--- a/src/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_axioms.ML Sat Mar 13 14:26:26 2010 -0800
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_axioms.ML Sat Mar 13 14:30:38 2010 -0800
@@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
(thy : theory)
: Domain_Take_Proofs.iso_info * theory =
- val dname = Long_Name.base_name (Binding.name_of dbind);
val abs_bind = Binding.suffix_name "_abs" dbind;
val rep_bind = Binding.suffix_name "_rep" dbind;
@@ -53,17 +51,16 @@
val rep_iso_eqn =
Logic.all x (mk_trp (mk_eq (abs_const ` (rep_const ` x), x)));
- val thy = Sign.add_path dname thy;
+ val abs_iso_bind = Binding.qualified true "abs_iso" dbind;
+ val rep_iso_bind = Binding.qualified true "rep_iso" dbind;
val (abs_iso_thm, thy) =
yield_singleton PureThy.add_axioms
- ((Binding.name "abs_iso", abs_iso_eqn), []) thy;
+ ((abs_iso_bind, abs_iso_eqn), []) thy;
val (rep_iso_thm, thy) =
yield_singleton PureThy.add_axioms
- ((Binding.name "rep_iso", rep_iso_eqn), []) thy;
- val thy = Sign.parent_path thy;
+ ((rep_iso_bind, rep_iso_eqn), []) thy;
val result =
@@ -83,21 +80,17 @@
(thy : theory)
: thm * theory =
- val dname = Long_Name.base_name (Binding.name_of dbind);
val i = Free ("i", natT);
val T = (fst o dest_cfunT o range_type o fastype_of) take_const;
val lub_take_eqn =
mk_trp (mk_eq (mk_lub (lambda i (take_const $ i)), mk_ID T));
- val thy = Sign.add_path dname thy;
+ val lub_take_bind = Binding.qualified true "lub_take" dbind;
val (lub_take_thm, thy) =
yield_singleton PureThy.add_axioms
- ((Binding.name "lub_take", lub_take_eqn), []) thy;
- val thy = Sign.parent_path thy;
+ ((lub_take_bind, lub_take_eqn), []) thy;
(lub_take_thm, thy)
--- a/src/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_isomorphism.ML Sat Mar 13 14:26:26 2010 -0800
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_isomorphism.ML Sat Mar 13 14:30:38 2010 -0800
@@ -236,12 +236,9 @@
((const, def_thm), thy)
-fun add_qualified_thm name (path, thm) thy =
- thy
- |> Sign.add_path path
- |> yield_singleton PureThy.add_thms
- (Thm.no_attributes (Binding.name name, thm))
- ||> Sign.parent_path;
+fun add_qualified_thm name (dbind, thm) =
+ yield_singleton PureThy.add_thms
+ ((Binding.qualified true name dbind, thm), []);
(******************************* main function ********************************)
@@ -306,7 +303,7 @@
| dups => error ("Duplicate parameter(s) for domain " ^ quote (Binding.str_of tname) ^
" : " ^ commas dups))
end) doms;
- val dom_binds = map (fn (_, tbind, _, _, _) => tbind) doms;
+ val dbinds = map (fn (_, dbind, _, _, _) => dbind) doms;
val morphs = map (fn (_, _, _, _, morphs) => morphs) doms;
(* declare deflation combinator constants *)
@@ -331,7 +328,7 @@
val defl_specs = map mk_defl_spec dom_eqns;
(* register recursive definition of deflation combinators *)
- val defl_binds = map (Binding.suffix_name "_defl") dom_binds;
+ val defl_binds = map (Binding.suffix_name "_defl") dbinds;
val ((defl_apply_thms, defl_unfold_thms), thy) =
add_fixdefs (defl_binds ~~ defl_specs) thy;
@@ -363,7 +360,7 @@
