removed nonstandard models from Nitpick
Mon, 03 Mar 2014 22:33:22 +0100
changeset 55888 cac1add157e8
parent 55887 25bd4745ee38
child 55889 6bfbec3dff62
removed nonstandard models from Nitpick
--- a/src/Doc/Nitpick/document/root.tex	Mon Mar 03 16:44:46 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Doc/Nitpick/document/root.tex	Mon Mar 03 22:33:22 2014 +0100
@@ -1384,121 +1384,6 @@
 and this time \textit{arith} can finish off the subgoals.
-A similar technique can be employed for structural induction. The
-following mini formalization of full binary trees will serve as illustration:
-\textbf{datatype} $\kern1pt'a$~\textit{bin\_tree} = $\textit{Leaf}~{\kern1pt'a}$ $\mid$ $\textit{Branch}$ ``\kern1pt$'a$ \textit{bin\_tree}'' ``\kern1pt$'a$ \textit{bin\_tree}'' \\[2\smallskipamount]
-\textbf{primrec}~\textit{labels}~\textbf{where} \\
-``$\textit{labels}~(\textit{Leaf}~a) = \{a\}$'' $\mid$ \\
-``$\textit{labels}~(\textit{Branch}~t~u) = \textit{labels}~t \mathrel{\cup} \textit{labels}~u$'' \\[2\smallskipamount]
-\textbf{primrec}~\textit{swap}~\textbf{where} \\
-``$\textit{swap}~(\textit{Leaf}~c)~a~b =$ \\
-\phantom{``}$(\textrm{if}~c = a~\textrm{then}~\textit{Leaf}~b~\textrm{else~if}~c = b~\textrm{then}~\textit{Leaf}~a~\textrm{else}~\textit{Leaf}~c)$'' $\mid$ \\
-``$\textit{swap}~(\textit{Branch}~t~u)~a~b = \textit{Branch}~(\textit{swap}~t~a~b)~(\textit{swap}~u~a~b)$''
-The \textit{labels} function returns the set of labels occurring on leaves of a
-tree, and \textit{swap} exchanges two labels. Intuitively, if two distinct
-labels $a$ and $b$ occur in a tree $t$, they should also occur in the tree
-obtained by swapping $a$ and $b$:
-\textbf{lemma} $``\{a, b\} \subseteq \textit{labels}~t \,\Longrightarrow\, \textit{labels}~(\textit{swap}~t~a~b) = \textit{labels}~t$''
-Nitpick can't find any counterexample, so we proceed with induction
-(this time favoring a more structured style):
-\textbf{proof}~(\textit{induct}~$t$) \\
-\hbox{}\quad \textbf{case}~\textit{Leaf}~\textbf{thus}~\textit{?case}~\textbf{by}~\textit{simp} \\
-\textbf{next} \\
-\hbox{}\quad \textbf{case}~$(\textit{Branch}~t~u)$~\textbf{thus} \textit{?case}
-Nitpick can't find any counterexample at this point either, but it makes the
-following suggestion:
-Hint: To check that the induction hypothesis is general enough, try this command:
-\textbf{nitpick}~[\textit{non\_std}, \textit{show\_all}].
-If we follow the hint, we get a ``nonstandard'' counterexample for the step:
-\slshape Nitpick found a nonstandard counterexample for \textit{card} $'a$ = 3: \\[2\smallskipamount]
-\hbox{}\qquad Free variables: \nopagebreak \\
-\hbox{}\qquad\qquad $a = a_1$ \\
-\hbox{}\qquad\qquad $b = a_2$ \\
-\hbox{}\qquad\qquad $t = \xi_1$ \\
-\hbox{}\qquad\qquad $u = \xi_2$ \\
-\hbox{}\qquad Datatype: \nopagebreak \\
-\hbox{}\qquad\qquad $'a~\textit{bin\_tree} =
-& \xi_1 \mathbin{=} \textit{Branch}~\xi_1~\xi_1,\> \xi_2 \mathbin{=} \textit{Branch}~\xi_2~\xi_2,\> \\[-2pt]
-& \textit{Branch}~\xi_1~\xi_2,\> \unr\}\end{aligned}$ \\
-\hbox{}\qquad {\slshape Constants:} \nopagebreak \\
-\hbox{}\qquad\qquad $\textit{labels} = \unkef
-    (\!\begin{aligned}[t]%
-    & \xi_1 := \{a_2, a_3\},\> \xi_2 := \{a_1\},\> \\[-2pt]
-    & \textit{Branch}~\xi_1~\xi_2 := \{a_1, a_2, a_3\})\end{aligned}$ \\
-\hbox{}\qquad\qquad $\lambda x_1.\> \textit{swap}~x_1~a~b = \unkef
-    (\!\begin{aligned}[t]%
-    & \xi_1 := \xi_2,\> \xi_2 := \xi_2, \\[-2pt]
-    & \textit{Branch}~\xi_1~\xi_2 := \xi_2)\end{aligned}$ \\[2\smallskipamount]
-The existence of a nonstandard model suggests that the induction hypothesis is not general enough or may even
-be wrong. See the Nitpick manual's ``Inductive Properties'' section for details (``\textit{isabelle doc nitpick}'').
-Reading the Nitpick manual is a most excellent idea.
-But what's going on? The \textit{non\_std} option told the tool to look for
-nonstandard models of binary trees, which means that new ``nonstandard'' trees
-$\xi_1, \xi_2, \ldots$, are now allowed in addition to the standard trees
-generated by the \textit{Leaf} and \textit{Branch} constructors.%
-\footnote{Notice the similarity between allowing nonstandard trees here and
-allowing unreachable states in the preceding example (by removing the ``$n \in
-\textit{reach\/}$'' assumption). In both cases, we effectively enlarge the
-set of objects over which the induction is performed while doing the step
-in order to test the induction hypothesis's strength.}
-Unlike standard trees, these new trees contain cycles. We will see later that
-every property of acyclic trees that can be proved without using induction also
-holds for cyclic trees. Hence,
-\textsl{If the induction
-hypothesis is strong enough, the induction step will hold even for nonstandard
-objects, and Nitpick won't find any nonstandard counterexample.}
-But here the tool find some nonstandard trees $t = \xi_1$
-and $u = \xi_2$ such that $a \notin \textit{labels}~t$, $b \in
-\textit{labels}~t$, $a \in \textit{labels}~u$, and $b \notin \textit{labels}~u$.
-Because neither tree contains both $a$ and $b$, the induction hypothesis tells
-us nothing about the labels of $\textit{swap}~t~a~b$ and $\textit{swap}~u~a~b$,
-and as a result we know nothing about the labels of the tree
-$\textit{swap}~(\textit{Branch}~t~u)~a~b$, which by definition equals
-$\textit{Branch}$ $(\textit{swap}~t~a~b)$ $(\textit{swap}~u~a~b)$, whose
-labels are $\textit{labels}$ $(\textit{swap}~t~a~b) \mathrel{\cup}
-\textit{labels}$ $(\textit{swap}~u~a~b)$.
-The solution is to ensure that we always know what the labels of the subtrees
-are in the inductive step, by covering the cases where $a$ and/or~$b$ is not in
-$t$ in the statement of the lemma:
-\textbf{lemma} ``$\textit{labels}~(\textit{swap}~t~a~b) = {}$ \\
-\phantom{\textbf{lemma} ``}$(\textrm{if}~a \in \textit{labels}~t~\textrm{then}$ \nopagebreak \\
-\phantom{\textbf{lemma} ``(\quad}$\textrm{if}~b \in \textit{labels}~t~\textrm{then}~\textit{labels}~t~\textrm{else}~(\textit{labels}~t - \{a\}) \mathrel{\cup} \{b\}$ \\
-\phantom{\textbf{lemma} ``(}$\textrm{else}$ \\
-\phantom{\textbf{lemma} ``(\quad}$\textrm{if}~b \in \textit{labels}~t~\textrm{then}~(\textit{labels}~t - \{b\}) \mathrel{\cup} \{a\}~\textrm{else}~\textit{labels}~t)$''
-This time, Nitpick won't find any nonstandard counterexample, and we can perform
-the induction step using \textit{auto}.
 \section{Case Studies}
@@ -2172,15 +2057,6 @@
 theoretical chance of finding a counterexample.
 {\small See also \textit{mono} (\S\ref{scope-of-search}).}
-Specifies whether the given (recursive) datatype should be given standard
-models. Nonstandard models are unsound but can help debug structural induction
-proofs, as explained in \S\ref{inductive-properties}.
-Specifies the default standardness to use. This can be overridden on a per-type
-basis using the \textit{std}~\qty{type} option described above.
 \subsection{Output Format}
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Manual_Nits.thy	Mon Mar 03 16:44:46 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Manual_Nits.thy	Mon Mar 03 22:33:22 2014 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Manual_Nits.thy
     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
-    Copyright   2009-2013
+    Copyright   2009-2014
 Examples from the Nitpick manual.
