tidying up the Isabelle/ATP interface
Fri, 02 Sep 2005 15:25:44 +0200
changeset 17231 f42bc4f7afdf
parent 17230 77e93bf303a5
child 17232 148c241d2492
tidying up the Isabelle/ATP interface
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/SpassCommunication.ML	Fri Sep 02 15:25:27 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/SpassCommunication.ML	Fri Sep 02 15:25:44 2005 +0200
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@
 (*  Write Spass   output to a file *)
-fun logSpassInput (instr, fd) = let val thisLine = TextIO.inputLine instr 
-			 in if thisLine = "--------------------------SPASS-STOP------------------------------\n" 
-			    then TextIO.output (fd, thisLine)
-      			  else (
-				TextIO.output (fd, thisLine); logSpassInput (instr,fd))
- 			 end;
+fun logSpassInput (instr, fd) = 
+  let val thisLine = TextIO.inputLine instr 
+  in if thisLine = "--------------------------SPASS-STOP------------------------------\n" 
+     then TextIO.output (fd, thisLine)
+     else (TextIO.output (fd, thisLine); logSpassInput (instr,fd))
+  end;
 (*  Reconstruct the Spass proof w.r.t. thmstring (string version of   *)
@@ -41,54 +41,47 @@
 (*  steps as a string to the input pipe of the main Isabelle process  *)
-val atomize_tac =    SUBGOAL
-     (fn (prop,_) =>
-	 let val ts = Logic.strip_assums_hyp prop
-	 in EVERY1 
-		     (fn hyps => (cut_facts_tac (map (ObjectLogic.atomize_thm o forall_intr_vars) hyps) 1)),
-	  REPEAT_DETERM_N (length ts) o (etac thin_rl)]
-     end);
+val atomize_tac = SUBGOAL
+  (fn (prop,_) =>
+      let val ts = Logic.strip_assums_hyp prop
+      in EVERY1 
+	       (fn hyps => (cut_facts_tac (map (ObjectLogic.atomize_thm o forall_intr_vars) hyps) 1)),
+           REPEAT_DETERM_N (length ts) o (etac thin_rl)]
+  end);
-fun reconstruct_tac proofextract thmstring goalstring toParent ppid sg_num clause_arr  (num_of_clauses:int ) = 
- let val foo =   TextIO.openOut( File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic"foobar3")));
+fun reconstruct_tac proofextract thmstring goalstring toParent ppid sg_num 
+                    clause_arr  (num_of_clauses:int ) = 
+ (*FIXME: foo is never used!*)
+ let val foo = TextIO.openOut( File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic"foobar3")));
-  (EVERY1 [rtac ccontr,atomize_tac, skolemize_tac, 
-  METAHYPS(fn negs => (if !reconstruct 
-		       then 
-			   Recon_Transfer.spassString_to_reconString proofextract thmstring goalstring 
-								     toParent ppid negs clause_arr  num_of_clauses 
-		       else
-			   Recon_Transfer.spassString_to_lemmaString proofextract thmstring goalstring 
-								     toParent ppid negs clause_arr  num_of_clauses ))]) sg_num	
+    (EVERY1 [rtac ccontr,atomize_tac, skolemize_tac, 
+             METAHYPS(fn negs => 
+    (if !reconstruct 
+     then Recon_Transfer.spassString_to_reconString proofextract thmstring goalstring 
+              toParent ppid negs clause_arr num_of_clauses 
+     else Recon_Transfer.spassString_to_lemmaString proofextract thmstring goalstring 
+              toParent ppid negs clause_arr  num_of_clauses ))]) sg_num	
  end ;
-fun transferSpassInput (fromChild, toParent, ppid,thmstring,goalstring, currentString, thm, sg_num,clause_arr,  num_of_clauses) = let 
-                         val thisLine = TextIO.inputLine fromChild 
-			 in 
-                            if (thisLine = "--------------------------SPASS-STOP------------------------------\n" )
-			    then ( 
-                                    let val proofextract = Recon_Parse.extract_proof (currentString^thisLine)
-                                        val foo =   TextIO.openOut( File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic"foobar2")));
-			            in 
-                                        TextIO.output(foo,(proofextract));TextIO.closeOut foo;
-                                        reconstruct_tac proofextract thmstring goalstring toParent ppid sg_num  clause_arr  num_of_clauses thm
-                                    end
-                                  )
-      			    else (
-                                transferSpassInput (fromChild, toParent, ppid,thmstring, goalstring,(currentString^thisLine), thm, sg_num, clause_arr,  num_of_clauses)
-                                )
- 			 end;
+fun transferSpassInput (fromChild, toParent, ppid,thmstring,goalstring, currentString, thm, sg_num,clause_arr,  num_of_clauses) = 
+  let val thisLine = TextIO.inputLine fromChild 
+  in 
+     if thisLine = "--------------------------SPASS-STOP------------------------------\n"
+     then 
+       let val proofextract = Recon_Parse.extract_proof (currentString^thisLine)
+       in 
+	   File.write (File.tmp_path (Path.basic"foobar2")) proofextract;
+	   reconstruct_tac proofextract thmstring goalstring toParent ppid sg_num 
+	       clause_arr num_of_clauses thm
+       end
+     else transferSpassInput (fromChild, toParent, ppid,thmstring, goalstring,