val REP_eq_thms = map mk_REP_eq_thm dom_eqns;
(* register REP equations *)
- val REP_eq_binds = map (Binding.prefix_name "REP_eq_") dom_binds;
+ val REP_eq_binds = map (Binding.prefix_name "REP_eq_") dbinds;
val (_, thy) = thy |>
(PureThy.add_thms o map Thm.no_attributes)
(REP_eq_binds ~~ REP_eq_thms);
@@ -381,32 +378,27 @@
(((rep_const, abs_const), (rep_def, abs_def)), thy)
val ((rep_abs_consts, rep_abs_defs), thy) = thy
- |> fold_map mk_rep_abs (dom_binds ~~ morphs ~~ dom_eqns)
+ |> fold_map mk_rep_abs (dbinds ~~ morphs ~~ dom_eqns)
|>> ListPair.unzip;
(* prove isomorphism and isodefl rules *)
fun mk_iso_thms ((tbind, REP_eq), (rep_def, abs_def)) thy =
- fun make thm = Drule.export_without_context (thm OF [REP_eq, abs_def, rep_def]);
+ fun make thm =
+ Drule.export_without_context (thm OF [REP_eq, abs_def, rep_def]);
val rep_iso_thm = make @{thm domain_rep_iso};
val abs_iso_thm = make @{thm domain_abs_iso};
val isodefl_thm = make @{thm isodefl_abs_rep};
- val rep_iso_bind = Binding.name "rep_iso";
- val abs_iso_bind = Binding.name "abs_iso";
- val isodefl_bind = Binding.name "isodefl_abs_rep";
- val (_, thy) = thy
- |> Sign.add_path (Binding.name_of tbind)
- |> (PureThy.add_thms o map Thm.no_attributes)
- [(rep_iso_bind, rep_iso_thm),
- (abs_iso_bind, abs_iso_thm),
- (isodefl_bind, isodefl_thm)]
- ||> Sign.parent_path;
+ val thy = thy
+ |> snd o add_qualified_thm "rep_iso" (tbind, rep_iso_thm)
+ |> snd o add_qualified_thm "abs_iso" (tbind, abs_iso_thm)
+ |> snd o add_qualified_thm "isodefl_abs_rep" (tbind, isodefl_thm);
(((rep_iso_thm, abs_iso_thm), isodefl_thm), thy)
val ((iso_thms, isodefl_abs_rep_thms), thy) =
- |> fold_map mk_iso_thms (dom_binds ~~ REP_eq_thms ~~ rep_abs_defs)
+ |> fold_map mk_iso_thms (dbinds ~~ REP_eq_thms ~~ rep_abs_defs)
|>> ListPair.unzip;
(* collect info about rep/abs *)
@@ -434,7 +426,7 @@
Sign.declare_const ((map_bind, map_type), NoSyn) thy
val (map_consts, thy) = thy |>
- fold_map declare_map_const (dom_binds ~~ dom_eqns);
+ fold_map declare_map_const (dbinds ~~ dom_eqns);
(* defining equations for map functions *)
@@ -457,7 +449,7 @@
(* register recursive definition of map functions *)
- val map_binds = map (Binding.suffix_name "_map") dom_binds;
+ val map_binds = map (Binding.suffix_name "_map") dbinds;
val ((map_apply_thms, map_unfold_thms), thy) =
add_fixdefs (map_binds ~~ map_specs) thy;
@@ -503,7 +495,7 @@
REPEAT (etac @{thm conjE} 1),
REPEAT (resolve_tac (isodefl_rules @ prems) 1 ORELSE atac 1)])
- val isodefl_binds = map (Binding.prefix_name "isodefl_") dom_binds;
+ val isodefl_binds = map (Binding.prefix_name "isodefl_") dbinds;
fun conjuncts [] thm = []
| conjuncts (n::[]) thm = [(n, thm)]
| conjuncts (n::ns) thm = let
@@ -530,7 +522,7 @@
Goal.prove_global thy [] [] goal (K tac)
- val map_ID_binds = map (Binding.suffix_name "_map_ID") dom_binds;
+ val map_ID_binds = map (Binding.suffix_name "_map_ID") dbinds;
val map_ID_thms =
map prove_map_ID_thm
(map_consts ~~ dom_eqns ~~ REP_thms ~~ isodefl_thms);
@@ -577,7 +569,7 @@
REPEAT (etac @{thm conjE} 1),
