express weak pullback property of bnfs only in terms of the relator
Wed, 18 Dec 2013 11:03:40 +0100
changeset 54841 af71b753c459
parent 54840 fac0c76bbda2
child 54842 a020f7d74fed
express weak pullback property of bnfs only in terms of the relator
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/BNF.thy	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/BNF.thy	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 hide_const (open) image2 image2p vimage2p Gr Grp collect fsts snds setl setr 
-  convol thePull pick_middlep fstOp sndOp csquare inver
-  image2 relImage relInvImage prefCl PrefCl Succ Shift shift
+  convol pick_middlep fstOp sndOp csquare inver relImage relInvImage
+  prefCl PrefCl Succ Shift shift
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/BNF_Comp.thy	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/BNF_Comp.thy	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@
 imports Basic_BNFs
-lemma wpull_id: "wpull UNIV B1 B2 id id id id"
-unfolding wpull_def by simp
 lemma empty_natural: "(\<lambda>_. {}) o f = image g o (\<lambda>_. {})"
 by (rule ext) simp
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/BNF_Def.thy	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/BNF_Def.thy	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -39,56 +39,13 @@
 definition csquare where
 "csquare A f1 f2 p1 p2 \<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall> a \<in> A. f1 (p1 a) = f2 (p2 a))"
-(* The pullback of sets *)
-definition thePull where
-"thePull B1 B2 f1 f2 = {(b1,b2). b1 \<in> B1 \<and> b2 \<in> B2 \<and> f1 b1 = f2 b2}"
-lemma wpull_thePull:
-"wpull (thePull B1 B2 f1 f2) B1 B2 f1 f2 fst snd"
-unfolding wpull_def thePull_def by auto
-lemma wppull_thePull:
-assumes "wppull A B1 B2 f1 f2 e1 e2 p1 p2"
-"\<exists> j. \<forall> a' \<in> thePull B1 B2 f1 f2.
-   j a' \<in> A \<and>
-   e1 (p1 (j a')) = e1 (fst a') \<and> e2 (p2 (j a')) = e2 (snd a')"
-(is "\<exists> j. \<forall> a' \<in> ?A'. ?phi a' (j a')")
-proof(rule bchoice[of ?A' ?phi], default)
-  fix a' assume a': "a' \<in> ?A'"
-  hence "fst a' \<in> B1" unfolding thePull_def by auto
-  moreover
-  from a' have "snd a' \<in> B2" unfolding thePull_def by auto
-  moreover have "f1 (fst a') = f2 (snd a')"
-  using a' unfolding csquare_def thePull_def by auto
-  ultimately show "\<exists> ja'. ?phi a' ja'"
-  using assms unfolding wppull_def by blast
-lemma wpull_wppull:
-assumes wp: "wpull A' B1 B2 f1 f2 p1' p2'" and
-1: "\<forall> a' \<in> A'. j a' \<in> A \<and> e1 (p1 (j a')) = e1 (p1' a') \<and> e2 (p2 (j a')) = e2 (p2' a')"
-shows "wppull A B1 B2 f1 f2 e1 e2 p1 p2"
-unfolding wppull_def proof safe
-  fix b1 b2
-  assume b1: "b1 \<in> B1" and b2: "b2 \<in> B2" and f: "f1 b1 = f2 b2"
-  then obtain a' where a': "a' \<in> A'" and b1: "b1 = p1' a'" and b2: "b2 = p2' a'"
-  using wp unfolding wpull_def by blast
-  show "\<exists>a\<in>A. e1 (p1 a) = e1 b1 \<and> e2 (p2 a) = e2 b2"
-  apply (rule bexI[of _ "j a'"]) unfolding b1 b2 using a' 1 by auto
-lemma wppull_id: "\<lbrakk>wpull UNIV UNIV UNIV f1 f2 p1 p2; e1 = id; e2 = id\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
-   wppull UNIV UNIV UNIV f1 f2 e1 e2 p1 p2"
-by (erule wpull_wppull) auto
 lemma eq_alt: "op = = Grp UNIV id"
 unfolding Grp_def by auto
 lemma leq_conversepI: "R = op = \<Longrightarrow> R \<le> R^--1"
   by auto
-lemma eq_OOI: "R = op = \<Longrightarrow> R = R OO R"
+lemma leq_OOI: "R = op = \<Longrightarrow> R \<le> R OO R"
   by auto
 lemma OO_Grp_alt: "(Grp A f)^--1 OO Grp A g = (\<lambda>x y. \<exists>z. z \<in> A \<and> f z = x \<and> g z = y)"
@@ -142,11 +99,6 @@
 "csquare (Collect (split (P OO Q))) snd fst (fstOp P Q) (sndOp P Q)"
 unfolding csquare_def fstOp_def sndOp_def using pick_middlep by simp
-lemma wppull_fstOp_sndOp:
-shows "wppull (Collect (split (P OO Q))) (Collect (split P)) (Collect (split Q))
-  snd fst fst snd (fstOp P Q) (sndOp P Q)"
-using pick_middlep unfolding wppull_def fstOp_def sndOp_def relcompp.simps by auto
 lemma snd_fst_flip: "snd xy = (fst o (%(x, y). (y, x))) xy"
 by (simp split: prod.split)
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/BNF_GFP.thy	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/BNF_GFP.thy	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -254,29 +254,6 @@
 "\<lbrakk>|A| \<le>o r; Card_order r; b \<in> A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> fromCard A r (toCard A r b) = b"
 unfolding fromCard_def by (rule some_equality) (auto simp add: toCard_inj)
-(* pick according to the weak pullback *)
-definition pickWP where
-"pickWP A p1 p2 b1 b2 \<equiv> SOME a. a \<in> A \<and> p1 a = b1 \<and> p2 a = b2"
-lemma pickWP_pred:
-assumes "wpull A B1 B2 f1 f2 p1 p2" and
-"b1 \<in> B1" and "b2 \<in> B2" and "f1 b1 = f2 b2"
-shows "\<exists> a. a \<in> A \<and> p1 a = b1 \<and> p2 a = b2"
-using assms unfolding wpull_def by blast
-lemma pickWP_raw:
-assumes "wpull A B1 B2 f1 f2 p1 p2" and
-"b1 \<in> B1" and "b2 \<in> B2" and "f1 b1 = f2 b2"
-shows "pickWP A p1 p2 b1 b2 \<in> A
-       \<and> p1 (pickWP A p1 p2 b1 b2) = b1
-       \<and> p2 (pickWP A p1 p2 b1 b2) = b2"
-unfolding pickWP_def using assms someI_ex[OF pickWP_pred] by fastforce
-lemmas pickWP =
-  pickWP_raw[THEN conjunct1]
-  pickWP_raw[THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct1]
-  pickWP_raw[THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2]
 lemma Inl_Field_csum: "a \<in> Field r \<Longrightarrow> Inl a \<in> Field (r +c s)"
 unfolding Field_card_of csum_def by auto
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/BNF_LFP.thy	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/BNF_LFP.thy	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -224,6 +224,10 @@
   shows "PROP P x y"
 by (rule `(\<And>x y. PROP P x y)`)
+lemma nchotomy_relcomppE:
+  "\<lbrakk>\<And>y. \<exists>x. y = f x; (r OO s) a c; (\<And>b. r a (f b) \<Longrightarrow> s (f b) c \<Longrightarrow> P)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
+  by (metis relcompp.cases)
 lemma vimage2p_fun_rel: "(fun_rel (vimage2p f g R) R) f g"
   unfolding fun_rel_def vimage2p_def by auto
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/BNF_Util.thy	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/BNF_Util.thy	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -17,17 +17,6 @@
 definition collect where
 "collect F x = (\<Union>f \<in> F. f x)"
-(* Weak pullbacks: *)
-definition wpull where
-"wpull A B1 B2 f1 f2 p1 p2 \<longleftrightarrow>
- (\<forall> b1 b2. b1 \<in> B1 \<and> b2 \<in> B2 \<and> f1 b1 = f2 b2 \<longrightarrow> (\<exists> a \<in> A. p1 a = b1 \<and> p2 a = b2))"
-(* Weak pseudo-pullbacks *)
-definition wppull where
-"wppull A B1 B2 f1 f2 e1 e2 p1 p2 \<longleftrightarrow>
- (\<forall> b1 b2. b1 \<in> B1 \<and> b2 \<in> B2 \<and> f1 b1 = f2 b2 \<longrightarrow>
-           (\<exists> a \<in> A. e1 (p1 a) = e1 b1 \<and> e2 (p2 a) = e2 b2))"
 lemma fstI: "x = (y, z) \<Longrightarrow> fst x = y"
 by simp
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/Basic_BNFs.thy	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/Basic_BNFs.thy	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -17,9 +17,6 @@
-lemma wpull_Grp_def: "wpull A B1 B2 f1 f2 p1 p2 \<longleftrightarrow> Grp B1 f1 OO (Grp B2 f2)\<inverse>\<inverse> \<le> (Grp A p1)\<inverse>\<inverse> OO Grp A p2"
-  unfolding wpull_def Grp_def by auto
 bnf ID: 'a
   map: "id :: ('a \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'b"
   sets: "\<lambda>x. {x}"
@@ -34,7 +31,7 @@
   map: "id :: 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
   bd: "natLeq +c |UNIV :: 'a set|"
   rel: "op = :: 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
-by (auto simp add: wpull_Grp_def Grp_def
+by (auto simp add: Grp_def
   card_order_csum natLeq_card_order card_of_card_order_on
   cinfinite_csum natLeq_cinfinite)
@@ -93,47 +90,9 @@
     apply (rule finite_iff_ordLess_natLeq[THEN iffD1])
     by (simp add: setr_def split: sum.split)
-  fix A1 A2 B11 B12 B21 B22 f11 f12 f21 f22 p11 p12 p21 p22
-  assume "wpull A1 B11 B21 f11 f21 p11 p21" "wpull A2 B12 B22 f12 f22 p12 p22"
-  hence
-    pull1: "\<And>b1 b2. \<lbrakk>b1 \<in> B11; b2 \<in> B21; f11 b1 = f21 b2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>a \<in> A1. p11 a = b1 \<and> p21 a = b2"
-    and pull2: "\<And>b1 b2. \<lbrakk>b1 \<in> B12; b2 \<in> B22; f12 b1 = f22 b2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>a \<in> A2. p12 a = b1 \<and> p22 a = b2"
-    unfolding wpull_def by blast+
-  show "wpull {x. setl x \<subseteq> A1 \<and> setr x \<subseteq> A2}
-  {x. setl x \<subseteq> B11 \<and> setr x \<subseteq> B12} {x. setl x \<subseteq> B21 \<and> setr x \<subseteq> B22}
-  (sum_map f11 f12) (sum_map f21 f22) (sum_map p11 p12) (sum_map p21 p22)"
-    (is "wpull ?in ?in1 ?in2 ?mapf1 ?mapf2 ?mapp1 ?mapp2")
-  proof (unfold wpull_def)
-    { fix B1 B2
-      assume *: "B1 \<in> ?in1" "B2 \<in> ?in2" "?mapf1 B1 = ?mapf2 B2"
-      have "\<exists>A \<in> ?in. ?mapp1 A = B1 \<and> ?mapp2 A = B2"
-      proof (cases B1)
-        case (Inl b1)
-        { fix b2 assume "B2 = Inr b2"
-          with Inl *(3) have False by simp
-        } then obtain b2 where Inl': "B2 = Inl b2" by (cases B2) (simp, blast)
-        with Inl * have "b1 \<in> B11" "b2 \<in> B21" "f11 b1 = f21 b2"
-        by (simp add: setl_def)+
-        with pull1 obtain a where "a \<in> A1" "p11 a = b1" "p21 a = b2" by blast+
-        with Inl Inl' have "Inl a \<in> ?in" "?mapp1 (Inl a) = B1 \<and> ?mapp2 (Inl a) = B2"
-        by (simp add: sum_set_defs)+
-        thus ?thesis by blast
-      next
-        case (Inr b1)
-        { fix b2 assume "B2 = Inl b2"
-          with Inr *(3) have False by simp
-        } then obtain b2 where Inr': "B2 = Inr b2" by (cases B2) (simp, blast)
-        with Inr * have "b1 \<in> B12" "b2 \<in> B22" "f12 b1 = f22 b2"
-        by (simp add: sum_set_defs)+
-        with pull2 obtain a where "a \<in> A2" "p12 a = b1" "p22 a = b2" by blast+
-        with Inr Inr' have "Inr a \<in> ?in" "?mapp1 (Inr a) = B1 \<and> ?mapp2 (Inr a) = B2"
-        by (simp add: sum_set_defs)+
-        thus ?thesis by blast
-      qed
-    }
-    thus "\<forall>B1 B2. B1 \<in> ?in1 \<and> B2 \<in> ?in2 \<and> ?mapf1 B1 = ?mapf2 B2 \<longrightarrow>
-      (\<exists>A \<in> ?in. ?mapp1 A = B1 \<and> ?mapp2 A = B2)" by fastforce
-  qed
+  fix R1 R2 S1 S2
+  show "sum_rel R1 R2 OO sum_rel S1 S2 \<le> sum_rel (R1 OO S1) (R2 OO S2)"
+    by (auto simp: sum_rel_def split: sum.splits)
   fix R S
   show "sum_rel R S =
@@ -187,12 +146,8 @@
   show "|{snd x}| \<le>o natLeq"
     by (metis ordLess_imp_ordLeq finite_iff_ordLess_natLeq finite.emptyI finite_insert)
-  fix A1 A2 B11 B12 B21 B22 f11 f12 f21 f22 p11 p12 p21 p22
-  assume "wpull A1 B11 B21 f11 f21 p11 p21" "wpull A2 B12 B22 f12 f22 p12 p22"
-  thus "wpull {x. {fst x} \<subseteq> A1 \<and> {snd x} \<subseteq> A2}
-    {x. {fst x} \<subseteq> B11 \<and> {snd x} \<subseteq> B12} {x. {fst x} \<subseteq> B21 \<and> {snd x} \<subseteq> B22}
-   (map_pair f11 f12) (map_pair f21 f22) (map_pair p11 p12) (map_pair p21 p22)"
-    unfolding wpull_def by simp fast
+  fix R1 R2 S1 S2
+  show "prod_rel R1 R2 OO prod_rel S1 S2 \<le> prod_rel (R1 OO S1) (R2 OO S2)" by auto
   fix R S
   show "prod_rel R S =
@@ -202,26 +157,6 @@
   by auto
-(* Categorical version of pullback: *)
-lemma wpull_cat:
-assumes p: "wpull A B1 B2 f1 f2 p1 p2"
-and c: "f1 o q1 = f2 o q2"
-and r: "range q1 \<subseteq> B1" "range q2 \<subseteq> B2"
-obtains h where "range h \<subseteq> A \<and> q1 = p1 o h \<and> q2 = p2 o h"
-  have *: "\<forall>d. \<exists>a \<in> A. p1 a = q1 d & p2 a = q2 d"
-  proof safe
-    fix d
-    have "f1 (q1 d) = f2 (q2 d)" using c unfolding comp_def[abs_def] by (rule fun_cong)
-    moreover
-    have "q1 d : B1" "q2 d : B2" using r unfolding image_def by auto
-    ultimately show "\<exists>a \<in> A. p1 a = q1 d \<and> p2 a = q2 d"
-      using p unfolding wpull_def by auto
-  qed
-  then obtain h where "!! d. h d \<in> A & p1 (h d) = q1 d & p2 (h d) = q2 d" by metis
-  thus ?thesis using that by fastforce
 bnf "'a \<Rightarrow> 'b"
   map: "op \<circ>"
   sets: range
@@ -255,16 +190,8 @@
   also have "?U \<le>o natLeq +c ?U" by (rule ordLeq_csum2) (rule card_of_Card_order)
   finally show "|range f| \<le>o natLeq +c ?U" .
-  fix A B1 B2 f1 f2 p1 p2 assume p: "wpull A B1 B2 f1 f2 p1 p2"
-  show "wpull {h. range h \<subseteq> A} {g1. range g1 \<subseteq> B1} {g2. range g2 \<subseteq> B2}
-    (op \<circ> f1) (op \<circ> f2) (op \<circ> p1) (op \<circ> p2)"
-  unfolding wpull_def
-  proof safe
-    fix g1 g2 assume r: "range g1 \<subseteq> B1" "range g2 \<subseteq> B2"
-    and c: "f1 \<circ> g1 = f2 \<circ> g2"
-    show "\<exists>h \<in> {h. range h \<subseteq> A}. p1 \<circ> h = g1 \<and> p2 \<circ> h = g2"
-    using wpull_cat[OF p c r] by simp metis
-  qed
+  fix R S
+  show "fun_rel op = R OO fun_rel op = S \<le> fun_rel op = (R OO S)" by (auto simp: fun_rel_def)
   fix R
   show "fun_rel op = R =
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/Countable_Set_Type.thy	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/Countable_Set_Type.thy	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -176,31 +176,9 @@
   fix C show "|rcset C| \<le>o natLeq" by transfer (unfold countable_card_le_natLeq)
-  fix A B1 B2 f1 f2 p1 p2
-  assume wp: "wpull A B1 B2 f1 f2 p1 p2"
-  show "wpull {x. rcset x \<subseteq> A} {x. rcset x \<subseteq> B1} {x. rcset x \<subseteq> B2}
-              (cimage f1) (cimage f2) (cimage p1) (cimage p2)"
-  unfolding wpull_def proof safe
-    fix y1 y2
-    assume Y1: "rcset y1 \<subseteq> B1" and Y2: "rcset y2 \<subseteq> B2"
-    assume "cimage f1 y1 = cimage f2 y2"
-    hence EQ: "f1 ` (rcset y1) = f2 ` (rcset y2)" by transfer
-    with Y1 Y2 obtain X where X: "X \<subseteq> A"
-    and Y1: "p1 ` X = rcset y1" and Y2: "p2 ` X = rcset y2"
-    using wpull_image[OF wp] unfolding wpull_def Pow_def Bex_def mem_Collect_eq
-      by (auto elim!: allE[of _ "rcset y1"] allE[of _ "rcset y2"])
-    have "\<forall> y1' \<in> rcset y1. \<exists> x. x \<in> X \<and> y1' = p1 x" using Y1 by auto
-    then obtain q1 where q1: "\<forall> y1' \<in> rcset y1. q1 y1' \<in> X \<and> y1' = p1 (q1 y1')" by metis
-    have "\<forall> y2' \<in> rcset y2. \<exists> x. x \<in> X \<and> y2' = p2 x" using Y2 by auto
-    then obtain q2 where q2: "\<forall> y2' \<in> rcset y2. q2 y2' \<in> X \<and> y2' = p2 (q2 y2')" by metis
-    def X' \<equiv> "q1 ` (rcset y1) \<union> q2 ` (rcset y2)"
-    have X': "X' \<subseteq> A" and Y1: "p1 ` X' = rcset y1" and Y2: "p2 ` X' = rcset y2"
-    using X Y1 Y2 q1 q2 unfolding X'_def by fast+
-    have fX': "countable X'" unfolding X'_def by simp
-    then obtain x where X'eq: "X' = rcset x" by transfer blast
-    show "\<exists>x\<in>{x. rcset x \<subseteq> A}. cimage p1 x = y1 \<and> cimage p2 x = y2"
-      using X' Y1 Y2 unfolding X'eq by (intro bexI[of _ "x"]) (transfer, auto)
-  qed
+  fix R S
+  show "cset_rel R OO cset_rel S \<le> cset_rel (R OO S)"
+    unfolding cset_rel_def[abs_def] by fast
   fix R
   show "cset_rel R =
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/More_BNFs.thy	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/More_BNFs.thy	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -50,18 +50,9 @@
   show "|Option.set x| \<le>o natLeq"
     by (cases x) (simp_all add: ordLess_imp_ordLeq finite_iff_ordLess_natLeq[symmetric])
-  fix A B1 B2 f1 f2 p1 p2
-  assume wpull: "wpull A B1 B2 f1 f2 p1 p2"
-  show "wpull {x. Option.set x \<subseteq> A} {x. Option.set x \<subseteq> B1} {x. Option.set x \<subseteq> B2}
-    ( f1) ( f2) ( p1) ( p2)"
-    (is "wpull ?A ?B1 ?B2 ?f1 ?f2 ?p1 ?p2")
-    unfolding wpull_def
-  proof (intro strip, elim conjE)
-    fix b1 b2
-    assume "b1 \<in> ?B1" "b2 \<in> ?B2" "?f1 b1 = ?f2 b2"
-    thus "\<exists>a \<in> ?A. ?p1 a = b1 \<and> ?p2 a = b2" using wpull
-      unfolding wpull_def by (cases b2) (auto 4 5)
-  qed
+  fix R S
+  show "option_rel R OO option_rel S \<le> option_rel (R OO S)"
+    by (auto simp: option_rel_def split: option.splits)
   fix z
   assume "z \<in> Option.set None"
@@ -76,28 +67,6 @@
            split: option.splits)
-lemma wpull_map:
-  assumes "wpull A B1 B2 f1 f2 p1 p2"
-  shows "wpull {x. set x \<subseteq> A} {x. set x \<subseteq> B1} {x. set x \<subseteq> B2} (map f1) (map f2) (map p1) (map p2)"
-    (is "wpull ?A ?B1 ?B2 _ _ _ _")
-proof (unfold wpull_def)
-  { fix as bs assume *: "as \<in> ?B1" "bs \<in> ?B2" "map f1 as = map f2 bs"
-    hence "length as = length bs" by (metis length_map)
-    hence "\<exists>zs \<in> ?A. map p1 zs = as \<and> map p2 zs = bs" using *
-    proof (induct as bs rule: list_induct2)
-      case (Cons a as b bs)
-      hence "a \<in> B1" "b \<in> B2" "f1 a = f2 b" by auto
-      with assms obtain z where "z \<in> A" "p1 z = a" "p2 z = b" unfolding wpull_def by blast
-      moreover
-      from Cons obtain zs where "zs \<in> ?A" "map p1 zs = as" "map p2 zs = bs" by auto
-      ultimately have "z # zs \<in> ?A" "map p1 (z # zs) = a # as \<and> map p2 (z # zs) = b # bs" by auto
-      thus ?case by (rule_tac x = "z # zs" in bexI)
-    qed simp
-  }
-  thus "\<forall>as bs. as \<in> ?B1 \<and> bs \<in> ?B2 \<and> map f1 as = map f2 bs \<longrightarrow>
-    (\<exists>zs \<in> ?A. map p1 zs = as \<and> map p2 zs = bs)" by blast
 bnf "'a list"
   map: map
   sets: set
@@ -125,50 +94,21 @@
   show "|set x| \<le>o natLeq"
     by (metis List.finite_set finite_iff_ordLess_natLeq ordLess_imp_ordLeq)
+  fix R S
+  show "list_all2 R OO list_all2 S \<le> list_all2 (R OO S)"
+    by (metis list_all2_OO order_refl)
   fix R
   show "list_all2 R =
          (Grp {x. set x \<subseteq> {(x, y). R x y}} (map fst))\<inverse>\<inverse> OO
          Grp {x. set x \<subseteq> {(x, y). R x y}} (map snd)"
     unfolding list_all2_def[abs_def] Grp_def fun_eq_iff relcompp.simps conversep.simps
     by (force simp: zip_map_fst_snd)
-qed (simp add: wpull_map)+
+qed simp_all
 (* Finite sets *)
-lemma wpull_image:
-  assumes "wpull A B1 B2 f1 f2 p1 p2"
-  shows "wpull (Pow A) (Pow B1) (Pow B2) (image f1) (image f2) (image p1) (image p2)"
-unfolding wpull_def Pow_def Bex_def mem_Collect_eq proof clarify
-  fix Y1 Y2 assume Y1: "Y1 \<subseteq> B1" and Y2: "Y2 \<subseteq> B2" and EQ: "f1 ` Y1 = f2 ` Y2"
-  def X \<equiv> "{a \<in> A. p1 a \<in> Y1 \<and> p2 a \<in> Y2}"
-  show "\<exists>X\<subseteq>A. p1 ` X = Y1 \<and> p2 ` X = Y2"
-  proof (rule exI[of _ X], intro conjI)
-    show "p1 ` X = Y1"
-    proof
-      show "Y1 \<subseteq> p1 ` X"
-      proof safe
-        fix y1 assume y1: "y1 \<in> Y1"
-        then obtain y2 where y2: "y2 \<in> Y2" and eq: "f1 y1 = f2 y2" using EQ by auto
-        then obtain x where "x \<in> A" and "p1 x = y1" and "p2 x = y2"
-        using assms y1 Y1 Y2 unfolding wpull_def by blast
-        thus "y1 \<in> p1 ` X" unfolding X_def using y1 y2 by auto
-      qed
-    qed(unfold X_def, auto)
-    show "p2 ` X = Y2"
-    proof
-      show "Y2 \<subseteq> p2 ` X"
-      proof safe
-        fix y2 assume y2: "y2 \<in> Y2"
-        then obtain y1 where y1: "y1 \<in> Y1" and eq: "f1 y1 = f2 y2" using EQ by force
-        then obtain x where "x \<in> A" and "p1 x = y1" and "p2 x = y2"
-        using assms y2 Y1 Y2 unfolding wpull_def by blast
-        thus "y2 \<in> p2 ` X" unfolding X_def using y1 y2 by auto
-      qed
-    qed(unfold X_def, auto)
-  qed(unfold X_def, auto)
 includes fset.lifting
@@ -206,31 +146,6 @@
   by (transfer, clarsimp, metis fst_conv)
-lemma wpull_fimage:
-  assumes "wpull A B1 B2 f1 f2 p1 p2"
-  shows "wpull {x. fset x \<subseteq> A} {x. fset x \<subseteq> B1} {x. fset x \<subseteq> B2}
-              (fimage f1) (fimage f2) (fimage p1) (fimage p2)"
-unfolding wpull_def Pow_def Bex_def mem_Collect_eq proof clarify
-  fix y1 y2
-  assume Y1: "fset y1 \<subseteq> B1" and Y2: "fset y2 \<subseteq> B2"
-  assume "fimage f1 y1 = fimage f2 y2"
-  hence EQ: "f1 ` (fset y1) = f2 ` (fset y2)" by transfer simp
-  with Y1 Y2 obtain X where X: "X \<subseteq> A" and Y1: "p1 ` X = fset y1" and Y2: "p2 ` X = fset y2"
-    using wpull_image[OF assms] unfolding wpull_def Pow_def
-    by (auto elim!: allE[of _ "fset y1"] allE[of _ "fset y2"])
-  have "\<forall> y1' \<in> fset y1. \<exists> x. x \<in> X \<and> y1' = p1 x" using Y1 by auto
-  then obtain q1 where q1: "\<forall> y1' \<in> fset y1. q1 y1' \<in> X \<and> y1' = p1 (q1 y1')" by metis
-  have "\<forall> y2' \<in> fset y2. \<exists> x. x \<in> X \<and> y2' = p2 x" using Y2 by auto
-  then obtain q2 where q2: "\<forall> y2' \<in> fset y2. q2 y2' \<in> X \<and> y2' = p2 (q2 y2')" by metis
-  def X' \<equiv> "q1 ` (fset y1) \<union> q2 ` (fset y2)"
-  have X': "X' \<subseteq> A" and Y1: "p1 ` X' = fset y1" and Y2: "p2 ` X' = fset y2"
-  using X Y1 Y2 q1 q2 unfolding X'_def by auto
-  have fX': "finite X'" unfolding X'_def by transfer simp
-  then obtain x where X'eq: "X' = fset x" by transfer simp
-  show "\<exists>x. fset x \<subseteq> A \<and> fimage p1 x = y1 \<and> fimage p2 x = y2"
-     using X' Y1 Y2 by (auto simp: X'eq intro!: exI[of _ "x"]) (transfer, blast)+
 bnf "'a fset"
   map: fimage
   sets: fset 
@@ -245,7 +160,7 @@
       apply (rule natLeq_card_order)
      apply (rule natLeq_cinfinite)
     apply transfer apply (metis ordLess_imp_ordLeq finite_iff_ordLess_natLeq)
-  apply (erule wpull_fimage)
+   apply (fastforce simp: fset_rel_alt)
  apply (simp add: Grp_def relcompp.simps conversep.simps fun_eq_iff fset_rel_alt fset_rel_aux) 
 apply transfer apply simp
@@ -550,6 +465,62 @@
   show ?thesis unfolding A using finite_cartesian_product[OF assms] by auto
+(* Weak pullbacks: *)
+definition wpull where
+"wpull A B1 B2 f1 f2 p1 p2 \<longleftrightarrow>
+ (\<forall> b1 b2. b1 \<in> B1 \<and> b2 \<in> B2 \<and> f1 b1 = f2 b2 \<longrightarrow> (\<exists> a \<in> A. p1 a = b1 \<and> p2 a = b2))"
+(* Weak pseudo-pullbacks *)
+definition wppull where
+"wppull A B1 B2 f1 f2 e1 e2 p1 p2 \<longleftrightarrow>
+ (\<forall> b1 b2. b1 \<in> B1 \<and> b2 \<in> B2 \<and> f1 b1 = f2 b2 \<longrightarrow>
+           (\<exists> a \<in> A. e1 (p1 a) = e1 b1 \<and> e2 (p2 a) = e2 b2))"
+(* The pullback of sets *)
+definition thePull where
+"thePull B1 B2 f1 f2 = {(b1,b2). b1 \<in> B1 \<and> b2 \<in> B2 \<and> f1 b1 = f2 b2}"
+lemma wpull_thePull:
+"wpull (thePull B1 B2 f1 f2) B1 B2 f1 f2 fst snd"
+unfolding wpull_def thePull_def by auto
+lemma wppull_thePull:
+assumes "wppull A B1 B2 f1 f2 e1 e2 p1 p2"
+"\<exists> j. \<forall> a' \<in> thePull B1 B2 f1 f2.
