2011-08-04 haftmann tuned orthography
2011-08-04 haftmann avoid yet unknown fact antiquotation
2011-08-04 haftmann NEWS
2011-08-03 haftmann more specific instantiation
2011-08-03 haftmann tuned
2011-08-03 haftmann class complete_distrib_lattice
2011-08-03 bulwahn NEWS
2011-08-03 bulwahn removing value invocations with the SML code generator
2011-08-03 bulwahn removing the SML evaluator
2011-08-03 kleing fixed wrong isubs in IMP/Types
2011-08-02 huffman Extended_Nat.thy: renamed iSuc to eSuc, standardized theorem names
2011-08-02 huffman NEWS: fix typo
2011-08-02 krauss updated unchecked forward reference
2011-08-02 krauss replaced Nitpick's hardwired basic_ersatz_table by context data
2011-08-02 krauss NEWS
2011-08-02 krauss moved recursion combinator to HOL/Library/Wfrec.thy -- it is so fundamental and well-known that it should survive recdef
2011-08-02 krauss moved recdef package to HOL/Library/Old_Recdef.thy
2011-08-02 krauss added dynamic ersatz_table to Nitpick's data slot
2011-08-02 krauss eliminated obsolete recdef/wfrec related declarations
2011-08-01 kleing more consistent naming in IMP/Comp_Rev
2011-08-01 haftmann merged
2011-07-30 haftmann tuned proofs
2011-07-29 haftmann tuned proofs
2011-08-01 huffman new theory HOL/Library/Product_Lattice.thy
2011-07-31 huffman domain package: more informative error message for illegal indirect recursion
2011-07-28 kleing compiler proof cleanup
2011-07-28 blanchet added helpers for "All" and "Ex"
2011-07-28 blanchet put parentheses around non-trivial metis call
2011-07-28 blanchet no needless mangling
2011-07-28 kleing resolved code_pred FIXME in IMP; clearer notation for exec_n
2011-07-28 blanchet clean up temporary directory hack
2011-07-28 blanchet tuning
2011-07-28 blanchet fixed lambda concealing
2011-07-28 blanchet make SML/NJ happy
2011-07-28 hoelzl simplified definition of vector (also removed Cartesian_Euclidean_Space.from_nat which collides with Countable.from_nat)
2011-07-28 noschinl document coercions
2011-07-27 bulwahn rudimentary documentation of the quotient package in the isar reference manual
2011-07-27 hoelzl to_nat is injective on arbitrary domains
2011-07-27 hoelzl finite vimage on arbitrary domains
2011-07-26 blanchet updated Sledgehammer documentation
2011-07-26 blanchet renamed "preds" encodings to "guards"
2011-07-26 bulwahn more precise dependencies
2011-07-26 blanchet further worked around LEO-II parser limitation, with eta-expansion
2011-07-26 blanchet use syntactic sugar whenever possible in THF problems, to work around current LEO-II parser limitation (bang bang and query query are not handled correctly)
2011-07-26 blanchet no need for existential witnesses for sorts in TFF and THF formats
2011-07-26 blanchet mangle "undefined"
2011-07-26 blanchet tuning -- remove useless function (at this point combinators are already in)
2011-07-26 blanchet remove spurious message
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