Improvements to Isar/Locales: premises generated by "includes" elements
Tue, 30 Sep 2003 15:13:02 +0200
changeset 14215 ebf291f3b449
parent 14214 5369d671f100
child 14216 a15951091d5d
Improvements to Isar/Locales: premises generated by "includes" elements changed. Bugfix "unify_frozen".
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/locale.ML	Tue Sep 30 15:10:59 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/locale.ML	Tue Sep 30 15:13:02 2003 +0200
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 (*  Title:      Pure/Isar/locale.ML
     ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Markus Wenzel, LMU/TU München
+    Author:     Markus Wenzel, LMU/TU Muenchen
 Locales -- Isar proof contexts as meta-level predicates, with local
 syntax and implicit structures.
-Draws some basic ideas from Florian Kammüller's original version of
+Draws some basic ideas from Florian Kammueller's original version of
 locales, but uses the richer infrastructure of Isar instead of the raw
 meta-logic.  Furthermore, we provide structured import of contexts
-(with merge and rename operations), well as type-inference of the
+(with merge and rename operations), as well as type-inference of the
 signature parts, and predicate definitions of the specification text.
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
     theory -> theory * (bstring * thm list) list
   val add_thmss: string -> ((string * thm list) * context attribute list) list ->
     theory * context -> (theory * context) * (string * thm list) list
+  val prune_prems: theory -> thm -> thm
   val setup: (theory -> theory) list
@@ -97,7 +98,6 @@
  {view = view, import = import, elems = elems, params = params}: locale;
 (** theory data **)
 structure LocalesArgs =
@@ -141,6 +141,185 @@
   | None => error ("Unknown locale " ^ quote name));
+(* import hierarchy
+   implementation could be more efficient, eg. by maintaining a database
+   of dependencies *)
+fun imports thy (upper, lower) =
+  let
+    val sign = sign_of thy;
+    fun imps (Locale name) low = (name = low) orelse
+      (case get_locale thy name of
+           None => false
+         | Some {import, ...} => imps import low)
+      | imps (Rename (expr, _)) low = imps expr low
+      | imps (Merge es) low = exists (fn e => imps e low) es;
+  in
+    imps (Locale (intern sign upper)) (intern sign lower)
+  end;
+(** Name suffix of internal delta predicates.
+    These specify additional assumptions in a locale with import.
+    Also name of theorem set with destruct rules for locale main
+    predicates. **)
+val axiomsN = "axioms";
+(* A trie-like structure is used to compute a cover of a normalised
+   locale specification.  Entries of the trie will be identifiers:
+   locale names with parameter lists. *)
+datatype 'a trie = Trie of ('a * 'a trie) list;
+(* Subsumption relation on identifiers *)
+fun subsumes thy ((name1, args1), (name2, args2)) =
+  (name2 = "" andalso null args2) orelse
+  ((name2 = name1 orelse imports thy (name1, name2)) andalso
+    (args2 prefix args1));
+(* Insert into trie, wherever possible but avoiding branching *)
+fun insert_ident subs id (Trie trie) =
+  let
+    fun insert id [] = [(id, Trie [])]
+      | insert id ((id', Trie t')::ts) =
+          if subs (id, id')
+          then if null ts
+            then [(id', Trie (insert id t'))] (* avoid new branch *)
+            else (id', Trie (insert id t'))::insert id ts
+          else (id', Trie t')::insert id ts
+  in Trie (insert id trie) end;
+(* List of leaves of a trie, removing duplicates *)
+fun leaves _ (Trie []) = []
+  | leaves eq (Trie ((id, Trie [])::ts)) =
+      gen_ins eq (id, leaves eq (Trie ts))
+  | leaves eq (Trie ((id, ts')::ts)) =
+      gen_merge_lists eq (leaves eq ts') (leaves eq (Trie ts));
+(* Prune premises: remove internal delta predicates.
+   Assumes no outer quanfifiers and no flex-flex pairs.
+   May change names of TVars.
