the experimental tagging system, and the usual tidying
Thu, 15 Sep 2005 11:15:52 +0200
changeset 17404 d16c3a62c396
parent 17403 de60322ff13a
child 17405 e4dc583a2d79
the experimental tagging system, and the usual tidying
--- a/src/HOL/HOL.thy	Thu Sep 15 10:33:35 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/HOL.thy	Thu Sep 15 11:15:52 2005 +0200
@@ -1282,6 +1282,28 @@
 setup InductMethod.setup
+subsubsection{*Tags, for the ATP Linkup*}
+  tag :: "bool => bool"
+   "tag P == P"
+text{*These label the distinguished literals of introduction and elimination
+lemma tagI: "P ==> tag P"
+by (simp add: tag_def)
+lemma tagD: "tag P ==> P"
+by (simp add: tag_def)
+text{*Applications of "tag" to True and False must go!*}
+lemma tag_True: "tag True = True"
+by (simp add: tag_def)
+lemma tag_False: "tag False = False"
+by (simp add: tag_def)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/meson.ML	Thu Sep 15 10:33:35 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/meson.ML	Thu Sep 15 11:15:52 2005 +0200
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
   incomplete, since when actually called, the only connectives likely to
   remain are & | Not.*)  
 fun is_conn c = c mem_string
-    ["Trueprop", "op &", "op |", "op -->", "op =", "Not", 
+    ["Trueprop", "HOL.tag", "op &", "op |", "op -->", "op =", "Not", 
      "All", "Ex", "Ball", "Bex"];
 (*True if the term contains a function where the type of any argument contains
@@ -329,8 +329,11 @@
            (tryres(th, [conj_forward,disj_forward,all_forward,ex_forward]))
     handle THM _ => th;
-(*The simplification removes defined quantifiers and occurrences of True and False.*)
-val nnf_ss = HOL_basic_ss addsimps Ex1_def::Ball_def::Bex_def::simp_thms;
+(*The simplification removes defined quantifiers and occurrences of True and False, as well as tags applied to True and False.*)
+val tag_True = thm "tag_True";
+val tag_False = thm "tag_False";
+val nnf_simps = [Ex1_def,Ball_def,Bex_def,tag_True,tag_False]
+val nnf_ss = HOL_basic_ss addsimps nnf_simps@simp_thms;
 fun make_nnf th = th |> simplify nnf_ss
                      |> check_is_fol |> make_nnf1
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Thu Sep 15 10:33:35 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Thu Sep 15 11:15:52 2005 +0200
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 fun debug_tac tac = (debug "testing"; tac);
-val prover = ref "spass";   (* use spass as default prover *)
+val prover = ref "E";   (* use E as the default prover *)
 val custom_spass =   (*specialized options for SPASS*)
       ref ["Auto=0","-FullRed=0","-IORe","-IOFc","-RTaut","-RFSub","-RBSub",
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_axioms.ML	Thu Sep 15 10:33:35 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_axioms.ML	Thu Sep 15 11:15:52 2005 +0200
@@ -8,18 +8,17 @@
 signature RES_AXIOMS =
   exception ELIMR2FOL of string
+  val tagging_enabled : bool
   val elimRule_tac : thm -> Tactical.tactic
   val elimR2Fol : thm -> term
   val transform_elim : thm -> thm
   val clausify_axiom_pairs : (string*thm) -> (ResClause.clause*thm) list
   val cnf_axiom : (string * thm) -> thm list
   val meta_cnf_axiom : thm -> thm list
-  val cnf_rule : thm -> thm list
-  val cnf_rules : (string*thm) list -> thm list -> thm list list * thm list
