--- a/src/Tools/subtyping.ML Fri Oct 29 22:22:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/subtyping.ML Fri Oct 29 22:54:54 2010 +0200
@@ -73,13 +73,9 @@
(** utils **)
-val is_param = Type_Infer.is_param
-val is_paramT = Type_Infer.is_paramT
-val deref = Type_Infer.deref
-fun mk_param i S = TVar (("?'a", i), S); (* TODO dup? see src/Pure/type_infer.ML *)
fun nameT (Type (s, [])) = s;
fun t_of s = Type (s, []);
fun sort_of (TFree (_, S)) = SOME S
| sort_of (TVar (_, S)) = SOME S
| sort_of _ = NONE;
@@ -87,7 +83,7 @@
val is_typeT = fn (Type _) => true | _ => false;
val is_compT = fn (Type (_, _ :: _)) => true | _ => false;
val is_freeT = fn (TFree _) => true | _ => false;
-val is_fixedvarT = fn (TVar (xi, _)) => not (is_param xi) | _ => false;
+val is_fixedvarT = fn (TVar (xi, _)) => not (Type_Infer.is_param xi) | _ => false;
(* unification *) (* TODO dup? needed for weak unification *)
@@ -116,10 +112,11 @@
| meet (TVar (xi, S'), S) (tye_idx as (tye, idx)) =
if Sign.subsort thy (S', S) then tye_idx
else if Type_Infer.is_param xi then
- (Vartab.update_new (xi, mk_param idx (Sign.inter_sort thy (S', S))) tye, idx + 1)
+ (Vartab.update_new
+ (xi, Type_Infer.mk_param idx (Sign.inter_sort thy (S', S))) tye, idx + 1)
else raise NO_UNIFIER (not_of_sort (Term.string_of_vname xi) S' S, tye)
and meets (T :: Ts, S :: Ss) (tye_idx as (tye, _)) =
- meets (Ts, Ss) (meet (deref tye T, S) tye_idx)
+ meets (Ts, Ss) (meet (Type_Infer.deref tye T, S) tye_idx)
| meets _ tye_idx = tye_idx;
val weak_meet = if weak then fn _ => I else meet
@@ -149,7 +146,7 @@
quote (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (Type (a, replicate (length Ts) dummyT)));
fun unif (T1, T2) (env as (tye, _)) =
- (case pairself (`is_paramT o deref tye) (T1, T2) of
+ (case pairself (`Type_Infer.is_paramT o Type_Infer.deref tye) (T1, T2) of
((true, TVar (xi, S)), (_, T)) => assign xi T S env
| ((_, T), (true, TVar (xi, S))) => assign xi T S env
| ((_, Type (a, Ts)), (_, Type (b, Us))) =>
@@ -257,8 +254,8 @@
val (T, tye_idx', cs') = gen cs bs t tye_idx;
val (U', (tye, idx), cs'') = gen cs' bs u tye_idx';
- val U = mk_param idx [];
- val V = mk_param (idx + 1) [];
+ val U = Type_Infer.mk_param idx [];
+ val V = Type_Infer.mk_param (idx + 1) [];
val tye_idx''= strong_unify ctxt (U --> V, T) (tye, idx + 2)
handle NO_UNIFIER (msg, tye') => err_appl ctxt msg tye' bs t T u U;
val error_pack = (bs, t $ u, U, V, U');
@@ -318,8 +315,8 @@
(fold new_constraints (arg_var ~~ (Ts ~~ Us)) ([], (tye, idx)));
val test_update = is_compT orf is_freeT orf is_fixedvarT;
val (ch, done') =
- if not (null new) then ([], done)
- else split_cs (test_update o deref tye') done;
+ if not (null new) then ([], done)
+ else split_cs (test_update o Type_Infer.deref tye') done;
val todo' = ch @ todo;
simplify done' (new @ todo') (tye', idx')
@@ -328,25 +325,25 @@
and expand varleq xi S a Ts error_pack done todo tye idx =
val n = length Ts;
- val args = map2 mk_param (idx upto idx + n - 1) (arity_sorts a S);
+ val args = map2 Type_Infer.mk_param (idx upto idx + n - 1) (arity_sorts a S);
val tye' = Vartab.update_new (xi, Type(a, args)) tye;
- val (ch, done') = split_cs (is_compT o deref tye') done;
+ val (ch, done') = split_cs (is_compT o Type_Infer.deref tye') done;
val todo' = ch @ todo;
val new =
if varleq then (Type(a, args), Type (a, Ts))
- else (Type (a, Ts), Type(a, args));
+ else (Type (a, Ts), Type (a, args));
simplify done' ((new, error_pack) :: todo') (tye', idx + n)
(*TU is a pair of a parameter and a free/fixed variable*)
and eliminate TU error_pack done todo tye idx =
- val [TVar (xi, S)] = filter is_paramT TU;
- val [T] = filter_out is_paramT TU;
+ val [TVar (xi, S)] = filter Type_Infer.is_paramT TU;
+ val [T] = filter_out Type_Infer.is_paramT TU;
