--- a/CONTRIBUTORS Thu Jun 21 12:01:27 2007 +0200
+++ b/CONTRIBUTORS Thu Jun 21 13:23:33 2007 +0200
@@ -10,6 +10,12 @@
* June 2007: Amine Chaieb, TUM
Semiring normalization and Groebner Bases
+* June 2007: Joe Hurd, Oxford
+ Metis theorem-prover
+* 2006/2007: Kong W. Susanto, Cambridge
+ HOL: Metis prover integration.
* 2006/2007: Florian Haftmann, TUM
Pure: generic code generator framework.
Pure: class package.
--- a/NEWS Thu Jun 21 12:01:27 2007 +0200
+++ b/NEWS Thu Jun 21 13:23:33 2007 +0200
@@ -541,6 +541,13 @@
*** HOL ***
+* Method "metis" proves goals by applying the Metis general-purpose resolution prover.
+ Examples are in the directory MetisExamples.
+* Command "sledgehammer" invokes external automatic theorem provers as background processes.
+ It generates calls to the "metis" method if successful. These can be pasted into the proof.
+ Users do not have to wait for the automatic provers to return.
* IntDef: The constant "int :: nat => int" has been removed; now
"int" is an abbreviation for "of_nat :: nat => int". Potential
INCOMPATIBILITY due to differences in default simp rules:
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile Thu Jun 21 12:01:27 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile Thu Jun 21 13:23:33 2007 +0200
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
HOL-Isar_examples \
HOL-Lambda \
HOL-Lattice \
+ HOL-MetisExamples \
HOL-MicroJava \
HOL-Modelcheck \
HOL-NanoJava \
@@ -390,6 +391,18 @@
@$(ISATOOL) usedir -g true $(OUT)/HOL HoareParallel
+## HOL-MetisExamples
+HOL-MetisExamples: HOL $(LOG)/HOL-MetisExamples.gz
+$(LOG)/HOL-MetisExamples.gz: $(OUT)/HOL \
+ MetisExamples/ROOT.ML \
+ MetisExamples/Abstraction.thy MetisExamples/BigO.thy MetisExamples/BT.thy \
+ MetisExamples/Message.thy MetisExamples/Tarski.thy MetisExamples/TransClosure.thy \
+ MetisExamples/set.thy
+ @$(ISATOOL) usedir -g true $(OUT)/HOL MetisExamples
## HOL-Algebra
HOL-Algebra: HOL $(LOG)/HOL-Algebra.gz
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/MetisExamples/Abstraction.thy Thu Jun 21 13:23:33 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+(* Title: HOL/MetisExamples/Abstraction.thy
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+Testing the metis method
+theory Abstraction imports FuncSet
+(*For Christoph Benzmueller*)
+lemma "x<1 & ((op=) = (op=)) ==> ((op=) = (op=)) & (x<(2::nat))";
+ by (metis One_nat_def less_Suc0 not_less0 not_less_eq numeral_2_eq_2)
+(*this is a theorem, but we can't prove it unless ext is applied explicitly
+lemma "(op=) = (%x y. y=x)"
+ monotone :: "['a => 'a, 'a set, ('a *'a)set] => bool"
+ pset :: "'a set => 'a set"
+ order :: "'a set => ('a * 'a) set"
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__Collect_triv"*}
+lemma (*Collect_triv:*) "a \<in> {x. P x} ==> P a"
+proof (neg_clausify)
+assume 0: "(a\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type) \<in> Collect (P\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> bool)"
+assume 1: "\<not> (P\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> bool) (a\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type)"
+have 2: "(P\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> bool) (a\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type)"
+ by (metis CollectD 0)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 2 1)
+lemma Collect_triv: "a \<in> {x. P x} ==> P a"
+by (metis member_Collect_eq member_def)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__Collect_mp"*}
+lemma "a \<in> {x. P x --> Q x} ==> a \<in> {x. P x} ==> a \<in> {x. Q x}"
+ by (metis CollectI Collect_imp_eq ComplD UnE memberI member_Collect_eq);
+ --{*34 secs*}
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__Sigma_triv"*}
+lemma "(a,b) \<in> Sigma A B ==> a \<in> A & b \<in> B a"
+proof (neg_clausify)
+assume 0: "(a\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type, b\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type) \<in> Sigma (A\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type set) (B\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>type set)"
+assume 1: "(a\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type) \<notin> (A\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type set) \<or> (b\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type) \<notin> (B\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>type set) a"
+have 2: "(a\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type) \<in> (A\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type set)"
+ by (metis SigmaD1 0)
+have 3: "(b\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type) \<in> (B\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>type set) (a\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type)"
+ by (metis SigmaD2 0)
+have 4: "(b\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type) \<notin> (B\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>type set) (a\<Colon>'a\<Colon>type)"
+ by (metis 1 2)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 3 4)
+lemma Sigma_triv: "(a,b) \<in> Sigma A B ==> a \<in> A & b \<in> B a"
+by (metis SigmaD1 SigmaD2)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__Sigma_Collect"*}
+lemma "(a,b) \<in> (SIGMA x: A. {y. x = f y}) ==> a \<in> A & a = f b"
+(*???metis cannot prove this
+by (metis CollectD SigmaD1 SigmaD2 UN_eq)
+Also, UN_eq is unnecessary*)
+by (meson CollectD SigmaD1 SigmaD2)
+lemma "(a,b) \<in> (SIGMA x: A. {y. x = f y}) ==> a \<in> A & a = f b"
+proof (neg_clausify)
+assume 0: "(a, b) \<in> Sigma A (llabs_subgoal_1 f)"
+assume 1: "\<And>f x. llabs_subgoal_1 f x = Collect (COMBB (op = x) f)"
+assume 2: "a \<notin> A \<or> a \<noteq> f b"
+have 3: "a \<in> A"
+ by (metis SigmaD1 0)
+have 4: "b \<in> llabs_subgoal_1 f a"
+ by (metis SigmaD2 0)
+have 5: "\<And>X1 X2. X2 -` {X1} = llabs_subgoal_1 X2 X1"
+ by (metis 1 vimage_Collect_eq singleton_conv2)
+have 6: "\<And>X1 X2 X3. X1 X2 = X3 \<or> X2 \<notin> llabs_subgoal_1 X1 X3"
+ by (metis vimage_singleton_eq 5)
+have 7: "f b \<noteq> a"
+ by (metis 2 3)
+have 8: "f b = a"
+ by (metis 6 4)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 8 7)
+qed finish_clausify
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__CLF_eq_in_pp"*}
+lemma "(cl,f) \<in> CLF ==> CLF = (SIGMA cl: CL.{f. f \<in> pset cl}) ==> f \<in> pset cl"
+apply (metis Collect_mem_eq SigmaD2);
+lemma "(cl,f) \<in> CLF ==> CLF = (SIGMA cl: CL.{f. f \<in> pset cl}) ==> f \<in> pset cl"proof (neg_clausify)
+assume 0: "(cl, f) \<in> CLF"
+assume 1: "CLF = Sigma CL llabs_subgoal_1"
+assume 2: "\<And>cl. llabs_subgoal_1 cl =
+ Collect (llabs_Predicate_XRangeP_def_2_ op \<in> (pset cl))"
+assume 3: "f \<notin> pset cl"
+show "False"
+ by (metis 0 1 SigmaD2 3 2 Collect_mem_eq)
+qed finish_clausify (*ugly hack: combinators??*)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__Sigma_Collect_Pi"*}
+ "(cl,f) \<in> (SIGMA cl: CL. {f. f \<in> pset cl \<rightarrow> pset cl}) ==>
+ f \<in> pset cl \<rightarrow> pset cl"
+apply (metis Collect_mem_eq SigmaD2);
+ "(cl,f) \<in> (SIGMA cl::'a set : CL. {f. f \<in> pset cl \<rightarrow> pset cl}) ==>
+ f \<in> pset cl \<rightarrow> pset cl"
+proof (neg_clausify)
+assume 0: "(cl, f) \<in> Sigma CL llabs_subgoal_1"
+assume 1: "\<And>cl. llabs_subgoal_1 cl =
+ Collect
+ (llabs_Predicate_XRangeP_def_2_ op \<in> (Pi (pset cl) (COMBK (pset cl))))"
+assume 2: "f \<notin> Pi (pset cl) (COMBK (pset cl))"
+show "False"
+ by (metis Collect_mem_eq 1 2 SigmaD2 0 member2_def)
+qed finish_clausify
+ (*Hack to prevent the "Additional hypotheses" error*)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__Sigma_Collect_Int"*}
+ "(cl,f) \<in> (SIGMA cl: CL. {f. f \<in> pset cl \<inter> cl}) ==>
+ f \<in> pset cl \<inter> cl"
+by (metis Collect_mem_eq SigmaD2)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__Sigma_Collect_Pi_mono"*}
+ "(cl,f) \<in> (SIGMA cl: CL. {f. f \<in> pset cl \<rightarrow> pset cl & monotone f (pset cl) (order cl)}) ==>
+ (f \<in> pset cl \<rightarrow> pset cl) & (monotone f (pset cl) (order cl))"
+by auto
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__CLF_subset_Collect_Int"*}
+lemma "(cl,f) \<in> CLF ==>
+ CLF \<subseteq> (SIGMA cl: CL. {f. f \<in> pset cl \<inter> cl}) ==>
+ f \<in> pset cl \<inter> cl"
+by (metis Collect_mem_eq Int_def SigmaD2 UnCI Un_absorb1)
+ --{*@{text Int_def} is redundant}
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__CLF_eq_Collect_Int"*}
+lemma "(cl,f) \<in> CLF ==>
+ CLF = (SIGMA cl: CL. {f. f \<in> pset cl \<inter> cl}) ==>
+ f \<in> pset cl \<inter> cl"
+by (metis Collect_mem_eq Int_commute SigmaD2)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__CLF_subset_Collect_Pi"*}
+ "(cl,f) \<in> CLF ==>
+ CLF \<subseteq> (SIGMA cl': CL. {f. f \<in> pset cl' \<rightarrow> pset cl'}) ==>
+ f \<in> pset cl \<rightarrow> pset cl"
+by (metis Collect_mem_eq SigmaD2 subsetD)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__CLF_eq_Collect_Pi"*}
+ "(cl,f) \<in> CLF ==>
+ CLF = (SIGMA cl: CL. {f. f \<in> pset cl \<rightarrow> pset cl}) ==>
+ f \<in> pset cl \<rightarrow> pset cl"
+by (metis Collect_mem_eq SigmaD2 contra_subsetD equalityE)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__CLF_eq_Collect_Pi_mono"*}
+ "(cl,f) \<in> CLF ==>
+ CLF = (SIGMA cl: CL. {f. f \<in> pset cl \<rightarrow> pset cl & monotone f (pset cl) (order cl)}) ==>
+ (f \<in> pset cl \<rightarrow> pset cl) & (monotone f (pset cl) (order cl))"
+by auto
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__map_eq_zipA"*}
+lemma "map (%x. (f x, g x)) xs = zip (map f xs) (map g xs)"
+apply (induct xs)
+apply auto
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__map_eq_zipB"*}
+lemma "map (%w. (w -> w, w \<times> w)) xs =
+ zip (map (%w. w -> w) xs) (map (%w. w \<times> w) xs)"
+apply (induct xs)
+apply auto
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__image_evenA"*}
+lemma "(%x. Suc(f x)) ` {x. even x} <= A ==> (\<forall>x. even x --> Suc(f x) \<in> A)";
+by auto
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__image_evenB"*}
+lemma "(%x. f (f x)) ` ((%x. Suc(f x)) ` {x. even x}) <= A
+ ==> (\<forall>x. even x --> f (f (Suc(f x))) \<in> A)";
+by auto
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__image_curry"*}
+lemma "f \<in> (%u v. b \<times> u \<times> v) ` A ==> \<forall>u v. P (b \<times> u \<times> v) ==> P(f y)"
+by auto
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__image_TimesA"*}
+lemma image_TimesA: "(%(x,y). (f x, g y)) ` (A \<times> B) = (f`A) \<times> (g`B)"
+apply (rule equalityI)
+(***Even the two inclusions are far too difficult
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__image_TimesA_simpler"*}
+apply (rule subsetI)
+apply (erule imageE)
+(*V manages from here with help: Abstraction__image_TimesA_simpler_1_b.p*)
+apply (erule ssubst)
+apply (erule SigmaE)
+(*V manages from here: Abstraction__image_TimesA_simpler_1_a.p*)
+apply (erule ssubst)
+apply (subst split_conv)
+apply (rule SigmaI)
+apply (erule imageI) +
+txt{*subgoal 2*}
+apply (clarify );
+apply (simp add: );
+apply (rule rev_image_eqI)
+apply (blast intro: elim:);
+apply (simp add: );
+(*Given the difficulty of the previous problem, these two are probably
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__image_TimesB"*}
+lemma image_TimesB:
+ "(%(x,y,z). (f x, g y, h z)) ` (A \<times> B \<times> C) = (f`A) \<times> (g`B) \<times> (h`C)"
+by force
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Abstraction__image_TimesC"*}
+lemma image_TimesC:
+ "(%(x,y). (x \<rightarrow> x, y \<times> y)) ` (A \<times> B) =
+ ((%x. x \<rightarrow> x) ` A) \<times> ((%y. y \<times> y) ` B)"
+by auto
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/MetisExamples/BT.thy Thu Jun 21 13:23:33 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+(* Title: HOL/MetisTest/BT.thy
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+Testing the metis method
+header {* Binary trees *}
+theory BT imports Main begin
+datatype 'a bt =
+ Lf
+ | Br 'a "'a bt" "'a bt"
+ n_nodes :: "'a bt => nat"
+ n_leaves :: "'a bt => nat"
+ depth :: "'a bt => nat"
+ reflect :: "'a bt => 'a bt"
+ bt_map :: "('a => 'b) => ('a bt => 'b bt)"
+ preorder :: "'a bt => 'a list"
+ inorder :: "'a bt => 'a list"
+ postorder :: "'a bt => 'a list"
+ appnd :: "'a bt => 'a bt => 'a bt"
+ "n_nodes Lf = 0"
+ "n_nodes (Br a t1 t2) = Suc (n_nodes t1 + n_nodes t2)"
+ "n_leaves Lf = Suc 0"
+ "n_leaves (Br a t1 t2) = n_leaves t1 + n_leaves t2"
+ "depth Lf = 0"
+ "depth (Br a t1 t2) = Suc (max (depth t1) (depth t2))"
+ "reflect Lf = Lf"
+ "reflect (Br a t1 t2) = Br a (reflect t2) (reflect t1)"
+ "bt_map f Lf = Lf"
+ "bt_map f (Br a t1 t2) = Br (f a) (bt_map f t1) (bt_map f t2)"
+ "preorder Lf = []"
+ "preorder (Br a t1 t2) = [a] @ (preorder t1) @ (preorder t2)"
+ "inorder Lf = []"
+ "inorder (Br a t1 t2) = (inorder t1) @ [a] @ (inorder t2)"
+ "postorder Lf = []"
+ "postorder (Br a t1 t2) = (postorder t1) @ (postorder t2) @ [a]"
+ "appnd Lf t = t"
+ "appnd (Br a t1 t2) t = Br a (appnd t1 t) (appnd t2 t)"
+text {* \medskip BT simplification *}
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__n_leaves_reflect"*}
+lemma n_leaves_reflect: "n_leaves (reflect t) = n_leaves t"
+ apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis add_right_cancel n_leaves.simps(1) reflect.simps(1))
+ apply (metis add_commute n_leaves.simps(2) reflect.simps(2))
+ done
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__n_nodes_reflect"*}
+lemma n_nodes_reflect: "n_nodes (reflect t) = n_nodes t"
+ apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis reflect.simps(1))
+ apply (metis n_nodes.simps(2) nat_add_commute reflect.simps(2))
+ done
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__depth_reflect"*}
+lemma depth_reflect: "depth (reflect t) = depth t"
+ apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis depth.simps(1) reflect.simps(1))
+ apply (metis depth.simps(2) min_max.less_eq_less_sup.sup_commute reflect.simps(2))
+ done
+text {*
+ The famous relationship between the numbers of leaves and nodes.
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__n_leaves_nodes"*}
+lemma n_leaves_nodes: "n_leaves t = Suc (n_nodes t)"
+ apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis n_leaves.simps(1) n_nodes.simps(1))
+ apply auto
+ done
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__reflect_reflect_ident"*}
+lemma reflect_reflect_ident: "reflect (reflect t) = t"
+ apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis add_right_cancel reflect.simps(1));
+ apply (metis Suc_Suc_eq reflect.simps(2))
+ done
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__bt_map_ident"*}
+lemma bt_map_ident: "bt_map (%x. x) = (%y. y)"
+apply (rule ext)
+apply (induct_tac y)
+ apply (metis bt_map.simps(1))
+txt{*BUG involving flex-flex pairs*}
+(* apply (metis bt_map.simps(2)) *)
+apply auto
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__bt_map_appnd"*}
+lemma bt_map_appnd: "bt_map f (appnd t u) = appnd (bt_map f t) (bt_map f u)"
+apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis appnd.simps(1) bt_map.simps(1))
+ apply (metis appnd.simps(2) bt_map.simps(2)) (*slow!!*)
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__bt_map_compose"*}
+lemma bt_map_compose: "bt_map (f o g) t = bt_map f (bt_map g t)"
+apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis bt_map.simps(1))
+txt{*Metis runs forever*}
+(* apply (metis bt_map.simps(2) o_apply)*)
+apply auto
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__bt_map_reflect"*}
+lemma bt_map_reflect: "bt_map f (reflect t) = reflect (bt_map f t)"
+ apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis add_right_cancel bt_map.simps(1) reflect.simps(1))
+ apply (metis add_right_cancel bt_map.simps(2) reflect.simps(2))
+ done
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__preorder_bt_map"*}
+lemma preorder_bt_map: "preorder (bt_map f t) = map f (preorder t)"
+ apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis bt_map.simps(1) map.simps(1) preorder.simps(1))
+ apply simp
+ done
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__inorder_bt_map"*}
+lemma inorder_bt_map: "inorder (bt_map f t) = map f (inorder t)"
+ apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis bt_map.simps(1) inorder.simps(1) map.simps(1))
+ apply simp
+ done
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__postorder_bt_map"*}
+lemma postorder_bt_map: "postorder (bt_map f t) = map f (postorder t)"
+ apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis bt_map.simps(1) map.simps(1) postorder.simps(1))
+ apply simp
+ done
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__depth_bt_map"*}
+lemma depth_bt_map [simp]: "depth (bt_map f t) = depth t"
+ apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis bt_map.simps(1) depth.simps(1))
+ apply simp
+ done
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__n_leaves_bt_map"*}
+lemma n_leaves_bt_map [simp]: "n_leaves (bt_map f t) = n_leaves t"
+ apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis One_nat_def Suc_eq_add_numeral_1 bt_map.simps(1) less_add_one less_antisym linorder_neq_iff n_leaves.simps(1))
+ apply (metis add_commute bt_map.simps(2) n_leaves.simps(2))
+ done
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__preorder_reflect"*}
+lemma preorder_reflect: "preorder (reflect t) = rev (postorder t)"
+ apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis postorder.simps(1) preorder.simps(1) reflect.simps(1) rev_is_Nil_conv)
+ apply (metis append_eq_append_conv2 inorder.simps(1) postorder.simps(2) preorder.simps(2) reflect.simps(2) rev_append rev_is_rev_conv rev_singleton_conv rev_swap rotate_simps)
+ done
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__inorder_reflect"*}
+lemma inorder_reflect: "inorder (reflect t) = rev (inorder t)"
+ apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis inorder.simps(1) reflect.simps(1) rev.simps(1))
+ apply simp
+ done
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__postorder_reflect"*}
+lemma postorder_reflect: "postorder (reflect t) = rev (preorder t)"
+ apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis postorder.simps(1) preorder.simps(1) reflect.simps(1) rev.simps(1))
+ apply (metis Cons_eq_appendI postorder.simps(2) preorder.simps(2) reflect.simps(2) rev.simps(2) rev_append rotate1_def self_append_conv2)
+ done
+text {*
+ Analogues of the standard properties of the append function for lists.
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__appnd_assoc"*}
+lemma appnd_assoc [simp]:
+ "appnd (appnd t1 t2) t3 = appnd t1 (appnd t2 t3)"
+ apply (induct t1)
+ apply (metis appnd.simps(1))
+ apply (metis appnd.simps(2))
+ done
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__appnd_Lf2"*}
+lemma appnd_Lf2 [simp]: "appnd t Lf = t"
+ apply (induct t)
+ apply (metis appnd.simps(1))
+ apply (metis appnd.simps(2))
+ done
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__depth_appnd"*}
+ declare max_add_distrib_left [simp]
+lemma depth_appnd [simp]: "depth (appnd t1 t2) = depth t1 + depth t2"
+ apply (induct t1)
+ apply (metis add_0 appnd.simps(1) depth.simps(1))
+apply (simp add: );
+ done
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__n_leaves_appnd"*}
+lemma n_leaves_appnd [simp]:
+ "n_leaves (appnd t1 t2) = n_leaves t1 * n_leaves t2"
+ apply (induct t1)
+ apply (metis One_nat_def appnd.simps(1) less_irrefl less_linear n_leaves.simps(1) nat_mult_1)
+ apply (simp add: left_distrib)
+ done
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "BT__bt_map_appnd"*}
+lemma bt_map_appnd:
+ "bt_map f (appnd t1 t2) = appnd (bt_map f t1) (bt_map f t2)"
+ apply (induct t1)
+ apply (metis appnd.simps(1) bt_map_appnd)
+ apply (metis bt_map_appnd)
+ done
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/MetisExamples/BigO.thy Thu Jun 21 13:23:33 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1553 @@
+(* Title: HOL/MetisExamples/BigO.thy
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+Testing the metis method
+header {* Big O notation *}
+theory BigO
+imports SetsAndFunctions
+subsection {* Definitions *}
+ bigo :: "('a => 'b::ordered_idom) => ('a => 'b) set" ("(1O'(_'))")
+ "O(f::('a => 'b)) == {h. EX c. ALL x. abs (h x) <= c * abs (f x)}"
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_pos_const"*}
+lemma bigo_pos_const: "(EX (c::'a::ordered_idom).
+ ALL x. (abs (h x)) <= (c * (abs (f x))))
+ = (EX c. 0 < c & (ALL x. (abs(h x)) <= (c * (abs (f x)))))"
+ apply auto
+ apply (case_tac "c = 0", simp)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "1" in exI, simp)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "abs c" in exI, auto);
+txt{*Version 1: one-shot proof. MUCH SLOWER with types: 24 versus 6.7 seconds*}
+ apply (metis abs_ge_minus_self abs_ge_zero abs_minus_cancel abs_of_nonneg equation_minus_iff Orderings.xt1(6) abs_le_mult)
+ done
+(*** Now various verions with an increasing modulus ***)
+ML{*ResReconstruct.modulus := 1*}
+lemma bigo_pos_const: "(EX (c::'a::ordered_idom).
