (Path.dir (Path.unpack file)) (fn () =>
+    let val name = thy_name file in
+      if is_some (ThyLoad.check_file NONE (ThyLoad.thy_path name))
+      then update_thy_only name
+      else warning ("Unkown theory context of ML file." ^ dynamic_context ())
+    end) ();
+(* get informed about files *)
+val inform_file_retracted = ThyInfo.if_known_thy ThyInfo.remove_thy o thy_name;
+val inform_file_processed = ThyInfo.if_known_thy ThyInfo.touch_child_thys o thy_name;
+val openfile_retract = Output.no_warnings (ThyInfo.if_known_thy ThyInfo.remove_thy) o thy_name;
+fun proper_inform_file_processed file state =
+  let val name = thy_name file in
+    if Toplevel.is_toplevel state andalso ThyInfo.known_thy name then
+     (ThyInfo.touch_child_thys name;
+      ThyInfo.pretend_use_thy_only name handle ERROR msg =>
+       (warning msg; warning ("Failed to register theory: " ^ quote name);
+        tell_file_retracted (Path.base (Path.unpack file))))
+    else raise Toplevel.UNDEF
+  end;
+fun vacuous_inform_file_processed file state =
+ (warning ("No theory " ^ quote (thy_name file));
+  tell_file_retracted (Path.base (Path.unpack file)));
+(* restart top-level loop (keeps most state information) *)
+val welcome = priority o Session.welcome;
+fun restart () =
+    (sync_thy_loader ();
+     tell_clear_goals ();
+     tell_clear_response ();
+     welcome ();
+     raise Toplevel.RESTART)
+(* theorem dependency output *)
+val spaces_quote = space_implode " " o map quote;
+fun thm_deps_message (thms, deps) =
+    let 
+	val valuethms = XML.Elem("value",[("name", "thms")],[XML.Text thms])
+	val valuedeps = XML.Elem("value",[("name", "deps")],[XML.Text deps])
+    in
+	issue_pgip (Metainforesponse {attrs=[("infotype", "isabelle_theorem_dependencies")],
+				      content=[valuethms,valuedeps]})
+    end
+(* FIXME: check this uses non-transitive closure function here *)
+fun tell_thm_deps ths = conditional (Output.has_mode thm_depsN) (fn () =>
+  let
+    val names = filter_out (equal "") (map Thm.name_of_thm ths);
+    val deps = filter_out (equal "")
+      (Symtab.keys (fold Proofterm.thms_of_proof
+        (map Thm.proof_of ths) Symtab.empty));
+  in
+    if null names orelse null deps then ()
+    else thm_deps_message (spaces_quote names, spaces_quote deps)
+  end);
+fun setup_present_hook () =
+  Present.add_hook (fn _ => fn res => tell_thm_deps (maps #2 res));
+(** lexicalstructure element with keywords (PGIP version of elisp keywords file) **)
+fun lexicalstructure_keywords () = 
+    let val commands = OuterSyntax.dest_keywords ()
+	fun category_of k = if (k mem commands) then "major" else "minor"
+         (* NB: we might filter to only include words like elisp case (OuterSyntax.is_keyword). *)
+    	fun keyword_elt (keyword,help,kind,_) = 
+  	    XML.Elem("keyword", [("word", keyword), ("category", category_of kind)],
+	  	     [XML.Elem("shorthelp", [], [XML.Text help])])
+        in 	    	    
+            (* Also, note we don't call init_outer_syntax here to add interface commands,
+            but they should never appear in scripts anyway so it shouldn't matter *)
+            Lexicalstructure {content = map keyword_elt (OuterSyntax.dest_parsers()) }
+        end
+(* TODO: we can issue a lexicalstructure/keyword when the syntax gets extended dynamically;
+   hooks needed in outer_syntax.ML to do that. *)
+(* Configuration: GUI config, proverinfo messages *)
+    val isabellewww = ""
+    val staticconfig = "~~/lib/ProofGeneral/pgip_isar.xml"
+    fun orenv v d = case (getenv v) of "" => d  | s => s
