added new proof redirection code
Wed, 14 Dec 2011 18:07:32 +0100
changeset 45877 b18f62e40429
parent 45876 40952db4e57b
child 45878 2dad374cf440
added new proof redirection code
--- a/src/HOL/ATP.thy	Wed Dec 14 18:07:32 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/ATP.thy	Wed Dec 14 18:07:32 2011 +0100
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+     "Tools/ATP/atp_redirect.ML"
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Wed Dec 14 18:07:32 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Wed Dec 14 18:07:32 2011 +0100
@@ -206,6 +206,7 @@
   Tools/ATP/atp_problem.ML \
   Tools/ATP/atp_proof.ML \
   Tools/ATP/atp_reconstruct.ML \
+  Tools/ATP/atp_redirect.ML \
   Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML \
   Tools/ATP/atp_translate.ML \
   Tools/ATP/atp_util.ML \
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_redirect.ML	Wed Dec 14 18:07:32 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_redirect.ML
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
+Transformation of a proof by contradiction into a direct proof.
+signature ATP_REDIRECT =
+  type ref_sequent = int list * int
+  type ref_graph = unit Int_Graph.T
+  type clause = int list
+  type direct_sequent = int list * clause
+  type direct_graph = unit Int_Graph.T
+  type rich_sequent = clause list * clause
+  datatype inference =
+    Have of rich_sequent |
+    Hence of rich_sequent |
+    Cases of (clause * inference list) list
+  type proof = inference list
+  val make_ref_graph : (int list * int) list -> ref_graph
+  val sequents_of_ref_graph : ref_graph -> ref_sequent list
+  val redirect_sequent : int list -> int -> ref_sequent -> direct_sequent
+  val direct_graph : direct_sequent list -> direct_graph
+  val redirect_graph : int list -> ref_graph -> proof
+  val chain_proof : proof -> proof
+  val string_of_proof : proof -> string
+structure ATP_Redirect : ATP_REDIRECT =
+type ref_sequent = int list * int
+type ref_graph = unit Int_Graph.T
+type clause = int list
+type direct_sequent = int list * clause
+type direct_graph = unit Int_Graph.T
+type rich_sequent = clause list * clause
+datatype inference =
+  Have of rich_sequent |
+  Hence of rich_sequent |
+  Cases of (clause * inference list) list
+type proof = inference list
+fun make_ref_graph infers =
+  let
+    fun add_edge to from =
+      Int_Graph.default_node (from, ())
+      #> Int_Graph.default_node (to, ())
+      #> Int_Graph.add_edge_acyclic (from, to)
+    fun add_infer (froms, to) = fold (add_edge to) froms
+  in Int_Graph.empty |> fold add_infer infers end
+fun sequents_of_ref_graph g =
+  map (`(Int_Graph.immediate_preds g))
+      (filter_out (Int_Graph.is_minimal g) (Int_Graph.keys g))
+fun redirect_sequent tainted bot (ante, l) =
+  if member (op =) tainted l then
+    ante |> List.partition (not o member (op =) tainted) |>> l <> bot ? cons l
+  else
+    (ante, [l])
+fun direct_graph seqs =
+  let
+    fun add_edge from to =
+      Int_Graph.default_node (from, ())
+      #> Int_Graph.default_node (to, ())
+      #> Int_Graph.add_edge_acyclic (from, to)
+    fun add_seq (ante, c) = fold (fn l => fold (add_edge l) c) ante
+  in Int_Graph.empty |> fold add_seq seqs end
+fun disj cs = fold (union (op =)) cs [] |> sort int_ord
+fun concl_of_inf (Have (_, c)) = c
+  | concl_of_inf (Hence (_, c)) = c
+  | concl_of_inf (Cases cases) = concl_of_cases cases
+and concl_of_case (c, []) = c
+  | concl_of_case (_, infs) = concl_of_inf (List.last infs)
+and concl_of_cases cases = disj (map concl_of_case cases)
+fun dest_Have (Have z) = z
+  | dest_Have _ = raise Fail "non-Have"
