offical tool
Wed, 19 Feb 2014 22:08:47 +0100 (2014-02-19)
changeset 55601 b7f4da504b75
parent 55600 3c7610b8dcfc
child 55602 257bd115fcca
offical tool
--- a/src/HOL/IMP/Abs_Int_Den/Abs_Int_den0_fun.thy	Wed Feb 19 22:05:15 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/IMP/Abs_Int_Den/Abs_Int_den0_fun.thy	Wed Feb 19 22:08:47 2014 +0100
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 header "Denotational Abstract Interpretation"
 theory Abs_Int_den0_fun
-imports "~~/src/HOL/ex/Interpretation_with_Defs" "../Big_Step"
+imports "~~/src/Tools/Permanent_Interpretation" "../Big_Step"
 subsection "Orderings"
--- a/src/HOL/IMP/Abs_Int_ITP/Abs_Int0_ITP.thy	Wed Feb 19 22:05:15 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/IMP/Abs_Int_ITP/Abs_Int0_ITP.thy	Wed Feb 19 22:08:47 2014 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 (* Author: Tobias Nipkow *)
 theory Abs_Int0_ITP
-imports "~~/src/HOL/ex/Interpretation_with_Defs"
+imports "~~/src/Tools/Permanent_Interpretation"
--- a/src/HOL/IMP/Collecting.thy	Wed Feb 19 22:05:15 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/IMP/Collecting.thy	Wed Feb 19 22:08:47 2014 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 theory Collecting
 imports Complete_Lattice Big_Step ACom
-        "~~/src/HOL/ex/Interpretation_with_Defs"
+  "~~/src/Tools/Permanent_Interpretation"
 subsection "The generic Step function"
--- a/src/HOL/ROOT	Wed Feb 19 22:05:15 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/ROOT	Wed Feb 19 22:08:47 2014 +0100
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 session "HOL-IMP" in IMP = HOL +
   options [document_graph, document_variants=document]
   theories [document = false]
-    "~~/src/HOL/ex/Interpretation_with_Defs"
+    "~~/src/Tools/Permanent_Interpretation"
--- a/src/HOL/ex/Interpretation_with_Defs.thy	Wed Feb 19 22:05:15 2014 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/ex/Interpretation_with_Defs.thy
-    Author:     Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
-header {* Interpretation accompanied with mixin definitions.  EXPERIMENTAL. *}
-theory Interpretation_with_Defs
-imports Pure
-keywords "defining" and "permanent_interpretation" :: thy_goal
-ML_file "~~/src/Tools/interpretation_with_defs.ML"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Permanent_Interpretation.thy	Wed Feb 19 22:08:47 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(*  Title:   Tools/Permanent_Interpretation.thy
+    Author:  Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
+header {* Permanent interpretation accompanied with mixin definitions. *}
+theory Permanent_Interpretation
+imports Pure
+keywords "defining" and "permanent_interpretation" :: thy_goal
+ML_file "~~/src/Tools/permanent_interpretation.ML"
--- a/src/Tools/interpretation_with_defs.ML	Wed Feb 19 22:05:15 2014 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Tools/interpretation_with_defs.ML
-    Author:     Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
-Interpretation accompanied with mixin definitions.  EXPERIMENTAL.
-  val permanent_interpretation: Expression.expression_i ->
-    (Attrib.binding * ((binding * mixfix) * term)) list -> (Attrib.binding * term) list ->
-    local_theory -> Proof.state
-  val permanent_interpretation_cmd: Expression.expression ->
-    (Attrib.binding * ((binding * mixfix) * string)) list -> (Attrib.binding * string) list ->
-    local_theory -> Proof.state
-structure Interpretation_With_Defs : INTERPRETATION_WITH_DEFS =
-(* reading *)
-fun prep_interpretation prep_expr prep_term prep_prop prep_attr expression raw_defs raw_eqns initial_ctxt =
-  let
-    (*reading*)
-    val ((_, deps, _), proto_deps_ctxt) = prep_expr expression initial_ctxt;
-    val deps_ctxt = fold Locale.activate_declarations deps proto_deps_ctxt;
-    val prep = Syntax.check_terms deps_ctxt #> Variable.export_terms deps_ctxt deps_ctxt;
-    val rhss = (prep o map (prep_term deps_ctxt o snd o snd)) raw_defs;
-    val eqns = (prep o map (prep_prop deps_ctxt o snd)) raw_eqns;
-    (*defining*)
-    val pre_defs = map2 (fn ((name, atts), ((b, mx), _)) => fn rhs =>