+    fun config_file()  = orenv "ISABELLE_PGIPCONFIG" staticconfig
+    fun isabelle_www() = orenv "ISABELLE_HOMEPAGE" isabellewww
+fun send_pgip_config () =
+    let
+        val path = Path.unpack (config_file())
+        val exists = File.exists path
+	val wwwpage = 
+	    (Url.unpack (isabelle_www()))
+	    handle _ => 
+		   (Output.panic 
+			("Error in URL in environment variable ISABELLE_HOMEPAGE.");
+			Url.unpack isabellewww)
+	val proverinfo =
+            Proverinfo { name = "Isabelle",
+			 version = version,
+			 instance =, 
+			 descr = "The Isabelle/Isar theorem prover",
+			 url = wwwpage,
+			 filenameextns = ".thy;" }
+    in
+        if exists then
+            (issue_pgip proverinfo; 
+	     issue_pgip_rawtext ( path);
+	     issue_pgip (lexicalstructure_keywords()))
+        else Output.panic ("PGIP configuration file \"" ^ config_file() ^ "\" not found")
+    end;
+(* PGIP identifier tables (prover objects). [incomplete] *)
+    (* TODO: objtypes should be in pgip_types.ML *)
+    val objtype_thy  = "theory"
+    val objtype_thm  = "theorem"
+    val objtype_term = "term"
+    val objtype_type = "type"
+    fun xml_idtable ty ctx ids =
+        PgipOutput.output (Idtable {objtype=ty,context=ctx,ids=ids})
+fun setids t = issue_pgip (Setids {idtables = [t]})
+fun addids t = issue_pgip (Addids {idtables = [t]})
+fun delids t = issue_pgip (Delids {idtables = [t]})
+fun delallids ty = setids (xml_idtable ty NONE [])
+fun send_thy_idtable ctx thys = setids (xml_idtable objtype_thy ctx thys)
+fun clear_thy_idtable () = delallids objtype_thy
+fun send_thm_idtable ctx thy =
+    addids (xml_idtable objtype_thm ctx (map fst (PureThy.thms_of thy)));
+fun clear_thm_idtable () = delallids objtype_thm
+(* fun send_type_idtable thy = TODO, it's a bit low-level messy
+   & maybe not so useful anyway *)
+(* Sending commands to Isar *)
+fun isarcmd s =
+    s |> OuterSyntax.scan |>
+      |> map (Toplevel.position ( "PGIP message") o #3) |> Toplevel.>>>;
+(* how TODO: apply a command given a transition function, e.g. IsarCmd.undo *)
+(* load an arbitrary file (must be .thy or .ML) *)
+fun use_thy_or_ml_file file =
+    let
+        val (path,extn) = Path.split_ext (Path.unpack file)
+    in
+        case extn of
+            "" => isarcmd ("use_thy " ^ (quote (Path.pack path)))
+          | "thy" => isarcmd ("use_thy " ^ (quote (Path.pack path)))
+          | "ML" => isarcmd ("use " ^ quote file)
+          | other => error ("Don't know how to read a file with extension " ^ other)
+    end
+(**** PGIP actions ****)
+(* Responses to each of the PGIP input commands. 
+   These are programmed uniformly for extensibility. *)
+fun askpgip vs = 
+    issue_pgip
+        (Usespgip { version = PgipIsabelle.isabelle_pgip_version_supported,
+		    pgipelems = PgipIsabelle.accepted_inputs })
+fun askpgml vs = 
+    issue_pgip
+	(Usespgml { version = PgipIsabelle.isabelle_pgml_version_supported })
+fun askprefs vs =
+    let 
+	fun preference_of {name, descr, default, pgiptype, get, set } = 
+	    { name = name, descr = SOME descr, default = SOME default, 
+	      pgiptype = pgiptype }
+    in
+ (fn (prefcat, prefs) =>
+		     issue_pgip (Hasprefs {prefcategory=SOME prefcat, 
+					   prefs=map preference_of prefs}))
+                 Preferences.preferences
+    end 
+fun askconfig vs = () (* TODO: add config response *)
+    fun lookuppref pref = 
+	case AList.lookup (op =) 
+			  (map (fn p => (#name p,p))
+			       (maps snd Preferences.preferences)) pref of
