renamed structure OuterLex to Token and type token to Token.T, keeping legacy aliases for some time;
Mon, 17 May 2010 15:11:25 +0200
changeset 36959 f5417836dbea
parent 36958 ad5313f1bd30
child 36960 01594f816e3a
renamed structure OuterLex to Token and type token to Token.T, keeping legacy aliases for some time; eliminated slightly odd alias structure T;
--- a/NEWS	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/NEWS	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -505,9 +505,10 @@
 * Renamed some important ML structures, while keeping the old names as
 legacy aliases for some time:
+  OuterKeyword  ~>  Keyword
+  OuterLex      ~>  Token
+  OuterParse    ~>  Parse
   OuterSyntax   ~>  Outer_Syntax
-  OuterKeyword  ~>  Keyword
-  OuterParse    ~>  Parse
   SpecParse     ~>  Parse_Spec
--- a/src/HOL/Import/import_syntax.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/import_syntax.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -4,26 +4,23 @@
 signature HOL4_IMPORT_SYNTAX =
-    type token = OuterLex.token
-    type command  = token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list 
-    val import_segment: token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
-    val import_theory : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
-    val end_import    : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
-    val setup_theory  : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
-    val end_setup     : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
+    val import_segment: (theory -> theory) parser
+    val import_theory : (theory -> theory) parser
+    val end_import    : (theory -> theory) parser
+    val setup_theory  : (theory -> theory) parser
+    val end_setup     : (theory -> theory) parser
+    val thm_maps      : (theory -> theory) parser
+    val ignore_thms   : (theory -> theory) parser
+    val type_maps     : (theory -> theory) parser
+    val def_maps      : (theory -> theory) parser
+    val const_maps    : (theory -> theory) parser
+    val const_moves   : (theory -> theory) parser
+    val const_renames : (theory -> theory) parser
-    val thm_maps      : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
-    val ignore_thms   : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
-    val type_maps     : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
-    val def_maps      : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
-    val const_maps    : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
-    val const_moves   : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
-    val const_renames : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
-    val skip_import_dir : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
-    val skip_import     : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
+    val skip_import_dir : (theory -> theory) parser
+    val skip_import     : (theory -> theory) parser
     val setup        : unit -> unit
@@ -31,9 +28,6 @@
 structure HOL4ImportSyntax :> HOL4_IMPORT_SYNTAX =
-type token = OuterLex.token
-type command  = token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list 
 local structure P = OuterParse and K = OuterKeyword in
 (* Parsers *)
@@ -48,11 +42,11 @@
                                       |> add_dump (";setup_theory " ^ thyname))
 fun do_skip_import_dir s = (ImportRecorder.set_skip_import_dir (SOME s); I)
-val skip_import_dir : command = P.string >> do_skip_import_dir
+val skip_import_dir = P.string >> do_skip_import_dir
 val lower = Char.toLower
 fun do_skip_import s = (ImportRecorder.set_skip_import (case lower s of "on" => true | "off" => false | _ => ()); I)
-val skip_import : command = P.short_ident >> do_skip_import
+val skip_import = P.short_ident >> do_skip_import
 fun end_import toks =
@@ -160,8 +154,8 @@
           (Scan.make_lexicon (map Symbol.explode ["import_segment","ignore_thms","import","end",">","::","const_maps","const_moves","thm_maps","const_renames","type_maps","def_maps"]),
         val get_lexes = fn () => !lexes
-        val token_source = OuterLex.source {do_recover = NONE} get_lexes Position.start symb_source
-        val token_list = filter_out (OuterLex.is_kind OuterLex.Space) (Source.exhaust token_source)
+        val token_source = Token.source {do_recover = NONE} get_lexes Position.start symb_source
+        val token_list = filter_out (Token.is_kind Token.Space) (Source.exhaust token_source)
         val import_segmentP = OuterParse.$$$ "import_segment" |-- import_segment
         val type_mapsP = OuterParse.$$$ "type_maps" |-- type_maps
         val def_mapsP = OuterParse.$$$ "def_maps" |-- def_maps
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -335,9 +335,9 @@
     Source.of_string name
     |> Symbol.source {do_recover=false}
-    |> OuterLex.source {do_recover=SOME false} lex Position.start
-    |> OuterLex.source_proper
-    |> Source.source OuterLex.stopper (Parse_Spec.xthms1 >> get) NONE
+    |> Token.source {do_recover=SOME false} lex Position.start
+    |> Token.source_proper
+    |> Source.source Token.stopper (Parse_Spec.xthms1 >> get) NONE
     |> Source.exhaust
--- a/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -67,24 +67,25 @@
   Isar/expression.ML Isar/isar_cmd.ML Isar/isar_document.ML		\
   Isar/isar_syn.ML Isar/keyword.ML Isar/local_defs.ML			\
   Isar/local_syntax.ML Isar/local_theory.ML Isar/locale.ML		\
-  Isar/method.ML Isar/object_logic.ML Isar/obtain.ML Isar/outer_lex.ML	\
+  Isar/method.ML Isar/object_logic.ML Isar/obtain.ML			\
   Isar/outer_syntax.ML Isar/overloading.ML Isar/parse.ML		\
   Isar/parse_spec.ML Isar/parse_value.ML Isar/proof.ML			\
   Isar/proof_context.ML Isar/proof_display.ML Isar/proof_node.ML	\
   Isar/rule_cases.ML Isar/rule_insts.ML Isar/runtime.ML			\
   Isar/skip_proof.ML Isar/spec_rules.ML Isar/specification.ML		\
-  Isar/theory_target.ML Isar/toplevel.ML Isar/typedecl.ML		\
-  ML/ml_antiquote.ML ML/ml_compiler.ML ML/ml_compiler_polyml-5.3.ML	\
-  ML/ml_context.ML ML/ml_env.ML ML/ml_lex.ML ML/ml_parse.ML		\
-  ML/ml_syntax.ML ML/ml_thms.ML ML-Systems/install_pp_polyml.ML		\
-  ML-Systems/install_pp_polyml-5.3.ML ML-Systems/use_context.ML		\
-  Proof/extraction.ML Proof/proof_rewrite_rules.ML			\
-  Proof/proof_syntax.ML Proof/proofchecker.ML Proof/reconstruct.ML	\
-  ProofGeneral/pgip.ML ProofGeneral/pgip_input.ML			\
-  ProofGeneral/pgip_isabelle.ML ProofGeneral/pgip_markup.ML		\
-  ProofGeneral/pgip_output.ML ProofGeneral/pgip_parser.ML		\
-  ProofGeneral/pgip_tests.ML ProofGeneral/pgip_types.ML			\
-  ProofGeneral/preferences.ML ProofGeneral/proof_general_emacs.ML	\
+  Isar/theory_target.ML Isar/token.ML Isar/toplevel.ML			\
+  Isar/typedecl.ML ML/ml_antiquote.ML ML/ml_compiler.ML			\
+  ML/ml_compiler_polyml-5.3.ML ML/ml_context.ML ML/ml_env.ML		\
+  ML/ml_lex.ML ML/ml_parse.ML ML/ml_syntax.ML ML/ml_thms.ML		\
+  ML-Systems/install_pp_polyml.ML ML-Systems/install_pp_polyml-5.3.ML	\
+  ML-Systems/use_context.ML Proof/extraction.ML				\
+  Proof/proof_rewrite_rules.ML Proof/proof_syntax.ML			\
+  Proof/proofchecker.ML Proof/reconstruct.ML ProofGeneral/pgip.ML	\
+  ProofGeneral/pgip_input.ML ProofGeneral/pgip_isabelle.ML		\
+  ProofGeneral/pgip_markup.ML ProofGeneral/pgip_output.ML		\
+  ProofGeneral/pgip_parser.ML ProofGeneral/pgip_tests.ML		\
+  ProofGeneral/pgip_types.ML ProofGeneral/preferences.ML		\
+  ProofGeneral/proof_general_emacs.ML					\
   ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML Pure.thy ROOT.ML Syntax/ast.ML	\
   Syntax/lexicon.ML Syntax/mixfix.ML Syntax/parser.ML			\
   Syntax/printer.ML Syntax/simple_syntax.ML Syntax/syn_ext.ML		\
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/args.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/args.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
 signature ARGS =
-  type token = OuterLex.token
   type src
-  val src: (string * token list) * Position.T -> src
-  val dest_src: src -> (string * token list) * Position.T
+  val src: (string * Token.T list) * Position.T -> src
+  val dest_src: src -> (string * Token.T list) * Position.T
   val pretty_src: Proof.context -> src -> Pretty.T
   val map_name: (string -> string) -> src -> src
   val morph_values: morphism -> src -> src
