more robust syntax that survives collapse of \<^isub> and \<^sub>;
Thu, 29 Nov 2012 14:05:53 +0100
changeset 50282 fe4d4bb9f4c2
parent 50281 cbba16084784
child 50284 cb4bdcbfdb8d
more robust syntax that survives collapse of \<^isub> and \<^sub>;
--- a/src/HOL/Decision_Procs/Parametric_Ferrante_Rackoff.thy	Thu Nov 29 10:56:59 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Decision_Procs/Parametric_Ferrante_Rackoff.thy	Thu Nov 29 14:05:53 2012 +0100
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
 fun simptm:: "tm \<Rightarrow> tm" where
   "simptm (CP j) = CP (polynate j)"
-| "simptm (Bound n) = CNP n 1\<^sub>p (CP 0\<^sub>p)"
+| "simptm (Bound n) = CNP n (1)\<^sub>p (CP 0\<^sub>p)"
 | "simptm (Neg t) = tmneg (simptm t)"
 | "simptm (Add t s) = tmadd (simptm t,simptm s)"
 | "simptm (Sub t s) = tmsub (simptm t) (simptm s)"
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
 declare let_cong[fundef_cong del]
 fun split0 :: "tm \<Rightarrow> (poly \<times> tm)" where
-  "split0 (Bound 0) = (1\<^sub>p, CP 0\<^sub>p)"
+  "split0 (Bound 0) = ((1)\<^sub>p, CP 0\<^sub>p)"
 | "split0 (CNP 0 c t) = (let (c',t') = split0 t in (c +\<^sub>p c',t'))"
 | "split0 (Neg t) = (let (c,t') = split0 t in (~\<^sub>p c,Neg t'))"
 | "split0 (CNP n c t) = (let (c',t') = split0 t in (c',CNP n c t'))"
@@ -1892,17 +1892,17 @@
 section{* First implementation : Naive by encoding all case splits locally *}
 definition "msubsteq c t d s a r = 
   evaldjf (split conj) 
-  [(let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (NEq (CP cd), Eq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
-   (conj (Eq (CP c)) (NEq (CP d)) , Eq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) s) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
-   (conj (NEq (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Eq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) t) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
+  [(let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (NEq (CP cd), Eq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
+   (conj (Eq (CP c)) (NEq (CP d)) , Eq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) s) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
+   (conj (NEq (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Eq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) t) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
    (conj (Eq (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Eq r)]"
 lemma msubsteq_nb: assumes lp: "islin (Eq (CNP 0 a r))" and t: "tmbound0 t" and s: "tmbound0 s"
   shows "bound0 (msubsteq c t d s a r)"
-  have th: "\<forall>x\<in> set [(let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (NEq (CP cd), Eq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
-   (conj (Eq (CP c)) (NEq (CP d)) , Eq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) s) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
-   (conj (NEq (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Eq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) t) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
+  have th: "\<forall>x\<in> set [(let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (NEq (CP cd), Eq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
+   (conj (Eq (CP c)) (NEq (CP d)) , Eq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) s) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
+   (conj (NEq (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Eq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) t) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
    (conj (Eq (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Eq r)]. bound0 (split conj x)"
     using lp by (simp add: Let_def t s )
   from evaldjf_bound0[OF th] show ?thesis by (simp add: msubsteq_def)
@@ -1974,17 +1974,17 @@
 definition "msubstneq c t d s a r = 
   evaldjf (split conj) 
-  [(let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (NEq (CP cd), NEq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
-   (conj (Eq (CP c)) (NEq (CP d)) , NEq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) s) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
-   (conj (NEq (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , NEq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) t) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
+  [(let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (NEq (CP cd), NEq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
+   (conj (Eq (CP c)) (NEq (CP d)) , NEq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) s) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
+   (conj (NEq (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , NEq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) t) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
