more standard nesting of sub-language: Parse.text allows atomic entities without quotes;
Tue, 22 Dec 2015 17:41:46 +0100
changeset 61912 ad710de5c576
parent 61911 fe2b7f4276be
child 61913 58b153bfa737
more standard nesting of sub-language: Parse.text allows atomic entities without quotes;
--- a/src/Doc/Eisbach/Manual.thy	Tue Dec 22 17:14:35 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/Doc/Eisbach/Manual.thy	Tue Dec 22 17:41:46 2015 +0100
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
   further defined in @{cite "isabelle-isar-ref"}.
   @{rail \<open>
-    @@{method match} kind @'in' (pattern '\<Rightarrow>' cartouche + '\<bar>')
+    @@{method match} kind @'in' (pattern '\<Rightarrow>' @{syntax text} + '\<bar>')
       (@'conclusion' | @'premises' ('(' 'local' ')')? |
--- a/src/HOL/Eisbach/Examples.thy	Tue Dec 22 17:14:35 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Eisbach/Examples.thy	Tue Dec 22 17:41:46 2015 +0100
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
   (assumption |
     rule intros | erule elims |
     subst subst | subst (asm) subst |
-    (erule notE; solves \<open>prop_solver\<close>))+
+    (erule notE; solves prop_solver))+
 lemmas [intros] =
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
 method fol_solver =
-  ((guess_ex | guess_all | prop_solver) ; solves \<open>fol_solver\<close>)
+  ((guess_ex | guess_all | prop_solver); solves fol_solver)
   allI [intros]
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
   assumes imps: "A \<Longrightarrow> B \<Longrightarrow> C" "D \<Longrightarrow> C" "E \<Longrightarrow> D \<Longrightarrow> A"
   shows "(A \<longrightarrow> B \<longrightarrow> C) \<and> (D \<longrightarrow> C)"
     by (match imps[uncurry] in H[curry]:"_ \<Longrightarrow> C" (cut, multi) \<Rightarrow>
-                    \<open>match H in "E \<Longrightarrow> _" \<Rightarrow> \<open>fail\<close>
+                    \<open>match H in "E \<Longrightarrow> _" \<Rightarrow> fail
                                       \<bar> _ \<Rightarrow> \<open>simp add: H\<close>\<close>)
--- a/src/HOL/Eisbach/Tests.thy	Tue Dec 22 17:14:35 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Eisbach/Tests.thy	Tue Dec 22 17:41:46 2015 +0100
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
   apply foo
-method abs_used for P = (match (P) in "\<lambda>a. ?Q" \<Rightarrow> \<open>fail\<close> \<bar> _ \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
+method abs_used for P = (match (P) in "\<lambda>a. ?Q" \<Rightarrow> fail \<bar> _ \<Rightarrow> -)
 subsection \<open>Match Tests\<close>
@@ -74,10 +74,10 @@
   fix C
   have "(\<And>x :: 'a. A x)  \<Longrightarrow> (\<And>z. B z) \<Longrightarrow> A y \<Longrightarrow> B x \<and> B x \<and> A y"
     apply (intro conjI)
-    apply (match premises in Y: "\<And>z :: 'a. A z" and Y'[intro]:"\<And>z :: 'b. B z" \<Rightarrow> \<open>fastforce\<close>)
-    apply (match premises in Y: "\<And>z :: 'a. A z"  \<Rightarrow> \<open>match premises in Y'[intro]:"\<And>z :: 'b. B z" \<Rightarrow> \<open>fastforce\<close>\<close>)
+    apply (match premises in Y: "\<And>z :: 'a. A z" and Y'[intro]:"\<And>z :: 'b. B z" \<Rightarrow> fastforce)
+    apply (match premises in Y: "\<And>z :: 'a. A z"  \<Rightarrow> \<open>match premises in Y'[intro]:"\<And>z :: 'b. B z" \<Rightarrow> fastforce\<close>)
     apply (match premises in Y[thin]: "\<And>z :: 'a. A z"  \<Rightarrow> \<open>(match premises in Y':"\<And>z :: 'a. A z" \<Rightarrow> \<open>print_fact Y,fail\<close> \<bar> _ \<Rightarrow> \<open>print_fact Y\<close>)\<close>)
