--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Matrix/FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.ML Fri Sep 03 17:46:47 2004 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+structure FloatSparseMatrixBuilder :
+ structure cplex : CPLEX
+ type float = IntInf.int*IntInf.int
+ type floatfunc = float -> float
+ val float2cterm : IntInf.int * IntInf.int -> cterm
+ val approx_value : int -> floatfunc -> string -> cterm * cterm
+ val approx_vector : int -> floatfunc -> vector -> cterm * cterm
+ val approx_matrix : int -> floatfunc -> matrix -> cterm * cterm
+ val mk_spvec_entry : int -> float -> term
+ val empty_spvec : term
+ val cons_spvec : term -> term -> term
+ val empty_spmat : term
+ val mk_spmat_entry : int -> term -> term
+ val cons_spmat : term -> term -> term
+ val sign_term : term -> cterm
+ val v_elem_at : vector -> int -> string option
+ val m_elem_at : matrix -> int -> vector option
+ val v_only_elem : vector -> int option
+ val v_fold : ('a * (int * string) -> 'a) -> 'a -> vector -> 'a
+ val m_fold : ('a * (int * vector) -> 'a) -> 'a -> matrix -> 'a
+ val transpose_matrix : matrix -> matrix
+ val cut_vector : int -> vector -> vector
+ val cut_matrix : vector -> (int option) -> matrix -> matrix
+ (* cplexProg c A b *)
+ val cplexProg : vector -> matrix -> vector -> (cplex.cplexProg * (string -> int))
+ (* dual_cplexProg c A b *)
+ val dual_cplexProg : vector -> matrix -> vector -> (cplex.cplexProg * (string -> int))
+ val real_spmatT : typ
+ val real_spvecT : typ
+structure Inttab = TableFun(type key = int val ord = (rev_order o int_ord));
+type vector = string Inttab.table
+type matrix = vector Inttab.table
+type float = IntInf.int*IntInf.int
+type floatfunc = float -> float
+val th = theory "Float"
+val sg = sign_of th
+fun readtype s = Sign.intern_tycon sg s
+fun readterm s = Sign.intern_const sg s
+val ty_list = readtype "list"
+val term_Nil = readterm "Nil"
+val term_Cons = readterm "Cons"
+val spvec_elemT = HOLogic.mk_prodT (HOLogic.natT, HOLogic.realT)
+val spvecT = Type (ty_list, [spvec_elemT])
+val spmat_elemT = HOLogic.mk_prodT (HOLogic.natT, spvecT)
+val spmatT = Type (ty_list, [spmat_elemT])
+val real_spmatT = spmatT
+val real_spvecT = spvecT
+val empty_matrix_const = Const (term_Nil, spmatT)
+val empty_vector_const = Const (term_Nil, spvecT)
+val Cons_spvec_const = Const (term_Cons, spvec_elemT --> spvecT --> spvecT)
+val Cons_spmat_const = Const (term_Cons, spmat_elemT --> spmatT --> spmatT)
+val float_const = Const (readterm "float", HOLogic.mk_prodT (HOLogic.intT, HOLogic.intT) --> HOLogic.realT)
+val zero = IntInf.fromInt 0
+val minus_one = IntInf.fromInt ~1
+val two = IntInf.fromInt 2
+fun mk_intinf ty n =
+ let
+ fun mk_bit n = if n = zero then HOLogic.false_const else HOLogic.true_const
+ fun bin_of n =
+ if n = zero then HOLogic.pls_const
+ else if n = minus_one then HOLogic.min_const
+ else
+ let
+ val (q,r) = IntInf.divMod (n, two)
+ in
+ HOLogic.bit_const $ bin_of q $ mk_bit r
+ end
+ in
+ HOLogic.number_of_const ty $ (bin_of n)
+ end
+fun mk_float (a,b) =
+ float_const $ (HOLogic.mk_prod ((mk_intinf HOLogic.intT a), (mk_intinf HOLogic.intT b)))
+fun float2cterm (a,b) = cterm_of sg (mk_float (a,b))
+fun approx_value_term prec f value =
+ let
+ val (flower, fupper) = ExactFloatingPoint.approx_decstr_by_bin prec value
+ val (flower, fupper) = (f flower, f fupper)
+ in
+ (mk_float flower, mk_float fupper)
+ end
+fun approx_value prec pprt value =
+ let
