major refactorings in code generator modules
Tue, 10 Jun 2008 15:30:06 +0200
changeset 27103 d8549f4d900b
parent 27102 a98cd7450204
child 27104 791607529f6d
major refactorings in code generator modules
--- a/doc-src/IsarAdvanced/Codegen/Thy/Codegen.thy	Tue Jun 10 15:30:01 2008 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/IsarAdvanced/Codegen/Thy/Codegen.thy	Tue Jun 10 15:30:06 2008 +0200
@@ -7,9 +7,7 @@
 uses "../../../antiquote_setup.ML"
-ML {*
-CodeTarget.target_code_width := 74;
+ML {* CodeTarget.code_width := 74 *}
--- a/doc-src/IsarRef/Thy/HOL_Specific.thy	Tue Jun 10 15:30:01 2008 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/IsarRef/Thy/HOL_Specific.thy	Tue Jun 10 15:30:06 2008 +0200
@@ -915,7 +915,7 @@
     @{command_def (HOL) "code_reserved"} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
     @{command_def (HOL) "code_include"} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
     @{command_def (HOL) "code_modulename"} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
-    @{command_def (HOL) "code_exception"} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
+    @{command_def (HOL) "code_abort"} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
     @{command_def (HOL) "print_codesetup"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
     @{attribute_def (HOL) code} & : & \isaratt \\
@@ -1069,9 +1069,9 @@
   \item [@{command (HOL) "code_modulename"}] declares aliasings from
   one module name onto another.
-  \item [@{command (HOL) "code_exception"}] declares constants which
-  are not required to have a definition by a defining equations; these
-  are mapped on exceptions instead.
+  \item [@{command (HOL) "code_abort"}] declares constants which
+  are not required to have a definition by a defining equations;
+  if needed these are implemented by program abort instead.
   \item [@{attribute (HOL) code}~@{text func}] explicitly selects (or
   with option ``@{text "del:"}'' deselects) a defining equation for
--- a/doc-src/IsarRef/Thy/document/HOL_Specific.tex	Tue Jun 10 15:30:01 2008 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/IsarRef/Thy/document/HOL_Specific.tex	Tue Jun 10 15:30:06 2008 +0200
@@ -919,7 +919,7 @@
     \indexdef{HOL}{command}{code\_reserved}\hypertarget{command.HOL.code-reserved}{\hyperlink{command.HOL.code-reserved}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{code{\isacharunderscore}reserved}}}}} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
     \indexdef{HOL}{command}{code\_include}\hypertarget{command.HOL.code-include}{\hyperlink{command.HOL.code-include}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{code{\isacharunderscore}include}}}}} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
     \indexdef{HOL}{command}{code\_modulename}\hypertarget{command.HOL.code-modulename}{\hyperlink{command.HOL.code-modulename}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{code{\isacharunderscore}modulename}}}}} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
-    \indexdef{HOL}{command}{code\_exception}\hypertarget{command.HOL.code-exception}{\hyperlink{command.HOL.code-exception}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{code{\isacharunderscore}exception}}}}} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
+    \indexdef{HOL}{command}{code\_abort}\hypertarget{command.HOL.code-abort}{\hyperlink{command.HOL.code-abort}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{code{\isacharunderscore}abort}}}}} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
     \indexdef{HOL}{command}{print\_codesetup}\hypertarget{command.HOL.print-codesetup}{\hyperlink{command.HOL.print-codesetup}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{print{\isacharunderscore}codesetup}}}}}\isa{{\isachardoublequote}\isactrlsup {\isacharasterisk}{\isachardoublequote}} & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
     \indexdef{HOL}{attribute}{code}\hypertarget{attribute.HOL.code}{\hyperlink{attribute.HOL.code}{\mbox{\isa{code}}}} & : & \isaratt \\
@@ -1070,9 +1070,9 @@
   \item [\hyperlink{command.HOL.code-modulename}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{code{\isacharunderscore}modulename}}}}] declares aliasings from
   one module name onto another.
-  \item [\hyperlink{command.HOL.code-exception}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{code{\isacharunderscore}exception}}}}] declares constants which
-  are not required to have a definition by a defining equations; these
-  are mapped on exceptions instead.
+  \item [\hyperlink{command.HOL.code-abort}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{code{\isacharunderscore}abort}}}}] declares constants which
+  are not required to have a definition by a defining equations;
+  if needed these are implemented by program abort instead.
   \item [\hyperlink{attribute.HOL.code}{\mbox{\isa{code}}}~\isa{func}] explicitly selects (or
   with option ``\isa{{\isachardoublequote}del{\isacharcolon}{\isachardoublequote}}'' deselects) a defining equation for
--- a/lib/Tools/codegen	Tue Jun 10 15:30:01 2008 +0200
+++ b/lib/Tools/codegen	Tue Jun 10 15:30:06 2008 +0200
@@ -35,6 +35,6 @@
 ## main
 CMD=$(echo $CMD | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\"/g; s/"/\\\"/g')
-FULL_CMD="CodePackage.codegen_shell_command \"$THY\" \"$CMD\";"
+FULL_CMD="CodeTarget.shell_command \"$THY\" \"$CMD\";"
 "$ISABELLE" -q -e "$FULL_CMD" "$IMAGE" || exit 1
--- a/src/HOL/Code_Setup.thy	Tue Jun 10 15:30:01 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Code_Setup.thy	Tue Jun 10 15:30:06 2008 +0200
@@ -126,8 +126,18 @@
 subsection {* Evaluation oracle *}
+ML {*
+structure Eval_Method =
+val eval_ref : (unit -> bool) option ref = ref NONE;
 oracle eval_oracle ("term") = {* fn thy => fn t => 
-  if CodePackage.satisfies thy (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop t) [] 
+  if CodeTarget.eval_term ("Eval_Method.eval_ref", Eval_Method.eval_ref) thy
+    (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop t) [] 
   then t
   else HOLogic.Trueprop $ HOLogic.true_const (*dummy*)
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Tue Jun 10 15:30:01 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Tue Jun 10 15:30:06 2008 +0200
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
   $(SRC)/Provers/quasi.ML $(SRC)/Provers/splitter.ML			\
   $(SRC)/Provers/trancl.ML $(SRC)/Tools/Metis/metis.ML			\
   $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_funcgr.ML $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_name.ML	\
-  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_package.ML $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_target.ML	\
+  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_target.ML	\
   $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_thingol.ML $(SRC)/Tools/nbe.ML $(SRC)/Tools/atomize_elim.ML \
   $(SRC)/Tools/random_word.ML $(SRC)/Tools/rat.ML Tools/TFL/casesplit.ML ATP_Linkup.thy	\
   Arith_Tools.thy Code_Setup.thy Datatype.thy 			\
--- a/src/HOL/Library/Eval.thy	Tue Jun 10 15:30:01 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Library/Eval.thy	Tue Jun 10 15:30:06 2008 +0200
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
 fun eval_term thy t =
   |> Eval.mk_term_of (fastype_of t)
-  |> (fn t => CodePackage.eval_term ("Eval.eval_ref", eval_ref) thy t [])
+  |> (fn t => CodeTarget.eval_term ("Eval.eval_ref", eval_ref) thy t [])
   |> Code.postprocess_term thy;
 val evaluators = [
--- a/src/HOL/Library/Eval_Witness.thy	Tue Jun 10 15:30:01 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Library/Eval_Witness.thy	Tue Jun 10 15:30:06 2008 +0200
@@ -46,6 +46,15 @@
 instance bool :: ml_equiv ..
 instance list :: (ml_equiv) ml_equiv ..
+ML {*
+structure Eval_Witness_Method =
+val eval_ref : (unit -> bool) option ref = ref NONE;
 oracle eval_witness_oracle ("term * string list") = {* fn thy => fn (goal, ws) => 
   fun check_type T = 
@@ -59,7 +68,7 @@
     | dest_exs _ _ = sys_error "dest_exs";
   val t = dest_exs (length ws) (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop goal);
-  if CodePackage.satisfies thy t ws
+  if CodeTarget.eval_term ("Eval_Witness_Method.eval_ref", Eval_Witness_Method.eval_ref) thy t ws
   then goal
   else HOLogic.Trueprop $ HOLogic.true_const (*dummy*)
--- a/src/HOL/ex/ExecutableContent.thy	Tue Jun 10 15:30:01 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/ex/ExecutableContent.thy	Tue Jun 10 15:30:06 2008 +0200
@@ -34,4 +34,9 @@
 lemma [code func, code func del]: "(Eval.term_of \<Colon> index \<Rightarrow> term) = Eval.term_of" ..
 declare fast_bv_to_nat_helper.simps [code func del]
+setup {*
+  Code.del_funcs
+    (AxClass.param_of_inst @{theory} (@{const_name "Eval.term_of"}, @{type_name "env"}))
--- a/src/HOL/ex/Quickcheck.thy	Tue Jun 10 15:30:01 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/ex/Quickcheck.thy	Tue Jun 10 15:30:06 2008 +0200
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
 fun compile_generator_expr thy prop tys =
-    val f = CodePackage.eval_term ("Quickcheck.eval_ref", eval_ref) thy
+    val f = CodeTarget.eval_term ("Quickcheck.eval_ref", eval_ref) thy
       (mk_generator_expr thy prop tys) [];
   in f #> #> ( o map) (Code.postprocess_term thy) end;
--- a/src/Tools/code/code_funcgr.ML	Tue Jun 10 15:30:01 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/code/code_funcgr.ML	Tue Jun 10 15:30:06 2008 +0200
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
   val all: T -> string list
   val pretty: theory -> T -> Pretty.T
   val make: theory -> string list -> T
-  val make_consts: theory -> string list -> string list * T
   val eval_conv: theory -> (term -> term * (T -> term -> thm)) -> cterm -> thm
   val eval_term: theory -> (term -> term * (T -> term -> 'a)) -> term -> 'a
   val timing: bool ref
@@ -219,12 +218,6 @@
 val ensure_consts = ensure_consts;
-fun check_consts thy consts funcgr =
-  let
-    val algebra = Code.coregular_algebra thy;
-    fun try_const const funcgr = (const, ensure_consts thy algebra [const] funcgr);
-  in fold_map try_const consts funcgr end;
 fun proto_eval thy cterm_of evaluator_fr evaluator proto_ct funcgr =
     val ct = cterm_of proto_ct;
@@ -278,13 +271,63 @@
 fun make thy =
   Funcgr.change thy o ensure_consts thy (Code.coregular_algebra thy);
-fun make_consts thy =
-  Funcgr.change_yield thy o check_consts thy;
 fun eval_conv thy f =
   fst o Funcgr.change_yield thy o proto_eval_conv thy f;
 fun eval_term thy f =
   fst o Funcgr.change_yield thy o proto_eval_term thy f;
+(** diagnostic commands **)
+fun code_depgr thy [] = make thy []
+  | code_depgr thy consts =
+      let
+        val gr = make thy consts;
+        val select = Graph.all_succs gr consts;
+      in
+        gr
+        |> Graph.subgraph (member (op =) select) 
+        |> Graph.map_nodes ((apsnd o map) (AxClass.overload thy))
+      end;
+fun code_thms thy = Pretty.writeln o pretty thy o code_depgr thy;
+fun code_deps thy consts =
+  let
+    val gr = code_depgr thy consts;
+    fun mk_entry (const, (_, (_, parents))) =
+      let
+        val name = CodeUnit.string_of_const thy const;
+        val nameparents = map (CodeUnit.string_of_const thy) parents;
+      in { name = name, ID = name, dir = "", unfold = true,
+        path = "", parents = nameparents }
+      end;
+    val prgr = Graph.fold ((fn x => fn xs => xs @ [x]) o mk_entry) gr [];
+  in Present.display_graph prgr end;
+structure P = OuterParse
+and K = OuterKeyword
+fun code_thms_cmd thy = code_thms thy o op @ o CodeName.read_const_exprs thy;
+fun code_deps_cmd thy = code_deps thy o op @ o CodeName.read_const_exprs thy;
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "code_thms" "print system of defining equations for code" OuterKeyword.diag
+    (Scan.repeat P.term
+      >> (fn cs => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.unknown_theory
+        o Toplevel.keep ((fn thy => code_thms_cmd thy cs) o Toplevel.theory_of)));
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "code_deps" "visualize dependencies of defining equations for code" OuterKeyword.diag
+    (Scan.repeat P.term
+      >> (fn cs => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.unknown_theory
+        o Toplevel.keep ((fn thy => code_deps_cmd thy cs) o Toplevel.theory_of)));
 end; (*struct*)
--- a/src/Tools/code/code_name.ML	Tue Jun 10 15:30:01 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/code/code_name.ML	Tue Jun 10 15:30:06 2008 +0200
@@ -10,10 +10,13 @@
 signature CODE_NAME =
+  val read_const_exprs: theory -> string list -> string list * string list
   val purify_var: string -> string
   val purify_tvar: string -> string
   val purify_sym: string -> string
   val check_modulename: string -> string
   type var_ctxt;
   val make_vars: string list -> var_ctxt;
   val intro_vars: string list -> var_ctxt -> var_ctxt;
@@ -38,6 +41,31 @@
 structure CodeName: CODE_NAME =
+(** constant expressions **)
+fun read_const_exprs thy =
+  let
+    fun consts_of some_thyname =
+      let
+        val thy' = case some_thyname
+         of SOME thyname => ThyInfo.the_theory thyname thy
+          | NONE => thy;
+        val raw_cs = Symtab.fold (fn (c, (_, NONE)) => cons c | _ => I)
+          ((snd o #constants o Consts.dest o #consts o Sign.rep_sg) thy') [];
+        val cs = map (CodeUnit.subst_alias thy') raw_cs;
+        fun belongs_here c =
+          not (exists (fn thy'' => Sign.declared_const thy'' c) (Theory.parents_of thy'))
+      in case some_thyname
+       of NONE => cs
+        | SOME thyname => filter belongs_here cs
+      end;
+    fun read_const_expr "*" = ([], consts_of NONE)
+      | read_const_expr s = if String.isSuffix ".*" s
+          then ([], consts_of (SOME (unsuffix ".*" s)))
+          else ([CodeUnit.read_const thy s], []);
+  in pairself flat o split_list o map read_const_expr end;
 (** purification **)
 fun purify_name upper lower =
@@ -98,7 +126,6 @@
   | NONE => error ("Invalid name in context: " ^ quote name);
 (** global names (identifiers) **)
 (* identifier categories *)
--- a/src/Tools/code/code_package.ML	Tue Jun 10 15:30:01 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Tools/code/code_package.ML
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
-Code generator interfaces and Isar setup.