@@ -57,8 +56,8 @@
   val const: bool -> string context_parser
   val const_proper: bool -> string context_parser
   val goal_spec: ((int -> tactic) -> tactic) context_parser
-  val parse: token list parser
-  val parse1: (string -> bool) -> token list parser
+  val parse: Token.T list parser
+  val parse1: (string -> bool) -> Token.T list parser
   val attribs: (string -> string) -> src list parser
   val opt_attribs: (string -> string) -> src list parser
   val thm_name: (string -> string) -> string -> (binding * src list) parser
@@ -70,15 +69,9 @@
 structure Args: ARGS =
-structure T = OuterLex;
-type token = T.token;
 (** datatype src **)
-datatype src = Src of (string * token list) * Position.T;
+datatype src = Src of (string * Token.T list) * Position.T;
 val src = Src;
 fun dest_src (Src src) = src;
@@ -87,12 +80,12 @@
     val prt_thm = Pretty.backquote o Display.pretty_thm ctxt;
     fun prt arg =
-      (case T.get_value arg of
-        SOME (T.Text s) => Pretty.str (quote s)
-      | SOME (T.Typ T) => Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt T
-      | SOME (T.Term t) => Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t
-      | SOME (T.Fact ths) => Pretty.enclose "(" ")" (Pretty.breaks (map prt_thm ths))
-      | _ => Pretty.str (T.unparse arg));
+      (case Token.get_value arg of
+        SOME (Token.Text s) => Pretty.str (quote s)
+      | SOME (Token.Typ T) => Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt T
+      | SOME (Token.Term t) => Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t
+      | SOME (Token.Fact ths) => Pretty.enclose "(" ")" (Pretty.breaks (map prt_thm ths))
+      | _ => Pretty.str (Token.unparse arg));
     val (s, args) = #1 (dest_src src);
   in Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks (Pretty.str s :: map prt args)) end;
@@ -102,15 +95,15 @@
 (* values *)
-fun morph_values phi = map_args (T.map_value
-  (fn T.Text s => T.Text s
-    | T.Typ T => T.Typ (Morphism.typ phi T)
-    | T.Term t => T.Term (Morphism.term phi t)
-    | T.Fact ths => T.Fact (Morphism.fact phi ths)
-    | T.Attribute att => T.Attribute (Morphism.transform phi att)));
+fun morph_values phi = map_args (Token.map_value
+  (fn Token.Text s => Token.Text s
+    | Token.Typ T => Token.Typ (Morphism.typ phi T)
+    | Token.Term t => Token.Term (Morphism.term phi t)
+    | Token.Fact ths => Token.Fact (Morphism.fact phi ths)
+    | Token.Attribute att => Token.Attribute (Morphism.transform phi att)));
-val assignable = map_args T.assignable;
-val closure = map_args T.closure;
+val assignable = map_args Token.assignable;
+val closure = map_args Token.closure;
@@ -134,7 +127,7 @@
 val alt_string = token Parse.alt_string;
 val symbolic = token Parse.keyword_ident_or_symbolic;
-fun $$$ x = (ident >> T.content_of || Parse.keyword)
+fun $$$ x = (ident >> Token.content_of || Parse.keyword)
   :|-- (fn y => if x = y then Scan.succeed x else;
@@ -153,39 +146,40 @@
 fun mode s = Scan.lift (Scan.optional (parens ($$$ s) >> K true) false);
 fun maybe scan = $$$ "_" >> K NONE || scan >> SOME;
-val name_source = named >> T.source_of;
-val name_source_position = named >> T.source_position_of;
+val name_source = named >> Token.source_of;
+val name_source_position = named >> Token.source_position_of;
-val name = named >> T.content_of;
+val name = named >> Token.content_of;
 val binding = Parse.position name >> Binding.make;
-val alt_name = alt_string >> T.content_of;
-val symbol = symbolic >> T.content_of;
+val alt_name = alt_string >> Token.content_of;
+val symbol = symbolic >> Token.content_of;
 val liberal_name = symbol || name;
-val var = (ident >> T.content_of) :|-- (fn x =>
+val var = (ident >> Token.content_of) :|-- (fn x =>
   (case Lexicon.read_variable x of SOME v => Scan.succeed v | NONE =>;
 (* values *)
 fun value dest = Scan.some (fn arg =>
-  (case T.get_value arg of SOME v => (SOME (dest v) handle Match => NONE) | NONE => NONE));
+  (case Token.get_value arg of SOME v => (SOME (dest v) handle Match => NONE) | NONE => NONE));
 fun evaluate mk eval arg =
-  let val x = eval arg in (T.assign (SOME (mk x)) arg; x) end;
+  let val x = eval arg in (Token.assign (SOME (mk x)) arg; x) end;
+val internal_text = value (fn Token.Text s => s);
+val internal_typ = value (fn Token.Typ T => T);
+val internal_term = value (fn Token.Term t => t);
+val internal_fact = value (fn Token.Fact ths => ths);
+val internal_attribute = value (fn Token.Attribute att => att);
-val internal_text = value (fn T.Text s => s);
-val internal_typ = value (fn T.Typ T => T);
-val internal_term = value (fn T.Term t => t);
-val internal_fact = value (fn T.Fact ths => ths);
-val internal_attribute = value (fn T.Attribute att => att);
-fun named_text intern = internal_text || named >> evaluate T.Text (intern o T.content_of);
-fun named_typ readT = internal_typ || named >> evaluate T.Typ (readT o T.source_of);
-fun named_term read = internal_term || named >> evaluate T.Term (read o T.source_of);
-fun named_fact get = internal_fact || named >> evaluate T.Fact (get o T.content_of) ||
-  alt_string >> evaluate T.Fact (get o T.source_of);
-fun named_attribute att = internal_attribute || named >> evaluate T.Attribute (att o T.content_of);
+fun named_text intern = internal_text || named >> evaluate Token.Text (intern o Token.content_of);
+fun named_typ readT = internal_typ || named >> evaluate Token.Typ (readT o Token.source_of);
+fun named_term read = internal_term || named >> evaluate Token.Term (read o Token.source_of);
+fun named_fact get = internal_fact || named >> evaluate Token.Fact (get o Token.content_of) ||
+  alt_string >> evaluate Token.Fact (get o Token.source_of);
+fun named_attribute att =
+  internal_attribute || named >> evaluate Token.Attribute (att o Token.content_of);
 (* terms and types *)
@@ -243,7 +237,7 @@
       (token (Parse.$$$ l) ::: Parse.!!! (args true @@@ (token (Parse.$$$ r) >> single))) x;
   in (args, args1) end;
-val parse = #1 (parse_args T.ident_or_symbolic) false;
+val parse = #1 (parse_args Token.ident_or_symbolic) false;
 fun parse1 is_symid = #2 (parse_args is_symid) false;
@@ -252,7 +246,7 @@
 fun attribs intern =
     val attrib_name = internal_text || (symbolic || named)
-      >> evaluate T.Text (intern o T.content_of);
+      >> evaluate Token.Text (intern o Token.content_of);
     val attrib = Parse.position (attrib_name -- Parse.!!! parse) >> src;
   in $$$ "[" |-- Parse.!!! (Parse.list attrib --| $$$ "]") end;
@@ -273,11 +267,11 @@
 (** syntax wrapper **)
 fun syntax kind scan (Src ((s, args), pos)) st =
-  (case Scan.error (Scan.finite' T.stopper (Scan.option scan)) (st, args) of
+  (case Scan.error (Scan.finite' Token.stopper (Scan.option scan)) (st, args) of
     (SOME x, (st', [])) => (x, st')
   | (_, (_, args')) =>
       error (kind ^ " " ^ quote s ^ Position.str_of pos ^ ": bad arguments\n  " ^
-        space_implode " " (map T.unparse args')));
+        space_implode " " (map Token.unparse args')));
 fun context_syntax kind scan src = apsnd Context.the_proof o syntax kind scan src o Context.Proof;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/attrib.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/attrib.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -47,9 +47,6 @@
 structure Attrib: ATTRIB =
-structure T = OuterLex;
 (* source and bindings *)
 type src = Args.src;
@@ -216,7 +213,7 @@
 (* internal *)
-fun internal att = Args.src (("Pure.attribute", [T.mk_attribute att]), Position.none);
+fun internal att = Args.src (("Pure.attribute", [Token.mk_attribute att]), Position.none);
 (* rule composition *)
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/method.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/method.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@
 (* outer parser *)
 fun is_symid_meth s =
-  s <> "|" andalso s <> "?" andalso s <> "+" andalso OuterLex.ident_or_symbolic s;
+  s <> "|" andalso s <> "?" andalso s <> "+" andalso Token.ident_or_symbolic s;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/outer_lex.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Isar/outer_lex.ML
-    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-Outer lexical syntax for Isabelle/Isar.
