* removed "axioms" and "generated by" section
Tue, 04 Nov 1997 14:40:29 +0100
changeset 4122 f63c283cefaf
parent 4121 390e10ddadf2
child 4123 9600dd68d35b
* removed "axioms" and "generated by" section * replaced "ops" section by extended "consts" section, which is capable of handling the continuous function space "->" directly * domain package: now uses normal mixfix annotations (instead of cinfix...)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOLCF/HOLCFLogic.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:40:29 1997 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+(*  Title:      HOLCF/HOLCFLogic.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     David von Oheimb
+Abstract syntax operations for HOLCF.
+infixr 6 ->>;
+signature HOLCFLOGIC =
+  val mk_btyp: string -> typ * typ -> typ
+  val mk_prodT:          typ * typ -> typ
+  val mk_not:  term -> term
+  val HOLCF_sg: Sign.sg
+  val pcpoC: class
+  val pcpoS: sort
+  val mk_TFree: string -> typ
+  val cfun_arrow: string
+  val ->>      : typ * typ -> typ
+  val mk_ssumT : typ * typ -> typ
+  val mk_sprodT: typ * typ -> typ
+  val mk_uT: typ -> typ
+  val trT: typ
+  val oneT: typ
+structure HOLCFLogic: HOLCFLOGIC =
+  open HOLogic;
+fun mk_btyp t (S,T) = Type (t,[S,T]);
+val mk_prodT = mk_btyp "*";
+fun mk_not P  = Const ("Not", boolT --> boolT) $ P;
+(* basics *)
+val HOLCF_sg    = sign_of HOLCF.thy;
+val pcpoC       = Sign.intern_class HOLCF_sg "pcpo";
+val pcpoS       = [pcpoC];
+fun mk_TFree s  = TFree ("'"^s, pcpoS);
+(*cfun, ssum, sprod, u, tr, one *)
+local val intern = Sign.intern_tycon HOLCF_sg;
+val cfun_arrow = intern "->";
+val op   ->>  = mk_btyp cfun_arrow;
+val mk_ssumT  = mk_btyp (intern "++");
+val mk_sprodT = mk_btyp (intern "**");
+fun mk_uT T   = Type (intern "u"  ,[T]);
+val trT       = Type (intern "tr" ,[ ]);
+val oneT      = Type (intern "one",[ ]);
+end; (* local *)
+end; (* struct *)
--- a/src/HOLCF/IOA/meta_theory/Seq.thy	Tue Nov 04 14:37:51 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/IOA/meta_theory/Seq.thy	Tue Nov 04 14:40:29 1997 +0100
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 Seq = HOLCF + 
-domain 'a seq = nil | "##" (HD::'a) (lazy TL::'a seq)  (cinfixr 65) 
+domain 'a seq = nil | "##" (HD::'a) (lazy TL::'a seq)  (infixr 65) 
--- a/src/HOLCF/IsaMakefile	Tue Nov 04 14:37:51 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/IsaMakefile	Tue Nov 04 14:40:29 1997 +0100
@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
 FILES = ROOT.ML $(THYS) $(ONLYTHYS) $(THYS:.thy=.ML) adm.ML \
-        ax_ops/holcflogic.ML ax_ops/thy_axioms.ML \
-        ax_ops/thy_ops.ML    ax_ops/thy_syntax.ML \
+	HOLCFLogic.ML contconsts.ML \
         domain/library.ML  domain/syntax.ML   domain/axioms.ML \
         domain/theorems.ML domain/extender.ML domain/interface.ML
--- a/src/HOLCF/ROOT.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:37:51 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/ROOT.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:40:29 1997 +0100
@@ -14,14 +14,10 @@
 use_thy "HOLCF";
-(* sections axioms, ops *)
-use "ax_ops/holcflogic.ML";
-use "ax_ops/thy_axioms.ML";
-use "ax_ops/thy_ops.ML";
-use "ax_ops/thy_syntax.ML";
+use "HOLCFLogic";
+use "contconsts";
-(* sections domain, generated *)
+(* domain package *)
 use "domain/library.ML";
 use "domain/syntax.ML";
 use "domain/axioms.ML";
--- a/src/HOLCF/ax_ops/holcflogic.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:37:51 1997 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Tobias Mayr
-Additional term and type constructors, extension of Pure/term.ML, logic.ML
-and HOL/hologic.ML
-signature HOLCFLOGIC =
- val True  : term;
- val False : term;
- val Imp   : term;
- val And   : term;
- val Not   : term;
- val mkNot : term -> term;                (* negates, no Trueprop *)
- val mkNotEqUU : term -> term;            (* Trueprop(x ~= UU) *)
- val mkNotEqUU_in : term -> term -> term; (* "v~=UU ==> t" *)
- val ==>     : typ * typ -> typ;          (* Infix operation typ constructor *)
- val cfun_arrow : string                  (* internalized "->" *)
- val mkOpApp : term -> term -> term;      (* Ops application (f ` x) *)
- val mkCPair : term -> term -> term;      (* cpair constructor *)
-structure HOLCFlogic : HOLCFLOGIC =
-open Logic 
-open HOLogic
-val True = Const("True",boolT);
-val False = Const("False",boolT);
-val Imp = Const("op -->",boolT --> boolT --> boolT);
-val And = Const("op &",boolT --> boolT --> boolT);
-val Not = Const("Not",boolT --> boolT);   
-fun mkNot A = Not $ A; (* negates, no Trueprop *)
-(* Trueprop(x ~= UU) *)
-fun mkNotEqUU v = mk_Trueprop(mkNot(mk_eq(v,Const("UU",fastype_of v))));
-(* mkNotEqUU_in v t = "v~=UU ==> t" *)
-fun mkNotEqUU_in vterm term = 
-   mk_implies(mkNotEqUU vterm,term)
-val HOLCF_sg = sign_of HOLCF.thy;
-fun mk_typ t (S,T) = Sign.intern_typ HOLCF_sg (Type(t,[S,T]));
-fun rep_Type  (Type  x) = x| rep_Type _ = error "Internal error: rep_Type";
-infixr 6 ==>; (* the analogon to --> for operations *)
-val op ==> = mk_typ "->";
-val cfun_arrow = fst (rep_Type (dummyT ==> dummyT));
-(* Ops application (f ` x) *)
-fun mkOpApp (f as Const(_,ft as Type(_(*"->"*),[xt,rt]))) x =
-     Const("fapp",ft --> xt --> rt) $ f $ x
-  | mkOpApp f x = (error("Internal error: mkOpApp: wrong args"));
-(* cpair constructor *)
-fun mkCPair x y = let val tx = fastype_of x
-                       val ty = fastype_of y
-                   in  
-      Const("fapp",(ty==>Type("*",[tx,ty]))-->ty-->Type("*",[tx,ty])) $
-      (mkOpApp (Const("cpair",tx ==> ty ==> Type("*",[tx,ty]))) x) $ y
-                   end;
--- a/src/HOLCF/ax_ops/thy_axioms.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:37:51 1997 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Tobias Mayr
-Additional theory file section for HOLCF: axioms 
-(*** new section of HOLCF : axioms 
-     since rules are already internally called axioms,
-     the new section is internally called ext_axioms res. eaxms *)
-signature THY_AXIOMS =
- (* theory extenders : *)
- val add_ext_axioms   : (string * string) list -> (string * string) list
-                        -> (string * string) list -> theory -> theory;
- val add_ext_axioms_i : (string * (typ option)) list -> 
-                        (string * (typ option)) list ->
-                        (string * term) list -> theory -> theory;
- val axioms_keywords    : string list;
- val axioms_sections    : (string * (ThyParse.token list -> 
-                        (string * string) * ThyParse.token list)) list;
-structure ThyAxioms : THY_AXIOMS =
-open HOLCFlogic;
-(** library ******************************************************)
-fun apsnd_of_three f = fn (a,b,c) => (a,f b,c);
-fun is_elem e list = exists (fn y => e=y) list
-fun without l1 l2 = (* l1 without the elements of l2 *)
-  filter (fn x => (not (is_elem x l2))) l1;
-fun conc [e:string] = e
-  | conc (head::tail) = head^", "^(conc tail)
-  | conc [] = "";
-fun appear varlist = (* all (x,_) for which (x,_) is in varlist *)
-  filter (fn x => (exists (fn y => (fst x)=(fst y)) varlist)) 
-(* all non unique elements of a list *)
-fun doubles (hd::tl) = if   (is_elem hd tl)
-                       then (hd::(doubles tl))
-                       else (doubles tl)
-  | doubles _ = [];
-(* The main functions are the section parser ext_axiom_decls and the 
-   theory extender add_ext_axioms. *)
-(** theory extender : add_ext_axioms *)
-(* forms a function from constrained varnames to their constraints 
-   these constraints are then used local to each axiom, as an argument
-   of read_def_cterm. Called by add_ext_axioms. *)
-fun get_constraints_of_str sign ((vname,vtyp)::tail) = 
-   if (vtyp <> "")
-   then ((fn (x,_)=> if x=vname 
-                      then Some (#T (rep_ctyp (read_ctyp sign vtyp)))
-                      else raise Match)
-        orelf (get_constraints_of_str sign tail))
-   else (get_constraints_of_str sign tail)
-  | get_constraints_of_str sign [] = K None;
-(* does the same job for allready parsed optional constraints. 