-      ((b, mx), ((Thm.def_binding_optional b name, atts), rhs))) raw_defs rhss;
-    val (defs, defs_ctxt) = fold_map Local_Theory.define pre_defs initial_ctxt;
-    val def_eqns = map (Thm.symmetric o Morphism.thm (Local_Theory.standard_morphism defs_ctxt initial_ctxt) o snd o snd) defs;
-    val base_ctxt = if null def_eqns then defs_ctxt else Local_Theory.restore defs_ctxt;
-      (*the "if" prevents restoring a proof context which is no local theory*)
-    (*setting up*)
-    val ((propss, deps, export), expr_ctxt) = prep_expr expression base_ctxt;
-      (*FIXME: only re-prepare if defs are given*)
-    val attrss = map (apsnd (map (prep_attr (Proof_Context.theory_of expr_ctxt))) o fst) raw_eqns;
-    val goal_ctxt = fold Variable.auto_fixes eqns expr_ctxt;
-    val export' = Variable.export_morphism goal_ctxt expr_ctxt;
-  in (((propss, deps, export, export'), (def_eqns, eqns, attrss)), goal_ctxt) end;
-val cert_interpretation = prep_interpretation Expression.cert_goal_expression (K I) (K I) (K I);
-val read_interpretation = prep_interpretation Expression.read_goal_expression Syntax.parse_term Syntax.parse_prop Attrib.intern_src;
-(* generic interpretation machinery *)
-fun meta_rewrite eqns ctxt = (map (Local_Defs.meta_rewrite_rule ctxt #> Drule.abs_def) (maps snd eqns), ctxt);
-fun note_eqns_register note activate deps witss def_eqns eqns attrss export export' ctxt =
-  let
-    val facts = (Attrib.empty_binding, [(map (Morphism.thm (export' $> export)) def_eqns, [])])
-      :: map2 (fn attrs => fn eqn => (attrs, [([Morphism.thm (export' $> export) eqn], [])])) attrss eqns;
-    val (eqns', ctxt') = ctxt
-      |> note Thm.lemmaK facts
-      |-> meta_rewrite;
-    val dep_morphs = map2 (fn (dep, morph) => fn wits =>
-      (dep, morph $> Element.satisfy_morphism (map (Element.transform_witness export') wits))) deps witss;
-    fun activate' dep_morph ctxt = activate dep_morph
-      ( (rpair true) (Element.eq_morphism (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) eqns')) export ctxt;
-  in
-    ctxt'
-    |> fold activate' dep_morphs
-  end;
-fun generic_interpretation prep_interpretation setup_proof note add_registration
-    expression raw_defs raw_eqns initial_ctxt = 
-  let
-    val (((propss, deps, export, export'), (def_eqns, eqns, attrss)), goal_ctxt) = 
-      prep_interpretation expression raw_defs raw_eqns initial_ctxt;
-    fun after_qed witss eqns =
-      note_eqns_register note add_registration deps witss def_eqns eqns attrss export export';
-  in setup_proof after_qed propss eqns goal_ctxt end;
-(* interpretation with permanent registration *)
-fun subscribe lthy =
-  if Named_Target.is_theory lthy
-  then Generic_Target.theory_registration
-  else Generic_Target.locale_dependency (Named_Target.the_name lthy);
-fun gen_permanent_interpretation prep_interpretation expression raw_defs raw_eqns lthy =
-  generic_interpretation prep_interpretation Element.witness_proof_eqs Local_Theory.notes_kind (subscribe lthy)
-    expression raw_defs raw_eqns lthy
-fun permanent_interpretation x = gen_permanent_interpretation cert_interpretation x;
-fun permanent_interpretation_cmd x = gen_permanent_interpretation read_interpretation x;
-val _ =
-  Outer_Syntax.local_theory_to_proof @{command_spec "permanent_interpretation"}
-    "prove interpretation of locale expression into named theory"
-    (Parse.!!! (Parse_Spec.locale_expression true) --
-      Scan.optional (@{keyword "defining"} |-- Parse.and_list1 (Parse_Spec.opt_thm_name ":"
-        -- ((Parse.binding -- Parse.opt_mixfix') --| @{keyword "="} -- Parse.term))) [] --
-      Scan.optional (Parse.where_ |-- Parse.and_list1 (Parse_Spec.opt_thm_name ":" -- Parse.prop)) []
-      >> (fn ((expr, defs), eqns) => permanent_interpretation_cmd expr defs eqns));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/permanent_interpretation.ML	Wed Feb 19 22:08:47 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+(*  Title:   Tools/permanent_interpretation.ML
+    Author:  Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
+Permanent interpretation accompanied with mixin definitions.
