Added the command nxsketch, which is like sketch except it separates these subgoals by "next" fills in the context using "fix"/"assume" rather than "for"/"if". Also the sketch command does the same if there is only one subgoal.
authorpaulson <>
Mon, 23 Oct 2023 16:19:19 +0100
changeset 78820 b356019e8d49
parent 78819 b8775a63cb35
child 78821 4c5aadf1cb48
Added the command nxsketch, which is like sketch except it separates these subgoals by "next" fills in the context using "fix"/"assume" rather than "for"/"if". Also the sketch command does the same if there is only one subgoal.
--- a/src/HOL/ex/Sketch_and_Explore.thy	Mon Oct 23 12:52:56 2023 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/ex/Sketch_and_Explore.thy	Mon Oct 23 16:19:19 2023 +0100
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 theory Sketch_and_Explore
   imports Main \<comment> \<open>TODO: generalize existing sledgehammer functions to Pure\<close>
-  keywords "sketch" "explore" :: diag
+  keywords "sketch" "nxsketch" "explore" :: diag
 ML \<open>
@@ -63,9 +63,32 @@
-fun print_sketch ctxt method_text clauses =
+fun print_nonext_sketch ctxt method_text clauses =
   "proof" ^ method_text :: map (print_isar_skeleton ctxt 2 "show") clauses @ ["qed"];
+fun print_next_skeleton ctxt indent keyword stmt =
+  let
+    val ((fixes, assms, concl), ctxt') = eigen_context_for_statement stmt ctxt;
+    val prefix = replicate_string indent " ";
+    val prefix_sep = "\n" ^ prefix ^ "    and ";
+    val show_s = prefix ^ keyword ^ " " ^ print_term ctxt' concl;
+    val assumes_s = if null assms then NONE
+      else SOME (prefix ^ "  assume " ^ space_implode prefix_sep
+        (map (print_term ctxt') assms));
+    val fixes_s = if null fixes then NONE
+      else SOME (prefix ^ "fix " ^ space_implode prefix_sep
+        (map (fn (v, T) => v ^ " :: " ^ print_typ ctxt T) fixes));
+    val s = cat_lines (map_filter I [fixes_s, assumes_s] @ [show_s] @ [prefix ^ " sorry"]);
+  in
+    s
+  end;
+fun print_next_sketch ctxt method_text clauses =
+  "proof" ^ method_text :: separate "next" (map (print_next_skeleton ctxt 2 "show") clauses) @ ["qed"];
+fun print_sketch ctxt method_text [cl] = print_next_sketch ctxt method_text [cl]
+  | print_sketch ctxt method_text clauses = print_nonext_sketch ctxt method_text clauses;
 fun print_exploration ctxt method_text [clause] =
     ["proof -", print_isar_skeleton ctxt 2 "have" clause,
       "  then show ?thesis", "    by" ^ method_text, "qed"]
@@ -110,11 +133,16 @@
 val sketch = print_proof_text_from_state print_sketch;
+val next_sketch = print_proof_text_from_state print_next_sketch;
 fun explore method_ref = print_proof_text_from_state print_exploration (SOME method_ref);
 fun sketch_cmd some_method_text =
   Toplevel.keep_proof (K () o sketch some_method_text o Toplevel.proof_of)
+fun next_sketch_cmd some_method_text =
+  Toplevel.keep_proof (K () o next_sketch some_method_text o Toplevel.proof_of)
 fun explore_cmd method_text =
   Toplevel.keep_proof (K () o explore method_text o Toplevel.proof_of)
@@ -124,6 +152,11 @@
     (Scan.option (Scan.trace Method.parse) >> sketch_cmd);
 val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\<open>nxsketch\<close>
+    "print sketch of Isar proof text after method application"
+    (Scan.option (Scan.trace Method.parse) >> next_sketch_cmd);
+val _ =
   Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\<open>explore\<close>
     "explore proof obligations after method application as Isar proof text"
     (Scan.trace Method.parse >> explore_cmd);