bookkeeping and input syntax for exact specification of names of symbols in generated code
Fri, 24 May 2013 23:57:24 +0200
changeset 52138 e21426f244aa
parent 52137 7f7337447b1b
child 52139 40fe6b80b481
bookkeeping and input syntax for exact specification of names of symbols in generated code
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_haskell.ML	Fri May 24 23:57:24 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_haskell.ML	Fri May 24 23:57:24 2013 +0200
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
   in print_stmt end;
-fun haskell_program_of_program labelled_name module_alias module_prefix reserved =
+fun haskell_program_of_program ctxt symbol_of module_prefix module_name reserved identifiers =
     fun namify_fun upper base (nsp_fun, nsp_typ) =
@@ -297,9 +297,9 @@
       | select_stmt (Code_Thingol.Classparam _) = false
       | select_stmt (Code_Thingol.Classinst _) = true;
-    Code_Namespace.flat_program labelled_name
-      { module_alias = module_alias, module_prefix = module_prefix,
-        reserved = reserved, empty_nsp = (reserved, reserved), namify_stmt = namify_stmt,
+    Code_Namespace.flat_program ctxt symbol_of
+      { module_prefix = module_prefix, module_name = module_name, reserved = reserved,
+        identifiers = identifiers, empty_nsp = (reserved, reserved), namify_stmt = namify_stmt,
         modify_stmt = fn stmt => if select_stmt stmt then SOME stmt else NONE }
@@ -324,14 +324,14 @@
   ("Maybe", ["Nothing", "Just"])
-fun serialize_haskell module_prefix string_classes { labelled_name, reserved_syms,
-    includes, module_alias, class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax } program =
+fun serialize_haskell module_prefix string_classes ctxt { symbol_of, module_name,
+    reserved_syms, identifiers, includes, class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax } program =
     (* build program *)
     val reserved = fold (insert (op =) o fst) includes reserved_syms;
     val { deresolver, flat_program = haskell_program } = haskell_program_of_program
-      labelled_name module_alias module_prefix (Name.make_context reserved) program;
+      ctxt symbol_of module_prefix module_name (Name.make_context reserved) identifiers program;
     (* print statements *)
     fun deriving_show tyco =
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_ml.ML	Fri May 24 23:57:24 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_ml.ML	Fri May 24 23:57:24 2013 +0200
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@
 (** SML/OCaml generic part **)
-fun ml_program_of_program labelled_name reserved module_alias program =
+fun ml_program_of_program ctxt symbol_of module_name reserved identifiers program =
     fun namify_const upper base (nsp_const, nsp_type) =
@@ -729,7 +729,8 @@
       | ml_binding_of_stmt (name, Code_Thingol.Classinst (stmt as { vs, ... })) =
           (ML_Instance (name, stmt), if forall (null o snd) vs then SOME (name, false) else NONE)
       | ml_binding_of_stmt (name, _) =
-          error ("Binding block containing illegal statement: " ^ labelled_name name)
+          error ("Binding block containing illegal statement: " ^ 
+            (Code_Symbol.quote_symbol ctxt o symbol_of) name)
     fun modify_fun (name, stmt) =
         val (binding, some_value_name) = ml_binding_of_stmt (name, stmt);
@@ -769,21 +770,22 @@
       | modify_stmts ((stmts as (_, Code_Thingol.Classinst _)::_)) =
           modify_funs stmts
       | modify_stmts stmts = error ("Illegal mutual dependencies: " ^
-          (Library.commas o map (labelled_name o fst)) stmts);
+          (Library.commas o map (Code_Symbol.quote_symbol ctxt o symbol_of o fst)) stmts);
-    Code_Namespace.hierarchical_program labelled_name { module_alias = module_alias, reserved = reserved,
+    Code_Namespace.hierarchical_program ctxt symbol_of {
+      module_name = module_name, reserved = reserved, identifiers = identifiers,
       empty_nsp = (reserved, reserved), namify_module = pair, namify_stmt = namify_stmt,
       cyclic_modules = false, empty_data = (), memorize_data = K I, modify_stmts = modify_stmts } program
-fun serialize_ml print_ml_module print_ml_stmt with_signatures
-    { labelled_name, reserved_syms, includes, module_alias,
+fun serialize_ml print_ml_module print_ml_stmt with_signatures ctxt
+    { symbol_of, module_name, reserved_syms, identifiers, includes,
       class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax } program =
     (* build program *)
     val { deresolver, hierarchical_program = ml_program } =
-      ml_program_of_program labelled_name (Name.make_context reserved_syms) module_alias program;
+      ml_program_of_program ctxt symbol_of module_name (Name.make_context reserved_syms) identifiers program;
     (* print statements *)
     fun print_stmt prefix_fragments (_, stmt) = print_ml_stmt
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_namespace.ML	Fri May 24 23:57:24 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_namespace.ML	Fri May 24 23:57:24 2013 +0200
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
 signature CODE_NAMESPACE =
   type flat_program
-  val flat_program: (string -> string) -> { module_alias: string -> string option,