    (conj (Eq (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , NEq r)]"
 lemma msubstneq_nb: assumes lp: "islin (NEq (CNP 0 a r))" and t: "tmbound0 t" and s: "tmbound0 s"
   shows "bound0 (msubstneq c t d s a r)"
-  have th: "\<forall>x\<in> set [(let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (NEq (CP cd), NEq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))), 
-    (conj (Eq (CP c)) (NEq (CP d)) , NEq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) s) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
-    (conj (NEq (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , NEq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) t) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
+  have th: "\<forall>x\<in> set [(let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (NEq (CP cd), NEq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))), 
+    (conj (Eq (CP c)) (NEq (CP d)) , NEq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) s) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
+    (conj (NEq (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , NEq (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) t) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
     (conj (Eq (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , NEq r)]. bound0 (split conj x)"
     using lp by (simp add: Let_def t s )
   from evaldjf_bound0[OF th] show ?thesis by (simp add: msubstneq_def)
@@ -2055,23 +2055,23 @@
 definition "msubstlt c t d s a r = 
   evaldjf (split conj) 
-  [(let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p cd)), Lt (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
-  (let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (lt (CP cd), Lt (Sub (Mul a (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
-   (conj (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p c))) (Eq (CP d)) , Lt (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) t) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
-   (conj (lt (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Lt (Sub (Mul a t) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
-   (conj (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p d))) (Eq (CP c)) , Lt (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) s) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
-   (conj (lt (CP d)) (Eq (CP c)) , Lt (Sub (Mul a s) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
+  [(let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p cd)), Lt (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
+  (let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (lt (CP cd), Lt (Sub (Mul a (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
+   (conj (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p c))) (Eq (CP d)) , Lt (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) t) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
+   (conj (lt (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Lt (Sub (Mul a t) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
+   (conj (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p d))) (Eq (CP c)) , Lt (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) s) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
+   (conj (lt (CP d)) (Eq (CP c)) , Lt (Sub (Mul a s) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
    (conj (Eq (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Lt r)]"
 lemma msubstlt_nb: assumes lp: "islin (Lt (CNP 0 a r))" and t: "tmbound0 t" and s: "tmbound0 s"
   shows "bound0 (msubstlt c t d s a r)"
-  have th: "\<forall>x\<in> set [(let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p cd)), Lt (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
-  (let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (lt (CP cd), Lt (Sub (Mul a (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
-   (conj (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p c))) (Eq (CP d)) , Lt (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) t) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
-   (conj (lt (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Lt (Sub (Mul a t) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
-   (conj (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p d))) (Eq (CP c)) , Lt (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) s) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
-   (conj (lt (CP d)) (Eq (CP c)) , Lt (Sub (Mul a s) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
+  have th: "\<forall>x\<in> set [(let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p cd)), Lt (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