+ ALL x. (abs (h x)) <= (c * (abs (f x))))
+ = (EX c. 0 < c & (ALL x. (abs(h x)) <= (c * (abs (f x)))))"
+ apply auto
+ apply (case_tac "c = 0", simp)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "1" in exI, simp)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "abs c" in exI, auto)
+(*hand-modified to give 'a sort ordered_idom and X3 type 'a*)
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix c x
+assume 0: "\<And>A. \<bar>h A\<bar> \<le> c * \<bar>f A\<bar>"
+assume 1: "c \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a::ordered_idom)"
+assume 2: "\<not> \<bar>h x\<bar> \<le> \<bar>c\<bar> * \<bar>f x\<bar>"
+have 3: "\<And>X1 X3. \<bar>h X3\<bar> < X1 \<or> \<not> c * \<bar>f X3\<bar> < X1"
+ by (metis order_le_less_trans 0)
+have 4: "\<And>X3. (1\<Colon>'a) * X3 \<le> X3 \<or> \<not> (1\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis mult_le_cancel_right2 order_refl)
+have 5: "\<And>X3. (1\<Colon>'a) * X3 \<le> X3"
+ by (metis 4 order_refl)
+have 6: "\<And>X3. \<bar>0\<Colon>'a\<bar> = \<bar>X3\<bar> * (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_mult_pos mult_cancel_right1)
+have 7: "\<bar>0\<Colon>'a\<bar> = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 6 mult_cancel_right1)
+have 8: "\<bar>0\<Colon>'a\<bar> = (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 7 order_refl)
+have 9: "\<not> (0\<Colon>'a) < (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_not_less_zero 8)
+have 10: "\<bar>(1\<Colon>'a) * (0\<Colon>'a)\<bar> = - ((1\<Colon>'a) * (0\<Colon>'a))"
+ by (metis abs_of_nonpos 5)
+have 11: "(0\<Colon>'a) = - ((1\<Colon>'a) * (0\<Colon>'a))"
+ by (metis 10 mult_cancel_right1 8)
+have 12: "(0\<Colon>'a) = - (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 11 mult_cancel_right1)
+have 13: "\<And>X3. \<bar>X3\<bar> = X3 \<or> X3 \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_of_nonneg linorder_linear)
+have 14: "c \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> \<bar>h x\<bar> \<le> c * \<bar>f x\<bar>"
+ by (metis 2 13)
+have 15: "c \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 14 0)
+have 16: "c = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> c < (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis linorder_antisym_conv2 15)
+have 17: "\<bar>c\<bar> = - c"
+ by (metis abs_of_nonpos 15)
+have 18: "c < (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 16 1)
+have 19: "\<not> \<bar>h x\<bar> \<le> - c * \<bar>f x\<bar>"
+ by (metis 2 17)
+have 20: "\<And>X3. X3 * (1\<Colon>'a) = X3"
+ by (metis mult_cancel_right1 AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 21: "\<And>X3. (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> X3 * X3"
+ by (metis zero_le_square AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 22: "(0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 21 mult_cancel_left1)
+have 23: "\<And>X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = X3 \<or> (0\<Colon>'a) \<noteq> - X3"
+ by (metis neg_equal_iff_equal 12)
+have 24: "\<And>X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = - X3 \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 23 minus_equation_iff)
+have 25: "\<And>X3. \<bar>0\<Colon>'a\<bar> = \<bar>X3\<bar> \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_minus_cancel 24)
+have 26: "\<And>X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = \<bar>X3\<bar> \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 25 8)
+have 27: "\<And>X1 X3. (0\<Colon>'a) * \<bar>X1\<bar> = \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_mult 26)
+have 28: "\<And>X1 X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 27 mult_cancel_left1)
+have 29: "\<And>X1 X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = X3 * X1 \<or> (0\<Colon>'a) < (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis zero_less_abs_iff 28)
+have 30: "\<And>X1 X3. X3 * X1 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 29 9)
+have 31: "\<And>X1 X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = X1 * X3 \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis AC_mult.f.commute 30)
+have 32: "\<And>X1 X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<or> \<bar>X1\<bar> \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_mult 31)
+have 33: "\<And>X3::'a. \<bar>X3 * X3\<bar> = X3 * X3"
+ by (metis abs_mult_self abs_mult AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 34: "\<And>X3. (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_ge_zero abs_mult_pos 20)
+have 35: "\<And>X3. (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis 34 22)
+have 36: "\<And>X3. X3 * (1\<Colon>'a) = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_eq_0 abs_mult_pos 20)
+have 37: "\<And>X3. X3 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 36 20)
+have 38: "\<And>X3. X3 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 37 22)
+have 39: "\<And>X1 X3. X3 * X1 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<bar>X1\<bar> \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 38 32)
+have 40: "\<And>X3::'a. \<bar>\<bar>X3\<bar>\<bar> = \<bar>X3\<bar> \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_idempotent abs_mult_pos 20)
+have 41: "\<And>X3::'a. \<bar>\<bar>X3\<bar>\<bar> = \<bar>X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis 40 22)
+have 42: "\<And>X3. \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> < (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_not_less_zero abs_mult_pos 20)
+have 43: "\<And>X3. \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> < (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 42 22)
+have 44: "\<And>X3. X3 * (1\<Colon>'a) = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_le_zero_iff abs_mult_pos 20)
+have 45: "\<And>X3. X3 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 44 20)
+have 46: "\<And>X3. X3 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 45 22)
+have 47: "\<And>X3. X3 * X3 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> X3 * X3 \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 46 33)
+have 48: "\<And>X3. X3 * X3 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> X3 \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> X3"
+ by (metis 47 mult_le_0_iff)
+have 49: "\<And>X3. \<bar>X3\<bar> = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> X3 \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> X3"
+ by (metis mult_eq_0_iff abs_mult_self 48)
+have 50: "\<And>X1 X3.
+ (0\<Colon>'a) * \<bar>X1\<bar> = \<bar>\<bar>X3 * X1\<bar>\<bar> \<or>
+ \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> \<bar>X1\<bar> \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis abs_mult_pos abs_mult 49)
+have 51: "\<And>X1 X3. X3 * X1 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> X1 \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> X1"
+ by (metis 39 49)
+have 52: "\<And>X1 X3.
+ (0\<Colon>'a) = \<bar>\<bar>X3 * X1\<bar>\<bar> \<or>
+ \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> \<bar>X1\<bar> \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis 50 mult_cancel_left1)
+have 53: "\<And>X1 X3.
+ (0\<Colon>'a) = \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> \<bar>X1\<bar> \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis 52 41)
+have 54: "\<And>X1 X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis 53 35)
+have 55: "\<And>X1 X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 54 35)
+have 56: "\<And>X1 X3. \<bar>X1 * X3\<bar> = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 55 AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 57: "\<And>X1 X3. X3 * X1 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> \<bar>X1\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 38 56)
+have 58: "\<And>X3. \<bar>h X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> \<bar>f X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> \<bar>f X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis 0 51)
+have 59: "\<And>X3. \<bar>h X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> \<bar>f X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 58 35)
+have 60: "\<And>X3. \<bar>h X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> (0\<Colon>'a) < \<bar>f X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis 59 linorder_not_le)
+have 61: "\<And>X1 X3. X3 * X1 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> (0\<Colon>'a) < \<bar>X1\<bar>"
+ by (metis 57 linorder_not_le)
+have 62: "(0\<Colon>'a) < \<bar>\<bar>f x\<bar>\<bar> \<or> \<not> \<bar>h x\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 19 61)
+have 63: "(0\<Colon>'a) < \<bar>f x\<bar> \<or> \<not> \<bar>h x\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 62 41)
+have 64: "(0\<Colon>'a) < \<bar>f x\<bar>"
+ by (metis 63 60)
+have 65: "\<And>X3. \<bar>h X3\<bar> < (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> c < (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) < \<bar>f X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis 3 mult_less_0_iff)
+have 66: "\<And>X3. \<bar>h X3\<bar> < (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) < \<bar>f X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis 65 18)
+have 67: "\<And>X3. \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) < \<bar>f X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis 66 43)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 67 64)
+lemma (*bigo_pos_const:*) "(EX (c::'a::ordered_idom).
+ ALL x. (abs (h x)) <= (c * (abs (f x))))
+ = (EX c. 0 < c & (ALL x. (abs(h x)) <= (c * (abs (f x)))))"
+ apply auto
+ apply (case_tac "c = 0", simp)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "1" in exI, simp)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "abs c" in exI, auto);
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix c x
+assume 0: "\<And>A. \<bar>h A\<bar> \<le> c * \<bar>f A\<bar>"
+assume 1: "c \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a::ordered_idom)"
+assume 2: "\<not> \<bar>h x\<bar> \<le> \<bar>c\<bar> * \<bar>f x\<bar>"
+have 3: "\<And>X3. (1\<Colon>'a) * X3 \<le> X3"
+ by (metis mult_le_cancel_right2 order_refl order_refl)
+have 4: "\<bar>0\<Colon>'a\<bar> = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_mult_pos mult_cancel_right1 mult_cancel_right1)
+have 5: "\<not> (0\<Colon>'a) < (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_not_less_zero 4 order_refl)
+have 6: "(0\<Colon>'a) = - ((1\<Colon>'a) * (0\<Colon>'a))"
+ by (metis abs_of_nonpos 3 mult_cancel_right1 4 order_refl)
+have 7: "\<And>X3. \<bar>X3\<bar> = X3 \<or> X3 \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_of_nonneg linorder_linear)
+have 8: "c \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 2 7 0)
+have 9: "\<bar>c\<bar> = - c"
+ by (metis abs_of_nonpos 8)
+have 10: "\<not> \<bar>h x\<bar> \<le> - c * \<bar>f x\<bar>"
+ by (metis 2 9)
+have 11: "\<And>X3. X3 * (1\<Colon>'a) = X3"
+ by (metis mult_cancel_right1 AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 12: "(0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis zero_le_square AC_mult.f.commute mult_cancel_left1)
+have 13: "\<And>X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = - X3 \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis neg_equal_iff_equal 6 mult_cancel_right1 minus_equation_iff)
+have 14: "\<And>X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = \<bar>X3\<bar> \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_minus_cancel 13 4 order_refl)
+have 15: "\<And>X1 X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_mult 14 mult_cancel_left1)
+have 16: "\<And>X1 X3. X3 * X1 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis zero_less_abs_iff 15 5)
+have 17: "\<And>X1 X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<or> \<bar>X1\<bar> \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_mult AC_mult.f.commute 16)
+have 18: "\<And>X3. (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis abs_ge_zero abs_mult_pos 11 12)
+have 19: "\<And>X3. X3 * (1\<Colon>'a) = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_eq_0 abs_mult_pos 11)
+have 20: "\<And>X3. X3 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 19 11 12)
+have 21: "\<And>X3::'a. \<bar>\<bar>X3\<bar>\<bar> = \<bar>X3\<bar> \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_idempotent abs_mult_pos 11)
+have 22: "\<And>X3. \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> < (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_not_less_zero abs_mult_pos 11)
+have 23: "\<And>X3. X3 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_le_zero_iff abs_mult_pos 11 11)
+have 24: "\<And>X3. X3 * X3 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> X3 * X3 \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 23 12 abs_mult_self abs_mult AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 25: "\<And>X3. \<bar>X3\<bar> = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> X3 \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> X3"
+ by (metis mult_eq_0_iff abs_mult_self 24 mult_le_0_iff)
+have 26: "\<And>X1 X3. X3 * X1 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> X1 \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> X1"
+ by (metis 20 17 25)
+have 27: "\<And>X1 X3.
+ (0\<Colon>'a) = \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> \<bar>X1\<bar> \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis abs_mult_pos abs_mult 25 mult_cancel_left1 21 12)
+have 28: "\<And>X1 X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 27 18 18)
+have 29: "\<And>X1 X3. X3 * X1 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> \<bar>X1\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 20 28 AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 30: "\<And>X3. \<bar>h X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> \<bar>f X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 0 26 18)
+have 31: "\<And>X1 X3. X3 * X1 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> (0\<Colon>'a) < \<bar>X1\<bar>"
+ by (metis 29 linorder_not_le)
+have 32: "(0\<Colon>'a) < \<bar>f x\<bar> \<or> \<not> \<bar>h x\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 10 31 21 12)
+have 33: "\<And>X3. \<bar>h X3\<bar> < (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> c < (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) < \<bar>f X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis order_le_less_trans 0 mult_less_0_iff)
+have 34: "\<And>X3. \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) < \<bar>f X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis 33 linorder_antisym_conv2 8 1 22 12)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 34 32 30 linorder_not_le)
+lemma (*bigo_pos_const:*) "(EX (c::'a::ordered_idom).
+ ALL x. (abs (h x)) <= (c * (abs (f x))))
+ = (EX c. 0 < c & (ALL x. (abs(h x)) <= (c * (abs (f x)))))"
+ apply auto
+ apply (case_tac "c = 0", simp)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "1" in exI, simp)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "abs c" in exI, auto);
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix c x
+assume 0: "\<And>A\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type.
+ \<bar>(h\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> 'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) A\<bar>
+ \<le> (c\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) * \<bar>(f\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> 'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) A\<bar>"
+assume 1: "(c\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+assume 2: "\<not> \<bar>(h\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> 'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type)\<bar>
+ \<le> \<bar>c\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom\<bar> * \<bar>(f\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> 'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar>"
+have 3: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom. (1\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) * X3 \<le> X3"
+ by (metis mult_le_cancel_right2 order_refl order_refl)
+have 4: "\<bar>0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom\<bar> = (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis abs_mult_pos mult_cancel_right1 mult_cancel_right1 order_refl)
+have 5: "(0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) = - ((1\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) * (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom))"
+ by (metis abs_of_nonpos 3 mult_cancel_right1 4)
+have 6: "(c\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis 2 abs_of_nonneg linorder_linear 0)
+have 7: "(c\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) < (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis linorder_antisym_conv2 6 1)
+have 8: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom. X3 * (1\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) = X3"
+ by (metis mult_cancel_right1 AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 9: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom. (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) = X3 \<or> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<noteq> - X3"
+ by (metis neg_equal_iff_equal 5 mult_cancel_right1)
+have 10: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom. (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) = \<bar>X3\<bar> \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis abs_minus_cancel 9 minus_equation_iff 4)
+have 11: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) * \<bar>X1\<bar> = \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis abs_mult 10)
+have 12: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ X3 * X1 = (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis zero_less_abs_iff 11 mult_cancel_left1 abs_not_less_zero 4)
+have 13: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom. \<bar>X3 * X3\<bar> = X3 * X3"
+ by (metis abs_mult_self abs_mult AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 14: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom. (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis abs_ge_zero abs_mult_pos 8 zero_le_square AC_mult.f.commute mult_cancel_left1)
+have 15: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ X3 = (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<or>
+ \<bar>X3\<bar> \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis abs_eq_0 abs_mult_pos 8 8)
+have 16: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ \<bar>\<bar>X3\<bar>\<bar> = \<bar>X3\<bar> \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis abs_idempotent abs_mult_pos 8)
+have 17: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom. \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> < (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis abs_not_less_zero abs_mult_pos 8 zero_le_square AC_mult.f.commute mult_cancel_left1)
+have 18: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ X3 = (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<or>
+ \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<or>
+ \<not> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis abs_le_zero_iff abs_mult_pos 8 8)
+have 19: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ X3 * X3 = (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<or>
+ \<not> X3 \<le> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> X3"
+ by (metis 18 zero_le_square AC_mult.f.commute mult_cancel_left1 13 mult_le_0_iff)
+have 20: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ X3 * X1 = (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<or>
+ \<not> X1 \<le> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> X1"
+ by (metis 15 zero_le_square AC_mult.f.commute mult_cancel_left1 abs_mult AC_mult.f.commute 12 mult_eq_0_iff abs_mult_self 19)
+have 21: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) = \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<or>
+ \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis abs_mult_pos abs_mult mult_eq_0_iff abs_mult_self 19 mult_cancel_left1 16 zero_le_square AC_mult.f.commute mult_cancel_left1 14)
+have 22: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ X3 * X1 = (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<or> \<not> \<bar>X1\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis 15 zero_le_square AC_mult.f.commute mult_cancel_left1 21 14 AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 23: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type.
+ \<bar>(h\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> 'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<or>
+ (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) < \<bar>(f\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> 'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis 0 20 14 linorder_not_le)
+have 24: "(0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) < \<bar>(f\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> 'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type)\<bar> \<or>
+\<not> \<bar>(h\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> 'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis 2 abs_of_nonpos 6 22 linorder_not_le 16 zero_le_square AC_mult.f.commute mult_cancel_left1)
+have 25: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type.
+ \<bar>(h\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> 'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<bar> < (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<or>
+ \<not> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) < \<bar>(f\<Colon>'b\<Colon>type \<Rightarrow> 'a\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis order_le_less_trans 0 mult_less_0_iff 7)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 25 17 24 23)
+lemma (*bigo_pos_const:*) "(EX (c::'a::ordered_idom).
+ ALL x. (abs (h x)) <= (c * (abs (f x))))
+ = (EX c. 0 < c & (ALL x. (abs(h x)) <= (c * (abs (f x)))))"
+ apply auto
+ apply (case_tac "c = 0", simp)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "1" in exI, simp)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "abs c" in exI, auto);
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix c x
+assume 0: "\<And>A. \<bar>h A\<bar> \<le> c * \<bar>f A\<bar>"
+assume 1: "c \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+assume 2: "\<not> \<bar>h x\<bar> \<le> \<bar>c\<bar> * \<bar>f x\<bar>"
+have 3: "\<And>X3. (1\<Colon>'a) * X3 \<le> X3"
+ by (metis mult_le_cancel_right2 order_refl order_refl)
+have 4: "\<not> (0\<Colon>'a) < (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_not_less_zero abs_mult_pos mult_cancel_right1 mult_cancel_right1 order_refl)
+have 5: "c \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 2 abs_of_nonneg linorder_linear 0)
+have 6: "\<not> \<bar>h x\<bar> \<le> - c * \<bar>f x\<bar>"
+ by (metis 2 abs_of_nonpos 5)
+have 7: "(0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis zero_le_square AC_mult.f.commute mult_cancel_left1)
+have 8: "\<And>X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = \<bar>X3\<bar> \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_minus_cancel neg_equal_iff_equal abs_of_nonpos 3 mult_cancel_right1 abs_mult_pos mult_cancel_right1 mult_cancel_right1 order_refl mult_cancel_right1 minus_equation_iff abs_mult_pos mult_cancel_right1 mult_cancel_right1 order_refl)
+have 9: "\<And>X1 X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<or> X3 \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_mult 8 mult_cancel_left1)
+have 10: "\<And>X1 X3. (0\<Colon>'a) = \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<or> \<bar>X1\<bar> \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_mult AC_mult.f.commute zero_less_abs_iff 9 4)
+have 11: "\<And>X3. (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis abs_ge_zero abs_mult_pos mult_cancel_right1 AC_mult.f.commute 7)
+have 12: "\<And>X3. X3 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_eq_0 abs_mult_pos mult_cancel_right1 AC_mult.f.commute mult_cancel_right1 AC_mult.f.commute 7)
+have 13: "\<And>X3. \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> < (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_not_less_zero abs_mult_pos mult_cancel_right1 AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 14: "\<And>X3. X3 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis abs_le_zero_iff abs_mult_pos mult_cancel_right1 AC_mult.f.commute mult_cancel_right1 AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 15: "\<And>X3. \<bar>X3\<bar> = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> X3 \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> X3"
+ by (metis mult_eq_0_iff abs_mult_self 14 7 abs_mult_self abs_mult AC_mult.f.commute mult_le_0_iff)
+have 16: "\<And>X1 X3.
+ (0\<Colon>'a) = \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> \<bar>X1\<bar> \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis abs_mult_pos abs_mult 15 mult_cancel_left1 abs_idempotent abs_mult_pos mult_cancel_right1 AC_mult.f.commute 7)
+have 17: "\<And>X1 X3. X3 * X1 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> \<bar>X1\<bar> \<le> (0\<Colon>'a)"
+ by (metis 12 16 11 11 AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 18: "\<And>X1 X3. X3 * X1 = (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> (0\<Colon>'a) < \<bar>X1\<bar>"
+ by (metis 17 linorder_not_le)
+have 19: "\<And>X3. \<bar>h X3\<bar> < (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> c < (0\<Colon>'a) \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'a) < \<bar>f X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis order_le_less_trans 0 mult_less_0_iff)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 19 linorder_antisym_conv2 5 1 13 7 6 18 abs_idempotent abs_mult_pos mult_cancel_right1 AC_mult.f.commute 7 0 12 10 15 11 linorder_not_le)
+lemma bigo_alt_def: "O(f) =
+ {h. EX c. (0 < c & (ALL x. abs (h x) <= c * abs (f x)))}"
+by (auto simp add: bigo_def bigo_pos_const)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_elt_subset"*}
+lemma bigo_elt_subset [intro]: "f : O(g) ==> O(f) <= O(g)"
+ apply (auto simp add: bigo_alt_def)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "ca * c" in exI)
+ apply (rule conjI)
+ apply (rule mult_pos_pos)
+ apply (assumption)+
+ apply (rule allI)
+ apply (drule_tac x = "xa" in spec)+
+ apply (subgoal_tac "ca * abs(f xa) <= ca * (c * abs(g xa))");
+ apply (erule order_trans)
+ apply (simp add: mult_ac)
+ apply (rule mult_left_mono, assumption)
+ apply (rule order_less_imp_le, assumption);
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_refl"*}
+lemma bigo_refl [intro]: "f : O(f)"
+ apply(auto simp add: bigo_def)
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix x
+assume 0: "\<And>mes_pSG\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ \<not> \<bar>(f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) ((x\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom \<Rightarrow> 'a) mes_pSG)\<bar>
+ \<le> mes_pSG * \<bar>f (x mes_pSG)\<bar>"
+have 1: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b. X3 \<le> (1\<Colon>'b) * X3 \<or> \<not> (1\<Colon>'b) \<le> (1\<Colon>'b)"
+ by (metis Ring_and_Field.mult_le_cancel_right1 order_refl)
+have 2: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b. X3 \<le> (1\<Colon>'b) * X3"
+ by (metis 1 order_refl)
+show 3: "False"
+ by (metis 0 2)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_zero"*}
+lemma bigo_zero: "0 : O(g)"
+ apply (auto simp add: bigo_def func_zero)
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix x
+assume 0: "\<And>mes_mVM\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ \<not> (0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)
+ \<le> mes_mVM *
+ \<bar>(g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)
+ ((x\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom \<Rightarrow> 'a) mes_mVM)\<bar>"
+have 1: "(0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) < (0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis 0 Ring_and_Field.mult_le_cancel_left1)
+show 2: "False"
+ by (metis Orderings.linorder_class.neq_iff 1)
+lemma bigo_zero2: "O(%x.0) = {%x.0}"
+ apply (auto simp add: bigo_def)
+ apply (rule ext)
+ apply auto
+lemma bigo_plus_self_subset [intro]:
+ "O(f) + O(f) <= O(f)"
+ apply (auto simp add: bigo_alt_def set_plus)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "c + ca" in exI)
+ apply auto
+ apply (simp add: ring_distrib func_plus)
+ apply (blast intro:order_trans abs_triangle_ineq add_mono elim:)
+lemma bigo_plus_idemp [simp]: "O(f) + O(f) = O(f)"
+ apply (rule equalityI)
+ apply (rule bigo_plus_self_subset)
+ apply (rule set_zero_plus2)
+ apply (rule bigo_zero)
+lemma bigo_plus_subset [intro]: "O(f + g) <= O(f) + O(g)"
+ apply (rule subsetI)
+ apply (auto simp add: bigo_def bigo_pos_const func_plus set_plus)
+ apply (subst bigo_pos_const [symmetric])+
+ apply (rule_tac x =
+ "%n. if abs (g n) <= (abs (f n)) then x n else 0" in exI)
+ apply (rule conjI)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "c + c" in exI)
+ apply (clarsimp)
+ apply (auto)
+ apply (subgoal_tac "c * abs (f xa + g xa) <= (c + c) * abs (f xa)")
+ apply (erule_tac x = xa in allE)
+ apply (erule order_trans)
+ apply (simp)
+ apply (subgoal_tac "c * abs (f xa + g xa) <= c * (abs (f xa) + abs (g xa))")
+ apply (erule order_trans)
+ apply (simp add: ring_distrib)
+ apply (rule mult_left_mono)
+ apply assumption
+ apply (simp add: order_less_le)
+ apply (rule mult_left_mono)
+ apply (simp add: abs_triangle_ineq)
+ apply (simp add: order_less_le)
+ apply (rule mult_nonneg_nonneg)
+ apply (rule add_nonneg_nonneg)
+ apply auto
+ apply (rule_tac x = "%n. if (abs (f n)) < abs (g n) then x n else 0"
+ in exI)
+ apply (rule conjI)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "c + c" in exI)
+ apply auto
+ apply (subgoal_tac "c * abs (f xa + g xa) <= (c + c) * abs (g xa)")
+ apply (erule_tac x = xa in allE)
+ apply (erule order_trans)
+ apply (simp)
+ apply (subgoal_tac "c * abs (f xa + g xa) <= c * (abs (f xa) + abs (g xa))")
+ apply (erule order_trans)
+ apply (simp add: ring_distrib)
+ apply (rule mult_left_mono)
+ apply (simp add: order_less_le)
+ apply (simp add: order_less_le)
+ apply (rule mult_left_mono)
+ apply (rule abs_triangle_ineq)
+ apply (simp add: order_less_le)
+ apply (rule mult_nonneg_nonneg)
+ apply (rule add_nonneg_nonneg)
+ apply (erule order_less_imp_le)+
+ apply simp
+ apply (rule ext)
+ apply (auto simp add: if_splits linorder_not_le)
+lemma bigo_plus_subset2 [intro]: "A <= O(f) ==> B <= O(f) ==> A + B <= O(f)"
+ apply (subgoal_tac "A + B <= O(f) + O(f)")
+ apply (erule order_trans)
+ apply simp
+ apply (auto del: subsetI simp del: bigo_plus_idemp)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_plus_eq"*}
+lemma bigo_plus_eq: "ALL x. 0 <= f x ==> ALL x. 0 <= g x ==>
+ O(f + g) = O(f) + O(g)"
+ apply (rule equalityI)
+ apply (rule bigo_plus_subset)
+ apply (simp add: bigo_alt_def set_plus func_plus)
+ apply clarify
+ apply (rule_tac x = "max c ca" in exI)
+ apply (rule conjI)
+ apply (subgoal_tac "c <= max c ca")
+ apply (erule order_less_le_trans)
+ apply assumption
+ apply (rule le_maxI1)
+ apply clarify
+ apply (drule_tac x = "xa" in spec)+
+ apply (subgoal_tac "0 <= f xa + g xa")
+ apply (simp add: ring_distrib)
+ apply (subgoal_tac "abs(a xa + b xa) <= abs(a xa) + abs(b xa)")
+ apply (subgoal_tac "abs(a xa) + abs(b xa) <=
+ max c ca * f xa + max c ca * g xa")
+ apply (blast intro: order_trans)
+ defer 1
+ apply (rule abs_triangle_ineq)
+ apply (rule add_nonneg_nonneg)
+ apply assumption+
+ apply (rule add_mono)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_plus_eq_simpler"*}
+ apply (subgoal_tac "c * f xa <= max c ca * f xa")
+ apply (blast intro: order_trans)
+ apply (rule mult_right_mono)
+ apply (rule le_maxI1)
+ apply assumption
+ apply (subgoal_tac "ca * g xa <= max c ca * g xa")
+ apply (blast intro: order_trans)
+ apply (rule mult_right_mono)
+ apply (rule le_maxI2)
+ apply assumption
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_bounded_alt"*}
+lemma bigo_bounded_alt: "ALL x. 0 <= f x ==> ALL x. f x <= c * g x ==>
+ f : O(g)"
+ apply (auto simp add: bigo_def)
+(*Version 1: one-shot proof*)
+ apply (metis OrderedGroup.abs_ge_self OrderedGroup.abs_le_D1 OrderedGroup.abs_of_nonneg Orderings.linorder_class.not_less order_less_le Orderings.xt1(12) Ring_and_Field.abs_mult)
+ done
+lemma bigo_bounded_alt: "ALL x. 0 <= f x ==> ALL x. f x <= c * g x ==>
+ f : O(g)"
+ apply (auto simp add: bigo_def)
+(*Version 2: single-step proof*)
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix x
+assume 0: "\<And>mes_mbt\<Colon>'a.