+	    NONE => error ("Unknown prover preference: " ^ quote pref)
+	  | SOME p => p
+fun setpref vs = 
+    let 
+	val name = #name vs
+	val value = #value vs
+	val set = #set (lookuppref name)
+    in
+	set value
+    end
+fun getpref vs =
+    let 
+	val name = #name vs
+	val get = #get (lookuppref name)
+    in 
+        issue_pgip (Prefval {name=name, value=get ()})
+    end
+fun proverinit vs = restart ()
+fun proverexit vs = isarcmd "quit"
+fun startquiet vs = isarcmd "disable_pr"
+fun stopquiet vs = isarcmd "enable_pr"
+fun pgmlsymbolson vs = 
+    change print_mode (fn mode =>
+			  remove (op =) Symbol.xsymbolsN mode @ [Symbol.xsymbolsN])
+fun pgmlsymbolsoff vs =
+    change print_mode (remove (op =) Symbol.xsymbolsN)
+fun dostep vs = 
+    let 
+	val text = #text vs
+    in 
+	isarcmd text
+    end
+fun undostep vs =
+    let 
+	val times = #times vs
+    in 
+	isarcmd ("undos_proof " ^ (Int.toString times))
+    end
+fun redostep vs = isarcmd "redo"
+fun abortgoal vs = isarcmd "ProofGeneral.kill_proof" 
+fun askids vs = 
+    let
+	val thyname = #thyname vs
+	val objtype = #objtype vs
+    in 
+	(* TODO: add askids for "file" here, which returns single theory with same name *)
+	case (thyname,objtype) of 
+           (* only theories known in top context *)
+	   (NONE, NONE) =>  send_thy_idtable NONE (ThyInfo.names())
+	 | (NONE, SOME "theory")  => send_thy_idtable NONE (ThyInfo.names())
+	 | (SOME thy, SOME "theory") => send_thy_idtable (SOME thy) (ThyInfo.get_preds thy)
+	 | (SOME thy, SOME "theorem") => send_thm_idtable (SOME thy) (ThyInfo.get_theory thy)
+	 | (SOME thy, NONE) => (send_thy_idtable (SOME thy) (ThyInfo.get_preds thy);
+                               send_thm_idtable (SOME thy) (ThyInfo.get_theory thy))
+	 | (_, SOME ot) => error ("No objects of type "^(quote ot)^" are available here.")
+    end
+  (* accumulate printed output in a single PGIP response (inside <pgmltext>) *)
+  fun with_displaywrap pgipfn dispfn =
+      let
+	  val lines = ref ([]: string list);
+	  fun wlgrablines s = lines := s :: ! lines;
+      in
+	  setmp writeln_fn wlgrablines dispfn ();
+	  issue_pgip (pgipfn (!lines))
+      end;
+fun showid vs = 
+    let
+	val thyname = #thyname vs
+	val objtype = #objtype vs
+	val name = #objtype vs
+	val topthy = Toplevel.theory_of o Toplevel.get_state
+	fun idvalue objtype name strings =
+	    Idvalue { name=name, objtype=objtype,
+		      text=[XML.Elem("pgmltext",[],map XML.Text strings)] }
+	fun pthm thy name = print_thm (get_thm thy (Name name))
+    in 
+	case (thyname, objtype) of 
+	    (_,"theory") =>
+	    with_displaywrap (idvalue "theory" name) 
+			     (fn ()=>(print_theory (ThyInfo.get_theory name)))
+	  | (SOME thy, "theorem") =>
+	    with_displaywrap (idvalue "theorem" name) 
+			     (fn ()=>(pthm (ThyInfo.get_theory thy) name))
+	  | (NONE, "theorem") =>
+	    with_displaywrap (idvalue "theorem" name) 
+			     (fn ()=>pthm (topthy()) name)
+	  | (_, ot) => error ("Cannot show objects of type "^ot)
+    end
+(* The file which is currently being processed interactively.  
+   In the pre-PGIP code, this was informed to Isabelle and the theory loader
+   on completion, but that allows for circularity in case we read
+   ourselves.  So PGIP opens the filename at the start of a script.
+   We ought to prevent problems by modifying the theory loader to know
+   about this special status, but for now we just keep a local reference. 
+val currently_open_file = ref (NONE : pgipurl option)
+fun askguise vs = 
+    (* The "guise" is the PGIP abstraction of the prover's state.