   val rm_Eps : (term * term) list -> thm list -> term list
   val claset_rules_of_thy : theory -> (string * thm) list
   val simpset_rules_of_thy : theory -> (string * thm) list
-  val clausify_rules_pairs : (string * thm) list -> thm list -> (ResClause.clause * thm) list list * thm list
+  val clausify_rules_pairs : (string*thm) list -> thm list -> (ResClause.clause*thm) list list * thm list
   val clause_setup : (theory -> theory) list
   val meson_method_setup : (theory -> theory) list
@@ -28,6 +27,8 @@
+val tagging_enabled = false (*compile_time option*)
 (**** Transformation of Elimination Rules into First-Order Formulas****)
 (* a tactic used to prove an elim-rule. *)
@@ -133,8 +134,6 @@
 (**** Transformation of Clasets and Simpsets into First-Order Axioms ****)
-(* to be fixed: cnf_intro, cnf_rule, is_introR *)
 (* repeated resolution *)
 fun repeat_RS thm1 thm2 =
     let val thm1' =  thm1 RS thm2 handle THM _ => thm1
@@ -182,7 +181,7 @@
 (*Traverse a term, accumulating Skolem function definitions.*)
 fun declare_skofuns s t thy =
-  let fun dec_sko (Const ("Ex",_) $ (xtp as Abs(_,T,p))) (n, thy) =
+  let fun dec_sko (Const ("Ex",_) $ (xtp as Abs(_,T,p))) (n, (thy, axs)) =
 	    (*Existential: declare a Skolem function, then insert into body and continue*)
 	    let val cname = s ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n
 		val args = term_frees xtp  (*get the formal parameter list*)
@@ -194,20 +193,25 @@
 		val def = equals cT $ c $ rhs
 		val thy' = Theory.add_consts_i [(cname, cT, NoSyn)] thy
 		           (*Theory is augmented with the constant, then its def*)
-		val thy'' = Theory.add_defs_i false [(cname ^ "_def", def)] thy'
-	    in dec_sko (subst_bound (list_comb(c,args), p)) (n+1, thy'') end
-	| dec_sko (Const ("All",_) $ (xtp as Abs(a,T,p))) (n, thy) =
+		val cdef = cname ^ "_def"
+		val thy'' = Theory.add_defs_i false [(cdef, def)] thy'
+	    in dec_sko (subst_bound (list_comb(c,args), p)) 
+	               (n+1, (thy'', get_axiom thy'' cdef :: axs)) 
+	    end
+	| dec_sko (Const ("All",_) $ (xtp as Abs(a,T,p))) (n, thx) =
 	    (*Universal quant: insert a free variable into body and continue*)
 	    let val fname = variant (add_term_names (p,[])) a
-	    in dec_sko (subst_bound (Free(fname,T), p)) (n, thy) end
+	    in dec_sko (subst_bound (Free(fname,T), p)) (n, thx) end
 	| dec_sko (Const ("op &", _) $ p $ q) nthy = 
 	    dec_sko q (dec_sko p nthy)
 	| dec_sko (Const ("op |", _) $ p $ q) nthy = 
 	    dec_sko q (dec_sko p nthy)
+	| dec_sko (Const ("HOL.tag", _) $ p) nthy = 
+	    dec_sko p nthy
 	| dec_sko (Const ("Trueprop", _) $ p) nthy = 
 	    dec_sko p nthy
-	| dec_sko t (n,thy) = (n,thy) (*Do nothing otherwise*)
-  in  #2 (dec_sko t (1,thy))  end;
+	| dec_sko t nthx = nthx (*Do nothing otherwise*)
+  in  #2 (dec_sko t (1, (thy,[])))  end;
 (*cterms are used throughout for efficiency*)
 val cTrueprop = Thm.cterm_of (Theory.sign_of HOL.thy) HOLogic.Trueprop;
@@ -251,8 +255,8 @@
 (*Declare Skolem functions for a theorem, supplied in nnf and with its name*)
 fun skolem thy (name,th) =
   let val cname = (case name of "" => gensym "sko" | s => Sign.base_name s)
-      val thy' = declare_skofuns cname (#prop (rep_thm th)) thy
-  in (map (skolem_of_def o #2) (axioms_of thy'), thy') end;