-signature OUTER_LEX =
-  datatype token_kind =
-    Command | Keyword | Ident | LongIdent | SymIdent | Var | TypeIdent | TypeVar |
-    Nat | String | AltString | Verbatim | Space | Comment | InternalValue |
-    Malformed | Error of string | Sync | EOF
-  datatype value =
-    Text of string | Typ of typ | Term of term | Fact of thm list |
-    Attribute of morphism -> attribute
-  type token
-  val str_of_kind: token_kind -> string
-  val position_of: token -> Position.T
-  val end_position_of: token -> Position.T
-  val pos_of: token -> string
-  val eof: token
-  val is_eof: token -> bool
-  val not_eof: token -> bool
-  val not_sync: token -> bool
-  val stopper: token Scan.stopper
-  val kind_of: token -> token_kind
-  val is_kind: token_kind -> token -> bool
-  val keyword_with: (string -> bool) -> token -> bool
-  val ident_with: (string -> bool) -> token -> bool
-  val is_proper: token -> bool
-  val is_semicolon: token -> bool
-  val is_comment: token -> bool
-  val is_begin_ignore: token -> bool
-  val is_end_ignore: token -> bool
-  val is_blank: token -> bool
-  val is_newline: token -> bool
-  val source_of: token -> string
-  val source_position_of: token -> Symbol_Pos.text * Position.T
-  val content_of: token -> string
-  val unparse: token -> string
-  val text_of: token -> string * string
-  val get_value: token -> value option
-  val map_value: (value -> value) -> token -> token
-  val mk_text: string -> token
-  val mk_typ: typ -> token
-  val mk_term: term -> token
-  val mk_fact: thm list -> token
-  val mk_attribute: (morphism -> attribute) -> token
-  val assignable: token -> token
-  val assign: value option -> token -> unit
-  val closure: token -> token
-  val ident_or_symbolic: string -> bool
-  val !!! : string -> (Symbol_Pos.T list -> 'a) -> Symbol_Pos.T list -> 'a
-  val source_proper: (token, 'a) Source.source -> (token, (token, 'a) Source.source) Source.source
-  val source': {do_recover: bool Option.option} -> (unit -> Scan.lexicon * Scan.lexicon) ->
-    (Symbol_Pos.T, 'a) Source.source -> (token, (Symbol_Pos.T, 'a) Source.source) Source.source
-  val source: {do_recover: bool Option.option} -> (unit -> Scan.lexicon * Scan.lexicon) ->
-    Position.T -> (Symbol.symbol, 'a) Source.source -> (token,
-      (Symbol_Pos.T, Position.T * (Symbol.symbol, 'a) Source.source) Source.source) Source.source
-  val read_antiq: Scan.lexicon -> (token list -> 'a * token list) ->
-    Symbol_Pos.T list * Position.T -> 'a
-structure OuterLex: OUTER_LEX =
-(** tokens **)
-(* token values *)
-(*The value slot assigns an (optional) internal value to a token,
-  usually as a side-effect of special scanner setup (see also
-  args.ML).  Note that an assignable ref designates an intermediate
-  state of internalization -- it is NOT meant to persist.*)
-datatype value =
-  Text of string |
-  Typ of typ |
-  Term of term |
-  Fact of thm list |
-  Attribute of morphism -> attribute;
-datatype slot =
-  Slot |
-  Value of value option |
-  Assignable of value option Unsynchronized.ref;
-(* datatype token *)
-datatype token_kind =
-  Command | Keyword | Ident | LongIdent | SymIdent | Var | TypeIdent | TypeVar |
-  Nat | String | AltString | Verbatim | Space | Comment | InternalValue |
-  Malformed | Error of string | Sync | EOF;
-datatype token = Token of (Symbol_Pos.text * Position.range) * (token_kind * string) * slot;
-val str_of_kind =
- fn Command => "command"
-  | Keyword => "keyword"
-  | Ident => "identifier"
-  | LongIdent => "long identifier"
-  | SymIdent => "symbolic identifier"
-  | Var => "schematic variable"
-  | TypeIdent => "type variable"
-  | TypeVar => "schematic type variable"
-  | Nat => "number"
-  | String => "string"
-  | AltString => "back-quoted string"
-  | Verbatim => "verbatim text"
-  | Space => "white space"
-  | Comment => "comment text"
-  | InternalValue => "internal value"
-  | Malformed => "malformed symbolic character"
-  | Error _ => "bad input"
-  | Sync => "sync marker"
-  | EOF => "end-of-file";
-(* position *)
-fun position_of (Token ((_, (pos, _)), _, _)) = pos;
-fun end_position_of (Token ((_, (_, pos)), _, _)) = pos;
-val pos_of = Position.str_of o position_of;
-(* control tokens *)
-fun mk_eof pos = Token (("", (pos, Position.none)), (EOF, ""), Slot);
-val eof = mk_eof Position.none;
-fun is_eof (Token (_, (EOF, _), _)) = true
-  | is_eof _ = false;
-val not_eof = not o is_eof;
-fun not_sync (Token (_, (Sync, _), _)) = false
-  | not_sync _ = true;
-val stopper =
-  Scan.stopper (fn [] => eof | toks => mk_eof (end_position_of (List.last toks))) is_eof;
-(* kind of token *)
-fun kind_of (Token (_, (k, _), _)) = k;
-fun is_kind k (Token (_, (k', _), _)) = k = k';
-fun keyword_with pred (Token (_, (Keyword, x), _)) = pred x
-  | keyword_with _ _ = false;
-fun ident_with pred (Token (_, (Ident, x), _)) = pred x
-  | ident_with _ _ = false;
-fun is_proper (Token (_, (Space, _), _)) = false
-  | is_proper (Token (_, (Comment, _), _)) = false
-  | is_proper _ = true;
-fun is_semicolon (Token (_, (Keyword, ";"), _)) = true
-  | is_semicolon _ = false;
-fun is_comment (Token (_, (Comment, _), _)) = true
-  | is_comment _ = false;
-fun is_begin_ignore (Token (_, (Comment, "<"), _)) = true
-  | is_begin_ignore _ = false;
-fun is_end_ignore (Token (_, (Comment, ">"), _)) = true
-  | is_end_ignore _ = false;
-(* blanks and newlines -- space tokens obey lines *)
-fun is_blank (Token (_, (Space, x), _)) = not (String.isSuffix "\n" x)
-  | is_blank _ = false;
-fun is_newline (Token (_, (Space, x), _)) = String.isSuffix "\n" x
-  | is_newline _ = false;
-(* token content *)
-fun source_of (Token ((source, (pos, _)), _, _)) =
-  YXML.string_of (XML.Elem (Markup.tokenN, Position.properties_of pos, [XML.Text source]));
-fun source_position_of (Token ((source, (pos, _)), _, _)) = (source, pos);
-fun content_of (Token (_, (_, x), _)) = x;
-(* unparse *)
-fun escape q =
-  implode o map (fn s => if s = q orelse s = "\\" then "\\" ^ s else s) o Symbol.explode;
-fun unparse (Token (_, (kind, x), _)) =
-  (case kind of
-    String => x |> quote o escape "\""
-  | AltString => x |> enclose "`" "`" o escape "`"
-  | Verbatim => x |> enclose "{*" "*}"
-  | Comment => x |> enclose "(*" "*)"
-  | Malformed => space_implode " " (explode x)
-  | Sync => ""
-  | EOF => ""
-  | _ => x);
-fun text_of tok =
-  if is_semicolon tok then ("terminator", "")
-  else
-    let
-      val k = str_of_kind (kind_of tok);
-      val s = unparse tok
-        handle ERROR _ => Symbol.separate_chars (content_of tok);
-    in
-      if s = "" then (k, "")
-      else if size s < 40 andalso not (exists_string (fn c => c = "\n") s) then (k ^ " " ^ s, "")
-      else (k, s)
-    end;
-(** associated values **)
-(* access values *)
-fun get_value (Token (_, _, Value v)) = v
-  | get_value _ = NONE;
-fun map_value f (Token (x, y, Value (SOME v))) = Token (x, y, Value (SOME (f v)))
-  | map_value _ tok = tok;
-(* make values *)
-fun mk_value k v = Token ((k, Position.no_range), (InternalValue, k), Value (SOME v));
-val mk_text = mk_value "<text>" o Text;
-val mk_typ = mk_value "<typ>" o Typ;
-val mk_term = mk_value "<term>" o Term;
-val mk_fact = mk_value "<fact>" o Fact;
-val mk_attribute = mk_value "<attribute>" o Attribute;
-(* static binding *)
-(*1st stage: make empty slots assignable*)
-fun assignable (Token (x, y, Slot)) = Token (x, y, Assignable (Unsynchronized.ref NONE))
-  | assignable tok = tok;
-(*2nd stage: assign values as side-effect of scanning*)
-fun assign v (Token (_, _, Assignable r)) = r := v
-  | assign _ _ = ();
-(*3rd stage: static closure of final values*)
-fun closure (Token (x, y, Assignable (Unsynchronized.ref v))) = Token (x, y, Value v)
-  | closure tok = tok;
-(** scanners **)
-open Basic_Symbol_Pos;
-fun !!! msg = Symbol_Pos.!!! ("Outer lexical error: " ^ msg);
-(* scan symbolic idents *)
-val is_sym_char = member (op =) (explode "!#$%&*+-/<=>?@^_|~");
-val scan_symid =
-  Scan.many1 (is_sym_char o symbol) ||
- (Symbol.is_symbolic o symbol) >> single;
-fun is_symid str =
-  (case try Symbol.explode str of
-    SOME [s] => Symbol.is_symbolic s orelse is_sym_char s
-  | SOME ss => forall is_sym_char ss
-  | _ => false);
-fun ident_or_symbolic "begin" = false
-  | ident_or_symbolic ":" = true
-  | ident_or_symbolic "::" = true
-  | ident_or_symbolic s = Syntax.is_identifier s orelse is_symid s;