+   Performs compress and close_derivation on result, if modified. *)
+fun prune_prems thy thm = let
+  val sign = Theory.sign_of thy;
+  fun analyse cprem =
+    (* Returns None if head of premise is not a predicate defined by a locale,
+       returns also None if locale has import but predicate is not *_axioms
+       since this is a premise that wasn't generated by includes.  *)
+    case Term.strip_comb (ObjectLogic.drop_judgment sign (term_of cprem)) of
+	(Const (raw_name, T), args) => let
+            val name = unsuffix ("_" ^ axiomsN) raw_name
+              handle LIST _ => raw_name
+          in case get_locale thy name of
+		None => None
+	      | Some {import, ...} =>
+                  if name = raw_name andalso import <> empty
+                  then None
+                  else Some (((name, args), T), name = raw_name)
+          end
+      | _ => None;
+  val TFrees = add_term_tfree_names (prop_of thm, []);
+    (* Ignores TFrees in flex-flex pairs ! *)
+  val (frozen, thaw) = Drule.freeze_thaw thm;
+  val cprop = cprop_of frozen;
+  val cprems = Drule.strip_imp_prems cprop;
+  val analysis = map analyse cprems;
+  if foldl (fn (b, None) => b | (b, Some (_, b')) => b andalso b')
+           (true, analysis)
+  then thm   (* No premise contains *_axioms predicate
+                ==> no changes necessary. *)
+  else let
+    val ids = map (apsome fst) analysis;
+    (* Analyse dependencies of locale premises: store in trie. *)
+    fun subs ((x, _), (y, _)) = subsumes thy (x, y);
+    val Trie depcs = foldl (fn (trie, None) => trie
+			     | (trie, Some id) => insert_ident subs id trie)
+			   (Trie [], ids);
+    (* Assemble new theorem; new prems will be hyps.
+       Axioms is an intermeditate list of locale axioms required to
+       replace old premises by new ones. *)
+    fun scan ((roots, thm, cprems', axioms), (cprem, id)) =
+	  case id of
+	      None => (roots, implies_elim thm (assume cprem),
+		       cprems' @ [cprem], [])
+					       (* Normal premise: keep *)
+	    | Some id =>                       (* Locale premise *)
+		let
+		  fun elim_ax [] thm =  (* locale has no axioms *)
+		      implies_elim thm (assume cprem)
+		    | elim_ax axs thm = let
+		    (* Eliminate first premise of thm, which is of the form
+                       id.  Add hyp of the used axiom to thm. *)
+		    val ax = the (assoc (axs, fst (fst id)))
+	              handle _ => error ("Internal error in Locale.prune_\
+                        \prems: axiom for premise" ^
+                        fst (fst id) ^ " not found.");
+		    val [ax_cprem] = Drule.strip_imp_prems (cprop_of ax)
+		      handle _ => error ("Internal error in Locale.prune_\
+                        \prems: exactly one premise in axiom expected.");
+		    val ax_hyp = implies_elim ax (assume (ax_cprem))
+		  in implies_elim thm ax_hyp
+		  end
+		in
+		  if null roots
+		  then (roots, elim_ax axioms thm, cprems', axioms)
+					       (* Remaining premise: drop *)
+		  else let
+		      fun mk_cprem ((name, args), T) = cterm_of sign
+                        (ObjectLogic.assert_propT sign
+			  (Term.list_comb (Const (name, T), args)));
+		      fun get_axs ((name, args), _) = let
+			  val {view = (_, axioms), ...} = the_locale thy name;
+			  fun inst ax =
+			    let
+			      val std = standard ax;
+                              val (prem, concl) =
+                                Logic.dest_implies (prop_of std);
+			      val (Const (name2, _), _) = Term.strip_comb
+				(ObjectLogic.drop_judgment sign concl);
+                              val (_, vars) = Term.strip_comb
+				(ObjectLogic.drop_judgment sign prem);
+			      val cert = map (cterm_of sign);
+			    in (unsuffix ("_" ^ axiomsN) name2
+                                  handle LIST _ => name2,
+			       cterm_instantiate (cert vars ~~ cert args) std)
+			    end;
+			in map inst axioms end;
+		      val (id', trie) = hd roots;
