Initial commit of the theory "Weakening".
Mon, 07 Nov 2005 15:12:13 +0100
changeset 18105 4c9c081a416b
parent 18104 dbe58b104cb9
child 18106 836135c8acb2
Initial commit of the theory "Weakening".
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Nominal/Examples/Weakening.thy	Mon Nov 07 15:12:13 2005 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+theory lam_public 
+imports "../nominal" 
+section {* Simply-Typed Lambda-Calculus *}
+atom_decl name 
+nominal_datatype lam = Var "name"
+                     | App "lam" "lam"
+                     | Lam "\<guillemotleft>name\<guillemotright>lam" ("Lam [_]._" [100,100] 100)
+datatype ty =
+    TVar "string"
+  | TArr "ty" "ty" (infix "\<rightarrow>" 200)
+ "pi\<bullet>(TVar s) = TVar s"
+ "pi\<bullet>(\<tau> \<rightarrow> \<sigma>) = (\<tau> \<rightarrow> \<sigma>)"
+lemma perm_ty[simp]:
+  fixes pi ::"name prm"
+  and   \<tau>  ::"ty"
+  shows "pi\<bullet>\<tau> = \<tau>"
+  by (cases \<tau>, simp_all)
+instance ty :: pt_name
+instance ty :: fs_name
+apply(simp add: supp_def)
+(* valid contexts *)
+  ctxts :: "((name\<times>ty) list) set" 
+  valid :: "(name\<times>ty) list \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  "valid \<Gamma>" \<rightleftharpoons> "\<Gamma> \<in> ctxts"  
+inductive ctxts
+v1[intro]: "valid []"
+v2[intro]: "\<lbrakk>valid \<Gamma>;a\<sharp>\<Gamma>\<rbrakk>\<Longrightarrow> valid ((a,\<sigma>)#\<Gamma>)"
+lemma eqvt_valid:
+  fixes   pi:: "name prm"
+  assumes a: "valid \<Gamma>"
+  shows   "valid (pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>)"
+using a
+apply(auto simp add: pt_fresh_bij[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
+(* typing judgements *)
+  typing :: "(((name\<times>ty) list)\<times>lam\<times>ty) set" 
+  "_typing_judge" :: "(name\<times>ty) list\<Rightarrow>lam\<Rightarrow>ty\<Rightarrow>bool" (" _ \<turnstile> _ : _ " [80,80,80] 80) 
+  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t : \<tau>" \<rightleftharpoons> "(\<Gamma>,t,\<tau>) \<in> typing"  
+inductive typing
+t1[intro]: "\<lbrakk>valid \<Gamma>; (a,\<tau>)\<in>set \<Gamma>\<rbrakk>\<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> Var a : \<tau>"
+t2[intro]: "\<lbrakk>\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t1 : \<tau>\<rightarrow>\<sigma>; \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t2 : \<tau>\<rbrakk>\<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> App t1 t2 : \<sigma>"
+t3[intro]: "\<lbrakk>a\<sharp>\<Gamma>;((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>) \<turnstile> t : \<sigma>\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> Lam [a].t : \<tau>\<rightarrow>\<sigma>"
+lemma eqvt_typing: 
+  fixes  \<Gamma> :: "(name\<times>ty) list"
+  and    t :: "lam"
+  and    \<tau> :: "ty"
+  and    pi:: "name prm"
+  assumes a: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t : \<tau>"
+  shows "(pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>) \<turnstile> (pi\<bullet>t) : \<tau>"
+using a
+proof (induct)
+  case (t1 \<Gamma> \<tau> a)
+  have "valid (pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>)" by (rule eqvt_valid)
+  moreover
+  have "(pi\<bullet>(a,\<tau>))\<in>((pi::name prm)\<bullet>set \<Gamma>)" by (rule pt_set_bij2[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
+  ultimately show "(pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>) \<turnstile> ((pi::name prm)\<bullet>Var a) : \<tau>"
+    using typing.intros by (force simp add: pt_list_set_pi[OF pt_name_inst, symmetric])
+  case (t3 \<Gamma> \<sigma> \<tau> a t)
+  moreover have "(pi\<bullet>a)\<sharp>(pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>)" by (rule pt_fresh_bij1[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
+  ultimately show "(pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>) \<turnstile> (pi\<bullet>Lam [a].t) :\<tau>\<rightarrow>\<sigma>" by force 
+qed (auto)
+lemma typing_induct_weak[THEN spec, case_names t1 t2 t3]:
+  fixes  P :: "(name\<times>ty) list \<Rightarrow> lam \<Rightarrow> ty \<Rightarrow>'a\<Rightarrow>bool"
+  and    \<Gamma> :: "(name\<times>ty) list"
+  and    t :: "lam"
+  and    \<tau> :: "ty"
+  assumes a: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t : \<tau>"
+  and a1:    "\<And>x \<Gamma> (a::name) \<tau>. valid \<Gamma> \<Longrightarrow> (a,\<tau>) \<in> set \<Gamma> \<Longrightarrow> P \<Gamma> (Var a) \<tau> x"
+  and a2:    "\<And>x \<Gamma> \<tau> \<sigma> t1 t2. 
