Wed, 18 Dec 2013 17:48:48 +0100
changeset 54808 f0fd945692bb
parent 54807 df6350c8f61a (current diff)
parent 54805 c05ed6333302 (diff)
child 54810 2392572d6c3c
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem_generate.ML	Wed Dec 18 14:50:25 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem_generate.ML	Wed Dec 18 17:48:48 2013 +0100
@@ -261,9 +261,9 @@
 (*Escaping of special characters.
   Alphanumeric characters are left unchanged.
-  The character _ goes to __
+  The character _ goes to __.
   Characters in the range ASCII space to / go to _A to _P, respectively.
-  Other characters go to _nnn where nnn is the decimal ASCII code.*)
+  Other characters go to _nnn where nnn is the decimal ASCII code. *)
 val upper_a_minus_space = Char.ord #"A" - Char.ord #" "
 fun ascii_of_char c =
@@ -571,19 +571,17 @@
     (s, T) |> Sign.const_typargs thy
-(* Converts an Isabelle/HOL term (with combinators) into an intermediate term.
-   Also accumulates sort infomation. *)
+(* Converts an Isabelle/HOL term (with combinators) into an intermediate term. Also accumulates sort
+   infomation. *)
 fun iterm_of_term thy type_enc bs (P $ Q) =
       val (P', P_atomics_Ts) = iterm_of_term thy type_enc bs P
       val (Q', Q_atomics_Ts) = iterm_of_term thy type_enc bs Q
     in (IApp (P', Q'), union (op =) P_atomics_Ts Q_atomics_Ts) end
   | iterm_of_term thy type_enc _ (Const (c, T)) =
-    (IConst (`(make_fixed_const (SOME type_enc)) c, T,
-             robust_const_type_args thy (c, T)),
+    (IConst (`(make_fixed_const (SOME type_enc)) c, T, robust_const_type_args thy (c, T)),
      atomic_types_of T)
-  | iterm_of_term _ _ _ (Free (s, T)) =
-    (IConst (`make_fixed_var s, T, []), atomic_types_of T)
+  | iterm_of_term _ _ _ (Free (s, T)) = (IConst (`make_fixed_var s, T, []), atomic_types_of T)
   | iterm_of_term _ type_enc _ (Var (v as (s, _), T)) =
     (if String.isPrefix Meson_Clausify.new_skolem_var_prefix s then
@@ -600,7 +598,9 @@
       val s = vary s
       val name = `make_bound_var s
       val (tm, atomic_Ts) = iterm_of_term thy type_enc ((s, (name, T)) :: bs) t
-    in (IAbs ((name, T), tm), union (op =) atomic_Ts (atomic_types_of T)) end
+    in
+      (IAbs ((name, T), tm), union (op =) atomic_Ts (atomic_types_of T))
+    end
 (* "_query" and "_at" are for the ASCII-challenged Metis and Mirabelle. *)
 val queries = ["?", "_query"]
@@ -836,8 +836,8 @@
    atomic_types : typ list}
 fun update_iformula f ({name, stature, role, iformula, atomic_types} : ifact) =
-  {name = name, stature = stature, role = role, iformula = f iformula,
-   atomic_types = atomic_types} : ifact
+  {name = name, stature = stature, role = role, iformula = f iformula, atomic_types = atomic_types}
+  : ifact
 fun ifact_lift f ({iformula, ...} : ifact) = f iformula
@@ -1007,9 +1007,7 @@
   map (fn cl => class_atom type_enc (cl, T)) cls
 fun class_membs_of_types type_enc add_sorts_on_typ Ts =
-  [] |> (polymorphism_of_type_enc type_enc <> Type_Class_Polymorphic andalso
-         level_of_type_enc type_enc <> No_Types)
-        ? fold add_sorts_on_typ Ts
+  [] |> level_of_type_enc type_enc <> No_Types ? fold add_sorts_on_typ Ts
 fun mk_aconns c = split_last #> uncurry (fold_rev (mk_aconn c))
@@ -1780,22 +1778,22 @@
   |> map (apsnd (map (apsnd zero_var_indexes)))
 fun bound_tvars type_enc sorts Ts =
-  case filter is_TVar Ts of
+  (case filter is_TVar Ts of
     [] => I
   | Ts =>
-    (sorts ? mk_ahorn (Ts |> class_membs_of_types type_enc add_sorts_on_tvar
-                          |> map (class_atom type_enc)))
+    ((sorts andalso polymorphism_of_type_enc type_enc <> Type_Class_Polymorphic)
+     ? mk_ahorn (Ts
+       |> class_membs_of_types type_enc add_sorts_on_tvar
+       |> map (class_atom type_enc)))
     #> (case type_enc of