+      val (thy',axs) = declare_skofuns cname (#prop (rep_thm th)) thy
+  in (map skolem_of_def axs, thy') end;
 (*Populate the clause cache using the supplied theorems*)
 fun skolemlist [] thy = thy
@@ -313,18 +317,15 @@
+(*FIXME: use a-list lookup!!*)
 fun sk_lookup [] t = NONE
   | sk_lookup ((tm,sk_tm)::tms) t = if (t = tm) then SOME (sk_tm) else (sk_lookup tms t);
 (* get the proper skolem term to replace epsilon term *)
 fun get_skolem epss t = 
     case (sk_lookup epss t) of NONE => get_new_skolem epss t
 		             | SOME sk => (sk,epss);
 fun rm_Eps_cls_aux epss (t as (Const ("Hilbert_Choice.Eps",_) $ Abs(_,_,_))) = 
        get_skolem epss t
   | rm_Eps_cls_aux epss (P $ Q) =
@@ -333,11 +334,9 @@
        in (P' $ Q',epss'') end
   | rm_Eps_cls_aux epss t = (t,epss);
 fun rm_Eps_cls epss th = rm_Eps_cls_aux epss (prop_of th);
-(* remove the epsilon terms in a formula, by skolem terms. *)
+(* replace the epsilon terms in a formula by skolem terms. *)
 fun rm_Eps _ [] = []
   | rm_Eps epss (th::thms) = 
       let val (th',epss') = rm_Eps_cls epss th
@@ -347,15 +346,26 @@
 (**** Extract and Clausify theorems from a theory's claset and simpset ****)
+(*Preserve the name of "th" after the transformation "f"*)
+fun preserve_name f th = Thm.name_thm (Thm.name_of_thm th, f th);
+(*Tags identify the major premise or conclusion, as hints to resolution provers.
+  However, they don't appear to help in recent tests, and they complicate the code.*)
+val tagI = thm "tagI";
+val tagD = thm "tagD";
+val tag_intro = preserve_name (fn th => th RS tagI);
+val tag_elim  = preserve_name (fn th => tagD RS th);
 fun claset_rules_of_thy thy =
-    let val clsset = rep_cs (claset_of thy)
-	val safeEs = #safeEs clsset
-	val safeIs = #safeIs clsset
-	val hazEs = #hazEs clsset
-	val hazIs = #hazIs clsset
-    in
-	map pairname (safeEs @ safeIs @ hazEs @ hazIs)
-    end;
+  let val cs = rep_cs (claset_of thy)
+      val intros = (#safeIs cs) @ (#hazIs cs)
+      val elims  = (#safeEs cs) @ (#hazEs cs)
+  in
+     if tagging_enabled 
+     then map pairname (map tag_intro intros @ map tag_elim elims)
+     else map pairname (intros @  elims)
+  end;
 fun simpset_rules_of_thy thy =
     let val rules = #rules (fst (rep_ss (simpset_of thy)))
@@ -368,31 +378,40 @@
 fun cnf_rules [] err_list = ([],err_list)
   | cnf_rules ((name,th) :: thms) err_list = 
       let val (ts,es) = cnf_rules thms err_list
-      in  (cnf_axiom (name,th) :: ts,es) handle  _ => (ts, (th::es))  end;  (* FIXME avoid handle _ *)
+      in  (cnf_axiom (name,th) :: ts,es) handle  _ => (ts, (th::es))  end;  
 (**** Convert all theorems of a claset/simpset into clauses (ResClause.clause) ****)
+fun addclause (c,th) l =
+  if ResClause.isTaut c then l else (c,th) :: l;
 (* outputs a list of (clause,thm) pairs *)
 fun clausify_axiom_pairs (thm_name,thm) =
-    let val isa_clauses = cnf_axiom (thm_name,thm) (*"isa_clauses" are already "standard"ed. *)
+    let val isa_clauses = cnf_axiom (thm_name,thm) 
         val isa_clauses' = rm_Eps [] isa_clauses
         val clauses_n = length isa_clauses
-        val thy = theory_of_thm thm
 	fun make_axiom_clauses _ [] []= []
 	  | make_axiom_clauses i (cls::clss) (cls'::clss') =
-	      (ResClause.make_axiom_clause cls (thm_name,i), cls') :: 
-	      make_axiom_clauses (i+1) clss clss'