+  (let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (lt (CP cd), Lt (Sub (Mul a (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
+   (conj (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p c))) (Eq (CP d)) , Lt (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) t) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
+   (conj (lt (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Lt (Sub (Mul a t) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
+   (conj (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p d))) (Eq (CP c)) , Lt (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) s) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
+   (conj (lt (CP d)) (Eq (CP c)) , Lt (Sub (Mul a s) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
    (conj (Eq (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Lt r)]. bound0 (split conj x)"
     using lp by (simp add: Let_def t s lt_nb )
   from evaldjf_bound0[OF th] show ?thesis by (simp add: msubstlt_def)
@@ -2202,23 +2202,23 @@
 definition "msubstle c t d s a r = 
   evaldjf (split conj) 
-  [(let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p cd)), Le (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
-  (let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (lt (CP cd), Le (Sub (Mul a (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
-   (conj (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p c))) (Eq (CP d)) , Le (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) t) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
-   (conj (lt (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Le (Sub (Mul a t) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
-   (conj (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p d))) (Eq (CP c)) , Le (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) s) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
-   (conj (lt (CP d)) (Eq (CP c)) , Le (Sub (Mul a s) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
+  [(let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p cd)), Le (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
+  (let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (lt (CP cd), Le (Sub (Mul a (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
+   (conj (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p c))) (Eq (CP d)) , Le (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) t) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
+   (conj (lt (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Le (Sub (Mul a t) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
+   (conj (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p d))) (Eq (CP c)) , Le (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) s) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
+   (conj (lt (CP d)) (Eq (CP c)) , Le (Sub (Mul a s) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
    (conj (Eq (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Le r)]"
 lemma msubstle_nb: assumes lp: "islin (Le (CNP 0 a r))" and t: "tmbound0 t" and s: "tmbound0 s"
   shows "bound0 (msubstle c t d s a r)"
-  have th: "\<forall>x\<in> set [(let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p cd)), Le (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
-  (let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (lt (CP cd), Le (Sub (Mul a (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
-   (conj (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p c))) (Eq (CP d)) , Le (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) t) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
-   (conj (lt (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Le (Sub (Mul a t) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
-   (conj (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p d))) (Eq (CP c)) , Le (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) s) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
-   (conj (lt (CP d)) (Eq (CP c)) , Le (Sub (Mul a s) (Mul (2\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
+  have th: "\<forall>x\<in> set [(let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p cd)), Le (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
+  (let cd = c *\<^sub>p d in (lt (CP cd), Le (Sub (Mul a (Add (Mul d t) (Mul c s))) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p cd) r)))),
+   (conj (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p c))) (Eq (CP d)) , Le (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) t) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
+   (conj (lt (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Le (Sub (Mul a t) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p c) r))),