+   j a' \<in> A \<and>
+   e1 (p1 (j a')) = e1 (fst a') \<and> e2 (p2 (j a')) = e2 (snd a')"
+(is "\<exists> j. \<forall> a' \<in> ?A'. ?phi a' (j a')")
+proof(rule bchoice[of ?A' ?phi], default)
+  fix a' assume a': "a' \<in> ?A'"
+  hence "fst a' \<in> B1" unfolding thePull_def by auto
+  moreover
+  from a' have "snd a' \<in> B2" unfolding thePull_def by auto
+  moreover have "f1 (fst a') = f2 (snd a')"
+  using a' unfolding csquare_def thePull_def by auto
+  ultimately show "\<exists> ja'. ?phi a' ja'"
+  using assms unfolding wppull_def by blast
+lemma wpull_wppull:
+assumes wp: "wpull A' B1 B2 f1 f2 p1' p2'" and
+1: "\<forall> a' \<in> A'. j a' \<in> A \<and> e1 (p1 (j a')) = e1 (p1' a') \<and> e2 (p2 (j a')) = e2 (p2' a')"
+shows "wppull A B1 B2 f1 f2 e1 e2 p1 p2"
+unfolding wppull_def proof safe
+  fix b1 b2
+  assume b1: "b1 \<in> B1" and b2: "b2 \<in> B2" and f: "f1 b1 = f2 b2"
+  then obtain a' where a': "a' \<in> A'" and b1: "b1 = p1' a'" and b2: "b2 = p2' a'"
+  using wp unfolding wpull_def by blast
+  show "\<exists>a\<in>A. e1 (p1 a) = e1 b1 \<and> e2 (p2 a) = e2 b2"
+  apply (rule bexI[of _ "j a'"]) unfolding b1 b2 using a' 1 by auto
+lemma wppull_fstOp_sndOp:
+shows "wppull (Collect (split (P OO Q))) (Collect (split P)) (Collect (split Q))
+  snd fst fst snd (fstOp P Q) (sndOp P Q)"
+using pick_middlep unfolding wppull_def fstOp_def sndOp_def relcompp.simps by auto
 lemma wpull_mmap:
 fixes A :: "'a set" and B1 :: "'b1 set" and B2 :: "'b2 set"
 assumes wp: "wpull A B1 B2 f1 f2 p1 p2"
@@ -781,18 +752,33 @@
   by transfer
     (auto intro!: ordLess_imp_ordLeq simp: finite_iff_ordLess_natLeq[symmetric] multiset_def)
+lemma wppull_mmap:
+  assumes "wppull A B1 B2 f1 f2 e1 e2 p1 p2"
+  shows "wppull {M. set_of M \<subseteq> A} {N1. set_of N1 \<subseteq> B1} {N2. set_of N2 \<subseteq> B2}
+    (mmap f1) (mmap f2) (mmap e1) (mmap e2) (mmap p1) (mmap p2)"
+proof -
+  from assms obtain j where j: "\<forall>a'\<in>thePull B1 B2 f1 f2.
+    j a' \<in> A \<and> e1 (p1 (j a')) = e1 (fst a') \<and> e2 (p2 (j a')) = e2 (snd a')" 
+    by (blast dest: wppull_thePull)
+  then show ?thesis
+    by (intro wpull_wppull[OF wpull_mmap[OF wpull_thePull], of _ _ _ _ "mmap j"])
+      (auto simp: o_eq_dest_lhs[OF mmap_comp[symmetric]] o_eq_dest[OF set_of_mmap]
+        intro!: mmap_cong simp del: mem_set_of_iff simp: mem_set_of_iff[symmetric])
 bnf "'a multiset"
   map: mmap
   sets: set_of 
   bd: natLeq
   wits: "{#}"
 by (auto simp add: mmap_id0 mmap_comp set_of_mmap natLeq_card_order natLeq_cinfinite set_of_bd
-  intro: mmap_cong wpull_mmap)
+  Grp_def relcompp.simps intro: mmap_cong)
+  (metis wppull_mmap[OF wppull_fstOp_sndOp, unfolded wppull_def
+    o_eq_dest_lhs[OF mmap_comp[symmetric]] fstOp_def sndOp_def o_def, simplified])
 inductive rel_multiset' where
-Zero: "rel_multiset' R {#} {#}"
-Plus: "\<lbrakk>R a b; rel_multiset' R M N\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> rel_multiset' R (M + {#a#}) (N + {#b#})"
+  Zero[intro]: "rel_multiset' R {#} {#}"
+| Plus[intro]: "\<lbrakk>R a b; rel_multiset' R M N\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> rel_multiset' R (M + {#a#}) (N + {#b#})"
 lemma map_multiset_Zero_iff[simp]: "mmap f M = {#} \<longleftrightarrow> M = {#}"
 by (metis image_is_empty multiset.set_map set_of_eq_empty_iff)
@@ -998,8 +984,6 @@
 (* Advanced relator customization *)
 (* Set vs. sum relators: *)
-(* FIXME: All such facts should be declared as simps: *)
-declare sum_rel_simps[simp]
 lemma set_rel_sum_rel[simp]: 
 "set_rel (sum_rel \<chi> \<phi>) A1 A2 \<longleftrightarrow> 
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_comp.ML	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_comp.ML	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -214,8 +214,8 @@
         |> Thm.close_derivation
-    fun map_wpull_tac _ =
-      mk_map_wpull_tac in_alt_thm (map map_wpull_of_bnf inners) (map_wpull_of_bnf outer);
+    fun le_rel_OO_tac _ = mk_le_rel_OO_tac (le_rel_OO_of_bnf outer) (rel_mono_of_bnf outer)
+      (map le_rel_OO_of_bnf inners);
     fun rel_OO_Grp_tac _ =
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
     val tacs = zip_axioms map_id0_tac map_comp0_tac map_cong0_tac set_map0_tacs bd_card_order_tac
-      bd_cinfinite_tac set_bd_tacs map_wpull_tac rel_OO_Grp_tac;
+      bd_cinfinite_tac set_bd_tacs le_rel_OO_tac rel_OO_Grp_tac;
     val outer_wits = mk_wits_of_bnf (replicate onwits oDs) (replicate onwits CAs) outer;
@@ -322,7 +322,9 @@
         Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal (K kill_in_alt_tac) |> Thm.close_derivation
-    fun map_wpull_tac _ = mk_map_wpull_tac in_alt_thm [] (map_wpull_of_bnf bnf);
+    fun le_rel_OO_tac {context = ctxt, prems = _} =
+      EVERY' [rtac @{thm ord_le_eq_trans}, rtac (le_rel_OO_of_bnf bnf)] 1 THEN
+      unfold_thms_tac ctxt @{thms eq_OO} THEN rtac refl 1;
     fun rel_OO_Grp_tac _ =
@@ -340,7 +342,7 @@
     val tacs = zip_axioms map_id0_tac map_comp0_tac map_cong0_tac set_map0_tacs bd_card_order_tac
-      bd_cinfinite_tac set_bd_tacs map_wpull_tac rel_OO_Grp_tac;
+      bd_cinfinite_tac set_bd_tacs le_rel_OO_tac rel_OO_Grp_tac;
     val bnf_wits = mk_wits_of_bnf (replicate nwits Ds) (replicate nwits As) bnf;
@@ -420,12 +422,12 @@
         Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal (K lift_in_alt_tac) |> Thm.close_derivation
-    fun map_wpull_tac _ = mk_map_wpull_tac in_alt_thm [] (map_wpull_of_bnf bnf);
+    fun le_rel_OO_tac _ = rtac (le_rel_OO_of_bnf bnf) 1;
     fun rel_OO_Grp_tac _ = mk_simple_rel_OO_Grp_tac (rel_OO_Grp_of_bnf bnf) in_alt_thm;
     val tacs = zip_axioms map_id0_tac map_comp0_tac map_cong0_tac set_map0_tacs bd_card_order_tac
-      bd_cinfinite_tac set_bd_tacs map_wpull_tac rel_OO_Grp_tac;
+      bd_cinfinite_tac set_bd_tacs le_rel_OO_tac rel_OO_Grp_tac;
     val wits = map snd (mk_wits_of_bnf (replicate nwits Ds) (replicate nwits As) bnf);
@@ -493,12 +495,12 @@
         |> Thm.close_derivation
-    fun map_wpull_tac _ = mk_map_wpull_tac in_alt_thm [] (map_wpull_of_bnf bnf);
+    fun le_rel_OO_tac _ = rtac (le_rel_OO_of_bnf bnf) 1;
     fun rel_OO_Grp_tac _ = mk_simple_rel_OO_Grp_tac (rel_OO_Grp_of_bnf bnf) in_alt_thm;
     val tacs = zip_axioms map_id0_tac map_comp0_tac map_cong0_tac set_map0_tacs bd_card_order_tac
-      bd_cinfinite_tac set_bd_tacs map_wpull_tac rel_OO_Grp_tac;
+      bd_cinfinite_tac set_bd_tacs le_rel_OO_tac rel_OO_Grp_tac;
     val wits = map snd (mk_wits_of_bnf (replicate nwits Ds) (replicate nwits As) bnf);
@@ -633,7 +635,7 @@
     val tacs = zip_axioms (mk_tac (map_id0_of_bnf bnf)) (mk_tac (map_comp0_of_bnf bnf))
       (mk_tac (map_cong0_of_bnf bnf)) (map mk_tac (set_map0_of_bnf bnf))
       (K (rtac bd_card_order 1)) (K (rtac bd_cinfinite 1)) (map mk_tac set_bds)
-      (mk_tac (map_wpull_of_bnf bnf))
+      (mk_tac (le_rel_OO_of_bnf bnf))
       (mk_tac (rel_OO_Grp_of_bnf bnf));
     val bnf_wits = map snd (mk_wits_of_bnf (replicate nwits Ds) (replicate nwits As) bnf);
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_comp_tactics.ML	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_comp_tactics.ML	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   val mk_permute_in_alt_tac: ''a list -> ''a list -> tactic
-  val mk_map_wpull_tac: thm -> thm list -> thm -> tactic
+  val mk_le_rel_OO_tac: thm -> thm -> thm list -> tactic
   val mk_simple_rel_OO_Grp_tac: thm -> thm -> tactic
   val mk_simple_wit_tac: thm list -> tactic
@@ -241,10 +241,8 @@
   mk_rotate_eq_tac (rtac refl) trans @{thm conj_assoc} @{thm conj_commute} @{thm conj_cong}
     dest src) 1;
-fun mk_map_wpull_tac comp_in_alt inner_map_wpulls outer_map_wpull =
-  (rtac (@{thm wpull_cong} OF (replicate 3 comp_in_alt)) THEN' rtac outer_map_wpull) 1 THEN
-  WRAP (fn thm => rtac thm 1 THEN REPEAT_DETERM (atac 1)) (K all_tac) inner_map_wpulls all_tac THEN
-  TRY (REPEAT_DETERM (atac 1 ORELSE rtac @{thm wpull_id} 1));
+fun mk_le_rel_OO_tac outer_le_rel_OO outer_rel_mono inner_le_rel_OOs =
+  EVERY' (map rtac (@{thm order_trans} :: outer_le_rel_OO :: outer_rel_mono :: inner_le_rel_OOs)) 1;
 fun mk_simple_rel_OO_Grp_tac rel_OO_Grp in_alt_thm =
   rtac (trans OF [rel_OO_Grp, in_alt_thm RS @{thm OO_Grp_cong} RS sym]) 1;
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_def.ML	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_def.ML	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -58,8 +58,7 @@
   val map_id0_of_bnf: bnf -> thm
   val map_id_of_bnf: bnf -> thm
   val map_transfer_of_bnf: bnf -> thm
-  val map_wppull_of_bnf: bnf -> thm
-  val map_wpull_of_bnf: bnf -> thm
+  val le_rel_OO_of_bnf: bnf -> thm
   val rel_def_of_bnf: bnf -> thm
   val rel_Grp_of_bnf: bnf -> thm
   val rel_OO_of_bnf: bnf -> thm
@@ -110,6 +109,18 @@
     ((thm list -> thm list list) -> thm list list -> Proof.context -> bnf * local_theory) *
     local_theory * thm list
+  val define_bnf_consts: const_policy -> fact_policy -> typ list option ->
+    binding -> binding -> binding list ->
+    (((((binding * typ) * term) * term list) * term) * term list) * term option -> local_theory ->
+      ((typ list * typ list * typ list * typ) *
+       (term * term list * term * (int list * term) list * term) *
+       (thm * thm list * thm * thm list * thm) *
+       ((typ list -> typ list -> typ list -> term) *
+        (typ list -> typ list -> term -> term) *
+        (typ list -> typ list -> typ -> typ) *
+        (typ list -> typ list -> typ list -> term) *
+        (typ list -> typ list -> typ list -> term))) * local_theory
   val bnf_def: const_policy -> (Proof.context -> fact_policy) -> (binding -> binding) ->
     ({prems: thm list, context: Proof.context} -> tactic) list ->
     ({prems: thm list, context: Proof.context} -> tactic) -> typ list option -> binding ->
@@ -135,13 +146,13 @@
   bd_card_order: thm,
   bd_cinfinite: thm,
   set_bd: thm list,
-  map_wpull: thm,
+  le_rel_OO: thm,
   rel_OO_Grp: thm
-fun mk_axioms' ((((((((id, comp), cong), map), c_o), cinf), set_bd), wpull), rel) =
+fun mk_axioms' ((((((((id, comp), cong), map), c_o), cinf), set_bd), le_rel_OO), rel) =
   {map_id0 = id, map_comp0 = comp, map_cong0 = cong, set_map0 = map, bd_card_order = c_o,
-   bd_cinfinite = cinf, set_bd = set_bd, map_wpull = wpull, rel_OO_Grp = rel};
+   bd_cinfinite = cinf, set_bd = set_bd, le_rel_OO = le_rel_OO, rel_OO_Grp = rel};
 fun dest_cons [] = raise List.Empty
   | dest_cons (x :: xs) = (x, xs);
@@ -159,16 +170,16 @@
   ||> the_single
   |> mk_axioms';
-fun zip_axioms mid mcomp mcong smap bdco bdinf sbd wpull rel =
-  [mid, mcomp, mcong] @ smap @ [bdco, bdinf] @ sbd @ [wpull, rel];
+fun zip_axioms mid mcomp mcong smap bdco bdinf sbd le_rel_OO rel =
+  [mid, mcomp, mcong] @ smap @ [bdco, bdinf] @ sbd @ [le_rel_OO, rel];
 fun dest_axioms {map_id0, map_comp0, map_cong0, set_map0, bd_card_order, bd_cinfinite, set_bd,
-  map_wpull, rel_OO_Grp} =
-  zip_axioms map_id0 map_comp0 map_cong0 set_map0 bd_card_order bd_cinfinite set_bd map_wpull
+  le_rel_OO, rel_OO_Grp} =
+  zip_axioms map_id0 map_comp0 map_cong0 set_map0 bd_card_order bd_cinfinite set_bd le_rel_OO
 fun map_axioms f {map_id0, map_comp0, map_cong0, set_map0, bd_card_order, bd_cinfinite, set_bd,
-  map_wpull, rel_OO_Grp} =
+  le_rel_OO, rel_OO_Grp} =
   {map_id0 = f map_id0,
     map_comp0 = f map_comp0,
     map_cong0 = f map_cong0,
@@ -176,7 +187,7 @@
     bd_card_order = f bd_card_order,
     bd_cinfinite = f bd_cinfinite,
     set_bd = map f set_bd,
-    map_wpull = f map_wpull,
+    le_rel_OO = f le_rel_OO,
     rel_OO_Grp = f rel_OO_Grp};
 val morph_axioms = map_axioms o Morphism.thm;
@@ -207,7 +218,6 @@
   map_cong: thm lazy,
   map_id: thm lazy,
   map_transfer: thm lazy,
-  map_wppull: thm lazy,
   rel_eq: thm lazy,
   rel_flip: thm lazy,
   set_map: thm lazy list,
@@ -220,7 +230,7 @@
 fun mk_facts bd_Card_order bd_Cinfinite bd_Cnotzero collect_set_map in_bd in_cong in_mono in_rel
-    map_comp map_cong map_id map_transfer map_wppull rel_eq rel_flip set_map rel_cong rel_mono
+    map_comp map_cong map_id map_transfer rel_eq rel_flip set_map rel_cong rel_mono
     rel_mono_strong rel_Grp rel_conversep rel_OO = {
   bd_Card_order = bd_Card_order,
   bd_Cinfinite = bd_Cinfinite,
@@ -234,7 +244,6 @@
   map_cong = map_cong,
   map_id = map_id,
   map_transfer = map_transfer,
-  map_wppull = map_wppull,
   rel_eq = rel_eq,
   rel_flip = rel_flip,
   set_map = set_map,
@@ -258,7 +267,6 @@
-  map_wppull,
@@ -280,7 +288,6 @@
     map_cong = f map_cong,
     map_id = f map_id,
     map_transfer = f map_transfer,
-    map_wppull = f map_wppull,
     rel_eq = f rel_eq,
     rel_flip = f rel_flip,
     set_map = map ( f) set_map,
@@ -402,8 +409,7 @@
 val map_cong0_of_bnf = #map_cong0 o #axioms o rep_bnf;
 val map_cong_of_bnf = Lazy.force o #map_cong o #facts o rep_bnf;
 val map_transfer_of_bnf = Lazy.force o #map_transfer o #facts o rep_bnf;
-val map_wppull_of_bnf = Lazy.force o #map_wppull o #facts o rep_bnf;
-val map_wpull_of_bnf = #map_wpull o #axioms o rep_bnf;
+val le_rel_OO_of_bnf = #le_rel_OO o #axioms o rep_bnf;
 val rel_def_of_bnf = #rel_def o #defs o rep_bnf;
 val rel_eq_of_bnf = Lazy.force o #rel_eq o #facts o rep_bnf;
 val rel_flip_of_bnf = Lazy.force o #rel_flip o #facts o rep_bnf;
@@ -569,7 +575,6 @@
 val map_cong0N = "map_cong0";
 val map_congN = "map_cong";
 val map_transferN = "map_transfer";
-val map_wpullN = "map_wpull";
 val rel_eqN = "rel_eq";
 val rel_flipN = "rel_flip";
 val set_map0N = "set_map0";
@@ -618,7 +623,6 @@
             (map_comp0N, [#map_comp0 axioms]),
             (map_id0N, [#map_id0 axioms]),
             (map_transferN, [Lazy.force (#map_transfer facts)]),
-            (map_wpullN, [#map_wpull axioms]),
             (rel_mono_strongN, [Lazy.force (#rel_mono_strong facts)]),
             (set_map0N, #set_map0 axioms),
             (set_bdN, #set_bd axioms)] @
@@ -660,30 +664,10 @@
 (* Define new BNFs *)
-fun prepare_def const_policy mk_fact_policy qualify prep_typ prep_term Ds_opt map_b rel_b set_bs
-  ((((((raw_bnf_b, raw_bnf_T), raw_map), raw_sets), raw_bd), raw_wits), raw_rel_opt)
-  no_defs_lthy =
+fun define_bnf_consts const_policy fact_policy Ds_opt map_b rel_b set_bs
+  ((((((bnf_b, T_rhs), map_rhs), set_rhss), bd_rhs), wit_rhss), rel_rhs_opt) no_defs_lthy =
-    val fact_policy = mk_fact_policy no_defs_lthy;
-    val bnf_b = qualify raw_bnf_b;
-    val live = length raw_sets;
-    val T_rhs = prep_typ no_defs_lthy raw_bnf_T;
-    val map_rhs = prep_term no_defs_lthy raw_map;
-    val set_rhss = map (prep_term no_defs_lthy) raw_sets;
-    val bd_rhs = prep_term no_defs_lthy raw_bd;
-    fun err T =
-      error ("Trying to register the type " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_typ no_defs_lthy T) ^
-        " as unnamed BNF");
-    val (bnf_b, key) =
-      if Binding.eq_name (bnf_b, Binding.empty) then
-        (case T_rhs of
-          Type (C, Ts) => if forall (can dest_TFree) Ts
-            then (Binding.qualified_name C, C) else err T_rhs
-        | T => err T)
-      else (bnf_b, Local_Theory.full_name no_defs_lthy bnf_b);
+    val live = length set_rhss;
     val def_qualify = Binding.conceal o Binding.qualify false (Binding.name_of bnf_b);
@@ -736,6 +720,7 @@
     val phi = Proof_Context.export_morphism lthy_old lthy;
     val bnf_map_def = Morphism.thm phi raw_map_def;
     val bnf_set_defs = map (Morphism.thm phi) raw_set_defs;
     val bnf_bd_def = Morphism.thm phi raw_bd_def;
@@ -744,57 +729,162 @@
     (*TODO: handle errors*)
     (*simple shape analysis of a map function*)
-    val ((alphas, betas), (CA, _)) =
+    val ((alphas, betas), (Calpha, _)) =
       fastype_of bnf_map
       |> strip_typeN live
       |>> map_split dest_funT
       ||> dest_funT
       handle TYPE _ => error "Bad map function";
-    val CA_params = map TVar (Term.add_tvarsT CA []);
+    val Calpha_params = map TVar (Term.add_tvarsT Calpha []);
     val bnf_T = Morphism.typ phi T_rhs;
     val bad_args = Term.add_tfreesT bnf_T [];
     val _ = if null bad_args then () else error ("Locally fixed type arguments " ^
       commas_quote (map (Syntax.string_of_typ no_defs_lthy o TFree) bad_args));
-    val bnf_sets = map2 (normalize_set CA_params) alphas (map (Morphism.term phi) bnf_set_terms);
+    val bnf_sets =
+      map2 (normalize_set Calpha_params) alphas (map (Morphism.term phi) bnf_set_terms);
     val bnf_bd =
-      Term.subst_TVars (Term.add_tvar_namesT bnf_T [] ~~ CA_params) (Morphism.term phi bnf_bd_term);
+      Term.subst_TVars (Term.add_tvar_namesT bnf_T [] ~~ Calpha_params)
+        (Morphism.term phi bnf_bd_term);
     (*TODO: assert Ds = (TVars of bnf_map) \ (alphas @ betas) as sets*)
     val deads = (case Ds_opt of
       NONE => subtract (op =) (alphas @ betas) (map TVar (Term.add_tvars bnf_map []))
     | SOME Ds => map (Morphism.typ phi) Ds);
-    val dead = length deads;
     (*TODO: further checks of type of bnf_map*)
     (*TODO: check types of bnf_sets*)
     (*TODO: check type of bnf_bd*)
     (*TODO: check type of bnf_rel*)
-    val ((((((((((As', Bs'), Cs), Ds), B1Ts), B2Ts), domTs), ranTs), ranTs'), ranTs''),
-      (Ts, T)) = lthy
+    fun mk_bnf_map Ds As' Bs' =
+      Term.subst_atomic_types ((deads ~~ Ds) @ (alphas ~~ As') @ (betas ~~ Bs')) bnf_map;
+    fun mk_bnf_t Ds As' = Term.subst_atomic_types ((deads ~~ Ds) @ (alphas ~~ As'));
+    fun mk_bnf_T Ds As' = Term.typ_subst_atomic ((deads ~~ Ds) @ (alphas ~~ As'));
+    val (((As, Bs), Ds), names_lthy) = lthy
+      |> mk_TFrees live
+      ||>> mk_TFrees live
+      ||>> mk_TFrees (length deads);
+    val RTs = map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_prodT) As Bs;
+    val pred2RTs = map2 mk_pred2T As Bs;
+    val (Rs, Rs') = names_lthy |> mk_Frees' "R" pred2RTs |> fst
+    val CA = mk_bnf_T Ds As Calpha;
+    val CR = mk_bnf_T Ds RTs Calpha;
+    val setRs =
+      map3 (fn R => fn T => fn U =>
+          HOLogic.Collect_const (HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, U)) $ HOLogic.mk_split R) Rs As Bs;
+    (*Grp (in (Collect (split R1) .. Collect (split Rn))) (map fst .. fst)^--1 OO
+      Grp (in (Collect (split R1) .. Collect (split Rn))) (map snd .. snd)*)
+    val OO_Grp =
+      let
+        val map1 = Term.list_comb (mk_bnf_map Ds RTs As, map fst_const RTs);
+        val map2 = Term.list_comb (mk_bnf_map Ds RTs Bs, map snd_const RTs);
+        val bnf_in = mk_in setRs (map (mk_bnf_t Ds RTs) bnf_sets) CR;
+      in
+        mk_rel_compp (mk_conversep (mk_Grp bnf_in map1), mk_Grp bnf_in map2)
+        |> fold_rev Term.absfree Rs'
+      end;
+    val rel_rhs = the_default OO_Grp rel_rhs_opt;
+    val rel_bind_def =
+      (fn () => def_qualify (if Binding.is_empty rel_b then mk_prefix_binding relN else rel_b),
+         rel_rhs);
+    val wit_rhss =
+      if null wit_rhss then
+        [fold_rev Term.absdummy As (Term.list_comb (mk_bnf_map Ds As As,
+          map2 (fn T => fn i => Term.absdummy T (Bound i)) As (live downto 1)) $
+          Const (@{const_name undefined}, CA))]
+      else wit_rhss;
+    val nwits = length wit_rhss;
+    val wit_binds_defs =
+      let
+        val bs = if nwits = 1 then [fn () => def_qualify (mk_prefix_binding witN)]
+          else map (fn i => fn () => def_qualify (mk_prefix_binding (mk_witN i))) (1 upto nwits);
+      in bs ~~ wit_rhss end;
+    val (((bnf_rel_term, raw_rel_def), (bnf_wit_terms, raw_wit_defs)), (lthy, lthy_old)) =
+      lthy
+      |> maybe_define (is_some rel_rhs_opt) rel_bind_def
+      ||>> apfst split_list o fold_map (maybe_define (not (null wit_rhss))) wit_binds_defs
+      ||> `(maybe_restore lthy);
+    val phi = Proof_Context.export_morphism lthy_old lthy;
+    val bnf_rel_def = Morphism.thm phi raw_rel_def;
+    val bnf_rel = Morphism.term phi bnf_rel_term;
+    fun mk_bnf_rel Ds As' Bs' =
+      normalize_rel lthy (map2 mk_pred2T As' Bs') (mk_bnf_T Ds As' Calpha) (mk_bnf_T Ds Bs' Calpha)
+        bnf_rel;
+    val bnf_wit_defs = map (Morphism.thm phi) raw_wit_defs;
+    val bnf_wits =
+      map (normalize_wit Calpha_params Calpha alphas o Morphism.term phi) bnf_wit_terms;
+    fun mk_OO_Grp Ds' As' Bs' =
+      Term.subst_atomic_types ((Ds ~~ Ds') @ (As ~~ As') @ (Bs ~~ Bs')) OO_Grp;
+  in
+    (((alphas, betas, deads, Calpha),
+     (bnf_map, bnf_sets, bnf_bd, bnf_wits, bnf_rel),
+     (bnf_map_def, bnf_set_defs, bnf_bd_def, bnf_wit_defs, bnf_rel_def),
+     (mk_bnf_map, mk_bnf_t, mk_bnf_T, mk_bnf_rel, mk_OO_Grp)), lthy)
+  end;
+fun prepare_def const_policy mk_fact_policy qualify prep_typ prep_term Ds_opt map_b rel_b set_bs
+  ((((((raw_bnf_b, raw_bnf_T), raw_map), raw_sets), raw_bd), raw_wits), raw_rel_opt)
+  no_defs_lthy =
+  let
+    val fact_policy = mk_fact_policy no_defs_lthy;
+    val bnf_b = qualify raw_bnf_b;
+    val live = length raw_sets;
+    val T_rhs = prep_typ no_defs_lthy raw_bnf_T;
+    val map_rhs = prep_term no_defs_lthy raw_map;
+    val set_rhss = map (prep_term no_defs_lthy) raw_sets;
+    val bd_rhs = prep_term no_defs_lthy raw_bd;
+    val wit_rhss = map (prep_term no_defs_lthy) raw_wits;
+    val rel_rhs_opt = (prep_term no_defs_lthy) raw_rel_opt;
+    fun err T =
+      error ("Trying to register the type " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_typ no_defs_lthy T) ^
+        " as unnamed BNF");
+    val (bnf_b, key) =
+      if Binding.eq_name (bnf_b, Binding.empty) then
+        (case T_rhs of
+          Type (C, Ts) => if forall (can dest_TFree) Ts
+            then (Binding.qualified_name C, C) else err T_rhs
+        | T => err T)
+      else (bnf_b, Local_Theory.full_name no_defs_lthy bnf_b);
+    val (((alphas, betas, deads, Calpha),
+     (bnf_map, bnf_sets, bnf_bd, bnf_wits, bnf_rel),
+     (bnf_map_def, bnf_set_defs, bnf_bd_def, bnf_wit_defs, bnf_rel_def),
+     (mk_bnf_map_Ds, mk_bnf_t_Ds, mk_bnf_T_Ds, _, mk_OO_Grp)), lthy) =
+       define_bnf_consts const_policy fact_policy Ds_opt map_b rel_b set_bs
+         ((((((bnf_b, T_rhs), map_rhs), set_rhss), bd_rhs), wit_rhss), rel_rhs_opt) no_defs_lthy;
+    val dead = length deads;
+    val ((((((As', Bs'), Cs), Ds), B1Ts), B2Ts), (Ts, T)) = lthy
       |> mk_TFrees live
       ||>> mk_TFrees live
       ||>> mk_TFrees live
       ||>> mk_TFrees dead
       ||>> mk_TFrees live
       ||>> mk_TFrees live
-      ||>> mk_TFrees live
-      ||>> mk_TFrees live
-      ||>> mk_TFrees live
-      ||>> mk_TFrees live
       ||> fst o mk_TFrees 1
       ||> the_single
       ||> `(replicate live);
-    fun mk_bnf_map As' Bs' =
-      Term.subst_atomic_types ((deads ~~ Ds) @ (alphas ~~ As') @ (betas ~~ Bs')) bnf_map;
-    fun mk_bnf_t As' = Term.subst_atomic_types ((deads ~~ Ds) @ (alphas ~~ As'));
-    fun mk_bnf_T As' = Term.typ_subst_atomic ((deads ~~ Ds) @ (alphas ~~ As'));
+    val mk_bnf_map = mk_bnf_map_Ds Ds;
+    val mk_bnf_t = mk_bnf_t_Ds Ds;
+    val mk_bnf_T = mk_bnf_T_Ds Ds;
-    val RTs = map HOLogic.mk_prodT (As' ~~ Bs');
     val pred2RTs = map2 mk_pred2T As' Bs';
     val pred2RTsAsCs = map2 mk_pred2T As' Cs;
     val pred2RTsBsCs = map2 mk_pred2T Bs' Cs;
@@ -803,12 +893,11 @@
     val transfer_domRTs = map2 mk_pred2T As' B1Ts;
     val transfer_ranRTs = map2 mk_pred2T Bs' B2Ts;
-    val CA' = mk_bnf_T As' CA;
-    val CB' = mk_bnf_T Bs' CA;
-    val CC' = mk_bnf_T Cs CA;
-    val CRs' = mk_bnf_T RTs CA;
-    val CB1 = mk_bnf_T B1Ts CA;
-    val CB2 = mk_bnf_T B2Ts CA;
+    val CA' = mk_bnf_T As' Calpha;
+    val CB' = mk_bnf_T Bs' Calpha;
+    val CC' = mk_bnf_T Cs Calpha;
+    val CB1 = mk_bnf_T B1Ts Calpha;
+    val CB2 = mk_bnf_T B2Ts Calpha;
     val bnf_map_AsAs = mk_bnf_map As' As';
     val bnf_map_AsBs = mk_bnf_map As' Bs';
@@ -817,10 +906,11 @@
     val bnf_sets_As = map (mk_bnf_t As') bnf_sets;
     val bnf_sets_Bs = map (mk_bnf_t Bs') bnf_sets;