-          Native (_, poly, _) =>
-          mk_atyquant AForall
-              (map (fn TVar (z as (_, S)) =>
-                       (AType (tvar_name z, []),
-                        if poly = Type_Class_Polymorphic then
-                          map (`make_class) (normalize_classes S)
-                        else
-                          [])) Ts)
-        | _ =>
-          mk_aquant AForall (map (fn TVar z => (tvar_name z, NONE)) Ts))
+         Native (_, poly, _) =>
+         mk_atyquant AForall (map (fn TVar (z as (_, S)) =>
+           (AType (tvar_name z, []),
+            if poly = Type_Class_Polymorphic then
+              map (`make_class) (normalize_classes S)
+            else
+              [])) Ts)
+        | _ => mk_aquant AForall (map (fn TVar z => (tvar_name z, NONE)) Ts)))
 fun eq_formula type_enc atomic_Ts bounds pred_sym tm1 tm2 =
   (if pred_sym then AConn (AIff, [AAtom tm1, AAtom tm2])
@@ -2218,8 +2216,7 @@
 fun lines_of_free_types type_enc (facts : ifact list) =
   if is_type_enc_polymorphic type_enc then
-      val type_classes =
-        (polymorphism_of_type_enc type_enc = Type_Class_Polymorphic)
+      val type_classes = (polymorphism_of_type_enc type_enc = Type_Class_Polymorphic)
       fun line j (cl, T) =
         if type_classes then
           Class_Memb (class_memb_prefix ^ string_of_int j, [],
@@ -2230,7 +2227,9 @@
       val membs =
         fold (union (op =)) (map #atomic_types facts) []
         |> class_membs_of_types type_enc add_sorts_on_tfree
-    in map2 line (0 upto length membs - 1) membs end
+    in
+      map2 line (0 upto length membs - 1) membs
+    end
@@ -2403,8 +2402,7 @@
 fun line_of_tags_mono_type ctxt mono type_enc T =
   let val x_var = ATerm ((`make_bound_var "X", []), []) in
-    Formula ((tags_sym_formula_prefix ^ ascii_of (mangled_type type_enc T), ""),
-             Axiom,
+    Formula ((tags_sym_formula_prefix ^ ascii_of (mangled_type type_enc T), ""), Axiom,
              eq_formula type_enc (atomic_types_of T) [] false
                   (tag_with_type ctxt mono type_enc NONE T x_var) x_var,
              NONE, isabelle_info non_rec_defN helper_rank)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof.ML	Wed Dec 18 14:50:25 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof.ML	Wed Dec 18 17:48:48 2013 +0100
@@ -220,15 +220,18 @@
 val skip_term =
     fun skip _ accum [] = (accum, [])
-      | skip 0 accum (ss as "," :: _) = (accum, ss)
-      | skip 0 accum (ss as ")" :: _) = (accum, ss)
-      | skip 0 accum (ss as "]" :: _) = (accum, ss)
-      | skip n accum ((s as "(") :: ss) = skip (n + 1) (s :: accum) ss
-      | skip n accum ((s as "[") :: ss) = skip (n + 1) (s :: accum) ss
-      | skip n accum ((s as "]") :: ss) = skip (n - 1) (s :: accum) ss
-      | skip n accum ((s as ")") :: ss) = skip (n - 1) (s :: accum) ss
-      | skip n accum (s :: ss) = skip n (s :: accum) ss
-  in skip 0 [] #>> (rev #> implode) end
+      | skip n accum (ss as s :: ss') =
+        if s = "," andalso n = 0 then
+          (accum, ss)
+        else if member (op =) [")", "]", ">", "}"] s then
+          if n = 0 then (accum, ss) else skip (n - 1) (s :: accum) ss'
+        else if member (op =) ["(", "[", "<", "{"] s then
+          skip (n + 1) (s :: accum) ss'
+        else
+          skip n (s :: accum) ss'
+  in
+    skip 0 [] #>> (rev #> implode)
+  end
 datatype source =
   File_Source of string * string option |
@@ -261,21 +264,17 @@
    || scan_general_id >> (fn s => Inference_Source ("", [s])) (* for E *)
    || skip_term >> K dummy_inference) x
-fun list_app (f, args) =
-  fold (fn arg => fn f => ATerm ((tptp_app, []), [f, arg])) args f
+fun list_app (f, args) = fold (fn arg => fn f => ATerm ((tptp_app, []), [f, arg])) args f