-   Called by add_ext_axioms_i. *)
-fun get_constraints_of_typ sign ((vname,vtyp)::tail) = 
-   if (is_some vtyp)
-   then ((fn (x,_)=> if x=vname 
-                      then vtyp
-                      else raise Match)
-        orelf (get_constraints_of_typ sign tail))
-   else (get_constraints_of_typ sign tail)
-  | get_constraints_of_typ sign [] = K None;
-(* applies mkNotEqUU_in on the axiom and every Free that appears in the list
-   and in the axiom. Called by check_and_extend. *)
-fun add_prem axiom [] = axiom
-  | add_prem axiom (vname::tl) =
- let val vterm = find_first (fn x => ((#1 o dest_Free) x = vname))
-                            (term_frees axiom)
- in 
-   add_prem  
-     (if (is_some vterm) 
-      then mkNotEqUU_in (the vterm) axiom
-      else axiom)
-     tl
- end
-(* checks for uniqueness and completeness of var/defvar declarations, 
-   and enriches the axiom term with premises. Called by add_ext_axioms(_i).*)
-fun check_and_extend sign defvarl varl axiom =
-  let
-   val names_of_frees =  map (fst o dest_Free) 
-                             (term_frees axiom);
-   val all_decl_varnames = (defvarl @ varl);
-   val undeclared = without names_of_frees all_decl_varnames;
-   val doubles = doubles all_decl_varnames
-  in
-   if (doubles <> [])
-   then 
-    (error("Multiple declarations of one identifier in section axioms :\n"
-           ^(conc doubles)))
-   else ();
-   if (undeclared <> [])
-   then 
-    (error("Undeclared identifiers in section axioms : \n"
-           ^(conc undeclared)))
-   else (); 
-   add_prem axiom (rev defvarl)
-  end; 
-(* the next five only differ from the original add_axioms' subfunctions
-   in the constraints argument for read_def_cterm *) 
- fun err_in_axm name =
-   error ("The error(s) above occurred in axiom " ^ quote name); 
- fun no_vars tm =
-   if null (term_vars tm) andalso null (term_tvars tm) then tm
-   else error "Illegal schematic variable(s) in term"; 
- fun read_ext_cterm sign constraints = 
-   #1 o read_def_cterm (sign, constraints, K None) [] true;
- (* only for add_ext_axioms (working on strings) *)
- fun read_ext_axm sg constraints (name,str) =
-   (name, no_vars (term_of (read_ext_cterm sg constraints (str, propT))))
-    handle ERROR => err_in_axm name;
- (* only for add_ext_axioms_i (working on terms) *)
- fun read_ext_axm_terms sg constraints (name,term) =
-   (name, no_vars (#2(Sign.infer_types sg constraints  (K None) [] true 
-                                       ([term], propT))))
-    handle ERROR => err_in_axm name;
- fun add_ext_axioms varlist defvarlist axioms theory =
-  let val {sign, ...} = rep_theory theory;
-      val constraints = get_constraints_of_str sign (defvarlist@varlist)
-  in
-    PureThy.add_store_axioms_i (map (apsnd 
-     (check_and_extend sign (map fst defvarlist) (map fst varlist)) o
-               (read_ext_axm sign constraints)) axioms) theory
-  end 
- fun add_ext_axioms_i varlist defvarlist axiom_terms theory =
-  let val {sign, ...} = rep_theory theory;
-      val constraints = get_constraints_of_typ sign (defvarlist@varlist)
-  in
-    PureThy.add_store_axioms_i (map (apsnd (check_and_extend sign 
-                               (map fst defvarlist) (map fst varlist)) o
-                   (read_ext_axm_terms sign constraints)) axiom_terms) theory
-  end
-(******** SECTION PARSER : ext_axiom_decls **********)
- open ThyParse 
- (* as in the pure section 'rules' : 
-    making the "val thmname = get_axiom thy thmname" list *)
- val mk_list_of_pairs = mk_big_list o map (mk_pair o apfst quote);
- fun mk_val ax = "val " ^ ax ^ " = get_axiom thy " ^ quote ax ^ ";";
- val mk_vals = cat_lines o map mk_val;
- (* making the call for the theory extender *) 
- fun mk_eaxms_decls ((vars,defvars),axms) = 
-     ( "|> ThyAxioms.add_ext_axioms \n  " ^ 
-       (mk_list_of_pairs vars) ^ "\n  " ^
-       (mk_list_of_pairs defvars) ^ "\n  " ^
-       (mk_list_of_pairs axms),
-       mk_vals (map fst axms));
- (* parsing the concrete syntax *)    
- val axiom_decls = (repeat1 (ident -- !! string));
- val varlist = "vars" $$-- 
-                 repeat1 (ident -- optional ("::" $$-- string) "\"\"");
- val defvarlist = "defvars" $$-- 
-                    repeat1 (ident -- optional ("::" $$-- string) "\"\""); 
- val ext_axiom_decls = (optional varlist []) -- (optional defvarlist [])
-                         -- ("in" $$-- axiom_decls) >> mk_eaxms_decls;
-end; (* local *)
-(**** new keywords and sections ************************************)
-val axioms_keywords = ["vars", "defvars","in"];
-     (* "::" is already a pure keyword *)
-val axioms_sections = [("axioms" , ext_axiom_decls)]
-end; (* the structure *)
--- a/src/HOLCF/ax_ops/thy_ops.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:37:51 1997 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
-(*  TTITLEF/thy_ops.ML
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Tobias Mayr
-Additional theory file section for HOLCF: ops 
-  maybe AST-representation with "op name" instead of _I_...