@@ -15,10 +15,12 @@
 imports Main Real "~~/src/HOL/Library/Quotient_Product"
-chapter {* 2. First Steps *}
+section {* 2. First Steps *}
 nitpick_params [sat_solver = MiniSat_JNI, max_threads = 1, timeout = 240]
 subsection {* 2.1. Propositional Logic *}
 lemma "P \<longleftrightarrow> Q"
@@ -28,12 +30,14 @@
 nitpick [expect = genuine] 2
 subsection {* 2.2. Type Variables *}
 lemma "x \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> (THE y. y \<in> A) \<in> A"
 nitpick [verbose, expect = genuine]
 subsection {* 2.3. Constants *}
 lemma "x \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> (THE y. y \<in> A) \<in> A"
@@ -47,6 +51,7 @@
 (* sledgehammer *)
 by (metis the_equality)
 subsection {* 2.4. Skolemization *}
 lemma "\<exists>g. \<forall>x. g (f x) = x \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>y. \<exists>x. y = f x"
@@ -61,6 +66,7 @@
 nitpick [expect = genuine]
 subsection {* 2.5. Natural Numbers and Integers *}
 lemma "\<lbrakk>i \<le> j; n \<le> (m\<Colon>int)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> i * n + j * m \<le> i * m + j * n"
@@ -81,6 +87,7 @@
 nitpick [card nat = 2, expect = none]
 subsection {* 2.6. Inductive Datatypes *}
 lemma "hd (xs @ [y, y]) = hd xs"
@@ -92,6 +99,7 @@
 nitpick [show_datatypes, expect = genuine]
 subsection {* 2.7. Typedefs, Records, Rationals, and Reals *}
 definition "three = {0\<Colon>nat, 1, 2}"
@@ -149,6 +157,7 @@
 nitpick [show_datatypes, expect = genuine]
 subsection {* 2.8. Inductive and Coinductive Predicates *}
 inductive even where
@@ -191,6 +200,7 @@
 nitpick [card nat = 4, show_consts, expect = genuine]
 subsection {* 2.9. Coinductive Datatypes *}
 codatatype 'a llist = LNil | LCons 'a "'a llist"
@@ -211,6 +221,7 @@
 nitpick [card = 1\<emdash>5, expect = none]
 subsection {* 2.10. Boxing *}
 datatype tm = Var nat | Lam tm | App tm tm
@@ -247,6 +258,7 @@
 nitpick [card = 1\<emdash>5, expect = none]
 subsection {* 2.11. Scope Monotonicity *}
 lemma "length xs = length ys \<Longrightarrow> rev (zip xs ys) = zip xs (rev ys)"
@@ -258,6 +270,7 @@
 nitpick [expect = genuine]
 subsection {* 2.12. Inductive Properties *}
 inductive_set reach where
@@ -286,45 +299,12 @@
 lemma "n \<in> reach \<Longrightarrow> 2 dvd n \<and> n \<ge> 4"
 by (induct set: reach) arith+
-datatype 'a bin_tree = Leaf 'a | Branch "'a bin_tree" "'a bin_tree"
-primrec labels where
-"labels (Leaf a) = {a}" |
-"labels (Branch t u) = labels t \<union> labels u"
-primrec swap where
-"swap (Leaf c) a b =
- (if c = a then Leaf b else if c = b then Leaf a else Leaf c)" |
-"swap (Branch t u) a b = Branch (swap t a b) (swap u a b)"
-lemma "{a, b} \<subseteq> labels t \<Longrightarrow> labels (swap t a b) = labels t"
-(* nitpick *)
-proof (induct t)
-  case Leaf thus ?case by simp
-  case (Branch t u) thus ?case
-  (* nitpick *)
-  nitpick [non_std, show_all, expect = genuine]
-lemma "labels (swap t a b) =
-       (if a \<in> labels t then
-          if b \<in> labels t then labels t else (labels t - {a}) \<union> {b}
-        else
-          if b \<in> labels t then (labels t - {b}) \<union> {a} else labels t)"
-(* nitpick *)
-proof (induct t)
-  case Leaf thus ?case by simp
-  case (Branch t u) thus ?case
-  nitpick [non_std, card = 1\<emdash>4, expect = none]
-  by auto
 section {* 3. Case Studies *}
 nitpick_params [max_potential = 0]
 subsection {* 3.1. A Context-Free Grammar *}
 datatype alphabet = a | b
@@ -399,6 +379,7 @@
 nitpick [card = 1\<emdash>5, expect = none]
 subsection {* 3.2. AA Trees *}
 datatype 'a aa_tree = \<Lambda> | N "'a\<Colon>linorder" nat "'a aa_tree" "'a aa_tree"
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Mono_Nits.thy	Mon Mar 03 16:44:46 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Mono_Nits.thy	Mon Mar 03 22:33:22 2014 +0100
@@ -22,10 +22,9 @@
 val thy = @{theory}
 val ctxt = @{context}
-val stds = [(NONE, true)]
 val subst = []
 val tac_timeout = seconds 1.0
-val case_names = case_const_names ctxt stds
+val case_names = case_const_names ctxt
 val defs = all_defs_of thy subst
 val nondefs = all_nondefs_of ctxt subst
 val def_tables = const_def_tables ctxt subst defs
@@ -37,18 +36,17 @@
 val ground_thm_table = ground_theorem_table thy
 val ersatz_table = ersatz_table ctxt
 val hol_ctxt as {thy, ...} : hol_context =
-  {thy = thy, ctxt = ctxt, max_bisim_depth = ~1, boxes = [],
-   stds = stds, wfs = [], user_axioms = NONE, debug = false,
-   whacks = [], binary_ints = SOME false, destroy_constrs = true,
-   specialize = false, star_linear_preds = false, total_consts = NONE,
-   needs = NONE, tac_timeout = tac_timeout, evals = [], case_names = case_names,
-   def_tables = def_tables, nondef_table = nondef_table, nondefs = nondefs,
-   simp_table = simp_table, psimp_table = psimp_table,
-   choice_spec_table = choice_spec_table, intro_table = intro_table,
-   ground_thm_table = ground_thm_table, ersatz_table = ersatz_table,
-   skolems = Unsynchronized.ref [], special_funs = Unsynchronized.ref [],
-   unrolled_preds = Unsynchronized.ref [], wf_cache = Unsynchronized.ref [],
-   constr_cache = Unsynchronized.ref []}
+  {thy = thy, ctxt = ctxt, max_bisim_depth = ~1, boxes = [], wfs = [],
+   user_axioms = NONE, debug = false, whacks = [], binary_ints = SOME false,
+   destroy_constrs = true, specialize = false, star_linear_preds = false,
+   total_consts = NONE, needs = NONE, tac_timeout = tac_timeout, evals = [],
+   case_names = case_names, def_tables = def_tables,
+   nondef_table = nondef_table, nondefs = nondefs, simp_table = simp_table,
+   psimp_table = psimp_table, choice_spec_table = choice_spec_table,
+   intro_table = intro_table, ground_thm_table = ground_thm_table,
+   ersatz_table = ersatz_table, skolems = Unsynchronized.ref [],
+   special_funs = Unsynchronized.ref [], unrolled_preds = Unsynchronized.ref [],
+   wf_cache = Unsynchronized.ref [], constr_cache = Unsynchronized.ref []}
 val binarize = false
 fun is_mono t =
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/kodkod.ML	Mon Mar 03 16:44:46 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/kodkod.ML	Mon Mar 03 22:33:22 2014 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Nitpick/kodkod.ML
     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
-    Copyright   2008, 2009, 2010
+    Copyright   2008-2014
 ML interface for Kodkod.
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick.ML	Mon Mar 03 16:44:46 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick.ML	Mon Mar 03 22:33:22 2014 +0100
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
      boxes: (typ option * bool option) list,
      finitizes: (typ option * bool option) list,
      monos: (typ option * bool option) list,
-     stds: (typ option * bool) list,
      wfs: (styp option * bool option) list,
      sat_solver: string,
      blocking: bool,
@@ -107,7 +106,6 @@
    boxes: (typ option * bool option) list,
    finitizes: (typ option * bool option) list,
    monos: (typ option * bool option) list,
-   stds: (typ option * bool) list,
    wfs: (styp option * bool option) list,
    sat_solver: string,
    blocking: bool,
@@ -227,8 +225,8 @@
             error "You must import the theory \"Nitpick\" to use Nitpick"
     val {cards_assigns, maxes_assigns, iters_assigns, bitss, bisim_depths,
-         boxes, finitizes, monos, stds, wfs, sat_solver, falsify, debug,
-         verbose, overlord, spy, user_axioms, assms, whacks, merge_type_vars,
+         boxes, finitizes, monos, wfs, sat_solver, falsify, debug, verbose,
+         overlord, spy, user_axioms, assms, whacks, merge_type_vars,
          binary_ints, destroy_constrs, specialize, star_linear_preds,
          total_consts, needs, peephole_optim, datatype_sym_break,
          kodkod_sym_break, tac_timeout, max_threads, show_datatypes,
@@ -291,7 +289,7 @@
     val original_max_potential = max_potential
     val original_max_genuine = max_genuine
     val max_bisim_depth = fold Integer.max bisim_depths ~1
-    val case_names = case_const_names ctxt stds
+    val case_names = case_const_names ctxt
     val defs = def_assm_ts @ all_defs_of thy subst
     val nondefs = all_nondefs_of ctxt subst
     val def_tables = const_def_tables ctxt subst defs
@@ -306,12 +304,11 @@
     val ersatz_table = ersatz_table ctxt
     val hol_ctxt as {wf_cache, ...} =
       {thy = thy, ctxt = ctxt, max_bisim_depth = max_bisim_depth, boxes = boxes,
-       stds = stds, wfs = wfs, user_axioms = user_axioms, debug = debug,
-       whacks = whacks, binary_ints = binary_ints,
-       destroy_constrs = destroy_constrs, specialize = specialize,
-       star_linear_preds = star_linear_preds, total_consts = total_consts,
-       needs = needs, tac_timeout = tac_timeout, evals = evals,
-       case_names = case_names, def_tables = def_tables,
+       wfs = wfs, user_axioms = user_axioms, debug = debug, whacks = whacks,
+       binary_ints = binary_ints, destroy_constrs = destroy_constrs,
+       specialize = specialize, star_linear_preds = star_linear_preds,
+       total_consts = total_consts, needs = needs, tac_timeout = tac_timeout,
+       evals = evals, case_names = case_names, def_tables = def_tables,
        nondef_table = nondef_table, nondefs = nondefs, simp_table = simp_table,
        psimp_table = psimp_table, choice_spec_table = choice_spec_table,
        intro_table = intro_table, ground_thm_table = ground_thm_table,
@@ -359,7 +356,6 @@
     val (sel_names, nonsel_names) =
       List.partition (is_sel o nickname_of) const_names
     val sound_finitizes = none_true finitizes
-    val standard = forall snd stds
     val _ = (print_g o string_for_nut ctxt) (nondef_us @ def_us @ need_us)
@@ -380,7 +376,7 @@
                  ". " ^ extra))
     fun is_type_fundamentally_monotonic T =
-      (is_datatype ctxt stds T andalso not (is_quot_type ctxt T) andalso
+      (is_datatype ctxt T andalso not (is_quot_type ctxt T) andalso
        (not (is_pure_typedef ctxt T) orelse is_univ_typedef ctxt T)) orelse
       is_number_type ctxt T orelse is_bit_type T
     fun is_type_actually_monotonic T =
@@ -406,8 +402,7 @@
           SOME (SOME b) => b
         | _ => is_type_kind_of_monotonic T
     fun is_datatype_deep T =
-      not standard orelse T = @{typ unit} orelse T = nat_T orelse
-      is_word_type T orelse
+      T = @{typ unit} orelse T = nat_T orelse is_word_type T orelse
       exists (curry (op =) T o domain_type o type_of) sel_names
     val all_Ts = ground_types_in_terms hol_ctxt binarize (nondef_ts @ def_ts)
                  |> sort Term_Ord.typ_ord
@@ -416,7 +411,7 @@
          exists (member (op =) [nat_T, int_T]) all_Ts then
         print_v (K "The option \"binary_ints\" will be ignored because of the \
                    \presence of rationals, reals, \"Suc\", \"gcd\", or \"lcm\" \
-                   \in the problem or because of the \"non_std\" option.")
+                   \in the problem.")
     val _ =
@@ -441,7 +436,7 @@
     val (deep_dataTs, shallow_dataTs) =
-      all_Ts |> filter (is_datatype ctxt stds)
+      all_Ts |> filter (is_datatype ctxt)
              |> List.partition is_datatype_deep
     val finitizable_dataTs =
       (deep_dataTs |> filter_out (is_finite_type hol_ctxt)
@@ -454,26 +449,6 @@
                          "Nitpick can use a more precise finite encoding."))