+ val (flower, fupper) = approx_value_term prec pprt value
+ in
+ (cterm_of sg flower, cterm_of sg fupper)
+ end
+fun sign_term t = cterm_of sg t
+val empty_spvec = empty_vector_const
+val empty_spmat = empty_matrix_const
+fun mk_spvec_entry i f =
+ let
+ val term_i = mk_intinf HOLogic.natT (IntInf.fromInt i)
+ val term_f = mk_float f
+ in
+ HOLogic.mk_prod (term_i, term_f)
+ end
+fun mk_spmat_entry i e =
+ let
+ val term_i = mk_intinf HOLogic.natT (IntInf.fromInt i)
+ in
+ HOLogic.mk_prod (term_i, e)
+ end
+fun cons_spvec h t = Cons_spvec_const $ h $ t
+fun cons_spmat h t = Cons_spmat_const $ h $ t
+fun approx_vector_term prec pprt vector =
+ let
+ fun app ((vlower, vupper), (index, s)) =
+ let
+ val (flower, fupper) = approx_value_term prec pprt s
+ val index = mk_intinf HOLogic.natT (IntInf.fromInt index)
+ val elower = HOLogic.mk_prod (index, flower)
+ val eupper = HOLogic.mk_prod (index, fupper)
+ in
+ (Cons_spvec_const $ elower $ vlower,
+ Cons_spvec_const $ eupper $ vupper)
+ end
+ in
+ Inttab.foldl app ((empty_vector_const, empty_vector_const), vector)
+ end
+fun approx_matrix_term prec pprt matrix =
+ let
+ fun app ((mlower, mupper), (index, vector)) =
+ let
+ val (vlower, vupper) = approx_vector_term prec pprt vector
+ val index = mk_intinf HOLogic.natT (IntInf.fromInt index)
+ val elower = HOLogic.mk_prod (index, vlower)
+ val eupper = HOLogic.mk_prod (index, vupper)
+ in
+ (Cons_spmat_const $ elower $ mlower,
+ Cons_spmat_const $ eupper $ mupper)
+ end
+ val (mlower, mupper) = Inttab.foldl app ((empty_matrix_const, empty_matrix_const), matrix)
+ in
+ Inttab.foldl app ((empty_matrix_const, empty_matrix_const), matrix)
+ end
+fun approx_vector prec pprt vector =
+ let
+ val (l, u) = approx_vector_term prec pprt vector
+ in
+ (cterm_of sg l, cterm_of sg u)
+ end
+fun approx_matrix prec pprt matrix =
+ let
+ val (l, u) = approx_matrix_term prec pprt matrix
+ in
+ (cterm_of sg l, cterm_of sg u)
+ end
+exception Nat_expected of int;
+val zero_interval = approx_value_term 1 I "0"
+fun set_elem vector index str =
+ if index < 0 then
+ raise (Nat_expected index)
+ else if (approx_value_term 1 I str) = zero_interval then
+ vector
+ else
+ Inttab.update ((index, str), vector)
+fun set_vector matrix index vector =
+ if index < 0 then
+ raise (Nat_expected index)
+ else if Inttab.is_empty vector then
+ matrix
+ else
+ Inttab.update ((index, vector), matrix)
+val empty_matrix = Inttab.empty
+val empty_vector = Inttab.empty
+(* dual stuff *)
+structure cplex = Cplex
+fun transpose_matrix matrix =
+ let
+ fun upd m j i x =
+ case Inttab.lookup (m, j) of
+ Some v => Inttab.update ((j, Inttab.update ((i, x), v)), m)
+ | None => Inttab.update ((j, Inttab.update ((i, x), Inttab.empty)), m)
+ fun updv j (m, (i, s)) = upd m i j s
+ fun updm (m, (j, v)) = Inttab.foldl (updv j) (m, v)
+ in
+ Inttab.foldl updm (empty_matrix, matrix)
+ end
+exception No_name of string;
+exception Superfluous_constr_right_hand_sides
+fun cplexProg c A b =
+ let
+ val ytable = ref Inttab.empty
+ fun indexof s =
+ if String.size s = 0 then raise (No_name s)
+ else case Int.fromString (String.extract(s, 1, NONE)) of
+ SOME i => i | NONE => raise (No_name s)
+ fun nameof i =
+ let
+ val s = "x"^(Int.toString i)
+ val _ = ytable := (Inttab.update ((i, s), !ytable))
+ in
+ s
+ end
+ fun split_numstr s =
+ if String.isPrefix "-" s then (false,String.extract(s, 1, NONE))
+ else if String.isPrefix "+" s then (true, String.extract(s, 1, NONE))
+ else (true, s)