-signature CODE_PACKAGE =
-  val source_of: theory -> string -> string -> string list -> string;
-  val evaluate_conv: theory
-    -> (term -> term * (CodeThingol.code -> CodeThingol.typscheme * CodeThingol.iterm
-       -> string list -> thm))
-    -> cterm -> thm;
-  val evaluate_term: theory
-    -> (term -> term * (CodeThingol.code -> CodeThingol.typscheme * CodeThingol.iterm
-       -> string list -> 'a))
-    -> term -> 'a;
-  val eval_conv: string * (unit -> thm) option ref
-    -> theory -> cterm -> string list -> thm;
-  val eval_term: string * (unit -> 'a) option ref
-    -> theory -> term -> string list -> 'a;
-  val satisfies: theory -> term -> string list -> bool;
-  val satisfies_ref: (unit -> bool) option ref;
-  val codegen_shell_command: string (*theory name*) -> string (*cg expr*) -> unit;
-structure CodePackage : CODE_PACKAGE =
-(** code theorems **)
-fun code_depgr thy [] = CodeFuncgr.make thy []
-  | code_depgr thy consts =
-      let
-        val gr = CodeFuncgr.make thy consts;
-        val select = Graph.all_succs gr consts;
-      in
-        gr
-        |> Graph.subgraph (member (op =) select) 
-        |> Graph.map_nodes ((apsnd o map) (AxClass.overload thy))
-      end;
-fun code_thms thy =
-  Pretty.writeln o CodeFuncgr.pretty thy o code_depgr thy;
-fun code_deps thy consts =
-  let
-    val gr = code_depgr thy consts;
-    fun mk_entry (const, (_, (_, parents))) =
-      let
-        val name = CodeUnit.string_of_const thy const;
-        val nameparents = map (CodeUnit.string_of_const thy) parents;
-      in { name = name, ID = name, dir = "", unfold = true,
-        path = "", parents = nameparents }
-      end;
-    val prgr = Graph.fold ((fn x => fn xs => xs @ [x]) o mk_entry) gr [];
-  in Present.display_graph prgr end;
-(** code generation interfaces **)
-(* code data *)
-structure Program = CodeDataFun
-  type T = CodeThingol.code;
-  val empty = CodeThingol.empty_code;
-  fun merge _ = CodeThingol.merge_code;
-  fun purge _ NONE _ = CodeThingol.empty_code
-    | purge NONE _ _ = CodeThingol.empty_code
-    | purge (SOME thy) (SOME cs) code =
-        let
-          val cs_exisiting =
-            map_filter (CodeName.const_rev thy) (Graph.keys code);
-          val dels = (Graph.all_preds code
-              o map (CodeName.const thy)
-              o filter (member (op =) cs_exisiting)
-            ) cs;
-        in Graph.del_nodes dels code end;
-(* generic generation combinators *)
-val ensure_const = CodeThingol.ensure_const;
-fun perhaps_const thy algbr funcgr c trns =
-  case try (CodeThingol.ensure_const thy algbr funcgr c) trns
-   of SOME (c, trns) => (SOME c, trns)
-    | NONE => (NONE, trns);
-fun generate thy funcgr f x =
-  Program.change_yield thy (CodeThingol.transact thy funcgr
-    (fn thy => fn funcgr => fn algbr => f thy funcgr algbr x));
-(* export_code functionality *)
-fun code thy permissive cs seris =
-  let
-    val code = Program.get thy;
-    fun mk_seri_dest file = case file
-     of NONE => CodeTarget.compile
-      | SOME "-" => CodeTarget.write
-      | SOME f => CodeTarget.file (Path.explode f)
-    val _ = map (fn (((target, module), file), args) =>
-      (mk_seri_dest file (CodeTarget.serialize thy target permissive module args code cs))) seris;
-  in () end;
-(* code retrieval *)
-fun source_of thy target module_name cs =
-  let
-    val (cs', _) = generate thy (CodeFuncgr.make thy cs)
-      (fold_map ooo ensure_const) cs;
-    val code = Program.get thy;
-  in
-    CodeTarget.string
-      (CodeTarget.serialize thy target false (SOME module_name) [] code (SOME cs'))
-  end;
-(* evaluation machinery *)
-fun evaluate eval_kind thy evaluator =
-  let
-    fun evaluator'' evaluator''' funcgr t =
-      let
-        val ((code, (vs_ty_t, deps)), _) =
-          generate thy funcgr CodeThingol.ensure_value t;
-      in evaluator''' code vs_ty_t deps end;
-    fun evaluator' t =
-      let
-        val (t', evaluator''') = evaluator t;
-      in (t', evaluator'' evaluator''') end;
-  in eval_kind thy evaluator' end
-fun evaluate_conv thy = evaluate CodeFuncgr.eval_conv thy;
-fun evaluate_term thy = evaluate CodeFuncgr.eval_term thy;
-fun eval_ml reff args thy code ((vs, ty), t) deps =
-  CodeTarget.eval thy reff code (t, ty) args;
-fun eval evaluate term_of reff thy ct args =
-  let
-    val _ = if null (term_frees (term_of ct)) then () else error ("Term "
-      ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy (term_of ct))
-      ^ " to be evaluated contains free variables");
-  in evaluate thy (fn t => (t, eval_ml reff args thy)) ct end;
-fun eval_conv reff = eval evaluate_conv Thm.term_of reff;
-fun eval_term reff = eval evaluate_term I reff;
-val satisfies_ref : (unit -> bool) option ref = ref NONE;
-val satisfies = eval_term ("CodePackage.satisfies_ref", satisfies_ref);
-(* code antiquotation *)
-fun code_antiq (ctxt, args) = 
-  let
-    val thy = Context.theory_of ctxt;
-    val (ts, (ctxt', args')) = Scan.repeat1 Args.term (ctxt, args);
-    val cs = map (CodeUnit.check_const thy) ts;
-    val (cs', code') = generate thy (CodeFuncgr.make thy cs)
-      (fold_map ooo ensure_const) cs;
-    val code'' = CodeTarget.sml_of thy code' cs' ^ " ()";
-  in (("codevals", code''), (ctxt', args')) end;
-(* const expressions *)
-fun consts_of thy some_thyname =
-  let
-    val this_thy = ThyInfo.get_theory some_thyname |> the_default thy;
-    val raw_cs = Symtab.fold (fn (c, (_, NONE)) => cons c | _ => I)
-      ((snd o #constants o Consts.dest o #consts o Sign.rep_sg) this_thy) [];
-    val cs = map (CodeUnit.subst_alias thy) raw_cs;
-    fun belongs_here thyname c =
-      not (exists (fn thy' => Sign.declared_const thy' c) (Theory.parents_of this_thy))
-  in case some_thyname
-   of NONE => cs
-    | SOME thyname => filter (belongs_here thyname) cs
-  end;
-fun read_const_expr thy "*" = ([], consts_of thy NONE)
-  | read_const_expr thy s = if String.isSuffix ".*" s
-      then ([], consts_of thy (SOME (unsuffix ".*" s)))
-      else ([CodeUnit.read_const thy s], []);
-fun read_const_exprs thy select exprs =
-  case (pairself flat o split_list o map (read_const_expr thy)) exprs
-   of (consts, []) => (false, consts)
-    | (consts, consts') => (true, consts @ select consts');
-end; (*local*)
-fun filter_generatable thy consts =
-  let
-    val (consts', funcgr) = CodeFuncgr.make_consts thy consts;
-    val (consts'', _) = generate thy funcgr (fold_map ooo perhaps_const) consts';
-    val consts''' = map_filter (fn (const, SOME _) => SOME const | (_, NONE) => NONE)
-      (consts' ~~ consts'');
-  in consts''' end;
-fun generate_const_exprs thy raw_cs =
-  let
-    val (perm1, cs) = read_const_exprs thy
-      (filter_generatable thy) raw_cs;
-    val (perm2, cs') = case generate thy (CodeFuncgr.make thy cs)
-      (fold_map ooo ensure_const) cs
-     of ([], _) => (true, NONE)
-      | (cs, _) => (false, SOME cs);
-  in (perm1 orelse perm2, cs') end;
-(** code properties **)
-fun mk_codeprops thy all_cs sel_cs =
-  let
-    fun select (thmref, thm) = case try (Thm.unvarify o Drule.zero_var_indexes) thm
-     of NONE => NONE
-      | SOME thm => let
-          val t = (ObjectLogic.drop_judgment thy o Thm.prop_of) thm;
-          val cs = fold_aterms (fn Const (c, ty) =>
-            cons (AxClass.unoverload_const thy (c, ty)) | _ => I) t [];
-        in if exists (member (op =) sel_cs) cs
-          andalso forall (member (op =) all_cs) cs
-          then SOME (thmref, thm) else NONE end;
-    fun mk_codeprop (thmref, thm) =
-      let
-        val t = ObjectLogic.drop_judgment thy (Thm.prop_of thm);
-        val ty_judg = fastype_of t;
-        val tfrees1 = fold_aterms (fn Const (c, ty) =>
-          Term.add_tfreesT ty | _ => I) t [];
-        val vars = Term.add_frees t [];
-        val tfrees2 = fold (Term.add_tfreesT o snd) vars [];
-        val tfrees' = subtract (op =) tfrees2 tfrees1 |> map TFree;
-        val ty = map Term.itselfT tfrees' @ map snd vars ---> ty_judg;
-        val tfree_vars = map Logic.mk_type tfrees';
-        val c = Facts.string_of_ref thmref
-          |> NameSpace.explode
-          |> (fn [x] => [x] | (x::xs) => xs)
-          |> space_implode "_"
-        val propdef = (((c, ty), tfree_vars @ map Free vars), t);
-      in if c = "" then NONE else SOME (thmref, propdef) end;
-  in
-    Facts.dest_static (PureThy.facts_of thy)
-    |> maps Facts.selections
-    |> map_filter select
-    |> map_filter mk_codeprop
-  end;
-fun add_codeprops all_cs sel_cs thy =
-  let
-    val codeprops = mk_codeprops thy all_cs sel_cs;
-    fun lift_name_yield f x = (Name.context, x) |> f ||> snd;
-    fun add (thmref, (((raw_c, ty), ts), t)) (names, thy) =
-      let
-        val _ = warning ("Adding theorem " ^ quote (Facts.string_of_ref thmref)
-          ^ " as code property " ^ quote raw_c);
-        val ([raw_c'], names') = Name.variants [raw_c] names;
-        val (const as Const (c, _), thy') = thy |> Sign.declare_const [] (raw_c', ty, NoSyn);
-        val eq = Logic.mk_equals (list_comb (const, ts), t);
-        val ([def], thy'') = thy' |> PureThy.add_defs_i false [((Thm.def_name raw_c', eq), [])];
-      in ((c, def), (names', thy'')) end;
-  in
-    thy
-    |> Sign.sticky_prefix "codeprop"
-    |> lift_name_yield (fold_map add codeprops)
-    ||> Sign.restore_naming thy
-    |-> (fn c_thms => fold (Code.add_func o snd) c_thms #> pair c_thms)
-  end;
-(** interfaces and Isar setup **)
-structure P = OuterParse
-and K = OuterKeyword
-fun code_cmd raw_cs seris thy =
-  let
-    val (permissive, cs) = generate_const_exprs thy raw_cs;
-    val _ = code thy permissive cs seris;
-  in () end;
-fun code_thms_cmd thy =
-  code_thms thy o snd o read_const_exprs thy (fst o CodeFuncgr.make_consts thy);
-fun code_deps_cmd thy =
-  code_deps thy o snd o read_const_exprs thy (fst o CodeFuncgr.make_consts thy);
-fun code_props_cmd raw_cs seris thy =
-  let
-    val (_, all_cs) = generate_const_exprs thy ["*"];
-    val (permissive, cs) = generate_const_exprs thy raw_cs;
-    val (c_thms, thy') = add_codeprops (map (the o CodeName.const_rev thy) (these all_cs))
-      (map (the o CodeName.const_rev thy) (these cs)) thy;
-    val prop_cs = (filter_generatable thy' o map fst) c_thms;
-    val _ = if null seris then () else (generate thy' (CodeFuncgr.make thy' prop_cs)
-      (fold_map ooo ensure_const) prop_cs; ());
-    val _ = if null seris then () else code thy' permissive
-      (SOME (map (CodeName.const thy') prop_cs)) seris;
-  in thy' end;
-val (inK, module_nameK, fileK) = ("in", "module_name", "file");
-fun code_exprP cmd =
-  (Scan.repeat P.term
-  -- Scan.repeat (P.$$$ inK |--
-     -- Scan.option (P.$$$ module_nameK |--
-     -- Scan.option (P.$$$ fileK |--
-     -- Scan.optional (P.$$$ "(" |-- P.arguments --| P.$$$ ")") []
-  ) >> (fn (raw_cs, seris) => cmd raw_cs seris));
-val _ = OuterSyntax.keywords [inK, module_nameK, fileK];
-val (codeK, code_thmsK, code_depsK, code_propsK) =
-  ("export_code", "code_thms", "code_deps", "code_props");
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.command codeK "generate executable code for constants"
-    K.diag (P.!!! (code_exprP code_cmd) >> (fn f => Toplevel.keep (f o Toplevel.theory_of)));
-fun codegen_shell_command thyname cmd = Toplevel.program (fn _ =>
-  (use_thy thyname; case OuterLex.stopper (P.!!! (code_exprP code_cmd)) ((filter OuterLex.is_proper o OuterSyntax.scan) cmd)
-   of SOME f => (writeln "Now generating code..."; f (theory thyname))
-    | NONE => error ("Bad directive " ^ quote cmd)))
-  handle TOPLEVEL_ERROR => OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure;
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.improper_command code_thmsK "print system of defining equations for code" OuterKeyword.diag
-    (Scan.repeat P.term
-      >> (fn cs => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.unknown_theory
-        o Toplevel.keep ((fn thy => code_thms_cmd thy cs) o Toplevel.theory_of)));
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.improper_command code_depsK "visualize dependencies of defining equations for code" OuterKeyword.diag
-    (Scan.repeat P.term
-      >> (fn cs => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.unknown_theory
-        o Toplevel.keep ((fn thy => code_deps_cmd thy cs) o Toplevel.theory_of)));
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.command code_propsK "generate characteristic properties for executable constants"
-    K.thy_decl (P.!!! (code_exprP code_props_cmd) >> Toplevel.theory);
-val _ = ML_Context.value_antiq "code" code_antiq;
-end; (*local*)
-end; (*struct*)
--- a/src/Tools/code/code_target.ML	Tue Jun 10 15:30:01 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/code/code_target.ML	Tue Jun 10 15:30:06 2008 +0200
@@ -28,24 +28,28 @@
   val add_pretty_message: string -> string -> string list -> string
     -> string -> string -> theory -> theory;
-  val allow_exception: string -> theory -> theory;
+  val allow_abort: string -> theory -> theory;
   type serialization;
   type serializer;
-  val add_serializer: string * serializer -> theory -> theory;
-  val assert_serializer: theory -> string -> string;
-  val serialize: theory -> string -> bool -> string option -> Args.T list
-    -> CodeThingol.code -> string list option -> serialization;
+  val add_target: string * serializer -> theory -> theory;
+  val assert_target: theory -> string -> string;
+  val serialize: theory -> string -> string option -> Args.T list
+    -> CodeThingol.program -> string list -> serialization;
   val compile: serialization -> unit;
   val write: serialization -> unit;
   val file: Path.T -> serialization -> unit;
   val string: serialization -> string;
-  val sml_of: theory -> CodeThingol.code -> string list -> string;
-  val eval: theory -> (string * (unit -> 'a) option ref)
-    -> CodeThingol.code -> CodeThingol.iterm * CodeThingol.itype -> string list -> 'a;
-  val target_code_width: int ref;
+  val code_of: theory -> string -> string -> string list -> string;
+  val eval_conv: string * (unit -> thm) option ref
+    -> theory -> cterm -> string list -> thm;
+  val eval_term: string * (unit -> 'a) option ref
+    -> theory -> term -> string list -> 'a;
+  val shell_command: string (*theory name*) -> string (*cg expr*) -> unit;
   val setup: theory -> theory;
+  val code_width: int ref;
 structure CodeTarget : CODE_TARGET =
@@ -69,16 +73,16 @@
 datatype destination = Compile | Write | File of Path.T | String;
 type serialization = destination -> string option;
-val target_code_width = ref 80; (*FIXME after Pretty module no longer depends on print mode*)
-fun target_code_setmp f = PrintMode.setmp [] (Pretty.setmp_margin (!target_code_width) f);
-fun target_code_of_pretty p = target_code_setmp Pretty.string_of p ^ "\n";
-fun target_code_writeln p = Pretty.setmp_margin (!target_code_width) Pretty.writeln p;
+val code_width = ref 80; (*FIXME after Pretty module no longer depends on print mode*)
+fun code_setmp f = PrintMode.setmp [] (Pretty.setmp_margin (!code_width) f);
+fun code_of_pretty p = code_setmp Pretty.string_of p ^ "\n";
+fun code_writeln p = Pretty.setmp_margin (!code_width) Pretty.writeln p;
-(*FIXME why another target_code_setmp?*)
-fun compile f = (target_code_setmp f Compile; ());
-fun write f = (target_code_setmp f Write; ());
-fun file p f = (target_code_setmp f (File p); ());
-fun string f = the (target_code_setmp f String);
+(*FIXME why another code_setmp?*)
+fun compile f = (code_setmp f Compile; ());
+fun write f = (code_setmp f Write; ());