REPEAT (resolve_tac (deflation_rules @ prems) 1 ORELSE atac 1)])
- val deflation_map_binds = dom_binds |>
+ val deflation_map_binds = dbinds |>
map (Binding.prefix_name "deflation_" o Binding.suffix_name "_map");
val (deflation_map_thms, thy) = thy |>
(PureThy.add_thms o map (Thm.no_attributes o apsnd Drule.export_without_context))
@@ -597,7 +589,7 @@
(* definitions and proofs related to take functions *)
val (take_info, thy) =
- (dom_binds ~~ iso_infos) thy;
+ (dbinds ~~ iso_infos) thy;
val { take_consts, take_defs, chain_take_thms, take_0_thms,
take_Suc_thms, deflation_take_thms,
finite_consts, finite_defs } = take_info;
@@ -632,7 +624,7 @@
(* prove lub of take equals ID *)
- fun prove_lub_take (((bind, take_const), map_ID_thm), (lhsT, rhsT)) thy =
+ fun prove_lub_take (((dbind, take_const), map_ID_thm), (lhsT, rhsT)) thy =
val n = Free ("n", natT);
val goal = mk_eqs (mk_lub (lambda n (take_const $ n)), mk_ID lhsT);
@@ -643,16 +635,16 @@
REPEAT (etac @{thm Pair_inject} 1), atac 1];
val lub_take_thm = Goal.prove_global thy [] [] goal (K tac);
- add_qualified_thm "lub_take" (Binding.name_of bind, lub_take_thm) thy
+ add_qualified_thm "lub_take" (dbind, lub_take_thm) thy
val (lub_take_thms, thy) =
fold_map prove_lub_take
- (dom_binds ~~ take_consts ~~ map_ID_thms ~~ dom_eqns) thy;
+ (dbinds ~~ take_consts ~~ map_ID_thms ~~ dom_eqns) thy;
(* prove additional take theorems *)
val (take_info2, thy) =
- (dom_binds ~~ iso_infos) take_info lub_take_thms thy;
+ (dbinds ~~ iso_infos) take_info lub_take_thms thy;
((iso_infos, take_info2), thy)
--- a/src/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_take_proofs.ML Sat Mar 13 14:26:26 2010 -0800
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_take_proofs.ML Sat Mar 13 14:30:38 2010 -0800
@@ -203,40 +203,17 @@
(********************* declaring definitions and theorems *********************)
-fun define_const
- (bind : binding, rhs : term)
- (thy : theory)
- : (term * thm) * theory =
- let
- val typ = Term.fastype_of rhs;
- val (const, thy) = Sign.declare_const ((bind, typ), NoSyn) thy;
- val eqn = Logic.mk_equals (const, rhs);
- val def = Thm.no_attributes (Binding.suffix_name "_def" bind, eqn);
- val (def_thm, thy) = yield_singleton (PureThy.add_defs false) def thy;
- in
- ((const, def_thm), thy)
- end;
+fun add_qualified_def name (dbind, eqn) =
+ yield_singleton (PureThy.add_defs false)
+ ((Binding.qualified true name dbind, eqn), []);
-fun add_qualified_def name (path, eqn) thy =
- thy
- |> Sign.add_path path
- |> yield_singleton (PureThy.add_defs false)
- (Thm.no_attributes (Binding.name name, eqn))
- ||> Sign.parent_path;
+fun add_qualified_thm name (dbind, thm) =
+ yield_singleton PureThy.add_thms
+ ((Binding.qualified true name dbind, thm), []);
-fun add_qualified_thm name (path, thm) thy =
- thy
- |> Sign.add_path path
- |> yield_singleton PureThy.add_thms
- (Thm.no_attributes (Binding.name name, thm))
- ||> Sign.parent_path;
-fun add_qualified_simp_thm name (path, thm) thy =
- thy
- |> Sign.add_path path
- |> yield_singleton PureThy.add_thms
- ((Binding.name name, thm), [Simplifier.simp_add])