-signature THY_OPS =
- (* continuous mixfixes (extension of datatype Mixfix.mixfix) *)
- datatype cmixfix =
-    Mixfix of Mixfix.mixfix |
-    CInfixl of int | 
-    CInfixr of int |
-    CMixfix of string * int list *int;
- exception CINFIX of cmixfix;
- val cmixfix_to_mixfix : cmixfix ->  Mixfix.mixfix;
- (* theory extenders : *)
- val add_ops          : {curried: bool, total: bool, strict: bool} ->
-                        (string * string * cmixfix) list -> theory -> theory;
- val add_ops_i        : {curried: bool, total: bool, strict: bool} ->
-                        (string * typ * cmixfix) list -> theory -> theory;
- val ops_keywords  : string list;
- val ops_sections  : (string * (ThyParse.token list -> 
-                        (string * string) * ThyParse.token list)) list;
- val opt_cmixfix: ThyParse.token list -> (string * ThyParse.token list);
- val const_name    : string -> cmixfix -> string;
-structure ThyOps : THY_OPS =
-open HOLCFlogic;
-(** library ******************************************************)
-(* abbreviations *)
-val internal = fst; (* cinfix-ops will have diffrent internal/external names *)
-val external = snd;
-fun apsnd_of_three f = fn (a,b,c) => (a,f b,c);
-(******** ops ********************)
-(* the extended copy of mixfix *)
-datatype cmixfix =
-    Mixfix of Mixfix.mixfix |
-    CInfixl of int |
-    CInfixr of int |
-    CMixfix of string * int list *int;
-exception CINFIX of cmixfix;
-fun cmixfix_to_mixfix (Mixfix x) = x
-  | cmixfix_to_mixfix x = raise CINFIX x;
-(** theory extender : add_ops *)
-(* generating the declarations of the new constants. *************
-   cinfix names x are internally non infix (renamed by mk_internal_name) 
-   and externally non continous infix function names (changed by op_to_fun).
-   Thus the cinfix declaration is splitted in an 'oldstyle' decl,
-   which is NoSyn (non infix) and is added by add_consts_i,
-   and an syn(tactic) decl, which is an infix function (not operation)
-   added by add_syntax_i, so that it can appear in input strings, but 
-   not in terms.
-   The interface between internal and external names is realized by 
-   transrules A x B <=> _x ' A ' B (generated by xrules_of) 
-   The boolean argument 'curried' distinguishes between curried and
-   tupeled syntax of operation application *)
- fun strip ("'" :: c :: cs) = c :: strip cs
-   | strip ["'"] = []
-   | strip (c :: cs) = c :: strip cs
-   | strip [] = [];
- val strip_esc = implode o strip o explode;
- fun infix_name c = "op " ^ strip_esc c;
-  val mk_internal_name = infix_name;
-(* changing e.g. 'ab' to '_I_97_98'. 
-   Called by oldstyle, xrules_of, strictness_axms and totality_axms. *)
-  fun mk_internal_name name =
-  let fun alphanum (s::ss) = "_"^(string_of_int (ord s))^(alphanum ss)
-        | alphanum [] = "";
-  in 
-      "_I"^(alphanum o explode) name
-  end;
- (* extension of Pure/Syntax/mixfix.ML: SynExt.const_name *)
- fun const_name c (CInfixl _) = mk_internal_name c
-   | const_name c (CInfixr _) = mk_internal_name c
-   | const_name c (CMixfix _) = c
-   | const_name c (Mixfix  x) = Syntax.const_name c x;
-(* Changing a->b->c res. a*b->c to a=>b=>c. Called by syn_decls. *) 
-fun op_to_fun true  sign (ty as Type(name ,[larg,t]))= if name = cfun_arrow
-                  then Type("fun",[larg,op_to_fun true sign t]) else ty
-  | op_to_fun false sign (ty as Type(name,[args,res])) = let
-                fun otf (Type("*",[larg,rargs])) = Type("fun",[larg,otf rargs])
-                |   otf t                        = Type("fun",[t,res]);
-                in if name = cfun_arrow then otf args else ty end
-  | op_to_fun _     sign t = t;
-(* oldstyle is called by add_ext_axioms(_i) *)
-    (* the first part is just copying the homomorphic part of the structures *)
-fun oldstyle ((name,typ,Mixfix(x))::tl) = 
-         (name,typ,x)::(oldstyle tl)
-  | oldstyle ((name,typ,CInfixl(i))::tl) = 
-         (mk_internal_name name,typ,Mixfix.NoSyn)::
-         (oldstyle tl)
-  | oldstyle ((name,typ,CInfixr(i))::tl) =
-         (mk_internal_name name,typ,Mixfix.NoSyn)::
-         (oldstyle tl) 
-  | oldstyle ((name,typ,CMixfix(x))::tl) =
-         (name,typ,Mixfix.NoSyn)::
-         (oldstyle tl) 
-  | oldstyle [] = [];
-(* generating the external purely syntactical infix functions. 
-   Called by add_ext_axioms(_i) *)
-fun syn_decls curried sign ((name,typ,CInfixl(i))::tl) =
-     (name,op_to_fun curried sign typ,Mixfix.Infixl(i))::
-      (syn_decls curried sign tl)
-  | syn_decls curried sign ((name,typ,CInfixr(i))::tl) =
-     (name,op_to_fun curried sign typ,Mixfix.Infixr(i))::
-      (syn_decls curried sign tl)
-  | syn_decls curried sign ((name,typ,CMixfix(x))::tl) =
-     (name,op_to_fun curried sign typ,Mixfix.Mixfix(x))::
-      (syn_decls curried sign tl)
-  | syn_decls curried sign (_::tl) = syn_decls curried sign tl
-  | syn_decls _ _ [] = [];
-fun translate name vars rhs = 
-    Syntax.ParsePrintRule ((Ast.mk_appl (Constant (mk_internal_name name)) 
-		 (map Variable vars)), 
-		rhs); 
-(* generating the translation rules. Called by add_ext_axioms(_i) *)
-local open Ast in 
-fun xrules_of true ((name,typ,CInfixl(i))::tail) = 
-    translate name ["A","B"]
-     (mk_appl (Constant "@fapp") 
-      [(mk_appl (Constant "@fapp") 
-	[Constant (mk_internal_name name),Variable "A"]),Variable "B"])
-    ::xrules_of true tail
-  | xrules_of true ((name,typ,CInfixr(i))::tail) = 
-    translate name ["A","B"]
-     (mk_appl (Constant "@fapp") 
-      [(mk_appl (Constant "@fapp") 
-	[Constant (mk_internal_name name),Variable "A"]),Variable "B"])
-    ::xrules_of true tail
-  | xrules_of true ((name,typ,CMixfix(_))::tail) = 
-        let fun argnames n (Type(name ,[_,t]))= if name = cfun_arrow then
-					chr n :: argnames (n+1) t else []
-            |   argnames _ _ = [];
-            val names = argnames (ord"A") typ;
-        in if names = [] then [] else 
-	    [Syntax.ParsePrintRule (mk_appl (Constant name) (map Variable names),
-			 foldl (fn (t,arg) => 
-				(mk_appl (Constant "@fapp") [t,Variable arg]))
-			 (Constant name,names))] 
-        end
-    @xrules_of true tail
-  | xrules_of false ((name,typ,CInfixl(i))::tail) = 
-    translate name ["A","B"]
-    (mk_appl (Constant "@fapp") [ Constant(mk_internal_name name),
-     (mk_appl (Constant "@ctuple") [Variable "A",Variable "B"])])
-    ::xrules_of false tail
-  | xrules_of false ((name,typ,CInfixr(i))::tail) = 
-    translate name ["A","B"]
-    (mk_appl (Constant "@fapp") [ Constant(mk_internal_name name),
-     (mk_appl (Constant "@ctuple") [Variable "A",Variable "B"])])
-    ::xrules_of false tail
-  | xrules_of false ((name,typ,CMixfix(_))::tail) = 
-        let fun foldr' f l =
-	      let fun itr []  = raise LIST "foldr'"
-		    | itr [a] = a
-		    | itr (a::l) = f(a, itr l)
-	      in  itr l end;
-	    fun argnames n (Type("*" ,[_,t]))= chr n :: argnames (n+1) t
-	    |   argnames n _ = [chr n];
-	    val vars = map Variable (case typ of (Type(name ,[t,_])) =>
-			if name = cfun_arrow then argnames (ord"A") t else []