+		    in if id = id'
+		      then                     (* Initial premise *)
+			let
+			  val lvs = leaves eq_fst (Trie [(id', trie)]);
+			  val axioms' = flat (map get_axs lvs)
+			in (tl roots, elim_ax axioms' thm,
+                            cprems' @ map (mk_cprem) lvs, axioms')
+			end
+		      else (roots, elim_ax axioms thm, cprems', axioms)
+					       (* Remaining premise: drop *)
+		    end
+		end;
+    val (_, thm', cprems', _) =
+      (foldl scan ((depcs, frozen, [], []), cprems ~~ ids));
+    val thm'' = implies_intr_list cprems' thm';
+  in
+    fst (varifyT' TFrees (thaw thm''))
+    |> Thm.compress |> Drule.close_derivation
+  end
+end (* local *)
 (* diagnostics *)
 fun err_in_locale ctxt msg ids =
@@ -265,15 +444,17 @@
 fun unify_frozen ctxt maxidx Ts Us =
-    val tsig = Sign.tsig_of (ProofContext.sign_of ctxt);
-    fun unify (env, (Some T, Some U)) = (Type.unify tsig env (U, T)
-          handle Type.TUNIFY => raise TYPE ("unify_frozen: failed to unify types", [U, T], []))
-      | unify (env, _) = env;
     fun paramify (i, None) = (i, None)
       | paramify (i, Some T) = apsnd Some (Type.paramify_dummies (i, T));
     val (maxidx', Ts') = foldl_map paramify (maxidx, Ts);
     val (maxidx'', Us') = foldl_map paramify (maxidx', Us);
+    val tsig = Sign.tsig_of (ProofContext.sign_of ctxt);
+    fun unify (env, (Some T, Some U)) = (Type.unify tsig env (U, T)
+          handle Type.TUNIFY =>
+            raise TYPE ("unify_frozen: failed to unify types", [U, T], []))
+      | unify (env, _) = env;
     val (unifier, _) = foldl unify ((Vartab.empty, maxidx''), Ts' ~~ Us');
     val Vs = map (apsome (Envir.norm_type unifier)) Us';
     val unifier' = Vartab.extend (unifier, frozen_tvars ctxt (mapfilter I Vs));
@@ -323,7 +504,7 @@
       foldr Term.add_typ_tfrees (mapfilter snd ps, [])
       |> mapfilter (fn (a, S) =>
           let val T = Envir.norm_type unifier' (TVar ((a, i), S))
-          in if T = TFree (a, S) then None else Some ((a, S), T) end);
+          in if T = TFree (a, S) then None else Some ((a, S), T) end)
   in map inst_parms idx_parmss end;
@@ -354,6 +535,8 @@
     fun identify ((ids, parms), Locale name) =
+    (* CB: ids is list of pairs: locale name and list of parameter renamings,
+       parms is accumulated list of parameters *)
             val {import, params, ...} = the_locale thy name;
             val ps = map #1 (#1 params);
@@ -510,12 +693,19 @@
+(* CB: only called by prep_elemss. *)
 fun declare_elemss prep_fixes fixed_params raw_elemss ctxt =
+    (* CB: fix of type bug of goal in target with context elements.
+       Parameters new in context elements must receive types that are
+       distinct from types of parameters in target (fixed_params).  *)
+    val ctxt_with_fixed =
+      ProofContext.declare_terms (map Free fixed_params) ctxt;
     val int_elemss =
       |> mapfilter (fn (id, Int es) => Some (id, es) | _ => None)
-      |> unify_elemss ctxt fixed_params;
+      |> unify_elemss ctxt_with_fixed fixed_params;
     val (_, raw_elemss') =
       foldl_map (fn ((_, es) :: elemss, (id, Int _)) => (elemss, (id, Int es)) | x => x)
         (int_elemss, raw_elemss);
@@ -689,13 +879,24 @@
           apsnd (map (apsnd Int)) (flatten_expr context (ids, prep_expr sign expr));
     val (import_ids, raw_import_elemss) = flatten ([], Expr import);
+    (* CB: normalise "includes" among elements *)
     val raw_elemss = flat (#2 ((foldl_map flatten (import_ids, elements))));
     val ((parms, all_elemss, concl), (spec, (_, _, defs))) = prep_elemss do_close
       context fixed_params (raw_import_elemss @ raw_elemss) raw_concl;
     val (ps,qs) = splitAt(length raw_import_elemss, all_elemss)
     val ((import_ctxt, axioms'), (import_elemss, _)) =
       activate_facts prep_facts ((context, axioms), ps);
+(* CB: testing *)
+val axioms' = if true (* null axioms *) then axioms' else
+let val {view = (ax3_view, ax3_axioms), ...} =
