added example for operational classes and code generator
Fri, 17 Mar 2006 14:20:24 +0100
changeset 19281 b411f25fff25
parent 19280 5091dc43817b
child 19282 89949d8652c3
added example for operational classes and code generator
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/ex/Classpackage.thy	Fri Mar 17 14:20:24 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+(*  ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
+header {* Test and Examples for Pure/Tools/class_package.ML *}
+theory Classpackage
+imports Main
+class semigroup =
+  fixes mult :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" (infixl "\<^loc>\<otimes>" 70)
+  assumes assoc: "x \<^loc>\<otimes> y \<^loc>\<otimes> z = x \<^loc>\<otimes> (y \<^loc>\<otimes> z)"
+instance nat :: semigroup
+  "m \<otimes> n == (m::nat) + n"
+  fix m n q :: nat 
+  from semigroup_nat_def show "m \<otimes> n \<otimes> q = m \<otimes> (n \<otimes> q)" by simp
+instance int :: semigroup
+  "k \<otimes> l == (k::int) + l"
+  fix k l j :: int
+  from semigroup_int_def show "k \<otimes> l \<otimes> j = k \<otimes> (l \<otimes> j)" by simp
+instance (type) list :: semigroup
+  "xs \<otimes> ys == xs @ ys"
+  fix xs ys zs :: "'a list"
+  show "xs \<otimes> ys \<otimes> zs = xs \<otimes> (ys \<otimes> zs)"
+  proof -
+    from semigroup_list_def have "\<And>xs ys::'a list. xs \<otimes> ys == xs @ ys".
+    thus ?thesis by simp
+  qed
+class monoidl = semigroup +
+  fixes one :: 'a ("\<^loc>\<one>")
+  assumes neutl: "\<^loc>\<one> \<^loc>\<otimes> x = x"
+instance nat :: monoidl
+  "\<one> == (0::nat)"
+  fix n :: nat
+  from semigroup_nat_def monoidl_nat_def show "\<one> \<otimes> n = n" by simp
+instance int :: monoidl
+  "\<one> == (0::int)"
+  fix k :: int
+  from semigroup_int_def monoidl_int_def show "\<one> \<otimes> k = k" by simp
+instance (type) list :: monoidl
+  "\<one> == []"
+  fix xs :: "'a list"
+  show "\<one> \<otimes> xs = xs"
+  proof -
+    from semigroup_list_def have "\<And>xs ys::'a list. xs \<otimes> ys == xs @ ys".
+    moreover from monoidl_list_def have "\<one> == []::'a list".
+    ultimately show ?thesis by simp
+  qed
+class monoid = monoidl +
+  assumes neutr: "x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<one> = x"
+instance (type) list :: monoid
+  fix xs :: "'a list"
+  show "xs \<otimes> \<one> = xs"
+  proof -
+    from semigroup_list_def have "\<And>xs ys::'a list. xs \<otimes> ys == xs @ ys".
+    moreover from monoidl_list_def have "\<one> == []::'a list".
+    ultimately show ?thesis by simp
+  qed
+class monoid_comm = monoid +
+  assumes comm: "x \<^loc>\<otimes> y = y \<^loc>\<otimes> x"
+instance nat :: monoid_comm
+  fix n :: nat
+  from semigroup_nat_def monoidl_nat_def show "n \<otimes> \<one> = n" by simp
+  fix n m :: nat
+  from semigroup_nat_def monoidl_nat_def show "n \<otimes> m = m \<otimes> n" by simp
+instance int :: monoid_comm
+  fix k :: int
+  from semigroup_int_def monoidl_int_def show "k \<otimes> \<one> = k" by simp
+  fix k l :: int
+  from semigroup_int_def monoidl_int_def show "k \<otimes> l = l \<otimes> k" by simp
+definition (in monoid)
+  units :: "'a set"
+  units_def: "units = { y. \<exists>x. x \<^loc>\<otimes> y = \<^loc>\<one> \<and> y \<^loc>\<otimes> x = \<^loc>\<one> }"
+lemma (in monoid) inv_obtain:
+  assumes ass: "x \<in> units"
+  obtains y where "y \<^loc>\<otimes> x = \<^loc>\<one>" and "x \<^loc>\<otimes> y = \<^loc>\<one>"
+proof -
+  from ass units_def obtain y
+    where "y \<^loc>\<otimes> x = \<^loc>\<one>" and "x \<^loc>\<otimes> y = \<^loc>\<one>" by auto
+  thus ?thesis ..