-						 | _ => []);
-        in if vars = [] then [] else 
-	    [Syntax.ParsePrintRule 
-	     (mk_appl (Constant name) vars,
-	      mk_appl (Constant "@fapp")
-	      [Constant name, 
-	       case vars of [v] => v
-	                 | args => mk_appl (Constant "@ctuple")
-			             [hd args,
-				      foldr' (fn (t,arg) => 
-					      mk_appl (Constant "_args")
-					      [t,arg]) (tl args)]])]
-        end
-    @xrules_of false tail
-  | xrules_of c ((name,typ,Mixfix(_))::tail) = xrules_of c tail
-  | xrules_of _ [] = [];
-(**** producing the new axioms ****************)
-datatype arguments = Curried_args of ((typ*typ) list) |
-                     Tupeled_args of (typ list);
-fun num_of_args (Curried_args l) = length l
-  | num_of_args (Tupeled_args l) = length l;
-fun types_of (Curried_args l) = map fst l
-  | types_of (Tupeled_args l) = l;
-fun mk_mkNotEqUU_vars (typ::tl) cnt = mkNotEqUU (Free("x"^(string_of_int cnt),typ))::
-                            (mk_mkNotEqUU_vars tl (cnt+1))
-  | mk_mkNotEqUU_vars [] _ = [];
- (* T1*...*Tn goes to [T1,...,Tn] *)
- fun args_of_tupel (Type("*",[left,right])) = left::(args_of_tupel right)
-   | args_of_tupel T = [T];
- (* A1->...->An->R goes to [(A1,B1),...,(An,Bn)] where Bi=Ai->...->An->R 
-    Bi is the Type of the function that is applied to an Ai type argument *)
- fun args_of_curried (typ as (Type(name,[S,T]))) = if name = cfun_arrow then
-      (S,typ) :: args_of_curried T else []
-   | args_of_curried _ = [];
- fun args_of_op true typ = Curried_args(rev(args_of_curried typ))
-   | args_of_op false (typ as (Type(name,[S,T]))) = if name = cfun_arrow then
-      Tupeled_args(args_of_tupel S) else Tupeled_args([])
-   | args_of_op false _ = Tupeled_args([]);
-(* generates for the type t the type of the fapp constant 
-   that will be applied to t *)
-fun mk_fapp_typ (typ as Type(_(*"->"*),argl)) = Type("fun",[typ,Type("fun",argl)]) 
-  | mk_fapp_typ t = (
-                    error("Internal error:mk_fapp_typ: wrong argument\n"));
-fun mk_arg_tupel_UU uu_pos [typ] n = 
-     if n<>uu_pos then Free("x"^(string_of_int n),typ)
-                  else Const("UU",typ)
-  | mk_arg_tupel_UU uu_pos (typ::tail) n = 
-     mkCPair
-     (if n<>uu_pos then Free("x"^(string_of_int n),typ) 
-                   else Const("UU",typ))
-     (mk_arg_tupel_UU uu_pos tail (n+1))
-  | mk_arg_tupel_UU _ [] _ = error("Internal error:mk_arg_tupel: empty list");
-fun mk_app_UU cnt uu_pos fname (Curried_args((typ,ftyp)::tl)) = 
-     Const("fapp",mk_fapp_typ ftyp) $
-     (mk_app_UU (cnt-1) uu_pos fname (Curried_args tl))$ 
-     (if cnt = uu_pos then Const("UU",typ)
-                      else Free("x"^(string_of_int cnt),typ))
-  | mk_app_UU _ _ (name,typ) (Curried_args []) = Const(name,typ)
-  | mk_app_UU cnt uu_pos (name,typ) (Tupeled_args []) = Const(name,typ)
-  | mk_app_UU cnt uu_pos (name,typ) (Tupeled_args list) = 
-     Const("fapp",mk_fapp_typ typ) $ Const(name,typ) $ 
-     mk_arg_tupel_UU uu_pos list 0;
-fun mk_app cnt fname args = mk_app_UU cnt (~1) fname args;
-(* producing the strictness axioms *)
- fun s_axm_of curried name typ args num cnt = 
-       if cnt = num then 
-        error("Internal error: s_axm_of: arg is no operation "^(external name))
-       else 
-       let val app = mk_app_UU (num-1) cnt (internal name,typ) args
-           val equation = HOLogic.mk_eq(app,Const("UU",fastype_of app)) 
-       in 
-        if cnt = num-1 then equation
-        else And $ equation $
-             s_axm_of curried name typ args num (cnt+1)
-       end;
- fun strictness_axms curried ((rawname,typ,cmixfix)::tail) =
-  let val name = case cmixfix of
-                      (CInfixl _) => (mk_internal_name rawname,rawname)
-                    | (CInfixr _) => (mk_internal_name rawname,rawname)
-                    |  _          => (rawname,rawname)
-      val args = args_of_op curried typ;
-      val num  = num_of_args args;
-  in
-      ((external name)^"_strict",
-       if num <> 0
-       then HOLogic.mk_Trueprop(s_axm_of curried name typ args num 0) 
-       else HOLogic.mk_Trueprop(True)) :: strictness_axms curried tail
-  end
-   | strictness_axms _ [] = [];
-end; (*local*)
-(* producing the totality axioms *)
-fun totality_axms curried ((rawname,typ,cmixfix)::tail) =
- let val name  = case cmixfix of
-                     (CInfixl _) => (mk_internal_name rawname,rawname)
-                   | (CInfixr _) => (mk_internal_name rawname,rawname)
-                   | _           => (rawname,rawname)
-     val args  = args_of_op curried typ;
-     val prems = mk_mkNotEqUU_vars (if curried then rev (types_of args)
-                                           else (types_of args)) 0;
-     val term  = mk_app (num_of_args args - 1) (internal name,typ) args;
- in
-     ((external name)^"_total", 
-      if num_of_args args <> 0 
-      then Logic.list_implies (prems,mkNotEqUU term)
-      else HOLogic.mk_Trueprop(True)) :: totality_axms curried tail
- end
-  | totality_axms _ [] = [];
-(* the theory extenders ****************************)
-fun add_ops {curried,strict,total} raw_decls thy =
-  let val {sign,...} = rep_theory thy;
-      val decls = map (apsnd_of_three (typ_of o read_ctyp sign)) raw_decls;
-      val oldstyledecls = oldstyle decls;
-      val syndecls = syn_decls curried sign decls;
-      val xrules = xrules_of curried decls;
-      val s_axms = (if strict then strictness_axms curried decls else []);
-      val t_axms = (if total  then totality_axms   curried decls else []);
-  in 
-  Theory.add_trrules_i xrules (PureThy.add_store_axioms_i (s_axms @ t_axms) 
-                     (Theory.add_syntax_i syndecls (Theory.add_consts_i oldstyledecls thy)))
-  end;
-fun add_ops_i {curried,strict,total} decls thy =
-  let val {sign,...} = rep_theory thy;
-      val oldstyledecls = oldstyle decls;
-      val syndecls = syn_decls curried sign decls;
-      val xrules = xrules_of curried decls;
-      val s_axms = (if strict then strictness_axms curried decls else []);
-      val t_axms = (if total  then totality_axms   curried decls else []);
-  in 
-  Theory.add_trrules_i xrules (PureThy.add_store_axioms_i (s_axms @ t_axms) 
-                     (Theory.add_syntax_i syndecls (Theory.add_consts_i oldstyledecls thy)))
-  end;
-(* parser: ops_decls ********************************)
-local open ThyParse 
-(* the following is an adapted version of const_decls from thy_parse.ML *)
-val names1 = list1 name;
-fun split_decls decls = flat (map (fn (xs, y) => map (rpair y) xs) decls);
-fun mk_triple2 (x, (y, z)) = mk_triple (x, y, z);
-fun mk_strict_vals [] = ""
-  | mk_strict_vals [name] =
-      "get_axiom thy \""^name^"_strict\"\n"
-  | mk_strict_vals (name::tail) =
-      "get_axiom thy \""^name^"_strict\",\n"^
-      mk_strict_vals tail;
-fun mk_total_vals [] = ""
-  | mk_total_vals [name] = 
-      "get_axiom thy \""^name^"_total\"\n"
-  | mk_total_vals (name::tail) =
-      "get_axiom thy \""^name^"_total\",\n"^
-      mk_total_vals tail;
-fun mk_ops_decls (((curried,strict),total),list) =