+fun file p f = (code_setmp f (File p); ());
+fun string f = the (code_setmp f String);
 (** generic syntax **)
@@ -125,13 +129,12 @@
 (** theory data **)
-val target_diag = "diag";
 val target_SML = "SML";
 val target_OCaml = "OCaml";
 val target_Haskell = "Haskell";
 datatype name_syntax_table = NameSyntaxTable of {
-  class: (string * (string -> string option)) Symtab.table,
+  class: class_syntax Symtab.table,
   inst: unit Symtab.table,
   tyco: typ_syntax Symtab.table,
   const: term_syntax Symtab.table
@@ -160,7 +163,7 @@
   -> (string -> class_syntax option)
   -> (string -> typ_syntax option)
   -> (string -> term_syntax option)
-  -> CodeThingol.code                   (*program*)
+  -> CodeThingol.program
   -> string list                        (*selected statements*)
   -> serialization;
@@ -209,12 +212,14 @@
 fun the_name_syntax (Target { name_syntax_table = NameSyntaxTable x, ... }) = x;
 fun the_module_alias (Target { module_alias , ... }) = module_alias;
-fun assert_serializer thy target =
+val abort_allowed = snd o CodeTargetData.get;
+fun assert_target thy target =
   case Symtab.lookup (fst (CodeTargetData.get thy)) target
    of SOME data => target
     | NONE => error ("Unknown code target language: " ^ quote target);
-fun add_serializer (target, seri) thy =
+fun add_target (target, seri) thy =
     val _ = case Symtab.lookup (fst (CodeTargetData.get thy)) target
      of SOME _ => warning ("Overwriting existing serializer " ^ quote target)
@@ -228,48 +233,59 @@
           ((map_target o apfst o apsnd o K) seri)
-fun map_seri_data target f thy =
+fun map_target_data target f thy =
-    val _ = assert_serializer thy target;
+    val _ = assert_target thy target;
     |> ( o apfst o Symtab.map_entry target o map_target) f
-fun map_adaptions target =
-  map_seri_data target o apsnd o apfst;
+fun map_reserved target =
+  map_target_data target o apsnd o apfst o apfst;
+fun map_includes target =
+  map_target_data target o apsnd o apfst o apsnd;
 fun map_name_syntax target =
-  map_seri_data target o apsnd o apsnd o apfst o map_name_syntax_table;
+  map_target_data target o apsnd o apsnd o apfst o map_name_syntax_table;
 fun map_module_alias target =
-  map_seri_data target o apsnd o apsnd o apsnd;
+  map_target_data target o apsnd o apsnd o apsnd;
-fun get_serializer get_seri thy target permissive =
+fun invoke_serializer thy abortable serializer reserved includes 
+    module_alias class inst tyco const module args program1 cs1 =
-    val (seris, exc) = CodeTargetData.get thy;
-    val data = case Symtab.lookup seris target
+    val hidden = Symtab.keys class @ Symtab.keys inst @ Symtab.keys tyco @ Symtab.keys const;
+    val cs2 = subtract (op =) hidden cs1;
+    val program2 = Graph.subgraph (not o member (op =) hidden) program1;
+    val all_cs = Graph.all_succs program2 cs2;
+    val program3 = Graph.subgraph (member (op =) all_cs) program2;
+    val empty_funs = filter_out (member (op =) abortable)
+      (CodeThingol.empty_funs program3);
+    val _ = if null empty_funs then () else error ("No defining equations for "
+      ^ commas (map (CodeName.labelled_name thy) empty_funs));
+  in
+    serializer module args (CodeName.labelled_name thy) reserved includes
+      (Symtab.lookup module_alias) (Symtab.lookup class)
+      (Symtab.lookup tyco) (Symtab.lookup const)
+      program3 cs2
+  end;
+fun mount_serializer thy alt_serializer target =
+  let
+    val (targets, abortable) = CodeTargetData.get thy;
+    val data = case Symtab.lookup targets target
      of SOME data => data
       | NONE => error ("Unknown code target language: " ^ quote target);
-    val seri = get_seri data;
+    val serializer = the_default (the_serializer data) alt_serializer;
     val reserved = the_reserved data;
     val includes = Symtab.dest (the_includes data);
-    val alias = the_module_alias data;
+    val module_alias = the_module_alias data;
     val { class, inst, tyco, const } = the_name_syntax data;
-    val project = if target = target_diag then K I
-      else CodeThingol.project_code permissive
-        (Symtab.keys class @ Symtab.keys inst @ Symtab.keys tyco @ Symtab.keys const);
-    fun check_empty_funs code = case filter_out (member (op =) exc)
-        (CodeThingol.empty_funs code)
-     of [] => code
-      | names => error ("No defining equations for "
-          ^ commas (map (CodeName.labelled_name thy) names));
-  in fn module => fn args => fn code => fn cs =>
-    seri module args (CodeName.labelled_name thy) reserved includes
-      (Symtab.lookup alias) (Symtab.lookup class)
-      (Symtab.lookup tyco) (Symtab.lookup const)
-        ((check_empty_funs o project cs) code) (these cs)
+  in
+    invoke_serializer thy abortable serializer reserved
+      includes module_alias class inst tyco const
-val serialize = get_serializer the_serializer;
+fun serialize thy = mount_serializer thy NONE;
 fun parse_args f args =
   case Args.stopper f args
@@ -277,39 +293,7 @@
     | NONE => error "Bad serializer arguments";
-(** generic output combinators **)
-(* applications and bindings *)
-fun gen_pr_app pr_app' pr_term const_syntax labelled_name is_cons
-      lhs vars fxy (app as ((c, (_, tys)), ts)) =
-  case const_syntax c
-   of NONE => if lhs andalso not (is_cons c) then
-          error ("Non-constructor on left hand side of equation: " ^ labelled_name c)
-        else brackify fxy (pr_app' lhs vars app)
-    | SOME (i, pr) =>
-        let
-          val k = if i < 0 then length tys else i;
-          fun pr' fxy ts = pr (pr_term lhs) vars fxy (ts ~~ curry Library.take k tys);
-        in if k = length ts
-          then pr' fxy ts
-        else if k < length ts
-          then case chop k ts of (ts1, ts2) =>
-            brackify fxy (pr' APP ts1 :: map (pr_term lhs vars BR) ts2)
-          else pr_term lhs vars fxy (CodeThingol.eta_expand app k)
-        end;
-fun gen_pr_bind pr_bind' pr_term fxy ((v, pat), ty) vars =
-  let
-    val vs = case pat
-     of SOME pat => CodeThingol.fold_varnames (insert (op =)) pat []
-      | NONE => [];
-    val vars' = CodeName.intro_vars (the_list v) vars;
-    val vars'' = CodeName.intro_vars vs vars';
-    val v' = (CodeName.lookup_var vars') v;
-    val pat' = (pr_term true vars'' fxy) pat;
-  in (pr_bind' ((v', pat'), ty), vars'') end;
+(** generic code combinators **)
 (* list, char, string, numeral and monad abstract syntax transformations *)
@@ -359,7 +343,7 @@
       | dest_numeral (t1 `$ t2) =
           let val (n, b) = (dest_numeral t2, dest_bit t1)
           in case n of SOME n => SOME (2 * n + b) | NONE => NONE end
-      | dest_numeral _ = error "Illegal numeral expression: illegal constant";
+      | dest_numeral _ = error "Illegal numeral expression: illegal term";
   in dest_numeral #> the_default 0 end;
 fun implode_monad c_bind t =
@@ -378,6 +362,38 @@
   in CodeThingol.unfoldr dest_monad t end;
+(* applications and bindings *)
+fun gen_pr_app pr_app pr_term syntax_const labelled_name is_cons
+      lhs vars fxy (app as ((c, (_, tys)), ts)) =
+  case syntax_const c
+   of NONE => if lhs andalso not (is_cons c) then
+          error ("Non-constructor on left hand side of equation: " ^ labelled_name c)
+        else brackify fxy (pr_app lhs vars app)
+    | SOME (i, pr) =>
+        let
+          val k = if i < 0 then length tys else i;
+          fun pr' fxy ts = pr (pr_term lhs) vars fxy (ts ~~ curry Library.take k tys);
+        in if k = length ts
+          then pr' fxy ts
+        else if k < length ts
+          then case chop k ts of (ts1, ts2) =>
+            brackify fxy (pr' APP ts1 :: map (pr_term lhs vars BR) ts2)
+          else pr_term lhs vars fxy (CodeThingol.eta_expand app k)
+        end;
+fun gen_pr_bind pr_bind pr_term (fxy : fixity) ((v, pat), ty : itype) vars =
+  let
+    val vs = case pat
+     of SOME pat => CodeThingol.fold_varnames (insert (op =)) pat []
+      | NONE => [];
+    val vars' = CodeName.intro_vars (the_list v) vars;
+    val vars'' = CodeName.intro_vars vs vars';
+    val v' = (CodeName.lookup_var vars') v;
+    val pat' = (pr_term true vars'' fxy) pat;
+  in (pr_bind ((v', pat'), ty), vars'') end;
 (* name auxiliary *)
 val first_upper = implode o nth_map 0 Symbol.to_ascii_upper o explode;
@@ -386,30 +402,29 @@
 val dest_name =
   apfst NameSpace.implode o split_last o fst o split_last o NameSpace.explode;
-fun mk_modl_name_tab init_names prefix module_alias code =
+fun mk_name_module reserved_names module_prefix module_alias program =
-    fun nsp_map f = NameSpace.explode #> map f #> NameSpace.implode;
-    fun mk_alias name =
-     case module_alias name
-      of SOME name' => name'
-       | NONE => nsp_map (fn name => (the_single o fst)
-            (Name.variants [name] init_names)) name;
-    fun mk_prefix name =
-      case prefix
-       of SOME prefix => NameSpace.append prefix name
-        | NONE => name;
+    fun mk_alias name = case module_alias name
+     of SOME name' => name'
+      | NONE => name
+          |> NameSpace.explode
+          |> map (fn name => (the_single o fst) (Name.variants [name] reserved_names))
+          |> NameSpace.implode;
+    fun mk_prefix name = case module_prefix
+     of SOME module_prefix => NameSpace.append module_prefix name
+      | NONE => name;
     val tab =
       |> Graph.fold ((fn name => Symtab.default (name, (mk_alias #> mk_prefix) name))
            o fst o dest_name o fst)
-             code
-  in fn name => (the o Symtab.lookup tab) name end;
+             program
+  in the o Symtab.lookup tab end;
 (** SML/OCaml serializer **)
-datatype ml_def =
+datatype ml_stmt =
     MLFuns of (string * (typscheme * (iterm list * iterm) list)) list
   | MLDatas of (string * ((vname * sort) list * (string * itype list) list)) list
   | MLClass of string * (vname * ((class * string) list * (string * itype) list))
@@ -417,7 +432,7 @@
         * ((class * (string * (string * dict list list))) list
       * (string * const) list));
-fun pr_sml tyco_syntax const_syntax labelled_name init_syms deresolv is_cons ml_def =
+fun pr_sml_stmt syntax_tyco syntax_const labelled_name reserved_names deresolve is_cons =
     val pr_label_classrel = translate_string (fn "." => "__" | c => c)
       o NameSpace.qualifier;
@@ -432,30 +447,30 @@
               brackets [p', p]
           | pr_proj (ps as _ :: _) p =
               brackets [Pretty.enum " o" "(" ")" ps, p];
-        fun pr_dictc fxy (DictConst (inst, dss)) =
-              brackify fxy ((str o deresolv) inst :: map (pr_dicts BR) dss)
-          | pr_dictc fxy (DictVar (classrels, v)) =
-              pr_proj (map (str o deresolv) classrels) ((str o pr_dictvar) v)
+        fun pr_dict fxy (DictConst (inst, dss)) =
+              brackify fxy ((str o deresolve) inst :: map (pr_dicts BR) dss)
+          | pr_dict fxy (DictVar (classrels, v)) =
+              pr_proj (map (str o deresolve) classrels) ((str o pr_dictvar) v)
       in case ds
        of [] => str "()"
-        | [d] => pr_dictc fxy d
-        | _ :: _ => (Pretty.list "(" ")" o map (pr_dictc NOBR)) ds
+        | [d] => pr_dict fxy d
+        | _ :: _ => (Pretty.list "(" ")" o map (pr_dict NOBR)) ds
-    fun pr_tyvars vs =
+    fun pr_tyvar_dicts vs =
       |> map (fn (v, sort) => map_index (fn (i, _) =>
            DictVar ([], (v, (i, length sort)))) sort)
       |> map (pr_dicts BR);
     fun pr_tycoexpr fxy (tyco, tys) =
-        val tyco' = (str o deresolv) tyco
+        val tyco' = (str o deresolve) tyco
       in case map (pr_typ BR) tys
        of [] => tyco'
         | [p] => Pretty.block [p, Pretty.brk 1, tyco']
         | (ps as _::_) => Pretty.block [Pretty.list "(" ")" ps, Pretty.brk 1, tyco']
     and pr_typ fxy (tyco `%% tys) =
-          (case tyco_syntax tyco
+          (case syntax_tyco tyco
            of NONE => pr_tycoexpr fxy (tyco, tys)
             | SOME (i, pr) =>
                 if not (i = length tys)
@@ -484,7 +499,7 @@
           in brackets (ps @ [pr_term lhs vars' NOBR t']) end
       | pr_term lhs vars fxy (ICase (cases as (_, t0))) =
           (case CodeThingol.unfold_const_app t0
-           of SOME (c_ts as ((c, _), _)) => if is_none (const_syntax c)
+           of SOME (c_ts as ((c, _), _)) => if is_none (syntax_const c)
                 then pr_case vars fxy cases
                 else pr_app lhs vars fxy c_ts
             | NONE => pr_case vars fxy cases)
@@ -492,13 +507,13 @@
       if is_cons c then let
         val k = length tys
       in if k < 2 then 
-        (str o deresolv) c :: map (pr_term lhs vars BR) ts
+        (str o deresolve) c :: map (pr_term lhs vars BR) ts
       else if k = length ts then
-        [(str o deresolv) c, Pretty.enum "," "(" ")" (map (pr_term lhs vars NOBR) ts)]
+        [(str o deresolve) c, Pretty.enum "," "(" ")" (map (pr_term lhs vars NOBR) ts)]
       else [pr_term lhs vars BR (CodeThingol.eta_expand app k)] end else
-        (str o deresolv) c
+        (str o deresolve) c
           :: (map (pr_dicts BR) o filter_out null) iss @ map (pr_term lhs vars BR) ts
-    and pr_app lhs vars = gen_pr_app pr_app' pr_term const_syntax
+    and pr_app lhs vars = gen_pr_app pr_app' pr_term syntax_const
       labelled_name is_cons lhs vars
     and pr_bind' ((NONE, NONE), _) = str "_"
       | pr_bind' ((SOME v, NONE), _) = str v
@@ -537,7 +552,7 @@
       | pr_case vars fxy ((_, []), _) = str "raise Fail \"empty case\""
-    fun pr_def (MLFuns (funns as (funn :: funns'))) =
+    fun pr_stmt (MLFuns (funns as (funn :: funns'))) =
             val definer =
@@ -553,46 +568,45 @@
                       else error ("Mixing simultaneous vals and funs not implemented: "
                         ^ commas (map (labelled_name o fst) funns));
               in the (fold chk funns NONE) end;
-            fun pr_funn definer (name, ((raw_vs, ty), [])) =
+            fun pr_funn definer (name, ((vs, ty), [])) =
-                    val vs = filter_out (null o snd) raw_vs;
-                    val n = length vs + (length o fst o CodeThingol.unfold_fun) ty;
+                    val vs_dict = filter_out (null o snd) vs;
+                    val n = length vs_dict + (length o fst o CodeThingol.unfold_fun) ty;
                     val exc_str =
                       (ML_Syntax.print_string o NameSpace.base o NameSpace.qualifier) name;
                     concat (
                       str definer
-                      :: (str o deresolv) name
+                      :: (str o deresolve) name
                       :: map str (replicate n "_")
                       @ str "="
                       :: str "raise"
                       :: str "(Fail"
-                      :: str exc_str
-                      @@ str ")"
+                      @@ str (exc_str ^ ")")
-              | pr_funn definer (name, ((raw_vs, ty), eqs as eq :: eqs')) =
+              | pr_funn definer (name, ((vs, ty), eqs as eq :: eqs')) =
-                    val vs = filter_out (null o snd) raw_vs;
+                    val vs_dict = filter_out (null o snd) vs;
                     val shift = if null eqs' then I else
                       map (Pretty.block o single o Pretty.block o single);
                     fun pr_eq definer (ts, t) =
                         val consts = map_filter
-                          (fn c => if (is_some o const_syntax) c
-                            then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o deresolv) c)
+                          (fn c => if (is_some o syntax_const) c
+                            then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o deresolve) c)