- ||> Sign.parent_path;
+fun add_qualified_simp_thm name (dbind, thm) =
+ yield_singleton PureThy.add_thms
+ ((Binding.qualified true name dbind, thm), [Simplifier.simp_add]);
(************************** defining take functions ***************************)
@@ -248,11 +225,10 @@
(* retrieve components of spec *)
- val dom_binds = map fst spec;
+ val dbinds = map fst spec;
val iso_infos = map snd spec;
val dom_eqns = map (fn x => (#absT x, #repT x)) iso_infos;
val rep_abs_consts = map (fn x => (#rep_const x, #abs_const x)) iso_infos;
- val dnames = map Binding.name_of dom_binds;
(* get table of map functions *)
val map_tab = MapData.get thy;
@@ -268,7 +244,7 @@
val newTs : typ list = map fst dom_eqns;
val copy_arg_type = mk_tupleT (map (fn T => T ->> T) newTs);
val copy_arg = Free ("f", copy_arg_type);
- val copy_args = map snd (mk_projs dom_binds copy_arg);
+ val copy_args = map snd (mk_projs dbinds copy_arg);
fun one_copy_rhs (rep_abs, (lhsT, rhsT)) =
val body = map_of_typ thy (newTs ~~ copy_args) rhsT;
@@ -283,40 +259,39 @@
val n = Free ("n", HOLogic.natT);
val rhs = mk_iterate (n, take_functional);
- map (lambda n o snd) (mk_projs dom_binds rhs)
+ map (lambda n o snd) (mk_projs dbinds rhs)
(* define take constants *)
- fun define_take_const ((tbind, take_rhs), (lhsT, rhsT)) thy =
+ fun define_take_const ((dbind, take_rhs), (lhsT, rhsT)) thy =
val take_type = HOLogic.natT --> lhsT ->> lhsT;
- val take_bind = Binding.suffix_name "_take" tbind;
+ val take_bind = Binding.suffix_name "_take" dbind;
val (take_const, thy) =
Sign.declare_const ((take_bind, take_type), NoSyn) thy;
val take_eqn = Logic.mk_equals (take_const, take_rhs);
val (take_def_thm, thy) =
- add_qualified_def "take_def"
- (Binding.name_of tbind, take_eqn) thy;
+ add_qualified_def "take_def" (dbind, take_eqn) thy;
in ((take_const, take_def_thm), thy) end;
val ((take_consts, take_defs), thy) = thy
- |> fold_map define_take_const (dom_binds ~~ take_rhss ~~ dom_eqns)
+ |> fold_map define_take_const (dbinds ~~ take_rhss ~~ dom_eqns)
|>> ListPair.unzip;
(* prove chain_take lemmas *)
- fun prove_chain_take (take_const, dname) thy =
+ fun prove_chain_take (take_const, dbind) thy =
val goal = mk_trp (mk_chain take_const);
val rules = take_defs @ @{thms chain_iterate ch2ch_fst ch2ch_snd};
val tac = simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps rules) 1;
val thm = Goal.prove_global thy [] [] goal (K tac);
- add_qualified_simp_thm "chain_take" (dname, thm) thy
+ add_qualified_simp_thm "chain_take" (dbind, thm) thy
val (chain_take_thms, thy) =
- fold_map prove_chain_take (take_consts ~~ dnames) thy;
+ fold_map prove_chain_take (take_consts ~~ dbinds) thy;
(* prove take_0 lemmas *)
- fun prove_take_0 ((take_const, dname), (lhsT, rhsT)) thy =
+ fun prove_take_0 ((take_const, dbind), (lhsT, rhsT)) thy =
val lhs = take_const $ @{term "0::nat"};
val goal = mk_eqs (lhs, mk_bottom (lhsT ->> lhsT));
@@ -324,16 +299,16 @@
val tac = simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps rules) 1;
val take_0_thm = Goal.prove_global thy [] [] goal (K tac);