-          (* call for the theory extender *)
-           ("|> ThyOps.add_ops \n"^
-            "{ curried = "^curried^" , strict = "^strict^
-               " , total = "^total^" } \n"^
-            (mk_big_list o map mk_triple2) list^";\n"^
-            "val strict_axms = []; val total_axms = [];\nval thy = thy\n",
-          (* additional declarations *)
-            (if strict="true" then "val strict_axms = strict_axms @ [\n"^
-               mk_strict_vals (map (strip_quotes o fst) list)^
-               "];\n"             
-             else "")^
-            (if total="true" then "val total_axms = total_axms @ [\n"^
-               mk_total_vals (map (strip_quotes o fst) list)^
-               "];\n"             
-             else ""));
-(* mixfix annotations *)
-fun cat_parens pre1 pre2 s = cat pre1 (parens (cat pre2 s));
-val infxl = "infixl" $$-- !! nat >> cat_parens "ThyOps.Mixfix" "Infixl";
-val infxr = "infixr" $$-- !! nat >> cat_parens "ThyOps.Mixfix" "Infixr";
-val cinfxl = "cinfixl" $$-- !! nat >> cat "ThyOps.CInfixl";
-val cinfxr = "cinfixr" $$-- !! nat >> cat "ThyOps.CInfixr";
-val opt_pris = optional ("[" $$-- !! (list nat --$$ "]")) [] >> mk_list;
-val cmixfx = "cmixfix" $$-- string -- !! (opt_pris -- optional nat "max_pri")
-  >> (cat "ThyOps.CMixfix" o mk_triple2);
-val bindr = "binder" $$--
-  !! (string -- ( ("[" $$-- nat --$$ "]") -- nat
-                || nat >> (fn n => (n,n))
-     )          )
-  >> (cat_parens "ThyOps.Mixfix" "Binder" o mk_triple2);
-val mixfx = string -- !! (opt_pris -- optional nat "max_pri")
-  >> (cat_parens "ThyOps.Mixfix" "Mixfix" o mk_triple2);
-fun opt_syn fx = optional ("(" $$-- fx --$$ ")") "ThyOps.Mixfix NoSyn";
-val opt_cmixfix = opt_syn (mixfx || infxl || infxr || bindr || 
-                              cinfxl || cinfxr || cmixfx);
-fun ops_decls toks= 
-               (optional ($$ "curried" >> K "true") "false" --
-                optional ($$ "strict" >> K "true") "false" --
-                optional ($$ "total" >> K "true") "false" -- 
-                (repeat1 (names1 --$$ "::" -- !! (string -- opt_cmixfix)) 
-                 >> split_decls)
-                >> mk_ops_decls) toks
-(*** new keywords and sections: ******************************************)
-val ops_keywords = ["curried","strict","total","cinfixl","cinfixr","cmixfix"];
-     (* "::" is already a pure keyword *)
-val ops_sections = [("ops"    , ops_decls) ];
-end; (* the structure ThyOps *)
--- a/src/HOLCF/ax_ops/thy_syntax.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:37:51 1997 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOLCF/thy_syntax.ML
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Tobias Mayr
-Additional thy file sections for HOLCF: axioms, ops.
- (ThyAxioms.axioms_keywords @ ThyOps.ops_keywords)
- (ThyAxioms.axioms_sections @ ThyOps.ops_sections);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOLCF/contconsts.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:40:29 1997 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+(*  Title:      HOLCF/contconsts.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Tobias Mayr and David von Oheimb
+theory extender for consts section
+structure ContConsts =
+open HOLCFLogic;
+exception Impossible of string;
+fun Imposs msg = raise Impossible ("ContConst:"^msg);
+fun first  (x,_,_) = x; fun second (_,x,_) = x; fun third  (_,_,x) = x;
+fun upd_first  f (x,y,z) = (f x,   y,   z);
+fun upd_second f (x,y,z) = (  x, f y,   z);
+fun upd_third  f (x,y,z) = (  x,   y, f z);
+fun filter2 (pred: 'a->bool) : 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list =
+  let fun filt []      = ([],[])
+        | filt (x::xs) = let val (ys,zs) = filt xs in
+			 if pred x then (x::ys,zs) else (ys,x::zs) end
+  in filt end;
+fun change_arrow 0 T               = T
+|   change_arrow n (Type(_,[S,T])) = Type ("fun",[S,change_arrow (n-1) T])
+|   change_arrow _ _               = Imposs "change_arrow";
+fun trans_rules name2 name1 n mx = let
+  fun argnames _ 0 = []
+  |   argnames c n = chr c::argnames (c+1) (n-1);
+  val vnames = argnames (ord "A") n;
+  val extra_parse_rule = Syntax.ParseRule (Constant name2, Constant name1);
+  in [Syntax.ParsePrintRule (Ast.mk_appl (Constant name2) (map Variable vnames),
+			  foldl (fn (t,arg) => (Ast.mk_appl (Constant "fapp") 
+						[t,Variable arg]))
+			  (Constant name1,vnames))]
+     @(case mx of InfixlName _ => [extra_parse_rule] 
+                | InfixrName _ => [extra_parse_rule] | _ => []) end; 
+(* transforming infix/mixfix declarations of constants with type ...->...
+   a declaration of such a constant is transformed to a normal declaration with 
+   an internal name, the same type, and nofix. Additionally, a purely syntactic
+   declaration with the original name, type ...=>..., and the original mixfix
+   is generated and connected to the other declaration via some translation.
+fun fix_mixfix (syn                     , T, mx as Infixl           p ) = 
+	       (Syntax.const_name syn mx, T,       InfixlName (syn, p))
+  | fix_mixfix (syn                     , T, mx as Infixr           p ) = 
+	       (Syntax.const_name syn mx, T,       InfixrName (syn, p))
+  | fix_mixfix decl = decl;
+fun transform decl = let 
+	val (c, T, mx) = fix_mixfix decl; 
+	val c2 = "@"^c;
+	val n  = Syntax.mixfix_args mx
+    in	   ((c ,               T,NoSyn),
+	    (c2,change_arrow n T,mx   ),
+	    trans_rules c2 c n mx) end;
+fun cfun_arity (Type(n,[_,T])) = if n = cfun_arrow then 1+cfun_arity T else 0
+|   cfun_arity _               = 0;
+fun is_contconst (_,_,NoSyn   ) = false
+|   is_contconst (_,_,Binder _) = false
+|   is_contconst (c,T,mx      ) = cfun_arity T >= Syntax.mixfix_args mx
+			 handle ERROR => error ("in mixfix annotation for " ^
+			 		       quote (Syntax.const_name c mx));
+in (* local *)
+fun ext_consts prep_typ raw_decls thy =
+let val decls = map (upd_second (typ_of o prep_typ (sign_of thy))) raw_decls;
+    val (contconst_decls, normal_decls) = filter2 is_contconst decls;
+    val transformed_decls = map transform contconst_decls;
+in thy |> Theory.add_consts_i                    normal_decls
+       |> Theory.add_consts_i        (map first  transformed_decls)
+       |> Theory.add_syntax_i        (map second transformed_decls)
+       |> Theory.add_trrules_i (flat (map third  transformed_decls))
+    handle ERROR =>
+      error ("The error(s) above occurred in (cont)consts section")
+fun cert_typ sg typ =
+  ctyp_of sg typ handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => error msg;
+val add_consts   = ext_consts read_ctyp;
+val add_consts_i = ext_consts cert_typ;
+end; (* local *)
+end; (* struct *)
+val _ = ThySyn.add_syntax []
+    [ThyParse.section "consts" "|> ContConsts.add_consts" ThyParse.const_decls];
--- a/src/HOLCF/domain/axioms.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:37:51 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/domain/axioms.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:40:29 1997 +0100
@@ -137,25 +137,5 @@
        |> Theory.add_path ".."