+                              (currentString^thisLine), thm, sg_num, clause_arr,  
+                              num_of_clauses)
+  end;
@@ -98,210 +91,171 @@
 fun startSpassTransfer (fromChild, toParent, ppid, thmstring,goalstring,childCmd,thm, sg_num,clause_arr, num_of_clauses) = 
-                                      (*let val _ = Posix.Process.wait ()
-                                      in*)
+(*let val _ = Posix.Process.wait ()
-                                       if (isSome (TextIO.canInput(fromChild, 5)))
-                                       then
-                                       (
-                                       let val thisLine = TextIO.inputLine fromChild  
-                                           in                 
-                                             if (String.isPrefix "Here is a proof" thisLine )
-                                             then     
-                                              ( 
-                                                 let 
-                                               val outfile =  TextIO.openAppend(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_transfer")));
-                                               val _=  TextIO.output (outfile, "about to transfer proof, thm is: "^(string_of_thm thm));
-                                               val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile;
-                                               in
-                                                transferSpassInput (fromChild, toParent, ppid,thmstring, goalstring,thisLine, thm, sg_num,clause_arr,  num_of_clauses);
-                                                true
-                                               end)
-                                             else 
-                                                (
-                                                 startSpassTransfer (fromChild, toParent, ppid, thmstring, goalstring,childCmd, thm, sg_num,clause_arr, num_of_clauses)
-                                                )
-                                            end
-                                           )
-                                         else (false)
-                                     (*  end*)
+   if (isSome (TextIO.canInput(fromChild, 5)))
+   then
+   let val thisLine = TextIO.inputLine fromChild  
+   in                 
+     if String.isPrefix "Here is a proof" thisLine then     
+       let val outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_transfer")))
+	   val _=  TextIO.output (outfile, "about to transfer proof, thm is: "^(string_of_thm thm))
+	   val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+       in
+ 	 transferSpassInput (fromChild, toParent, ppid,thmstring, goalstring,thisLine, 
+ 	                     thm, sg_num,clause_arr,  num_of_clauses);
+ 	 true
+       end     
+     else startSpassTransfer (fromChild, toParent, ppid, thmstring, goalstring,
+                              childCmd, thm, sg_num,clause_arr, num_of_clauses)
+    end
+     else false
+ (*  end*)
 fun checkSpassProofFound (fromChild, toParent, ppid,thmstring,goalstring, childCmd, thm, sg_num, clause_arr,  (num_of_clauses:int )) = 
-                                       let val spass_proof_file =  TextIO.openAppend(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "spass_proof")))
-                                            val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_checkspass")));                                                                            
-                                            val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, "checking if proof found, thm is: "^(string_of_thm thm))
-                                            val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                       in 
-                                       if (isSome (TextIO.canInput(fromChild, 5)))
-                                       then
-                                       (
-                                       let val thisLine = TextIO.inputLine fromChild  
-                                           in if ( thisLine = "SPASS beiseite: Proof found.\n" )
-                                              then      
-                                              (  
-                                                 let val  outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_proof")));                                                                                (*val _ =  Posix.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 3 );*)
-                                                     val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, (thisLine))
-                                                     val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                                 in 