+	      addclause (ResClause.make_axiom_clause cls (thm_name,i), cls') 
+	                (make_axiom_clauses (i+1) clss clss')
 	make_axiom_clauses 0 isa_clauses' isa_clauses		
-    end;
+    end
 fun clausify_rules_pairs [] err_list = ([],err_list)
   | clausify_rules_pairs ((name,thm)::thms) err_list =
       let val (ts,es) = clausify_rules_pairs thms err_list
 	  ((clausify_axiom_pairs (name,thm))::ts, es) 
-	  handle  _ => (ts, (thm::es))  (* FIXME avoid handle _ *)
+	  handle THM (msg,_,_) =>  
+		  (debug ("Cannot clausify " ^ name ^ ": " ^ msg); 
+		   (ts, (thm::es)))
+             |  ResClause.CLAUSE (msg,t) => 
+                  (debug ("Cannot clausify " ^ name ^ ": " ^ msg ^
+                          ": " ^ TermLib.string_of_term t); 
+		   (ts, (thm::es)))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_clause.ML	Thu Sep 15 10:33:35 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_clause.ML	Thu Sep 15 11:15:52 2005 +0200
@@ -10,49 +10,49 @@
 (* works for writeoutclasimp on typed *)
 signature RES_CLAUSE =
-    exception ARCLAUSE of string
-    exception CLAUSE of string
-    type arityClause 
-    type classrelClause
-    val classrelClauses_of : string * string list -> classrelClause list
-    type clause
-    val init : theory -> unit
-    val keep_types : bool ref
-    val make_axiom_arity_clause :
-       string * (string * string list list) -> arityClause
-    val make_axiom_classrelClause :
-       string * string option -> classrelClause
-    val make_axiom_clause : Term.term -> string * int -> clause
-    val make_conjecture_clause : Term.term -> clause
-    val make_conjecture_clause_thm : Thm.thm -> clause
-    val make_hypothesis_clause : Term.term -> clause
-    val special_equal : bool ref
-    val get_axiomName : clause ->  string
-    val typed : unit -> unit
-    val untyped : unit -> unit
-    val num_of_clauses : clause -> int
+  val keep_types : bool ref
+  val special_equal : bool ref
+  val tagged : bool ref
+  exception ARCLAUSE of string
+  exception CLAUSE of string * term
+  type arityClause 
+  type classrelClause
+  val classrelClauses_of : string * string list -> classrelClause list
+  type clause
+  val init : theory -> unit
+  val make_axiom_arity_clause :
+     string * (string * string list list) -> arityClause
+  val make_axiom_classrelClause :  string * string option -> classrelClause
+  val make_axiom_clause : Term.term -> string * int -> clause
+  val make_conjecture_clause : Term.term -> clause
+  val make_conjecture_clause_thm : Thm.thm -> clause
+  val make_hypothesis_clause : Term.term -> clause
+  val get_axiomName : clause ->  string
+  val isTaut : clause -> bool
+  val num_of_clauses : clause -> int
-    val dfg_clauses2str : string list -> string
-    val clause2dfg : clause -> string * string list
-    val clauses2dfg : clause list -> string -> clause list -> clause list ->
-             (string * int) list -> (string * int) list -> string list -> string
-    val tfree_dfg_clause : string -> string
+  val dfg_clauses2str : string list -> string
+  val clause2dfg : clause -> string * string list
+  val clauses2dfg : clause list -> string -> clause list -> clause list ->
+	   (string * int) list -> (string * int) list -> string list -> string
+  val tfree_dfg_clause : string -> string