+fun enrich_Have nontrivs trivs (cs, c) =
+  (cs |> map (fn c => if member (op =) nontrivs c then disj (c :: trivs)
+                      else c),
+   disj (c :: trivs))
+  |> Have
+fun s_cases cases =
+  case cases |> List.partition (null o snd) of
+    (trivs, [(nontriv0, proof)]) =>
+    if forall (can dest_Have) proof then
+      let val seqs = proof |> map dest_Have in
+        seqs |> map (enrich_Have (nontriv0 :: map snd seqs) (map fst trivs))
+      end
+    else
+      [Cases cases]
+  | _ => [Cases cases]
+fun descendants seqs =
+  these o try (Int_Graph.all_succs (direct_graph seqs)) o single
+fun zones_of 0 _ = []
+  | zones_of n (ls :: lss) =
+    (fold (subtract (op =)) lss) ls :: zones_of (n - 1) (lss @ [ls])
+fun redirect c proved seqs =
+  if null seqs then
+    []
+  else if length c < 2 then
+    let
+      val proved = c @ proved
+      val provable = filter (fn (ante, _) => subset (op =) (ante, proved)) seqs
+      val horn_provable = filter (fn (_, [_]) => true | _ => false) provable
+      val seq as (ante, c) = hd (horn_provable @ provable)
+    in
+      Have (map single ante, c) ::
+      redirect c proved (filter (curry (op <>) seq) seqs)
+    end
+  else
+    let
+      fun subsequents seqs zone =
+        filter (fn (ante, _) => subset (op =) (ante, zone @ proved)) seqs
+      val zones = zones_of (length c) (map (descendants seqs) c)
+      val subseqss = map (subsequents seqs) zones
+      val seqs = fold (subtract (op =)) subseqss seqs
+      val cases =
+        map2 (fn l => fn subseqs => ([l], redirect [l] proved subseqs))
+             c subseqss
+    in [Cases cases] @ redirect (concl_of_cases cases) proved seqs end
+fun redirect_graph conjecture g =
+  let
+    val axioms = subtract (op =) conjecture (Int_Graph.minimals g)
+    val tainted = Int_Graph.all_succs g conjecture
+    val [bot] = Int_Graph.maximals g
+    val seqs = map (redirect_sequent tainted bot) (sequents_of_ref_graph g)
+  in redirect [] axioms seqs end
+val chain_proof =
+  let
+    fun chain_inf cl0 (seq as Have (cs, c)) =
+        if member (op =) cs cl0 then Hence (filter_out (curry (op =) cl0) cs, c)
+        else seq
+      | chain_inf _ (Cases cases) = Cases (map chain_case cases)
+    and chain_case (c, is) = (c, chain_proof (SOME c) is)
+    and chain_proof _ [] = []
+      | chain_proof (SOME prev) (i :: is) =
+        chain_inf prev i :: chain_proof (SOME (concl_of_inf i)) is
+      | chain_proof _ (i :: is) = i :: chain_proof (SOME (concl_of_inf i)) is
+  in chain_proof NONE end
+fun indent 0 = ""
+  | indent n = "  " ^ indent (n - 1)
+fun string_of_clause [] = "\<bottom>"
+  | string_of_clause ls = space_implode " \<or> " (map signed_string_of_int ls)
+fun string_of_rich_sequent ch ([], c) = ch ^ " " ^ string_of_clause c
+  | string_of_rich_sequent ch (cs, c) =
+    commas (map string_of_clause cs) ^ " " ^ ch ^ " " ^ string_of_clause c
+fun string_of_case depth (c, proof) =
+  indent (depth + 1) ^ "[" ^ string_of_clause c ^ "]"
+  |> not (null proof) ? suffix ("\n" ^ string_of_subproof (depth + 1) proof)
+and string_of_inference depth (Have seq) =
+    indent depth ^ string_of_rich_sequent "\<triangleright>" seq
+  | string_of_inference depth (Hence seq) =
+    indent depth ^ string_of_rich_sequent "\<guillemotright>" seq
+  | string_of_inference depth (Cases cases) =
+    indent depth ^ "[\n" ^
+    space_implode ("\n" ^ indent depth ^ "|\n")
+                  (map (string_of_case depth) cases) ^ "\n" ^
+    indent depth ^ "]"
+and string_of_subproof depth proof =
+  cat_lines (map (string_of_inference depth) proof)
+val string_of_proof = string_of_subproof 0