 (* We currently ignore TFF and THF types. *)
-fun parse_type_stuff x =
-  Scan.repeat (($$ tptp_has_type || $$ tptp_fun_type) |-- parse_arg) x
+fun parse_type_stuff x = Scan.repeat (($$ tptp_has_type || $$ tptp_fun_type) |-- parse_arg) x
 and parse_arg x =
   ($$ "(" |-- parse_term --| $$ ")" --| parse_type_stuff
    || scan_general_id --| parse_type_stuff
         -- Scan.optional ($$ "(" |-- parse_terms --| $$ ")") []
       >> (ATerm o apfst (rpair []))) x
-and parse_term x =
-  (parse_arg -- Scan.repeat ($$ tptp_app |-- parse_arg) >> list_app) x
-and parse_terms x =
-  (parse_term ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "," |-- parse_term)) x
+and parse_term x = (parse_arg -- Scan.repeat ($$ tptp_app |-- parse_arg) >> list_app) x
+and parse_terms x = (parse_term ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "," |-- parse_term)) x
 fun parse_atom x =
   (parse_term -- Scan.option (Scan.option ($$ tptp_not_infix) --| $$ tptp_equal
@@ -311,9 +310,7 @@
 and parse_quantified_formula x =
   (($$ tptp_forall >> K AForall || $$ tptp_exists >> K AExists)
    --| $$ "[" -- parse_terms --| $$ "]" --| $$ ":" -- parse_literal
-   >> (fn ((q, ts), phi) =>
-          (* We ignore TFF and THF types for now. *)
-          AQuant (q, map (fn ATerm ((s, []), _) => (s, NONE)) ts, phi))) x
+   >> (fn ((q, ts), phi) => AQuant (q, map (fn ATerm ((s, []), _) => (s, NONE)) ts, phi))) x
 val parse_tstp_extra_arguments =
   Scan.optional ($$ "," |-- parse_source --| Scan.option ($$ "," |-- skip_term))
@@ -351,9 +348,9 @@
     c1 = c2 andalso length phis1 = length phis2 andalso
     forall (uncurry (is_same_formula comm subst)) (phis1 ~~ phis2)
   | is_same_formula comm subst
-        (AAtom (tm1 as ATerm (("equal", []), [tm11, tm12]))) (AAtom tm2) =
+        (AAtom (tm1 as ATerm (("equal", tys), [tm11, tm12]))) (AAtom tm2) =
     is_same_term subst tm1 tm2 orelse
-    (comm andalso is_same_term subst (ATerm (("equal", []), [tm12, tm11])) tm2)
+    (comm andalso is_same_term subst (ATerm (("equal", tys), [tm12, tm11])) tm2)
   | is_same_formula _ subst (AAtom tm1) (AAtom tm2) = is_same_term subst tm1 tm2
   | is_same_formula _ _ _ _ = false
@@ -361,11 +358,13 @@
     if is_same_formula true [] phi phi' then SOME (ident, phi') else NONE
   | matching_formula_line_identifier _ _ = NONE
-fun find_formula_in_problem problem phi =
-  problem |> maps snd |> map_filter (matching_formula_line_identifier phi)
-          |> try (single o hd) |> the_default []
+fun find_formula_in_problem phi =
+  maps snd
+  #> map_filter (matching_formula_line_identifier phi)
+  #> try (single o hd)
+  #> the_default []
-fun commute_eq (AAtom (ATerm ((s, []), tms))) = AAtom (ATerm ((s, []), rev tms))
+fun commute_eq (AAtom (ATerm ((s, tys), tms))) = AAtom (ATerm ((s, tys), rev tms))
   | commute_eq _ = raise Fail "expected equation"
 fun role_of_tptp_string "axiom" = Axiom
@@ -392,7 +391,7 @@
               (case deps of
                 File_Source (_, SOME s) =>
                 (if s = waldmeister_conjecture_name then
-                   (case find_formula_in_problem problem (mk_anot phi) of
+                   (case find_formula_in_problem (mk_anot phi) problem of
                      (* Waldmeister hack: Get the original orientation of the
                         equation to avoid confusing Isar. *)
                      [(s, phi')] =>
@@ -404,16 +403,14 @@
                  "", [])
               | File_Source _ =>
-                (((num, phi |> find_formula_in_problem problem |> map fst),
-                  phi), "", [])
+                (((num, map fst (find_formula_in_problem phi problem)), phi), "", [])
               | Inference_Source (rule, deps) => (((num, []), phi), rule, deps))
-            fun mk_step () =