-(* scan verbatim text *)
-val scan_verb =
-  $$$ "*" --| Scan.ahead (~$$$ "}") ||
- (fn (s, _) => s <> "*" andalso Symbol.is_regular s) >> single;
-val scan_verbatim =
-  (Symbol_Pos.scan_pos --| $$$ "{" --| $$$ "*") -- !!! "missing end of verbatim text"
-    (Symbol_Pos.change_prompt
-      ((Scan.repeat scan_verb >> flat) -- ($$$ "*" |-- $$$ "}" |-- Symbol_Pos.scan_pos)));
-(* scan space *)
-fun is_space s = Symbol.is_blank s andalso s <> "\n";
-val scan_space =
-  Scan.many1 (is_space o symbol) @@@ Scan.optional ($$$ "\n") [] ||
-  Scan.many (is_space o symbol) @@@ $$$ "\n";
-(* scan comment *)
-val scan_comment =
-  Symbol_Pos.scan_pos -- (Symbol_Pos.scan_comment_body !!! -- Symbol_Pos.scan_pos);
-(* scan malformed symbols *)
-val scan_malformed =
-  $$$ Symbol.malformed |--
-    Symbol_Pos.change_prompt (Scan.many (Symbol.is_regular o symbol))
-  --| Scan.option ($$$ Symbol.end_malformed);
-(** token sources **)
-fun source_proper src = src |> Source.filter is_proper;
-fun token_leq ((_, syms1), (_, syms2)) = length syms1 <= length syms2;
-fun token k ss =
-  Token ((Symbol_Pos.implode ss, Symbol_Pos.range ss), (k, Symbol_Pos.untabify_content ss), Slot);
-fun token_range k (pos1, (ss, pos2)) =
-  Token (Symbol_Pos.implode_range pos1 pos2 ss, (k, Symbol_Pos.untabify_content ss), Slot);
-fun scan (lex1, lex2) = !!! "bad input"
-  (Symbol_Pos.scan_string >> token_range String ||
-    Symbol_Pos.scan_alt_string >> token_range AltString ||
-    scan_verbatim >> token_range Verbatim ||
-    scan_comment >> token_range Comment ||
-    scan_space >> token Space ||
-    scan_malformed >> token Malformed ||
- (Symbol.is_sync o symbol) >> (token Sync o single) ||
-    (Scan.max token_leq
-      (Scan.max token_leq
-        (Scan.literal lex2 >> pair Command)
-        (Scan.literal lex1 >> pair Keyword))
-      (Syntax.scan_longid >> pair LongIdent ||
-        Syntax.scan_id >> pair Ident ||
-        Syntax.scan_var >> pair Var ||
-        Syntax.scan_tid >> pair TypeIdent ||
-        Syntax.scan_tvar >> pair TypeVar ||
-        Syntax.scan_nat >> pair Nat ||
-        scan_symid >> pair SymIdent) >> uncurry token));
-fun recover msg =
-  Scan.many ((Symbol.is_regular andf (not o Symbol.is_blank)) o symbol)
-  >> (single o token (Error msg));
-fun source' {do_recover} get_lex =
-  Source.source Symbol_Pos.stopper (Scan.bulk (fn xs => scan (get_lex ()) xs))
-    ( (rpair recover) do_recover);
-fun source do_recover get_lex pos src =
-  Symbol_Pos.source pos src
-  |> source' do_recover get_lex;
-(* read_antiq *)
-fun read_antiq lex scan (syms, pos) =
-  let
-    fun err msg = cat_error msg ("Malformed antiquotation" ^ Position.str_of pos ^ ":\n" ^
-      "@{" ^ Symbol_Pos.content syms ^ "}");
-    val res =
-      Source.of_list syms
-      |> source' {do_recover = NONE} (K (lex, Scan.empty_lexicon))
-      |> source_proper
-      |> Source.source stopper (Scan.error (Scan.bulk scan)) NONE
-      |> Source.exhaust;
-  in (case res of [x] => x | _ => err "") handle ERROR msg => err msg end;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/outer_syntax.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/outer_syntax.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
   val local_theory_to_proof: string -> string -> Keyword.T ->
     (local_theory -> Proof.state) parser -> unit
   val print_outer_syntax: unit -> unit
-  val scan: Position.T -> string -> OuterLex.token list
+  val scan: Position.T -> string -> Token.T list
   val parse: Position.T -> string -> Toplevel.transition list
   val process_file: Path.T -> theory -> theory
   type isar
@@ -37,11 +37,6 @@
 structure Outer_Syntax: OUTER_SYNTAX =
-structure T = OuterLex;
-type 'a parser = 'a Parse.parser;
 (** outer syntax **)
 (* command parsers *)
@@ -171,17 +166,17 @@
 fun toplevel_source term do_recover cmd src =
     val no_terminator =
-      Scan.unless Parse.semicolon ( (T.not_sync andf T.not_eof));
+      Scan.unless Parse.semicolon ( (Token.not_sync andf Token.not_eof));
     fun recover int =
       (int, fn _ => Scan.prompt "recover# " (Scan.repeat no_terminator) >> K [NONE]);
-    |> T.source_proper
-    |> Source.source T.stopper
+    |> Token.source_proper
+    |> Source.source Token.stopper
       (Scan.bulk (Parse.$$$ "--" -- Parse.!!! Parse.doc_source >> K NONE || Parse.not_eof >> SOME))
         ( recover do_recover)
     |> Source.map_filter I
-    |> Source.source T.stopper
+    |> Source.source Token.stopper
         (Scan.bulk (fn xs => Parse.!!! (parse_command term (cmd ())) xs))
         ( recover do_recover)
     |> Source.map_filter I
@@ -193,13 +188,13 @@
 fun scan pos str =
   Source.of_string str
   |> Symbol.source {do_recover = false}
-  |> T.source {do_recover = SOME false} Keyword.get_lexicons pos
+  |> Token.source {do_recover = SOME false} Keyword.get_lexicons pos
   |> Source.exhaust;
 fun parse pos str =
   Source.of_string str
   |> Symbol.source {do_recover = false}
-  |> T.source {do_recover = SOME false} Keyword.get_lexicons pos
+  |> Token.source {do_recover = SOME false} Keyword.get_lexicons pos
   |> toplevel_source false NONE get_command
   |> Source.exhaust;
@@ -222,7 +217,7 @@
 type isar =
   (Toplevel.transition, (Toplevel.transition option,
-    (OuterLex.token, (OuterLex.token option, (OuterLex.token, (OuterLex.token,
+    (Token.T, (Token.T option, (Token.T, (Token.T,
       (Symbol_Pos.T, Position.T * (Symbol.symbol, (string, unit) Source.source)
   Source.source) Source.source) Source.source) Source.source)
   Source.source) Source.source) Source.source) Source.source;
@@ -230,7 +225,7 @@
 fun isar term : isar =
   |> Symbol.source {do_recover = true}
-  |> T.source {do_recover = SOME true} Keyword.get_lexicons Position.none
+  |> Token.source {do_recover = SOME true} Keyword.get_lexicons Position.none
   |> toplevel_source term (SOME true) get_command;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/parse.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/parse.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -6,17 +6,16 @@
 signature PARSE =
-  type token = OuterLex.token
-  type 'a parser = token list -> 'a * token list
-  type 'a context_parser = Context.generic * token list -> 'a * (Context.generic * token list)
-  val group: string -> (token list -> 'a) -> token list -> 'a
-  val !!! : (token list -> 'a) -> token list -> 'a
-  val !!!! : (token list -> 'a) -> token list -> 'a
+  type 'a parser = Token.T list -> 'a * Token.T list
+  type 'a context_parser = Context.generic * Token.T list -> 'a * (Context.generic * Token.T list)
+  val group: string -> (Token.T list -> 'a) -> Token.T list -> 'a
+  val !!! : (Token.T list -> 'a) -> Token.T list -> 'a
+  val !!!! : (Token.T list -> 'a) -> Token.T list -> 'a
   val triple1: ('a * 'b) * 'c -> 'a * 'b * 'c
   val triple2: 'a * ('b * 'c) -> 'a * 'b * 'c
   val triple_swap: ('a * 'b) * 'c -> ('a * 'c) * 'b
-  val not_eof: token parser
-  val position: (token list -> 'a * 'b) -> token list -> ('a * Position.T) * 'b
+  val not_eof: Token.T parser
+  val position: (Token.T list -> 'a * 'b) -> Token.T list -> ('a * Position.T) * 'b
   val command: string parser
   val keyword: string parser
   val short_ident: string parser
@@ -98,11 +97,8 @@
 structure Parse: PARSE =
-structure T = OuterLex;
-type token = T.token;
-type 'a parser = token list -> 'a * token list;
-type 'a context_parser = Context.generic * token list -> 'a * (Context.generic * token list);
+type 'a parser = Token.T list -> 'a * Token.T list;
+type 'a context_parser = Context.generic * Token.T list -> 'a * (Context.generic * Token.T list);
 (** error handling **)
@@ -112,9 +108,11 @@
 fun fail_with s = Scan.fail_with
   (fn [] => s ^ " expected (past end-of-file!)"
     | (tok :: _) =>
-        (case T.text_of tok of
-          (txt, "") => s ^ " expected,\nbut " ^ txt ^ T.pos_of tok ^ " was found"
-        | (txt1, txt2) => s ^ " expected,\nbut " ^ txt1 ^ T.pos_of tok ^ " was found:\n" ^ txt2));
+        (case Token.text_of tok of
+          (txt, "") =>
+            s ^ " expected,\nbut " ^ txt ^ Token.pos_of tok ^ " was found"
+        | (txt1, txt2) =>
+            s ^ " expected,\nbut " ^ txt1 ^ Token.pos_of tok ^ " was found:\n" ^ txt2));
 fun group s scan = scan || fail_with s;
@@ -124,7 +122,7 @@
 fun cut kind scan =
     fun get_pos [] = " (past end-of-file!)"
