tidying, and support for axclass/classrel clauses
Tue, 20 Sep 2005 18:43:39 +0200
changeset 17525 ae5bb6001afb
parent 17524 42d56a6dec6e
child 17526 8d7c587c6b34
tidying, and support for axclass/classrel clauses
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/AtpCommunication.ML	Tue Sep 20 18:42:56 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/AtpCommunication.ML	Tue Sep 20 18:43:39 2005 +0200
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
 fun spass_reconstruct_tac proofextract goalstring toParent ppid sg_num 
                     clause_arr = 
-  (EVERY1 [rtac ccontr, ResLib.atomize_tac, skolemize_tac, 
+  (EVERY1 [rtac ccontr, ObjectLogic.atomize_tac, skolemize_tac, 
 	   METAHYPS(fn negs => 
   Recon_Transfer.spass_reconstruct proofextract goalstring toParent ppid negs clause_arr)]) sg_num;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/res_clasimpset.ML	Tue Sep 20 18:42:56 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/res_clasimpset.ML	Tue Sep 20 18:43:39 2005 +0200
@@ -130,8 +130,7 @@
 	(Pretty.setmp_margin 999 string_of_thm));
 fun fake_thm_name th = 
-    Context.theory_name (theory_of_thm th) ^ "." ^ 
-    ResLib.trim_ends (plain_string_of_thm th);
+    Context.theory_name (theory_of_thm th) ^ "." ^ unenclose (plain_string_of_thm th);
 fun put_name_pair ("",th) = if !use_nameless then (fake_thm_name th, th)
                             else ("HOL.TrueI",TrueI)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/watcher.ML	Tue Sep 20 18:42:56 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/watcher.ML	Tue Sep 20 18:43:39 2005 +0200
@@ -270,7 +270,9 @@
 fun prems_string_of th =
   Meson.concat_with_and (map (Sign.string_of_term (sign_of_thm th)) (prems_of th))
-fun killChildren procs = List.app (ignore o Unix.reap) procs;
+fun killChild proc = (Unix.kill(proc, Posix.Signal.kill); Unix.reap proc);
+fun killChildren procs = List.app (ignore o killChild) procs;
 fun setupWatcher (thm,clause_arr) = 
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Tue Sep 20 18:42:56 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Tue Sep 20 18:43:39 2005 +0200
@@ -61,30 +61,29 @@
 (* write out a subgoal as tptp clauses to the file "xxxx_N"*)
-fun tptp_inputs_tfrees thms n axclauses =
+fun tptp_inputs_tfrees thms n (axclauses,classrel_clauses,arity_clauses) =
-      val _ = debug ("in tptp_inputs_tfrees 0")
       val clss = map (ResClause.make_conjecture_clause_thm) thms
-      val _ = debug ("in tptp_inputs_tfrees 1")
       val (tptp_clss,tfree_litss) = ListPair.unzip (map ResClause.clause2tptp clss)
-      val _ = debug ("in tptp_inputs_tfrees 2")
       val tfree_clss = map ResClause.tfree_clause (ResLib.flat_noDup tfree_litss)
-      val _ = debug ("in tptp_inputs_tfrees 3")
-      val probfile = prob_pathname() ^ "_" ^ string_of_int n
+      val classrel_cls = map ResClause.tptp_classrelClause classrel_clauses
+      val arity_cls = map ResClause.tptp_arity_clause arity_clauses
+      val probfile = prob_pathname() ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n
       val out = TextIO.openOut(probfile)
       ResLib.writeln_strs out (List.concat (map ResClause.tptp_clause axclauses));
-      ResLib.writeln_strs out (tfree_clss @ tptp_clss);
+      ResLib.writeln_strs out (tfree_clss @ tptp_clss @ classrel_cls @ arity_cls);
       TextIO.closeOut out;
       debug probfile
 (* write out a subgoal in DFG format to the file "xxxx_N"*)
-fun dfg_inputs_tfrees thms n axclauses = 
+fun dfg_inputs_tfrees thms n (axclauses,classrel_clauses,arity_clauses) = 
     let val clss = map (ResClause.make_conjecture_clause_thm) thms
-        val probfile = prob_pathname() ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int n)
+        val probfile = prob_pathname() ^ "_" ^ (Int.toString n)
+        (*FIXME: classrel_clauses and arity_clauses*)
         val _ = debug ("about to write out dfg prob file " ^ probfile)
-        val probN = ResClause.clauses2dfg clss (!problem_name ^ "_" ^ string_of_int n)
+        val probN = ResClause.clauses2dfg clss (!problem_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n)
                         axclauses [] [] []    
 	val out = TextIO.openOut(probfile)
@@ -104,7 +103,7 @@
             val goalstring = proofstring (Sign.string_of_term sign sg_term)
             val _ = debug ("goalstring in make_atp_lists is " ^ goalstring)
-            val probfile = prob_pathname() ^ "_" ^ string_of_int n
+            val probfile = prob_pathname() ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n
             val _ = debug ("problem file in watcher_call_provers is " ^ probfile)
             (*Avoid command arguments containing spaces: Poly/ML and SML/NJ
@@ -151,34 +150,31 @@
     debug "Sent commands to watcher!"