-    module_prefix: string, reserved: Name.context, empty_nsp: 'a,
+  val flat_program: Proof.context -> (string -> Code_Symbol.symbol)
+    -> { module_prefix: string, module_name: string,
+    reserved: Name.context, identifiers: Code_Target.identifier_data, empty_nsp: 'a,
     namify_stmt: Code_Thingol.stmt -> string -> 'a -> string * 'a,
     modify_stmt: Code_Thingol.stmt -> Code_Thingol.stmt option }
       -> Code_Thingol.program
@@ -20,8 +21,10 @@
     | Stmt of 'a
     | Module of ('b * (string * ('a, 'b) node) Graph.T)
   type ('a, 'b) hierarchical_program
-  val hierarchical_program: (string -> string) -> { module_alias: string -> string option,
-    reserved: Name.context, empty_nsp: 'c, namify_module: string -> 'c -> string * 'c,
+  val hierarchical_program: Proof.context -> (string -> Code_Symbol.symbol)
+    -> { module_name: string,
+    reserved: Name.context, identifiers: Code_Target.identifier_data,
+    empty_nsp: 'c, namify_module: string -> 'c -> string * 'c,
     namify_stmt: Code_Thingol.stmt -> string -> 'c -> string * 'c,
     cyclic_modules: bool, empty_data: 'b, memorize_data: string -> 'b -> 'b,
     modify_stmts: (string * Code_Thingol.stmt) list -> 'a option list }
@@ -37,17 +40,25 @@
 structure Code_Namespace : CODE_NAMESPACE =
-(** building module name hierarchy **)
+(** fundamental module name hierarchy **)
+val split_name = apfst Long_Name.implode o split_last o fst o split_last o Long_Name.explode;
+fun lookup_identifier symbol_of identifiers name =
+  Code_Symbol.lookup identifiers (symbol_of name)
+  |> (split_last o Long_Name.explode);
-val dest_name =
-  apfst Long_Name.implode o split_last o fst o split_last o Long_Name.explode;
+fun force_identifier symbol_of fragments_tab identifiers name =
+  case lookup_identifier symbol_of identifiers name of
+      NONE => (apfst (the o Symtab.lookup fragments_tab) o split_name) name
+    | SOME name' => name';
-fun build_module_namespace { module_alias, module_prefix, reserved } program =
+fun build_module_namespace { module_prefix, module_identifiers, reserved } program =
-    fun alias_fragments name = case module_alias name
+    fun alias_fragments name = case module_identifiers name
      of SOME name' => Long_Name.explode name'
       | NONE => map (fn name => fst (Name.variant name reserved)) (Long_Name.explode name);
-    val module_names = Graph.fold (insert (op =) o fst o dest_name o fst) program [];
+    val module_names = Graph.fold (insert (op =) o fst o split_name o fst) program [];
     fold (fn name => Symtab.update (name, Long_Name.explode module_prefix @ alias_fragments name))
       module_names Symtab.empty
@@ -58,28 +69,31 @@
 type flat_program = ((string * Code_Thingol.stmt option) Graph.T * (string * string list) list) Graph.T;
-fun flat_program labelled_name { module_alias, module_prefix, reserved,
-      empty_nsp, namify_stmt, modify_stmt } program =
+fun flat_program ctxt symbol_of { module_prefix, module_name, reserved,
+    identifiers, empty_nsp, namify_stmt, modify_stmt } program =
     (* building module name hierarchy *)
-    val fragments_tab = build_module_namespace { module_alias = module_alias,
-      module_prefix = module_prefix, reserved = reserved } program;
-    val dest_name = dest_name
-      #>> (Long_Name.implode o the o Symtab.lookup fragments_tab);
+    val module_identifiers = if module_name = ""
+      then Code_Symbol.lookup_module_data identifiers
+      else K (SOME module_name);
+    val fragments_tab = build_module_namespace { module_prefix = module_prefix,
+      module_identifiers = module_identifiers, reserved = reserved } program;
+    val prep_name = force_identifier symbol_of fragments_tab identifiers
+      #>> Long_Name.implode;
     (* distribute statements over hierarchy *)
     fun add_stmt name stmt =
-        val (module_name, base) = dest_name name;
+        val (module_name, base) = prep_name name;
         Graph.default_node (module_name, (Graph.empty, []))
         #> (Graph.map_node module_name o apfst) (Graph.new_node (name, (base, stmt)))
     fun add_dependency name name' =
-        val (module_name, _) = dest_name name;
-        val (module_name', _) = dest_name name';
+        val (module_name, _) = prep_name name;
+        val (module_name', _) = prep_name name';
       in if module_name = module_name'
         then (Graph.map_node module_name o apfst) (Graph.add_edge (name, name'))
         else (Graph.map_node module_name o apsnd) (AList.map_default (op =) (module_name', []) (insert (op =) name'))
@@ -104,7 +118,7 @@
     (* qualified and unqualified imports, deresolving *)
     fun base_deresolver name = fst (Graph.get_node
-      (fst (Graph.get_node flat_program (fst (dest_name name)))) name);
+      (fst (Graph.get_node flat_program (fst (prep_name name)))) name);
     fun classify_names gr imports =
         val import_tab = maps
@@ -122,10 +136,11 @@
       (uncurry classify_names o Graph.get_node flat_program)
         (Graph.keys flat_program));
     fun deresolver "" name =
-          Long_Name.append (fst (dest_name name)) (base_deresolver name)
+          Long_Name.append (fst (prep_name name)) (base_deresolver name)
       | deresolver module_name name =
           the (Symtab.lookup (the (Symtab.lookup deresolver_tab module_name)) name)