     val bnf_bd_As = mk_bnf_t As' bnf_bd;
+    fun mk_bnf_rel RTs CA CB = normalize_rel lthy RTs CA CB bnf_rel;
     val pre_names_lthy = lthy;
-    val ((((((((((((((((((((((((fs, gs), hs), x), y), zs), ys), As),
-      As_copy), Xs), B1s), B2s), f1s), f2s), e1s), e2s), p1s), p2s), bs), (Rs, Rs')), Rs_copy), Ss),
+    val (((((((((((((((fs, gs), hs), x), y), zs), ys), As),
+      As_copy), bs), Rs), Rs_copy), Ss),
       transfer_domRs), transfer_ranRs), names_lthy) = pre_names_lthy
       |> mk_Frees "f" (map2 (curry op -->) As' Bs')
       ||>> mk_Frees "g" (map2 (curry op -->) Bs' Cs)
@@ -831,17 +921,8 @@
       ||>> mk_Frees "y" Bs'
       ||>> mk_Frees "A" (map HOLogic.mk_setT As')
       ||>> mk_Frees "A" (map HOLogic.mk_setT As')
-      ||>> mk_Frees "A" (map HOLogic.mk_setT domTs)
-      ||>> mk_Frees "B1" (map HOLogic.mk_setT B1Ts)
-      ||>> mk_Frees "B2" (map HOLogic.mk_setT B2Ts)
-      ||>> mk_Frees "f1" (map2 (curry op -->) B1Ts ranTs)
-      ||>> mk_Frees "f2" (map2 (curry op -->) B2Ts ranTs)
-      ||>> mk_Frees "e1" (map2 (curry op -->) B1Ts ranTs')
-      ||>> mk_Frees "e2" (map2 (curry op -->) B2Ts ranTs'')
-      ||>> mk_Frees "p1" (map2 (curry op -->) domTs B1Ts)
-      ||>> mk_Frees "p2" (map2 (curry op -->) domTs B2Ts)
       ||>> mk_Frees "b" As'
-      ||>> mk_Frees' "R" pred2RTs
+      ||>> mk_Frees "R" pred2RTs
       ||>> mk_Frees "R" pred2RTs
       ||>> mk_Frees "S" pred2RTsBsCs
       ||>> mk_Frees "R" transfer_domRTs
@@ -850,59 +931,8 @@
     val fs_copy = map2 (retype_free o fastype_of) fs gs;
     val x_copy = retype_free CA' y;
-    val setRs =
-      map3 (fn R => fn T => fn U =>
-          HOLogic.Collect_const (HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, U)) $ HOLogic.mk_split R) Rs As' Bs';
-    (*Grp (in (Collect (split R1) .. Collect (split Rn))) (map fst .. fst)^--1 OO
-      Grp (in (Collect (split R1) .. Collect (split Rn))) (map snd .. snd)*)
-    val OO_Grp =
-      let
-        val map1 = Term.list_comb (mk_bnf_map RTs As', map fst_const RTs);
-        val map2 = Term.list_comb (mk_bnf_map RTs Bs', map snd_const RTs);
-        val bnf_in = mk_in setRs (map (mk_bnf_t RTs) bnf_sets) CRs';
-      in
-        mk_rel_compp (mk_conversep (mk_Grp bnf_in map1), mk_Grp bnf_in map2)
-      end;
-    val rel_rhs = (case raw_rel_opt of
-        NONE => fold_rev Term.absfree Rs' OO_Grp
-      | SOME raw_rel => prep_term no_defs_lthy raw_rel);
-    val rel_bind_def =
-      (fn () => def_qualify (if Binding.is_empty rel_b then mk_prefix_binding relN else rel_b),
-         rel_rhs);
-    val wit_rhss =
-      if null raw_wits then
-        [fold_rev Term.absdummy As' (Term.list_comb (bnf_map_AsAs,
-          map2 (fn T => fn i => Term.absdummy T (Bound i)) As' (live downto 1)) $
-          Const (@{const_name undefined}, CA'))]
-      else map (prep_term no_defs_lthy) raw_wits;
-    val nwits = length wit_rhss;
-    val wit_binds_defs =
-      let
-        val bs = if nwits = 1 then [fn () => def_qualify (mk_prefix_binding witN)]
-          else map (fn i => fn () => def_qualify (mk_prefix_binding (mk_witN i))) (1 upto nwits);
-      in bs ~~ wit_rhss end;
-    val (((bnf_rel_term, raw_rel_def), (bnf_wit_terms, raw_wit_defs)), (lthy, lthy_old)) =
-      lthy
-      |> maybe_define (is_some raw_rel_opt) rel_bind_def
-      ||>> apfst split_list o fold_map (maybe_define (not (null raw_wits))) wit_binds_defs
-      ||> `(maybe_restore lthy);
-    val phi = Proof_Context.export_morphism lthy_old lthy;
-    val bnf_rel_def = Morphism.thm phi raw_rel_def;
-    val bnf_rel = Morphism.term phi bnf_rel_term;
-    fun mk_bnf_rel RTs CA' CB' = normalize_rel lthy RTs CA' CB' bnf_rel;
     val rel = mk_bnf_rel pred2RTs CA' CB';
     val relAsAs = mk_bnf_rel self_pred2RTs CA' CA';
-    val bnf_wit_defs = map (Morphism.thm phi) raw_wit_defs;
-    val bnf_wits = map (normalize_wit CA_params CA alphas o Morphism.term phi) bnf_wit_terms;
     val bnf_wit_As = map (apsnd (mk_bnf_t As')) bnf_wits;
     val map_id0_goal =
@@ -959,31 +989,18 @@
         map mk_goal bnf_sets_As
-    val map_wpull_goal =
-      let
-        val prems = map HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
-          (map8 mk_wpull Xs B1s B2s f1s f2s (replicate live NONE) p1s p2s);
-        val CX = mk_bnf_T domTs CA;
-        val bnf_sets_CX = map2 (normalize_set (map (mk_bnf_T domTs) CA_params)) domTs bnf_sets;
-        val bnf_sets_CB1 = map2 (normalize_set (map (mk_bnf_T B1Ts) CA_params)) B1Ts bnf_sets;
-        val bnf_sets_CB2 = map2 (normalize_set (map (mk_bnf_T B2Ts) CA_params)) B2Ts bnf_sets;
-        val bnf_map_app_f1 = Term.list_comb (mk_bnf_map B1Ts ranTs, f1s);
-        val bnf_map_app_f2 = Term.list_comb (mk_bnf_map B2Ts ranTs, f2s);
-        val bnf_map_app_p1 = Term.list_comb (mk_bnf_map domTs B1Ts, p1s);
-        val bnf_map_app_p2 = Term.list_comb (mk_bnf_map domTs B2Ts, p2s);
+    val relAsCs = mk_bnf_rel pred2RTsAsCs CA' CC';
+    val relBsCs = mk_bnf_rel pred2RTsBsCs CB' CC';
+    val rel_OO_lhs = Term.list_comb (relAsCs, map2 (curry mk_rel_compp) Rs Ss);
+    val rel_OO_rhs = mk_rel_compp (Term.list_comb (rel, Rs), Term.list_comb (relBsCs, Ss));
+    val le_rel_OO_goal =
+      fold_rev Logic.all (Rs @ Ss) (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (mk_leq rel_OO_rhs rel_OO_lhs));
-        val map_wpull = mk_wpull (mk_in Xs bnf_sets_CX CX)
-          (mk_in B1s bnf_sets_CB1 CB1) (mk_in B2s bnf_sets_CB2 CB2)
-          bnf_map_app_f1 bnf_map_app_f2 NONE bnf_map_app_p1 bnf_map_app_p2;
-      in
-        fold_rev Logic.all (Xs @ B1s @ B2s @ f1s @ f2s @ p1s @ p2s)
-          (Logic.list_implies (prems, HOLogic.mk_Trueprop map_wpull))
-      end;
-    val rel_OO_Grp_goal = fold_rev Logic.all Rs (mk_Trueprop_eq (Term.list_comb (rel, Rs), OO_Grp));
+    val rel_OO_Grp_goal = fold_rev Logic.all Rs (mk_Trueprop_eq (Term.list_comb (rel, Rs),
+      Term.list_comb (mk_OO_Grp Ds As' Bs', Rs)));
     val goals = zip_axioms map_id0_goal map_comp0_goal map_cong0_goal set_map0s_goal
-      card_order_bd_goal cinfinite_bd_goal set_bds_goal map_wpull_goal rel_OO_Grp_goal;
+      card_order_bd_goal cinfinite_bd_goal set_bds_goal le_rel_OO_goal rel_OO_Grp_goal;
     fun mk_wit_goals (I, wit) =
@@ -1018,7 +1035,7 @@
         fun mk_collect_set_map () =
-            val defT = mk_bnf_T Ts CA --> HOLogic.mk_setT T;
+            val defT = mk_bnf_T Ts Calpha --> HOLogic.mk_setT T;
             val collect_map = HOLogic.mk_comp
               (mk_collect (map (mk_bnf_t Ts) bnf_sets) defT,
               Term.list_comb (mk_bnf_map As' Ts, hs));
@@ -1090,12 +1107,12 @@
             val bdT = fst (dest_relT (fastype_of bnf_bd_As));
             val bdTs = replicate live bdT;
-            val bd_bnfT = mk_bnf_T bdTs CA;
+            val bd_bnfT = mk_bnf_T bdTs Calpha;
             val surj_imp_ordLeq_inst = (if live = 0 then TrueI else
                 val ranTs = map (fn AT => mk_sumT (AT, HOLogic.unitT)) As';
                 val funTs = map (fn T => bdT --> T) ranTs;
-                val ran_bnfT = mk_bnf_T ranTs CA;
+                val ran_bnfT = mk_bnf_T ranTs Calpha;
                 val (revTs, Ts) = `rev (bd_bnfT :: funTs);
                 val cTs = map (SOME o certifyT lthy) [ran_bnfT, Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prodT Ts];
                 val tinst = fold (fn T => fn t => HOLogic.mk_split (Term.absdummy T t)) (tl revTs)
@@ -1123,42 +1140,6 @@
         val in_bd = Lazy.lazy mk_in_bd;
-        fun mk_map_wppull () =
-          let
-            val prems = if live = 0 then [] else
-              [HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
-                (map8 mk_wpull Xs B1s B2s f1s f2s (map SOME (e1s ~~ e2s)) p1s p2s))];
-            val CX = mk_bnf_T domTs CA;
-            val bnf_sets_CX =
-              map2 (normalize_set (map (mk_bnf_T domTs) CA_params)) domTs bnf_sets;
-            val bnf_sets_CB1 =
-              map2 (normalize_set (map (mk_bnf_T B1Ts) CA_params)) B1Ts bnf_sets;
-            val bnf_sets_CB2 =
-              map2 (normalize_set (map (mk_bnf_T B2Ts) CA_params)) B2Ts bnf_sets;
-            val bnf_map_app_f1 = Term.list_comb (mk_bnf_map B1Ts ranTs, f1s);
-            val bnf_map_app_f2 = Term.list_comb (mk_bnf_map B2Ts ranTs, f2s);
-            val bnf_map_app_e1 = Term.list_comb (mk_bnf_map B1Ts ranTs', e1s);
-            val bnf_map_app_e2 = Term.list_comb (mk_bnf_map B2Ts ranTs'', e2s);
-            val bnf_map_app_p1 = Term.list_comb (mk_bnf_map domTs B1Ts, p1s);
-            val bnf_map_app_p2 = Term.list_comb (mk_bnf_map domTs B2Ts, p2s);
-            val concl = mk_wpull (mk_in Xs bnf_sets_CX CX)
-              (mk_in B1s bnf_sets_CB1 CB1) (mk_in B2s bnf_sets_CB2 CB2)
-              bnf_map_app_f1 bnf_map_app_f2 (SOME (bnf_map_app_e1, bnf_map_app_e2))
-              bnf_map_app_p1 bnf_map_app_p2;
-            val goal =
-              fold_rev Logic.all (Xs @ B1s @ B2s @ f1s @ f2s @ e1s @ e2s @ p1s @ p2s)
-                (Logic.list_implies (prems, HOLogic.mk_Trueprop concl))
-          in
-            Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
-              (fn _ => mk_map_wppull_tac (#map_id0 axioms) (#map_cong0 axioms)
-                (#map_wpull axioms) (Lazy.force map_comp) (map Lazy.force set_map))
-            |> Thm.close_derivation
-          end;
-        val map_wppull = Lazy.lazy mk_map_wppull;
         val rel_OO_Grp = #rel_OO_Grp axioms;
         val rel_OO_Grps = no_refl [rel_OO_Grp];
@@ -1234,18 +1215,12 @@
         val rel_conversep = Lazy.lazy mk_rel_conversep;
         fun mk_rel_OO () =
-          let
-            val relAsCs = mk_bnf_rel pred2RTsAsCs CA' CC';
-            val relBsCs = mk_bnf_rel pred2RTsBsCs CB' CC';
-            val lhs = Term.list_comb (relAsCs, map2 (curry mk_rel_compp) Rs Ss);
-            val rhs = mk_rel_compp (Term.list_comb (rel, Rs), Term.list_comb (relBsCs, Ss));
-            val goal = fold_rev Logic.all (Rs @ Ss) (mk_Trueprop_eq (lhs, rhs));
-          in
-            Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
-              (mk_rel_OO_tac rel_OO_Grps (Lazy.force rel_eq) (#map_cong0 axioms)
-                (Lazy.force map_wppull) (Lazy.force map_comp) (map Lazy.force set_map))
-            |> Thm.close_derivation
-          end;
+          Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] []
+            (fold_rev Logic.all (Rs @ Ss) (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (mk_leq rel_OO_lhs rel_OO_rhs)))
+            (mk_rel_OO_le_tac rel_OO_Grps (Lazy.force rel_eq) (#map_cong0 axioms)
+              (Lazy.force map_comp) (map Lazy.force set_map))
+          |> Thm.close_derivation
+          |> (fn thm => @{thm antisym} OF [thm, #le_rel_OO axioms]);
         val rel_OO = Lazy.lazy mk_rel_OO;
@@ -1305,7 +1280,7 @@
         val defs = mk_defs bnf_map_def bnf_set_defs bnf_rel_def;
         val facts = mk_facts bd_Card_order bd_Cinfinite bd_Cnotzero collect_set_map in_bd in_cong
-          in_mono in_rel map_comp map_cong map_id map_transfer map_wppull rel_eq rel_flip set_map
+          in_mono in_rel map_comp map_cong map_id map_transfer rel_eq rel_flip set_map
           rel_cong rel_mono rel_mono_strong rel_Grp rel_conversep rel_OO;
         val wits = map2 mk_witness bnf_wits wit_thms;
@@ -1313,8 +1288,8 @@
         val bnf_rel =
           Term.subst_atomic_types ((Ds ~~ deads) @ (As' ~~ alphas) @ (Bs' ~~ betas)) rel;
-        val bnf = mk_bnf bnf_b CA live alphas betas dead deads bnf_map bnf_sets bnf_bd axioms defs
-          facts wits bnf_rel;
+        val bnf = mk_bnf bnf_b Calpha live alphas betas dead deads bnf_map bnf_sets bnf_bd axioms
+          defs facts wits bnf_rel;
         (bnf, lthy |> note_bnf_thms fact_policy qualify bnf_b bnf)
@@ -1336,7 +1311,8 @@
       K (TRYALL Goal.conjunction_tac) THEN'
       (case triv_tac_opt of
         SOME tac => tac set_maps
-      | NONE => mk_unfold_thms_then_tac lthy one_step_defs wit_tac);
+      | NONE => fn {context = ctxt, prems} =>
+          unfold_thms_tac ctxt one_step_defs THEN wit_tac {context = ctxt, prems = prems});
     val wit_goals = map Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced wit_goalss;
     fun mk_wit_thms set_maps =
       Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced wit_goals) (mk_wits_tac set_maps)
@@ -1345,7 +1321,8 @@
         |> map (map (Thm.close_derivation o Thm.forall_elim_vars 0));
     map2 (Thm.close_derivation oo Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [])
-      goals (map (mk_unfold_thms_then_tac lthy one_step_defs) tacs)
+      goals (map (fn tac => fn {context = ctxt, prems} =>
+        unfold_thms_tac ctxt one_step_defs THEN tac {context = ctxt, prems = prems}) tacs)
     |> (fn thms => after_qed mk_wit_thms (map single thms) lthy)
   end) oo prepare_def const_policy fact_policy qualify (K I) (K I) Ds map_b rel_b set_bs;
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_def_tactics.ML	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_def_tactics.ML	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -13,13 +13,12 @@
   val mk_map_comp: thm -> thm
   val mk_map_cong_tac: Proof.context -> thm -> tactic
   val mk_in_mono_tac: int -> tactic
-  val mk_map_wppull_tac: thm -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm list -> tactic
   val mk_set_map: thm -> thm
   val mk_rel_Grp_tac: thm list -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm list ->
     {prems: thm list, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
   val mk_rel_eq_tac: int -> thm -> thm -> thm -> tactic
-  val mk_rel_OO_tac: thm list -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm list ->
+  val mk_rel_OO_le_tac: thm list -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm list ->
     {prems: thm list, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
   val mk_rel_conversep_tac: thm -> thm -> tactic
   val mk_rel_conversep_le_tac: thm list -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm list ->
@@ -68,22 +67,6 @@
     rtac set_map0) set_map0s) THEN'
   rtac @{thm image_empty}) 1;
-fun mk_map_wppull_tac map_id0 map_cong0 map_wpull map_comp set_maps =
-  if null set_maps then
-    EVERY' [rtac @{thm wppull_id}, rtac map_wpull, rtac map_id0, rtac map_id0] 1
-  else EVERY' [REPEAT_DETERM o etac conjE, REPEAT_DETERM o dtac @{thm wppull_thePull},
-    REPEAT_DETERM o etac exE, rtac @{thm wpull_wppull}, rtac map_wpull,
-    REPEAT_DETERM o rtac @{thm wpull_thePull}, rtac ballI,
-    REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [CollectE, conjE], rtac conjI, rtac CollectI,
-    CONJ_WRAP' (fn thm => EVERY' [rtac (thm RS ord_eq_le_trans),
-      rtac @{thm image_subsetI}, rtac conjunct1, etac bspec, etac set_mp, atac])
-      set_maps,
-    CONJ_WRAP' (fn thm => EVERY' [rtac (map_comp RS trans), rtac (map_comp RS trans),
-      rtac (map_comp RS trans RS sym), rtac map_cong0,
-      REPEAT_DETERM_N (length set_maps) o EVERY' [rtac (o_apply RS trans),
-        rtac (o_apply RS trans RS sym), rtac (o_apply RS trans), rtac thm,
-        rtac conjunct2, etac bspec, etac set_mp, atac]]) [conjunct1, conjunct2]] 1;
 fun mk_rel_Grp_tac rel_OO_Grps map_id0 map_cong0 map_id map_comp set_maps
   {context = ctxt, prems = _} =
@@ -163,7 +146,7 @@
     rtac le_conversep, rtac @{thm iffD2[OF conversep_mono]}, rtac rel_mono,
     REPEAT_DETERM o rtac @{thm eq_refl[OF sym[OF conversep_conversep]]}] 1;
-fun mk_rel_OO_tac rel_OO_Grps rel_eq map_cong0 map_wppull map_comp set_maps
+fun mk_rel_OO_le_tac rel_OO_Grps rel_eq map_cong0 map_comp set_maps
   {context = ctxt, prems = _} =
     val n = length set_maps;
@@ -171,13 +154,13 @@
         CONJ_WRAP' (fn thm => EVERY' [rtac (thm RS ord_eq_le_trans),
           rtac @{thm image_subsetI}, rtac nthO_in, etac set_mp, atac]) set_maps;
     val rel_OO_Grps_tac = if null rel_OO_Grps then K all_tac
-      else rtac (hd rel_OO_Grps RS trans) THEN'
+      else rtac (hd rel_OO_Grps RS ord_eq_le_trans) THEN'
         rtac (@{thm arg_cong2[of _ _ _ _ "op OO"]} OF (replicate 2 (hd rel_OO_Grps RS sym)) RSN
-          (2, trans));
+          (2, ord_le_eq_trans));
-    if null set_maps then rtac (rel_eq RS @{thm eq_OOI}) 1
+    if null set_maps then rtac (rel_eq RS @{thm leq_OOI}) 1
-      EVERY' [rel_OO_Grps_tac, rtac @{thm antisym}, rtac @{thm predicate2I},
+      EVERY' [rel_OO_Grps_tac, rtac @{thm predicate2I},
         REPEAT_DETERM o
           eresolve_tac [CollectE, exE, conjE, @{thm GrpE}, @{thm relcomppE}, @{thm conversepE}],
         hyp_subst_tac ctxt,
@@ -197,18 +180,7 @@
         in_tac @{thm sndOp_in},
         rtac @{thm GrpI}, rtac trans, rtac map_comp, rtac sym, rtac map_cong0,
         REPEAT_DETERM_N n o rtac @{thm snd_sndOp},
-        in_tac @{thm sndOp_in},
-        rtac @{thm predicate2I},
-        REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [@{thm relcomppE}, @{thm conversepE}, @{thm GrpE}],
-        hyp_subst_tac ctxt,
-        rtac allE, rtac subst, rtac @{thm wppull_def}, rtac map_wppull,
-        CONJ_WRAP' (K (rtac @{thm wppull_fstOp_sndOp})) set_maps,
-        etac allE, etac impE, etac conjI, etac conjI, etac sym,
-        REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [bexE, conjE],
-        rtac @{thm relcomppI}, rtac @{thm conversepI},
-        EVERY' (map (fn thm => EVERY' [rtac @{thm GrpI}, rtac trans,
-          rtac trans, rtac map_cong0, REPEAT_DETERM_N n o rtac thm,
-          rtac (map_comp RS sym), atac, atac]) [@{thm fst_fstOp}, @{thm snd_sndOp}])] 1
+        in_tac @{thm sndOp_in}] 1
 fun mk_rel_mono_strong_tac in_rel set_maps {context = ctxt, prems = _} =
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_gfp.ML	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_gfp.ML	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -85,16 +85,13 @@
     val passives = map fst (subtract (op = o apsnd TFree) deads resBs);
     (* tvars *)
-    val ((((((((passiveAs, activeAs), passiveBs), activeBs), passiveCs), activeCs), passiveXs),
-        passiveYs), idxT) = names_lthy
+    val ((((((passiveAs, activeAs), passiveBs), activeBs), passiveCs), activeCs), idxT) = names_lthy
       |> variant_tfrees passives
       ||>> mk_TFrees n
       ||>> variant_tfrees passives
       ||>> mk_TFrees n
       ||>> mk_TFrees m
       ||>> mk_TFrees n
-      ||>> mk_TFrees m
-      ||>> mk_TFrees m
       ||> fst o mk_TFrees 1
       ||> the_single;
@@ -168,14 +165,15 @@
     val hrecTs = map fastype_of Zeros;
     val hsetTs = map (fn hrecT => Library.foldr (op -->) (sTs, HOLogic.natT --> hrecT)) hrecTs;
-    val ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((zs, zs'), zs_copy), zs_copy2),
-      z's), As), Bs), Bs_copy), B's), B''s), ss), sum_ss), s's), s''s), fs), fs_copy),
+    val (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((zs, zs'), zs_copy), zs_copy2), z's), (ys, ys')),
+      As), Bs), Bs_copy), B's), B''s), ss), sum_ss), s's), s''s), fs), fs_copy),
       self_fs), gs), all_gs), xFs), yFs), yFs_copy), RFs), (Rtuple, Rtuple')), (hrecs, hrecs')),
       (nat, nat')), Rs), Rs_copy), R's), sRs), (idx, idx')), Idx), Ris), Kss), names_lthy) = lthy
       |> mk_Frees' "b" activeAs
       ||>> mk_Frees "b" activeAs
       ||>> mk_Frees "b" activeAs
       ||>> mk_Frees "b" activeBs
+      ||>> mk_Frees' "y" passiveAs
       ||>> mk_Frees "A" ATs
       ||>> mk_Frees "B" BTs
       ||>> mk_Frees "B" BTs
@@ -230,7 +228,6 @@
     val map_cong0s = map map_cong0_of_bnf bnfs;
     val map_id0s = map map_id0_of_bnf bnfs;
     val map_ids = map map_id_of_bnf bnfs;
-    val map_wpulls = map map_wpull_of_bnf bnfs;
     val set_bdss = map set_bd_of_bnf bnfs;
     val set_mapss = map set_map_of_bnf bnfs;
     val rel_congs = map rel_cong_of_bnf bnfs;
@@ -667,25 +664,6 @@
     val set_hset_thmss' = transpose set_hset_thmss;
     val set_hset_hset_thmsss' = transpose (map transpose set_hset_hset_thmsss);
-    val set_incl_hin_thmss =
-      let
-        fun mk_set_incl_hin s x hsets1 set hsets2 T =
-          fold_rev Logic.all (x :: ss @ As)
-            (Logic.list_implies
-              (map2 (fn hset => fn A => HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (mk_leq (hset $ x) A)) hsets1 As,
-              HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (mk_leq (set $ (s $ x)) (mk_in As hsets2 T))));
-        val set_incl_hin_goalss =
-          map4 (fn s => fn x => fn sets => fn hsets =>
-            map3 (mk_set_incl_hin s x hsets) (drop m sets) hsetssAs activeAs)
-          ss zs setssAs hsetssAs;
-      in
-        map2 (map2 (fn goal => fn thms =>
-          Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal (K (mk_set_incl_hin_tac thms))
-          |> Thm.close_derivation))
-        set_incl_hin_goalss set_hset_incl_hset_thmsss
-      end;
     val hset_minimal_thms =
         fun mk_passive_prem set s x K =
@@ -1648,7 +1626,6 @@
     val Ts = map (fn name => Type (name, params')) T_names;
     fun mk_Ts passive = map (Term.typ_subst_atomic (passiveAs ~~ passive)) Ts;
     val Ts' = mk_Ts passiveBs;
-    val Ts'' = mk_Ts passiveCs;
     val Rep_Ts = map2 (fn info => fn T => Const (#Rep_name info, T --> treeQT)) T_glob_infos Ts;
     val Abs_Ts = map2 (fn info => fn T => Const (#Abs_name info, treeQT --> T)) T_glob_infos Ts;
@@ -1679,21 +1656,21 @@
     val corec_Inls = map (Term.subst_atomic_types (activeBs ~~ Ts)) Inls;
     val corec_UNIVs = map2 (HOLogic.mk_UNIV oo curry mk_sumT) Ts activeAs;
-    val ((((((((((((((Jzs, Jzs'), (Jz's, Jz's')), Jzs_copy), Jz's_copy), Jzs1), Jzs2), Jpairs),
-      FJzs), TRs), unfold_fs), unfold_fs_copy), corec_ss), phis), names_lthy) = names_lthy
+    val (((((((((((((Jzs, Jzs'), Jz's), Jzs_copy), Jz's_copy), Jzs1), Jzs2),
+      FJzs), TRs), unfold_fs), corec_ss), phis), dtor_set_induct_phiss),
+      names_lthy) = names_lthy
       |> mk_Frees' "z" Ts
-      ||>> mk_Frees' "y" Ts'
+      ||>> mk_Frees "y" Ts'
       ||>> mk_Frees "z'" Ts
       ||>> mk_Frees "y'" Ts'
       ||>> mk_Frees "z1" Ts
       ||>> mk_Frees "z2" Ts
-      ||>> mk_Frees "j" (map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_prodT) Ts Ts')
       ||>> mk_Frees "x" prodFTs
       ||>> mk_Frees "r" (map (mk_relT o `I) Ts)
       ||>> mk_Frees "f" unfold_fTs
-      ||>> mk_Frees "g" unfold_fTs
       ||>> mk_Frees "s" corec_sTs
-      ||>> mk_Frees "P" (map2 mk_pred2T Ts Ts);
+      ||>> mk_Frees "P" (map2 mk_pred2T Ts Ts)
+      ||>> mk_Freess "P" (map (fn A => map (mk_pred2T A) Ts) passiveAs);
     fun dtor_bind i = nth external_bs (i - 1) |> Binding.prefix_name (dtorN ^ "_");
     val dtor_name = Binding.name_of o dtor_bind;
@@ -1812,25 +1789,6 @@
           |> Thm.close_derivation)
-    val unique_mor_thms =
-      let
-        val prems = [HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (mk_coalg passive_UNIVs Bs ss), HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
-          (HOLogic.mk_conj (mk_mor Bs ss UNIVs dtors unfold_fs,
-            mk_mor Bs ss UNIVs dtors unfold_fs_copy))];
-        fun mk_fun_eq B f g z = HOLogic.mk_imp
-          (HOLogic.mk_mem (z, B), HOLogic.mk_eq (f $ z, g $ z));
-        val unique = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
-          (map4 mk_fun_eq Bs unfold_fs unfold_fs_copy zs));
-        val unique_mor = Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] []
-          (fold_rev Logic.all (Bs @ ss @ unfold_fs @ unfold_fs_copy @ zs)
-            (Logic.list_implies (prems, unique)))
-          (K (mk_unique_mor_tac raw_coind_thms bis_image2_thm))
-          |> Thm.close_derivation;
-      in
-        map (fn thm => conjI RSN (2, thm RS mp)) (split_conj_thm unique_mor)
-      end;
     val (unfold_unique_mor_thms, unfold_unique_mor_thm) =