-              (name, role_of_tptp_string role, phi, rule, map (rpair []) deps)
+            fun mk_step () = (name, role_of_tptp_string role, phi, rule, map (rpair []) deps)
             (case role_of_tptp_string role of
               Definition =>
               (case phi of
-                 AAtom (ATerm (("equal", []), _)) =>
+                 AAtom (ATerm (("equal", _), _)) =>
                  (* Vampire's equality proxy axiom *)
                  (name, Definition, phi, rule, map (rpair []) deps)
                | _ => mk_step ())
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof_reconstruct.ML	Wed Dec 18 14:50:25 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof_reconstruct.ML	Wed Dec 18 17:48:48 2013 +0100
@@ -536,8 +536,8 @@
           | add_sko _ = I
         (* union-find would be faster *)
-        fun add_cycle _ [] = I
-          | add_cycle name ss =
+        fun add_cycle [] = I
+          | add_cycle ss =
             fold (fn s => Graph.default_node (s, ())) ss
             #> fold Graph.add_edge (ss ~~ tl ss @ [hd ss])
@@ -545,11 +545,7 @@
         val skoss = map (fn (_, _, t, _, _) => Term.fold_aterms add_sko t []) input_steps
         val skoss_input_steps = filter_out (null o fst) (skoss ~~ input_steps)
-        val groups =
-          Graph.empty
-          |> fold (fn (skos, (name, _, _, _, _)) => add_cycle name skos) skoss_input_steps
-          |> Graph.strong_conn
+        val groups = Graph.strong_conn (fold add_cycle skoss Graph.empty)
         fun step_name_of_group skos = (implode skos, [])
         fun in_group group = member (op =) group o hd
@@ -582,7 +578,7 @@
 fun factify_atp_proof fact_names hyp_ts concl_t atp_proof =
-    fun factify_step ((num, ss), role, t, rule, deps) =
+    fun factify_step ((num, ss), _, t, rule, deps) =
         val (ss', role', t') =
           (case resolve_conjecture ss of
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof_redirect.ML	Wed Dec 18 14:50:25 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof_redirect.ML	Wed Dec 18 17:48:48 2013 +0100
@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@
 val atom_eq = is_equal o Atom.ord
 val clause_ord = dict_ord Atom.ord
-val clause_eq = is_equal o clause_ord
 fun direct_sequent_ord seqp = prod_ord clause_ord clause_ord (pairself snd seqp)
 fun direct_sequent_eq seqp = is_equal (direct_sequent_ord seqp)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML	Wed Dec 18 14:50:25 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML	Wed Dec 18 17:48:48 2013 +0100
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@
 val dummy_thf = (dummy_thfN, fn () => dummy_thf_config)
 val spass_pirate_format = DFG Polymorphic
-val remote_spass_pirate_config =
+val remote_spass_pirate_config : atp_config =
   {exec = K (["ISABELLE_ATP"], ["scripts/remote_spass_pirate"]),
    arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
      string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " " ^ file_name,
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/scripts/remote_spass_pirate	Wed Dec 18 14:50:25 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/scripts/remote_spass_pirate	Wed Dec 18 17:48:48 2013 +0100
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-curl -F file=@"$2" ""$1"s"
+curl -F file=@"$2" ""$1"s"
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_mash.ML	Wed Dec 18 14:50:25 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_mash.ML	Wed Dec 18 17:48:48 2013 +0100
@@ -679,8 +679,8 @@
             fun strs_of_type_arg (T as Type (s, _)) =
                 massage_long_name s ::
                 (if generalize_goal andalso in_goal then strs_of_sort (sort_of_type alg T) else [])
-              | strs_of_type_arg (TFree (s, S)) = strs_of_sort S