+lemma (in monoid) inv_unique:
+  assumes eq: "y \<^loc>\<otimes> x = \<^loc>\<one>" "x \<^loc>\<otimes> y' = \<^loc>\<one>"
+  shows "y = y'"
+proof -
+  from eq neutr have "y = y \<^loc>\<otimes> (x \<^loc>\<otimes> y')" by simp
+  also with assoc have "... = (y \<^loc>\<otimes> x) \<^loc>\<otimes> y'" by simp
+  also with eq neutl have "... = y'" by simp
+  finally show ?thesis .
+lemma (in monoid) units_inv_comm:
+  assumes inv: "x \<^loc>\<otimes> y = \<^loc>\<one>"
+    and G: "x \<in> units"
+  shows "y \<^loc>\<otimes> x = \<^loc>\<one>"
+proof -
+  from G inv_obtain obtain z
+    where z_choice: "z \<^loc>\<otimes> x = \<^loc>\<one>" by blast
+  from inv neutl neutr have "x \<^loc>\<otimes> y \<^loc>\<otimes> x = x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<one>" by simp
+  with assoc have "z \<^loc>\<otimes> x \<^loc>\<otimes> y \<^loc>\<otimes> x = z \<^loc>\<otimes> x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<one>" by simp
+  with neutl z_choice show ?thesis by simp
+  reduce :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
+  "reduce f g 0 x = g"
+  "reduce f g (Suc n) x = f x (reduce f g n x)"
+definition (in monoid)
+  npow :: "nat \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
+  npow_def_prim: "npow n x = reduce (op \<^loc>\<otimes>) \<^loc>\<one> n x"
+abbreviation (in monoid)
+  abbrev_npow :: "'a \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a" (infix "\<^loc>\<up>" 75)
+    "(x \<^loc>\<up> n) = npow n x"
+lemma (in monoid) npow_def:
+  "x \<^loc>\<up> 0 = \<^loc>\<one>"
+  "x \<^loc>\<up> Suc n = x \<^loc>\<otimes> x \<^loc>\<up> n"
+using npow_def_prim by simp_all
+lemma (in monoid) nat_pow_one:
+  "\<^loc>\<one> \<^loc>\<up> n = \<^loc>\<one>"
+using npow_def neutl by (induct n) simp_all
+lemma (in monoid) nat_pow_mult:
+  "npow n x \<^loc>\<otimes> npow m x = npow (n + m) x"
+proof (induct n)
+  case 0 with neutl npow_def show ?case by simp
+  case (Suc n) with prems assoc npow_def show ?case by simp
+lemma (in monoid) nat_pow_pow:
+  "npow n (npow m x) = npow (n * m) x"
+using npow_def nat_pow_mult by (induct n) simp_all
+class group = monoidl +
+  fixes inv :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" ("\<^loc>\<div> _" [81] 80)
+  assumes invl: "\<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> x = \<^loc>\<one>"
+class group_comm = group + monoid_comm
+instance int :: group_comm
+  "\<div> k == - (k::int)"
+  fix k :: int
+  from semigroup_int_def monoidl_int_def group_comm_int_def show "\<div> k \<otimes> k = \<one>" by simp
+lemma (in group) cancel:
+  "(x \<^loc>\<otimes> y = x \<^loc>\<otimes> z) = (y = z)"
+  fix x y z :: 'a
+  assume eq: "x \<^loc>\<otimes> y = x \<^loc>\<otimes> z"
+  hence "\<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> (x \<^loc>\<otimes> y) = \<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> (x \<^loc>\<otimes> z)" by simp
+  with assoc have "\<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> x \<^loc>\<otimes> y = \<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> x \<^loc>\<otimes> z" by simp
+  with neutl invl show "y = z" by simp
+  fix x y z :: 'a
+  assume eq: "y = z"
+  thus "x \<^loc>\<otimes> y = x \<^loc>\<otimes> z" by simp
+lemma (in group) neutr:
+  "x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<one> = x"
+proof -
+  from invl have "\<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> x = \<^loc>\<one>" by simp
+  with assoc [symmetric] neutl invl have "\<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> (x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<one>) = \<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> x" by simp
+  with cancel show ?thesis by simp
+lemma (in group) invr:
+  "x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> x = \<^loc>\<one>"
+proof -
+  from neutl invl have "\<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> x = \<^loc>\<div> x" by simp
+  with neutr have "\<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> x = \<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<one> " by simp
+  with assoc have "\<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> (x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> x) = \<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<one> " by simp
+  with cancel show ?thesis ..
+interpretation group < monoid
+  fix x :: "'a"
+  from neutr show "x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<one> = x" .
+instance group < monoid
+  fix x :: "'a::group"
+  from group.mult_one.neutr [standard] show "x \<otimes> \<one> = x" .