-(*We write out problem files for each subgoal, but work is repeated (skolemize)*)
-fun write_problem_files axclauses thm n =
+(*We write out problem files for each subgoal*)
+fun write_problem_files clause thm n =
     if n=0 then ()
-        (EVERY1 [rtac ccontr, ResLib.atomize_tac, skolemize_tac, 
+        (EVERY1 [rtac ccontr, ObjectLogic.atomize_tac, skolemize_tac, 
           METAHYPS(fn negs => 
             (if !prover = "spass" 
-             then dfg_inputs_tfrees (make_clauses negs) n axclauses
-             else tptp_inputs_tfrees (make_clauses negs) n axclauses;
-             write_problem_files axclauses thm (n-1); 
+             then dfg_inputs_tfrees (make_clauses negs) n clause
+             else tptp_inputs_tfrees (make_clauses negs) n clause;
+             write_problem_files clause thm (n-1); 
              all_tac))]) n thm;
 val last_watcher_pid = ref (NONE : Posix.Process.pid option);
-(* called in Isar automatically                                   *)
-(* writes out the current clasimpset to a tptp file               *)
-(* turns off xsymbol at start of function, restoring it at end    *)
-(*FIX changed to clasimp_file *)
+(*writes out the current clasimpset to a tptp file;
+  turns off xsymbol at start of function, restoring it at end    *)
 val isar_atp = setmp print_mode [] 
  (fn (ctxt, thm) =>
   if Thm.no_prems thm then ()
-      val _= debug ("in isar_atp")
+      val _= debug "in isar_atp"
       val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
       val prems = Thm.prems_of thm
       val prems_string = Meson.concat_with_and (map (Sign.string_of_term thy) prems)
@@ -193,13 +189,17 @@
       val (clause_arr, axclauses) = ResClasimp.get_clasimp_lemmas ctxt (hd prems) 
               (*FIXME: hack!! need to consider relevance for all prems*)
       val _ = debug ("claset and simprules total clauses = " ^ 
-                     string_of_int (Array.length clause_arr))
+                     Int.toString (Array.length clause_arr))
+      val classrel_clauses = ResTypesSorts.classrel_clauses_thy thy
+      val _ = debug ("classrel clauses = " ^ Int.toString (length classrel_clauses))
+      val arity_clauses = ResTypesSorts.arity_clause_thy thy
+      val _ = debug ("arity clauses = " ^ Int.toString (length arity_clauses))
       val (childin, childout, pid) = Watcher.createWatcher (thm, clause_arr)
       last_watcher_pid := SOME pid;
       debug ("subgoals: " ^ prems_string);
       debug ("pid: " ^ Int.toString (ResLib.intOfPid pid));
-      write_problem_files axclauses thm (length prems);
+      write_problem_files (axclauses,classrel_clauses,arity_clauses) thm (length prems);
       watcher_call_provers (sign_of_thm thm) (Thm.prems_of thm) (childin, childout, pid)
@@ -207,10 +207,14 @@
  (fn (ctxt, thm) =>
   if Thm.no_prems thm then ()
-    let val prems = Thm.prems_of thm
-        val (_, axclauses) = ResClasimp.get_clasimp_lemmas ctxt (hd prems) 
+    let 
+      val prems = Thm.prems_of thm
+      val (_, axclauses) = ResClasimp.get_clasimp_lemmas ctxt (hd prems) 
+      val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+      val classrel_clauses = ResTypesSorts.classrel_clauses_thy thy
+      val arity_clauses = ResTypesSorts.arity_clause_thy thy