-              | strs_of_type_arg (TVar (s, S)) = strs_of_sort S
+              | strs_of_type_arg (TFree (_, S)) = strs_of_sort S
+              | strs_of_type_arg (TVar (_, S)) = strs_of_sort S
             val typargss =
               these (try (Sign.const_typargs thy) x)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_preplay.ML	Wed Dec 18 14:50:25 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_preplay.ML	Wed Dec 18 17:48:48 2013 +0100
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
 (* main function for preplaying Isar steps; may throw exceptions *)
 fun preplay_raw _ _ _ _ _ (Let _) = zero_preplay_time
   | preplay_raw debug type_enc lam_trans ctxt timeout
-      (step as Prove (_, xs, _, t, subproofs, (fact_names, (meth :: _) :: _))) =
+      (Prove (_, xs, _, t, subproofs, (fact_names, (meth :: _) :: _))) =
       val goal =
         (case xs of
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_print.ML	Wed Dec 18 14:50:25 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_print.ML	Wed Dec 18 17:48:48 2013 +0100
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
         #> add_suffix " = "
         #> add_term t2
         #> add_suffix "\n"
-      | add_step ind (step as Prove (qs, xs, l, t, subproofs, (facts, (meth :: _) :: _))) =
+      | add_step ind (Prove (qs, xs, l, t, subproofs, (facts, (meth :: _) :: _))) =
         add_step_pre ind qs subproofs
         #> (case xs of
             [] => add_suffix (of_have qs (length subproofs) ^ " ")
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_reconstruct.ML	Wed Dec 18 14:50:25 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_reconstruct.ML	Wed Dec 18 17:48:48 2013 +0100
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 (* Discard facts; consolidate adjacent lines that prove the same formula, since they differ only in
    type information. *)
-fun add_line_pass1 (line as (name as (_, ss), role, t, rule, [])) lines =
+fun add_line_pass1 (line as (name, role, t, rule, [])) lines =
     (* No dependencies: lemma (for Z3), fact, conjecture, or (for Vampire) internal facts or
        definitions. *)
     if role = Lemma orelse role = Conjecture orelse role = Negated_Conjecture orelse
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
   fold_rev add_line_pass2 (map (replace_dependencies_in_line (name, [])) lines) []
 fun add_lines_pass3 res [] = rev res
-  | add_lines_pass3 res ((name as (_, ss), role, t, rule, deps) :: lines) =
+  | add_lines_pass3 res ((name, role, t, rule, deps) :: lines) =
     if role <> Plain orelse is_skolemize_rule rule orelse is_arith_rule rule orelse
        (* the last line must be kept *)
        null lines orelse
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
   [[Metis_Method, Simp_Method, Auto_Method, Arith_Method, Blast_Method, Fastforce_Method,
     Force_Method], [Meson_Method]]
 val rewrite_methodss =
-  [[Simp_Method, Auto_Method, Fastforce_Method, Force_Method, Metis_Method], [Meson_Method]]
+  [[Auto_Method, Simp_Method, Fastforce_Method, Force_Method, Metis_Method], [Meson_Method]]
 val skolem_methodss = [[Metis_Method, Blast_Method], [Metis_New_Skolem_Method], [Meson_Method]]
 fun isar_proof_text ctxt isar_proofs
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
      atp_proof, goal)
     (one_line_params as (_, _, _, _, subgoal, subgoal_count)) =
-    val (params, hyp_ts, concl_t) = strip_subgoal goal subgoal ctxt
+    val (params, _, concl_t) = strip_subgoal goal subgoal ctxt
     val (_, ctxt) =
       |> map (fn (s, T) => ( s, SOME T, NoSyn))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_run.ML	Wed Dec 18 14:50:25 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_run.ML	Wed Dec 18 17:48:48 2013 +0100
@@ -65,8 +65,7 @@
    (if blocking then "."