-          handle Option.Option => error ("Unknown statement name: " ^ labelled_name name);
+          handle Option.Option => error ("Unknown statement name: "
+            ^ (Code_Symbol.quote_symbol ctxt o symbol_of) name);
   in { deresolver = deresolver, flat_program = flat_program } end;
@@ -146,14 +161,17 @@
       apsnd o Graph.map_node name_fragment o apsnd o map_module_content
         o map_module name_fragments;
-fun hierarchical_program labelled_name { module_alias, reserved, empty_nsp,
+fun hierarchical_program ctxt symbol_of { module_name, reserved, identifiers, empty_nsp,
       namify_module, namify_stmt, cyclic_modules, empty_data, memorize_data, modify_stmts } program =
     (* building module name hierarchy *)
-    val fragments_tab = build_module_namespace { module_alias = module_alias,
-      module_prefix = "", reserved = reserved } program;
-    val dest_name = dest_name #>> (the o Symtab.lookup fragments_tab);
+    val module_identifiers = if module_name = ""
+      then Code_Symbol.lookup_module_data identifiers
+      else K (SOME module_name);
+    val fragments_tab = build_module_namespace { module_prefix = "",
+      module_identifiers = module_identifiers, reserved = reserved } program;
+    val prep_name = force_identifier symbol_of fragments_tab identifiers;
     (* building empty module hierarchy *)
     val empty_module = (empty_data, Graph.empty);
@@ -165,20 +183,23 @@
       | allocate_module (name_fragment :: name_fragments) =
           ensure_module name_fragment
           #> (apsnd o Graph.map_node name_fragment o apsnd o map_module_content o allocate_module) name_fragments;
-    val empty_program = Symtab.fold (fn (_, fragments) => allocate_module fragments)
-      fragments_tab empty_module;
+    val empty_program =
+      empty_module
+      |> Symtab.fold (fn (_, fragments) => allocate_module fragments) fragments_tab
+      |> Graph.fold (allocate_module o these o fst
+          o lookup_identifier symbol_of identifiers o fst) program;
     (* distribute statements over hierarchy *)
     fun add_stmt name stmt =
-        val (name_fragments, base) = dest_name name;
+        val (name_fragments, base) = prep_name name;
         (map_module name_fragments o apsnd) (Graph.new_node (name, (base, Stmt stmt)))
     fun add_dependency name name' =
-        val (name_fragments, _) = dest_name name;
-        val (name_fragments', _) = dest_name name';
+        val (name_fragments, _) = prep_name name;
+        val (name_fragments', _) = prep_name name';
         val (name_fragments_common, (diff, diff')) =
           chop_prefix (op =) (name_fragments, name_fragments');
         val is_module = not (null diff andalso null diff');
@@ -186,7 +207,8 @@
         val add_edge = if is_module andalso not cyclic_modules
           then (fn node => Graph.add_edge_acyclic dep node
             handle Graph.CYCLES _ => error ("Dependency "
-              ^ quote name ^ " -> " ^ quote name'
+              ^ (Code_Symbol.quote_symbol ctxt o symbol_of) name ^ " -> "
+              ^ (Code_Symbol.quote_symbol ctxt o symbol_of) name'
               ^ " would result in module dependency cycle"))
           else Graph.add_edge dep
       in (map_module name_fragments_common o apsnd) add_edge end;
@@ -228,13 +250,14 @@
     (* deresolving *)
     fun deresolver prefix_fragments name =
-        val (name_fragments, _) = dest_name name;
+        val (name_fragments, _) = prep_name name;
         val (_, (_, remainder)) = chop_prefix (op =) (prefix_fragments, name_fragments);
         val nodes = fold (fn name_fragment => fn nodes => case Graph.get_node nodes name_fragment
          of (_, Module (_, nodes)) => nodes) name_fragments hierarchical_program;
         val (base', _) = Graph.get_node nodes name;
       in Long_Name.implode (remainder @ [base']) end
-        handle Graph.UNDEF _ => error ("Unknown statement name: " ^ labelled_name name);
+        handle Graph.UNDEF _ => error ("Unknown statement name: "
+          ^ (Code_Symbol.quote_symbol ctxt o symbol_of) name);
   in { deresolver = deresolver, hierarchical_program = hierarchical_program } end;
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_scala.ML	Fri May 24 23:57:24 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_scala.ML	Fri May 24 23:57:24 2013 +0200
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
   in print_stmt end;
-fun scala_program_of_program labelled_name reserved module_alias program =
+fun scala_program_of_program ctxt symbol_of module_name reserved identifiers program =
     fun namify_module name_fragment ((nsp_class, nsp_object), nsp_common) =
@@ -324,20 +324,20 @@
       | modify_stmt (_, Code_Thingol.Classparam _) = NONE
       | modify_stmt (_, stmt) = SOME stmt;
-    Code_Namespace.hierarchical_program labelled_name
-      { module_alias = module_alias, reserved = reserved,
+    Code_Namespace.hierarchical_program ctxt symbol_of
+      { module_name = module_name, reserved = reserved, identifiers = identifiers,
         empty_nsp = ((reserved, reserved), reserved), namify_module = namify_module,
         namify_stmt = namify_stmt, cyclic_modules = true, empty_data = [],
         memorize_data = memorize_implicits, modify_stmts = map modify_stmt } program