-      write_problem_files axclauses thm (length prems)
+      write_problem_files (axclauses,classrel_clauses,arity_clauses) thm (length prems)
@@ -228,10 +232,10 @@
     debug ("subgoals in isar_atp: " ^ 
            Pretty.string_of (ProofContext.pretty_term ctxt
              (Logic.mk_conjunction_list (Thm.prems_of goal))));
-    debug ("number of subgoals in isar_atp: " ^ string_of_int (Thm.nprems_of goal));
+    debug ("number of subgoals in isar_atp: " ^ Int.toString (Thm.nprems_of goal));
     debug ("current theory: " ^ Context.theory_name thy);
     hook_count := !hook_count +1;
-    debug ("in hook for time: " ^(string_of_int (!hook_count)) );
+    debug ("in hook for time: " ^(Int.toString (!hook_count)) );
     ResClause.init thy;
     if !destdir = "" then isar_atp (ctxt, goal)
     else isar_atp_writeonly (ctxt, goal)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_clause.ML	Tue Sep 20 18:42:56 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_clause.ML	Tue Sep 20 18:43:39 2005 +0200
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
 val tfree_prefix = "t_";
 val clause_prefix = "cls_"; 
-val arclause_prefix = "arcls_" 
-val clrelclause_prefix = "relcls_";
+val arclause_prefix = "clsarity_" 
+val clrelclause_prefix = "clsrel_";
 val const_prefix = "c_";
 val tconst_prefix = "tc_"; 
@@ -124,13 +124,19 @@
+(* convert a list of strings into one single string; surrounded by brackets *)
+fun paren_pack strings = "(" ^ commas strings ^ ")";
+fun bracket_pack strings = "[" ^ commas strings ^ "]";
 (*Remove the initial ' character from a type variable, if it is present*)
 fun trim_type_var s =
   if s <> "" andalso String.sub(s,0) = #"'" then String.extract(s,1,NONE)
   else error ("trim_type: Malformed type variable encountered: " ^ s);
 fun ascii_of_indexname (v,0) = ascii_of v
-  | ascii_of_indexname (v,i) = ascii_of v ^ "_" ^ string_of_int i;
+  | ascii_of_indexname (v,i) = ascii_of v ^ "_" ^ Int.toString i;
 fun make_schematic_var v = schematic_var_prefix ^ (ascii_of_indexname v);
 fun make_fixed_var x = fixed_var_prefix ^ (ascii_of x);
@@ -287,7 +293,7 @@
 	  val funcs' = ResLib.flat_noDup funcslist
 	  val t = make_fixed_type_const a
-	  ((t ^ (ResLib.list_to_string folTyps)),(ts', (t, length Ts)::funcs') )
+	  ((t ^ paren_pack folTyps), (ts', (t, length Ts)::funcs') )
   | type_of (TFree (a, s)) = 
       let val t = make_fixed_type_var a
@@ -587,7 +593,7 @@
 fun get_TVars 0 = []
-  | get_TVars n = ("T_" ^ (string_of_int n)) :: get_TVars (n-1);
+  | get_TVars n = ("T_" ^ (Int.toString n)) :: get_TVars (n-1);
@@ -677,8 +683,8 @@
       let val terms' = map string_of_term terms
 	  if !keep_types andalso typ<>"" 
-	  then name ^ (ResLib.list_to_string (terms' @ [typ]))
-	  else name ^ (ResLib.list_to_string terms')
+	  then name ^ (paren_pack (terms' @ [typ]))
+	  else name ^ (paren_pack terms')
 (* before output the string of the predicate, check if the predicate corresponds to an equality or not. *)
@@ -689,16 +695,16 @@
       let val terms_as_strings = map string_of_term terms
 	  if !keep_types andalso typ<>""
-	  then name ^ (ResLib.list_to_string  (terms_as_strings @ [typ]))
-	  else name ^ (ResLib.list_to_string terms_as_strings) 
+	  then name ^ (paren_pack (terms_as_strings @ [typ]))
+	  else name ^ (paren_pack terms_as_strings) 
