more explicit Command.Chunk types, less ooddities;
Tue, 08 Apr 2014 12:19:33 +0200
changeset 56462 b64b0cb845fe
parent 56461 ae33d153f6cc
child 56463 013dfac0811a
more explicit Command.Chunk types, less ooddities; tuned;
--- a/src/Pure/General/position.scala	Tue Apr 08 10:24:42 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/position.scala	Tue Apr 08 12:19:33 2014 +0200
@@ -79,10 +79,15 @@
   object Reported
-    def unapply(pos: T): Option[(Long, String, Symbol.Range)] =
+    def unapply(pos: T): Option[(Long, Command.Chunk.Name, Symbol.Range)] =
       (pos, pos) match {
         case (Id(id), Range(range)) =>
-          Some((id, File.unapply(pos).getOrElse(""), range))
+          val chunk_name =
+            pos match {
+              case File(name) => Command.Chunk.File_Name(name)
+              case _ => Command.Chunk.Self
+            }
+          Some((id, chunk_name, range))
         case _ => None
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/command.scala	Tue Apr 08 10:24:42 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/command.scala	Tue Apr 08 12:19:33 2014 +0200
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 object Command
   type Edit = (Option[Command], Option[Command])
-  type Blob = Exn.Result[(Document.Node.Name, Option[(SHA1.Digest, File)])]
+  type Blob = Exn.Result[(Document.Node.Name, Option[(SHA1.Digest, Chunk.File)])]
@@ -56,14 +56,68 @@
+  /* source chunks */
+  abstract class Chunk
+  {
+    def name: Chunk.Name
+    def length: Int
+    def range: Text.Range
+    def symbol_index: Symbol.Index
+    def decode(symbol_offset: Symbol.Offset): Text.Offset = symbol_index.decode(symbol_offset)
+    def decode(symbol_range: Symbol.Range): Text.Range = symbol_index.decode(symbol_range)
+    def incorporate(symbol_range: Symbol.Range): Option[Text.Range] =
+    {
+      def in(r: Symbol.Range): Option[Text.Range] =
+        range.try_restrict(decode(r)) match {
+          case Some(r1) if !r1.is_singularity => Some(r1)
+          case _ => None
+        }
+     in(symbol_range) orElse in(symbol_range - 1)
+    }
+  }
+  object Chunk
+  {
+    sealed abstract class Name
+    case object Self extends Name
+    case class File_Name(file_name: String) extends Name
+    class File(
+      file_name: String,
+      text: CharSequence  // non-persistent!
+    ) extends Chunk
+    {
+      val name = Chunk.File_Name(file_name)
+      val length = text.length
+      val range = Text.Range(0, length)
+      val symbol_index = Symbol.Index(text)
+      private val hash: Int = (name, length, symbol_index).hashCode
+      override def hashCode: Int = hash
+      override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
+        that match {
+          case other: File =>
+            hash == other.hash &&
+            name == &&
+            length == other.length &&
+            symbol_index == other.symbol_index
+          case _ => false
+        }
+      override def toString: String = "Command.Chunk.File(" + file_name + ")"
+    }
+  }
   /* markup */
   object Markup_Index
-    val markup: Markup_Index = Markup_Index(false, "")
+    val markup: Markup_Index = Markup_Index(false, Chunk.Self)
-  sealed case class Markup_Index(status: Boolean, file_name: String)
+  sealed case class Markup_Index(status: Boolean, chunk_name: Chunk.Name)
   object Markups
@@ -134,13 +188,13 @@
     private def add_status(st: Markup): State =
       copy(status = st :: status)
-    private def add_markup(status: Boolean, file_name: String, m: Text.Markup): State =
+    private def add_markup(status: Boolean, chunk_name: Command.Chunk.Name, m: Text.Markup): State =
       val markups1 =
         if (status || Protocol.liberal_status_elements(
-          markups.add(Markup_Index(true, file_name), m)
+          markups.add(Markup_Index(true, chunk_name), m)
         else markups
-      copy(markups = markups1.add(Markup_Index(false, file_name), m))
+      copy(markups = markups1.add(Markup_Index(false, chunk_name), m))
     def + (valid_id: Document_ID.Generic => Boolean, message: XML.Elem): State =
@@ -151,7 +205,7 @@
               case elem @ XML.Elem(markup, Nil) =>
-                  add_markup(true, "", Text.Info(command.proper_range, elem))
+                  add_markup(true, Command.Chunk.Self, Text.Info(command.proper_range, elem))
               case _ =>