                             ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_constnames) (insert (op =)) (t :: ts) []);
-                        val vars = init_syms
+                        val vars = reserved_names
                           |> CodeName.intro_vars consts
                           |> CodeName.intro_vars ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_unbound_varnames)
                                (insert (op =)) ts []);
                         concat (
-                          [str definer, (str o deresolv) name]
-                          @ (if null ts andalso null vs
+                          [str definer, (str o deresolve) name]
+                          @ (if null ts andalso null vs_dict
                              then [str ":", pr_typ NOBR ty]
-                               pr_tyvars vs
+                               pr_tyvar_dicts vs_dict
                                @ map (pr_term true vars BR) ts)
                        @ [str "=", pr_term false vars NOBR t]
@@ -605,13 +619,13 @@
             val (ps, p) = split_last (pr_funn definer funn :: map (pr_funn "and") funns');
           in Pretty.chunks (ps @ [Pretty.block ([p, str ";"])]) end
-     | pr_def (MLDatas (datas as (data :: datas'))) =
+     | pr_stmt (MLDatas (datas as (data :: datas'))) =
             fun pr_co (co, []) =
-                  str (deresolv co)
+                  str (deresolve co)
               | pr_co (co, tys) =
                   concat [
-                    str (deresolv co),
+                    str (deresolve co),
                     str "of",
                     Pretty.enum " *" "" "" (map (pr_typ (INFX (2, X))) tys)
@@ -632,12 +646,12 @@
             val (ps, p) = split_last
               (pr_data "datatype" data :: map (pr_data "and") datas');
           in Pretty.chunks (ps @ [Pretty.block ([p, str ";"])]) end
-     | pr_def (MLClass (class, (v, (superclasses, classparams)))) =
+     | pr_stmt (MLClass (class, (v, (superclasses, classparams)))) =
             val w = first_upper v ^ "_";
             fun pr_superclass_field (class, classrel) =
               (concat o map str) [
-                pr_label_classrel classrel, ":", "'" ^ v, deresolv class
+                pr_label_classrel classrel, ":", "'" ^ v, deresolve class
             fun pr_classparam_field (classparam, ty) =
               concat [
@@ -646,8 +660,8 @@
             fun pr_classparam_proj (classparam, _) =
               semicolon [
                 str "fun",
-                (str o deresolv) classparam,
-                Pretty.enclose "(" ")" [str (w ^ ":'" ^ v ^ " " ^ deresolv class)],
+                (str o deresolve) classparam,
+                Pretty.enclose "(" ")" [str (w ^ ":'" ^ v ^ " " ^ deresolve class)],
                 str "=",
                 str ("#" ^ pr_label_classparam classparam),
                 str w
@@ -655,8 +669,8 @@
             fun pr_superclass_proj (_, classrel) =
               semicolon [
                 str "fun",
-                (str o deresolv) classrel,
-                Pretty.enclose "(" ")" [str (w ^ ":'" ^ v ^ " " ^ deresolv class)],
+                (str o deresolve) classrel,
+                Pretty.enclose "(" ")" [str (w ^ ":'" ^ v ^ " " ^ deresolve class)],
                 str "=",
                 str ("#" ^ pr_label_classrel classrel),
                 str w
@@ -665,7 +679,7 @@
             Pretty.chunks (
               concat [
                 str ("type '" ^ v),
-                (str o deresolv) class,
+                (str o deresolve) class,
                 str "=",
                 Pretty.enum "," "{" "};" (
                   map pr_superclass_field superclasses @ map pr_classparam_field classparams
@@ -675,7 +689,7 @@
               @ map pr_classparam_proj classparams
-     | pr_def (MLClassinst (inst, ((class, (tyco, arity)), (superarities, classparam_insts)))) =
+     | pr_stmt (MLClassinst (inst, ((class, (tyco, arity)), (superarities, classparam_insts)))) =
             fun pr_superclass (_, (classrel, dss)) =
               concat [
@@ -687,13 +701,13 @@
               concat [
                 (str o pr_label_classparam) classparam,
                 str "=",
-                pr_app false init_syms NOBR (c_inst, [])
+                pr_app false reserved_names NOBR (c_inst, [])
             semicolon ([
               str (if null arity then "val" else "fun"),
-              (str o deresolv) inst ] @
-              pr_tyvars arity @ [
+              (str o deresolve) inst ] @
+              pr_tyvar_dicts arity @ [
               str "=",
               Pretty.enum "," "{" "}"
                 (map pr_superclass superarities @ map pr_classparam classparam_insts),
@@ -701,20 +715,19 @@
               pr_tycoexpr NOBR (class, [tyco `%% map (ITyVar o fst) arity])
-  in pr_def ml_def end;
+  in pr_stmt end;
-fun pr_sml_modl name content =
-  Pretty.chunks ([
-    str ("structure " ^ name ^ " = "),
-    str "struct",
-    str ""
-  ] @ content @ [
-    str "",
-    str ("end; (*struct " ^ name ^ "*)")
-  ]);
+fun pr_sml_module name content =
+  Pretty.chunks (
+    str ("structure " ^ name ^ " = ")
+    :: str "struct"
+    :: str ""
+    :: content
+    @ str ""
+    @@ str ("end; (*struct " ^ name ^ "*)")
+  );
-fun pr_ocaml tyco_syntax const_syntax labelled_name
-    init_syms deresolv is_cons ml_def =
+fun pr_ocaml_stmt syntax_tyco syntax_const labelled_name reserved_names deresolve is_cons =
     fun pr_dicts fxy ds =
@@ -722,30 +735,30 @@
           | pr_dictvar (v, (i, _)) = "_" ^ first_upper v ^ string_of_int (i+1);
         fun pr_proj ps p =
           fold_rev (fn p2 => fn p1 => Pretty.block [p1, str ".", str p2]) ps p
-        fun pr_dictc fxy (DictConst (inst, dss)) =
-              brackify fxy ((str o deresolv) inst :: map (pr_dicts BR) dss)
-          | pr_dictc fxy (DictVar (classrels, v)) =
-              pr_proj (map deresolv classrels) ((str o pr_dictvar) v)
+        fun pr_dict fxy (DictConst (inst, dss)) =
+              brackify fxy ((str o deresolve) inst :: map (pr_dicts BR) dss)
+          | pr_dict fxy (DictVar (classrels, v)) =
+              pr_proj (map deresolve classrels) ((str o pr_dictvar) v)
       in case ds
        of [] => str "()"
-        | [d] => pr_dictc fxy d
-        | _ :: _ => (Pretty.list "(" ")" o map (pr_dictc NOBR)) ds
+        | [d] => pr_dict fxy d
+        | _ :: _ => (Pretty.list "(" ")" o map (pr_dict NOBR)) ds
-    fun pr_tyvars vs =
+    fun pr_tyvar_dicts vs =
       |> map (fn (v, sort) => map_index (fn (i, _) =>
            DictVar ([], (v, (i, length sort)))) sort)
       |> map (pr_dicts BR);
     fun pr_tycoexpr fxy (tyco, tys) =
-        val tyco' = (str o deresolv) tyco
+        val tyco' = (str o deresolve) tyco
       in case map (pr_typ BR) tys
        of [] => tyco'
         | [p] => Pretty.block [p, Pretty.brk 1, tyco']
         | (ps as _::_) => Pretty.block [Pretty.list "(" ")" ps, Pretty.brk 1, tyco']
     and pr_typ fxy (tyco `%% tys) =
-          (case tyco_syntax tyco
+          (case syntax_tyco tyco
            of NONE => pr_tycoexpr fxy (tyco, tys)
             | SOME (i, pr) =>
                 if not (i = length tys)
@@ -771,7 +784,7 @@
             val (ps, vars') = fold_map pr binds vars;
           in brackets (str "fun" :: ps @ str "->" @@ pr_term lhs vars' NOBR t') end
       | pr_term lhs vars fxy (ICase (cases as (_, t0))) = (case CodeThingol.unfold_const_app t0
-           of SOME (c_ts as ((c, _), _)) => if is_none (const_syntax c)
+           of SOME (c_ts as ((c, _), _)) => if is_none (syntax_const c)
                 then pr_case vars fxy cases
                 else pr_app lhs vars fxy c_ts
             | NONE => pr_case vars fxy cases)
@@ -779,14 +792,14 @@
       if is_cons c then
         if length tys = length ts
         then case ts
-         of [] => [(str o deresolv) c]
-          | [t] => [(str o deresolv) c, pr_term lhs vars BR t]
-          | _ => [(str o deresolv) c, Pretty.enum "," "(" ")"
+         of [] => [(str o deresolve) c]
+          | [t] => [(str o deresolve) c, pr_term lhs vars BR t]
+          | _ => [(str o deresolve) c, Pretty.enum "," "(" ")"
                     (map (pr_term lhs vars NOBR) ts)]
         else [pr_term lhs vars BR (CodeThingol.eta_expand app (length tys))]
-      else (str o deresolv) c
+      else (str o deresolve) c
         :: ((map (pr_dicts BR) o filter_out null) iss @ map (pr_term lhs vars BR) ts)
-    and pr_app lhs vars = gen_pr_app pr_app' pr_term const_syntax
+    and pr_app lhs vars = gen_pr_app pr_app' pr_term syntax_const
       labelled_name is_cons lhs vars
     and pr_bind' ((NONE, NONE), _) = str "_"
       | pr_bind' ((SOME v, NONE), _) = str v
@@ -818,28 +831,28 @@
       | pr_case vars fxy ((_, []), _) = str "failwith \"empty case\"";
-    fun pr_def (MLFuns (funns as funn :: funns')) =
+    fun fish_params vars eqs =
+      let
+        fun fish_param _ (w as SOME _) = w
+          | fish_param (IVar v) NONE = SOME v
+          | fish_param _ NONE = NONE;
+        fun fillup_param _ (_, SOME v) = v
+          | fillup_param x (i, NONE) = x ^ string_of_int i;
+        val fished1 = fold (map2 fish_param) eqs (replicate (length (hd eqs)) NONE);
+        val x = Name.variant (map_filter I fished1) "x";
+        val fished2 = map_index (fillup_param x) fished1;
+        val (fished3, _) = Name.variants fished2 Name.context;
+        val vars' = CodeName.intro_vars fished3 vars;
+      in map (CodeName.lookup_var vars') fished3 end;
+    fun pr_stmt (MLFuns (funns as funn :: funns')) =
-            fun fish_parm _ (w as SOME _) = w
-              | fish_parm (IVar v) NONE = SOME v
-              | fish_parm _ NONE = NONE;
-            fun fillup_parm _ (_, SOME v) = v
-              | fillup_parm x (i, NONE) = x ^ string_of_int i;
-            fun fish_parms vars eqs =
-              let
-                val fished1 = fold (map2 fish_parm) eqs (replicate (length (hd eqs)) NONE);
-                val x = Name.variant (map_filter I fished1) "x";
-                val fished2 = map_index (fillup_parm x) fished1;
-                val (fished3, _) = Name.variants fished2 Name.context;
-                val vars' = CodeName.intro_vars fished3 vars;
-              in map (CodeName.lookup_var vars') fished3 end;
             fun pr_eq (ts, t) =
                 val consts = map_filter
-                  (fn c => if (is_some o const_syntax) c
-                    then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o deresolv) c)
+                  (fn c => if (is_some o syntax_const) c
+                    then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o deresolve) c)
                     ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_constnames) (insert (op =)) (t :: ts) []);
-                val vars = init_syms
+                val vars = reserved_names
                   |> CodeName.intro_vars consts
                   |> CodeName.intro_vars ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_unbound_varnames)
                       (insert (op =)) ts []);
@@ -864,10 +877,10 @@
               | pr_eqs _ _ [(ts, t)] =
                     val consts = map_filter
-                      (fn c => if (is_some o const_syntax) c
-                        then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o deresolv) c)
+                      (fn c => if (is_some o syntax_const) c
+                        then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o deresolve) c)
                         ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_constnames) (insert (op =)) (t :: ts) []);
-                    val vars = init_syms
+                    val vars = reserved_names
                       |> CodeName.intro_vars consts
                       |> CodeName.intro_vars ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_unbound_varnames)
                           (insert (op =)) ts []);
@@ -891,13 +904,13 @@
               | pr_eqs _ _ (eqs as eq :: eqs') =
                     val consts = map_filter
-                      (fn c => if (is_some o const_syntax) c
-                        then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o deresolv) c)
+                      (fn c => if (is_some o syntax_const) c
+                        then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o deresolve) c)
                         ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_constnames)
                           (insert (op =)) (map snd eqs) []);
-                    val vars = init_syms
+                    val vars = reserved_names
                       |> CodeName.intro_vars consts;
-                    val dummy_parms = (map str o fish_parms vars o map fst) eqs;
+                    val dummy_parms = (map str o fish_params vars o map fst) eqs;
                     Pretty.block (
                       Pretty.breaks dummy_parms
@@ -918,20 +931,20 @@
             fun pr_funn definer (name, ((vs, ty), eqs)) =
               concat (
                 str definer
-                :: (str o deresolv) name
-                :: pr_tyvars (filter_out (null o snd) vs)
+                :: (str o deresolve) name
+                :: pr_tyvar_dicts (filter_out (null o snd) vs)
                 @| pr_eqs name ty eqs
             val (ps, p) = split_last
               (pr_funn "let rec" funn :: map (pr_funn "and") funns');
           in Pretty.chunks (ps @ [Pretty.block ([p, str ";;"])]) end
-     | pr_def (MLDatas (datas as (data :: datas'))) =
+     | pr_stmt (MLDatas (datas as (data :: datas'))) =
             fun pr_co (co, []) =
-                  str (deresolv co)
+                  str (deresolve co)
               | pr_co (co, tys) =
                   concat [
-                    str (deresolv co),
+                    str (deresolve co),
                     str "of",
                     Pretty.enum " *" "" "" (map (pr_typ (INFX (2, X))) tys)
@@ -952,29 +965,29 @@
             val (ps, p) = split_last
               (pr_data "type" data :: map (pr_data "and") datas');
           in Pretty.chunks (ps @ [Pretty.block ([p, str ";;"])]) end
-     | pr_def (MLClass (class, (v, (superclasses, classparams)))) =
+     | pr_stmt (MLClass (class, (v, (superclasses, classparams)))) =
             val w = "_" ^ first_upper v;
             fun pr_superclass_field (class, classrel) =
               (concat o map str) [
-                deresolv classrel, ":", "'" ^ v, deresolv class
+                deresolve classrel, ":", "'" ^ v, deresolve class
             fun pr_classparam_field (classparam, ty) =
               concat [
-                (str o deresolv) classparam, str ":", pr_typ NOBR ty
+                (str o deresolve) classparam, str ":", pr_typ NOBR ty
             fun pr_classparam_proj (classparam, _) =
               concat [
                 str "let",
-                (str o deresolv) classparam,
+                (str o deresolve) classparam,
                 str w,
                 str "=",
-                str (w ^ "." ^ deresolv classparam ^ ";;")
+                str (w ^ "." ^ deresolve classparam ^ ";;")
           in Pretty.chunks (
             concat [
               str ("type '" ^ v),
-              (str o deresolv) class,
+              (str o deresolve) class,
               str "=",
               enum_default "();;" ";" "{" "};;" (
                 map pr_superclass_field superclasses
@@ -983,25 +996,25 @@
             :: map pr_classparam_proj classparams
           ) end