+ (f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) mes_mbt
+ \<le> (c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * (g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) mes_mbt"
+assume 1: "\<And>mes_mbs\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ \<not> (f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) ((x\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom \<Rightarrow> 'a) mes_mbs)
+ \<le> mes_mbs * \<bar>(g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x mes_mbs)\<bar>"
+have 2: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'a.
+ (c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * (g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3 =
+ (f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3 \<or>
+ \<not> c * g X3 \<le> f X3"
+ by (metis Lattices.min_max.less_eq_less_inf.antisym_intro 0)
+have 3: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ \<not> (f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) ((x\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<bar>X3\<bar>)
+ \<le> \<bar>X3 * (g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x \<bar>X3\<bar>)\<bar>"
+ by (metis 1 Ring_and_Field.abs_mult)
+have 4: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * X3 = X3"
+ by (metis Ring_and_Field.mult_cancel_left2 Finite_Set.AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 5: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. X3 * (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) = X3"
+ by (metis Ring_and_Field.mult_cancel_right2 Finite_Set.AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 6: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. \<bar>X3\<bar> * \<bar>X3\<bar> = X3 * X3"
+ by (metis Ring_and_Field.abs_mult_self Finite_Set.AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 7: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. (0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> X3 * X3"
+ by (metis Ring_and_Field.zero_le_square Finite_Set.AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 8: "(0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis 7 Ring_and_Field.mult_cancel_left2)
+have 9: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. X3 * X3 = \<bar>X3 * X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis Ring_and_Field.abs_mult 6)
+have 10: "\<bar>1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom\<bar> = (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis 9 4)
+have 11: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. \<bar>\<bar>X3\<bar>\<bar> = \<bar>X3\<bar> * \<bar>1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom\<bar>"
+ by (metis Ring_and_Field.abs_mult OrderedGroup.abs_idempotent 5)
+have 12: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. \<bar>\<bar>X3\<bar>\<bar> = \<bar>X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis 11 10 5)
+have 13: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ X3 * (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> X1 \<or>
+ \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> X1 \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis OrderedGroup.abs_le_D1 Ring_and_Field.abs_mult_pos 5)
+have 14: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ X3 \<le> X1 \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> X1 \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis 13 5)
+have 15: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. X3 \<le> X1 \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> X1"
+ by (metis 14 8)
+have 16: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. X3 \<le> X1 \<or> X1 \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis 15 Orderings.linorder_class.less_eq_less.linear)
+have 17: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ X3 * (g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) ((x\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<bar>X3\<bar>)
+ \<le> (f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x \<bar>X3\<bar>)"
+ by (metis 3 16)
+have 18: "(c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) *
+(g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) ((x\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<bar>c\<bar>) =
+(f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x \<bar>c\<bar>)"
+ by (metis 2 17)
+have 19: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<le> \<bar>\<bar>X3\<bar>\<bar> * \<bar>\<bar>X1\<bar>\<bar>"
+ by (metis 15 Ring_and_Field.abs_le_mult Ring_and_Field.abs_mult)
+have 20: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar> * \<bar>X1\<bar>"
+ by (metis 19 12 12)
+have 21: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. X3 * X1 \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar> * \<bar>X1\<bar>"
+ by (metis 15 20)
+have 22: "(f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)
+ ((x\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<bar>c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom\<bar>)
+\<le> \<bar>c\<bar> * \<bar>(g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x \<bar>c\<bar>)\<bar>"
+ by (metis 21 18)
+show 23: "False"
+ by (metis 22 1)
+text{*So here is the easier (and more natural) problem using transitivity*}
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_bounded_alt_trans"*}
+lemma "ALL x. 0 <= f x ==> ALL x. f x <= c * g x ==> f : O(g)"
+ apply (auto simp add: bigo_def)
+ (*Version 1: one-shot proof*)
+apply (metis Orderings.leD Orderings.leI abs_ge_self abs_le_D1 abs_mult abs_of_nonneg order_le_less xt1(12));
+ done
+text{*So here is the easier (and more natural) problem using transitivity*}
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_bounded_alt_trans"*}
+lemma "ALL x. 0 <= f x ==> ALL x. f x <= c * g x ==> f : O(g)"
+ apply (auto simp add: bigo_def)
+(*Version 2: single-step proof*)
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix x
+assume 0: "\<And>mes_mb9\<Colon>'a.
+ (f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) mes_mb9
+ \<le> (c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * (g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) mes_mb9"
+assume 1: "\<And>mes_mb8\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ \<not> (f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) ((x\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom \<Rightarrow> 'a) mes_mb8)
+ \<le> mes_mb8 * \<bar>(g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x mes_mb8)\<bar>"
+have 2: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'a.
+ (c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * (g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3 =
+ (f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3 \<or>
+ \<not> c * g X3 \<le> f X3"
+ by (metis Lattices.min_max.less_eq_less_inf.antisym_intro 0)
+have 3: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ \<not> (f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) ((x\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<bar>X3\<bar>)
+ \<le> \<bar>X3 * (g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x \<bar>X3\<bar>)\<bar>"
+ by (metis 1 Ring_and_Field.abs_mult)
+have 4: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * X3 = X3"
+ by (metis Ring_and_Field.mult_cancel_left2 Finite_Set.AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 5: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. X3 * (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) = X3"
+ by (metis Ring_and_Field.mult_cancel_right2 Finite_Set.AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 6: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. \<bar>X3\<bar> * \<bar>X3\<bar> = X3 * X3"
+ by (metis Ring_and_Field.abs_mult_self Finite_Set.AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 7: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. (0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> X3 * X3"
+ by (metis Ring_and_Field.zero_le_square Finite_Set.AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 8: "(0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis 7 Ring_and_Field.mult_cancel_left2)
+have 9: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. X3 * X3 = \<bar>X3 * X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis Ring_and_Field.abs_mult 6)
+have 10: "\<bar>1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom\<bar> = (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis 9 4)
+have 11: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. \<bar>\<bar>X3\<bar>\<bar> = \<bar>X3\<bar> * \<bar>1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom\<bar>"
+ by (metis Ring_and_Field.abs_mult OrderedGroup.abs_idempotent 5)
+have 12: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. \<bar>\<bar>X3\<bar>\<bar> = \<bar>X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis 11 10 5)
+have 13: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ X3 * (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> X1 \<or>
+ \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> X1 \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis OrderedGroup.abs_le_D1 Ring_and_Field.abs_mult_pos 5)
+have 14: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ X3 \<le> X1 \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> X1 \<or> \<not> (0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis 13 5)
+have 15: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. X3 \<le> X1 \<or> \<not> \<bar>X3\<bar> \<le> X1"
+ by (metis 14 8)
+have 16: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. X3 \<le> X1 \<or> X1 \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar>"
+ by (metis 15 Orderings.linorder_class.less_eq_less.linear)
+have 17: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ X3 * (g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) ((x\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<bar>X3\<bar>)
+ \<le> (f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x \<bar>X3\<bar>)"
+ by (metis 3 16)
+have 18: "(c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) *
+(g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) ((x\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<bar>c\<bar>) =
+(f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x \<bar>c\<bar>)"
+ by (metis 2 17)
+have 19: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<le> \<bar>\<bar>X3\<bar>\<bar> * \<bar>\<bar>X1\<bar>\<bar>"
+ by (metis 15 Ring_and_Field.abs_le_mult Ring_and_Field.abs_mult)
+have 20: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. \<bar>X3 * X1\<bar> \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar> * \<bar>X1\<bar>"
+ by (metis 19 12 12)
+have 21: "\<And>(X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. X3 * X1 \<le> \<bar>X3\<bar> * \<bar>X1\<bar>"
+ by (metis 15 20)
+have 22: "(f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)
+ ((x\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<bar>c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom\<bar>)
+\<le> \<bar>c\<bar> * \<bar>(g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x \<bar>c\<bar>)\<bar>"
+ by (metis 21 18)
+show 23: "False"
+ by (metis 22 1)
+lemma bigo_bounded: "ALL x. 0 <= f x ==> ALL x. f x <= g x ==>
+ f : O(g)"
+ apply (erule bigo_bounded_alt [of f 1 g])
+ apply simp
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_bounded2"*}
+lemma bigo_bounded2: "ALL x. lb x <= f x ==> ALL x. f x <= lb x + g x ==>
+ f : lb +o O(g)"
+ apply (rule set_minus_imp_plus)
+ apply (rule bigo_bounded)
+ apply (auto simp add: diff_minus func_minus func_plus)
+ prefer 2
+ apply (drule_tac x = x in spec)+
+ apply arith (*not clear that it's provable otherwise*)
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix x
+assume 0: "\<And>y. lb y \<le> f y"
+assume 1: "\<not> (0\<Colon>'b) \<le> f x + - lb x"
+have 2: "\<And>X3. (0\<Colon>'b) + X3 = X3"
+ by (metis diff_eq_eq right_minus_eq)
+have 3: "\<not> (0\<Colon>'b) \<le> f x - lb x"
+ by (metis 1 compare_rls(1))
+have 4: "\<not> (0\<Colon>'b) + lb x \<le> f x"
+ by (metis 3 le_diff_eq)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 4 2 0)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_abs"*}
+lemma bigo_abs: "(%x. abs(f x)) =o O(f)"
+ apply (unfold bigo_def)
+ apply auto
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix x
+assume 0: "!!mes_o43::'b::ordered_idom.
+ ~ abs ((f::'a::type => 'b::ordered_idom)
+ ((x::'b::ordered_idom => 'a::type) mes_o43))
+ <= mes_o43 * abs (f (x mes_o43))"
+have 1: "!!X3::'b::ordered_idom.
+ X3 <= (1::'b::ordered_idom) * X3 |
+ ~ (1::'b::ordered_idom) <= (1::'b::ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis mult_le_cancel_right1 order_refl)
+have 2: "!!X3::'b::ordered_idom. X3 <= (1::'b::ordered_idom) * X3"
+ by (metis 1 order_refl)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 0 2)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_abs2"*}
+lemma bigo_abs2: "f =o O(%x. abs(f x))"
+ apply (unfold bigo_def)
+ apply auto
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix x
+assume 0: "\<And>mes_o4C\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ \<not> \<bar>(f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) ((x\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom \<Rightarrow> 'a) mes_o4C)\<bar>
+ \<le> mes_o4C * \<bar>f (x mes_o4C)\<bar>"
+have 1: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom.
+ X3 \<le> (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * X3 \<or>
+ \<not> (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis mult_le_cancel_right1 order_refl)
+have 2: "\<And>X3\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. X3 \<le> (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * X3"
+ by (metis 1 order_refl)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 0 2)
+lemma bigo_abs3: "O(f) = O(%x. abs(f x))"
+ apply (rule equalityI)
+ apply (rule bigo_elt_subset)
+ apply (rule bigo_abs2)
+ apply (rule bigo_elt_subset)
+ apply (rule bigo_abs)
+lemma bigo_abs4: "f =o g +o O(h) ==>
+ (%x. abs (f x)) =o (%x. abs (g x)) +o O(h)"
+ apply (drule set_plus_imp_minus)
+ apply (rule set_minus_imp_plus)
+ apply (subst func_diff)
+proof -
+ assume a: "f - g : O(h)"
+ have "(%x. abs (f x) - abs (g x)) =o O(%x. abs(abs (f x) - abs (g x)))"
+ by (rule bigo_abs2)
+ also have "... <= O(%x. abs (f x - g x))"
+ apply (rule bigo_elt_subset)
+ apply (rule bigo_bounded)
+ apply force
+ apply (rule allI)
+ apply (rule abs_triangle_ineq3)
+ done
+ also have "... <= O(f - g)"
+ apply (rule bigo_elt_subset)
+ apply (subst func_diff)
+ apply (rule bigo_abs)
+ done
+ also have "... <= O(h)"
+ by (rule bigo_elt_subset)
+ finally show "(%x. abs (f x) - abs (g x)) : O(h)".
+lemma bigo_abs5: "f =o O(g) ==> (%x. abs(f x)) =o O(g)"
+by (unfold bigo_def, auto)
+lemma bigo_elt_subset2 [intro]: "f : g +o O(h) ==> O(f) <= O(g) + O(h)"
+proof -
+ assume "f : g +o O(h)"
+ also have "... <= O(g) + O(h)"
+ by (auto del: subsetI)
+ also have "... = O(%x. abs(g x)) + O(%x. abs(h x))"
+ apply (subst bigo_abs3 [symmetric])+
+ apply (rule refl)
+ done
+ also have "... = O((%x. abs(g x)) + (%x. abs(h x)))"
+ by (rule bigo_plus_eq [symmetric], auto)
+ finally have "f : ...".
+ then have "O(f) <= ..."
+ by (elim bigo_elt_subset)
+ also have "... = O(%x. abs(g x)) + O(%x. abs(h x))"
+ by (rule bigo_plus_eq, auto)
+ finally show ?thesis
+ by (simp add: bigo_abs3 [symmetric])
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_mult"*}
+lemma bigo_mult [intro]: "O(f)*O(g) <= O(f * g)"
+ apply (rule subsetI)
+ apply (subst bigo_def)
+ apply (auto simp del: abs_mult mult_ac
+ simp add: bigo_alt_def set_times func_times)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "c * ca" in exI)
+ apply(rule allI)
+ apply(erule_tac x = x in allE)+
+ apply(subgoal_tac "c * ca * abs(f x * g x) =
+ (c * abs(f x)) * (ca * abs(g x))")
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_mult_simpler"*}
+prefer 2
+apply (metis Finite_Set.AC_mult.f.assoc Finite_Set.AC_mult.f.left_commute OrderedGroup.abs_of_pos OrderedGroup.mult_left_commute Ring_and_Field.abs_mult Ring_and_Field.mult_pos_pos)
+ apply(erule ssubst)
+ apply (subst abs_mult)
+(*not qute BigO__bigo_mult_simpler_1 (a hard problem!) as abs_mult has
+ just been done*)
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix a c b ca x
+assume 0: "(0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) < (c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+assume 1: "\<bar>(a\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x\<Colon>'a)\<bar>
+\<le> (c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * \<bar>(f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar>"
+assume 2: "\<bar>(b\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x\<Colon>'a)\<bar>
+\<le> (ca\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * \<bar>(g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar>"
+assume 3: "\<not> \<bar>(a\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x\<Colon>'a)\<bar> *
+ \<bar>(b\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar>
+ \<le> (c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * \<bar>(f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar> *
+ ((ca\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * \<bar>(g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar>)"
+have 4: "\<bar>c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom\<bar> = c"
+ by (metis OrderedGroup.abs_of_pos 0)
+have 5: "\<And>X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. (c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * \<bar>X1\<bar> = \<bar>c * X1\<bar>"
+ by (metis Ring_and_Field.abs_mult 4)
+have 6: "(0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) = (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<or>
+(0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) < (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis OrderedGroup.abs_not_less_zero Ring_and_Field.abs_one Ring_and_Field.linorder_neqE_ordered_idom)
+have 7: "(0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) < (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis 6 Ring_and_Field.one_neq_zero)
+have 8: "\<bar>1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom\<bar> = (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)"
+ by (metis OrderedGroup.abs_of_pos 7)
+have 9: "\<And>X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. (0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> (c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * \<bar>X1\<bar>"
+ by (metis OrderedGroup.abs_ge_zero 5)
+have 10: "\<And>X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. X1 * (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) = X1"
+ by (metis Ring_and_Field.mult_cancel_right2 Finite_Set.AC_mult.f.commute)
+have 11: "\<And>X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. \<bar>\<bar>X1\<bar>\<bar> = \<bar>X1\<bar> * \<bar>1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom\<bar>"
+ by (metis Ring_and_Field.abs_mult OrderedGroup.abs_idempotent 10)
+have 12: "\<And>X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. \<bar>\<bar>X1\<bar>\<bar> = \<bar>X1\<bar>"
+ by (metis 11 8 10)
+have 13: "\<And>X1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom. (0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> \<bar>X1\<bar>"
+ by (metis OrderedGroup.abs_ge_zero 12)
+have 14: "\<not> (0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)
+ \<le> (c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * \<bar>(f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x\<Colon>'a)\<bar> \<or>
+\<not> (0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> \<bar>(b\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar> \<or>
+\<not> \<bar>b x\<bar> \<le> (ca\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * \<bar>(g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar> \<or>
+\<not> \<bar>(a\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar> \<le> c * \<bar>f x\<bar>"
+ by (metis 3 Ring_and_Field.mult_mono)
+have 15: "\<not> (0\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<le> \<bar>(b\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x\<Colon>'a)\<bar> \<or>
+\<not> \<bar>b x\<bar> \<le> (ca\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * \<bar>(g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar> \<or>
+\<not> \<bar>(a\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar>
+ \<le> (c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * \<bar>(f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar>"
+ by (metis 14 9)
+have 16: "\<not> \<bar>(b\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x\<Colon>'a)\<bar>
+ \<le> (ca\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * \<bar>(g\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar> \<or>
+\<not> \<bar>(a\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar>
+ \<le> (c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * \<bar>(f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar>"
+ by (metis 15 13)
+have 17: "\<not> \<bar>(a\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) (x\<Colon>'a)\<bar>
+ \<le> (c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) * \<bar>(f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) x\<bar>"
+ by (metis 16 2)
+show 18: "False"
+ by (metis 17 1)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_mult2"*}
+lemma bigo_mult2 [intro]: "f *o O(g) <= O(f * g)"
+ apply (auto simp add: bigo_def elt_set_times_def func_times abs_mult)
+ apply (rule_tac x = c in exI)
+ apply clarify
+ apply (drule_tac x = x in spec)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_mult2_simpler"*}
+ apply (subgoal_tac "abs(f x) * abs(b x) <= abs(f x) * (c * abs(g x))")
+ apply (simp add: mult_ac)
+ apply (rule mult_left_mono, assumption)
+ apply (rule abs_ge_zero)
+lemma bigo_mult3: "f : O(h) ==> g : O(j) ==> f * g : O(h * j)"
+by (metis bigo_mult set_times_intro subset_iff)
+lemma bigo_mult4 [intro]:"f : k +o O(h) ==> g * f : (g * k) +o O(g * h)"
+by (metis bigo_mult2 set_plus_mono_b set_times_intro2 set_times_plus_distrib)
+lemma bigo_mult5: "ALL x. f x ~= 0 ==>
+ O(f * g) <= (f::'a => ('b::ordered_field)) *o O(g)"
+proof -
+ assume "ALL x. f x ~= 0"
+ show "O(f * g) <= f *o O(g)"
+ proof
+ fix h
+ assume "h : O(f * g)"
+ then have "(%x. 1 / (f x)) * h : (%x. 1 / f x) *o O(f * g)"
+ by auto
+ also have "... <= O((%x. 1 / f x) * (f * g))"
+ by (rule bigo_mult2)
+ also have "(%x. 1 / f x) * (f * g) = g"
+ apply (simp add: func_times)
+ apply (rule ext)
+ apply (simp add: prems nonzero_divide_eq_eq mult_ac)
+ done
+ finally have "(%x. (1::'b) / f x) * h : O(g)".
+ then have "f * ((%x. (1::'b) / f x) * h) : f *o O(g)"
+ by auto
+ also have "f * ((%x. (1::'b) / f x) * h) = h"
+ apply (simp add: func_times)
+ apply (rule ext)
+ apply (simp add: prems nonzero_divide_eq_eq mult_ac)
+ done
+ finally show "h : f *o O(g)".
+ qed
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_mult6"*}
+lemma bigo_mult6: "ALL x. f x ~= 0 ==>
+ O(f * g) = (f::'a => ('b::ordered_field)) *o O(g)"
+by (metis bigo_mult2 bigo_mult5 order_antisym)
+(*proof requires relaxing relevance: 2007-01-25*)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_mult7"*}
+ declare bigo_mult6 [simp]
+lemma bigo_mult7: "ALL x. f x ~= 0 ==>
+ O(f * g) <= O(f::'a => ('b::ordered_field)) * O(g)"
+ apply (subst bigo_mult6)
+ apply assumption
+ apply (rule set_times_mono3)
+ apply (rule bigo_refl)
+ declare bigo_mult6 [simp del]
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_mult8"*}
+ declare bigo_mult7[intro!]