-      | get_pos (tok :: _) = T.pos_of tok;
+      | get_pos (tok :: _) = Token.pos_of tok;
     fun err (toks, NONE) = kind ^ get_pos toks
       | err (toks, SOME msg) =
@@ -149,42 +147,42 @@
 (* tokens *)
 fun RESET_VALUE atom = (*required for all primitive parsers*)
-  Scan.ahead ( (K true)) -- atom >> (fn (arg, x) => (T.assign NONE arg; x));
+  Scan.ahead ( (K true)) -- atom >> (fn (arg, x) => (Token.assign NONE arg; x));
-val not_eof = RESET_VALUE ( T.not_eof);
+val not_eof = RESET_VALUE ( Token.not_eof);
-fun position scan = (Scan.ahead not_eof >> T.position_of) -- scan >> Library.swap;
-fun source_position atom = Scan.ahead atom |-- not_eof >> T.source_position_of;
-fun inner_syntax atom = Scan.ahead atom |-- not_eof >> T.source_of;
+fun position scan = (Scan.ahead not_eof >> Token.position_of) -- scan >> Library.swap;
+fun source_position atom = Scan.ahead atom |-- not_eof >> Token.source_position_of;
+fun inner_syntax atom = Scan.ahead atom |-- not_eof >> Token.source_of;
 fun kind k =
-  group (T.str_of_kind k) (RESET_VALUE ( (T.is_kind k) >> T.content_of));
+  group (Token.str_of_kind k) (RESET_VALUE ( (Token.is_kind k) >> Token.content_of));
-val command = kind T.Command;
-val keyword = kind T.Keyword;
-val short_ident = kind T.Ident;
-val long_ident = kind T.LongIdent;
-val sym_ident = kind T.SymIdent;
-val term_var = kind T.Var;
-val type_ident = kind T.TypeIdent;
-val type_var = kind T.TypeVar;
-val number = kind T.Nat;
-val string = kind T.String;
-val alt_string = kind T.AltString;
-val verbatim = kind T.Verbatim;
-val sync = kind T.Sync;
-val eof = kind T.EOF;
+val command = kind Token.Command;
+val keyword = kind Token.Keyword;
+val short_ident = kind Token.Ident;
+val long_ident = kind Token.LongIdent;
+val sym_ident = kind Token.SymIdent;
+val term_var = kind Token.Var;
+val type_ident = kind Token.TypeIdent;
+val type_var = kind Token.TypeVar;
+val number = kind Token.Nat;
+val string = kind Token.String;
+val alt_string = kind Token.AltString;
+val verbatim = kind Token.Verbatim;
+val sync = kind Token.Sync;
+val eof = kind Token.EOF;
-fun keyword_with pred = RESET_VALUE ( (T.keyword_with pred) >> T.content_of);
-val keyword_ident_or_symbolic = keyword_with T.ident_or_symbolic;
+fun keyword_with pred = RESET_VALUE ( (Token.keyword_with pred) >> Token.content_of);
+val keyword_ident_or_symbolic = keyword_with Token.ident_or_symbolic;
 fun $$$ x =
-  group (T.str_of_kind T.Keyword ^ " " ^ quote x) (keyword_with (fn y => x = y));
+  group (Token.str_of_kind Token.Keyword ^ " " ^ quote x) (keyword_with (fn y => x = y));
 fun reserved x =
   group ("reserved identifier " ^ quote x)
-    (RESET_VALUE ( (T.ident_with (fn y => x = y)) >> T.content_of));
+    (RESET_VALUE ( (Token.ident_with (fn y => x = y)) >> Token.content_of));
 val semicolon = $$$ ";";
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/rule_insts.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/rule_insts.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -29,9 +29,6 @@
 structure RuleInsts: RULE_INSTS =
-structure T = OuterLex;
 (** reading instantiations **)
@@ -100,11 +97,11 @@
     val (type_insts, term_insts) = List.partition (is_tvar o fst) mixed_insts;
     val internal_insts = term_insts |> map_filter
-      (fn (xi, T.Term t) => SOME (xi, t)
-        | (_, T.Text _) => NONE
+      (fn (xi, Token.Term t) => SOME (xi, t)
+        | (_, Token.Text _) => NONE
         | (xi, _) => error_var "Term argument expected for " xi);
     val external_insts = term_insts |> map_filter
-      (fn (xi, T.Text s) => SOME (xi, s) | _ => NONE);
+      (fn (xi, Token.Text s) => SOME (xi, s) | _ => NONE);
     (* mixed type instantiations *)
@@ -114,8 +111,8 @@
         val S = the_sort tvars xi;
         val T =
           (case arg of
-            T.Text s => Syntax.read_typ ctxt s
-          | T.Typ T => T
+            Token.Text s => Syntax.read_typ ctxt s
+          | Token.Typ T => T
           | _ => error_var "Type argument expected for " xi);
         if Sign.of_sort thy (T, S) then ((xi, S), T)
@@ -172,9 +169,9 @@
     val _ = (*assign internalized values*)
       mixed_insts |> (fn (arg, (xi, _)) =>
         if is_tvar xi then
-          T.assign (SOME (T.Typ (the (AList.lookup (op =) type_insts xi)))) arg
+          Token.assign (SOME (Token.Typ (the (AList.lookup (op =) type_insts xi)))) arg
-          T.assign (SOME (T.Term (the (AList.lookup (op =) term_insts xi)))) arg);
+          Token.assign (SOME (Token.Term (the (AList.lookup (op =) term_insts xi)))) arg);
     Drule.instantiate insts thm |> thm
@@ -197,7 +194,7 @@
 fun read_instantiate ctxt args thm =
   read_instantiate_mixed (ctxt |> ProofContext.set_mode ProofContext.mode_schematic)  (* FIXME !? *)
-    (map (fn (x, y) => (T.eof, (x, T.Text y))) args) thm;
+    (map (fn (x, y) => (Token.eof, (x, Token.Text y))) args) thm;
 fun instantiate_tac ctxt args = PRIMITIVE (read_instantiate ctxt args);
@@ -210,9 +207,9 @@
 val value =
-  Args.internal_typ >> T.Typ ||
-  Args.internal_term >> T.Term ||
-  Args.name_source >> T.Text;
+  Args.internal_typ >> Token.Typ ||
+  Args.internal_term >> Token.Term ||
+  Args.name_source >> Token.Text;
 val inst = Args.var -- (Args.$$$ "=" |-- Scan.ahead Parse.not_eof -- value)
   >> (fn (xi, (a, v)) => (a, (xi, v)));
@@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
 val value =
-  Args.internal_term >> T.Term ||
-  Args.name_source >> T.Text;
+  Args.internal_term >> Token.Term ||
+  Args.name_source >> Token.Text;
 val inst = Scan.ahead Parse.not_eof -- Args.maybe value;
 val concl = Args.$$$ "concl" -- Args.colon;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/token.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/Isar/token.ML
+    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
+Outer token syntax for Isabelle/Isar.
+signature TOKEN =
+  datatype kind =
+    Command | Keyword | Ident | LongIdent | SymIdent | Var | TypeIdent | TypeVar |
+    Nat | String | AltString | Verbatim | Space | Comment | InternalValue |
+    Malformed | Error of string | Sync | EOF
+  datatype value =
+    Text of string | Typ of typ | Term of term | Fact of thm list |
+    Attribute of morphism -> attribute
+  type T
+  val str_of_kind: kind -> string
+  val position_of: T -> Position.T
+  val end_position_of: T -> Position.T
+  val pos_of: T -> string
+  val eof: T
+  val is_eof: T -> bool
+  val not_eof: T -> bool
+  val not_sync: T -> bool
+  val stopper: T Scan.stopper
+  val kind_of: T -> kind
+  val is_kind: kind -> T -> bool
+  val keyword_with: (string -> bool) -> T -> bool
+  val ident_with: (string -> bool) -> T -> bool
+  val is_proper: T -> bool
+  val is_semicolon: T -> bool
+  val is_comment: T -> bool
+  val is_begin_ignore: T -> bool
+  val is_end_ignore: T -> bool
+  val is_blank: T -> bool
+  val is_newline: T -> bool
+  val source_of: T -> string
+  val source_position_of: T -> Symbol_Pos.text * Position.T
+  val content_of: T -> string
+  val unparse: T -> string
+  val text_of: T -> string * string
+  val get_value: T -> value option
+  val map_value: (value -> value) -> T -> T
+  val mk_text: string -> T
+  val mk_typ: typ -> T
+  val mk_term: term -> T
+  val mk_fact: thm list -> T
+  val mk_attribute: (morphism -> attribute) -> T
+  val assignable: T -> T
+  val assign: value option -> T -> unit
+  val closure: T -> T
+  val ident_or_symbolic: string -> bool
+  val !!! : string -> (Symbol_Pos.T list -> 'a) -> Symbol_Pos.T list -> 'a
+  val source_proper: (T, 'a) Source.source -> (T, (T, 'a) Source.source) Source.source
+  val source': {do_recover: bool Option.option} -> (unit -> Scan.lexicon * Scan.lexicon) ->
+    (Symbol_Pos.T, 'a) Source.source -> (T, (Symbol_Pos.T, 'a) Source.source) Source.source
+  val source: {do_recover: bool Option.option} -> (unit -> Scan.lexicon * Scan.lexicon) ->
+    Position.T -> (Symbol.symbol, 'a) Source.source -> (T,
+      (Symbol_Pos.T, Position.T * (Symbol.symbol, 'a) Source.source) Source.source) Source.source
+  val read_antiq: Scan.lexicon -> (T list -> 'a * T list) -> Symbol_Pos.T list * Position.T -> 'a
+structure Token: TOKEN =
+(** tokens **)
+(* token values *)
+(*The value slot assigns an (optional) internal value to a token,
+  usually as a side-effect of special scanner setup (see also
+  args.ML).  Note that an assignable ref designates an intermediate
+  state of internalization -- it is NOT meant to persist.*)
+datatype value =
+  Text of string |
+  Typ of typ |
+  Term of term |
+  Fact of thm list |
+  Attribute of morphism -> attribute;
+datatype slot =
+  Slot |
+  Value of value option |
+  Assignable of value option Unsynchronized.ref;
+(* datatype token *)
+datatype kind =
+  Command | Keyword | Ident | LongIdent | SymIdent | Var | TypeIdent | TypeVar |
+  Nat | String | AltString | Verbatim | Space | Comment | InternalValue |