-    (* This detection code is an ugly hack. Fortunately, it is used only to
-       provide a hint to the user. *)
-    fun is_struct_induct_step (name, (Rule_Cases.Case {fixes, assumes, ...}, _)) =
-      not (null fixes) andalso
-      exists (String.isSuffix ".hyps" o Name_Space.full_name Name_Space.default_naming o fst) assumes andalso
-      exists (exists (curry (op =) name o shortest_name o fst)
-              o datatype_constrs hol_ctxt) deep_dataTs
-    val likely_in_struct_induct_step =
-      exists is_struct_induct_step (Proof_Context.dest_cases ctxt)
-    val _ = if standard andalso likely_in_struct_induct_step then
-              pprint_nt (fn () => Pretty.blk (0,
-                  pstrs "Hint: To check that the induction hypothesis is \
-                        \general enough, try this command: " @
-                  [Pretty.mark
-                    (Active.make_markup Markup.sendbackN
-                      {implicit = false, properties = [Markup.padding_command]})
-                    (Pretty.blk (0,
-                       pstrs ("nitpick [non_std, show_all]")))] @ pstrs "."))
-            else
-              ()
     val _ = print_g "Monotonic types:"
     val _ = (print_g o string_for_type ctxt) mono_Ts
@@ -649,9 +624,7 @@
-    val das_wort_model =
-      (if falsify then "counterexample" else "model")
-      |> not standard ? prefix "nonstandard "
+    val das_wort_model = if falsify then "counterexample" else "model"
     val scopes = Unsynchronized.ref []
     val generated_scopes = Unsynchronized.ref []
@@ -704,7 +677,7 @@
               Pretty.indent indent_size reconstructed_model]);
          print_t (K "% SZS output end FiniteModel");
          if genuine then
-           (if check_genuine andalso standard then
+           (if check_genuine then
               case prove_hol_model scope tac_timeout free_names sel_names
                                    rel_table bounds (assms_prop ()) of
                 SOME true =>
@@ -722,13 +695,6 @@
                | NONE => print "No confirmation by \"auto\"."
-            if not standard andalso likely_in_struct_induct_step then
-              print "The existence of a nonstandard model suggests that the \
-                    \induction hypothesis is not general enough or may even be \
-                    \wrong. See the Nitpick manual's \"Inductive Properties\" \
-                    \section for details (\"isabelle doc nitpick\")."
-            else
-              ();
             if has_lonely_bool_var orig_t then
               print "Hint: Maybe you forgot a colon after the lemma's name?"
             else if has_syntactic_sorts orig_t then
@@ -1018,13 +984,8 @@
         else if max_genuine = original_max_genuine then
           if max_potential = original_max_potential then
             (print_t (K "% SZS status Unknown");
-             print_nt (fn () =>
-                 "Nitpick found no " ^ das_wort_model ^ "." ^
-                 (if not standard andalso likely_in_struct_induct_step then
-                    " This suggests that the induction hypothesis might be \
-                    \general enough to prove this subgoal."
-                  else
-                    "")); if skipped > 0 then unknownN else noneN)
+             print_nt (fn () => "Nitpick found no " ^ das_wort_model ^ ".");
+             if skipped > 0 then unknownN else noneN)
             (print_nt (fn () =>
                  excipit ("could not find a" ^
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_commands.ML	Mon Mar 03 16:44:46 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_commands.ML	Mon Mar 03 22:33:22 2014 +0100
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
    ("box", "smart"),
    ("finitize", "smart"),
    ("mono", "smart"),
-   ("std", "true"),
    ("wf", "smart"),
    ("sat_solver", "smart"),
    ("batch_size", "smart"),
@@ -85,7 +84,6 @@
   [("dont_box", "box"),
    ("dont_finitize", "finitize"),
    ("non_mono", "mono"),
-   ("non_std", "std"),
    ("non_wf", "wf"),
    ("non_blocking", "blocking"),
    ("satisfy", "falsify"),
@@ -115,8 +113,7 @@
                  "expect"] s orelse
   exists (fn p => String.isPrefix (p ^ " ") s)
          ["card", "max", "iter", "box", "dont_box", "finitize", "dont_finitize",
-          "mono", "non_mono", "std", "non_std", "wf", "non_wf", "format",
-          "atoms"]
+          "mono", "non_mono", "wf", "non_wf", "format", "atoms"]
 fun check_raw_param (s, _) =
   if is_known_raw_param s then ()
@@ -218,8 +215,6 @@
     fun lookup_ints_assigns read prefix min_int =
       lookup_assigns read prefix (signed_string_of_int min_int)
                      (int_seq_from_string prefix min_int)
-    fun lookup_bool_assigns read prefix =
-      lookup_assigns read prefix "" (the o parse_bool_option false prefix)
     fun lookup_bool_option_assigns read prefix =
       lookup_assigns read prefix "" (parse_bool_option true prefix)
     fun lookup_strings_assigns read prefix =
@@ -247,7 +242,6 @@
     val finitizes = lookup_bool_option_assigns read_type_polymorphic "finitize"
     val monos = if mode = Auto_Try then [(NONE, SOME true)]
                 else lookup_bool_option_assigns read_type_polymorphic "mono"
-    val stds = lookup_bool_assigns read_type_polymorphic "std"
     val wfs = lookup_bool_option_assigns read_const_polymorphic "wf"
     val sat_solver = lookup_string "sat_solver"
     val blocking = mode <> Normal orelse lookup_bool "blocking"
@@ -290,19 +284,24 @@
       | NONE => if debug then 1 else 50
     val expect = lookup_string "expect"
-    {cards_assigns = cards_assigns, maxes_assigns = maxes_assigns, iters_assigns = iters_assigns,
-     bitss = bitss, bisim_depths = bisim_depths, boxes = boxes, finitizes = finitizes,
-     monos = monos, stds = stds, wfs = wfs, sat_solver = sat_solver, blocking = blocking,
-     falsify = falsify, debug = debug, verbose = verbose, overlord = overlord, spy = spy,
-     user_axioms = user_axioms, assms = assms, whacks = whacks, merge_type_vars = merge_type_vars,
-     binary_ints = binary_ints, destroy_constrs = destroy_constrs, specialize = specialize,
-     star_linear_preds = star_linear_preds, total_consts = total_consts, needs = needs,
-     peephole_optim = peephole_optim, datatype_sym_break = datatype_sym_break,
-     kodkod_sym_break = kodkod_sym_break, timeout = timeout, tac_timeout = tac_timeout,
-     max_threads = max_threads, show_datatypes = show_datatypes, show_skolems = show_skolems,
-     show_consts = show_consts, evals = evals, formats = formats, atomss = atomss,
-     max_potential = max_potential, max_genuine = max_genuine, check_potential = check_potential,
-     check_genuine = check_genuine, batch_size = batch_size, expect = expect}
+    {cards_assigns = cards_assigns, maxes_assigns = maxes_assigns,
+     iters_assigns = iters_assigns, bitss = bitss, bisim_depths = bisim_depths,
+     boxes = boxes, finitizes = finitizes, monos = monos, wfs = wfs,
+     sat_solver = sat_solver, blocking = blocking, falsify = falsify,
+     debug = debug, verbose = verbose, overlord = overlord, spy = spy,
+     user_axioms = user_axioms, assms = assms, whacks = whacks,
+     merge_type_vars = merge_type_vars, binary_ints = binary_ints,
+     destroy_constrs = destroy_constrs, specialize = specialize,
+     star_linear_preds = star_linear_preds, total_consts = total_consts,
+     needs = needs, peephole_optim = peephole_optim,
+     datatype_sym_break = datatype_sym_break,
+     kodkod_sym_break = kodkod_sym_break, timeout = timeout,
+     tac_timeout = tac_timeout, max_threads = max_threads,
+     show_datatypes = show_datatypes, show_skolems = show_skolems,
+     show_consts = show_consts, evals = evals, formats = formats,
+     atomss = atomss, max_potential = max_potential, max_genuine = max_genuine,
+     check_potential = check_potential, check_genuine = check_genuine,
+     batch_size = batch_size, expect = expect}
 fun default_params thy =
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_hol.ML	Mon Mar 03 16:44:46 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_hol.ML	Mon Mar 03 22:33:22 2014 +0100
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
      ctxt: Proof.context,
      max_bisim_depth: int,
      boxes: (typ option * bool option) list,
-     stds: (typ option * bool) list,
      wfs: (styp option * bool option) list,
      user_axioms: bool option,
      debug: bool,
@@ -114,12 +113,11 @@
   val mk_flat_tuple : typ -> term list -> term
   val dest_n_tuple : int -> term -> term list
   val is_real_datatype : theory -> string -> bool
-  val is_standard_datatype : theory -> (typ option * bool) list -> typ -> bool
   val is_codatatype : Proof.context -> typ -> bool
   val is_quot_type : Proof.context -> typ -> bool
   val is_pure_typedef : Proof.context -> typ -> bool
   val is_univ_typedef : Proof.context -> typ -> bool
-  val is_datatype : Proof.context -> (typ option * bool) list -> typ -> bool
+  val is_datatype : Proof.context -> typ -> bool
   val is_record_constr : styp -> bool
   val is_record_get : theory -> styp -> bool
   val is_record_update : theory -> styp -> bool
@@ -130,7 +128,7 @@
   val mate_of_rep_fun : Proof.context -> styp -> styp
   val is_constr_like : Proof.context -> styp -> bool
   val is_constr_like_injective : Proof.context -> styp -> bool
-  val is_constr : Proof.context -> (typ option * bool) list -> styp -> bool
+  val is_constr : Proof.context -> styp -> bool
   val is_sel : string -> bool
   val is_sel_like_and_no_discr : string -> bool
   val box_type : hol_context -> boxability -> typ -> typ
@@ -182,22 +180,17 @@
   val s_betapplys : typ list -> term * term list -> term
   val discriminate_value : hol_context -> styp -> term -> term
   val select_nth_constr_arg :
-    Proof.context -> (typ option * bool) list -> styp -> term -> int -> typ
-    -> term
-  val construct_value :
-    Proof.context -> (typ option * bool) list -> styp -> term list -> term
+    Proof.context -> styp -> term -> int -> typ -> term
+  val construct_value : Proof.context -> styp -> term list -> term
   val coerce_term : hol_context -> typ list -> typ -> typ -> term -> term
   val special_bounds : term list -> (indexname * typ) list
   val is_funky_typedef : Proof.context -> typ -> bool
   val all_defs_of : theory -> (term * term) list -> term list
   val all_nondefs_of : Proof.context -> (term * term) list -> term list
-  val arity_of_built_in_const :
-    theory -> (typ option * bool) list -> styp -> int option
-  val is_built_in_const :
-    theory -> (typ option * bool) list -> styp -> bool
+  val arity_of_built_in_const : styp -> int option
