simplified handling of theory begin/end wrt. toplevel and theory loader;
Sun, 25 Jul 2010 14:41:48 +0200
changeset 37953 ddc3b72f9a42
parent 37952 f6c40213675b
child 37954 a2e73df0b1e0
simplified handling of theory begin/end wrt. toplevel and theory loader;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_cmd.ML	Sun Jul 25 12:57:29 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_cmd.ML	Sun Jul 25 14:41:48 2010 +0200
@@ -275,8 +275,7 @@
 fun init_theory (name, imports, uses) =
   Toplevel.init_theory name
-    (Thy_Info.begin_theory name imports (map (apfst Path.explode) uses))
-    (Theory.end_theory #> Thy_Info.end_theory);
+    (Thy_Info.begin_theory name imports (map (apfst Path.explode) uses));
 val exit = Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
  (Context.set_thread_data (try Toplevel.generic_theory_of state);
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_document.ML	Sun Jul 25 12:57:29 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_document.ML	Sun Jul 25 14:41:48 2010 +0200
@@ -192,13 +192,10 @@
       val end_state =
         the_state (the (#state (#3 (the
           (first_entry (fn (_, {next, ...}) => is_none next) document)))));
-      val _ =  (* FIXME regular execution (??) *)
+      val _ =  (* FIXME regular execution (??), result (??) *)
         Future.fork (fn () =>
           (case Lazy.force end_state of
-            SOME st =>
-             (Toplevel.run_command name (Toplevel.put_id id (Toplevel.commit_exit Position.none)) st;
-              Thy_Info.touch_child_thys name;
-              Thy_Info.register_thy name)
+            SOME st => Toplevel.end_theory (Position.id_only id) st
           | NONE => error ("Failed to finish theory " ^ quote name)));
     in () end);
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/outer_syntax.ML	Sun Jul 25 12:57:29 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/outer_syntax.ML	Sun Jul 25 14:41:48 2010 +0200
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   type isar
   val isar: bool -> isar
   val prepare_command: Position.T -> string -> Toplevel.transition
-  val load_thy: string -> Position.T -> string -> unit -> unit
+  val load_thy: string -> Position.T -> string -> (unit -> unit) * theory
 structure Outer_Syntax: OUTER_SYNTAX =
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
 fun process_file path thy =
     val trs = parse (Path.position path) ( path);
-    val init = Toplevel.init_theory "" (K thy) (K ()) Toplevel.empty;
+    val init = Toplevel.init_theory "" (K thy) Toplevel.empty;
     val result = fold Toplevel.command (init :: trs) Toplevel.toplevel;
     (case (Toplevel.is_theory result, Toplevel.generic_theory_of result) of
@@ -285,14 +285,14 @@
       (fn () => HTML.html_mode (implode o map Thy_Syntax.present_span) spans);
     val _ = if time then writeln ("\n**** Starting theory " ^ quote name ^ " ****") else ();
-    val results = cond_timeit time "" (fn () => Toplevel.excursion units);
+    val (results, thy) = cond_timeit time "" (fn () => Toplevel.excursion units);
     val _ = if time then writeln ("**** Finished theory " ^ quote name ^ " ****\n") else ();
     fun after_load () =
       Thy_Output.present_thy (#1 lexs) Keyword.command_tags is_markup (Lazy.force results) toks
       |> Buffer.content
       |> Present.theory_output name;
-  in after_load end;
+  in (after_load, thy) end;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML	Sun Jul 25 12:57:29 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML	Sun Jul 25 14:41:48 2010 +0200
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
   val proof_of: state -> Proof.state
   val proof_position_of: state -> int
   val enter_proof_body: state -> Proof.state
+  val end_theory: Position.T -> state -> theory
   val print_state_context: state -> unit
   val print_state: bool -> state -> unit
   val pretty_abstract: state -> Pretty.T
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@