+       The <informguise> message is merely used for consistency checking. *)
+    let 
+	val openfile = !currently_open_file
+	val topthy = Toplevel.theory_of o Toplevel.get_state
+	val topthy_name = Context.theory_name o topthy
+	val opentheory = SOME (topthy_name()) handle Toplevel.UNDEF => NONE
+	fun topproofpos () = try Toplevel.proof_position_of (Isar.state ());
+	val openproofpos = topproofpos()
+    in
+        issue_pgip (Informguise { file = openfile,
+				  theory = opentheory,
+				  (* would be nice to get thm name... *)
+				  theorem = NONE,
+				  proofpos = openproofpos })
+    end
+fun parsescript vs =
+    let
+	val text = #text vs
+	val systemdata = #systemdata vs      
+	val location = #location vs   (* TODO: extract position *)
+        val _ = start_delay_msgs ()  (* gather parsing messages *)
+        val xmls = PgipParser.xmls_of_str text
+        val errs = end_delayed_msgs ()
+	val sysattrs = PgipTypes.opt_attr "systemdata" systemdata
+	val locattrs = PgipTypes.attrs_of_location location
+     in
+        issue_pgip (Parseresult { attrs= sysattrs@locattrs,
+				  content = (map PgipOutput.output errs)@xmls })
+    end
+fun showproofstate vs = isarcmd "pr"
+fun showctxt vs = isarcmd "print_theory"   (* more useful than print_context *)
+fun searchtheorems vs =
+    let 
+	val arg = #arg vs
+    in
+	isarcmd ("thms_containing " ^ arg)
+    end
+fun setlinewidth vs = 
+    let 
+	val width = #width vs
+    in
+	isarcmd ("pretty_setmargin " ^ (Int.toString width)) (* FIXME: conversion back/forth! *)
+    end
+fun viewdoc vs =
+    let 
+	val arg = #arg vs
+    in 
+	isarcmd ("print_" ^ arg)   (* FIXME: isatool doc?.  Return URLs, maybe? *)
+    end
+fun doitem vs =
+    let
+	val text = #text vs
+    in
+	isarcmd text
+    end
+fun undoitem vs =
+    isarcmd "ProofGeneral.undo"
+fun redoitem vs =
+    isarcmd "ProofGeneral.redo"
+fun aborttheory vs = 
+    isarcmd "init_toplevel"
+fun retracttheory vs =
+    let 
+	val thyname = #thyname vs
+    in
+	isarcmd ("kill_thy " ^ quote thyname)
+    end
+fun loadfile vs = 
+    let 
+	val url = #url vs
+    in 
+	case !currently_open_file of
+            SOME f => raise PGIP ("<loadfile> when a file is open!")
+          | NONE => use_thy_or_ml_file (File.platform_path url)
+    end
+fun openfile vs =
+  let 
+      val url = #url vs
+  in
+      case !currently_open_file of
+          SOME f => raise PGIP ("<openfile> when a file is already open! ")
+        | NONE => (openfile_retract (File.platform_path url);
+		   currently_open_file := SOME url) (*(File.platform_path url))*)
+  end
+fun closefile vs =
+    case !currently_open_file of
+        SOME f => (proper_inform_file_processed (File.platform_path f) 
+						(Isar.state());
+                   currently_open_file := NONE)
+      | NONE => raise PGIP ("<closefile> when no file is open!")
+fun abortfile vs =
+    case !currently_open_file of
+        SOME f => (isarcmd "init_toplevel";
+		   currently_open_file := NONE)
+      | NONE => raise PGIP ("<abortfile> when no file is open!")
+fun retractfile vs = 
+    let 
+	val url = #url vs
+    in
+	case !currently_open_file of
+            SOME f => raise PGIP ("<retractfile> when a file is open!")
+          | NONE => inform_file_retracted (File.platform_path url)
+    end
+(* Path management: we allow theory files to have dependencies in
+   their own directory, but when we change directory for a new file we
+   remove the path.  Leaving it there can cause confusion with
+   difference in batch mode.
+   NB: PGIP does not assume that the prover has a load path. 