-fun add_induct ((tname,finite),(typs,cnstrs)) thy' = let
-  fun P_name typ = "P"^(if typs = [typ] then "" 
-			else string_of_int(1 + find(typ,typs)));
-  fun lift_adm t = lift (fn typ => %%"adm" $ %(P_name typ)) 
-			(if finite then [] else typs,t);
-  fun lift_pred_UU t = lift (fn typ => %(P_name typ) $ UU) (typs,t);
-  fun one_cnstr (cnstr,vns,(args,res)) = let 
-		val rec_args = filter (fn (_,typ) => typ mem typs)(vns~~args);
-		val app = mk_cfapp(%%cnstr,map (bound_arg vns) vns);
-	     in foldr mk_All (vns,
-			 lift (fn (vn,typ) => %(P_name typ) $ bound_arg vns vn)
-			      (rec_args,defined app ==> %(P_name res)$app)) end;
-  fun one_conc typ = let val pn = P_name typ 
-		     in %pn $ %("x"^implode(tl(explode pn))) end;
-  val concl = mk_trp(foldr' mk_conj (map one_conc typs));
-  val induct = (tname^"_induct",lift_adm(lift_pred_UU(
-			foldr (op ===>) (map one_cnstr cnstrs,concl))));
-in thy' |> Theory.add_axioms_i (infer_types thy' [induct]) end;
 end; (* local *)
 end; (* struct *)
--- a/src/HOLCF/domain/extender.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:37:51 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/domain/extender.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:40:29 1997 +0100
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (* ----- general testing and preprocessing of constructor list -------------- *)
   fun check_and_sort_domain (dtnvs: (string * typ list) list, cons'' :
-     ((string * ThyOps.cmixfix * (bool*string*typ) list) list) list) sg =
+     ((string * mixfix * (bool*string*typ) list) list) list) sg =
     val defaultS = Type.defaultS (tsig_of sg);
     val test_dupl_typs = (case duplicates (map fst dtnvs) of 
@@ -65,52 +65,6 @@
   in ListPair.map analyse_equation (dtnvs,cons'')
   end; (* let *)
-  fun check_gen_by sg' (typs': string list,cnstrss': string list list) = let
-    val test_dupl_typs = (case duplicates typs' of [] => false
-	  | dups => error ("Duplicate types: " ^ commas_quote dups));
-    val test_dupl_cnstrs = map (fn cs => (case duplicates cs of [] => false 
-	| ds => error ("Duplicate constructors: " ^ commas_quote ds))) cnstrss';
-    val tycons = map fst (#tycons(Type.rep_tsig (tsig_of sg')));
-    val test_types = forall (fn t => t mem tycons orelse 
-				     error("Unknown type: "^t)) typs';
-    val cnstrss = let
-	fun type_of c = case (Sign.const_type sg' c) of Some t => t
-				| None => error ("Unknown constructor: "^c);
-	fun args_result_type (t as (Type(tn,[arg,rest]))) = 
-		if tn = cfun_arrow orelse tn = "=>"
-		then let val (ts,r) = args_result_type rest in (arg::ts,r) end
-		else ([],t)
-	|   args_result_type t = ([],t);
-    in map (map (fn cn => let val (args,res) = args_result_type (type_of cn) in
-	                 (cn,mk_var_names args,(args,res)) end)) cnstrss' 
-	: (string * 			(* operator name of constr *)
-	   string list *		(* argument name list *)
-	   (typ list *			(* argument types *)
-	    typ))			(* result type *)
-	  list list end;
-    fun test_equal_type tn (cn,_,(_,rt)) = fst (rep_Type rt) = tn orelse
-		      error("Inappropriate result type for constructor "^cn);
-    val typs = ListPair.map (fn (tn, cnstrs) =>(map (test_equal_type tn) cnstrs;
-				snd(third(hd(cnstrs)))))  (typs',cnstrss);
-    val test_typs = ListPair.map (fn (typ,cnstrs) => 
-			if not (pcpo_type sg' typ)
-			then error("Not a pcpo type: "^string_of_typ sg' typ)
-			else map (fn (cn,_,(_,rt)) => rt=typ orelse error(
-				"Non-identical result types for constructors "^
-			        first(hd cnstrs)^" and "^ cn ))  cnstrs)
-		    (typs,cnstrss);
-    val proper_args = let
-	fun occurs tn (Type(tn',ts)) = (tn'=tn) orelse exists (occurs tn) ts
-	|   occurs _  _              = false;
-	fun proper_arg cn atyp = forall (fn typ => let 
-				  val tn = fst (rep_Type typ) 
-				  in atyp=typ orelse not (occurs tn atyp) orelse
-				     error("Illegal use of type "^ tn ^
-				   " as argument of constructor " ^cn)end )typs;
-	fun proper_curry (cn,_,(args,_)) = forall (proper_arg cn) args;
-    in map (map proper_curry) cnstrss end;
-  in (typs, flat cnstrss) end;
 (* ----- calls for building new thy and thms -------------------------------- *)
@@ -130,22 +84,21 @@
     val eqs' = check_and_sort_domain (dtnvs,cons'') sg'';
     val thy' = thy'' |> Domain_Syntax.add_syntax (comp_dnam,eqs');
     val dts  = map (Type o fst) eqs';
+    fun strip ss = drop (find ("'", ss)+1, ss);
+    fun typid (Type  (id,_)   ) = hd     (explode (Sign.base_name id))
+      | typid (TFree (id,_)   ) = hd (strip (tl (explode (Sign.base_name id))))
+      | typid (TVar ((id,_),_)) = hd (tl (explode (Sign.base_name id)));
     fun cons cons' = (map (fn (con,syn,args) =>
-	((ThyOps.const_name con syn),
+	((Syntax.const_name con syn),
 	 ListPair.map (fn ((lazy,sel,tp),vn) => ((lazy,
 					find (tp,dts) handle LIST "find" => ~1),
-	     (args,(mk_var_names(map third args)))
+	     (args,(mk_var_names(map (typid o third) args)))
 	 )) cons') : cons list;
     val eqs = map (fn (dtnvs,cons') => (dtnvs,cons cons')) eqs' : eq list;
-    val thy       = thy' |> Domain_Axioms.add_axioms (comp_dnam,eqs);
+    val thy        = thy' |> Domain_Axioms.add_axioms (comp_dnam,eqs);
   in (foldl (fn (thy0,eq) => Domain_Theorems.theorems (eq,eqs) thy0) (thy,eqs)) 
                           |> Domain_Theorems.comp_theorems (comp_dnam, eqs) end;
-  fun add_gen_by ((tname,finite),(typs',cnstrss')) thy' = let
-   val (typs,cnstrs) = check_gen_by (sign_of thy') (typs',cnstrss');
-  in
-   Domain_Axioms.add_induct ((tname,finite),(typs,cnstrs)) thy' end;
 end (* local *)
 end (* struct *)
--- a/src/HOLCF/domain/interface.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:37:51 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/domain/interface.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:40:29 1997 +0100
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
        ^ ";\n"
-(* ----- string for calling (comp_)theorems and producing the structures ---- *)
+(* ----- string for producing the structures -------------------------------- *)
     val val_gen_string =  let
       val comp_axioms   = [(* copy, *) "reach", "take_def", "finite_def"
@@ -100,18 +100,6 @@
       "val thy = thy",
       "") end;
-(* ----- strings for calling add_gen_by and producing the value binding ----- *)
-  fun mk_gen_by (finite,eqs) = let
-      val typs    = map fst eqs;
-      val cnstrss = map snd eqs;
-      val tname = implode (separate "_" typs) in
-      ("|> Domain_Extender.add_gen_by "
-       ^ mk_pair(mk_pair(quote tname, Bool.toString finite),
-		 mk_pair(mk_list(map quote typs), 
-			 mk_list (map (fn cns => mk_list(map quote cns)) cnstrss))),
-       "val "^tname^"_induct = " ^get tname "induct" ^";") end;
 (* ----- parser for domain declaration equation ----------------------------- *)
   val name' = name >> strip_quotes;
@@ -122,7 +110,8 @@
 			|   esc ("]" ::xs) = "}"::esc xs
 			|   esc (x   ::xs) = x  ::esc xs
 		    in implode (esc (explode s)) end;
-  val tvar = (type_var' ^^ optional ($$ "::" ^^ (sort >> esc_quote)) "") >> quote;
+  val tvar = (type_var' ^^ 
+	      optional ($$ "::" ^^ (sort >> esc_quote)) "") >> quote;
   fun type_args l = (tvar >> (fn x => [x])
                  ||  "(" $$-- !! (list1 tvar --$$ ")")
                  ||  empty >> K []) l
@@ -131,20 +120,17 @@
                          to avoid ambiguity with standard mixfix option *)
   val domain_arg  = "(" $$-- (optional ($$ "lazy" >> K true) false)
 			  -- (optional ((name' >> Some) --$$ "::") None)
-			  -- typ --$$ ")" >> (fn ((lazy,sel),tp) => (lazy,sel,tp))
+			  -- typ --$$ ")" 
+		    >> (fn ((lazy,sel),tp) => (lazy,sel,tp))
 		 || typ >> (fn x => (false,None,x)) 
   val domain_cons = name' -- !! (repeat domain_arg) 
-		    -- ThyOps.opt_cmixfix
+		    -- ThyParse.opt_mixfix
 		    >> (fn ((con,args),syn) => (con,syn,args));
   val domain_decl = (enum1 "and" (con_typ --$$ "="  -- !! 