+  val is_built_in_const : styp -> bool
   val term_under_def : term -> term
-  val case_const_names :
-    Proof.context -> (typ option * bool) list -> (string * int) list
+  val case_const_names : Proof.context -> (string * int) list
   val unfold_defs_in_term : hol_context -> term -> term
   val const_def_tables :
     Proof.context -> (term * term) list -> term list
@@ -216,7 +209,7 @@
   val inverse_axioms_for_rep_fun : Proof.context -> styp -> term list
   val optimized_typedef_axioms : Proof.context -> string * typ list -> term list
   val optimized_quot_type_axioms :
-    Proof.context -> (typ option * bool) list -> string * typ list -> term list
+    Proof.context -> string * typ list -> term list
   val def_of_const : theory -> const_table * const_table -> styp -> term option
   val fixpoint_kind_of_rhs : term -> fixpoint_kind
   val fixpoint_kind_of_const :
@@ -259,7 +252,6 @@
    ctxt: Proof.context,
    max_bisim_depth: int,
    boxes: (typ option * bool option) list,
-   stds: (typ option * bool) list,
    wfs: (styp option * bool option) list,
    user_axioms: bool option,
    debug: bool,
@@ -397,14 +389,22 @@
    (@{const_name is_unknown}, 1),
    (@{const_name safe_The}, 1),
    (@{const_name Nitpick.Frac}, 0),
-   (@{const_name Nitpick.norm_frac}, 0)]
-val built_in_nat_consts =
-  [(@{const_name Suc}, 0),
+   (@{const_name Nitpick.norm_frac}, 0),
+   (@{const_name Suc}, 0),
    (@{const_name nat}, 0),
    (@{const_name Nitpick.nat_gcd}, 0),
    (@{const_name Nitpick.nat_lcm}, 0)]
 val built_in_typed_consts =
-  [((@{const_name}, int_T), 0),
+  [((@{const_name}, nat_T), 0),
+   ((@{const_name}, nat_T), 0),
+   ((@{const_name}, nat_T --> nat_T --> nat_T), 0),
+   ((@{const_name minus_class.minus}, nat_T --> nat_T --> nat_T), 0),
+   ((@{const_name times_class.times}, nat_T --> nat_T --> nat_T), 0),
+   ((@{const_name div_class.div}, nat_T --> nat_T --> nat_T), 0),
+   ((@{const_name ord_class.less}, nat_T --> nat_T --> bool_T), 2),
+   ((@{const_name ord_class.less_eq}, nat_T --> nat_T --> bool_T), 2),
+   ((@{const_name of_nat}, nat_T --> int_T), 0),
+   ((@{const_name}, int_T), 0),
    ((@{const_name}, int_T), 0),
    ((@{const_name}, int_T --> int_T --> int_T), 0),
    ((@{const_name minus_class.minus}, int_T --> int_T --> int_T), 0),
@@ -413,16 +413,6 @@
    ((@{const_name uminus_class.uminus}, int_T --> int_T), 0),
    ((@{const_name ord_class.less}, int_T --> int_T --> bool_T), 2),
    ((@{const_name ord_class.less_eq}, int_T --> int_T --> bool_T), 2)]
-val built_in_typed_nat_consts =
-  [((@{const_name}, nat_T), 0),
-   ((@{const_name}, nat_T), 0),
-   ((@{const_name}, nat_T --> nat_T --> nat_T), 0),
-   ((@{const_name minus_class.minus}, nat_T --> nat_T --> nat_T), 0),
-   ((@{const_name times_class.times}, nat_T --> nat_T --> nat_T), 0),
-   ((@{const_name div_class.div}, nat_T --> nat_T --> nat_T), 0),
-   ((@{const_name ord_class.less}, nat_T --> nat_T --> bool_T), 2),
-   ((@{const_name ord_class.less_eq}, nat_T --> nat_T --> bool_T), 2),
-   ((@{const_name of_nat}, nat_T --> int_T), 0)]
 val built_in_set_like_consts =
   [(@{const_name ord_class.less_eq}, 2)]
@@ -583,14 +573,13 @@
 val is_typedef = is_some oo typedef_info
 val is_real_datatype = is_some oo Datatype.get_info
-fun is_standard_datatype thy = the oo triple_lookup (type_match thy)
 (* FIXME: Use antiquotation for "natural" below or detect "rep_datatype",
    e.g., by adding a field to "". *)
-fun is_basic_datatype thy stds s =
+val is_basic_datatype =
   member (op =) [@{type_name prod}, @{type_name set}, @{type_name bool},
-                 @{type_name int}, @{type_name natural}, @{type_name integer}] s orelse
-  (s = @{type_name nat} andalso is_standard_datatype thy stds nat_T)
+                 @{type_name nat}, @{type_name int}, @{type_name natural},
+                 @{type_name integer}]
 fun repair_constr_type (Type (_, Ts)) T =
   snd (dest_Const (Ctr_Sugar.mk_ctr Ts (Const (Name.uu, T))))
@@ -626,14 +615,12 @@
 fun register_codatatype_generic coT case_name constr_xs generic =
-    val thy = Context.theory_of generic
     val {frac_types, ersatz_table, codatatypes} = Data.get generic
     val constr_xs = map (apsnd (repair_constr_type coT)) constr_xs
     val (co_s, coTs) = dest_Type coT
     val _ =
       if forall is_TFree coTs andalso not (has_duplicates (op =) coTs) andalso
-         co_s <> @{type_name fun} andalso
-         not (is_basic_datatype thy [(NONE, true)] co_s) then
+         co_s <> @{type_name fun} andalso not (is_basic_datatype co_s) then
         raise TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.register_codatatype_generic", [coT], [])
@@ -696,13 +683,11 @@
      | NONE => false)
   | is_univ_typedef _ _ = false
-fun is_datatype ctxt stds (T as Type (s, _)) =
-    let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt in
-      (is_typedef ctxt s orelse is_registered_type ctxt T orelse
-       T = @{typ ind} orelse is_real_quot_type ctxt T) andalso
-      not (is_basic_datatype thy stds s)
-    end
-  | is_datatype _ _ _ = false
+fun is_datatype ctxt (T as Type (s, _)) =
+    (is_typedef ctxt s orelse is_registered_type ctxt T orelse
+     T = @{typ ind} orelse is_real_quot_type ctxt T) andalso
+    not (is_basic_datatype s)
+  | is_datatype _ _ = false
 fun all_record_fields thy T =
   let val (recs, more) = Record.get_extT_fields thy T in
@@ -818,13 +803,10 @@
 fun is_stale_constr ctxt (x as (s, T)) =
   is_registered_type ctxt (body_type T) andalso is_constr_like ctxt x andalso
   not (s = @{const_name Nitpick.Abs_Frac} orelse is_coconstr ctxt x)
-fun is_constr ctxt stds (x as (_, T)) =
-  let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt in
-    is_constr_like ctxt x andalso
-    not (is_basic_datatype thy stds
-                         (fst (dest_Type (unarize_type (body_type T))))) andalso
-    not (is_stale_constr ctxt x)
-  end
+fun is_constr ctxt (x as (_, T)) =
+  is_constr_like ctxt x andalso
+  not (is_basic_datatype (fst (dest_Type (unarize_type (body_type T))))) andalso
+  not (is_stale_constr ctxt x)
 val is_sel = String.isPrefix discr_prefix orf String.isPrefix sel_prefix
 val is_sel_like_and_no_discr =
   String.isPrefix sel_prefix orf
@@ -927,7 +909,7 @@
 fun zero_const T = Const (@{const_name}, T)
 fun suc_const T = Const (@{const_name Suc}, T --> T)
-fun uncached_datatype_constrs ({thy, ctxt, stds, ...} : hol_context)
+fun uncached_datatype_constrs ({thy, ctxt, ...} : hol_context)
                               (T as Type (s, Ts)) =
     (case AList.lookup (op =) (#codatatypes (Data.get (Context.Proof ctxt)))
                        s of
@@ -944,7 +926,7 @@
                 varify_and_instantiate_type ctxt abs_type T rep_type --> T)]
             | NONE => [] (* impossible *)
-          else if is_datatype ctxt stds T then
+          else if is_datatype ctxt T then
             case Datatype.get_info thy s of
               SOME {index, descr, ...} =>
@@ -1179,9 +1161,9 @@
     else s_betapply [] (discr_term_for_constr hol_ctxt x, t)
   | _ => s_betapply [] (discr_term_for_constr hol_ctxt x, t)
-fun nth_arg_sel_term_for_constr thy stds (x as (s, T)) n =
+fun nth_arg_sel_term_for_constr (x as (s, T)) n =
   let val (arg_Ts, dataT) = strip_type T in
-    if dataT = nat_T andalso is_standard_datatype thy stds nat_T then
+    if dataT = nat_T then
       @{term "%n::nat. n - 1"}
     else if is_pair_type dataT then
       Const (nth_sel_for_constr x n)
@@ -1199,30 +1181,26 @@
                      (List.take (arg_Ts, n)) 0
       in Abs ("x", dataT, aux m (nth arg_Ts n) |> snd) end
-fun select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds x t n res_T =
-  let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt in
-    (case strip_comb t of
-       (Const x', args) =>
-       if x = x' then
-          if is_constr_like_injective ctxt x then nth args n else raise SAME ()
-       else if is_constr_like ctxt x' then
-         Const (@{const_name unknown}, res_T)
-       else
-         raise SAME ()
-     | _ => raise SAME())
-    handle SAME () =>
-           s_betapply [] (nth_arg_sel_term_for_constr thy stds x n, t)
-  end
+fun select_nth_constr_arg ctxt x t n res_T =
+  (case strip_comb t of
+     (Const x', args) =>
+     if x = x' then
+        if is_constr_like_injective ctxt x then nth args n else raise SAME ()
+     else if is_constr_like ctxt x' then
+       Const (@{const_name unknown}, res_T)
+     else
+       raise SAME ()
+   | _ => raise SAME())
+  handle SAME () => s_betapply [] (nth_arg_sel_term_for_constr x n, t)
-fun construct_value _ _ x [] = Const x
-  | construct_value ctxt stds (x as (s, _)) args =
+fun construct_value _ x [] = Const x
+  | construct_value ctxt (x as (s, _)) args =
     let val args = map Envir.eta_contract args in
       case hd args of
         Const (s', _) $ t =>
         if is_sel_like_and_no_discr s' andalso
            constr_name_for_sel_like s' = s andalso
-           forall (fn (n, t') =>
-                      select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds x t n dummyT = t')
+           forall (fn (n, t') => select_nth_constr_arg ctxt x t n dummyT = t')
                   (index_seq 0 (length args) ~~ args) then
@@ -1230,7 +1208,7 @@
       | _ => list_comb (Const x, args)
-fun constr_expand (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, stds, ...}) T t =
+fun constr_expand (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, ...}) T t =
   (case head_of t of
      Const x => if is_constr_like ctxt x then t else raise SAME ()
    | _ => raise SAME ())
@@ -1245,7 +1223,7 @@
                datatype_constrs hol_ctxt T |> hd
            val arg_Ts = binder_types T'
-           list_comb (Const x', map2 (select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds x' t)
+           list_comb (Const x', map2 (select_nth_constr_arg ctxt x' t)
                                      (index_seq 0 (length arg_Ts)) arg_Ts)
@@ -1257,7 +1235,7 @@
   | _ => t
 fun coerce_bound_0_in_term hol_ctxt new_T old_T =
   old_T <> new_T ? coerce_bound_no (coerce_term hol_ctxt [new_T] old_T new_T) 0
-and coerce_term (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, stds, ...}) Ts new_T old_T t =
+and coerce_term (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, ...}) Ts new_T old_T t =
   if old_T = new_T then
@@ -1271,7 +1249,7 @@
                  |> coerce_term hol_ctxt (new_T1 :: Ts) new_T2 old_T2)
          |> Envir.eta_contract
          |> new_s <> @{type_name fun}
-            ? construct_value ctxt stds
+            ? construct_value ctxt
                   (@{const_name FunBox},
                    Type (@{type_name fun}, new_Ts) --> new_T)