-fun serialize_scala { labelled_name, reserved_syms, includes,
-    module_alias, class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax } program =
+fun serialize_scala ctxt { symbol_of, module_name, reserved_syms, identifiers,
+    includes, class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax } program =
     (* build program *)
     val { deresolver, hierarchical_program = scala_program } =
-      scala_program_of_program labelled_name (Name.make_context reserved_syms) module_alias program;
+      scala_program_of_program ctxt symbol_of module_name (Name.make_context reserved_syms) identifiers program;
     (* print statements *)
     fun lookup_constr tyco constr = case Graph.get_node program tyco
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_symbol.ML	Fri May 24 23:57:24 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_symbol.ML	Fri May 24 23:57:24 2013 +0200
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
   datatype ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) attr =
     Constant of 'a | Type_Constructor of 'b | Type_Class of 'c |
     Class_Relation of 'd  | Class_Instance of 'e | Module of 'f
+  type symbol = (string, string, class, string * class, class * class, string) attr
   val map_attr: ('a -> 'g) -> ('b -> 'h) -> ('c -> 'i) -> ('d -> 'j) -> ('e -> 'k) -> ('f -> 'l)
     -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) attr -> ('g, 'h, 'i, 'j, 'k, 'l) attr
   val maps_attr: ('a -> 'g list) -> ('b -> 'h list)
@@ -22,22 +23,23 @@
   val empty_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data
   val merge_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data * ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data
     -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data
+  val set_data: (string * 'a option, string * 'b option, string * 'c option,
+      (class * class) * 'd option, (string * class) * 'e option, string * 'f option) attr
+    -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data
   val lookup_constant_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> string -> 'a option
   val lookup_type_constructor_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> string -> 'b option
   val lookup_type_class_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> class -> 'c option
   val lookup_class_relation_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> class * class -> 'd option
   val lookup_class_instance_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> string * class -> 'e option
   val lookup_module_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> string -> 'f option
+  val lookup: ('a, 'a, 'a, 'a, 'a, 'a) data -> symbol -> 'a option
   val dest_constant_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> (string * 'a) list
   val dest_type_constructor_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> (string * 'b) list
   val dest_type_class_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> (class * 'c) list
   val dest_class_relation_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> ((class * class) * 'd) list
   val dest_class_instance_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> ((string * class) * 'e) list
   val dest_module_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> (string * 'f) list
-  val set_data: (string * 'a option, string * 'b option, string * 'c option,
-      (class * class) * 'd option, (string * class) * 'e option, string * 'f option) attr
-    -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data
-  val quote_symbol: Proof.context -> (string, string, class, string * class, class * class, string) attr -> string
+  val quote_symbol: Proof.context -> symbol -> string
 structure Code_Symbol : CODE_SYMBOL =
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
 datatype ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) attr =
   Constant of 'a | Type_Constructor of 'b | Type_Class of 'c | Class_Relation of 'd  | Class_Instance of 'e | Module of 'f;
+type symbol = (string, string, class, string * class, class * class, string) attr;
 fun map_attr const tyco class classrel inst module (Constant x) = Constant (const x)
   | map_attr const tyco class classrel inst module (Type_Constructor x) = Type_Constructor (tyco x)
   | map_attr const tyco class classrel inst module (Type_Class x) = Type_Class (class x)
@@ -97,20 +101,6 @@
     (Symreltab.join (K snd) (class_instance1, class_instance2))
     (Symtab.join (K snd) (module1, module2)); (*prefer later entries: K snd*)
-fun lookup_constant_data x = (Symtab.lookup o #constant o dest_data) x;
-fun lookup_type_constructor_data x = (Symtab.lookup o #type_constructor o dest_data) x;
-fun lookup_type_class_data x = (Symtab.lookup o #type_class o dest_data) x;
-fun lookup_class_relation_data x = (Symreltab.lookup o #class_relation o dest_data) x;
-fun lookup_class_instance_data x = (Symreltab.lookup o #class_instance o dest_data) x;
-fun lookup_module_data x = (Symtab.lookup o #module o dest_data) x;
-fun dest_constant_data x = (Symtab.dest o #constant o dest_data) x;
-fun dest_type_constructor_data x = (Symtab.dest o #type_constructor o dest_data) x;
-fun dest_type_class_data x = (Symtab.dest o #type_class o dest_data) x;