+              \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t1 : \<tau>\<rightarrow>\<sigma> \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall>z. P \<Gamma> t1 (\<tau>\<rightarrow>\<sigma>) z) \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t2 : \<tau> \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall>z. P \<Gamma> t2 \<tau> z)
+              \<Longrightarrow> P \<Gamma> (App t1 t2) \<sigma> x"
+  and a3:    "\<And>x (a::name) \<Gamma> \<tau> \<sigma> t. 
+              a\<sharp>\<Gamma> \<Longrightarrow> ((a,\<tau>) # \<Gamma>) \<turnstile> t : \<sigma> \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall>z. P ((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>) t \<sigma> z)
+              \<Longrightarrow> P \<Gamma> (Lam [a].t) (\<tau>\<rightarrow>\<sigma>) x"
+  shows "\<forall>x. P \<Gamma> t \<tau> x"
+using a by (induct, simp_all add: a1 a2 a3)
+lemma typing_induct_aux[rule_format]:
+  fixes  P :: "(name\<times>ty) list \<Rightarrow> lam \<Rightarrow> ty \<Rightarrow>'a::fs_name\<Rightarrow>bool"
+  and    \<Gamma> :: "(name\<times>ty) list"
+  and    t :: "lam"
+  and    \<tau> :: "ty"
+  assumes a: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t : \<tau>"
+  and a1:    "\<And>x \<Gamma> (a::name) \<tau>. valid \<Gamma> \<Longrightarrow> (a,\<tau>) \<in> set \<Gamma> \<Longrightarrow> P \<Gamma> (Var a) \<tau> x"
+  and a2:    "\<And>x \<Gamma> \<tau> \<sigma> t1 t2. 
+              \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t1 : \<tau>\<rightarrow>\<sigma> \<Longrightarrow> (\<And>z. P \<Gamma> t1 (\<tau>\<rightarrow>\<sigma>) z) \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t2 : \<tau> \<Longrightarrow> (\<And>z. P \<Gamma> t2 \<tau> z)
+              \<Longrightarrow> P \<Gamma> (App t1 t2) \<sigma> x"
+  and a3:    "\<And>x (a::name) \<Gamma> \<tau> \<sigma> t. 
+              a\<sharp>x \<Longrightarrow> a\<sharp>\<Gamma> \<Longrightarrow> ((a,\<tau>) # \<Gamma>) \<turnstile> t : \<sigma> \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall>z. P ((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>) t \<sigma> z)
+              \<Longrightarrow> P \<Gamma> (Lam [a].t) (\<tau>\<rightarrow>\<sigma>) x"
+  shows "\<forall>(pi::name prm) (x::'a::fs_name). P (pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>) (pi\<bullet>t) \<tau> x"
+using a
+proof (induct)
+  case (t1 \<Gamma> \<tau> a)
+  have j1: "valid \<Gamma>" by fact
+  have j2: "(a,\<tau>)\<in>set \<Gamma>" by fact
+  show ?case
+  proof (intro strip, simp)
+    fix pi::"name prm" and x::"'a::fs_name"
+    from j1 have j3: "valid (pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>)" by (rule eqvt_valid)
+    from j2 have "pi\<bullet>(a,\<tau>)\<in>pi\<bullet>(set \<Gamma>)" by (simp only: pt_set_bij[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])  
+    hence j4: "(pi\<bullet>a,\<tau>)\<in>set (pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>)" by (simp add: pt_list_set_pi[OF pt_name_inst])
+    show "P (pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>) (Var (pi\<bullet>a)) \<tau> x" using a1 j3 j4 by force
+  qed
+  case (t2 \<Gamma> \<sigma> \<tau> t1 t2)
+  thus ?case using a2 by (simp, blast intro: eqvt_typing)
+  case (t3 \<Gamma> \<sigma> \<tau> a t)
+  have k1: "a\<sharp>\<Gamma>" by fact