+  Malformed | Error of string | Sync | EOF;
+datatype T = Token of (Symbol_Pos.text * Position.range) * (kind * string) * slot;
+val str_of_kind =
+ fn Command => "command"
+  | Keyword => "keyword"
+  | Ident => "identifier"
+  | LongIdent => "long identifier"
+  | SymIdent => "symbolic identifier"
+  | Var => "schematic variable"
+  | TypeIdent => "type variable"
+  | TypeVar => "schematic type variable"
+  | Nat => "number"
+  | String => "string"
+  | AltString => "back-quoted string"
+  | Verbatim => "verbatim text"
+  | Space => "white space"
+  | Comment => "comment text"
+  | InternalValue => "internal value"
+  | Malformed => "malformed symbolic character"
+  | Error _ => "bad input"
+  | Sync => "sync marker"
+  | EOF => "end-of-file";
+(* position *)
+fun position_of (Token ((_, (pos, _)), _, _)) = pos;
+fun end_position_of (Token ((_, (_, pos)), _, _)) = pos;
+val pos_of = Position.str_of o position_of;
+(* control tokens *)
+fun mk_eof pos = Token (("", (pos, Position.none)), (EOF, ""), Slot);
+val eof = mk_eof Position.none;
+fun is_eof (Token (_, (EOF, _), _)) = true
+  | is_eof _ = false;
+val not_eof = not o is_eof;
+fun not_sync (Token (_, (Sync, _), _)) = false
+  | not_sync _ = true;
+val stopper =
+  Scan.stopper (fn [] => eof | toks => mk_eof (end_position_of (List.last toks))) is_eof;
+(* kind of token *)
+fun kind_of (Token (_, (k, _), _)) = k;
+fun is_kind k (Token (_, (k', _), _)) = k = k';
+fun keyword_with pred (Token (_, (Keyword, x), _)) = pred x
+  | keyword_with _ _ = false;
+fun ident_with pred (Token (_, (Ident, x), _)) = pred x
+  | ident_with _ _ = false;
+fun is_proper (Token (_, (Space, _), _)) = false
+  | is_proper (Token (_, (Comment, _), _)) = false
+  | is_proper _ = true;
+fun is_semicolon (Token (_, (Keyword, ";"), _)) = true
+  | is_semicolon _ = false;
+fun is_comment (Token (_, (Comment, _), _)) = true
+  | is_comment _ = false;
+fun is_begin_ignore (Token (_, (Comment, "<"), _)) = true
+  | is_begin_ignore _ = false;
+fun is_end_ignore (Token (_, (Comment, ">"), _)) = true
+  | is_end_ignore _ = false;
+(* blanks and newlines -- space tokens obey lines *)
+fun is_blank (Token (_, (Space, x), _)) = not (String.isSuffix "\n" x)
+  | is_blank _ = false;
+fun is_newline (Token (_, (Space, x), _)) = String.isSuffix "\n" x
+  | is_newline _ = false;
+(* token content *)
+fun source_of (Token ((source, (pos, _)), _, _)) =
+  YXML.string_of (XML.Elem (Markup.tokenN, Position.properties_of pos, [XML.Text source]));
+fun source_position_of (Token ((source, (pos, _)), _, _)) = (source, pos);
+fun content_of (Token (_, (_, x), _)) = x;
+(* unparse *)
+fun escape q =
+  implode o map (fn s => if s = q orelse s = "\\" then "\\" ^ s else s) o Symbol.explode;
+fun unparse (Token (_, (kind, x), _)) =
+  (case kind of
+    String => x |> quote o escape "\""
+  | AltString => x |> enclose "`" "`" o escape "`"
+  | Verbatim => x |> enclose "{*" "*}"
+  | Comment => x |> enclose "(*" "*)"
+  | Malformed => space_implode " " (explode x)
+  | Sync => ""
+  | EOF => ""
+  | _ => x);
+fun text_of tok =
+  if is_semicolon tok then ("terminator", "")
+  else
+    let
+      val k = str_of_kind (kind_of tok);
+      val s = unparse tok
+        handle ERROR _ => Symbol.separate_chars (content_of tok);
+    in
+      if s = "" then (k, "")
+      else if size s < 40 andalso not (exists_string (fn c => c = "\n") s) then (k ^ " " ^ s, "")
+      else (k, s)
+    end;
+(** associated values **)
+(* access values *)
+fun get_value (Token (_, _, Value v)) = v
+  | get_value _ = NONE;
+fun map_value f (Token (x, y, Value (SOME v))) = Token (x, y, Value (SOME (f v)))
+  | map_value _ tok = tok;
+(* make values *)
+fun mk_value k v = Token ((k, Position.no_range), (InternalValue, k), Value (SOME v));
+val mk_text = mk_value "<text>" o Text;
+val mk_typ = mk_value "<typ>" o Typ;
+val mk_term = mk_value "<term>" o Term;
+val mk_fact = mk_value "<fact>" o Fact;
+val mk_attribute = mk_value "<attribute>" o Attribute;
+(* static binding *)
+(*1st stage: make empty slots assignable*)
+fun assignable (Token (x, y, Slot)) = Token (x, y, Assignable (Unsynchronized.ref NONE))
+  | assignable tok = tok;
+(*2nd stage: assign values as side-effect of scanning*)
+fun assign v (Token (_, _, Assignable r)) = r := v
+  | assign _ _ = ();
+(*3rd stage: static closure of final values*)
+fun closure (Token (x, y, Assignable (Unsynchronized.ref v))) = Token (x, y, Value v)
+  | closure tok = tok;
+(** scanners **)
+open Basic_Symbol_Pos;
+fun !!! msg = Symbol_Pos.!!! ("Outer lexical error: " ^ msg);
+(* scan symbolic idents *)
+val is_sym_char = member (op =) (explode "!#$%&*+-/<=>?@^_|~");
+val scan_symid =
+  Scan.many1 (is_sym_char o symbol) ||
+ (Symbol.is_symbolic o symbol) >> single;
+fun is_symid str =
+  (case try Symbol.explode str of
+    SOME [s] => Symbol.is_symbolic s orelse is_sym_char s
+  | SOME ss => forall is_sym_char ss
+  | _ => false);
+fun ident_or_symbolic "begin" = false
+  | ident_or_symbolic ":" = true
+  | ident_or_symbolic "::" = true
+  | ident_or_symbolic s = Syntax.is_identifier s orelse is_symid s;
+(* scan verbatim text *)
+val scan_verb =
+  $$$ "*" --| Scan.ahead (~$$$ "}") ||
+ (fn (s, _) => s <> "*" andalso Symbol.is_regular s) >> single;
+val scan_verbatim =
+  (Symbol_Pos.scan_pos --| $$$ "{" --| $$$ "*") -- !!! "missing end of verbatim text"
+    (Symbol_Pos.change_prompt
+      ((Scan.repeat scan_verb >> flat) -- ($$$ "*" |-- $$$ "}" |-- Symbol_Pos.scan_pos)));
+(* scan space *)
+fun is_space s = Symbol.is_blank s andalso s <> "\n";
+val scan_space =
+  Scan.many1 (is_space o symbol) @@@ Scan.optional ($$$ "\n") [] ||
+  Scan.many (is_space o symbol) @@@ $$$ "\n";
+(* scan comment *)
+val scan_comment =
+  Symbol_Pos.scan_pos -- (Symbol_Pos.scan_comment_body !!! -- Symbol_Pos.scan_pos);
+(* scan malformed symbols *)
+val scan_malformed =
+  $$$ Symbol.malformed |--
+    Symbol_Pos.change_prompt (Scan.many (Symbol.is_regular o symbol))
+  --| Scan.option ($$$ Symbol.end_malformed);
+(** token sources **)
+fun source_proper src = src |> Source.filter is_proper;
+fun token_leq ((_, syms1), (_, syms2)) = length syms1 <= length syms2;
+fun token k ss =
+  Token ((Symbol_Pos.implode ss, Symbol_Pos.range ss), (k, Symbol_Pos.untabify_content ss), Slot);
+fun token_range k (pos1, (ss, pos2)) =
+  Token (Symbol_Pos.implode_range pos1 pos2 ss, (k, Symbol_Pos.untabify_content ss), Slot);
+fun scan (lex1, lex2) = !!! "bad input"
+  (Symbol_Pos.scan_string >> token_range String ||
+    Symbol_Pos.scan_alt_string >> token_range AltString ||
+    scan_verbatim >> token_range Verbatim ||
+    scan_comment >> token_range Comment ||
+    scan_space >> token Space ||
+    scan_malformed >> token Malformed ||
+ (Symbol.is_sync o symbol) >> (token Sync o single) ||
+    (Scan.max token_leq
+      (Scan.max token_leq
+        (Scan.literal lex2 >> pair Command)
+        (Scan.literal lex1 >> pair Keyword))
+      (Syntax.scan_longid >> pair LongIdent ||
+        Syntax.scan_id >> pair Ident ||
+        Syntax.scan_var >> pair Var ||
+        Syntax.scan_tid >> pair TypeIdent ||
+        Syntax.scan_tvar >> pair TypeVar ||
+        Syntax.scan_nat >> pair Nat ||
+        scan_symid >> pair SymIdent) >> uncurry token));
+fun recover msg =
+  Scan.many ((Symbol.is_regular andf (not o Symbol.is_blank)) o symbol)
+  >> (single o token (Error msg));
+fun source' {do_recover} get_lex =
+  Source.source Symbol_Pos.stopper (Scan.bulk (fn xs => scan (get_lex ()) xs))
+    ( (rpair recover) do_recover);
+fun source do_recover get_lex pos src =
+  Symbol_Pos.source pos src
+  |> source' do_recover get_lex;
+(* read_antiq *)
+fun read_antiq lex scan (syms, pos) =
+  let
+    fun err msg = cat_error msg ("Malformed antiquotation" ^ Position.str_of pos ^ ":\n" ^
+      "@{" ^ Symbol_Pos.content syms ^ "}");
+    val res =
+      Source.of_list syms
+      |> source' {do_recover = NONE} (K (lex, Scan.empty_lexicon))
+      |> source_proper
+      |> Source.source stopper (Scan.error (Scan.bulk scan)) NONE
+      |> Source.exhaust;
+  in (case res of [x] => x | _ => err "") handle ERROR msg => err msg end;
--- a/src/Pure/ML/ml_context.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ML/ml_context.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -112,8 +112,6 @@
-structure T = OuterLex;
 val antiq =
   Parse.!!! (Parse.position Parse.xname -- Args.parse --| Scan.ahead Parse.eof)
   >> (fn ((x, pos), y) => Args.src ((x, y), pos));
@@ -144,7 +142,8 @@
             | expand (Antiquote.Antiq (ss, range)) (scope, background) =
                   val context = scope;
-                  val (f, context') = antiquotation (T.read_antiq lex antiq (ss, #1 range)) context;
+                  val (f, context') =