-                                                    startSpassTransfer (fromChild, toParent, ppid, thmstring,goalstring,childCmd, thm, sg_num, clause_arr,  num_of_clauses) 
-                                                 end
-                                               )   
-                                               else if (thisLine= "SPASS beiseite: Completion found.\n" )
-                                                   then  
+  let val spass_proof_file = TextIO.openAppend(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "spass_proof")))
+      val _ = File.write(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_checkspass"))
+                 ("checking if proof found, thm is: "^(string_of_thm thm))
+  in 
+  if (isSome (TextIO.canInput(fromChild, 5)))
+  then
+  let val thisLine = TextIO.inputLine fromChild  
+      in if thisLine = "SPASS beiseite: Proof found.\n"
+	 then      
+	    let val outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_proof")));                                                                                (*val _ =  Posix.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 3 );*)
+		val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, thisLine)
+		val _ = TextIO.closeOut outfile
+	    in 
+	       startSpassTransfer (fromChild, toParent, ppid, thmstring,goalstring,childCmd, thm, sg_num, clause_arr,  num_of_clauses) 
+	    end
+	 else if thisLine= "SPASS beiseite: Completion found.\n"
+	 then  
+	    let val  outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_proof")));                                                                               (* val _ =  Posix.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 3 );*)
+		val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, thisLine)
-                                                 (
-                                                      let    val  outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_proof")));                                                                               (* val _ =  Posix.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 3 );*)
-                                                             val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, (thisLine))
-                                                             val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                                      in
-                                                        TextIO.output (toParent,childCmd^"\n" );
-                                                        TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-                                                        TextIO.output (spass_proof_file, (thisLine));
-                                                        TextIO.flushOut spass_proof_file;
-                                                        TextIO.closeOut spass_proof_file;
-                                                        (*TextIO.output (toParent, thisLine);
-                                                        TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-                                                        TextIO.output (toParent, "bar\n");
-                                                        TextIO.flushOut toParent;*)
+		val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+	    in
+	      TextIO.output (toParent,childCmd^"\n" );
+	      TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+	      TextIO.output (spass_proof_file, thisLine);
+	      TextIO.flushOut spass_proof_file;
+	      TextIO.closeOut spass_proof_file;
+	      (*TextIO.output (toParent, thisLine);
+	      TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+	      TextIO.output (toParent, "bar\n");
+	      TextIO.flushOut toParent;*)
-                                                       TextIO.output (toParent, thisLine^"\n");
-                                                       TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-                                                       TextIO.output (toParent, thmstring^"\n");
-                                                       TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-                                                       TextIO.output (toParent, goalstring^"\n");
-                                                       TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-                                                       Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2);
-                                                       (* Attempt to prevent several signals from turning up simultaneously *)
-                                                       Posix.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 1);
-                                                        true  
-                                                      end) 