+  the_locale (ProofContext.theory_of context) "Type.ax3";
+val ax_TrueFalse = Thm.assume (read_cterm (sign_of_thm (hd axioms))
+  ("True <-> False", propT));
+val {view = (ax4_view, ax4_axioms), ...} =
+  the_locale (ProofContext.theory_of context) "Type.ax4";
+in axioms' @ ax3_axioms @ [ax_TrueFalse] @ (tl ax4_axioms) end;
     val ((ctxt, _), (elemss, _)) =
       activate_facts prep_facts ((import_ctxt, axioms'), qs);
@@ -710,6 +911,7 @@
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
     val locale = apsome (prep_locale (Theory.sign_of thy)) raw_locale;
     val ((view_statement, view_axioms), fixed_params, import) =
+(* view_axioms are xxx.axioms of locale xxx *)
       (case locale of None => (([], []), [], empty)
       | Some name =>
           let val {view, params = (ps, _), ...} = the_locale thy name
@@ -720,10 +922,29 @@
+(* CB
+arguments are (see below): x->import, y->body (elements?), z->context
 fun read_context x y z = #1 (gen_context true [] [] x y [] z);
 fun cert_context x y z = #1 (gen_context_i true [] [] x y [] z);
+fun read_context x y z = (warning "read_context\n"; #1 (gen_context true [] [] x y [] z));
+fun cert_context x y z = (warning "cert_context\n"; #1 (gen_context_i true [] [] x y [] z));
+(* CB
 val read_context_statement = gen_statement intern gen_context;
 val cert_context_statement = gen_statement (K I) gen_context_i;
+fun read_context_statement so cs xss ctxt =
+let val (locale, view_statement, locale_ctxt, elems_ctxt, concl') =
+  gen_statement intern gen_context so cs xss ctxt;
+in (locale, view_statement, locale_ctxt, elems_ctxt, concl')
+fun cert_context_statement so cs xss ctxt =
+let val (locale, view_statement, locale_ctxt, elems_ctxt, concl') =
+  gen_statement (K I) gen_context_i so cs xss ctxt;
+in (locale, view_statement, locale_ctxt, elems_ctxt, concl')  
@@ -837,7 +1058,6 @@
 val introN = "intro";
-val axiomsN = "axioms";
 fun atomize_spec sign ts =
@@ -979,6 +1199,7 @@
 val add_locale = gen_add_locale read_context intern_expr;
 val add_locale_i = gen_add_locale cert_context (K I);
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/method.ML	Tue Sep 30 15:10:59 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/method.ML	Tue Sep 30 15:13:02 2003 +0200
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@
 fun inst_args_var f src ctxt = f ctxt (#2 (syntax (Args.goal_spec HEADGOAL -- insts_var) src ctxt));
 fun goal_args' args tac src ctxt = #2 (syntax (Args.goal_spec HEADGOAL -- args >>
-  (fn (quant, s) => SIMPLE_METHOD' quant ( (*K (impose_hyps_tac ctxt) THEN' *) tac s))) src ctxt);
+  (fn (quant, s) => SIMPLE_METHOD' quant (tac s))) src ctxt);
 fun goal_args args tac = goal_args' (Scan.lift args) tac;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/proof.ML	Tue Sep 30 15:10:59 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/proof.ML	Tue Sep 30 15:13:02 2003 +0200
@@ -821,8 +821,13 @@
     val ts = flat tss;
     val locale_results = map (ProofContext.export_standard [] goal_ctxt locale_ctxt)
       (prep_result state ts raw_thm);
+    val locale_results' = map
+      (Locale.prune_prems (ProofContext.theory_of locale_ctxt))
+      locale_results;
     val results = map (Drule.strip_shyps_warning o
-      ProofContext.export_standard view locale_ctxt theory_ctxt) locale_results;
+      ProofContext.export_standard view locale_ctxt theory_ctxt) locale_results';
     val (theory', results') =
       theory_of state
@@ -830,7 +835,7 @@
         if length names <> length loc_attss then
           raise THEORY ("Bad number of locale attributes", [thy])
         else (thy, locale_ctxt)
-          |> Locale.add_thmss loc ((names ~~ Library.unflat tss locale_results) ~~ loc_attss)
+          |> Locale.add_thmss loc ((names ~~ Library.unflat tss locale_results') ~~ loc_attss)
           |> (fn ((thy', ctxt'), res) =>
             if name = "" andalso null loc_atts then thy'
             else (thy', ctxt')