+                    antiquotation (Token.read_antiq lex antiq (ss, #1 range)) context;
                   val (decl, background') = f background;
                   val decl' = decl #> pairself (ML_Lex.tokenize #> map (ML_Lex.set_range range));
                 in (decl', (Stack.map_top (K context') scope, background')) end
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
 use "Proof/proofchecker.ML";
 (*outer syntax*)
-use "Isar/outer_lex.ML";
+use "Isar/token.ML";
 use "Isar/keyword.ML";
 use "Isar/parse.ML";
 use "Isar/parse_value.ML";
@@ -299,6 +299,13 @@
 structure OuterKeyword = Keyword;
+structure OuterLex =
+  open Token;
+  type token = T;
 structure OuterParse = Parse;
 structure OuterSyntax = Outer_Syntax;
 structure SpecParse = Parse_Spec;
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/latex.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/latex.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   val output_known_symbols: (string -> bool) * (string -> bool) ->
     Symbol.symbol list -> string
   val output_symbols: Symbol.symbol list -> string
-  val output_basic: OuterLex.token -> string
+  val output_basic: Token.T -> string
   val output_markup: string -> string -> string
   val output_markup_env: string -> string -> string
   val output_verbatim: string -> string
@@ -99,24 +99,22 @@
 (* token output *)
-structure T = OuterLex;
-val invisible_token = T.keyword_with (fn s => s = ";") orf T.is_kind T.Comment;
+val invisible_token = Token.keyword_with (fn s => s = ";") orf Token.is_kind Token.Comment;
 fun output_basic tok =
-  let val s = T.content_of tok in
+  let val s = Token.content_of tok in
     if invisible_token tok then ""
-    else if T.is_kind T.Command tok then
+    else if Token.is_kind Token.Command tok then
       "\\isacommand{" ^ output_syms s ^ "}"
-    else if T.is_kind T.Keyword tok andalso Syntax.is_ascii_identifier s then
+    else if Token.is_kind Token.Keyword tok andalso Syntax.is_ascii_identifier s then
       "\\isakeyword{" ^ output_syms s ^ "}"
-    else if T.is_kind T.String tok then
+    else if Token.is_kind Token.String tok then
       enclose "{\\isachardoublequoteopen}" "{\\isachardoublequoteclose}" (output_syms s)
-    else if T.is_kind T.AltString tok then
+    else if Token.is_kind Token.AltString tok then
       enclose "{\\isacharbackquoteopen}" "{\\isacharbackquoteclose}" (output_syms s)
-    else if T.is_kind T.Verbatim tok then
+    else if Token.is_kind Token.Verbatim tok then
-        val (txt, pos) = T.source_position_of tok;
+        val (txt, pos) = Token.source_position_of tok;
         val ants = (Symbol_Pos.explode (txt, pos), pos);
         val out = implode (map output_syms_antiq ants);
       in enclose "{\\isacharverbatimopen}" "{\\isacharverbatimclose}" out end
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_header.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_header.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -6,17 +6,13 @@
 signature THY_HEADER =
-  val args: OuterLex.token list ->
-    (string * string list * (string * bool) list) * OuterLex.token list
+  val args: Token.T list -> (string * string list * (string * bool) list) * Token.T list
   val read: Position.T -> (string, 'a) Source.source -> string * string list * (string * bool) list
 structure Thy_Header: THY_HEADER =
-structure T = OuterLex;
 (* keywords *)
 val headerN = "header";
@@ -58,9 +54,9 @@
   let val res =
     |> Symbol.source {do_recover = false}
-    |> T.source {do_recover = NONE} (fn () => (header_lexicon, Scan.empty_lexicon)) pos
-    |> T.source_proper
-    |> Source.source T.stopper (Scan.single (Scan.error (Parse.!!! header))) NONE
+    |> Token.source {do_recover = NONE} (fn () => (header_lexicon, Scan.empty_lexicon)) pos
+    |> Token.source_proper
+    |> Source.source Token.stopper (Scan.single (Scan.error (Parse.!!! header))) NONE
     |> Source.get_single;
     (case res of SOME (x, _) => x
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_output.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_output.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   val modes: string list Unsynchronized.ref
   val eval_antiquote: Scan.lexicon -> Toplevel.state -> Symbol_Pos.text * Position.T -> string
   val present_thy: Scan.lexicon -> (string -> string list) -> (markup -> string -> bool) ->
-    (Toplevel.transition * Toplevel.state) list -> (OuterLex.token, 'a) Source.source -> Buffer.T
+    (Toplevel.transition * Toplevel.state) list -> (Token.T, 'a) Source.source -> Buffer.T
   val pretty_text: string -> Pretty.T
   val pretty_term: Proof.context -> term -> Pretty.T
   val pretty_thm: Proof.context -> thm -> Pretty.T
@@ -36,9 +36,6 @@
 structure ThyOutput: THY_OUTPUT =
-structure T = OuterLex;
 (** global options **)
 val display = Unsynchronized.ref false;
@@ -154,7 +151,7 @@
     fun expand (Antiquote.Text ss) = Symbol_Pos.content ss
       | expand (Antiquote.Antiq (ss, (pos, _))) =
-          let val (opts, src) = T.read_antiq lex antiq (ss, pos) in
+          let val (opts, src) = Token.read_antiq lex antiq (ss, pos) in
             options opts (fn () => command src state) ();  (*preview errors!*)
             PrintMode.with_modes (! modes @ Latex.modes)
               (Output.no_warnings_CRITICAL (options opts (fn () => command src state))) ()
@@ -178,7 +175,7 @@
 datatype token =
-  | BasicToken of T.token
+  | BasicToken of Token.T
   | MarkupToken of string * (string * Position.T)
   | MarkupEnvToken of string * (string * Position.T)
   | VerbatimToken of string * Position.T;
@@ -195,10 +192,10 @@
 fun basic_token pred (BasicToken tok) = pred tok
   | basic_token _ _ = false;
-val improper_token = basic_token (not o T.is_proper);
-val comment_token = basic_token T.is_comment;
-val blank_token = basic_token T.is_blank;
-val newline_token = basic_token T.is_newline;
+val improper_token = basic_token (not o Token.is_proper);
+val comment_token = basic_token Token.is_comment;
+val blank_token = basic_token Token.is_blank;
+val newline_token = basic_token Token.is_newline;
 (* command spans *)
@@ -303,19 +300,19 @@
 val space_proper =
- T.is_blank -- Scan.many T.is_comment -- T.is_proper;
+ Token.is_blank -- Scan.many Token.is_comment -- Token.is_proper;
-val is_improper = not o (T.is_proper orf T.is_begin_ignore orf T.is_end_ignore);
+val is_improper = not o (Token.is_proper orf Token.is_begin_ignore orf Token.is_end_ignore);
 val improper = Scan.many is_improper;
 val improper_end = Scan.repeat (Scan.unless space_proper ( is_improper));
-val blank_end = Scan.repeat (Scan.unless space_proper ( T.is_blank));
+val blank_end = Scan.repeat (Scan.unless space_proper ( Token.is_blank));
-val opt_newline = Scan.option ( T.is_newline);
+val opt_newline = Scan.option ( Token.is_newline);
 val ignore =
-  Scan.depend (fn d => opt_newline |-- T.is_begin_ignore
+  Scan.depend (fn d => opt_newline |-- Token.is_begin_ignore
     >> pair (d + 1)) ||
-  Scan.depend (fn d => T.is_end_ignore --|
+  Scan.depend (fn d => Token.is_end_ignore --|
     (if d = 0 then Scan.fail_with (K "Bad nesting of meta-comments") else opt_newline)
     >> pair (d - 1));
@@ -336,18 +333,19 @@
     fun markup mark mk flag = Scan.peek (fn d =>
       improper |--
-        Parse.position ( (T.is_kind T.Command andf is_markup mark o T.content_of)) --
+        Parse.position
+          ( (Token.is_kind Token.Command andf is_markup mark o Token.content_of)) --
       Scan.repeat tag --
       Parse.!!!! ((improper -- locale -- improper) |-- Parse.doc_source --| improper_end)
       >> (fn (((tok, pos), tags), txt) =>
-        let val name = T.content_of tok
+        let val name = Token.content_of tok
         in (SOME (name, pos, tags), (mk (name, txt), (flag, d))) end));
     val command = Scan.peek (fn d =>
-      Parse.position ( (T.is_kind T.Command)) --
+      Parse.position ( (Token.is_kind Token.Command)) --
       Scan.repeat tag
       >> (fn ((tok, pos), tags) =>
-        let val name = T.content_of tok
+        let val name = Token.content_of tok
         in (SOME (name, pos, tags), (BasicToken tok, (Latex.markup_false, d))) end));
     val cmt = Scan.peek (fn d =>
@@ -367,8 +365,8 @@
     (* spans *)
-    val is_eof = fn (_, (BasicToken x, _)) => T.is_eof x | _ => false;
-    val stopper = Scan.stopper (K (NONE, (BasicToken T.eof, ("", 0)))) is_eof;
+    val is_eof = fn (_, (BasicToken x, _)) => Token.is_eof x | _ => false;
+    val stopper = Scan.stopper (K (NONE, (BasicToken Token.eof, ("", 0)))) is_eof;
     val cmd = (is_some o fst);
     val non_cmd = (is_none o fst andf not o is_eof) >> #2;
@@ -390,8 +388,8 @@
     val spans =
-      |> Source.filter (not o T.is_semicolon)
-      |> Source.source' 0 T.stopper (Scan.error (Scan.bulk token)) NONE
+      |> Source.filter (not o Token.is_semicolon)