-fun dest_class_relation_data x = (Symreltab.dest o #class_relation o dest_data) x;
-fun dest_class_instance_data x = (Symreltab.dest o #class_instance o dest_data) x;
-fun dest_module_data x = (Symtab.dest o #module o dest_data) x;
 fun set_sym (sym, NONE) = Symtab.delete_safe sym
   | set_sym (sym, SOME y) = Symtab.update (sym, y);
 fun set_symrel (symrel, NONE) = Symreltab.delete_safe symrel
@@ -123,6 +113,27 @@
   | set_data (Class_Instance x) = map_data I I I I (set_symrel x) I
   | set_data (Module x) = map_data I I I I I (set_sym x);
+fun lookup_constant_data x = (Symtab.lookup o #constant o dest_data) x;
+fun lookup_type_constructor_data x = (Symtab.lookup o #type_constructor o dest_data) x;
+fun lookup_type_class_data x = (Symtab.lookup o #type_class o dest_data) x;
+fun lookup_class_relation_data x = (Symreltab.lookup o #class_relation o dest_data) x;
+fun lookup_class_instance_data x = (Symreltab.lookup o #class_instance o dest_data) x;
+fun lookup_module_data x = (Symtab.lookup o #module o dest_data) x;
+fun lookup data (Constant x) = lookup_constant_data data x
+  | lookup data (Type_Constructor x) = lookup_type_constructor_data data x
+  | lookup data (Type_Class x) = lookup_type_class_data data x
+  | lookup data (Class_Relation x) = lookup_class_relation_data data x
+  | lookup data (Class_Instance x) = lookup_class_instance_data data x
+  | lookup data (Module x) = lookup_module_data data x;
+fun dest_constant_data x = (Symtab.dest o #constant o dest_data) x;
+fun dest_type_constructor_data x = (Symtab.dest o #type_constructor o dest_data) x;
+fun dest_type_class_data x = (Symtab.dest o #type_class o dest_data) x;
+fun dest_class_relation_data x = (Symreltab.dest o #class_relation o dest_data) x;
+fun dest_class_instance_data x = (Symreltab.dest o #class_instance o dest_data) x;
+fun dest_module_data x = (Symtab.dest o #module o dest_data) x;
 fun quote_symbol ctxt (Constant c) = quote (Code.string_of_const (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) c)
   | quote_symbol ctxt (Type_Constructor tyco) = "type " ^ quote (Proof_Context.extern_type ctxt tyco)
   | quote_symbol ctxt (Type_Class class) = "class " ^ quote (Proof_Context.extern_class ctxt class)
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_target.ML	Fri May 24 23:57:24 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_target.ML	Fri May 24 23:57:24 2013 +0200
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@
   val set_default_code_width: int -> theory -> theory
   type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) symbol_attr_decl
+  type identifier_data
+  val set_identifiers: (string, string, string, string, string, string) symbol_attr_decl
+    -> theory -> theory
   type const_syntax = Code_Printer.const_syntax
   type tyco_syntax = Code_Printer.tyco_syntax
   val set_printings: (const_syntax, tyco_syntax, string, unit, unit, (string * string list)) symbol_attr_decl
@@ -79,6 +82,7 @@
     class * (string * 'c option) list, (class * class) * (string * 'd option) list,
     (class * string) * (string * 'e option) list,
     string * (string * 'f option) list) Code_Symbol.attr;
+type identifier_data = (string, string, string, string, string, string);
 type tyco_syntax = Code_Printer.tyco_syntax;
 type const_syntax = Code_Printer.const_syntax;
@@ -108,11 +112,13 @@
 (* serializers: functions producing serializations *)
 type serializer = Token.T list
+  -> Proof.context
   -> {
-    labelled_name: string -> string,
+    symbol_of: string -> Code_Symbol.symbol,
+    module_name: string,
     reserved_syms: string list,
+    identifiers: identifier_data,
     includes: (string * Pretty.T) list,
-    module_alias: string -> string option,
     class_syntax: string -> string option,
     tyco_syntax: string -> Code_Printer.tyco_syntax option,
     const_syntax: string -> Code_Printer.activated_const_syntax option }
@@ -134,32 +140,30 @@
   serial: serial,
   description: description,
   reserved: string list,
-  module_alias: string Symtab.table,
+  identifiers: identifier_data,
   printings: (Code_Printer.const_syntax, Code_Printer.tyco_syntax, string, unit, unit,
     (Pretty.T * string list))
-fun make_target ((serial, description), ((reserved, module_alias), printings)) =
+fun make_target ((serial, description), (reserved, (identifiers, printings))) =
   Target { serial = serial, description = description, reserved = reserved,
-    module_alias = module_alias, printings = printings };
-fun map_target f ( Target { serial, description, reserved, module_alias, printings } ) =
-  make_target (f ((serial, description), ((reserved, module_alias), printings)));
+    identifiers = identifiers, printings = printings };
+fun map_target f (Target { serial, description, reserved, identifiers, printings }) =
+  make_target (f ((serial, description), (reserved, (identifiers, printings))));
 fun merge_target strict target (Target { serial = serial1, description = description,
-  reserved = reserved1, module_alias = module_alias1, printings = printings1 },
+  reserved = reserved1, identifiers = identifiers1, printings = printings1 },
     Target { serial = serial2, description = _,
-      reserved = reserved2, module_alias = module_alias2, printings = printings2 }) =