+    val current_working_dir = ref (NONE : string option)
+fun changecwd vs = 
+    let 
+	val url = #url vs
+	val newdir = File.platform_path url
+    in
+        (case (!current_working_dir) of
+             NONE => ()
+           | SOME dir => ThyLoad.del_path dir;
+         ThyLoad.add_path newdir;
+         current_working_dir := SOME newdir)
+    end
+fun systemcmd vs =
+  let 
+      val arg = #arg vs
+  in
+      isarcmd arg
+  end
+exception PGIP_QUIT;
+fun quitpgip vs = raise PGIP_QUIT
+fun process_input inp = case inp of
+     Pgip.Askpgip vs         => askpgip vs
+   | Pgip.Askpgml vs         => askpgml vs
+   | Pgip.Askprefs vs        => askprefs vs 
+   | Pgip.Askconfig vs       => askconfig vs
+   | Pgip.Getpref vs         => getpref vs
+   | Pgip.Setpref vs         => setpref vs
+   | Pgip.Proverinit vs      => proverinit vs
+   | Pgip.Proverexit vs      => proverexit vs
+   | Pgip.Startquiet vs      => startquiet vs
+   | Pgip.Stopquiet vs       => stopquiet vs
+   | Pgip.Pgmlsymbolson vs   => pgmlsymbolson vs
+   | Pgip.Pgmlsymbolsoff vs  => pgmlsymbolsoff vs
+   | Pgip.Dostep vs          => dostep vs
+   | Pgip.Undostep vs        => undostep vs
+   | Pgip.Redostep vs        => redostep vs
+   | Pgip.Forget vs	     => (error "<forget> not implemented")
+   | Pgip.Restoregoal vs     => (error "<restoregoal> not implemented")
+   | Pgip.Abortgoal vs       => abortgoal vs
+   | Pgip.Askids vs          => askids vs
+   | Pgip.Showid vs          => showid vs
+   | Pgip.Askguise vs	     => askguise vs
+   | Pgip.Parsescript vs     => parsescript vs
+   | Pgip.Showproofstate vs  => showproofstate vs
+   | Pgip.Showctxt vs        => showctxt vs
+   | Pgip.Searchtheorems vs  => searchtheorems vs
+   | Pgip.Setlinewidth vs    => setlinewidth vs
+   | Pgip.Viewdoc vs         => viewdoc vs
+   | Pgip.Doitem vs          => doitem vs
+   | Pgip.Undoitem vs        => undoitem vs
+   | Pgip.Redoitem vs        => redoitem vs
+   | Pgip.Aborttheory vs     => aborttheory vs
+   | Pgip.Retracttheory vs   => retracttheory vs
+   | Pgip.Loadfile vs	     => loadfile vs
+   | Pgip.Openfile vs	     => openfile vs
+   | Pgip.Closefile vs	     => closefile vs
+   | Pgip.Abortfile vs	     => abortfile vs
+   | Pgip.Retractfile vs     => retractfile vs
+   | Pgip.Changecwd vs	     => changecwd vs
+   | Pgip.Systemcmd vs	     => systemcmd vs
+   | Pgip.Quitpgip vs        => quitpgip vs
+fun process_pgip_element pgipxml = 
+    case pgipxml of
+	(xml as (XML.Elem elem)) =>
+	(case Pgip.input elem of
+	     NONE => warning ("Unrecognized PGIP command, ignored: \n" ^
+			      (XML.string_of_tree xml))
+	   | SOME inp => (process_input inp)) (* errors later; packet discarded *)
+      | (XML.Text t) => ignored_text_warning t
+      |	(XML.Rawtext t) => ignored_text_warning t
+and ignored_text_warning t =
+    if (size (Symbol.strip_blanks t) > 0) then
+	   warning ("Ignored text in PGIP packet: \n" ^ t)
+    else ()
+fun process_pgip_tree xml =
+    (pgip_refid := NONE;
+     pgip_refseq := NONE;
+     (case xml of
+          XML.Elem ("pgip", attrs, pgips) =>
+          (let
+               val class = PgipTypes.get_attr "class" attrs
+               val dest  = PgipTypes.get_attr_opt "destid" attrs
+               val _ = (pgip_refid :=  PgipTypes.get_attr_opt "id" attrs)
+	       val _ = (pgip_refseq := Option.join 
+					   ( Int.fromString
+						  (PgipTypes.get_attr_opt "seq" attrs)))
+               (* Respond to prover broadcasts, or messages for us. Ignore rest *)
+	       val processit = 
+		   case dest of
+                       NONE =>    class = "pa"
+		     | SOME id => matching_pgip_id id
+           in
+               if processit then 
+		   ( process_pgip_element pgips; true) 
+	       else false
+           end)
+        | _ => raise PGIP "Invalid PGIP packet received")
+     handle PGIP msg =>
+            (Output.error_msg ((msg ^ "\nPGIP error occured in XML text below:\n") ^
+			       (XML.string_of_tree xml));
+	     true))
+val process_pgip = K () o process_pgip_tree o XML.tree_of_string
+(* PGIP loop: process PGIP input only *)
+exception XML_PARSE
+fun loop ready src =
+    let
+        val _ = if ready then issue_pgip (Ready ()) else ()
+        val pgipo = (Source.get_single src)
+                        handle e => raise XML_PARSE
+    in
+        case pgipo of
+             NONE  => ()
+           | SOME (pgip,src') =>
+             let
+                 val ready' = (process_pgip_tree pgip) 
+				handle e => (handler (e,SOME src'); true)
+             in
+                 loop ready' src'
+             end
+    end handle e => handler (e,SOME src)  (* error in XML parse or Ready issue *)
+and handler (e,srco) =
+    case (e,srco) of
+        (XML_PARSE,SOME src) =>
+        Output.panic "Invalid XML input, aborting"
+      | (PGIP_QUIT,_) => ()
+      | (Interrupt,SOME src) => 
+	(Output.error_msg "Interrupt during PGIP processing"; loop true src)
+      | (Toplevel.UNDEF,SOME src) => 
+	(Output.error_msg "No working context defined"; loop true src)
+      | (e,SOME src) => 
+	(Output.error_msg (Toplevel.exn_message e); loop true src)
+      | (_,NONE) => ()
+  (* TODO: add socket interface *)
+  val xmlP = XML.scan_comment_whspc |-- XML.parse_elem >> single
+  val tty_src = Source.set_prompt "" (Source.source Symbol.stopper xmlP NONE Source.tty)
+  fun pgip_toplevel x = loop true x
+(* additional outer syntax for Isar *)  
+(* da: TODO: perhaps we can drop this superfluous syntax now??