-    (*apply (match premises in Y: "\<And>z :: 'b. B z"  \<Rightarrow> \<open>(match premises in Y'[thin]:"\<And>z :: 'b. B z" \<Rightarrow> \<open>(match premises in Y':"\<And>z :: 'a. A z" \<Rightarrow> \<open>fail\<close> \<bar> Y': _ \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)\<close>)\<close>)*)
+    (*apply (match premises in Y: "\<And>z :: 'b. B z"  \<Rightarrow> \<open>(match premises in Y'[thin]:"\<And>z :: 'b. B z" \<Rightarrow> \<open>(match premises in Y':"\<And>z :: 'a. A z" \<Rightarrow> fail \<bar> Y': _ \<Rightarrow> -)\<close>)\<close>)*)
     apply assumption
@@ -97,14 +97,14 @@
   fix A B C x
   have "(\<And>x :: 'a. A x) \<Longrightarrow> (\<And>y :: 'a. B y) \<Longrightarrow> C y \<Longrightarrow> (A x \<and> B y \<and> C y)"
     apply (match premises in Y[thin]: "\<And>z :: 'a. ?A z" (multi) \<Rightarrow> \<open>intro conjI, (rule Y)+\<close>)
-    apply (match premises in Y[thin]: "\<And>z :: 'a. ?A z" (multi) \<Rightarrow> \<open>fail\<close> \<bar> "C y" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>) (* multi-match must bind something *)
+    apply (match premises in Y[thin]: "\<And>z :: 'a. ?A z" (multi) \<Rightarrow> fail \<bar> "C y" \<Rightarrow> -) (* multi-match must bind something *)
     apply (match premises in Y: "C y" \<Rightarrow> \<open>rule Y\<close>)
   fix A B C x
   have "(\<And>x :: 'a. A x) \<Longrightarrow> (\<And>y :: 'a. B y) \<Longrightarrow> C y \<Longrightarrow> (A x \<and> B y \<and> C y)"
     apply (match premises in Y[thin]: "\<And>z. ?A z" (multi) \<Rightarrow> \<open>intro conjI, (rule Y)+\<close>)
-    apply (match premises in Y[thin]: "\<And>z. ?A z" (multi) \<Rightarrow> \<open>fail\<close> \<bar> "C y" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>) (* multi-match must bind something *)
+    apply (match premises in Y[thin]: "\<And>z. ?A z" (multi) \<Rightarrow> fail \<bar> "C y" \<Rightarrow> -) (* multi-match must bind something *)
     apply (match premises in Y: "C y" \<Rightarrow> \<open>rule Y\<close>)
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@
   fix A B C x
   have "(\<And>y :: 'a. B y \<and> C y) \<Longrightarrow> (\<And>x :: 'a. A x \<and> B x) \<Longrightarrow> (\<And>y :: 'a. A y \<and> C y) \<Longrightarrow> C y \<Longrightarrow> (A x \<and> B y \<and> C y)"
     apply (match premises in Y: "\<And>x :: 'a. P x \<and> ?U x" (multi) for P \<Rightarrow>
-                                  \<open>match (P) in B \<Rightarrow> \<open>fail\<close>
-                                        \<bar> "\<lambda>a. B" \<Rightarrow> \<open>fail\<close>
-                                        \<bar> _ \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>,
+                                  \<open>match (P) in B \<Rightarrow> fail
+                                        \<bar> "\<lambda>a. B" \<Rightarrow> fail
+                                        \<bar> _ \<Rightarrow> -,
                                   intro conjI, (rule Y[THEN conjunct1])\<close>)
     apply (rule dup)
     apply (match premises in Y':"\<And>x :: 'a. ?U x \<and> Q x" and Y: "\<And>x :: 'a. Q x \<and> ?U x" (multi)  for Q \<Rightarrow> \<open>insert Y[THEN conjunct1]\<close>)
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
     apply (match asms in Y: "\<And>z a. ?A (z :: 'a) (a :: 'a) \<and> R" (multi) for R \<Rightarrow> \<open>rule Y[where a=x,THEN conjunct1]\<close>)
     apply (match asms in Y: "\<And>z a. ?A (z :: 'a) (a :: 'a) \<and> R" (multi) for R \<Rightarrow> \<open>rule Y[where a=x,THEN conjunct1]\<close>)