   val interactive: bool -> transition -> transition
   val print: transition -> transition
   val no_timing: transition -> transition
-  val init_theory: string -> (bool -> theory) -> (theory -> unit) -> transition -> transition
+  val init_theory: string -> (bool -> theory) -> transition -> transition
   val exit: transition -> transition
   val keep: (state -> unit) -> transition -> transition
   val keep': (bool -> state -> unit) -> transition -> transition
@@ -87,9 +88,8 @@
   val add_hook: (transition -> state -> state -> unit) -> unit
   val transition: bool -> transition -> state -> (state * (exn * string) option) option
   val run_command: string -> transition -> state -> state option
-  val commit_exit: Position.T -> transition
   val command: transition -> state -> state
-  val excursion: (transition * transition list) list -> (transition * state) list lazy
+  val excursion: (transition * transition list) list -> (transition * state) list lazy * theory
 structure Toplevel: TOPLEVEL =
@@ -137,8 +137,7 @@
 (* datatype state *)
-type node_info = node * (theory -> unit);  (*node with exit operation*)
-datatype state = State of node_info option * node_info option;  (*current, previous*)
+datatype state = State of node option * node option;  (*current, previous*)
 val toplevel = State (NONE, NONE);
@@ -146,21 +145,21 @@
   | is_toplevel _ = false;
 fun level (State (NONE, _)) = 0
-  | level (State (SOME (Theory _, _), _)) = 0
-  | level (State (SOME (Proof (prf, _), _), _)) = Proof.level (Proof_Node.current prf)
-  | level (State (SOME (SkipProof (d, _), _), _)) = d + 1;   (*different notion of proof depth!*)
+  | level (State (SOME (Theory _), _)) = 0
+  | level (State (SOME (Proof (prf, _)), _)) = Proof.level (Proof_Node.current prf)
+  | level (State (SOME (SkipProof (d, _)), _)) = d + 1;   (*different notion of proof depth!*)
 fun str_of_state (State (NONE, _)) = "at top level"
-  | str_of_state (State (SOME (Theory (Context.Theory _, _), _), _)) = "in theory mode"
-  | str_of_state (State (SOME (Theory (Context.Proof _, _), _), _)) = "in local theory mode"
-  | str_of_state (State (SOME (Proof _, _), _)) = "in proof mode"
-  | str_of_state (State (SOME (SkipProof _, _), _)) = "in skipped proof mode";
+  | str_of_state (State (SOME (Theory (Context.Theory _, _)), _)) = "in theory mode"
+  | str_of_state (State (SOME (Theory (Context.Proof _, _)), _)) = "in local theory mode"
+  | str_of_state (State (SOME (Proof _), _)) = "in proof mode"
+  | str_of_state (State (SOME (SkipProof _), _)) = "in skipped proof mode";
 (* current node *)
 fun node_of (State (NONE, _)) = raise UNDEF
-  | node_of (State (SOME (node, _), _)) = node;
+  | node_of (State (SOME node, _)) = node;
 fun is_theory state = not (is_toplevel state) andalso is_some (theory_node (node_of state));
 fun is_proof state = not (is_toplevel state) andalso is_some (proof_node (node_of state));
@@ -174,7 +173,7 @@
   | NONE => raise UNDEF);
 fun previous_context_of (State (_, NONE)) = NONE
-  | previous_context_of (State (_, SOME (prev, _))) = SOME (context_node prev);
+  | previous_context_of (State (_, SOME prev)) = SOME (context_node prev);
 val context_of = node_case Context.proof_of Proof.context_of;
 val generic_theory_of = node_case I (Context.Proof o Proof.context_of);
@@ -188,6 +187,9 @@
 val enter_proof_body = node_case (Proof.init o Context.proof_of) Proof.enter_forward;
+fun end_theory _ (State (NONE, SOME (Theory (Context.Theory thy, _)))) = Theory.end_theory thy
+  | end_theory pos _ = error ("Unfinished theory at end of input" ^ Position.str_of pos);
 (* print state *)
@@ -264,12 +266,12 @@
-fun apply_transaction f g (node, exit) =
+fun apply_transaction f g node =
     val _ = is_draft_theory node andalso error "Illegal draft theory in toplevel state";
     val cont_node = reset_presentation node;
     val back_node = map_theory (Theory.checkpoint o Theory.copy) cont_node;