-     | pr_def (MLClassinst (inst, ((class, (tyco, arity)), (superarities, classparam_insts)))) =
+     | pr_stmt (MLClassinst (inst, ((class, (tyco, arity)), (superarities, classparam_insts)))) =
             fun pr_superclass (_, (classrel, dss)) =
               concat [
-                (str o deresolv) classrel,
+                (str o deresolve) classrel,
                 str "=",
                 pr_dicts NOBR [DictConst dss]
             fun pr_classparam_inst (classparam, c_inst) =
               concat [
-                (str o deresolv) classparam,
+                (str o deresolve) classparam,
                 str "=",
-                pr_app false init_syms NOBR (c_inst, [])
+                pr_app false reserved_names NOBR (c_inst, [])
             concat (
               str "let"
-              :: (str o deresolv) inst
-              :: pr_tyvars arity
+              :: (str o deresolve) inst
+              :: pr_tyvar_dicts arity
               @ str "="
               @@ (Pretty.enclose "(" ");;" o Pretty.breaks) [
                 enum_default "()" ";" "{" "}" (map pr_superclass superarities
@@ -1011,33 +1024,37 @@
-  in pr_def ml_def end;
+  in pr_stmt end;
+fun pr_ocaml_module name content =
+  Pretty.chunks (
+    str ("module " ^ name ^ " = ")
+    :: str "struct"
+    :: str ""
+    :: content
+    @ str ""
+    @@ str ("end;; (*struct " ^ name ^ "*)")
+  );
-fun pr_ocaml_modl name content =
-  Pretty.chunks ([
-    str ("module " ^ name ^ " = "),
-    str "struct",
-    str ""
-  ] @ content @ [
-    str "",
-    str ("end;; (*struct " ^ name ^ "*)")
-  ]);
+datatype ml_node =
+    Dummy of string
+  | Stmt of string * ml_stmt
+  | Module of string * ((Name.context * Name.context) * ml_node Graph.T);
-fun seri_ml internal output_cont pr_def pr_modl module labelled_name reserved_syms includes raw_module_alias
-  (_ : string -> class_syntax option) tyco_syntax const_syntax code cs seri_dest =
+fun ml_node_of_program labelled_name module_name reserved_names raw_module_alias program =
-    val module_alias = if is_some module then K module else raw_module_alias;
-    val is_cons = CodeThingol.is_cons code;
-    datatype node =
-        Def of string * ml_def option
-      | Module of string * ((Name.context * Name.context) * node Graph.T);
-    val init_names = Name.make_context reserved_syms;
-    val init_module = ((init_names, init_names), Graph.empty);
+    val module_alias = if is_some module_name then K module_name else raw_module_alias;
+    val reserved_names = Name.make_context reserved_names;
+    val empty_module = ((reserved_names, reserved_names), Graph.empty);
     fun map_node [] f = f
       | map_node (m::ms) f =
-          Graph.default_node (m, Module (m, init_module))
-          #> Graph.map_node m (fn (Module (dmodlname, (nsp, nodes))) =>
-               Module (dmodlname, (nsp, map_node ms f nodes)));
+          Graph.default_node (m, Module (m, empty_module))
+          #> Graph.map_node m (fn (Module (module_name, (nsp, nodes))) =>
+               Module (module_name, (nsp, map_node ms f nodes)));
     fun map_nsp_yield [] f (nsp, nodes) =
             val (x, nsp') = f nsp
@@ -1046,193 +1063,202 @@
             val (x, nodes') =
-              |> Graph.default_node (m, Module (m, init_module))
-              |> Graph.map_node_yield m (fn Module (dmodlname, nsp_nodes) => 
+              |> Graph.default_node (m, Module (m, empty_module))
+              |> Graph.map_node_yield m (fn Module (d_module_name, nsp_nodes) => 
                     val (x, nsp_nodes') = map_nsp_yield ms f nsp_nodes
-                  in (x, Module (dmodlname, nsp_nodes')) end)
+                  in (x, Module (d_module_name, nsp_nodes')) end)
           in (x, (nsp, nodes')) end;
-    val init_syms = CodeName.make_vars reserved_syms;
-    val name_modl = mk_modl_name_tab init_names NONE module_alias code;
-    fun name_def upper name nsp =
+    fun map_nsp_fun_yield f (nsp_fun, nsp_typ) =
+      let
+        val (x, nsp_fun') = f nsp_fun
+      in (x, (nsp_fun', nsp_typ)) end;
+    fun map_nsp_typ_yield f (nsp_fun, nsp_typ) =
+      let
+        val (x, nsp_typ') = f nsp_typ
+      in (x, (nsp_fun, nsp_typ')) end;
+    val mk_name_module = mk_name_module reserved_names NONE module_alias program;
+    fun mk_name_stmt upper name nsp =
         val (_, base) = dest_name name;
         val base' = if upper then first_upper base else base;
         val ([base''], nsp') = Name.variants [base'] nsp;
       in (base'', nsp') end;
-    fun map_nsp_fun f (nsp_fun, nsp_typ) =
-      let
-        val (x, nsp_fun') = f nsp_fun
-      in (x, (nsp_fun', nsp_typ)) end;
-    fun map_nsp_typ f (nsp_fun, nsp_typ) =
-      let
-        val (x, nsp_typ') = f nsp_typ
-      in (x, (nsp_fun, nsp_typ')) end;
-    fun mk_funs defs =
+    fun add_funs stmts =
-        (fn (name, CodeThingol.Fun info) =>
-              map_nsp_fun (name_def false name) >>
-                (fn base => (base, (name, (apsnd o map) fst info)))
-          | (name, def) =>
+        (fn (name, CodeThingol.Fun stmt) =>
+              map_nsp_fun_yield (mk_name_stmt false name) #>>
+                rpair (name, (apsnd o map) fst stmt)
+          | (name, _) =>
               error ("Function block containing illegal statement: " ^ labelled_name name)
-        ) defs
-      >> (split_list #> apsnd MLFuns);
-    fun mk_datatype defs =
+        ) stmts
+      #>> (split_list #> apsnd MLFuns);
+    fun add_datatypes stmts =
-        (fn (name, CodeThingol.Datatype info) =>
-              map_nsp_typ (name_def false name) >> (fn base => (base, SOME (name, info)))
+        (fn (name, CodeThingol.Datatype stmt) =>
+              map_nsp_typ_yield (mk_name_stmt false name) #>> rpair (SOME (name, stmt))
           | (name, CodeThingol.Datatypecons _) =>
-              map_nsp_fun (name_def true name) >> (fn base => (base, NONE))
-          | (name, def) =>
+              map_nsp_fun_yield (mk_name_stmt true name) #>> rpair NONE
+          | (name, _) =>
               error ("Datatype block containing illegal statement: " ^ labelled_name name)
-        ) defs
-      >> (split_list #> apsnd (map_filter I
+        ) stmts
+      #>> (split_list #> apsnd (map_filter I
         #> (fn [] => error ("Datatype block without data statement: "
-                  ^ (commas o map (labelled_name o fst)) defs)
-             | infos => MLDatas infos)));
-    fun mk_class defs =
+                  ^ (commas o map (labelled_name o fst)) stmts)
+             | stmts => MLDatas stmts)));
+    fun add_class stmts =
         (fn (name, CodeThingol.Class info) =>
-              map_nsp_typ (name_def false name) >> (fn base => (base, SOME (name, info)))
+              map_nsp_typ_yield (mk_name_stmt false name) #>> rpair (SOME (name, info))
           | (name, CodeThingol.Classrel _) =>
-              map_nsp_fun (name_def false name) >> (fn base => (base, NONE))
+              map_nsp_fun_yield (mk_name_stmt false name) #>> rpair NONE
           | (name, CodeThingol.Classparam _) =>
-              map_nsp_fun (name_def false name) >> (fn base => (base, NONE))
-          | (name, def) =>
+              map_nsp_fun_yield (mk_name_stmt false name) #>> rpair NONE
+          | (name, _) =>
               error ("Class block containing illegal statement: " ^ labelled_name name)
-        ) defs
-      >> (split_list #> apsnd (map_filter I
+        ) stmts
+      #>> (split_list #> apsnd (map_filter I
         #> (fn [] => error ("Class block without class statement: "
-                  ^ (commas o map (labelled_name o fst)) defs)
-             | [info] => MLClass info)));
-    fun mk_inst [(name, CodeThingol.Classinst info)] =
-      map_nsp_fun (name_def false name)
-      >> (fn base => ([base], MLClassinst (name, (apsnd o apsnd o map) fst info)));
-    fun add_group mk defs nsp_nodes =
+                  ^ (commas o map (labelled_name o fst)) stmts)
+             | [stmt] => MLClass stmt)));
+    fun add_inst [(name, CodeThingol.Classinst stmt)] =
+      map_nsp_fun_yield (mk_name_stmt false name)
+      #>> (fn base => ([base], MLClassinst (name, (apsnd o apsnd o map) fst stmt)));
+    fun add_stmts ((stmts as (_, CodeThingol.Fun _)::_)) =
+          add_funs stmts
+      | add_stmts ((stmts as (_, CodeThingol.Datatypecons _)::_)) =
+          add_datatypes stmts
+      | add_stmts ((stmts as (_, CodeThingol.Datatype _)::_)) =
+          add_datatypes stmts
+      | add_stmts ((stmts as (_, CodeThingol.Class _)::_)) =
+          add_class stmts
+      | add_stmts ((stmts as (_, CodeThingol.Classrel _)::_)) =
+          add_class stmts
+      | add_stmts ((stmts as (_, CodeThingol.Classparam _)::_)) =
+          add_class stmts
+      | add_stmts ((stmts as [(_, CodeThingol.Classinst _)])) =
+          add_inst stmts
+      | add_stmts stmts = error ("Illegal mutual dependencies: " ^
+          (commas o map (labelled_name o fst)) stmts);
+    fun add_stmts' stmts nsp_nodes =
-        val names as (name :: names') = map fst defs;
+        val names as (name :: names') = map fst stmts;
         val deps =
-          |> fold (fold (insert (op =)) o Graph.imm_succs code) names
+          |> fold (fold (insert (op =)) o Graph.imm_succs program) names
           |> subtract (op =) names;
-        val (modls, _) = (split_list o map dest_name) names;
-        val modl' = (the_single o distinct (op =) o map name_modl) modls
+        val (module_names, _) = (split_list o map dest_name) names;
+        val module_name = (the_single o distinct (op =) o map mk_name_module) module_names
           handle Empty =>
             error ("Different namespace prefixes for mutual dependencies:\n"
               ^ commas (map labelled_name names)
               ^ "\n"
-              ^ commas (map (NameSpace.qualifier o NameSpace.qualifier) names));
-        val modl_explode = NameSpace.explode modl';
-        fun add_dep name name'' =
+              ^ commas module_names);
+        val module_name_path = NameSpace.explode module_name;
+        fun add_dep name name' =
-            val modl'' = (name_modl o fst o dest_name) name'';
-          in if modl' = modl'' then
-            map_node modl_explode
-              (Graph.add_edge (name, name''))
+            val module_name' = (mk_name_module o fst o dest_name) name';
+          in if module_name = module_name' then
+            map_node module_name_path (Graph.add_edge (name, name'))
           else let
             val (common, (diff1::_, diff2::_)) = chop_prefix (op =)
-              (modl_explode, NameSpace.explode modl'');
+              (module_name_path, NameSpace.explode module_name');
             map_node common
-              (fn gr => Graph.add_edge_acyclic (diff1, diff2) gr
+              (fn node => Graph.add_edge_acyclic (diff1, diff2) node
                 handle Graph.CYCLES _ => error ("Dependency "
-                  ^ quote name ^ " -> " ^ quote name''
+                  ^ quote name ^ " -> " ^ quote name'
                   ^ " would result in module dependency cycle"))
           end end;
-        |> map_nsp_yield modl_explode (mk defs)
-        |-> (fn (base' :: bases', def') =>
-           apsnd (map_node modl_explode (Graph.new_node (name, (Def (base', SOME def')))
+        |> map_nsp_yield module_name_path (add_stmts stmts)
+        |-> (fn (base' :: bases', stmt') =>
+           apsnd (map_node module_name_path (Graph.new_node (name, (Stmt (base', stmt')))
               #> fold2 (fn name' => fn base' =>
-                   Graph.new_node (name', (Def (base', NONE)))) names' bases')))
+                   Graph.new_node (name', (Dummy base'))) names' bases')))
         |> apsnd (fold (fn name => fold (add_dep name) deps) names)
-        |> apsnd (fold_product (curry (map_node modl_explode o Graph.add_edge)) names names)
+        |> apsnd (fold_product (curry (map_node module_name_path o Graph.add_edge)) names names)
-    fun group_defs ((defs as (_, CodeThingol.Fun _)::_)) =
-          add_group mk_funs defs
-      | group_defs ((defs as (_, CodeThingol.Datatypecons _)::_)) =
-          add_group mk_datatype defs
-      | group_defs ((defs as (_, CodeThingol.Datatype _)::_)) =
-          add_group mk_datatype defs
-      | group_defs ((defs as (_, CodeThingol.Class _)::_)) =
-          add_group mk_class defs
-      | group_defs ((defs as (_, CodeThingol.Classrel _)::_)) =
-          add_group mk_class defs
-      | group_defs ((defs as (_, CodeThingol.Classparam _)::_)) =
-          add_group mk_class defs
-      | group_defs ((defs as [(_, CodeThingol.Classinst _)])) =
-          add_group mk_inst defs
-      | group_defs defs = error ("Illegal mutual dependencies: " ^
-          (commas o map (labelled_name o fst)) defs)
-    val (_, nodes) =
-      init_module
-      |> fold group_defs (map (AList.make (Graph.get_node code))
-          (rev (Graph.strong_conn code)))
+    val (_, nodes) = empty_module
+      |> fold add_stmts' (map (AList.make (Graph.get_node program))
+          (rev (Graph.strong_conn program)));
     fun deresolver prefix name = 
-        val modl = (fst o dest_name) name;
-        val modl' = (NameSpace.explode o name_modl) modl;
-        val (_, (_, remainder)) = chop_prefix (op =) (prefix, modl');
-        val defname' =
+        val module_name = (fst o dest_name) name;
+        val module_name' = (NameSpace.explode o mk_name_module) module_name;
+        val (_, (_, remainder)) = chop_prefix (op =) (prefix, module_name');
+        val stmt_name =
-          |> fold (fn m => fn g => case Graph.get_node g m
-              of Module (_, (_, g)) => g) modl'
-          |> (fn g => case Graph.get_node g name of Def (defname, _) => defname);
+          |> fold (fn name => fn node => case Graph.get_node node name
+              of Module (_, (_, node)) => node) module_name'
+          |> (fn node => case Graph.get_node node name of Stmt (stmt_name, _) => stmt_name
+               | Dummy stmt_name => stmt_name);
-        NameSpace.implode (remainder @ [defname'])
+        NameSpace.implode (remainder @ [stmt_name])
       end handle Graph.UNDEF _ =>
         error ("Unknown statement name: " ^ labelled_name name);
-    fun pr_node prefix (Def (_, NONE)) =
+  in (deresolver, nodes) end;
+fun serialize_ml compile pr_module pr_stmt projection module_name labelled_name reserved_names includes raw_module_alias
+  _ syntax_tyco syntax_const program cs destination =
+  let
+    val is_cons = CodeThingol.is_cons program;
+    val (deresolver, nodes) = ml_node_of_program labelled_name module_name
+      reserved_names raw_module_alias program;
+    val reserved_names = CodeName.make_vars reserved_names;
+    fun pr_node prefix (Dummy _) =
-      | pr_node prefix (Def (_, SOME def)) =
-          SOME (pr_def tyco_syntax const_syntax labelled_name init_syms
+      | pr_node prefix (Stmt (_, def)) =
+          SOME (pr_stmt syntax_tyco syntax_const labelled_name reserved_names
             (deresolver prefix) is_cons def)
-      | pr_node prefix (Module (dmodlname, (_, nodes))) =
-          SOME (pr_modl dmodlname (
+      | pr_node prefix (Module (module_name, (_, nodes))) =
+          SOME (pr_module module_name (
             separate (str "")
-                ((map_filter (pr_node (prefix @ [dmodlname]) o Graph.get_node nodes)
+                ((map_filter (pr_node (prefix @ [module_name]) o Graph.get_node nodes)
                 o rev o flat o Graph.strong_conn) nodes)));
+    val cs' = map_filter (try (deresolver (if is_some module_name then the_list module_name else [])))