+      reserved = reserved2, identifiers = identifiers2, printings = printings2 }) =
   if serial1 = serial2 orelse not strict then
-    make_target ((serial1, description),
-      ((merge (op =) (reserved1, reserved2),
-         Symtab.join (K snd) (module_alias1, module_alias2)),
-        (Code_Symbol.merge_data (printings1, printings2))
-    ))
+    make_target ((serial1, description), (merge (op =) (reserved1, reserved2),
+      (Code_Symbol.merge_data (identifiers1, identifiers2),
+        Code_Symbol.merge_data (printings1, printings2))))
     error ("Incompatible targets: " ^ quote target);
 fun the_description (Target { description, ... }) = description;
 fun the_reserved (Target { reserved, ... }) = reserved;
-fun the_module_alias (Target { module_alias , ... }) = module_alias;
+fun the_identifiers (Target { identifiers , ... }) = identifiers;
 fun the_printings (Target { printings, ... }) = printings;
 structure Targets = Theory_Data
@@ -197,8 +201,8 @@
     |> ( o apfst o apfst o Symtab.update)
-          (target, make_target ((serial (), seri), (([], Symtab.empty),
-            Code_Symbol.empty_data)))
+        (target, make_target ((serial (), seri),
+          ([], (Code_Symbol.empty_data, Code_Symbol.empty_data))))
 fun add_target (target, seri) = put_target (target, Fundamental seri);
@@ -210,13 +214,13 @@
     val _ = assert_target thy target;
-    |> ( o apfst o apfst o Symtab.map_entry target o map_target) f
+    |> ( o apfst o apfst o Symtab.map_entry target o map_target o apsnd) f
 fun map_reserved target =
-  map_target_data target o apsnd o apfst o apfst;
-fun map_module_alias target =
-  map_target_data target o apsnd o apfst o apsnd;
+  map_target_data target o apfst;
+fun map_identifiers target =
+  map_target_data target o apsnd o apfst;
 fun map_printings target =
   map_target_data target o apsnd o apsnd;
@@ -311,7 +315,7 @@
     val program4 = Graph.restrict (member (op =) names4) program3;
   in (names4, program4) end;
-fun prepare_serializer thy abortable (serializer : serializer) literals reserved module_alias
+fun prepare_serializer thy abortable (serializer : serializer) literals reserved identifiers
     printings module_name args naming proto_program names =
     val (names_hidden, (const_syntax, tyco_syntax, class_syntax)) =
@@ -324,11 +328,12 @@
       then SOME (name, content) else NONE;
     val includes = map_filter select_include (Code_Symbol.dest_module_data printings);
-    (serializer args {
-      labelled_name = Code_Thingol.labelled_name thy proto_program,
+    (serializer args (Proof_Context.init_global thy) {
+      symbol_of = Code_Thingol.symbol_of proto_program,
+      module_name = module_name,
       reserved_syms = reserved,
+      identifiers = identifiers,
       includes = includes,
-      module_alias = if module_name = "" then Symtab.lookup module_alias else K (SOME module_name),
       const_syntax = Symtab.lookup const_syntax,
       tyco_syntax = Symtab.lookup tyco_syntax,
       class_syntax = Symtab.lookup class_syntax },
@@ -340,11 +345,9 @@
     val (default_width, abortable, data, modify) = activate_target thy target;
     val serializer = case the_description data
      of Fundamental seri => #serializer seri;
-    val reserved = the_reserved data;
-    val module_alias = the_module_alias data
-    val literals = the_literals thy target;
-    val (prepared_serializer, prepared_program) = prepare_serializer thy
-      abortable serializer literals reserved module_alias (the_printings data)
+    val (prepared_serializer, prepared_program) =
+      prepare_serializer thy abortable serializer (the_literals thy target)
+        (the_reserved data) (the_identifiers data) (the_printings data)
         module_name args naming (modify naming program) names
     val width = the_default default_width some_width;
   in (fn program => prepared_serializer program width, prepared_program) end;
@@ -355,7 +358,7 @@
       target some_width module_name args naming program names;
   in mounted_serializer prepared_program end;
-fun assert_module_name "" = error ("Empty module name not allowed.")
+fun assert_module_name "" = error "Empty module name not allowed here"
   | assert_module_name module_name = module_name;
 fun using_master_directory thy =
@@ -522,6 +525,20 @@
 (** serializer configuration **)
+(* reserved symbol names *)
+fun add_reserved target sym thy =
+  let
+    val (_, data) = collapse_hierarchy thy target;
+    val _ = if member (op =) (the_reserved data) sym
+      then error ("Reserved symbol " ^ quote sym ^ " already declared")
+      else ();
+  in
+    thy
+    |> map_reserved target (insert (op =) sym)
+  end;
 (* checking and parsing *)
 fun cert_const thy const =
@@ -563,6 +580,26 @@
   Code_Symbol.map_attr (apfst (Code.read_const thy)) (apfst (read_tyco thy))
     (apfst (read_class thy)) ((apfst o pairself) (read_class thy)) (apfst (read_inst thy)) I;
+fun check_name is_module s =
+  let
+    val _ = if s = "" then error "Bad empty code name" else ();
+    val xs = Long_Name.explode s;
+    val xs' = if is_module
+        then map (Name.desymbolize true) xs
+      else if length xs < 2
+        then error ("Bad code name without module component: " ^ quote s)
+      else
+        let
+          val (ys, y) = split_last xs;