 fun string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) = 
-    clause_prefix ^ ascii_of ax_name ^ "_" ^ string_of_int cls_id;
+    clause_prefix ^ ascii_of ax_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString cls_id;
 fun string_of_type_clsname (cls_id,ax_name,idx) = 
-    string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) ^ "_tcs" ^ (string_of_int idx);
+    string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) ^ "_tcs" ^ (Int.toString idx);
@@ -796,8 +802,8 @@
       let val terms_as_strings = map string_of_term terms
 	  if !keep_types andalso typ<>""
-	  then name ^ (ResLib.list_to_string  (terms_as_strings @ [typ]))
-	  else name ^ (ResLib.list_to_string terms_as_strings) 
+	  then name ^ (paren_pack  (terms_as_strings @ [typ]))
+	  else name ^ (paren_pack terms_as_strings) 
@@ -826,7 +832,7 @@
 	cls_str :: (typ_clss 0 tfree_lits)
-fun string_of_arity (name, num) =  name ^ "," ^ (string_of_int num) 
+fun string_of_arity (name, num) =  name ^ "," ^ (Int.toString num) 
 fun string_of_preds preds = 
   "predicates[" ^ (concat_with ", " (map string_of_arity preds)) ^ "].\n";
@@ -924,42 +930,43 @@
 fun string_of_arClauseID (ArityClause arcls) =
-    arclause_prefix ^ string_of_int(#clause_id arcls);
-fun string_of_arLit (TConsLit(b,(c,t,args))) =
-    let val pol = if b then "++" else "--"
-	val arg_strs = (case args of [] => "" | _ => ResLib.list_to_string args)
-    in 
-	pol ^ c ^ "(" ^ t ^ arg_strs ^ ")"
-    end
-  | string_of_arLit (TVarLit(b,(c,str))) =
-    let val pol = if b then "++" else "--"
-    in
-	pol ^ c ^ "(" ^ str ^ ")"
-    end;
-fun string_of_conclLit (ArityClause arcls) = string_of_arLit (#conclLit arcls);
-fun strings_of_premLits (ArityClause arcls) = map string_of_arLit (#premLits arcls);
+    arclause_prefix ^ Int.toString(#clause_id arcls);
 fun string_of_arKind (ArityClause arcls) = name_of_kind(#kind arcls);
-(*FIX: would this have variables in a forall? *)
+(*FIXME!!! currently is TPTP format!*)
+fun dfg_of_arLit (TConsLit(b,(c,t,args))) =
+      let val pol = if b then "++" else "--"
+	  val arg_strs = (case args of [] => "" | _ => paren_pack args)
+      in 
+	  pol ^ c ^ "(" ^ t ^ arg_strs ^ ")"
+      end
+  | dfg_of_arLit (TVarLit(b,(c,str))) =
+      let val pol = if b then "++" else "--"
+      in
+	  pol ^ c ^ "(" ^ str ^ ")"
+      end;
+fun dfg_of_conclLit (ArityClause arcls) = dfg_of_arLit (#conclLit arcls);
+fun dfg_of_premLits (ArityClause arcls) = map dfg_of_arLit (#premLits arcls);
+(*FIXME: would this have variables in a forall? *)
 fun dfg_arity_clause arcls = 
-    let val arcls_id = string_of_arClauseID arcls
-	val concl_lit = string_of_conclLit arcls
-	val prems_lits = strings_of_premLits arcls
-	val knd = string_of_arKind arcls
-	val all_lits = concl_lit :: prems_lits
-    in
-	"clause( %(" ^ knd ^ ")\n" ^  "or( " ^ (ResLib.list_to_string' all_lits) ^ ")),\n" ^
-	 arcls_id ^  ")."
-    end;
+  let val arcls_id = string_of_arClauseID arcls
+      val concl_lit = dfg_of_conclLit arcls
+      val prems_lits = dfg_of_premLits arcls
+      val knd = string_of_arKind arcls
+      val all_lits = concl_lit :: prems_lits
+  in
+      "clause( %(" ^ knd ^ ")\n" ^  "or( " ^ (bracket_pack all_lits) ^ ")),\n" ^
+       arcls_id ^  ")."