+lemma (in group) all_inv [intro]:
+  "(x::'a) \<in> monoid.units (op \<^loc>\<otimes>) \<^loc>\<one>"
+  unfolding units_def
+proof -
+  fix x :: "'a"
+  from invl invr have "\<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> x = \<^loc>\<one>" and "x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> x = \<^loc>\<one>" . 
+  then obtain y where "y \<^loc>\<otimes> x = \<^loc>\<one>" and "x \<^loc>\<otimes> y = \<^loc>\<one>" ..
+  hence "\<exists>y\<Colon>'a. y \<^loc>\<otimes> x = \<^loc>\<one> \<and> x \<^loc>\<otimes> y = \<^loc>\<one>" by blast
+  thus "x \<in> {y\<Colon>'a. \<exists>x\<Colon>'a. x \<^loc>\<otimes> y = \<^loc>\<one> \<and> y \<^loc>\<otimes> x = \<^loc>\<one>}" by simp
+lemma (in group) cancer:
+  "(y \<^loc>\<otimes> x = z \<^loc>\<otimes> x) = (y = z)"
+  assume eq: "y \<^loc>\<otimes> x = z \<^loc>\<otimes> x"
+  with assoc [symmetric] have "y \<^loc>\<otimes> (x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> x) = z \<^loc>\<otimes> (x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> x)" by (simp del: invr)
+  with invr neutr show "y = z" by simp
+  assume eq: "y = z"
+  thus "y \<^loc>\<otimes> x = z \<^loc>\<otimes> x" by simp
+lemma (in group) inv_one:
+  "\<^loc>\<div> \<^loc>\<one> = \<^loc>\<one>"
+proof -
+  from neutl have "\<^loc>\<div> \<^loc>\<one> = \<^loc>\<one> \<^loc>\<otimes> (\<^loc>\<div> \<^loc>\<one>)" ..
+  moreover from invr have "... = \<^loc>\<one>" by simp
+  finally show ?thesis .
+lemma (in group) inv_inv:
+  "\<^loc>\<div> (\<^loc>\<div> x) = x"
+proof -
+  from invl invr neutr
+    have "\<^loc>\<div> (\<^loc>\<div> x) \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> x = x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> x" by simp
+  with assoc [symmetric]
+    have "\<^loc>\<div> (\<^loc>\<div> x) \<^loc>\<otimes> (\<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> x) = x \<^loc>\<otimes> (\<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> x)" by simp
+  with invl neutr show ?thesis by simp
+lemma (in group) inv_mult_group:
+  "\<^loc>\<div> (x \<^loc>\<otimes> y) = \<^loc>\<div> y \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> x"
+proof -
+  from invl have "\<^loc>\<div> (x \<^loc>\<otimes> y) \<^loc>\<otimes> (x \<^loc>\<otimes> y) = \<^loc>\<one>" by simp
+  with assoc have "\<^loc>\<div> (x \<^loc>\<otimes> y) \<^loc>\<otimes> x \<^loc>\<otimes> y = \<^loc>\<one>" by simp
+  with neutl have "\<^loc>\<div> (x \<^loc>\<otimes> y) \<^loc>\<otimes> x \<^loc>\<otimes> y \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> y \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> x = \<^loc>\<div> y \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> x" by simp
+  with assoc have "\<^loc>\<div> (x \<^loc>\<otimes> y) \<^loc>\<otimes> (x \<^loc>\<otimes> (y \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> y) \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> x) = \<^loc>\<div> y \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> x" by simp
+  with invr neutr show ?thesis by simp
+lemma (in group) inv_comm:
+  "x \<^loc>\<otimes> \<^loc>\<div> x = \<^loc>\<div> x \<^loc>\<otimes> x"
+using invr invl by simp
+definition (in group)
+  pow :: "int \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
+  pow_def: "pow k x = (if k < 0 then \<^loc>\<div> (monoid.npow (op \<^loc>\<otimes>) \<^loc>\<one> (nat (-k)) x)
+    else (monoid.npow (op \<^loc>\<otimes>) \<^loc>\<one> (nat k) x))"
+abbreviation (in group)
+  abbrev_pow :: "'a \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> 'a" (infix "\<^loc>\<up>" 75)
+    "(x \<^loc>\<up> k) = pow k x"
+lemma (in group) int_pow_zero:
+  "x \<^loc>\<up> (0::int) = \<^loc>\<one>"
+using npow_def pow_def by simp
+lemma (in group) int_pow_one:
+  "\<^loc>\<one> \<^loc>\<up> (k::int) = \<^loc>\<one>"
+using pow_def nat_pow_one inv_one by simp
+instance group_prod_def: (group, group) * :: group
+  mult_prod_def: "x \<otimes> y == let (x1, x2) = x in (let (y1, y2) = y in
+              (x1 \<otimes> y1, x2 \<otimes> y2))"
+  mult_one_def: "\<one> == (\<one>, \<one>)"
+  mult_inv_def: "\<div> x == let (x1, x2) = x in (\<div> x1, \<div> x2)"
+by default (simp_all add: split_paired_all group_prod_def semigroup.assoc monoidl.neutl group.invl)
+instance group_comm_prod_def: (group_comm, group_comm) * :: group_comm