         val prem = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (mk_mor active_UNIVs ss UNIVs dtors unfold_fs);
@@ -2086,6 +2044,59 @@
     val timer = time (timer "coinduction");
+    val setss_by_bnf = map (fn i => map2 (mk_hset dtors i) ls passiveAs) ks;
+    val setss_by_range = transpose setss_by_bnf;
+    val (hset_dtor_incl_thmss, hset_hset_dtor_incl_thmsss, dtor_hset_induct_thms) =
+      let
+        fun tinst_of dtor =
+          map (SOME o certify lthy) (dtor :: remove (op =) dtor dtors);
+        fun tinst_of' dtor = case tinst_of dtor of t :: ts => t :: NONE :: ts;
+        val Tinst = map (pairself (certifyT lthy))
+          (map Logic.varifyT_global (deads @ allAs) ~~ (deads @ passiveAs @ Ts));
+        val set_incl_thmss =
+          map2 (fn dtor => map (singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy) o
+            Drule.instantiate' [] (tinst_of' dtor) o
+            Thm.instantiate (Tinst, []) o Drule.zero_var_indexes))
+          dtors set_incl_hset_thmss;
+        val tinst = splice (map (SOME o certify lthy) dtors) (replicate n NONE)
+        val set_minimal_thms =
+          map (Drule.instantiate' [] tinst o Thm.instantiate (Tinst, []) o
+            Drule.zero_var_indexes)
+          hset_minimal_thms;
+        val set_set_incl_thmsss =
+          map2 (fn dtor => map (map (singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy) o
+            Drule.instantiate' [] (NONE :: tinst_of' dtor) o
+            Thm.instantiate (Tinst, []) o Drule.zero_var_indexes)))
+          dtors set_hset_incl_hset_thmsss;
+        val set_set_incl_thmsss' = transpose (map transpose set_set_incl_thmsss);
+        val incls =
+          maps (map (fn thm => thm RS @{thm subset_Collect_iff})) set_incl_thmss @
+            @{thms subset_Collect_iff[OF subset_refl]};
+        fun mk_induct_tinst phis jsets y y' =
+          map4 (fn phi => fn jset => fn Jz => fn Jz' =>
+            SOME (certify lthy (Term.absfree Jz' (HOLogic.mk_Collect (fst y', snd y',
+              HOLogic.mk_conj (HOLogic.mk_mem (y, jset $ Jz), phi $ y $ Jz))))))
+          phis jsets Jzs Jzs';
+        val dtor_set_induct_thms =
+          map6 (fn set_minimal => fn set_set_inclss => fn jsets => fn y => fn y' => fn phis =>
+            ((set_minimal
+              |> Drule.instantiate' [] (mk_induct_tinst phis jsets y y')
+              |> unfold_thms lthy incls) OF
+              (replicate n ballI @
+                maps (map (fn thm => thm RS @{thm subset_CollectI})) set_set_inclss))
+            |> singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
+            |> rule_by_tactic lthy (ALLGOALS (TRY o etac asm_rl)))
+          set_minimal_thms set_set_incl_thmsss' setss_by_range ys ys' dtor_set_induct_phiss
+      in
+        (set_incl_thmss, set_set_incl_thmsss, dtor_set_induct_thms)
+      end;
     fun mk_dtor_map_DEADID_thm dtor_inject map_id0 =
       trans OF [iffD2 OF [dtor_inject, id_apply], map_id0 RS sym];
@@ -2093,60 +2104,49 @@
       trans OF [rel_eq_of_bnf bnf RS @{thm predicate2_eqD}, dtor_inject] RS sym;
     val JphiTs = map2 mk_pred2T passiveAs passiveBs;
+    val Jpsi1Ts = map2 mk_pred2T passiveAs passiveCs;
+    val Jpsi2Ts = map2 mk_pred2T passiveCs passiveBs;
     val prodTsTs' = map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_prodT) Ts Ts';
     val fstsTsTs' = map fst_const prodTsTs';
     val sndsTsTs' = map snd_const prodTsTs';
     val activephiTs = map2 mk_pred2T activeAs activeBs;
     val activeJphiTs = map2 mk_pred2T Ts Ts';
-    val (((Jphis, activephis), activeJphis), names_lthy) = names_lthy
+    val (((((Jphis, Jpsi1s), Jpsi2s), activephis), activeJphis), names_lthy) = names_lthy
       |> mk_Frees "R" JphiTs
+      ||>> mk_Frees "R" Jpsi1Ts
+      ||>> mk_Frees "Q" Jpsi2Ts
       ||>> mk_Frees "S" activephiTs
       ||>> mk_Frees "JR" activeJphiTs;
     val rels = map2 (fn Ds => mk_rel_of_bnf Ds (passiveAs @ Ts) (passiveBs @ Ts')) Dss bnfs;
     val in_rels = map in_rel_of_bnf bnfs;
+    fun mk_Jrel_DEADID_coinduct_thm () = 
+      mk_rel_xtor_co_induct_thm Greatest_FP rels activeJphis (map HOLogic.eq_const Ts) Jphis
+        Jzs Jz's dtors dtor's (fn {context = ctxt, prems} =>
+          (unfold_thms_tac ctxt @{thms le_fun_def le_bool_def all_simps(1,2)[symmetric]} THEN
+          REPEAT_DETERM (rtac allI 1) THEN rtac (dtor_coinduct_thm OF prems) 1)) lthy;
     (*register new codatatypes as BNFs*)
-    val (timer, Jbnfs, (folded_dtor_map_o_thms, folded_dtor_map_thms), folded_dtor_set_thmss',
-      dtor_set_induct_thms, dtor_Jrel_thms, Jbnf_notes, lthy) =
+    val (timer, Jbnfs, (dtor_Jmap_o_thms, dtor_Jmap_thms), dtor_Jset_thmss',
+      dtor_Jrel_thms, Jrel_coinduct_thm, Jbnf_notes, lthy) =
       if m = 0 then
         (timer, replicate n DEADID_bnf,
         map_split (`(mk_pointfree lthy)) (map2 mk_dtor_map_DEADID_thm dtor_inject_thms map_ids),
-        replicate n [], [], map2 mk_dtor_Jrel_DEADID_thm dtor_inject_thms bnfs, [], lthy)
+        replicate n [], map2 mk_dtor_Jrel_DEADID_thm dtor_inject_thms bnfs,
+        mk_Jrel_DEADID_coinduct_thm (), [], lthy)
       else let
         val fTs = map2 (curry op -->) passiveAs passiveBs;
         val gTs = map2 (curry op -->) passiveBs passiveCs;
-        val f1Ts = map2 (curry op -->) passiveAs passiveYs;
-        val f2Ts = map2 (curry op -->) passiveBs passiveYs;
-        val p1Ts = map2 (curry op -->) passiveXs passiveAs;
-        val p2Ts = map2 (curry op -->) passiveXs passiveBs;
-        val pTs = map2 (curry op -->) passiveXs passiveCs;
         val uTs = map2 (curry op -->) Ts Ts';
-        val B1Ts = map HOLogic.mk_setT passiveAs;
-        val B2Ts = map HOLogic.mk_setT passiveBs;
-        val AXTs = map HOLogic.mk_setT passiveXs;
-        val XTs = mk_Ts passiveXs;
-        val YTs = mk_Ts passiveYs;
-        val ((((((((((((((((((fs, fs'), fs_copy), gs), us),
-          (Jys, Jys')), (Jys_copy, Jys'_copy)), dtor_set_induct_phiss),
-          B1s), B2s), AXs), f1s), f2s), p1s), p2s), ps), (ys, ys')), (ys_copy, ys'_copy)),
-          names_lthy) = names_lthy
+        val ((((((((fs, fs'), fs_copy), gs), us), (Jys, Jys')), (Jys_copy, Jys'_copy)),
+          (ys_copy, ys'_copy)), names_lthy) = names_lthy
           |> mk_Frees' "f" fTs
           ||>> mk_Frees "f" fTs
           ||>> mk_Frees "g" gTs
           ||>> mk_Frees "u" uTs
           ||>> mk_Frees' "b" Ts'
           ||>> mk_Frees' "b" Ts'
-          ||>> mk_Freess "P" (map (fn A => map (mk_pred2T A) Ts) passiveAs)
-          ||>> mk_Frees "B1" B1Ts
-          ||>> mk_Frees "B2" B2Ts
-          ||>> mk_Frees "A" AXTs
-          ||>> mk_Frees "f1" f1Ts
-          ||>> mk_Frees "f2" f2Ts
-          ||>> mk_Frees "p1" p1Ts
-          ||>> mk_Frees "p2" p2Ts
-          ||>> mk_Frees "p" pTs
-          ||>> mk_Frees' "y" passiveAs
           ||>> mk_Frees' "y" passiveAs;
         val map_FTFT's = map2 (fn Ds =>
@@ -2160,382 +2160,11 @@
             HOLogic.mk_comp (mk_Fmap mk_const fs Ts Fmap, dtor)) dtors (mk_maps Ts mk_T));
         val mk_map_id = mk_map HOLogic.id_const I;
         val mk_mapsAB = mk_maps passiveAs passiveBs;
-        val mk_mapsBC = mk_maps passiveBs passiveCs;
-        val mk_mapsAC = mk_maps passiveAs passiveCs;
-        val mk_mapsAY = mk_maps passiveAs passiveYs;
-        val mk_mapsBY = mk_maps passiveBs passiveYs;
-        val mk_mapsXA = mk_maps passiveXs passiveAs;
-        val mk_mapsXB = mk_maps passiveXs passiveBs;
-        val mk_mapsXC = mk_maps passiveXs passiveCs;
         val fs_maps = map (mk_map_id Ts fs Ts' dtors mk_mapsAB) ks;
-        val fs_copy_maps = map (mk_map_id Ts fs_copy Ts' dtors mk_mapsAB) ks;
-        val gs_maps = map (mk_map_id Ts' gs Ts'' dtor's mk_mapsBC) ks;
-        val fgs_maps =
-          map (mk_map_id Ts (map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_comp) gs fs) Ts'' dtors mk_mapsAC) ks;
-        val Xdtors = mk_dtors passiveXs;
-        val UNIV's = map HOLogic.mk_UNIV Ts';
-        val CUNIVs = map HOLogic.mk_UNIV passiveCs;
-        val UNIV''s = map HOLogic.mk_UNIV Ts'';
-        val dtor''s = mk_dtors passiveCs;
-        val f1s_maps = map (mk_map_id Ts f1s YTs dtors mk_mapsAY) ks;
-        val f2s_maps = map (mk_map_id Ts' f2s YTs dtor's mk_mapsBY) ks;
-        val pid_maps = map (mk_map_id XTs ps Ts'' Xdtors mk_mapsXC) ks;
-        val pfst_Fmaps =
-          map (mk_Fmap fst_const p1s prodTsTs') (mk_mapsXA prodTsTs' (fst o HOLogic.dest_prodT));
-        val psnd_Fmaps =
-          map (mk_Fmap snd_const p2s prodTsTs') (mk_mapsXB prodTsTs' (snd o HOLogic.dest_prodT));
-        val p1id_Fmaps = map (mk_Fmap HOLogic.id_const p1s prodTsTs') (mk_mapsXA prodTsTs' I);
-        val p2id_Fmaps = map (mk_Fmap HOLogic.id_const p2s prodTsTs') (mk_mapsXB prodTsTs' I);
-        val pid_Fmaps = map (mk_Fmap HOLogic.id_const ps prodTsTs') (mk_mapsXC prodTsTs' I);
-        val (dtor_map_thms, map_thms) =
-          let
-            fun mk_goal fs_map map dtor dtor' = fold_rev Logic.all fs
-              (mk_Trueprop_eq (HOLogic.mk_comp (dtor', fs_map),
-                HOLogic.mk_comp (Term.list_comb (map, fs @ fs_maps), dtor)));
-            val goals = map4 mk_goal fs_maps map_FTFT's dtors dtor's;
-            val cTs = map (SOME o certifyT lthy) FTs';
-            val maps =
-              map5 (fn goal => fn cT => fn unfold => fn map_comp => fn map_cong0 =>
-                Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
-                  (K (mk_map_tac m n cT unfold map_comp map_cong0))
-                |> Thm.close_derivation)
-              goals cTs dtor_unfold_thms map_comps map_cong0s;
-          in
-            map_split (fn thm => (thm RS @{thm comp_eq_dest}, thm)) maps
-          end;
-        val map_comp0_thms =
-          let
-            val goal = fold_rev Logic.all (fs @ gs)
-              (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
-                (map3 (fn fmap => fn gmap => fn fgmap =>
-                   HOLogic.mk_eq (HOLogic.mk_comp (gmap, fmap), fgmap))
-                fs_maps gs_maps fgs_maps)))
-          in
-            split_conj_thm (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
-              (K (mk_map_comp0_tac m n map_thms map_comp0s map_cong0s dtor_unfold_unique_thm))
-              |> Thm.close_derivation)
-          end;
-        val dtor_map_unique_thm =
-          let
-            fun mk_prem u map dtor dtor' =
-              mk_Trueprop_eq (HOLogic.mk_comp (dtor', u),
-                HOLogic.mk_comp (Term.list_comb (map, fs @ us), dtor));
-            val prems = map4 mk_prem us map_FTFT's dtors dtor's;
-            val goal =
-              HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
-                (map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_eq) us fs_maps));
-          in
-            Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] []
-              (fold_rev Logic.all (us @ fs) (Logic.list_implies (prems, goal)))
-              (mk_dtor_map_unique_tac dtor_unfold_unique_thm sym_map_comps)
-              |> Thm.close_derivation
-          end;
-        val timer = time (timer "map functions for the new codatatypes");
-        val setss_by_bnf = map (fn i => map2 (mk_hset dtors i) ls passiveAs) ks;
-        val setss_by_bnf' = map (fn i => map2 (mk_hset dtor's i) ls passiveBs) ks;
-        val setss_by_range = transpose setss_by_bnf;
-        val dtor_set_thmss =
-          let
-            fun mk_simp_goal relate pas_set act_sets sets dtor z set =
-              relate (set $ z, mk_union (pas_set $ (dtor $ z),
-                 Library.foldl1 mk_union
-                   (map2 (fn X => mk_UNION (X $ (dtor $ z))) act_sets sets)));
-            fun mk_goals eq =
-              map2 (fn i => fn sets =>
-                map4 (fn Fsets =>
-                  mk_simp_goal eq (nth Fsets (i - 1)) (drop m Fsets) sets)
-                FTs_setss dtors Jzs sets)
-              ls setss_by_range;
-            val le_goals = map
-              (fold_rev Logic.all Jzs o HOLogic.mk_Trueprop o Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj)
-              (mk_goals (uncurry mk_leq));
-            val set_le_thmss = map split_conj_thm
-              (map4 (fn goal => fn hset_minimal => fn set_hsets => fn set_hset_hsetss =>
-                Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
-                  (K (mk_set_le_tac n hset_minimal set_hsets set_hset_hsetss))
-                |> Thm.close_derivation)
-              le_goals hset_minimal_thms set_hset_thmss' set_hset_hset_thmsss');
-            val simp_goalss = map (map2 (fn z => fn goal =>
-                Logic.all z (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop goal)) Jzs)
-              (mk_goals HOLogic.mk_eq);
-          in
-            map4 (map4 (fn goal => fn set_le => fn set_incl_hset => fn set_hset_incl_hsets =>
-              Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
-                (K (mk_dtor_set_tac n set_le set_incl_hset set_hset_incl_hsets))
-              |> Thm.close_derivation))
-            simp_goalss set_le_thmss set_incl_hset_thmss' set_hset_incl_hset_thmsss'
-          end;
-        val timer = time (timer "set functions for the new codatatypes");
-        val colss = map2 (fn j => fn T =>
-          map (fn i => mk_hset_rec dtors nat i j T) ks) ls passiveAs;
-        val colss' = map2 (fn j => fn T =>
-          map (fn i => mk_hset_rec dtor's nat i j T) ks) ls passiveBs;
-        val Xcolss = map2 (fn j => fn T =>
-          map (fn i => mk_hset_rec Xdtors nat i j T) ks) ls passiveXs;
-        val col_natural_thmss =
-          let
-            fun mk_col_natural f map z col col' =
-              HOLogic.mk_eq (mk_image f $ (col $ z), col' $ (map $ z));
-            fun mk_goal f cols cols' = list_all_free Jzs (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
-              (map4 (mk_col_natural f) fs_maps Jzs cols cols'));
-            val goals = map3 mk_goal fs colss colss';
-            val ctss =
-              map (fn phi => map (SOME o certify lthy) [Term.absfree nat' phi, nat]) goals;
-            val thms =
-              map4 (fn goal => fn cts => fn rec_0s => fn rec_Sucs =>
-                singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
-                  (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop goal)
-                    (mk_col_natural_tac cts rec_0s rec_Sucs dtor_map_thms set_mapss))
-                |> Thm.close_derivation)
-              goals ctss hset_rec_0ss' hset_rec_Sucss';
-          in
-            map (split_conj_thm o mk_specN n) thms
-          end;
-        val col_bd_thmss =
-          let
-            fun mk_col_bd z col = mk_ordLeq (mk_card_of (col $ z)) sbd;
-            fun mk_goal cols = list_all_free Jzs (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
-              (map2 mk_col_bd Jzs cols));
-            val goals = map mk_goal colss;
-            val ctss =
-              map (fn phi => map (SOME o certify lthy) [Term.absfree nat' phi, nat]) goals;
-            val thms =
-              map5 (fn j => fn goal => fn cts => fn rec_0s => fn rec_Sucs =>
-                singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
-                  (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop goal)
-                    (K (mk_col_bd_tac m j cts rec_0s rec_Sucs
-                      sbd_Card_order sbd_Cinfinite set_sbdss)))
-                |> Thm.close_derivation)
-              ls goals ctss hset_rec_0ss' hset_rec_Sucss';
-          in
-            map (split_conj_thm o mk_specN n) thms
-          end;
-        val map_cong0_thms =
-          let
-            val cTs = map (SOME o certifyT lthy o
-              Term.typ_subst_atomic (passiveAs ~~ passiveBs) o TFree) coinduct_params;
-            fun mk_prem z set f g y y' =
-              mk_Ball (set $ z) (Term.absfree y' (HOLogic.mk_eq (f $ y, g $ y)));
-            fun mk_prems sets z =
-              Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj (map5 (mk_prem z) sets fs fs_copy ys ys')
-            fun mk_map_cong0 sets z fmap gmap =
-              HOLogic.mk_imp (mk_prems sets z, HOLogic.mk_eq (fmap $ z, gmap $ z));
-            fun mk_coind_body sets (x, T) z fmap gmap y y_copy =
-              HOLogic.mk_conj
-                (HOLogic.mk_mem (z, HOLogic.mk_Collect (x, T, mk_prems sets z)),
-                  HOLogic.mk_conj (HOLogic.mk_eq (y, fmap $ z),
-                    HOLogic.mk_eq (y_copy, gmap $ z)))
-            fun mk_cphi sets (z' as (x, T)) z fmap gmap y' y y'_copy y_copy =
-              HOLogic.mk_exists (x, T, mk_coind_body sets z' z fmap gmap y y_copy)
-              |> Term.absfree y'_copy
-              |> Term.absfree y'
-              |> certify lthy;
-            val cphis =
-              map9 mk_cphi setss_by_bnf Jzs' Jzs fs_maps fs_copy_maps Jys' Jys Jys'_copy Jys_copy;
-            val coinduct = Drule.instantiate' cTs (map SOME cphis) dtor_map_coinduct_thm;
-            val goal =
-              HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
-                (map4 mk_map_cong0 setss_by_bnf Jzs fs_maps fs_copy_maps));
-            val thm = singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
-              (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
-              (K (mk_mcong_tac lthy m (rtac coinduct) map_comps dtor_map_thms map_cong0s set_mapss
-              set_hset_thmss set_hset_hset_thmsss)))
-              |> Thm.close_derivation
-          in
-            split_conj_thm thm
-          end;
-        val B1_ins = map2 (mk_in B1s) setss_by_bnf Ts;
-        val B2_ins = map2 (mk_in B2s) setss_by_bnf' Ts';
-        val thePulls = map4 mk_thePull B1_ins B2_ins f1s_maps f2s_maps;
-        val thePullTs = passiveXs @ map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_prodT) Ts Ts';
-        val thePull_ins = map2 (mk_in (AXs @ thePulls)) (mk_setss thePullTs) (mk_FTs thePullTs);
-        val pickFs = map5 mk_pickWP thePull_ins pfst_Fmaps psnd_Fmaps
-          (map2 (curry op $) dtors Jzs) (map2 (curry op $) dtor's Jz's);
-        val pickF_ss = map3 (fn pickF => fn z => fn z' =>
-          HOLogic.mk_split (Term.absfree z (Term.absfree z' pickF))) pickFs Jzs' Jz's';
-        val picks = map (mk_unfold XTs pickF_ss) ks;
-        val wpull_prem = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
-          (map8 mk_wpull AXs B1s B2s f1s f2s (replicate m NONE) p1s p2s));
-        val map_eq_thms = map2 (fn simp => fn diff => box_equals OF [diff RS iffD2, simp, simp])
-          dtor_map_thms dtor_inject_thms;
-        val map_wpull_thms = map (fn thm => thm OF
-          (replicate m asm_rl @ replicate n @{thm wpull_thePull})) map_wpulls;
-        val pickWP_assms_tacs =
-          map3 mk_pickWP_assms_tac set_incl_hset_thmss set_incl_hin_thmss map_eq_thms;
-        val coalg_thePull_thm =
-          let
-            val coalg = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
-              (mk_coalg CUNIVs thePulls (map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_comp) pid_Fmaps pickF_ss));
-            val goal = fold_rev Logic.all (AXs @ B1s @ B2s @ f1s @ f2s @ p1s @ p2s @ ps)
-              (Logic.mk_implies (wpull_prem, coalg));
-          in
-            Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal (mk_coalg_thePull_tac m coalg_def map_wpull_thms
-              set_mapss pickWP_assms_tacs)
-            |> Thm.close_derivation
-          end;
-        val (mor_thePull_fst_thm, mor_thePull_snd_thm, mor_thePull_pick_thm) =
-          let
-            val mor_fst = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
-              (mk_mor thePulls (map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_comp) p1id_Fmaps pickF_ss)
-                UNIVs dtors fstsTsTs');
-            val mor_snd = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
-              (mk_mor thePulls (map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_comp) p2id_Fmaps pickF_ss)
-                UNIV's dtor's sndsTsTs');
-            val mor_pick = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
-              (mk_mor thePulls (map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_comp) pid_Fmaps pickF_ss)
-                UNIV''s dtor''s (map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_comp) pid_maps picks));
-            val fst_goal = fold_rev Logic.all (AXs @ B1s @ B2s @ f1s @ f2s @ p1s @ p2s)
-              (Logic.mk_implies (wpull_prem, mor_fst));
-            val snd_goal = fold_rev Logic.all (AXs @ B1s @ B2s @ f1s @ f2s @ p1s @ p2s)
-              (Logic.mk_implies (wpull_prem, mor_snd));
-            val pick_goal = fold_rev Logic.all (AXs @ B1s @ B2s @ f1s @ f2s @ p1s @ p2s @ ps)
-              (Logic.mk_implies (wpull_prem, mor_pick));
-          in
-            (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] fst_goal (mk_mor_thePull_fst_tac m mor_def map_wpull_thms
-              map_comps pickWP_assms_tacs) |> Thm.close_derivation,
-            Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] snd_goal (mk_mor_thePull_snd_tac m mor_def map_wpull_thms
-              map_comps pickWP_assms_tacs) |> Thm.close_derivation,
-            Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] pick_goal (mk_mor_thePull_pick_tac mor_def dtor_unfold_thms
-              map_comps) |> Thm.close_derivation)
-          end;
-        val pick_col_thmss =
-          let
-            fun mk_conjunct AX Jpair pick thePull col =
-              HOLogic.mk_imp (HOLogic.mk_mem (Jpair, thePull), mk_leq (col $ (pick $ Jpair)) AX);
-            fun mk_concl AX cols =
-              list_all_free Jpairs (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
-                (map4 (mk_conjunct AX) Jpairs picks thePulls cols));
-            val concls = map2 mk_concl AXs Xcolss;
-            val ctss =
-              map (fn phi => map (SOME o certify lthy) [Term.absfree nat' phi, nat]) concls;
-            val goals =
-              map (fn concl => Logic.mk_implies (wpull_prem, HOLogic.mk_Trueprop concl)) concls;
-            val thms =
-              map5 (fn j => fn goal => fn cts => fn rec_0s => fn rec_Sucs =>
-                singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy) (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
-                  (mk_pick_col_tac m j cts rec_0s rec_Sucs dtor_unfold_thms set_mapss
-                    map_wpull_thms pickWP_assms_tacs))
-                |> Thm.close_derivation)
-              ls goals ctss hset_rec_0ss' hset_rec_Sucss';
-          in
-            map (map (fn thm => thm RS mp) o split_conj_thm o mk_specN n) thms
-          end;
-        val timer = time (timer "helpers for BNF properties");
-        val map_id0_tacs =
-          map2 (K oo mk_map_id0_tac map_thms) dtor_unfold_unique_thms unfold_dtor_thms;
-        val map_comp0_tacs = map (fn thm => K (rtac (thm RS sym) 1)) map_comp0_thms;
-        val map_cong0_tacs = map (mk_map_cong0_tac m) map_cong0_thms;
-        val set_nat_tacss =
-          map2 (map2 (K oo mk_set_map0_tac)) hset_defss (transpose col_natural_thmss);
-        val bd_co_tacs = replicate n (K (rtac sbd_card_order 1));
-        val bd_cinf_tacs = replicate n (K (rtac (sbd_Cinfinite RS conjunct1) 1));
-        val set_bd_tacss =
-          map2 (map2 (K oo mk_set_bd_tac sbd_Cinfinite)) hset_defss (transpose col_bd_thmss);
-        val map_wpull_tacs =
-          map3 (K ooo mk_wpull_tac m coalg_thePull_thm mor_thePull_fst_thm mor_thePull_snd_thm
-            mor_thePull_pick_thm) unique_mor_thms (transpose pick_col_thmss) hset_defss;
-        val rel_OO_Grp_tacs = replicate n (K (rtac refl 1));
-        val tacss = map9 zip_axioms map_id0_tacs map_comp0_tacs map_cong0_tacs set_nat_tacss