-    val tptp_arity_clause : arityClause -> string
-    val tptp_classrelClause : classrelClause -> string
-    val tptp_clause : clause -> string list
-    val tptp_clauses2str : string list -> string
-    val clause2tptp : clause -> string * string list
-    val tfree_clause : string -> string
-    val schematic_var_prefix : string
-    val fixed_var_prefix : string
-    val tvar_prefix : string
-    val tfree_prefix : string
-    val clause_prefix : string 
-    val arclause_prefix : string
-    val const_prefix : string
-    val tconst_prefix : string 
-    val class_prefix : string 
+  val tptp_arity_clause : arityClause -> string
+  val tptp_classrelClause : classrelClause -> string
+  val tptp_clause : clause -> string list
+  val tptp_clauses2str : string list -> string
+  val clause2tptp : clause -> string * string list
+  val tfree_clause : string -> string
+  val schematic_var_prefix : string
+  val fixed_var_prefix : string
+  val tvar_prefix : string
+  val tfree_prefix : string
+  val clause_prefix : string 
+  val arclause_prefix : string
+  val const_prefix : string
+  val tconst_prefix : string 
+  val class_prefix : string 
 structure ResClause: RES_CLAUSE =
@@ -157,9 +157,6 @@
 (***** definitions and functions for FOL clauses, prepared for conversion into TPTP format or SPASS format. *****)
 val keep_types = ref true;
-fun untyped () = (keep_types := false);
-fun typed () = (keep_types := true);
 datatype kind = Axiom | Hypothesis | Conjecture;
 fun name_of_kind Axiom = "axiom"
@@ -189,7 +186,6 @@
 (**** Isabelle FOL clauses ****)
-(* by default it is false *)
 val tagged = ref false;
 type pred_name = string;
@@ -223,7 +219,7 @@
                     functions: (string*int) list};
-exception CLAUSE of string;
+exception CLAUSE of string * term;
 (*** make clauses ***)
@@ -233,6 +229,13 @@
       (not pol andalso a = "c_True")
   | isFalse _ = false;
+fun isTrue (Literal (pol,Predicate(a,_,[]),_)) =
+      (pol andalso a = "c_True") orelse
+      (not pol andalso a = "c_False")
+  | isTrue _ = false;
+fun isTaut (Clause {literals,...}) = exists isTrue literals;  
 fun make_clause (clause_id,axiom_name,kind,literals,
                  tfree_type_literals,tvars, predicates, functions) =
@@ -303,10 +306,10 @@
       let val (typof,(folTyps,funcs)) = maybe_type_of c T
       in (make_fixed_const c, (typof,folTyps), funcs) end
   | pred_name_type (Free(x,T))  = 
-      if isMeta x then raise CLAUSE("Predicate Not First Order") 
+      if isMeta x then raise CLAUSE("Predicate Not First Order 1", Free(x,T)) 
       else (make_fixed_var x, ("",[]), [])
-  | pred_name_type (Var(_,_))   = raise CLAUSE("Predicate Not First Order")
-  | pred_name_type _          = raise CLAUSE("Predicate input unexpected");
+  | pred_name_type (v as Var _) = raise CLAUSE("Predicate Not First Order 2", v)
+  | pred_name_type t        = raise CLAUSE("Predicate input unexpected", t);
 (* For type equality *)
@@ -330,7 +333,7 @@
 	    (t, ("",[]), [(t, length args)])
-  | fun_name_type _  args = raise CLAUSE("Function Not First Order");
+  | fun_name_type f args = raise CLAUSE("Function Not First Order 1", f);
 fun term_of (Var(ind_nm,T)) = 
@@ -339,17 +342,19 @@
 	  (UVar(make_schematic_var ind_nm, folType), (ts, funcs))
   | term_of (Free(x,T)) = 
-      let val (folType,(ts, funcs)) = type_of T