+  have k2: "((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>)\<turnstile>t:\<sigma>" by fact
+  have k3: "\<forall>(pi::name prm) (x::'a::fs_name). P (pi \<bullet> ((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>)) (pi\<bullet>t) \<sigma> x" by fact
+  show ?case
+  proof (intro strip, simp)
+    fix pi::"name prm" and x::"'a::fs_name"
+    have f: "\<exists>c::name. c\<sharp>(pi\<bullet>a,pi\<bullet>t,pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>,x)"
+      by (rule at_exists_fresh[OF at_name_inst], simp add: fs_name1)
+    then obtain c::"name" 
+      where f1: "c\<noteq>(pi\<bullet>a)" and f2: "c\<sharp>x" and f3: "c\<sharp>(pi\<bullet>t)" and f4: "c\<sharp>(pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>)"
+      by (force simp add: fresh_prod at_fresh[OF at_name_inst])
+    from k1 have k1a: "(pi\<bullet>a)\<sharp>(pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>)" 
+      by (simp add: pt_fresh_left[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst] 
+                    pt_rev_pi[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
+    have l1: "(([(c,pi\<bullet>a)]@pi)\<bullet>\<Gamma>) = (pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>)" using f4 k1a 
+      by (simp only: pt2[OF pt_name_inst], rule pt_fresh_fresh[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
+    have "\<forall>x. P (([(c,pi\<bullet>a)]@pi)\<bullet>((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>)) (([(c,pi\<bullet>a)]@pi)\<bullet>t) \<sigma> x" using k3 by force
+    hence l2: "\<forall>x. P ((c, \<tau>)#(pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>)) (([(c,pi\<bullet>a)]@pi)\<bullet>t) \<sigma> x" using f1 l1
+      by (force simp add: pt2[OF pt_name_inst]  at_calc[OF at_name_inst] split: if_splits)
+    have "(([(c,pi\<bullet>a)]@pi)\<bullet>((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>)) \<turnstile> (([(c,pi\<bullet>a)]@pi)\<bullet>t) : \<sigma>" using k2 by (rule eqvt_typing)
+    hence l3: "((c, \<tau>)#(pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>)) \<turnstile> (([(c,pi\<bullet>a)]@pi)\<bullet>t) : \<sigma>" using l1 f1 
+      by (force simp add: pt2[OF pt_name_inst]  at_calc[OF at_name_inst] split: if_splits)
+    have l4: "P (pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>) (Lam [c].(([(c,pi\<bullet>a)]@pi)\<bullet>t)) (\<tau> \<rightarrow> \<sigma>) x" using f2 f4 l2 l3 a3 by auto
+    have alpha: "(Lam [c].([(c,pi\<bullet>a)]\<bullet>(pi\<bullet>t))) = (Lam [(pi\<bullet>a)].(pi\<bullet>t))" using f1 f3
+      by (simp add: lam.inject alpha)
+    show "P (pi\<bullet>\<Gamma>) (Lam [(pi\<bullet>a)].(pi\<bullet>t)) (\<tau> \<rightarrow> \<sigma>) x" using l4 alpha 
+      by (simp only: pt2[OF pt_name_inst])
+  qed
+lemma typing_induct[case_names t1 t2 t3]:
+  fixes  P :: "(name\<times>ty) list \<Rightarrow> lam \<Rightarrow> ty \<Rightarrow>'a::fs_name\<Rightarrow>bool"
+  and    \<Gamma> :: "(name\<times>ty) list"
+  and    t :: "lam"
+  and    \<tau> :: "ty"
+  and    x :: "'a::fs_name"
+  assumes a: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t : \<tau>"
+  and a1:    "\<And>x \<Gamma> (a::name) \<tau>. valid \<Gamma> \<Longrightarrow> (a,\<tau>) \<in> set \<Gamma> \<Longrightarrow> P \<Gamma> (Var a) \<tau> x"
+  and a2:    "\<And>x \<Gamma> \<tau> \<sigma> t1 t2. 