-          bd_co_tacs bd_cinf_tacs set_bd_tacss map_wpull_tacs rel_OO_Grp_tacs;
-        val (hset_dtor_incl_thmss, hset_hset_dtor_incl_thmsss, dtor_hset_induct_thms) =
-          let
-            fun tinst_of dtor =
-              map (SOME o certify lthy) (dtor :: remove (op =) dtor dtors);
-            fun tinst_of' dtor = case tinst_of dtor of t :: ts => t :: NONE :: ts;
-            val Tinst = map (pairself (certifyT lthy))
-              (map Logic.varifyT_global (deads @ allAs) ~~ (deads @ passiveAs @ Ts));
-            val set_incl_thmss =
-              map2 (fn dtor => map (singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy) o
-                Drule.instantiate' [] (tinst_of' dtor) o
-                Thm.instantiate (Tinst, []) o Drule.zero_var_indexes))
-              dtors set_incl_hset_thmss;
-            val tinst = splice (map (SOME o certify lthy) dtors) (replicate n NONE)
-            val set_minimal_thms =
-              map (Drule.instantiate' [] tinst o Thm.instantiate (Tinst, []) o
-                Drule.zero_var_indexes)
-              hset_minimal_thms;
-            val set_set_incl_thmsss =
-              map2 (fn dtor => map (map (singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy) o
-                Drule.instantiate' [] (NONE :: tinst_of' dtor) o
-                Thm.instantiate (Tinst, []) o Drule.zero_var_indexes)))
-              dtors set_hset_incl_hset_thmsss;
-            val set_set_incl_thmsss' = transpose (map transpose set_set_incl_thmsss);
-            val incls =
-              maps (map (fn thm => thm RS @{thm subset_Collect_iff})) set_incl_thmss @
-                @{thms subset_Collect_iff[OF subset_refl]};
-            fun mk_induct_tinst phis jsets y y' =
-              map4 (fn phi => fn jset => fn Jz => fn Jz' =>
-                SOME (certify lthy (Term.absfree Jz' (HOLogic.mk_Collect (fst y', snd y',
-                  HOLogic.mk_conj (HOLogic.mk_mem (y, jset $ Jz), phi $ y $ Jz))))))
-              phis jsets Jzs Jzs';
-            val dtor_set_induct_thms =
-              map6 (fn set_minimal => fn set_set_inclss => fn jsets => fn y => fn y' => fn phis =>
-                ((set_minimal
-                  |> Drule.instantiate' [] (mk_induct_tinst phis jsets y y')
-                  |> unfold_thms lthy incls) OF
-                  (replicate n ballI @
-                    maps (map (fn thm => thm RS @{thm subset_CollectI})) set_set_inclss))
-                |> singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
-                |> rule_by_tactic lthy (ALLGOALS (TRY o etac asm_rl)))
-              set_minimal_thms set_set_incl_thmsss' setss_by_range ys ys' dtor_set_induct_phiss
-          in
-            (set_incl_thmss, set_set_incl_thmsss, dtor_set_induct_thms)
-          end;
+        val set_bss =
+          map (flat o map2 (fn B => fn b =>
+            if member (op =) resDs (TFree B) then [] else [b]) resBs) set_bss0;
         fun close_wit I wit = (I, fold_rev Term.absfree (map (nth ys') I) wit);
@@ -2622,6 +2251,14 @@
         val coind_witss =
           maps (map (mk_coind_wits o prepare_args)) nonredundant_coind_wit_argsss;
+        val witss = map2 (fn Ds => fn bnf => mk_wits_of_bnf
+          (replicate (nwits_of_bnf bnf) Ds)
+          (replicate (nwits_of_bnf bnf) (passiveAs @ Ts)) bnf) Dss bnfs;
+        val ctor_witss =
+          map (map (uncurry close_wit o tree_to_ctor_wit ys ctors witss o snd o snd) o
+            filter_out (fst o snd)) wit_treess;
         fun mk_coind_wit_thms ((I, dummys), (wits, wit_thms)) =
             fun mk_goal sets y y_copy y'_copy j =
@@ -2653,57 +2290,253 @@
         val coind_wit_thms = maps mk_coind_wit_thms coind_witss;
-        val witss = map2 (fn Ds => fn bnf => mk_wits_of_bnf
-          (replicate (nwits_of_bnf bnf) Ds)
-          (replicate (nwits_of_bnf bnf) (passiveAs @ Ts)) bnf) Dss bnfs;
-        val ctor_witss =
-          map (map (uncurry close_wit o tree_to_ctor_wit ys ctors witss o snd o snd) o
-            filter_out (fst o snd)) wit_treess;
-        val all_witss =
+        val (wit_thmss, all_witss) =
           fold (fn ((i, wit), thms) => fn witss =>
             nth_map i (fn (thms', wits) => (thms @ thms', wit :: wits)) witss)
           coind_wit_thms (map (pair []) ctor_witss)
-          |> map (apsnd (map snd o minimize_wits));
-        val wit_tac = mk_wit_tac n dtor_ctor_thms (flat dtor_set_thmss) (maps wit_thms_of_bnf bnfs);
-        val set_bss =
-          map (flat o map2 (fn B => fn b =>
-            if member (op =) resDs (TFree B) then [] else [b]) resBs) set_bss0;
-        val (Jbnfs, lthy) =
-          fold_map9 (fn tacs => fn b => fn map_b => fn rel_b => fn set_bs => fn mapx => fn sets =>
-              fn T => fn (thms, wits) => fn lthy =>
-            bnf_def Dont_Inline (user_policy Note_Some) I tacs (wit_tac thms) (SOME deads) map_b
-              rel_b set_bs
-              ((((((b, T), fold_rev Term.absfree fs' mapx), sets), sbd), wits), NONE) lthy
-            |> register_bnf (Local_Theory.full_name lthy b))
-          tacss bs map_bs rel_bs set_bss fs_maps setss_by_bnf Ts all_witss lthy;
-        val fold_maps = fold_thms lthy (map (fn bnf =>
-          mk_unabs_def m (map_def_of_bnf bnf RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq)) Jbnfs);
-        val fold_sets = fold_thms lthy (maps (fn bnf =>
-         map (fn thm => thm RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq) (set_defs_of_bnf bnf)) Jbnfs);
-        val timer = time (timer "registered new codatatypes as BNFs");
-        val dtor_set_incl_thmss = map (map fold_sets) hset_dtor_incl_thmss;
-        val dtor_set_set_incl_thmsss = map (map (map fold_sets)) hset_hset_dtor_incl_thmsss;
-        val dtor_set_induct_thms = map fold_sets dtor_hset_induct_thms;
-        val Jrels = map (mk_rel_of_bnf deads passiveAs passiveBs) Jbnfs;
-        val Jrelphis = map (fn Jrel => Term.list_comb (Jrel, Jphis)) Jrels;
+          |> map (apsnd (map snd o minimize_wits))
+          |> split_list;
+        val (Jbnf_consts, lthy) =
+          fold_map8 (fn b => fn map_b => fn rel_b => fn set_bs => fn mapx => fn sets => fn wits =>
+              fn T => fn lthy =>
+            define_bnf_consts Dont_Inline (user_policy Note_Some lthy) (SOME deads)
+              map_b rel_b set_bs
+              ((((((b, T), fold_rev Term.absfree fs' mapx), sets), sbd), wits), NONE) lthy)
+          bs map_bs rel_bs set_bss fs_maps setss_by_bnf all_witss Ts lthy;
+        val (_, Jconsts, Jconst_defs, mk_Jconsts) = split_list4 Jbnf_consts;
+        val (_, Jsetss, Jbds_Ds, Jwitss_Ds, _) = split_list5 Jconsts;
+        val (Jmap_defs, Jset_defss, Jbd_defs, Jwit_defss, Jrel_defs) = split_list5 Jconst_defs;
+        val (mk_Jmaps_Ds, mk_Jt_Ds, _, mk_Jrels_Ds, _) = split_list5 mk_Jconsts;
+        val Jrel_unabs_defs = map (fn def => mk_unabs_def m (def RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq)) Jrel_defs;
+        val Jset_defs = flat Jset_defss;
+        val Jset_unabs_defs = map (fn def => def RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq RS fun_cong) Jset_defs;
+        fun mk_Jmaps As Bs = map (fn mk => mk deads As Bs) mk_Jmaps_Ds;
+        fun mk_Jsetss As = map2 (fn mk => fn Jsets => map (mk deads As) Jsets) mk_Jt_Ds Jsetss;
+        val Jbds = map2 (fn mk => mk deads passiveAs) mk_Jt_Ds Jbds_Ds;
+        val Jwitss =
+          map2 (fn mk => fn Jwits => map (mk deads passiveAs o snd) Jwits) mk_Jt_Ds Jwitss_Ds;
+        fun mk_Jrels As Bs = map (fn mk => mk deads As Bs) mk_Jrels_Ds;
+        val Jmaps = mk_Jmaps passiveAs passiveBs;
+        val fs_Jmaps = map (fn m => Term.list_comb (m, fs)) Jmaps;
+        val fs_copy_Jmaps = map (fn m => Term.list_comb (m, fs_copy)) Jmaps;
+        val gs_Jmaps = map (fn m => Term.list_comb (m, gs)) (mk_Jmaps passiveBs passiveCs);
+        val fgs_Jmaps = map (fn m => Term.list_comb (m, map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_comp) gs fs))
+          (mk_Jmaps passiveAs passiveCs);
+        val (Jsetss_by_range, Jsetss_by_bnf) = `transpose (mk_Jsetss passiveAs);
+        val timer = time (timer "bnf constants for the new datatypes");
+        val (dtor_Jmap_thms, Jmap_thms) =
+          let
+            fun mk_goal fs_Jmap map dtor dtor' = fold_rev Logic.all fs
+              (mk_Trueprop_eq (HOLogic.mk_comp (dtor', fs_Jmap),
+                HOLogic.mk_comp (Term.list_comb (map, fs @ fs_Jmaps), dtor)));
+            val goals = map4 mk_goal fs_Jmaps map_FTFT's dtors dtor's;
+            val cTs = map (SOME o certifyT lthy) FTs';
+            val maps =
+              map5 (fn goal => fn cT => fn unfold => fn map_comp => fn map_cong0 =>
+                Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
+                  (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} => unfold_thms_tac ctxt Jmap_defs THEN
+                     mk_map_tac m n cT unfold map_comp map_cong0)
+                |> Thm.close_derivation)
+              goals cTs dtor_unfold_thms map_comps map_cong0s;
+          in
+            map_split (fn thm => (thm RS @{thm comp_eq_dest}, thm)) maps
+          end;
+        val dtor_Jmap_unique_thm =
+          let
+            fun mk_prem u map dtor dtor' =
+              mk_Trueprop_eq (HOLogic.mk_comp (dtor', u),
+                HOLogic.mk_comp (Term.list_comb (map, fs @ us), dtor));
+            val prems = map4 mk_prem us map_FTFT's dtors dtor's;
+            val goal =
+              HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
+                (map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_eq) us fs_Jmaps));
+          in
+            Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] []
+              (fold_rev Logic.all (us @ fs) (Logic.list_implies (prems, goal)))
+                (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} => unfold_thms_tac ctxt Jmap_defs THEN
+                  mk_dtor_map_unique_tac dtor_unfold_unique_thm sym_map_comps ctxt)
+              |> Thm.close_derivation
+          end;
+        val Jmap_comp0_thms =
+          let
+            val goal = fold_rev Logic.all (fs @ gs)
+              (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
+                (map3 (fn fmap => fn gmap => fn fgmap =>
+                   HOLogic.mk_eq (HOLogic.mk_comp (gmap, fmap), fgmap))
+                fs_Jmaps gs_Jmaps fgs_Jmaps)))
+          in
+            split_conj_thm (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
+              (K (mk_map_comp0_tac Jmap_thms map_comp0s dtor_Jmap_unique_thm))
+              |> Thm.close_derivation)
+          end;
+        val timer = time (timer "map functions for the new codatatypes");
+        val (dtor_Jset_thmss', dtor_Jset_thmss) =
+          let
+            fun mk_simp_goal relate pas_set act_sets sets dtor z set =
+              relate (set $ z, mk_union (pas_set $ (dtor $ z),
+                 Library.foldl1 mk_union
+                   (map2 (fn X => mk_UNION (X $ (dtor $ z))) act_sets sets)));
+            fun mk_goals eq =
+              map2 (fn i => fn sets =>
+                map4 (fn Fsets =>
+                  mk_simp_goal eq (nth Fsets (i - 1)) (drop m Fsets) sets)
+                FTs_setss dtors Jzs sets)
+              ls Jsetss_by_range;
+            val le_goals = map
+              (fold_rev Logic.all Jzs o HOLogic.mk_Trueprop o Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj)
+              (mk_goals (uncurry mk_leq));
+            val set_le_thmss = map split_conj_thm
+              (map4 (fn goal => fn hset_minimal => fn set_hsets => fn set_hset_hsetss =>
+                Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
+                  (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} => unfold_thms_tac ctxt Jset_defs THEN
+                    mk_set_le_tac n hset_minimal set_hsets set_hset_hsetss)
+                |> Thm.close_derivation)
+              le_goals hset_minimal_thms set_hset_thmss' set_hset_hset_thmsss');
+            val ge_goalss = map (map2 (fn z => fn goal =>
+                Logic.all z (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop goal)) Jzs)
+              (mk_goals (uncurry mk_leq o swap));
+            val set_ge_thmss = 
+              map3 (map3 (fn goal => fn set_incl_hset => fn set_hset_incl_hsets =>
+                Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
+                  (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} => unfold_thms_tac ctxt Jset_defs THEN
+                    mk_set_ge_tac n set_incl_hset set_hset_incl_hsets)
+                |> Thm.close_derivation))
+              ge_goalss set_incl_hset_thmss' set_hset_incl_hset_thmsss'
+          in
+            map2 (map2 (fn le => fn ge => equalityI OF [le, ge])) set_le_thmss set_ge_thmss
+            |> `transpose
+          end;
+        val timer = time (timer "set functions for the new codatatypes");
+        val colss = map2 (fn j => fn T =>
+          map (fn i => mk_hset_rec dtors nat i j T) ks) ls passiveAs;
+        val colss' = map2 (fn j => fn T =>
+          map (fn i => mk_hset_rec dtor's nat i j T) ks) ls passiveBs;
+        val col_natural_thmss =
+          let
+            fun mk_col_natural f map z col col' =
+              HOLogic.mk_eq (mk_image f $ (col $ z), col' $ (map $ z));
+            fun mk_goal f cols cols' = list_all_free Jzs (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
+              (map4 (mk_col_natural f) fs_Jmaps Jzs cols cols'));
+            val goals = map3 mk_goal fs colss colss';
+            val ctss =
+              map (fn phi => map (SOME o certify lthy) [Term.absfree nat' phi, nat]) goals;
+            val thms =
+              map4 (fn goal => fn cts => fn rec_0s => fn rec_Sucs =>
+                singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
+                  (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop goal)
+                    (mk_col_natural_tac cts rec_0s rec_Sucs dtor_Jmap_thms set_mapss))
+                |> Thm.close_derivation)
+              goals ctss hset_rec_0ss' hset_rec_Sucss';
+          in
+            map (split_conj_thm o mk_specN n) thms
+          end;
+        val col_bd_thmss =
+          let
+            fun mk_col_bd z col bd = mk_ordLeq (mk_card_of (col $ z)) bd;
+            fun mk_goal bds cols = list_all_free Jzs (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
+              (map3 mk_col_bd Jzs cols bds));
+            val goals = map (mk_goal Jbds) colss;
+            val ctss = map (fn phi => map (SOME o certify lthy) [Term.absfree nat' phi, nat])
+              (map (mk_goal (replicate n sbd)) colss);
+            val thms =
+              map5 (fn j => fn goal => fn cts => fn rec_0s => fn rec_Sucs =>
+                singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
+                  (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop goal)
+                    (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} => unfold_thms_tac ctxt Jbd_defs THEN
+                      mk_col_bd_tac m j cts rec_0s rec_Sucs sbd_Card_order sbd_Cinfinite set_sbdss))
+                |> Thm.close_derivation)
+              ls goals ctss hset_rec_0ss' hset_rec_Sucss';
+          in
+            map (split_conj_thm o mk_specN n) thms
+          end;
+        val map_cong0_thms =
+          let
+            val cTs = map (SOME o certifyT lthy o
+              Term.typ_subst_atomic (passiveAs ~~ passiveBs) o TFree) coinduct_params;
+            fun mk_prem z set f g y y' =
+              mk_Ball (set $ z) (Term.absfree y' (HOLogic.mk_eq (f $ y, g $ y)));
+            fun mk_prems sets z =
+              Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj (map5 (mk_prem z) sets fs fs_copy ys ys')
+            fun mk_map_cong0 sets z fmap gmap =
+              HOLogic.mk_imp (mk_prems sets z, HOLogic.mk_eq (fmap $ z, gmap $ z));
+            fun mk_coind_body sets (x, T) z fmap gmap y y_copy =
+              HOLogic.mk_conj
+                (HOLogic.mk_mem (z, HOLogic.mk_Collect (x, T, mk_prems sets z)),
+                  HOLogic.mk_conj (HOLogic.mk_eq (y, fmap $ z),
+                    HOLogic.mk_eq (y_copy, gmap $ z)))
+            fun mk_cphi sets (z' as (x, T)) z fmap gmap y' y y'_copy y_copy =
+              HOLogic.mk_exists (x, T, mk_coind_body sets z' z fmap gmap y y_copy)
+              |> Term.absfree y'_copy
+              |> Term.absfree y'
+              |> certify lthy;
+            val cphis = map9 mk_cphi
+              Jsetss_by_bnf Jzs' Jzs fs_Jmaps fs_copy_Jmaps Jys' Jys Jys'_copy Jys_copy;
+            val coinduct = unfold_thms lthy Jset_defs
+              (Drule.instantiate' cTs (map SOME cphis) dtor_map_coinduct_thm);
+            val goal =
+              HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
+                (map4 mk_map_cong0 Jsetss_by_bnf Jzs fs_Jmaps fs_copy_Jmaps));
+            val thm = singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
+              (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
+                (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} => unfold_thms_tac ctxt Jset_defs THEN
+                  mk_mcong_tac lthy m (rtac coinduct) map_comps dtor_Jmap_thms map_cong0s
+                    set_mapss set_hset_thmss set_hset_hset_thmsss))
+              |> Thm.close_derivation
+          in
+            split_conj_thm thm
+          end;
+        val in_Jrels = map (fn def => trans OF [def, @{thm OO_Grp_alt}] RS @{thm predicate2_eqD})
+            Jrel_unabs_defs;
+        val fold_Jsets = fold_thms lthy Jset_unabs_defs;
+        val dtor_Jset_incl_thmss = map (map fold_Jsets) hset_dtor_incl_thmss;
+        val dtor_set_Jset_incl_thmsss = map (map (map fold_Jsets)) hset_hset_dtor_incl_thmsss;
+        val dtor_Jset_induct_thms = map fold_Jsets dtor_hset_induct_thms;
+        val Jwit_thmss = map (map fold_Jsets) wit_thmss;
+        val Jrels = mk_Jrels passiveAs passiveBs;
+        val Jrelphis = map (fn rel => Term.list_comb (rel, Jphis)) Jrels;
         val relphis = map (fn rel => Term.list_comb (rel, Jphis @ Jrelphis)) rels;
-        val in_Jrels = map in_rel_of_bnf Jbnfs;
-        val folded_dtor_map_thms = map fold_maps dtor_map_thms;
-        val folded_dtor_map_o_thms = map fold_maps map_thms;
-        val folded_dtor_set_thmss = map (map fold_sets) dtor_set_thmss;
-        val folded_dtor_set_thmss' = transpose folded_dtor_set_thmss;
+        val Jrelpsi1s = map (fn rel => Term.list_comb (rel, Jpsi1s)) (mk_Jrels passiveAs passiveCs);
+        val Jrelpsi2s = map (fn rel => Term.list_comb (rel, Jpsi2s)) (mk_Jrels passiveCs passiveBs);
+        val Jrelpsi12s = map (fn rel =>
+            Term.list_comb (rel, map2 (curry mk_rel_compp) Jpsi1s Jpsi2s)) Jrels;
         val dtor_Jrel_thms =
@@ -2718,43 +2551,11 @@
                 (K (mk_dtor_rel_tac lthy in_Jrels i in_rel map_comp0 map_cong0 dtor_map dtor_sets
                   dtor_inject dtor_ctor set_map0s dtor_set_incls dtor_set_set_inclss))
               |> Thm.close_derivation)
-            ks goals in_rels map_comps map_cong0s folded_dtor_map_thms folded_dtor_set_thmss'
-              dtor_inject_thms dtor_ctor_thms set_mapss dtor_set_incl_thmss
-              dtor_set_set_incl_thmsss
+            ks goals in_rels map_comps map_cong0s dtor_Jmap_thms dtor_Jset_thmss'
+              dtor_inject_thms dtor_ctor_thms set_mapss dtor_Jset_incl_thmss
+              dtor_set_Jset_incl_thmsss
-        val timer = time (timer "additional properties");
-        val ls' = if m = 1 then [0] else ls;
-        val Jbnf_common_notes =
-          [(dtor_map_uniqueN, [fold_maps dtor_map_unique_thm])] @
-          map2 (fn i => fn thm => (mk_dtor_set_inductN i, [thm])) ls' dtor_set_induct_thms
-          |> map (fn (thmN, thms) =>
-            ((Binding.qualify true (Binding.name_of b) ( thmN), []), [(thms, [])]));
-        val Jbnf_notes =
-          [(dtor_mapN, map single folded_dtor_map_thms),
-          (dtor_relN, map single dtor_Jrel_thms),
-          (dtor_set_inclN, dtor_set_incl_thmss),
-          (dtor_set_set_inclN, map flat dtor_set_set_incl_thmsss)] @
-          map2 (fn i => fn thms => (mk_dtor_setN i, map single thms)) ls' folded_dtor_set_thmss
-          |> maps (fn (thmN, thmss) =>
-            map2 (fn b => fn thms =>
-              ((Binding.qualify true (Binding.name_of b) ( thmN), []), [(thms, [])]))
-            bs thmss)
-      in
-        (timer, Jbnfs, (folded_dtor_map_o_thms, folded_dtor_map_thms), folded_dtor_set_thmss',
-          dtor_set_induct_thms, dtor_Jrel_thms, Jbnf_common_notes @ Jbnf_notes, lthy)
-      end;
-      val dtor_unfold_o_map_thms = mk_xtor_un_fold_o_map_thms Greatest_FP false m
-        dtor_unfold_unique_thm folded_dtor_map_o_thms (map (mk_pointfree lthy) dtor_unfold_thms)
-        sym_map_comps map_cong0s;
-      val dtor_corec_o_map_thms = mk_xtor_un_fold_o_map_thms Greatest_FP true m
-        dtor_corec_unique_thm folded_dtor_map_o_thms (map (mk_pointfree lthy) dtor_corec_thms)
-        sym_map_comps map_cong0s;
       val passiveABs = map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_prodT) passiveAs passiveBs;
       val zip_ranTs = passiveABs @ prodTsTs';
       val allJphis = Jphis @ activeJphis;
@@ -2773,19 +2574,17 @@
       val all_fsts = fstABs @ fstsTsTs';
       val map_all_fsts = map2 (fn Ds => fn bnf =>
         Term.list_comb (mk_map_of_bnf Ds zip_ranTs (passiveAs @ Ts) bnf, all_fsts)) Dss bnfs;
-      val Jmap_fsts = map2 (fn bnf => fn T => if m = 0 then HOLogic.id_const T
-        else Term.list_comb (mk_map_of_bnf deads passiveABs passiveAs bnf, fstABs)) Jbnfs Ts;
+      val Jmap_fsts = map2 (fn map => fn T => if m = 0 then HOLogic.id_const T
+        else Term.list_comb (map, fstABs)) (mk_Jmaps passiveABs passiveAs) Ts;
       val sndABs = map snd_const passiveABs;
       val all_snds = sndABs @ sndsTsTs';
       val map_all_snds = map2 (fn Ds => fn bnf =>
         Term.list_comb (mk_map_of_bnf Ds zip_ranTs (passiveBs @ Ts') bnf, all_snds)) Dss bnfs;
-      val Jmap_snds = map2 (fn bnf => fn T => if m = 0 then HOLogic.id_const T
-        else Term.list_comb (mk_map_of_bnf deads passiveABs passiveBs bnf, sndABs)) Jbnfs Ts;
+      val Jmap_snds = map2 (fn map => fn T => if m = 0 then HOLogic.id_const T
+        else Term.list_comb (map, sndABs)) (mk_Jmaps passiveABs passiveBs) Ts;
       val zip_unfolds = map (mk_unfold zip_zTs (map HOLogic.mk_split zips)) ks;
-      val zip_setss = map (mk_sets_of_bnf (replicate m deads) (replicate m passiveABs)) Jbnfs
-        |> transpose;
-      val in_Jrels = map in_rel_of_bnf Jbnfs;
+      val zip_setss = mk_Jsetss passiveABs |> transpose;
       val Jrel_coinduct_tac =
@@ -2813,7 +2612,7 @@
               (map6 (mk_helper_coind_concl false)
               activeJphis Jzs Jz's_copy Jz's Jmap_snds zip_unfolds));
           val helper_coind_tac = mk_rel_coinduct_coind_tac m dtor_map_coinduct_thm ks map_comps
-            map_cong0s map_arg_cong_thms set_mapss dtor_unfold_thms folded_dtor_map_thms;
+            map_cong0s map_arg_cong_thms set_mapss dtor_unfold_thms dtor_Jmap_thms;
           fun mk_helper_coind_thms vars concl =
             Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] []
               (fold_rev Logic.all (Jphis @ activeJphis @ vars @ zips)
@@ -2845,22 +2644,111 @@
                 (mk_rel_coinduct_ind_tac m ks dtor_unfold_thms set_mapss j set_induct)
               |> Thm.close_derivation
               |> split_conj_thm)
-            mk_helper_ind_concls ls dtor_set_induct_thms
+            mk_helper_ind_concls ls dtor_Jset_induct_thms
             |> transpose;