+lemma bigo_mult8: "ALL x. f x ~= 0 ==>
+ O(f * g) = O(f::'a => ('b::ordered_field)) * O(g)"
+by (metis bigo_mult bigo_mult7 order_antisym_conv)
+lemma bigo_minus [intro]: "f : O(g) ==> - f : O(g)"
+ by (auto simp add: bigo_def func_minus)
+lemma bigo_minus2: "f : g +o O(h) ==> -f : -g +o O(h)"
+ apply (rule set_minus_imp_plus)
+ apply (drule set_plus_imp_minus)
+ apply (drule bigo_minus)
+ apply (simp add: diff_minus)
+lemma bigo_minus3: "O(-f) = O(f)"
+ by (auto simp add: bigo_def func_minus abs_minus_cancel)
+lemma bigo_plus_absorb_lemma1: "f : O(g) ==> f +o O(g) <= O(g)"
+proof -
+ assume a: "f : O(g)"
+ show "f +o O(g) <= O(g)"
+ proof -
+ have "f : O(f)" by auto
+ then have "f +o O(g) <= O(f) + O(g)"
+ by (auto del: subsetI)
+ also have "... <= O(g) + O(g)"
+ proof -
+ from a have "O(f) <= O(g)" by (auto del: subsetI)
+ thus ?thesis by (auto del: subsetI)
+ qed
+ also have "... <= O(g)" by (simp add: bigo_plus_idemp)
+ finally show ?thesis .
+ qed
+lemma bigo_plus_absorb_lemma2: "f : O(g) ==> O(g) <= f +o O(g)"
+proof -
+ assume a: "f : O(g)"
+ show "O(g) <= f +o O(g)"
+ proof -
+ from a have "-f : O(g)" by auto
+ then have "-f +o O(g) <= O(g)" by (elim bigo_plus_absorb_lemma1)
+ then have "f +o (-f +o O(g)) <= f +o O(g)" by auto
+ also have "f +o (-f +o O(g)) = O(g)"
+ by (simp add: set_plus_rearranges)
+ finally show ?thesis .
+ qed
+lemma bigo_plus_absorb [simp]: "f : O(g) ==> f +o O(g) = O(g)"
+by (metis bigo_plus_absorb_lemma1 bigo_plus_absorb_lemma2 order_eq_iff);
+lemma bigo_plus_absorb2 [intro]: "f : O(g) ==> A <= O(g) ==> f +o A <= O(g)"
+ apply (subgoal_tac "f +o A <= f +o O(g)")
+ apply force+
+lemma bigo_add_commute_imp: "f : g +o O(h) ==> g : f +o O(h)"
+ apply (subst set_minus_plus [symmetric])
+ apply (subgoal_tac "g - f = - (f - g)")
+ apply (erule ssubst)
+ apply (rule bigo_minus)
+ apply (subst set_minus_plus)
+ apply assumption
+ apply (simp add: diff_minus add_ac)
+lemma bigo_add_commute: "(f : g +o O(h)) = (g : f +o O(h))"
+ apply (rule iffI)
+ apply (erule bigo_add_commute_imp)+
+lemma bigo_const1: "(%x. c) : O(%x. 1)"
+by (auto simp add: bigo_def mult_ac)
+declare bigo_const1 [skolem]
+lemma (*bigo_const2 [intro]:*) "O(%x. c) <= O(%x. 1)"
+by (metis bigo_const1 bigo_elt_subset);
+lemma bigo_const2 [intro]: "O(%x. c) <= O(%x. 1)";
+(*??FAILS because the two occurrences of COMBK have different polymorphic types
+proof (neg_clausify)
+assume 0: "\<not> O(COMBK (c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom)) \<subseteq> O(COMBK (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom))"
+have 1: "COMBK (c\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom) \<notin> O(COMBK (1\<Colon>'b\<Colon>ordered_idom))"
+apply (rule notI)
+apply (rule 0 [THEN notE])
+apply (rule bigo_elt_subset)
+apply assumption;
+ by (metis 0 bigo_elt_subset) loops??
+show "False"
+ by (metis 1 bigo_const1)
+ apply (rule bigo_elt_subset)
+ apply (rule bigo_const1)
+declare bigo_const2 [skolem]
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_const3"*}
+lemma bigo_const3: "(c::'a::ordered_field) ~= 0 ==> (%x. 1) : O(%x. c)"
+apply (simp add: bigo_def)
+proof (neg_clausify)
+assume 0: "(c\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_field) \<noteq> (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_field)"
+assume 1: "\<And>mes_md\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_field. \<not> (1\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_field) \<le> mes_md * \<bar>c\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_field\<bar>"
+have 2: "(0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_field) = \<bar>c\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_field\<bar> \<or>
+\<not> (1\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_field) \<le> (1\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_field)"
+ by (metis 1 field_inverse)
+have 3: "\<bar>c\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_field\<bar> = (0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_field)"
+ by (metis 2 order_refl)
+have 4: "(0\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_field) = (c\<Colon>'a\<Colon>ordered_field)"
+ by (metis OrderedGroup.abs_eq_0 3)
+show 5: "False"
+ by (metis 4 0)
+lemma bigo_const4: "(c::'a::ordered_field) ~= 0 ==> O(%x. 1) <= O(%x. c)"
+by (rule bigo_elt_subset, rule bigo_const3, assumption)
+lemma bigo_const [simp]: "(c::'a::ordered_field) ~= 0 ==>
+ O(%x. c) = O(%x. 1)"
+by (rule equalityI, rule bigo_const2, rule bigo_const4, assumption)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_const_mult1"*}
+lemma bigo_const_mult1: "(%x. c * f x) : O(f)"
+ apply (simp add: bigo_def abs_mult)
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix x
+assume 0: "\<And>mes_vAL\<Colon>'b.
+ \<not> \<bar>c\<Colon>'b\<bar> *
+ \<bar>(f\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> 'b) ((x\<Colon>'b \<Rightarrow> 'a) mes_vAL)\<bar>
+ \<le> mes_vAL * \<bar>f (x mes_vAL)\<bar>"
+have 1: "\<And>Y\<Colon>'b. Y \<le> Y"
+ by (metis order_refl)
+show 2: "False"
+ by (metis 0 1)
+lemma bigo_const_mult2: "O(%x. c * f x) <= O(f)"
+by (rule bigo_elt_subset, rule bigo_const_mult1)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_const_mult3"*}
+lemma bigo_const_mult3: "(c::'a::ordered_field) ~= 0 ==> f : O(%x. c * f x)"
+ apply (simp add: bigo_def)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "abs(inverse c)" in exI)
+ apply (simp only: abs_mult [symmetric] mult_assoc [symmetric])
+apply (subst left_inverse)
+apply (auto );
+lemma bigo_const_mult4: "(c::'a::ordered_field) ~= 0 ==>
+ O(f) <= O(%x. c * f x)"
+by (rule bigo_elt_subset, rule bigo_const_mult3, assumption)
+lemma bigo_const_mult [simp]: "(c::'a::ordered_field) ~= 0 ==>
+ O(%x. c * f x) = O(f)"
+by (rule equalityI, rule bigo_const_mult2, erule bigo_const_mult4)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_const_mult5"*}
+lemma bigo_const_mult5 [simp]: "(c::'a::ordered_field) ~= 0 ==>
+ (%x. c) *o O(f) = O(f)"
+ apply (auto del: subsetI)
+ apply (rule order_trans)
+ apply (rule bigo_mult2)
+ apply (simp add: func_times)
+ apply (auto intro!: subsetI simp add: bigo_def elt_set_times_def func_times)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "%y. inverse c * x y" in exI)
+apply (rename_tac g d)
+apply safe;
+apply (rule_tac [2] ext)
+ apply (simp_all del: mult_assoc add: mult_assoc [symmetric] abs_mult)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "abs (inverse c) * d" in exI)
+ apply (rule allI)
+ apply (subst mult_assoc)
+ apply (rule mult_left_mono)
+ apply (erule spec)
+apply (simp add: );
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_const_mult6"*}
+lemma bigo_const_mult6 [intro]: "(%x. c) *o O(f) <= O(f)"
+ apply (auto intro!: subsetI
+ simp add: bigo_def elt_set_times_def func_times
+ simp del: abs_mult mult_ac)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "ca * (abs c)" in exI)
+ apply (rule allI)
+ apply (subgoal_tac "ca * abs(c) * abs(f x) = abs(c) * (ca * abs(f x))")
+ apply (erule ssubst)
+ apply (subst abs_mult)
+ apply (rule mult_left_mono)
+ apply (erule spec)
+ apply simp
+ apply(simp add: mult_ac)
+lemma bigo_const_mult7 [intro]: "f =o O(g) ==> (%x. c * f x) =o O(g)"
+proof -
+ assume "f =o O(g)"
+ then have "(%x. c) * f =o (%x. c) *o O(g)"
+ by auto
+ also have "(%x. c) * f = (%x. c * f x)"
+ by (simp add: func_times)
+ also have "(%x. c) *o O(g) <= O(g)"
+ by (auto del: subsetI)
+ finally show ?thesis .
+lemma bigo_compose1: "f =o O(g) ==> (%x. f(k x)) =o O(%x. g(k x))"
+by (unfold bigo_def, auto)
+lemma bigo_compose2: "f =o g +o O(h) ==> (%x. f(k x)) =o (%x. g(k x)) +o
+ O(%x. h(k x))"
+ apply (simp only: set_minus_plus [symmetric] diff_minus func_minus
+ func_plus)
+ apply (erule bigo_compose1)
+subsection {* Setsum *}
+lemma bigo_setsum_main: "ALL x. ALL y : A x. 0 <= h x y ==>
+ EX c. ALL x. ALL y : A x. abs(f x y) <= c * (h x y) ==>
+ (%x. SUM y : A x. f x y) =o O(%x. SUM y : A x. h x y)"
+ apply (auto simp add: bigo_def)
+ apply (rule_tac x = "abs c" in exI)
+ apply (subst abs_of_nonneg) back back
+ apply (rule setsum_nonneg)
+ apply force
+ apply (subst setsum_right_distrib)
+ apply (rule allI)
+ apply (rule order_trans)
+ apply (rule setsum_abs)
+ apply (rule setsum_mono)
+apply (blast intro: order_trans mult_right_mono abs_ge_self)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_setsum1"*}
+lemma bigo_setsum1: "ALL x y. 0 <= h x y ==>
+ EX c. ALL x y. abs(f x y) <= c * (h x y) ==>
+ (%x. SUM y : A x. f x y) =o O(%x. SUM y : A x. h x y)"
+ apply (rule bigo_setsum_main)
+ apply force
+ apply clarsimp
+ apply (rule_tac x = c in exI)
+ apply force
+lemma bigo_setsum2: "ALL y. 0 <= h y ==>
+ EX c. ALL y. abs(f y) <= c * (h y) ==>
+ (%x. SUM y : A x. f y) =o O(%x. SUM y : A x. h y)"
+by (rule bigo_setsum1, auto)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_setsum3"*}
+lemma bigo_setsum3: "f =o O(h) ==>
+ (%x. SUM y : A x. (l x y) * f(k x y)) =o
+ O(%x. SUM y : A x. abs(l x y * h(k x y)))"
+ apply (rule bigo_setsum1)
+ apply (rule allI)+
+ apply (rule abs_ge_zero)
+ apply (unfold bigo_def)
+ apply (auto simp add: abs_mult);
+ apply (rule_tac x = c in exI)
+ apply (rule allI)+
+ apply (subst mult_left_commute)
+ apply (rule mult_left_mono)
+ apply (erule spec)
+ apply (rule abs_ge_zero)
+lemma bigo_setsum4: "f =o g +o O(h) ==>
+ (%x. SUM y : A x. l x y * f(k x y)) =o
+ (%x. SUM y : A x. l x y * g(k x y)) +o
+ O(%x. SUM y : A x. abs(l x y * h(k x y)))"
+ apply (rule set_minus_imp_plus)
+ apply (subst func_diff)
+ apply (subst setsum_subtractf [symmetric])
+ apply (subst right_diff_distrib [symmetric])
+ apply (rule bigo_setsum3)
+ apply (subst func_diff [symmetric])
+ apply (erule set_plus_imp_minus)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_setsum5"*}
+lemma bigo_setsum5: "f =o O(h) ==> ALL x y. 0 <= l x y ==>
+ ALL x. 0 <= h x ==>
+ (%x. SUM y : A x. (l x y) * f(k x y)) =o
+ O(%x. SUM y : A x. (l x y) * h(k x y))"
+ apply (subgoal_tac "(%x. SUM y : A x. (l x y) * h(k x y)) =
+ (%x. SUM y : A x. abs((l x y) * h(k x y)))")
+ apply (erule ssubst)
+ apply (erule bigo_setsum3)
+ apply (rule ext)
+ apply (rule setsum_cong2)
+ apply (thin_tac "f \<in> O(h)")
+ apply (subst abs_of_nonneg)
+ apply (rule mult_nonneg_nonneg)
+ apply auto
+lemma bigo_setsum6: "f =o g +o O(h) ==> ALL x y. 0 <= l x y ==>
+ ALL x. 0 <= h x ==>
+ (%x. SUM y : A x. (l x y) * f(k x y)) =o
+ (%x. SUM y : A x. (l x y) * g(k x y)) +o
+ O(%x. SUM y : A x. (l x y) * h(k x y))"
+ apply (rule set_minus_imp_plus)
+ apply (subst func_diff)
+ apply (subst setsum_subtractf [symmetric])
+ apply (subst right_diff_distrib [symmetric])
+ apply (rule bigo_setsum5)
+ apply (subst func_diff [symmetric])
+ apply (drule set_plus_imp_minus)
+ apply auto
+subsection {* Misc useful stuff *}
+lemma bigo_useful_intro: "A <= O(f) ==> B <= O(f) ==>
+ A + B <= O(f)"
+ apply (subst bigo_plus_idemp [symmetric])
+ apply (rule set_plus_mono2)
+ apply assumption+
+lemma bigo_useful_add: "f =o O(h) ==> g =o O(h) ==> f + g =o O(h)"
+ apply (subst bigo_plus_idemp [symmetric])
+ apply (rule set_plus_intro)
+ apply assumption+
+lemma bigo_useful_const_mult: "(c::'a::ordered_field) ~= 0 ==>
+ (%x. c) * f =o O(h) ==> f =o O(h)"
+ apply (rule subsetD)
+ apply (subgoal_tac "(%x. 1 / c) *o O(h) <= O(h)")
+ apply assumption
+ apply (rule bigo_const_mult6)
+ apply (subgoal_tac "f = (%x. 1 / c) * ((%x. c) * f)")
+ apply (erule ssubst)
+ apply (erule set_times_intro2)
+ apply (simp add: func_times)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_fix"*}
+lemma bigo_fix: "(%x. f ((x::nat) + 1)) =o O(%x. h(x + 1)) ==> f 0 = 0 ==>
+ f =o O(h)"
+ apply (simp add: bigo_alt_def)
+ apply clarify
+ apply (rule_tac x = c in exI)
+ apply safe
+ apply (case_tac "x = 0")
+prefer 2
+ apply (subgoal_tac "x = Suc (x - 1)")
+ apply (erule ssubst) back
+ apply (erule spec)
+ apply (rule Suc_pred')
+ apply simp
+apply (metis OrderedGroup.abs_ge_zero OrderedGroup.abs_zero order_less_le Ring_and_Field.split_mult_pos_le)
+ done
+lemma bigo_fix2:
+ "(%x. f ((x::nat) + 1)) =o (%x. g(x + 1)) +o O(%x. h(x + 1)) ==>
+ f 0 = g 0 ==> f =o g +o O(h)"
+ apply (rule set_minus_imp_plus)
+ apply (rule bigo_fix)
+ apply (subst func_diff)
+ apply (subst func_diff [symmetric])
+ apply (rule set_plus_imp_minus)
+ apply simp
+ apply (simp add: func_diff)
+subsection {* Less than or equal to *}
+ lesso :: "('a => 'b::ordered_idom) => ('a => 'b) => ('a => 'b)"
+ (infixl "<o" 70)
+ "f <o g == (%x. max (f x - g x) 0)"
+lemma bigo_lesseq1: "f =o O(h) ==> ALL x. abs (g x) <= abs (f x) ==>
+ g =o O(h)"
+ apply (unfold bigo_def)
+ apply clarsimp
+apply (blast intro: order_trans)
+lemma bigo_lesseq2: "f =o O(h) ==> ALL x. abs (g x) <= f x ==>
+ g =o O(h)"
+ apply (erule bigo_lesseq1)
+apply (blast intro: abs_ge_self order_trans)
+lemma bigo_lesseq3: "f =o O(h) ==> ALL x. 0 <= g x ==> ALL x. g x <= f x ==>
+ g =o O(h)"
+ apply (erule bigo_lesseq2)
+ apply (rule allI)
+ apply (subst abs_of_nonneg)
+ apply (erule spec)+
+lemma bigo_lesseq4: "f =o O(h) ==>
+ ALL x. 0 <= g x ==> ALL x. g x <= abs (f x) ==>
+ g =o O(h)"
+ apply (erule bigo_lesseq1)
+ apply (rule allI)
+ apply (subst abs_of_nonneg)
+ apply (erule spec)+
+lemma bigo_lesso1: "ALL x. f x <= g x ==> f <o g =o O(h)"
+ apply (unfold lesso_def)
+ apply (subgoal_tac "(%x. max (f x - g x) 0) = 0")
+?? abstractions don't work: abstraction function gets the wrong type?
+proof (neg_clausify)
+assume 0: "llabs_subgoal_1 f g = 0"
+assume 1: "llabs_subgoal_1 f g \<notin> O(h)"
+show "False"
+ by (metis 1 0 bigo_zero)
+ apply (erule ssubst)
+ apply (rule bigo_zero)
+ apply (unfold func_zero)
+ apply (rule ext)
+ apply (simp split: split_max)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_lesso2"*}
+lemma bigo_lesso2: "f =o g +o O(h) ==>
+ ALL x. 0 <= k x ==> ALL x. k x <= f x ==>
+ k <o g =o O(h)"
+ apply (unfold lesso_def)
+ apply (rule bigo_lesseq4)
+ apply (erule set_plus_imp_minus)
+ apply (rule allI)
+ apply (rule le_maxI2)
+ apply (rule allI)
+ apply (subst func_diff)
+apply (erule thin_rl)
+ apply (case_tac "0 <= k x - g x")
+ apply (simp del: compare_rls diff_minus);
+ apply (subst abs_of_nonneg)
+ apply (drule_tac x = x in spec) back
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_lesso2_simpler"*}
+ apply (simp add: compare_rls del: diff_minus)
+ apply (subst diff_minus)+
+ apply (rule add_right_mono)
+ apply (erule spec)
+ apply (rule order_trans)
+ prefer 2
+ apply (rule abs_ge_zero)
+ apply (simp only: compare_rls min_max.below_sup.above_sup_conv
+ linorder_not_le order_less_imp_le)
+ apply (simp add: compare_rls del: diff_minus)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_lesso3"*}
+lemma bigo_lesso3: "f =o g +o O(h) ==>
+ ALL x. 0 <= k x ==> ALL x. g x <= k x ==>
+ f <o k =o O(h)"
+ apply (unfold lesso_def)
+ apply (rule bigo_lesseq4)
+ apply (erule set_plus_imp_minus)
+ apply (rule allI)
+ apply (rule le_maxI2)
+ apply (rule allI)
+ apply (subst func_diff)
+apply (erule thin_rl)
+ apply (case_tac "0 <= f x - k x")
+ apply (simp del: compare_rls diff_minus);
+ apply (subst abs_of_nonneg)
+ apply (drule_tac x = x in spec) back
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_lesso3_simpler"*}
+ apply (simp del: diff_minus)
+ apply (subst diff_minus)+
+ apply (rule add_left_mono)
+ apply (rule le_imp_neg_le)
+ apply (erule spec)
+ apply (rule order_trans)
+ prefer 2
+ apply (rule abs_ge_zero)
+ apply (simp del: diff_minus)
+lemma bigo_lesso4: "f <o g =o O(k::'a=>'b::ordered_field) ==>
+ g =o h +o O(k) ==> f <o h =o O(k)"
+ apply (unfold lesso_def)
+ apply (drule set_plus_imp_minus)
+ apply (drule bigo_abs5) back
+ apply (simp add: func_diff)
+ apply (drule bigo_useful_add)
+ apply assumption
+ apply (erule bigo_lesseq2) back
+ apply (rule allI)
+ apply (auto simp add: func_plus func_diff compare_rls
+ split: split_max abs_split)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "BigO__bigo_lesso5"*}
+lemma bigo_lesso5: "f <o g =o O(h) ==>
+ EX C. ALL x. f x <= g x + C * abs(h x)"
+ apply (simp only: lesso_def bigo_alt_def)
+ apply clarsimp
+apply (auto simp add: compare_rls add_ac)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/MetisExamples/Message.thy Thu Jun 21 13:23:33 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,810 @@
+(* Title: HOL/MetisTest/Message.thy
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+Testing the metis method
+theory Message imports Main begin
+(*Needed occasionally with spy_analz_tac, e.g. in analz_insert_Key_newK*)
+lemma strange_Un_eq [simp]: "A \<union> (B \<union> A) = B \<union> A"
+by blast
+ key = nat
+ all_symmetric :: bool --{*true if all keys are symmetric*}
+ invKey :: "key=>key" --{*inverse of a symmetric key*}
+specification (invKey)
+ invKey [simp]: "invKey (invKey K) = K"
+ invKey_symmetric: "all_symmetric --> invKey = id"
+ by (rule exI [of _ id], auto)
+text{*The inverse of a symmetric key is itself; that of a public key
+ is the private key and vice versa*}
+ symKeys :: "key set"
+ "symKeys == {K. invKey K = K}"
+datatype --{*We allow any number of friendly agents*}
+ agent = Server | Friend nat | Spy
+ msg = Agent agent --{*Agent names*}
+ | Number nat --{*Ordinary integers, timestamps, ...*}
+ | Nonce nat --{*Unguessable nonces*}
+ | Key key --{*Crypto keys*}
+ | Hash msg --{*Hashing*}
+ | MPair msg msg --{*Compound messages*}
+ | Crypt key msg --{*Encryption, public- or shared-key*}
+text{*Concrete syntax: messages appear as {|A,B,NA|}, etc...*}
+ "@MTuple" :: "['a, args] => 'a * 'b" ("(2{|_,/ _|})")
+syntax (xsymbols)
+ "@MTuple" :: "['a, args] => 'a * 'b" ("(2\<lbrace>_,/ _\<rbrace>)")
+ "{|x, y, z|}" == "{|x, {|y, z|}|}"
+ "{|x, y|}" == "MPair x y"
+ HPair :: "[msg,msg] => msg" ("(4Hash[_] /_)" [0, 1000])
+ --{*Message Y paired with a MAC computed with the help of X*}
+ "Hash[X] Y == {| Hash{|X,Y|}, Y|}"
+ keysFor :: "msg set => key set"
+ --{*Keys useful to decrypt elements of a message set*}
+ "keysFor H == invKey ` {K. \<exists>X. Crypt K X \<in> H}"
+subsubsection{*Inductive Definition of All Parts" of a Message*}
+consts parts :: "msg set => msg set"
+inductive "parts H"
+ intros
+ Inj [intro]: "X \<in> H ==> X \<in> parts H"
+ Fst: "{|X,Y|} \<in> parts H ==> X \<in> parts H"
+ Snd: "{|X,Y|} \<in> parts H ==> Y \<in> parts H"
+ Body: "Crypt K X \<in> parts H ==> X \<in> parts H"
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__parts_mono"*}
+lemma parts_mono: "G \<subseteq> H ==> parts(G) \<subseteq> parts(H)"
+apply auto
+apply (erule parts.induct)
+apply (metis Inj set_mp)
+apply (metis Fst)
+apply (metis Snd)
+apply (metis Body)
+text{*Equations hold because constructors are injective.*}
+lemma Friend_image_eq [simp]: "(Friend x \<in> Friend`A) = (x:A)"
+by auto
+lemma Key_image_eq [simp]: "(Key x \<in> Key`A) = (x\<in>A)"
+by auto
+lemma Nonce_Key_image_eq [simp]: "(Nonce x \<notin> Key`A)"
+by auto
+subsubsection{*Inverse of keys *}
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__invKey_eq"*}
+lemma invKey_eq [simp]: "(invKey K = invKey K') = (K=K')"
+by (metis invKey)
+subsection{*keysFor operator*}
+lemma keysFor_empty [simp]: "keysFor {} = {}"
+by (unfold keysFor_def, blast)
+lemma keysFor_Un [simp]: "keysFor (H \<union> H') = keysFor H \<union> keysFor H'"
+by (unfold keysFor_def, blast)
+lemma keysFor_UN [simp]: "keysFor (\<Union>i\<in>A. H i) = (\<Union>i\<in>A. keysFor (H i))"
+by (unfold keysFor_def, blast)
+lemma keysFor_mono: "G \<subseteq> H ==> keysFor(G) \<subseteq> keysFor(H)"
+by (unfold keysFor_def, blast)
+lemma keysFor_insert_Agent [simp]: "keysFor (insert (Agent A) H) = keysFor H"
+by (unfold keysFor_def, auto)
+lemma keysFor_insert_Nonce [simp]: "keysFor (insert (Nonce N) H) = keysFor H"
+by (unfold keysFor_def, auto)
+lemma keysFor_insert_Number [simp]: "keysFor (insert (Number N) H) = keysFor H"
+by (unfold keysFor_def, auto)
+lemma keysFor_insert_Key [simp]: "keysFor (insert (Key K) H) = keysFor H"
+by (unfold keysFor_def, auto)
+lemma keysFor_insert_Hash [simp]: "keysFor (insert (Hash X) H) = keysFor H"
+by (unfold keysFor_def, auto)
+lemma keysFor_insert_MPair [simp]: "keysFor (insert {|X,Y|} H) = keysFor H"
+by (unfold keysFor_def, auto)
+lemma keysFor_insert_Crypt [simp]:
+ "keysFor (insert (Crypt K X) H) = insert (invKey K) (keysFor H)"
+by (unfold keysFor_def, auto)
+lemma keysFor_image_Key [simp]: "keysFor (Key`E) = {}"
+by (unfold keysFor_def, auto)
+lemma Crypt_imp_invKey_keysFor: "Crypt K X \<in> H ==> invKey K \<in> keysFor H"
+by (unfold keysFor_def, blast)
+subsection{*Inductive relation "parts"*}
+lemma MPair_parts:
+ "[| {|X,Y|} \<in> parts H;
+ [| X \<in> parts H; Y \<in> parts H |] ==> P |] ==> P"
+by (blast dest: parts.Fst parts.Snd)
+ declare MPair_parts [elim!] parts.Body [dest!]