+              \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t1 : \<tau>\<rightarrow>\<sigma> \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall>z. P \<Gamma> t1 (\<tau>\<rightarrow>\<sigma>) z) \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t2 : \<tau> \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall>z. P \<Gamma> t2 \<tau> z)
+              \<Longrightarrow> P \<Gamma> (App t1 t2) \<sigma> x"
+  and a3:    "\<And>x (a::name) \<Gamma> \<tau> \<sigma> t. 
+              a\<sharp>x \<Longrightarrow> a\<sharp>\<Gamma> \<Longrightarrow> ((a,\<tau>) # \<Gamma>) \<turnstile> t : \<sigma> \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall>z. P ((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>) t \<sigma> z)
+              \<Longrightarrow> P \<Gamma> (Lam [a].t) (\<tau>\<rightarrow>\<sigma>) x"
+  shows "P \<Gamma> t \<tau> x"
+using a a1 a2 a3 typing_induct_aux[of "\<Gamma>" "t" "\<tau>" "P" "[]" "x", simplified] by force
+(* Now it comes: The Weakening Lemma *)
+  "sub" :: "(name\<times>ty) list \<Rightarrow> (name\<times>ty) list \<Rightarrow> bool" (" _ \<lless> _ " [80,80] 80)
+  "\<Gamma>1 \<lless> \<Gamma>2 \<equiv> \<forall>a \<sigma>. (a,\<sigma>)\<in>set \<Gamma>1 \<longrightarrow>  (a,\<sigma>)\<in>set \<Gamma>2"
+lemma weakening_version1[rule_format]: 
+  assumes a: "\<Gamma>1 \<turnstile> t : \<sigma>"
+  shows "valid \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>1 \<lless> \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>2 \<turnstile> t:\<sigma>"
+using a
+apply(nominal_induct \<Gamma>1 t \<sigma> rule: typing_induct)
+apply(auto simp add: sub_def)
+lemma weakening_version2[rule_format]: 
+  fixes \<Gamma>1::"(name\<times>ty) list"
+  and   t ::"lam"
+  and   \<tau> ::"ty"
+  assumes a: "\<Gamma>1 \<turnstile> t:\<sigma>"
+  shows "valid \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>1 \<lless> \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>2 \<turnstile> t:\<sigma>"
+using a
+proof (nominal_induct \<Gamma>1 t \<sigma> rule: typing_induct, auto)
+  case (t1 \<Gamma>2 \<Gamma>1 a \<tau>)  (* variable case *)
+  assume "\<Gamma>1 \<lless> \<Gamma>2" 
+  and    "valid \<Gamma>2" 
+  and    "(a,\<tau>)\<in> set \<Gamma>1" 
+  thus  "\<Gamma>2 \<turnstile> Var a : \<tau>" by (force simp add: sub_def)
+  case (t3 \<Gamma>2 a \<Gamma>1 \<tau> \<sigma> t) (* lambda case *)
+  assume a1: "\<Gamma>1 \<lless> \<Gamma>2"
+  and    a2: "valid \<Gamma>2"
+  and    a3: "a\<sharp>\<Gamma>2"
+  have i: "\<forall>\<Gamma>3. valid \<Gamma>3 \<longrightarrow> ((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>1) \<lless> \<Gamma>3 \<longrightarrow>  \<Gamma>3 \<turnstile> t:\<sigma>" by fact
+  have "((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>1) \<lless> ((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>2)" using a1 by (simp add: sub_def)
+  moreover
+  have "valid ((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>2)" using a2 a3 v2 by force
+  ultimately have "((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>2) \<turnstile> t:\<sigma>" using i by force
+  with a3 show "\<Gamma>2 \<turnstile> (Lam [a].t) : \<tau> \<rightarrow> \<sigma>" by force
+lemma weakening_version3[rule_format]: 
+  fixes \<Gamma>1::"(name\<times>ty) list"
+  and   t ::"lam"
+  and   \<tau> ::"ty"
+  assumes a: "\<Gamma>1 \<turnstile> t:\<sigma>"
+  shows "valid \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>1 \<lless> \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>2 \<turnstile> t:\<sigma>"
+using a
+proof (nominal_induct \<Gamma>1 t \<sigma> rule: typing_induct)
+  case (t1 \<Gamma>2 \<Gamma>1 a \<tau>)  (* variable case *)
+  thus "valid \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>1 \<lless> \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>2 \<turnstile> Var a : \<tau>" by (force simp add: sub_def)
+  case (t2 \<Gamma>2 \<Gamma>1 \<tau> \<sigma> t1 t2)  (* variable case *)