val SOME S' = sort_of T;
val test_update = if is_freeT T then is_freeT else is_fixedvarT;
val tye' = Vartab.update_new (xi, T) tye;
- val (ch, done') = split_cs (test_update o deref tye') done;
+ val (ch, done') = split_cs (test_update o Type_Infer.deref tye') done;
val todo' = ch @ todo;
if subsort (S', S) (*TODO check this*)
@@ -355,13 +352,13 @@
and simplify done [] tye_idx = (done, tye_idx)
| simplify done (((T, U), error_pack) :: todo) (tye_idx as (tye, idx)) =
- (case (deref tye T, deref tye U) of
+ (case (Type_Infer.deref tye T, Type_Infer.deref tye U) of
(Type (a, []), Type (b, [])) =>
if a = b then simplify done todo tye_idx
else if Graph.is_edge coes_graph (a, b) then simplify done todo tye_idx
- else err_subtype ctxt (a ^" is not a subtype of " ^ b) (fst tye_idx) error_pack
+ else err_subtype ctxt (a ^ " is not a subtype of " ^ b) (fst tye_idx) error_pack
| (Type (a, Ts), Type (b, Us)) =>
- if a<>b then err_subtype ctxt "Different constructors" (fst tye_idx) error_pack
+ if a <> b then err_subtype ctxt "Different constructors" (fst tye_idx) error_pack
else contract a Ts Us error_pack done todo tye idx
| (TVar (xi, S), Type (a, Ts as (_ :: _))) =>
expand true xi S a Ts error_pack done todo tye idx
@@ -370,7 +367,7 @@
| (T, U) =>
if T = U then simplify done todo tye_idx
else if exists (is_freeT orf is_fixedvarT) [T, U] andalso
- exists is_paramT [T, U]
+ exists Type_Infer.is_paramT [T, U]
then eliminate [T, U] error_pack done todo tye idx
else if exists (is_freeT orf is_fixedvarT) [T, U]
then err_subtype ctxt "Not eliminated free/fixed variables"
@@ -472,18 +469,21 @@
fun assign_bound lower G key (tye_idx as (tye, _)) =
- if is_paramT (deref tye key) then
+ if Type_Infer.is_paramT (Type_Infer.deref tye key) then
- val TVar (xi, S) = deref tye key;
+ val TVar (xi, S) = Type_Infer.deref tye key;
val get_bound = if lower then get_preds else get_succs;
val raw_bound = get_bound G key;
- val bound = map (deref tye) raw_bound;
- val not_params = filter_out is_paramT bound;
+ val bound = map (Type_Infer.deref tye) raw_bound;
+ val not_params = filter_out Type_Infer.is_paramT bound;
fun to_fulfil T =
(case sort_of T of
| SOME S =>
- SOME (map nameT (filter_out is_paramT (map (deref tye) (get_bound G T))), S));
+ (map nameT
+ (filter_out Type_Infer.is_paramT (map (Type_Infer.deref tye) (get_bound G T))),
+ S));
val styps_and_sorts = distinct (op =) (map_filter to_fulfil raw_bound);
val assignment =
if null bound orelse null not_params then NONE
@@ -493,10 +493,10 @@
(case assignment of
NONE => tye_idx
| SOME T =>
- if is_paramT T then tye_idx
+ if Type_Infer.is_paramT T then tye_idx
else if lower then (*upper bound check*)
- val other_bound = map (deref tye) (get_succs G key);
+ val other_bound = map (Type_Infer.deref tye) (get_succs G key);
val s = nameT T;
if subset (op = o apfst nameT) (filter is_typeT other_bound, s :: styps true s)
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@
val (tye_idx' as (tye, _)) = fold (assign_lb G) ts tye_idx
|> fold (assign_ub G) ts;
- assign_alternating ts (filter (is_paramT o deref tye) ts) G tye_idx'
+ assign_alternating ts (filter (Type_Infer.is_paramT o Type_Infer.deref tye) ts) G tye_idx'
(*Unify all weakly connected components of the constraint forest,
@@ -527,7 +527,8 @@
params anyway.*)
fun unify_params G (tye_idx as (tye, _)) =
- val max_params = filter (is_paramT o deref tye) (Typ_Graph.maximals G);
+ val max_params =
+ filter (Type_Infer.is_paramT o Type_Infer.deref tye) (Typ_Graph.maximals G);
val to_unify = map (fn T => T :: get_preds G T) max_params;
fold unify_list to_unify tye_idx
@@ -548,7 +549,7 @@
fun insert_coercions ctxt tye ts =
fun deep_deref T =
- (case deref tye T of
+ (case Type_Infer.deref tye T of
Type (a, Ts) => Type (a, map deep_deref Ts)
| U => U);