-                                                     else if ( thisLine = "SPASS beiseite: Ran out of time.\n" ) 
-                                                          then  
-                                                		( let val  outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_proof")));                                          	(*val _ =  Posix.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 3 );*)
-                                                     		val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, (thisLine))
-                                                     		in TextIO.output (toParent, thisLine^"\n");
-                                                     		  TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-                                                     		  TextIO.output (toParent, thmstring^"\n");
-                                                     		  TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-                                                     		  TextIO.output (toParent, goalstring^"\n");
-                                                     		  TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-                                                     		  Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2);
-                                                    		  TextIO.output (outfile, ("signalled parent\n"));TextIO.closeOut outfile;
-                                                	       (* Attempt to prevent several signals from turning up simultaneously *)
-                                                       		Posix.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 1);
-                                                       		 true 
-                                                       		end)
-                                                    else if ( thisLine = "SPASS beiseite: Maximal number of loops exceeded.\n" )                                                           		    then
-                                                 (
-                                                        Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2);
-                                                        TextIO.output (toParent,childCmd^"\n" );
-                                                        TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-                                                        TextIO.output (toParent, thisLine);
-                                                        TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-                                                        true)
-                                                    else
-                                                       (TextIO.output (spass_proof_file, (thisLine));
-                                                       TextIO.flushOut spass_proof_file;
-                                                       checkSpassProofFound  (fromChild, toParent, ppid, thmstring,goalstring,childCmd, thm, sg_num, clause_arr,  num_of_clauses))
-                                              end
-                                          )
-                                         else 
-                                             (TextIO.output (spass_proof_file, ("No proof output seen \n"));TextIO.closeOut spass_proof_file;false)
-                                      end
+	      TextIO.output (toParent, thisLine^"\n");
+	      TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+	      TextIO.output (toParent, thmstring^"\n");
+	      TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+	      TextIO.output (toParent, goalstring^"\n");
+	      TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+	      Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2);
+	      (* Attempt to prevent several signals from turning up simultaneously *)
+	      Posix.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 1);
+	       true  
+	    end
+	   else if thisLine = "SPASS beiseite: Ran out of time.\n" 
+	   then  
+	     let val outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_proof")));                                          	(*val _ =  Posix.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 3 );*)
+	     val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, thisLine)
+ 	     in TextIO.output (toParent, thisLine^"\n");
+		TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+		TextIO.output (toParent, thmstring^"\n");
+		TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+		TextIO.output (toParent, goalstring^"\n");
+		TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+		Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2);
+		TextIO.output (outfile, ("signalled parent\n"));TextIO.closeOut outfile;
+	        (* Attempt to prevent several signals from turning up simultaneously *)
+	        Posix.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 1);
+		true 
+	     end