+      cs;
     val p = Pretty.chunks (separate (str "") (map snd includes @ (map_filter
       (pr_node [] o Graph.get_node nodes) o rev o flat o Graph.strong_conn) nodes));
-    val deresolv = try (deresolver (if is_some module then the_list module else []));
-    val output = case seri_dest
-     of Compile => K NONE o internal o target_code_of_pretty
-      | Write => K NONE o target_code_writeln
-      | File file => K NONE o File.write file o target_code_of_pretty
-      | String => SOME o target_code_of_pretty;
-  in output_cont (map_filter deresolv cs, output p) end;
+    fun output Compile = K NONE o compile o code_of_pretty
+      | output Write = K NONE o code_writeln
+      | output (File file) = K NONE o File.write file o code_of_pretty
+      | output String = SOME o code_of_pretty;
+  in projection (output destination p) cs' end;
+end; (*local*)
-fun isar_seri_sml module =
+fun isar_seri_sml module_name =
   parse_args (Scan.succeed ())
-  #> (fn () => seri_ml (use_text (1, "generated code") Output.ml_output false) snd pr_sml pr_sml_modl module);
+  #> (fn () => serialize_ml (use_text (1, "generated code") Output.ml_output false)
+      pr_sml_module pr_sml_stmt K module_name);
-fun isar_seri_ocaml module =
+fun isar_seri_ocaml module_name =
   parse_args (Scan.succeed ())
-  #> (fn () => seri_ml (fn _ => error "OCaml: no internal compilation") snd pr_ocaml pr_ocaml_modl module)
+  #> (fn () => serialize_ml (fn _ => error "OCaml: no internal compilation")
+      pr_ocaml_module pr_ocaml_stmt K module_name);
 (** Haskell serializer **)
-fun pr_bind' ((NONE, NONE), _) = str "_"
-  | pr_bind' ((SOME v, NONE), _) = str v
-  | pr_bind' ((NONE, SOME p), _) = p
-  | pr_bind' ((SOME v, SOME p), _) = brackets [str v, str "@", p]
-val pr_bind_haskell = gen_pr_bind pr_bind';
+val pr_haskell_bind =
+  let
+    fun pr_bind ((NONE, NONE), _) = str "_"
+      | pr_bind ((SOME v, NONE), _) = str v
+      | pr_bind ((NONE, SOME p), _) = p
+      | pr_bind ((SOME v, SOME p), _) = brackets [str v, str "@", p];
+  in gen_pr_bind pr_bind end;
-fun pr_haskell class_syntax tyco_syntax const_syntax labelled_name
-    init_syms deresolv_here deresolv is_cons contr_classparam_typs deriving_show def =
+fun pr_haskell_stmt syntax_class syntax_tyco syntax_const labelled_name
+    init_syms deresolve is_cons contr_classparam_typs deriving_show =
-    fun class_name class = case class_syntax class
-     of NONE => deresolv class
+    val deresolve_base = NameSpace.base o deresolve;
+    fun class_name class = case syntax_class class
+     of NONE => deresolve class
       | SOME (class, _) => class;
-    fun classparam_name class classparam = case class_syntax class
-     of NONE => deresolv_here classparam
+    fun classparam_name class classparam = case syntax_class class
+     of NONE => deresolve_base classparam
       | SOME (_, classparam_syntax) => case classparam_syntax classparam
          of NONE => (snd o dest_name) classparam
           | SOME classparam => classparam;
@@ -1249,9 +1275,9 @@
     fun pr_tycoexpr tyvars fxy (tyco, tys) =
       brackify fxy (str tyco :: map (pr_typ tyvars BR) tys)
     and pr_typ tyvars fxy (tycoexpr as tyco `%% tys) =
-          (case tyco_syntax tyco
+          (case syntax_tyco tyco
            of NONE =>
-                pr_tycoexpr tyvars fxy (deresolv tyco, tys)
+                pr_tycoexpr tyvars fxy (deresolve tyco, tys)
             | SOME (i, pr) =>
                 if not (i = length tys)
                 then error ("Number of argument mismatch in customary serialization: "
@@ -1284,12 +1310,12 @@
           in brackets (str "\\" :: ps @ str "->" @@ pr_term tyvars lhs vars' NOBR t') end
       | pr_term tyvars lhs vars fxy (ICase (cases as (_, t0))) =
           (case CodeThingol.unfold_const_app t0
-           of SOME (c_ts as ((c, _), _)) => if is_none (const_syntax c)
+           of SOME (c_ts as ((c, _), _)) => if is_none (syntax_const c)
                 then pr_case tyvars vars fxy cases
                 else pr_app tyvars lhs vars fxy c_ts
             | NONE => pr_case tyvars vars fxy cases)
     and pr_app' tyvars lhs vars ((c, (_, tys)), ts) = case contr_classparam_typs c
-     of [] => (str o deresolv) c :: map (pr_term tyvars lhs vars BR) ts
+     of [] => (str o deresolve) c :: map (pr_term tyvars lhs vars BR) ts
       | fingerprint => let
           val ts_fingerprint = ts ~~ curry Library.take (length ts) fingerprint;
           val needs_annotation = forall (fn (_, NONE) => true | (t, SOME _) =>
@@ -1299,12 +1325,12 @@
                 brackets [pr_term tyvars lhs vars NOBR t, str "::", pr_typ tyvars NOBR ty];
           if needs_annotation then
-            (str o deresolv) c :: map2 pr_term_anno ts_fingerprint (curry Library.take (length ts) tys)
-          else (str o deresolv) c :: map (pr_term tyvars lhs vars BR) ts
+            (str o deresolve) c :: map2 pr_term_anno ts_fingerprint (curry Library.take (length ts) tys)
+          else (str o deresolve) c :: map (pr_term tyvars lhs vars BR) ts
-    and pr_app tyvars lhs vars  = gen_pr_app (pr_app' tyvars) (pr_term tyvars) const_syntax
+    and pr_app tyvars lhs vars  = gen_pr_app (pr_app' tyvars) (pr_term tyvars) syntax_const
       labelled_name is_cons lhs vars
-    and pr_bind tyvars = pr_bind_haskell (pr_term tyvars)
+    and pr_bind tyvars = pr_haskell_bind (pr_term tyvars)
     and pr_case tyvars vars fxy (cases as ((_, [_]), _)) =
             val (binds, t) = CodeThingol.unfold_let (ICase cases);
@@ -1332,20 +1358,20 @@
             ) (map pr bs)
       | pr_case tyvars vars fxy ((_, []), _) = str "error \"empty case\"";
-    fun pr_def (name, CodeThingol.Fun ((vs, ty), [])) =
+    fun pr_stmt (name, CodeThingol.Fun ((vs, ty), [])) =
             val tyvars = CodeName.intro_vars (map fst vs) init_syms;
             val n = (length o fst o CodeThingol.unfold_fun) ty;
             Pretty.chunks [
               Pretty.block [
-                (str o suffix " ::" o deresolv_here) name,
+                (str o suffix " ::" o deresolve_base) name,
                 Pretty.brk 1,
                 pr_typscheme tyvars (vs, ty),
                 str ";"
               concat (
-                (str o deresolv_here) name
+                (str o deresolve_base) name
                 :: map str (replicate n "_")
                 @ str "="
                 :: str "error"
@@ -1354,14 +1380,14 @@
-      | pr_def (name, CodeThingol.Fun ((vs, ty), eqs)) =
+      | pr_stmt (name, CodeThingol.Fun ((vs, ty), eqs)) =
             val tyvars = CodeName.intro_vars (map fst vs) init_syms;
             fun pr_eq ((ts, t), _) =
                 val consts = map_filter
-                  (fn c => if (is_some o const_syntax) c
-                    then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o deresolv) c)
+                  (fn c => if (is_some o syntax_const) c
+                    then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o deresolve) c)
                     ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_constnames) (insert (op =)) (t :: ts) []);
                 val vars = init_syms
                   |> CodeName.intro_vars consts
@@ -1369,7 +1395,7 @@
                        (insert (op =)) ts []);
                 semicolon (
-                  (str o deresolv_here) name
+                  (str o deresolve_base) name
                   :: map (pr_term tyvars true vars BR) ts
                   @ str "="
                   @@ pr_term tyvars false vars NOBR t
@@ -1378,7 +1404,7 @@
             Pretty.chunks (
               Pretty.block [
-                (str o suffix " ::" o deresolv_here) name,
+                (str o suffix " ::" o deresolve_base) name,
                 Pretty.brk 1,
                 pr_typscheme tyvars (vs, ty),
                 str ";"
@@ -1386,47 +1412,47 @@
               :: map pr_eq eqs
-      | pr_def (name, CodeThingol.Datatype (vs, [])) =
+      | pr_stmt (name, CodeThingol.Datatype (vs, [])) =
             val tyvars = CodeName.intro_vars (map fst vs) init_syms;
             semicolon [
               str "data",
-              pr_typdecl tyvars (vs, (deresolv_here name, map (ITyVar o fst) vs))
+              pr_typdecl tyvars (vs, (deresolve_base name, map (ITyVar o fst) vs))
-      | pr_def (name, CodeThingol.Datatype (vs, [(co, [ty])])) =
+      | pr_stmt (name, CodeThingol.Datatype (vs, [(co, [ty])])) =
             val tyvars = CodeName.intro_vars (map fst vs) init_syms;
             semicolon (
               str "newtype"
-              :: pr_typdecl tyvars (vs, (deresolv_here name, map (ITyVar o fst) vs))
+              :: pr_typdecl tyvars (vs, (deresolve_base name, map (ITyVar o fst) vs))
               :: str "="
-              :: (str o deresolv_here) co
+              :: (str o deresolve_base) co
               :: pr_typ tyvars BR ty
               :: (if deriving_show name then [str "deriving (Read, Show)"] else [])
-      | pr_def (name, CodeThingol.Datatype (vs, co :: cos)) =
+      | pr_stmt (name, CodeThingol.Datatype (vs, co :: cos)) =
             val tyvars = CodeName.intro_vars (map fst vs) init_syms;
             fun pr_co (co, tys) =
               concat (
-                (str o deresolv_here) co
+                (str o deresolve_base) co
                 :: map (pr_typ tyvars BR) tys
             semicolon (
               str "data"
-              :: pr_typdecl tyvars (vs, (deresolv_here name, map (ITyVar o fst) vs))
+              :: pr_typdecl tyvars (vs, (deresolve_base name, map (ITyVar o fst) vs))
               :: str "="
               :: pr_co co
               :: map ((fn p => Pretty.block [str "| ", p]) o pr_co) cos
               @ (if deriving_show name then [str "deriving (Read, Show)"] else [])
-      | pr_def (name, CodeThingol.Class (v, (superclasses, classparams))) =
+      | pr_stmt (name, CodeThingol.Class (v, (superclasses, classparams))) =
             val tyvars = CodeName.intro_vars [v] init_syms;
             fun pr_classparam (classparam, ty) =
@@ -1440,13 +1466,13 @@
               Pretty.block [
                 str "class ",
                 Pretty.block (pr_typcontext tyvars [(v, map fst superclasses)]),
-                str (deresolv_here name ^ " " ^ CodeName.lookup_var tyvars v),
+                str (deresolve_base name ^ " " ^ CodeName.lookup_var tyvars v),
                 str " where {"
               str "};"
             ) (map pr_classparam classparams)
-      | pr_def (_, CodeThingol.Classinst ((class, (tyco, vs)), (_, classparam_insts))) =
+      | pr_stmt (_, CodeThingol.Classinst ((class, (tyco, vs)), (_, classparam_insts))) =
             val tyvars = CodeName.intro_vars (map fst vs) init_syms;
             fun pr_instdef ((classparam, c_inst), _) =
@@ -1467,13 +1493,13 @@
               str "};"
             ) (map pr_instdef classparam_insts)
-  in pr_def def end;
+  in pr_stmt end;
 fun pretty_haskell_monad c_bind =
     fun pretty pr vars fxy [(t, _)] =
-        val pr_bind = pr_bind_haskell (K pr);
+        val pr_bind = pr_haskell_bind (K pr);
         fun pr_monad (NONE, t) vars =
               (semicolon [pr vars NOBR t], vars)
           | pr_monad (SOME (bind, true), t) vars = vars
@@ -1488,74 +1514,70 @@
       in (brack o Pretty.block_enclose (str "do {", str "}")) (ps @| pr vars' NOBR t) end;
   in (1, pretty) end;
-end; (*local*)
-fun seri_haskell module_prefix module string_classes labelled_name
-    reserved_syms includes raw_module_alias
-    class_syntax tyco_syntax const_syntax code cs seri_dest =
+fun haskell_program_of_program labelled_name module_name module_prefix reserved_names raw_module_alias program =
-    val is_cons = CodeThingol.is_cons code;
-    val contr_classparam_typs = CodeThingol.contr_classparam_typs code;
-    val module_alias = if is_some module then K module else raw_module_alias;
-    val init_names = Name.make_context reserved_syms;
-    val name_modl = mk_modl_name_tab init_names module_prefix module_alias code;
-    fun add_def (name, (def, deps)) =
+    val module_alias = if is_some module_name then K module_name else raw_module_alias;
+    val reserved_names = Name.make_context reserved_names;
+    val mk_name_module = mk_name_module reserved_names module_prefix module_alias program;
+    fun add_stmt (name, (stmt, deps)) =
-        val (modl, base) = dest_name name;
-        val name_def = yield_singleton Name.variants;
+        val (module_name, base) = dest_name name;
+        val module_name' = mk_name_module module_name;
+        val mk_name_stmt = yield_singleton Name.variants;
         fun add_fun upper (nsp_fun, nsp_typ) =
             val (base', nsp_fun') =
-              name_def (if upper then first_upper base else base) nsp_fun
+              mk_name_stmt (if upper then first_upper base else base) nsp_fun
           in (base', (nsp_fun', nsp_typ)) end;
         fun add_typ (nsp_fun, nsp_typ) =
-            val (base', nsp_typ') = name_def (first_upper base) nsp_typ
+            val (base', nsp_typ') = mk_name_stmt (first_upper base) nsp_typ
           in (base', (nsp_fun, nsp_typ')) end;
-        val add_name =
-          case def
-           of CodeThingol.Fun _ => add_fun false
-            | CodeThingol.Datatype _ => add_typ
-            | CodeThingol.Datatypecons _ => add_fun true
-            | CodeThingol.Class _ => add_typ
-            | CodeThingol.Classrel _ => pair base
-            | CodeThingol.Classparam _ => add_fun false
-            | CodeThingol.Classinst _ => pair base;
-        val modlname' = name_modl modl;
-        fun add_def base' =
-          case def
-           of CodeThingol.Datatypecons _ =>
-                cons (name, ((NameSpace.append modlname' base', base'), NONE))
-            | CodeThingol.Classrel _ => I
-            | CodeThingol.Classparam _ =>
-                cons (name, ((NameSpace.append modlname' base', base'), NONE))
-            | _ => cons (name, ((NameSpace.append modlname' base', base'), SOME def));
+        val add_name = case stmt
+         of CodeThingol.Fun _ => add_fun false
+          | CodeThingol.Datatype _ => add_typ
+          | CodeThingol.Datatypecons _ => add_fun true
+          | CodeThingol.Class _ => add_typ
+          | CodeThingol.Classrel _ => pair base
+          | CodeThingol.Classparam _ => add_fun false
+          | CodeThingol.Classinst _ => pair base;
+        fun add_stmt' base' = case stmt
+         of CodeThingol.Datatypecons _ =>
+              cons (name, (NameSpace.append module_name' base', NONE))
+          | CodeThingol.Classrel _ => I
+          | CodeThingol.Classparam _ =>
+              cons (name, (NameSpace.append module_name' base', NONE))
+          | _ => cons (name, (NameSpace.append module_name' base', SOME stmt));
-        Symtab.map_default (modlname', ([], ([], (init_names, init_names))))
+        Symtab.map_default (module_name', ([], ([], (reserved_names, reserved_names))))
               (apfst (fold (insert (op = : string * string -> bool)) deps))
-        #> `(fn code => add_name ((snd o snd o the o Symtab.lookup code) modlname'))
+        #> `(fn program => add_name ((snd o snd o the o Symtab.lookup program) module_name'))
         #-> (fn (base', names) =>
-              (Symtab.map_entry modlname' o apsnd) (fn (defs, _) =>
-              (add_def base' defs, names)))
+              (Symtab.map_entry module_name' o apsnd) (fn (stmts, _) =>
+              (add_stmt' base' stmts, names)))
-    val code' =
-      fold add_def (AList.make (fn name =>
-        (Graph.get_node code name, Graph.imm_succs code name))