+          val ys' = map (Name.desymbolize true) ys;
+          val y' = Name.desymbolize false y;
+        in ys' @ [y'] end;
+  in if xs' = xs
+    then s
+    else error ("Invalid code name: " ^ quote s ^ "\n"
+      ^ "better try " ^ quote (Long_Name.implode xs'))
+  end;
 fun check_const_syntax thy c syn =
   if Code_Printer.requires_args syn > Code.args_number thy c
   then error ("Too many arguments in syntax for constant " ^ quote c)
@@ -573,6 +610,36 @@
   then error ("Number of arguments mismatch in syntax for type constructor " ^ quote tyco)
   else syn;
+(* custom symbol names *)
+val arrange_name_decls =
+  let
+    fun arrange is_module (sym, target_names) = map (fn (target, some_name) =>
+      (target, (sym, (check_name is_module) some_name))) target_names;
+  in
+    Code_Symbol.maps_attr' (arrange false) (arrange false) (arrange false)
+      (arrange false) (arrange false) (arrange true)
+  end;
+fun cert_name_decls thy = cert_syms thy #> arrange_name_decls;
+fun read_name_decls thy = read_syms thy #> arrange_name_decls;
+fun set_identifier (target, sym_name) = map_identifiers target (Code_Symbol.set_data sym_name);
+fun gen_set_identifiers prep_name_decl raw_name_decls thy =
+  fold set_identifier (prep_name_decl thy raw_name_decls) thy;
+val set_identifiers = gen_set_identifiers cert_name_decls;
+val set_identifiers_cmd = gen_set_identifiers read_name_decls;
+fun add_module_alias_cmd target = fold (fn (sym, name) =>
+  set_identifier (target, Code_Symbol.Module (sym, if name = "" then NONE else SOME (check_name true name))));
+(* custom printings *)
 fun arrange_printings prep_const thy =
     fun arrange check (sym, target_syns) =
@@ -589,35 +656,6 @@
 fun read_printings thy = read_syms thy #> arrange_printings Code.read_const thy;
-(* custom symbol names *)
-fun add_module_alias target (thyname, "") =
-      map_module_alias target (Symtab.delete thyname)
-  | add_module_alias target (thyname, modlname) =
-      let
-        val xs = Long_Name.explode modlname;
-        val xs' = map (Name.desymbolize true) xs;
-      in if xs' = xs
-        then map_module_alias target (Symtab.update (thyname, modlname))
-        else error ("Invalid module name: " ^ quote modlname ^ "\n"
-          ^ "perhaps try " ^ quote (Long_Name.implode xs'))
-      end;
-fun add_reserved target sym thy =
-  let
-    val (_, data) = collapse_hierarchy thy target;
-    val _ = if member (op =) (the_reserved data) sym
-      then error ("Reserved symbol " ^ quote sym ^ " already declared")
-      else ();
-  in
-    thy
-    |> map_reserved target (insert (op =) sym)
-  end;
-(* custom printings *)
 fun set_printing (target, sym_syn) = map_printings target (Code_Symbol.set_data sym_syn);
 fun gen_set_printings prep_print_decl raw_print_decls thy =
@@ -699,18 +737,6 @@
 (** Isar setup **)
-val code_expr_argsP = Scan.optional (@{keyword "("} |-- Args.parse --| @{keyword ")"}) [];
-val code_exprP =
-  Scan.repeat1 Parse.term_group :|-- (fn raw_cs =>
-    ((@{keyword "checking"} |-- Scan.repeat (
-      -- ((@{keyword "?"} |-- Scan.succeed false) || Scan.succeed true) -- code_expr_argsP))
-      >> (fn seris => check_code_cmd raw_cs seris)
-    || Scan.repeat (@{keyword "in"} |--
-       -- Scan.optional (@{keyword "module_name"} |-- ""
-       -- Scan.optional (@{keyword "file"} |-- ""
-       -- code_expr_argsP) >> (fn seris => export_code_cmd raw_cs seris)));
 fun parse_single_symbol_pragma parse_keyword parse_isa parse_target =
   parse_keyword |-- Parse.!!! parse_isa --| (@{keyword "\<rightharpoonup>"} || @{keyword "=>"})
     -- Parse.and_list1 (@{keyword "("} |-- ( --| @{keyword ")"} -- Scan.option parse_target));
@@ -733,6 +759,34 @@
   Parse.enum1 "|" ( (fn () => "code symbol pragma")
     (parse_symbol_pragma parse_const parse_tyco parse_class parse_classrel parse_inst parse_module));
+val code_expr_argsP = Scan.optional (@{keyword "("} |-- Args.parse --| @{keyword ")"}) [];
+val code_exprP =
+  Scan.repeat1 Parse.term_group :|-- (fn raw_cs =>
+    ((@{keyword "checking"} |-- Scan.repeat (
+      -- ((@{keyword "?"} |-- Scan.succeed false) || Scan.succeed true) -- code_expr_argsP))
+      >> (fn seris => check_code_cmd raw_cs seris)
+    || Scan.repeat (@{keyword "in"} |--
+       -- Scan.optional (@{keyword "module_name"} |-- ""
+       -- Scan.optional (@{keyword "file"} |-- ""
+       -- code_expr_argsP) >> (fn seris => export_code_cmd raw_cs seris)));
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "code_reserved"}
+    "declare words as reserved for target language"
+    ( -- Scan.repeat1
+      >> (fn (target, reserveds) => (Toplevel.theory o fold (add_reserved target)) reserveds));
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "code_identifier"} "declare mandatory names for code symbols"
+    (parse_symbol_pragmas
+      >> (Toplevel.theory o fold set_identifiers_cmd));
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "code_modulename"} "alias module to other name"
+    ( -- Scan.repeat1 ( --
+      >> (fn (target, modlnames) => (Toplevel.theory o add_module_alias_cmd target) modlnames));
 val _ =
   Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "code_printing"} "declare dedicated printing for code symbols"