-    fun state_error e nd = (State (SOME (nd, exit), SOME (node, exit)), e);
+    fun state_error e nd = (State (SOME nd, SOME node), e);
     val (result, err) =
@@ -293,21 +295,18 @@
 (* primitive transitions *)
 datatype trans =
-  Init of string * (bool -> theory) * (theory -> unit) | (*theory name, init, exit*)
-  Exit |                                         (*formal exit of theory -- without committing*)
-  Commit_Exit |                                  (*exit and commit final theory*)
-  Keep of bool -> state -> unit |                (*peek at state*)
+  Init of string * (bool -> theory) |    (*theory name, init*)
+  Exit |                                 (*formal exit of theory*)
+  Keep of bool -> state -> unit |        (*peek at state*)
   Transaction of (bool -> node -> node) * (state -> unit);  (*node transaction and presentation*)
-fun apply_tr int (Init (_, f, exit)) (State (NONE, _)) =
+fun apply_tr int (Init (_, f)) (State (NONE, _)) =
       State (SOME (Theory (Context.Theory
-          (Theory.checkpoint (Runtime.controlled_execution f int)), NONE), exit), NONE)
-  | apply_tr _ Exit (State (prev as SOME (Theory (Context.Theory _, _), _), _)) =
+          (Theory.checkpoint (Runtime.controlled_execution f int)), NONE)), NONE)
+  | apply_tr _ Exit (State (prev as SOME (Theory (Context.Theory _, _)), _)) =
       State (NONE, prev)
-  | apply_tr _ Commit_Exit (State (NONE, SOME (Theory (Context.Theory thy, _), exit))) =
-      (Runtime.controlled_execution exit thy; toplevel)
   | apply_tr int (Keep f) state =
       Runtime.controlled_execution (fn x => tap (f int) x) state
   | apply_tr int (Transaction (f, g)) (State (SOME state, _)) =
@@ -352,7 +351,7 @@
 (* diagnostics *)
-fun init_of (Transition {trans = [Init (name, _, _)], ...}) = SOME name
+fun init_of (Transition {trans = [Init (name, _)], ...}) = SOME name
   | init_of _ = NONE;
 fun name_of (Transition {name, ...}) = name;
@@ -394,7 +393,7 @@
 (* basic transitions *)
-fun init_theory name f exit = add_trans (Init (name, f, exit));
+fun init_theory name f = add_trans (Init (name, f));
 val exit = add_trans Exit;
 val keep' = add_trans o Keep;
@@ -643,15 +642,6 @@
   | Exn.Exn exn => (error_msg tr (exn, at_command tr); status tr Markup.failed; NONE));
-(* commit final exit *)
-fun commit_exit pos =
-  name "end" empty
-  |> position pos
-  |> add_trans Commit_Exit
-  |> imperative (fn () => warning "Expected to find finished theory");
 (* nested commands *)
 fun command tr st =
@@ -693,8 +683,8 @@
           (fn prf =>
             Future.fork_pri ~1 (fn () =>
               let val (states, result_state) =
-                (case st' of State (SOME (Proof (_, (_, orig_gthy)), exit), prev)
-                  => State (SOME (Proof (Proof_Node.init prf, (finish, orig_gthy)), exit), prev))
+                (case st' of State (SOME (Proof (_, (_, orig_gthy))), prev)
+                  => State (SOME (Proof (Proof_Node.init prf, (finish, orig_gthy))), prev))
                 |> fold_map command_result body_trs
                 ||> command (end_tr |> set_print false);
               in (states, presentation_context_of result_state) end))
@@ -715,14 +705,9 @@
 fun excursion input =
     val end_pos = if null input then error "No input" else pos_of (fst (List.last input));
     val immediate = not (Goal.future_enabled ());
     val (results, end_state) = fold_map (proof_result immediate) input toplevel;
-    val _ =
-      (case end_state of
-        State (NONE, SOME (Theory (Context.Theory _, _), _)) =>
-          command (commit_exit end_pos) end_state
-      | _ => error "Unfinished development at end of input");
-  in Lazy.lazy (fn () => maps Lazy.force results) end;
+    val thy = end_theory end_pos end_state;
+  in (Lazy.lazy (fn () => maps Lazy.force results), thy) end;
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_emacs.ML	Sun Jul 25 12:57:29 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_emacs.ML	Sun Jul 25 14:41:48 2010 +0200