+text{*NB These two rules are UNSAFE in the formal sense, as they discard the
+ compound message. They work well on THIS FILE.
+ @{text MPair_parts} is left as SAFE because it speeds up proofs.
+ The Crypt rule is normally kept UNSAFE to avoid breaking up certificates.*}
+lemma parts_increasing: "H \<subseteq> parts(H)"
+by blast
+lemmas parts_insertI = subset_insertI [THEN parts_mono, THEN subsetD, standard]
+lemma parts_empty [simp]: "parts{} = {}"
+apply safe
+apply (erule parts.induct)
+apply blast+
+lemma parts_emptyE [elim!]: "X\<in> parts{} ==> P"
+by simp
+text{*WARNING: loops if H = {Y}, therefore must not be repeated!*}
+lemma parts_singleton: "X\<in> parts H ==> \<exists>Y\<in>H. X\<in> parts {Y}"
+apply (erule parts.induct)
+apply blast+
+subsubsection{*Unions *}
+lemma parts_Un_subset1: "parts(G) \<union> parts(H) \<subseteq> parts(G \<union> H)"
+by (intro Un_least parts_mono Un_upper1 Un_upper2)
+lemma parts_Un_subset2: "parts(G \<union> H) \<subseteq> parts(G) \<union> parts(H)"
+apply (rule subsetI)
+apply (erule parts.induct, blast+)
+lemma parts_Un [simp]: "parts(G \<union> H) = parts(G) \<union> parts(H)"
+by (intro equalityI parts_Un_subset1 parts_Un_subset2)
+lemma parts_insert: "parts (insert X H) = parts {X} \<union> parts H"
+apply (subst insert_is_Un [of _ H])
+apply (simp only: parts_Un)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__parts_insert_two"*}
+lemma parts_insert2:
+ "parts (insert X (insert Y H)) = parts {X} \<union> parts {Y} \<union> parts H"
+by (metis Un_commute Un_empty_left Un_empty_right Un_insert_left Un_insert_right insert_commute parts_Un)
+lemma parts_UN_subset1: "(\<Union>x\<in>A. parts(H x)) \<subseteq> parts(\<Union>x\<in>A. H x)"
+by (intro UN_least parts_mono UN_upper)
+lemma parts_UN_subset2: "parts(\<Union>x\<in>A. H x) \<subseteq> (\<Union>x\<in>A. parts(H x))"
+apply (rule subsetI)
+apply (erule parts.induct, blast+)
+lemma parts_UN [simp]: "parts(\<Union>x\<in>A. H x) = (\<Union>x\<in>A. parts(H x))"
+by (intro equalityI parts_UN_subset1 parts_UN_subset2)
+text{*Added to simplify arguments to parts, analz and synth.
+ NOTE: the UN versions are no longer used!*}
+text{*This allows @{text blast} to simplify occurrences of
+ @{term "parts(G\<union>H)"} in the assumption.*}
+lemmas in_parts_UnE = parts_Un [THEN equalityD1, THEN subsetD, THEN UnE]
+declare in_parts_UnE [elim!]
+lemma parts_insert_subset: "insert X (parts H) \<subseteq> parts(insert X H)"
+by (blast intro: parts_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD])
+subsubsection{*Idempotence and transitivity *}
+lemma parts_partsD [dest!]: "X\<in> parts (parts H) ==> X\<in> parts H"
+by (erule parts.induct, blast+)
+lemma parts_idem [simp]: "parts (parts H) = parts H"
+by blast
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__parts_subset_iff"*}
+lemma parts_subset_iff [simp]: "(parts G \<subseteq> parts H) = (G \<subseteq> parts H)"
+apply (rule iffI)
+apply (metis Un_absorb1 Un_subset_iff parts_Un parts_increasing)
+apply (metis parts_Un parts_idem parts_increasing parts_mono)
+lemma parts_trans: "[| X\<in> parts G; G \<subseteq> parts H |] ==> X\<in> parts H"
+by (blast dest: parts_mono);
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__parts_cut"*}
+lemma parts_cut: "[|Y\<in> parts(insert X G); X\<in> parts H|] ==> Y\<in> parts(G \<union> H)"
+by (metis Un_subset_iff Un_upper1 Un_upper2 insert_subset parts_Un parts_increasing parts_trans)
+subsubsection{*Rewrite rules for pulling out atomic messages *}
+lemmas parts_insert_eq_I = equalityI [OF subsetI parts_insert_subset]
+lemma parts_insert_Agent [simp]:
+ "parts (insert (Agent agt) H) = insert (Agent agt) (parts H)"
+apply (rule parts_insert_eq_I)
+apply (erule parts.induct, auto)
+lemma parts_insert_Nonce [simp]:
+ "parts (insert (Nonce N) H) = insert (Nonce N) (parts H)"
+apply (rule parts_insert_eq_I)
+apply (erule parts.induct, auto)
+lemma parts_insert_Number [simp]:
+ "parts (insert (Number N) H) = insert (Number N) (parts H)"
+apply (rule parts_insert_eq_I)
+apply (erule parts.induct, auto)
+lemma parts_insert_Key [simp]:
+ "parts (insert (Key K) H) = insert (Key K) (parts H)"
+apply (rule parts_insert_eq_I)
+apply (erule parts.induct, auto)
+lemma parts_insert_Hash [simp]:
+ "parts (insert (Hash X) H) = insert (Hash X) (parts H)"
+apply (rule parts_insert_eq_I)
+apply (erule parts.induct, auto)
+lemma parts_insert_Crypt [simp]:
+ "parts (insert (Crypt K X) H) =
+ insert (Crypt K X) (parts (insert X H))"
+apply (rule equalityI)
+apply (rule subsetI)
+apply (erule parts.induct, auto)
+apply (blast intro: parts.Body)
+lemma parts_insert_MPair [simp]:
+ "parts (insert {|X,Y|} H) =
+ insert {|X,Y|} (parts (insert X (insert Y H)))"
+apply (rule equalityI)
+apply (rule subsetI)
+apply (erule parts.induct, auto)
+apply (blast intro: parts.Fst parts.Snd)+
+lemma parts_image_Key [simp]: "parts (Key`N) = Key`N"
+apply auto
+apply (erule parts.induct, auto)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__msg_Nonce_supply"*}
+lemma msg_Nonce_supply: "\<exists>N. \<forall>n. N\<le>n --> Nonce n \<notin> parts {msg}"
+apply (induct_tac "msg")
+apply (simp_all add: parts_insert2)
+apply (metis Suc_n_not_le_n)
+apply (metis le_trans linorder_linear)
+subsection{*Inductive relation "analz"*}
+text{*Inductive definition of "analz" -- what can be broken down from a set of
+ messages, including keys. A form of downward closure. Pairs can
+ be taken apart; messages decrypted with known keys. *}
+consts analz :: "msg set => msg set"
+inductive "analz H"
+ intros
+ Inj [intro,simp] : "X \<in> H ==> X \<in> analz H"
+ Fst: "{|X,Y|} \<in> analz H ==> X \<in> analz H"
+ Snd: "{|X,Y|} \<in> analz H ==> Y \<in> analz H"
+ Decrypt [dest]:
+ "[|Crypt K X \<in> analz H; Key(invKey K): analz H|] ==> X \<in> analz H"
+text{*Monotonicity; Lemma 1 of Lowe's paper*}
+lemma analz_mono: "G\<subseteq>H ==> analz(G) \<subseteq> analz(H)"
+apply auto
+apply (erule analz.induct)
+apply (auto dest: analz.Fst analz.Snd)
+text{*Making it safe speeds up proofs*}
+lemma MPair_analz [elim!]:
+ "[| {|X,Y|} \<in> analz H;
+ [| X \<in> analz H; Y \<in> analz H |] ==> P
+ |] ==> P"
+by (blast dest: analz.Fst analz.Snd)
+lemma analz_increasing: "H \<subseteq> analz(H)"
+by blast
+lemma analz_subset_parts: "analz H \<subseteq> parts H"
+apply (rule subsetI)
+apply (erule analz.induct, blast+)
+lemmas analz_into_parts = analz_subset_parts [THEN subsetD, standard]
+lemmas not_parts_not_analz = analz_subset_parts [THEN contra_subsetD, standard]
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__parts_analz"*}
+lemma parts_analz [simp]: "parts (analz H) = parts H"
+apply (rule equalityI)
+apply (metis analz_subset_parts parts_subset_iff)
+apply (metis analz_increasing parts_mono)
+lemma analz_parts [simp]: "analz (parts H) = parts H"
+apply auto
+apply (erule analz.induct, auto)
+lemmas analz_insertI = subset_insertI [THEN analz_mono, THEN [2] rev_subsetD, standard]
+subsubsection{*General equational properties *}
+lemma analz_empty [simp]: "analz{} = {}"
+apply safe
+apply (erule analz.induct, blast+)
+text{*Converse fails: we can analz more from the union than from the
+ separate parts, as a key in one might decrypt a message in the other*}
+lemma analz_Un: "analz(G) \<union> analz(H) \<subseteq> analz(G \<union> H)"
+by (intro Un_least analz_mono Un_upper1 Un_upper2)
+lemma analz_insert: "insert X (analz H) \<subseteq> analz(insert X H)"
+by (blast intro: analz_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD])
+subsubsection{*Rewrite rules for pulling out atomic messages *}
+lemmas analz_insert_eq_I = equalityI [OF subsetI analz_insert]
+lemma analz_insert_Agent [simp]:
+ "analz (insert (Agent agt) H) = insert (Agent agt) (analz H)"
+apply (rule analz_insert_eq_I)
+apply (erule analz.induct, auto)
+lemma analz_insert_Nonce [simp]:
+ "analz (insert (Nonce N) H) = insert (Nonce N) (analz H)"
+apply (rule analz_insert_eq_I)
+apply (erule analz.induct, auto)
+lemma analz_insert_Number [simp]:
+ "analz (insert (Number N) H) = insert (Number N) (analz H)"
+apply (rule analz_insert_eq_I)
+apply (erule analz.induct, auto)
+lemma analz_insert_Hash [simp]:
+ "analz (insert (Hash X) H) = insert (Hash X) (analz H)"
+apply (rule analz_insert_eq_I)
+apply (erule analz.induct, auto)
+text{*Can only pull out Keys if they are not needed to decrypt the rest*}
+lemma analz_insert_Key [simp]:
+ "K \<notin> keysFor (analz H) ==>
+ analz (insert (Key K) H) = insert (Key K) (analz H)"
+apply (unfold keysFor_def)
+apply (rule analz_insert_eq_I)
+apply (erule analz.induct, auto)
+lemma analz_insert_MPair [simp]:
+ "analz (insert {|X,Y|} H) =
+ insert {|X,Y|} (analz (insert X (insert Y H)))"
+apply (rule equalityI)
+apply (rule subsetI)
+apply (erule analz.induct, auto)
+apply (erule analz.induct)
+apply (blast intro: analz.Fst analz.Snd)+
+text{*Can pull out enCrypted message if the Key is not known*}
+lemma analz_insert_Crypt:
+ "Key (invKey K) \<notin> analz H
+ ==> analz (insert (Crypt K X) H) = insert (Crypt K X) (analz H)"
+apply (rule analz_insert_eq_I)
+apply (erule analz.induct, auto)
+lemma lemma1: "Key (invKey K) \<in> analz H ==>
+ analz (insert (Crypt K X) H) \<subseteq>
+ insert (Crypt K X) (analz (insert X H))"
+apply (rule subsetI)
+apply (erule_tac xa = x in analz.induct, auto)
+lemma lemma2: "Key (invKey K) \<in> analz H ==>
+ insert (Crypt K X) (analz (insert X H)) \<subseteq>
+ analz (insert (Crypt K X) H)"
+apply auto
+apply (erule_tac xa = x in analz.induct, auto)
+apply (blast intro: analz_insertI analz.Decrypt)
+lemma analz_insert_Decrypt:
+ "Key (invKey K) \<in> analz H ==>
+ analz (insert (Crypt K X) H) =
+ insert (Crypt K X) (analz (insert X H))"
+by (intro equalityI lemma1 lemma2)
+text{*Case analysis: either the message is secure, or it is not! Effective,
+but can cause subgoals to blow up! Use with @{text "split_if"}; apparently
+@{text "split_tac"} does not cope with patterns such as @{term"analz (insert
+(Crypt K X) H)"} *}
+lemma analz_Crypt_if [simp]:
+ "analz (insert (Crypt K X) H) =
+ (if (Key (invKey K) \<in> analz H)
+ then insert (Crypt K X) (analz (insert X H))
+ else insert (Crypt K X) (analz H))"
+by (simp add: analz_insert_Crypt analz_insert_Decrypt)
+text{*This rule supposes "for the sake of argument" that we have the key.*}
+lemma analz_insert_Crypt_subset:
+ "analz (insert (Crypt K X) H) \<subseteq>
+ insert (Crypt K X) (analz (insert X H))"
+apply (rule subsetI)
+apply (erule analz.induct, auto)
+lemma analz_image_Key [simp]: "analz (Key`N) = Key`N"
+apply auto
+apply (erule analz.induct, auto)
+subsubsection{*Idempotence and transitivity *}
+lemma analz_analzD [dest!]: "X\<in> analz (analz H) ==> X\<in> analz H"
+by (erule analz.induct, blast+)
+lemma analz_idem [simp]: "analz (analz H) = analz H"
+by blast
+lemma analz_subset_iff [simp]: "(analz G \<subseteq> analz H) = (G \<subseteq> analz H)"
+apply (rule iffI)
+apply (iprover intro: subset_trans analz_increasing)
+apply (frule analz_mono, simp)
+lemma analz_trans: "[| X\<in> analz G; G \<subseteq> analz H |] ==> X\<in> analz H"
+by (drule analz_mono, blast)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__analz_cut"*}
+ declare analz_trans[intro]
+lemma analz_cut: "[| Y\<in> analz (insert X H); X\<in> analz H |] ==> Y\<in> analz H"
+by (metis analz_idem analz_increasing analz_mono insert_absorb insert_mono insert_subset) --{*317s*}
+by (erule analz_trans, blast)
+text{*This rewrite rule helps in the simplification of messages that involve
+ the forwarding of unknown components (X). Without it, removing occurrences
+ of X can be very complicated. *}
+lemma analz_insert_eq: "X\<in> analz H ==> analz (insert X H) = analz H"
+by (blast intro: analz_cut analz_insertI)
+text{*A congruence rule for "analz" *}
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__analz_subset_cong"*}
+lemma analz_subset_cong:
+ "[| analz G \<subseteq> analz G'; analz H \<subseteq> analz H' |]
+ ==> analz (G \<union> H) \<subseteq> analz (G' \<union> H')"
+apply simp
+apply (metis Un_absorb2 Un_commute Un_subset_iff Un_upper1 Un_upper2 analz_mono)
+lemma analz_cong:
+ "[| analz G = analz G'; analz H = analz H'
+ |] ==> analz (G \<union> H) = analz (G' \<union> H')"
+by (intro equalityI analz_subset_cong, simp_all)
+lemma analz_insert_cong:
+ "analz H = analz H' ==> analz(insert X H) = analz(insert X H')"
+by (force simp only: insert_def intro!: analz_cong)
+text{*If there are no pairs or encryptions then analz does nothing*}
+lemma analz_trivial:
+ "[| \<forall>X Y. {|X,Y|} \<notin> H; \<forall>X K. Crypt K X \<notin> H |] ==> analz H = H"
+apply safe
+apply (erule analz.induct, blast+)
+text{*These two are obsolete (with a single Spy) but cost little to prove...*}
+lemma analz_UN_analz_lemma:
+ "X\<in> analz (\<Union>i\<in>A. analz (H i)) ==> X\<in> analz (\<Union>i\<in>A. H i)"
+apply (erule analz.induct)
+apply (blast intro: analz_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD])+
+lemma analz_UN_analz [simp]: "analz (\<Union>i\<in>A. analz (H i)) = analz (\<Union>i\<in>A. H i)"
+by (blast intro: analz_UN_analz_lemma analz_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD])
+subsection{*Inductive relation "synth"*}
+text{*Inductive definition of "synth" -- what can be built up from a set of
+ messages. A form of upward closure. Pairs can be built, messages
+ encrypted with known keys. Agent names are public domain.
+ Numbers can be guessed, but Nonces cannot be. *}
+consts synth :: "msg set => msg set"
+inductive "synth H"
+ intros
+ Inj [intro]: "X \<in> H ==> X \<in> synth H"
+ Agent [intro]: "Agent agt \<in> synth H"
+ Number [intro]: "Number n \<in> synth H"
+ Hash [intro]: "X \<in> synth H ==> Hash X \<in> synth H"
+ MPair [intro]: "[|X \<in> synth H; Y \<in> synth H|] ==> {|X,Y|} \<in> synth H"
+ Crypt [intro]: "[|X \<in> synth H; Key(K) \<in> H|] ==> Crypt K X \<in> synth H"
+lemma synth_mono: "G\<subseteq>H ==> synth(G) \<subseteq> synth(H)"
+ by (auto, erule synth.induct, auto)
+text{*NO @{text Agent_synth}, as any Agent name can be synthesized.