- add_qualified_thm "take_0" (dname, take_0_thm) thy
+ add_qualified_thm "take_0" (dbind, take_0_thm) thy
val (take_0_thms, thy) =
- fold_map prove_take_0 (take_consts ~~ dnames ~~ dom_eqns) thy;
+ fold_map prove_take_0 (take_consts ~~ dbinds ~~ dom_eqns) thy;
(* prove take_Suc lemmas *)
val n = Free ("n", natT);
val take_is = map (fn t => t $ n) take_consts;
fun prove_take_Suc
- (((take_const, rep_abs), dname), (lhsT, rhsT)) thy =
+ (((take_const, rep_abs), dbind), (lhsT, rhsT)) thy =
val lhs = take_const $ (@{term Suc} $ n);
val body = map_of_typ thy (newTs ~~ take_is) rhsT;
@@ -344,11 +319,11 @@
val tac = simp_tac (beta_ss addsimps rules) 1;
val take_Suc_thm = Goal.prove_global thy [] [] goal (K tac);
- add_qualified_thm "take_Suc" (dname, take_Suc_thm) thy
+ add_qualified_thm "take_Suc" (dbind, take_Suc_thm) thy
val (take_Suc_thms, thy) =
fold_map prove_take_Suc
- (take_consts ~~ rep_abs_consts ~~ dnames ~~ dom_eqns) thy;
+ (take_consts ~~ rep_abs_consts ~~ dbinds ~~ dom_eqns) thy;
(* prove deflation theorems for take functions *)
val deflation_abs_rep_thms = map deflation_abs_rep iso_infos;
@@ -385,52 +360,52 @@
val (deflation_take_thms, thy) =
fold_map (add_qualified_thm "deflation_take")
(map (apsnd Drule.export_without_context)
- (conjuncts dnames deflation_take_thm)) thy;
+ (conjuncts dbinds deflation_take_thm)) thy;
(* prove strictness of take functions *)
- fun prove_take_strict (deflation_take, dname) thy =
+ fun prove_take_strict (deflation_take, dbind) thy =
val take_strict_thm =
(@{thm deflation_strict} OF [deflation_take]);
- add_qualified_thm "take_strict" (dname, take_strict_thm) thy
+ add_qualified_thm "take_strict" (dbind, take_strict_thm) thy
val (take_strict_thms, thy) =
fold_map prove_take_strict
- (deflation_take_thms ~~ dnames) thy;
+ (deflation_take_thms ~~ dbinds) thy;
(* prove take/take rules *)
- fun prove_take_take ((chain_take, deflation_take), dname) thy =
+ fun prove_take_take ((chain_take, deflation_take), dbind) thy =
val take_take_thm =
(@{thm deflation_chain_min} OF [chain_take, deflation_take]);
- add_qualified_thm "take_take" (dname, take_take_thm) thy
+ add_qualified_thm "take_take" (dbind, take_take_thm) thy
val (take_take_thms, thy) =
fold_map prove_take_take
- (chain_take_thms ~~ deflation_take_thms ~~ dnames) thy;
+ (chain_take_thms ~~ deflation_take_thms ~~ dbinds) thy;
(* prove take_below rules *)
- fun prove_take_below (deflation_take, dname) thy =
+ fun prove_take_below (deflation_take, dbind) thy =
val take_below_thm =
(@{thm deflation.below} OF [deflation_take]);
- add_qualified_thm "take_below" (dname, take_below_thm) thy
+ add_qualified_thm "take_below" (dbind, take_below_thm) thy
val (take_below_thms, thy) =
fold_map prove_take_below
- (deflation_take_thms ~~ dnames) thy;
+ (deflation_take_thms ~~ dbinds) thy;
(* define finiteness predicates *)
- fun define_finite_const ((tbind, take_const), (lhsT, rhsT)) thy =
+ fun define_finite_const ((dbind, take_const), (lhsT, rhsT)) thy =
val finite_type = lhsT --> boolT;