                 System.err.println("Ignored status message: " + msg)
@@ -164,15 +218,15 @@
               msg match {
                 case XML.Elem(Markup(name,
-                  atts @ Position.Reported(id, file_name, symbol_range)), args)
+                  atts @ Position.Reported(id, chunk_name, symbol_range)), args)
                 if valid_id(id) =>
-                  command.chunks.get(file_name) match {
+                  command.chunks.get(chunk_name) match {
                     case Some(chunk) =>
                       chunk.incorporate(symbol_range) match {
                         case Some(range) =>
                           val props = Position.purge(atts)
                           val info = Text.Info(range, XML.Elem(Markup(name, props), args))
-                          state.add_markup(false, file_name, info)
+                          state.add_markup(false, chunk_name, info)
                         case None => bad(); state
                     case None => bad(); state
@@ -183,7 +237,7 @@
                   val range = command.proper_range
                   val props = Position.purge(atts)
                   val info: Text.Markup = Text.Info(range, XML.Elem(Markup(name, props), args))
-                  state.add_markup(false, "", info)
+                  state.add_markup(false, Command.Chunk.Self, info)
                 case _ => /* FIXME bad(); */ state
@@ -197,9 +251,9 @@
               var st = copy(results = results + (i -> message1))
               if (Protocol.is_inlined(message)) {
                 for {
-                  (file_name, chunk) <- command.chunks
+                  (chunk_name, chunk) <- command.chunks
                   range <- Protocol.message_positions(valid_id, chunk, message)
-                } st = st.add_markup(false, file_name, Text.Info(range, message2))
+                } st = st.add_markup(false, chunk_name, Text.Info(range, message2))
@@ -214,49 +268,6 @@
   /** static content **/
-  /* text chunks */
-  abstract class Chunk
-  {
-    def file_name: String
-    def length: Int
-    def range: Text.Range
-    def decode(symbol_range: Symbol.Range): Text.Range
-    def incorporate(symbol_range: Symbol.Range): Option[Text.Range] =
-    {
-      def inc(r: Symbol.Range): Option[Text.Range] =
-        range.try_restrict(decode(r)) match {
-          case Some(r1) if !r1.is_singularity => Some(r1)
-          case _ => None
-        }
-     inc(symbol_range) orElse inc(symbol_range - 1)
-    }
-  }
-  // file name and position information, *without* persistent text
-  class File(val file_name: String, text: CharSequence) extends Chunk
-  {
-    val length = text.length
-    val range = Text.Range(0, length)
-    private val symbol_index = Symbol.Index(text)
-    def decode(symbol_range: Symbol.Range): Text.Range = symbol_index.decode(symbol_range)
-    private val hash: Int = (file_name, length, symbol_index).hashCode
-    override def hashCode: Int = hash
-    override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
-      that match {
-        case other: File =>
-          hash == other.hash &&
-          file_name == other.file_name &&
-          length == other.length &&
-          symbol_index == other.symbol_index
-        case _ => false
-      }
-    override def toString: String = "Command.File(" + file_name + ")"
-  }
   /* make commands */
   def name(span: List[Token]): String =
@@ -344,7 +355,6 @@
     val source: String,
     val init_results: Command.Results,
     val init_markup: Markup_Tree)
-  extends Command.Chunk
   /* classification */
@@ -373,14 +383,8 @@
   def blobs_digests: List[SHA1.Digest] =
     for (Exn.Res((_, Some((digest, _)))) <- blobs) yield digest
-  val chunks: Map[String, Command.Chunk] =
-    (("" -> this) ::
-      (for (Exn.Res((name, Some((_, file)))) <- blobs) yield (name.node -> file))).toMap
-  /* source */
-  def file_name: String = ""
+  /* source chunks */
   def length: Int = source.length
   val range: Text.Range = Text.Range(0, length)
@@ -390,9 +394,18 @@
   def source(range: Text.Range): String = source.substring(range.start, range.stop)
-  private lazy val symbol_index = Symbol.Index(source)
-  def decode(symbol_offset: Symbol.Offset): Text.Offset = symbol_index.decode(symbol_offset)
-  def decode(symbol_range: Symbol.Range): Text.Range = symbol_index.decode(symbol_range)
+  val chunk: Command.Chunk =