     apply (match asms in Y: "\<And>z a. ?A (z :: 'a) (a :: 'a) \<and> R" (multi) for R \<Rightarrow> \<open>rule Y[where z=x,THEN conjunct1]\<close>)
-    apply (match asms in Y: "\<And>z a. A (z :: 'a) (a :: 'a) \<and> R"  for R \<Rightarrow> \<open>fail\<close> \<bar> _ \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
+    apply (match asms in Y: "\<And>z a. A (z :: 'a) (a :: 'a) \<and> R"  for R \<Rightarrow> fail \<bar> _ \<Rightarrow> -)
     apply (rule asms[THEN conjunct1])
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
   assume X: "A \<and> B" "A \<and> C" C
   have "A \<and> B \<and> C"
     by (match X in H: "A \<and> ?H" (multi, cut) \<Rightarrow>
-          \<open>match H in "A \<and> C" and "A \<and> B" \<Rightarrow> \<open>fail\<close>\<close>
+          \<open>match H in "A \<and> C" and "A \<and> B" \<Rightarrow> fail\<close>
         | simp add: X)
@@ -199,10 +199,10 @@
   have "(\<And>x. A x \<and> B) \<Longrightarrow> B \<and> C \<Longrightarrow> C"
     apply (match premises in H:"\<And>x. A x \<and> B" \<Rightarrow>
                      \<open>match premises in H'[thin]: "\<And>x. A x \<and> B" \<Rightarrow>
-                      \<open>match premises in H'':"\<And>x. A x \<and> B" \<Rightarrow> \<open>fail\<close>
-                                         \<bar> _ \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>\<close>
-                      ,match premises in H'':"\<And>x. A x \<and> B" \<Rightarrow> \<open>fail\<close> \<bar> _ \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>\<close>)
-    apply (match premises in H:"\<And>x. A x \<and> B" \<Rightarrow> \<open>fail\<close>
+                      \<open>match premises in H'':"\<And>x. A x \<and> B" \<Rightarrow> fail
+                                         \<bar> _ \<Rightarrow> -\<close>
+                      ,match premises in H'':"\<And>x. A x \<and> B" \<Rightarrow> fail \<bar> _ \<Rightarrow> -\<close>)
+    apply (match premises in H:"\<And>x. A x \<and> B" \<Rightarrow> fail
                               \<bar> H':_ \<Rightarrow> \<open>rule H'[THEN conjunct2]\<close>)
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
   assume asms: "C \<and> D"
   have "B \<and> C \<Longrightarrow> C"
     by (match premises in _ \<Rightarrow> \<open>insert asms,
-            match premises (local) in "B \<and> C" \<Rightarrow> \<open>fail\<close>
+            match premises (local) in "B \<and> C" \<Rightarrow> fail
                                   \<bar> H:"C \<and> D" \<Rightarrow> \<open>rule H[THEN conjunct1]\<close>\<close>)
@@ -233,13 +233,13 @@
   assumes A: "P \<and> Q"
   shows "P"
-  by ((match A in "P \<and> Q" \<Rightarrow> \<open>fail\<close> \<bar> "?H" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>) | simp add: A)
+  by ((match A in "P \<and> Q" \<Rightarrow> fail \<bar> "?H" \<Rightarrow> -) | simp add: A)
   assumes A: "D \<and> C" "A \<and> B" "A \<longrightarrow> B"
   shows "A"
   apply ((match A in U: "P \<and> Q" (cut) and "P' \<longrightarrow> Q'" for P Q P' Q' \<Rightarrow>
-      \<open>simp add: U\<close> \<bar> "?H" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>) | -)
+      \<open>simp add: U\<close> \<bar> "?H" \<Rightarrow> -) | -)
   apply (simp add: A)
@@ -283,8 +283,8 @@
   (match facts in
     H: "A" and H': "B" \<Rightarrow> \<open>recursion_example' "A" "B" facts: H TrueI\<close>
   \<bar> "A" and "True" \<Rightarrow> \<open>recursion_example' "A" "B" facts: TrueI\<close>
-  \<bar> "True" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>
-  \<bar> "PROP ?P" \<Rightarrow> \<open>fail\<close>)