- val finite_bind = Binding.suffix_name "_finite" tbind;
+ val finite_bind = Binding.suffix_name "_finite" dbind;
val (finite_const, thy) =
Sign.declare_const ((finite_bind, finite_type), NoSyn) thy;
val x = Free ("x", lhsT);
@@ -440,11 +415,10 @@
(lambda n (mk_eq (mk_capply (take_const $ n, x), x))));
val finite_eqn = Logic.mk_equals (finite_const, finite_rhs);
val (finite_def_thm, thy) =
- add_qualified_def "finite_def"
- (Binding.name_of tbind, finite_eqn) thy;
+ add_qualified_def "finite_def" (dbind, finite_eqn) thy;
in ((finite_const, finite_def_thm), thy) end;
val ((finite_consts, finite_defs), thy) = thy
- |> fold_map define_finite_const (dom_binds ~~ take_consts ~~ dom_eqns)
+ |> fold_map define_finite_const (dbinds ~~ take_consts ~~ dom_eqns)
|>> ListPair.unzip;
val result =
@@ -469,10 +443,9 @@
(lub_take_thms : thm list)
(thy : theory) =
- val dom_binds = map fst spec;
+ val dbinds = map fst spec;
val iso_infos = map snd spec;
val absTs = map #absT iso_infos;
- val dnames = map Binding.name_of dom_binds;
val {take_consts, ...} = take_info;
val {chain_take_thms, take_0_thms, take_Suc_thms, ...} = take_info;
val {finite_consts, finite_defs, ...} = take_info;
@@ -530,9 +503,9 @@
val thy = thy
|> fold (snd oo add_qualified_thm "finite")
- (dnames ~~ finite_thms)
+ (dbinds ~~ finite_thms)
|> fold (snd oo add_qualified_thm "take_induct")
- (dnames ~~ take_induct_thms);
+ (dbinds ~~ take_induct_thms);
((finite_thms, take_induct_thms), thy)
@@ -545,39 +518,38 @@
(* retrieve components of spec *)
- val dom_binds = map fst spec;
+ val dbinds = map fst spec;
val iso_infos = map snd spec;
val absTs = map #absT iso_infos;
val repTs = map #repT iso_infos;
- val dnames = map Binding.name_of dom_binds;
val {take_consts, take_0_thms, take_Suc_thms, ...} = take_info;
val {chain_take_thms, deflation_take_thms, ...} = take_info;
(* prove take lemmas *)
- fun prove_take_lemma ((chain_take, lub_take), dname) thy =
+ fun prove_take_lemma ((chain_take, lub_take), dbind) thy =
val take_lemma =
(@{thm lub_ID_take_lemma} OF [chain_take, lub_take]);
- add_qualified_thm "take_lemma" (dname, take_lemma) thy
+ add_qualified_thm "take_lemma" (dbind, take_lemma) thy
val (take_lemma_thms, thy) =
fold_map prove_take_lemma
- (chain_take_thms ~~ lub_take_thms ~~ dnames) thy;
+ (chain_take_thms ~~ lub_take_thms ~~ dbinds) thy;
(* prove reach lemmas *)
- fun prove_reach_lemma ((chain_take, lub_take), dname) thy =
+ fun prove_reach_lemma ((chain_take, lub_take), dbind) thy =
val thm =
(@{thm lub_ID_reach} OF [chain_take, lub_take]);
- add_qualified_thm "reach" (dname, thm) thy
+ add_qualified_thm "reach" (dbind, thm) thy
val (reach_thms, thy) =
fold_map prove_reach_lemma
- (chain_take_thms ~~ lub_take_thms ~~ dnames) thy;
+ (chain_take_thms ~~ lub_take_thms ~~ dbinds) thy;
(* test for finiteness of domain definitions *)
@@ -608,7 +580,7 @@
val take_inducts =
map prove_take_induct (chain_take_thms ~~ lub_take_thms);
val thy = fold (snd oo add_qualified_thm "take_induct")
- (dnames ~~ take_inducts) thy;
+ (dbinds ~~ take_inducts) thy;
((NONE, take_inducts), thy)