+   Seems cleaner to support the operations directly above in the PGIP actions.
+ *)
+local structure P = OuterParse and K = OuterKeyword in
+val undoP = (*undo without output*)
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "ProofGeneral.undo" "(internal)" K.control
+    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o IsarCmd.undo));
+val redoP = (*redo without output*)
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "ProofGeneral.redo" "(internal)" K.control
+    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o IsarCmd.redo));
+(* da: what were these context commands ones for? *)
+val context_thy_onlyP =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "ProofGeneral.context_thy_only" "(internal)" K.control
+    ( >> (Toplevel.no_timing oo IsarCmd.init_context update_thy_only));
+val try_context_thy_onlyP =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "ProofGeneral.try_context_thy_only" "(internal)" K.control
+    ( >> (Toplevel.no_timing oo
+      (Toplevel.imperative (K ()) oo IsarCmd.init_context try_update_thy_only)));
+(* ProofGeneral.kill_proof still used above *)
+val kill_proofP =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "ProofGeneral.kill_proof" "(internal)" K.control
+    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o IsarCmd.kill_proof_notify tell_clear_goals));
+(* FIXME: Not quite same as commands used above *)
+val inform_file_processedP =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "ProofGeneral.inform_file_processed" "(internal)" K.control
+    ( >> (fn file => Toplevel.no_timing o
+      Toplevel.keep (vacuous_inform_file_processed file) o
+      Toplevel.kill o
+      Toplevel.keep (proper_inform_file_processed file)));
+val inform_file_retractedP =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "ProofGeneral.inform_file_retracted" "(internal)" K.control
+    ( >> (Toplevel.no_timing oo
+      (fn file => Toplevel.imperative (fn () => inform_file_retracted file))));
+(* This one can actually be used for Daniel's interface scripting idea: generically!! *)
+val process_pgipP =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "ProofGeneral.process_pgip" "(internal)" K.control
+    (P.text >> (Toplevel.no_timing oo
+      (fn txt => Toplevel.imperative (fn () => process_pgip txt))));
+fun init_outer_syntax () = OuterSyntax.add_parsers
+ [undoP, redoP, kill_proofP, context_thy_onlyP, try_context_thy_onlyP,
+  inform_file_processedP, inform_file_retractedP, process_pgipP];
+(* init *)
+val initialized = ref false;
+(* ML top level only for testing, entered on <quitpgip> *)
+fun set_prompts () = ml_prompts "ML> " "ML# ";
+fun init_setup () =
+  (conditional (not (! initialized)) (fn () =>
+   (setmp warning_fn (K ()) init_outer_syntax ();
+    setup_xsymbols_output ();
+    setup_pgml_output ();
+    setup_messages ();
+    setup_state ();
+    setup_thy_loader ();
+    setup_present_hook ();
+    init_pgip_session_id ();
+    welcome ();
+    set initialized; ()));
+  sync_thy_loader ();
+  change print_mode (cons proof_generalN o remove (op =) proof_generalN);
+  change print_mode (append [pgmlN, pgmlatomsN] o subtract (op =) [pgmlN, pgmlatomsN]);
+  set_prompts ());
+fun init_pgip false = Output.panic "PGIP not supported for Isabelle/classic mode."
+  | init_pgip true = (init_setup (); pgip_toplevel tty_src);
+fun write_keywords s = ()  (* NB: do nothing *)