+ The same holds for @{term Number}*}
+inductive_cases Nonce_synth [elim!]: "Nonce n \<in> synth H"
+inductive_cases Key_synth [elim!]: "Key K \<in> synth H"
+inductive_cases Hash_synth [elim!]: "Hash X \<in> synth H"
+inductive_cases MPair_synth [elim!]: "{|X,Y|} \<in> synth H"
+inductive_cases Crypt_synth [elim!]: "Crypt K X \<in> synth H"
+lemma synth_increasing: "H \<subseteq> synth(H)"
+by blast
+subsubsection{*Unions *}
+text{*Converse fails: we can synth more from the union than from the
+ separate parts, building a compound message using elements of each.*}
+lemma synth_Un: "synth(G) \<union> synth(H) \<subseteq> synth(G \<union> H)"
+by (intro Un_least synth_mono Un_upper1 Un_upper2)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__synth_insert"*}
+lemma synth_insert: "insert X (synth H) \<subseteq> synth(insert X H)"
+by (metis insert_iff insert_subset subset_insertI synth.Inj synth_mono)
+subsubsection{*Idempotence and transitivity *}
+lemma synth_synthD [dest!]: "X\<in> synth (synth H) ==> X\<in> synth H"
+by (erule synth.induct, blast+)
+lemma synth_idem: "synth (synth H) = synth H"
+by blast
+lemma synth_subset_iff [simp]: "(synth G \<subseteq> synth H) = (G \<subseteq> synth H)"
+apply (rule iffI)
+apply (iprover intro: subset_trans synth_increasing)
+apply (frule synth_mono, simp add: synth_idem)
+lemma synth_trans: "[| X\<in> synth G; G \<subseteq> synth H |] ==> X\<in> synth H"
+by (drule synth_mono, blast)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__synth_cut"*}
+lemma synth_cut: "[| Y\<in> synth (insert X H); X\<in> synth H |] ==> Y\<in> synth H"
+by (metis insert_absorb insert_mono insert_subset synth_idem synth_increasing synth_mono)
+by (erule synth_trans, blast)
+lemma Agent_synth [simp]: "Agent A \<in> synth H"
+by blast
+lemma Number_synth [simp]: "Number n \<in> synth H"
+by blast
+lemma Nonce_synth_eq [simp]: "(Nonce N \<in> synth H) = (Nonce N \<in> H)"
+by blast
+lemma Key_synth_eq [simp]: "(Key K \<in> synth H) = (Key K \<in> H)"
+by blast
+lemma Crypt_synth_eq [simp]:
+ "Key K \<notin> H ==> (Crypt K X \<in> synth H) = (Crypt K X \<in> H)"
+by blast
+lemma keysFor_synth [simp]:
+ "keysFor (synth H) = keysFor H \<union> invKey`{K. Key K \<in> H}"
+by (unfold keysFor_def, blast)
+subsubsection{*Combinations of parts, analz and synth *}
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__parts_synth"*}
+lemma parts_synth [simp]: "parts (synth H) = parts H \<union> synth H"
+apply (rule equalityI)
+apply (rule subsetI)
+apply (erule parts.induct)
+apply (metis UnCI)
+apply (metis MPair_synth UnCI UnE insert_absorb insert_subset parts.Fst parts_increasing)
+apply (metis MPair_synth UnCI UnE insert_absorb insert_subset parts.Snd parts_increasing)
+apply (metis Body Crypt_synth UnCI UnE insert_absorb insert_subset parts_increasing)
+apply (metis Un_subset_iff parts_increasing parts_mono synth_increasing)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__analz_analz_Un"*}
+lemma analz_analz_Un [simp]: "analz (analz G \<union> H) = analz (G \<union> H)"
+apply (rule equalityI);
+apply (metis analz_idem analz_subset_cong order_eq_refl)
+apply (metis analz_increasing analz_subset_cong order_eq_refl)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__analz_synth_Un"*}
+ declare analz_mono [intro] analz.Fst [intro] analz.Snd [intro] Un_least [intro]
+lemma analz_synth_Un [simp]: "analz (synth G \<union> H) = analz (G \<union> H) \<union> synth G"
+apply (rule equalityI)
+apply (rule subsetI)
+apply (erule analz.induct)
+apply (metis UnCI UnE Un_commute analz.Inj)
+apply (metis MPair_synth UnCI UnE Un_commute Un_upper1 analz.Fst analz_increasing analz_mono insert_absorb insert_subset)
+apply (metis MPair_synth UnCI UnE Un_commute Un_upper1 analz.Snd analz_increasing analz_mono insert_absorb insert_subset)
+apply (blast intro: analz.Decrypt)
+apply (metis Diff_Int Diff_empty Diff_subset_conv Int_empty_right Un_commute Un_subset_iff Un_upper1 analz_increasing analz_mono synth_increasing)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__analz_synth"*}
+lemma analz_synth [simp]: "analz (synth H) = analz H \<union> synth H"
+proof (neg_clausify)
+assume 0: "analz (synth H) \<noteq> analz H \<union> synth H"
+have 1: "\<And>X1 X3. sup (analz (sup X3 X1)) (synth X3) = analz (sup (synth X3) X1)"
+ by (metis analz_synth_Un sup_set_eq sup_set_eq sup_set_eq)
+have 2: "sup (analz H) (synth H) \<noteq> analz (synth H)"
+ by (metis 0 sup_set_eq)
+have 3: "\<And>X1 X3. sup (synth X3) (analz (sup X3 X1)) = analz (sup (synth X3) X1)"
+ by (metis 1 Un_commute sup_set_eq sup_set_eq)
+have 4: "\<And>X3. sup (synth X3) (analz X3) = analz (sup (synth X3) {})"
+ by (metis 3 Un_empty_right sup_set_eq)
+have 5: "\<And>X3. sup (synth X3) (analz X3) = analz (synth X3)"
+ by (metis 4 Un_empty_right sup_set_eq)
+have 6: "\<And>X3. sup (analz X3) (synth X3) = analz (synth X3)"
+ by (metis 5 Un_commute sup_set_eq sup_set_eq)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 2 6)
+subsubsection{*For reasoning about the Fake rule in traces *}
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__parts_insert_subset_Un"*}
+lemma parts_insert_subset_Un: "X\<in> G ==> parts(insert X H) \<subseteq> parts G \<union> parts H"
+proof (neg_clausify)
+assume 0: "X \<in> G"
+assume 1: "\<not> parts (insert X H) \<subseteq> parts G \<union> parts H"
+have 2: "\<not> parts (insert X H) \<subseteq> parts (G \<union> H)"
+ by (metis 1 parts_Un)
+have 3: "\<not> insert X H \<subseteq> G \<union> H"
+ by (metis 2 parts_mono)
+have 4: "X \<notin> G \<union> H \<or> \<not> H \<subseteq> G \<union> H"
+ by (metis 3 insert_subset)
+have 5: "X \<notin> G \<union> H"
+ by (metis 4 Un_upper2)
+have 6: "X \<notin> G"
+ by (metis 5 UnCI)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 6 0)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__Fake_parts_insert"*}
+lemma Fake_parts_insert:
+ "X \<in> synth (analz H) ==>
+ parts (insert X H) \<subseteq> synth (analz H) \<union> parts H"
+proof (neg_clausify)
+assume 0: "X \<in> synth (analz H)"
+assume 1: "\<not> parts (insert X H) \<subseteq> synth (analz H) \<union> parts H"
+have 2: "\<And>X3. parts X3 \<union> synth (analz X3) = parts (synth (analz X3))"
+ by (metis parts_synth parts_analz)
+have 3: "\<And>X3. analz X3 \<union> synth (analz X3) = analz (synth (analz X3))"
+ by (metis analz_synth analz_idem)
+have 4: "\<And>X3. analz X3 \<subseteq> analz (synth X3)"
+ by (metis Un_upper1 analz_synth)
+have 5: "\<not> parts (insert X H) \<subseteq> parts H \<union> synth (analz H)"
+ by (metis 1 Un_commute)
+have 6: "\<not> parts (insert X H) \<subseteq> parts (synth (analz H))"
+ by (metis 5 2)
+have 7: "\<not> insert X H \<subseteq> synth (analz H)"
+ by (metis 6 parts_mono)
+have 8: "X \<notin> synth (analz H) \<or> \<not> H \<subseteq> synth (analz H)"
+ by (metis 7 insert_subset)
+have 9: "\<not> H \<subseteq> synth (analz H)"
+ by (metis 8 0)
+have 10: "\<And>X3. X3 \<subseteq> analz (synth X3)"
+ by (metis analz_subset_iff 4)
+have 11: "\<And>X3. X3 \<subseteq> analz (synth (analz X3))"
+ by (metis analz_subset_iff 10)
+have 12: "\<And>X3. analz (synth (analz X3)) = synth (analz X3) \<or>
+ \<not> analz X3 \<subseteq> synth (analz X3)"
+ by (metis Un_absorb1 3)
+have 13: "\<And>X3. analz (synth (analz X3)) = synth (analz X3)"
+ by (metis 12 synth_increasing)
+have 14: "\<And>X3. X3 \<subseteq> synth (analz X3)"
+ by (metis 11 13)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 9 14)
+lemma Fake_parts_insert_in_Un:
+ "[|Z \<in> parts (insert X H); X: synth (analz H)|]
+ ==> Z \<in> synth (analz H) \<union> parts H";
+by (blast dest: Fake_parts_insert [THEN subsetD, dest])
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__Fake_analz_insert"*}
+ declare analz_mono [intro] synth_mono [intro]
+lemma Fake_analz_insert:
+ "X\<in> synth (analz G) ==>
+ analz (insert X H) \<subseteq> synth (analz G) \<union> analz (G \<union> H)"
+by (metis Un_commute Un_insert_left Un_insert_right Un_upper1 analz_analz_Un analz_mono analz_synth_Un equalityE insert_absorb order_le_less xt1(12))
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name := "Message__Fake_analz_insert_simpler"*}
+(*simpler problems? BUT METIS CAN'T PROVE
+lemma Fake_analz_insert_simpler:
+ "X\<in> synth (analz G) ==>
+ analz (insert X H) \<subseteq> synth (analz G) \<union> analz (G \<union> H)"
+apply (rule subsetI)
+apply (subgoal_tac "x \<in> analz (synth (analz G) \<union> H) ")
+apply (metis Un_commute analz_analz_Un analz_synth_Un)
+apply (metis Un_commute Un_upper1 Un_upper2 analz_cut analz_increasing analz_mono insert_absorb insert_mono insert_subset)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/MetisExamples/ROOT.ML Thu Jun 21 13:23:33 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(* Title: HOL/MetisExamples/ROOT.ML
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+Testing the metis method
+time_use_thy "set";
+time_use_thy "BigO";
+time_use_thy "Abstraction";
+time_use_thy "BT";
+time_use_thy "Message";
+time_use_thy "Tarski";
+time_use_thy "TransClosure";
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/MetisExamples/Tarski.thy Thu Jun 21 13:23:33 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1103 @@
+(* Title: HOL/MetisTest/Tarski.thy
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+Testing the metis method
+header {* The Full Theorem of Tarski *}
+theory Tarski imports FuncSet begin
+(*Many of these higher-order problems appear to be impossible using the
+current linkup. They often seem to need either higher-order unification
+or explicit reasoning about connectives such as conjunction. The numerous
+set comprehensions are to blame.*)
+record 'a potype =
+ pset :: "'a set"
+ order :: "('a * 'a) set"
+ monotone :: "['a => 'a, 'a set, ('a *'a)set] => bool"
+ "monotone f A r == \<forall>x\<in>A. \<forall>y\<in>A. (x, y): r --> ((f x), (f y)) : r"
+ least :: "['a => bool, 'a potype] => 'a"
+ "least P po == @ x. x: pset po & P x &
+ (\<forall>y \<in> pset po. P y --> (x,y): order po)"
+ greatest :: "['a => bool, 'a potype] => 'a"
+ "greatest P po == @ x. x: pset po & P x &
+ (\<forall>y \<in> pset po. P y --> (y,x): order po)"
+ lub :: "['a set, 'a potype] => 'a"
+ "lub S po == least (%x. \<forall>y\<in>S. (y,x): order po) po"
+ glb :: "['a set, 'a potype] => 'a"
+ "glb S po == greatest (%x. \<forall>y\<in>S. (x,y): order po) po"
+ isLub :: "['a set, 'a potype, 'a] => bool"
+ "isLub S po == %L. (L: pset po & (\<forall>y\<in>S. (y,L): order po) &
+ (\<forall>z\<in>pset po. (\<forall>y\<in>S. (y,z): order po) --> (L,z): order po))"
+ isGlb :: "['a set, 'a potype, 'a] => bool"
+ "isGlb S po == %G. (G: pset po & (\<forall>y\<in>S. (G,y): order po) &
+ (\<forall>z \<in> pset po. (\<forall>y\<in>S. (z,y): order po) --> (z,G): order po))"
+ "fix" :: "[('a => 'a), 'a set] => 'a set"
+ "fix f A == {x. x: A & f x = x}"
+ interval :: "[('a*'a) set,'a, 'a ] => 'a set"
+ "interval r a b == {x. (a,x): r & (x,b): r}"
+declare monotone_def [skolem]
+ lub_def [skolem]
+ glb_def [skolem]
+ isLub_def [skolem]
+ isGlb_def [skolem]
+ fix_def [skolem]
+ interval_def [skolem]
+ Bot :: "'a potype => 'a"
+ "Bot po == least (%x. True) po"
+ Top :: "'a potype => 'a"
+ "Top po == greatest (%x. True) po"
+ PartialOrder :: "('a potype) set"
+ "PartialOrder == {P. refl (pset P) (order P) & antisym (order P) &
+ trans (order P)}"
+ CompleteLattice :: "('a potype) set"
+ "CompleteLattice == {cl. cl: PartialOrder &
+ (\<forall>S. S \<subseteq> pset cl --> (\<exists>L. isLub S cl L)) &
+ (\<forall>S. S \<subseteq> pset cl --> (\<exists>G. isGlb S cl G))}"
+ CLF :: "('a potype * ('a => 'a)) set"
+ "CLF == SIGMA cl: CompleteLattice.
+ {f. f: pset cl -> pset cl & monotone f (pset cl) (order cl)}"
+ induced :: "['a set, ('a * 'a) set] => ('a *'a)set"
+ "induced A r == {(a,b). a : A & b: A & (a,b): r}"
+declare Bot_def [skolem]
+ Top_def [skolem]
+ PartialOrder_def [skolem]
+ CompleteLattice_def [skolem]
+ CLF_def [skolem]
+ sublattice :: "('a potype * 'a set)set"
+ "sublattice ==
+ SIGMA cl: CompleteLattice.
+ {S. S \<subseteq> pset cl &
+ (| pset = S, order = induced S (order cl) |): CompleteLattice }"
+ "@SL" :: "['a set, 'a potype] => bool" ("_ <<= _" [51,50]50)
+ "S <<= cl" == "S : sublattice `` {cl}"
+ dual :: "'a potype => 'a potype"
+ "dual po == (| pset = pset po, order = converse (order po) |)"
+locale (open) PO =
+ fixes cl :: "'a potype"
+ and A :: "'a set"
+ and r :: "('a * 'a) set"
+ assumes cl_po: "cl : PartialOrder"
+ defines A_def: "A == pset cl"
+ and r_def: "r == order cl"
+locale (open) CL = PO +
+ assumes cl_co: "cl : CompleteLattice"
+locale (open) CLF = CL +
+ fixes f :: "'a => 'a"
+ and P :: "'a set"
+ assumes f_cl: "(cl,f) : CLF" (*was the equivalent "f : CLF``{cl}"*)
+ defines P_def: "P == fix f A"
+locale (open) Tarski = CLF +
+ fixes Y :: "'a set"
+ and intY1 :: "'a set"
+ and v :: "'a"
+ assumes
+ Y_ss: "Y \<subseteq> P"
+ defines
+ intY1_def: "intY1 == interval r (lub Y cl) (Top cl)"
+ and v_def: "v == glb {x. ((%x: intY1. f x) x, x): induced intY1 r &
+ x: intY1}
+ (| pset=intY1, order=induced intY1 r|)"
+subsection {* Partial Order *}
+lemma (in PO) PO_imp_refl: "refl A r"
+apply (insert cl_po)
+apply (simp add: PartialOrder_def A_def r_def)
+lemma (in PO) PO_imp_sym: "antisym r"
+apply (insert cl_po)
+apply (simp add: PartialOrder_def r_def)
+lemma (in PO) PO_imp_trans: "trans r"
+apply (insert cl_po)
+apply (simp add: PartialOrder_def r_def)
+lemma (in PO) reflE: "x \<in> A ==> (x, x) \<in> r"
+apply (insert cl_po)
+apply (simp add: PartialOrder_def refl_def A_def r_def)
+lemma (in PO) antisymE: "[| (a, b) \<in> r; (b, a) \<in> r |] ==> a = b"
+apply (insert cl_po)
+apply (simp add: PartialOrder_def antisym_def r_def)
+lemma (in PO) transE: "[| (a, b) \<in> r; (b, c) \<in> r|] ==> (a,c) \<in> r"
+apply (insert cl_po)
+apply (simp add: PartialOrder_def r_def)
+apply (unfold trans_def, fast)
+lemma (in PO) monotoneE:
+ "[| monotone f A r; x \<in> A; y \<in> A; (x, y) \<in> r |] ==> (f x, f y) \<in> r"
+by (simp add: monotone_def)
+lemma (in PO) po_subset_po:
+ "S \<subseteq> A ==> (| pset = S, order = induced S r |) \<in> PartialOrder"
+apply (simp (no_asm) add: PartialOrder_def)
+apply auto
+-- {* refl *}
+apply (simp add: refl_def induced_def)
+apply (blast intro: reflE)
+-- {* antisym *}
+apply (simp add: antisym_def induced_def)
+apply (blast intro: antisymE)
+-- {* trans *}
+apply (simp add: trans_def induced_def)
+apply (blast intro: transE)
+lemma (in PO) indE: "[| (x, y) \<in> induced S r; S \<subseteq> A |] ==> (x, y) \<in> r"
+by (simp add: add: induced_def)
+lemma (in PO) indI: "[| (x, y) \<in> r; x \<in> S; y \<in> S |] ==> (x, y) \<in> induced S r"
+by (simp add: add: induced_def)
+lemma (in CL) CL_imp_ex_isLub: "S \<subseteq> A ==> \<exists>L. isLub S cl L"
+apply (insert cl_co)
+apply (simp add: CompleteLattice_def A_def)
+declare (in CL) cl_co [simp]
+lemma isLub_lub: "(\<exists>L. isLub S cl L) = isLub S cl (lub S cl)"
+by (simp add: lub_def least_def isLub_def some_eq_ex [symmetric])
+declare isLub_lub [skolem]
+lemma isGlb_glb: "(\<exists>G. isGlb S cl G) = isGlb S cl (glb S cl)"
+by (simp add: glb_def greatest_def isGlb_def some_eq_ex [symmetric])
+declare isGlb_glb [skolem]
+lemma isGlb_dual_isLub: "isGlb S cl = isLub S (dual cl)"
+by (simp add: isLub_def isGlb_def dual_def converse_def)
+lemma isLub_dual_isGlb: "isLub S cl = isGlb S (dual cl)"
+by (simp add: isLub_def isGlb_def dual_def converse_def)
+lemma (in PO) dualPO: "dual cl \<in> PartialOrder"
+apply (insert cl_po)
+apply (simp add: PartialOrder_def dual_def refl_converse
+ trans_converse antisym_converse)
+lemma Rdual:
+ "\<forall>S. (S \<subseteq> A -->( \<exists>L. isLub S (| pset = A, order = r|) L))
+ ==> \<forall>S. (S \<subseteq> A --> (\<exists>G. isGlb S (| pset = A, order = r|) G))"
+apply safe
+apply (rule_tac x = "lub {y. y \<in> A & (\<forall>k \<in> S. (y, k) \<in> r)}
+ (|pset = A, order = r|) " in exI)
+apply (drule_tac x = "{y. y \<in> A & (\<forall>k \<in> S. (y,k) \<in> r) }" in spec)
+apply (drule mp, fast)
+apply (simp add: isLub_lub isGlb_def)
+apply (simp add: isLub_def, blast)
+declare Rdual [skolem]
+lemma lub_dual_glb: "lub S cl = glb S (dual cl)"
+by (simp add: lub_def glb_def least_def greatest_def dual_def converse_def)
+lemma glb_dual_lub: "glb S cl = lub S (dual cl)"
+by (simp add: lub_def glb_def least_def greatest_def dual_def converse_def)
+lemma CL_subset_PO: "CompleteLattice \<subseteq> PartialOrder"
+by (simp add: PartialOrder_def CompleteLattice_def, fast)
+lemmas CL_imp_PO = CL_subset_PO [THEN subsetD]
+declare CL_imp_PO [THEN PO.PO_imp_refl, simp]
+declare CL_imp_PO [THEN PO.PO_imp_sym, simp]
+declare CL_imp_PO [THEN PO.PO_imp_trans, simp]
+lemma (in CL) CO_refl: "refl A r"
+by (rule PO_imp_refl)
+lemma (in CL) CO_antisym: "antisym r"
+by (rule PO_imp_sym)
+lemma (in CL) CO_trans: "trans r"
+by (rule PO_imp_trans)
+lemma CompleteLatticeI:
+ "[| po \<in> PartialOrder; (\<forall>S. S \<subseteq> pset po --> (\<exists>L. isLub S po L));
+ (\<forall>S. S \<subseteq> pset po --> (\<exists>G. isGlb S po G))|]
+ ==> po \<in> CompleteLattice"
+apply (unfold CompleteLattice_def, blast)
+declare CompleteLatticeI [skolem]
+lemma (in CL) CL_dualCL: "dual cl \<in> CompleteLattice"
+apply (insert cl_co)
+apply (simp add: CompleteLattice_def dual_def)
+apply (fold dual_def)
+apply (simp add: isLub_dual_isGlb [symmetric] isGlb_dual_isLub [symmetric]
+ dualPO)
+lemma (in PO) dualA_iff: "pset (dual cl) = pset cl"
+by (simp add: dual_def)
+lemma (in PO) dualr_iff: "((x, y) \<in> (order(dual cl))) = ((y, x) \<in> order cl)"
+by (simp add: dual_def)
+lemma (in PO) monotone_dual:
+ "monotone f (pset cl) (order cl)
+ ==> monotone f (pset (dual cl)) (order(dual cl))"
+by (simp add: monotone_def dualA_iff dualr_iff)
+lemma (in PO) interval_dual:
+ "[| x \<in> A; y \<in> A|] ==> interval r x y = interval (order(dual cl)) y x"
+apply (simp add: interval_def dualr_iff)
+apply (fold r_def, fast)
+lemma (in PO) interval_not_empty:
+ "[| trans r; interval r a b \<noteq> {} |] ==> (a, b) \<in> r"
+apply (simp add: interval_def)
+apply (unfold trans_def, blast)
+lemma (in PO) interval_imp_mem: "x \<in> interval r a b ==> (a, x) \<in> r"
+by (simp add: interval_def)
+lemma (in PO) left_in_interval:
+ "[| a \<in> A; b \<in> A; interval r a b \<noteq> {} |] ==> a \<in> interval r a b"
+apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: interval_def)
+apply (simp add: PO_imp_trans interval_not_empty)
+apply (simp add: reflE)
+lemma (in PO) right_in_interval:
+ "[| a \<in> A; b \<in> A; interval r a b \<noteq> {} |] ==> b \<in> interval r a b"
+apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: interval_def)
+apply (simp add: PO_imp_trans interval_not_empty)
+apply (simp add: reflE)
+subsection {* sublattice *}
+lemma (in PO) sublattice_imp_CL:
+ "S <<= cl ==> (| pset = S, order = induced S r |) \<in> CompleteLattice"
+by (simp add: sublattice_def CompleteLattice_def A_def r_def)
+lemma (in CL) sublatticeI:
+ "[| S \<subseteq> A; (| pset = S, order = induced S r |) \<in> CompleteLattice |]
+ ==> S <<= cl"
+by (simp add: sublattice_def A_def r_def)
+subsection {* lub *}
+lemma (in CL) lub_unique: "[| S \<subseteq> A; isLub S cl x; isLub S cl L|] ==> x = L"
+apply (rule antisymE)
+apply (auto simp add: isLub_def r_def)
+lemma (in CL) lub_upper: "[|S \<subseteq> A; x \<in> S|] ==> (x, lub S cl) \<in> r"
+apply (rule CL_imp_ex_isLub [THEN exE], assumption)
+apply (unfold lub_def least_def)
+apply (rule some_equality [THEN ssubst])
+ apply (simp add: isLub_def)
+ apply (simp add: lub_unique A_def isLub_def)
+apply (simp add: isLub_def r_def)
+lemma (in CL) lub_least:
+ "[| S \<subseteq> A; L \<in> A; \<forall>x \<in> S. (x,L) \<in> r |] ==> (lub S cl, L) \<in> r"
+apply (rule CL_imp_ex_isLub [THEN exE], assumption)
+apply (unfold lub_def least_def)
+apply (rule_tac s=x in some_equality [THEN ssubst])
+ apply (simp add: isLub_def)
+ apply (simp add: lub_unique A_def isLub_def)
+apply (simp add: isLub_def r_def A_def)
+lemma (in CL) lub_in_lattice: "S \<subseteq> A ==> lub S cl \<in> A"
+apply (rule CL_imp_ex_isLub [THEN exE], assumption)
+apply (unfold lub_def least_def)
+apply (subst some_equality)
+apply (simp add: isLub_def)
+prefer 2 apply (simp add: isLub_def A_def)
+apply (simp add: lub_unique A_def isLub_def)
+lemma (in CL) lubI:
+ "[| S \<subseteq> A; L \<in> A; \<forall>x \<in> S. (x,L) \<in> r;
+ \<forall>z \<in> A. (\<forall>y \<in> S. (y,z) \<in> r) --> (L,z) \<in> r |] ==> L = lub S cl"
+apply (rule lub_unique, assumption)
+apply (simp add: isLub_def A_def r_def)
+apply (unfold isLub_def)
+apply (rule conjI)
+apply (fold A_def r_def)
+apply (rule lub_in_lattice, assumption)
+apply (simp add: lub_upper lub_least)
+declare (in CL) lubI [skolem]
+lemma (in CL) lubIa: "[| S \<subseteq> A; isLub S cl L |] ==> L = lub S cl"
+by (simp add: lubI isLub_def A_def r_def)
+lemma (in CL) isLub_in_lattice: "isLub S cl L ==> L \<in> A"
+by (simp add: isLub_def A_def)
+lemma (in CL) isLub_upper: "[|isLub S cl L; y \<in> S|] ==> (y, L) \<in> r"
+by (simp add: isLub_def r_def)
+lemma (in CL) isLub_least:
+ "[| isLub S cl L; z \<in> A; \<forall>y \<in> S. (y, z) \<in> r|] ==> (L, z) \<in> r"
+by (simp add: isLub_def A_def r_def)
+lemma (in CL) isLubI:
+ "[| L \<in> A; \<forall>y \<in> S. (y, L) \<in> r;
+ (\<forall>z \<in> A. (\<forall>y \<in> S. (y, z):r) --> (L, z) \<in> r)|] ==> isLub S cl L"
+by (simp add: isLub_def A_def r_def)
+declare (in CL) isLub_least [skolem]
+declare (in CL) isLubI [skolem]
+subsection {* glb *}
+lemma (in CL) glb_in_lattice: "S \<subseteq> A ==> glb S cl \<in> A"
+apply (subst glb_dual_lub)
+apply (simp add: A_def)
+apply (rule dualA_iff [THEN subst])
+apply (rule CL.lub_in_lattice)
+apply (rule dualPO)
+apply (rule CL_dualCL)
+apply (simp add: dualA_iff)
+lemma (in CL) glb_lower: "[|S \<subseteq> A; x \<in> S|] ==> (glb S cl, x) \<in> r"
+apply (subst glb_dual_lub)
+apply (simp add: r_def)
+apply (rule dualr_iff [THEN subst])
+apply (rule CL.lub_upper)
+apply (rule dualPO)
+apply (rule CL_dualCL)
+apply (simp add: dualA_iff A_def, assumption)
+text {*
+ Reduce the sublattice property by using substructural properties;
+ abandoned see @{text "Tarski_4.ML"}.