+   (conj (lt (CP (~\<^sub>p d))) (Eq (CP c)) , Le (Add (Mul (~\<^sub>p a) s) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
+   (conj (lt (CP d)) (Eq (CP c)) , Le (Sub (Mul a s) (Mul ((2)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p d) r))),
    (conj (Eq (CP c)) (Eq (CP d)) , Le r)]. bound0 (split conj x)"
     using lp by (simp add: Let_def t s lt_nb )
   from evaldjf_bound0[OF th] show ?thesis by (simp add: msubstle_def)
--- a/src/HOL/Decision_Procs/Reflected_Multivariate_Polynomial.thy	Thu Nov 29 10:56:59 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Decision_Procs/Reflected_Multivariate_Polynomial.thy	Thu Nov 29 14:05:53 2012 +0100
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
   | Mul poly poly| Neg poly| Pw poly nat| CN poly nat poly
 abbreviation poly_0 :: "poly" ("0\<^sub>p") where "0\<^sub>p \<equiv> C (0\<^sub>N)"
-abbreviation poly_p :: "int \<Rightarrow> poly" ("_\<^sub>p") where "i\<^sub>p \<equiv> C (i\<^sub>N)"
+abbreviation poly_p :: "int \<Rightarrow> poly" ("'((_)')\<^sub>p") where "(i)\<^sub>p \<equiv> C (i)\<^sub>N"
 subsection{* Boundedness, substitution and all that *}
 primrec polysize:: "poly \<Rightarrow> nat" where
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 fun polypow :: "nat \<Rightarrow> poly \<Rightarrow> poly"
-  "polypow 0 = (\<lambda>p. 1\<^sub>p)"
+  "polypow 0 = (\<lambda>p. (1)\<^sub>p)"
 | "polypow n = (\<lambda>p. let q = polypow (n div 2) p ; d = polymul q q in 
                     if even n then d else polymul p d)"
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
 function polynate :: "poly \<Rightarrow> poly"
-  "polynate (Bound n) = CN 0\<^sub>p n 1\<^sub>p"
+  "polynate (Bound n) = CN 0\<^sub>p n (1)\<^sub>p"
 | "polynate (Add p q) = (polynate p +\<^sub>p polynate q)"
 | "polynate (Sub p q) = (polynate p -\<^sub>p polynate q)"
 | "polynate (Mul p q) = (polynate p *\<^sub>p polynate q)"
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@
   using isnpolyh_mono[where n="n0" and n'="0" and p="p"] by (simp add: shift1_def)
 lemma funpow_shift1_1: 
-  "(Ipoly bs (funpow n shift1 p) :: 'a :: {field_char_0, field_inverse_zero}) = Ipoly bs (funpow n shift1 1\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p p)"
+  "(Ipoly bs (funpow n shift1 p) :: 'a :: {field_char_0, field_inverse_zero}) = Ipoly bs (funpow n shift1 (1)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p p)"
   by (simp add: funpow_shift1)
 lemma poly_cmul[simp]: "Ipoly bs (poly_cmul c p) = Ipoly bs (Mul (C c) p)"
@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@
   using isnpolyh_unique[OF polyadd_normh[OF np nq] polyadd_normh[OF nq np]] by simp
 lemma zero_normh: "isnpolyh 0\<^sub>p n" by simp
-lemma one_normh: "isnpolyh 1\<^sub>p n" by simp
+lemma one_normh: "isnpolyh (1)\<^sub>p n" by simp
 lemma polyadd_0[simp]: 
   assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::{field_char_0, field_inverse_zero})"
   and np: "isnpolyh p n0" shows "p +\<^sub>p 0\<^sub>p = p" and "0\<^sub>p +\<^sub>p p = p"
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@
 lemma polymul_1[simp]: 
     assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::{field_char_0, field_inverse_zero})"
-  and np: "isnpolyh p n0" shows "p *\<^sub>p 1\<^sub>p = p" and "1\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p p = p"
+  and np: "isnpolyh p n0" shows "p *\<^sub>p (1)\<^sub>p = p" and "(1)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p p = p"
   using isnpolyh_unique[OF polymul_normh[OF np one_normh] np] 
     isnpolyh_unique[OF polymul_normh[OF one_normh np] np] by simp_all
 lemma polymul_0[simp]: 
@@ -1262,14 +1262,14 @@
     \<and> (\<exists>nr. isnpolyh r nr) \<and> ?qths"
   let ?b = "head s"
   let ?p' = "funpow (degree s - n) shift1 p"
-  let ?xdn = "funpow (degree s - n) shift1 1\<^sub>p"
+  let ?xdn = "funpow (degree s - n) shift1 (1)\<^sub>p"
   let ?akk' = "a ^\<^sub>p (k' - k)"
   note ns = `isnpolyh s n1`
   from np have np0: "isnpolyh p 0" 
     using isnpolyh_mono[where n="n0" and n'="0" and p="p"]  by simp
   have np': "isnpolyh ?p' 0" using funpow_shift1_isnpoly[OF np0[simplified isnpoly_def[symmetric]] pnz, where n="degree s - n"] isnpoly_def by simp
   have headp': "head ?p' = head p" using funpow_shift1_head[OF np pnz] by simp
-  from funpow_shift1_isnpoly[where p="1\<^sub>p"] have nxdn: "isnpolyh ?xdn 0" by (simp add: isnpoly_def)
+  from funpow_shift1_isnpoly[where p="(1)\<^sub>p"] have nxdn: "isnpolyh ?xdn 0" by (simp add: isnpoly_def)
   from polypow_normh [OF head_isnpolyh[OF np0], where k="k' - k"] ap 
   have nakk':"isnpolyh ?akk' 0" by blast
   {assume sz: "s = 0\<^sub>p"
@@ -1312,19 +1312,19 @@
