--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/ast.ML Wed Jun 29 15:13:38 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/ast.ML Wed Jun 29 15:13:39 2005 +0200
@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
signature AST0 =
- sig
datatype ast =
Constant of string |
Variable of string |
Appl of ast list
exception AST of string * ast list
- end;
signature AST1 =
- sig
include AST0
val mk_appl: ast -> ast list -> ast
val str_of_ast: ast -> string
@@ -23,23 +23,21 @@
val pretty_rule: ast * ast -> Pretty.T
val pprint_ast: ast -> pprint_args -> unit
val fold_ast: string -> ast list -> ast
- val fold_ast2: string -> string -> ast list -> ast
val fold_ast_p: string -> ast list * ast -> ast
val unfold_ast: string -> ast -> ast list
- val unfold_ast2: string -> string -> ast -> ast list
val unfold_ast_p: string -> ast -> ast list * ast
val trace_ast: bool ref
val stat_ast: bool ref
- end;
signature AST =
- sig
include AST1
val head_of_rule: ast * ast -> string
val rule_error: ast * ast -> string option
val normalize: bool -> bool -> (string -> (ast * ast) list) -> ast -> ast
val normalize_ast: (string -> (ast * ast) list) -> ast -> ast
- end;
structure Ast : AST =
@@ -73,28 +71,17 @@
(** print asts in a LISP-like style **)
-(* str_of_ast *)
fun str_of_ast (Constant a) = quote a
| str_of_ast (Variable x) = x
| str_of_ast (Appl asts) = "(" ^ (space_implode " " (map str_of_ast asts)) ^ ")";
-(* pretty_ast *)
fun pretty_ast (Constant a) = Pretty.quote (Pretty.str a)
| pretty_ast (Variable x) = Pretty.str x
| pretty_ast (Appl asts) =
Pretty.enclose "(" ")" (Pretty.breaks (map pretty_ast asts));
-(* pprint_ast *)
val pprint_ast = Pretty.pprint o pretty_ast;
-(* pretty_rule *)
fun pretty_rule (lhs, rhs) =
Pretty.block [pretty_ast lhs, Pretty.str " ->", Pretty.brk 2, pretty_ast rhs];
@@ -144,28 +131,20 @@
fun fold_ast_p c = Library.foldr (fn (x, xs) => Appl [Constant c, x, xs]);
-fun fold_ast2 _ _ [] = raise Match
- | fold_ast2 _ c1 [y] = Appl [Constant c1, y]
- | fold_ast2 c c1 (x :: xs) = Appl [Constant c, x, fold_ast2 c c1 xs];
(* unfold asts *)
fun unfold_ast c (y as Appl [Constant c', x, xs]) =
- if c = c' then x :: (unfold_ast c xs) else [y]
+ if c = c' then x :: unfold_ast c xs else [y]
| unfold_ast _ y = [y];
-fun unfold_ast2 c c1 (y as Appl [Constant c', x, xs]) =
- if c = c' then x :: (unfold_ast2 c c1 xs) else [y]
- | unfold_ast2 _ c1 (y as Appl [Constant c', x]) =
- if c1 = c' then [x] else [y]
- | unfold_ast2 _ _ y = [y];
fun unfold_ast_p c (y as Appl [Constant c', x, xs]) =
if c = c' then apfst (cons x) (unfold_ast_p c xs)
else ([], y)
| unfold_ast_p _ y = ([], y);
(** normalization of asts **)
(* match *)
@@ -284,4 +263,3 @@
normalize (! trace_ast) (! stat_ast) get_rules ast;