               o single
@@ -1285,12 +1263,12 @@
           if new_s = @{type_name fun} then
             coerce_term hol_ctxt Ts new_T (Type (@{type_name fun}, old_Ts)) t1
-            construct_value ctxt stds
+            construct_value ctxt
                 (old_s, Type (@{type_name fun}, new_Ts) --> new_T)
                 [coerce_term hol_ctxt Ts (Type (@{type_name fun}, new_Ts))
                              (Type (@{type_name fun}, old_Ts)) t1]
         | Const _ $ t1 $ t2 =>
-          construct_value ctxt stds
+          construct_value ctxt
               (if new_s = @{type_name prod} then @{const_name Pair}
                else @{const_name PairBox}, new_Ts ---> new_T)
               (map3 (coerce_term hol_ctxt Ts) [new_T1, new_T2] [old_T1, old_T2]
@@ -1343,33 +1321,27 @@
        |> filter_out (is_built_in_theory o theory_of_thm)
        |> map (subst_atomic subst o prop_of)
-fun arity_of_built_in_const thy stds (s, T) =
+fun arity_of_built_in_const (s, T) =
   if s = @{const_name If} then
     if nth_range_type 3 T = @{typ bool} then NONE else SOME 3
-    let val std_nats = is_standard_datatype thy stds nat_T in
-      case AList.lookup (op =)
-                    (built_in_consts
-                     |> std_nats ? append built_in_nat_consts) s of
+    case AList.lookup (op =) built_in_consts s of
+      SOME n => SOME n
+    | NONE =>
+      case AList.lookup (op =) built_in_typed_consts (s, unarize_type T) of
         SOME n => SOME n
       | NONE =>
-        case AList.lookup (op =)
-                 (built_in_typed_consts
-                  |> std_nats ? append built_in_typed_nat_consts)
-                 (s, unarize_type T) of
-          SOME n => SOME n
-        | NONE =>
-          case s of
-            @{const_name} =>
-            if is_iterator_type T then SOME 0 else NONE
-          | @{const_name Suc} =>
-            if is_iterator_type (domain_type T) then SOME 0 else NONE
-          | _ => if is_fun_type T andalso is_set_like_type (domain_type T) then
-                   AList.lookup (op =) built_in_set_like_consts s
-                 else
-                   NONE
-    end
-val is_built_in_const = is_some ooo arity_of_built_in_const
+        case s of
+          @{const_name} =>
+          if is_iterator_type T then SOME 0 else NONE
+        | @{const_name Suc} =>
+          if is_iterator_type (domain_type T) then SOME 0 else NONE
+        | _ => if is_fun_type T andalso is_set_like_type (domain_type T) then
+                 AList.lookup (op =) built_in_set_like_consts s
+               else
+                 NONE
+val is_built_in_const = is_some o arity_of_built_in_const
 (* This function is designed to work for both real definition axioms and
    simplification rules (equational specifications). *)
@@ -1386,8 +1358,8 @@
 (* Here we crucially rely on "specialize_type" performing a preorder traversal
    of the term, without which the wrong occurrence of a constant could be
    matched in the face of overloading. *)
-fun def_props_for_const thy stds table (x as (s, _)) =
-  if is_built_in_const thy stds x then
+fun def_props_for_const thy table (x as (s, _)) =
+  if is_built_in_const x then
     these (Symtab.lookup table s)
@@ -1409,12 +1381,12 @@
   in fold_rev aux args (SOME rhs) end
 fun get_def_of_const thy table (x as (s, _)) =
-  x |> def_props_for_const thy [(NONE, false)] table |> List.last
+  x |> def_props_for_const thy table |> List.last
     |> normalized_rhs_of |> (prefix_abs_vars s)
   handle List.Empty => NONE
 fun def_of_const_ext thy (unfold_table, fallback_table) (x as (s, _)) =
-  if is_built_in_const thy [(NONE, false)] x orelse original_name s <> s then
+  if is_built_in_const x orelse original_name s <> s then
   else case get_def_of_const thy unfold_table x of
     SOME def => SOME (true, def)
@@ -1454,10 +1426,10 @@
                  | NONE => t)
                | t => t)
-fun case_const_names ctxt stds =
+fun case_const_names ctxt =
   let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt in
     Symtab.fold (fn (dtype_s, {index, descr, case_name, ...}) =>
-                    if is_basic_datatype thy stds dtype_s then
+                    if is_basic_datatype dtype_s then
                       cons (case_name, AList.lookup (op =) descr index
@@ -1473,14 +1445,14 @@
 fun fixpoint_kind_of_const thy table x =
-  if is_built_in_const thy [(NONE, false)] x then NoFp
+  if is_built_in_const x then NoFp
   else fixpoint_kind_of_rhs (the (def_of_const thy table x))
   handle Option.Option => NoFp
-fun is_real_inductive_pred ({thy, stds, def_tables, intro_table, ...}
-                            : hol_context) x =
+fun is_real_inductive_pred ({thy, def_tables, intro_table, ...} : hol_context)
+                           x =
   fixpoint_kind_of_const thy def_tables x <> NoFp andalso
-  not (null (def_props_for_const thy stds intro_table x))
+  not (null (def_props_for_const thy intro_table x))
 fun is_inductive_pred hol_ctxt (x as (s, _)) =
   is_real_inductive_pred hol_ctxt x orelse String.isPrefix ubfp_prefix s orelse
   String.isPrefix lbfp_prefix s
@@ -1565,18 +1537,18 @@
                     exists (curry (op aconv) t o axiom_for_choice_spec thy) ts)
-fun is_real_equational_fun ({thy, stds, simp_table, psimp_table, ...}
+fun is_real_equational_fun ({thy, simp_table, psimp_table, ...}
                             : hol_context) x =
-  exists (fn table => not (null (def_props_for_const thy stds table x)))
+  exists (fn table => not (null (def_props_for_const thy table x)))
          [!simp_table, psimp_table]
 fun is_equational_fun_but_no_plain_def hol_ctxt =
   is_real_equational_fun hol_ctxt orf is_inductive_pred hol_ctxt
 (** Constant unfolding **)
-fun constr_case_body ctxt stds Ts (func_t, (x as (_, T))) =
+fun constr_case_body ctxt Ts (func_t, (x as (_, T))) =
   let val arg_Ts = binder_types T in
-    s_betapplys Ts (func_t, map2 (select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds x (Bound 0))
+    s_betapplys Ts (func_t, map2 (select_nth_constr_arg ctxt x (Bound 0))
                                  (index_seq 0 (length arg_Ts)) arg_Ts)
 fun add_constr_case res_T (body_t, guard_t) res_t =
@@ -1585,13 +1557,13 @@
     Const (@{const_name If}, bool_T --> res_T --> res_T --> res_T)
     $ guard_t $ body_t $ res_t
-fun optimized_case_def (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, stds, ...}) Ts dataT res_T func_ts =
+fun optimized_case_def (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, ...}) Ts dataT res_T func_ts =
     val xs = datatype_constrs hol_ctxt dataT
     val cases =
       func_ts ~~ xs
       |> map (fn (func_t, x) =>
-                 (constr_case_body ctxt stds (dataT :: Ts)
+                 (constr_case_body ctxt (dataT :: Ts)
                                    (incr_boundvars 1 func_t, x),
                   discriminate_value hol_ctxt x (Bound 0)))
       |> (op aconv)
@@ -1613,7 +1585,7 @@
   |> absdummy dataT
-fun optimized_record_get (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, stds, ...}) s rec_T res_T t =
+fun optimized_record_get (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, ...}) s rec_T res_T t =
   let val constr_x = hd (datatype_constrs hol_ctxt rec_T) in
     case no_of_record_field thy s rec_T of
       ~1 => (case rec_T of
@@ -1622,14 +1594,14 @@
                  val rec_T' = List.last Ts
                  val j = num_record_fields thy rec_T - 1
-                 select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds constr_x t j res_T
+                 select_nth_constr_arg ctxt constr_x t j res_T
                  |> optimized_record_get hol_ctxt s rec_T' res_T
              | _ => raise TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.optimized_record_get", [rec_T],
-    | j => select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds constr_x t j res_T
+    | j => select_nth_constr_arg ctxt constr_x t j res_T
-fun optimized_record_update (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, stds, ...}) s rec_T fun_t
+fun optimized_record_update (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, ...}) s rec_T fun_t
                             rec_t =
     val constr_x as (_, constr_T) = hd (datatype_constrs hol_ctxt rec_T)
@@ -1638,7 +1610,7 @@
     val special_j = no_of_record_field thy s rec_T
     val ts =
       map2 (fn j => fn T =>
-               let val t = select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds constr_x rec_t j T in
+               let val t = select_nth_constr_arg ctxt constr_x rec_t j T in
                  if j = special_j then
                    s_betapply [] (fun_t, t)
                  else if j = n - 1 andalso special_j = ~1 then
@@ -1660,7 +1632,7 @@
 val def_inline_threshold_for_non_booleans = 20
 fun unfold_defs_in_term
-        (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, stds, whacks, total_consts, case_names,
+        (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, whacks, total_consts, case_names,
                       def_tables, ground_thm_table, ersatz_table, ...}) =
     fun do_numeral depth Ts mult T some_t0 t1 t2 =
@@ -1675,8 +1647,7 @@
                val s = numeral_prefix ^ signed_string_of_int j
                if is_integer_like_type T then
-                 if is_standard_datatype thy stds T then Const (s, T)
-                 else funpow j (curry (op $) (suc_const T)) (zero_const T)
+                 Const (s, T)
                  do_term depth Ts (Const (@{const_name of_int}, int_T --> T)
                                    $ Const (s, int_T))
@@ -1732,9 +1703,9 @@
     and select_nth_constr_arg_with_args _ _ (x as (_, T)) [] n res_T =
         (Abs (Name.uu, body_type T,
-              select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds x (Bound 0) n res_T), [])
+              select_nth_constr_arg ctxt x (Bound 0) n res_T), [])
       | select_nth_constr_arg_with_args depth Ts x (t :: ts) n res_T =
-        (select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds x (do_term depth Ts t) n res_T, ts)
+        (select_nth_constr_arg ctxt x (do_term depth Ts t) n res_T, ts)
     and quot_rep_of depth Ts abs_T rep_T ts =
       select_nth_constr_arg_with_args depth Ts
           (@{const_name Quot}, rep_T --> abs_T) ts 0 rep_T
@@ -1753,7 +1724,7 @@
           val (const, ts) =
-            if is_built_in_const thy stds x then
+            if is_built_in_const x then
               (Const x, ts)
             else case AList.lookup (op =) case_names s of
               SOME n =>
@@ -1769,7 +1740,7 @@
                    drop n ts)
             | _ =>
-              if is_constr ctxt stds x then
+              if is_constr ctxt x then