+by default (simp_all add: split_paired_all group_prod_def semigroup.assoc monoidl.neutl group.invl monoid_comm.comm)
+  "x = ((2::nat) \<otimes> \<one> \<otimes> 3, (2::int) \<otimes> \<one> \<otimes> \<div> 3, [1::nat, 2] \<otimes> \<one> \<otimes> [1, 2, 3])"
+  "y = (2 :: int, \<div> 2 :: int) \<otimes> \<one> \<otimes> (3, \<div> 3)"
+code_generate "op \<otimes>" "\<one>" "inv"
+code_generate x
+code_generate y
+code_serialize ml (-)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/ex/Codegenerator.thy	Fri Mar 17 14:20:24 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+(*  ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
+header {* Test and Examples for Code Generator *}
+theory Codegenerator
+imports Main
+subsection {* booleans *}
+  xor :: "bool \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  "xor p q = ((p | q) & \<not> (p & q))"
+code_generate xor
+subsection {* natural numbers *}
+  one :: nat
+  "one = 1"
+  n :: nat
+  "n = 42"
+  "0::nat" "one" n
+  "op + :: nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
+  "op - :: nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
+  "op * :: nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
+  "op < :: nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  "op <= :: nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
+subsection {* pairs *}
+  swap :: "'a * 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b * 'a"
+  "swap p = (let (x, y) = p in (y, x))"
+  swapp :: "'a * 'b \<Rightarrow> 'c * 'd \<Rightarrow> ('a * 'c) * ('b * 'd)"
+  "swapp = (\<lambda>(x, y) (z, w). ((x, z), (y, w)))"
+  appl :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b) * 'a \<Rightarrow> 'b"
+  "appl p = (let (f, x) = p in f x)"
+code_generate Pair fst snd Let split swap swapp appl
+  k :: "int"
+  "k = 42"
+  fac :: "int => int"
+recdef fac "measure nat"
+  "fac j = (if j <= 0 then 1 else j * (fac (j - 1)))"
+  "0::int" "1::int" k
+  "op + :: int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"
+  "op - :: int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"
+  "op * :: int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"
+  "op < :: int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  "op <= :: int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  fac
+subsection {* sums *}
+code_generate Inl Inr
+subsection {* options *}
+code_generate None Some
+subsection {* lists *}
+  ps :: "nat list"
+  "ps = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]"
+  qs :: "nat list"
+  "qs == rev ps"
+code_generate hd tl "op @" ps qs
+subsection {* mutual datatypes *}
+datatype mut1 = Tip | Top mut2
+  and mut2 = Tip | Top mut1
+  mut1 :: "mut1 \<Rightarrow> mut1"
+  mut2 :: "mut2 \<Rightarrow> mut2"
+  "mut1 mut1.Tip = mut1.Tip"
+  "mut1 (mut1.Top x) = mut1.Top (mut2 x)"
+  "mut2 mut2.Tip = mut2.Tip"
+  "mut2 (mut2.Top x) = mut2.Top (mut1 x)"
+code_generate mut1 mut2
+subsection {* equalities *}
+  "op = :: bool \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  "op = :: nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  "op = :: int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  "op = :: 'a * 'b \<Rightarrow> 'a * 'b \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  "op = :: 'a + 'b \<Rightarrow> 'a + 'b \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  "op = :: 'a option \<Rightarrow> 'a option \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  "op = :: 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  "op = :: mut1 \<Rightarrow> mut1 \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  "op = :: mut2 \<Rightarrow> mut2 \<Rightarrow> bool"
+subsection {* heavy use of names *}
+  f :: nat
+  "f = 2"
+  g :: nat
+  "g = f"
+  h :: nat
+  "h = g"
+  "Codegenerator.f" "Mymod.f"
+  "Codegenerator.g" "Mymod.A.f"
+  "Codegenerator.h" "Mymod.A.B.f"
+code_generate f g h
+code_serialize ml (-)
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/HOL/ex/ROOT.ML	Fri Mar 17 14:19:24 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/ex/ROOT.ML	Fri Mar 17 14:20:24 2006 +0100
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@
 time_use_thy "Refute_Examples";
 time_use_thy "Quickcheck_Examples";
+no_document time_use_thy "Classpackage";
+no_document time_use_thy "Codegenerator";
 no_document time_use_thy "nbe";
 no_document use_thy "Word";