-        (Graph.strong_conn code |> flat)) Symtab.empty;
-    val init_syms = CodeName.make_vars reserved_syms;
-    fun deresolv name =
-      (fst o fst o the o AList.lookup (op =) ((fst o snd o the
-        o Symtab.lookup code') ((name_modl o fst o dest_name) name))) name
+    val hs_program = fold add_stmt (AList.make (fn name =>
+      (Graph.get_node program name, Graph.imm_succs program name))
+      (Graph.strong_conn program |> flat)) Symtab.empty;
+    fun deresolver name =
+      (fst o the o AList.lookup (op =) ((fst o snd o the
+        o Symtab.lookup hs_program) ((mk_name_module o fst o dest_name) name))) name
         handle Option => error ("Unknown statement name: " ^ labelled_name name);
-    fun deresolv_here name =
-      (snd o fst o the o AList.lookup (op =) ((fst o snd o the
-        o Symtab.lookup code') ((name_modl o fst o dest_name) name))) name
-        handle Option => error ("Unknown statement name: " ^ labelled_name name);
+  in (deresolver, hs_program) end;
+fun serialize_haskell module_prefix module_name string_classes labelled_name
+    reserved_names includes raw_module_alias
+    syntax_class syntax_tyco syntax_const program cs destination =
+  let
+    val (deresolver, hs_program) = haskell_program_of_program labelled_name
+      module_name module_prefix reserved_names raw_module_alias program;
+    val is_cons = CodeThingol.is_cons program;
+    val contr_classparam_typs = CodeThingol.contr_classparam_typs program;
     fun deriving_show tyco =
         fun deriv _ "fun" = false
           | deriv tycos tyco = member (op =) tycos tyco orelse
-              case try (Graph.get_node code) tyco
+              case try (Graph.get_node program) tyco
                 of SOME (CodeThingol.Datatype (_, cs)) => forall (deriv' (tyco :: tycos))
                     (maps snd cs)
                  | NONE => true
@@ -1563,45 +1585,46 @@
               andalso forall (deriv' tycos) tys
           | deriv' _ (ITyVar _) = true
       in deriv [] tyco end;
-    fun seri_def qualified = pr_haskell class_syntax tyco_syntax
-      const_syntax labelled_name init_syms
-      deresolv_here (if qualified then deresolv else deresolv_here) is_cons
-      contr_classparam_typs
+    val reserved_names = CodeName.make_vars reserved_names;
+    fun pr_stmt qualified = pr_haskell_stmt syntax_class syntax_tyco
+      syntax_const labelled_name reserved_names
+      (if qualified then deresolver else NameSpace.base o deresolver)
+      is_cons contr_classparam_typs
       (if string_classes then deriving_show else K false);
-    fun assemble_module (modulename, content) =
-      (modulename, Pretty.chunks [
-        str ("module " ^ modulename ^ " where {"),
+    fun pr_module name content =
+      (name, Pretty.chunks [
+        str ("module " ^ name ^ " where {"),
         str "",
         str "",
         str "}"
-    fun seri_module (modlname', (imports, (defs, _))) =
+    fun serialize_module (module_name', (deps, (stmts, _))) =
-        val imports' =
-          imports
-          |> map (name_modl o fst o dest_name)
+        val stmt_names = map fst stmts;
+        val deps' = subtract (op =) stmt_names deps
           |> distinct (op =)
-          |> remove (op =) modlname';
-        val qualified = is_none module andalso
-          imports @ map fst defs
-          |> distinct (op =)
-          |> map_filter (try deresolv)
+          |> map_filter (try deresolver);
+        val qualified = is_none module_name andalso
+          map deresolver stmt_names @ deps'
           |> map NameSpace.base
           |> has_duplicates (op =);
-        val mk_import = str o (if qualified
+        val imports = deps'
+          |> map NameSpace.qualifier
+          |> distinct (op =);
+        fun pr_import_include (name, _) = str ("import " ^ name ^ ";");
+        val pr_import_module = str o (if qualified
           then prefix "import qualified "
           else prefix "import ") o suffix ";";
-        fun import_include (name, _) = str ("import " ^ name ^ ";");
         val content = Pretty.chunks (
-            map mk_import imports'
-            @ map import_include includes
+            map pr_import_include includes
+            @ map pr_import_module imports
             @ str ""
             :: separate (str "") (map_filter
-              (fn (name, (_, SOME def)) => SOME (seri_def qualified (name, def))
-                | (_, (_, NONE)) => NONE) defs)
+              (fn (name, (_, SOME stmt)) => SOME (pr_stmt qualified (name, stmt))
+                | (_, (_, NONE)) => NONE) stmts)
-      in assemble_module (modlname', content) end;
+      in pr_module module_name' content end;
     fun write_module destination (modlname, content) =
         val filename = case modlname
@@ -1610,46 +1633,21 @@
                 o NameSpace.explode) modlname;
         val pathname = Path.append destination filename;
         val _ = File.mkdir (Path.dir pathname);
-      in File.write pathname (target_code_of_pretty content) end
-    val output = case seri_dest
-     of Compile => error ("Haskell: no internal compilation")
-      | Write => K NONE o map (target_code_writeln o snd)
-      | File destination => K NONE o map (write_module destination)
-      | String => SOME o cat_lines o map (target_code_of_pretty o snd);
-  in output (map assemble_module includes
-    @ map seri_module (Symtab.dest code'))
+      in File.write pathname (code_of_pretty content) end
+    fun output Compile = error ("Haskell: no internal compilation")
+      | output Write = K NONE o map (code_writeln o snd)
+      | output (File destination) = K NONE o map (write_module destination)
+      | output String = SOME o cat_lines o map (code_of_pretty o snd);
+  in
+    output destination (map (uncurry pr_module) includes
+      @ map serialize_module (Symtab.dest hs_program))
 fun isar_seri_haskell module =
   parse_args (Scan.option (Args.$$$ "root" -- Args.colon |--
     -- Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "string_classes" >> K true) false
     >> (fn (module_prefix, string_classes) =>
-      seri_haskell module_prefix module string_classes));
-(** diagnosis serializer **)
-fun seri_diagnosis labelled_name _ _ _ _ _ _ code _ _ =
-  let
-    val init_names = CodeName.make_vars [];
-    fun pr_fun "fun" = SOME (2, fn pr_typ => fn fxy => fn [ty1, ty2] =>
-          brackify_infix (1, R) fxy [
-            pr_typ (INFX (1, X)) ty1,
-            str "->",
-            pr_typ (INFX (1, R)) ty2
-          ])
-      | pr_fun _ = NONE
-    val pr = pr_haskell (K NONE) pr_fun (K NONE) labelled_name init_names
-      I I (K false) (K []) (K false);
-  in
-    []
-    |> Graph.fold (fn (name, (def, _)) =>
-          case try pr (name, def) of SOME p => cons p | NONE => I) code
-    |> Pretty.chunks2
-    |> target_code_of_pretty
-    |> writeln
-    |> K NONE
-  end;
+      serialize_haskell module_prefix module string_classes));
 (** optional pretty serialization **)
@@ -1811,25 +1809,48 @@
 end; (*local*)
-(** user interfaces **)
+(** serializer interfaces **)
 (* evaluation *)
-fun eval_seri module args =
-  seri_ml (use_text (1, "generated code") Output.ml_output false)
-    (fn (cs, SOME s) => "let\n" ^ s ^ "\nin fn () => " ^ enclose "(" ")" (commas cs) ^ " end")
-    pr_sml (K Pretty.chunks) (SOME "Isabelle_Eval");
+fun eval_serializer module [] = serialize_ml
+  (use_text (1, "code to be evaluated") Output.ml_output false) 
+  (K Pretty.chunks) pr_sml_stmt
+  (fn SOME s => fn cs => SOME ("let\n" ^ s ^ "\nin fn () => " ^ enclose "(" ")" (commas cs) ^ " end"))
+  (SOME "Isabelle_Eval");
-fun sml_of thy code cs = get_serializer (K eval_seri) thy target_SML false NONE [] code (SOME cs) String;
+fun sml_code_of thy program cs = mount_serializer thy (SOME eval_serializer) target_SML NONE [] program cs String
+  |> the;
-fun eval thy (ref_name, reff) code (t, ty) args =
+fun eval eval'' term_of reff thy ct args =
-    val _ = if CodeThingol.contains_dictvar t then
-      error "Term to be evaluated constains free dictionaries" else ();
-    val code' = CodeThingol.add_value_stmt (t, ty) code;
-    val value_code = sml_of thy code' [CodeName.value_name] ;
-    val sml_code = space_implode " " (value_code :: "()" :: map (enclose "(" ")") args);
-  in ML_Context.evaluate Output.ml_output false (ref_name, reff) sml_code end;
+    val _ = if null (term_frees (term_of ct)) then () else error ("Term "
+      ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy (term_of ct))
+      ^ " to be evaluated contains free variables");
+    fun eval' program ((vs, ty), t) deps =
+      let
+        val _ = if CodeThingol.contains_dictvar t then
+          error "Term to be evaluated constains free dictionaries" else ();
+        val program' = program
+          |> Graph.new_node (CodeName.value_name, CodeThingol.Fun (([], ty), [(([], t), Drule.dummy_thm)]))
+          |> fold (curry Graph.add_edge CodeName.value_name) deps;
+        val value_code = sml_code_of thy program' [CodeName.value_name] ;
+        val sml_code = space_implode " " (value_code :: "()" :: map (enclose "(" ")") args);
+      in ML_Context.evaluate Output.ml_output false reff sml_code end;
+  in eval'' thy (fn t => (t, eval')) ct end;
+fun eval_conv reff = eval CodeThingol.eval_conv Thm.term_of reff;
+fun eval_term reff = eval CodeThingol.eval_term I reff;
+(* presentation *)
+fun code_of thy target module_name cs =
+  let
+    val (cs', program) = CodeThingol.consts_program thy cs;
+  in
+    string (serialize thy target (SOME module_name) [] program cs')
+  end;
 (* infix syntax *)
@@ -1877,11 +1898,7 @@
     val _ = AxClass.get_info thy class;
   in class end;
-fun read_class thy raw_class =
-  let
-    val class = Sign.intern_class thy raw_class;
-    val _ = AxClass.get_info thy class;
-  in class end;
+fun read_class thy = cert_class thy o Sign.intern_class thy;
 fun cert_tyco thy tyco =
@@ -1889,12 +1906,7 @@
       else error ("No such type constructor: " ^ quote tyco);
   in tyco end;
-fun read_tyco thy raw_tyco =
-  let
-    val tyco = Sign.intern_type thy raw_tyco;
-    val _ = if Sign.declared_tyname thy tyco then ()
-      else error ("No such type constructor: " ^ quote raw_tyco);
-  in tyco end;
+fun read_tyco thy = cert_tyco thy o Sign.intern_type thy;
 fun gen_add_syntax_class prep_class prep_const target raw_class raw_syn thy =
@@ -1971,7 +1983,7 @@
     fun add sym syms = if member (op =) syms sym
       then error ("Reserved symbol " ^ quote sym ^ " already declared")
       else insert (op =) sym syms
-  in map_adaptions target o apfst o add end;
+  in map_reserved target o add end;
 fun add_include target =
@@ -1983,39 +1995,39 @@
           in Symtab.update (name, str content) incls end
       | add (name, NONE) incls =
           Symtab.delete name incls;
-  in map_adaptions target o apsnd o add end;
+  in map_includes target o add end;
-fun add_modl_alias target =
+fun add_module_alias target =
   map_module_alias target o Symtab.update o apsnd CodeName.check_modulename;
-fun add_monad target c_run c_bind c_return_unit thy =
+fun add_monad target raw_c_run raw_c_bind raw_c_return_unit thy =
-    val c_run' = CodeUnit.read_const thy c_run;
-    val c_bind' = CodeUnit.read_const thy c_bind;
-    val c_bind'' = CodeName.const thy c_bind';
-    val c_return_unit'' = ( o pairself)
-      (CodeName.const thy o CodeUnit.read_const thy) c_return_unit;
+    val c_run = CodeUnit.read_const thy raw_c_run;
+    val c_bind = CodeUnit.read_const thy raw_c_bind;
+    val c_bind' = CodeName.const thy c_bind;
+    val c_return_unit' = ( o pairself)
+      (CodeName.const thy o CodeUnit.read_const thy) raw_c_return_unit;
     val is_haskell = target = target_Haskell;
-    val _ = if is_haskell andalso is_some c_return_unit''
+    val _ = if is_haskell andalso is_some c_return_unit'
       then error ("No unit entry may be given for Haskell monad")
       else ();
-    val _ = if not is_haskell andalso is_none c_return_unit''
+    val _ = if not is_haskell andalso is_none c_return_unit'
       then error ("Unit entry must be given for SML/OCaml monad")
       else ();
   in if target = target_Haskell then
-    |> gen_add_syntax_const (K I) target_Haskell c_run'
-          (SOME (pretty_haskell_monad c_bind''))
-    |> gen_add_syntax_const (K I) target_Haskell c_bind'
+    |> gen_add_syntax_const (K I) target_Haskell c_run
+          (SOME (pretty_haskell_monad c_bind'))
+    |> gen_add_syntax_const (K I) target_Haskell c_bind
           (no_bindings (SOME (parse_infix fst (L, 1) ">>=")))
-    |> gen_add_syntax_const (K I) target c_bind'
-          (SOME (pretty_imperative_monad_bind c_bind''
-            ((fst o the) c_return_unit'') ((snd o the) c_return_unit'')))
+    |> gen_add_syntax_const (K I) target c_bind
+          (SOME (pretty_imperative_monad_bind c_bind'
+            ((fst o the) c_return_unit') ((snd o the) c_return_unit')))
-fun gen_allow_exception prep_cs raw_c thy =
+fun gen_allow_abort prep_cs raw_c thy =
     val c = prep_cs thy raw_c;
     val c' = CodeName.const thy c;
@@ -2028,7 +2040,7 @@
     #-> (fn xys => pair ((x, y) :: xys)));
-(* conrete syntax *)
+(* concrete syntax *)
 structure P = OuterParse
 and K = OuterKeyword
@@ -2076,13 +2088,13 @@
 val add_syntax_inst = gen_add_syntax_inst cert_class cert_tyco;
 val add_syntax_tyco = gen_add_syntax_tyco cert_tyco;
 val add_syntax_const = gen_add_syntax_const (K I);
-val allow_exception = gen_allow_exception (K I);
+val allow_abort = gen_allow_abort (K I);
 val add_syntax_class_cmd = gen_add_syntax_class read_class CodeUnit.read_const;
 val add_syntax_inst_cmd = gen_add_syntax_inst read_class read_tyco;
 val add_syntax_tyco_cmd = gen_add_syntax_tyco read_tyco;
 val add_syntax_const_cmd = gen_add_syntax_const CodeUnit.read_const;
-val allow_exception_cmd = gen_allow_exception CodeUnit.read_const;
+val allow_abort_cmd = gen_allow_abort CodeUnit.read_const;
 fun add_syntax_tycoP target tyco = parse_syntax I >> add_syntax_tyco_cmd target tyco;
 fun add_syntax_constP target c = parse_syntax fst >> (add_syntax_const_cmd target c o no_bindings);
@@ -2152,9 +2164,64 @@
-(* Isar commands *)
+(** code generation at a glance **)
+fun read_const_exprs thy cs =
+  let
+    val (cs1, cs2) = CodeName.read_const_exprs thy cs;
+    val (cs3, program) = CodeThingol.consts_program thy cs2;
+    val cs4 = CodeThingol.transitivly_non_empty_funs program (abort_allowed thy);
+    val cs5 = map_filter
+      (fn (c, c') => if member (op =) cs4 c' then SOME c else NONE) (cs2 ~~ cs3);
+  in fold (insert (op =)) cs5 cs1 end;
+fun cached_program thy = 
+  let
+    val program = CodeThingol.cached_program thy;
+  in (CodeThingol.transitivly_non_empty_funs program (abort_allowed thy), program) end
+fun code thy cs seris =
+  let
+    val (cs', program) = if null cs
+      then cached_program thy
+      else CodeThingol.consts_program thy cs;
+    fun mk_seri_dest dest = case dest
+     of NONE => compile
+      | SOME "-" => write
+      | SOME f => file (Path.explode f)
+    val _ = map (fn (((target, module), dest), args) =>
+      (mk_seri_dest dest (serialize thy target module args program cs'))) seris;
+  in () end;
-val _ = OuterSyntax.keywords [infixK, infixlK, infixrK];
+fun sml_of thy cs = 
+  let
+    val (cs', program) = CodeThingol.consts_program thy cs;
+  in sml_code_of thy program cs' ^ " ()" end;
+fun code_antiq (ctxt, args) = 
+  let
+    val thy = Context.theory_of ctxt;
+    val (ts, (ctxt', args')) = Scan.repeat1 Args.term (ctxt, args);