+    new Command.Chunk {
+      def name: Command.Chunk.Name = Command.Chunk.Self
+      def length: Int = Command.this.length
+      def range: Text.Range = Command.this.range
+      lazy val symbol_index = Symbol.Index(source)
+    }
+  val chunks: Map[Command.Chunk.Name, Command.Chunk] =
+    ((Command.Chunk.Self -> chunk) ::
+      (for (Exn.Res((name, Some((_, file)))) <- blobs)
+        yield (Command.Chunk.File_Name(name.node) -> file))).toMap
   /* accumulated results */
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala	Tue Apr 08 10:24:42 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala	Tue Apr 08 12:19:33 2014 +0200
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
   /* document blobs: auxiliary files */
-  sealed case class Blob(bytes: Bytes, file: Command.File, changed: Boolean)
+  sealed case class Blob(bytes: Bytes, file: Command.Chunk.File, changed: Boolean)
     def unchanged: Blob = copy(changed = false)
@@ -731,15 +731,15 @@
           status: Boolean = false): List[Text.Info[A]] =
           val former_range = revert(range)
-          val (file_name, command_iterator) =
+          val (chunk_name, command_iterator) =
             load_commands match {
-              case command :: _ => (node_name.node, Iterator((command, 0)))
-              case _ => ("", node.command_iterator(former_range))
+              case command :: _ => (Command.Chunk.File_Name(node_name.node), Iterator((command, 0)))
+              case _ => (Command.Chunk.Self, node.command_iterator(former_range))
-          val markup_index = Command.Markup_Index(status, file_name)
+          val markup_index = Command.Markup_Index(status, chunk_name)
           (for {
             (command, command_start) <- command_iterator
-            chunk <- command.chunks.get(file_name).iterator
+            chunk <- command.chunks.get(chunk_name).iterator
             states = state.command_states(version, command)
             res = result(states)
             range = (former_range - command_start).restrict(chunk.range)
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/protocol.scala	Tue Apr 08 10:24:42 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/protocol.scala	Tue Apr 08 12:19:33 2014 +0200
@@ -307,8 +307,8 @@
     def elem_positions(props: Properties.T, set: Set[Text.Range]): Set[Text.Range] =
       props match {
-        case Position.Reported(id, file_name, symbol_range)
-        if valid_id(id) && file_name == chunk.file_name =>
+        case Position.Reported(id, chunk_name, symbol_range)
+        if valid_id(id) && chunk_name == =>
           chunk.incorporate(symbol_range) match {
             case Some(range) => set + range
             case _ => set
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_model.scala	Tue Apr 08 10:24:42 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_model.scala	Tue Apr 08 12:19:33 2014 +0200
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
   /* blob */
-  private var _blob: Option[(Bytes, Command.File)] = None  // owned by Swing thread
+  private var _blob: Option[(Bytes, Command.Chunk.File)] = None  // owned by Swing thread
   private def reset_blob(): Unit = Swing_Thread.require { _blob = None }
@@ -151,7 +151,8 @@
             case Some(x) => x
             case None =>
               val bytes = PIDE.resources.file_content(buffer)
-              val file = new Command.File(node_name.node, buffer.getSegment(0, buffer.getLength))
+              val file =
+                new Command.Chunk.File(node_name.node, buffer.getSegment(0, buffer.getLength))
               _blob = Some((bytes, file))
               (bytes, file)
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit_editor.scala	Tue Apr 08 10:24:42 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit_editor.scala	Tue Apr 08 12:19:33 2014 +0200
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
           val sources_iterator =
             node.commands.iterator.takeWhile(_ != command).map(_.source) ++
               (if (offset == 0) Iterator.empty
-               else Iterator.single(command.source(Text.Range(0, command.decode(offset)))))
+               else Iterator.single(command.source(Text.Range(0, command.chunk.decode(offset)))))
           val (line, column) = ((1, 1) /: sources_iterator)(Symbol.advance_line_column)
           Some(hyperlink_file(file_name, line, column))