                 (Const x, ts)
               else if is_stale_constr ctxt x then
                 raise NOT_SUPPORTED ("(non-co)constructors of codatatypes \
@@ -1777,7 +1748,7 @@
               else if is_quot_abs_fun ctxt x then
                 case T of
                   Type (@{type_name fun}, [rep_T, abs_T as Type (abs_s, _)]) =>
-                  if is_basic_datatype thy [(NONE, true)] abs_s then
+                  if is_basic_datatype abs_s then
                     raise NOT_SUPPORTED ("abstraction function on " ^
                                          quote abs_s)
@@ -1788,7 +1759,7 @@
               else if is_quot_rep_fun ctxt x then
                 case T of
                   Type (@{type_name fun}, [abs_T as Type (abs_s, _), rep_T]) =>
-                  if is_basic_datatype thy [(NONE, true)] abs_s then
+                  if is_basic_datatype abs_s then
                     raise NOT_SUPPORTED ("representation function on " ^
                                          quote abs_s)
@@ -1828,7 +1799,7 @@
               else if is_rep_fun ctxt x then
                 let val x' = mate_of_rep_fun ctxt x in
-                  if is_constr ctxt stds x' then
+                  if is_constr ctxt x' then
                     select_nth_constr_arg_with_args depth Ts x' ts 0
                                                     (range_type T)
                   else if is_quot_type ctxt (domain_type T) then
@@ -1993,7 +1964,7 @@
     | NONE => []
-fun optimized_quot_type_axioms ctxt stds abs_z =
+fun optimized_quot_type_axioms ctxt abs_z =
     val abs_T = Type abs_z
     val rep_T = rep_type_for_quot_type ctxt abs_T
@@ -2002,7 +1973,7 @@
     val x_var = Var (("x", 0), rep_T)
     val y_var = Var (("y", 0), rep_T)
     val x = (@{const_name Quot}, rep_T --> abs_T)
-    val sel_a_t = select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds x a_var 0 rep_T
+    val sel_a_t = select_nth_constr_arg ctxt x a_var 0 rep_T
     val normal_fun =
       Const (quot_normal_name_for_type ctxt abs_T, rep_T --> rep_T)
     val normal_x = normal_fun $ x_var
@@ -2022,7 +1993,7 @@
     |> partial ? cons (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (equiv_rel $ sel_a_t $ sel_a_t))
-fun codatatype_bisim_axioms (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, stds, ...}) T =
+fun codatatype_bisim_axioms (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, ...}) T =
     val xs = datatype_constrs hol_ctxt T
     val pred_T = T --> bool_T
@@ -2039,8 +2010,8 @@
     fun nth_sub_bisim x n nth_T =
       (if is_codatatype ctxt nth_T then bisim_const nth_T $ n_var_minus_1
        else HOLogic.eq_const nth_T)
-      $ select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds x x_var n nth_T
-      $ select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds x y_var n nth_T
+      $ select_nth_constr_arg ctxt x x_var n nth_T
+      $ select_nth_constr_arg ctxt x y_var n nth_T
     fun case_func (x as (_, T)) =
         val arg_Ts = binder_types T
@@ -2102,9 +2073,9 @@
 fun uncached_is_well_founded_inductive_pred
-        ({thy, ctxt, stds, debug, tac_timeout, intro_table, ...} : hol_context)
+        ({thy, ctxt, debug, tac_timeout, intro_table, ...} : hol_context)
         (x as (_, T)) =
-  case def_props_for_const thy stds intro_table x of
+  case def_props_for_const thy intro_table x of
     [] => raise TERM ("Nitpick_HOL.uncached_is_well_founded_inductive",
                       [Const x])
   | intro_ts =>
@@ -2351,10 +2322,10 @@
     raw_inductive_pred_axiom hol_ctxt x
-fun equational_fun_axioms (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, stds, def_tables, simp_table,
+fun equational_fun_axioms (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, def_tables, simp_table,
                                         psimp_table, ...}) x =
-  case def_props_for_const thy stds (!simp_table) x of
-    [] => (case def_props_for_const thy stds psimp_table x of
+  case def_props_for_const thy (!simp_table) x of
+    [] => (case def_props_for_const thy psimp_table x of
              [] => (if is_inductive_pred hol_ctxt x then
                       [inductive_pred_axiom hol_ctxt x]
                     else case def_of_const thy def_tables x of
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_kodkod.ML	Mon Mar 03 16:44:46 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_kodkod.ML	Mon Mar 03 22:33:22 2014 +0100
@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@
 fun pull x xs = x :: filter_out (curry (op =) x) xs
-fun is_datatype_acyclic ({co = false, standard = true, deep = true, ...}
-                         : datatype_spec) = true
+fun is_datatype_acyclic ({co = false, deep = true, ...} : datatype_spec) = true
   | is_datatype_acyclic _ = false
 fun flip_nums n = index_seq 1 n @ [0] |> map KK.Num
@@ -1499,7 +1498,6 @@
   maps (nfa_transitions_for_sel hol_ctxt binarize kk rel_table dtypes x)
        (index_seq 0 (num_sels_for_constr_type T))
 fun nfa_entry_for_datatype _ _ _ _ _ ({co = true, ...} : datatype_spec) = NONE
-  | nfa_entry_for_datatype _ _ _ _ _ {standard = false, ...} = NONE
   | nfa_entry_for_datatype _ _ _ _ _ {deep = false, ...} = NONE
   | nfa_entry_for_datatype hol_ctxt binarize kk rel_table dtypes
                            {typ, constrs, ...} =
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_model.ML	Mon Mar 03 16:44:46 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_model.ML	Mon Mar 03 22:33:22 2014 +0100
@@ -356,8 +356,8 @@
   in index_seq 0 card |> map nth_value_of_type |> sort nice_term_ord end
 and reconstruct_term maybe_opt unfold pool
         (wacky_names as ((maybe_name, abs_name), _))
-        (scope as {hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, stds, ...}, binarize, card_assigns,
-                   bits, datatypes, ofs, ...})
+        (scope as {hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, ...}, binarize, card_assigns, bits,
+                   datatypes, ofs, ...})
         atomss sel_names rel_table bounds =
     val for_auto = (maybe_name = "")
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@
       | term_for_atom _ @{typ bool} _ j _ =
         if j = 0 then @{const False} else @{const True}
       | term_for_atom seen T _ j k =
-        if T = nat_T andalso is_standard_datatype thy stds nat_T then
+        if T = nat_T then
           HOLogic.mk_number nat_T j
         else if T = int_T then
           HOLogic.mk_number int_T (int_for_atom (k, 0) j)
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@
         else case datatype_spec datatypes T of
           NONE => nth_atom thy atomss pool for_auto T j
         | SOME {deep = false, ...} => nth_atom thy atomss pool for_auto T j
-        | SOME {co, standard, constrs, ...} =>
+        | SOME {co, constrs, ...} =>
             fun tuples_for_const (s, T) =
               tuple_list_for_name rel_table bounds (ConstName (s, T, Any))
@@ -553,9 +553,8 @@
               map (map_filter (fn js => if hd js = real_j then SOME (tl js)
                                         else NONE)) sel_jsss
             val uncur_arg_Ts = binder_types constr_T
-            val maybe_cyclic = co orelse not standard
-            if maybe_cyclic andalso not (null seen) andalso
+            if co andalso not (null seen) andalso
                member (op =) (seen |> unfold ? (fst o split_last)) (T, j) then
               cyclic_var ()
             else if constr_s = @{const_name Word} then
@@ -564,7 +563,7 @@
                   (value_of_bits (the_single arg_jsss))
-                val seen = seen |> maybe_cyclic ? cons (T, j)
+                val seen = seen |> co ? cons (T, j)
                 val ts =
                   if length arg_Ts = 0 then
@@ -587,16 +586,9 @@
                     list_comb (Const constr_x, ts)
-                if maybe_cyclic then
+                if co then
                   let val var = cyclic_var () in
-                    if unfold andalso not standard andalso
-                       length seen = 1 andalso
-                       exists_subterm
-                           (fn Const (s, _) =>
-                               String.isPrefix (cyclic_const_prefix ()) s
-                             | t' => t' = var) t then
-                      subst_atomic [(var, cyclic_atom ())] t
-                    else if exists_subterm (curry (op =) var) t then
+                    if exists_subterm (curry (op =) var) t then
                       if co then
                         Const (@{const_name The}, (T --> bool_T) --> T)
                         $ Abs (cyclic_co_val_name (), T,
@@ -876,7 +868,7 @@
 fun reconstruct_hol_model {show_datatypes, show_skolems, show_consts}
-        ({hol_ctxt = {thy, ctxt, max_bisim_depth, boxes, stds, wfs, user_axioms,
+        ({hol_ctxt = {thy, ctxt, max_bisim_depth, boxes, wfs, user_axioms,
                       debug, whacks, binary_ints, destroy_constrs, specialize,
                       star_linear_preds, total_consts, needs, tac_timeout,
                       evals, case_names, def_tables, nondef_table, nondefs,
@@ -892,12 +884,11 @@
       add_wacky_syntax ctxt
     val hol_ctxt =
       {thy = thy, ctxt = ctxt, max_bisim_depth = max_bisim_depth, boxes = boxes,
-       stds = stds, wfs = wfs, user_axioms = user_axioms, debug = debug,
-       whacks = whacks, binary_ints = binary_ints,
-       destroy_constrs = destroy_constrs, specialize = specialize,
-       star_linear_preds = star_linear_preds, total_consts = total_consts,
-       needs = needs, tac_timeout = tac_timeout, evals = evals,
-       case_names = case_names, def_tables = def_tables,
+       wfs = wfs, user_axioms = user_axioms, debug = debug, whacks = whacks,
+       binary_ints = binary_ints, destroy_constrs = destroy_constrs,
+       specialize = specialize, star_linear_preds = star_linear_preds,
+       total_consts = total_consts, needs = needs, tac_timeout = tac_timeout,
+       evals = evals, case_names = case_names, def_tables = def_tables,
        nondef_table = nondef_table, nondefs = nondefs, simp_table = simp_table,
        psimp_table = psimp_table, choice_spec_table = choice_spec_table,
        intro_table = intro_table, ground_thm_table = ground_thm_table,
@@ -960,14 +951,12 @@
                   else [Pretty.str (unrep ())]))]))
     fun integer_datatype T =
       [{typ = T, card = card_of_type card_assigns T, co = false,
-        standard = true, self_rec = true, complete = (false, false),
-        concrete = (true, true), deep = true, constrs = []}]
+        self_rec = true, complete = (false, false), concrete = (true, true),
+        deep = true, constrs = []}]
