renamed module to thyname
Thu, 17 Aug 2006 09:24:48 +0200
changeset 20390 c80247278cb6
parent 20389 8b6ecb22ef35
child 20391 d079804d3b82
renamed module to thyname
--- a/src/Pure/defs.ML	Thu Aug 17 09:24:47 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/defs.ML	Thu Aug 17 09:24:48 2006 +0200
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
   val pretty_const: Pretty.pp -> string * typ list -> Pretty.T
   val plain_args: typ list -> bool
   type T
-  val specifications_of: T -> string -> (serial * {is_def: bool, module: string, name: string,
+  val specifications_of: T -> string -> (serial * {is_def: bool, thyname: string, name: string,
     lhs: typ list, rhs: (string * typ list) list}) list
   val dest: T ->
    {restricts: ((string * typ list) * string) list,
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 (* datatype defs *)
-type spec = {is_def: bool, module: string, name: string, lhs: args, rhs: (string * args) list};
+type spec = {is_def: bool, thyname: string, name: string, lhs: args, rhs: (string * args) list};
 type def =
  {specs: spec Inttab.table,                 (*source specifications*)
@@ -198,14 +198,14 @@
 (* define *)
-fun define pp unchecked is_def module name (c, args) deps (Defs defs) =
+fun define pp unchecked is_def thyname name (c, args) deps (Defs defs) =
     val restr =
       if plain_args args orelse
         (case args of [Type (a, rec_args)] => plain_args rec_args | _ => false)
       then [] else [(args, name)];
     val spec =
-      (serial (), {is_def = is_def, module = module, name = name, lhs = args, rhs = deps});
+      (serial (), {is_def = is_def, thyname = thyname, name = name, lhs = args, rhs = deps});
     val defs' = defs |> update_specs c spec;
   in Defs (defs' |> (if unchecked then I else dependencies pp (c, args) restr deps)) end;