+      let val (folType, (ts,funcs)) = type_of T
 	  if isMeta x then (UVar(make_schematic_var(x,0),folType),
 			    (ts, ((make_schematic_var(x,0)),0)::funcs))
-	      (Fun(make_fixed_var x,folType,[]), (ts, ((make_fixed_var x),0)::funcs))
+	      (Fun(make_fixed_var x, folType, []), 
+	       (ts, ((make_fixed_var x),0)::funcs))
   | term_of (Const(c,T)) =  (* impossible to be equality *)
       let val (folType,(ts,funcs)) = type_of T
-       in
-	  (Fun(make_fixed_const c,folType,[]),(ts, ((make_fixed_const c),0)::funcs))
+      in
+	  (Fun(make_fixed_const c, folType, []),
+	   (ts, ((make_fixed_const c),0)::funcs))
   | term_of (app as (t $ a)) = 
       let val (f,args) = strip_comb app
@@ -360,7 +365,7 @@
 		  val ts3 = ResLib.flat_noDup (ts1::ts2)
 		  val funcs'' = ResLib.flat_noDup((funcs::funcs'))
-		  (Fun(funName,funType,args'),(ts3,funcs''))
+		  (Fun(funName,funType,args'), (ts3,funcs''))
 	  fun term_of_eq ((Const ("op =", typ)),args) =
 	      let val arg_typ = eq_arg_type typ
@@ -370,60 +375,58 @@
 		   (ResLib.flat_noDup ts, 
-		    (((make_fixed_var equal_name),2):: ResLib.flat_noDup funcs)))
+		    (make_fixed_var equal_name, 2):: ResLib.flat_noDup funcs))
-	    case f of Const ("op =", typ) => term_of_eq (f,args)
-		  | Const(_,_) => term_of_aux ()
-		    | Free(s,_)  => if isMeta s 
-				    then raise CLAUSE("Function Not First Order") 
-				    else term_of_aux()
-		    | _          => raise CLAUSE("Function Not First Order")
+	 case f of Const ("op =", typ) => term_of_eq (f,args)
+		 | Const(_,_) => term_of_aux ()
+		 | Free(s,_)  => 
+		     if isMeta s 
+		     then raise CLAUSE("Function Not First Order 2", f)
+		     else term_of_aux()
+		 | _ => raise CLAUSE("Function Not First Order 3", f)
-  | term_of _ = raise CLAUSE("Function Not First Order"); 
+  | term_of t = raise CLAUSE("Function Not First Order 4", t); 
-fun pred_of_eq ((Const ("op =", typ)),args) =
-    let val arg_typ = eq_arg_type typ 
-	val (args',ts_funcs) = ListPair.unzip (map term_of args)
-        val (ts,funcs) = ListPair.unzip ts_funcs
-	val equal_name = make_fixed_const "op ="
-    in
-	(Predicate(equal_name,arg_typ,args'),
-	 ResLib.flat_noDup ts, 
-	 [((make_fixed_var equal_name), 2)], 
-	 (ResLib.flat_noDup funcs))
-    end;
-(* The input "pred" cannot be an equality *)
-fun pred_of_nonEq (pred,args) = 
-    let val (predName,(predType,ts1), pfuncs) = pred_name_type pred
-	val (args',ts_funcs) = ListPair.unzip (map term_of args)
-        val (ts2,ffuncs) = ListPair.unzip ts_funcs
-	val ts3 = ResLib.flat_noDup (ts1::ts2)
-        val ffuncs' = (ResLib.flat_noDup ffuncs)
-        val newfuncs = distinct (pfuncs@ffuncs')
-	val arity = 
-	  case pred of
-	      Const (c,_) => 
-	            if !keep_types andalso not (no_types_needed c)
-	            then 1 + length args
-	            else length args
-	    | _ => length args
-    in
-	(Predicate(predName,predType,args'), ts3, 
-	 [(predName, arity)], newfuncs)
-    end;
+fun pred_of (Const("op =", typ), args) =
+      let val arg_typ = eq_arg_type typ 
+	  val (args',ts_funcs) = ListPair.unzip (map term_of args)
+	  val (ts,funcs) = ListPair.unzip ts_funcs
+	  val equal_name = make_fixed_const "op ="
+      in
+	  (Predicate(equal_name,arg_typ,args'),
+	   ResLib.flat_noDup ts, 