     (parse_symbol_pragmas (Code_Printer.parse_const_syntax) (Code_Printer.parse_tyco_syntax)
@@ -761,12 +815,6 @@
 val _ =
-  Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "code_reserved"}
-    "declare words as reserved for target language"
-    ( -- Scan.repeat1
-      >> (fn (target, reserveds) => (Toplevel.theory o fold (add_reserved target)) reserveds));
-val _ =
   Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "code_include"}
     "declare piece of code to be included in generated code"
     ( -- -- (Parse.text :|--
@@ -776,11 +824,6 @@
           (Toplevel.theory o add_include_cmd target) (name, content_consts)));
 val _ =
-  Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "code_modulename"} "alias module to other name"
-    ( -- Scan.repeat1 ( --
-      >> (fn (target, modlnames) => (Toplevel.theory o fold (add_module_alias target)) modlnames));
-val _ =
   Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "code_abort"}
     "permit constant to be implemented as program abort"
     (Scan.repeat1 Parse.term_group >> (Toplevel.theory o fold allow_abort_cmd));
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_thingol.ML	Fri May 24 23:57:24 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_thingol.ML	Fri May 24 23:57:24 2013 +0200
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
   val map_terms_stmt: (iterm -> iterm) -> stmt -> stmt
   val is_constr: program -> string -> bool
   val is_case: stmt -> bool
-  val labelled_name: theory -> program -> string -> string
+  val symbol_of: program -> string -> Code_Symbol.symbol;
   val group_stmts: theory -> program
     -> ((string * stmt) list * (string * stmt) list
       * ((string * stmt) list * (string * stmt) list)) list
@@ -471,29 +471,30 @@
 fun is_case (Fun (_, (_, SOME _))) = true
   | is_case _ = false;
-fun labelled_name thy program name =
-  let val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy in
-    case Graph.get_node program name of
-      Fun (c, _) => quote (Code.string_of_const thy c)
-    | Datatype (tyco, _) => "type " ^ quote (Proof_Context.extern_type ctxt tyco)
-    | Datatypecons (c, _) => quote (Code.string_of_const thy c)
-    | Class (class, _) => "class " ^ quote (Proof_Context.extern_class ctxt class)
-    | Classrel (sub, super) =>
-        let
-          val Class (sub, _) = Graph.get_node program sub;
-          val Class (super, _) = Graph.get_node program super;
-        in
-          quote (Proof_Context.extern_class ctxt sub ^ " < " ^ Proof_Context.extern_class ctxt super)
-        end
-    | Classparam (c, _) => quote (Code.string_of_const thy c)
-    | Classinst { class, tyco, ... } =>
-        let
-          val Class (class, _) = Graph.get_node program class;
-          val Datatype (tyco, _) = Graph.get_node program tyco;
-        in
-          quote (Proof_Context.extern_type ctxt tyco ^ " :: " ^ Proof_Context.extern_class ctxt class)
-        end
-  end;
+fun symbol_of program name = 
+  case try (Graph.get_node program) name of
+      NONE => Code_Symbol.Module "(unknown)"
+        (*FIXME: need to be liberal due to ad-hoc introduction of value for evaluation*)
+    | SOME stmt => case stmt of
+          Fun (c, _) => Code_Symbol.Constant c
+        | Datatype (tyco, _) => Code_Symbol.Type_Constructor tyco
+        | Datatypecons (c, _) => Code_Symbol.Constant c
+        | Class (class, _) => Code_Symbol.Type_Class class
+        | Classrel (sub, super) =>
+            let
+              val Class (sub, _) = Graph.get_node program sub;
+              val Class (super, _) = Graph.get_node program super;
+            in
+              Code_Symbol.Class_Relation (sub, super)
+            end
+        | Classparam (c, _) => Code_Symbol.Constant c
+        | Classinst { class, tyco, ... } =>
+            let
+              val Class (class, _) = Graph.get_node program class;
+              val Datatype (tyco, _) = Graph.get_node program tyco;
+            in
+              Code_Symbol.Class_Instance (tyco, class)
+            end;
 fun linear_stmts program =
   rev (Graph.strong_conn program)
@@ -515,8 +516,9 @@
       then ([], filter is_class stmts, ([], []))
       else if forall (is_fun orf is_classinst) stmts
       then ([], [], List.partition is_fun stmts)
-      else error ("Illegal mutual dependencies: " ^
-        (commas o map (labelled_name thy program o fst)) stmts)
+      else error ("Illegal mutual dependencies: " ^ (commas
+        o map (Code_Symbol.quote_symbol (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
+        o symbol_of program o fst)) stmts);
     linear_stmts program
     |> map group
--- a/src/Tools/Code_Generator.thy	Fri May 24 23:57:24 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code_Generator.thy	Fri May 24 23:57:24 2013 +0200
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 imports Pure
   "value" "print_codeproc" "code_thms" "code_deps" :: diag and
-  "export_code" "code_printing" "code_class" "code_instance" "code_type"
+  "export_code" "code_identifier" "code_printing" "code_class" "code_instance" "code_type"
     "code_const" "code_reserved" "code_include" "code_modulename"
     "code_abort" "code_monad" "code_reflect" :: thy_decl and
   "datatypes" "functions" "module_name" "file" "checking"