     else "\n" ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (Thm.term_of (Thm.cprem_of goal i))))
-fun launch_prover (params as {debug, verbose, spy, blocking, max_facts, slice,
-                              timeout, expect, ...})
+fun launch_prover (params as {debug, verbose, spy, blocking, max_facts, timeout, expect, ...})
         mode output_result minimize_command only learn
         {comment, state, goal, subgoal, subgoal_count, factss as (_, facts) :: _} name =
@@ -221,8 +220,8 @@
     |> map (fn (filter, facts) => quote filter ^ ": " ^ string_of_facts facts)
     |> space_implode "\n\n"
-fun run_sledgehammer (params as {debug, verbose, spy, blocking, provers, max_facts, slice, ...})
-        mode output_result i (fact_override as {only, ...}) minimize_command state =
+fun run_sledgehammer (params as {debug, verbose, spy, blocking, provers, max_facts, ...}) mode
+    output_result i (fact_override as {only, ...}) minimize_command state =
   if null provers then
     error "No prover is set."
   else case subgoal_count state of
@@ -250,12 +249,10 @@
       val _ = print "Sledgehammering..."
       val _ = spying spy (fn () => (state, i, "***", "Starting " ^ @{make_string} mode ^ " mode"))
-      val (ueq_atps, full_provers) = List.partition (is_unit_equational_atp ctxt) provers
       val spying_str_of_factss =
         commas o map (fn (filter, facts) => filter ^ ": " ^ string_of_int (length facts))
-      fun get_factss label is_appropriate_prop provers =
+      fun get_factss provers =
           val max_max_facts =
             case max_facts of
@@ -263,28 +260,19 @@
             | NONE =>
               0 |> fold (Integer.max o default_max_facts_of_prover ctxt) provers
                 |> mode = Auto_Try ? (fn n => n div auto_try_max_facts_divisor)
-          val _ = spying spy (fn () => (state, i, label ^ "s",
+          val _ = spying spy (fn () => (state, i, "All",
             "Filtering " ^ string_of_int (length all_facts) ^ " facts"));
-          |> (case is_appropriate_prop of
-                SOME is_app => filter (is_app o prop_of o snd)
-              | NONE => I)
           |> relevant_facts ctxt params (hd provers) max_max_facts fact_override hyp_ts concl_t
-          |> tap (fn factss =>
-                     if verbose then
-                       label ^ plural_s (length provers) ^ ": " ^
-                       string_of_factss factss
-                       |> print
-                     else
-                       ())
+          |> tap (fn factss => if verbose then print (string_of_factss factss) else ())
           |> spy ? tap (fn factss => spying spy (fn () =>
-            (state, i, label ^ "s", "Selected facts: " ^ spying_str_of_factss factss)))
+            (state, i, "All", "Selected facts: " ^ spying_str_of_factss factss)))
-      fun launch_provers state label is_appropriate_prop provers =
+      fun launch_provers state =
-          val factss = get_factss label is_appropriate_prop provers
+          val factss = get_factss provers
           val problem =
             {comment = "", state = state, goal = goal, subgoal = i, subgoal_count = n,
              factss = factss}
@@ -303,35 +291,11 @@
             |> max_outcome_code |> rpair state
-      fun maybe_launch_provers label is_appropriate_prop provers_to_launch accum =
-        if null provers_to_launch then
-          accum
-        else if is_some is_appropriate_prop andalso
-                not (the is_appropriate_prop concl_t) then
-          (if verbose orelse length provers_to_launch = length provers then
-             "Goal outside the scope of " ^
-             space_implode " " (serial_commas "and" (map quote provers_to_launch)) ^ "."
-             |> Output.urgent_message
-           else
-             ();
-           accum)
-        else
-          launch_provers state label is_appropriate_prop provers_to_launch
-      val launch_full_provers = maybe_launch_provers "ATP/SMT" NONE full_provers
-      val launch_ueq_atps = maybe_launch_provers "Unit-equational provers" (SOME is_unit_equality) ueq_atps
-      fun launch_atps_and_smt_solvers p =
-        [launch_full_provers, launch_ueq_atps]
-        |> (fn f => fst (f p))
-        handle ERROR msg => (print ("Error: " ^ msg); error msg)
       fun maybe f (accum as (outcome_code, _)) =
         accum |> (mode = Normal orelse outcome_code <> someN) ? f
-      (unknownN, state)
-      |> (if blocking then launch_full_provers
-          else (fn p => (Future.fork (tap (fn () => launch_full_provers p)); p)))
+      (if blocking then launch_provers state
+       else (Future.fork (tap (fn () => launch_provers state)); (unknownN, state)))
       handle TimeLimit.TimeOut => (print "Sledgehammer ran out of time."; (unknownN, state))
     |> `(fn (outcome_code, _) => outcome_code = someN)