+declare (in CLF) f_cl [simp]
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22: Tarski__CLF_unnamed_lemma
+ NOT PROVABLE because of the conjunction used in the definition: we don't
+ allow reasoning with rules like conjE, which is essential here.*)
+lemma (in CLF) [simp]:
+ "f: pset cl -> pset cl & monotone f (pset cl) (order cl)"
+apply (insert f_cl)
+apply (unfold CLF_def)
+apply (erule SigmaE2)
+apply (erule CollectE)
+apply assumption;
+lemma (in CLF) f_in_funcset: "f \<in> A -> A"
+by (simp add: A_def)
+lemma (in CLF) monotone_f: "monotone f A r"
+by (simp add: A_def r_def)
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+ declare (in CLF) CLF_def[simp] CL_dualCL[simp] monotone_dual[simp] dualA_iff[simp]
+lemma (in CLF) CLF_dual: "(dual cl, f) \<in> CLF"
+apply (simp del: dualA_iff)
+apply (simp)
+ declare (in CLF) CLF_def[simp del] CL_dualCL[simp del] monotone_dual[simp del]
+ dualA_iff[simp del]
+subsection {* fixed points *}
+lemma fix_subset: "fix f A \<subseteq> A"
+by (simp add: fix_def, fast)
+lemma fix_imp_eq: "x \<in> fix f A ==> f x = x"
+by (simp add: fix_def)
+lemma fixf_subset:
+ "[| A \<subseteq> B; x \<in> fix (%y: A. f y) A |] ==> x \<in> fix f B"
+by (simp add: fix_def, auto)
+subsection {* lemmas for Tarski, lub *}
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+ declare CL.lub_least[intro] CLF.f_in_funcset[intro] funcset_mem[intro] CL.lub_in_lattice[intro] PO.transE[intro] PO.monotoneE[intro] CLF.monotone_f[intro] CL.lub_upper[intro]
+lemma (in CLF) lubH_le_flubH:
+ "H = {x. (x, f x) \<in> r & x \<in> A} ==> (lub H cl, f (lub H cl)) \<in> r"
+apply (rule lub_least, fast)
+apply (rule f_in_funcset [THEN funcset_mem])
+apply (rule lub_in_lattice, fast)
+-- {* @{text "\<forall>x:H. (x, f (lub H r)) \<in> r"} *}
+apply (rule ballI)
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+apply (rule transE)
+-- {* instantiates @{text "(x, ?z) \<in> order cl to (x, f x)"}, *}
+-- {* because of the def of @{text H} *}
+apply fast
+-- {* so it remains to show @{text "(f x, f (lub H cl)) \<in> r"} *}
+apply (rule_tac f = "f" in monotoneE)
+apply (rule monotone_f, fast)
+apply (rule lub_in_lattice, fast)
+apply (rule lub_upper, fast)
+apply assumption
+ declare CL.lub_least[rule del] CLF.f_in_funcset[rule del]
+ funcset_mem[rule del] CL.lub_in_lattice[rule del]
+ PO.transE[rule del] PO.monotoneE[rule del]
+ CLF.monotone_f[rule del] CL.lub_upper[rule del]
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+ declare CLF.f_in_funcset[intro] funcset_mem[intro] CL.lub_in_lattice[intro]
+ PO.monotoneE[intro] CLF.monotone_f[intro] CL.lub_upper[intro]
+ CLF.lubH_le_flubH[simp]
+lemma (in CLF) flubH_le_lubH:
+ "[| H = {x. (x, f x) \<in> r & x \<in> A} |] ==> (f (lub H cl), lub H cl) \<in> r"
+apply (rule lub_upper, fast)
+apply (rule_tac t = "H" in ssubst, assumption)
+apply (rule CollectI)
+apply (rule conjI)
+apply (metis CO_refl lubH_le_flubH lub_dual_glb monotoneE monotone_f reflD1 reflD2)
+apply (metis CO_refl lubH_le_flubH reflD2)
+ declare CLF.f_in_funcset[rule del] funcset_mem[rule del]
+ CL.lub_in_lattice[rule del] PO.monotoneE[rule del]
+ CLF.monotone_f[rule del] CL.lub_upper[rule del]
+ CLF.lubH_le_flubH[simp del]
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+(*Single-step version fails. The conjecture clauses refer to local abstraction
+functions (Frees), which prevents expand_defs_tac from removing those
+"definitions" at the end of the proof.
+lemma (in CLF) lubH_is_fixp:
+ "H = {x. (x, f x) \<in> r & x \<in> A} ==> lub H cl \<in> fix f A"
+apply (simp add: fix_def)
+apply (rule conjI)
+ proof (neg_clausify)
+assume 0: "H = Collect (llabs_local_Xcl_A_r_f_P_XlubH_le_flubH_1 A f r)"
+assume 1: "lub (Collect (llabs_local_Xcl_A_r_f_P_XlubH_le_flubH_1 A f r)) cl \<notin> A"
+have 2: "glb H (dual cl) \<notin> A"
+ by (metis 0 1 lub_dual_glb)
+have 3: "(glb H (dual cl), f (glb H (dual cl))) \<in> r"
+ by (metis 0 lubH_le_flubH lub_dual_glb)
+have 4: "(f (glb H (dual cl)), glb H (dual cl)) \<in> r"
+ by (metis 0 flubH_le_lubH lub_dual_glb)
+have 5: "glb H (dual cl) = f (glb H (dual cl)) \<or>
+(glb H (dual cl), f (glb H (dual cl))) \<notin> r"
+ by (metis 4 antisymE)
+have 6: "glb H (dual cl) = f (glb H (dual cl))"
+ by (metis 3 5)
+have 7: "(glb H (dual cl), glb H (dual cl)) \<in> r"
+ by (metis 4 6)
+have 8: "\<And>X1. glb H (dual cl) \<in> X1 \<or> \<not> refl X1 r"
+ by (metis reflD2 7)
+have 9: "\<not> refl A r"
+ by (metis 2 8)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 9 CO_refl)
+proof (neg_clausify)
+assume 0: "H = Collect (llabs_local_Xcl_A_r_f_P_XlubH_le_flubH_1 A f r)"
+assume 1: "f (lub (Collect (llabs_local_Xcl_A_r_f_P_XlubH_le_flubH_1 A f r)) cl) \<noteq>
+lub (Collect (llabs_local_Xcl_A_r_f_P_XlubH_le_flubH_1 A f r)) cl"
+have 2: "(glb H (dual cl), f (glb H (dual cl))) \<in> r"
+ by (metis 0 lubH_le_flubH lub_dual_glb lub_dual_glb)
+have 3: "f (glb H (dual cl)) \<noteq> glb H (dual cl)"
+ by (metis 0 1 lub_dual_glb)
+have 4: "(f (glb H (dual cl)), glb H (dual cl)) \<in> r"
+ by (metis lub_dual_glb flubH_le_lubH 0)
+have 5: "f (glb H (dual cl)) = glb H (dual cl) \<or>
+(f (glb H (dual cl)), glb H (dual cl)) \<notin> r"
+ by (metis antisymE 2)
+have 6: "f (glb H (dual cl)) = glb H (dual cl)"
+ by (metis 5 4)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 3 6)
+lemma (in CLF) lubH_is_fixp:
+ "H = {x. (x, f x) \<in> r & x \<in> A} ==> lub H cl \<in> fix f A"
+apply (simp add: fix_def)
+apply (rule conjI)
+apply (metis CO_refl Domain_iff lubH_le_flubH reflD1)
+apply (metis antisymE flubH_le_lubH lubH_le_flubH)
+lemma (in CLF) fix_in_H:
+ "[| H = {x. (x, f x) \<in> r & x \<in> A}; x \<in> P |] ==> x \<in> H"
+by (simp add: P_def fix_imp_eq [of _ f A] reflE CO_refl
+ fix_subset [of f A, THEN subsetD])
+lemma (in CLF) fixf_le_lubH:
+ "H = {x. (x, f x) \<in> r & x \<in> A} ==> \<forall>x \<in> fix f A. (x, lub H cl) \<in> r"
+apply (rule ballI)
+apply (rule lub_upper, fast)
+apply (rule fix_in_H)
+apply (simp_all add: P_def)
+lemma (in CLF) lubH_least_fixf:
+ "H = {x. (x, f x) \<in> r & x \<in> A}
+ ==> \<forall>L. (\<forall>y \<in> fix f A. (y,L) \<in> r) --> (lub H cl, L) \<in> r"
+apply (metis P_def lubH_is_fixp)
+subsection {* Tarski fixpoint theorem 1, first part *}
+ declare CL.lubI[intro] fix_subset[intro] CL.lub_in_lattice[intro]
+ CLF.fixf_le_lubH[simp] CLF.lubH_least_fixf[simp]
+lemma (in CLF) T_thm_1_lub: "lub P cl = lub {x. (x, f x) \<in> r & x \<in> A} cl"
+apply (rule sym)
+apply (simp add: P_def)
+apply (rule lubI)
+apply (metis P_def equalityE fix_subset subset_trans)
+apply (metis P_def fix_subset lubH_is_fixp set_mp subset_refl subset_trans)
+apply (metis P_def fixf_le_lubH)
+apply (metis P_def lubH_is_fixp)
+ declare CL.lubI[rule del] fix_subset[rule del] CL.lub_in_lattice[rule del]
+ CLF.fixf_le_lubH[simp del] CLF.lubH_least_fixf[simp del]
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+ declare glb_dual_lub[simp] PO.dualA_iff[intro] CLF.lubH_is_fixp[intro]
+ PO.dualPO[intro] CL.CL_dualCL[intro] PO.dualr_iff[simp]
+lemma (in CLF) glbH_is_fixp: "H = {x. (f x, x) \<in> r & x \<in> A} ==> glb H cl \<in> P"
+ -- {* Tarski for glb *}
+apply (simp add: glb_dual_lub P_def A_def r_def)
+apply (rule dualA_iff [THEN subst])
+apply (rule CLF.lubH_is_fixp)
+apply (rule dualPO)
+apply (rule CL_dualCL)
+apply (rule CLF_dual)
+apply (simp add: dualr_iff dualA_iff)
+ declare glb_dual_lub[simp del] PO.dualA_iff[rule del] CLF.lubH_is_fixp[rule del]
+ PO.dualPO[rule del] CL.CL_dualCL[rule del] PO.dualr_iff[simp del]
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__T_thm_1_glb"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in CLF) T_thm_1_glb: "glb P cl = glb {x. (f x, x) \<in> r & x \<in> A} cl"
+apply (simp add: glb_dual_lub P_def A_def r_def)
+apply (rule dualA_iff [THEN subst])
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__T_thm_1_glb_simpler"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+apply (simp add: CLF.T_thm_1_lub [of _ f, OF dualPO CL_dualCL]
+ dualPO CL_dualCL CLF_dual dualr_iff)
+subsection {* interval *}
+ declare (in CLF) CO_refl[simp] refl_def [simp]
+lemma (in CLF) rel_imp_elem: "(x, y) \<in> r ==> x \<in> A"
+apply (metis CO_refl reflD1)
+ declare (in CLF) CO_refl[simp del] refl_def [simp del]
+ declare (in CLF) rel_imp_elem[intro]
+ declare interval_def [simp]
+lemma (in CLF) interval_subset: "[| a \<in> A; b \<in> A |] ==> interval r a b \<subseteq> A"
+apply (metis CO_refl interval_imp_mem reflD reflD2 rel_imp_elem subset_def)
+ declare (in CLF) rel_imp_elem[rule del]
+ declare interval_def [simp del]
+lemma (in CLF) intervalI:
+ "[| (a, x) \<in> r; (x, b) \<in> r |] ==> x \<in> interval r a b"
+by (simp add: interval_def)
+lemma (in CLF) interval_lemma1:
+ "[| S \<subseteq> interval r a b; x \<in> S |] ==> (a, x) \<in> r"
+by (unfold interval_def, fast)
+lemma (in CLF) interval_lemma2:
+ "[| S \<subseteq> interval r a b; x \<in> S |] ==> (x, b) \<in> r"
+by (unfold interval_def, fast)
+lemma (in CLF) a_less_lub:
+ "[| S \<subseteq> A; S \<noteq> {};
+ \<forall>x \<in> S. (a,x) \<in> r; \<forall>y \<in> S. (y, L) \<in> r |] ==> (a,L) \<in> r"
+by (blast intro: transE)
+declare (in CLF) a_less_lub [skolem]
+lemma (in CLF) glb_less_b:
+ "[| S \<subseteq> A; S \<noteq> {};
+ \<forall>x \<in> S. (x,b) \<in> r; \<forall>y \<in> S. (G, y) \<in> r |] ==> (G,b) \<in> r"
+by (blast intro: transE)
+declare (in CLF) glb_less_b [skolem]
+lemma (in CLF) S_intv_cl:
+ "[| a \<in> A; b \<in> A; S \<subseteq> interval r a b |]==> S \<subseteq> A"
+by (simp add: subset_trans [OF _ interval_subset])
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__L_in_interval"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in CLF) L_in_interval:
+ "[| a \<in> A; b \<in> A; S \<subseteq> interval r a b;
+ S \<noteq> {}; isLub S cl L; interval r a b \<noteq> {} |] ==> L \<in> interval r a b"
+apply (metis CO_trans intervalI interval_lemma1 interval_lemma2 isLub_least isLub_upper subset_empty subset_iff trans_def)
+apply (rule intervalI)
+apply (rule a_less_lub)
+prefer 2 apply assumption
+apply (simp add: S_intv_cl)
+apply (rule ballI)
+apply (simp add: interval_lemma1)
+apply (simp add: isLub_upper)
+-- {* @{text "(L, b) \<in> r"} *}
+apply (simp add: isLub_least interval_lemma2)
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__G_in_interval"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in CLF) G_in_interval:
+ "[| a \<in> A; b \<in> A; interval r a b \<noteq> {}; S \<subseteq> interval r a b; isGlb S cl G;
+ S \<noteq> {} |] ==> G \<in> interval r a b"
+apply (simp add: interval_dual)
+apply (simp add: CLF.L_in_interval [of _ f]
+ dualA_iff A_def dualPO CL_dualCL CLF_dual isGlb_dual_isLub)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__intervalPO"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in CLF) intervalPO:
+ "[| a \<in> A; b \<in> A; interval r a b \<noteq> {} |]
+ ==> (| pset = interval r a b, order = induced (interval r a b) r |)
+ \<in> PartialOrder"
+proof (neg_clausify)
+assume 0: "a \<in> A"
+assume 1: "b \<in> A"
+assume 2: "\<lparr>pset = interval r a b, order = induced (interval r a b) r\<rparr> \<notin> PartialOrder"
+have 3: "\<not> interval r a b \<subseteq> A"
+ by (metis 2 po_subset_po)
+have 4: "b \<notin> A \<or> a \<notin> A"
+ by (metis 3 interval_subset)
+have 5: "a \<notin> A"
+ by (metis 4 1)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 5 0)
+lemma (in CLF) intv_CL_lub:
+ "[| a \<in> A; b \<in> A; interval r a b \<noteq> {} |]
+ ==> \<forall>S. S \<subseteq> interval r a b -->
+ (\<exists>L. isLub S (| pset = interval r a b,
+ order = induced (interval r a b) r |) L)"
+apply (intro strip)
+apply (frule S_intv_cl [THEN CL_imp_ex_isLub])
+prefer 2 apply assumption
+apply assumption
+apply (erule exE)
+-- {* define the lub for the interval as *}
+apply (rule_tac x = "if S = {} then a else L" in exI)
+apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: isLub_def split del: split_if)
+apply (intro impI conjI)
+-- {* @{text "(if S = {} then a else L) \<in> interval r a b"} *}
+apply (simp add: CL_imp_PO L_in_interval)
+apply (simp add: left_in_interval)
+-- {* lub prop 1 *}
+apply (case_tac "S = {}")
+-- {* @{text "S = {}, y \<in> S = False => everything"} *}
+apply fast
+-- {* @{text "S \<noteq> {}"} *}
+apply simp
+-- {* @{text "\<forall>y:S. (y, L) \<in> induced (interval r a b) r"} *}
+apply (rule ballI)
+apply (simp add: induced_def L_in_interval)
+apply (rule conjI)
+apply (rule subsetD)
+apply (simp add: S_intv_cl, assumption)
+apply (simp add: isLub_upper)
+-- {* @{text "\<forall>z:interval r a b. (\<forall>y:S. (y, z) \<in> induced (interval r a b) r \<longrightarrow> (if S = {} then a else L, z) \<in> induced (interval r a b) r"} *}
+apply (rule ballI)
+apply (rule impI)
+apply (case_tac "S = {}")
+-- {* @{text "S = {}"} *}
+apply simp
+apply (simp add: induced_def interval_def)
+apply (rule conjI)
+apply (rule reflE, assumption)
+apply (rule interval_not_empty)
+apply (rule CO_trans)
+apply (simp add: interval_def)
+-- {* @{text "S \<noteq> {}"} *}
+apply simp
+apply (simp add: induced_def L_in_interval)
+apply (rule isLub_least, assumption)
+apply (rule subsetD)
+prefer 2 apply assumption
+apply (simp add: S_intv_cl, fast)
+lemmas (in CLF) intv_CL_glb = intv_CL_lub [THEN Rdual]
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__interval_is_sublattice"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in CLF) interval_is_sublattice:
+ "[| a \<in> A; b \<in> A; interval r a b \<noteq> {} |]
+ ==> interval r a b <<= cl"
+(*sledgehammer *)
+apply (rule sublatticeI)
+apply (simp add: interval_subset)
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+(*sledgehammer *)
+apply (rule CompleteLatticeI)
+apply (simp add: intervalPO)
+ apply (simp add: intv_CL_lub)
+apply (simp add: intv_CL_glb)
+lemmas (in CLF) interv_is_compl_latt =
+ interval_is_sublattice [THEN sublattice_imp_CL]
+subsection {* Top and Bottom *}
+lemma (in CLF) Top_dual_Bot: "Top cl = Bot (dual cl)"
+by (simp add: Top_def Bot_def least_def greatest_def dualA_iff dualr_iff)
+lemma (in CLF) Bot_dual_Top: "Bot cl = Top (dual cl)"
+by (simp add: Top_def Bot_def least_def greatest_def dualA_iff dualr_iff)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__Bot_in_lattice"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in CLF) Bot_in_lattice: "Bot cl \<in> A"
+(*sledgehammer; *)
+apply (simp add: Bot_def least_def)
+apply (rule_tac a="glb A cl" in someI2)
+apply (simp_all add: glb_in_lattice glb_lower
+ r_def [symmetric] A_def [symmetric])
+(*first proved 2007-01-25 after relaxing relevance*)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__Top_in_lattice"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in CLF) Top_in_lattice: "Top cl \<in> A"
+apply (simp add: Top_dual_Bot A_def)
+(*first proved 2007-01-25 after relaxing relevance*)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__Top_in_lattice_simpler"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+apply (rule dualA_iff [THEN subst])
+apply (blast intro!: CLF.Bot_in_lattice dualPO CL_dualCL CLF_dual)
+lemma (in CLF) Top_prop: "x \<in> A ==> (x, Top cl) \<in> r"
+apply (simp add: Top_def greatest_def)
+apply (rule_tac a="lub A cl" in someI2)
+apply (rule someI2)
+apply (simp_all add: lub_in_lattice lub_upper
+ r_def [symmetric] A_def [symmetric])
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__Bot_prop"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in CLF) Bot_prop: "x \<in> A ==> (Bot cl, x) \<in> r"
+apply (simp add: Bot_dual_Top r_def)
+apply (rule dualr_iff [THEN subst])
+apply (simp add: CLF.Top_prop [of _ f]
+ dualA_iff A_def dualPO CL_dualCL CLF_dual)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__Bot_in_lattice"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in CLF) Top_intv_not_empty: "x \<in> A ==> interval r x (Top cl) \<noteq> {}"
+apply (metis Top_in_lattice Top_prop empty_iff intervalI reflE)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__Bot_intv_not_empty"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in CLF) Bot_intv_not_empty: "x \<in> A ==> interval r (Bot cl) x \<noteq> {}"
+apply (metis Bot_prop ex_in_conv intervalI reflE rel_imp_elem)
+subsection {* fixed points form a partial order *}
+lemma (in CLF) fixf_po: "(| pset = P, order = induced P r|) \<in> PartialOrder"
+by (simp add: P_def fix_subset po_subset_po)
+(*first proved 2007-01-25 after relaxing relevance*)
+ declare (in Tarski) P_def[simp] Y_ss [simp]
+ declare fix_subset [intro] subset_trans [intro]
+lemma (in Tarski) Y_subset_A: "Y \<subseteq> A"
+apply (rule subset_trans [OF _ fix_subset])
+apply (rule Y_ss [simplified P_def])
+ declare (in Tarski) P_def[simp del] Y_ss [simp del]
+ declare fix_subset [rule del] subset_trans [rule del]
+lemma (in Tarski) lubY_in_A: "lub Y cl \<in> A"
+ by (rule Y_subset_A [THEN lub_in_lattice])
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__lubY_le_flubY"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in Tarski) lubY_le_flubY: "(lub Y cl, f (lub Y cl)) \<in> r"
+apply (rule lub_least)
+apply (rule Y_subset_A)
+apply (rule f_in_funcset [THEN funcset_mem])
+apply (rule lubY_in_A)
+-- {* @{text "Y \<subseteq> P ==> f x = x"} *}
+apply (rule ballI)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__lubY_le_flubY_simpler"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+(*sledgehammer *)
+apply (rule_tac t = "x" in fix_imp_eq [THEN subst])
+apply (erule Y_ss [simplified P_def, THEN subsetD])
+-- {* @{text "reduce (f x, f (lub Y cl)) \<in> r to (x, lub Y cl) \<in> r"} by monotonicity *}
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__lubY_le_flubY_simplest"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+apply (rule_tac f = "f" in monotoneE)
+apply (rule monotone_f)
+apply (simp add: Y_subset_A [THEN subsetD])
+apply (rule lubY_in_A)
+apply (simp add: lub_upper Y_subset_A)
+(*first proved 2007-01-25 after relaxing relevance*)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__intY1_subset"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in Tarski) intY1_subset: "intY1 \<subseteq> A"
+apply (unfold intY1_def)
+apply (rule interval_subset)
+apply (rule lubY_in_A)
+apply (rule Top_in_lattice)
+lemmas (in Tarski) intY1_elem = intY1_subset [THEN subsetD]
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__intY1_f_closed"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in Tarski) intY1_f_closed: "x \<in> intY1 \<Longrightarrow> f x \<in> intY1"
+apply (simp add: intY1_def interval_def)
+apply (rule conjI)
+apply (rule transE)
+apply (rule lubY_le_flubY)
+-- {* @{text "(f (lub Y cl), f x) \<in> r"} *}
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__intY1_f_closed_simpler"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+(*sledgehammer [has been proved before now...]*)
+apply (rule_tac f=f in monotoneE)
+apply (rule monotone_f)
+apply (rule lubY_in_A)
+apply (simp add: intY1_def interval_def intY1_elem)
+apply (simp add: intY1_def interval_def)
+-- {* @{text "(f x, Top cl) \<in> r"} *}
+apply (rule Top_prop)
+apply (rule f_in_funcset [THEN funcset_mem])
+apply (simp add: intY1_def interval_def intY1_elem)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__intY1_func"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in Tarski) intY1_func: "(%x: intY1. f x) \<in> intY1 -> intY1"
+apply (metis intY1_f_closed restrict_in_funcset)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__intY1_mono"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in Tarski) intY1_mono [skolem]:
+ "monotone (%x: intY1. f x) intY1 (induced intY1 r)"
+(*sledgehammer *)
+apply (auto simp add: monotone_def induced_def intY1_f_closed)
+apply (blast intro: intY1_elem monotone_f [THEN monotoneE])
+(*proof requires relaxing relevance: 2007-01-25*)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__intY1_is_cl"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in Tarski) intY1_is_cl:
+ "(| pset = intY1, order = induced intY1 r |) \<in> CompleteLattice"
+apply (unfold intY1_def)
+apply (rule interv_is_compl_latt)
+apply (rule lubY_in_A)
+apply (rule Top_in_lattice)
+apply (rule Top_intv_not_empty)
+apply (rule lubY_in_A)
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__v_in_P"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in Tarski) v_in_P: "v \<in> P"
+apply (unfold P_def)
+apply (rule_tac A = "intY1" in fixf_subset)
+apply (rule intY1_subset)
+apply (simp add: CLF.glbH_is_fixp [OF _ intY1_is_cl, simplified]
+ v_def CL_imp_PO intY1_is_cl CLF_def intY1_func intY1_mono)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__z_in_interval"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in Tarski) z_in_interval:
+ "[| z \<in> P; \<forall>y\<in>Y. (y, z) \<in> induced P r |] ==> z \<in> intY1"
+(*sledgehammer *)
+apply (unfold intY1_def P_def)
+apply (rule intervalI)
+prefer 2
+ apply (erule fix_subset [THEN subsetD, THEN Top_prop])
+apply (rule lub_least)
+apply (rule Y_subset_A)
+apply (fast elim!: fix_subset [THEN subsetD])
+apply (simp add: induced_def)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__fz_in_int_rel"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in Tarski) f'z_in_int_rel: "[| z \<in> P; \<forall>y\<in>Y. (y, z) \<in> induced P r |]
+ ==> ((%x: intY1. f x) z, z) \<in> induced intY1 r"
+ apply (metis P_def UnE Un_absorb contra_subsetD equalityE fix_imp_eq indI intY1_elem intY1_f_closed monotoneE monotone_f reflE rel_imp_elem restrict_apply z_in_interval)
+apply (simp add: induced_def intY1_f_closed z_in_interval P_def)
+apply (simp add: fix_imp_eq [of _ f A] fix_subset [of f A, THEN subsetD]
+ reflE)
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+ML{*ResAtp.problem_name:="Tarski__tarski_full_lemma"*} (*ALL THEOREMS*)
+lemma (in Tarski) tarski_full_lemma:
+ "\<exists>L. isLub Y (| pset = P, order = induced P r |) L"
+apply (rule_tac x = "v" in exI)
+apply (simp add: isLub_def)
+-- {* @{text "v \<in> P"} *}
+apply (simp add: v_in_P)
+apply (rule conjI)
+-- {* @{text v} is lub *}
+-- {* @{text "1. \<forall>y:Y. (y, v) \<in> induced P r"} *}
+apply (rule ballI)
+apply (simp add: induced_def subsetD v_in_P)
+apply (rule conjI)
+apply (erule Y_ss [THEN subsetD])
+apply (rule_tac b = "lub Y cl" in transE)
+apply (rule lub_upper)
+apply (rule Y_subset_A, assumption)
+apply (rule_tac b = "Top cl" in interval_imp_mem)
+apply (simp add: v_def)
+apply (fold intY1_def)
+apply (rule CL.glb_in_lattice [OF _ intY1_is_cl, simplified])
+ apply (simp add: CL_imp_PO intY1_is_cl, force)
+-- {* @{text v} is LEAST ub *}
+apply clarify
+apply (rule indI)
+ prefer 3 apply assumption
+ prefer 2 apply (simp add: v_in_P)
+apply (unfold v_def)
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+apply (rule indE)
+apply (rule_tac [2] intY1_subset)
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+apply (rule CL.glb_lower [OF _ intY1_is_cl, simplified])
+ apply (simp add: CL_imp_PO intY1_is_cl)
+ apply force
+apply (simp add: induced_def intY1_f_closed z_in_interval)
+apply (simp add: P_def fix_imp_eq [of _ f A] reflE
+ fix_subset [of f A, THEN subsetD])
+lemma CompleteLatticeI_simp:
+ "[| (| pset = A, order = r |) \<in> PartialOrder;
+ \<forall>S. S \<subseteq> A --> (\<exists>L. isLub S (| pset = A, order = r |) L) |]
+ ==> (| pset = A, order = r |) \<in> CompleteLattice"
+by (simp add: CompleteLatticeI Rdual)
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+ declare (in CLF) fixf_po[intro] P_def [simp] A_def [simp] r_def [simp]
+ Tarski.tarski_full_lemma [intro] cl_po [intro] cl_co [intro]
+ CompleteLatticeI_simp [intro]
+theorem (in CLF) Tarski_full:
+ "(| pset = P, order = induced P r|) \<in> CompleteLattice"
+apply (rule CompleteLatticeI_simp)
+apply (rule fixf_po, clarify)
+(*never proved, 2007-01-22*)
+apply (simp add: P_def A_def r_def)
+apply (blast intro!: Tarski.tarski_full_lemma cl_po cl_co f_cl)
+ declare (in CLF) fixf_po[rule del] P_def [simp del] A_def [simp del] r_def [simp del]
+ Tarski.tarski_full_lemma [rule del] cl_po [rule del] cl_co [rule del]
+ CompleteLatticeI_simp [rule del]
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/MetisExamples/TransClosure.thy Thu Jun 21 13:23:33 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+(* Title: HOL/MetisTest/TransClosure.thy
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+Testing the metis method
+theory TransClosure
+imports Main
+types addr = nat
+datatype val
+ = Unit -- "dummy result value of void expressions"
+ | Null -- "null reference"
+ | Bool bool -- "Boolean value"
+ | Intg int -- "integer value"
+ | Addr addr -- "addresses of objects in the heap"
+consts R::"(addr \<times> addr) set"
+consts f:: "addr \<Rightarrow> val"
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "TransClosure__test"*}
+lemma "\<lbrakk> f c = Intg x; \<forall> y. f b = Intg y \<longrightarrow> y \<noteq> x; (a,b) \<in> R\<^sup>*; (b,c) \<in> R\<^sup>* \<rbrakk>
+ \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> c. (b,c) \<in> R \<and> (a,c) \<in> R\<^sup>*"
+by (metis Transitive_Closure.rtrancl_into_rtrancl converse_rtranclE trancl_reflcl)
+lemma "\<lbrakk> f c = Intg x; \<forall> y. f b = Intg y \<longrightarrow> y \<noteq> x; (a,b) \<in> R\<^sup>*; (b,c) \<in> R\<^sup>* \<rbrakk>
+ \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> c. (b,c) \<in> R \<and> (a,c) \<in> R\<^sup>*"
+proof (neg_clausify)
+assume 0: "f c = Intg x"
+assume 1: "(a, b) \<in> R\<^sup>*"
+assume 2: "(b, c) \<in> R\<^sup>*"
+assume 3: "f b \<noteq> Intg x"
+assume 4: "\<And>A. (b, A) \<notin> R \<or> (a, A) \<notin> R\<^sup>*"
+have 5: "b = c \<or> b \<in> Domain R"
+ by (metis Not_Domain_rtrancl 2)
+have 6: "\<And>X1. (a, X1) \<in> R\<^sup>* \<or> (b, X1) \<notin> R"
+ by (metis Transitive_Closure.rtrancl_into_rtrancl 1)
+have 7: "\<And>X1. (b, X1) \<notin> R"
+ by (metis 6 4)
+have 8: "b \<notin> Domain R"
+ by (metis 7 DomainE)
+have 9: "c = b"
+ by (metis 5 8)
+have 10: "f b = Intg x"
+ by (metis 0 9)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 10 3)
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "TransClosure__test_simpler"*}
+lemma "\<lbrakk> f c = Intg x; \<forall> y. f b = Intg y \<longrightarrow> y \<noteq> x; (a,b) \<in> R\<^sup>*; (b,c) \<in> R\<^sup>* \<rbrakk>
+ \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> c. (b,c) \<in> R \<and> (a,c) \<in> R\<^sup>*"
+apply (erule_tac x="b" in converse_rtranclE)
+apply (metis rel_pow_0_E rel_pow_0_I)
+apply (metis DomainE Domain_iff Transitive_Closure.rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/MetisExamples/set.thy Thu Jun 21 13:23:33 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+(* Title: HOL/MetisExamples/set.thy
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+Testing the metis method
+theory set imports Main
+lemma "EX x X. ALL y. EX z Z. (~P(y,y) | P(x,x) | ~S(z,x)) &
+ (S(x,y) | ~S(y,z) | Q(Z,Z)) &
+ (Q(X,y) | ~Q(y,Z) | S(X,X))";
+by metis;
+(*??Single-step reconstruction fails due to "assume?"*)
+lemma "P(n::nat) ==> ~P(0) ==> n ~= 0"
+by metis
+ML{*ResReconstruct.modulus := 1*}
+(*multiple versions of this example*)
+lemma (*equal_union: *)
+ "(X = Y \<union> Z) =
+ (Y \<subseteq> X \<and> Z \<subseteq> X \<and> (\<forall>V. Y \<subseteq> V \<and> Z \<subseteq> V \<longrightarrow> X \<subseteq> V))"
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix x
+assume 0: "Y \<subseteq> X \<or> X = Y \<union> Z"
+assume 1: "Z \<subseteq> X \<or> X = Y \<union> Z"
+assume 2: "(\<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X \<or> Y \<subseteq> x) \<or> X \<noteq> Y \<union> Z"
+assume 3: "(\<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X \<or> Z \<subseteq> x) \<or> X \<noteq> Y \<union> Z"
+assume 4: "(\<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> X \<subseteq> x) \<or> X \<noteq> Y \<union> Z"
+assume 5: "\<And>A. ((\<not> Y \<subseteq> A \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> A) \<or> X \<subseteq> A) \<or> X = Y \<union> Z"
+have 6: "sup Y Z = X \<or> Y \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 0 sup_set_eq)
+have 7: "sup Y Z = X \<or> Z \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 1 sup_set_eq)
+have 8: "\<And>X3. sup Y Z = X \<or> X \<subseteq> X3 \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X3 \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X3"
+ by (metis 5 sup_set_eq)
+have 9: "Y \<subseteq> x \<or> sup Y Z \<noteq> X \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 2 sup_set_eq)
+have 10: "Z \<subseteq> x \<or> sup Y Z \<noteq> X \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 3 sup_set_eq)
+have 11: "sup Y Z \<noteq> X \<or> \<not> X \<subseteq> x \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 4 sup_set_eq)
+have 12: "Z \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis Un_upper2 sup_set_eq 7)
+have 13: "\<And>X3. sup Y Z = X \<or> X \<subseteq> sup X3 Z \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> sup X3 Z"
+ by (metis 8 Un_upper2 sup_set_eq)
+have 14: "Y \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis Un_upper1 sup_set_eq 6)
+have 15: "Z \<subseteq> x \<or> sup Y Z \<noteq> X \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 10 12)
+have 16: "Y \<subseteq> x \<or> sup Y Z \<noteq> X \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 9 12)
+have 17: "sup Y Z \<noteq> X \<or> \<not> X \<subseteq> x \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 11 12)
+have 18: "sup Y Z \<noteq> X \<or> \<not> X \<subseteq> x"
+ by (metis 17 14)
+have 19: "Z \<subseteq> x \<or> sup Y Z \<noteq> X"
+ by (metis 15 14)
+have 20: "Y \<subseteq> x \<or> sup Y Z \<noteq> X"
+ by (metis 16 14)
+have 21: "sup Y Z = X \<or> X \<subseteq> sup Y Z"
+ by (metis 13 Un_upper1 sup_set_eq)
+have 22: "sup Y Z = X \<or> \<not> sup Y Z \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis equalityI 21)
+have 23: "sup Y Z = X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 22 Un_least sup_set_eq)
+have 24: "sup Y Z = X \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 23 12)
+have 25: "sup Y Z = X"
+ by (metis 24 14)
+have 26: "\<And>X3. X \<subseteq> X3 \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X3 \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X3"
+ by (metis Un_least sup_set_eq 25)
+have 27: "Y \<subseteq> x"
+ by (metis 20 25)
+have 28: "Z \<subseteq> x"
+ by (metis 19 25)
+have 29: "\<not> X \<subseteq> x"
+ by (metis 18 25)
+have 30: "X \<subseteq> x \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> x"
+ by (metis 26 28)
+have 31: "X \<subseteq> x"
+ by (metis 30 27)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 31 29)
+ML{*ResReconstruct.modulus := 2*}
+lemma (*equal_union: *)
+ "(X = Y \<union> Z) =
+ (Y \<subseteq> X \<and> Z \<subseteq> X \<and> (\<forall>V. Y \<subseteq> V \<and> Z \<subseteq> V \<longrightarrow> X \<subseteq> V))"
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix x
+assume 0: "Y \<subseteq> X \<or> X = Y \<union> Z"
+assume 1: "Z \<subseteq> X \<or> X = Y \<union> Z"
+assume 2: "(\<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X \<or> Y \<subseteq> x) \<or> X \<noteq> Y \<union> Z"
+assume 3: "(\<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X \<or> Z \<subseteq> x) \<or> X \<noteq> Y \<union> Z"
+assume 4: "(\<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> X \<subseteq> x) \<or> X \<noteq> Y \<union> Z"
+assume 5: "\<And>A. ((\<not> Y \<subseteq> A \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> A) \<or> X \<subseteq> A) \<or> X = Y \<union> Z"
+have 6: "sup Y Z = X \<or> Y \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 0 sup_set_eq)
+have 7: "Y \<subseteq> x \<or> sup Y Z \<noteq> X \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 2 sup_set_eq)
+have 8: "sup Y Z \<noteq> X \<or> \<not> X \<subseteq> x \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 4 sup_set_eq)
+have 9: "\<And>X3. sup Y Z = X \<or> X \<subseteq> sup X3 Z \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> sup X3 Z"
+ by (metis 5 sup_set_eq Un_upper2 sup_set_eq)
+have 10: "Z \<subseteq> x \<or> sup Y Z \<noteq> X \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 3 sup_set_eq Un_upper2 sup_set_eq 1 sup_set_eq)
+have 11: "sup Y Z \<noteq> X \<or> \<not> X \<subseteq> x \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 8 Un_upper2 sup_set_eq 1 sup_set_eq)
+have 12: "Z \<subseteq> x \<or> sup Y Z \<noteq> X"
+ by (metis 10 Un_upper1 sup_set_eq 6)
+have 13: "sup Y Z = X \<or> X \<subseteq> sup Y Z"
+ by (metis 9 Un_upper1 sup_set_eq)
+have 14: "sup Y Z = X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis equalityI 13 Un_least sup_set_eq)
+have 15: "sup Y Z = X"
+ by (metis 14 Un_upper2 sup_set_eq 1 sup_set_eq Un_upper1 sup_set_eq 6)
+have 16: "Y \<subseteq> x"
+ by (metis 7 Un_upper2 sup_set_eq 1 sup_set_eq Un_upper1 sup_set_eq 6 15)
+have 17: "\<not> X \<subseteq> x"
+ by (metis 11 Un_upper1 sup_set_eq 6 15)
+have 18: "X \<subseteq> x"
+ by (metis Un_least sup_set_eq 15 12 15 16)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 18 17)
+ML{*ResReconstruct.modulus := 3*}
+lemma (*equal_union: *)
+ "(X = Y \<union> Z) =
+ (Y \<subseteq> X \<and> Z \<subseteq> X \<and> (\<forall>V. Y \<subseteq> V \<and> Z \<subseteq> V \<longrightarrow> X \<subseteq> V))"
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix x
+assume 0: "Y \<subseteq> X \<or> X = Y \<union> Z"
+assume 1: "Z \<subseteq> X \<or> X = Y \<union> Z"
+assume 2: "(\<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X \<or> Y \<subseteq> x) \<or> X \<noteq> Y \<union> Z"
+assume 3: "(\<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X \<or> Z \<subseteq> x) \<or> X \<noteq> Y \<union> Z"
+assume 4: "(\<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> X \<subseteq> x) \<or> X \<noteq> Y \<union> Z"
+assume 5: "\<And>A. ((\<not> Y \<subseteq> A \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> A) \<or> X \<subseteq> A) \<or> X = Y \<union> Z"
+have 6: "Z \<subseteq> x \<or> sup Y Z \<noteq> X \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 3 sup_set_eq)
+have 7: "\<And>X3. sup Y Z = X \<or> X \<subseteq> sup X3 Z \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> sup X3 Z"
+ by (metis 5 sup_set_eq Un_upper2 sup_set_eq)
+have 8: "Y \<subseteq> x \<or> sup Y Z \<noteq> X \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 2 sup_set_eq Un_upper2 sup_set_eq 1 sup_set_eq)
+have 9: "Z \<subseteq> x \<or> sup Y Z \<noteq> X"
+ by (metis 6 Un_upper2 sup_set_eq 1 sup_set_eq Un_upper1 sup_set_eq 0 sup_set_eq)
+have 10: "sup Y Z = X \<or> \<not> sup Y Z \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis equalityI 7 Un_upper1 sup_set_eq)
+have 11: "sup Y Z = X"
+ by (metis 10 Un_least sup_set_eq Un_upper2 sup_set_eq 1 sup_set_eq Un_upper1 sup_set_eq 0 sup_set_eq)
+have 12: "Z \<subseteq> x"
+ by (metis 9 11)
+have 13: "X \<subseteq> x"
+ by (metis Un_least sup_set_eq 11 12 8 Un_upper1 sup_set_eq 0 sup_set_eq 11)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 13 4 sup_set_eq Un_upper2 sup_set_eq 1 sup_set_eq Un_upper1 sup_set_eq 0 sup_set_eq 11)
+(*Example included in TPHOLs paper*)
+ML{*ResReconstruct.modulus := 4*}
+lemma (*equal_union: *)
+ "(X = Y \<union> Z) =
+ (Y \<subseteq> X \<and> Z \<subseteq> X \<and> (\<forall>V. Y \<subseteq> V \<and> Z \<subseteq> V \<longrightarrow> X \<subseteq> V))"
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix x
+assume 0: "Y \<subseteq> X \<or> X = Y \<union> Z"
+assume 1: "Z \<subseteq> X \<or> X = Y \<union> Z"
+assume 2: "(\<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X \<or> Y \<subseteq> x) \<or> X \<noteq> Y \<union> Z"
+assume 3: "(\<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X \<or> Z \<subseteq> x) \<or> X \<noteq> Y \<union> Z"
+assume 4: "(\<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> X \<subseteq> x) \<or> X \<noteq> Y \<union> Z"
+assume 5: "\<And>A. ((\<not> Y \<subseteq> A \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> A) \<or> X \<subseteq> A) \<or> X = Y \<union> Z"
+have 6: "sup Y Z \<noteq> X \<or> \<not> X \<subseteq> x \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 4 sup_set_eq)
+have 7: "Z \<subseteq> x \<or> sup Y Z \<noteq> X \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis 3 sup_set_eq Un_upper2 sup_set_eq 1 sup_set_eq)
+have 8: "Z \<subseteq> x \<or> sup Y Z \<noteq> X"
+ by (metis 7 Un_upper1 sup_set_eq 0 sup_set_eq)
+have 9: "sup Y Z = X \<or> \<not> Z \<subseteq> X \<or> \<not> Y \<subseteq> X"
+ by (metis equalityI 5 sup_set_eq Un_upper2 sup_set_eq Un_upper1 sup_set_eq Un_least sup_set_eq)
+have 10: "Y \<subseteq> x"
+ by (metis 2 sup_set_eq Un_upper2 sup_set_eq 1 sup_set_eq Un_upper1 sup_set_eq 0 sup_set_eq 9 Un_upper2 sup_set_eq 1 sup_set_eq Un_upper1 sup_set_eq 0 sup_set_eq)
+have 11: "X \<subseteq> x"
+ by (metis Un_least sup_set_eq 9 Un_upper2 sup_set_eq 1 sup_set_eq Un_upper1 sup_set_eq 0 sup_set_eq 8 9 Un_upper2 sup_set_eq 1 sup_set_eq Un_upper1 sup_set_eq 0 sup_set_eq 10)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 11 6 Un_upper2 sup_set_eq 1 sup_set_eq Un_upper1 sup_set_eq 0 sup_set_eq 9 Un_upper2 sup_set_eq 1 sup_set_eq Un_upper1 sup_set_eq 0 sup_set_eq)
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "set__equal_union"*}
+lemma (*equal_union: *)
+ "(X = Y \<union> Z) =
+ (Y \<subseteq> X \<and> Z \<subseteq> X \<and> (\<forall>V. Y \<subseteq> V \<and> Z \<subseteq> V \<longrightarrow> X \<subseteq> V))"
+(*One shot proof: hand-reduced. Metis can't do the full proof any more.*)
+by (metis Un_least Un_upper1 Un_upper2 set_eq_subset)
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "set__equal_inter"*}
+lemma "(X = Y \<inter> Z) =
+ (X \<subseteq> Y \<and> X \<subseteq> Z \<and> (\<forall>V. V \<subseteq> Y \<and> V \<subseteq> Z \<longrightarrow> V \<subseteq> X))"
+by (metis Int_greatest Int_lower1 Int_lower2 set_eq_subset)
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "set__fixedpoint"*}
+lemma fixedpoint:
+ "\<exists>!x. f (g x) = x \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>!y. g (f y) = y"
+by metis
+lemma fixedpoint:
+ "\<exists>!x. f (g x) = x \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>!y. g (f y) = y"
+proof (neg_clausify)
+fix x xa
+assume 0: "f (g x) = x"
+assume 1: "\<And>mes_oip. mes_oip = x \<or> f (g mes_oip) \<noteq> mes_oip"
+assume 2: "\<And>mes_oio. g (f (xa mes_oio)) = xa mes_oio \<or> g (f mes_oio) \<noteq> mes_oio"
+assume 3: "\<And>mes_oio. g (f mes_oio) \<noteq> mes_oio \<or> xa mes_oio \<noteq> mes_oio"
+have 4: "\<And>X1. g (f X1) \<noteq> X1 \<or> g x \<noteq> X1"
+ by (metis 3 2 1 2)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 4 0)
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "set__singleton_example"*}
+lemma (*singleton_example_2:*)
+ "\<forall>x \<in> S. \<Union>S \<subseteq> x \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>z. S \<subseteq> {z}"
+by (metis Set.subsetI Union_upper insertCI set_eq_subset)
+ --{*found by SPASS*}
+lemma (*singleton_example_2:*)
+ "\<forall>x \<in> S. \<Union>S \<subseteq> x \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>z. S \<subseteq> {z}"
+by (metis UnE Un_absorb Un_absorb2 Un_eq_Union Union_insert insertI1 insert_Diff insert_Diff_single subset_def)
+ --{*found by Vampire*}
+lemma singleton_example_2:
+ "\<forall>x \<in> S. \<Union>S \<subseteq> x \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>z. S \<subseteq> {z}"
+proof (neg_clausify)
+assume 0: "\<And>mes_ojD. \<not> S \<subseteq> {mes_ojD}"
+assume 1: "\<And>mes_ojE. mes_ojE \<notin> S \<or> \<Union>S \<subseteq> mes_ojE"
+have 2: "\<And>X3. X3 = \<Union>S \<or> \<not> X3 \<subseteq> \<Union>S \<or> X3 \<notin> S"
+ by (metis equalityI 1)
+have 3: "\<And>X3. S \<subseteq> insert (\<Union>S) X3"
+ by (metis Set.subsetI 2 Union_upper Set.subsetI insertCI)
+show "False"
+ by (metis 0 3)
+text {*
+ From W. W. Bledsoe and Guohui Feng, SET-VAR. JAR 11 (3), 1993, pages
+ 293-314.
+ML {*ResAtp.problem_name := "set__Bledsoe_Fung"*}
+(*Notes: 1, the numbering doesn't completely agree with the paper.
+2, we must rename set variables to avoid type clashes.*)
+lemma "\<exists>B. (\<forall>x \<in> B. x \<le> (0::int))"
+ "D \<in> F \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>G. \<forall>A \<in> G. \<exists>B \<in> F. A \<subseteq> B"
+ "P a \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>A. (\<forall>x \<in> A. P x) \<and> (\<exists>y. y \<in> A)"
+ "a < b \<and> b < (c::int) \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>B. a \<notin> B \<and> b \<in> B \<and> c \<notin> B"
+ "P (f b) \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>s A. (\<forall>x \<in> A. P x) \<and> f s \<in> A"
+ "P (f b) \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>s A. (\<forall>x \<in> A. P x) \<and> f s \<in> A"
+ "\<exists>A. a \<notin> A"
+ "(\<forall>C. (0, 0) \<in> C \<and> (\<forall>x y. (x, y) \<in> C \<longrightarrow> (Suc x, Suc y) \<in> C) \<longrightarrow> (n, m) \<in> C) \<and> Q n \<longrightarrow> Q m"
+apply (metis atMost_iff);
+apply (metis emptyE)
+apply (metis insert_iff singletonE)
+apply (metis insertCI singletonE zless_le)
+apply (metis insert_iff singletonE)
+apply (metis insert_iff singletonE)
+apply (metis DiffE)
+apply (metis Suc_eq_add_numeral_1 nat_add_commute pair_in_Id_conv)