2007-01-25 nipkow Allows evaluation of min/max o numerals.
2007-01-25 haftmann fixed bug for OCaml bigints
2007-01-25 haftmann tuned
2007-01-25 haftmann added explicit maintainance of coregular code theorems for overloaded constants
2007-01-25 haftmann dropped useless stuff
2007-01-25 haftmann clarified code
2007-01-25 haftmann added explicit query function for arities to subalgebra projection
2007-01-25 haftmann not importing NestedEnvironment
2007-01-25 haftmann adjusted to changes in class package
2007-01-25 haftmann made executable
2007-01-25 haftmann improved
2007-01-25 haftmann fxied bug for OCaml bigints
2007-01-25 haftmann adjusted names
2007-01-24 wenzelm tuned eta_contract;
2007-01-24 wenzelm updated timing;
2007-01-24 paulson some new lemmas
2007-01-24 aspinall Let <loadfile> execute even while a file is open interactively.
2007-01-23 krauss fixes smlnj-related problem, updated signature
2007-01-23 dixon added a fold up and fold down as separate functions and fixed zipto to
2007-01-22 nipkow simplified proofs
2007-01-22 krauss Included ex/Fundefs.thy in HOL-ex session
2007-01-22 krauss * Preliminary implementation of tail recursion
2007-01-22 aspinall Add location_of_position. Needs work elsewhere.
2007-01-22 aspinall Test askref
2007-01-22 aspinall Expose currently open file
2007-01-22 aspinall Sync location with pgip.rnc, fixing attribute names
2007-01-22 aspinall Add askrefs, setrefs, error_with_pos
2007-01-22 aspinall Comments
2007-01-22 aspinall Comment
2007-01-22 aspinall Add line_of, name_of destructors.
2007-01-22 krauss Added lemma nat_size[simp]: "size (n::nat) = n"
2007-01-21 wenzelm tuned;
2007-01-21 wenzelm improved fact references: thmref;
2007-01-21 wenzelm added atomic, print_int;
2007-01-21 wenzelm tuned ML setup;
2007-01-21 wenzelm * ML in Isar: improved error reporting;
2007-01-21 wenzelm tuned;
2007-01-21 wenzelm *** MESSAGE REFERS TO PREVIOUS VERSION ***
2007-01-21 wenzelm *** MESSAGE REFERS TO PREVIOUS VERSION ***
2007-01-21 wenzelm tuned comments
2007-01-21 wenzelm simplified ML setup;
2007-01-21 wenzelm use_text: added name argument;
2007-01-21 wenzelm moved File.use to ML_Context.use;
2007-01-21 wenzelm use_text: added name argument;
2007-01-21 nipkow Added simproc list_neq (prompted by an application)
2007-01-21 nipkow Added lists-as-multisets functions
2007-01-20 wenzelm Simple and efficient binary numerals.
2007-01-20 wenzelm added HOL/ex/Binary.thy;
2007-01-20 wenzelm tuned ML setup;
2007-01-20 wenzelm * ML within Isar: antiquotations;
2007-01-20 wenzelm added @{theory};
2007-01-20 wenzelm added the_context_finished;
2007-01-20 wenzelm Toplevel.debug: coincide with Output.debugging;
2007-01-20 wenzelm ML tactic: proper context for compile and runtime;
2007-01-20 wenzelm tuned;
2007-01-20 wenzelm added @{simpset};
2007-01-20 wenzelm added is_finished_thy;
2007-01-20 wenzelm Output.debug: non-strict;
2007-01-20 wenzelm tuned ML setup;
2007-01-20 wenzelm added @{clasimpset};
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