+	   [((make_fixed_var equal_name), 2)], 
+	   (ResLib.flat_noDup funcs))
+      end
+  | pred_of (pred,args) = 
+      let val (predName,(predType,ts1), pfuncs) = pred_name_type pred
+	  val (args',ts_funcs) = ListPair.unzip (map term_of args)
+	  val (ts2,ffuncs) = ListPair.unzip ts_funcs
+	  val ts3 = ResLib.flat_noDup (ts1::ts2)
+	  val ffuncs' = (ResLib.flat_noDup ffuncs)
+	  val newfuncs = distinct (pfuncs@ffuncs')
+	  val arity = 
+	    case pred of
+		Const (c,_) => 
+		      if !keep_types andalso not (no_types_needed c)
+		      then 1 + length args
+		      else length args
+	      | _ => length args
+      in
+	  (Predicate(predName,predType,args'), ts3, 
+	   [(predName, arity)], newfuncs)
+      end;
-(* Changed for typed equality *)
-(* First check if the predicate is an equality or not, then call different functions for equality and non-equalities *)
-fun predicate_of term =
-    let val (pred,args) = strip_comb term
-    in
-	case pred of (Const ("op =", _)) => pred_of_eq (pred,args)
-		   | _ => pred_of_nonEq (pred,args)
-    end;
+(*Treatment of literals, possibly negated or tagged*)
+fun predicate_of ((Const("Not",_) $ P), polarity, tag) =
+      predicate_of (P, not polarity, tag)
+  | predicate_of ((Const("HOL.tag",_) $ P), polarity, tag) =
+      predicate_of (P, polarity, true)
+  | predicate_of (term,polarity,tag) =
+        (pred_of (strip_comb term), polarity, tag);
 fun literals_of_term ((Const("Trueprop",_) $ P),lits_ts, preds, funcs) =    
       literals_of_term(P,lits_ts, preds, funcs)
@@ -434,16 +437,10 @@
 	  literals_of_term(Q, (lits',ts'), distinct(preds'@preds), 
-  | literals_of_term ((Const("Not",_) $ P),(lits,ts), preds, funcs) = 
-      let val (pred,ts', preds', funcs') = predicate_of P
-	  val lits' = Literal(false,pred,false) :: lits
-	  val ts'' = ResLib.no_rep_app ts ts'
-      in
-	  (lits',ts'', distinct(preds'@preds), distinct(funcs'@funcs))
-      end
   | literals_of_term (P,(lits,ts), preds, funcs) = 
-      let val (pred,ts', preds', funcs') = predicate_of P
-	  val lits' = Literal(true,pred,false) :: lits
+      let val ((pred,ts', preds', funcs'), pol, tag) = 
+              predicate_of (P,true,false)
+	  val lits' = Literal(pol,pred,tag) :: lits
 	  val ts'' = ResLib.no_rep_app ts ts' 
 	  (lits',ts'', distinct(preds'@preds), distinct(funcs'@funcs))
@@ -759,27 +756,24 @@
-fun get_uvars (UVar(str,typ)) = [str] 
-|   get_uvars (Fun (str,typ,tlist)) = ResLib.flat_noDup(map get_uvars tlist)
-fun is_uvar  (UVar(str,typ)) = true
-|   is_uvar  (Fun (str,typ,tlist)) = false;
-fun uvar_name  (UVar(str,typ)) = str
-|   uvar_name  _ = (raise CLAUSE("Not a variable"));
+fun get_uvars (UVar(a,typ)) = [a] 
+|   get_uvars (Fun (_,typ,tlist)) = ResLib.flat_noDup(map get_uvars tlist)
+fun is_uvar (UVar _) = true
+|   is_uvar (Fun _) = false;
+fun uvar_name (UVar(a,_)) = a
+|   uvar_name (Fun (a,_,_)) = raise CLAUSE("Not a variable", Const(a,dummyT));
 fun mergelist [] = []
-|   mergelist (x::xs ) = x@(mergelist xs)
+|   mergelist (x::xs ) = x @ mergelist xs
 fun dfg_vars (Clause cls) =
-    let val lits =  (#literals cls)
+    let val lits = #literals cls
         val folterms = mergelist(map dfg_folterms lits)
-        val vars =  ResLib.flat_noDup(map get_uvars folterms)	
-        vars
+        ResLib.flat_noDup(map get_uvars folterms)