           mk_rel_coinduct_tac in_rels in_Jrels
             helper_ind_thmss helper_coind1_thms helper_coind2_thms
-      val Jrels = if m = 0 then map HOLogic.eq_const Ts
-        else map (mk_rel_of_bnf deads passiveAs passiveBs) Jbnfs;
       val Jrel_coinduct_thm =
         mk_rel_xtor_co_induct_thm Greatest_FP rels activeJphis Jrels Jphis Jzs Jz's dtors dtor's
           Jrel_coinduct_tac lthy;
+        val le_Jrel_OO_thm =
+          let
+            fun mk_le_Jrel_OO Jrelpsi1 Jrelpsi2 Jrelpsi12 =
+              mk_leq (mk_rel_compp (Jrelpsi1, Jrelpsi2)) Jrelpsi12;
+            val goals = map3 mk_le_Jrel_OO Jrelpsi1s Jrelpsi2s Jrelpsi12s;
+            val goal = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj goals);
+          in
+            singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
+              (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
+                (K (mk_le_rel_OO_tac Jrel_coinduct_thm dtor_Jrel_thms rel_OOs)))
+              |> Thm.close_derivation
+          end;
+        val timer = time (timer "helpers for BNF properties");
+        val map_id0_tacs =
+          map2 (K oo mk_map_id0_tac Jmap_thms) dtor_unfold_unique_thms unfold_dtor_thms;
+        val map_comp0_tacs = map (fn thm => K (rtac (thm RS sym) 1)) Jmap_comp0_thms;
+        val map_cong0_tacs = map (mk_map_cong0_tac m) map_cong0_thms;
+        val set_nat_tacss =
+          map2 (map2 (fn def => fn col => fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
+              unfold_thms_tac ctxt Jset_defs THEN mk_set_map0_tac def col))
+            hset_defss (transpose col_natural_thmss);
+        val Jbd_card_orders = map (fn def => fold_thms lthy [def] sbd_card_order) Jbd_defs;
+        val Jbd_Cinfinites = map (fn def => fold_thms lthy [def] sbd_Cinfinite) Jbd_defs;
+        val bd_co_tacs = map (fn thm => K (rtac thm 1)) Jbd_card_orders;
+        val bd_cinf_tacs = map (fn thm => K (rtac (thm RS conjunct1) 1)) Jbd_Cinfinites;
+        val set_bd_tacss =
+          map3 (fn Cinf => map2 (fn def => fn col => fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
+            unfold_thms_tac ctxt Jset_defs THEN mk_set_bd_tac Cinf def col))
+          Jbd_Cinfinites hset_defss (transpose col_bd_thmss);
+        val le_rel_OO_tacs = map (fn i => K (rtac (le_Jrel_OO_thm RS mk_conjunctN n i) 1)) ks;
+        val rel_OO_Grp_tacs = map (fn def => K (rtac def 1)) Jrel_unabs_defs;
+        val tacss = map9 zip_axioms map_id0_tacs map_comp0_tacs map_cong0_tacs set_nat_tacss
+          bd_co_tacs bd_cinf_tacs set_bd_tacss le_rel_OO_tacs rel_OO_Grp_tacs;
+        fun wit_tac thms {context = ctxt, prems = _} = unfold_thms_tac ctxt (flat Jwit_defss) THEN
+          mk_wit_tac n dtor_ctor_thms (flat dtor_Jset_thmss) (maps wit_thms_of_bnf bnfs) thms ctxt;
+        val (Jbnfs, lthy) =
+          fold_map6 (fn tacs => fn map_b => fn rel_b => fn set_bs => fn Jwit_thms => fn consts =>
+              fn lthy =>
+            bnf_def Do_Inline (user_policy Note_Some) I tacs (wit_tac Jwit_thms) (SOME deads)
+              map_b rel_b set_bs consts lthy
+            |> register_bnf (Local_Theory.full_name lthy b))
+          tacss map_bs rel_bs set_bss Jwit_thmss
+          ((((((bs ~~ Ts) ~~ Jmaps) ~~ Jsetss_by_bnf) ~~ Jbds) ~~ Jwitss) ~~ map SOME Jrels)
+          lthy;
+        val timer = time (timer "registered new codatatypes as BNFs");
+        val ls' = if m = 1 then [0] else ls;
+        val Jbnf_common_notes =
+          [(dtor_map_uniqueN, [dtor_Jmap_unique_thm])] @
+          map2 (fn i => fn thm => (mk_dtor_set_inductN i, [thm])) ls' dtor_Jset_induct_thms
+          |> map (fn (thmN, thms) =>
+            ((Binding.qualify true (Binding.name_of b) ( thmN), []), [(thms, [])]));
+        val Jbnf_notes =
+          [(dtor_mapN, map single dtor_Jmap_thms),
+          (dtor_relN, map single dtor_Jrel_thms),
+          (dtor_set_inclN, dtor_Jset_incl_thmss),
+          (dtor_set_set_inclN, map flat dtor_set_Jset_incl_thmsss)] @
+          map2 (fn i => fn thms => (mk_dtor_setN i, map single thms)) ls' dtor_Jset_thmss
+          |> maps (fn (thmN, thmss) =>
+            map2 (fn b => fn thms =>
+              ((Binding.qualify true (Binding.name_of b) ( thmN), []), [(thms, [])]))
+            bs thmss)
+      in
+        (timer, Jbnfs, (Jmap_thms, dtor_Jmap_thms), dtor_Jset_thmss',
+          dtor_Jrel_thms, Jrel_coinduct_thm, Jbnf_common_notes @ Jbnf_notes, lthy)
+      end;
+      val dtor_unfold_o_Jmap_thms = mk_xtor_un_fold_o_map_thms Greatest_FP false m
+        dtor_unfold_unique_thm dtor_Jmap_o_thms (map (mk_pointfree lthy) dtor_unfold_thms)
+        sym_map_comps map_cong0s;
+      val dtor_corec_o_Jmap_thms = mk_xtor_un_fold_o_map_thms Greatest_FP true m
+        dtor_corec_unique_thm dtor_Jmap_o_thms (map (mk_pointfree lthy) dtor_corec_thms)
+        sym_map_comps map_cong0s;
       val rels = map2 (fn Ds => mk_rel_of_bnf Ds allAs allBs') Dss bnfs;
       val dtor_unfold_transfer_thms =
-        mk_un_fold_transfer_thms Greatest_FP rels activephis Jrels Jphis
+        mk_un_fold_transfer_thms Greatest_FP rels activephis
+          (if m = 0 then map HOLogic.eq_const Ts
+            else map (mk_rel_of_bnf deads passiveAs passiveBs) Jbnfs) Jphis
           (mk_unfolds passiveAs activeAs) (mk_unfolds passiveBs activeBs)
           (mk_unfold_transfer_tac m Jrel_coinduct_thm (map map_transfer_of_bnf bnfs)
@@ -2887,8 +2775,8 @@
         (dtor_unfoldN, dtor_unfold_thms),
         (dtor_unfold_uniqueN, dtor_unfold_unique_thms),
         (dtor_corec_uniqueN, dtor_corec_unique_thms),
-        (dtor_unfold_o_mapN, dtor_unfold_o_map_thms),
-        (dtor_corec_o_mapN, dtor_corec_o_map_thms)]
+        (dtor_unfold_o_mapN, dtor_unfold_o_Jmap_thms),
+        (dtor_corec_o_mapN, dtor_corec_o_Jmap_thms)]
         |> map (apsnd (map single))
         |> maps (fn (thmN, thmss) =>
           map2 (fn b => fn thms =>
@@ -2905,10 +2793,10 @@
       xtor_co_induct = dtor_coinduct_thm, dtor_ctors = dtor_ctor_thms,
       ctor_dtors = ctor_dtor_thms,
       ctor_injects = ctor_inject_thms, dtor_injects = dtor_inject_thms,
-      xtor_map_thms = folded_dtor_map_thms, xtor_set_thmss = folded_dtor_set_thmss',
+      xtor_map_thms = dtor_Jmap_thms, xtor_set_thmss = dtor_Jset_thmss',
       xtor_rel_thms = dtor_Jrel_thms,
       xtor_co_iter_thmss = transpose [dtor_unfold_thms, dtor_corec_thms],
-      xtor_co_iter_o_map_thmss = transpose [dtor_unfold_o_map_thms, dtor_corec_o_map_thms],
+      xtor_co_iter_o_map_thmss = transpose [dtor_unfold_o_Jmap_thms, dtor_corec_o_Jmap_thms],
       rel_xtor_co_induct_thm = Jrel_coinduct_thm},
      lthy |> Local_Theory.notes (maybe_conceal_notes (common_notes @ notes @ Jbnf_notes)) |> snd)
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_gfp_tactics.ML	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_gfp_tactics.ML	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
   val mk_coalg_final_tac: int -> thm -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list list -> thm list list ->
   val mk_coalg_set_tac: thm -> tactic
-  val mk_coalg_thePull_tac: int -> thm -> thm list -> thm list list -> (int -> tactic) list ->
-    {prems: 'a, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
   val mk_coind_wit_tac: thm -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list ->
     {prems: 'a, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
   val mk_col_bd_tac: int -> int -> cterm option list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm -> thm ->
@@ -37,7 +35,6 @@
   val mk_corec_unique_mor_tac: thm list -> thm list -> thm -> {prems: 'a, context: Proof.context} ->
   val mk_dtor_map_coinduct_tac: int -> int list -> thm -> thm -> tactic
-  val mk_dtor_set_tac: int -> thm -> thm -> thm list -> tactic
   val mk_dtor_coinduct_tac: int -> thm -> thm -> thm list -> tactic
   val mk_dtor_rel_tac: Proof.context -> thm list -> int -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm list ->
     thm -> thm -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list list -> tactic
@@ -50,12 +47,12 @@
   val mk_incl_lsbis_tac: int -> int -> thm -> tactic
   val mk_length_Lev'_tac: thm -> tactic
   val mk_length_Lev_tac: Proof.context -> cterm option list -> thm list -> thm list -> tactic
-  val mk_map_comp0_tac: int -> int -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm -> tactic
+  val mk_map_comp0_tac: thm list -> thm list -> thm -> tactic
   val mk_mcong_tac: Proof.context -> int -> (int -> tactic) -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list ->
     thm list list -> thm list list -> thm list list list -> tactic
   val mk_map_id0_tac: thm list -> thm -> thm -> tactic
   val mk_map_tac: int -> int -> ctyp option -> thm -> thm -> thm -> tactic
-  val mk_dtor_map_unique_tac: thm -> thm list -> {prems: 'a, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
+  val mk_dtor_map_unique_tac: thm -> thm list -> Proof.context -> tactic
   val mk_mor_Abs_tac: thm list -> thm list -> {prems: 'a, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
   val mk_mor_Rep_tac: int -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list list -> thm list ->
     thm list -> {prems: 'a, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
@@ -73,19 +70,9 @@
   val mk_mor_incl_tac: thm -> thm list -> tactic
   val mk_mor_str_tac: 'a list -> thm -> tactic
   val mk_mor_sum_case_tac: 'a list -> thm -> tactic
-  val mk_mor_thePull_fst_tac: int -> thm -> thm list -> thm list -> (int -> tactic) list ->
-    {prems: thm list, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
-  val mk_mor_thePull_snd_tac: int -> thm -> thm list -> thm list -> (int -> tactic) list ->
-    {prems: thm list, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
-  val mk_mor_thePull_pick_tac: thm -> thm list -> thm list ->
-    {prems: 'a, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
   val mk_mor_unfold_tac: int -> thm -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list ->
     thm list -> tactic
   val mk_prefCl_Lev_tac: Proof.context -> cterm option list -> thm list -> thm list -> tactic
-  val mk_pickWP_assms_tac: thm list -> thm list -> thm -> (int -> tactic)
-  val mk_pick_col_tac: int -> int -> cterm option list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list ->
-    thm list list -> thm list -> (int -> tactic) list -> {prems: 'a, context: Proof.context} ->
-    tactic
   val mk_raw_coind_tac: thm -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm list ->
     thm list -> thm list -> thm -> thm list -> tactic
   val mk_rel_coinduct_tac: thm list -> thm list -> thm list list -> thm list -> thm list ->
@@ -102,8 +89,8 @@
   val mk_set_hset_incl_hset_tac: int -> thm list -> thm -> int -> tactic
   val mk_set_image_Lev_tac: Proof.context -> cterm option list -> thm list -> thm list ->
     thm list -> thm list -> thm list list -> thm list list -> tactic
-  val mk_set_incl_hin_tac: thm list -> tactic
   val mk_set_incl_hset_tac: thm -> thm -> tactic
+  val mk_set_ge_tac: int  -> thm -> thm list -> tactic
   val mk_set_le_tac: int -> thm -> thm list -> thm list list -> tactic
   val mk_set_map0_tac: thm -> thm -> tactic
   val mk_set_rv_Lev_tac: Proof.context -> int -> cterm option list -> thm list -> thm list ->
@@ -111,10 +98,8 @@
   val mk_unfold_unique_mor_tac: thm list -> thm -> thm -> thm list -> tactic
   val mk_unfold_transfer_tac: int -> thm -> thm list -> thm list ->
     {prems: thm list, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
-  val mk_unique_mor_tac: thm list -> thm -> tactic
-  val mk_wit_tac: int -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list ->
-    {prems: 'a, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
-  val mk_wpull_tac: int -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm list -> thm list -> tactic
+  val mk_wit_tac: int -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> Proof.context -> tactic
+  val mk_le_rel_OO_tac: thm -> thm list -> thm list -> tactic
 structure BNF_GFP_Tactics : BNF_GFP_TACTICS =
@@ -206,11 +191,6 @@
       mk_UnIN n i] @
     [etac @{thm UN_I}, atac]) 1;
-fun mk_set_incl_hin_tac incls =
-  if null incls then rtac subset_UNIV 1
-  else EVERY' [rtac subsetI, rtac CollectI,
-    CONJ_WRAP' (fn incl => EVERY' [rtac subset_trans, etac incl, atac]) incls] 1;
 fun mk_hset_rec_minimal_tac m cts rec_0s rec_Sucs {context = ctxt, prems = _} =
   EVERY' [rtac (Drule.instantiate' [] cts nat_induct),
     REPEAT_DETERM o rtac allI,
@@ -940,12 +920,6 @@
       (Rep_injects ~~ (equiv_LSBISs ~~ (incl_lsbiss ~~ lsbis_incls)))] 1
-fun mk_unique_mor_tac raw_coinds bis =
-  CONJ_WRAP' (fn raw_coind =>
-    EVERY' [rtac impI, rtac (bis RS raw_coind RS set_mp RS @{thm IdD}), atac,
-      etac conjunct1, atac, etac conjunct2, rtac @{thm image2_eqI}, rtac refl, rtac refl, atac])
-  raw_coinds 1;
 fun mk_unfold_unique_mor_tac raw_coinds bis mor unfold_defs =
   CONJ_WRAP' (fn (raw_coind, unfold_def) =>
     EVERY' [rtac ext, etac (bis RS raw_coind RS set_mp RS @{thm IdD}), rtac mor,
@@ -1023,8 +997,8 @@
           EVERY' (map (fn thm => EVERY' [etac @{thm UN_E}, etac thm, atac]) set_hset_hsets)])
       (1 upto n) set_hsets set_hset_hsetss)] 1;
-fun mk_dtor_set_tac n set_le set_incl_hset set_hset_incl_hsets =
-  EVERY' [rtac equalityI, rtac set_le, rtac @{thm Un_least}, rtac set_incl_hset,
+fun mk_set_ge_tac n set_incl_hset set_hset_incl_hsets =
+  EVERY' [rtac @{thm Un_least}, rtac set_incl_hset,
     REPEAT_DETERM_N (n - 1) o rtac @{thm Un_least},
     EVERY' (map (fn thm => rtac @{thm UN_least} THEN' etac thm) set_hset_incl_hsets)] 1;
@@ -1032,20 +1006,15 @@
   EVERY' [rtac (unfold_unique RS trans), EVERY' (map (rtac o mk_sym) maps),
     rtac unfold_dtor] 1;
-fun mk_map_comp0_tac m n maps map_comp0s map_cong0s unfold_unique =
-  EVERY' [rtac unfold_unique,
-    EVERY' (map3 (fn map_thm => fn map_comp0 => fn map_cong0 =>
+fun mk_map_comp0_tac maps map_comp0s map_unique =
+  EVERY' [rtac map_unique,
+    EVERY' (map2 (fn map_thm => fn map_comp0 =>
       EVERY' (map rtac
-        ([@{thm o_assoc} RS trans,
-        @{thm arg_cong2[of _ _ _ _ "op o"]} OF [map_comp0 RS sym, refl] RS trans,
-        @{thm o_assoc} RS trans RS sym,
+        [@{thm o_assoc} RS trans,
         @{thm arg_cong2[of _ _ _ _ "op o"]} OF [map_thm, refl] RS trans,
         @{thm o_assoc} RS sym RS trans, map_thm RS arg_cong RS trans, @{thm o_assoc} RS trans,
-        @{thm arg_cong2[of _ _ _ _ "op o"]} OF [map_comp0 RS sym, refl] RS trans,
-        ext, o_apply RS trans,  o_apply RS trans RS sym, map_cong0] @
-        replicate m (@{thm id_o} RS fun_cong) @
-        replicate n (@{thm o_id} RS fun_cong))))
-    maps map_comp0s map_cong0s)] 1;
+        @{thm arg_cong2[of _ _ _ _ "op o"]} OF [map_comp0 RS sym, refl]]))
+    maps map_comp0s)] 1;
 fun mk_mcong_tac ctxt m coinduct_tac map_comps dtor_maps map_cong0s set_map0ss set_hsetss
   set_hset_hsetsss =
@@ -1082,7 +1051,7 @@
            rtac conjI, rtac refl, rtac refl]) ks]) 1
-fun mk_dtor_map_unique_tac unfold_unique sym_map_comps {context = ctxt, prems = _} =
+fun mk_dtor_map_unique_tac unfold_unique sym_map_comps ctxt =
   rtac unfold_unique 1 THEN
   unfold_thms_tac ctxt (sym_map_comps @ @{thms o_assoc id_o o_id}) THEN
   ALLGOALS (etac sym);
@@ -1135,128 +1104,16 @@
     @{thm UNION_Cinfinite_bound}, ordIso_ordLeq_trans, @{thm card_of_nat},
     @{thm natLeq_ordLeq_cinfinite}, sbd_Cinfinite, ballI, col_bd, sbd_Cinfinite]) 1;
-fun mk_pickWP_assms_tac set_incl_hsets set_incl_hins map_eq =
-  let
-    val m = length set_incl_hsets;
-  in
-    EVERY' [REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [CollectE, conjE], rtac CollectI,
-      EVERY' (map (fn thm => rtac conjI THEN' etac (thm RS @{thm subset_trans})) set_incl_hsets),
-      CONJ_WRAP' (fn thm => rtac thm THEN' REPEAT_DETERM_N m o atac) set_incl_hins,
-      REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [CollectE, conjE], rtac CollectI,
-      EVERY' (map (fn thm => rtac conjI THEN' etac (thm RS @{thm subset_trans})) set_incl_hsets),
-      CONJ_WRAP' (fn thm => rtac thm THEN' REPEAT_DETERM_N m o atac) set_incl_hins,
-      REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [CollectE, conjE], etac map_eq]
-  end;
-fun mk_coalg_thePull_tac m coalg_def map_wpulls set_map0ss pickWP_assms_tacs
-  {context = ctxt, prems = _} =
-  unfold_thms_tac ctxt [coalg_def] THEN
-  CONJ_WRAP' (fn (map_wpull, (pickWP_assms_tac, set_map0s)) =>
-    EVERY' [rtac ballI, dtac @{thm set_mp[OF equalityD1[OF thePull_def]]},
-      REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [CollectE, @{thm prod_caseE}],
-      hyp_subst_tac ctxt, rtac rev_mp, rtac (map_wpull RS @{thm pickWP(1)}),
-      EVERY' (map (etac o mk_conjunctN m) (1 upto m)),
-      pickWP_assms_tac,
-      SELECT_GOAL (unfold_thms_tac ctxt @{thms o_apply prod.cases}), rtac impI,
-      REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [CollectE, conjE],
-      rtac CollectI,
-      REPEAT_DETERM_N m o (rtac conjI THEN' rtac subset_UNIV),
-      CONJ_WRAP' (fn set_map0 =>
-        EVERY' [rtac ord_eq_le_trans, rtac trans, rtac set_map0,
-          rtac trans_fun_cong_image_id_id_apply, atac])
-      (drop m set_map0s)])
-  (map_wpulls ~~ (pickWP_assms_tacs ~~ set_map0ss)) 1;
-fun mk_mor_thePull_nth_tac conv pick m mor_def map_wpulls map_comp0s pickWP_assms_tacs
-  {context = ctxt, prems = _: thm list} =
-  let
-    val n = length map_comp0s;
-  in
-    unfold_thms_tac ctxt [mor_def] THEN
-    EVERY' [rtac conjI,
-      CONJ_WRAP' (K (rtac ballI THEN' rtac UNIV_I)) (1 upto n),
-      CONJ_WRAP' (fn (map_wpull, (pickWP_assms_tac, map_comp0)) =>
-        EVERY' [rtac ballI, dtac @{thm set_mp[OF equalityD1[OF thePull_def]]},
-          REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [CollectE, @{thm prod_caseE}, conjE],
-          hyp_subst_tac ctxt,
-          SELECT_GOAL (unfold_thms_tac ctxt @{thms o_apply prod.cases}),
-          rtac (map_comp0 RS trans),
-          SELECT_GOAL (unfold_thms_tac ctxt (conv :: @{thms o_id id_o})),
-          rtac (map_wpull RS pick), REPEAT_DETERM_N m o atac,
-          pickWP_assms_tac])
-      (map_wpulls ~~ (pickWP_assms_tacs ~~ map_comp0s))] 1
-  end;
-val mk_mor_thePull_fst_tac = mk_mor_thePull_nth_tac @{thm fst_conv} @{thm pickWP(2)};
-val mk_mor_thePull_snd_tac = mk_mor_thePull_nth_tac @{thm snd_conv} @{thm pickWP(3)};
+fun mk_le_rel_OO_tac coinduct rel_Jrels rel_OOs =
+  EVERY' (rtac coinduct :: map2 (fn rel_Jrel => fn rel_OO =>
+    let val Jrel_imp_rel = rel_Jrel RS iffD1;
+    in
+      EVERY' [rtac (rel_OO RS sym RS @{thm eq_refl} RS @{thm predicate2D}), etac @{thm relcomppE},
+      rtac @{thm relcomppI}, etac Jrel_imp_rel, etac Jrel_imp_rel]
+    end)
+  rel_Jrels rel_OOs) 1;
-fun mk_mor_thePull_pick_tac mor_def unfolds map_comp0s {context = ctxt, prems = _} =
-  unfold_thms_tac ctxt [mor_def, @{thm thePull_def}] THEN rtac conjI 1 THEN
-  CONJ_WRAP' (K (rtac ballI THEN' rtac UNIV_I)) unfolds 1 THEN
-  CONJ_WRAP' (fn (unfold, map_comp0) =>
-    EVERY' [rtac ballI, REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [CollectE, @{thm prod_caseE}, conjE],
-      hyp_subst_tac ctxt,
-      SELECT_GOAL (unfold_thms_tac ctxt (unfold :: map_comp0 :: @{thms comp_def id_def})),
-      rtac refl])
-  (unfolds ~~ map_comp0s) 1;
-fun mk_pick_col_tac m j cts rec_0s rec_Sucs unfolds set_map0ss map_wpulls pickWP_assms_tacs
-  {context = ctxt, prems = _} =
-  let
-    val n = length rec_0s;
-    val ks = n downto 1;
-  in
-    EVERY' [rtac (Drule.instantiate' [] cts nat_induct),
-      REPEAT_DETERM o rtac allI,
-      CONJ_WRAP' (fn thm => EVERY'
-        [rtac impI, rtac ord_eq_le_trans, rtac thm, rtac @{thm empty_subsetI}]) rec_0s,
-      REPEAT_DETERM o rtac allI,
-      CONJ_WRAP' (fn (rec_Suc, ((unfold, set_map0s), (map_wpull, pickWP_assms_tac))) =>
-        EVERY' [rtac impI, dtac @{thm set_mp[OF equalityD1[OF thePull_def]]},
-          REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [CollectE, @{thm prod_caseE}],
-          hyp_subst_tac ctxt, rtac rev_mp, rtac (map_wpull RS @{thm pickWP(1)}),
-          EVERY' (map (etac o mk_conjunctN m) (1 upto m)),
-          pickWP_assms_tac,
-          rtac impI, REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [CollectE, conjE],
-          rtac ord_eq_le_trans, rtac rec_Suc,
-          rtac @{thm Un_least},
-          SELECT_GOAL (unfold_thms_tac ctxt [unfold, nth set_map0s (j - 1),
-            @{thm prod.cases}]),
-          etac ord_eq_le_trans_trans_fun_cong_image_id_id_apply,
-          CONJ_WRAP_GEN' (rtac (Thm.permute_prems 0 1 @{thm Un_least})) (fn (i, set_map0) =>
-            EVERY' [rtac @{thm UN_least},
-              SELECT_GOAL (unfold_thms_tac ctxt [unfold, set_map0, @{thm prod.cases}]),
-              etac imageE, hyp_subst_tac ctxt, REPEAT_DETERM o etac allE,
-              dtac (mk_conjunctN n i), etac mp, etac set_mp, atac])
-          (ks ~~ rev (drop m set_map0s))])
-      (rec_Sucs ~~ ((unfolds ~~ set_map0ss) ~~ (map_wpulls ~~ pickWP_assms_tacs)))] 1
-  end;
-fun mk_wpull_tac m coalg_thePull mor_thePull_fst mor_thePull_snd mor_thePull_pick
-  mor_unique pick_cols hset_defs =
-  EVERY' [rtac (@{thm wpull_def} RS iffD2), REPEAT_DETERM o rtac allI, rtac impI,
-    REPEAT_DETERM o etac conjE, rtac bexI, rtac conjI,
-    rtac box_equals, rtac mor_unique,
-    rtac coalg_thePull, REPEAT_DETERM_N (m - 1) o etac conjI, atac,
-    rtac mor_thePull_pick, REPEAT_DETERM_N (m - 1) o etac conjI, atac,
-    rtac mor_thePull_fst, REPEAT_DETERM_N (m - 1) o etac conjI, atac,
-    rtac @{thm set_mp[OF equalityD2[OF thePull_def]]}, rtac CollectI,
-    rtac @{thm prod_caseI}, etac conjI, etac conjI, atac, rtac o_apply, rtac @{thm fst_conv},
-    rtac box_equals, rtac mor_unique,
-    rtac coalg_thePull, REPEAT_DETERM_N (m - 1) o etac conjI, atac,
-    rtac mor_thePull_pick, REPEAT_DETERM_N (m - 1) o etac conjI, atac,
-    rtac mor_thePull_snd, REPEAT_DETERM_N (m - 1) o etac conjI, atac,
-    rtac @{thm set_mp[OF equalityD2[OF thePull_def]]}, rtac CollectI,
-    rtac @{thm prod_caseI}, etac conjI, etac conjI, atac, rtac o_apply, rtac @{thm snd_conv},
-    rtac CollectI,
-    CONJ_WRAP' (fn (pick, def) =>
-      EVERY' [rtac (def RS ord_eq_le_trans), rtac @{thm UN_least},
-        rtac pick, REPEAT_DETERM_N (m - 1) o etac conjI, atac,
-        rtac @{thm set_mp[OF equalityD2[OF thePull_def]]}, rtac CollectI,
-        rtac @{thm prod_caseI}, etac conjI, etac conjI, atac])
-    (pick_cols ~~ hset_defs)] 1;
-fun mk_wit_tac n dtor_ctors dtor_set wit coind_wits {context = ctxt, prems = _} =
+fun mk_wit_tac n dtor_ctors dtor_set wit coind_wits ctxt =
   ALLGOALS (TRY o (eresolve_tac coind_wits THEN' rtac refl)) THEN
     EVERY' [dtac set_rev_mp, rtac equalityD1, resolve_tac dtor_set,
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_gfp_util.ML	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_gfp_util.ML	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -24,14 +24,12 @@
   val mk_fromCard: term -> term -> term
   val mk_list_rec: term -> term -> term
   val mk_nat_rec: term -> term -> term
-  val mk_pickWP: term -> term -> term -> term -> term -> term
   val mk_prefCl: term -> term
   val mk_prefixeq: term -> term -> term
   val mk_proj: term -> term
   val mk_quotient: term -> term -> term
   val mk_shift: term -> term -> term
   val mk_size: term -> term
-  val mk_thePull: term -> term -> term -> term -> term
   val mk_toCard: term -> term -> term
   val mk_undefined: typ -> term
   val mk_univ: term -> term
@@ -160,29 +158,6 @@
     Const (@{const_name list_rec}, T --> consT --> HOLogic.listT U --> T) $ Nil $ Cons
-fun mk_thePull B1 B2 f1 f2 =
-  let
-    val fT1 = fastype_of f1;
-    val fT2 = fastype_of f2;