+	  else if thisLine = "SPASS beiseite: Maximal number of loops exceeded.\n"                                                            		                 
+	  then
+             (Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2);
+	      TextIO.output (toParent,childCmd^"\n" );
+	      TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+	      TextIO.output (toParent, thisLine);
+	      TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+	      true)
+	  else
+	     (TextIO.output (spass_proof_file, thisLine);
+	     TextIO.flushOut spass_proof_file;
+	     checkSpassProofFound  (fromChild, toParent, ppid, thmstring,goalstring,
+	     childCmd, thm, sg_num, clause_arr,  num_of_clauses))
+	 end
+    else 
+	(TextIO.output (spass_proof_file, ("No proof output seen \n"));
+	 TextIO.closeOut spass_proof_file;
+	 false)
+ end
 (*  Function used by the Isabelle process to read in a spass proof   *)
-fun getSpassInput instr = if (isSome (TextIO.canInput(instr, 2)))
-                          then
-                               let val thisLine = TextIO.inputLine instr 
-                                   val  outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_thisLine")));                                                                     val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, (thisLine))
-                                   val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-			       in 
-                                     if ( (substring (thisLine, 0,1))= "[")
-                                     then 
-			                 (*Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str (thisLine))*)
-                                             let val reconstr = thisLine
-                                                 val thmstring = TextIO.inputLine instr 
-                                                 val goalstring = TextIO.inputLine instr   
-                                             in
-                                                 (reconstr, thmstring, goalstring)
-                                             end
-                                     else if (String.isPrefix "SPASS beiseite:" thisLine ) 
-                                          then 
-                                          (
-                                             let val reconstr = thisLine
-                                                 val thmstring = TextIO.inputLine instr
-                                                 val goalstring = TextIO.inputLine instr
-                                             in
-                                                 (reconstr, thmstring, goalstring)
-                                             end
-                                          )
-					else if (String.isPrefix   "Rules from"  thisLine)
-                                        then 
-                                          (
-                                             let val reconstr = thisLine
-                                                 val thmstring = TextIO.inputLine instr
-                                                 val goalstring = TextIO.inputLine instr
-                                             in
-                                                 (reconstr, thmstring, goalstring)
-                                             end
-                                          )
-                                         else if ((substring (thisLine, 0,5)) = "Proof") 
-                                              then
-  						(
-						   let val reconstr = thisLine
-                                                       val thmstring = TextIO.inputLine instr
-                                                       val goalstring = TextIO.inputLine instr
-						      val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_getSpass")));
-                                    		val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, (thisLine))
-                                     			 val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                                   in
-                                                      (reconstr, thmstring, goalstring)
-                                                   end
-						)
-                                        else if ((substring (thisLine, 0,1)) = "%") 
-                                              then
-  						(
-						   let val reconstr = thisLine
-                                                       val thmstring = TextIO.inputLine instr
-                                                       val goalstring = TextIO.inputLine instr
-						      val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_getSpass")));
-                                    		val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, (thisLine))
-                                     			 val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                                   in