+  thus "valid \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>1 \<lless> \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>2 \<turnstile> App t1 t2 : \<sigma>" by force
+  case (t3 \<Gamma>2 a \<Gamma>1 \<tau> \<sigma> t) (* lambda case *)
+  have a3: "a\<sharp>\<Gamma>2" 
+  and  i: "\<forall>\<Gamma>3. valid \<Gamma>3 \<longrightarrow> ((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>1) \<lless> \<Gamma>3 \<longrightarrow>  \<Gamma>3 \<turnstile> t:\<sigma>" by fact
+  show "valid \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>1 \<lless> \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>2 \<turnstile> (Lam [a].t) : \<tau> \<rightarrow> \<sigma>"
+    proof (intro strip)
+      assume a1: "\<Gamma>1 \<lless> \<Gamma>2"
+      and    a2: "valid \<Gamma>2"
+      have "((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>1) \<lless> ((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>2)" using a1 by (simp add: sub_def)
+      moreover
+      have "valid ((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>2)" using a2 a3 v2 by force
+      ultimately have "((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>2) \<turnstile> t:\<sigma>" using i by force
+      with a3 show "\<Gamma>2 \<turnstile> (Lam [a].t) : \<tau> \<rightarrow> \<sigma>" by force
+    qed
+lemma weakening_version4[rule_format]: 
+  assumes a: "\<Gamma>1 \<turnstile> t:\<sigma>"
+  shows "valid \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>1 \<lless> \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>2 \<turnstile> t:\<sigma>"
+using a
+proof (nominal_induct \<Gamma>1 t \<sigma> rule: typing_induct)
+  case (t3 \<Gamma>2 a \<Gamma>1 \<tau> \<sigma> t) (* lambda case *)
+  have fc: "a\<sharp>\<Gamma>2" 
+  and ih: "\<forall>\<Gamma>3. valid \<Gamma>3 \<longrightarrow> ((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>1) \<lless> \<Gamma>3  \<longrightarrow>  \<Gamma>3 \<turnstile> t:\<sigma>" by fact 
+  show "valid \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>1 \<lless> \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>2 \<turnstile> (Lam [a].t) : \<tau> \<rightarrow> \<sigma>"
+  proof (intro strip)
+    assume a1: "\<Gamma>1 \<lless> \<Gamma>2"
+    and    a2: "valid \<Gamma>2"
+    have "((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>1) \<lless> ((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>2)" using a1 sub_def by simp 
+    moreover
+    have "valid ((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>2)" using a2 fc by force
+    ultimately have "((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>2) \<turnstile> t:\<sigma>" using ih by force
+    with fc show "\<Gamma>2 \<turnstile> (Lam [a].t) : \<tau> \<rightarrow> \<sigma>" by force
+  qed
+qed (auto simp add: sub_def) (* lam and var case *)
+(* original induction principle is not strong *)
+(* enough - so the simple proof fails         *)
+lemma weakening_too_weak[rule_format]: 
+  assumes a: "\<Gamma>1 \<turnstile> t:\<sigma>"
+  shows "valid \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>1 \<lless> \<Gamma>2 \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>2 \<turnstile> t:\<sigma>"
+using a
+proof (nominal_induct \<Gamma>1 t \<sigma> rule: typing_induct_weak, auto)
+  case (t1 \<Gamma>2 \<Gamma>1 a \<tau>)  (* variable case *)
+  assume "\<Gamma>1 \<lless> \<Gamma>2"
+  and    "valid \<Gamma>2"
+  and    "(a,\<tau>)\<in> set \<Gamma>1" 
+  thus "\<Gamma>2 \<turnstile> Var a : \<tau>" by (force simp add: sub_def)
+  case (t3 \<Gamma>2 a \<Gamma>1 \<tau> \<sigma> t) (* lambda case *)
+  assume a1: "\<Gamma>1 \<lless> \<Gamma>2"
+  and    a2: "valid \<Gamma>2"
+  and    i: "\<forall>\<Gamma>3. valid \<Gamma>3 \<longrightarrow> ((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>1) \<lless> \<Gamma>3  \<longrightarrow>  \<Gamma>3 \<turnstile> t:\<sigma>" 
+  have "((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>1) \<lless> ((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>2)" using a1 by (simp add: sub_def)
+  moreover
+  have "valid ((a,\<tau>)#\<Gamma>2)" using v2 (* fails *)