-    val BT1 = domain_type fT1;
-    val BT2 = domain_type fT2;
-  in
-    Const (@{const_name thePull}, HOLogic.mk_setT BT1 --> HOLogic.mk_setT BT2 --> fT1 --> fT2 -->
-      mk_relT (BT1, BT2)) $ B1 $ B2 $ f1 $ f2
-  end;
-fun mk_pickWP A f1 f2 b1 b2 =
-  let
-    val fT1 = fastype_of f1;
-    val fT2 = fastype_of f2;
-    val AT = domain_type fT1;
-    val BT1 = range_type fT1;
-    val BT2 = range_type fT2;
-  in
-    Const (@{const_name pickWP}, HOLogic.mk_setT AT --> fT1 --> fT2 --> BT1 --> BT2 --> AT) $
-      A $ f1 $ f2 $ b1 $ b2
-  end;
 fun mk_InN_not_InM 1 _ = @{thm Inl_not_Inr}
   | mk_InN_not_InM n m =
     if n > m then mk_InN_not_InM m n RS @{thm not_sym}
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_lfp.ML	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_lfp.ML	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -55,15 +55,15 @@
     val passives = map fst (subtract (op = o apsnd TFree) deads resBs);
     (* tvars *)
-    val ((((((passiveAs, activeAs), passiveBs), activeBs), activeCs), passiveXs), passiveYs) =
+    val (((((passiveAs, activeAs), passiveBs), activeBs), passiveCs), activeCs) =
       |> variant_tfrees passives
       ||>> mk_TFrees n
       ||>> variant_tfrees passives
       ||>> mk_TFrees n
+      ||>> variant_tfrees passives
       ||>> mk_TFrees n
-      ||>> mk_TFrees m
-      ||> fst o mk_TFrees m;
+      |> fst;
     val allAs = passiveAs @ activeAs;
     val allBs' = passiveBs @ activeBs;
@@ -174,8 +174,9 @@
     val map_cong0s = map map_cong0_of_bnf bnfs;
     val map_id0s = map map_id0_of_bnf bnfs;
     val map_ids = map map_id_of_bnf bnfs;
-    val map_wpulls = map map_wpull_of_bnf bnfs;
     val set_mapss = map set_map_of_bnf bnfs;
+    val rel_mono_strongs = map rel_mono_strong_of_bnf bnfs;
+    val rel_OOs = map rel_OO_of_bnf bnfs;
     val timer = time (timer "Extracted terms & thms");
@@ -1402,16 +1403,20 @@
       trans OF [ctor_inject, rel_eq_of_bnf bnf RS @{thm predicate2_eqD} RS sym];
     val IphiTs = map2 mk_pred2T passiveAs passiveBs;
+    val Ipsi1Ts = map2 mk_pred2T passiveAs passiveCs;
+    val Ipsi2Ts = map2 mk_pred2T passiveCs passiveBs;
     val activephiTs = map2 mk_pred2T activeAs activeBs;
     val activeIphiTs = map2 mk_pred2T Ts Ts';
-    val (((Iphis, activephis), activeIphis), names_lthy) = names_lthy
+    val (((((Iphis, Ipsi1s), Ipsi2s), activephis), activeIphis), names_lthy) = names_lthy
       |> mk_Frees "R" IphiTs
+      ||>> mk_Frees "R" Ipsi1Ts
+      ||>> mk_Frees "Q" Ipsi2Ts
       ||>> mk_Frees "S" activephiTs
       ||>> mk_Frees "IR" activeIphiTs;
     val rels = map2 (fn Ds => mk_rel_of_bnf Ds (passiveAs @ Ts) (passiveBs @ Ts')) Dss bnfs;
     (*register new datatypes as BNFs*)
-    val (timer, Ibnfs, (folded_ctor_map_o_thms, folded_ctor_map_thms), folded_ctor_set_thmss',
+    val (timer, Ibnfs, (ctor_Imap_o_thms, ctor_Imap_thms), ctor_Iset_thmss',
         ctor_Irel_thms, Ibnf_notes, lthy) =
       if m = 0 then
         (timer, replicate n DEADID_bnf,
@@ -1419,31 +1424,13 @@
         replicate n [], map2 mk_ctor_Irel_DEADID_thm ctor_inject_thms bnfs, [], lthy)
       else let
         val fTs = map2 (curry op -->) passiveAs passiveBs;
-        val f1Ts = map2 (curry op -->) passiveAs passiveYs;
-        val f2Ts = map2 (curry op -->) passiveBs passiveYs;
-        val p1Ts = map2 (curry op -->) passiveXs passiveAs;
-        val p2Ts = map2 (curry op -->) passiveXs passiveBs;
         val uTs = map2 (curry op -->) Ts Ts';
-        val B1Ts = map HOLogic.mk_setT passiveAs;
-        val B2Ts = map HOLogic.mk_setT passiveBs;
-        val AXTs = map HOLogic.mk_setT passiveXs;
-        val XTs = mk_Ts passiveXs;
-        val YTs = mk_Ts passiveYs;
-        val (((((((((((((fs, fs'), fs_copy), us),
-          B1s), B2s), AXs), (xs, xs')), f1s), f2s), p1s), p2s), (ys, ys')),
+        val (((((fs, fs'), fs_copy), us), (ys, ys')),
           names_lthy) = names_lthy
           |> mk_Frees' "f" fTs
           ||>> mk_Frees "f" fTs
           ||>> mk_Frees "u" uTs
-          ||>> mk_Frees "B1" B1Ts
-          ||>> mk_Frees "B2" B2Ts
-          ||>> mk_Frees "A" AXTs
-          ||>> mk_Frees' "x" XTs
-          ||>> mk_Frees "f1" f1Ts
-          ||>> mk_Frees "f2" f2Ts
-          ||>> mk_Frees "p1" p1Ts
-          ||>> mk_Frees "p2" p2Ts
           ||>> mk_Frees' "y" passiveAs;
         val map_FTFT's = map2 (fn Ds =>
@@ -1456,51 +1443,9 @@
           mk_fold Ts (map2 (mk_map_fold_arg fs Ts') ctors (mk_maps Ts'));
         val pmapsABT' = mk_passive_maps passiveAs passiveBs;
         val fs_maps = map (mk_map Ts fs Ts' ctor's pmapsABT') ks;
-        val fs_copy_maps = map (mk_map Ts fs_copy Ts' ctor's pmapsABT') ks;
-        val Yctors = mk_ctors passiveYs;
-        val f1s_maps = map (mk_map Ts f1s YTs Yctors (mk_passive_maps passiveAs passiveYs)) ks;
-        val f2s_maps = map (mk_map Ts' f2s YTs Yctors (mk_passive_maps passiveBs passiveYs)) ks;
-        val p1s_maps = map (mk_map XTs p1s Ts ctors (mk_passive_maps passiveXs passiveAs)) ks;
-        val p2s_maps = map (mk_map XTs p2s Ts' ctor's (mk_passive_maps passiveXs passiveBs)) ks;
-        val (ctor_map_thms, ctor_map_o_thms) =
-          let
-            fun mk_goal fs_map map ctor ctor' = fold_rev Logic.all fs
-              (mk_Trueprop_eq (HOLogic.mk_comp (fs_map, ctor),
-                HOLogic.mk_comp (ctor', Term.list_comb (map, fs @ fs_maps))));
-            val goals = map4 mk_goal fs_maps map_FTFT's ctors ctor's;
-            val maps =
-              map4 (fn goal => fn foldx => fn map_comp_id => fn map_cong0 =>
-                Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal (K (mk_map_tac m n foldx map_comp_id map_cong0))
-                |> Thm.close_derivation)
-              goals ctor_fold_thms map_comp_id_thms map_cong0s;
-          in
-            `(map (fn thm => thm RS @{thm comp_eq_dest})) maps
-          end;
-        val (ctor_map_unique_thms, ctor_map_unique_thm) =
-          let
-            fun mk_prem u map ctor ctor' =
-              mk_Trueprop_eq (HOLogic.mk_comp (u, ctor),
-                HOLogic.mk_comp (ctor', Term.list_comb (map, fs @ us)));
-            val prems = map4 mk_prem us map_FTFT's ctors ctor's;
-            val goal =
-              HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
-                (map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_eq) us fs_maps));
-            val unique = Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] []
-              (fold_rev Logic.all (us @ fs) (Logic.list_implies (prems, goal)))
-              (mk_ctor_map_unique_tac ctor_fold_unique_thm sym_map_comps)
-              |> Thm.close_derivation;
-          in
-            `split_conj_thm unique
-          end;
-        val timer = time (timer "map functions for the new datatypes");
         val ls = 1 upto m;
         val setsss = map (mk_setss o mk_set_Ts) passiveAs;
-        val map_setss = map (fn T => map2 (fn Ds =>
-          mk_map_of_bnf Ds (passiveAs @ Ts) (mk_set_Ts T)) Dss bnfs) passiveAs;
         fun mk_col l T z z' sets =
@@ -1515,198 +1460,9 @@
         val setss_by_range = map (fn cols => map (mk_fold Ts cols) ks) colss;
         val setss_by_bnf = transpose setss_by_range;
-        val ctor_set_thmss =
-          let
-            fun mk_goal sets ctor set col map =
-              mk_Trueprop_eq (HOLogic.mk_comp (set, ctor),
-                HOLogic.mk_comp (col, Term.list_comb (map, passive_ids @ sets)));
-            val goalss =
-              map3 (fn sets => map4 (mk_goal sets) ctors sets) setss_by_range colss map_setss;
-            val setss = map (map2 (fn foldx => fn goal =>
-              Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal (K (mk_set_tac foldx)) |> Thm.close_derivation)
-              ctor_fold_thms) goalss;
-            fun mk_simp_goal pas_set act_sets sets ctor z set =
-              Logic.all z (mk_Trueprop_eq (set $ (ctor $ z),
-                mk_union (pas_set $ z,
-                  Library.foldl1 mk_union (map2 (fn X => mk_UNION (X $ z)) act_sets sets))));
-            val simp_goalss =
-              map2 (fn i => fn sets =>
-                map4 (fn Fsets => mk_simp_goal (nth Fsets (i - 1)) (drop m Fsets) sets)
-                  FTs_setss ctors xFs sets)
-                ls setss_by_range;
-            val ctor_setss = map3 (fn i => map3 (fn set_nats => fn goal => fn set =>
-                Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
-                  (K (mk_ctor_set_tac set (nth set_nats (i - 1)) (drop m set_nats)))
-                |> Thm.close_derivation)
-              set_mapss) ls simp_goalss setss;
-          in
-            ctor_setss
-          end;
-        fun mk_set_thms ctor_set = (@{thm xt1(3)} OF [ctor_set, @{thm Un_upper1}]) ::
-          map (fn i => (@{thm xt1(3)} OF [ctor_set, @{thm Un_upper2}]) RS
-            (mk_Un_upper n i RS subset_trans) RSN
-            (2, @{thm UN_upper} RS subset_trans))
-            (1 upto n);
-        val Fset_set_thmsss = transpose (map (map mk_set_thms) ctor_set_thmss);
-        val timer = time (timer "set functions for the new datatypes");
-        val cxs = map (SOME o certify lthy) Izs;
-        val setss_by_bnf' =
-          map (map (Term.subst_atomic_types (passiveAs ~~ passiveBs))) setss_by_bnf;
-        val setss_by_range' = transpose setss_by_bnf';
-        val set_map0_thmss =
-          let
-            fun mk_set_map0 f map z set set' =
-              HOLogic.mk_eq (mk_image f $ (set $ z), set' $ (map $ z));
-            fun mk_cphi f map z set set' = certify lthy
-              (Term.absfree (dest_Free z) (mk_set_map0 f map z set set'));
-            val csetss = map (map (certify lthy)) setss_by_range';
-            val cphiss = map3 (fn f => fn sets => fn sets' =>
-              (map4 (mk_cphi f) fs_maps Izs sets sets')) fs setss_by_range setss_by_range';
-            val inducts = map (fn cphis =>
-              Drule.instantiate' cTs (map SOME cphis @ cxs) ctor_induct_thm) cphiss;
-            val goals =
-              map3 (fn f => fn sets => fn sets' =>
-                HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
-                  (map4 (mk_set_map0 f) fs_maps Izs sets sets')))
-                  fs setss_by_range setss_by_range';
-            fun mk_tac induct = mk_set_nat_tac m (rtac induct) set_mapss ctor_map_thms;
-            val thms =
-              map5 (fn goal => fn csets => fn ctor_sets => fn induct => fn i =>
-                singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
-                  (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal (mk_tac induct csets ctor_sets i))
-                |> Thm.close_derivation)
-              goals csetss ctor_set_thmss inducts ls;
-          in
-            map split_conj_thm thms
-          end;
-        val set_bd_thmss =
-          let
-            fun mk_set_bd z set = mk_ordLeq (mk_card_of (set $ z)) sum_bd;
-            fun mk_cphi z set = certify lthy (Term.absfree (dest_Free z) (mk_set_bd z set));
-            val cphiss = map (map2 mk_cphi Izs) setss_by_range;
-            val inducts = map (fn cphis =>
-              Drule.instantiate' cTs (map SOME cphis @ cxs) ctor_induct_thm) cphiss;
-            val goals =
-              map (fn sets =>
-                HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
-                  (map2 mk_set_bd Izs sets))) setss_by_range;
-            fun mk_tac induct = mk_set_bd_tac m (rtac induct) sum_Cinfinite set_bd_sumss;
-            val thms =
-              map4 (fn goal => fn ctor_sets => fn induct => fn i =>
-                singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
-                  (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal (mk_tac induct ctor_sets i))
-                |> Thm.close_derivation)
-              goals ctor_set_thmss inducts ls;
-          in
-            map split_conj_thm thms
-          end;
-        val map_cong0_thms =
-          let
-            fun mk_prem z set f g y y' =
-              mk_Ball (set $ z) (Term.absfree y' (HOLogic.mk_eq (f $ y, g $ y)));
-            fun mk_map_cong0 sets z fmap gmap =
-              HOLogic.mk_imp
-                (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj (map5 (mk_prem z) sets fs fs_copy ys ys'),
-                HOLogic.mk_eq (fmap $ z, gmap $ z));
-            fun mk_cphi sets z fmap gmap =
-              certify lthy (Term.absfree (dest_Free z) (mk_map_cong0 sets z fmap gmap));
-            val cphis = map4 mk_cphi setss_by_bnf Izs fs_maps fs_copy_maps;
-            val induct = Drule.instantiate' cTs (map SOME cphis @ cxs) ctor_induct_thm;
-            val goal =
-              HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
-                (map4 mk_map_cong0 setss_by_bnf Izs fs_maps fs_copy_maps));
-            val thm = singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
-              (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
-              (mk_mcong_tac (rtac induct) Fset_set_thmsss map_cong0s ctor_map_thms))
-              |> Thm.close_derivation;
-          in
-            split_conj_thm thm
-          end;
-        val Xsetss = map (map (Term.subst_atomic_types (passiveAs ~~ passiveXs))) setss_by_bnf;
-        val map_wpull_thms =
-          let
-            val cTs = map (SOME o certifyT lthy o TFree) induct2_params;
-            val cxs = map (SOME o certify lthy) (splice Izs1 Izs2);
-            fun mk_prem z1 z2 sets1 sets2 map1 map2 =
-              HOLogic.mk_conj
-                (HOLogic.mk_mem (z1, mk_in B1s sets1 (fastype_of z1)),
-                HOLogic.mk_conj
-                  (HOLogic.mk_mem (z2, mk_in B2s sets2 (fastype_of z2)),
-                  HOLogic.mk_eq (map1 $ z1, map2 $ z2)));
-            val prems = map6 mk_prem Izs1 Izs2 setss_by_bnf setss_by_bnf' f1s_maps f2s_maps;
-            fun mk_concl z1 z2 sets map1 map2 T x x' =
-              mk_Bex (mk_in AXs sets T) (Term.absfree x'
-                (HOLogic.mk_conj (HOLogic.mk_eq (map1 $ x, z1), HOLogic.mk_eq (map2 $ x, z2))));
-            val concls = map8 mk_concl Izs1 Izs2 Xsetss p1s_maps p2s_maps XTs xs xs';
-            val goals = map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_imp) prems concls;
-            fun mk_cphi z1 z2 goal = certify lthy (Term.absfree z1 (Term.absfree z2 goal));
-            val cphis = map3 mk_cphi Izs1' Izs2' goals;
-            val induct = Drule.instantiate' cTs (map SOME cphis @ cxs) ctor_induct2_thm;
-            val goal = Logic.list_implies (map HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
-                (map8 mk_wpull AXs B1s B2s f1s f2s (replicate m NONE) p1s p2s),
-              HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj goals));
-            val thm = singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
-              (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
-              (K (mk_lfp_map_wpull_tac lthy m (rtac induct) map_wpulls ctor_map_thms
-                (transpose ctor_set_thmss) Fset_set_thmsss ctor_inject_thms)))
-              |> Thm.close_derivation;
-          in
-            split_conj_thm thm
-          end;
-        val timer = time (timer "helpers for BNF properties");
-        val map_id0_tacs = map (K o mk_map_id0_tac map_id0s) ctor_map_unique_thms;
-        val map_comp0_tacs =
-          map2 (K oo mk_map_comp0_tac map_comps ctor_map_thms) ctor_map_unique_thms ks;
-        val map_cong0_tacs = map (mk_map_cong0_tac m) map_cong0_thms;
-        val set_nat_tacss = map (map (K o mk_set_map0_tac)) (transpose set_map0_thmss);
-        val bd_co_tacs = replicate n (K (mk_bd_card_order_tac bd_card_orders));
-        val bd_cinf_tacs = replicate n (K (rtac (sum_Cinfinite RS conjunct1) 1));
-        val set_bd_tacss = map (map (fn thm => K (rtac thm 1))) (transpose set_bd_thmss);
-        val map_wpull_tacs = map (K o mk_wpull_tac) map_wpull_thms;
-        val rel_OO_Grp_tacs = replicate n (K (rtac refl 1));
-        val tacss = map9 zip_axioms map_id0_tacs map_comp0_tacs map_cong0_tacs set_nat_tacss
-          bd_co_tacs bd_cinf_tacs set_bd_tacss map_wpull_tacs rel_OO_Grp_tacs;
+        val set_bss =
+          map (flat o map2 (fn B => fn b =>
+            if member (op =) resDs (TFree B) then [] else [b]) resBs) set_bss0;
         val ctor_witss =
@@ -1733,45 +1489,227 @@
               ctors (0 upto n - 1) witss
-        fun wit_tac {context = ctxt, prems = _} =
-          mk_wit_tac ctxt n (flat ctor_set_thmss) (maps wit_thms_of_bnf bnfs);
-        val set_bss =
-          map (flat o map2 (fn B => fn b =>
-            if member (op =) resDs (TFree B) then [] else [b]) resBs) set_bss0;
-        val (Ibnfs, lthy) =
-          fold_map9 (fn tacs => fn b => fn map_b => fn rel_b => fn set_bs => fn mapx => fn sets =>
-              fn T => fn wits => fn lthy =>
-            bnf_def Dont_Inline (user_policy Note_Some) I tacs wit_tac (SOME deads)
+        val (Ibnf_consts, lthy) =
+          fold_map8 (fn b => fn map_b => fn rel_b => fn set_bs => fn mapx => fn sets => fn wits =>
+              fn T => fn lthy =>
+            define_bnf_consts Dont_Inline (user_policy Note_Some lthy) (SOME deads)
               map_b rel_b set_bs
-              ((((((b, T), fold_rev Term.absfree fs' mapx), sets), sum_bd), wits), NONE)
-              lthy
-            |> register_bnf (Local_Theory.full_name lthy b))
-          tacss bs map_bs rel_bs set_bss fs_maps setss_by_bnf Ts ctor_witss lthy;
+              ((((((b, T), fold_rev Term.absfree fs' mapx), sets), sum_bd), wits), NONE) lthy)
+          bs map_bs rel_bs set_bss fs_maps setss_by_bnf ctor_witss Ts lthy;
+        val (_, Iconsts, Iconst_defs, mk_Iconsts) = split_list4 Ibnf_consts;
+        val (_, Isetss, Ibds_Ds, Iwitss_Ds, _) = split_list5 Iconsts;
+        val (Imap_defs, Iset_defss, Ibd_defs, Iwit_defss, Irel_defs) = split_list5 Iconst_defs;
+        val (mk_Imaps_Ds, mk_It_Ds, _, mk_Irels_Ds, _) = split_list5 mk_Iconsts;
+        val Irel_unabs_defs = map (fn def => mk_unabs_def m (def RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq)) Irel_defs;
+        val Iset_defs = flat Iset_defss;
+        fun mk_Imaps As Bs = map (fn mk => mk deads As Bs) mk_Imaps_Ds;
+        fun mk_Isetss As = map2 (fn mk => fn Isets => map (mk deads As) Isets) mk_It_Ds Isetss;
+        val Ibds = map2 (fn mk => mk deads passiveAs) mk_It_Ds Ibds_Ds;
+        val Iwitss =
+          map2 (fn mk => fn Iwits => map (mk deads passiveAs o snd) Iwits) mk_It_Ds Iwitss_Ds;
+        fun mk_Irels As Bs = map (fn mk => mk deads As Bs) mk_Irels_Ds;
+        val Imaps = mk_Imaps passiveAs passiveBs;
+        val fs_Imaps = map (fn m => Term.list_comb (m, fs)) Imaps;
+        val fs_copy_Imaps = map (fn m => Term.list_comb (m, fs_copy)) Imaps;
+        val (Isetss_by_range, Isetss_by_bnf) = `transpose (mk_Isetss passiveAs);
+        val map_setss = map (fn T => map2 (fn Ds =>
+          mk_map_of_bnf Ds (passiveAs @ Ts) (mk_set_Ts T)) Dss bnfs) passiveAs;
+        val timer = time (timer "bnf constants for the new datatypes");
+        val (ctor_Imap_thms, ctor_Imap_o_thms) =
+          let
+            fun mk_goal fs_map map ctor ctor' = fold_rev Logic.all fs
+              (mk_Trueprop_eq (HOLogic.mk_comp (fs_map, ctor),
+                HOLogic.mk_comp (ctor', Term.list_comb (map, fs @ fs_Imaps))));
+            val goals = map4 mk_goal fs_Imaps map_FTFT's ctors ctor's;
+            val maps =
+              map4 (fn goal => fn foldx => fn map_comp_id => fn map_cong0 =>
+                Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
+                  (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} => unfold_thms_tac ctxt Imap_defs THEN
+                    mk_map_tac m n foldx map_comp_id map_cong0)
+                |> Thm.close_derivation)
+              goals ctor_fold_thms map_comp_id_thms map_cong0s;
+          in
+            `(map (fn thm => thm RS @{thm comp_eq_dest})) maps
+          end;
-        val fold_maps = fold_thms lthy (map (fn bnf =>
-          mk_unabs_def m (map_def_of_bnf bnf RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq)) Ibnfs);
+        val (ctor_Imap_unique_thms, ctor_Imap_unique_thm) =
+          let
+            fun mk_prem u map ctor ctor' =
+              mk_Trueprop_eq (HOLogic.mk_comp (u, ctor),
+                HOLogic.mk_comp (ctor', Term.list_comb (map, fs @ us)));
+            val prems = map4 mk_prem us map_FTFT's ctors ctor's;
+            val goal =
+              HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
+                (map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_eq) us fs_Imaps));
+            val unique = Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] []
+              (fold_rev Logic.all (us @ fs) (Logic.list_implies (prems, goal)))
+              (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} => unfold_thms_tac ctxt Imap_defs THEN
+                mk_ctor_map_unique_tac ctor_fold_unique_thm sym_map_comps ctxt)
+              |> Thm.close_derivation;
+          in
+            `split_conj_thm unique
+          end;
+        val timer = time (timer "map functions for the new datatypes");
+        val ctor_Iset_thmss =
+          let
+            fun mk_goal sets ctor set col map =
+              mk_Trueprop_eq (HOLogic.mk_comp (set, ctor),
+                HOLogic.mk_comp (col, Term.list_comb (map, passive_ids @ sets)));
+            val goalss =
+              map3 (fn sets => map4 (mk_goal sets) ctors sets) Isetss_by_range colss map_setss;
+            val setss = map (map2 (fn foldx => fn goal =>
+                Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
+                  unfold_thms_tac ctxt Iset_defs THEN mk_set_tac foldx)
+                |> Thm.close_derivation)
+              ctor_fold_thms) goalss;
+            fun mk_simp_goal pas_set act_sets sets ctor z set =
+              Logic.all z (mk_Trueprop_eq (set $ (ctor $ z),
+                mk_union (pas_set $ z,
+                  Library.foldl1 mk_union (map2 (fn X => mk_UNION (X $ z)) act_sets sets))));
+            val simp_goalss =
+              map2 (fn i => fn sets =>
+                map4 (fn Fsets => mk_simp_goal (nth Fsets (i - 1)) (drop m Fsets) sets)
+                  FTs_setss ctors xFs sets)
+                ls Isetss_by_range;
+            val ctor_setss = map3 (fn i => map3 (fn set_nats => fn goal => fn set =>
+                Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
+                  (K (mk_ctor_set_tac set (nth set_nats (i - 1)) (drop m set_nats)))
+                |> Thm.close_derivation)
+              set_mapss) ls simp_goalss setss;
+          in
+            ctor_setss
+          end;
-        val fold_sets = fold_thms lthy (maps (fn bnf =>
-          map (fn thm => thm RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq) (set_defs_of_bnf bnf)) Ibnfs);
+        fun mk_set_thms ctor_set = (@{thm xt1(3)} OF [ctor_set, @{thm Un_upper1}]) ::
+          map (fn i => (@{thm xt1(3)} OF [ctor_set, @{thm Un_upper2}]) RS
+            (mk_Un_upper n i RS subset_trans) RSN
+            (2, @{thm UN_upper} RS subset_trans))
+            (1 upto n);
+        val set_Iset_thmsss = transpose (map (map mk_set_thms) ctor_Iset_thmss);
+        val timer = time (timer "set functions for the new datatypes");
+        val cxs = map (SOME o certify lthy) Izs;
+        val Isetss_by_range' =
+          map (map (Term.subst_atomic_types (passiveAs ~~ passiveBs))) Isetss_by_range;
+        val Iset_Imap0_thmss =
+          let
+            fun mk_set_map0 f map z set set' =
+              HOLogic.mk_eq (mk_image f $ (set $ z), set' $ (map $ z));
+            fun mk_cphi f map z set set' = certify lthy