 				 (enum1 "|" domain_cons))) >> mk_domain;
-  val gen_by_decl = (optional ($$ "finite" >> K true) false) -- 
-		    (enum1 "," (name'   --$$ "by" -- !!
-			       (enum1 "|" name'))) >> mk_gen_by;
   val _ = ThySyn.add_syntax
-    ["lazy", "and", "by", "finite"]
-    [("domain", domain_decl), ("generated", gen_by_decl)]
+    ["lazy", "and"]
+    [("domain", domain_decl)]
 end; (* local *)
--- a/src/HOLCF/domain/library.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:37:51 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/domain/library.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:40:29 1997 +0100
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
 structure Domain_Library = struct
+open HOLCFLogic;
 exception Impossible of string;
 fun Imposs msg = raise Impossible ("Domain:"^msg);
@@ -59,11 +61,7 @@
 (* make distinct names out of the type list, 
    forbidding "o", "x..","f..","P.." as names *)
 (* a number string is added if necessary *)
-fun mk_var_names types : string list = let
-    fun strip ss = drop (find ("'", ss)+1, ss);
-    fun typid (Type  (id,_)   ) = hd     (explode (Sign.base_name id))
-      | typid (TFree (id,_)   ) = hd (strip (tl (explode (Sign.base_name id))))
-      | typid (TVar ((id,_),_)) = hd (tl (explode (Sign.base_name id)));
+fun mk_var_names ids : string list = let
     fun nonreserved s = if s mem ["x","f","P"] then s^"'" else s;
     fun index_vnames(vn::vns,occupied) =
           (case assoc(occupied,vn) of
@@ -73,13 +71,12 @@
            | Some(i) => (vn^(string_of_int (i+1)))
 				   :: index_vnames(vns,(vn,i+1)::occupied))
       | index_vnames([],occupied) = [];
-in index_vnames(map (nonreserved o typid) types,[("O",0),("o",0)]) end;
+in index_vnames(map nonreserved ids, [("O",0),("o",0)]) end;
 fun rep_Type  (Type  x) = x | rep_Type  _ = Imposs "library:rep_Type";
 fun rep_TFree (TFree x) = x | rep_TFree _ = Imposs "library:rep_TFree";
 val tsig_of = #tsig o Sign.rep_sg;
-val HOLCF_sg = sign_of HOLCF.thy;
-val pcpoS = Sign.intern_sort HOLCF_sg ["pcpo"];
 fun pcpo_type sg t = Type.of_sort (tsig_of sg) (Sign.certify_typ sg t, pcpoS);
 fun string_of_typ sg = Sign.string_of_typ sg o Sign.certify_typ sg;
 fun str2typ sg = typ_of o read_ctyp sg;
@@ -107,12 +104,7 @@
 (* ----- support for type and mixfix expressions ----- *)
-fun mk_tvar s = TFree("'"^s,pcpoS);
-fun mk_typ t (S,T) = Sign.intern_typ HOLCF_sg (Type(t,[S,T]));
 infixr 5 -->;
-infixr 6 ~>; val op ~> = mk_typ "->";
-val cfun_arrow = fst (rep_Type (dummyT ~> dummyT));
-val NoSyn' = ThyOps.Mixfix NoSyn;
 (* ----- support for term expressions ----- *)
@@ -140,9 +132,7 @@
 fun mk_constrain      (typ,T) = %%"_constrain" $ T $ tf typ;
 fun mk_constrainall (x,typ,P) = %%"All" $ (%%"_constrainAbs" $ mk_lam(x,P) $ tf typ);
 fun mk_ex   (x,P) = mk_exists (x,dummyT,P);
-fun mk_not     P  = Const("Not" ,boolT --> boolT) $ P;
 fun mk_All  (x,P) = %%"all" $ mk_lam(x,P); (* meta universal quantification *)
--- a/src/HOLCF/domain/syntax.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:37:51 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/domain/syntax.ML	Tue Nov 04 14:40:29 1997 +0100
@@ -11,71 +11,67 @@
 open Domain_Library;
-infixr 5 -->; infixr 6 ~>;
-fun calc_syntax dtypeprod ((dname, typevars), (cons':
-			   (string * ThyOps.cmixfix * (bool*string*typ) list) list)) =
+infixr 5 -->; infixr 6 ->>;
+fun calc_syntax dtypeprod ((dname, typevars), 
+	(cons': (string * mixfix * (bool*string*typ) list) list)) =
-(* ----- constants concerning the isomorphism ------------------------------------- *)
+(* ----- constants concerning the isomorphism ------------------------------- *)
-  fun opt_lazy (lazy,_,t) = if lazy then Type("u",[t]) else t
-  fun prod     (_,_,args) = if args = [] then Type("one",[])
-				         else foldr'(mk_typ "**") (map opt_lazy args);
-  fun freetvar s = if (mk_tvar s) mem typevars then freetvar ("t"^s) else mk_tvar s;
-  fun when_type (_   ,_,args) = foldr (op ~>)       (map third args,freetvar "t");
+  fun opt_lazy (lazy,_,t) = if lazy then mk_uT t else t
+  fun prod     (_,_,args) = if args = [] then oneT
+			    else foldr' mk_sprodT (map opt_lazy args);
+  fun freetvar s = let val tvar = mk_TFree s in
+		   if tvar mem typevars then freetvar ("t"^s) else tvar end;
+  fun when_type (_   ,_,args) = foldr (op ->>) (map third args,freetvar "t");
   val dtype  = Type(dname,typevars);
-  val dtype2 = foldr' (mk_typ "++") (map prod cons');
+  val dtype2 = foldr' mk_ssumT (map prod cons');
   val dnam = Sign.base_name dname;
-  val const_rep  = (dnam^"_rep" ,              dtype  ~> dtype2, NoSyn');
-  val const_abs  = (dnam^"_abs" ,              dtype2 ~> dtype , NoSyn');
-  val const_when = (dnam^"_when", foldr (op ~>) ((map when_type cons'),
-					       	 dtype ~> freetvar "t"), NoSyn');
-  val const_copy = (dnam^"_copy", dtypeprod ~> dtype  ~> dtype , NoSyn');
+  val const_rep  = (dnam^"_rep" ,              dtype  ->> dtype2, NoSyn);
+  val const_abs  = (dnam^"_abs" ,              dtype2 ->> dtype , NoSyn);
+  val const_when = (dnam^"_when",foldr (op ->>) ((map when_type cons'),
+					        dtype ->> freetvar "t"), NoSyn);
+  val const_copy = (dnam^"_copy", dtypeprod ->> dtype  ->> dtype , NoSyn);
-(* ----- constants concerning the constructors, discriminators and selectors ------ *)
-fun is_infix (ThyOps.CInfixl       _ ) = true
-|   is_infix (ThyOps.CInfixr       _ ) = true
-|   is_infix (ThyOps.Mixfix(Infixl _)) = true