       handle TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.card_of_type", _, _) => []
     val (codatatypes, datatypes) =
       datatypes |> filter #deep |> List.partition #co
-                ||> append (integer_datatype int_T
-                            |> is_standard_datatype thy stds nat_T
-                               ? append (integer_datatype nat_T))
+                ||> append (integer_datatype nat_T @ integer_datatype int_T)
     val block_of_datatypes =
       if show_datatypes andalso not (null datatypes) then
         [Pretty.big_list ("Datatype" ^ plural_s_for_list datatypes ^ ":")
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_mono.ML	Mon Mar 03 16:44:46 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_mono.ML	Mon Mar 03 22:33:22 2014 +0100
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
 fun could_exist_alpha_sub_mtype _ (alpha_T as TFree _) T =
     could_exist_alpha_subtype alpha_T T
   | could_exist_alpha_sub_mtype ctxt alpha_T T =
-    (T = alpha_T orelse is_datatype ctxt [(NONE, true)] T)
+    (T = alpha_T orelse is_datatype ctxt T)
 fun exists_alpha_sub_mtype MAlpha = true
   | exists_alpha_sub_mtype (MFun (M1, _, M2)) =
@@ -737,13 +737,11 @@
-fun consider_term (mdata as {hol_ctxt = {thy, ctxt, stds, ...}, alpha_T,
-                             max_fresh, ...}) =
+fun consider_term (mdata as {hol_ctxt = {ctxt, ...}, alpha_T, max_fresh, ...}) =
     fun is_enough_eta_expanded t =
       case strip_comb t of
-        (Const x, ts) => the_default 0 (arity_of_built_in_const thy stds x)
-        <= length ts
+        (Const x, ts) => the_default 0 (arity_of_built_in_const x) <= length ts
       | _ => true
     val mtype_for = fresh_mtype_for_type mdata false
     fun mtype_for_set x T = MFun (mtype_for (pseudo_domain_type T), V x, bool_M)
@@ -894,9 +892,9 @@
                 do_fragile_set_operation T accum
               else if is_sel s then
                 (mtype_for_sel mdata x, accum)
-              else if is_constr ctxt stds x then
+              else if is_constr ctxt x then
                 (mtype_for_constr mdata x, accum)
-              else if is_built_in_const thy stds x then
+              else if is_built_in_const x then
                 (fresh_mtype_for_type mdata true T, accum)
                 let val M = mtype_for T in
@@ -1074,20 +1072,20 @@
   [@{const_name ord_class.less}, @{const_name ord_class.less_eq}]
 val bounteous_consts = [@{const_name bisim}]
-fun is_harmless_axiom ({hol_ctxt = {thy, stds, ...}, ...} : mdata) t =
-    Term.add_consts t []
-    |> filter_out (is_built_in_const thy stds)
-    |> (forall (member (op =) harmless_consts o original_name o fst) orf
-        exists (member (op =) bounteous_consts o fst))
+fun is_harmless_axiom t =
+  Term.add_consts t []
+  |> filter_out is_built_in_const
+  |> (forall (member (op =) harmless_consts o original_name o fst) orf
+      exists (member (op =) bounteous_consts o fst))
 fun consider_nondefinitional_axiom mdata t =
-  if is_harmless_axiom mdata t then I
+  if is_harmless_axiom t then I
   else consider_general_formula mdata Plus t
 fun consider_definitional_axiom (mdata as {hol_ctxt = {ctxt, ...}, ...} : mdata) t =
   if not (is_constr_pattern_formula ctxt t) then
     consider_nondefinitional_axiom mdata t
-  else if is_harmless_axiom mdata t then
+  else if is_harmless_axiom t then
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_nut.ML	Mon Mar 03 16:44:46 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_nut.ML	Mon Mar 03 22:33:22 2014 +0100
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@
     maps factorize [mk_fst z, mk_snd z]
   | factorize z = [z]
-fun nut_from_term (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, stds, ...}) eq =
+fun nut_from_term (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, ...}) eq =
     fun aux eq ss Ts t =
@@ -525,8 +525,8 @@
         | (Const (@{const_name relcomp}, T), [t1, t2]) =>
           Op2 (Composition, nth_range_type 2 T, Any, sub t1, sub t2)
         | (Const (x as (s as @{const_name Suc}, T)), []) =>
-          if is_built_in_const thy stds x then Cst (Suc, T, Any)
-          else if is_constr ctxt stds x then do_construct x []
+          if is_built_in_const x then Cst (Suc, T, Any)
+          else if is_constr ctxt x then do_construct x []
           else ConstName (s, T, Any)
         | (Const (@{const_name finite}, T), [t1]) =>
           (if is_finite_type hol_ctxt (domain_type T) then
@@ -536,27 +536,27 @@
            | _ => Op1 (Finite, bool_T, Any, sub t1))
         | (Const (@{const_name nat}, T), []) => Cst (IntToNat, T, Any)
         | (Const (x as (s as @{const_name}, T)), []) =>
-          if is_built_in_const thy stds x then Cst (Num 0, T, Any)
-          else if is_constr ctxt stds x then do_construct x []
+          if is_built_in_const x then Cst (Num 0, T, Any)
+          else if is_constr ctxt x then do_construct x []
           else ConstName (s, T, Any)
         | (Const (x as (s as @{const_name}, T)), []) =>
-          if is_built_in_const thy stds x then Cst (Num 1, T, Any)
+          if is_built_in_const x then Cst (Num 1, T, Any)
           else ConstName (s, T, Any)
         | (Const (x as (s as @{const_name}, T)), []) =>
-          if is_built_in_const thy stds x then Cst (Add, T, Any)
+          if is_built_in_const x then Cst (Add, T, Any)
           else ConstName (s, T, Any)
         | (Const (x as (s as @{const_name minus_class.minus}, T)), []) =>
-          if is_built_in_const thy stds x then Cst (Subtract, T, Any)
+          if is_built_in_const x then Cst (Subtract, T, Any)
           else ConstName (s, T, Any)
         | (Const (x as (s as @{const_name times_class.times}, T)), []) =>
-          if is_built_in_const thy stds x then Cst (Multiply, T, Any)
+          if is_built_in_const x then Cst (Multiply, T, Any)
           else ConstName (s, T, Any)
         | (Const (x as (s as @{const_name div_class.div}, T)), []) =>
-          if is_built_in_const thy stds x then Cst (Divide, T, Any)
+          if is_built_in_const x then Cst (Divide, T, Any)
           else ConstName (s, T, Any)
         | (t0 as Const (x as (@{const_name ord_class.less}, _)),
            ts as [t1, t2]) =>
-          if is_built_in_const thy stds x then
+          if is_built_in_const x then
             Op2 (Less, bool_T, Any, sub t1, sub t2)
             do_apply t0 ts
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@
            ts as [t1, t2]) =>
           if is_set_like_type (domain_type T) then
             Op2 (Subset, bool_T, Any, sub t1, sub t2)
-          else if is_built_in_const thy stds x then
+          else if is_built_in_const x then
             (* FIXME: find out if this case is necessary *)
             Op1 (Not, bool_T, Any, Op2 (Less, bool_T, Any, sub t2, sub t1))
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@
         | (Const (@{const_name Nitpick.nat_gcd}, T), []) => Cst (Gcd, T, Any)
         | (Const (@{const_name Nitpick.nat_lcm}, T), []) => Cst (Lcm, T, Any)
         | (Const (x as (s as @{const_name uminus_class.uminus}, T)), []) =>
-          if is_built_in_const thy stds x then
+          if is_built_in_const x then
             let val num_T = domain_type T in
               Op2 (Apply, num_T --> num_T, Any,
                    Cst (Subtract, num_T --> num_T --> num_T, Any),
@@ -595,12 +595,12 @@
                   T as @{typ "unsigned_bit word => signed_bit word"}), []) =>
           Cst (NatToInt, T, Any)
         | (t0 as Const (x as (s, T)), ts) =>
-          if is_constr ctxt stds x then
+          if is_constr ctxt x then
             do_construct x ts
           else if String.isPrefix numeral_prefix s then
             Cst (Num (the (Int.fromString (unprefix numeral_prefix s))), T, Any)
-            (case arity_of_built_in_const thy stds x of
+            (case arity_of_built_in_const x of
                SOME n =>
                (case n - length ts of
                   0 => raise TERM ("Nitpick_Nut.nut_from_term.aux", [t])
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_preproc.ML	Mon Mar 03 16:44:46 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_preproc.ML	Mon Mar 03 22:33:22 2014 +0100
@@ -70,13 +70,11 @@
 fun add_to_uncurry_table ctxt t =
-    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
     fun aux (t1 $ t2) args table =
         let val table = aux t2 [] table in aux t1 (t2 :: args) table end
       | aux (Abs (_, _, t')) _ table = aux t' [] table
       | aux (t as Const (x as (s, _))) args table =
-        if is_built_in_const thy [(NONE, true)] x orelse
-           is_constr_like ctxt x orelse
+        if is_built_in_const x orelse is_constr_like ctxt x orelse
            is_sel s orelse s = @{const_name Sigma} then
@@ -126,7 +124,7 @@
 (** Boxing **)
-fun box_fun_and_pair_in_term (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, thy, stds, ...}) def orig_t =
+fun box_fun_and_pair_in_term (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, ...}) def orig_t =
     fun box_relational_operator_type (Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts)) =
         Type (@{type_name fun}, map box_relational_operator_type Ts)
@@ -229,7 +227,7 @@
                       let val T' = box_type hol_ctxt InFunLHS (domain_type T) in
                         T' --> T'
-                    else if is_built_in_const thy stds x orelse
+                    else if is_built_in_const x orelse
                             s = @{const_name Sigma} then
                     else if is_constr_like ctxt x then
@@ -251,7 +249,7 @@
           s_betapply new_Ts (if s1 = @{type_name fun} then
-                               select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds
+                               select_nth_constr_arg ctxt
                                    (@{const_name FunBox},
                                     Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts1) --> T1) t1 0
                                    (Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts1)), t2)
@@ -268,7 +266,7 @@
           s_betapply new_Ts (if s1 = @{type_name fun} then
-                               select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds
+                               select_nth_constr_arg ctxt
                                    (@{const_name FunBox},
                                     Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts1) --> T1) t1 0
                                    (Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts1)), t2)
@@ -306,12 +304,12 @@
       | aux _ = true
   in aux (map snd (Term.add_vars t []) @ map (nth Ts) (loose_bnos t)) end