+  \<bar> "True" \<Rightarrow> -
+  \<bar> "PROP ?P" \<Rightarrow> fail)
   assumes asms: "A" "B"
@@ -460,9 +460,9 @@
 subsection \<open>Proper context for method parameters\<close>
-method add_simp methods m uses f = (match f in H[simp]:_ \<Rightarrow> \<open>m\<close>)
+method add_simp methods m uses f = (match f in H[simp]:_ \<Rightarrow> m)
-method add_my_thms methods m uses f = (match f in H[my_thms_named]:_ \<Rightarrow> \<open>m\<close>)
+method add_my_thms methods m uses f = (match f in H[my_thms_named]:_ \<Rightarrow> m)
 method rule_my_thms = (rule my_thms_named)
 method rule_my_thms' declares my_thms_named = (rule my_thms_named)
@@ -472,9 +472,9 @@
   "(A \<or> B) \<and> A \<and> A \<and> A"
   apply (intro conjI)
-  apply (add_simp \<open>add_simp \<open>simp\<close> f: B\<close> f: A)
-  apply (add_my_thms \<open>rule_my_thms\<close> f:A)
-  apply (add_my_thms \<open>rule_my_thms'\<close> f:A)
+  apply (add_simp \<open>add_simp simp f: B\<close> f: A)
+  apply (add_my_thms rule_my_thms f:A)
+  apply (add_my_thms rule_my_thms' f:A)
   apply (add_my_thms \<open>rule my_thms_named\<close> f:A)
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@
 method all_args for A B methods m1 m2 uses f1 f2 declares my_thms_named = fail
 lemma True
-  by (all_args True False \<open>-\<close> \<open>fail\<close> f1: TrueI f2: TrueI my_thms_named: TrueI | rule TrueI)
+  by (all_args True False - fail f1: TrueI f2: TrueI my_thms_named: TrueI | rule TrueI)
 subsection \<open>Method name internalization test\<close>
--- a/src/HOL/Eisbach/match_method.ML	Tue Dec 22 17:14:35 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Eisbach/match_method.ML	Tue Dec 22 17:41:46 2015 +0100
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@
           let val b = #1 (the opt_dyn)
           in error ("Cannot bind fact name in term match" ^ (pos_of b)) end)) --
-  Scan.lift (for_fixes -- (@{keyword "\<Rightarrow>"} |-- Parse.token Parse.cartouche))
-  >> (fn ((ctxt, ts), (fixes, cartouche)) =>
-    (case Token.get_value cartouche of
+  Scan.lift (for_fixes -- (@{keyword "\<Rightarrow>"} |-- Parse.token Parse.text))
+  >> (fn ((ctxt, ts), (fixes, body)) =>
+    (case Token.get_value body of
       SOME (Token.Source src) =>
           val text = ctxt src;
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
             |> (fn ctxt => fold2 upd_ctxt binds pats ([], ctxt) |> apfst rev)
             ||> Proof_Context.restore_mode ctxt;
-          val (text, src) = Method_Closure.read_closure_input ctxt6 (Token.input_of cartouche);
+          val (text, src) = Method_Closure.read_closure_input ctxt6 (Token.input_of body);
           val morphism =
             Variable.export_morphism ctxt6
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
           val binds'' = (binds' ~~ match_args) ~~ pats';
           val src' = map (Token.transform morphism) src;
-          val _ = Token.assign (SOME (Token.Source src')) cartouche;
+          val _ = Token.assign (SOME (Token.Source src')) body;
           (binds'', real_fixes', text)
--- a/src/HOL/Eisbach/method_closure.ML	Tue Dec 22 17:14:35 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Eisbach/method_closure.ML	Tue Dec 22 17:41:46 2015 +0100
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 val method_text =
-  Args.context -- Scan.lift (Parse.token Parse.cartouche) >> (fn (ctxt, tok) =>
+  Args.context -- Scan.lift (Parse.token Parse.text) >> (fn (ctxt, tok) =>
     (case Token.get_value tok of
       SOME (Token.Source src) => read ctxt src
     | _ =>