-                                                      (reconstr, thmstring, goalstring)
-                                                   end
-						)
-                                        	 else
-                                                     getSpassInput instr
- 			        end
-                          else 
-                              ("No output from reconstruction process.\n","","")
+fun getSpassInput instr = 
+  if isSome (TextIO.canInput(instr, 2))
+  then
+    let val thisLine = TextIO.inputLine instr 
+	val outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_thisLine")));
+	val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, thisLine)
+	val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+    in 
+      if substring (thisLine, 0,1) = "["
+      then 
+	(*Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str thisLine)*)
+	let val reconstr = thisLine
+	    val thmstring = TextIO.inputLine instr 
+	    val goalstring = TextIO.inputLine instr   
+	in
+	    (reconstr, thmstring, goalstring)
+	end
+      else if String.isPrefix "SPASS beiseite:" thisLine 
+      then 
+	 let val reconstr = thisLine
+	     val thmstring = TextIO.inputLine instr
+	     val goalstring = TextIO.inputLine instr
+	 in
+	     (reconstr, thmstring, goalstring)
+	 end
+      else if String.isPrefix  "Rules from"  thisLine
+      then 
+	   let val reconstr = thisLine
+	       val thmstring = TextIO.inputLine instr
+	       val goalstring = TextIO.inputLine instr
+	   in
+	       (reconstr, thmstring, goalstring)
+	   end
+      else if substring (thisLine, 0,5) = "Proof"
+      then
+	let val reconstr = thisLine
+	    val thmstring = TextIO.inputLine instr
+	    val goalstring = TextIO.inputLine instr
+	in
+          File.write (File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_getSpass")) thisLine;
+          (reconstr, thmstring, goalstring)
+        end
+      else if substring (thisLine, 0,1) = "%"
+      then
+	let val reconstr = thisLine
+	    val thmstring = TextIO.inputLine instr
+	    val goalstring = TextIO.inputLine instr
+	in
+           File.write (File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_getSpass")) thisLine;
+	   (reconstr, thmstring, goalstring)
+	end
+      else getSpassInput instr
+     end
+  else 
+      ("No output from reconstruction process.\n","","")
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/watcher.ML	Fri Sep 02 15:25:27 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/watcher.ML	Fri Sep 02 15:25:44 2005 +0200
@@ -143,8 +143,9 @@
 (*  Send request to Watcher for a vampire to be called for filename in arg      *)
-fun callResProver (toWatcherStr,  arg) = (sendOutput (toWatcherStr, arg^"\n"); 
-                                     TextIO.flushOut toWatcherStr)
+fun callResProver (toWatcherStr,  arg) = 
+      (sendOutput (toWatcherStr, arg^"\n"); 
+       TextIO.flushOut toWatcherStr)
 (*  Send request to Watcher for multiple provers to be called for filenames in arg       *)
@@ -267,34 +268,12 @@
     (*** only include problem and clasimp for the moment, not sure how to refer to ***)
     (*** hyps/local axioms just now                                                ***)
     val whole_prob_file = Unix.execute("/bin/cat", [clasimpfile,(*axfile, hypsfile,*)probfile,  ">", (File.platform_path wholefile)])
-    (*** check if the directory exists and, if not, create it***)
-   (* val _ = 
-	if !SpassComm.spass
-	then 
-	    if File.exists dfg_dir then warning("dfg dir exists")
-	    else File.mkdir dfg_dir
-	else
-	    warning("not converting to dfg")
-    val _ = if !SpassComm.spass then 
-		system (ResLib.helper_path "TPTP2X_HOME" "tptp2X" ^ 
-		        " -fdfg -d " ^ dfg_path ^ " " ^
-			File.platform_path wholefile)
-	      else 7
-    val newfile =   if !SpassComm.spass 
-		    then 
-			    dfg_path^"/ax_prob"^"_"^(probID)^".dfg" 
-		    else
-			    (File.platform_path wholefile)*)
     (* if using spass prob_n already contains whole DFG file, otherwise need to mash axioms*)
     (* from clasimpset onto problem file *)
     val newfile =   if !SpassComm.spass 
-		    then 
-			 probfile
-                    else 
-			(File.platform_path wholefile)
+		    then probfile
+                    else (File.platform_path wholefile)
     val _ =  File.append (File.tmp_path (Path.basic"thmstring_in_watcher"))
 	       (thmstring^"\n goals_watched"^(string_of_int(!goals_being_watched))^newfile^"\n")
@@ -366,7 +345,6 @@
 (*  Get Io-descriptor for polling of an input stream          *)
 fun getInIoDesc someInstr = 
     let val (rd, buf) = TextIO.StreamIO.getReader(TextIO.getInstream someInstr)
         val _ = TextIO.output (TextIO.stdOut, buf)
@@ -385,8 +363,6 @@
 (*  Set up a Watcher Process         *)
 fun setupWatcher (thm,clause_arr, num_of_clauses) = 
     (** pipes for communication between parent and watcher **)
@@ -451,13 +427,10 @@