               Ipoly bs (a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) * Ipoly bs ?p' + Ipoly bs p * Ipoly bs q + Ipoly bs r" 
               by (simp add: field_simps)
             hence " \<forall>(bs:: 'a::{field_char_0, field_inverse_zero} list). Ipoly bs (a ^\<^sub>p (k' - k) *\<^sub>p s) = 
-              Ipoly bs (a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) * Ipoly bs (funpow (degree s - n) shift1 1\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p p) 
+              Ipoly bs (a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) * Ipoly bs (funpow (degree s - n) shift1 (1)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p p) 
               + Ipoly bs p * Ipoly bs q + Ipoly bs r"
               by (auto simp only: funpow_shift1_1) 
             hence "\<forall>(bs:: 'a::{field_char_0, field_inverse_zero} list). Ipoly bs (a ^\<^sub>p (k' - k) *\<^sub>p s) = 
-              Ipoly bs p * (Ipoly bs (a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) * Ipoly bs (funpow (degree s - n) shift1 1\<^sub>p) 
+              Ipoly bs p * (Ipoly bs (a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) * Ipoly bs (funpow (degree s - n) shift1 (1)\<^sub>p) 
               + Ipoly bs q) + Ipoly bs r" by (simp add: field_simps)
             hence "\<forall>(bs:: 'a::{field_char_0, field_inverse_zero} list). Ipoly bs (a ^\<^sub>p (k' - k) *\<^sub>p s) = 
-              Ipoly bs (p *\<^sub>p ((a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) *\<^sub>p (funpow (degree s - n) shift1 1\<^sub>p) +\<^sub>p q) +\<^sub>p r)" by simp
+              Ipoly bs (p *\<^sub>p ((a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) *\<^sub>p (funpow (degree s - n) shift1 (1)\<^sub>p) +\<^sub>p q) +\<^sub>p r)" by simp
             with isnpolyh_unique[OF nakks' nqr']
             have "a ^\<^sub>p (k' - k) *\<^sub>p s = 
-              p *\<^sub>p ((a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) *\<^sub>p (funpow (degree s - n) shift1 1\<^sub>p) +\<^sub>p q) +\<^sub>p r" by blast
+              p *\<^sub>p ((a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) *\<^sub>p (funpow (degree s - n) shift1 (1)\<^sub>p) +\<^sub>p q) +\<^sub>p r" by blast
             hence ?qths using nq'
-              apply (rule_tac x="(a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) *\<^sub>p (funpow (degree s - n) shift1 1\<^sub>p) +\<^sub>p q" in exI)
+              apply (rule_tac x="(a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) *\<^sub>p (funpow (degree s - n) shift1 (1)\<^sub>p) +\<^sub>p q" in exI)
               apply (rule_tac x="0" in exI) by simp
             with kk' nr dr have "k \<le> k' \<and> (degree r = 0 \<or> degree r < degree p) \<and> (\<exists>nr. isnpolyh r nr) \<and> ?qths"
               by blast } hence ?ths by blast }
--- a/src/HOL/Library/Abstract_Rat.thy	Thu Nov 29 10:56:59 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Library/Abstract_Rat.thy	Thu Nov 29 14:05:53 2012 +0100
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 abbreviation Num0_syn :: Num  ("0\<^sub>N")
   where "0\<^sub>N \<equiv> (0, 0)"
-abbreviation Numi_syn :: "int \<Rightarrow> Num"  ("_\<^sub>N")
-  where "i\<^sub>N \<equiv> (i, 1)"
+abbreviation Numi_syn :: "int \<Rightarrow> Num"  ("'((_)')\<^sub>N")
+  where "(i)\<^sub>N \<equiv> (i, 1)"
 definition isnormNum :: "Num \<Rightarrow> bool" where
   "isnormNum = (\<lambda>(a,b). (if a = 0 then b = 0 else b > 0 \<and> gcd a b = 1))"
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
     (cases "fst x = 0", auto simp add: gcd_commute_int)
 lemma isnormNum_int[simp]:
-  "isnormNum 0\<^sub>N" "isnormNum ((1::int)\<^sub>N)" "i \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> isnormNum (i\<^sub>N)"
+  "isnormNum 0\<^sub>N" "isnormNum ((1::int)\<^sub>N)" "i \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> isnormNum (i)\<^sub>N"
   by (simp_all add: isnormNum_def)
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
 definition "INum = (\<lambda>(a,b). of_int a / of_int b)"
-lemma INum_int [simp]: "INum (i\<^sub>N) = ((of_int i) ::'a::field)" "INum 0\<^sub>N = (0::'a::field)"
+lemma INum_int [simp]: "INum (i)\<^sub>N = ((of_int i) ::'a::field)" "INum 0\<^sub>N = (0::'a::field)"
   by (simp_all add: INum_def)
 lemma isnormNum_unique[simp]:
@@ -512,8 +512,8 @@
   by (simp add: Nneg_def split_def)
 lemma Nmul1[simp]:
-    "isnormNum c \<Longrightarrow> 1\<^sub>N *\<^sub>N c = c"
-    "isnormNum c \<Longrightarrow> c *\<^sub>N (1\<^sub>N) = c"
+    "isnormNum c \<Longrightarrow> (1)\<^sub>N *\<^sub>N c = c"
+    "isnormNum c \<Longrightarrow> c *\<^sub>N (1)\<^sub>N = c"
   apply (simp_all add: Nmul_def Let_def split_def isnormNum_def)
   apply (cases "fst c = 0", simp_all, cases c, simp_all)+