+ fun mk_term index s =
+ let
+ val (p, s) = split_numstr s
+ val prod = cplex.cplexProd (cplex.cplexNum s, cplex.cplexVar (nameof index))
+ in
+ if p then prod else cplex.cplexNeg prod
+ end
+ fun vec2sum vector =
+ cplex.cplexSum (Inttab.foldl (fn (list, (index, s)) => (mk_term index s)::list) ([], vector))
+ fun mk_constr index vector c =
+ let
+ val s = case Inttab.lookup (c, index) of Some s => s | None => "0"
+ val (p, s) = split_numstr s
+ val num = if p then cplex.cplexNum s else cplex.cplexNeg (cplex.cplexNum s)
+ in
+ (None, cplex.cplexConstr (cplex.cplexLeq, (vec2sum vector, num)))
+ end
+ fun delete index c = Inttab.delete index c handle Inttab.UNDEF _ => c
+ val (list, b) = Inttab.foldl
+ (fn ((list, c), (index, v)) => ((mk_constr index v c)::list, delete index c))
+ (([], b), A)
+ val _ = if Inttab.is_empty b then () else raise Superfluous_constr_right_hand_sides
+ fun mk_free y = cplex.cplexBounds (cplex.cplexNeg cplex.cplexInf, cplex.cplexLeq,
+ cplex.cplexVar y, cplex.cplexLeq,
+ cplex.cplexInf)
+ val yvars = Inttab.foldl (fn (l, (i, y)) => (mk_free y)::l) ([], !ytable)
+ val prog = cplex.cplexProg ("original", cplex.cplexMaximize (vec2sum c), list, yvars)
+ in
+ (prog, indexof)
+ end
+fun dual_cplexProg c A b =
+ let
+ fun indexof s =
+ if String.size s = 0 then raise (No_name s)
+ else case Int.fromString (String.extract(s, 1, NONE)) of
+ SOME i => i | NONE => raise (No_name s)
+ fun nameof i = "y"^(Int.toString i)
+ fun split_numstr s =
+ if String.isPrefix "-" s then (false,String.extract(s, 1, NONE))
+ else if String.isPrefix "+" s then (true, String.extract(s, 1, NONE))
+ else (true, s)
+ fun mk_term index s =
+ let
+ val (p, s) = split_numstr s
+ val prod = cplex.cplexProd (cplex.cplexNum s, cplex.cplexVar (nameof index))
+ in
+ if p then prod else cplex.cplexNeg prod
+ end
+ fun vec2sum vector =
+ cplex.cplexSum (Inttab.foldl (fn (list, (index, s)) => (mk_term index s)::list) ([], vector))
+ fun mk_constr index vector c =
+ let
+ val s = case Inttab.lookup (c, index) of Some s => s | None => "0"
+ val (p, s) = split_numstr s
+ val num = if p then cplex.cplexNum s else cplex.cplexNeg (cplex.cplexNum s)
+ in
+ (None, cplex.cplexConstr (cplex.cplexEq, (vec2sum vector, num)))
+ end
+ fun delete index c = Inttab.delete index c handle Inttab.UNDEF _ => c
+ val (list, c) = Inttab.foldl
+ (fn ((list, c), (index, v)) => ((mk_constr index v c)::list, delete index c))
+ (([], c), transpose_matrix A)
+ val _ = if Inttab.is_empty c then () else raise Superfluous_constr_right_hand_sides
+ val prog = cplex.cplexProg ("dual", cplex.cplexMinimize (vec2sum b), list, [])
+ in
+ (prog, indexof)
+ end
+fun cut_vector size v =
+ let
+ val count = ref 0
+ fun app (v, (i, s)) =
+ if (!count < size) then
+ (count := !count +1 ; Inttab.update ((i,s),v))
+ else
+ v
+ in
+ Inttab.foldl app (empty_vector, v)
+ end
+fun cut_matrix vfilter vsize m =
+ let
+ fun app (m, (i, v)) =
+ if (Inttab.lookup (vfilter, i) = None) then
+ m
+ else
+ case vsize of
+ None => Inttab.update ((i,v), m)
+ | Some s => Inttab.update((i, cut_vector s v),m)
+ in
+ Inttab.foldl app (empty_matrix, m)
+ end
+fun v_elem_at v i = Inttab.lookup (v,i)
+fun m_elem_at m i = Inttab.lookup (m,i)
+fun v_only_elem v =
+ case Inttab.min_key v of
+ None => None
+ | Some vmin => (case Inttab.max_key v of
+ None => Some vmin
+ | Some vmax => if vmin = vmax then Some vmin else None)
+fun v_fold f a v = Inttab.foldl f (a,v)
+fun m_fold f a m = Inttab.foldl f (a,m)