 			  else if (OS.IO.isIn (hd pdl)) 
-			       then
-				  (SOME ( getCmds (toParentStr, fromParentStr, [])))
-			       else
-				   NONE
+			       then SOME (getCmds (toParentStr, fromParentStr, []))
+			       else NONE
-		     else
-			 NONE
+		     else NONE
 	       fun pollChildInput (fromStr) = 
@@ -472,7 +445,6 @@
 		     if (isSome pd ) then 
 			 let val pd' = OS.IO.pollIn (valOf pd)
 			     val pdl = OS.IO.poll ([pd'], SOME (Time.fromMilliseconds 2000)) 
 			    if null pdl 
@@ -534,7 +506,9 @@
 		      if (isSome childIncoming) 
 			  (* check here for prover label on child*)
-			  let val _ = File.write (File.tmp_path (Path.basic "child_incoming"))  ("subgoals forked to checkChildren: "^prems_string^prover^thmstring^goalstring^childCmd) 
+			  let val _ = File.write (File.tmp_path (Path.basic "child_incoming")) 
+			             ("subgoals forked to checkChildren:"^
+			             prems_string^prover^thmstring^goalstring^childCmd) 
 		              val childDone = (case prover of
 	                          "vampire" => (VampComm.checkVampProofFound(childInput, toParentStr, parentID,thmstring,goalstring, childCmd, thm, sg_num,clause_arr, num_of_clauses) )                                              
                                  |"spass" => (SpassComm.checkSpassProofFound(childInput, toParentStr, parentID,thmstring,goalstring, childCmd, thm, sg_num,clause_arr, num_of_clauses)     ) )
@@ -709,13 +683,10 @@
 		  (* start the watcher loop  *)
 		  keepWatching (toParentStr, fromParentStr, procList);
-		  (* fake return value - actually want the watcher to loop until killed       *)
+   (* fake return value - actually want the watcher to loop until killed *)
 		  Posix.Process.wordToPid 0w0
 	  (* end case *)
@@ -770,11 +741,9 @@
 fun createWatcher (thm,clause_arr, ( num_of_clauses:int)) =
  let val mychild = childInfo (setupWatcher(thm,clause_arr,  num_of_clauses))
-     val streams =snd mychild
+     val streams = snd mychild
      val childin = fst streams
      val childout = snd streams
      val childpid = fst mychild
@@ -795,24 +764,24 @@
 	   val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, ("In signal handler  "^reconstr^thmstring^goalstring^"goals_being_watched is: "^(string_of_int (!goals_being_watched))))
 	   val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
        in (* if a proof has been found and sent back as a reconstruction proof *)
-	 if ( (substring (reconstr, 0,1))= "[")
+	 if substring (reconstr, 0,1) = "["
 	 then (Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str ( (concat[(oct_char "360"), (oct_char "377")])));
 	       Recon_Transfer.apply_res_thm reconstr goalstring;
 	       Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str  (oct_char "361"));
 	       goals_being_watched := ((!goals_being_watched) - 1);
-	       if ((!goals_being_watched) = 0)
+	       if (!goals_being_watched) = 0
-		  (let val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_reap_found")));
-		       val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, ("Reaping a watcher, goals watched is: "^(string_of_int (!goals_being_watched))^"\n"))
-		       val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+		  let val _ = File.write (File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_reap_found"))
+                                   ("Reaping a watcher, goals watched is: "^
+                                    (string_of_int (!goals_being_watched))^"\n")
 		       killWatcher (childpid); reapWatcher (childpid,childin, childout); ()
-		   end)
+		   end
 		else () )
 	 (* if there's no proof, but a message from Spass *)
-	 else if ((substring (reconstr, 0,5))= "SPASS")
+	 else if substring (reconstr, 0,5) = "SPASS"
 	 then (goals_being_watched := (!goals_being_watched) -1;
 	       Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str ( (concat[(oct_char "360"), (oct_char "377")])));
 	       Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str ((Recon_Transfer.restore_linebreaks goalstring)^reconstr));
@@ -824,7 +793,7 @@
 	             killWatcher (childpid); reapWatcher (childpid,childin, childout); ())
 		else () ) 
 	(* print out a list of rules used from clasimpset*)
-	 else if ((substring (reconstr, 0,5))= "Rules")
+	 else if substring (reconstr, 0,5) = "Rules"
 	 then (goals_being_watched := (!goals_being_watched) -1;
 	       Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str ( (concat[(oct_char "360"), (oct_char "377")])));
 	       Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str (goalstring^reconstr));
@@ -837,7 +806,7 @@
 	       else () )
 	  (* if proof translation failed *)
-	 else if ((substring (reconstr, 0,5)) = "Proof")
+	 else if substring (reconstr, 0,5) = "Proof"
 	 then (goals_being_watched := (!goals_being_watched) -1;
 	       Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str ( (concat[(oct_char "360"), (oct_char "377")])));