+    val cs = map (CodeUnit.check_const thy) ts;
+    val s = sml_of thy cs;
+  in (("codevals", s), (ctxt', args')) end;
+fun export_code_cmd raw_cs seris thy = code thy (read_const_exprs thy raw_cs) seris;
+val (inK, module_nameK, fileK) = ("in", "module_name", "file");
+fun code_exprP cmd =
+  (Scan.repeat P.term
+  -- Scan.repeat (P.$$$ inK |--
+     -- Scan.option (P.$$$ module_nameK |--
+     -- Scan.option (P.$$$ fileK |--
+     -- Scan.optional (P.$$$ "(" |-- P.arguments --| P.$$$ ")") []
+  ) >> (fn (raw_cs, seris) => cmd raw_cs seris));
+(** Isar setup **)
+val _ = OuterSyntax.keywords [infixK, infixlK, infixrK, inK, module_nameK, fileK];
 val _ =
   OuterSyntax.command "code_class" "define code syntax for class" K.thy_decl (
@@ -2211,22 +2278,33 @@
 val _ =
   OuterSyntax.command "code_modulename" "alias module to other name" K.thy_decl ( -- Scan.repeat1 ( --
-    >> (fn (target, modlnames) => (Toplevel.theory o fold (add_modl_alias target)) modlnames)
+    >> (fn (target, modlnames) => (Toplevel.theory o fold (add_module_alias target)) modlnames)
+  );
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.command "code_abort" "permit constant to be implemented as program abort" K.thy_decl (
+    Scan.repeat1 P.term >> (Toplevel.theory o fold allow_abort_cmd)
 val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.command "code_exception" "permit exceptions for constant" K.thy_decl (
-    Scan.repeat1 P.term >> (Toplevel.theory o fold allow_exception_cmd)
-  );
+  OuterSyntax.command "export_code" "generate executable code for constants"
+    K.diag (P.!!! (code_exprP export_code_cmd) >> (fn f => Toplevel.keep (f o Toplevel.theory_of)));
+fun shell_command thyname cmd = Toplevel.program (fn _ =>
+  (use_thy thyname; case OuterLex.stopper (P.!!! (code_exprP export_code_cmd)) ((filter OuterLex.is_proper o OuterSyntax.scan) cmd)
+   of SOME f => (writeln "Now generating code..."; f (theory thyname))
+    | NONE => error ("Bad directive " ^ quote cmd)))
+  handle TOPLEVEL_ERROR => OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure;
+val _ = ML_Context.value_antiq "code" code_antiq;
 (* serializer setup, including serializer defaults *)
 val setup =
-  add_serializer (target_SML, isar_seri_sml)
-  #> add_serializer (target_OCaml, isar_seri_ocaml)
-  #> add_serializer (target_Haskell, isar_seri_haskell)
-  #> add_serializer (target_diag, fn _ => fn _=> seri_diagnosis)
+  add_target (target_SML, isar_seri_sml)
+  #> add_target (target_OCaml, isar_seri_ocaml)
+  #> add_target (target_Haskell, isar_seri_haskell)
   #> add_syntax_tyco "SML" "fun" (SOME (2, fn pr_typ => fn fxy => fn [ty1, ty2] =>
       brackify_infix (1, R) fxy [
         pr_typ (INFX (1, X)) ty1,
--- a/src/Tools/code/code_thingol.ML	Tue Jun 10 15:30:01 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/code/code_thingol.ML	Tue Jun 10 15:30:06 2008 +0200
@@ -71,25 +71,20 @@
     | Classinst of (class * (string * (vname * sort) list))
           * ((class * (string * (string * dict list list))) list
         * ((string * const) * thm) list);
-  type code = stmt Graph.T;
-  val empty_code: code;
-  val merge_code: code * code -> code;
-  val project_code: bool (*delete empty funs*)
-    -> string list (*hidden*) -> string list option (*selected*)
-    -> code -> code;
-  val empty_funs: code -> string list;
-  val is_cons: code -> string -> bool;
-  val contr_classparam_typs: code -> string -> itype option list;
+  type program = stmt Graph.T;
+  val empty_funs: program -> string list;
+  val transitivly_non_empty_funs: program -> string list -> string list;
+  val is_cons: program -> string -> bool;
+  val contr_classparam_typs: program -> string -> itype option list;
-  type transact;
-  val ensure_const: theory -> (sort -> sort) * Sorts.algebra -> CodeFuncgr.T
-    -> string -> transact -> string * transact;
-  val ensure_value: theory -> (sort -> sort) * Sorts.algebra -> CodeFuncgr.T
-    -> term -> transact -> (code * ((typscheme * iterm) * string list)) * transact;
-  val transact: theory -> CodeFuncgr.T
-    -> (theory -> (sort -> sort) * Sorts.algebra -> CodeFuncgr.T
-      -> transact -> 'a * transact) -> code -> 'a * code;
-  val add_value_stmt: iterm * itype -> code -> code;
+  val consts_program: theory -> string list -> string list * program;
+  val cached_program: theory -> program;
+  val eval_conv: theory
+    -> (term -> term * (program -> typscheme * iterm -> string list -> thm))
+    -> cterm -> thm;
+  val eval_term: theory
+    -> (term -> term * (program -> typscheme * iterm -> string list -> 'a))
+    -> term -> 'a;
 structure CodeThingol: CODE_THINGOL =
@@ -256,7 +251,7 @@
-(** definitions, transactions **)
+(** statements, abstract programs **)
 type typscheme = (vname * sort) list * itype;
 datatype stmt =
@@ -271,62 +266,25 @@
         * ((class * (string * (string * dict list list))) list
       * ((string * const) * thm) list);
-type code = stmt Graph.T;
-(* abstract code *)
-val empty_code = Graph.empty : code; (*read: "depends on"*)
-fun ensure_node name = Graph.default_node (name, NoStmt);
+type program = stmt Graph.T;
-fun add_def_incr (name, NoStmt) code =
-      (case the_default NoStmt (try (Graph.get_node code) name)
-       of NoStmt => error "Attempted to add NoStmt to code"
-        | _ => code)
-  | add_def_incr (name, def) code =
-      (case try (Graph.get_node code) name
-       of NONE => Graph.new_node (name, def) code
-        | SOME NoStmt => Graph.map_node name (K def) code
-        | SOME _ => error ("Tried to overwrite statement " ^ quote name));
-fun add_dep (NONE, _) = I
-  | add_dep (SOME name1, name2) =
-      if name1 = name2 then I else Graph.add_edge (name1, name2);
-val merge_code : code * code -> code = Graph.merge (K true);
+fun empty_funs program =
+  Graph.fold (fn (name, (Fun (_, []), _)) => cons name
+               | _ => I) program [];
-fun project_code delete_empty_funs hidden raw_selected code =
+fun transitivly_non_empty_funs program names_ignored =
-    fun is_empty_fun name = case Graph.get_node code name
-     of Fun (_, []) => true
-      | _ => false;
-    val names = subtract (op =) hidden (Graph.keys code);
-    val deleted = Graph.all_preds code (filter is_empty_fun names);
-    val selected = case raw_selected
-     of NONE => names |> subtract (op =) deleted 
-      | SOME sel => sel
-          |> delete_empty_funs ? subtract (op =) deleted
-          |> subtract (op =) hidden
-          |> Graph.all_succs code
-          |> delete_empty_funs ? subtract (op =) deleted
-          |> subtract (op =) hidden;
-  in
-    code
-    |> Graph.subgraph (member (op =) selected)
-  end;
+    val names_empty = empty_funs program;
+    val names_delete = Graph.all_preds program (subtract (op =) names_ignored names_empty)
+  in subtract (op =) names_delete (Graph.keys program) end;
-fun empty_funs code =
-  Graph.fold (fn (name, (Fun (_, []), _)) => cons name
-               | _ => I) code [];
-fun is_cons code name = case Graph.get_node code name
+fun is_cons program name = case Graph.get_node program name
  of Datatypecons _ => true
   | _ => false;
-fun contr_classparam_typs code name = case Graph.get_node code name
+fun contr_classparam_typs program name = case Graph.get_node program name
  of Classparam class => let
-        val Class (_, (_, params)) = Graph.get_node code class;
+        val Class (_, (_, params)) = Graph.get_node program class;
         val SOME ty = AList.lookup (op =) params name;
         val (tys, res_ty) = unfold_fun ty;
         fun no_tyvar (_ `%% tys) = forall no_tyvar tys
@@ -338,35 +296,28 @@
   | _ => [];
-(* transaction protocol *)
+(** translation kernel **)
-type transact = Graph.key option * code;
+type transaction = Graph.key option * program;
-fun ensure_stmt stmtgen name (dep, code) =
+fun ensure_stmt stmtgen name (dep, program) =
-    fun add_def false =
-          ensure_node name
-          #> add_dep (dep, name)
+    val add_dep = case dep of NONE => I | SOME dep => Graph.add_edge (dep, name);
+    fun add_stmt false =
+          Graph.default_node (name, NoStmt)
+          #> add_dep
           #> curry stmtgen (SOME name)
           ##> snd
-          #-> (fn def => add_def_incr (name, def))
-      | add_def true =
-          add_dep (dep, name);
+          #-> (fn stmt => Graph.map_node name (K stmt))
+      | add_stmt true =
+          add_dep;
-    code
-    |> add_def (can (Graph.get_node code) name)
+    program
+    |> add_stmt (can (Graph.get_node program) name)
     |> pair dep
     |> pair name
-fun transact thy funcgr f code =
-  (NONE, code)
-  |> f thy (Code.operational_algebra thy) funcgr
-  |-> (fn x => fn (_, code) => (x, code));
-(* translation kernel *)
 fun not_wellsorted thy thm ty sort e =
     val err_class = Sorts.class_error (Syntax.pp_global thy) e;
@@ -624,12 +575,56 @@
   | NONE => exprgen_app_default thy algbr funcgr thm ((c, ty), ts);
-(** evaluation **)
+(** generated programs **)
+(* store *)
+structure Program = CodeDataFun
+  type T = program;
+  val empty = Graph.empty;
+  fun merge _ = Graph.merge (K true);
+  fun purge _ NONE _ = Graph.empty
+    | purge NONE _ _ = Graph.empty
+    | purge (SOME thy) (SOME cs) program =
+        let
+          val cs_exisiting =
+            map_filter (CodeName.const_rev thy) (Graph.keys program);
+          val dels = (Graph.all_preds program
+              o map (CodeName.const thy)
+              o filter (member (op =) cs_exisiting)
+            ) cs;
+        in Graph.del_nodes dels program end;
+val cached_program = Program.get;
-fun add_value_stmt (t, ty) code =
-  code
-  |> Graph.new_node (CodeName.value_name, Fun (([], ty), [(([], t), Drule.dummy_thm)]))
-  |> fold (curry Graph.add_edge CodeName.value_name) (Graph.keys code);
+fun transact f program =
+  (NONE, program)
+  |> f
+  |-> (fn x => fn (_, program) => (x, program));
+fun generate thy funcgr f x =
+  Program.change_yield thy (transact (f thy (Code.operational_algebra thy) funcgr x));
+(* program generation *)
+fun consts_program thy cs =
+  let
+    fun project_consts cs program =
+      let
+        val cs_all = Graph.all_succs program cs;
+      in (cs, Graph.subgraph (member (op =) cs_all) program) end;
+    fun generate_consts thy algebra funcgr =
+      fold_map (ensure_const thy algebra funcgr);
+  in
+    generate thy (CodeFuncgr.make thy cs) generate_consts cs
+    |-> project_consts
+  end;
+(* value evaluation *)
 fun ensure_value thy algbr funcgr t = 
@@ -641,20 +636,36 @@
       ##>> exprgen_typ thy algbr funcgr ty
       ##>> exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr NONE t
       #>> (fn ((vs, ty), t) => Fun ((vs, ty), [(([], t), Drule.dummy_thm)]));
-    fun term_value (dep, code1) =
+    fun term_value (dep, program1) =
         val Fun ((vs, ty), [(([], t), _)]) =
-          Graph.get_node code1 CodeName.value_name;
-        val deps = Graph.imm_succs code1 CodeName.value_name;
-        val code2 = Graph.del_nodes [CodeName.value_name] code1;
-        val code3 = project_code false [] (SOME deps) code2;
-      in ((code3, (((vs, ty), t), deps)), (dep, code2)) end;
+          Graph.get_node program1 CodeName.value_name;
+        val deps = Graph.imm_succs program1 CodeName.value_name;
+        val program2 = Graph.del_nodes [CodeName.value_name] program1;
+        val deps_all = Graph.all_succs program2 deps;
+        val program3 = Graph.subgraph (member (op =) deps_all) program2;
+      in ((program3, (((vs, ty), t), deps)), (dep, program2)) end;
     ensure_stmt stmt_value CodeName.value_name
     #> snd
     #> term_value
+fun eval eval_kind thy evaluator =
+  let
+    fun evaluator'' evaluator''' funcgr t =
+      let
+        val ((program, (vs_ty_t, deps)), _) = generate thy funcgr ensure_value t;
+      in evaluator''' program vs_ty_t deps end;
+    fun evaluator' t =
+      let
+        val (t', evaluator''') = evaluator t;
+      in (t', evaluator'' evaluator''') end;
+  in eval_kind thy evaluator' end
+fun eval_conv thy = eval CodeFuncgr.eval_conv thy;
+fun eval_term thy = eval CodeFuncgr.eval_term thy;
 end; (*struct*)
--- a/src/Tools/nbe.ML	Tue Jun 10 15:30:01 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/nbe.ML	Tue Jun 10 15:30:06 2008 +0200
@@ -277,14 +277,14 @@
       #-> fold (fn (name, univ) => (Graph.map_node name o apfst) (K (SOME univ))))
-fun ensure_stmts code =
+fun ensure_stmts program =
     fun add_stmts names (gr, (maxidx, idx_tab)) = if exists ((can o Graph.get_node) gr) names
       then (gr, (maxidx, idx_tab))
       else (gr, (maxidx, idx_tab))
-        |> compile_stmts (map (fn name => ((name, Graph.get_node code name),
-          Graph.imm_succs code name)) names);
-  in fold_rev add_stmts (Graph.strong_conn code) end;
+        |> compile_stmts (map (fn name => ((name, Graph.get_node program name),
+          Graph.imm_succs program name)) names);
+  in fold_rev add_stmts (Graph.strong_conn program) end;
 (** evaluation **)
@@ -364,9 +364,9 @@
 (* compilation, evaluation and reification *)
-fun compile_eval thy code vs_ty_t deps =
+fun compile_eval thy program vs_ty_t deps =
-    val (gr, (_, idx_tab)) = Nbe_Functions.change thy (ensure_stmts code);
+    val (gr, (_, idx_tab)) = Nbe_Functions.change thy (ensure_stmts program);
     |> eval_term gr deps
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@
 (* evaluation with type reconstruction *)
-fun eval thy t code vs_ty_t deps =
+fun eval thy t program vs_ty_t deps =
     fun subst_const f = map_aterms (fn t as Term.Const (c, ty) => Term.Const (f c, ty)
       | t => t);
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
         ^ setmp show_types true (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy) t);
     val string_of_term = setmp show_types true (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy);
-    compile_eval thy code vs_ty_t deps
+    compile_eval thy program vs_ty_t deps
     |> tracing (fn t => "Normalized:\n" ^ string_of_term t)
     |> subst_triv_consts
     |> type_frees
@@ -408,14 +408,14 @@
 (* evaluation oracle *)
-exception Norm of term * CodeThingol.code
+exception Norm of term * CodeThingol.program
   * (CodeThingol.typscheme * CodeThingol.iterm) * string list;
-fun norm_oracle (thy, Norm (t, code, vs_ty_t, deps)) =
-  Logic.mk_equals (t, eval thy t code vs_ty_t deps);
+fun norm_oracle (thy, Norm (t, program, vs_ty_t, deps)) =
+  Logic.mk_equals (t, eval thy t program vs_ty_t deps);
-fun norm_invoke thy t code vs_ty_t deps =
-  Thm.invoke_oracle_i thy "HOL.norm" (thy, Norm (t, code, vs_ty_t, deps));
+fun norm_invoke thy t program vs_ty_t deps =
+  Thm.invoke_oracle_i thy "HOL.norm" (thy, Norm (t, program, vs_ty_t, deps));
   (*FIXME get rid of hardwired theory name*)
 fun add_triv_classes thy =
@@ -430,15 +430,15 @@
 fun norm_conv ct =
     val thy = Thm.theory_of_cterm ct;
-    fun evaluator' t code vs_ty_t deps = norm_invoke thy t code vs_ty_t deps;
+    fun evaluator' t program vs_ty_t deps = norm_invoke thy t program vs_ty_t deps;
     fun evaluator t = (add_triv_classes thy t, evaluator' t);
-  in CodePackage.evaluate_conv thy evaluator ct end;
+  in CodeThingol.eval_conv thy evaluator ct end;
 fun norm_term thy t =
-    fun evaluator' t code vs_ty_t deps = eval thy t code vs_ty_t deps;
+    fun evaluator' t program vs_ty_t deps = eval thy t program vs_ty_t deps;
     fun evaluator t = (add_triv_classes thy t, evaluator' t);
-  in (Code.postprocess_term thy o CodePackage.evaluate_term thy evaluator) t end;
+  in (Code.postprocess_term thy o CodeThingol.eval_term thy evaluator) t end;
 (* evaluation command *)