-fun pull_out_constr_comb ({ctxt, stds, ...} : hol_context) Ts relax k level t
-                         args seen =
+fun pull_out_constr_comb ({ctxt, ...} : hol_context) Ts relax k level t args
+                         seen =
   let val t_comb = list_comb (t, args) in
     case t of
       Const x =>
-      if not relax andalso is_constr ctxt stds x andalso
+      if not relax andalso is_constr ctxt x andalso
          not (is_fun_or_set_type (fastype_of1 (Ts, t_comb))) andalso
          has_heavy_bounds_or_vars Ts t_comb andalso
          not (loose_bvar (t_comb, level)) then
@@ -398,7 +396,7 @@
           (list_comb (t, args), seen)
   in aux [] 0 t [] [] |> fst end
-fun destroy_pulled_out_constrs (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, stds, ...}) axiom strong t =
+fun destroy_pulled_out_constrs (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, ...}) axiom strong t =
     val num_occs_of_var =
       fold_aterms (fn Var z => (fn f => fn z' => f z' |> z = z' ? Integer.add 1)
@@ -434,7 +432,7 @@
             val n = length arg_Ts
             if length args = n andalso
-               (is_constr ctxt stds x orelse s = @{const_name Pair} orelse
+               (is_constr ctxt x orelse s = @{const_name Pair} orelse
                 x = (@{const_name Suc}, nat_T --> nat_T)) andalso
                (not careful orelse not (is_Var t1) orelse
                 String.isPrefix val_var_prefix (fst (fst (dest_Var t1)))) then
@@ -451,8 +449,7 @@
       handle SAME () => if pass1 then aux_eq Ts careful false t0 t2 t1
                         else t0 $ aux Ts false t2 $ aux Ts false t1
     and sel_eq Ts x t n nth_T nth_t =
-      HOLogic.eq_const nth_T $ nth_t
-                             $ select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds x t n nth_T
+      HOLogic.eq_const nth_T $ nth_t $ select_nth_constr_arg ctxt x t n nth_T
       |> aux Ts false
   in aux [] axiom t end
@@ -487,7 +484,7 @@
         aux (t1 :: prems) (Term.add_vars t1 zs) t2
   in aux [] [] end
-fun find_bound_assign ctxt stds j =
+fun find_bound_assign ctxt j =
     fun do_term _ [] = NONE
       | do_term seen (t :: ts) =
@@ -500,7 +497,7 @@
              | Const (s, Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) $ Bound j' =>
                if j' = j andalso
                   s = nth_sel_name_for_constr_name @{const_name FunBox} 0 then
-                 SOME (construct_value ctxt stds
+                 SOME (construct_value ctxt
                                        (@{const_name FunBox}, T2 --> T1) [t2],
                        ts @ seen)
@@ -527,11 +524,11 @@
       | aux _ = raise SAME ()
   in aux (t, j) handle SAME () => t end
-fun destroy_existential_equalities ({ctxt, stds, ...} : hol_context) =
+fun destroy_existential_equalities ({ctxt, ...} : hol_context) =
     fun kill [] [] ts = foldr1 s_conj ts
       | kill (s :: ss) (T :: Ts) ts =
-        (case find_bound_assign ctxt stds (length ss) [] ts of
+        (case find_bound_assign ctxt (length ss) [] ts of
            SOME (_, []) => @{const True}
          | SOME (arg_t, ts) =>
            kill ss Ts (map (subst_one_bound (length ss)
@@ -731,7 +728,7 @@
   forall (op aconv) (ts1 ~~ ts2)
 fun specialize_consts_in_term
-        (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, thy, stds, specialize, def_tables, simp_table,
+        (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, thy, specialize, def_tables, simp_table,
                       special_funs, ...}) def depth t =
   if not specialize orelse depth > special_max_depth then
@@ -742,11 +739,11 @@
       fun aux args Ts (Const (x as (s, T))) =
           ((if not (member (op =) blacklist x) andalso not (null args) andalso
                not (String.isPrefix special_prefix s) andalso
-               not (is_built_in_const thy stds x) andalso
+               not (is_built_in_const x) andalso
                (is_equational_fun_but_no_plain_def hol_ctxt x orelse
                 (is_some (def_of_const thy def_tables x) andalso
                  not (is_of_class_const thy x) andalso
-                 not (is_constr ctxt stds x) andalso
+                 not (is_constr ctxt x) andalso
                  not (is_choice_spec_fun hol_ctxt x))) then
                 val eligible_args =
@@ -895,9 +892,9 @@
 val axioms_max_depth = 255
 fun axioms_for_term
-        (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, max_bisim_depth, stds, user_axioms,
-                      evals, def_tables, nondef_table, choice_spec_table,
-                      nondefs, ...}) assm_ts neg_t =
+        (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, max_bisim_depth, user_axioms, evals,
+                      def_tables, nondef_table, choice_spec_table, nondefs,
+                      ...}) assm_ts neg_t =
     val (def_assm_ts, nondef_assm_ts) =
       List.partition (assumption_exclusively_defines_free assm_ts) assm_ts
@@ -928,7 +925,7 @@
       case t of
         t1 $ t2 => accum |> fold (add_axioms_for_term depth) [t1, t2]
       | Const (x as (s, T)) =>
-        (if member (op aconv) seen t orelse is_built_in_const thy stds x then
+        (if member (op aconv) seen t orelse is_built_in_const x then
            let val accum = (t :: seen, axs) in
@@ -949,7 +946,7 @@
                  fold (add_maybe_def_axiom depth) (map_filter I [ax1, ax2])
-             else if is_constr ctxt stds x then
+             else if is_constr ctxt x then
              else if is_descr (original_name s) then
                fold (add_nondef_axiom depth) (equational_fun_axioms hol_ctxt x)
@@ -1017,8 +1014,7 @@
         #> (if is_pure_typedef ctxt T then
               fold (add_maybe_def_axiom depth) (optimized_typedef_axioms ctxt z)
             else if is_quot_type ctxt T then
-              fold (add_def_axiom depth)
-                   (optimized_quot_type_axioms ctxt stds z)
+              fold (add_def_axiom depth) (optimized_quot_type_axioms ctxt z)
             else if max_bisim_depth >= 0 andalso is_codatatype ctxt T then
               fold (add_maybe_def_axiom depth)
                    (codatatype_bisim_axioms hol_ctxt T)
@@ -1253,8 +1249,8 @@
 val max_skolem_depth = 3
 fun preprocess_formulas
-        (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, stds, binary_ints, destroy_constrs, boxes,
-                      needs, ...}) assm_ts neg_t =
+        (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, binary_ints, destroy_constrs, boxes, needs, ...})
+        assm_ts neg_t =
     val (nondef_ts, def_ts, got_all_mono_user_axioms, no_poly_user_axioms) =
       neg_t |> unfold_defs_in_term hol_ctxt
@@ -1263,7 +1259,6 @@
             |> specialize_consts_in_term hol_ctxt false 0
             |> axioms_for_term hol_ctxt assm_ts
     val binarize =
-      is_standard_datatype thy stds nat_T andalso
       case binary_ints of
         SOME false => false
       | _ => forall (may_use_binary_ints false) nondef_ts andalso
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_scope.ML	Mon Mar 03 16:44:46 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_scope.ML	Mon Mar 03 22:33:22 2014 +0100
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
     {typ: typ,
      card: int,
      co: bool,
-     standard: bool,
      self_rec: bool,
      complete: bool * bool,
      concrete: bool * bool,
@@ -76,7 +75,6 @@
   {typ: typ,
    card: int,
    co: bool,
-   standard: bool,
    self_rec: bool,
    complete: bool * bool,
    concrete: bool * bool,
@@ -142,7 +140,7 @@
    handle TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.card_of_type", _, _) => ~1, offset_of_type ofs T)
 fun quintuple_for_scope code_type code_term code_string
-        ({hol_ctxt = {ctxt, stds, ...}, card_assigns, bits, bisim_depth,
+        ({hol_ctxt = {ctxt, ...}, card_assigns, bits, bisim_depth,
          datatypes, ...} : scope) =
     val boring_Ts = [@{typ unsigned_bit}, @{typ signed_bit},
@@ -152,7 +150,7 @@
                    |> List.partition (is_fp_iterator_type o fst)
     val (secondary_card_assigns, primary_card_assigns) =
-      |> List.partition ((is_integer_type orf is_datatype ctxt stds) o fst)
+      |> List.partition ((is_integer_type orf is_datatype ctxt) o fst)
     val cards =
       map (fn (T, k) =>
               [code_type ctxt T, code_string (" = " ^ string_of_int k)])
@@ -433,13 +431,12 @@
                card_assigns T
-fun datatype_spec_from_scope_descriptor (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, stds, ...})
+fun datatype_spec_from_scope_descriptor (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, ...})
         binarize deep_dataTs finitizable_dataTs (desc as (card_assigns, _))
         (T, card) =
     val deep = member (op =) deep_dataTs T
     val co = is_codatatype ctxt T
-    val standard = is_standard_datatype thy stds T
     val xs = binarized_and_boxed_datatype_constrs hol_ctxt binarize T
     val self_recs = map (is_self_recursive_constr_type o snd) xs
     val (num_self_recs, num_non_self_recs) =
@@ -459,21 +456,21 @@
     fun sum_dom_cards max =
       map (domain_card max card_assigns o snd) xs |> Integer.sum
     val constrs =
-      fold_rev (add_constr_spec desc (not co andalso standard) card
-                                sum_dom_cards num_self_recs num_non_self_recs)
+      fold_rev (add_constr_spec desc (not co) card sum_dom_cards num_self_recs
+                                num_non_self_recs)
                (sort (bool_ord o swap o pairself fst) (self_recs ~~ xs)) []
-    {typ = T, card = card, co = co, standard = standard, self_rec = self_rec,
-     complete = complete, concrete = concrete, deep = deep, constrs = constrs}
+    {typ = T, card = card, co = co, self_rec = self_rec, complete = complete,
+     concrete = concrete, deep = deep, constrs = constrs}
-fun scope_from_descriptor (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, stds, ...}) binarize deep_dataTs
+fun scope_from_descriptor (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, ...}) binarize deep_dataTs
                           finitizable_dataTs (desc as (card_assigns, _)) =
     val datatypes =
       map (datatype_spec_from_scope_descriptor hol_ctxt binarize deep_dataTs
                                                finitizable_dataTs desc)
-          (filter (is_datatype ctxt stds o fst) card_assigns)
+          (filter (is_datatype ctxt o fst) card_assigns)
     val bits = card_of_type card_assigns @{typ signed_bit} - 1
                handle TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.card_of_type", _, _) =>
                       card_of_type card_assigns @{typ unsigned_bit}