 	       Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str (goalstring^(Recon_Transfer.restore_linebreaks reconstr)));
@@ -850,7 +819,7 @@
 	       else () )
-	 else if ((substring (reconstr, 0,1)) = "%")
+	 else if substring (reconstr, 0,1) = "%"
 	 then (goals_being_watched := (!goals_being_watched) -1;
 	       Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str ( (concat[(oct_char "360"), (oct_char "377")])));
 	       Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str (goalstring^(Recon_Transfer.restore_linebreaks reconstr)));
@@ -866,15 +835,15 @@
 	 else  (* add something here ?*)
 	      (goals_being_watched := (!goals_being_watched) -1;
 	       Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str ( (concat[(oct_char "360"), (oct_char "377")])));
-		Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str ("Ran out of options in handler"));
-		Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str  (oct_char "361"));
-		if (!goals_being_watched = 0)
-	        then (File.write (File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_reap_comp"))
-	              ("Reaping a watcher, goals watched is: " ^
-	                 (string_of_int (!goals_being_watched))^"\n");
-	             killWatcher (childpid);  reapWatcher (childpid,childin, childout);()
-		     )
-	        else () )
+	       Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str ("Ran out of options in handler"));
+	       Pretty.writeln(Pretty.str  (oct_char "361"));
+	       if (!goals_being_watched = 0)
+	       then (File.write (File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_reap_comp"))
+		     ("Reaping a watcher, goals watched is: " ^
+			(string_of_int (!goals_being_watched))^"\n");
+		    killWatcher (childpid);  reapWatcher (childpid,childin, childout);()
+		    )
+	       else () )
  in IsaSignal.signal (IsaSignal.usr1, IsaSignal.SIG_HANDLE vampire_proofHandler);
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Fri Sep 02 15:25:27 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Fri Sep 02 15:25:44 2005 +0200
@@ -143,28 +143,18 @@
 (* where N is the number of this subgoal                             *)
-(*fun dfg_inputs_tfrees thms n tfrees axclauses= 
-    let  val clss = map (ResClause.make_conjecture_clause_thm) thms
-         val _ = (debug ("in dfg_inputs_tfrees 1"))
-	 val (dfg_clss,tfree_litss) = ListPair.unzip (map ResClause.clause2dfg clss)
-	 val tfree_clss = map ResClause.tfree_clause ((ResLib.flat_noDup tfree_litss) \\ tfrees) 
-         val probfile = (File.platform_path prob_file) ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int n)
-         val filestr = ResClause.clauses2dfg clss ("prob" ^ (string_of_int n)) axclauses [] [] [] tfrees   
-	 val out = TextIO.openOut(probfile)
-    in
-	(ResLib.writeln_strs out (tfree_clss @ dfg_clss); TextIO.closeOut out; debug probfile)
-    end;
 fun dfg_inputs_tfrees thms n tfrees axclauses = 
     let val clss = map (ResClause.make_conjecture_clause_thm) thms
         val probfile = (File.platform_path prob_file) ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int n)
-        val _ = warning ("about to write out dfg prob file "^probfile)
+        val _ = debug ("about to write out dfg prob file " ^ probfile)
        	(*val (dfg_clss,tfree_litss) = ListPair.unzip (map ResClause.clause2dfg clss)
         val tfree_clss = map ResClause.tfree_dfg_clause ((ResLib.flat_noDup tfree_litss) \\ tfrees) *)   
-        val filestr = ResClause.clauses2dfg clss ("prob" ^ (string_of_int n)) axclauses [] [] [] tfrees   
+        val filestr = ResClause.clauses2dfg clss ("prob" ^ (string_of_int n)) 
+                        axclauses [] [] [] tfrees   
 	val out = TextIO.openOut(probfile)
 	(ResLib.writeln_strs out [filestr]; TextIO.closeOut out; debug probfile )
+(* (ResLib.writeln_strs out (tfree_clss @ dfg_clss); *)
@@ -238,11 +228,13 @@
         (EVERY1 [rtac ccontr,atomize_tac, skolemize_tac, 
-          METAHYPS(fn negs => (if !SpassComm.spass then 
-				    dfg_inputs_tfrees (make_clauses negs) n tfrees axclauses
- 				 else
-			  	    tptp_inputs_tfrees (make_clauses negs)  n tfrees;
-			            get_sko_thms  tfrees sign sg_terms (childin, childout, pid) thm  (n -1) (negs::sko_thms) axclauses; dummy_tac))]) n thm )
+          METAHYPS(fn negs => 
+            (if !SpassComm.spass 
+             then dfg_inputs_tfrees (make_clauses negs) n tfrees axclauses
+             else tptp_inputs_tfrees (make_clauses negs) n tfrees;
+             get_sko_thms tfrees sign sg_terms (childin, childout, pid) 
+                          thm  (n -1) (negs::sko_thms) axclauses; 
+             dummy_tac))]) n thm )
@@ -277,7 +269,7 @@
 (* write to file "hyps"                           *)
-fun isar_atp_aux thms thm n_subgoals  (childin, childout, pid)  axclauses=
+fun isar_atp_aux thms thm n_subgoals  (childin, childout, pid) axclauses =
   let val tfree_lits = isar_atp_h thms
     debug ("in isar_atp_aux");