+  end;
@@ -1009,7 +1016,7 @@
 	val cls_id = get_clause_id cls
 	val ax_name = get_axiomName cls
 	val knd = string_of_kind cls
-	val lits_str = ResLib.list_to_string' lits
+	val lits_str = bracket_pack lits
 	val cls_str = gen_tptp_cls(cls_id,ax_name,knd,lits_str) 			 
 	fun typ_clss k [] = []
           | typ_clss k (tfree :: tfrees) = 
@@ -1025,7 +1032,7 @@
 	val cls_id = get_clause_id cls
 	val ax_name = get_axiomName cls
 	val knd = string_of_kind cls
-	val lits_str = ResLib.list_to_string' lits
+	val lits_str = bracket_pack lits
 	val cls_str = gen_tptp_cls(cls_id,ax_name,knd,lits_str) 
@@ -1039,40 +1046,32 @@
 val tptp_clauses2str = ResLib.list2str_sep delim; 
-fun string_of_arClauseID (ArityClause arcls) =
-  arclause_prefix ^ string_of_int(#clause_id arcls);
-fun string_of_arLit (TConsLit(b,(c,t,args))) =
-    let val pol = if b then "++" else "--"
-	val  arg_strs = (case args of [] => "" | _ => ResLib.list_to_string args)
-    in 
-	pol ^ c ^ "(" ^ t ^ arg_strs ^ ")"
-    end
-  | string_of_arLit (TVarLit(b,(c,str))) =
-    let val pol = if b then "++" else "--"
-    in
-	pol ^ c ^ "(" ^ str ^ ")"
-    end;
+fun tptp_of_arLit (TConsLit(b,(c,t,args))) =
+      let val pol = if b then "++" else "--"
+	  val  arg_strs = (case args of [] => "" | _ => paren_pack args)
+      in 
+	  pol ^ c ^ "(" ^ t ^ arg_strs ^ ")"
+      end
+  | tptp_of_arLit (TVarLit(b,(c,str))) =
+      let val pol = if b then "++" else "--"
+      in
+	  pol ^ c ^ "(" ^ str ^ ")"
+      end;
-fun string_of_conclLit (ArityClause arcls) = string_of_arLit (#conclLit arcls);
+fun tptp_of_conclLit (ArityClause arcls) = tptp_of_arLit (#conclLit arcls);
-fun strings_of_premLits (ArityClause arcls) =
- map string_of_arLit (#premLits arcls);
+fun tptp_of_premLits (ArityClause arcls) = map tptp_of_arLit (#premLits arcls);
-fun string_of_arKind (ArityClause arcls) = name_of_kind(#kind arcls);
 fun tptp_arity_clause arcls = 
     let val arcls_id = string_of_arClauseID arcls
-	val concl_lit = string_of_conclLit arcls
-	val prems_lits = strings_of_premLits arcls
+	val concl_lit = tptp_of_conclLit arcls
+	val prems_lits = tptp_of_premLits arcls
 	val knd = string_of_arKind arcls
 	val all_lits = concl_lit :: prems_lits
 	"input_clause(" ^ arcls_id ^ "," ^ knd ^ "," ^ 
-	(ResLib.list_to_string' all_lits) ^ ")."
+	(bracket_pack all_lits) ^ ")."