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@
     val _ = name = "" andalso error ("Bad file name: " ^ quote file);
     val _ =
       if Thy_Info.known_thy name then
-        (Isar.>> (Toplevel.commit_exit Position.none);
-            Thy_Info.touch_child_thys name; Thy_Info.register_thy name)
+       (Thy_Info.register_thy name (Toplevel.end_theory Position.none (Isar.state ()));
+        Thy_Info.touch_child_thys name)
           handle ERROR msg =>
             (warning (cat_lines ["Failed to register theory: " ^ quote name, msg]);
               tell_file_retracted (Thy_Header.thy_path name))
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Sun Jul 25 12:57:29 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Sun Jul 25 14:41:48 2010 +0200
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
   let val name = thy_name path in
     if Toplevel.is_toplevel state andalso Thy_Info.known_thy name then
      (Thy_Info.touch_child_thys name;
-      Thy_Info.register_thy name handle ERROR msg =>
+      Thy_Info.register_thy name (Toplevel.end_theory Position.none state) handle ERROR msg =>
        (warning (cat_lines [msg, "Failed to register theory: " ^ quote name]);
         tell_file_retracted true (Path.base path)))
     else raise Toplevel.UNDEF
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML	Sun Jul 25 12:57:29 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML	Sun Jul 25 14:41:48 2010 +0200
@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@
   val use_thys: string list -> unit
   val use_thy: string -> unit
   val begin_theory: string -> string list -> (Path.T * bool) list -> bool -> theory
-  val end_theory: theory -> unit
-  val register_thy: string -> unit
+  val register_thy: string -> theory -> unit
   val register_theory: theory -> unit
   val finish: unit -> unit
@@ -131,6 +130,7 @@
 val lookup_deps = #1 o lookup_thy;
 val get_deps = #1 o get_thy;
 fun change_deps name f = change_thy name (fn (deps, x) => (f deps, x));
+fun put_theory name theory = change_thy name (fn (deps, _) => (deps, SOME theory));
 val is_finished = is_none o get_deps;
 val master_directory = master_dir' o get_deps;
@@ -255,10 +255,11 @@
           else (Path.position master_path, text)
       | _ => corrupted ());
     val _ = touch_thy name;
-    val _ = CRITICAL (fn () =>
+    val _ =
       change_deps name ( (fn {master, text, parents, ...} =>
-        make_deps upd_time master text parents)));
-    val after_load = Outer_Syntax.load_thy name pos text;
+        make_deps upd_time master text parents));
+    val (after_load, theory) = Outer_Syntax.load_thy name pos text;
+    val _ = put_theory name theory;
     val _ =
       CRITICAL (fn () =>
        (change_deps name
@@ -415,7 +416,7 @@
 val use_thy = use_thys o single;
-(* begin / end theory *)
+(* begin theory *)
 fun check_unfinished name =
   if known_thy name andalso is_finished name then
@@ -450,26 +451,22 @@
       fold (fn x => Context.theory_map (Thy_Load.exec_ml x) o Theory.checkpoint) uses_now theory';
   in theory'' end;
-fun end_theory theory =
-  let val name = Context.theory_name theory
-  in if known_thy name then change_thy name (fn (deps, _) => (deps, SOME theory)) else () end;
 (* register existing theories *)
-fun register_thy name =
+fun register_thy name theory =
     val _ = priority ("Registering theory " ^ quote name);
-    val thy = get_theory name;
     val _ = map get_theory (get_parents name);
     val _ = check_unfinished name;
     val _ = touch_thy name;
     val master = #master (Thy_Load.deps_thy Path.current name);
-    val upd_time = #2 (Management_Data.get thy);
+    val upd_time = #2 (Management_Data.get theory);
     CRITICAL (fn () =>
      (change_deps name ( (fn {parents, ...} =>
         make_deps upd_time (SOME master) "" parents));
+      put_theory name theory;
       perform Update name))