+      |> Source.source' 0 Token.stopper (Scan.error (Scan.bulk token)) NONE
       |> Source.source stopper (Scan.error (Scan.bulk span)) NONE
       |> Source.exhaust;
@@ -490,7 +488,7 @@
 (* default output *)
-val str_of_source = space_implode " " o map T.unparse o #2 o #1 o Args.dest_src;
+val str_of_source = space_implode " " o map Token.unparse o #2 o #1 o Args.dest_src;
 fun maybe_pretty_source pretty src xs =
   map pretty xs  (*always pretty in order to exhibit errors!*)
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_syntax.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_syntax.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -7,18 +7,17 @@
 signature THY_SYNTAX =
   val token_source: Scan.lexicon * Scan.lexicon -> Position.T -> (string, 'a) Source.source ->
-    (OuterLex.token, (Symbol_Pos.T, Position.T * (Symbol.symbol, (string, 'a)
+    (Token.T, (Symbol_Pos.T, Position.T * (Symbol.symbol, (string, 'a)
       Source.source) Source.source) Source.source) Source.source
-  val parse_tokens: Scan.lexicon * Scan.lexicon -> Position.T -> string -> OuterLex.token list
-  val present_token: OuterLex.token -> output
-  val report_token: OuterLex.token -> unit
+  val parse_tokens: Scan.lexicon * Scan.lexicon -> Position.T -> string -> Token.T list
+  val present_token: Token.T -> output
+  val report_token: Token.T -> unit
   datatype span_kind = Command of string | Ignored | Malformed
   type span
   val span_kind: span -> span_kind
-  val span_content: span -> OuterLex.token list
+  val span_content: span -> Token.T list
   val span_range: span -> Position.range
-  val span_source: (OuterLex.token, 'a) Source.source ->
-    (span, (OuterLex.token, 'a) Source.source) Source.source
+  val span_source: (Token.T, 'a) Source.source -> (span, (Token.T, 'a) Source.source) Source.source
   val parse_spans: Scan.lexicon * Scan.lexicon -> Position.T -> string -> span list
   val present_span: span -> output
   val report_span: span -> unit
@@ -29,16 +28,13 @@
 structure ThySyntax: THY_SYNTAX =
-structure T = OuterLex;
 (** tokens **)
 (* parse *)
 fun token_source lexs pos src =
   Symbol.source {do_recover = true} src
-  |> T.source {do_recover = SOME false} (K lexs) pos;
+  |> Token.source {do_recover = SOME false} (K lexs) pos;
 fun parse_tokens lexs pos str =
   Source.of_string str
@@ -51,33 +47,33 @@
 val token_kind_markup =
- fn T.Command       => (Markup.commandN, [])
-  | T.Keyword       => (Markup.keywordN, [])
-  | T.Ident         => Markup.ident
-  | T.LongIdent     => Markup.ident
-  | T.SymIdent      => Markup.ident
-  | T.Var           => Markup.var
-  | T.TypeIdent     => Markup.tfree
-  | T.TypeVar       => Markup.tvar
-  | T.Nat           => Markup.ident
-  | T.String        => Markup.string
-  | T.AltString     => Markup.altstring
-  | T.Verbatim      => Markup.verbatim
-  | T.Space         => Markup.none
-  | T.Comment       => Markup.comment
-  | T.InternalValue => Markup.none
-  | T.Malformed     => Markup.malformed
-  | T.Error _       => Markup.malformed
-  | T.Sync          => Markup.control
-  | T.EOF           => Markup.control;
+ fn Token.Command       => (Markup.commandN, [])
+  | Token.Keyword       => (Markup.keywordN, [])
+  | Token.Ident         => Markup.ident
+  | Token.LongIdent     => Markup.ident
+  | Token.SymIdent      => Markup.ident
+  | Token.Var           => Markup.var
+  | Token.TypeIdent     => Markup.tfree
+  | Token.TypeVar       => Markup.tvar
+  | Token.Nat           => Markup.ident
+  | Token.String        => Markup.string
+  | Token.AltString     => Markup.altstring
+  | Token.Verbatim      => Markup.verbatim
+  | Token.Space         => Markup.none
+  | Token.Comment       => Markup.comment
+  | Token.InternalValue => Markup.none
+  | Token.Malformed     => Markup.malformed
+  | Token.Error _       => Markup.malformed
+  | Token.Sync          => Markup.control
+  | Token.EOF           => Markup.control;
 fun present_token tok =
-  Markup.enclose (token_kind_markup (T.kind_of tok)) (Output.output (T.unparse tok));
+  Markup.enclose (token_kind_markup (Token.kind_of tok)) (Output.output (Token.unparse tok));
 fun report_token tok =
- (token_kind_markup (T.kind_of tok)) (T.position_of tok);
+ (token_kind_markup (Token.kind_of tok)) (Token.position_of tok);
@@ -88,7 +84,7 @@
 (* type span *)
 datatype span_kind = Command of string | Ignored | Malformed;
-datatype span = Span of span_kind * OuterLex.token list;
+datatype span = Span of span_kind * Token.T list;
 fun span_kind (Span (k, _)) = k;
 fun span_content (Span (_, toks)) = toks;
@@ -98,8 +94,8 @@
     [] => (Position.none, Position.none)
   | toks =>
-        val start_pos = T.position_of (hd toks);
-        val end_pos = T.end_position_of (List.last toks);
+        val start_pos = Token.position_of (hd toks);
+        val end_pos = Token.end_position_of (List.last toks);
       in (start_pos, end_pos) end);
@@ -107,7 +103,7 @@
-val is_whitespace = T.is_kind T.Space orf T.is_kind T.Comment;
+val is_whitespace = Token.is_kind Token.Space orf Token.is_kind Token.Comment;
 val body =
   Scan.unless (Scan.many is_whitespace -- Scan.ahead (Parse.command || Parse.eof)) Parse.not_eof;
@@ -120,7 +116,7 @@
-fun span_source src = Source.source T.stopper (Scan.bulk span) NONE src;
+fun span_source src = Source.source Token.stopper (Scan.bulk span) NONE src;
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_printer.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_printer.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@
   val parse_infix: ('a -> 'b) -> lrx * int -> string
     -> int * ((fixity -> 'b -> Pretty.T)
     -> fixity -> 'a list -> Pretty.T)
-  val parse_syntax: ('a -> 'b) -> OuterParse.token list
+  val parse_syntax: ('a -> 'b) -> Token.T list
     -> (int * ((fixity -> 'b -> Pretty.T)
-    -> fixity -> 'a list -> Pretty.T)) option * OuterParse.token list
+    -> fixity -> 'a list -> Pretty.T)) option * Token.T list
   val simple_const_syntax: simple_const_syntax -> proto_const_syntax
   val activate_const_syntax: theory -> literals
     -> proto_const_syntax -> Code_Thingol.naming -> const_syntax * Code_Thingol.naming
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_target.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_target.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -19,14 +19,13 @@
   type destination
   type serialization
-  val parse_args: (OuterLex.token list -> 'a * OuterLex.token list)
-    -> OuterLex.token list -> 'a
+  val parse_args: 'a parser -> Token.T list -> 'a
   val stmt_names_of_destination: destination -> string list
   val mk_serialization: string -> ('a -> unit) option
     -> (Path.T option -> 'a -> unit)
     -> ('a -> string * string option list)
     -> 'a -> serialization
-  val serialize: theory -> string -> int option -> string option -> OuterLex.token list
+  val serialize: theory -> string -> int option -> string option -> Token.T list
     -> Code_Thingol.naming -> Code_Thingol.program -> string list -> serialization
   val serialize_custom: theory -> string * (serializer * literals)
     -> Code_Thingol.naming -> Code_Thingol.program -> string list -> string * string option list
@@ -105,7 +104,7 @@
 type serializer =
   string option                         (*module name*)
-  -> OuterLex.token list                (*arguments*)
+  -> Token.T list                       (*arguments*)
   -> (string -> string)                 (*labelled_name*)
   -> string list                        (*reserved symbols*)
   -> (string * Pretty.T) list           (*includes*)
@@ -498,7 +497,7 @@
 val allow_abort_cmd = gen_allow_abort Code.read_const;
 fun parse_args f args =
-  case OuterLex.stopper f args
+  case Token.stopper f args
    of SOME x => x
     | NONE => error "Bad serializer arguments";
@@ -575,8 +574,8 @@
     K.diag (P.!!! code_exprP >> (fn f => Toplevel.keep (f o Toplevel.theory_of)));
 fun shell_command thyname cmd = Toplevel.program (fn _ =>
-  (use_thy thyname; case OuterLex.stopper (P.!!! code_exprP)
-    ((filter OuterLex.is_proper o OuterSyntax.scan Position.none) cmd)
+  (use_thy thyname; case Token.stopper (P.!!! code_exprP)
+    ((filter Token.is_proper o OuterSyntax.scan Position.none) cmd)
    of SOME f => (writeln "Now generating code..."; f (theory thyname))
     | NONE => error ("Bad directive " ^ quote cmd)))
   handle Runtime.TOPLEVEL_ERROR => OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure;
--- a/src/Tools/WWW_Find/find_theorems.ML	Mon May 17 15:05:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/find_theorems.ML	Mon May 17 15:11:25 2010 +0200
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
       |> (fn s => s ^ ";")
       |> OuterSyntax.scan Position.start
-      |> filter OuterLex.is_proper
+      |> filter Token.is_proper
       |> Scan.error parse_query
       |> fst;