 fun tptp_classrelLits sub sup = 
@@ -1084,7 +1083,7 @@
 fun tptp_classrelClause (ClassrelClause cls) =
-    let val relcls_id = clrelclause_prefix ^ string_of_int(#clause_id cls)
+    let val relcls_id = clrelclause_prefix ^ Int.toString(#clause_id cls)
 	val sub = #subclass cls
 	val sup = #superclass cls
 	val lits = tptp_classrelLits sub sup
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_lib.ML	Tue Sep 20 18:42:56 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_lib.ML	Tue Sep 20 18:43:39 2005 +0200
@@ -8,16 +8,12 @@
 signature RES_LIB =
-val atomize_tac : int -> tactic
 val flat_noDup : ''a list list -> ''a list
 val helper_path : string -> string -> string
 val list2str_sep : string -> string list -> string
-val list_to_string : string list -> string
-val list_to_string' : string list -> string
 val no_rep_add : ''a -> ''a list -> ''a list
 val no_rep_app : ''a list -> ''a list -> ''a list
 val pair_ins : 'a -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list
-val trim_ends : string -> string
 val write_strs : TextIO.outstream -> TextIO.vector list -> unit
 val writeln_strs : TextIO.outstream -> TextIO.vector list -> unit
 val intOfPid : Posix.Process.pid -> Int.int
@@ -28,42 +24,6 @@
 structure ResLib : RES_LIB =
-val atomize_tac =
-  (fn (prop,_) =>
-    let val ts = Logic.strip_assums_hyp prop
-        val atom = ObjectLogic.atomize_thm o forall_intr_vars
-    in EVERY1
-	  (fn hyps => cut_facts_tac (map atom hyps) 1),
-         REPEAT_DETERM_N (length ts) o (etac thin_rl)]
-  end);
-(*Remove both ends from the string (presumably quotation marks?)*)
-fun trim_ends s = String.substring(s,1,String.size s - 2);
-(* convert a list of strings into one single string; surrounded by brackets *)
-fun list_to_string strings =
-	fun str_of [s]      = s
-	  | str_of (s1::ss) = s1 ^ "," ^ (str_of ss)
-	  | str_of _        = ""
-	"(" ^ str_of strings ^ ")"
-fun list_to_string' strings =
-	fun str_of [s]      = s
-	  | str_of (s1::ss) = s1 ^ "," ^ (str_of ss)
-	  | str_of _        = ""
-	"[" ^ str_of strings ^ "]"
-(* remove some chars (not allowed by TPTP format) from a string *)
 fun no_rep_add x []     = [x]
   | no_rep_add x (y::z) = if x=y then y::z else y::(no_rep_add x z);
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_types_sorts.ML	Tue Sep 20 18:42:56 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_types_sorts.ML	Tue Sep 20 18:43:39 2005 +0200
@@ -10,16 +10,11 @@
   exception ARITIES of string
   val arity_clause: string * (string * string list list) list -> ResClause.arityClause list
-  val arity_clause_thy: theory -> ResClause.arityClause list list * (string * 'a list) list
+  val arity_clause_thy: theory -> ResClause.arityClause list 
   type classrelClauses
   val classrel_clause: string * string list -> ResClause.classrelClause list
   val classrel_clauses_classrel: Sorts.classes -> ResClause.classrelClause list list
-  val classrel_clauses_thy: theory -> ResClause.classrelClause list list
-  val multi_arity_clause:
-    (string * (string * string list list) list) list ->
-    (string * 'a list) list ->
-    ResClause.arityClause list list * (string * 'a list) list
-  val tptp_arity_clause_thy: theory -> string list list
+  val classrel_clauses_thy: theory -> ResClause.classrelClause list 
 structure ResTypesSorts: RES_TYPES_SORTS =
@@ -38,15 +33,12 @@
   | multi_arity_clause ((tcon, []) :: tcons_ars) expts =
       multi_arity_clause tcons_ars ((tcon, []) :: expts)
   | multi_arity_clause (tcon_ar :: tcons_ars) expts =
-      let val result = multi_arity_clause tcons_ars expts
-      in ((arity_clause tcon_ar :: fst result), snd result) end;
+      let val (cls,ary) = multi_arity_clause tcons_ars expts
+      in ((arity_clause tcon_ar @ cls), ary) end;
 fun arity_clause_thy thy =
   let val arities = #arities (Type.rep_tsig (Sign.tsig_of thy))
-  in multi_arity_clause (Symtab.dest arities) [] end;
-fun tptp_arity_clause_thy thy =
-  map (map ResClause.tptp_arity_clause) (#1 (arity_clause_thy thy));
+  in #1 (multi_arity_clause (Symtab.dest arities) []) end;
 (* Isabelle classes *)
@@ -56,9 +48,6 @@
 val classrel_of = #2 o #classes o Type.rep_tsig o Sign.tsig_of;
 val classrel_clause = ResClause.classrelClauses_of;
 fun classrel_clauses_classrel (C: Sorts.classes) = map classrel_clause (Graph.dest C);
-val classrel_clauses_thy = classrel_clauses_classrel o classrel_of;
-val tptp_classrel_clauses_thy =
-  map (map ResClause.tptp_classrelClause) o classrel_clauses_thy;
+val classrel_clauses_thy = List.concat o classrel_clauses_classrel o classrel_of;