adding general interface for batch validators in quickcheck
Fri, 01 Apr 2011 13:49:36 +0200 (2011-04-01)
changeset 42194 bd416284a432
parent 42193 8eed749527b6
child 42195 1e7b62c93f5d
adding general interface for batch validators in quickcheck
--- a/src/Tools/quickcheck.ML	Fri Apr 01 13:21:21 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/quickcheck.ML	Fri Apr 01 13:49:36 2011 +0200
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
   val add_batch_generator:
     string * (Proof.context -> term list -> (int -> term list option) list)
       -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
+  val add_batch_validator:
+    string * (Proof.context -> term list -> (int -> bool) list)
+      -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
   (* quickcheck's result *)
   datatype result =
     Result of
@@ -52,6 +55,7 @@
   (* testing a batch of terms *)
   val test_terms:
     Proof.context -> term list -> (string * term) list option list option * (string * int) list
+  val validate_terms: Proof.context -> term list -> bool list option * (string * int) list
 structure Quickcheck : QUICKCHECK =
@@ -163,13 +167,16 @@
   type T =
     ((string * (Proof.context -> (term * term list) list -> int list -> term list option * report option)) list
-      * (string * (Proof.context -> term list -> (int -> term list option) list)) list)
+      * ((string * (Proof.context -> term list -> (int -> term list option) list)) list
+      * ((string * (Proof.context -> term list -> (int -> bool) list)) list)))
       * test_params;
-  val empty = (([], []), Test_Params {default_type = [], expect = No_Expectation});
+  val empty = (([], ([], [])), Test_Params {default_type = [], expect = No_Expectation});
   val extend = I;
-  fun merge (((generators1, batch_generators1), params1), ((generators2, batch_generators2), params2)) : T =
+  fun merge (((generators1, (batch_generators1, batch_validators1)), params1),
+    ((generators2, (batch_generators2, batch_validators2)), params2)) : T =
     ((AList.merge (op =) (K true) (generators1, generators2),
-    AList.merge (op =) (K true) (batch_generators1, batch_generators2)),
+     (AList.merge (op =) (K true) (batch_generators1, batch_generators2),
+      AList.merge (op =) (K true) (batch_validators1, batch_validators2))),
       merge_test_params (params1, params2));
@@ -183,7 +190,9 @@
 val add_generator = o apfst o apfst o AList.update (op =);
-val add_batch_generator = o apfst o apsnd o AList.update (op =);
+val add_batch_generator = o apfst o apsnd o apfst o AList.update (op =);
+val add_batch_validator = o apfst o apsnd o apsnd o AList.update (op =);
 (* generating tests *)
@@ -205,10 +214,13 @@
-val mk_tester = gen_mk_tester (fn ctxt =>
-  AList.lookup (op =) ((fst o fst o Data.get o Context.Proof) ctxt))
-val mk_batch_tester = gen_mk_tester (fn ctxt => AList.lookup (op =) ((snd o fst o Data.get o Context.Proof) ctxt))
+val mk_tester =
+  gen_mk_tester (fn ctxt => AList.lookup (op =) ((fst o fst o Data.get o Context.Proof) ctxt))
+val mk_batch_tester =
+  gen_mk_tester (fn ctxt => AList.lookup (op =) ((fst o snd o fst o Data.get o Context.Proof) ctxt))
+val mk_batch_validator =
+  gen_mk_tester (fn ctxt => AList.lookup (op =) ((snd o snd o fst o Data.get o Context.Proof) ctxt))
 (* testing propositions *)
 fun check_test_term t =
@@ -275,17 +287,35 @@
      (fn () => (message (excipit ()); !current_result)) ()
+fun validate_terms ctxt ts =
+  let
+    val _ = map check_test_term ts
+    val size = Config.get ctxt size
+    val (test_funs, comp_time) = cpu_time "quickcheck batch compilation"
+      (fn () => mk_batch_validator ctxt ts) 
+    fun with_size tester k =
+      if k > size then true
+      else if tester k then with_size tester (k + 1) else false
+    val (results, exec_time) = cpu_time "quickcheck batch execution" (fn () =>
+ (map (fn test_fun => TimeLimit.timeLimit (seconds (Config.get ctxt timeout))
+              (fn () => with_size test_fun 1) ()
+             handle TimeLimit.TimeOut => true)) test_funs)
+  in
+    (results, [comp_time, exec_time])
+  end
 fun test_terms ctxt ts =
     val _ = map check_test_term ts
+    val size = Config.get ctxt size
     val namess = map (fn t => Term.add_free_names t []) ts
     val (test_funs, comp_time) = cpu_time "quickcheck batch compilation" (fn () => mk_batch_tester ctxt ts) 
     fun with_size tester k =
-      if k > Config.get ctxt size then NONE
+      if k > size then NONE
       else case tester k of SOME ts => SOME ts | NONE => with_size tester (k + 1)
     val (results, exec_time) = cpu_time "quickcheck batch execution" (fn () => (map (fn test_fun => TimeLimit.timeLimit (seconds (Config.get ctxt timeout))
-              (fn () => with_size test_fun 1)  ()
+              (fn () => with_size test_fun 1) ()
              handle TimeLimit.TimeOut => NONE)) test_funs)
     ( (map2 (fn names => (fn ts => names ~~ ts)) namess) results,