-|   is_infix (ThyOps.Mixfix(Infixr _)) = true
-|   is_infix  _                        = false;
+(* ----- constants concerning constructors, discriminators, and selectors --- *)
   val escape = let
-	fun esc (c :: cs) = if c mem ["'","_","(",")","/"] then "'" :: c :: esc cs
-							   else        c :: esc cs
-	|   esc []        = []
+	fun esc (c::cs) = if c mem ["'","_","(",")","/"] then "'"::c::esc cs
+							 else      c::esc cs
+	|   esc []      = []
 	in implode o esc o explode end;
-  fun con       (name,s,args) = (name,foldr (op ~>) (map third args,dtype),s);
-  fun dis       (con ,s,_   ) = (dis_name_ con, dtype~>Type("tr",[]),
-			 	 ThyOps.Mixfix(Mixfix("is'_"^
-				 (if is_infix s then Id else escape)con,[],max_pri)));
-  fun sel       (_   ,_,args) = map (fn(_,sel,typ)=>(sel,dtype ~> typ,NoSyn'))args;
+  fun con (name,s,args) = (name,foldr (op ->>) (map third args,dtype),s);
+  fun dis (con ,s,_   ) = (dis_name_ con, dtype->>trT,
+			   Mixfix(escape ("is_" ^ con), [], max_pri));
+			(* stricly speaking, these constants have one argument,
+			   but the mixfix (without arguments) is introduced only
+			   to generate parse rules for non-alphanumeric names*)
+  fun sel (_   ,_,args) = map (fn(_,sel,typ)=>(sel,dtype ->> typ,NoSyn))args;
   val consts_con = map con cons';
   val consts_dis = map dis cons';
   val consts_sel = flat(map sel cons');
-(* ----- constants concerning induction ------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ----- constants concerning induction ------------------------------------- *)
-  val const_take   = (dnam^"_take"  , Type("nat",[]) --> dtype ~> dtype, NoSyn');
-  val const_finite = (dnam^"_finite", dtype-->HOLogic.boolT	        , NoSyn');
+  val const_take   = (dnam^"_take"  , HOLogic.natT-->dtype->>dtype, NoSyn);
+  val const_finite = (dnam^"_finite", dtype-->HOLogic.boolT       , NoSyn);
-(* ----- case translation --------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ----- case translation --------------------------------------------------- *)
 local open Syntax in
   val case_trans = let 
-	fun c_ast con syn = Constant (ThyOps.const_name con syn);
-	fun expvar n      = Variable ("e"^(string_of_int n));
-	fun argvar n m _  = Variable ("a"^(string_of_int n)^"_"^(string_of_int m));
+	fun c_ast con mx = Constant (const_name con mx);
+	fun expvar n     = Variable ("e"^(string_of_int n));
+	fun argvar n m _ = Variable ("a"^(string_of_int n)^"_"^
+					 (string_of_int m));
 	fun app s (l,r)   = mk_appl (Constant s) [l,r];
-	fun case1 n (con,syn,args) = mk_appl (Constant "@case1")
-		 [if is_infix syn
-		  then mk_appl (c_ast con syn) (mapn (argvar n) 1 args)
-		  else foldl (app "@fapp") (c_ast con syn, (mapn (argvar n) 1 args)),
+	fun case1 n (con,mx,args) = mk_appl (Constant "@case1")
+		 [foldl (app "fapp") (c_ast con mx, (mapn (argvar n) 1 args)),
 		  expvar n];
 	fun arg1 n (con,_,args) = if args = [] then expvar n 
 				  else mk_appl (Constant "LAM ") 
@@ -83,10 +79,10 @@
       (mk_appl (Constant "@case") [Variable "x", foldr'
-				 (fn (c,cs) => mk_appl (Constant "@case2") [c,cs])
+				(fn (c,cs) => mk_appl (Constant"@case2") [c,cs])
 				 (mapn case1 1 cons')],
-       mk_appl (Constant "@fapp") [foldl 
-				 (fn (w,a ) => mk_appl (Constant "@fapp" ) [w,a ])
+       mk_appl (Constant "fapp") [foldl 
+				(fn (w,a ) => mk_appl (Constant"fapp" ) [w,a ])
 				 (Constant (dnam^"_when"),mapn arg1 1 cons'),
 				 Variable "x"])
@@ -98,22 +94,23 @@
 end; (* let *)
-(* ----- putting all the syntax stuff together ------------------------------------ *)
+(* ----- putting all the syntax stuff together ------------------------------ *)
 in (* local *)
 fun add_syntax (comp_dnam,eqs': ((string * typ list) *
-		(string * ThyOps.cmixfix * (bool*string*typ) list) list) list) thy'' =
+	(string * mixfix * (bool*string*typ) list) list) list) thy'' =
-  val dtypes  = map (Type      o fst) eqs';
-  val funprod = foldr' (mk_typ "*") (map (fn tp => tp ~> tp                  )dtypes);
-  val relprod = foldr' (mk_typ "*") (map (fn tp => tp--> tp --> HOLogic.boolT)dtypes);
-  val const_copy   = (comp_dnam^"_copy"  ,funprod ~> funprod       , NoSyn');
-  val const_bisim  = (comp_dnam^"_bisim" ,relprod --> HOLogic.boolT, NoSyn');
+  val dtypes  = map (Type o fst) eqs';
+  val boolT   = HOLogic.boolT;
+  val funprod = foldr' mk_prodT (map (fn tp => tp ->> tp          ) dtypes);
+  val relprod = foldr' mk_prodT (map (fn tp => tp --> tp --> boolT) dtypes);
+  val const_copy   = (comp_dnam^"_copy"  ,funprod ->> funprod, NoSyn);
+  val const_bisim  = (comp_dnam^"_bisim" ,relprod --> boolT  , NoSyn);
   val ctt           = map (calc_syntax funprod) eqs';
-  val add_cur_ops_i = ThyOps.add_ops_i {curried=true, strict=false, total=false};
-in thy'' |> add_cur_ops_i (flat(map fst ctt))
-	 |> add_cur_ops_i ((if length eqs'>1 then [const_copy] else[])@[const_bisim])
+in thy'' |> ContConsts.add_consts_i (flat (map fst ctt) @ 
+				    (if length eqs'>1 then [const_copy] else[])@
+				    [const_bisim])
 	 |> Theory.add_trrules_i (flat(map snd ctt))
 end; (* let *)
--- a/src/HOLCF/ex/Stream.thy	Tue Nov 04 14:37:51 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/ex/Stream.thy	Tue Nov 04 14:40:29 1997 +0100
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 Stream = HOLCF + 
-domain 'a stream = "&&" (ft::'a) (lazy rt::'a stream) (cinfixr 65)
+domain 'a stream = "&&" (ft::'a) (lazy rt::'a stream) (infixr 65)