+              (Term.absfree (dest_Free z) (mk_set_map0 f map z set set'));
+            val csetss = map (map (certify lthy)) Isetss_by_range';
+            val cphiss = map3 (fn f => fn sets => fn sets' =>
+              (map4 (mk_cphi f) fs_Imaps Izs sets sets')) fs Isetss_by_range Isetss_by_range';
-        val timer = time (timer "registered new datatypes as BNFs");
+            val inducts = map (fn cphis =>
+              Drule.instantiate' cTs (map SOME cphis @ cxs) ctor_induct_thm) cphiss;
+            val goals =
+              map3 (fn f => fn sets => fn sets' =>
+                HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
+                  (map4 (mk_set_map0 f) fs_Imaps Izs sets sets')))
+                  fs Isetss_by_range Isetss_by_range';
+            fun mk_tac induct = mk_set_nat_tac m (rtac induct) set_mapss ctor_Imap_thms;
+            val thms =
+              map5 (fn goal => fn csets => fn ctor_sets => fn induct => fn i =>
+                singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
+                  (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal (mk_tac induct csets ctor_sets i))
+                |> Thm.close_derivation)
+              goals csetss ctor_Iset_thmss inducts ls;
+          in
+            map split_conj_thm thms
+          end;
+        val Iset_bd_thmss =
+          let
+            fun mk_set_bd z bd set = mk_ordLeq (mk_card_of (set $ z)) bd;
+            fun mk_cphi z set = certify lthy (Term.absfree (dest_Free z) (mk_set_bd z sum_bd set));
-        val Irels = map (mk_rel_of_bnf deads passiveAs passiveBs) Ibnfs;
+            val cphiss = map (map2 mk_cphi Izs) Isetss_by_range;
+            val inducts = map (fn cphis =>
+              Drule.instantiate' cTs (map SOME cphis @ cxs) ctor_induct_thm) cphiss;
+            val goals =
+              map (fn sets =>
+                HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
+                  (map3 mk_set_bd Izs Ibds sets))) Isetss_by_range;
+            fun mk_tac induct = mk_set_bd_tac m (rtac induct) sum_Cinfinite set_bd_sumss;
+            val thms =
+              map4 (fn goal => fn ctor_sets => fn induct => fn i =>
+                singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
+                  (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
+                    (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} => unfold_thms_tac ctxt Ibd_defs THEN
+                      mk_tac induct ctor_sets i ctxt))
+                |> Thm.close_derivation)
+              goals ctor_Iset_thmss inducts ls;
+          in
+            map split_conj_thm thms
+          end;
-        val Irelphis = map (fn Irel => Term.list_comb (Irel, Iphis)) Irels;
-        val relphis = map (fn rel => Term.list_comb (rel, Iphis @ Irelphis)) rels;
+        val Imap_cong0_thms =
+          let
+            fun mk_prem z set f g y y' =
+              mk_Ball (set $ z) (Term.absfree y' (HOLogic.mk_eq (f $ y, g $ y)));
+            fun mk_map_cong0 sets z fmap gmap =
+              HOLogic.mk_imp
+                (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj (map5 (mk_prem z) sets fs fs_copy ys ys'),
+                HOLogic.mk_eq (fmap $ z, gmap $ z));
+            fun mk_cphi sets z fmap gmap =
+              certify lthy (Term.absfree (dest_Free z) (mk_map_cong0 sets z fmap gmap));
+            val cphis = map4 mk_cphi Isetss_by_bnf Izs fs_Imaps fs_copy_Imaps;
+            val induct = Drule.instantiate' cTs (map SOME cphis @ cxs) ctor_induct_thm;
+            val goal =
+              HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
+                (map4 mk_map_cong0 Isetss_by_bnf Izs fs_Imaps fs_copy_Imaps));
+            val thm = singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
+              (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
+              (mk_mcong_tac (rtac induct) set_Iset_thmsss map_cong0s ctor_Imap_thms))
+              |> Thm.close_derivation;
+          in
+            split_conj_thm thm
+          end;
         val in_rels = map in_rel_of_bnf bnfs;
-        val in_Irels = map in_rel_of_bnf Ibnfs;
+        val in_Irels = map (fn def => trans OF [def, @{thm OO_Grp_alt}] RS @{thm predicate2_eqD})
+            Irel_unabs_defs;
+        val ctor_Iset_incl_thmss = map (map hd) set_Iset_thmsss;
+        val ctor_set_Iset_incl_thmsss = map (transpose o map tl) set_Iset_thmsss;
+        val ctor_Iset_thmss' = transpose ctor_Iset_thmss;
-        val ctor_set_incl_thmss = map (map (fold_sets o hd)) Fset_set_thmsss;
-        val ctor_set_set_incl_thmsss = map (transpose o map (map fold_sets o tl)) Fset_set_thmsss;
-        val folded_ctor_map_thms = map fold_maps ctor_map_thms;
-        val folded_ctor_map_o_thms = map fold_maps ctor_map_o_thms;
-        val folded_ctor_set_thmss = map (map fold_sets) ctor_set_thmss;
-        val folded_ctor_set_thmss' = transpose folded_ctor_set_thmss;
+        val Irels = mk_Irels passiveAs passiveBs;
+        val Irelphis = map (fn rel => Term.list_comb (rel, Iphis)) Irels;
+        val relphis = map (fn rel => Term.list_comb (rel, Iphis @ Irelphis)) rels;
+        val Irelpsi1s = map (fn rel => Term.list_comb (rel, Ipsi1s)) (mk_Irels passiveAs passiveCs);
+        val Irelpsi2s = map (fn rel => Term.list_comb (rel, Ipsi2s)) (mk_Irels passiveCs passiveBs);
+        val Irelpsi12s = map (fn rel =>
+            Term.list_comb (rel, map2 (curry mk_rel_compp) Ipsi1s Ipsi2s)) Irels;
         val ctor_Irel_thms =
@@ -1786,46 +1724,99 @@
                (K (mk_ctor_rel_tac lthy in_Irels i in_rel map_comp0 map_cong0 ctor_map ctor_sets
                  ctor_inject ctor_dtor set_map0s ctor_set_incls ctor_set_set_inclss))
               |> Thm.close_derivation)
-            ks goals in_rels map_comps map_cong0s folded_ctor_map_thms folded_ctor_set_thmss'
-              ctor_inject_thms ctor_dtor_thms set_mapss ctor_set_incl_thmss
-              ctor_set_set_incl_thmsss
+            ks goals in_rels map_comps map_cong0s ctor_Imap_thms ctor_Iset_thmss'
+              ctor_inject_thms ctor_dtor_thms set_mapss ctor_Iset_incl_thmss
+              ctor_set_Iset_incl_thmsss
+          end;
+        val le_Irel_OO_thm =
+          let
+            fun mk_le_Irel_OO Irelpsi1 Irelpsi2 Irelpsi12 Iz1 Iz2 =
+              HOLogic.mk_imp (mk_rel_compp (Irelpsi1, Irelpsi2) $ Iz1 $ Iz2,
+                Irelpsi12 $ Iz1 $ Iz2);
+            val goals = map5 mk_le_Irel_OO Irelpsi1s Irelpsi2s Irelpsi12s Izs1 Izs2;
+            val cTs = map (SOME o certifyT lthy o TFree) induct2_params;
+            val cxs = map (SOME o certify lthy) (splice Izs1 Izs2);
+            fun mk_cphi z1 z2 goal = SOME (certify lthy (Term.absfree z1 (Term.absfree z2 goal)));
+            val cphis = map3 mk_cphi Izs1' Izs2' goals;
+            val induct = Drule.instantiate' cTs (cphis @ cxs) ctor_induct2_thm;
+            val goal = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj goals);
+          in
+            singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
+              (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
+                (mk_le_rel_OO_tac m induct ctor_nchotomy_thms ctor_Irel_thms rel_mono_strongs
+                  rel_OOs))
+              |> Thm.close_derivation
-        val timer = time (timer "additional properties");
+        val timer = time (timer "helpers for BNF properties");
+        val map_id0_tacs = map (K o mk_map_id0_tac map_id0s) ctor_Imap_unique_thms;
+        val map_comp0_tacs =
+          map2 (K oo mk_map_comp0_tac map_comps ctor_Imap_thms) ctor_Imap_unique_thms ks;
+        val map_cong0_tacs = map (mk_map_cong0_tac m) Imap_cong0_thms;
+        val set_map0_tacss = map (map (K o mk_set_map0_tac)) (transpose Iset_Imap0_thmss);
+        val bd_co_tacs = replicate n (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
+          unfold_thms_tac ctxt Ibd_defs THEN mk_bd_card_order_tac bd_card_orders);
+        val bd_cinf_tacs = replicate n (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
+          unfold_thms_tac ctxt Ibd_defs THEN rtac (sum_Cinfinite RS conjunct1) 1);
+        val set_bd_tacss = map (map (fn thm => K (rtac thm 1))) (transpose Iset_bd_thmss);
+        val le_rel_OO_tacs = map (fn i =>
+          K ((rtac @{thm predicate2I} THEN' etac (le_Irel_OO_thm RS mk_conjunctN n i RS mp)) 1)) ks;
+        val rel_OO_Grp_tacs = map (fn def => K (rtac def 1)) Irel_unabs_defs;
+        val tacss = map9 zip_axioms map_id0_tacs map_comp0_tacs map_cong0_tacs set_map0_tacss
+          bd_co_tacs bd_cinf_tacs set_bd_tacss le_rel_OO_tacs rel_OO_Grp_tacs;
+        fun wit_tac {context = ctxt, prems = _} = unfold_thms_tac ctxt (flat Iwit_defss) THEN
+          mk_wit_tac ctxt n (flat ctor_Iset_thmss) (maps wit_thms_of_bnf bnfs);
+        val (Ibnfs, lthy) =
+          fold_map5 (fn tacs => fn map_b => fn rel_b => fn set_bs => fn consts => fn lthy =>
+            bnf_def Do_Inline (user_policy Note_Some) I tacs wit_tac (SOME deads)
+              map_b rel_b set_bs consts lthy
+            |> register_bnf (Local_Theory.full_name lthy b))
+          tacss map_bs rel_bs set_bss
+            ((((((bs ~~ Ts) ~~ Imaps) ~~ Isetss_by_bnf) ~~ Ibds) ~~ Iwitss) ~~ map SOME Irels)
+            lthy;
+        val timer = time (timer "registered new datatypes as BNFs");
         val ls' = if m = 1 then [0] else ls
         val Ibnf_common_notes =
-          [(ctor_map_uniqueN, [fold_maps ctor_map_unique_thm])]
+          [(ctor_map_uniqueN, [ctor_Imap_unique_thm])]
           |> map (fn (thmN, thms) =>
             ((Binding.qualify true (Binding.name_of b) ( thmN), []), [(thms, [])]));
         val Ibnf_notes =
-          [(ctor_mapN, map single folded_ctor_map_thms),
+          [(ctor_mapN, map single ctor_Imap_thms),
           (ctor_relN, map single ctor_Irel_thms),
-          (ctor_set_inclN, ctor_set_incl_thmss),
-          (ctor_set_set_inclN, map flat ctor_set_set_incl_thmsss)] @
-          map2 (fn i => fn thms => (mk_ctor_setN i, map single thms)) ls' folded_ctor_set_thmss
+          (ctor_set_inclN, ctor_Iset_incl_thmss),
+          (ctor_set_set_inclN, map flat ctor_set_Iset_incl_thmsss)] @
+          map2 (fn i => fn thms => (mk_ctor_setN i, map single thms)) ls' ctor_Iset_thmss
           |> maps (fn (thmN, thmss) =>
             map2 (fn b => fn thms =>
               ((Binding.qualify true (Binding.name_of b) ( thmN), []), [(thms, [])]))
             bs thmss)
-        (timer, Ibnfs, (folded_ctor_map_o_thms, folded_ctor_map_thms), folded_ctor_set_thmss',
+        (timer, Ibnfs, (ctor_Imap_o_thms, ctor_Imap_thms), ctor_Iset_thmss',
           ctor_Irel_thms, Ibnf_common_notes @ Ibnf_notes, lthy)
-      val ctor_fold_o_map_thms = mk_xtor_un_fold_o_map_thms Least_FP false m ctor_fold_unique_thm
-        folded_ctor_map_o_thms (map (mk_pointfree lthy) ctor_fold_thms) sym_map_comps map_cong0s;
-      val ctor_rec_o_map_thms = mk_xtor_un_fold_o_map_thms Least_FP true m ctor_rec_unique_thm
-        folded_ctor_map_o_thms (map (mk_pointfree lthy) ctor_rec_thms) sym_map_comps map_cong0s;
+      val ctor_fold_o_Imap_thms = mk_xtor_un_fold_o_map_thms Least_FP false m ctor_fold_unique_thm
+        ctor_Imap_o_thms (map (mk_pointfree lthy) ctor_fold_thms) sym_map_comps map_cong0s;
+      val ctor_rec_o_Imap_thms = mk_xtor_un_fold_o_map_thms Least_FP true m ctor_rec_unique_thm
+        ctor_Imap_o_thms (map (mk_pointfree lthy) ctor_rec_thms) sym_map_comps map_cong0s;
       val Irels = if m = 0 then map HOLogic.eq_const Ts
         else map (mk_rel_of_bnf deads passiveAs passiveBs) Ibnfs;
       val Irel_induct_thm =
         mk_rel_xtor_co_induct_thm Least_FP rels activeIphis Irels Iphis xFs yFs ctors ctor's
-          (mk_rel_induct_tac m ctor_induct2_thm ks ctor_Irel_thms (map rel_mono_strong_of_bnf bnfs))
-          lthy;
+          (mk_rel_induct_tac m ctor_induct2_thm ks ctor_Irel_thms rel_mono_strongs) lthy;
       val rels = map2 (fn Ds => mk_rel_of_bnf Ds allAs allBs') Dss bnfs;
       val ctor_fold_transfer_thms =
@@ -1850,8 +1841,8 @@
         (ctor_foldN, ctor_fold_thms),
         (ctor_fold_uniqueN, ctor_fold_unique_thms),
         (ctor_rec_uniqueN, ctor_rec_unique_thms),
-        (ctor_fold_o_mapN, ctor_fold_o_map_thms),
-        (ctor_rec_o_mapN, ctor_rec_o_map_thms),
+        (ctor_fold_o_mapN, ctor_fold_o_Imap_thms),
+        (ctor_rec_o_mapN, ctor_rec_o_Imap_thms),
         (ctor_injectN, ctor_inject_thms),
         (ctor_recN, ctor_rec_thms),
         (dtor_ctorN, dtor_ctor_thms),
@@ -1871,10 +1862,10 @@
     ({Ts = Ts, bnfs = Ibnfs, ctors = ctors, dtors = dtors, xtor_co_iterss = transpose [folds, recs],
       xtor_co_induct = ctor_induct_thm, dtor_ctors = dtor_ctor_thms, ctor_dtors = ctor_dtor_thms,
       ctor_injects = ctor_inject_thms, dtor_injects = dtor_inject_thms,
-      xtor_map_thms = folded_ctor_map_thms, xtor_set_thmss = folded_ctor_set_thmss',
+      xtor_map_thms = ctor_Imap_thms, xtor_set_thmss = ctor_Iset_thmss',
       xtor_rel_thms = ctor_Irel_thms,
       xtor_co_iter_thmss = transpose [ctor_fold_thms, ctor_rec_thms],
-      xtor_co_iter_o_map_thmss = transpose [ctor_fold_o_map_thms, ctor_rec_o_map_thms],
+      xtor_co_iter_o_map_thmss = transpose [ctor_fold_o_Imap_thms, ctor_rec_o_Imap_thms],
       rel_xtor_co_induct_thm = Irel_induct_thm},
      lthy |> Local_Theory.notes (maybe_conceal_notes (common_notes @ notes @ Ibnf_notes)) |> snd)
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_lfp_tactics.ML	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_lfp_tactics.ML	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -37,12 +37,12 @@
   val mk_fold_transfer_tac: int -> thm -> thm list -> thm list ->
     {prems: thm list, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
   val mk_least_min_alg_tac: thm -> thm -> tactic
-  val mk_lfp_map_wpull_tac: Proof.context -> int -> (int -> tactic) -> thm list -> thm list ->
-    thm list list -> thm list list list -> thm list -> tactic
+  val mk_le_rel_OO_tac: int -> thm -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list ->
+    {prems: 'a, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
   val mk_map_comp0_tac: thm list -> thm list -> thm -> int -> tactic
   val mk_map_id0_tac: thm list -> thm -> tactic
   val mk_map_tac: int -> int -> thm -> thm -> thm -> tactic
-  val mk_ctor_map_unique_tac: thm -> thm list -> {prems: thm list, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
+  val mk_ctor_map_unique_tac: thm -> thm list -> Proof.context -> tactic
   val mk_mcong_tac: (int -> tactic) -> thm list list list -> thm list -> thm list ->
     {prems: 'a, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
   val mk_min_algs_card_of_tac: ctyp -> cterm -> int -> thm -> thm list -> thm list -> thm -> thm ->
@@ -69,13 +69,12 @@
   val mk_rec_unique_mor_tac: thm list -> thm list -> thm -> {prems: 'a, context: Proof.context} ->
   val mk_set_bd_tac: int -> (int -> tactic) -> thm -> thm list list -> thm list -> int ->
-    {prems: 'a, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
+    Proof.context -> tactic
   val mk_set_nat_tac: int -> (int -> tactic) -> thm list list -> thm list -> cterm list ->
     thm list -> int -> {prems: 'a, context: Proof.context} -> tactic
   val mk_set_map0_tac: thm -> tactic
   val mk_set_tac: thm -> tactic
   val mk_wit_tac: Proof.context -> int -> thm list -> thm list -> tactic
-  val mk_wpull_tac: thm -> tactic
 structure BNF_LFP_Tactics : BNF_LFP_TACTICS =
@@ -584,7 +583,7 @@
     REPEAT_DETERM_N n o (EVERY' (map rtac [trans, o_apply, id_apply])),
     rtac sym, rtac o_apply] 1;
-fun mk_ctor_map_unique_tac fold_unique sym_map_comps {context = ctxt, prems = _} =
+fun mk_ctor_map_unique_tac fold_unique sym_map_comps ctxt =
   rtac fold_unique 1 THEN
   unfold_thms_tac ctxt (sym_map_comps @ @{thms o_assoc[symmetric] id_o o_id}) THEN
   ALLGOALS atac;
@@ -624,7 +623,7 @@
     (induct_tac THEN' EVERY' (map4 mk_set_nat csets ctor_maps ctor_sets set_mapss)) 1
-fun mk_set_bd_tac m induct_tac bd_Cinfinite set_bdss ctor_sets i {context = ctxt, prems = _} =
+fun mk_set_bd_tac m induct_tac bd_Cinfinite set_bdss ctor_sets i ctxt =
     val n = length ctor_sets;
@@ -658,49 +657,18 @@
     (induct_tac THEN' EVERY' (map3 mk_map_cong0 ctor_maps map_cong0s set_setsss)) 1
-fun mk_lfp_map_wpull_tac ctxt m induct_tac wpulls ctor_maps ctor_setss set_setsss ctor_injects =
-  let
-    val n = length wpulls;
-    val ks = 1 upto n;
-    val ls = 1 upto m;
-    fun use_pass_asm thm = rtac conjI THEN' etac (thm RS subset_trans);
-    fun use_act_asm thm = etac (thm RS subset_trans) THEN' atac;
-    fun useIH set_sets i = EVERY' [rtac ssubst, rtac @{thm wpull_def},
-       REPEAT_DETERM_N m o etac thin_rl, select_prem_tac n (dtac asm_rl) i,
-       rtac allI, rtac allI, rtac impI, REPEAT_DETERM o etac conjE,
-       REPEAT_DETERM o dtac @{thm meta_spec},
-       dtac meta_mp, atac,
-       dtac meta_mp, atac, etac mp,
-       rtac conjI, rtac CollectI, CONJ_WRAP' use_act_asm set_sets,
-       rtac conjI, rtac CollectI, CONJ_WRAP' use_act_asm set_sets,
-       atac];
-    fun mk_subset thm = EVERY' [rtac ord_eq_le_trans, rtac thm, rtac @{thm Un_least}, atac,
-      REPEAT_DETERM_N (n - 1) o rtac @{thm Un_least},
-      REPEAT_DETERM_N n o
-        EVERY' [rtac @{thm UN_least}, rtac CollectE, etac set_rev_mp, atac,
-          REPEAT_DETERM o etac conjE, atac]];
-    fun mk_wpull wpull ctor_map ctor_sets set_setss ctor_inject =
-      EVERY' [rtac impI, REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [CollectE, conjE],
-        rtac rev_mp, rtac wpull,
-        EVERY' (map (fn i => REPEAT_DETERM_N (i - 1) o etac thin_rl THEN' atac) ls),
-        EVERY' (map2 useIH (transpose (map tl set_setss)) ks),
-        rtac impI, REPEAT_DETERM_N (m + n) o etac thin_rl,
-        dtac @{thm subst[OF wpull_def, of "%x. x"]}, etac allE, etac allE, etac impE,
-        rtac conjI, rtac CollectI, EVERY' (map (use_pass_asm o hd) set_setss),
-          CONJ_WRAP' (K (rtac subset_refl)) ks,
-        rtac conjI, rtac CollectI, EVERY' (map (use_pass_asm o hd) set_setss),
-          CONJ_WRAP' (K (rtac subset_refl)) ks,
-        rtac subst, rtac ctor_inject, rtac trans, rtac sym, rtac ctor_map,
-        rtac trans, atac, rtac ctor_map, REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [CollectE, conjE, bexE],
-        hyp_subst_tac ctxt, rtac bexI, rtac conjI, rtac ctor_map, rtac ctor_map, rtac CollectI,
-        CONJ_WRAP' mk_subset ctor_sets];
-  in
-    (induct_tac THEN' EVERY' (map5 mk_wpull wpulls ctor_maps ctor_setss set_setsss ctor_injects)) 1
-  end;
+fun mk_le_rel_OO_tac m induct ctor_nchotomys ctor_Irels rel_mono_strongs rel_OOs 
+    {context = ctxt, prems = _} =
+  EVERY' (rtac induct ::
+  map4 (fn nchotomy => fn Irel => fn rel_mono => fn rel_OO =>
+    EVERY' [rtac impI, etac (nchotomy RS @{thm nchotomy_relcomppE}),
+      REPEAT_DETERM_N 2 o dtac (Irel RS iffD1), rtac (Irel RS iffD2),
+      rtac rel_mono, rtac (rel_OO RS @{thm predicate2_eqD} RS iffD2),
+      rtac @{thm relcomppI}, atac, atac,
+      REPEAT_DETERM_N m o EVERY' [rtac ballI, rtac ballI, rtac impI, atac],
+      REPEAT_DETERM_N (length rel_OOs) o
+        EVERY' [rtac ballI, rtac ballI, Goal.assume_rule_tac ctxt]])
+  ctor_nchotomys ctor_Irels rel_mono_strongs rel_OOs) 1;
 (* BNF tactics *)
@@ -730,10 +698,6 @@
 fun mk_bd_card_order_tac bd_card_orders =
   CONJ_WRAP_GEN' (rtac @{thm card_order_csum}) rtac bd_card_orders 1;
-fun mk_wpull_tac wpull =
-  EVERY' [rtac ssubst, rtac @{thm wpull_def}, rtac allI, rtac allI,
-    rtac wpull, REPEAT_DETERM o atac] 1;
 fun mk_wit_tac ctxt n ctor_set wit =
     EVERY' [dtac set_rev_mp, rtac equalityD1, resolve_tac ctor_set,
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_tactics.ML	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_tactics.ML	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
   val fo_rtac: thm -> Proof.context -> int -> tactic
-  val mk_unfold_thms_then_tac: Proof.context -> thm list -> ('a -> tactic) -> 'a -> tactic
   val mk_flatten_assoc_tac: (int -> tactic) -> thm -> thm -> thm -> tactic
   val mk_rotate_eq_tac: (int -> tactic) -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm -> ''a list -> ''a list ->
@@ -45,8 +44,6 @@
     rtac (Drule.instantiate_normalize insts thm) 1
-fun mk_unfold_thms_then_tac ctxt defs tac x = unfold_thms_tac ctxt defs THEN tac x;
 (*transforms f (g x) = h (k x) into f o g = h o k using first order matches for f, g, h, and k*)
 fun mk_pointfree ctxt thm = thm
   |> Thm.prop_of |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> HOLogic.dest_eq
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_util.ML	Fri Dec 20 21:09:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_util.ML	Wed Dec 18 11:03:40 2013 +0100
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
     'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'd list -> 'e list -> 'f list -> 'g list -> 'h list ->
     'i list -> 'j -> 'k list * 'j
   val split_list4: ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) list -> 'a list * 'b list * 'c list * 'd list
+  val split_list5: ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e) list -> 'a list * 'b list * 'c list * 'd list * 'e list
   val find_indices: ('b * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> int list
   val mk_TFreess: int list -> Proof.context -> typ list list * Proof.context
@@ -98,7 +99,6 @@
   val mk_ordLeq: term -> term -> term
   val mk_rel_comp: term * term -> term
   val mk_rel_compp: term * term -> term
-  val mk_wpull: term -> term -> term -> term -> term -> (term * term) option -> term -> term -> term
   (*parameterized terms*)
   val mk_nthN: int -> term -> int -> term
@@ -252,6 +252,11 @@
     let val (xs1, xs2, xs3, xs4) = split_list4 xs;
     in (x1 :: xs1, x2 :: xs2, x3 :: xs3, x4 :: xs4) end;
+fun split_list5 [] = ([], [], [], [], [])
+  | split_list5 ((x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) :: xs) =
+    let val (xs1, xs2, xs3, xs4, xs5) = split_list5 xs;
+    in (x1 :: xs1, x2 :: xs2, x3 :: xs3, x4 :: xs4, x5 :: xs5) end;
 val parse_binding_colon = parse_binding --| @{keyword ":"};
 val parse_opt_binding_colon = Scan.optional parse_binding_colon Binding.empty;
@@ -460,39 +465,6 @@
     else HOLogic.mk_UNIV T
-fun mk_wpull A B1 B2 f1 f2 pseudo p1 p2 =
-  let
-    val AT = fastype_of A;
-    val BT1 = fastype_of B1;
-    val BT2 = fastype_of B2;
-    val FT1 = fastype_of f1;
-    val FT2 = fastype_of f2;
-    val PT1 = fastype_of p1;
-    val PT2 = fastype_of p2;
-    val T1 = HOLogic.dest_setT BT1;
-    val T2 = HOLogic.dest_setT BT2;
-    val domP = domain_type PT1;
-    val ranF = range_type FT1;
-    val _ = if is_some pseudo orelse
-               (HOLogic.dest_setT AT = domP andalso
-               domain_type FT1 = T1 andalso
-               domain_type FT2 = T2 andalso
-               domain_type PT2 = domP andalso
-               range_type PT1 = T1 andalso
-               range_type PT2 = T2 andalso
-               range_type FT2 = ranF)
-      then () else raise TYPE ("mk_wpull", [BT1, BT2, FT1, FT2, PT1, PT2], []);
-  in
-    (case pseudo of
-      NONE => Const (@{const_name wpull},
-        AT --> BT1 --> BT2 --> FT1 --> FT2 --> PT1 --> PT2 --> HOLogic.boolT) $
-        A $ B1 $ B2 $ f1 $ f2 $ p1 $ p2
-    | SOME (e1, e2) => Const (@{const_name wppull},
-        AT --> BT1 --> BT2 --> FT1 --> FT2 --> fastype_of e1 --> fastype_of e2 -->
-          PT1 --> PT2 --> HOLogic.boolT) $
-        A $ B1 $ B2 $ f1 $ f2 $ e1 $ e2 $ p1 $ p2)
-  end;
 fun mk_leq t1 t2 =
   Const (@{const_name less_eq}, (fastype_of t1) --> (fastype_of t2) --> HOLogic.boolT) $ t1 $ t2;