+  val permanent_interpretation: Expression.expression_i ->
+    (Attrib.binding * ((binding * mixfix) * term)) list -> (Attrib.binding * term) list ->
+    local_theory -> Proof.state
+  val permanent_interpretation_cmd: Expression.expression ->
+    (Attrib.binding * ((binding * mixfix) * string)) list -> (Attrib.binding * string) list ->
+    local_theory -> Proof.state
+structure Permanent_Interpretation : PERMANENT_INTERPRETATION =
+(* reading *)
+fun prep_interpretation prep_expr prep_term prep_prop prep_attr expression raw_defs raw_eqns initial_ctxt =
+  let
+    (*reading*)
+    val ((_, deps, _), proto_deps_ctxt) = prep_expr expression initial_ctxt;
+    val deps_ctxt = fold Locale.activate_declarations deps proto_deps_ctxt;
+    val prep = Syntax.check_terms deps_ctxt #> Variable.export_terms deps_ctxt deps_ctxt;
+    val rhss = (prep o map (prep_term deps_ctxt o snd o snd)) raw_defs;
+    val eqns = (prep o map (prep_prop deps_ctxt o snd)) raw_eqns;
+    (*defining*)
+    val pre_defs = map2 (fn ((name, atts), ((b, mx), _)) => fn rhs =>
+      ((b, mx), ((Thm.def_binding_optional b name, atts), rhs))) raw_defs rhss;
+    val (defs, defs_ctxt) = fold_map Local_Theory.define pre_defs initial_ctxt;
+    val def_eqns = map (Thm.symmetric o Morphism.thm (Local_Theory.standard_morphism defs_ctxt initial_ctxt) o snd o snd) defs;
+    val base_ctxt = if null def_eqns then defs_ctxt else Local_Theory.restore defs_ctxt;
+      (*the "if" prevents restoring a proof context which is no local theory*)
+    (*setting up*)
+    val ((propss, deps, export), expr_ctxt) = prep_expr expression base_ctxt;
+      (*FIXME: only re-prepare if defs are given*)
+    val attrss = map (apsnd (map (prep_attr (Proof_Context.theory_of expr_ctxt))) o fst) raw_eqns;
+    val goal_ctxt = fold Variable.auto_fixes eqns expr_ctxt;
+    val export' = Variable.export_morphism goal_ctxt expr_ctxt;
+  in (((propss, deps, export, export'), (def_eqns, eqns, attrss)), goal_ctxt) end;
+val cert_interpretation = prep_interpretation Expression.cert_goal_expression (K I) (K I) (K I);
+val read_interpretation = prep_interpretation Expression.read_goal_expression Syntax.parse_term Syntax.parse_prop Attrib.intern_src;
+(* generic interpretation machinery *)
+fun meta_rewrite eqns ctxt = (map (Local_Defs.meta_rewrite_rule ctxt #> Drule.abs_def) (maps snd eqns), ctxt);
+fun note_eqns_register note activate deps witss def_eqns eqns attrss export export' ctxt =
+  let
+    val facts = (Attrib.empty_binding, [(map (Morphism.thm (export' $> export)) def_eqns, [])])
+      :: map2 (fn attrs => fn eqn => (attrs, [([Morphism.thm (export' $> export) eqn], [])])) attrss eqns;
+    val (eqns', ctxt') = ctxt
+      |> note Thm.lemmaK facts
+      |-> meta_rewrite;
+    val dep_morphs = map2 (fn (dep, morph) => fn wits =>
+      (dep, morph $> Element.satisfy_morphism (map (Element.transform_witness export') wits))) deps witss;
+    fun activate' dep_morph ctxt = activate dep_morph
+      ( (rpair true) (Element.eq_morphism (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) eqns')) export ctxt;
+  in
+    ctxt'
+    |> fold activate' dep_morphs
+  end;
+fun generic_interpretation prep_interpretation setup_proof note add_registration
+    expression raw_defs raw_eqns initial_ctxt = 
+  let
+    val (((propss, deps, export, export'), (def_eqns, eqns, attrss)), goal_ctxt) = 
+      prep_interpretation expression raw_defs raw_eqns initial_ctxt;
+    fun after_qed witss eqns =
+      note_eqns_register note add_registration deps witss def_eqns eqns attrss export export';
+  in setup_proof after_qed propss eqns goal_ctxt end;
+(* interpretation with permanent registration *)
+fun subscribe lthy =
+  if Named_Target.is_theory lthy
+  then Generic_Target.theory_registration
+  else Generic_Target.locale_dependency (Named_Target.the_name lthy);
+fun gen_permanent_interpretation prep_interpretation expression raw_defs raw_eqns lthy =
+  generic_interpretation prep_interpretation Element.witness_proof_eqs Local_Theory.notes_kind (subscribe lthy)
+    expression raw_defs raw_eqns lthy
+fun permanent_interpretation x = gen_permanent_interpretation cert_interpretation x;
+fun permanent_interpretation_cmd x = gen_permanent_interpretation read_interpretation x;
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.local_theory_to_proof @{command_spec "permanent_interpretation"}
+    "prove interpretation of locale expression into named theory"
+    (Parse.!!! (Parse_Spec.locale_expression true) --
+      Scan.optional (@{keyword "defining"} |-- Parse.and_list1 (Parse_Spec.opt_thm_name ":"
+        -- ((Parse.binding -- Parse.opt_mixfix') --| @{keyword "="} -- Parse.term))) [] --
+      Scan.optional (Parse.where_ |-- Parse.and_list1 (Parse_Spec.opt_thm_name ":" -- Parse.prop)) []
+      >> (fn ((expr, defs), eqns) => permanent_interpretation_cmd expr defs eqns));